Physiotherapy with dimexide from which pole to administer. Galvanization algorithm

The term "electrophoresis" consists of two parts - "electro" and "phoresis", where "electro" means electric current, and "phoresis" is translated from Greek as transfer. Electrophoresis is the movement of charged particles (ions) in an electric field created by an external source. Physical process Electrophoresis today is widely used in various industries. It is most often used as a physiotherapy procedure, and in research methods for the separation of biological substances.

Medical procedure – medicinal electrophoresis

Electrophoresis, how medical procedure, also called iontophoresis, ion therapy, ion galvanization or galvanic ion therapy, all of which refer to the same process. Applied to medical practice, electrophoresis is a method of electrotherapy that is based on the effects of direct current and the action medicines, delivered at...

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Medicinal electrophoresis is the effect on the body of a direct electric current in combination with the introduction of various medicinal substances through the skin or mucous membranes. In physiotherapy, electrophoresis is the most popular method, as it has many positive effects on the patient’s body:

Reduces the intensity of the inflammatory process; has an anti-edematous effect; eliminates pain syndrome; relaxes heightened muscle tone; produces a calming effect; improves microcirculation; accelerates the process of tissue regeneration; stimulates the production of biologically active substances(for example, vitamins, microelements, hormones); activates protective forces body.

The principle of the method is that drugs enter the body through the intercellular spaces, sebaceous and sweat glands in the form of positive or negative particles (ions). Medicinal dose with electrophoresis it is low: only 2-10% of the total volume...

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Electrophoresis is a physiotherapeutic procedure in which the human body is exposed to constant electrical impulses in order to provide a general and local therapeutic effect. Electrophoresis is also used to administer drugs through the skin and mucous membranes. This route of drug administration has a number of advantages over other methods of administration.

The following main routes of drug administration are distinguished:
using electrophoresis; injection route (intramuscular, intravenous, intradermal, subcutaneous); oral route (through the mouth). Each of the above methods has both advantages and disadvantages.

History of electrophoresis

In 1809, the German scientist Ferdinand Reis, who was invited to Moscow University to head the department of chemistry, first mentioned such concepts as electrophoresis and electroosmosis (movement of solutions...

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Electrophoresis, or iontophoresis, is one of the methods of physiotherapy, the essence of which is to introduce a drug into the affected area using galvanic (direct) electric current without damaging the skin. It has been used as a therapeutic method for more than 210 years, since 1802. For osteochondrosis, electrophoresis is prescribed at all stages of the disease and in all its forms: cervical, thoracic, lumbar. The procedure allows you to reduce pain, eliminate muscle spasm, stimulate blood microcirculation.

Operating principle

Treatment of osteochondrosis using electrophoresis allows you to achieve excellent results due to some features of the procedure.

Electrophoresis for thoracic osteochondrosis

Under the influence of direct electric current charges, drug ions move from a positively charged electrode to a negative one or in the opposite direction (this depends on the charges of the used...

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Used as part of physiotherapy, this method of hardware administration of drugs helps to painlessly deliver the right remedy directly to the pathological focus. Find out what medications can be transported into the body using this procedure.

What is electrophoresis

Subject beneficial influence current on human health has been raised by the scientific community since ancient times. Medicinal electrophoresis, which in medicine is also called galvanophoresis, galvanization or iontophoresis, involves the transformation under the influence of electrical impulses of different medications into the smallest particles - ions with further delivery of the latter to problem areas. When drugs are administered via hardware, most of them remain in the layers of the dermis. The remains are transported with blood and lymph throughout the body.

Electrophoresis readings and...

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Electrophoresis - refers to physiotherapeutic procedures and is practiced more than other methods in various diseases in adults and children. During the procedure, the human body is exposed to electrical impulses (direct current), generated by a special apparatus and providing therapeutic effect at the general and local levels. At the same time, medications are administered through skin or mucous membranes.

An excursion into the history of electrophoresis

The leading method of physiotherapy would not be possible without a continuous current generator, which was created by the Italian physicist A. Volta in the 19th century.

The first talk about electroomosis, which is the movement of solutions through capillaries under the influence of an electric field, took place back in 1809. It was then that the German scientist Ferdinand Reis first mentioned electrophoresis. However, his research was not widely disseminated.

In 1926, Arne Tiselius, a Swedish biochemist, was...

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Medicinal electrophoresis is a physiotherapeutic method of electrotherapy, which consists of a combined effect on the body of galvanization (direct current of low strength and voltage) and medications.

In ion therapy, as electrophoresis is otherwise called, the undoubted benefits of galvanization are complemented by many advantages of the combined effect of medicinal substances and an electric field on the body.

The principle of operation of electrophoresis

Medications are transferred by an electric field to the lesion due to the occurrence of electrolytic dissociation under the influence of current, i.e., the disintegration of drugs into differently charged ions and their movement to the electrodes of the opposite pole through the organs and tissues of the human body. Approaching the opposite electrode, the ions undergo electrolysis, i.e. lose charge from their shell and become atoms with high physical and chemical activity. To neutralize them negative impact on the body...

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Many patients are interested in the question: electrophoresis: what is it and what are its advantages over other methods of treating a particular disease? Electrophoresis treatment involves the use of electric current and various medications simultaneously. In this case, medications are administered through the skin or mucous membranes. Let's consider what positive effects What kind of physiotherapy does this to the body, for which diseases is it most effective and what are the main indications and contraindications.

Indications for the procedure

Such physical procedures can be done when diagnosing the following in the body:

Pathologies of the respiratory system (bronchial asthma, pneumonia, acute and chronic bronchitis, tracheitis, pleurisy); diseases of the ear, nose and throat (rhinitis, tonsillitis, otitis, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis); gastrointestinal diseases (gastritis, ulcers, cholecystitis, colitis); pathologies of the heart and blood vessels (hypotension, hypertension, atherosclerosis,...

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Physiotherapeutic procedures are implemented in different situations - both as part of treatment to speed up the healing process, and in for cosmetic purposes to improve your appearance. The effectiveness of such events has been proven and tested, which is what makes them so popular. Electrophoresis is used as active factor electric current, which makes it effective both in tightening the skin of the face and in osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. To appreciate all the delights of this procedure, you need to get acquainted with it in more detail, for which this article will be useful.

