The influence of Mars becomes powerful already from the first days of March, and it is its influence that will be fully felt by all representatives of the zodiac house of Cancer, without exception. It will affect the positive dynamics in the activities of employees creative professions, science and art. The muse will become a frequent guest in your home, don’t waste time, create and delight the world with your masterpieces and discoveries - the horoscope for May 2019 advises. Cancer will be able to realize his plans to the fullest if he devotes more energy and attention to priority matters.


In March 2019, “lunar” Cancers have excellent opportunities for implementation in own business. It is in March that the idea of ​​​​creating one may come to them, and now is the right time for them to bring earlier ideas to life.

Hard work and routine should be postponed until better times; they will distract Cancers from what they need to concentrate on.

The Cancer horoscope for March 2019 recommends that representatives of the sign be very punctual and responsible in matters relating to legislation or legal nuances. The stars warn that clashes with representatives of law enforcement, regulatory and fiscal authorities may not be resolved in your favor.

The second and third decades of the month will be full of not very labor-intensive projects. This can provoke Cancers to be inconsistent and indiscriminate in their actions. The result is confusion and vanity, and for particularly disorganized people, a complete rush of work. Motto of the month: “Only a carefully verified strategy and tactics in work will help you stay afloat and achieve a good result!”

Make every effort to avoid situations in which it will be impossible for you to manage without borrowed funds. Forget about the fact that you can get a loan, now is absolutely not the right time for this!


Family relationships Cancers in March will be monotonous, but quite warm and friendly. The horoscope advises representatives of the sign to make efforts to become more emotionally rich. Otherwise, the cooling of feelings that arose in March could lead to frequent conflicts, and then a complete loss of mutual understanding.

It is preferable for Cancers to be more often with their family, to pay attention to the problems of all its members, including those belonging to the older generation.

Cancer's relationship with his family will be affected in March positive influence the intervention of a close friend who is happy to share his own life experience or help with advice, and this will be very helpful.

Many married couples in March they will try to change their place of residence, but this is now extremely undesirable for Cancer.

In a family whose head is Cancer, born on June 25-28, problems may arise related to raising children. Cancers will come face to face with questions and concerns related to their education. Additional cash outlays may be required.

Cancer Woman

In the second ten days of March, due to the growing influence of Pluto, Cancer women may feel fear of the future, uncertainty about the future. Most of them will want to hide from life problems and troubles for reliable family well-being. It is at this moment that the Cancer woman needs moral support, attention and approval from her close relatives. And, if she knows that she has someone to rely on today and now, then in March 2019 she will literally be able to move mountains and achieve success in the most seemingly unattainable goals. And on the contrary, if she has no one to rely on, she may give up, which is not the best in the best possible way will affect all matters this month. Tip of the month - make every effort to ensure that your closest people are always with you at this time - your beloved man, friends and family! It is their reliable shoulder that will become the most fundamental incentive for you on the way forward!

Cancer Man

The stars predict that in March representatives of the strong half of humanity will have to very often solve technical and everyday problems– repair of cars, furniture or home appliances. Cancer men are ambitious, self-confident and ambitious, so it is extremely difficult for them to admit that they are not strong in any matter. And relationships with technology are one of them. Entrusting the repair of a car or TV qualified specialist, you will save time and nerves not only for yourself, but also for those closest to you.

Cancer children

Small, and not so small, Cancers will make their own parents feel like angry Furies. They will become a real source of tension in family relationships, this will manifest itself especially clearly in the third ten days of the month. To a greater extent, this will affect families where parents and educators of the older generation, represented by grandparents, do not act as a united front. Little Cancers, and especially teenage Cancers, will instantly pick up on the weaknesses of some of them and will use it successfully.


Cancers in March 2019 may be concerned about the state of their own gastrointestinal tract. It's not surprising at all long time With such a busy pace of life, representatives of this sign had absolutely no time left to take care of their health. With good material wealth, many Cancers sin inferior and unbalanced diet, snacks for quick hand food that cannot even be called healthy. All this in March, especially in its second half, can become prerequisites for a deterioration in well-being. Don't push the problem into the background. Your well-being for a very long period of time depends on how you try to restore your health now. Self-medication will not be beneficial, Mercury blocks all your own undertakings and initiatives, so it is not possible to do without a visit to the nearest clinic!

