Checking the correct bite and position. Incorrect bite of teeth - causes and consequences

Violation of the chewing function, a violation of the aesthetic functions of the face and smile, in especially severe cases - a misalignment of the jaw - all this can color a person's life in sad tones. For timely diagnosis There are several ways to describe how to determine malocclusion. The dentist will reveal the pathology during the examination, but the patient must notice the signs, otherwise he will not contact the specialist in time, and time will be lost.

Brings a lot of problems to its owner anomalous type bite. It can be seen even with the mouth closed, because there is often asymmetry of the lower part of the face. There are several types of bite pathologies.

The most severe type of pathology - crossbite are rarely diagnosed. However, it is more difficult to treat than all other anomalies.

How to diagnose malocclusion?

To know how to determine the correct bite or not, you need to avoid confusion with the natural type of closure of the dentition. The ideal physiological version of the norm is called orthognathic - the teeth correctly overlap each other, touch, and provide a uniform load when chewing. All these functions - contact and the correct distribution of pressure force during chewing - differ in the following variants of the norm, but the teeth are in a slightly different position:

  • biprognathic;
  • progenic;
  • straight.

In the first two types, there is a slight protrusion of the upper or lower jaw, in the last - straight - the teeth do not overlap each other, they only touch. Requires attention if excessive enamel wear occurs.

Dmitry Sidorov


If the dentition does not perform its functions, and the appearance of the face is asymmetric due to problems with the position of the jaws, then there are signs of malocclusion.

Dentist-orthodontist to identify correct bite conducts:

  • questioning the patient - what worries him, what is manifested in;
  • visual inspection;

To identify the characteristics of the bite of a particular person, there are the following technical methods:

  • tropantomogram - panoramic shot gums, roots, teeth with the help of x-rays;
  • teleroentgenogram - a picture of the skull from the side to clarify the position and size of the jaws;
  • photometry - research using photographs;
  • diagnostic models - a plaster cast is created to assess the position of the teeth, their crowding or, conversely, too large interdental spaces;
  • exclusion of inflammation of the gums and impacted (not erupted) teeth - X-ray a specific tooth
  • tomography of the temporomandibular joint - if inflammation is suspected;
  • experiments in the articular - a special device imitates the movement of the jaw so that the treatment takes place without harm to the temporal lobe jaw joints.

Dmitry Sidorov


Important! Pain in the temporomandibular joint is one of the signs of improper closing of the teeth and uneven distribution of the load during chewing.

An orthodontist has all the necessary knowledge how to determine the wrong bite. If there is a suspicion of a pathology, and even more so, the appearance pain when chewing, you must consult a specialist.

How to do it yourself?

First of all, parents should know how to determine the wrong bite in a child on their own. In children, everything develops very quickly, but their treatment is faster and more successful. When parents notice the problem in a timely manner, they will turn to the dentist in time.

The correct bite can be determined as follows:

  • mentally draw a line between the central incisors on the upper and lower jaws - it must match;
  • upper teeth at the moment of closing, they are in front of the lower ones, touch them, but do not close completely - only by one third;
  • all teeth should touch - there should not be an empty space anywhere between the tips.

Dmitry Sidorov


Important! Pay attention to the fact that all teeth grow in the right places.

A very dangerous phenomenon is dystopia - finding teeth in the wrong place - for example, higher or lower proper place in the gum The bite is formed with the participation of all teeth, so the displacement of one or more, the presence of wide interdental gaps - three - is a reason to go to a specialist.

Causes of malocclusion

Most causes of malocclusion are rooted in hereditary problems or develop in childhood. Main reasons:

  1. Bad habits (sucking a finger, pacifiers, at an older age - a pencil, pens, a constant sleeping position on the side with an arm under the head).
  2. The lack of chewing load during the formation of teeth - the absence enough solid food in the diet.
  3. Problems during the mother's pregnancy or birth trauma.
  4. Cutting disorders.

In adults, their reasons leading to violations of the closure of the jaws:

  1. Trauma, tooth loss.
  2. Mistakes in prosthetics.
  3. Wrong diet - lack of calcium, fluorine.
  4. Diabetes.

Parents should carefully monitor their children, eliminating bad habits and, if necessary, contacting a specialist in time. best period to correct defects - from 9 to 15 years, however, specialist intervention may be required earlier. For example, if permanent tooth begins to appear before the loss of a permanent one.


Incorrect bite is not a sentence. There are methods of treatment for bite correction:

  • or aligners - resemble a transparent jaw;
  • trainers - silicone tire made of elastic material;
  • - keep the teeth in the correct position, are used for children;
  • – with minor defects corrected external characteristics, similar to plates attached to the surface of the tooth;
  • – prevent further destruction and provocation possible violations closing of teeth.
  • - special locks attached to each tooth and connected by an arc, for children there is a 2x4 option - only on the front incisors.

