All people want to live happy concise summary. Not all people want to be happy

Answer from Eurovision[newbie]
Ready-made texts for a concise presentation for OGE 9 in Russian
Brief summary, text 1
I remember that my mother's best friends were school friends for the rest of her long life. The same with my father: all his friends were friends of youth. As an adult, it was difficult to make friends. It is in youth that the character of a person is formed, and the circle of his best friends is formed - the closest, most necessary.
In youth, the whole life of a person is formed, and if he chooses his friends correctly, it will be easier for him to live, it will be easier to endure grief and joy. After all, joy also needs to be “transferred”, so that it is the happiest, longest and most durable, so that it does not spoil a person and gives real spiritual wealth, makes a person even more generous.
Keep youth until old age. Keep youth in your old but young friends. Keep youth in your skills, habits, in your youthful openness to people, immediacy. Keep it in everything and do not think that as an adult you will become “completely, completely different” and will live in a different world.
(According to D.S. Likhachev)

paragraph number
The character of a person and the circle of his best friends are formed in youth.
In youth, the whole life of a person is formed, and if he chooses his friends correctly, it will be easier for him to live, it will be easier to endure grief and joy.
Until old age, keep youth in your old friends, in your habits, in your openness to people.
Brief summary, text 2
Of course, it is very important to be healthy, strong, to cope with any business. But what if a person cannot find something to do? So, happiness is not in force! Those who believe that happiness goes indiscriminately to those who are simply, as they say, lucky in life, are also mistaken. It is, after all, an unstoppable happiness. Today a person accidentally succeeded in something, but if he blindly came across luck, tomorrow happiness can change him ...
Truly happy is the one who loves people and whom they respect and love. Who feels that he has enough strength, knowledge and skills to make life better together with all people. One who knows and loves his job, feels himself needed by other people and gives them all his strength rejoices in life. He is the only truly happy person who can tell people: "My happiness is a part of our great common happiness."
(According to the Internet)
Information about the text for a concise presentation
paragraph number
Everyone wants to be happy, but happiness is understood differently: for some, happiness is wealth, but real happiness, for example, true friendship, cannot be bought for money, and you cannot pay off your conscience if it is unclean.
Happiness is not in strength and not in luck: you cannot achieve lasting happiness if luck is accidental.
Truly happy is the one who loves people and whom they respect and love, who feels that he has enough strength, knowledge and skills to make life better together with all people, who knows and loves his job and feels himself needed by people.
The essence of the concept of "power" lies in the possibility of one
a person to force another to do what he would not do of his own free will.
The tree, if left undisturbed, grows straight up. But even if he fails
grow evenly, then it, bending under obstacles, tries from under them
get out and go up again. So is man. Sooner or later he wants
get out of control. Submissive people usually suffer, but if once they
managed to throw off their "burden", then they often turn into
If you command everywhere and everyone, then a person will experience loneliness as
end of life. Such a person will always be alone. After all, communicate on an equal footing
he can't. Inside he has a dull, sometimes unconscious anxiety. And he
feels spo

Views: 25055

(1) People want to be happy - this is their natural need. (2) But where is the very core of happiness? (3) (I’ll note right away that I’m only thinking, and not uttering truths that I myself am only striving for.) (4) Is she hiding in a comfortable apartment, good food, elegant clothes? (5) Yes and no. (6) No - for the reason that, having all these wealth, a person can suffer from various mental hardships. (7) Does it lie in health? (8) Of course, yes, but at the same time, no.

(9) Gorky wisely and slyly remarked that life will always be bad enough so that the desire for the best does not fade away in humanity. (10) And Chekhov wrote: “If you want to be an optimist and understand life, then stop believing what they say and write, but observe for yourself and delve into it.” (11) Pay attention to the beginning of the phrase: "If you want to be an optimist ..." (12) And yet - "dig into it yourself."

(13) In the hospital, I lay plastered up to my chest for almost six months on my back, but when the unbearable pains passed, I was cheerful. (14) The sisters asked: “Rozov, why are you so cheerful?” (15) And I answered: “What? It’s my leg that hurts, but I’m healthy.” (16) My spirit was healthy.

