Passiflora is a herbal homeopathic medicine whose main properties are sedative and antispasmodic. Doctors of classical medicine readily use the drug in their practice.

Passiflora (passion flower) is a plant that has up to 500 varieties. Introduced to Europe from the New World in the 16th century. Source: flickr (ANGELO).

The plant owes its name to its flower, which is unique in beauty and structure. The Italian Giacomo Bosio saw in the flower of the plant the embodiment of the suffering of Christ. WITH Latin name should be translated as flower of suffering (“passio” suffering, “flos” flower).

The natural range of Passionflower is South America, in particular Brazil and Peru. In Russia, the plant is grown artificially as a medicinal plant, in the Caucasus and in the Black Sea coast area. Fruit edible species Passion flowers are known to us as passion fruit. IN medicinal purposes Fresh or dry leaves of the plant should be consumed.

This is interesting! Passionflower is used for medicinal purposes not only by homeopaths and folk healers, but also by official pharmaceuticals as part of popular complex drugs. For example, it is part of Novo-Passit.

Psychotype of Passiflora

Passiflora is used to treat alcoholic and drug addiction(from morphine). The Passiflora patient is an unbalanced type with symptoms of delirium due to delirium tremens or taking narcotic drugs. Prone to hysteria, manic-depressive syndrome. Patients sleep little at night, are fussy and irritable during the day. IN acute stage become violent.

The state of remission is characterized by unsociability, withdrawal, and aggression towards others. General characteristics is the presence of spasms. Against the background of chronic alcoholism, attacks of epilepsy are not uncommon. Neuralgia internal organs, limbs. General state characterized as extreme weakness.

Note! Frequent patients Passion flowers - children (infants). They are prescribed the drug for teething, cramps, and poor sleep.

Effect on the body

The homeopathic remedy Passiflora can be prescribed to a child during teething. Source: flickr (Shawn Veader)

Passiflora has a calming effect on the patient's brain and nervous system. Used as an antispastic agent for headaches, myalgia, and asthma attacks.

The action of Passionflower should be studied more deeply. However, it is known to quickly heal stubborn erysipelas. Local application products are effective for burns, chancre, hemorrhoids.

Indications for use, clinical picture

The Passiflora plant has a direct effect on the body therapeutic effect. Official medicine uses Passiflora preparations in complex therapy psychoneurological pathologies that arise against the background of alcohol and drug addiction.

IN homeopathic practice one should focus on the studied pathologies. Homeopaths recommend passionflower for:

  • , severe bronchitis with suffocation;
  • atonic states;
  • childhood seizures, epilepsy;
  • erysipelas, burns;
  • delirium tremens;
  • headaches, neuralgic pain;
  • night;
  • diarrhea, worms, hemorrhoids;
  • tetanus;
  • , anxiety states.

The clinical picture of the Passiflora patient has not been fully studied. You should be guided by known characteristic symptoms. Among them are:

  • headache, which is characterized by the patient as “the top of the head is separated from the head”;
  • protrusion of the eyes, which the patient characterizes as “a desire to push eyeballs back into the skull with your fingers";
  • feeling of a “stone in the stomach” after eating, bloating, heartburn;
  • worms;
  • convulsions;
  • spasms;
  • neuralgic pain of various localizations;
  • persistent state of agitation, unmotivated anxiety, insomnia.

The mild effect of the drug determines its safe use in children. There have been no cases of poisoning or overdose.

Beautiful passionflower: using the plant for calm. Passionflower incarnate tincture recipe

Passionflower EDAS-111 is a homeopathic remedy intended for the treatment of increased nervous excitability.

What is the composition and release form of Passiflora EDAS-111?

The active ingredients in the drug Passiflora EDAS-111 are represented by the following extracts: Stryсhnos ignatii C6, in addition, Coffea arabica C6, as well as Passiflora incarnata C3. Auxiliary components: 30% ethyl alcohol solution.

The drug Passiflora EDAS-111 is available in a clear solution, with characteristic odor ethanol The product is sold in dropper bottles with a volume of 25 milliliters. Sold without a prescription.

What is the effect of Passiflora EDAS-111?

The effect of the homeopathic drug Passiflora EDAS-111 is due to the unique chemical composition. The synergistic (joint) influence of the components is aimed at the central nervous system. The medicine has a weak sedative effect.

Stryсhnos ignatii

Ignacia plant extract contains significant amount alkaloids: strychnine and brucine, which can affect the central nervous system, significantly enhancing reflex functioning.