The earlier treatment is started, the greater the chance of a positive outcome. It is important to identify and eliminate the cause of the pathology, otherwise, after treatment, the problem will soon return. It is desirable to eliminate malocclusion in the initial stages, until it begins to lead to problems with the respiratory, digestive and cardiovascular systems.

In a person's life, appearance plays important role. Those who look good are much easier to please others. The right smile is one of the most important factors of human attractiveness. Exist different kinds bite, each of which has its own characteristics. Some people have the right bite bestowed by nature, while others have to seek help from specialists.

The main signs of the correct bite of a person

The bite of the teeth is the position of the tooth lines when the jaws are closed. Normally, the upper row of teeth covers the lower one only by a third. The same incisors of the upper and mandible should be in contact. For a normal bite, it is important that the gap between the incisors is in the midline of the face.

Dentists distinguish between temporary, orthognathic, permanent, physiological, abnormal and pathological bites. An experienced orthodontist can determine the type of anomaly even when the patient is missing part of the teeth.

A small jaw defect can be a direct cause of pathology. A bite is considered incorrect if:

  • there is a cosmetic defect;
  • diction is broken;
  • the patient has difficulty chewing food.

Types of normal bite: how to determine them?

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Modern dentistry distinguishes 3 correct (physiological) types of bite. In addition to the orthognathic bite, which is considered ideal, there are other, not so aesthetic options for the dentition.

They may be characterized by small deviations from the ideal, not enough to cause inconvenience. An orthodontist can accurately determine the wrong bite. Knowing the distinguishing features of the anomaly, a person can independently check his jaw and determine whether to go to the dentist. It is important to treat anomalies of the dentition in time, because all types of malocclusion can become a direct cause of problems. It is important to understand in time whether there are anomalies in the development of the child's teeth, since in young children the pathology is treated faster.


This type of bite is also called ideal. An orthognathic bite is rare, which is not surprising. The dental arches are ideally correct form, and the upper one protrudes forward so that the upper incisors cover the lower ones by 3 millimeters. The lower jaw is not pushed forward. Orthognathic bite is characterized by the absence of gaps between the teeth and crowding. Also, one of the criteria for orthognathic bite is the correct occlusion - the location of the jaws in the process of chewing food. This can be seen in the photo.


Biprognathic bite is characterized by the fact that the incisors are pushed forward. The cutting contact is maintained. Manifested in children aged 8-10 years, after the appearance permanent teeth. The biprognathic appearance of the anomalies causes problems with digestion and the jaw joint. To correct three and diastemas, vestibular arches and plates are used, and to eliminate crowding, systemic removal according to Hotz is performed.


This anomaly is characterized by the slope of the lower and upper rows back, and not to the vestibule of the oral cavity. With this type of bite, it will be noticeable that the teeth are directed vertically. When opistognathic, they look very even. The molars and premolars are tightly closed. An incorrect bite is considered less difficult, in which only the upper dentition is retracted.

Varieties of malocclusion with a photo

Often malocclusion is congenital pathology. Sometimes a pathological bite occurs after an injury or dental disease. It should be eliminated as early as possible, before the consequences for health appear. Correct Definition type of bite can only be done by a professional, but knowing the signs of pathology will help to identify the problem in time.

Open bite

Open refers to the most complex forms of pathology. Allocate open front view, in which the front incisors do not close, and the open side. The patient's face with this malocclusion has an elongated shape. There is a violation of chewing, swallowing and diction.

By origin, rachitic and traumatic varieties of bite anomalies are distinguished. The latter appears due to the early loss of replacement teeth.

mesial or medial

For the mesial, or reverse, position of the dental lines, a strong protrusion of the lower jaw is characteristic, so that it overlaps the upper. In people with this anomaly of bite, the chin protrudes significantly forward, which gives the face a characteristic concave shape. Also, a person cannot push the lower jaw forward.

The consequences of reverse bite are unpleasant. Due to the protrusion of the lower jaw, a person experiences pain in the temporomandibular joint and difficulty in chewing food. The risk of periodontitis is also increased. This type of anomaly greatly complicates manipulations during prosthetics.

Separately, it is possible to single out a direct bite: in addition to the extension of the lower jaw forward, the lower incisors overlap with the upper ones. Although there are no obstacles to chewing food and a strong distortion of the shape of the face, a direct bite can cause rapid abrasion of the teeth. The identification of a direct bite requires sufficient qualification of a specialist, since its signs are not so pronounced.

Distal occlusion

This type of abnormal bite is distinguished by the forward protrusion of the upper dentition. It is so pronounced that the incisors of the same name do not touch. The consequences of an improper bite include increased risk the appearance of caries and periodontal disease, the appearance of problems with swallowing and pain in the jaw joint.

