Increased basal temperature before menstruation. What is basal temperature and how does it change throughout the cycle? Pathological deviations of basal temperature

Delivery - difficult process involving many body systems. After the birth of a child, a woman in labor feels weak, tired, and sometimes pain. So, in 50% of women, the pelvic bones hurt after childbirth, which gives them discomfort, prevents them from living fully and caring for a child.

Causes of pain

Causes discomfort several in the pelvic bones. They are associated with changes that allow the body to adapt to pregnancy and ensure the passage of the child through the birth canal.

Pulling or sharp pain in the pelvic area with lumbago is a reason to consult a doctor for an examination and treatment.

Possible diseases

Many pregnant women experience a disease such as symphysitis. Pubic bones are connected to each other by a fibrocartilaginous disc - symphysis. Under the influence of hormones and fetal pressure, the symphysis is stretched by 5–6 mm or more. As this discrepancy increases and inflammation joins, symphysitis is diagnosed.

Symphysite are peculiar pain when walking, changing body position, physical activity. The gait changes (becomes similar to a duck), there is discomfort during urination and defecation.

The disease is diagnosed by palpation. When pressing on the symphysis in pubic area arises sharp pain. Also used for diagnosis ultrasound procedure, which, however, allows small errors. The most accurate degree of symphysitis allows you to establish x-ray examination. If the discrepancy is more than 1 cm, doctors may decide to refer to a caesarean section.

Rupture of the symphysis during childbirth is a rare phenomenon that requires surgical intervention and prolonged, for several months, bed rest.

Postpartum recovery includes a number of measures that allow you to connect the dispersed parts of the pubic joint and limit their movement:

  1. Bed rest and reduction physical activity. The first time after childbirth, women need to reduce the load, if possible, entrusting the care of the child to relatives.
  2. Bandage. Special bandages have been developed that wrap around the hips, limiting the mobility of the hip joints and pubic bones.
  3. Visiting an osteopath As the condition improves, the doctor will prescribe a set of physical therapy exercises.
  4. Restoration of vitamin and mineral balance to strengthen bones and connective tissue.
  5. Anti-inflammatory therapy and physiotherapy in a day hospital.

The course of treatment is compiled individually after examination and consultation of the therapist, gynecologist, osteopath and surgeon. In some cases, an operation is prescribed with the introduction of steel supporting structures.

How to relieve pain

Severe pain in the coccyx and pubic area is relieved by painkillers, conditionally allowed for breastfeeding: Ibuprofen, Paracetamol. At artificial feeding you can take any effective painkillers for which the woman in labor has no individual contraindications: Pentalgin, Ketanov, No-shpa, etc.

It happens that the transferred stress and unstable hormonal background depress the central nervous system and change the perception of pain. In this case, it is recommended to take sedative drugs that are relatively safe for breastfeeding: Glycine, Valerian, Motherwort tablets.

Preventive measures

Prevention of symphysitis during pregnancy avoids postpartum complications.

  1. Recommended to do special gymnastics stretching and strengthening muscles pelvic floor.
  2. With an uncomplicated pregnancy, you need to walk a lot, walk on fresh air. Walking helps to strengthen musculoskeletal system, a ultra-violet rays increase the production of vitamin D, necessary for the absorption of calcium.
  3. It is necessary to take a vitamin-mineral complex, which includes calcium and phosphorus, which help strengthen bones and connective tissue.
  4. Proper nutrition, combined with moderate exercise, helps maintain normal balance. useful substances, providing good health and functioning of the body systems that will be involved in childbirth.

Many pregnant women and women who have given birth have pain in the pelvic bones. This is due to the changed hormonal background, increased load and is a variant of the norm. Attention to yourself, observation of sensations, regular examinations and following the doctor's recommendations will help to avoid injuries and quickly recover after the birth of a child.

Pregnancy is special condition woman, which is accompanied by changes hormonal background. All changes are aimed at adapting the body to childbearing and childbirth. However, due to some features of the woman's body or due to the fact that the concentration of hormones increases several times, various painful sensations may appear.

These are the pelvic and lumbar pain occurring in 25-50% of pregnant women and women in postpartum period. They are most often affected by recent months gestation. This is due to the fact that the fetus becomes quite heavy, and the concentration of certain hormones in the blood is at a maximum.

An important point is that the concentration of some hormones increases, while others decrease in different periods gestation. In this regard, the severity of their action on the fetus and the body of a pregnant woman changes.

