What does a malignant mole look like? Diagnostics and methods of treatment of a malignant mole

Pigmented and pigmented formations occur in 90% of the population. Under their "mask", especially under the appearance of a mole (nevus), melanoma occurs, which is one of the forms of cancer. Knowing the risk factors for melanoma and how to identify a malignant mole makes it much easier early diagnosis and increase the survival rate as a result of timely treatment.

Melanoma and the importance of its early diagnosis

Melanoma is a malignant tumor that develops from pigment cells that produce melanins. It is characterized by rapid growth, frequent recurrence, rapid metastasis to almost all organs, and high mortality. Melanoma accounts for about 1-2% of all cancers and 10% of all types. skin cancer. Its mortality rate (14%) exceeds that of breast cancer and thyroid gland, and melanoma accounts for 80% of all tumor deaths.

The cause of high mortality is not only the rapid growth and metastasis of a malignant mole, but also the late diagnosis of a pathological formation (at stages III and IV - 30%), when there are already metastases to other organs. This is due to the fact that often the removal of a malignant mole is carried out independently by folk remedies or in beauty parlors, whose workers have no experience in differential diagnosis benign nevus with melanoma, as well as with insufficient awareness even of many medical workers about risk factors and clinical manifestations of the tumor.

In addition, late referral to an oncologist, or at least a dermatologist, is also explained by the insufficient information content of the population about the primary malignant "mole", the possibility of a benign birthmark degenerating into melanoma and its first symptoms.

Melanocytes synthesize the pigment melanin, which often has a brown or black color, less often yellow, and moves through their processes into tissues, hair, giving them a certain color. Pigment cells are located in the iris of the eyes, the substance of the brain, in the intestinal mucosa, etc.

However, their main amount is in the skin epidermis, along which they move, forming random clusters of oval or round shape(nevi). A pigmented formation on the skin with which a child is born is called a birthmark, but all moles are defined by this term in everyday life.

Melanoma develops from melanocytes and melanoblasts as a result of damage to their DNA and mutations under the influence of various external or internal factors risk. Its skin forms account for 90-92%, eye shape(vascular and conjunctival) - 7%.

It was previously believed that a malignant nevus develops only from birthmarks. This is due to their external similarity and the similarity of the structure from which they arise. However, in last years the development of melanoma from birthmarks was established only in approximately 26-30%, in other cases it is formed primarily.

Clinical signs

No other malignant neoplasm can compare with melanoma in its diversity of course, clinical manifestations, histological structure. It can develop primarily on unchanged skin or against the background of limited Dubreuil premelanosis, from congenital or acquired birthmarks. In all cases, the source of this tumor is melanocytes.

The clinical signs of a malignant mole are very diverse. This is manifested in the size, shape, outlines, nature of the surface, consistency, color, dynamics of changes. Common to all forms is a set of features, which is expressed in initial letters by the abbreviation "AKORD", developed by dermatologists and cosmetologists:

  1. Asymmetry (A) - the absence of symmetry in the shape and contours of the spot, with the exception of birthmarks present on the child's body at birth.
  2. Edges (K) - most often uneven and fuzzy (blurry).
  3. Coloring (O) - uneven; the presence of dots and stripes of various tones of dark brown and black colors is noted.
  4. Size (P) - in diameter from 7 mm or more.
  5. Dynamics (D) of development - an increase in the previous birthmark or a rapid increase in the size of a new pigmented formation.

Signs 1, 2, 3, 5 are the main ones. Minor clinical symptoms - in paragraph 4, as well as:

  • surface moisture, bleeding, ulceration, the presence of crusts; These phenomena may appear on their own or in the result of a lung contact with clothing
  • softening of the neoplasm;
  • the presence of nodules;
  • the presence of pink or pigmented dots or formations around the birthmark (satellites);
  • redness and soreness of the surrounding skin surface as a result of an inflammatory reaction;
  • signs of vertical growth.

In this regard, there are various classifications melanomas, in which discrepancies are often noted. Currently, the most common clinical and morphological classification, according to which the following main types of malignant moles are distinguished , or melanoma:

  1. Surface spreading, which accounts for 60-75%. It occurs mainly in young and middle ages (30-50 years), with the same frequency both against the background of healthy intact skin and from birthmarks on closed and open areas of the skin. Most frequent localization in men it is upper divisions back and shoulder girdle, in women, which are affected more often - the lower limbs. This type of melanoma is a flat plaque up to 0.6 mm in diameter with fuzzy and irregular scalloped contours, alternating dark and discolored foci in the form of a mosaic, and areas of regression.

    Approximately 2-4 years after the planar growth of the tumor over the surface, a nodule is formed on it, indicating a transition to vertical growth, after which the tumor grows much faster: after a few weeks, even with minor damage clothing causes bleeding, and subsequently - constant ulceration with sanious discharge. Mortality in this species is about 30%.