Deep or traumatic

This type of pathology is considered the most dangerous. With it, the lower incisors are covered by the upper ones by half, as a result of which they rub against each other. Because of this, the teeth are subjected to constant stress, which leads to their destruction. This bite causes abrasion of the teeth, which increases the risk of cavities. Such a bite causes direct difficulties with chewing food. Also, the patient experiences frequent headaches and discomfort from injury to the oral cavity. The face of a person with a traumatic malocclusion of teeth has unusual shape due to the shortened lower jaw.

Crossed or lateral

Cross is characterized by uneven development of the upper and lower jaws. The dentition intersects like scissors in the front or side.

Most clear sign this pathology - asymmetry of the face. This malocclusion greatly complicates the process of chewing food, which leads to gastrointestinal disorders. Sometimes diction may be disturbed and pain in the temporomandibular joint may appear. Teeth wear out faster, which increases the risk of periodontal disease. This type of malocclusion complicates any dental procedures.

Causes of malocclusion

There are many reasons for malocclusion. It could be:

Ways to correct anomalies in dentistry

People who are not given by nature to have an orthognathic bite often have to resort to the help of dentists. Correction of malocclusion usually takes a significant amount of time. Treatment is prescribed by an orthodontist. The duration of therapy depends on the patient's bite. In children under 14 years of age, during the formation of a permanent arrangement of molars, the correction of malocclusion is much easier.

Contrary to popular belief, malocclusion can be corrected at any age. Today, dentistry has reached such heights that the treatment of malocclusion is possible even in adults. There are many ways to correct such anomalies, but braces are still in demand. With their help, in a few years it is possible to obtain perfect smile. On the website of Gorbunov's orthodontic studio, you can see photos of the bite before and after treatment.

Myotherapy is often used to treat malocclusion in children. These are exercises that provide a physiological load for the masticatory and facial muscles. This contributes to the development and formation of the optimal position of the jaws. Since in adults the dentition is already formed, it makes sense to do such exercises only together with other treatment.

Orthodontic treatment is prescribed for adults and children over 6 years of age. It is produced using special structures installed on the teeth. They move the teeth with ligatures or springs, giving the jaw normal view. Proper orthodontic treatment can restore teeth correct location in just a couple of years. The process of correcting the bite is shown in the photo.

Orthodontic structures can be divided into removable and non-removable. The first are special plates fixed on the teeth with metal hooks. They apply directed pressure, which allows you to achieve a gradual correction of malocclusion.

Fixed designs are most popular for obtaining the correct bite. They put more pressure on the uneven dentition, due to which the malocclusion is corrected much faster.

The main disadvantage of this design is that the patient must make some effort to maintain oral hygiene. Since the device is not removable, the process of brushing your teeth is very difficult.

Complex therapy of malocclusion consists in a combination of orthodontic and surgical methods. It is used for children from 6 to 12 years old. This method allows you to remove any, even the most pronounced malocclusion.

For successful treatment and achieving the correct bite, the retention period is important. It lasts about twice as long as the period of wearing orthodontic structures. At this time, the effectiveness of the conducted therapeutic measures. If the treatment was correct, then during the retention period, the formation of a bite of the teeth occurs. As a rule, the younger the patient, the faster bite anomalies are corrected.

Mutual arrangement of the lower and upper row of human teeth in the position of a tight connection, with the maximum number contact between them is called bite. Orthodontists distinguish between physiological and pathological types closure of teeth.

Correct bite provides a functional and aesthetic optimum: distributing chewing pressure evenly, it relieves the jaw from overload. To physiological species bites include: opistognathia, direct and orthognathic bite, physiological biprognathia.

Incorrect arrangement of teeth - a deviation from the norm, expressed:

  • in violations of forms and functions,
  • in closure defects during eating, talking, at rest;

Anomalies are formed under the influence of a number of factors and must be corrected to avoid severe consequences for the body.

There are certain norms that are considered to be the correct bite. At the same time, orthodontists distinguish two types of it: temporary (in children, since in early age jaw formation is observed), as well as permanent (in adults, when the bite is fully formed and its correction is very difficult).


Unfortunately, the ideal bite is extremely rare, if not to say that it does not occur at all. Therefore, the norm is also considered to be some deviations that do not lead to serious consequences:

  1. the upper teeth overlap the lower ones according to the norm, but the lower jaw is slightly pushed forward,
  2. the teeth of the lower and upper jaws simultaneously have a slight inclination forward, towards the lips,
  3. the anterior teeth do not intersect, but close to each other with cutting, sharp edges.

Causes of malocclusion

In orthodontics, the reason that leads to a violation of the process of occlusion formation in people has not yet been established. There are numerous provoking factors that contribute to the development of abnormal interposition of antagonist teeth. However, their absolute pathogenetic significance has not been established, since the presence of the same factor in different people does not always lead to the formation of a malocclusion.

Artificial feeding, prolonged use of nipples in childhood (more than 1 year), improper introduction of complementary foods (long-term feeding of a child with soft food), impaired nasal breathing in a child, curvature spinal column And so on.