Horoscope for March 2019, Cancer must be punctual in matters of legislation, everything legal subtleties complied with.
It is not advisable to change your place of residence this month.
March 2019 is an unfavorable time for obtaining loans.
Horoscope for April 2019 Cancer.

Horoscope 2017 Cancer

To achieve harmony in 2017 people born under the zodiac sign Cancer need to convert Special attention to your inner world.

The ability to negotiate with yourself will help Raku in communication skills and communication with others. And this, in turn, will even get rid of emerging problems.

In the year of the Rooster stars advise paying more attention to new acquaintances. After all, the people who appear in your life promise positive changes not only in your professional activities, but also in personal life. But before you completely trust a new person, try to find out a little about him.

The horoscope for 2017 warns Cancers against being too reliable. And if you always find understanding when communicating with loved ones, then business partners and colleagues may try to “ride” you, which needs to be nipped in the bud.

Read also:

2017 will be a moderately stressful year for those born under the sign of Cancer. Most likely, you will have to go through several difficult moments when you will need to mobilize all the forces at your disposal, get together and fight back against the rebellious circumstances.

However, you will endure all trials with dignity. Moreover, by resolving a problematic situation, you will gain much more than you will lose. You can benefit from any difficult situation in 2017.

Problematic situations are most likely to arise at work and in the field of professional training.

In 2017, circumstances will encourage representatives of the Cancer sign to express themselves with the best side. This year you will be able to do something meaningful and very useful.

This is especially true for those things that you have been putting off for a very long time - for example, you will be able to quit smoking, go on a diet, or finally talk to the person with whom you are in a long-term conflict situation.

In addition, 2017 will be a great time to finally meet relatives who live far away and see you very rarely.

It is better for Cancers to do the most stressful things in 2017 in the first half of the year. At this time, you will have just enough strength to overcome all problems and emerge from the situation as a triumphant winner. At this time, it is better not to overexert yourself and not try to overcome your relaxed state.

Artificial attempts to do something will be fruitless - it will only lead to you wasting time that you could allocate to rest and recovery after a difficult and productive period.

In 2017, those born under the sign of Cancer should not allow others, be it relatives, friends or work colleagues, to take advantage of their overly good-natured and peaceful state. Being kind is, without a doubt, good, but you should not allow others to sit on your neck because of it.

Even if selfishness in any of its manifestations is absolutely alien to you, still try to think more about yourself (of course, on a reasonable scale). Be a healthy egoist: pay attention to your needs, because at the beginning of the year they will remind you of themselves more and more actively.

In 2017, you will simply need to pay at least some attention to relaxation. If possible, it’s great to go out of town for at least a couple of days. If this is not possible, at least rest at home - relax in hot bath, watch your favorite movie, or go for a walk in the nearest park.

The stars promise Cancer a controversial year. Its first half will be marked by a storm of feelings and vibrant relationships in which emotional Cancers immerse themselves in their heads.

However, do not break away from reality to avoid love disappointments. Family Cancers will suddenly become strong jealous people. Learn to restrain impulses and separate fantasies from reality so as not to spoil your relationship with your loved one.

Your strategy for the spring-summer period: “Talk less and listen more.” Only complete mutual understanding will provide you with your much-loved home coziness and comfort.

By the way, despite your success with the opposite sex, make sure that your head remains clear: learn to distinguish lifelong love from short-term and unpromising relationships.

Cancer men Astrologers recommend talking more with your beloved. Your significant other will expect you to explain your actions and unexpected mood changes to her. In this case, the second half of the year will be marked by many warm evenings with your beloved.

The stars advise paying attention to improving home safety. So take the time to check the condition of your electrical wiring and pipes. If at the end of the year domestic problems arise, your spouse will definitely accuse you of inattention to these issues.

Cancer Women can count on a very harmonious personal life awaiting them in the summer and autumn. Any conflict will be nipped in the bud, and your loved one will be able to demonstrate miracles of mutual understanding.

