Physalis: use, beneficial properties and contraindications. Physalis - what is it, edible and ornamental species, beneficial properties and harm of berries

Physalis is a small plant with orange cups that look like Chinese lanterns. Physalis has many other names: Hebrew cherry, Incan cherry, Aztec cherry, golden berry, ground or Peruvian cherry, pichu berry and pok pok. This is a member of the nightshade family, which is grown as a medicinal and ornamental plant.

The ripe fruit is sweet, with a pleasant grape aroma. It contains many vitamins and antioxidants that are beneficial for health.

Composition and calorie content of physalis

The composition of physalis is nutritious and varied.

Composition 100 gr. Physalis as a percentage of the daily value:

  • vitamin PP- 14%. Normalizes the functioning of the nervous, circulatory and digestive systems;
  • vitamin C- 12%. Protects against colds and flu, lowers blood pressure and is effective against Parkinson's disease;
  • vitamin B1– 7%. Participates in metabolism. Ensures the functioning of the nervous and digestive systems;
  • iron– 6%. It is part of hemoglobin and supplies the body with oxygen. Acts as a catalyst for metabolic processes;
  • phosphorus- 5%. It is part of phospholipids, ATP, DNA, nucleotides, strengthens bones.

The calorie content of physalis is 53 kcal per 100 g.

The fruit contains fatty acids, including many polyunsaturated ones. It also contains ananolides and carotenoids. These are natural, like kaempferol and quercetin, which kill harmful bacteria, protect against cancer and relieve inflammation.

The beneficial properties of physalis have long been known in the East. In India, it is used as a diuretic and anthelmintic, and is also used for intestinal disorders.

In Taiwan, physalis is used to treat cancer, leukemia, hepatitis, rheumatism and other diseases. The berry is used to relieve inflammation and fever, fight infections and strengthen the immune system. It is useful for the treatment of malaria, asthma, hepatitis, dermatitis and rheumatism.

Physalis relieves inflammation, so it is used in the treatment of joint diseases and osteoarthritis.

The berry reduces the level of “bad” cholesterol. Its use normalizes blood pressure and prevents ischemic stroke.

Studies have proven the benefits of physalis in Parkinson's disease. The product has a positive effect on the nerves that are responsible for muscle movement.

Vitamin A in physalis is good for vision and protects the eyes from the development of diseases.

The berry is effective in treating abscesses, coughs, fevers and sore throats.

Physalis normalizes intestinal function and improves peristalsis. These properties will improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract during constipation.

Physalis leaves have a choleretic and diuretic effect.

Physalis stops the spread of colon and breast cancer cells. The root of the plant contains physalin, a substance recommended for the treatment of intermittent fever.

Harm and contraindications of physalis

The harm of physalis, like its relatives - potatoes, tomatoes, bell peppers and eggplants, for some people manifests itself in individual intolerance.

Physalis contraindications:

  • bleeding disorders – the fetus increases the risk of bleeding;
  • low blood sugar;
  • taking medications that lower blood pressure.

In some cases, physalis causes drowsiness. Be careful when driving a car or operating equipment.

Unripe fruits can be toxic - they contain solanine.

People with peptic ulcers or thyroid diseases should exercise caution. Excessive use may cause difficulty breathing or diarrhea.

How to use physalis

Physalis fruits can be eaten fresh or added to salads. They are preserved whole in compotes, cooked in the form of jam and sauces are prepared. Physalis is used in pies, puddings and ice cream.

In Colombia, the fruit is stewed with honey and eaten for dessert. They are also used to produce dried fruits that can be coated with chocolate and served with tea.

Before use, you should clean the berries from dry leaves. The inside of the fruit is often covered with a thin, slightly sticky coating that must be washed off before eating.

How to choose physalis

New varieties of physalis are often developed using chemical treatment. Some fruits are GMO.

The fruit harvest period is short - from mid-summer to early autumn. Maturity can be judged by color. The fruit turns from pale green to amber or gold, and the husk becomes dry and papery.

Physalis should be sold in husks - dry leaves.

How to store physalis

Berries can be stored for more than 3 months at room temperature. At 2°C – for 5-6 months without signs of deterioration or wilting.

