How to get rid of glitter in the eyes. Drops for shine in the eyes

Nails need regular care and use various means to strengthen and improve their structure. For durable and long nails vitamins and microelements are needed, which enter the body with food or in the process of carrying out cosmetic procedures. The lack of these substances leads to increased fragility, delamination of the plate.

A woman independently chooses and gives her nails a certain shape with a file. After that, nail care begins directly. If the plate is damaged, nail growth may be impaired or completely stopped. In this case, it is recommended to consult a specialist to find an effective treatment.

Of course, the most fast way giving length to the nails is extension. Professional master uses modern technologies and makes women's fingers beautiful and well-groomed. But it is worth noting that after such a procedure, regular adjustments are required. Also, when removing such nails, you can not do without the help of a specialist.

After the removal of extended nails, a long period of time is required to restore your own nail plate.

To stimulate nail growth in nice results gives medicated nail polish that nourishes the plate essential substances, activated internal processes, contributes to the strengthening and thickening of the structure. It is applied to clean and dry nails in several layers. If desired, any decorative varnish can be applied on top.

It is very important to eat right. There are products that accelerate the growth of the nail plate. First of all, these are products with high content fatty acids (linseed oil, fish fat) and protein (fatty fish, vegetable oil, nuts, seeds, chicken breast, meat). With their regular use, nails grow much faster, fragility decreases, elasticity increases. Vitamin B5 is useful for nails, the source of which is brewer's yeast, cereals, egg yolk, milk, beans and nuts.

We must not forget about water balance in the body. Lack of moisture leads to a deterioration in the condition of nails, skin, hair.

Promotes growth by massaging the cuticles and the skin around the nails. This allows you to activate metabolic processes, improve blood circulation in tissues. To do this, massage the nail area daily with a few drops of castor or olive oil. Within a month, the nails will become stronger, longer, acquire a beautiful and healthy color.

At home, try rubbing into the root and cuticles special composition: 2 tbsp apricot oil, 1 tsp almond oil, 5 drops of geranium oil, 2 drops of rose oil. Mix the ingredients and use every night before bed. The remaining product is recommended to be stored in a glass container in a cool place.

For rapid growth nails remember simple tips:
- when washing dishes using detergents use rubber gloves;
- in winter time hands and nails need enhanced nutrition and hydration;
- file regularly jagged edges to avoid further breakage of the nail;
- after removing the varnish with a special liquid, let the nails "breathe" a little, and only then apply a new layer;
- give up the habit of nibbling, as in this case it is unlikely to be able to grow beautiful marigolds.

Well-groomed long nails decorate the hands very much, make the fingers more elegant and organically complete the chosen image. That is why the question, , is very relevant. But does it make sense to try to accelerate the growth of the nail plate? Undoubtedly. After all, at home, you can take a lot of measures to not only improve your nails, but also speed up the process of growing.

