The effectiveness of proper nutrition: a list of protein and carbohydrate foods for weight loss. What proteins and carbohydrates will help you lose weight?

Almost everyone wants to lose weight. Hundreds of thousands of diets have been invented for those losing weight, the pages of magazines and the Internet are full of attractive headlines “How to lose weight in one day”, “How to lose weight without leaving the couch and overeating on donuts”. But there are also those who need, on the contrary, to gain weight.

These are athletes or just very thin people. What should they do? What diet should you follow to get yourself into the desired shape?

The task of gaining weight is more difficult than getting rid of extra pounds. If, in order to gain weight, a person begins to eat too much at night and exercise little, he will simply “grow fat” and also undermine his health. Conclusion: you need to gain weight, as well as lose weight, wisely.

To do this, you need to go on a special diet and be sure to find time for strength exercises.

To gain weight, you need to increase your intake of proteins and carbohydrates: protein foods supply muscles with building material and allow you to gain weight due to growth muscle mass, not fat deposits; carbohydrates provide the body with the necessary energy and restore muscle glycogen.

Proteins consist of a chain of amino acids that break down under the influence of digestive enzymes into individual amino acids, which are used by the body to build muscles. To gain weight, protein must be at least 50% daily ration. You can independently calculate the amount of protein you need.

The average person needs 1.5 to 2 grams of protein per 1 kilogram of body weight. If the goal is to gain weight and increase muscle mass, then the amount of protein received should be doubled, i.e. for every kilogram of body weight - 3-4 grams of protein.

For example, with a weight of 60 kg, the rate of protein consumption per day will be 180-240 g. It is important not only the amount of protein the body receives, but also the quality of protein food. Food should be prepared from natural and fresh products.

Beef is very rich in proteins. fish dishes, seafood, chicken, turkey, eggs, milk, cottage cheese, cheese.

Carbohydrates are essential for the functioning of the body. Although most diets suggest eliminating them completely, this cannot be done: both when getting rid of extra pounds and when gaining them, carbohydrates must be included in the diet. Without them, the body cannot process proteins and fats; they are also necessary for the functioning of the brain and muscles.

When carbohydrates enter the body, they are converted into glucose, the main source of energy. If carbohydrates do not come from outside, the human body will begin to consume muscle mass to obtain the necessary energy, which will lead to muscular dystrophy.

We must keep in mind that not all carbohydrates are healthy. They are divided into simple and complex. When simple (fast) carbohydrates enter the body, they instantly turn into glucose and enter the blood. Blood sugar levels rise and the brain receives a signal that you are full.

However, with physical activity, this level drops just as quickly, and the person again feels the need for food. Complex (slow) carbohydrates are absorbed by the body gradually. They are an excellent source of energy and work like a generator, providing the body with energy for a long time and giving it tone. It is the products with high content slow carbohydrates necessary to increase body weight.

Complex carbohydrates are found in grains, legumes, pasta, whole grain bread, potatoes, and corn.

When gaining weight, you should follow a few basic rules:

Firstly, protein and carbohydrate foods should be contained in the diet in in moderation. You should not go too far and eat 10 scrambled eggs or a kilogram of sweets in the hope of quickly gaining weight. The number of calories received per day can exceed the calories expended by a maximum of 500 kcal.

You can calculate the body's daily energy consumption using a simple formula: body weight is multiplied by two, and the resulting result is multiplied by 17. The resulting number is the maximum daily calorie intake. It should be divided into 5 or 6 (depending on how many meals are provided).

The second rule: proteins should make up 50% of the daily diet and be included in every meal.

Third: drink a lot of water: up to 3-4 liters per day. When the body is dehydrated, there is a loss of strength and a slowdown in muscle growth.

Fourthly, it is necessary to engage strength training 3-4 times a week. Only in this case can you form a beautiful muscle corset, and not get a shapeless tummy and “breeches” on the hips.

Fifth rule: eat immediately after training. This meal should be especially rich in proteins: after all, they are responsible for the growth of muscle mass. However, carbohydrates should not be ignored either: they will effectively relieve fatigue and restore strength after heavy physical activity.