You will understand yourself and plunge into a comfortable state of emotional balance. By the way, if you have an urgent question about purchasing a new sofa or bread machine, then feel free to plan these purchases for the end of summer. The stars will help you buy everything you need for your home and family at a reasonable price.

Pay attention to children. The issue of studying can be especially acute, so do not forget to take an interest in the success of your child. Go to school and talk to the class teacher.

By the way, 2017 - good period for development creativity. Talk to your child about hobbies and interests to enroll him in the appropriate section.

It is known that protecting Cancer from possible problems is money, and the more there is, the more respect.

This year will be a year of financial decisions for you, Cancer. The choice between prestige and money is likely. Determine your priorities in advance; you can’t jump over your head.

The year does not promise big profits, the key to your material well-being- your diligence. The Rooster will encourage you to be adventurous, but in order not to come across pitfalls, lock your wallet, otherwise you risk being left broke.

Debts and unfulfilled promises will only hinder your path to your goal. But it’s worth thinking about purchasing a new home - it will be an excellent investment of your savings.

The beginning of the year is good for those who have long been thinking about taking up various types of energy projects. medical procedures- try it breathing practices or do yoga - it will bring you great benefits in 2017. Also in the period under review it would be great to do spa treatment, since it is during this period that it will be especially effective.

If your vacation is already behind you, then try to find at least a weekend for a wellness trip - the effect will, of course, not be so noticeable, but you can easily tone up your body and get into a working mood.

In the second half of the year, those born under the sign of Cancer should pay attention to thoroughly cleansing their body of toxins. Try something that is not very strict, but health-improving diet. You also need to properly strengthen your immunity - after all, cold days are very soon.

Jogging in the morning or regular trips to the gym will be effective for Cancers. Various kinds cosmetic procedures in 2017 will be less effective than usual. Therefore, it is best to abandon them for now - this way you will save money and will not be disappointed with the result. Pay attention to the state of your cardiovascular system.

If you are suffering chronic diseases, try to strengthen preventive and therapeutic effects. If this area of ​​the body has not bothered you before, then perhaps you should undergo an examination and make sure that everything is in order with your health.

In 2017, those born under the sign of Cancer should look after not only their own well-being, but also the health of loved ones - it is quite possible that it is your advice that will help them cope with potential dangerous situation.

When communicating with your family in the year of the Rooster, Cancer, it is advisable to be more accommodating and try to find a compromise more often.

Cancers 1st decade (22.06-1.07). In 2017, it is advisable to find time to communicate with all family members more often. Look for opportunities to go on picnics and organize small holidays for your beloved household members.

Close people, in turn, will envelop Cancers with love and care - sometimes it will seem to you that you Small child, who is surrounded by many nannies.

Cancer 2nd decade (2.07-11.07). Family relationships will delight Cancers with comfort and warmth. You will be happy to rush home from work - because borscht with donuts or pies with original filling are always waiting for you.

Yours financial well-being will play an important role - after all, it is much more pleasant to experiment in the kitchen when there are no restrictions on funds. The main thing is that your imagination does not go off scale - otherwise one day you will get cakes for dinner, generously sprinkled with mustard.

Cancer 3rd decade (07/12-07/23). In the Year of the Rooster, you will get a second wind - you will want to make the atmosphere in your family ideal.

You can succeed in this activity, but act calmly and do not frighten your family with excessive care.

If, for example, your grandmother likes to watch TV shows about vampires, this is not a reason to worry about her nervous system– don’t be afraid, grandma won’t bite you one night.

Horoscope for 2017 Cancer-Rat

Quite a conflict year. It will be difficult to communicate in a team. Difficulties in communication are possible both with colleagues and with management, which will make you think about changing jobs.

As for changing the sphere of activity, the year of the Rooster is favorable to Cancers. Problems with communication are real in the family too, so in order not to lead to divorce, be attentive to your household.

Horoscope for 2017 Cancer-Ox

In the year of the Rooster, with your talents you will impress anyone who meets on your way - be it a famous producer or the director of a television channel.

