Boiled rice for weight loss. Rice diet: weight loss and cleansing

The topic of the article is the rice diet. We will tell you about its basic principles and what restrictions exist on its compliance. You will learn the benefits of brown rice for weight loss, diet menus for 3 and 7 days, reviews of girls who were on a rice diet.

What is the rice diet

Rice diet- a nutritional method that allows you to noticeably lose weight and cleanse your body of harmful substances.

The diet is based on the consumption of unpolished rice grains. They are brown in color and contain a lot of fiber and vitamins. After grinding there is almost no residue left in the grain useful substances. An intermediate grain processing option is steamed rice, which has a light brown tint.

Cereals contain up to 80% carbohydrates and are important for human body amino acids. At the same time, rice contains virtually no gluten. It is rich in B vitamins, which are needed for proper functioning nervous system.

The product also contains lecithin, which has a positive effect on mental activity. Rice porridge can be consumed by breastfeeding women, as it increases the production of breast milk. Rice contains trace elements: potassium, iron, phosphorus, zinc and potassium.

The rice diet promotes weight loss, since dishes made from this grain bind and remove toxins and salt from the body, which retains excess liquid. Eliminating excess moisture has a positive effect on blood pressure, as well as on metabolic processes and, as a result, body weight decreases.

Rice for weight loss

In order for eating rice to bring the desired result in the form of weight loss, it is necessary to do a morning cleanse once every 6 months.

To carry it out, pour 200 g of rice cereal into a jar, then rinse it under cold running water. After these steps, pour the cereal clean water, place the container in the refrigerator.

After waking up, cook 1 tbsp. rice for 5 minutes without adding salt to the water. Eat the boiled cereal before breakfast, and rinse the one left in the refrigerator again, fill it with clean water and place it back in the refrigerator.

Carry out these steps daily until the cereal is completely eaten. This procedure helps remove harmful substances and toxins from the body. naturally during bowel movements.

Is it possible to lose weight on rice?

You can lose weight on rice cereal if you follow the recommended menu and also carry out a body cleansing procedure every six months.

Brown rice for weight loss

The main advantage of brown rice over white rice is its higher content of fiber, B vitamins, tocopherol (vitamin E), as well as potassium, phosphorus and magnesium.

Thanks to the rich chemical composition, the effectiveness of rice cereal for losing weight and cleansing the body increases several times. In addition, brown rice lowers blood cholesterol levels, and systematic use helps improve kidney function, eliminates insomnia.

Constant consumption of white rice cereal contributes to constipation, which negatively affects weight loss. Eating brown rice does not reduce intestinal motility and is sometimes recommended to prevent constipation.

Rice diet for weight loss

The rice diet helps eliminate excess weight and cellulite. This weight loss method gives quick results, so it can be followed by those who need to lose weight within short period time.

Compared to other diets, rice has virtually no contraindications and can be followed at any age.


While following the rice diet, you must adhere to certain recommendations:

  1. When following a diet, try to skip breakfast or eat rice during it.
  2. After you eat, do not drink for two hours. If you want, drink water 30 minutes before meals. When eating rice for breakfast, remember that you can drink drinks only 2-4 hours after it. You can drink red or green unsweetened tea, water without gases.
  3. During the diet, completely eliminate salt from your diet, as it can retain excess fluid in the body.
  4. Give up spicy seasonings, mayonnaise, canned sauce. Instead, eat olive oil, soy or freshly prepared vegetable sauce.
  5. Drink as much as possible while losing weight clean water, eat fresh fruits and vegetables to avoid constipation. If desired, do daily enemas in the morning.
  6. While losing weight and after finishing the diet, eat as many foods containing potassium as possible, since during the diet it leaves the body along with salt.


You cannot follow a rice diet if you have the following diseases:

  • anemia;
  • ulcer;
  • pancreatitis;
  • gout.