  1. Food. This aspect plays significant role for the health of the whole body. With food, we get most of the substances required for life. Therefore, if part of the elements in the diet is lacking, then it is quite possible that the growth of the nail plates will slow down. The menu should contain sources of calcium. These are, of course, dairy products, fish, meat and seafood, a variety of cabbage, eggs, legumes, nuts, and figs. By the way, figs are also especially good because they are a source of iodine, which is also required for healing and growing nails. If the question arises of how to grow nails faster, then you definitely need to include sources of vitamin A, C, E in your diet. And these are fruits, vegetable oils, nuts, seeds. Also important for nails is an abundance of silicon, vitamin D, B-group vitamins, iron, magnesium, zinc, etc. And, of course, protein as a building material.
  2. Protection. In order for the nails to reach a significant length, they should be protected from harmful effects. Yes, producing homework, including washing dishes, be sure to wear gloves. After interacting with water, you should always try to rub in a moisturizer. And going outside in cool weather, be sure to hide your pens in mittens or warm gloves. For these habits, you will probably want to thank yourself years later. After all, it is often the condition of the hands that reveals the age of a woman. And careful attitude to them can prolong the youthfulness of the skin.
  3. Massage. It will be possible to grow nails as quickly as possible by activating blood circulation in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe nails. This allows you to improve the nutrition of the cells, which means their growth of the nail plate. Therefore, massage of the fingers and hands in general is an excellent technique that helps to become the owner of long nails. Massage your fingers in a circular motion, rubbing. You can also grab your fingers alternately in the ring with the fingers of the other hand and, as if pressing, draw from the base of the finger to the nail.
  4. Paraffin therapy. Actually, the effect of using cosmetic paraffin is similar to massage. Warm wax warms the area around the nails and thus improves nutrition. Paraffin masks also soften the skin of the hands and at the same time take care of the nails themselves. Paraffin must first be melted, slightly cooled to a comfortable temperature and applied to fingers or hands in general. Wrap on top first with polyethylene, and then with a towel, for example. Leave it like that for 15 minutes. You can repeat up to two or three times a week if you care about how to quickly grow nails.
  5. masks. First of all, various vegetable oils can be rubbed into the nails. To do this, just slightly warm them up a little and gently rub them directly into the nail plates and cuticles. Let it soak. It is proposed to use olive, almond, castor, etc. oils. You can also do warming mask. To do this, mix 1 tsp. l. hand cream or baby and ground red pepper. Apply to fingertips. Leave on for 15 minutes and then wash off. A slight burning sensation during the procedure is acceptable. But if it is too strong, then the cream should be washed off immediately. And be as careful as possible so that the composition does not come into contact with mucous membranes. You can repeat a couple of times a week. Good for nail polish lemon juice. By the way, along the way, it also brightens the nail plate, giving the manicure a special appeal.
  6. vitamins. How to grow nails faster? You can rub vitamins into your nails. Vitamins A and E are widely used for this purpose. a nicotinic acid and iodine. The latter is applied similarly to varnish. Yes, he paints his nails in yellow. But usually, if you perform this procedure in the evening, then by morning the nails return to their previous color. Iodine perfectly strengthens nails, as well as vitamins.
  7. Trays. It's great to lower your hands for 15 minutes in warm water with sea ​​salt. A couple of large spoons are enough for two cups of water. You can also add a couple of drops of iodine to the bath. How to grow nails faster? After the bath, also apply any mask. Baths are also made with herbs. With chamomile, burdock, St. John's wort (2 tablespoons of herbs or a mixture, pour a glass of boiling water, wait half an hour and put your hands in the infusion for 15 minutes).
  8. Manicure. It needs to be done right. Because how to quickly grow long and healthy nails, filing them incorrectly or not caring for the nail plate can be difficult. The file should only be used on dry nails and move in one direction along the cut. It is also worth considering that after a little sawing, the nails begin to grow faster.
  9. Lacquering. Of course, coloring varnish also helps protect nails from damage. But they are still not the most useful components. But if you use special therapeutic varnishes, then you can also accelerate the growth of marigolds in this way. And yet, at least a day a week, you need to leave your nails uncoated. And in the summer also give them two or three weeks of vacation. At the same time they will be able to get their portion sunlight, which is useful to them - under its influence, it is synthesized valuable vitamin D.
  10. Lifestyle. And, of course, you should monitor your condition - do not overwork, stop being nervous, give up bad habits. Stress and fatigue negatively affect the health of the whole body and nails individually.

According to experts, nails grow by 1-2 mm per week. How to grow nails fast? Take care of your health and don't forget to take care of your hands. Then significant result will be noticed very soon.

Wash your face in the morning cold water, then wipe the skin around the eyes with ice along the lines of least stretching of the skin. Then, on the wet skin near the eyes, with pressing movements, you need to press with the middle of your fingers so as to feel bone base. Blot excess moisture with a napkin or towel.

Ice can be made from an infusion of chamomile, sage, dill, lime blossom, freshly brewed tea, or mortar. boric acid. With the same infusions, you can rinse your eyes with fatigue, redness, the appearance of crusts and scales on the edges of the eyelids. In these cases, it is also useful to apply 1% at night on the rims of the eyelids. alcohol solution greens, mixed with castor oil (10 drops of oil per 10 g of greens). A restorative regimen, vitamins, fish oil is also desirable.

How to remove makeup around the eyes in the evening?

To begin, wipe the skin of the entire face and around the eyes with lotion. Take two cotton swabs soaked in a tea or herbal infusion or boron solution, and then dip them into a mixture of equal parts sunflower and castor oil and gently wipe the skin around the eyes. With the same swabs, grab the eyelashes and rub so that all the mascara remains on the swabs. Never rub the surrounding skin or remove make-up with soap and water.

Dark circles under the eyes

In this case, daily morning care, which we described above, is necessary. Alternating hot and cold compresses are also helpful. Start with a hot compress and end with a cold one, then apply the cream.

Useful for puffiness and puffiness around the eyes massotherapy, paraffin mask, masks from parsley gruel or from raw potatoes. You can make this mask: 1 tablespoon of grated potatoes, 1 teaspoon wheat flour and 1 tablespoon of milk.