The diet of those wishing to gain weight must certainly include the following products:

Meat: beef, turkey, lean pork, chicken breast.

Fish: any fatty varieties, cod, tuna. It should be boiled or stewed - useful substances from fried and even more so smoked fish are difficult to absorb by the body.

Cottage cheese is a very valuable product for those who want to gain weight and at the same time maintain beautiful shape. It is very useful to eat it immediately after working out in the gym.

Chicken eggs are a rich source of protein. One egg contains 8 grams of pure protein. You can eat eggs up to 4 times a week, 2 pieces each. Egg whites should be consumed daily: add them to salads or other dishes.

Any grain products and cereals: buckwheat, pearl barley, wheat. It is better to prepare porridge by steaming: then they retain all the beneficial substances.

Dairy products. They can be consumed at night.

Vegetables, fruits in any form: raw, boiled, stewed, compote, fruit juice or puree, dried fruits, etc.

Clean water: the more the better. She provides normal work organs and systems and the removal of protein breakdown products in case of excess intake into the body rich in proteins and carbohydrate foods for weight gain. Minimal amount The amount of water you drink per day should be 2.5 liters.

Following these simple rules, you can gain weight and at the same time form a beautiful figure.

Text: Olga Natolina

Many people know about the popular protein diet, which is based on a deficiency of carbohydrates in the diet. Nutritionists have also developed a modification of it - the “protein-carbohydrate diet”, or in other words - protein-carbohydrate alternation (or briefly - the BUC diet). It is more varied and allows you to combine proteins and carbohydrates in your diet.

How does the protein-carbohydrate diet work?

Protein-carbohydrate diet implies that you will alternate days when you need to consume only protein food, With carbohydrate days, during which you need to eat foods high in carbohydrates. Thus, your plan for the week will be as follows: first day - mixed type food, then for two days you eat cottage cheese, meat, fish, without adding any carbohydrate products into the diet. And the next day you treat yourself to buckwheat, fresh non-starchy vegetables or fruits. Even whole grain bread and baked potatoes are allowed. Then you should again return to eating protein foods for two days. According to this scheme (1 mixed + 2 protein + 1 carbohydrate + 2 protein + 1 carbohydrate) the week is structured. The duration of the diet is not limited - in theory, this style of eating is suitable not only for gradual weight loss, but also for life in general.

Features of protein days

If you are trying to lose weight, then protein days you need to monitor the caloric content of foods. Choose foods for your diet minimal fat content: skim cheese, tuna, lean meat or fish. Due to a deficiency of not only carbohydrates, but also fats, the body will be forced to spend stored reserves - accordingly, you will invariably lose excess weight.

It is also important to correctly calculate the amount of protein you need to eat during protein days. There is no need to count carbohydrates and fats - you should eliminate carbohydrates altogether for a while, and simply reduce fat to a minimum. Protein is calculated in this way: you take your weight and multiply it by 3. This is the protein requirement per day in grams. If your weight is very high, then take as your calculation the already reduced figure that you are striving for, but do not subtract more than 10 kg. Having received the value, you will create a diet and understand how many protein products to include in it. For convenience, it would be nice to have on hand a table of caloric content of foods with their protein, fat and carbohydrate content.

During a carbohydrate day, you don't need to do the math. The main thing is to eat foods that contain complex carbohydrates, such as cereals, cereals, vegetables, durum wheat pasta. They just contain little fat, which also matters. To figure out whether a product contains fast (empty) carbohydrates or healthier slow (complex) carbohydrates, use the glycemic index table. The higher the GI index in the table, the more useless the product. For a protein-carbohydrate alternating diet, you should choose foods with the lowest GI possible. During a combination day, you eat carbohydrate foods in the morning, and in the afternoon - protein products with added carbohydrates, and in the evening - only protein foods.