Orthopedists talk about the development of pathology in those cases when, when examining a patient, uneven development of the jaws, excessive protrusion of the lower jaw, and lack of contacts between antagonists are observed. Also, malocclusion is diagnosed in a patient if the upper incisors overlap more than half the height of the crown of the antagonist teeth.

There are a number of circumstances leading to deviations in the formation of normal relationships in the dentition.

The reason for the development of an abnormal bite may be:

  • systemic diseases of the upper respiratory tract, especially the nasal cavity;
  • lack of oral care and systematic damage to the teeth;
  • improper feeding;
  • bad habits, for example, if the child bites his nails or sucks his fingers.

One of important factors - congenital predisposition. For example, such anomalies as false prognathia, progenia are formed when the alveolar process in the lateral part is initially shortened or elongated.

Crossbite is formed with a congenital increase in interdental spaces on one side and narrowing on the other. In addition, anomalies of the dentoalveolar complex are combined with other pathologies, for example, cleft palate.

Another variant congenital anomaly- increase, decrease in the upper or lower jaw. At the same time, a pronounced expression of progeny or prognathia, respectively, is formed.

At frequent illnesses that make it difficult for air to pass through the nose, anomalies such as open bite or progeny are often formed.

Diseases predisposing to the formation of anomalies include:

  • rhinitis;
  • polyps of the mucous membrane;
  • adenoids;
  • sinusitis.

At the same time, the child breathes mainly through the mouth, and the dentoalveolar complex is deformed, since bone formations not fully formed.

Another factor in the formation of an ideal bite is breastfeeding. This is due to the fact that in newborns, the dentoalveolar complex initially has an incorrect structure.

Anatomy facial skeleton constructed in such a way that the act of sucking is carried out. For this, the lower jaw is located 1.5-1 cm deeper than the upper.

During the first year, the chewing muscles work most intensively, which contributes to the formation of the correct bite. Therefore, by the end of the first year, the jaws assume the position characteristic of an adult.

If the baby is formula-fed and given a pacifier, then less effort is required and chewing muscles are not exercising. As a result, there is a predisposition to the formation of progeny.

bite types

Correct bite is enough a rare event. Much more often you can meet people with one or another anomaly that needs to be corrected.

  1. Distal, or prognathic bite - excessive protrusion upper jaw. The lower jaw is underdeveloped.
  2. Medial, or mesial - bite with protrusion of the mandibular bone. There is an overlap of the upper crowns with the lower teeth.
  3. In an open bite, there is no occlusion of the teeth. Diastemas can be both on the side and between the elements of the anterior group.
  4. Deep bite - significant (more than 60%) closure of the lower incisors of the upper ones. Such an anomaly has another name - a "traumatic" bite, since gums and palate are often damaged during chewing.
  5. Crossbite, in which the jaws cross diagonally like scissors.
  6. A lowering bite develops as a result of abrasion of teeth against each other or after their loss.

People with irregular occlusion often have an asymmetrical oval of the face in the lower part, speech defects (usually a lisp), discomfort in the temples during chewing movements. Significant plaque buildup on some teeth can also be due to abnormal jaw closure. This is due to the uneven load on individual teeth during chewing movements.

Orthodontists distinguish five main varieties of malocclusion:

  1. Distal, with such an occlusion, both parts of the jaw have an abnormal structure: highly developed top part and slightly lower.
  2. Mesial, with such an occlusion, the lower part of the jaw has an abnormal structure. This structure has a negative effect on appearance human and the main functions of the jaw.
  3. Deep bite. because of irregular structure the main load falls on the distant teeth.
  4. Open - this is the most difficult variant of the abnormal location of the jaws in the oral cavity. With this bite, the upper and lower jaws do not touch each other. This pathology most of all affects diction, chewing food and swallowing.
  5. Cross bite is most often observed in young children, with such a bite, the lower jaw is mixed to the right or left relative to the upper part.

We examined the bite of the teeth, correct and incorrect. The photo below will provide an opportunity to get acquainted with a couple of popular anomalies.

Clinical orthodontics classifies malocclusion into 6 types: deep, cross, distal, mesial, low and open.

Deep bite

Deep incisive disocclusion is characterized by a significant overlap of the lower incisors by the anterior teeth of the upper jaw, i.e., dentoalveolar elongation. Visually, signs of such an anomaly look like a thickened lower lip and reduced in size facial area. There are 2 types of development of deviations from the correct bite:

  • deep bite (lower incisors slip to the gum edge);
  • the formation of a deep frontal overlap (this means that the cutting edges of the lower teeth articulate with the dental tubercles of the upper ones).


The cross type of malocclusion is manifested by a clear asymmetry of the face. In the oral cavity, unilateral underdevelopment of the jaw is noted. This causes crossover of the teeth in the top and bottom row. Lack of contact of molars during chewing - both unilateral and bilateral.