The essence of the electrophoresis procedure

The essence of the procedure can be judged based on its name, in which the “electro” part speaks of electric current, and “phoresis” is translated as transmission, transfer. Thus, this physiotherapeutic procedure involves the impact of electrical impulses on the human body or a specific area of ​​it for a certain time,...

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How to conduct electrophoresis at home?

Today, anyone can purchase a device for electrophoresis at a pharmacy or specialty store. This device can be used at home. Therefore, these devices are often used to treat diseases that are associated with limited physical activity.

Electrophoresis is combined method treatment, a medicinal substance that is introduced into the body through current.

For electrophoresis, substances are used that dislocate into ions in solutions.

The following solvents are used:

Distilled water. Saline With different meanings pH. For substances that are poorly soluble in water, it is advisable to use dimethyl sulfoxide (dimexide).

The permeability of the skin for medicinal substances decreases in the direction from the head to the feet:

The skin of the face is characterized by maximum insight. The skin of the legs and feet is most insightful....

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Drug electrophoresis: mechanism of action

The mechanism of action of medicinal electrophoresis is determined by the influence of galvanic current and the characteristics of the administered substance. In the case of using non-potent drugs, the main effect is determined by direct current, while for potent drugs - the pharmacological properties and specificity of the drug.

Medicinal electrophoresis has an anti-inflammatory, absorbable, local anesthetic effect on the body, improves blood supply to tissues and conductivity of peripheral nerve fibers, reduces pathological impulses from the periphery, normalizes functional state central and vegetative nervous system.

Drug electrophoresis technique

The medicinal electrophoresis technique does not differ significantly from the galvanization technique. In addition to conventional electrodes, a medicinal pad made of filter paper or several layers of gauze, moistened with a medicinal solution, is used. Medicines...

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Medicinal electrophoresis has several synonymous designations: galvanoion therapy, ionogalvanization, ionotherapy, iontophoresis, therapeutic iontophoresis. Electrophoresis works according to the following principle - it affects human body DC, and also affects the medicine for electrophoresis, which penetrates the surface of the skin and mucous membranes. The multifaceted and expanded use of drug electrophoresis guarantees positive result treatment, but few physiotherapists can answer the question “how often can electrophoresis be done?”
The effects that electrophoresis has on the human body:

· Improving the overall protective reactivity of the body, thus, the protective capability increases, which prevents the development of other pathological diseases; · Metabolic and trophic processes begin to actively intensify; · The body's immune system is mobilized, etc.

Electrophoresis is carried out both for adults and...

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Currently in treatment various diseases use a variety of methods. If before medicine was more based on drug therapy, now physiotherapeutic procedures are often prescribed. They help to cope with the disease faster. You need to know that physiotherapy includes many methods, one of which we will get to know in more detail. Let's consider what medicinal electrophoresis is, for what pathologies it is indicated and whether it has contraindications.

The essence of the treatment method

Electrophoresis is a physiotherapeutic procedure. During the session, the patient's body is exposed to electrical impulses in order to obtain a lasting therapeutic effect.

Drug electrophoresis is also used to administer medications through the skin and mucous membranes. We can say that this method is complex, since there is simultaneous exposure to current and medicine. Which drug to choose for the procedure...

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To treat diseases of the spine, several types of therapy are used today, ranging from traction to surgery. Among them there are less radical method, which in some cases really works miracles.

This method is electrophoresis, used in medical practice since the first half of the 19th century, and is one of the most effective methods physiotherapy.

Electrophoresis - what is it?

The process of electrophoresis or, as it is also called, iontophoresis consists of the directed movement of dispersed particles under the influence of an electric field. In other words, ions of liquid, gas or hard materials, being involved in a controlled electrokinetic process, are directed from one location to another. In a similar way, for example, metal is painted or sprayed in mechanical engineering.

In medicine, electrophoresis is used for rapid delivery of liquid medications to body tissues in need...

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Electrophoresis for babies

Electrophoresis is a physiotherapy procedure in which medications are introduced into the body through currents. They are in vapor or liquid form and penetrate the skin. Medicines are concentrated in the dermis and epidermis, and then enter the bloodstream into the lymph and are distributed throughout the body. The procedure can be performed on patients of all ages, including infants.

Depending on the underlying disease, electrophoresis is done in different parts bodies. If the baby has dysplasia, the plate is applied to the gluteal and groin area. For hypotonicity of the shoulder - on the neck.

Any treatment must be carried out comprehensively, so combine electrophoresis with massage and other procedures prescribed by the doctor.

Why is electrophoresis prescribed for infants?

Since the procedure has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, soothing and relaxing effects, children infancy it is prescribed in the following cases:

Disorders of the musculoskeletal system (dysplasia, torticollis); hypotonicity and...

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The purpose of electrophoresis is the non-invasive administration of medicinal substances using electric current. The procedure is often used in the treatment of children younger age. Let's look at its main advantages, and also find out what pharmacological substances are commonly used.

Advantages of electrophoresis

The operating principle of electrophoresis is as follows. Medicinal substance applied to the skin, pad or electrode. An electric current passes through its particles (ions) and sets them in motion. As a result, they penetrate through the sweat and sebaceous glands into the dermis or mucous membranes. Then the product is evenly distributed in the cells, from where it enters the blood and lymph flow and is delivered to certain bodies and fabrics.

The degree of absorption of medications depends on many factors, including their concentration, current parameters, duration of the procedure, properties of the patient’s skin, and so on. Taking them into account, the physiotherapist can adjust the level of effect of the medication (local or...

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Do you or your child have a weakened immune system and don’t know how to boost it? Do you often suffer from bronchial asthma? Relatives have problems with the cardiovascular system and they swallow all kinds of pills in batches that have Negative influence on the liver? To cope with such situations, doctors often prescribe electrophoresis sessions to their patients. With the help of such procedures, a person will not only keep his liver healthy, but will also quickly get back on his feet, getting rid of the ailment that was bothering him. Thanks to electrophoresis, the medicine reaches the desired organs faster, while providing maximum action. Today we will learn about the methods of conducting such sessions, in what cases they are prescribed, and also when it is prohibited to conduct them.

What is the procedure

Many people ask the question: “Electrophoresis - what is it and why is it better than taking medications orally, intravenously or intramuscularly?” Now let's try to answer this question. Electrophoresis is a medical procedure that has several names: ionotherapy, iontophoresis, ionogalvanization, galvanoionotherapy. This is physiotherapy based on the effects of medications delivered using electric current. Administration of medications by this method has the following advantages over delivery of substances intravenously, intramuscularly or orally:

Longer therapeutic effect.