Pros of protein-carbohydrate alternation

The main advantage of protein-carbohydrate alternation is, of course, a smooth weight loss with obvious balanced diet. What is not harmful to health, like many fast diets. In addition, this weight loss method does not involve complex calculations of the calorie content of foods eaten. It’s quite easy to understand how to plan your diet yourself. With this diet, weight loss occurs due to the burning of fat, and not due to the removal of fluid from the body. When the results disappear immediately as soon as you return to your normal diet.

During a protein-carbohydrate diet, you won't have to fight constant feeling hunger, on the contrary, sometimes it will be difficult to eat as many protein foods as necessary. You will also not notice a deterioration in mood or drowsiness as with many diets, when a person becomes irritable. Another advantage of protein-carbohydrate alternation is your appearance will not get worse. Namely, hair and nails will not suffer due to the lack of necessary microelements in the body.

If you set a goal to lose weight and build muscle mass, then you need protein-carbohydrate alternation. Your muscle mass will increase and your body fat will decrease. But this requires high physical activity. This diet is popular among athletes, because on it you do not feel weak and unwell due to the lack of carbohydrates. You can lead an active lifestyle, including sports. And the amount of protein that is consumed during protein-carbohydrate alternation is sufficient to increase muscle mass.

If you follow a protein-carbohydrate diet for more than a month, you will teach your body to do without cakes and other foods. harmful products. In the future, after leaving the diet, you will make up your diet from balanced, low-calorie foods. What will prevent your weight from returning will be the key to health.

Cons of the diet

Many nutritionists, however, also talk about the disadvantages of protein-carbohydrate alternation. They question the effectiveness of such a diet for a long time, more than three months. Since our body adapts well, it will stop responding to changes in diet. Therefore, a protein-carbohydrate diet is not suitable for people with obesity problems. Here we need more strict diets, and it is better for a nutritionist to develop a nutritional system.

Also, a disadvantage of protein-carbohydrate alternation is considered to be a large consumption of proteins per day. After all, eating 3 grams of protein for every kilogram of your weight is a truly unusual amount for the body, and it will be difficult to digest it. Therefore, this diet is recommended along with regular physical activity. Then the metabolism will accelerate, and proteins will be better absorbed. Thus, the load on the body will be reduced.

During protein days, due to too high consumption squirrel, you may feel sick. Also, it may appear bad smell in your mouth and your breath will lose freshness.

Protein-carbohydrate diet: sample menu by day

During protein days, your menu might look like this:

  • In the morning: low-fat cottage cheese and tea without added sugar;
  • Second breakfast: 2 egg omelet;
  • For lunch: steamed tuna, you can add a couple of cucumbers;
  • Afternoon snack: low-fat yogurt or kefir;
  • Dinner - chicken breasts steamed or boiled beef;
  • Before bed: drinking yogurt without sugar or additives, or a glass of fermented baked milk.

On carbohydrate days you can eat like this:

  • In the morning: muesli, optionally with some added skim milk and honey or dried fruits;
  • Snack: 1 apple, or a couple of apricots;
  • Lunch: buckwheat, rice, pasta with tomato sauce or mushrooms, vegetable salad with olive oil, Rye bread one piece;
  • Afternoon snack – low-fat yogurt with honey and bread;
  • Dinner - meat fried on olive oil or fish, with salad leafy vegetables;
  • 30 minutes before bedtime: a glass of yogurt.

During protein-carbohydrate days, the menu may look like this:

  • For breakfast: oatmeal with dried fruits, low-fat yogurt;
  • Snack: apple;
  • Lunch: steamed fish, side dish of rice or buckwheat;
  • Snack: a glass of kefir with honey;
  • Dinner: stewed meat, lentils as a side dish;
  • Before bed: drinking yogurt, or a glass of fermented baked milk.

A person’s health, well-being and mood largely depend on nutrition. Therefore, it is necessary to pay due attention to it, choosing the right and healthy products for the body. In addition to the benefits, when adjusting your diet, you need to worry about its balance. Carbohydrate foods occupy a major place in daily diet person, because it is indispensable for the implementation natural processes body. Therefore, the advice of most nutrition experts agree that half of the foods a person eats throughout the day should be carbohydrates.