This compound in significant quantities can cause severe poisoning, occurring against the background of convulsive muscle contractions and changes in the severity of spinal reflexes. In addition, intoxication is accompanied by damage to the respiratory and vasomotor centers.

In small concentrations, this component of the drug has a calming effect, helps reduce nervousness, improves the condition of the central nervous system, and also helps normalize mood.

Constitutional type Stryсhnos ignatii: predominantly young women with dark hair, prone to hysterical behavior and frequent changes mood, asthenic physique.

Passiflora incarnata

Passiflora plant extract has a sedative and antispastic effect. This substance is often included in many homeopathic preparations used to treat neurological pathology.

When poisoned by this component, the drug causes severe headaches, bloating and abdominal pain, heartburn and belching, numbness in the fingertips, as well as blurred vision.

In significant dilutions, the extract helps normalize the activity of the central nervous system, improves the process of falling asleep, relieves pathologically expressed anxiety, and also eliminates cough.

Coffee beans contain significant amounts of biologically active substance- caffeine alkaloid. This component of the homeopathic remedy is a strong stimulant. nervous activity, which has a vasospastic (vasoconstrictor) effect.

Caffeine poisoning leads to severe nervous overexcitation: headache, insomnia, numbness of the limbs, dizziness, convulsions, delirium, talkativeness, twitching of the fingertips. All these signs accompany poisoning.

What are the indications for use of Passiflora EDAS-111?

The instructions for use allow the use of Passiflora EDAS-111 solution in the following cases:

Sleep pathology;
Increased irritability;
Asthenic conditions of various origins;
Depressive pathology.

It should be remembered that homeopathic medicines should be considered as an effective complement to traditional (allopathic) drug therapy. Their use as the main treatment method is unlikely to be effective.

What are the contraindications for use of Passiflora EDAS-111?

Use homeopathic medicine Passiflora EDAS-111 (solution) instructions for use do not allow for individual intolerance and alcoholism.

What is the use and dosage of Passiflora EDAS-111?

Homeopathic remedy Passionflower EDAS-111 is usually recommended for adult patients to take 5 drops on a piece of sugar 3 times a day, preferably before meals. The duration of treatment depends on the dynamics of the symptoms of the disease and should be determined by the attending physician.

For children under 2 years of age, 1 drop is prescribed once a day. At the age of 2 to 5 years - 2 drops 1 time per day; from 5 to 10 years - 3 drops per day; from 10 to 14 years - 4 drops. The duration of treatment should be agreed with a specialist.

Passionflower EDAS-111 - drug overdose

In case of an overdose, signs of nervous overexcitation may appear: headache, dizziness, talkativeness, irritability, vomiting and nausea. Treatment is usually not required. It is enough to stop taking the medicine for a while.

What are the side effects of Passiflora EDAS-111?

Taking Passiflora EDAS-111 may cause the following: side effects: heartburn, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, headaches, skin allergic reactions.

special instructions

During treatment with homeopathic remedies, approximately during the first 3 to 5 days, short-term aggravation of symptoms is possible. This phenomenon is not a reason to discontinue the drug. As a rule, the patient's health should return to normal within a few days.

How to replace Passiflora EDAS-111, what analogues should I use?

Passionflower EDAS-911.


Treatment of neurological pathology should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. It is very important to adhere integrated approach: good sleep person at night, medical-protective regime, proper nutrition, vitamin therapy courses. In addition, you need to periodically visit your doctor to adjust the dosages of medications taken.

According to Wikipedia, passionflower or passionflower is a large family of flowering plants. It includes more than 550 species native to Mexico and Central America. Some representatives were discovered quite recently, for example, P. pardifolia became known to scientists only in 2006.

Our story will concern Passiflora incarnata. The second name is meat-red passionflower. It is this sample that is edible and is famous as sedative medicine.

The Spanish conquerors learned about the beauty from the Indians, who drank a decoction of the plant to dull pain and treat insomnia. Interestingly, they also dried the leaves and smoked them as tobacco.

Nowadays, passionflower incarnate is included in the national pharmacopoeia of France, Germany, Great Britain and Switzerland. These are countries where homeopathy and herbal medicine are traditionally strong.

In developed countries, incarnata is available in the form food additives. In Russia and the Near Abroad, meat-red passionflower is used to produce the popular remedy Alora.

Beneficial features

The raw materials have a complex composition. Present in leaves great amount alkaloids and flavonoids. Among them is the promising anti-cancer apigenin.