Drying allows you to get a tasty and healthy product, similar to raisins. You can make compote or jam from physalis.

This herbaceous plant of the nightshade family is native to South America. Before consuming physalis, the beneficial properties of which are truly multifaceted, you should know that most species are grown for decorative purposes. Amateur gardeners are attracted to compact bushes with white, lilac, yellow and orange flowers. The height of the stem can reach 1 meter; large, fleshy fruits are yellowish or bright orange in color.

Among the edible varieties, a distinction is made between vegetable and berry physalis. The fruits, the taste of which varies from bitter-hot to delicate strawberry, are enclosed in a box formed from sepals, reminiscent in shape of paper lanterns popular in China.

The benefits of physalis and its harm to human health began to be studied in the mid-20s of the last century. Academician N.I. Vavilov believed that physalis was excellent for growing in the climatic conditions of Russia and proposed organizing large-scale production of this crop for the needs of the food industry. Today, edible fruits are used mainly for the synthesis of citric acid, and substances for dyeing textiles are obtained from decorative varieties.

The benefits of physalis - 13 useful properties

    Physalis fruits are rich potassium and sodium, which has a positive effect on blood composition and allows you to regulate glucose and insulin levels. In addition, under the influence of potassium, the lumens of blood vessels expand, the load on the heart decreases, and the supply of oxygen to organs improves. Due to its high fiber content, consuming physalis helps remove “bad” cholesterol from the body, which reduces the likelihood of atherosclerosis, stroke and heart attacks.

  1. Prevention of oncological processes

    Physalis fruits contain components that act as antioxidants and have anticancer and antibacterial properties. Under the influence of these substances, mutation of healthy cells is prevented and their degeneration into tumors is blocked. Vitamins A and C in combination with flavonoids protect the body from lung and oral cancer.

  2. Reducing the risk of joint diseases

    Physalis vegetable is one of the leaders in content vitamin C(15.4 mg per 100 g of pulp), which can cover the body’s daily need for vitamins by approximately 20%. The use of physalis is recommended for people suffering from joint pain, as well as for the prevention of gout, which occurs when there is excess uric acid.

  3. Help in treating diabetes

    Physalis berries, whose beneficial properties include a high content of vitamins, can be included in the menu of patients with diabetes. This will help regulate blood sugar levels, as well as increase the effectiveness of medications prescribed by a doctor for this disease.

  4. Improved eye health

    The physalis plant is valued for its presence in its fruits. beta carotene, which is a derivative of vitamin A. By eating juicy berries, you can avoid vision problems such as cataracts, macular degeneration, and lens clouding.

  5. Strengthening the immune system

    Due to its high content of vitamin C, physalis will provide health benefits to people prone to frequent colds and viral infections. With the intake of this vitamin in the body, the production of white blood cells is stimulated, which serves as protection against the invasion of foreign agents. Vitamin C increases the body's resistance to various diseases, accelerates metabolic processes, and activates the production of collagen, which is responsible for maintaining the elasticity of the skin, blood vessels and muscle tissue.

  6. Increased bone density

    So high content vitamin K Not a single vegetable or fruit can boast. Physalis, depending on the volume eaten, is able to satisfy the body's daily need for this vitamin from 10 to 25%. 100 grams of juicy berries contain 13.3 mcg of vitamin K, which is necessary to maintain bone health and prevent osteoporosis. Scientific research shows that vitamin K prevents bone demineralization, minimizing the risk of chronic diseases of the limbs and spine.

  7. Normalization of digestion

    Like most vegetables, physalis is famous for its high fiber content. When consuming this tasty berry, food digestion improves, symptoms of flatulence, bloating, constipation, and cramps are eliminated, which can prevent the occurrence of stomach ulcers and colon cancer. In addition, plant fibers regulate the rate of release of simple sugars, which helps maintain optimal blood glucose levels.

  8. Slowing down the aging process

    The benefits of edible physalis cover the harm caused to our body by free radicals. Thanks to the high content copper, when consuming the fruits of this plant, the condition of the skin improves, the appearance of wrinkles and age spots is prevented. In 100 grams of juicy pulp there is about 0.1 mg of copper, which corresponds to 11.5% of the body’s daily need for this trace element.