Mesial occlusion, progeny

Subdivided into:

  • partial (displacement in the area of ​​the frontal teeth) and general;
  • maxillary and dental.

It is possible to determine the presence (absence) of a mesial occlusion by the position of the lower teeth. With progeny, they are significantly advanced.

Open bite

It is characterized by the presence of a gap between the teeth. With this type of malocclusion, they do not contact:

  • only incisors;
  • fangs and incisors;
  • only the last molars are closed.

Distal bite

The diagnosis of "Prognathia" implies the presence of improper closing of the teeth, a crooked bite, in which a discrepancy in the ratio of the dentition is revealed due to the protrusion of the teeth of the upper jaw, or distal position lower jaw teeth. Determine this type of bite by external symptoms simple enough (there are advanced upper lip, small chin, reduced lower third faces).


A type of malocclusion, in which the result of abrasion of the teeth (lowering their height) is an underestimated closure.

The physiological bite in people can vary, its main varieties are as follows:

  1. Orthognathic bite is ideal option closure of teeth, it is characterized by a tight closure of the jaws with overlapping of the lower row by a third. Wherein mandatory conditions are the absence of gaps between the front incisors and the presence of tight contact of all teeth.
  2. The progenic occlusion has a distant resemblance to the mesial anomaly. His main hallmark is a slight extension of the lower jaw without disturbing the functioning of the corresponding joints.
  3. The level bite differs from other types by the contact of the upper and lower teeth when the jaw is closed, which leads to a parallel arrangement of the arches. This feature is not a pathological case, although with it there is an accelerated erasure of tooth enamel, since increased pressure is exerted on the cutting surfaces.
  4. Biprognathic bite has salient feature: simultaneous advancement of both jaws at once. However, this case is not an anomaly of development if normal contact between the dentition is maintained.

With all the options considered, the normal functioning of the jaw system and the aesthetics of the face are preserved, so a person should not experience physical or psychological discomfort.

With the undisturbed development of the dentoalveolar system, the relative position of the upper and lower dentitions may be different. Distinguish the following types correct bite:

  1. Orthognathia - the upper dental units evenly overlap lower teeth, forming a single line. In this case, the incisors overlap the lower antagonists up to a third of the height of their coronal part. The cutting edges of the incisors form a tubercular contact. This option physiological occlusion in dentistry is recognized as a reference and practically does not occur among the population.
  2. Progenia - in this case, the patient's lower jaw is somewhat pushed forward.
  3. Direct (orthogeny) - incisors in the upper and lower dentition form contact with cutting edges.
  4. Bioprognathia - has the same characteristics as the orthognathic type of bite, however, the incisors of both jaws are tilted towards the vestibule of the mouth.

Orthodontists distinguish the following options for the correct bite:

All of the above varieties of correct bite ensure the physiological functioning of the dentoalveolar system.

Bite in children

The bite of the teeth is correct and incorrect in children - a separate issue. It is at an early age that the jaw is formed and the foundations of the future bite are laid. In children on breastfeeding more often than in children, the correct bite is formed on an artificial one. The main reason that can lead to pathologies is a large hole in the nipple, because in this case the lower jaw is not involved in the work.

Another reason for the development of malocclusion is bad habits, such as thumb sucking. Because of this seemingly harmless habit, a gap is formed between the teeth.

Also adversely affect the development of the jaw at an early age, frequent colds(sinusitis, rhinitis, etc.)

Signs of correct teeth bite

The correct bite in humans involves the arrangement of the teeth in such a way that the upper row covers the lower row by a third, and the upper molars are in close contact with the lower ones. With the correct bite, the upper arch of the teeth is characterized by the shape of a semi-oval and its size should be larger than that of the lower one. With a correct bite, there is no crowding of the teeth.

A person with a perfect bite has a harmonious oval face with complete symmetry of the lower part. The bite of the teeth is correct and incorrect, one might say, a conditional definition, because. correct bite occurs in a small percentage of people. More common small deviations from the norm.

The teeth do not overlap, but when closed, they form one straight line and clearly close around the entire perimeter; this type of connection of the teeth is called a direct bite.

When closing the teeth, the lower part moves forward a little. Such a bite in dentistry is called prognetic.

When the teeth are closed in one line, both jaws rush forward slightly, such a bite in dentistry is called a biprognathic bite.

It is worth noting that various bites of teeth can lead to speech defects: correct and incorrect. Speech therapy will help to cope with various deviations in speech.

It should be noted that absolutely correct bite is extremely rare, only in units.

Most people have such a structure of the teeth and lower jaw, which is not ideal, but at the same time, the normal functioning of the dentition is ensured.

To the right kind bite include:

  • straight;
  • progenic;
  • biprognathic.

The first option is close to ideal, but the deviation lies in the location upper incisors exactly opposite the bottom. As a result, the contact surfaces of the teeth are subjected to increased friction and wear of the enamel increases.