Today it has been proven that the leaves of the plant provide the brain with a natural calming neurotransmitter - gamma-aminobutyric acid(GABA, English GABA). Indian scientists also found that flowers and roots do not have a sedative effect. ()

Under what conditions does it make sense to try our heroine?

  1. Anxiety. For health benefits, it works as an effective sedative.
  2. Menopausal disorders. It will help relieve irritability, headaches, and depressed mood. ()
  3. Quitting nicotine use. As a mild adaptogen, it softens excitability and irritability. ()
  4. Insomnia. Passion flower decoction is considered especially effective. ()
  5. In experiments on rats, the heroine of the review helped restore sexual activity aging males. Although no human studies have been conducted, older men may benefit from taking a course of the pill.
  6. To treat alcohol and opiate addiction, a combination of passionflower and clonidine is used. In these cases, observation by an experienced narcologist is mandatory. ()

It has been suggested that passionflower may be effective in treating asthma, epilepsy, and diseases of cardio-vascular system And high blood pressure. These beneficial features remains to be confirmed or refuted in human clinical trials.

Huge benefits for stress: how it works

Agree, we constantly come across calls to reduce the level chronic stress. Time management, instructions about deep breathing and other organizational “pills”. In response, we most often shrug it off and move on. And in vain! The price the body pays for nervous overload is extremely high.

The basis of most diseases and early old age is nervous exhaustion. It supports systemic age-related inflammation, distorts metabolism, forms clamps in the spine and stagnation in lymphatic system. What can we say about visible damage in the form bad habits, overeating, endless fatigue and depression.

This is largely due to stress causes the production of cortisol. It is ancient and very strong hormone which helps to survive. However, synthesizing it is extremely costly for the body.

In ancient times, the cortisol mechanism was completely justified. It was difficult for a person to survive physically. And the biochemistry of the body with the strongest substances worked in his favor every day.

However, today most of our problems lie on the psychological plane. A constant production and the accumulation of powerful hormones detrimentally takes away resources from all body systems.

What to do? - you ask.

The first is to use up the already produced cortisol. In our power different means: easy and enjoyable physical exercise, cold and hot shower, massage, proper warming up in the bath.

The second is to use a suitable sedative medicine, including passionflower, to help.

Contraindications and harm to health

A barrel of delight cannot do without a fly in the ointment. Because of complex composition passionflower leaves also have side effects.

Here are the cases when the herb should absolutely not be used.

  • During pregnancy. The product stimulates uterine contractions.
  • When breastfeeding. The effect of passionflower on breast milk.
  • Before surgical intervention. The medicine may interfere with the effect of anesthesia. Use should be discontinued at least two weeks before surgery.
  • In combination with other sedatives. Otherwise, you risk turning into a somnambulist.
  • You should not take drops or tablets together with anticoagulants. The raw material slows down blood clotting.
  • Delay taking the supplement if you are taking medications that lower your blood pressure.

Let us note that we have encountered the prescription of the drug Alora to pregnant women. It is unknown what guided the doctors. Perhaps superficial knowledge of the subject. Alas, it is customary to take “ant-weeds” lightly. With the information presented, we would not take any risks with the use of passionflower during pregnancy.

In addition to contraindications, do not forget about precautions!

  • The long-term effects of use have not yet been studied. It is not recommended to drink the adaptogen for longer than two months.
  • Passionflower may reduce the reaction rate. This is important if you drive a car or engage in hazardous work.
  • Immediately stop the sedative with our heroine if there is severe lethargy, dizziness, confusion, or problems with coordination of movements. In addition, overdose sometimes leads to nausea and bloating. Fortunately, if you follow the dosage that suits you, such effects are very rare.
  • Haven't taken this herbal help before? Start with minimal therapeutic doses and do not rush to increase.
  • Buy medicinal extracts, which are made exclusively from Passiflora incarnata. Other members of the family can be dangerous. Among the harmful specimens is Passiflora alata. ()

Forms of the drug, doses and where to buy

Dry herb tea.

  • How to cook medicinal tea. Boil 2 grams of dry leaves in 150-200 ml of water for 10-15 minutes. Let it cool. We drink 3-4 times a day. For better brewing, it is recommended to grind the leaves into powder. It is advisable to drink not only the liquid itself, but also the resulting sediment. ()

Alcohol based drops.

This remedy works faster than others. We drip and dissolve from the tongue. You can try it like ambulance. The dosage depends on the concentration. Decent products come with instructions for use, which indicate the dosage range. For example, these drops (30 ml) are taken 26-58 drops up to 3 times a day. This dietary supplement is also available in the most economical bottle - 60 ml.