  9. Accelerate wound healing

    Physalis berries, the beneficial properties of which can hardly be overestimated, are rich iron, which stimulates the formation of red blood cells in the blood and helps increase hemoglobin. Saturation of organs and tissues with oxygen increases the rate of cell regeneration, resulting in faster healing of postoperative wounds, household abrasions, scratches, burns and cuts.

  10. Help with weight loss

    Physalis can be called an ideal product for people who want to get rid of extra pounds. The fruits of this plant, with a high content of vitamins and microelements, are low in calories. In addition, fiber stimulates digestion and metabolism, which is very important in the fight against excess weight.

  11. The benefits of physalis for women's health

    According to medical research published in the American journal Obstetrics and Gynecology, manganese deficiency in the female body provokes the occurrence of premenstrual syndrome, expressed in mood swings, headaches and muscle pain, unmotivated depression. Eating physalis fruits will help compensate for manganese deficiency and thereby prevent PMS symptoms.

  12. Useful properties of physalis for men

    The berries of edible physalis contain one of the B vitamins important for the human body - niacin. This element is responsible for the quality of enzymatic processes and helps break down food into components that increase the body’s energy balance. Thus, men who do not deny themselves the pleasure of eating physalis will be able to improve their physical performance, achieve high results in sports, work and other areas of everyday life.

How to use physalis - medicinal recipes

Edible Physalis fruits, fresh and dried, are used in the treatment of certain diseases. Here you will find the most popular recipes used in folk medicine to combat various ailments.

For influenza, bronchitis, laryngitis, mumps and orchitis

Prepare a decoction of dried small berries up to 4 cm in size by pouring 9–15 grams of raw material with 1–1.5 glasses of hot water. The liquid must be brought to a boil, wait until it cools, and then strain through cheesecloth. Take the decoction in small sips 2-3 times a day.

For pneumonia

People who experience inflammatory processes in the lungs are recommended to drink a decoction of physalis, prepared according to the previous recipe, but less concentrated. For the same number of fruits, you need to double the volume of water.

For diabetes

To regulate the balance of glucose in the blood, it is recommended to take an infusion of several dried fruits brewed with a glass of boiling water. After drinking healing tea in the morning, do not throw away the berries - they can be brewed a second time.

For epilepsy

Physalis fruits can relieve the symptoms of this nervous system disease. To reduce the frequency and severity of attacks, it is enough to eat 8-10 fresh or dried berries daily.

Physalis - harm and contraindications

In addition to the beneficial properties, there are also contraindications to the use of physalis.

    It must be remembered that medicinal infusions can be taken for a short time, no more than 10 days in a row. Then you need to take a break of 1–2 weeks.

    For serious chronic diseases, consult your doctor before starting self-treatment.

    Physalis can harm the body of people suffering from malfunctions of the thyroid gland, gastritis and stomach ulcers.

    Pregnant women and nursing mothers should not include these berries in their diet.

    Beware of eating physalis without making sure that you have an edible variety of this plant. Ornamental fruits, as well as those that grow on uncultivated calcareous soils, as a rule, poisonous.

What else is useful?

Physalis is a perennial plant of the Solanaceae family. Quite often you can hear a comparison of this product with tomatoes. This plant is also called earth cranberry or emerald berry.. Physalis looks like an orange Chinese lantern flower, with a round fruit inside. It is worth considering that there are different types of this plant, many of which are simply not suitable for use. You can only eat vegetable and strawberry physalis. The main types of the plant are poisonous and toxic.

Physalis has a sweet and sour taste with a slight unusual bitterness. This plant grows in Iraq, Bulgaria and Central Asia.

Beneficial features

After lengthy research, it was determined that this plant is not of any interest to official medicine. But folk recipes using physalis still exist. More often it is used as a diuretic. More physalis has the ability to activate tissue epithalization. In addition, there are recipes that allow you to use this plant for the treatment of liver, jaundice, hemorrhoids, cystitis, etc. More physalis can be used for external treatment of lichens and various wounds. An ointment is made from physalis, which is used as pain reliever for rheumatism and gout.