Progenic bite is characterized by protrusion of the lower jaw. The mandibular arch, especially in the anterior part, protrudes forward and forms an angle with the upper one.

With abnormal bite pathological abnormalities are so great that the performance of such functions as chewing food and the formation of speech is impaired. It is in such cases that it is especially important to contact a specialist to correct the bite.

There are the following bite anomalies:

  • vertical;
  • sagittal;
  • transversal.

In the first, open and deep bite are distinguished. This type of anomaly is associated with an increase or decrease in growth alveolar processes jaws.

Pathologies in the sagittal direction are characterized by the displacement of the upper jaw forward relative to the lower jaw or vice versa. In the first case, this is called prognathia ( distal occlusion), in the second - progeny (mesial bite).

Transversal anomalies develop due to the expansion of the interdental spaces on one side of the jaw and narrowing in the opposite. Therefore, the upper and lower dental arches are located so that they intersect.

Each of the above deviations in the structure of the dentoalveolar complex can be true and false.

It depends on the altered anatomical formations.

With false bite anomalies, violations develop due to the incorrect structure of the dental arch in its various parts or individual groups of teeth.

True pathologies are characterized by a change directly in the upper or lower jaw and alveolar processes throughout, which may increase or decrease disproportionately.

How to determine

The presence or absence of an anomaly can be determined independently. You need to stand in front of a mirror, swallow and naturally close your teeth. The normal jaw line looks like this:

  • There is no gap between the rows - the teeth are in close contact with each other.
  • The imaginary vertical lines between the lower and upper incisors coincide.
  • The upper row, at most, overlaps the lower teeth by a third of the height.
  • The cutting edge of the lower incisors is in contact with the palatine tubercles of the upper ones.
  • During chewing movements, the molars do not lose contact with each other.
  • The upper dental arch, similar to a semi-oval, is larger than the lower one and tilts slightly towards the mouth. The lower one looks like a parabola and is directed towards the larynx.

Sometimes it is difficult to distinguish the norm and pathology. An orthodontist can give an assessment of the state of the structure of the dentoalveolar system.

In order to independently assess the type of occlusion of the teeth and decide whether to contact a specialist for help, you need to know how to determine the correct bite and identify developmental anomalies. The initial assessment of occlusion at home is carried out visually. Its principles are shown in the table below.

Only an orthodontist can accurately determine the presence of pathologies.

If there is only deformation of the teeth in the oral cavity, then external differences There are no indications of orthodontic problems.

Correct diagnosis of bite in a patient can only be carried out qualified specialist, since dentistry describes different types physiological and abnormal relationship of the jaws. However, you can find out if you need to consult an orthodontist by first checking the relative position of the dentition at home.

How to determine the wrong bite of the teeth yourself?

The algorithm of actions is as follows - with a closed mouth, a person swallows saliva and closes his teeth, after which he fixes their position. Then, parting his lips, he examines the relative position of the jaws in the mirror. With the correct (physiological) bite, the following picture is observed:

  • lack of gaps in the dentition, incorrect position of individual units in the jawbone;
  • dental units of the upper and lower jaws are tightly closed and located on a single line;
  • the lower incisors are slightly covered by the upper antagonists;
  • the midline of the face is located clearly between the first incisors of the upper and lower jaws.

The reason for contacting an orthodontist is the absence of one or more of the described symptoms. You should also consult a dentist for advice if excessive accumulation of soft plaque is detected on individual teeth, long time bleeding gums.

To determine exactly whether the bite is correct or not, only a specialist can.

Knowing the features of the physiological bite, a person can independently evaluate it and, if necessary, consult an orthodontist.

To understand whether the bite is correct, it is necessary, first of all, to pay attention to the face:

  • If the occlusion is correct, then the oval of the face should be harmonious.
  • Bottom part the face with a normal bite is completely symmetrical.
  • The midline of the face runs clearly between the first incisors of the upper and lower dentitions.

Visually physiological bite as follows:

  • The teeth in the upper and lower rows are tightly pressed against each other and are located on the same line.
  • Gaps between teeth and also crooked standing teeth missing.
  • upper incisors slightly cover the lower ones.

Reasons to visit the dentist may also include:

  • Increased plaque buildup on some teeth. This is due to insufficient chewing load on this group of teeth.
  • The presence of bleeding gums.
  • If hissing is observed. If a child has a violation of diction, then it must be shown to the orthodontist.

The main method for verifying anomalies of the dentoalveolar complex is radiography.

It allows you to evaluate the relative position of the jaws, deviations in the location of the dentition and detect additional pathologies, such as cleft palate.

A number of tests are used to assess the motility of the masticatory muscles. For example, gnathodynamometry allows you to assess the force with which the jaws are compressed. This method determines how functionally active the muscles responsible for the act of chewing are.