The ability to deliver the drug to the desired area of ​​the body, while bypassing other organs.

Minimal risk of side effects.

Painless procedure.

Preservation of the normal structure of the patient’s tissues when the drug is administered.

Basic electrophoresis techniques

  1. Galvanic belt.
  2. General electrophoresis according to Vermeule.
  3. Ion reflexes according to Shcherbakov.
  4. Facial electrophoresis according to Bourguignon.
  5. Physiotherapeutic treatment endonasally.

Galvanic belt

Treatment with electrophoresis in this case is indicated for diseases of the female genital organs. This technique can also be used in relation to men with prostatitis, sexual dysfunction, and vascular disorders.

The galvanic belt can be either upper or lower. In the first case, one pad is impregnated with a special warm solution and then applied to the thoracic and lumbar back, in the second - to the sacral and lumbar vertebrae.

The duration of the procedure is approximately 10 minutes. And the course of such treatment can reach 20 sessions.

General electrophoresis according to Vermeule

In this case, 3 pads with medicine are used. The first (largest) is placed on the back, between the shoulder blades. And the other two are applied to the calves. Thus, electrophoresis is done on almost the entire surface of the body, except for the face, neck and head. Electrophoresis - what is it? In what cases is it prescribed? This is a special technique designed to help adults and children with problems such as vegetative-trophic disorders, neurosis-like conditions, weakened immunity, metabolic disorders, diseases of cardio-vascular system.

The duration of the procedure using the Vermeule method can be from 20 to 40 minutes. The course of physiotherapy may be limited to 20 sessions.

Ion reflexes according to Shcherbakov

For the treatment of hypertension and neuroses, as well as if the patient has peptic ulcers or joint disorders, this particular method of performing a procedure such as electrophoresis is used. What is physical therapy according to Shcherbakov? In this case, the electrodes are applied to the upper and lower limbs sick. Moreover, this must be done strictly diagonally. For example, right hand and the right leg or vice versa. A specialist applies pads with solutions of potassium, magnesium, sodium or bromine to the shoulder and hip. Above these places, the limbs are tied with a rubber bandage.

The duration of the procedure according to Shcherbakov’s method can reach 40 minutes, no more. In this case, it is necessary to take breaks. The course of such manipulations is usually 15-20 sessions.

Facial electrophoresis according to Bourguignon

According to this technique, one electrode with a drug-impregnated pad is placed on closed eyelids, and the second on the back of the neck. In this case, electrophoresis is prescribed to patients who have diseases of the eyelids and anterior segment of the eyes.

The duration of this procedure is short, can reach 8 minutes. The entire time the manipulation is being carried out, the specialist must monitor the process. After all, the eyes are a sensitive organ, and any impact on them can cause discomfort, redness or swelling. Therefore, the nurse must strictly monitor the patient so that he does not have complications.

Endonasal electrophoresis: what is it?

This is a procedure during which not cloth pads are used, but cotton swabs moistened with medicinal substances. Endonasal electrophoresis is done not through the skin, but through the mucous membrane. Thanks to this effect, ENT diseases are excellently treated. Endonasal electrophoresis is often performed on children aged 3 years and older. In this case, the electrodes are placed as follows: one, having two plates, is placed in both nostrils, and the second - on the back of the neck.

Effective treatment of hernia using physiotherapy

Electrophoresis with "Karipazim" - a substance made on the basis of such biological additives, like proteinases, papain, lysocine, chymopapain, has the following effects:

Softens cartilage tissue.

Relieves inflammatory processes.

Increases the secretion of collagen, as a result of which damaged fibers are scarred and their elasticity is restored.

It is thanks to this effect that electrophoresis with Karipazim, an effective drug, has a positive effect on the body of a sick person, reducing the hernia in size, freeing a pinched nerve, and also alleviating inflammation and pain. Also, pads are moistened with this substance and applied to the human body for the treatment of radiculitis, keloid scars, articular lesions, neuralgic problems. Karipazim is a powder white, which is diluted with normal saline before the procedure.

Requirements for medications used for physiotherapy

Any solution for electrophoresis must meet the following requirements:

  1. Be pure, without impurities.
  2. Prepare immediately before the procedure.
  3. To prepare the solution, use only clean distilled water.
  4. If the medicine does not dissolve in water, then instead of this component you need to use purified alcohol, or the drug “Dimexide”.

To carry out electrophoresis, solutions are used from elements such as iodine, bromine, calcium, the drugs “Novocain”, “Eufillin” and many others, which must be prescribed by a doctor.

Contraindications to the procedure

Many people ask the question: “Is it possible to do electrophoresis if a person has heat, available skin problems, wounds? No, under no circumstances is it possible. However, these are not all contraindications through which the procedure cannot be carried out. At following problems For health reasons, it is prohibited to prescribe electrophoresis to a patient:

Tumors of any etiology and place of occurrence.

Acute stage of the inflammatory process.

Bronchial asthma.

Problems with blood clotting.

Allergy to the components of the drug that needs to be administered.

Cost of the procedure

Electrophoresis, the price of which depends on many factors, can be carried out in district hospital, V private clinic, as well as at home. Naturally, the cost will vary. In a district hospital, the electrophoresis procedure will be the cheapest. The patient will need to buy medications, and the manipulation itself is often performed free of charge. If you do electrophoresis in a private clinic, the cost of the procedure can range from 200 to 1000 rubles per session. It all depends on the status medical institution, equipment, impact area. This procedure can also be carried out at home, but in this case the cost will also be high. Since a specialist will travel with equipment, and this will be an additional expense. But you can buy a special device and carry out the manipulations yourself, but you will have to fork out for the equipment, since the cheapest device costs about 5 thousand rubles.

People's opinions about the procedure

Electrophoresis receives only positive reviews from patients. Parents who are treating various problems in their children using this procedure. Mothers note that during the session the child does not experience the stress that he could get if he was given intravenous or intramuscular injection medicine. And in this case, boys and girls are not afraid, some even like to go to such procedures. And parents are happy that the medicine entering the child’s body in this way does not have any effect. toxic effects. Also, many mothers like that this procedure allows them to achieve maximum effect even with small doses of medication. But you don’t want to stuff your children with drugs in large quantities. However, with electrophoresis you don't have to do this. After all, even a small dose of medicine will give a positive result. Plus, adult patients write that after electrophoresis sessions excellent results of therapy are observed, the disease quickly passes. People also note that the medicine that enters the body in this way is located there more a long period due to its accumulation in the layers of the skin. And this, in turn, enhances the therapeutic effect of the drug.