  2. Type of malignant lentigo- more often affects elderly people (after 55 years) of age, who are difficult to tan or are long time under solar radiation. Among all melanomas, it averages 13%. This type of malignant mole usually occurs on the face and on open areas of the neck and looks like a flat spot of considerable size (from 2.5 to 5 cm) of a heterogeneous dark brown color with black patches.
  3. Acral lentiginous(7-8%) usually develops in old age, in men - 2 times more often than in women, and exists for a long time in the form of a spot. It distinguishes two forms - subungual and palmar-plantar. Subungual swelling is a dark brown or black spot, which gradually grows along the bed of the nail and then goes beyond it to the rollers. During the period of vertical growth, deformation and destruction of the nail plate occurs as a result of the appearance of nodes, papules and ulcerations on the tumor.
  4. nodal(10-25%), the most aggressive melanoma, which, in contrast to superficially spreading, initially develops not in a planar, but in a vertical, invasive direction. It is a node or polypoid formation of a very dark or black color, sometimes light in color, with a clear, even border against the background of unchanged skin. The main areas of localization are the head, neck, back and limbs. Half of the cases are men and women (with the same frequency) over the age of 50 years.

The growth of the first three types of melanomas occurs in two phases - in a horizontal (planar) direction along the skin surface (in dermatoscopy it is defined as a phase of radial growth), and only through certain time invasive nodes occur (vertical growth phase).

1. According to the type of malignant lentigo
2. Superficial spreading skin melanoma in the vertical growth phase

It is very important to notice the appearance of a primary neoplasm of a malignant nature, especially in men on the back, in women - on lower limbs, or determine the moment of rebirth of an already existing one. The main early symptoms of the degeneration of a mole in malignant melanoma as their value or increase is:

  1. Disappearance or change in the skin pattern on the surface of a birthmark.
  2. Glossy (brilliant) character of the surface.
  3. The beginning of the change in the shape of the outlines is the appearance of irregularity or scalloped borders.
  4. Horizontal enlargement.
  5. Change in subjective sensations in the area of ​​the nevus - the appearance of itching, a slight burning sensation.
  6. The appearance of light fine peeling, followed by the formation of crusts.
  7. The absence of hair in the area of ​​​​a birthmark or loss of existing ones.
  8. Complete or partial change in color, both in the direction of its strengthening, and in the direction of lightening, including its unevenness.

In prognostic terms, dermatoscopic and histological diagnosis of the level of tumor invasion, that is, the depth of its vertical spread, is important. In this regard, it is customary to distinguish 5 levels of distribution of malignant mole cells:

  • I - only in the epidermal layer;
  • II - in the dermal papillary layer, without filling it completely and without deforming it with its volume;
  • III - tumor cells form an integral mass, which increases the volume of the papillary layer, filling it completely up to the border with the mesh layer;
  • IV- cancer cells penetrate into the reticular dermal layer;
  • V- malignant tumor spreads further - into the subcutaneous fat layer.

Nevi These are good quality education. To most, they are known as "moles". In fact, it is pigmented skin. Nevi are formed in every person. Their presence on the body in the amount of 15-40 pieces is considered normal. But there is still such a thing as a malignant mole, it is - melanoma. What it is? Is it true that this is skin cancer? And how to timely notice a reborn nevus on your body?

What do dangerous moles look like?

So, the first thing you need to figure out which mole is normal. According to dermatologists, these include nevi:

  • up to 6 mm in diameter;
  • smooth round or oval shape;
  • with a monotonous hue;
  • without hard inclusions and rough surface;
  • symmetrical;
  • without seal.

If at least one of these parameters does not meet the mole, then it is already considered potentially dangerous. It does not necessarily transform into melanoma in the future, but there is such a risk. And all such nevi are recommended by doctors to be removed as soon as possible.

Moles can be not only malignant, but also benign. It is very important to know the reasons for their appearance.

What are the types of malignant moles? Conventionally, they are classified into 4 types:

  • superficial;
  • lentigo (malignant);
  • lentigious acral;
  • nodal.

They differ from each other only visually and localization of skin lesions.


According to statistics, in 70% of cases, it is superficial malignant moles that are diagnosed by doctors. They are flat, mostly without seals, but have an asymmetric shape. Grow up to about 1-1.5 centimeters. Their pigmentation is rarely disturbed. That is, sometimes they can be mistaken for an ordinary mole, just without the correct shape. But this is a transforming nevus.

It is not accompanied by any symptoms initial stage. Just the spot begins to gradually expand. And this happens until the mole begins to "sprout" inside, contacting the deeper layers of the epidermis.

Malignant lentigines are somewhat similar to common superficial moles. But in them, the spot grows to a larger size, and at the same time, a small, darker area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin is noticeable during visual inspection.

It was there that the primary nevus was located. The "damage zone" can vary from 5 millimeters to 4-5 centimeters. And another key difference in this form of melanoma is a slight swelling.

It occurs exactly in the place where the mole used to be. But it's already we are talking about the advanced stage of the disease. Up to this point, the pigment spot can grow for several years and only after that it will begin to "inflame" a little. By the way, this indicates that a malignant mole begins to grow inward.

Lentigious acral malignant moles are considered the most dangerous due to the fact that their pigment spot grows very quickly. It occurs only on the fingers, less often on the palms and feet.

Mainly affects the area of ​​the nail plate. According to doctors, lentigious acral melanomas are diagnosed in about 6-7% of all cases. And in Lately more and more patients with this problem. Unfortunately, it is impossible to establish the exact reason for this.