(17) Happiness lies precisely in the harmony of the individual, they used to say: "The Kingdom of God is within us." (18) The harmonic structure of this “kingdom” largely depends on the personality itself, although, I repeat, the external conditions of a person’s existence play an important role in its formation. (19) But not the most important. (20) With all the calls to fight the shortcomings of our lives, which have accumulated in abundance, I will nevertheless, first of all, single out the struggle with myself. (21) You can’t wait for someone to come from outside and make you a good life. (22) We must enter the battle for the "honest little" in ourselves, otherwise it's a disaster.

(V. Rozov)

Happiness. What does it depend on? It is this problem that V. Rozov raises in the text proposed for analysis.

Reflecting on the question posed, the author of the text notices that happiness can lie in different things: a good apartment, food, clothes, excellent health, but if there are mental hardships in a person’s life, then the above components will not bring him happiness. V. Rozov recalls an example from his own life, when he “was in the hospital plastered up to his chest for almost half a year on his back, but when unbearable pains passed, he was cheerful.” The people around did not understand the reason for such undisguised joy, and they asked the patient why he was so cheerful, to which they heard in response: “It’s my leg that hurts, but I’m healthy,” that is, his spirit was healthy. The author of the text completes his reasoning with a fair conclusion that no one but the person himself can make him happy.

The position of the author of the text on the issue raised is expressed clearly and unambiguously and is revealed in sentences 17-18. V. Rozov is convinced that a person's happiness depends on himself, external factors cannot influence happiness as much as he does.

Russian classical writers have repeatedly spoken about this in their works. Let us recall, for example, the novel by L.N. Tolstoy's "War and Peace", one of the main characters of which is Natasha Rostova. She is a cheerful and cheerful girl. Even when shocks happen in her life (for example, the deception of Anatole Kuragin, the death of her brother Petya, her lover Andrei Bolkonsky), she cannot suffer for too long. Why? The thing is that Natasha was in an atmosphere of love and kindness. Many people loved her very much, because she loved them and radiated goodness and joy. That is why Natasha was a happy child.

I will give another literary example from the same work, which shows that a person's happiness depends on his own perception of the world, his attitude towards others. One of the main characters of the novel, Andrei Bolkonsky, in my opinion, very rarely experienced happiness. When, it would seem, everything was fine with him - a wonderful wife, the imminent appearance of a child - he still was not happy. Why? The thing is that Andrei Bolkonsky was tired of all the stupid gossip, balls, and the cheerful good nature of his wife annoyed him, he treated her with contempt. We see that this hero treated the world around him very badly and, as a result, was unhappy.

So, we found out that a person's happiness depends on himself, his internal state and attitude to the world. If a person radiates warmth and kindness, then he will be happy. If a person sees only bad things in the world around him, then he will not see happiness.

What other arguments can be given to support this point of view?

help shorten the text very urgently needed People want to be happy - this is their natural need. But where lies the very core

happiness? (I will note right away that I am only thinking, and not uttering truths that I myself am only striving for.) Does it hide in a comfortable apartment, good food, smart clothes? Yes and no. No - for the reason that, having all these wealth, a person can suffer from various spiritual hardships. Does it lie in health? Of course yes, but at the same time no.

Gorky wisely and slyly remarked that life will always be bad enough so that the desire for the best does not die out in humanity. And Chekhov wrote: “If you want to be an optimist and understand life, then stop believing what they say and write, but observe for yourself and delve into it.” Pay attention to the beginning of the phrase: "If you want to be an optimist ..." And also - "look into it yourself."

In the hospital, I lay plastered up to my chest for almost half a year on my back, but when the unbearable pains subsided, I was cheerful. The sisters asked: “Rozov, why are you so cheerful?” And I answered: “What? It’s my leg that hurts, but I’m healthy.” My spirit was healthy.

Happiness lies precisely in the harmony of the individual, they used to say: "The Kingdom of God is within us." The harmonic structure of this "kingdom" largely depends on the personality itself, although, I repeat, the external conditions of a person's existence play an important role in its formation. But not the most important. With all the calls to fight against the shortcomings of our life, which have accumulated in abundance, I will nevertheless, first of all, single out the struggle with oneself. You can't wait for someone to come along and make you a good life. It is necessary to join the battle for the “honest little” in yourself, otherwise it’s a disaster.