Hormone name Mechanism of action trimesters postpartum period
Progesterone Stimulates the mammary glands of a pregnant woman to increase the number of glandular cells, ensures the attachment of the embryo to the wall of the uterus and its development by suppressing the mother's immunity, reducing its contractility. Promotes fluid retention in the body. 18.50 - 44.80 nmol/l 46.80 - 83.90 nmol/l 91.50 - 273.30 nmol/l 16.50 - 19.00 nmol/l
Estrogens Improve functional state uterus, and also increase blood flow in its tissues. Prepare the breast for feeding by increasing the alveolar ducts. Stimulate the growth of the uterus. Reduce arterial pressure pregnant and increase blood clotting. Promotes increased fat deposition, relaxation ligamentous apparatus in the pelvic area. 0.205 – 3.50 ng/ml 4.10 - 12.10 ng / ml 13.10 - 39.50 ng / ml 40.00 - 45.50 ng/ml
Chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) Controls the course of pregnancy early stages and performs protective function. Stimulates the release of adrenal hormones that protect the fetus from attacks by its immune system. After all, 50% of the body perceives it as foreign body. Improves the functional activity of the placenta due to increased blood flow in her tissues. 45 – 90000 IU/ml 10000 - 35000 IU / ml 10000–60000 IU/ml -
Relaxin Reduces the tensile strength of the ligaments in the pelvic area, womb and sacroiliac region. Stimulates the opening of the cervix, lowers blood pressure and dilates blood vessels. - - - -
Prolactin Increases the growth of the mammary gland due to glandular cells, which in the future will synthesize colostrum and milk for the baby. 9 – 190 ng/ml 45 – 265 ng/ml 50 – 350 ng/ml 70 – 450 ng/ml
Somatomammotropin The action is aimed at the growth of the mammary gland and its preparation for the production of milk. The hormone has a very high activity. 0.05 – 1.7 mg/l 0.3 – 6.6 mg/l 2.6 – 11.5 mg/l -

Let's see why the pelvic bones, lower back and sacrum hurt during pregnancy and after childbirth? Is this pain normal after childbirth?

Physiological action

It is believed that the hormone relaxin weakens the ligaments and helps soften the cartilage of the pubic and iliosacral joints. Its concentration increases at the end of the third trimester, thereby preparing birth canal. Under the influence of relaxin, the cartilaginous disc of the pubic articulation, interosseous, dorsal, ventral sacroiliac ligaments of a similar articulation fall. During pregnancy and in the first days after childbirth, the pelvic bones hurt most intensely, it may be difficult for a woman to lie on her side and back. Pain syndrome localized in the region of the sacrum, lower back, hip joint. After childbirth, the condition returns to normal within a few weeks, the pain subsides.

excessive action

With an increased concentration of the hormone relaxin and its metabolites in the blood or with high sensitivity to it, it can cause excessive relaxation of the pelvic ligaments and cartilage. With pathological relaxation of the cartilage of the pubic joint, the pelvic bones diverge and symphysitis occurs, and with the defeat of the sacroiliac - sacroileopathy.

These diseases are accompanied by the fact that the sacrum, coccyx and hip joint area. Pain of moderate or moderate intensity, increases with palpation in the pubic area and when getting out of bed. Patients complain that the pelvis and its bones hurt when going to the toilet. After rest, pain usually disappears and worsens with any physical activity.

Injuries during childbirth

Increased activity of relaxin, large fruit, complications labor activity can lead to rupture of the pubic joint or damage to the coccyx. With a rupture of the pubic joint, the pelvic bones diverge in this area up to 5-7 cm and immediately after childbirth cause pain of medium or high intensity. The pain is exacerbated by any movement, and in bed after childbirth, the puerperal is in a forced position - the “frog position”.

With an injury to the coccyx, the puerperal will feel pain only when she gets on her feet or sits for a very long time, during the act of defecation. The pain is intense, pulling in nature, aggravated by getting up from a sitting position, bending forward, tension of the muscles of the pelvic floor. The injury may be accompanied by a curvature of the posture and spine - antalgic posture.

  1. objective data.

In addition to collecting complaints of pain in the relevant area, studying the anamnesis, the doctor conducts an examination and palpation to find out the distance between the pelvic bones, to assess the function of the joints. Also, with a rupture of the pubic joint or symphysitis, the patient will not be able to raise her legs in an unbent position upwards while lying on a hard couch. There may be difficulty moving up stairs, a change in gait, which is diagnostic criteria to make this diagnosis.