During pregnancy and lactation, consult a specialist about the possibility of following a diet. Rice porridge is useful for nursing mothers, but since it has a binding effect, it can cause constipation in women and children.

Follow the weight loss method for no longer than the recommended period, as this may lead to a deterioration in your health.

Rice diet for 3 days

This diet option is considered the safest. Over the entire period, you will be able to lose 4 kg, your skin will become tightened.

While on a diet, prepare a portion of rice every night for the next day.

Rice recipe for weight loss


  • rice - 1 glass;
  • water - 0.5 l.


  1. Pour water over the washed rice and leave overnight.
  2. In the morning, cook the cereal without salt, after boiling, cook for 10 minutes.
  3. Leave the prepared dish covered for a quarter of an hour.

Divide the resulting mixture into 3 servings and consume them in 3 meals.

Diet plan

Below is a diet plan for 3 days.

1st day:

  • breakfast - 1 serving of boiled rice, 20 g of fresh apple puree;
  • lunch - 1 serving of cereal, a little dill, 5 g unrefined vegetable oil;
  • dinner - a portion of rice, 1 boiled carrot, 200 ml of vegetable broth.

Day 2:

  • breakfast - 8 g low-fat sour cream, 1 serving of rice cereal, 20 g fresh herbs;
  • lunch - 200 ml of vegetable broth, boiled vegetables, a portion of rice with herbs;
  • dinner - a portion of cereal, steamed vegetables and without salt.

3rd day:

  • breakfast - a portion of rice cereal with a pinch of cinnamon, a small grapefruit;
  • lunch - 200 ml vegetable broth, 150 g stewed mushrooms, cucumber, 5 ml olive oil, a portion of cereal;
  • dinner - 150 g of steamed broccoli, vegetable broth, a portion of cereal.

You should stop following the mono-diet if your health worsens, general weakness, migraines and dizziness.

Rice diet for 7 days

This seven-day weight loss method has a second name - “Rice diet 10 kg per week” - with correct observance recommendations you can lose ten kg in a week. You will learn about other ways to lose 10 kg in this article.

It is much easier to follow this nutritional method, since it involves the introduction of kefir and dried fruits to the menu.

Diet plan

Below is a weekly meal plan.


  • morning - 50 g rice cereal with the addition of freshly squeezed lemon juice, 1 apple, unsweetened green tea;
  • lunch - 0.15 kg of rice with vegetables and herbs, seasoned with 5 ml of olive oil;
  • evening - 1 carrot, 0.15 kg of boiled cereal.


  • morning - 50 g of cereal with the addition of 10 g of sour cream, 1 orange;
  • lunch - 0.15 kg of cereal, 50 g of boiled zucchini;
  • evening - 0.15 kg of boiled rice and 50 g of carrots.


  • morning - 50 g rice, 1 pear;
  • lunch - a portion of rice (0.15 kg), a salad of 0.15 kg of cucumbers with the addition of champignons fried in olive oil;
  • evening - a portion of cereal, 50 g of boiled cabbage.


  • morning - 50 g of boiled cereal, 1 apple, 220 ml of milk;
  • lunch - 0.15 kg of cereal, 50 g of carrots and radishes;
  • evening - 2 walnuts, 50 g of boiled cabbage, 0.15 kg of boiled rice cereal.


  • morning - 50 g of boiled cereal, 220 ml of kefir, 50 g of raisins;
  • lunch - 50 g stewed zucchini, 0.15 kg rice cereal, greens;
  • evening - 3 lettuce leaves, 4 walnuts, 0.15 kg of rice cereal.


  • morning - 1 pear, 2.5 tbsp. boiled rice, 3 walnuts;
  • lunch - 50 g stewed zucchini, 150 g cereal, lettuce;
  • evening - 1 pear, 150 g of boiled rice with the addition of 1 tbsp. sour cream.


  • morning - 1 apple, 2.5 tbsp. cereals;
  • lunch - 1 tomato, lettuce, 150 g of boiled cereal;
  • evening - 50 g stewed zucchini, 150 g rice.