Any person who looks to the future will never let go of Cancer - so you can still be capricious and choose in which area it is better to show your abilities.

The Rooster advises you to try your hand at creativity - stop accumulating brilliant ideas, it’s time to bring them to life.

Horoscope for 2017 Cancer - Tiger

Cancers who crave peace and harmony in their lives can safely change their field of activity in the year of the Rooster, new job will bring good profits and, most importantly, the desired peace of mind; you won’t have to be nervous in a new place.

And, staying on previous job, and being exposed constant stress, you can get a serious nervous breakdown instead of profit.

Horoscope for 2017 Cancer - Rabbit (Cat)

The Rooster has prepared a lot of interesting and pleasant things for you - respect and success in society, gifts and winnings.

However, be careful when communicating with strangers and do not trust everyone - after all, not everyone likes cats, some may even step on their tails. Trust, as they say, but verify - and everything will be in chocolate.

Horoscope for 2017 Cancer - Dragon

It's time to think about your health, or rather, take it seriously. And right after New Year's holidays go to some sanatorium, where you undergo all the health procedures prescribed by doctors.

In this case, it is possible to prevent the transition of existing ailments to chronic form and new diseases.

Horoscope for 2017 Cancer - Snake

Your refined manners are on point as always - use your charm and charm everyone who comes your way. Business partners will sympathize with you, but while smiling, do not forget about business.

Defeat your companions completely, let them not doubt for a second that only Cancers can cooperate, and everyone else will wait.

The financial situation will be rosy, many Cancer-Snakes will think about opening their own business - go for it, the Rooster is always there.

Horoscope for 2017 Cancer - Horse

Promising year. The stars are especially supportive in the financial sector.

The main thing is not to have time to get into debt at the beginning of the year, since soon there will be an opportunity to earn money and invest this capital in a business that will bring a decent profit by the end of the year.

Horoscope for 2017 Cancer - Goat (Sheep)

All Cancer-Goats in the year of the Rooster can calmly walk in the meadow and eat delicious grass - the owner of 2017 will like you and he will do everything possible to make you feel good.

Some Cancers will want to show off their talents - nothing is impossible, especially for you. Fortune will be with you everywhere - both in creativity and in commerce, just enlist the support of a couple of influential friends, just in case.

Horoscope for 2017 Cancer - Monkey

In his personal life, everything will turn out well, single people have a chance to say goodbye to their situation, family Cancers can become young parents.

As for career growth, there is a chance to rise one and maybe even more steps, but the path will be in fierce competition. It doesn't hurt to learn how to smooth conflict situations, there will be enough of them.

Horoscope for 2017 Cancer - Rooster

In your year, you will succeed in matters of diplomacy - your negotiating skills will be to the liking of your partners, and you will receive a lot of lucrative offers.

Favorable day for a decision important issues. Now you are able to understand any difficult situation, evaluate it correctly. No one will confuse or mislead you. No matter how the circumstances develop, you are guided by your own common sense, and you do the right thing. In the afternoon, successful coincidences are possible, thanks to which you can significantly increase your income.
You will be able to make a good impression on new acquaintances; hardly anyone will be indifferent to your charm. There will be an opportunity to establish a relationship with the person you are with Lately often quarreled.

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Love horoscope - Cancer

Changes are possible in your personal life. But before you act, consult your heart and weigh everything well.


Today your crush will be in a rather depressed and gloomy mood, but try not to be influenced by her. Very soon she will return to normal, and harmony will return to your relationship. In the meantime, just stay true to your own feelings and do not lose faith in the future and optimism.
If you still don’t have any interesting person in mind, then today you will probably finally be able to find one. This day will be very eventful and successful for you in the area of ​​your personal life, and the stars will certainly help you find your love.

You have to part with your loved one quite often due to unforeseen circumstances. One difficult, but very effective option. Living together will help you spend much more time together and separate as little as possible. The main thing is that you will be together. And with a sweetheart, as they say, there is heaven in the hut.


Family horoscope – Cancer

You will tend to escape difficulties in your work family life. It will not be easy for you to analyze your problems; you will always feel vague discomfort. Perhaps you should seek advice from competent people.