Now you know what electrophoresis is and what popular techniques are used. We also determined what requirements the medications used to carry out this physiotherapy must meet. And we learned about how patients respond to electrophoresis sessions.

Currently, a variety of methods are used in the treatment of various diseases. If earlier medicine was more based on drug therapy, now physiotherapeutic procedures are often prescribed. They help to cope with the disease faster. You need to know that physiotherapy includes many methods, one of which we will get to know in more detail. Let's consider what medicinal electrophoresis is, for what pathologies it is indicated and whether it has contraindications.

The essence of the treatment method

Electrophoresis is a physiotherapeutic procedure. During the session, the patient's body is exposed to electrical impulses in order to obtain a lasting therapeutic effect.

Drug electrophoresis is also used to administer medications through the skin and mucous membranes. We can say that this method is complex, since there is simultaneous exposure to current and medication. Which drug to choose for the procedure, what are the percentage and polarity of administration is determined only by the attending physician, taking into account the patient’s condition and the severity of the disease.

The essence of electrophoresis is that drugs enter tissues in the form of charged particles through intercellular spaces, sweat ducts and sebaceous glands. As a result of exposure to electric current, the effectiveness of the drugs increases significantly, as tissue sensitivity increases.

All medications are administered taking into account their polarity; if they are cations, then they are introduced from the anode, and anions from the cathode. Distilled water is considered the best solvent, but for poorly soluble compounds, alcohol or Dimexide is used.

Drug electrophoresis

The mechanism of action of this procedure is that the drug in the form of ions enters the patient’s body through the pores and ducts of the sebaceous and sweat glands. Cations and anions are retained on the skin under the electrode, and then gradually penetrate into the blood and lymph. Due to this gradual intake, the effect of the drug on the body is long-lasting, which is one of the advantages of this method of therapy.

Drug electrophoresis is carried out using various devices, one of which is “Potok”. This device has been used in medicine for a long time; it is time-tested and reliable. It is possible to adjust during the procedure and also set the time. Currently in production modern analogues devices that have digital indicators.

To obtain a therapeutic effect, it is not at all necessary to place electrodes on the diseased organ or introduce large doses drugs. Through physiotherapy, calcium, magnesium, iodine ions are introduced to increase reflex action on the affected tissue.

Methods of electrophoresis

To increase the effectiveness of this procedure, methods of drug electrophoresis are constantly being developed and improved. The following are currently used:

  1. Prolonged galvanization. A low-intensity electric current is used, but the exposure time is long. The Krona battery is a source of current. Well medical procedures usually 20-30 sessions. Electrophoresis is very calming and has an analgesic effect.
  2. Labile galvanization. During the procedure, one electrode is fixed motionless, and the second is in motion and moves at a speed of 3-5 cm per second along the surface of the skin. To eliminate current fluctuations, a stabilizing device is introduced into the device. The procedure well increases metabolism, improves blood supply to organs and tissues and neuromuscular conduction.
  3. Interstitial electrophoresis. Carrying out the procedure of medicinal electrophoresis using this technique comes down to the introduction of a drug or mixture of substances through a cannula subcutaneously or intramuscularly. The medicine can be administered by stream or drip. Electrodes are applied across the lesion to increase the concentration of the drug. If the medicine is administered in a stream, then the current is turned on simultaneously, and when administered by drip, after administration.

IN neurological practice electrophoresis is used for many diseases of the nervous system. The following methods are used:

1. Vacuum electrophoresis. A special device EVAC-1 is used, which has a vacuum pump and cuvettes. During the procedure, the cuvettes are applied to the skin or mucous membrane, and the pad is impregnated with the drug. After a discharged pressure is created, the skin rises and comes into close contact with the drug. The duration of the procedure is only 5-10 minutes; 5-10 must be done per course, depending on the patient’s condition and the severity of his illness. This electrophoresis method allows you to introduce large quantity medicines and much deeper.

2. Microelectrophoresis. To carry out the procedure, use a cotton pad into which a wick soaked in a medicinal product is inserted. An electrode is located on top to create contact between the metal tip and the cotton wool. The use of medicinal electrophoresis using this technique is often used for hypertension, sleep disorders, and pathologies of the nervous system.

3. Electrophonophoresis is a combination of ultrasound and electrophoresis. There is a special device that consists of an alternating current source that has a therapeutic effect, a sensor that converts ultrasound, a stabilized current source, an electric nozzle and an electrode. During the procedure, the electrode is fixed on the skin, the electric nozzle is filled with the drug, secured to the ultrasonic sensor and connected to the other pole of the current source. The current strength increases gradually, and then the ultrasound turns on. The procedures are done daily, maybe every other day, for 10-15 minutes.

Methods of medicinal electrophoresis are different, but which one to use is decided by the attending physician.

Electrophoresis methods

Except various techniques, there are ways to use this procedure:

  1. Vannochkovy. The essence is that a special container with built-in electrodes is placed medicinal solution and part of the patient’s body is immersed.
  2. Interstitial. The drug is administered intravenously or orally, and electrodes are placed on the affected area.
  3. The cavity method is used for diseases of the rectum or vagina. Medicine is injected inside and an electrode is applied, and a second electrode is attached to the outside of the body.

If drug electrophoresis is prescribed, it is important to know the algorithm, but it is also necessary to take into account that various factors can influence the absorption of the drug:

  • Location of the procedure.
  • Patient's age.
  • Duration of electrophoresis.
  • Dosage and concentration of the drug.
  • Electric current strength.
  • Ion charge and size.
  • Individual characteristics of the patient.

All this must be taken into account and the parameters adjusted in each case individually.

What are the advantages of electrophoresis

There are many physical therapy treatments, and each has its own pros and cons. The advantages of drug electrophoresis are as follows:

  • During the procedure, a small amount of medication is injected.
  • Substances accumulate, which means that the procedure has a prolonged effect.
  • Medicines are administered at the most accessible form, in the form of ions.
  • A high local concentration is created without saturating the blood and lymph.
  • You can inject medicinal substances into pathological sites, which is especially important when microcirculation is impaired.
  • The procedure is absolutely painless.
  • Side effects are very rare.
  • Medicines do not enter the gastrointestinal tract, which means they are not destroyed.
  • The medicinal substance is administered through intact skin, so special sterilization is not required.