Nodular melanoma is the most painful because the mole does not grow into surface layer epithelium, and immediately deepens into the subcutaneous layers.

A remarkable fact is that this form of malignant moles in 70-75% of cases is diagnosed as a new formation on the skin. It means that first a mole appears and immediately after that it transforms into a malignant one. In this case, even pigmentation may be absent.

Visually, such a melanoma quite strongly resembles the most common wart, only it does not grow outward, but inward. Over time, it begins to increase in size, reaching a diameter of several centimeters.

But the shape of the "bump" is most often normal and sometimes even symmetrical. But the color is excessively dark, sometimes with greenish patches, a rough “head”.

Signs and symptoms of mole transformation

Experts assure that the best way to recognize the transformation of a nevus in a timely manner is to focus on the ABCDE rule (from English Asymmetry, Border irregularity, Color, Diameter, Evolving). According to him, “panic should be beaten” if the following happens to the mole:

  • the occurrence of asymmetry;
  • the edges become uneven, hard;
  • the diameter began to increase for no apparent reason;
  • changing any of its parameters, even if it passes with time.

The latter should be understood as the occurrence of inflammation or roughness. Even if after some time it passes, you should not leave the mole unattended. They all, as a rule, reach their certain size during transformation, after which they decrease somewhat.

In fact, at this moment, melanoma grows into the vessels and begins to synthesize into circulatory system cancer cells. Those, in turn, penetrate the organs, lymph nodes, where metastases subsequently form.

The transformation of a mole is accompanied by the following symptoms. It can be itching, pain with slight pressure, hair loss (if there were any in that place), redness around the mole (protrudes about 1-2 millimeters beyond). If the nevus was mechanically damaged, then it can bleed. Moreover, it will be quite difficult to stop the blood, even if you use hydrogen peroxide, brilliant green (and this is not recommended at all).

Risk factors

Why do moles begin to transform? Most often this happens after:

  • prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation;
  • mechanical damage to them (for example, a chain around the neck or a bra bone);
  • non-compliance elementary rules hygiene (this mainly applies to those moles that are located on the scalp and in the perineum).

By the way, most of the moles on the body (about 90% of all) appear before the age of 25. Up to this point, it is recommended to be especially careful and, at least occasionally, carefully examine all your moles. When the first signs of transformation appear, immediate action should be taken.

Reasons for the appearance

Malignant moles is a pathology in the work of pigment cells (melanocytes). They begin to grow uncontrollably. The main reason for this is getting into inner part monatomic oxygen cells. In the usual state, it is diatomic (O 2).

But due to the influence of certain factors, the molecule is broken into 2 atoms. And most often this happens precisely because of ultraviolet radiation and radiation, the effects of infection (which is stimulated by mechanical damage).

Treatment of malignant moles

Today there is the only way treatment of melanomas - their surgical removal. In folk medicine, there is an opinion that it is possible to provoke the rejection of a malignant nevus, for example, with celandine juice. In practice, the opposite is true - prolonged exposure to poison only provokes an exacerbation of the growth of a transforming mole.

How does the removal take place? More often - laser or electrocution, less often - traditionally, scalpel. Often still used cryogenic freezing, laser removal.

Moreover, you need to get rid of not only transformed moles, but also those that with a high degree of probability will be reborn in the future. For this reason, if any of the nevi is suspicious, it is better to immediately consult a doctor.


In most cases experienced doctors enough to diagnose visual inspection moles to determine the degree of its possible or current transformation. And already at this stage, a recommendation to remove the neoplasm may be issued. After the operation, part of the mole is sent for histological examination. This laboratory analysis, which accurately determines whether there are cancer cells in the sample taken. If any are found, then after removal, additional diagnostics are prescribed to detect metastases in the body.

In more rare cases, a biopsy is performed followed by a histological examination. That is, the nevus is not removed, but only a small part is plucked off from it, after which it is also sent to the laboratory for research. Such a diagnosis is prescribed if the doctor doubts the malignancy of the mole.

Consequences of refusing treatment

Is it necessary to remove melanoma? No one can force this to be done, but it is worth considering that if it is detected already at an advanced stage, the probability lethal outcome(death) is about 75-80%.

As mentioned above, with an increase in size, melanoma begins to grow into the surrounding tissues, thereby affecting and vascular system, And muscle tissue and even bones. And after that, the malignant neoplasm begins to synthesize great amount cancer cells.

Those, getting into other organs, simply destroy them from the inside. And the patient dies at the same time from poisons that are released during tissue necrosis.


Prevention of the appearance of malignant moles is to follow the following tips:

  • avoid excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation (especially from 12 to 18 hours of the day, when the radiation from the sun is the most powerful);
  • refusal to visit low-quality solariums (they do not use special filters that filter out the most “dangerous” range of rays from ultraviolet radiation);
  • compliance with the rules of personal hygiene;
  • timely remove those moles that are likely to be mechanically damaged (for example, on the wrist, on the scalp, on the back just below the shoulder blades, where the bra fastens, and so on).

And it's worth considering hereditary factor. If someone close to you already had melanomas, then you should be examined by a doctor at least once every 6-12 months.

Question answer

How to determine a malignant mole or not?