  1. Radiography.

The main research method, which is a litmus test in the diagnosis of postpartum injuries and lesions of the ligamentous apparatus of the pelvis, remains radiography. It is thanks to her that it is possible to make such diagnoses as "symphysitis", "rupture of the joints", "fracture and dislocation of the coccyx", "sacroileitis".

According to x-ray data, 3 stages, or degrees of severity, of symphysitis are distinguished:

  • Stage I - the distance between pelvic bones from 0.5 cm to 1 cm;
  • Stage II - from 1 cm to 1.9 cm;
  • Stage III - more than 2 cm.

With an increase in the distance of more than 2-3 cm, it is worth thinking about breaking the pubic joint.

Treatment of diseases associated with damage to the ligamentous apparatus of the pelvis after childbirth is aimed at creating favorable conditions to heal and strengthen surrounding ligaments. For this purpose, postpartum women are prescribed orthopedic pillows in the form of the letter C, seat cushions in the form of a ring (donut), massage, water aerobics and swimming.

A good assistant in treatment is a bandage, which provides a quick and effective strengthening ligaments, restoration of function musculoskeletal system while unloading it. Wear a bandage throughout the disease. There are also special corsets that ensure the immobility of the coccyx and contribute to its healing. They also prescribe medications that are aimed at reducing inflammation, relieving pain - paracetamol, ibuprofen, B vitamins.

Timely access to a doctor with complaints, a detailed history and characteristics of pain (where and how it hurts) allows you to early stages diseases to carry out as much as possible effective treatment, is a protection against the development of complications.


  1. Obstetrics / V.I. Duda - Minsk - 2013 - 576 pages.
  2. Obstetrics and gynecology T.1 / V.M. Zaporazhan - 2005 - 472 pages
  3. Obstetrics. National allowance / E.K. Ailamazyan, V.I. Kulakova, V.E. Radzinsky, G.M. Savelyeva - 2009 - 1200 pages.

Some women experience problems conceiving for a long time and one of the ways to choose the best time to approach a long-awaited pregnancy is learn how to measure basal temperature before menstruation, during ovulation and correctly schedule changes basal body temperature by days menstrual cycle. So, what should be the basal temperature during pregnancy how you measure your basal body temperature before and during pregnancy.

Indicators of basal temperature in the first trimester of pregnancy in many cases may be of interest to a gynecologist. During this period, the temperature usually does not fall below 37 degrees. Her woman should measure, being in a state of absolute calm.

Normal menstrual cycle accompanied by a basal temperature below 37 degrees during the first phase. Somewhere in the middle of the cycle, ovulation occurs, the indicator rises sharply, by no less than 0.4 degrees. This basal temperature will be maintained throughout the second phase. A day or two before the onset of menstruation, or on the first day of the cycle, the temperature should drop again. What should be the basal temperature during the delay and early pregnancy at a woman? When on the first day of the cycle and beyond, the basal temperature remains stably high, there are no periods, then it must be assumed that the woman has become pregnant.

How to measure basal temperature correctly? Measurement of basal temperature should take place according to the schedule: in the morning, after waking up, at the same hour. At this moment, even small activity, including communication, is prohibited. Prepare a thermometer in the evening, before going to bed. reset former indicators and put it on the nightstand next to the bed. Using mercury thermometer the measurement process takes about 5 minutes. If using an electronic device, place it under your tongue, purse your lips (slightly) and wait 40 seconds to a minute. Below we will tell you in more detail how the basal temperature changes during pregnancy and how best to measure the temperature for correct scheduling.

Before measuring basal temperature
sleep for at least 3 hours. If you got up at 6 in the morning and then went back to bed before 8, take measurements at 6, even before you get out of bed. Otherwise, you will only sleep for 2 hours continuously. The thermometer must be the same. Write down negative factors(stress, illness, change of scenery), then it will be easier to analyze the data. As soon as you measure the temperature, immediately write it down so that you do not forget it later.

To find out what is the norm for your basal temperature in the individual phases of the cycle, take measurements for 3-4 months. For exact definition days of ovulation daily calendar of temperature fluctuations need to maintain 6-12 months. It is forbidden to use contraceptives of any type, wearing a spiral, using contraceptives. They significantly affect the performance in the process of measuring basal temperature.