Convenient form- capsules and tablets.

The supplement can be purchased at a pharmacy or on iHerb. Instructions must also be included with this passion flower. You can compare the price online, as well as reviews from people who have already purchased the product.

On average, the effective and safe amount of extract starts from 90-100 mg per day and varies depending on personal tolerance. () Do general conclusion will not work.

According to reviews of European doctors, who often praise passionflower, the following scheme can be used.

  • Prevention of stress - tablets of 100-200 mg 1-2 times.
  • Mitigation of an already advanced reaction - 500-700 mg 1 time per day.
  • Way out of the heavy nervous overload- 500 mg up to 3 times a day.
  • If during use there is strong desire"cry it out" no need to choke him. On the contrary: cry! And add movement. Dance, do squats, swing your arms and legs, break a sweat on the aerobic machine. And even bang your fist on the wall and bang pillows on the sofa. Or arrange contrasting douches from a bucket, which are even more powerful than a shower.

Our opinion is clear.

The effects of stress must be removed from the body quickly and as much as possible. To healthy devastation, to become bored with negative emotions and anxiety. Boredom is the first step to a positive perception of life, to new interests and joy. This is the only way cortisol will not steal years of life and tons of health from us.

We hope you were interested in learning about passionflower. Its tablets are affordable, the instructions for use are clear, and the reviews Russian doctors the medicine is as favorable as the opinions of naturapaths in Europe and the USA.

Of course, it will not do without testing and selecting doses to assess your personal reaction. Regardless of what you choose as your best anti-anxiety medication, the benefits of recycling excess cortisol are enormous. And reducing stress is the most sensible strategy for both weight loss and overall health, beauty and happy longevity.

Thank you for the article (17)

Passionflower tablets are sold through a network of pharmacies. The composition has pronounced soothing properties and has a limited list of contraindications for use; passionflower-based products are not recommended for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding due to the high risks of adverse reactions.

Dosage form

The drug Passiflora is produced in the form of tablets intended for external use.

Description and composition

Passionflower is not considered as a full-fledged medicinal product, but is a biologically active additive to daily diet person. Tablets have round shape, gray, heterogeneous color.

The main active ingredient of the medicine is dry passionflower extract.

Pharmacological group

Biologically active additive to the daily diet.

The drug helps in the following situations:

  1. Reducing the severity of mental (fear, irritability, insomnia) and somatic manifestations of anxiety.
  2. Improving sleep, increasing its depth and duration in people with concomitant depression.
  3. Stabilization emotional state without sudden mood changes.
  4. Reducing pathological craving for alcohol in chronic alcoholism.
  5. Decrease psychological dependence to benzodiazepine derivative drugs.
  6. Improved libido ( sexual attraction to the opposite sex), which suffers from depression.

The medicine does not affect a person’s body weight, does not cause addiction or dependence, and does not affect the neuronal uptake of the neurotransmitter norepinephrine.

Indications for use

The main medical indication for the use of the drug is the treatment of depression and anxiety of various origins.

for adults

Patients of this age group can use the composition if indications for use are detected. The medication is well tolerated and rarely causes adverse reactions in the patient. The drug does not cause addiction if the rules of use are followed. Prolonged and uncontrolled use may pose a danger to the patient.

for children

Children under 12 years of age are contraindicated to take the drug. Indications for use for children over 12 years of age will be the same pathologies as in adult patients, but the composition should be used according to a special scheme.

During pregnancy, the drug can be used only in cases where the expected benefit for the woman is significantly higher than all possible risks for the formation of the fetus. Prescribed exclusively for absolute indications.

If you use the product during lactation, you should immediately stop breastfeeding.


The list of contraindications to the use of the drug includes the following conditions:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • increased sensitivity of the patient's body to certain active substances;
  • childhood.

The use of the composition by patients with contraindications is prohibited.

Applications and dosages

Doses of the drug are selected individually, depending on the indications for use and the age of the patient. At correct definition doses, the composition is well tolerated. Adverse reactions during administration of the composition may be associated with individual intolerance. The occurrence of such a reaction is a sure reason to discontinue use of the product.

for adults

Persons given age category use passionflower extract in tablets at a dose of 1-2 tablets per day. The exact volume of consumption is recommended by the doctor after the diagnosis has been clarified. The duration of the course is more than 1 month.

for children

The medication can be used in children over 12 years of age according to the same medical indications, as for adults.

for pregnant women and during lactation

It is not recommended to use the drug during pregnancy and breastfeeding. During the tests, it was found that the drug can provoke abortifacient. Reception at early stages may lead to termination of pregnancy. It is not recommended to use the product during breastfeeding, since it active ingredients can pass into breast milk, thereby provoking allergies in the newborn. If it is impossible to discontinue the use of the drug during breastfeeding, the woman should decide on interrupting lactation.