Thus, we can say that this method of physiotherapy is not only effective, but also safe. But before doing medicinal electrophoresis, indications and contraindications must be studied.

In what cases is electrophoresis prescribed?

This physiotherapeutic procedure is prescribed quite often in complex treatment many neurological, gynecological, surgical diseases. Pediatrics and dentistry cannot do without electrophoresis. Here is a list of some pathologies that can be successfully treated with this procedure:

  1. Organ diseases respiratory system, beginning with ordinary bronchitis and ending with bronchial asthma and pneumonia.
  2. Diseases of the ear, nose and throat.
  3. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, such as gastritis, pancreatitis, and peptic ulcers, respond well to treatment.
  4. Electrophoresis is used in complex therapy of pathologies of the cardiovascular system. These include hypertension, hypotension, angina pectoris, atrial fibrillation, etc.
  5. Diseases of the genitourinary system.
  6. Pathologies of the nervous system are practically impossible without this method treatment. Migraines, neuroses, radiculitis, intervertebral hernias, etc. are perfectly treated.
  7. The musculoskeletal system also responds well to electrophoresis. This procedure is often prescribed after fractures, for osteochondrosis, arthrosis, and arthritis.
  8. Diseases of the endocrine system.
  9. Skin diseases.
  10. In the field of dentistry, electrophoresis is also not uncommon, for example, for stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontitis.

As can be seen from the above list, the indications for medicinal electrophoresis are quite extensive.

Contraindications to the procedure

There is no treatment or procedure that is allowed for absolutely everyone. We have already looked at the indications for medicinal electrophoresis. And contraindications for this method therapies are available. These include:

  • Benign and malignant neoplasms anywhere in the body.
  • Presence of heart failure.
  • Presence of a pacemaker.
  • Any inflammatory process in the body in the acute stage.
  • High body temperature.
  • Severe form of bronchial asthma.
  • Blood clotting disorders.
  • Skin conditions such as eczema or dermatitis.
  • Impaired sensitivity of the skin.
  • Availability mechanical damage at the site where medicinal pads are applied.
  • Electric current intolerance.
  • Allergy to a drug.
  • If electrodes are supposed to be applied to the area of ​​the uterus and ovaries, then menstruation is a contraindication.

In any case, even if you think that you have no contraindications to the procedure, medicinal electrophoresis is possible only after consultation with a doctor. All nuances must be taken into account.

Therapeutic effects of electrophoresis

If medicinal electrophoresis is prescribed, any technique, in principle, will be of great benefit, since the procedure produces the following therapeutic effect:

  • Reduces the intensity of inflammatory processes.
  • Has an anti-edematous effect.
  • Relieves pain.
  • Eliminates spasm of muscle fibers.
  • Has a calming effect on the nervous system.
  • Accelerates tissue regeneration.
  • Activates immune system person.

At the time of the procedure, the effect also depends on the dominant electrode. If this is the cathode, then:

  • There is an expansion of blood and lymphatic vessels.
  • Relaxation.
  • Metabolism is normalized.
  • The work of the endocrine glands is stabilized.
  • The production of biologically active substances is stimulated.

The positive electrode - the anode - has the following effects:

  • Promotes elimination excess liquid from the body.
  • Pain relief.
  • Removes inflammation.

There is no doubt about the benefits of such a procedure, but the main thing is that all contraindications are taken into account, otherwise it may lead to undesirable consequences.

Side effects of electrophoresis

If the procedure is prescribed by a doctor, taking into account the patient’s condition and his disease, then medicinal electrophoresis rarely produces undesirable effects. Most often this is a drug that can cause burning, redness, rash and swelling. After the procedure is completed, all symptoms quickly disappear.

Some patients notice increased pain after several sessions, slight increase body temperature. Usually, by the end of the course of therapy, all sensations disappear without medical intervention.

Stages of the procedure

If a medicinal electrophoresis procedure is prescribed, the algorithm should be as follows:

  1. Before the procedure, the nurse or doctor must check that the device is working properly.
  2. View the doctor's prescriptions in the patient's card.
  3. Explain in detail, especially if a person is doing electrophoresis for the first time, what the sensations may be.
  4. Help the patient occupy comfortable position.
  5. Make sure the integrity of the skin at the site where the pad is applied.
  6. Prepare pads appropriate for the application site and soak them in warm water.
  7. Apply them to the patient's body.
  8. A lead plate is placed on top, which will be connected by wire to the device.
  9. Calculate the current strength for the procedure.
  10. Check that the current intensity regulator is in the extreme left position.
  11. Connect the device to the network.
  12. Set the shunt switch to “5” if the patient is a child or the procedure is done on the head, and “50” for adult patients and other parts of the body.
  13. Gradually increase the current to the required value.
  14. If the patient tolerates the procedure well, then he can be covered, but warned that in case of any unpleasant sensations he should tell the nurse.
  15. Record the time of electrophoresis.
  16. After finishing, set the current regulator to position “0”.
  17. Disconnect the device from the network.
  18. Remove the electrodes from the patient's body and examine the skin for redness and irritation.
  19. Remind the patient when he should come for the next procedure.

Any nurse should know this execution algorithm.

Any physiotherapeutic procedures will provide significant assistance in complex therapy, but only when they are prescribed taking into account the pathology and individual characteristics patient, and are also performed with high quality, competent specialist. Do not neglect electrophoresis; this procedure will help you cope with the disease faster.

Galvanization algorithm

3. Prepare lead electrodes and hydrophilic gaskets.

4. Place or sit the patient in a comfortable position for the procedure, exposing the area to be treated.

5. Carefully examine the skin in the affected area, make sure that it is intact and there are no signs of inflammation or irritation (cover the damaged areas with oilcloth).

6. Wet the pads warm tap water, place them on the area of ​​influence, connecting the corresponding wires to the terminals of the device, fix the electrodes with pads with sandbags or rubber bandages and cover the patient with a blanket;

7. Warn the patient about sensations during the procedure (tingling, pinching).

8. Click the “Network” button.

9. Smoothly rotate the current regulator knob to set the required current in the patient’s circuit, focusing on the readings of the milliammeter and the patient’s sensations.