Physalis has a hemostatic and choleretic effect. It is recommended to use a decoction of the roots to reduce cough, pain, and it is also useful to use when establishing menstruation. Physalis will also help reduce problems from senile constipation.

Use in cooking

Physalis is used in any form: dried, pickled, boiled. They even make jams and preserves from it. This plant is not so widely used, but is still used in cooking. Physalis berries are used to add piquancy to soups, salads and various side dishes. This product is widely used for making various pickles. Also, one of the unusual options for preparing physalis is caviar. Well, even the most demanding gourmets will like the original taste of the jam.

Boiled physalis berries are used as a filling for baked goods and used to make various decorations for desserts. They are also used to make original sauces that help improve the taste of meat and fish dishes.

The benefits of physalis and treatment

In folk medicine, physalis is used to treat many diseases. For example, due to its analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, it is recommended to be used to treat kidney diseases, gout, as well as to get rid of pain and relieve inflammation of the joints.

In addition, the plant will help improve the condition of rheumatism and diseases of the respiratory system.

They use not only flowers and fruits, but also leaves and roots. Juice is also extracted from the plant, which is later used to treat various diseases. Physalis is often used as a multivitamin and dietary supplement. It helps patients with hypoacid gastritis, stomach and duodenal ulcers. In addition, physalis can be used for chronic cholecystitis and hypertension.

Harm of physalis and contraindications

Limit the amount of physalis consumed by people who have high acidity of gastric juice. They should not be used if you have an individual intolerance to the components of the product.

Physalis vulgaris (vesicle, dog cherry, marunka) is a perennial plant from the nightshade family, 50-100 cm high. The underground shoots of physalis are creeping, woody, and branching. Its stems are erect. angular-curved. The leaves are opposite, thin, ovate, entire, slightly toothed.

The flowers are solitary, white or cream-colored, located in the axils of the leaves. The calyx is campanulate, with triangular or lanceolate teeth. The fruit is a spherical, juicy, orange or red berry, enclosed in a fiery orange, swollen, vesicular berry. an almost spherical calyx, thanks to which the plant got its name physalis from the Greek word “physo”, which means swollen. The plant blooms in May - August. The fruits ripen in June - September. It grows everywhere in light forests, among bushes, on forest edges, and in ravines.

Physalis is widespread in Bulgaria and Iraq. Cultivated in Russia, the Baltic states, the Caucasus, Central Asia and other regions.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Useful properties of physalis

Physalis fruits contain 10% dry matter and up to 4.5% sugar. 0.7-1.4% organic acids (mainly citric acid, as well as malic, tartaric and succinic), bitter substance, traces of a non-toxic alkaloid, 45-100 mg of ascorbic acid, 0.1 carotene, up to 0.45/about pectin and other gelling agents substances, red dye physalin, minerals, phytoncides and up to 2.5% proteins.

Physalis is rightly considered a medicinal plant. Its fruits have a diuretic, choleretic, hemostatic, antiseptic and analgesic effect. They are used for rheumatism, diseases of the respiratory system, dropsy, gout, purulent inflammation of the urinary pelvis and urinary tract, lichen and other diseases.

Physalis fruits are used fresh in food. Before use, they must be doused with boiling water to remove the waxy sticky coating. Ripe fruits are recommended as a dietary product. They are sweet and sour, with a specific bitterness. They are added to salads, vegetable soups and canned vegetables. Boiled fruits are used as a seasoning for main courses; baked fruits are first passed through a meat grinder, and then caviar is prepared from them. From the fruits of physalis you can make jam, prepare juices, and dry them.

The fruits, fruit juice and roots are used for medicinal purposes. The roots are harvested in the fall.

Alkaloids were found in the roots: tegloidine, 3-tigloploxytropane, cushygrin, tropine, pseudotropine. The leaves contain carotenoids: alpha-carotene, physoxanthin, lutein, beta-carotene, cryptoxanthin, zeaxanthin, zeaxanthin ester, lutein ester; steroids: sitosterol, campesterol, stigmasterol, cholesterol, isofucosterol; phenolcarboxylic acids and their derivatives: chlorogenic; flavonoids: luteolin, luteolin 7-beta-D-glucoside. Carbohydrates and related compounds are found in fruits: sugars, pectin; organic acids, carotenoids: alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, lycopene, and in the seeds - fatty oil (14.86%). In addition, ascorbic acid, tannins, macro- and microelements, and carotene were found in the fruits.