Side effects

Against the background of the reception medicinal product reactions from the outside can be observed various organs and systems, namely:

  1. Cardiovascular system – decrease in the level of systemic blood pressure, orthostatic hypotension, bradycardia, arrhythmia, conduction disturbance.
  2. Nervous system – drowsiness or agitation, headache, occasional dizziness varying degrees severity, disorientation, general weakness, increased fatigue.
  3. Digestive system – nausea, dryness, bitterness in the mouth, diarrhea, loss of appetite.
  4. Immunity – allergic reactions on the skin.
  5. Reproductive system disorders.

If any of the above reactions are detected, it is recommended to stop taking the drug.

Interaction with other drugs

At simultaneous use Passion flowers with ethyl alcohol and other substances that depress the central nervous system, their influence is significantly enhanced.

Increased effect of drugs to lower blood pressure, which may require a reduction in their dosage.

Increased suppressive influence of drugs that depress functional activity structures of the central nervous system.

special instructions

On initial stages When using a medication, depression and lethargy may occur. Some patients complain of drowsiness.

During drug therapy, potentially dangerous work is excluded.


In case of overdose it is prescribed symptomatic therapy, since there is a specific antidote for active substance there is no drug. The patient should be provided with gastric lavage and recommended to take a sorbent. Admission to high doses– is dangerous and can cause hypotension.

Storage conditions

The medicine Passiflora in tablets must be stored at a temperature of no more than 25 degrees. The maximum storage period is 2 years. It is not recommended to use expired composition. The drug is released from a network of pharmacies for free sale.


As analogues medicinal composition other agents with sedative characteristics will be considered.

It is a sedative composition with a unique formula. The product contains only herbal ingredients. The product meets high safety criteria and is well tolerated by patients different groups health.


The cost of Passiflora tablets is on average 161 rubles.

Pharmacotherapeutic group N05CM50 - other hypnotics and sedatives.

Main pharmachologic effect: improves mood in cases of depression, reduces anxiety and mental stress, has a light hypnotic effect without symptoms of depression upon awakening, has anticonvulsant properties.

INDICATIONS: as a sedative for patients with neurasthenic and depressive states, under stress, anxious state, nervousness, sleep disorders, during menopause and premenopause; effective for vegetative symptoms diseases of the nervous system ( cardiopsychoneurosis, headache, cerebral vascular crises, increased sweating, palpitations), as well as with post-infectious asthenia.

Directions for use and dosage: for adults - to achieve sedative effect should be taken 5 - 10 ml of syrup (1 - 2 tsp) 3 r / day (number of times per day) before meals, for sleep disorders - 10 ml (2 tsp) before bed, for children (over 3 years): 2.5 ml (0.5 tsp) syrup 2 - 3 times / day (number of times per day), the duration of treatment is set individually depending on the indications and clinical effectiveness drug.

Side effect when using drugs: The occurrence of side effects is unlikely, sometimes - AR (allergic reactions).

Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, children under 3 years of age.

Drug release forms: syrup 100 ml in vial. (Bottle), 200 g (700 mg / 5 ml) per vial. (Bottle) tab. (Tablets), film-coated, 100 mg each

Visamodia with other drugs

CNS (central nervous system) depressants (alcohol, sedatives, hypnotics) potentiate the effect of the drug

Features of use in women during pregnancy and lactation

Pregnancy Use when benefit potentially outweighs risk to fetus
Lactation: Use when the benefit potentially outweighs the risk to the child.

Features of use for insufficiency of internal organs

Dysfunction of the cerebrovascular system:
Dysfunction of the liver: No special recommendations
Renal dysfunction No special recommendations
Dysfunction respiratory system: No special recommendations

Features of use in children and the elderly

Application measures

Information for the doctor: The drug is addictive.
Patient Information: Caution - when working with mechanisms that require attention, and drivers Vehicle. Alcohol consumption is contraindicated.

Combination preparations containing Passiflora

  • Guaifenesin + valerian officinalis + lemon balm + St. John's wort + hawthorn + passionflower + hops + black elderberry


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