The orthodontist during the examination determines the position central occlusion, that is, it evaluates the plane in which the teeth of the upper and lower rows are closed.

This diagnostic feature allows to differentiate progeny and prognathia, as well as to distinguish the true and false forms of these diseases.


Modern methods of diagnostics and treatment in the field of orthodontics are very extensive and able to cope with complex cases themselves. The bite of the teeth is correct and wrong treatment has a variety, each patient needs to select his own set of measures.

The main methods of dealing with malocclusion include the following.

Removable caps. This method of struggle is suitable for patients in whom the process of forming permanent teeth has not yet been completed. This group includes children under the age of 13-15 years. It is convenient to put on a mouth guard at night, this method will help in the fight against minor pathologies, such as single clusters and twisting of the teeth.

Installation of braces. With this method, braces are installed on each tooth, they can be either metal or ceramic.

It is necessary to wear such systems constantly. The period of treatment depends on the nature of the pathologies.

It is worth noting that this is the most common method of dealing with malocclusion. Often, to correct a large grouping, one or more teeth have to be removed in order for the others to move apart.

As a result, all empty spaces will be filled, the bite will even out. The method is suitable for both adults and children.

Surgical correction of malocclusion. This method is used to correct very complex pathologies when other methods fail to obtain a result. Typically, such operations last for several hours, take place under general anesthesia. During the surgical intervention, it is possible to correct completely or partially malocclusion of the third degree of complexity, various deformities of the dentition of the face, asymmetry of the jaw bones.

It is impossible to correct the wrong bite on your own.

Bite correction takes a long time. Often therapy lasts more than a year. The age of the patient who applied to the doctor also means a lot: the earlier treatment is started, the faster the expected effect will be achieved.

Incorrect bite: the consequences of development

The main consequences of malocclusion are psychological discomfort due to the incorrect position of the teeth, as well as difficulty in eating and pronunciation.

With more severe forms malocclusion changes the symmetry of the face, appear serious problems with chewing (up to complete impossibility), the mucous membranes of the oral cavity (gums, tongue, inner sides cheeks), the child may not learn to speak at all, breathing worsens, pain and inflammation appear in the temporomandibular joint, which is responsible for the physiologically correct and comfortable movement of the jaws.

There is no need to be afraid of malocclusion, it is important to determine the presence of anomalies at an early age and start correcting the position of the teeth and jaws as soon as possible. After all, small child the formation of the jaw and the teeth will be easy to adjust. Fortunately, for this, dentists today have a whole arsenal of tools from metal plates and arcs to effective bracket systems.

1 According to RIA Novosti.

Incorrect bite: prevention

To form the correct bite, it is necessary to give Special attention from the first days of a baby’s life, this will allow you to get rid of long and expensive treatment in the future.

During the period of formation of permanent teeth, it is necessary to consult an orthodontist, who, in case of malocclusion, will prescribe the optimal treatment.

Preventive measures of abnormal occlusion are conditionally divided into 3 periods.

The bite of the teeth is the ratio of the teeth of the upper and lower jaws to each other, including in motion. In orthodontics (a section of dentistry responsible for the study and treatment of anomalies in the development of teeth and the jaw system), there is a concept of correct and incorrect bite. And if in the first case the teeth are even, straight, and the jaws function without pain and any problems, then in the second case, any troubles can arise - from clicking joints, breaking the aesthetics of a smile, and to problems with closing the jaws. And all these ailments must be eliminated.

All other positions of the teeth relative to each other and in the row as a whole are considered deviations or anomalies. Depending on the degree of malocclusion, we can also talk about the consequences - in some cases they are limited to the displacement of teeth and psychological discomfort because of an ugly smile, and in some cases lead to serious inflammatory processes jaw joints, inability to close the jaws, and even nutritional problems.

In order to determine if you have malocclusion, stand in front of a mirror, close your jaws and look at the overlap of the front teeth, as well as the degree of closing of the posterior teeth.

Incorrect bite is considered in the presence of the following anomalies:

  • if one of the jaws is underdeveloped relative to the other, it is noticeably smaller,
  • if the lower jaw is displaced to the side,
  • if the lower jaw is strongly advanced forward, while the lower teeth overlap the upper ones,
  • if the lower jaw is opposite, strongly "pushed" back and the upper one protrudes forward,
  • if the teeth of the two jaws do not close (side or front),
  • if some of the teeth intersect with each other in a chaotic manner,
  • if the teeth are rotated relative to their axis or tilted (this may even concern only one tooth), there is crowding in the row,
  • there are gaps between the teeth.

Consequences of malocclusion

The more equal and whiter teeth the more beautiful the person's smile. But today, a truly correct bite from nature can be seen quite rarely. More and more parents bring their children to the orthodontist with the problem of crooked teeth and their closing. There are many reasons for this, but everything can be corrected if the anomaly is identified in time.

Correct bite

Teeth bite - this is a feature of the closure of the upper and lower jaws.