10. Set the procedure time on the procedure clock, or turn it over hourglass to count down time.

11. At the end of the procedure, smoothly rotate the regulator knob to reduce the patient’s current to zero and turn off the device by pressing the “Power” button.

12. Remove the blanket, remove the fixation of the electrodes, remove the electrodes with gaskets from the impact site, wipe the skin with a napkin, and in case of irritation, lubricate the skin with Vaseline or neutral oil.

  1. Make a note about the procedure in the patient’s physical room record.

Algorithm for drug electrophoresis

1. Read the doctor’s prescription.

2. Prepare the Potok-1 apparatus for the procedure.

3. Place or sit the patient in a comfortable position for the procedure, exposing the area to be treated;

4. Carefully examine the skin in the affected area, make sure that it is intact and there are no signs of inflammation or irritation (cover the damaged areas with oilcloth)

5. Prepare hydrophilic pads that match the size and shape of the impact site, wet them in warm water and wring them out. When electrophoresing one drug, one hydrophilic pad of the appropriate polarity is moistened with its solution. When two substances of different polarity are simultaneously introduced (“bipolar” electrophoresis), both pads (anode and cathode) are moistened with them. If it is necessary to administer two drugs of the same polarity, use two spacers connected by a double wire with one current pole. In this case, one pad is moistened with one, the second - with another medicine.

6. Place warm pads on the patient’s body on the projection of the affected organ. Place a lead plate on top of the hydrophilic gasket connected to a current-carrying wire with the corresponding wire on the device.

7. Secure with a sandbag or rubber bandage.

  1. Cover the patient with a blanket;

9. Warn the patient about sensations during the procedure (tingling, pinching);

10. Click the “Network” button;

11. By smoothly rotating the current regulator knob, set the required current in the patient’s circuit, focusing on the readings of the milliammeter and the patient’s sensations;

12. Set the procedure time on the procedure clock.

13. At the end of the procedure, smoothly rotate the regulator knob to reduce the patient’s current to zero and turn off the device by pressing the “Power” button;

14. Remove the blanket, remove the fixation of the electrodes, remove the electrodes with gaskets from the impact site, wipe the skin with a napkin, and in case of irritation, lubricate the skin with Vaseline or oil;

  1. Send gaskets for processing.

16. Make a note about the procedure in the patient’s card in the physiotherapy room.

Most sites write about electrophoresis, that it is a way of introducing medications into body tissues using direct electric current. low voltage and the small strength that it combines medicinal properties electric current and the positive effects of the administered drug. But the features that will be discussed below are not disclosed everywhere.

The method is based on three phenomena:

  1. Electrical conductivity of body structures.
  2. The ability of current to directly influence processes in the area of ​​application (galvanization).
  3. The ability of drugs to decompose into ions under the influence of electricity (electrolytic dissociation).

The galvanization effect involves the dissociation of inorganic salts of the body into positive and negative ions, moving in accordance with their own charge towards a positively or negatively charged electrode. Water moves along with the ions. As a result, swelling with loosening occurs under the cathode, while under the anode, the tissue thickens and shrinks.

In the area exposed to current, the movement of lymph and blood increases, metabolic and trophic processes and the regeneration of bone, nervous, connective tissue, the formation of active substances occurs. These areas with increased intensity of metabolic processes become especially susceptible to administered medications, which gives electrophoresis a number of advantages over other methods of drug administration with a relatively small number of disadvantages:



Painless procedureA limited amount of medication can be administered using this method.
In comparison with taking drugs orally and by injection, with electrophoresis, negative reactions to the drug occur much less frequently, and side effect much less pronouncedThere are quite broad contraindications to the use of electrophoresis
The medicinal substance is introduced directly into the pathological focus with the formation there high concentrations, but without saturating the body
A significant amount of the substance is injected into the surface layers of the skin and is permanently fixed there in the form of a “depot”, ensuring the duration of action of the medicinal substance
The therapeutic effect of the administered drug lasts 1-20 days
The drug substance is not destroyed in the gastrointestinal tract
The substance is administered as a combination of individual ingredients, and not in molecular form, which increases its pharmacological activity at complete absence ballast substances

Side effects of the procedure

Along with such a wide range of advantages, the procedure also has a number of side effects in children and adults:

  1. Electricity has a pronounced effect on growing areas of the bone and can slow down processes in them or unevenly accelerate and lead to the formation of small exostoses - growths.
  2. Due to the increased sensitivity of children's skin, electrophoresis can cause irritation and dryness, so electrophoresis for children has limited indications.
  3. Increased skin permeability makes baby's tissues especially susceptible to medical drugs. And even seemingly adjusted dosages can cause allergic phenomena. Read more about the types of rashes in children and their causes.
  4. Electric current actively affects the nervous system. In addition to its calming, positive effect, it can cause reverse effect– increased excitability of the brain, drowsiness without falling asleep, irritability, photosensitivity.

Cathode and anode - electrophoresis key

Positively charged particles soothe, relieve pain, relieve swelling, negative particles relax, dilate blood vessels, improve metabolism

When choosing an electrophoresis technique, it is necessary to remember that opposite reactions develop in the tissues under the cathode and anode.

Under the cathode, a noticeable increase in the permeability of cell membranes is observed, tissues swell, metabolic processes are activated, and cells become more excitable.

Under the anode, the permeability of cells decreases, their excitability weakens, and metabolic processes are inhibited.

Taking into account the direction of current flow is also of great importance.. For example, when applying the cathode to the forehead or eyes, and the anode to the back of the head, a decrease in brain excitability is noted. With the reverse arrangement, the excitability of the brain decreases. The medicinal substance must be administered from a pole that corresponds in polarity to the charge of the substance. As a rule, one drug is administered from one pole.