Business horoscope – Cancer

Tackle problems that have long prevented you from working calmly. Cancers need to deal with them urgently.


Clearly write out your action plan and follow it strictly. It is routine work that will be rewarded today. On the contrary, the influence of luminaries does not contribute to creative endeavors.

Health horoscope – Cancer

Tomorrow old “wounds” may bother you again. The old ones are not new, you, Cancers, already know how best to deal with them, what medicine to take, so be prepared. But perhaps Cancer will be able to avoid returning unpleasant diseases. Try to be less nervous, and maybe everything will work out.


Watch your figure and especially don’t get carried away with baking and sweets, especially if you tend to “eat” stress and nervous experiences. Eat plenty, but only healthy foods!

Mobile horoscope - Cancer

You may be reluctant to join an event. This visit will be a test of your nerves, because you will try to throw away your Bad mood and try to fit into the team. However, you should not hide your feelings and experiences. Once you find yourself in pleasant company, it is better to share your excitement with other people. They will definitely console you and, if necessary, offer an excellent solution to your problem.

Beauty Horoscope – Cancer

Today is the best day to try to gain the favor of those influential people, whose support you need. Just show your natural charm and give them a few nice compliments. This will help you break the ice in communicating with them and make them your comrades.

Health horoscope - Cancer. Chinese animal calendar by year

In 2017, the astrologer advises Cancer to carefully plan the future - impulsive actions during this period are not your line of behavior. At the same time, the Year of the Rooster is very favorable for changing your image and clothing style. Band stressful situations becomes a thing of the past, a period of stabilization and growth begins. Many Cancers can discover a new worldview or at least find a new cherished dream.

In 2017, the components of your success will be endurance and self-control. The main thing is not to be lazy and not to be afraid of responsibility, because the coming time promises changes for the better. Problems that have bothered you in the past may finally be resolved. New acquaintances, both business and love, promise to turn into serious relationship. Favorable period of the year - autumn, when luck turns its face to you, and all that remains is to take advantage of the chance provided by fate.

The coming year will be successful for professional activity. Although small, but constant income awaits you. At the beginning of the year, it is better to refrain from major purchases - later the money may be needed for more important purposes. Family relationships will be stable, especially if you have children. It is very important to pay more attention to health and control over emotions. At the end of the year, a pleasant surprise is possible - a cash bonus or promotion career ladder, of course, with a salary increase.

There may be some problems at work. They can be avoided if you strictly carry out everything that is assigned to you and do not forget when the working day begins. Don't hesitate to ask more experienced colleagues for help. Love adventures are possible. A new relationship may lead to a change of residence. Generally a year will pass calmly and without much change. If you decide to change your job to a calmer and well-paid one, then an excellent option may present itself towards the end of the year.

At the beginning of the year, problems with family and friends are possible. It is possible that the subject of concern will be your significant other’s or child’s excessive desire for free and independent behavior. But by summer in the family life will happen significant improvement in relations. The main thing is not to neglect requests for help that may be addressed to you. IN financial affairs you will have good luck. The plan drawn up in the first half of the year has a good chance of coming to fruition.

The time before autumn is not the best for new beginnings. Dedicate it to collecting information and planning for the future. All this will pave the way for success in the future. Spring can bring discord in your relationship with your life partner. It will seem to you that he is encroaching on your freedom. It's possible excessive desire take care of your health. It is possible that your significant other will perceive this as a whim. But by summer, balance in the love sphere will be restored, and peace and quiet will once again be established in the family.

In the first half of the year, it is good to start planning for the future - everything planned may well come true. Intuition, which will become more acute for representatives of this sign at this time, will help you not to miss new love. It is possible that right now you will find the main thing of your life. At the same time, conflicts in relations with someone from close circle. At the end of the year, significant luck in the financial sphere can await you.

You should not plan serious matters at the beginning of the year - you may not have enough strength to cope with them. The year promises to be promising financially, your past efforts will definitely be rewarded. Just observe moderation in everything and be guided by common sense. During the holidays, promising acquaintances may appear - not only pleasant, but also useful. For single representatives of the sign, mid-year - best time to make or accept a marriage proposal.