A malignant mole is different from a normal one. This may refer to its size, color, shape, density. With a high degree of probability malignant nevi lose their symmetry. But the final examination should always be with the doctor. Any doubts? It is better to consult with a specialist dermatologist.

How to distinguish the first signs of the degeneration of a mole into a malignant one?

Each case is individual. A mole throughout life retains its shape, color, and size. It changes only slightly, almost imperceptibly to the naked eye. If something went wrong with her, with a high degree of probability she began to transform. And this process can take from several months to 3-5 years. For each person - purely individually.

What moles are the most dangerous to health?

Those that are located in places where the skin is in close contact with clothing, as well as those that are open - on the neck, ears, scalp, palms. Hanging convex nevi are also “dangerous”. They are the ones who get hurt most of the time.

What is the name of a birthmark doctor?

There is no profile specialty related only to moles. Their initial examination is carried out by a dermatologist. If there is a suspicion of their rebirth, the patient is referred to an oncologist. But the removal is carried out by the surgeon. In rare cases, an oncologist-mammologist is involved in the treatment (if the mole is located near the mammary gland).

What moles cause melanoma/cancer?

Theoretically - any. But in 97% of cases, those that exceed the size of 6 millimeters (in diameter) turn into melanoma.

Which moles are safe?

Flat, with a normal symmetrical shape, which are located on the back, abdomen, chest, hips. But over time, they can be reborn into malignant form. And either ultraviolet, or solar radiation, or constant exposure to any chemical reagent will contribute to this. Nobody is protected from this.

Malignant moles are extremely dangerous pathology. In Europe alone, about 1,200 people die every year because of them, and every year more and more. Timely detection of a mole that begins to transform eliminates the likelihood of death to a minimum. Therefore, you need to take moles on your body with all seriousness. If there is a suspicion, it is better to consult a dermatologist. If he recommends removal, it is better to agree. This is an extremely simple and non-hazardous procedure that takes 5-10 minutes. It is performed under local anesthesia and does not require hospitalization. That is, a person can immediately return to his usual way of life.

In people's conversations, you can hear the saying: "Whoever has many moles - that happy man". Do moles really bring good luck to the one on whose skin they appear in abundance, or is there more bad luck in this phenomenon.

Moles are skin growths that can appear and disappear suddenly without any warning.

This is not a medical name for neoplasms. The fact is that people call moles any spot on the skin, but these marks have a different origin, medical name and prognosis for life. Today you will learn about whether moles are dangerous for human life, what is the relationship between skin cancer and the presence of moles?

What types of moles are distinguished

Dermatology is a science that studies the skin, designed to find, distinguish between themselves and treat pathological formations of the skin. Unfortunately, doctors, especially in outpatient appointments, do not pay attention to the skin, unless it is his complaint.

Lack of time, heavy workload, ignorance or other reasons make doctors ignore a thorough examination of the external integument and mucous membranes. This oversight can harm a person's health and even cost him his life. Not only diseases of the skin itself, but also diseases of many internal organs, manifest themselves on the outer integument.

But, as is known from the popular saying: “The fate of the drowning, the work of the drowning themselves”, each person must have minimal knowledge in order to suspect any skin disease in time and contact a specialized specialist for qualified help.


Human skin is often affected by malignant neoplasms. Skin cancer is an extremely dangerous pathology that can result in the death of a person.

Many years of experience accumulated by histologists and skin doctors have made it possible to make a detailed classification of species and morphological forms skin formations.

Benign neoplasms

  1. Nevus- a large group of formations, with different localization and sizes.
  2. Hemangioma- benign formations from blood vessels.
  3. Papillomas- towering soft formations on a thin stem.
  4. Fibroma - towering neoplasms on a thick stalk.
  5. Lentigobenign education do not rise above the skin.
  6. Epidermal cysts- benign cavities of the skin.
  7. Senile keratomabenign neoplasm Brown appears in the elderly.
  8. Keratoacanthoma- a benign neoplasm of the skin, characterized by rapid growth.

Based on the classification, many skin formations can be called moles. According to some criteria, all neoplasms can be divided into several groups. This division can help in the diagnosis and further prognosis for life and health.

By time of occurrence:

  1. Congenital neoplasms (becomes visible after birth or shortly after birth).
  2. Acquired neoplasms (appear during life for various reasons).

By size:

  • Small - in diameter from 0.5 cm to 1.5 cm;
  • Medium - from 1.5cm to 10cm;
  • Large - over 10 cm in diameter.

By color:

  • colorless (skin color);
  • brown (from light coffee to dark brown);
  • red (from light pink to dark burgundy).

Of course, professionals can find quite a large number of criteria for the differentiation of skin lesions, which will be incomprehensible and foggy for ordinary person. We present a simplified classification.

Skin nevus - what is it?

Nevi - the most common type of moles, pigmented benign neoplasms. Arise from cells with skin pigment - melanin. Most often there are neoplasms acquired during life. On average, every adult with white skin has about 25 moles. In people with colored skin pigmented nevi are much less common.

It is noticed that the place of localization of moles in close relatives is the same, it is for this reason that they are also called birthmarks. Most nevi appear in childhood, peak by adolescence, and gradually begin to disappear.

At the age of 60 years, almost all dermal pigmented nevi undergo involution. Deeply located and dysplastic moles do not disappear with age. As a rule, there are no complaints. The presence of itching or pain may indicate a malignant process.