Carbohydrate foods occupy a major place in the daily human diet


In order for all systems and organs human body worked smoothly, there were no failures in important processes it must be supplied daily with proteins, fats and carbohydrates that perform their assigned functions.

Sources of carbohydrates are an essential component sports nutrition, because they give the body energy to perform physical activity. In addition, carbohydrates are responsible for energy nutrition muscle fibers and stable liver function.

You cannot exclude carbohydrates from your diet. Moreover, they need to take up almost half of your daily diet. At the same time, the diversity of the diet will not suffer, because the food can be very different, which makes it possible to supply carbohydrates to the body uninterruptedly.

Fresh mushrooms do not contain many carbohydrates

There is a list of sources containing carbohydrates:

  • Sources from low content carbohydrates (no more than 5 grams per 100 grams of product). These products include vegetables such as fresh mushrooms or radishes, tomatoes, onions, lettuce. Citrus fruits, particularly lemons, can also be included in this group.
  • Low-carb sources include fruits, such as pear, peach or apricot, as well as vegetables - carrots, pumpkin. Seasonal sources of carbohydrates are watermelon and melon. This group of products includes those whose carbohydrate concentration does not exceed 10 grams per 100 grams of product.
  • The group of foods per 100 grams, which contain no more than 20 grams of carbohydrates, includes mainly vegetables and fruits. Among vegetables, attention should be paid to potatoes and beets. As for fruits, these are green apples and grapes. This also includes ice cream.
  • One of the richest sources can rightfully be considered natural dark chocolate, halva, bakery products and peas. IN listed products the concentration of carbohydrates reaches 60 grams per 100 grams of product.

Natural dark chocolate contains many carbohydrates

  • Highly concentrated carbohydrate foods are those that contain more than 60 grams of carbohydrates per 100 grams of food. The leaders among these sources are refined sugar, honey, jam, fresh baked goods, and all kinds of sweets. Also in this group there is a place for cereals, which are a source of energy for the human body.

This list of products is a clear example of what needs to be added to the diet to obtain energy and carry out processes necessary for the body. You should not overuse this type of food, as it can harm the body. Therefore, everything needs to be done in moderation.

Honey is very rich in carbohydrates

Carbohydrate table

By observing or adhering to the principles of sports nutrition, you must strictly control your diet and include or eliminate healthy and harmful foods from it.

Thus, complex carbohydrates are absorbed by the body rather slowly, which gives a feeling of fullness compared to eating simple carbohydrates.

As you know, in sports it is very important to eat food in a timely manner. Equally important is its correct division, in our case into simple and complex carbohydrates, information about which is contained in the following table.

The products that this table contains must be selected extremely carefully, because if they are mixed up, you may not get the desired result from diet or sports. Most of the results obtained depend on nutrition.

If we're talking about O dietary nutrition, or sports, then most nutrition experts are inclined to believe that complex carbohydrates, which the above table will allow you to familiarize yourself with, bring more benefits to the body than foods containing fast carbohydrates. This is due to the fact that foods containing starchy foods or complex carbohydrates are absorbed by the body rather slowly. Thanks to this property, a person manages not to feel hungry for a long time.

Banana contains carbohydrates

Such food also has a beneficial effect on blood sugar levels, which can be maintained at the same level. This cannot be said about simple compounds, the use of which should be treated with caution. They inflame the feeling of hunger and increase blood sugar levels, which does not have the most pleasant outcome.

A variety of food allows you to make your diet interesting and not boring. In addition, a large selection allows you to prepare huge amount interesting, delicious dishes, the benefit from which will be achieved maximum.

For the functioning of the body, energy is required from food. About half energy needs provide foods containing carbohydrates. To lose weight, you need to watch balanced intake and calorie expenditure.

Why does the body need carbohydrates?

Carbohydrates burn faster than proteins and even more so fats; they are necessary for the maintenance, they are part of cells, and participate in the regulation and synthesis of nucleic acids that transmit hereditary information.

To lose weight, you should not eat foods containing carbohydrates in the afternoon.