Physiotherapist Irina Pashkovskaya talks about the electrophoresis procedure in the video:

7 ways to carry out the procedure for various pathologies

Examples of how electrophoresis is done for various diseases:
Electrophoresis maxillary sinus . After washing the sinus with a puncture needle, the patient is placed on his side. A 4x4 cm electrode is placed on the skin above the sinus, and a 10x10 cm electrode is placed on the back of the head. The medicinal substance used is mainly an antibiotic, antiseptic or anti-inflammatory. Indicated for inflammation of the maxillary sinus of various origins.
Electrophoresis of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity and teeth. The prepared solution is put into the patient’s mouth and kept until the end of the procedure. 2 electrodes are placed on the top and lower jaw on one side (same polarity), and 1 on the back of the head (opposite polarity). This procedure is used for gum diseases of inflammatory origin (gingivitis, periodontitis), to improve healing after surgical interventions(eg, traumatic removal, alveolitis), for remineralizing therapy.
Electrophoresis according to Shcherbakov. A special cuff/pad surrounding the neck, shoulders and part of the back is placed on the appropriate area, and a second pad is fixed on lumbar region. Electrophoresis of the collar zone is indicated for hypertension, sleep pathologies, and consequences of traumatic brain injury.
Electrophoresis of the stomach. A solution of the medicinal substance, diluted in the required concentrations, is taken orally by the patient. One electrode is fixed on epigastric region or under the right ribs, the second - on the back. The patient is positioned on the back, stomach or side, depending on which part of the stomach is intended to be affected.
Lung electrophoresis used for bronchial asthma, atelectasis, chronic pneumonia and bronchitis. The bronchus is pre-irrigated during bronchoscopy or using ultrasonic inhalation. Electrodes are placed on the skin of the chest and back.
Electrophoresis of Karipazim in case of osteochondrosis, it is carried out with the aim of lysing fragments that have fallen into the intervertebral space intervertebral disc. At least 3 courses of Karipazim per year are required for 3-4 years. The procedure involves a transverse placement of the electrode on the back and front surface of the body.
Electrophoresis of the pelvic organs. It is carried out using the classical method with the placement of electrodes on the skin of the symphysis pubis and sacrum, or in the form of an abdominal procedure with the introduction of one of the electrodes into the rectum or vagina. The cavity method is more effective in treatment Bladder, prostate. In both methods, the drug can be administered transdermally or pre-injected into the rectum or vagina.

All indications and contraindications for the procedure

Indications for electrophoresis are:

  • diseases of the peripheral nervous system – plexitis, neuritis, radiculitis;
  • diseases of the central nervous system - neuroses, arachnoiditis, consequences of ischemic strokes;
  • hypertension of 1-2 degrees, atherosclerosis of large and medium arteries;
  • pathologies of the respiratory system - pleurisy, bronchitis, tracheitis;
  • diseases of the digestive system - chronic gastritis, ulcer duodenum, dyskinesia of the biliary tract, intestines. If – this could be a symptom dangerous diseases, urgently conduct an examination;
  • diseases of bones and joints - arthritis, deforming osteoarthrosis and osteochondrosis, recovery period after fractures and injuries;
  • diseases of the genitourinary organs - urethritis, cystitis, chronic pyelonephritis, prostatitis, ovarian dysfunction;
  • correction functional disorders nerve tissue in children (electrophoresis with aminophylline for infants who have had breast cancer);
  • pathologies of the ENT organs - sinusitis, otitis, tubotitis, neuritis;
  • eye diseases – retinal dystrophy, corneal opacities, consequences of injuries, optic nerve atrophy;
  • normalization of bone maturation and cartilage tissue, especially in children (electrophoresis is used in infants for dysplasia).

At the department we often use electrophoresis for remineralizing therapy and for periodontitis. We get amazing effects. In particular, after a 2-week course of fluoride and calcium preparations, it completely disappears increased sensitivity teeth.

With periodontitis, the gums become stronger quickly and for a long time. Electrophoresis, of course, is not enough for the complete disappearance of symptoms, but without it the duration of treatment is much longer.

The procedure relieves inflammation, pain, and has a resolving and regenerating effect.

Electrophoresis is contraindicated for:

  • malignant neoplasms;
  • tendency to bleeding, including hemophilia;
  • systemic blood diseases;
  • eczema and of various etiologies itchy dermatoses;
  • increased sensitivity to current;
  • the presence of metal implants;
  • on the area of ​​the heart (current affects sinus node and disrupts the rhythm);
  • hemorrhagic strokes;
  • after suffering abdominal bleeding;
  • pustular skin diseases.

Contraindications to electrophoresis in children correspond to those for adults, but additionally include increased attention to dosages.

Separately, about whether it is possible to do electrophoresis at a temperature . It is possible if the temperature is caused by the disease that is to be treated with electrophoresis. For example, temperature during exacerbations systemic diseases joints. If it is ARVI or more serious reasons– it is advisable to postpone electrophoresis.

If prescribed during pregnancy

During pregnancy, endonasal electrophoresis is successfully used during toxicosis

Pregnancy is not a contraindication for electrophoresis, and in some cases it is considered the most desirable method of administering medications.

In particular, the treatment regimen for uterine fibroids involves electrophoresis as one of the most safe ways therapy.

The use of electrophoresis in the first and third trimester of pregnancy is undesirable. due to the high reflex activity of the uterus during this period, but depending on what the pregnant woman needs electrophoresis for, the indications can be revised.

Otherwise, contraindications during pregnancy correspond to general contraindications. If there are contraindications to electrophoresis, phonophoresis is used - administration of drugs using ultrasound. The limitation is the destructibility of some substances under the influence of sound waves.

Electrophoresis for children: pros and cons

In pediatric practice, electrophoresis is used quite rarely. First of all, this applies to children aged from infants to primary school. Reason – more frequent occurrence of side effects. At the same time, it has been noted that electrophoresis for infants and young children is highly effective for hypo- and hypertonicity of muscles, hip dysplasia, neurological pathologies, although the degree of this effectiveness varies for each child.

Electrophoresis is often combined with baby massage, which is carried out after the administration of medications and promotes better distribution of the medication in the body.

If your doctor has prescribed a course of electrophysiological procedures, you should not neglect it.

To begin with, it is enough to use the minimum effective concentrations of medications and current values, and once you are convinced of safety, switch to the indicated therapeutic values.

In medical practice, electrophoresis for newborns and infants is carried out for the purpose of:

  1. Activation of cardiovascular and respiratory function.
  2. Correction of tissue development of the hip joints. The procedure normalizes metabolic processes in the joints and helps strengthen them. But. Electrophoresis with calcium chloride always acts only as an additional measure in the complex treatment of dysplasia hip joint. It is impossible to cure a baby solely with such a physiotherapy procedure. This pathology implies not only underdevelopment of the joint, but also displacement of its components, which electrophoresis with calcium cannot influence.
  3. Stimulates the maturation of nerve tissue.
  4. Normalization of muscle tone. We talk about why a child can throw his head back in this article. And about the causes of chin trembling in infants.