The fruits of Physalis vulgaris have anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, analgesic, hemostatic, diuretic, and choleretic effects.

A decoction or water infusion of the fruit is taken for urolithiasis, cystitis, hepatitis, bronchitis, intermittent fever, edema, ascites, rheumatism, gout, and bruises.

Fresh fruits and juice are used for dermatoses, respiratory diseases, gonorrhea, dysentery, and hypertension.

In folk medicine of Central Asia, physalis fruits are widely used in the treatment of anemia, hypertension, and are also recommended for people suffering from senile constipation. For this purpose, patients are recommended to eat fresh fruits - 5-10 pieces 2-3 times a day before meals. Patients suffering from hypertension benefit from tea made from dried leaves and fruit caps.

In Bulgarian folk medicine, a decoction of physalis fruits is used for rheumatism, gout, jaundice, hemorrhages, gastrointestinal colic, as a diuretic for difficulty urinating and in the treatment of hemorrhoids. Physalis fruits are useful for cholecystitis.

Tajiks of Garma boil fresh juice and pulp from the fruits of physalis mixed with milk over low heat and give it to children to treat sore throat, laryngitis and stomatitis. The Tabibs claim that if a patient with laryngitis is given this mixture 3-4 times a day every day

3-4 tablespoons for 4-5 days, complete recovery occurs, and periodic intake of this mixture prevents relapses.

According to the literature, physalis fruits were used for diseases of the digestive tract, respiratory system and endocrine system.

Ibn Sina believed that the medicinal properties of the fruits and leaves of physalis are similar to those of nightshade. He recommended consuming fresh fruits for bronchial asthma, inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract, jaundice, for the treatment of ulcers, and urinary tract diseases.

In modern medicine, physalis fruits are used as a multivitamin and dietary remedy for patients with hypoacid gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, chronic cholecystitis, diabetes mellitus and hypertension. Only ripe fruits should be used. It is recommended to consume small fruits 10-15 pieces at a time, and large ones - 4-8 pieces 10-15 minutes before meals. Patients with high acidity of gastric juice should consume a 2-fold smaller dose immediately before meals, gradually increasing the number of berries to 8-15 as they feel better.

In homeopathy, physalis fruits are used for urolithiasis.

Ointment from the fruits of physalis is used externally for inflammatory processes, as an anesthetic, for rheumatic and gouty pain and as a wound healing agent that enhances tissue regeneration. The juice of the fruit is used in Crimean folk medicine for lichen.

Ripe physalis fruits are consumed fresh as fruit. They are used for canning, making sauces, jams, candied fruits, marinades, and pickles. They can be pickled and added to

Physalis is often called a tomato because its fruits are similar to those of a tomato, and the plant itself belongs to the nightshade family.

It reaches a height of one meter.

Its berries are securely covered with a yellow-orange cover, which is compared to a Chinese lantern.

Short description

The cover is obtained from united sepals.

Their growth outpaces the growth of the fruits, and when they finally ripen, they change color.

The flowers of the plant come in different shades:

  • bright yellow,
  • deep orange,
  • milky white (rare),
  • lilac.

The fruits, which look like small tomatoes, have very different colors and tastes:

  • from greenish-yellow to orange;
  • from a pleasant sweet taste (similar to grape, pineapple and strawberry)
  • until bitter and spicy.

There are two edible types of physalis:

  • strawberry,
  • vegetable.

People call the plant differently, for example:

  • sleepy grass,
  • earthen cranberries,
  • Jewish apple
  • expensive,
  • dog cherries.

Where is it found?

Physalis grows both in forests and in vegetable gardens. Selects sunlit open areas:

  • edges,
  • ravines.

Many gardeners consider physalis to be a weed and weed it out. Others, on the contrary, are grown as a vegetable for the table or for their attractive flowers.

Most often, physalis can be found in:

The fruits grow in Central Asian countries and in the Caucasus. In Russia, there is an inedible species of physalis - immortelle. It's easy to get poisoned by its berries.