With the right bite, the front upper teeth cover the lower ones by about a third.

The upper row of teeth is in contact with the teeth of the same name in the lower row.

There are no gaps between the teeth in the row.

Moreover, the median line of the face passes between the central incisors of the upper and lower dentitions.

The most common among Europeans (75-80%) is orthognathic bite. It is characterized by certain signs of central occlusion, some of which apply to all teeth, others only to the anterior or chewing teeth, the third - to the joint and muscles.

Signs of central occlusion in orthognathic bite. The upper dentition has the shape of a semi-ellipse, the lower one is a parabola.

The buccal tubercles of the upper small and large molars are located outward from the same-named tubercles of the lower premolars and molars. Thanks to this, the palatine tubercles upper teeth fall into the longitudinal grooves of the lower, and the buccal tubercles of the lower teeth of the same name - into the longitudinal grooves of the upper ones.

Such a bite is considered normal (physiological).

The correct bite gives the face harmony, makes the smile irresistible, and the process of chewing food is effective.

Based on statistical data, it was revealed that the correct bite in humans occurs only in 10% of cases.

How to determine

To determine exactly whether the bite is correct or not, only a dentist can

Knowing the features of the physiological bite, a person can independently evaluate it and, if necessary, consult an orthodontist.

To understandwhether the bite is correct, it is necessary, first of all, to pay attention to the face:

  • If the occlusion is correct, then the oval of the face should be harmonious.
  • The lower part of the face with a normal bite is completely symmetrical.
  • The midline of the face runs clearly between the first incisors of the upper and lower dentitions.

Visually, the physiological bite looks like this:

  • The teeth in the upper and lower rows are tightly pressed against each other and are located on the same line.
  • There are no gaps between the teeth, as well as crooked teeth.
  • The upper incisors slightly overlap the lower ones.

Reasons to visit the dentist may also include:

  • Increased plaque buildup on some teeth. This is due to insufficient chewing load on this group of teeth.
  • The presence of bleeding gums.
  • If speech defects are observed. If a child has a violation of diction, then it must be shown to the orthodontist.

Orthodontists distinguish the following options for the correct bite:

  • Orthognathic bite - is ideal in terms of aesthetics. The upper row of teeth overlaps the lower one throughout. The incisors of the upper jaw overlap the crowns of the incisors of the lower jaw by no more than 1/3. This type closing of the teeth maximally provides swallowing, chewing and speech functions. In fact, orthognathic bite almost never occurs.
  • With a progenic type of occlusion, a slight protrusion of the lower jaw is observed. This bite is border state between the norm and the anomaly.
  • If the upper and lower incisors are closed by cutting edges, then we are talking about a direct bite. However, with such a bite, the possibility of rapid erasure of teeth is not ruled out.
  • In the presence of a bioprognathic bite, which is similar to orthognathic, there is a pronounced inclination of the teeth of the upper and lower jaws in the anterior direction.

All of the above varieties of correct bite ensure the physiological functioning of the dentoalveolar system.

How to avoid an overbite

The formation of a bite in a person begins at birth and lasts up to about fifteen years.

Therefore, it is during this period that it is important to pay special attention to the prevention of malocclusion in a child.

Types of malocclusion:

  • It is important that from the first days of birth the child is breastfed.
  • Do not abuse the pacifier, which is so loved by small children.
  • By the age of two, the child should be completely free from bad habits (sucking fingers, toys, and other objects).
  • During sleep, the child must be in the correct position. The baby should not be allowed to sleep open mouth and tilted head.
  • If a child has difficulty breathing, he often wakes up or snores in his sleep, you should contact not only the pediatrician, but also the dentist.
  • An important point is the nutrition of the child. In the diet of the child at the end of the formation milk bite solid food must be present.
  • ENT diseases should not be ignored, especially if the child breathes through his mouth.
  • Diseases such as rickets, tuberculosis, dyspepsia negatively affect the development of the dentoalveolar system.
  • In the period of mixed dentition, it is important to monitor the hygiene of the oral cavity, to treat milk teeth in a timely manner. It is very important that they serve their due date.
  • It is necessary to pay attention to the prevention of scoliosis in children.

How to fix an overbite

If an abnormal bite is found, then you need to consult an orthodontist.

The orthodontist with the help of special orthodontic appliances will create optimal conditions that will help correct the incorrect closure of the jaws.

Orthodontic devices can be either removable or non-removable. Removable ones can be put on and taken out independently, fixed structures are put on and taken off by an orthodontist.

  • If the bite pathology is insignificant, then the correction is carried out using plates or removable mouth guards.
  • In more difficult cases braces are applied. They are installed by a doctor. With the help of braces, the teeth become even and the anomaly of bite is eliminated.
  • In severe cases, resort to surgical intervention(orthognathic surgery).
According to Anastasia Vorontsova - Save to social networks:


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