Please help me write a summary

Now on my table, in crystal vases under electric bulbs, this fragrant, sweet, fragrant and healing substance, known to man for a very long time, plays with reflections. But it was brought to us from a place where there have never been bees - from the tundra. This honey was created not only by bees, but also by the efforts of people who arranged for our Russian native bee of the Zaoksk meadows to work in the Arctic.
In the north beyond the Arctic Circle, it happens that there are whole mountains of flowers: the mountain is all white - it's cloudberries and blueberries are blooming. And then, it happens, in July the mountain is all pink - it began to bloom Ivan-tea, and then mountain ash, then wild rosemary, geranium, and you never know what! And just think, in each flower there is two or three times more nectar than ours, and each flower was waiting for a bee, and there were no bees beyond the Arctic Circle.
That is why it is attractive that, not at the loss of nature, we discovered polar honey, that millions of pounds of honey then were in flowers in order to attract bees for pollination, but there were no bees and we brought them.
There are things in the world that are original in their goodness and understandable to everyone, uniting nature and man in an ancient union, and among these things is bread. But you only need to be very hungry in order to feel the sun in the bread, and it is easier for us to see this on the substance of honey.
Please help me prepare a concise statement C:

title the text so that its main idea is reflected in the title .... make a plan and write a concise summary ... guys please

help to title the text, write a concise summary and plan ....


very necessary

sometime before evening, when we were returning home, a strong wind suddenly broke and drove us straight to the breakwater, and the wild waves that cleared up seemed to set out on a special purpose to throw us with all their might against the breakwater's granite and smash our boat to pieces. We rowed with the last of our strength; we saw our only salvation in getting to the harbor before we were hit by rocks. This turned out to be impossible, and now we were raised so high that for a moment we saw the sea on the other side of the pier, then it was thrown down, as if from a five-story building, then it was doused with a huge waterfall, then with furious force it began to beat our boat against the pier first with stern, then nose, then side. I tried to push myself away from the breakwater with an oar, but it immediately broke. I became stiff with despair and suddenly noticed, or rather felt, that Zhitkov was no longer behind me. There was a moment when I was sure that he had drowned. But then I heard his voice. It turned out that at the moment when we were lifted up, Zhitkov, with an amazing presence of mind, jumped from the boat onto the pier, onto its sloping, wet, slippery wall and climbed to the very ridge. From there he shouted to me: - The end! "End" - in a sea rope. Zhitkov demanded that I throw him a rope that lay rolled up in a ring on the nose, but since I was still very unsteady in the marine vocabulary, I understood the word "end" in its general meaning and screamed with deathly anguish. Fortunately, the lighthouse keeper saw the catastrophe and rushed to my aid. With terrible curses, which even the howling of the storm could not drown out, with a face distorted with anger, he threw me the end of the rope and, together with Zhitkov, dragged me, trembling, but inexpressibly delighted, onto the wet stones of the pier and immediately took up our boat: he hooked it with a long hook and ordered an assistant to bring her into the harbor, after which, with a new assortment of curses, he attacked me and Zhitkov, demanding that we follow him to the lighthouse. I expected unusual ferocity, but he, without ceasing to scold, gave us a glass of peppercorns, ordered us to throw off our wet clothes and run naked along the breakwater in order to warm ourselves as soon as possible. Then he laid us on a bunk in his kennel, covered us with a blanket, and, sitting down at an overturned box, took a pen to draw up a report on what had happened. And I was struck by the courage of my faithful and reliable comrade ...


insert the missing letters and open the brackets. indicate the type, person, and number of conjugated verbs want, run. sample: want ending em

(improper appearance, 3 l. unit)

1. if you try hard - everything can succeed. 2. the tongue is soft, that (to want) then mumbles.3. skinny tackle and rest (not) (give). 4. What (not) (want) to yourself, do not do either.5. good glory lies, and thin (to flee). 6. pasha is not lazy if (want) to live happily.

1. Restore the sequence of actions when writing a concise presentation on a text that is perceived by ear. 1. Fix

sequence of events, reasoning and plan the text.

2. Select compression methods for each part of the text and shorten the text, keeping the main information and all micro-themes.

3. Write a concise summary.

4. Listen to the source text and formulate the main theme and idea of ​​the text.

5. Check the connection between the parts of the presentation and the presence of the author's intent.

What Russian scientist are we talking about? Write the last name in the nominative case without initials.

"He laid the foundations for the scientific study of the phraseology of the Russian language, established three types of phraseological turns (phraseological unions, phraseological units, phraseological combinations)".

Determine which section of linguistics is referred to in the following statements. Enter the correct answer in the nominative case in the answer table.