For aging skin of the eyelids, we recommend a cream from flower pollen and flower petals: 25 g butter or margarine grind with yolk and petals, stamens and pistils of white lily, rose, white lilac, jasmine. Store this cream in the refrigerator for a week. Apply cream in the morning and evening. Vitamin A concentrate (10 drops per tube) can be added to any eye cream.

"Bags" under the eyes

With insufficient care, the eyes can lose their shine, the eyelids and the skin around the eyes wither. May bulge between weakened muscle fibers adipose tissue, which forms fatty hernias of the upper and lower eyelids we call "bags under the eyes".

Often, even in youth, some notice swelling of the upper and lower eyelids and blue under the eyes. Doctors advise in such cases to check the heart, kidneys, endocrine system, referring to the violation of these functions. However, few people know that these symptoms can be the result of muscle weakness circular muscle of the eye.

Stimulation, strengthening of the circular muscle of the eye and removal or reduction of fat of the periorbital fat are necessary. Hardening and strengthening by short-term exposure will be useful cold water, massage, cryomassage, hydromassage, liquid nitrogen, food ice, ice carbonic acid.

Fortifying with water: Take several cold sitz baths and eye baths every week. On the areas of the hernia on the eyelids, carry out a deep pressure massage with cream or camphor oil. There is a popular method - to apply a resin plaster.

While taking a shower with a jet of water, make movements along the skin lines. Hernias of the upper and lower eyelids are removed by plastic surgery methods.

The muscles of the face and around the eyes can be strengthened special gymnastics and care. Useful deep massage movements fingers around the eyes when applying masks and creams, superficial massage food ice in the morning along the skin lines.

shiny, radiant eyes adorn any face. Involuntarily, the gaze stops on such a person. The eyes not only reflect our spiritual world, but are also conductors with the outside world.

Eye fatigue is familiar to many. The eyes lose their brilliance, the eyelids become swollen and reddened. There are bags and wrinkles under the eyes. Therefore, as soon as you feel tired eyes, it is necessary to provide rest to the eyes in order to maintain their radiance.

Eyes begin to shine and radiate when a person is in love. Therefore, you must definitely fall in love with someone. Not only your eyes will sparkle and light up. Everything will radiate with this energy!

If you have no one to fall in love with, you need to maintain a joyful state in your soul. After all, everything can please: the sun, the rustle of leaves, the smell of grass ... You just need to learn to enjoy every little thing, and cherish every minute of your life!
Folk methods offer many ways to gain sparkle in the eyes. Here is some of them.

In the evening, be sure to make a bath for your eyes. To do this, fill in herbs such as chamomile or parsley. Pour warm infusion into a glass. Press the glass firmly against your eye. 10 times open and close the eye in the infusion. We do the same for the other eye.

Compresses from infusions are a good anti-inflammatory and soothing effect. different herbs: chamomile, parsley, mint. Wet cotton swabs in a warm infusion and apply to the eyes for 10 minutes. Then you can put cold compress. And if in the cold your eyes often water, then they need to be washed with the same herbs in the mornings and evenings.

An effective remedy are pieces of ice from mint and green tea. To do this, ice should be wrapped in gauze and lightly massaging, wipe the skin under the eyes.

To eliminate swelling under the eyes, you need to put gruel from fresh potatoes, grated, wrapped in gauze.
. Quickly make the eyes clear and clean cold lotions of black tea, lime blossom or chamomile.

Many people often squint, so a mask made of white bread dipped in milk. To do this, apply the mask under the eyes for 15 minutes, remove, lubricate with a nourishing cream.

Honey will save those who read a lot or work hard at the computer from eye fatigue. To do this, dissolve honey in warm water, in a ratio of 1:1, and instill a few drops into the eyes every evening. At the same time, at first you will feel an unpleasant burning sensation, which will then soon pass. But by morning your eyes will be clear and rested!

Using these simple methods together with positive attitude and good mood, you will see that your eyes will be bright and radiant!

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Really, shiny eyes beautifully adorn the face. They fill the face with such charm that you involuntarily stop looking at this person, moreover, they attract. Radiant, shining eyes are the best decoration of the face. They not only reflect our feelings and the spiritual world, but also serve as a direct link with the outside world.

Tired eyes that have lost their luster, reddened and swollen eyelids, wrinkles and bags - all these signs are familiar to many. At the first signs of fatigue, it is necessary to provide rest and constant care for the eyes, to preserve their brilliance and radiance.