Another serious factor is the correct basal temperature charting, accurate records. Before the egg is released from the ovary, the temperature varies between 36.6-36.9 degrees.

The basal temperature is not unambiguous and each woman will have her own individual temperature fluctuation schedule. These fluctuations are caused by the production of sex hormones. As you know, the basal temperature during pregnancy will be kept at a high level (above 37 ° C). This indicator, along with the absence of menstruation on the corresponding days, with a high degree of probability indicates a successful pregnancy. Next, we will tell you what the basal temperature should be in certain cases, how to measure the basal temperature correctly, and what the basal temperature can be during early pregnancy in a woman.

- click on the photo and expand the tables (basal temperature during pregnancy, with development female diseases) and graphs with decoding.

We hope that the prepared material will be useful to you. Now you know how to measure basal temperature and how it changes before menstruation, during ovulation,

One of hidden signs long-awaited pregnancy convincingly is the change in basal temperature. The method, which is based on drawing up its schedule and its subsequent analysis, has been known for a long time. But even now, despite the diversity modern diagnostics, it is relevant and successfully used. With its help, it is possible to determine favorable successful conception days, relax and do not use contraceptives in the "safe", learn about troubles in the body. Some women consider it too troublesome, others scrupulously fulfill all the requirements and find out that they will become a mother, even before the delay in menstruation. What do the changeable indicators of basal temperature before menstruation signal and how to get them as correctly as possible?

The essence of the method is how the basal temperature changes before menstruation

Basal body temperature should be recorded in the morning, immediately after waking up and before the start of any active action. The place of its measurement is not the usual armpit, but one of the three possible ones of your choice - the vagina, oral cavity, anus. Most experts advise giving preference to the latter, as the most convenient and giving reliable results. In order not to distort the correct picture, you should follow the simplest rules:

- take measurements at the time exactly set by you yourself, after a good night's rest, without getting out of bed comfort. It is undesirable to take readings of basal temperature before menstruation - the procedure must be preceded by a three-hour good sleep, but even in this case, incorrect readings are possible;

- use a special thermometer, which is inserted rectally for 5 minutes. It is better to prepare it the day before - shake it and put it on the bedside table. It is impossible to change a mercury device to an electronic one and vice versa, the same one must be used throughout the entire cycle;

- to draw up an individual schedule, it is necessary to carefully record the results obtained immediately after the procedure, otherwise they can be forgotten, noted incorrectly and changed big picture observations;

- Availability contributing factors, which may affect the correctness of the results, it is desirable to indicate in detail in your daily records. The reliability of the figures can raise doubts if used the day before. alcoholic beverages, not enough deep and prolonged sleep, the presence of intimate relationships, existing activity disorder gastrointestinal tract, stress.

The method is based on temperature changes depending on the current phase of the menstrual cycle. To understand the expected results, you should briefly familiarize yourself with what basal temperature before menstruation should be normal.

At the first stage of the cycle, the readings of the base temperature should be in the range of 36.3 ° - 36.8 °. After the release of a safely matured egg, there is a rapid jump in temperature immediately by half a degree, the resulting value remains almost until the beginning of critical days. The culprit for the change in basal temperature before menstruation is progesterone, which is in a hurry to start active training to possible conception. At this stage, the most reliable answer to the question of what basal temperature should be before menstruation will be 36.8 - 37.5 °. The last 3 days before the start of the discharge, in the absence of conception, are marked by their decrease, the standard temperature indicator is 37 °. Summing up the above, we note that a sharp and rapid increase in basal temperature in the middle of the cycle signals successful ovulation, and its decrease just before the arrival of critical days indicates the failure of conception.

The doctor suggests regularly monitoring changes in basal temperature if:

- there are various hormonal disorders;

- within 12 months, an attempt to become pregnant ends in failure, and there is a suspicion of infertility;

- needs to be determined auspicious days suitable for successful conception;

- needs to be checked hormonal level on the different stages menstrual cycle.

For a convenient visual comparison of which basal temperature before menstruation should be normal and which values ​​​​are present in your records, it is most convenient to draw a graphic image.