The blood of an adult contains approximately 6 g of glucose. These reserves are enough to provide the body with energy for 15 minutes. To maintain blood levels, the body produces the hormones insulin and glucagon:

  • Insulin lowers blood glucose levels and converts it into glycogen or fat, which is especially necessary after meals.
  • Glucagon increases blood sugar levels.

The body uses glycogen reserves from the muscles and liver. These reserves are sufficient to supply the body with energy for 10-15 hours. When sugar levels drop significantly, a feeling of hunger occurs.

Carbohydrates vary in the degree of molecular complexity. They can be arranged in order of increasing complexity in the following way: monosaccharides, disaccharides, polysaccharides.

Some foods contain indigestible carbohydrates, which include ( alimentary fiber, pectin substances), necessary for intestinal motility, removal of harmful substances from the body, binding, stimulating activity beneficial microflora.

Table of carbohydrates depending on the complexity of the molecule
NameCarbohydrate typeIn what products is it found?
Simple sugars
GlucoseMonosaccharideGrape, grape juice, honey
Fructose (fruit sugar)MonosaccharideApples, citrus fruits, peaches, watermelon, dried fruits, juices, compotes, preserves, honey
Sucrose (table sugar)DisaccharideSugar, confectionery flour products, juices, compotes, jams
Lactose (milk sugar)DisaccharideCream, milk, kefir
Maltose (malt sugar)DisaccharideBeer, kvass
StarchPolysaccharideFlour products (bread, pasta), cereals, potatoes
Glycogen (animal starch)PolysaccharideThe body's energy reserve is found in the liver and muscles.
CellulosePolysaccharideBuckwheat, pearl barley, oatmeal, wheat and rye bran, bread made from flour coarse, fruits vegetables

Glucose is absorbed most quickly; fructose is inferior in absorption speed. Under the influence of acid gastric juice, enzymes quickly absorb lactose and maltose.

With sufficient consumption of foods rich in carbohydrates, the body stores glycogen (animal starch) in the liver and muscles. When there is an excess intake of sugars and sufficient glycogen reserves, carbohydrates begin to turn into fat.

Weight loss products containing carbohydrates

A significant portion of carbohydrates comes from grains and legumes. This diet is rich in plant matter, vitamins and minerals.

Maximum useful substances contain the germ and shell of the grain, so the greater the degree of processing of the product, the less useful it contains.

Legumes contain a lot of protein, but they are only 70% digestible. In addition, legumes can block the action of certain digestive enzymes, which in some cases disrupts digestion and can damage the walls of the small intestine.

Greatest the nutritional value in whole grain products containing bran, as well as in a variety of cereals.

Rice is easily digested, but it is low in vitamins, minerals, and fiber. In millet and pearl barley significantly more fiber. In buckwheat. Oat groats high in calories, rich in potassium.

It turns out that it is difficult to achieve overeating of foods containing carbohydrates in normal conditions they do not increase the volume of fat reserves.

Increased body weight is mistakenly associated with consumption significant amount carbohydrates. In fact, they are absorbed faster than proteins and fats, which is why the body’s need to oxidize dietary fats is significantly reduced, and they form deposits.

In addition, some foods containing carbohydrates are high in fat. For example, in chocolate it is up to 45%, in cream up to 55%. In order for the body to cope with fat oxidation, it is enough to reduce consumption fatty foods. As a result, you will be able to lose weight or keep your weight at the same level.

Table (list) of products for weight loss

To lose weight, you should consume no more than 50-60g of foods containing carbohydrates per day. To maintain weight at a stable level, it is allowed to increase their amount to 200g per day. If you consume more than 300g of carbohydrates, your weight will begin to increase.