[She] "studies the emotional expression of the elements of the language system, as well as the interaction of speech facts that contribute to the formation of expressive means of one or another language" (Sh. Bally).

[It should be defined as a science not only] “about the means of speech expressiveness”, but also “about the laws of the functioning of the language, due to the most appropriate use of language units, depending on the content of the statement, goals, situation and sphere of communication” (M.N. Kozhina) .

What is the word in the text?

The word ... is formed from the name of two Cyrillic letters. In modern Russian, this word means the same as the Greek word .... At the same time, there is a tendency to distinguish between these concepts: ... often only a set of letters is called, but not necessarily in order ...

About one of the letters of the Russian alphabet, M.V. Lomonosov said: “ Dumb seat occupied, similarity as a fifth wheel". Write the correct answer in the form of a letter in the answer table.

Happiness is that component of your Soul that lives in you and rejoices.

He rejoices in every day, the sun, the sky; the opportunity to live, breathe, contemplate and be filled with that natural natural force that washes around and nourishes your human body.

Happiness is being yourself at every moment of your life. To be able to accept its surprises, joys, misunderstandings, and everything that makes the Soul “flutter”, rejoice, worry, get out, get to know yourself and the world around.

This, that state...

Happiness is the main goal and meaning of human life!

What is the most important thing for a person in his life?

This question can most often be answered that for a person his own life is most important. Wouldn't a man, some people say, give everything he had to live?

You can also often hear in response that for a person, his health is most important. When a person, other people will say, suffers from a lack of health, he is also ready to sacrifice a lot. Sometimes lack of health...

Admit it, you sometimes think that in order to achieve happiness, you need to achieve excellence in one area or another.

In order to be a successful musician, it is necessary to master a musical instrument perfectly and perform a musical composition perfectly.

In order to be a happy wife, it is necessary to master the culinary art perfectly, maintain perfect order and cleanliness in the house, and absolutely obey her husband.

In order to become a happy mother, you need to educate ...

Happiness is a person's feeling of a pleasant state in the process of receiving pleasure.

Transforming opposites into harmony.
Each person has their own, personal, individual idea of ​​happiness.

Ordinary happiness is short-lived, because the amount of pleasure received is always limited by the recipient.

But on earth for 5769 years there has been a patent for obtaining eternal, absolute happiness.

You just need to take advantage of the endless number of desires of others ...

What is happiness? What factors affect the satisfaction of married couples? The first thing to notice about married couples is the open, honest expression of how you feel about how much you love your significant other. Couples who pay adequate attention to their soul mate are always the most persistent in critical life situations.

So, for example, a wife prepares breakfast for her children in the morning, dresses them, meanwhile the scrambled eggs burn and, in addition, in a hurry for everything, accidentally spills her husband's coffee, who ...

Achieving strength, happiness, perfection are the main goals of most spiritual and esoteric schools. These questions are very difficult. As complex as how often you see absolutely happy people or ideal relationships in the family (love, idyll).

How often can you meet in life happiness, strength, perfection in all their manifestations? To achieve anything meaningful in life, you need to learn it. Even if a person sets a goal, he does not always realize it. If he doesn't...

Everyone knows the expression “Money can’t buy happiness”. A recent psychological study not only showed the veracity of this statement, but actually demonstrated an inverse relationship between the wealth of a person who built his life around material values ​​and his happiness.

A study of how human happiness depends on wealth, conducted by psychologists Edward Diener and David Meyers, clearly showed that people are indeed happier if they live in ...

Natalya Bondarenko: During the 2000s, the picture did not change significantly. About 70% believed that it was impossible to honestly earn millions in Russia. It is not uncommon for about a third of the respondents to report that the windfall profits of businessmen are incomes received as a result of speculation and certain deceit.

About 48% did not support the situation that there are people in the country who receive over millions. And more often this position was noted among the less wealthy. However, the main groups are...

All people want to know what it means to be happy, and in many ways they try to achieve this. However, despite the desire to live a bright and happy life, most do not know how to achieve this.

It is difficult to define happiness because we live in a constant paradox. On the one hand, it seems that every step taken to some extent brings us closer to achieving happiness, and on the other hand, everything we have achieved is constantly not enough.

Now happiness has become a myth, reflected in objects that make some people happier and others, on the contrary, unhappy.