Easy and fast - we draw up a graph of basal temperature before menstruation

It is very simple to do this - you only need a piece of plain paper in a box. In the horizontal direction, the days of the menstrual cycle are arranged in order, in the vertical direction - the readings obtained by measuring the basal temperature, where the cell corresponds to 1/10 of a degree. At the level of 37°, it is better to draw a horizontal dividing line for clarity, which will serve as a boundary between the two main phases of the cycle. AT perfect description the graphic will look something like this:

1. Starting from the first day of menstruation and until the end of the discharge, the temperature indicators gradually decrease to 36.3 ° - 36.6 °. They are in this range until ovulation, creating ideal conditions for the successful maturation of the egg.

2. A rapid jump in parameters above the 37 ° mark is convincing evidence of successful ovulation. The absence of an increase, or a situation where its gradual increase stretches for 2-3 days, is a signal of existing problems with ovulation. Perhaps the egg has not matured, or has already died.

3. Throughout the phase monthly cycle after successful ovulation, the basal temperature before menstruation exceeds 37 °, and only 2-3 days before the arrival of critical days, it begins to decrease slightly. With the onset of menstruation, it reaches 37 °. If the graph clearly shows single drops in temperature below the indicated horizontal line - alas, most likely, the egg has died.

The finished drawing, if all the values ​​​​do not go beyond the normalized framework, and the body does not have pathological changes, resembles the wingspan of a seagull - one of them personifies the first phase and settled down below the horizontal line, the second - corresponds to the temperature indicators of the second phase and is located a little higher.

What do deviations in basal temperature indicate before menstruation

If conception did not happen, the last two or three days before the start menstrual flow indicators rectal temperature slightly decrease and do not exceed 37 degrees. If they are higher, you can, while still timidly, rejoice at the onset of pregnancy, and the delay will also testify in favor of this. However, not only a happy event can change the basal temperature before menstruation. Accession of the lean brown secretions according to the type of menstruation, it can be a formidable sign of a possible ectopic pregnancy or a warning about an existing threat of miscarriage.

If available acute inflammation in the appendages, a decrease in basal temperature before menstruation will not occur, and during critical days it will even rise to 37.3 - 37.5 °. Endometritis has almost the same manifestations, only slightly allowing the temperature to drop before the appearance of secretions. An increase in basal temperature before menstruation to 37.4 ° sometimes serves as a manifestation of an insufficient level of estrogen. In this case, consultation with an endocrinologist will not hurt, and with the desired pregnancy, you will have to wait a bit. The doctor will definitely ask what basal temperature before menstruation was observed for recent cycles, so her schedule will come in handy.

Any deviation from your usual temperature parameters in the direction of decrease or increase is a reason for a visit to the doctor. This applies to stable changes that have been observed for at least three cycles. It is quite possible that you don’t have to worry, since the basal temperature depends on many different factors - excessive excitement, incorrect measurement, moving to another area, hypothermia, fatigue, etc. When diagnosing, the doctor not only analyzes what basal temperature was observed before menstruation during the last cycles, but also takes into account important nuance is the difference between the average temperatures in different phases. Experts believe that normally this figure should be 0.4-0.5 degrees. It is the anomaly of this parameter that reports the pathology.

Basal temperature before menstruation day - are the indicators reliable

All valid values ​​​​of which basal temperature before menstruation should be normal are based on morning measurements. It is on them that doctors and the women themselves are guided, because the temperature obtained at a different time of the day can differ significantly from the morning readings. The difference between evening and morning indicators can be a whole degree, and the basal temperature before the monthly day can reach maximum numbers. This cannot be considered a pathology, since it is due to the fact that any activity of the processes occurring in the body reaches its peak indicators in daytime. Taking measurements at the wrong time and comparing the results with what basal temperature before menstruation should be according to normative indicators, you can get completely unpredictable results.

Instantly after waking up and doing even minimum action, the organism is habitually influenced by many external conditions- psycho-emotional and physical exercise, food intake and many others. They can distort the readings of the basal temperature before the monthly day and prevent the correct schedule from being obtained. They cannot be avoided and taken into account when analyzing the graph, so for the reliability of the result, you should still measure the basal temperature before menstruation in the morning. You should also not use this method against the background of taking hormonal drugs, the result will be obviously false. Inaccuracies can also be introduced by some other factors:

- travel and travel, especially long-distance;

- the presence of infections;

short-term or too long sleep (more than 12 hours);

- sexual intercourse;

- Taking certain medications (on this occasion, a doctor's consultation is desirable).