Table of carbohydrate-rich foods used for weight loss
ProductsCalorie content (kcal per 100 g)Carbohydrate content per 100 g
Rice372 87,5
Cornflakes368 85
Plain flour350 80
Raw oats, nuts, dried fruits368 65
White bread233 50
Wholemeal bread216 42,5
Boiled rice123 30
Wheat bran206 27,5
Boiled pasta117 25
Cream cake440 67,5
Shortbread cookies504 65
Butter pastries527 55
Dry biscuit301 55
Eclairs376 37,5
Ice cream milk167 25
Milk and dairy products
Fruit kefir52 17,5
Whole milk powder without sugar158 12,5
Kefir52 5
Meat and meat products
Fried beef sausage265 15
Fried pork sausage318 12,5
Liver sausage310 5
Fish and seafood
Fried shrimp316 30
Cod fried in oil199 7,5
Flounder fried in breadcrumbs228 7,5
Perch cooked in the oven196 5
Potatoes fried in vegetable oil253 37,5
Green pepper raw15 20
Boiled potatoes80 17,5
Sweet corn kernels76 15
Boiled beets44 10
Boiled beans48 7,5
Boiled carrots19 5
Dried raisins246 65
Dried currants243 62,5
Dried dates248 62,5
Prunes161 40
Fresh bananas79 20
Grape61 15
Fresh cherries47 12,5
Fresh apples37 10
Fresh peaches37 10
Fresh green figs41 10
Pears41 10
Fresh apricots28 7,5
Fresh oranges35 7,5
Fresh tangerines34 7,5
Blackcurrant compote without sugar24 5
Fresh grapefruit22 5
Honey melons21 5
Fresh raspberries25 5
Fresh strawberries26 5
Chestnuts170 37,5
Soft nut butter623 12,5
Hazelnuts380 7,5
Dried coconut604 7,5
Salted roasted peanuts570 7,5
Almond565 5
Walnuts525 5
Sugar and jam
White sugar394 99,8
Honey288 77,5
Jam261 70
Marmalade261 70
Lollipops327 87,5
Iris430 70
Milk chocolate529 60
Soft drinks
Liquid chocolate366 77,5
Cocoa powder312 12,5
Coca Cola39 10
Lemonade21 5
Alcoholic drinks
Alcohol 70%222 35
Dry vermouth118 25
Red wine68 20
Dry white wine66 20
Beer32 10
Sauces and marinades
Sweet marinade134 35
Tomato ketchup98 25
Mayonnaise311 15
Chicken noodle soup20 5

Harmful effects of eating large quantities of foods containing carbohydrates

Use in large quantities carbohydrate foods deplete the insulin apparatus, leading to a lack of mineral salts, vitamins, disrupts the processing and absorption of food, malfunctions of internal organs.

Carbohydrate breakdown products can inhibit the development of beneficial microorganisms. For example, yeast used for cooking white bread, come into conflict with intestinal microflora.

The harm of products made from yeast dough has been noticed for a long time. Therefore, among some peoples, bread is baked exclusively from unleavened dough, sometimes this rule enshrined in the tenets of belief.

Modified: 02/14/2019
Bread, potatoes, pasta

Squirrels- an indispensable part of food. They are used to build new cells and replace worn-out ones, and are actively involved in metabolism. Nutritionists call them “proteins,” from the Greek word “proteo,” which means “first place.” Proteins in the body are formed only from food proteins. If you don't eat enough protein, your skin will deteriorate and your nervous system will suffer.

The main sources of animal protein are meat, fish, cottage cheese, eggs - these are the main ones. IN plant products also contain proteins, legumes and nuts are especially rich in them. Healthy eating involves a combination of animal and plant products.

The proteins in dairy products are digested the fastest. Fish and meat are well digested (beef is much faster than pork and lamb). Average rate squirrel in daily ration an adult is 100-120 g.

Fats- the most powerful source of energy, that is, calories we don’t need. Sources of fat include animal fats and vegetable oils, as well as meat, fish, eggs, milk and dairy products. Fats contain saturated and unsaturated fatty acid, fat-soluble vitamins A, B, E, lecithin and a number of other substances, necessary for the body. They provide absorption from the intestine minerals And fat-soluble vitamins. Fats improve the taste of food and make you feel full. They can be formed from carbohydrates and proteins, but are not fully replaced by them. The body's needs can only be met by a combination of animals and vegetable fats because they complement each other vitally important substances. Daily norm for an adult - from 100 to 150 g. On average, the daily fat intake should be 60-70% animal fat and 30-40% vegetable fat.