So What do you need to do to make your eyes sparkle?. Looking through the information on this issue on the Internet, you find, perhaps, the most correct answer: “You must fall in love!” And this is true, a person in love has such energy that not only the eyes sparkle, but the whole posture speaks of the high energy of the whole organism. Well, what if this is not enough?

It is necessary to constantly create and maintain a joyful state of mind. Where to get sources of joy, because in our gray everyday life this is not enough. I think that the state of joy must be drawn from their nature. Try to absorb the “good” with every cell of your body, and constantly turn to this good.

Find happiness today
Sun, birdsong and grace,
The rustle of leaves, the smell of herbs and the sea,
You must understand all this.

Remember this state, and return to it more often, and scientifically this is called meditation.

Psychological condition souls, mental health- the fundamental principle of how we look, including the brilliance and clarity of the gaze.

From physical methods impact folk ways treatments offer:

In the evening, after washing, take a bath for the eyes. To do this, prepare an infusion of tea with chamomile or parsley. Pour the warm solution into a glass (preferably plastic) and press the glass firmly against the eye, close and open the eye in the solution 8-10 times, making several circular movements. Repeat this for the other eye, or use two cups at the same time.

A good soothing and anti-inflammatory effect is provided by compresses from tea with chamomile, mint, parsley. Moisten cosmetic swabs (you can use gauze or cotton) with warm infusion and apply to closed eyes for 1-2 minutes, repeat the procedure 3-4 times. Then apply a cold compress, dry the skin and apply a rich cream.

Compresses from tea with parsley are also effective: mix finely chopped parsley with the tea left after brewing, apply this gruel on the eyelids and under the eyes, cover with a damp gauze swab for 10-15 minutes. You can add a teaspoon of sour cream to the mixture. Then wash your face warm water.

Positive effect give and pieces of ice from green tea and mint. Wrapping them in a gauze napkin, lightly rub the skin under the eyes in the direction from the outer corner to the inner.

elimination of edema of the eyelids, around the eyes, the eyes are made more expressive, in addition, eliminated congestion in this region. You need to put on them gruel from freshly grated potatoes, wrapped in gauze napkins. You can make cold lotions from tea, as well as from chamomile, lime blossom (1 tbsp. Grass per 1 cup boiling water).

With a tendency to swelling of the eyes it is useful to make lotions from a decoction of parsley, dill, mint.

Requires special care eyelashes. Castor, burdock or olive oil applied at night will save them from falling out.

If you have tired eyes, alternately open and close them for several minutes, lowering your face into a bowl of cold water.

Those who, due to the habit of squinting a network of wrinkles appeared around the eyes, a mask of pieces of white bread (not very fresh and without crusts) soaked in warm milk. Hold for 15 minutes, remove, apply a nourishing cream.

If on cold watery eyes, you need to wash them in the morning and evening with a decoction of chamomile or a solution of strong tea.

Eyebrows require periodic combing with castor or any vegetable oil.

But from tired eyes those who work hard at the computer or read a lot need to use honey. Dissolve honey in warm boiled water 1:1 and instill a few drops in warm eyes every evening. First there is unpleasant feeling burning sensation, but it will soon pass. By morning, the eyes will be clear and rested.
But if suddenly you have barley, no need to bring it to maturity. As soon as discomfort appears, apply a hot napkin to the problem eye or put a warm compress from a weak infusion of chamomile or a solution of boric acid.

This will accelerate the resorption of barley or its maturation and the removal of pus. The other eye must also be washed, as the stye can spread to the other eye. You can use lotions from aloe juice, first dilute it in warm boiled water 1:10. You can use an infusion of aloe.

To do this, grind a medium-sized leaf (5 cm) in warm boiled water, insist 6-8 hours. We use for lotions. For lotions, you can also use an infusion of calendula (10-15 dry flowers pour a glass hot water, insist 40 minutes, filter and use).
Chamomile is used as the same remedy.

If you have had conjunctivitis, which occurs either from hypothermia, or from insufficient hygiene, and sometimes from a weakened immune system, you need to take half a glass of chilled boiled water to room temperature, 2 eggs.

Wash them thoroughly, separate the proteins, place in water, stir until smooth. Put the resulting mixture in a dark place and let it brew for an hour. Next, take cotton wool, dip it in medicine and apply a compress on closed eyelids. You can wash your eyes with this mixture. Hold the compress for 15 minutes 2 times a day.

Of course, in case of a serious condition of the eye disease, a doctor's consultation is necessary. But folk methods treatment will be a serious help for a speedy recovery.



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