Diet 3 days rice 3 days chicken

This nutritional method is suitable for people with diseases of cardio-vascular system, because in chicken meat no cholesterol.

Chicken's meat - dietary product, which contains amino acids and other microelements beneficial to the body.

Before starting the diet, give yourself 3 fasting days. During them, eat only boiled chicken. Use it little by little and up to six times a day. Make sure that the break between meals is at least three hours.

Diet plan

This weight loss technique is designed to lose 9 kg of excess weight in 9 days. The entire period is divided into 3 stages of 3 days, during which you need to eat in a certain way.

The rice diet is one of the simplest and most time-tested.

But the goal is not only to reset it overweight, and effectively improve the health of the body.

Although everything is logical - a healthy person does not have excess weight, except in reasonable measures.

The benefits of rice have been known to people since time immemorial.

The grains are effectively removed from the body excess water, and salts and toxins are washed away with it.

At the same time, the cereal is perfectly digestible, does not cause allergies, restores microflora, cleanses the blood and lymph.

A quick result during the rice diet is ensured by saturation with a small portion, the need for water, which helps to quickly cleanse the body and remove not only toxins, but also fecal stones (and, as is known, by the age of 35, even relatively healthy person up to 20 kg is formed).

Also, when following such a diet, a person feels cheerful and works actively, which means that significantly more calories are consumed than they enter the body.

It should be noted that only after a rice diet does the stomach decrease in size so quickly and after it, a person losing weight will quickly fill up on their usual food.

Advantages and disadvantages of the rice diet

The rice diet helps to cleanse not only the digestive tract, like many other methods of losing weight, which give only a short-term effect.

IN this option cleansing occurs at the cellular level.

Rice helps remove fluid from cells and tissues, renew their composition, and start natural processes regeneration.

Especially good results it gives when salts are deposited.

This problem is familiar to every second adult, only the degree of development varies.

Some people feel temporary discomfort, while others experience serious problems with the musculoskeletal system.

Often after following a diet, inflammation of the skin and the appearance of acne, but not in the case of rice.

After using it, the skin, on the contrary, is cleansed and tightened, a healthy glow appears, and puffiness goes away for a long time.

The disadvantage is that rice washes away along with harmful toxins and wastes, also useful components, such as, for example, potassium, so you should follow the diet no more than recommended, and also adhere to all the recommendations of specialists during it.

How much excess weight can you lose on a rice diet?

As a rule, if you strictly follow the rules of weight loss, you can lose from 4 to 10 kg of excess weight on a rice diet.

Which rice to choose for weight loss?

For the rice diet, you can use any rice, but yellow-brown or brown will be more effective.

It is not cleared of the grain shell, which means it retains great amount potassium, folic acid, lecithin and other useful substances.

In addition, this rice tastes much better.

It has a light nutty flavor and rich aroma.

It takes longer to cook than regular rice and turns out much tougher, but this can be explained high content natural fiber in the composition.

Basic rules for the rice diet

There are several options for the rice diet, but whatever their features, there are general rules, and only if they are followed can you count on the very desired result.

So, remember, or better yet, write down:

  • don't skip breakfast. During the diet, rice is served on it, and we will tell you how to prepare it correctly further;
  • do not drink immediately after eating. Water reduces the rice's ability to absorb toxins. It is recommended to drink water half an hour before meals and an hour after it;
  • You should drink at least 1.5 liters of clean water per day. This is not counting first courses, tea, compotes, etc.;
  • minimize the amount of salt added to food, or better yet, avoid it altogether;
  • Avoid eating spicy seasonings and sauces while eating; season rice only with vegetable oil;
  • It is recommended to eat millet, pumpkin, raisins and apples along with rice. It removes potassium from the body, and these foods contain a lot of it.

Rice breakfast for weight loss

This is one of the rice diet options.

You can eat this breakfast for a month, and then eat as usual.