Carbohydrates- serve as the body's main source of energy. They are necessary for normal exchange proteins and fats. In complex with proteins they form certain hormones, enzymes, secretions of salivary and other mucus-forming glands and other important compounds. The average amount of carbohydrates in the daily diet should be 400-500 g. When following a diet, there should be at least 100 g in the daily diet. With a lack of carbohydrates in the body, the metabolism of fats and proteins is disrupted, and the mood deteriorates.

Cellulose- this is one of complex carbohydrates. The human body does not digest fiber, but it enhances intestinal motility and is therefore necessary for proper digestion. With the help of fiber, cholesterol is removed from the body. Insoluble fiber also removes toxins, preventing the body from polluting harmful substances. Fiber is present in many vegetables, fruits, and wheat bran.

Vitamins are a group organic compounds required in very small quantities to maintain good health. Vitamins are involved in many processes at the cellular level, for example, in the growth and regeneration of tissues and organs, metabolism, the functioning of the immune, nervous, circulatory and hormonal systems.

There are two groups of vitamins: fat-soluble (vitamins A, D, E and K) and water-soluble (C – ascorbic acid, and B vitamins). A lack of one or another vitamin can cause vitamin deficiency - a disease that, fortunately, is quite rare in Western countries, but those who adhere strict diets, are still at risk. Water-soluble vitamins are not retained in the body, so they must be obtained daily from food. Any excess of vitamins is simply eliminated from the body. Fat-soluble vitamins are also obtained from food (with the partial exception of vitamins D and K), but excess vitamins can be stored in the liver. Therefore, obtaining such vitamins is necessary for on a regular basis to replenish the body's existing reserves.

Excessive doses of such fat-soluble vitamins - especially vitamins A and D - can have a toxic effect due to oversaturation of the liver. this is usually the result of excessive intake of nutritional supplements or freshly squeezed juices. There are cases when people obsessed with their health drank natural carrot juice liters, and the consequences of such a diet were, alas, sad. Moderation is needed in everything.

Studying the role of each vitamin is necessary for anyone who wants to go on a diet, since knowledge about them helps to understand the importance of a particular food product in the diet.

To eat right, control your weight and body condition, it is important to be well aware of what you eat. Right choice products are the key to good health, excellent condition skin, nails, efficient work immune system and all organs of our body. Food rich in nutrients, free of hot spices and preservatives, is the key to health. Unfortunately, these days there are too many processed foods on store shelves that contain too little nutrients and too much sugar, fat and additives. That is why our contemporaries are so often accompanied by excess weight, cellulite, and chronic fatigue and stress.

Each person is able to be his own nutritionist and properly manage his diet, and therefore the condition of his body.

It is better to reduce your consumption of sugar, all types of syrups, chocolate, sweets, fructose, as well as jams and jellies containing sugar. They contain no nutrients, but are loaded with calories, additives, dyes and preservatives.

Choose whole grains or products containing them - grain bread, sifted bread, whole grain bread, buckwheat, millet, oats, Canadian rice. Don't eat white flour products. Choose cold pressed oils. Limit your intake of saturated fat, hydrogenated margarine, and refined oil. Saturated fats increase blood clotting and cholesterol levels. Processed vegetable oil contains many chemical additives, and cold-pressed oil does not contain harmful substances and supplements, it is rich in energetically valuable, healthy fatty acids.

Drink herbal teas, freshly prepared juices from fruits and vegetables. Less alcohol, coffee, Coca-Cola, pasteurized juices and carbonated drinks. Buy turkey meat, young lamb and chickens. Less beef, pork, sausages, smoked and salted meat is heavy products for digestion.

Always read food labels for ingredients. Know that nutritional supplements can provoke migraines, asthma, allergies, and kidney diseases. Dyes, preservatives, flavor enhancers, emulsifiers and thickeners clog the body with toxins.
Learn to understand foods and food ingredients, manage your weight and your health.



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