Depending on the localization relative to the surface layer of the skin, there are:

  • Border nevus- (premalignant) - nevus cells are located on the border of the dermis and epidermis. More often localized on the limbs, on the palms and soles, in the genital area and perineum. Outwardly, they resemble flat or slightly raised plaques from light brown to brown-black. It is necessary to observe such a mole at the first sign of a change in color or size, consult a doctor to rule out melanoma.
  • Intradermal nevus- an inactive benign mole with a small papillary surface. Specific cells are located deep in the skin. The most common form has many varieties. Sizes range from 0.3cm to 5cm or more. Hair may grow in the center. Protrudes above the surface of the skin, often injured. Color varies from skin color to dark brown.
  • Mixed nevus- includes the properties of both intradermal and border location of cells. Localization is varied. It may be flush with the skin or rise above it. The color scheme is varied.

With regard to all these types of moles, which are most common in people, there are complaints about cosmetic flaw. But they can be removed only after consultation with a dermatologist and thorough examination. In trauma and medical manipulations moles do not become malignant.

Hemangioma is another type of mole that can appear immediately after birth. In the thickness of the skin, small vessels grow, which are called capillaries. Sometimes the lumens of the capillaries expand and turn into pools of blood.

It is because of the blood that these moles have all shades of red. Sometimes a hemangioma can take up large area skin or be located on open areas of the body. Such a birthmark can be on the skin of the face, occupying more than half of the anatomical region. Favorite place of localization is the face, torso, legs, oral mucosa.

It looks like a soft bright red or purple knot that rises above the surface of the skin. It is noteworthy that some types of hemangiomas in children can disappear by themselves.

Papillomas are benign skin formations that look like skin and protrude above the surface in the form of a button or nipple. Can grow on a stalk. A virus can cause the appearance of papillomas.

Depending on the form, there are several types:

  • pointed;
  • simple;
  • flat papillomas;
  • plantar papillomas.

Viruses enter the body through sexual contact. Since the formation protrudes above the surface of the skin, there is big risk traumatization of papillomas and infection. In this case, the formation turns black and blood flows from it. Such formations are popularly called warts.

Fibroma is also a benign neoplasm that grows from a fibrous connective tissue, and has the color of unaltered skin. Favorite localization skin folds. They may be more common in women with overweight body. Already formed fibroids do not turn into malignant neoplasms, but such a formation can develop on its own.

Lentigo this formation is very similar to a nevus, the difference is only in histological structure. Translated from Latin lentigo is a “lentil-shaped spot”, in other words, ordinary freckles.

There are several varieties of lentigo:

  • senile lentigo - appears in older people 60-70 years old;
  • youthful - occurs in the first decade of a child's life, there is no connection with sunlight.

Color varies from light brown to black. Melanocytes, which form the histological basis of lentigo, proliferate in the skin. However, the likelihood of developing melanoma from ordinary lentigo is excluded.

Localized on lower lip, on the genitals, open parts of the body. There are single and multiple. Scientists have proven the connection of lentigo with some intestinal diseases.

Epidermal are completely benign neoplasms on various parts body and scalp. Growth associated with congestion sebaceous glands and the formation of closed cavities. Have the appearance of towering spherical nodes varying degrees density. This type of skin disease, of course, is difficult to confuse with a mole or birthmark, but the variety and appearance can be misleading.

Types of epidermal cysts:

  • milium- a miniature cyst filled with skin keratin. Sizes up to 2 mm, shiny - gray color. Rashes can be single or multiple. May occur as childhood and more mature.
  • synovial cyst- It is formed near the joints, more often on the hands and feet. The cyst contains a clear gel-like liquid.
  • implantation cyst - occurs as a result of trauma, when the outer cover of the skin penetrates into the deeper layers of the skin. Favorite localization on the palms and soles. It looks like a tight nodule.
  • hair cystcystic formation on the scalp with sizes from 0.5 cm to 5 cm. Multiple or single formations, more often occurs in women.
  • epidermal cyst or atheroma- the most common cyst of the skin, formed in the surface layer of the skin. The diameter is different up to 5 cm. Favorite localization is the face, neck, chest, top part back. In the center, a small hole contains a dense whitish-yellow mass.

Senile keratoma is perhaps the most common benign neoplasm of the skin in the superficial layer of the skin. It has the appearance of a rounded pigmented spot with a layer of horny scales. Slightly rise above the surface.

Its appearance is genetically predisposed, but manifests itself after 35 years. The number increases with age. Everything can start from a single education to several thousand in very old people. It may be known by another name - keratopapilloma, senile wart or seborrheic keratosis. More common in men.

Keratoacanthoma is a hemispherical formation on the skin that rises above the surface of the skin. In the center is a crater-shaped depression filled with dead layers of skin. Doctors often confuse keratoacanthoma with squamous cell skin cancer. However, there are differences, primarily in the histological structure.

The standard age of appearance is 40 years. Fast growth, can grow up to 3 cm in a few weeks. Patients with keratoacanthoma do not cause any inconvenience, except cosmetic defect. Color from normal color skin to brown. Density is moderate. Sizes can reach up to 10 cm, the shape is round.