Where is it used?

Some types of physalis that can be eaten are used in two areas - medicine and cooking. The fruits are used for jam and sauces.

They are prepared for the winter - salted in jars, pickled. They make delicious candied fruits and pie fillings.

Berries of individual varieties are dried and used as raisins. It tastes surprisingly similar to regular grape due to the sugar content in the composition.

Gourmet chefs add physalis juice in fish and meat dishes, and this significantly improves the taste of the food. And the boiled fruits are used to decorate pastries and cakes.

Folk recipes

Edible Physalis- a very useful plant.

All its components contain a huge amount of biologically active components, so both fruits, leaves, roots and even seeds are used in cooking and medicine.

The fruits of the plant are rich in sugars, vitamin C, pectin, and carbohydrates.

The leaves contain many flavonoids, carotenoids (the benefits and harms of raw carrots are written in the article), steroids. The roots are used for their alkaloids. Oil is extracted from the seeds.

Berries have found use in medicine as a medicine with a wide spectrum of action. They:

  • disinfect,
  • stop the inflammation process,
  • relieve pain.

The berries have a choleretic and diuretic effect.

They are often used to treat:

  • respiratory tract ailments,
  • lowering blood pressure (read about treatment with folk remedies),
  • getting rid of dysentery,
  • eliminating the symptoms of dermatosis.

If you take a decoction/tincture of physalis fruits, you can be cured of hepatitis, rheumatism and cystitis.

Using the tool you can:

  • relieve swelling,
  • remove kidney stones,
  • overcome bronchitis and gout (),
  • alleviate the pain of a bruise.

The roots are boiled in order to relieve cough and pain due to colds and other diseases. With their help, menstruation is restored, the cycles of which have gone astray.

From leaves and covers, in which the fruits are wrapped, they prepare healing teas for hypertensive patients.

If you have gonorrhea, dysentery or dermatosis develops, drink juice and eat fresh physalis fruits.

These same parts of the plant cope with respiratory diseases.

Residents of Central Asia treat anemia with physalis fruits and recommend it to older people who experience age-related constipation.

Fans of traditional medicine advise eating fresh, washed fruits without any processing, 5-10 pieces several times a day on an empty stomach.

Patients with high blood pressure Traditional healers prescribe teas brewed on the leaves and shells of fruits.

Bulgarians prepare decoctions of physalis berries and drink them to cure:

  • gout and jaundice,
  • relieve back pain due to rheumatism and gastrointestinal colic,
  • make urination easier,
  • eliminate hemorrhoids.

For those diagnosed with cholecystitis, they also advise taking physalis fruit decoctions.

Treatment of children

Residents of the village of Garm, Republic of Tajikistan, interestingly treat their children with physalis.

They extract the juice of the plant, and grind the fruits into pulp.

Then combine these components with milk and place on low heat. The prepared and slightly cooled drink is given to children suffering from laryngitis, tonsillitis or stomatitis.

According to Tajik doctors, taking the medicine 3-4 times a day cures the child in just four days. And if you continue treatment even after complete recovery, the disease will not come again.

When to collect

In ancient times, people specifically went to the forests to collect physalis fruits: they were eaten to cure diseases of the endocrine and digestive systems.

Beneficial features

The ancient scientist and doctor Ibn Sina argued that physalis is similar in properties to nightshade.

Today, physalis is used to treat stomach, duodenal ulcers, diabetes, cholecystitis and hypertension. It is used as a multivitamin.

To get the effect, you need to consume only fresh and ripe physalis fruits. If they are small in size, then you can eat 15 pieces at a time, and if the berries are large, then 5-6 pieces. Eat a quarter of an hour before meals.

For those who have increased acidity of gastric juice, the dosages are different:

  • Eat 5-7 small fruits or 2-3 large ones right before meals.

Gradually, if your health improves, the portions are increased to 8-15 berries.

Physalis fruits are also used as a homeopathic remedy. They treat urolithiasis.

One edible berry contains 53 kilocalories. The fruit contains 11.2 grams of carbohydrates, much less protein - about two grams, and fat - 0.7 grams.

How to grow physalis, which can both feed and cure, watch in the proposed video.



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