Separately about the use for ICP

For newborns and infants, electrophoresis is sometimes performed to correct intracranial pressure(especially electrophoresis on the cervical spine). This procedure is of controversial use in the correction of intracranial pressure.. Treatment for such a serious condition also requires serious treatment. Quite often the diagnosis increased ICP is placed unreasonably and electrophoresis of the cervical spine of the infant is not necessary. But it has an effect on tissues and carrying out such a procedure for no reason is harmful.

Electrophoresis is used to improve brain nutrition and relieve intracranial pressure in infants

None of the diagnostic methods today makes it possible to measure ICP objectively. The doctor can always make a conclusion based on the totality of data.

If you have been prescribed electrophoresis according to Ratner with aminophylline to treat increased ICP without a serious examination, this is a reason to think about it. This procedure can only help with muscle hypertonicity, stagnation V cervical spine.

Ratner electrophoresis is a procedure in which one electrode is placed on cervical vertebrae, and the second on the ribs, by right side from the sternum. Medicinal substance- Euffiline and Papaverine. Indicated for circulatory disorders in the cervical region, to correct the functional consequences of postpartum injuries, to improve metabolic processes in tissues.

Also, in order to reduce ICP, electrophoresis with magnesium is prescribed. The need for the procedure is also controversial and requires consultation with several pediatric specialists to make an informed decision. The child’s mother must understand, having received a referral for electrophoresis, that this cannot be the main and only method of treatment for suspected increased ICP.

Use at home

It is possible to use electrophoresis at home, but it will require certain knowledge. First of all, knowledge of the pathology in which the use of electrophoresis is assumed, knowledge of how to prepare a solution for electrophoresis (principles of mixing and selecting the dosage of drugs), the ability to use the device itself for physiotherapy. To a man without medical education The specialist must show the manipulation technique and control its implementation for the first time.

If you find it really difficult to go to a physical therapy office, try to find a way to do it. Or call a doctor at home if you want to perform electrophoresis at home. Still, this is an intervention in the body, albeit a gentle one. It must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist.

Use of drugs and their effect

Among the drugs most commonly used in electrophoresis are the following:

A drug

Dosage for electrophoresis


ADRENALIN1 ml of 0.1% solution in an isotonic solution 30 mlAs an addition to an anesthetic substance for pathologies musculoskeletal system– injuries, radiculitis
ANALGIN5% solutionExacerbation period and acute arthritis, osteochondrosis, arthrosis
AMINOCAPROIC ACID0.5 ml 5% solution in isotonic solution 20 mlInflammatory foci of various origins to reduce the permeability of vascular walls, arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis
HEPARIN5000 -10000 units per 30 ml of isotonic solutionArthritis, polyarthritis, ankylosing spondylitis
HYDROCORTISONESimilar to corticosteroids. Relieves inflammation in the joints, inflammation of the ENT organs, and spine
IODINE2-5% potassium iodide solutionArthrosis, exacerbation of osteochondrosis
POTASSIUM2-5% potassium chloride solutionFor inflammation of periarticular tissues, bursitis, myositis, tendovaginitis, epicondylitis
CALCIUM2-5% calcium chloride solutionIndicated for the consequences of injuries associated with bone damage, allergies, blood clotting disorders; in children it is also useful for gingivitis and other diseases of the mucous membranes.
LIDOCAINE0.5% lidocaine solution
NOVOCAINE0.5-2% solution of novocaineChronic arthritis, arthrosis, spondylosis
NO-SHPA4 ml of 1-2% solution per padAntispasmodic. Used for spasms various localizations, predominantly smooth muscle muscles of the gastrointestinal tract
PAPAVERINE0.5% papaverine hydrochloride solutionMuscle antispasmodic. Used for recovery neuromuscular conduction for injuries
PLATIFFILIN1 mg 0.2% per 20 ml sodium chlorideUsed for hypertension and a tendency to hypertension to reduce blood pressure, for cerebrosclerosis, reduces the frequency of angina attacks, improves myocardial nutrition
PREDNISOONE25 mg per 30 ml of 1% sodium bicarbonate solutionAnti-inflammatory. Corticosteroid analogue. Relieves inflammation of joints, ENT organs, spine
PENICILLIN100,000-200,000 units per 20 ml of sodium chlorideAntibiotic. Used when bacterial infections various localizations
THIAMIN2-5% thiamine solutionImpaired sensitivity in the limbs, paresthesia, numbness, weakness of muscle contractile function
TRYPSIN10 mg per 20 ml acetate buffer solutionDissolves dead tissue, thins viscous secretions, exudates, blood clots. For crush injuries during the recovery period
UNITOL3-5% solutionRecovery nerve conduction for polyneuropathy in patients with diabetes, treatment of post-traumatic cuts (impaired sensitivity)
FLUORINE2% fluoride solutionReduces resorption bone tissue, stimulates osteoblasts to form new bone structures, in dentistry, increases the mineralization of teeth, destroys bacteria that cause caries
CHYMOTRYPSIN5 mg per 20 ml acetate buffer solutionDissolves necrotic tissue, thins exudates, viscous secretions, blood clots. For spasms, crush injuries during the recovery period
EUPHYLLINE0.5-1% solutionOn the spine area in case of impaired skin sensitivity corresponding to the spinal roots, with osteochondrosis in subacute and chronic course with moderate pain syndrome.
EPHEDRINE0.1-0.5% solutionFor asthma, hypotension, otosclerosis constricts blood vessels, increases blood pressure, dilates the bronchi
FIBRINOLYSIN20,000 units per 20 ml of acetate buffer solutionFor subacute and worsening thrombophlebitis, for fresh hematomas. Dissolves blood clots, fresh blood clots

I personally use electrophoresis quite widely. Primarily for paresis, segmental type sensory disorders, and traumatic neuropathies. They tried it for diabetic polyneuropathy, but the effect was achieved only in its initial stages.

The use of anticholinesterase drugs – Neuromidin, Mediatorn – shows itself especially well.

I often use B vitamins. The effect, of course, depends on the pathology and susceptibility of the patient, but it occurs quite quickly - on the 4-7th day.


Summarizing the information about what electrophoresis is, we can say that this is one of the most effective and safe ways of administering drugs for wide range diseases, as well as during pregnancy. Simple, but requiring an understanding of a number of physical laws and pharmacology of the substances used, it is not in vain that it is carried out by specially trained personnel. This medical manipulation, and the doctor decides on its necessity.



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