Skin cancer, which moles are dangerous?

Malignant neoplasms of the skin and how to recognize them in time? Actual question which can save many lives.

Malignant neoplasms:

  1. Squamous cell carcinoma.
  2. Basal cell carcinoma.
  3. Melanoma.

Squamous cell carcinoma is a malignant neoplasm of stratified squamous epithelium of the skin and mucous membranes. The occurrence of this type of cancer is preceded by the action of some factors that act as a catalyst.

  • solar radiation;
  • arsenic compound;
  • x-rays and others.

Fair-haired people with white skin and high photosensitivity are more likely to get sick, however, in representatives of the Asian and Negroid races, the incidence rate is not lower as a result of other harmful factors.

People at risk:

  • working, outdoors;
  • farmers;
  • sailors;
  • builders;
  • workers with chemicals;
  • contacting, with x-rays.

The main manifestation is skin lesions. Localization of the tumor is diverse, the most dangerous localization is on the inner and outer corners of the eyes. The tumor grows and rapidly increases in size more in height. The base is immovable. The surface is uneven, bumpy with or without scales.

Sometimes in some varieties of this cancer with ulceration in the center. Appearance whitish sclerotic nodule with blurred borders.

Basal cell carcinoma is a common form of cancer exclusively of the skin, originating from the epidermis with hair follicles. Grows in the deep layers of soft tissues, destroying muscles and bones. Growing, the tumor destroys blood vessels, which leads to bleeding. In other cases, the color of the tumor is brown to blue-black. The surface is smooth, shiny, the consistency is dense. The shape is rounded with a depression in the center.

The age of the lesion is different, but more often after 45 years. Men get sick more often. Basal cell carcinoma looks like a light pink mole with filiform vessels. It rises above the surface of the skin. For accurate diagnosis do a skin biopsy. The risk factors are the same as for squamous cell carcinoma. Sun exposure, exposure to chemical carcinogens.

Melanoma is perhaps one of the most dangerous of malignant neoplasms. It develops from melanocyte pigment cells. The possibility of developing melanoma is the most important reason why people should know as much as possible about moles. Skin cancer and the presence of moles in this case are very closely related.

Favorite localization:

  • leather;
  • retina of the eye;
  • mucous membranes of the vagina, oral cavity, rectum.

The tumor rapidly progresses and metastasizes in the lymphatic and blood vessels. It often happens that the patient dies from metastatic lesions and intoxication, without finding the primary localization of the tumor. The response of the body is very weak or absent altogether.

Diagnosis of a dangerous mole

Precancerous skin changes often develop from these types of moles:

  1. Congenital non-cellular nevus(giant or small) - this type of mole is found immediately after birth. This is a benign neoplasm. The sizes from the most various from very small to huge. Regardless of size, anyone can become a precursor to melanoma. Outwardly, the formation is raised above the level of the skin, in the form of a plaque, sometimes covered with hair. The shape is correct or not, the borders can be blurry or clear. The surface is bumpy, wrinkled. Color - all shades of brown.
  2. Dysplastic nevus is an acquired mole or age spot. It can occur both on clean skin and as a component complex nevus. It is considered as a precursor of superficially spreading melanoma. Dysplastic nevi appear shortly before puberty and continue to form until old age. As in other cases, the provoking factor is excessive sunlight. In appearance, a dysplastic nevus, a brown formation slightly rising above the surface of the skin, without clear boundaries.
  3. Malignant lentigo and lentigo Melanoma is a neoplasm precursor of melanoma. Flat, intraepidermal formation, not rising above the surface of the skin throughout. If a protruding papule appears on the surface, then this means its transformation into melanoma. The risk factor is working outdoors. In appearance, the spot is from 3 to 20 cm in size. It has a bizarre color from light brown and black with black patches and blots on a brown background. The shape is wrong with wrong borders. Favorite localization on open areas of the skin of the neck, shoulders, back of the hands.

If your usual mole has begun to change, namely to increase in size, bleed, change color, and shape, and this can be either a darkening of the color or a weakening of the color, in this case you need to consult a doctor.

Mole injury

Regardless of how many moles you have or not, the probability of damaging it is always high. You can simply scratch the formation or completely tear off during execution hygiene procedures or for other reasons. However, do not panic. First of all, it is necessary to take all measures to prevent infection from entering the wound.

To do this, treat the injury site with an antiseptic and stop the bleeding. Secondly, a torn mole should be taken to histological laboratory for research. As you know, there are types of moles built from capillaries, so bleeding can be quite strong.

Which doctor to contact

If you find a suspicious mole in yourself or your family. You need to see a dermatologist or oncodermatologist. It becomes necessary to remove a mole if:

  • the mole began to grow rapidly;
  • bleeding from the formation;
  • irregular shape, inflammation;
  • the mole is located in such a place that it is constantly rubbed or injured by clothing;
  • you injure a mole when shaving or combing your hair;
  • gross cosmetic defect;

The doctor will conduct an examination and a thorough study of education. This is necessary for right choice methods of removal and treatment.

Treatment and removal of moles

There are several methods for removing moles, as well as the treatment of moles after removal.