What is the basal temperature before menstruation is the reason for a visit to the gynecologist

It should be noted that the reason for visiting a doctor can be not only a temperature indicator, you should also pay attention to the number and duration of both phases of the cycle. You should not neglect the advice of a specialist if:

- the basal temperature is lowered, or vice versa, increased, throughout the entire cycle and does not change before menstruation;

- in the second phase, the basal temperature before menstruation rose by less than 0.4 °;

- there is an insufficiently rapid rise in temperature in the middle of the cycle;

- there is an anomalous change in the time component of the cyclic phases - the first should not last longer than 17 days, and the second should last less than twelve.

Measurement and analysis of basal temperature before menstruation give excellent results with reasonable planning of the desired family composition, complex diagnostics hormonal pathology and all kinds of inflammatory processes, detection and treatment of infertility. The efficiency of the method is quite high, subject to sufficiently strict rules for measuring and comparing data for at least three cycles. However, it is not worth it on your own, only on the basis of the readings of the basal temperature before menstruation, to make a diagnosis for yourself and, moreover, to prescribe treatment. This should be done by a specialist, he will appoint additional examination. Modern methods diagnostics is enough, and their reliability is beyond doubt, and the method of research using basal temperature takes its rightful place among them.

One way to better understand the processes taking place in a woman's body is to monitor the basal temperature. This method will allow you to find out when ovulation occurs, when your period will go, to suspect inflammatory processes, violations of pregnancy and the threat of its interruption.

Its main advantage is the minimum financial costs, you only need to buy a thermometer. The disadvantages include high sensitivity to various factors. Reliable result can only be obtained with strict observance of all measurement rules.

The basal temperature depends on which hormones prevail in the woman's body. From the beginning of the cycle until ovulation, estrogens are the main ones, they help to reduce it. After the release of the egg, the leading role belongs to progesterone, which raises the basal temperature.

Before ovulation, there is a surge in estrogen, which helps to reduce it. However, this effect is not observed in all graphs. The basal also decreases slightly. Mostly this happens in a few days (average 3). This is explained by the fact that the amount of progesterone begins to fall.

It is desirable to continue measurements in critical days. Basal should normally gradually decrease. By their end, it descends to the level of the first phase.

women who use this method, usually interested in what basal temperature should be during menstruation. Just want to note that this is very individual. Only by taking measurements for at least three cycles can this question be answered.

Now the values ​​\u200b\u200bthat occur in most women will be given. Basal temperature during menstruation usually drops from 37 degrees at the beginning to 36.4 at the end. This is due to an increase in the amount of estrogen and a drop in progesterone levels.

When constructing a graph for horizontal axis we postpone the days of the cycle, and by vertical axis- temperature. On average, in women, menstruation lasts 5 days, at which time a decline is observed on the graph. Then, during the first phase, the basal temperature is between 36.4-36.6, then there may be a slight drop and a sharp rise. This indicates that ovulation has occurred. The second phase begins, during which the temperature is kept at 37-37.2.

Then there is a drop to 37 degrees, which indicates imminent menstruation. If this does not happen and the second phase lasts more than 18 days, then pregnancy can be suspected. If, after a fall, the basal temperature rises during menstruation, then this may be a sign of the uterus).

If it keeps during menstruation and before it, and falls only at its end, then this may indicate a miscarriage that has occurred. If it does not decrease, and the discharge is scanty, then perhaps there is a pregnancy with a threat of interruption.

Normally, the second phase lasts exactly two weeks, its duration can vary within a couple of days. If it is less than 10 days, then it requires a hormonal examination and, possibly, treatment.

The length of the first phase has wider limits. Actually, the duration of the cycle depends on its duration. The difference between the average temperatures in the phases is very important. It must be greater than 0.4.

Only a qualified gynecologist should deal with the decoding of the graphs. Based on them, treatment cannot be prescribed. It is very important to carry out hormonal examination and folliculogenesis. During it, ultrasound is done several times per cycle. While monitoring the growth dominant follicle and the condition of the endometrium. Evidence of ovulation is the formation corpus luteum and availability free liquid.

Basal usually in anus right after waking up in the morning. On the graphs, it is necessary to note all the factors that affect it (sex, alcohol, drugs, insomnia, stress that take place the day before).

Measurements are made clearly at the selected time, for example at 7 am. Tolerance- half an hour. You can use both electronic and mercury thermometer. Measurements are taken up to sound signal or 5 minutes respectively.

So, the basal temperature during menstruation should gradually fall. For most women, this happens from 37 to 36.4 degrees. If she's holding on high level, then endometritis can be suspected.



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