A good year to improve your personal life. The stars promise a meeting with their chosen one in the middle of the year. If this has already happened, your relationship will become truly harmonious, and previous misunderstandings will disappear after a frank conversation. Intrigue and gossip are possible at work. Try not to pay attention to them and believe in own strength. This is a great time for you to expand your business connections. If you are planning large financial expenses, it is better not to count on outside help.

The Year of the Red Rooster is the best time to gain new knowledge. On a personal level, representatives of the sign are expected pleasant surprises: new romantic acquaintances, intriguing meetings and promising dates. In mid-spring, very pleasant changes at work are possible. The beginning of career growth is possible. But remember that a word spoken in haste can lead to serious consequences, control yourself. Watch your health, problems are possible. Don't ignore the first signs of illness.

The beginning of the year is not the best time to get serious financial decisions. Refrain from large purchases. The year promises important events and changes in life. In the fall, things will improve at your main job; you may be involved in a large-scale project or mastering an additional specialty. Do not refuse - and your abilities will find worthy use and will be highly appreciated. The second half of the year is promising for marriage - family relationships will be strong and will not be complicated by financial problems.

The year promises to be stable and does not promise big changes. Overwork and stress are possible until June. At this time, it is advisable to avoid overloading. Relationships with loved ones, friends, colleagues or management will be a joy. Possible useful acquaintances that will change your life for the better. Peace and harmony await you in your married life. But in relations with neighbors, conflicts are possible that will require you to show restraint and tact. A bad peace is still better than a good quarrel!

Until mid-summer, it is better to be more economical and avoid risky financial investments - they are fraught with losses. But the subsequent period will relieve you of financial difficulties and bring good profits. The end of the year is a good time for career growth. You may be offered a more promising job or position. But before you agree, consult with your loved ones. After all, they are interested in you paying more attention to your family.

The first month of spring promises to be a more practical than romantic time for Cancer. Overall, March 2017 will be relatively calm for love and relationships. Circumstances are developing slowly, mainly, you and your significant other are busy with everyday activities.

On March 5, 2017, the period of Venus retrograde begins, which can bring forgotten situations to life. Venus retro brings hope to those who cannot forget about lost love. There are chances to meet again ex-lover and revisit the past. If the broken relationship is resumed, it will be at a new level.

Since the planet of love Venus is located in the career house of Cancer, amorous affairs have a relationship with professional pursuits. Perhaps you and your loved one will work on some kind of joint business project. Or will personal sympathies support your career advancement. Moreover, thanks to your charm, you will be able to attract people with high social status and a good reputation, so that personal life will intertwine with public life.

Family matters are among Cancer's priorities this month. Perhaps there will be a need to solve the family's financial problems, or relatives will require more than usual attention.

Cancer career and finance horoscope for March 2017

This is a very productive month in terms of work and business. Planetary influences are in your favor, there are opportunities to stand out at work, express yourself, and increase your authority in the team.

Many planets pass through the career house of Cancer in March 2017 - here are Venus, Mars, Mercury, and the Sun. This combination of planetary energies does not happen often, so you definitely need to take advantage of the chances that the stars offer. Set high goals and pursue them persistently. Remember that water does not flow under a lying stone, you yourself need to be active, then all your plans will come true.

Your potential grows through collaboration and participation in social activities, good luck may await you in these areas. In some cases, it is useful to keep business plans secret to avoid opposition from some individuals who want to stop your career development.

Financially, the month is quite generous. In the first two decades, the Sun, ruler of the Cancer house of money, passes through your house of travel and long-distance connections. This means that interaction with those partners and organizations that are far from you - in other cities or even countries - will be profitable. Traveling for business purposes will bring good financial results. March 20, 2017 The Sun moves into the house of career, in the subsequent period you can count on decent earnings.


In March 2017, Cancers are very busy and constantly on the move. Being very busy makes you prone to worry. Try to minimize the impact of stress - take time to relax and take care of yourself. Otherwise, unexpected health problems may arise. Get plenty of rest and pay attention to a balanced diet.

Be more careful on transport and in contacts with strangers!



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