  1. Laser removal- removal occurs in layers. A depression will remain at the place of formation. The operation lasts no more than 6 minutes. The disadvantage is the superficial excision of the mole, without underlying tissues.
  2. Electrocoagulation- deletion using a variable electric current. Allows you to control the depth. In place of the mole, a small burn will remain, which will gradually disappear.
  3. Cryodestruction- removal with liquid nitrogen at very low temperatures (below 170 degrees Celsius). Mole under action physical factor is destroyed and rejected. The method is popular, but complications can arise.
  4. Surgical excision- this method is suitable for all types of moles, even for the treatment of malignant skin tumors. The procedure is done under anesthesia. It leaves a linear scar.
  5. Radio wave method - the method is painless, leaves no marks on the body. Removal is carried out with a special Surgiton installation.

It should be remembered that in the case of diagnosis malignant neoplasm skin surgery should be carried out in a specialized oncology hospital.

Folk remedies for removing age spots and moles

Moles cannot be removed on their own, otherwise irreversible health consequences may occur. If you still decide to do this at home, consult a dermatologist and examine your moles for oncology before that.

Dandelion very effective remedy to get rid of moles and freckles. In the spring, take a dandelion and wipe the problem area with its juice.

For the same purposes, you can use onion juice.

Make a compress on a mole from a mixture linseed oil and honey. Apply this composition three times a day for a month.

Wipe the mole fresh pineapple juice.

Enough dangerous method getting rid of moles, the use of lemon juice and garlic in turn. Repeat the procedure for a week three times a day.


Lovely freckles on the bridge of your nose, giant spots on your skin, or little bulging buttons. Every person on earth has these neoplasms.

Moles are an integral part of our body, so don't be so quick to mindlessly remove them in the name of beauty standards. Be individual.

However, don't neglect your health. Examine your moles carefully and consult a doctor at the slightest suspicion. Remember that the treatment and removal of moles must be carried out in a medical facility by qualified specialists.

Moles- the highlight of every woman that nature gives. But some women feel great discomfort from such gifts. Large, full and dark moles make it difficult to wear clothes comfortably. Plastic surgeons offer to remove them in a way surgical intervention. But before laying down operating table, is worth looking into. The mole is small, but the problem in it can be big.

Malignant and benign moles

It has the following properties:

  • Without damage to the skin, instantly removes age spots, moles, freckles, age spots, scars, tattoos
  • Does not require special training
  • Easy to carry, lasts more than five hours on a single charge
  • We use 3 different levels for various purposes
  • The set contains 5 thin and 1 large nozzles - ideal for removing tattoos, age spots, freckles

Signs of a malignant mole

When examining the body, it is important to remember common signs malignant nevus:

  • exfoliation of the upper layer, the surface of the mole changing for no reason;
  • the spot is growing rapidly;
  • its structure has become denser or softer;
  • the mole itches, burns, tingling is felt inside it;
  • redness is noticed near the nevus, similar to an allergy;
  • it seems that small moles merged into one big one;
  • the mole is covered with small wounds;
  • the color has changed;
  • papillomas appeared near the age spot;
  • hair fell out of the mole.

Even one of the above is cause for concern. and can be the cause of the degeneration of a mole into a malignant one. With the naked eye, the condition of a nevus can only be determined by an oncologist or dermatologist. But the existing signs should be the impetus for a visit to the clinic.

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The skin stopped itching, the hair combed well and was not so greasy. The fallout stopped fairly quickly. I could not even dream of such an effect! I recommend."

A malignant mole has a loose, oily structure, uneven contours, dark color it doesn't grow hairs.


Stories from our readers!
“Last year, soft growths appeared on the neck, which were often injured on clothes. The doctor said that these were papillomas and advised to remove them surgically.

Found this on the internet and decided to give it a try. The drug helped. A month later, the formations dried up and fell off. I hope they don't pop up again."

Why are malignant moles dangerous?

A change in the genetic and cellular structure of a birthmark can be the cause of the development of skin cancerous tumors. The simplest form is basal cell carcinoma. It is not fatal, treatable in the first and second stages with surgical operations. There are also more serious forms of skin cancer. Stage 3 or 4 melanomas are already incurable.

If the integrity of the upper layer of the epidermis is violated, the disease gives many complications to other organs. Therefore, it is so dangerous to injure moles: the slightest damage can serve as an impetus to malignancy, and in the case of malignant formation, to metastasis.


Moles should never be removed without diagnosis. The physician relies on medical indications to remove black spots.

To the naked eye, you can see the following signs:

  • rebirth benign mole into a malignant
  • ugly appearance and large size;
  • the presence of a leg at a mole;
  • the inconvenient location of the mole, which entails its constant injury to clothing;
  • discomfort and soreness of the mole, bleeding.

Moles with such indications must be removed in order to prevent infection and the occurrence of a malignant tumor.

When diagnosing a nevus, dermatologists use a special device - a dermatoscope. With the help of the device, you can look through the lens of an enlarged neoplasm on the skin and study the symmetry, structure and condition of the mole without using a scalpel. If the cancerous mole looks like a nodule, dermatoscopy is not performed. A tissue sample of such a nevus is sent for histological examination.

In a matter of days, skin cancer causes irreversible processes in the body. Therefore, it is not worth delaying diagnosis and treatment. Folk and traditional medicine this disease will not help, even hurt. herbal teas and lotions will not stop the transformation of a benign mole into a malignant one.