In a desperate search for happiness

It is enough to "surf" the Internet to see how we are all obsessed with the search for happiness. Millions of articles teach you the do's and don'ts to be happy. We want to spread happiness in all areas of our lives: at work, in a couple, in a family, in every day.

We are looking for clues to feel lucky at every turn. Such searches can continue indefinitely, in the end, they become an empty ideal and it becomes impossible to achieve a result.

The definition that we give to happiness is increasingly similar to the definition of romantic love that sounds from the screens of romantic films.

Following stereotypes, we fall into psychological materialism, where we turn not only into anxious consumers, but also into eternal seekers of happiness that someone has to build for us.

Positive psychology constantly reminds us of the “bad” habits that we are trapped in: waiting all week for Fridays to have fun, waiting all year for holidays to relax, dreaming of the perfect partner to understand what love is.

But if we limit ourselves in waiting and in the eternal programming of happiness ... What will we get in the end? This is one of the pressing problems of modern man. However, another problem is that we often mistake for happiness something that is built from the outside world and that society imposes on us:

  • A good job, a house, the latest phone, fashionable new shoes, stylish furniture in the apartment, a modern computer.
  • Being in a relationship, having kids and lots of friends.

Following these stereotypes, we gradually fall into psychological materialism, where we turn not only into anxious consumers, but also into eternal seekers of happiness that someone has to build for us.

commercial happiness

International corporations speculate on our pursuit of happiness. It is no coincidence that the economic crisis has coincided with marketing strategies that convince us that happiness is money.

Such artificial happiness conquers and is sold only because everyone wants to be happy. Companies understand this, because it is important for them to win the trust and love of their customers. Everything is used: tricks, manipulations. Companies play on our emotions in order to get us to try a product “that will definitely bring us happiness.”

It is no coincidence that the economic crisis has coincided with marketing strategies that convince us that happiness is money.

Dictatorship of happiness

In addition to making happiness an object of consumption, it has been imposed on us as an unshakable dogma. The motto "I want to be happy" was changed to "I must be happy." In this context, we believed in another new truth: "To want is to be able."

They give two results: on the one hand, there is no positivism or motivation left from “nothing is impossible” or “I smile more and complain less”, and on the other hand, “I should be happy” and “I wanted to but I couldn't, something just went wrong."

In a time of crisis in which modern society finds itself, where the sale of happiness is the marketing strategy of choice, it is important to keep in mind that we do not have to want to be happy. And that failure to achieve a goal is not always our fault.

Happiness does not come alone

Happiness is a subjective feeling, however, like many others. The personal life of each of us consists of emotions and feelings that appear both from positive and from resentment, sadness and anger.

Each emotion is useful, each emotion is necessary and has a special function. Emotions give meaning to our existence and give us experience.

What do you need to be happy?

Happiness is not built according to a given model and does not consist of a magic formula. Each of us has our own experiences, characteristics, tastes and preferences. What makes one happy, brings sadness to another.

Happiness is not in the next purchase of a T-shirt with a life-affirming inscription or a smile for a selfie. You cannot build your own happiness by adhering to other people's plans and goals.

Being happy is much easier: you need to ask yourself the right questions and look for answers that are close to you, and not imposed by standards.

Make decisions that you yourself think are best for you, not those that others think will benefit you

One of the most effective secrets to building your own happiness in everyday life is to make decisions that you yourself think are best for you, not those that others think will benefit you.

  • If your happiness is to spend the whole weekend reading a fascinating book in silence, forget about those who tell you that you are boring.
  • If happiness for you is to love yourself, and not to look for someone to love you, do not listen to those who say that you need to look for the perfect partner.
  • If your happiness lies in doing a job that makes your eyes burn and for which it is not hard to get up in the morning, do not listen to those who say that you need a more profitable job.

My plans for today: be happy

Happiness should not be postponed until Friday, or for holidays, or for the time when you will have a house and an ideal husband. You are living in this very moment. Of course, each of us has our own obligations. And there will always be someone who will say: "It is impossible to be happy under the weight of daily responsibility at work and at home."

The main thing is that whatever you do, allow yourself to determine your interests and goals, do not let others take advantage of you. Why waste your life on someone else's dreams?

As Aldous Huxley wrote, "Now everyone is happy." We hammer this into children from the age of five. But doesn't another freedom beckon you - the freedom to be happy in some other way? Somehow, say, in your own way, and not on a common pattern?



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