The method of treatment is determined by the doctor after a comprehensive diagnosis.

In dermatology, 5 basic techniques for removing birthmarks are practiced:

One of the most popular and safe methods for removing age spots is laser cautery. Fractional CO2 laser uses infrared rays. The radiation temperature of a carbon laser reaches 100 degrees Celsius in the center of the coverage area.

Dermatologists use CO2 laser to remove flat warts, age spots. Fractional laser in a more gentle mode is used by cosmetologists. Dermatologists use it to burn tissue. Cryodestruction and electrocoagulation remove superficially located warts. Deeper ones can be removed either with a laser or surgically.

The carbon laser can remove warts all over the body, even deep plantar ones. Removal is carried out with local anesthesia. There is no pain or discomfort during the mini-surgery. The first two days after the procedure, the wound must be treated with an antiseptic.

The consequences of removing such moles go away after 4-6 days. The skin in the removal area remains a pink mark for 1-2 months, then the normal flesh color returns.

Almost every person on the body has one or more moles. As a rule, they do not cause discomfort and do not affect health in any way. But lately, more and more people have begun to appear cancer moles who are harbingers terrible disease- skin cancer. Unfortunately, few can distinguish a common mole from a malignant one, which leads to the development of the disease. In the article, we will take a closer look at what cancerous moles look like, what are their features and how to get rid of them.

What is a malignant mole?

A malignant mole is cancer called melanoma. It can form anywhere on the body, but most often appears on open areas, as they are affected by ultraviolet radiation.

Melanoma is the most dangerous form cancer. It is very important to monitor all moles on the body, especially if there are a lot of them. If a malignant mole is detected in time, the development of melanoma can be prevented.


To prevent development, it is very important to know how to identify a cancerous mole. For comparison, consider the characteristics of ordinary moles and cancerous ones.

Ordinary harmless moles have a uniform color (brown or black), a clear border that separates them from the rest of the body. Moles are round or oval shape, their size is approximately 6 mm.

On human body there can usually be between 10 and 45 moles. New ones can appear before the age of 40, and some, on the contrary, disappear with age.

Now let's talk about malignant moles. There are usually a lot of them, and outwardly they are very different from the usual ones in color, size, contour (more on this below). It happens that an ordinary mole can develop into a malignant one. In order not to miss this moment and start treatment on time, you need to undergo an examination every six months or a year.

Signs of malignant moles

The diagnosis is confirmed after a biopsy histological analysis). Using local anesthesia, remove part of the mole in order to laboratory conditions study its structure carefully. This method is one of the most accurate.

It is possible to diagnose cancer at an early stage using a microdermoscopy computer system, but this method is not yet very common.

Most importantly, if you yourself noticed even the slightest change appearance or the size of your moles - you need to see a doctor. The doctor himself will choose the necessary method of diagnosis, and when timely examination the risk of developing skin cancer is reduced.

Some facts to know about cancerous moles

If a person has more than 50 moles on his body, then he needs to carefully monitor their condition and contact an oncologist at the slightest change.

In addition to the above signs, there are several factors that you should pay attention to:

  1. Darkening. A common mole may be black. But if it was originally brown and suddenly began to darken, then this is a cause for concern. Many people do not pay attention to the darkening of moles, since black is considered the norm.
  2. Inflammation. If the skin around the most normal or redness has formed, then you need to urgently go to the doctor for an examination. And in no case should you treat inflamed skin with alcohol, this can only aggravate the situation.
  3. Surface. The boundaries of the mole have already been mentioned. But you should also pay attention to its surface. From above, it should be smooth, without obvious roughness. If there are any, then this is a sign of the development of melanoma.
  4. If around common mole dark patches of skin appear, this is a big cause for concern. It is necessary to be checked up at the oncologist urgently.

As you can see, there are a lot of signs of melanoma development. It is very difficult to remember them all. Remember that any change in a standard mole may indicate that it is being transformed into a malignant one.


To date, the only possible option is the removal of cancerous moles. The complexity of the operation depends on the neglect of the situation and on the size of the formation. For small growths, half an hour is enough time.

When removing a cancerous mole, the surgeon cuts out a small area of ​​skin (1 cm) around the mole to prevent new ones from appearing in the same place. The larger and larger the malignant mole, the more skin around it needs to be removed.

After cutting out the mole, a sample is sent to the laboratory. They are studying its level of prevalence, that is, the likelihood that new such growths will appear on the body.

What predictions do doctors give?

Tumor thickness is the main criterion by which oncologists make predictions. If the mole was small, then the risk of its re-formation is small, and the chance of life without melanoma increases.

The rehabilitation period after removal of the build-up is short. A scar forms at the site of the removed mole, which heals rather quickly. The size of the scar depends on the method of removal.

Removal with a laser - the most safe way which leaves almost no marks or scars. But this method cannot be used in advanced cases.

It should be noted that if the operation was performed in a timely manner, then the risk of melanoma in the future is very small. In the future, you just need to be regularly observed by an oncologist to avoid relapse.


In the article, we examined in detail what cancerous moles are, what are the ways to treat them, as well as signs that will help identify their development at an early stage. Take care of your body and be healthy!



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