The result will be amazing.

The body will be able to almost completely rejuvenate, additional strength and energy will appear, mood will improve, positive side the appearance will change.

To “awaken” the beneficial abilities of rice, you need to work hard.


You should soak a kilogram of rice in water and rinse it once a day for a week for 20 minutes under running water. After the specified time, place the rice in a colander lined with gauze and allow excess liquid to drain, dry slightly and store in a well-ventilated container in a cool place.

To prepare a healthy rice breakfast, just pour this rice hot water for 15 minutes and you can eat.

Rice diet for 7 days

During the weekly rice diet, those losing weight should adhere to the following diet:

  • breakfast 2 tablespoons of soaked or boiled rice;
  • after 2 hours you can drink freshly squeezed Apple juice or plain water;
  • After 4 hours, lunch comes. It can be any dish from the menu proper nutrition: boiled fish, vegetable stew, lean meat, steamed, fruits, etc.;
  • The liquid is consumed again after 2 hours. It is allowed to drink compote, green tea, etc.;
  • dinner duplicates breakfast;
  • You can drink a glass before bed natural yogurt or low-fat kefir.

Not the best light diet, but after it, in addition to healing and cleansing the whole body, the arrow on the scales will show 3-5 kg ​​less.

Rice Diet for 3 days

The three-day mono-diet is considered the most effective.

At one time, you can lose up to 4 kg, depending on the “scale” of the problem.

But you shouldn’t use it too often, so as not to harm yourself by washing away muscle and cartilage tissue along with fat and waste.

The principle of the diet is simple. You need to boil 400 grams of brown rice until tender and divide into 5 equal parts.

This will be food for one day.

Drinks other than rice are allowed plain water and green tea.

It is difficult to follow such a diet, so not every beginner can handle it, so there is a simpler diet.

For those who regularly resort to rice to get their body in order, it also wouldn’t hurt to do preliminary preparation, gradually reducing portions, excluding fatty, smoked, salty, etc.

You also need to leave this diet slowly.

If after a three-day restriction you eat enough, you can not only reduce all efforts to zero, but also provoke an exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Types and options of rice diet

The options discussed above are basic, but due to their beneficial properties and amazing abilities, rice is often found in other diets.

For example, the diet of Margarita Koroleva

Its principle is a combination of rice with vegetable, fish, chicken and other mono-diets.

The diet is compiled on an individual basis, so we cannot even give you an approximate diet.

American diet on radio

But this diet should be considered in a little more detail.

It was developed by Walter Kempner as part of a program to improve the health of the entire nation.

The emphasis of this program is on getting rid of excess weight, normalizing blood pressure, activation of kidney function, etc.

The principles of the diet are as follows:

  • per day, consume from 250 to 350 grams of rice boiled in water without salt and other additives;
  • the rest of the diet can consist of dried fruits and legumes;
  • You can drink no more than 6 glasses of water.

The total number of calories for the patient is 2000-2400. All fruit and vegetable juices, mashed potatoes, etc. are strictly prohibited.

After the condition has stabilized, potatoes and other vegetables are gradually introduced into the menu.

Taking multivitamins is also mandatory.

Rice with chicken

Another option for the rice diet.

Suitable for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases and those prone to them.

You must first do three fasting days; you can do enemas to get results faster.

The first three days the diet is as follows:

  • Boil 250 grams of rice, divide it into 6 servings, eat no more than three hours later. During the day you need to drink 2 liters of water and eat 3 tsp. natural honey. Dinner no later than 20.00.

The following three-day approach has the following menu:

  • Boil or steam a chicken carcass weighing approximately 1-1.2 kg. Divide into 5 servings. Before each meal, drink a glass of water. Between meals, drink 2 liters of water in equal doses and eat a teaspoon three times. spoon of honey.

And for the last three days you need to eat a kilogram of apples, 3 tsp. honey and drink 2.5 liters of water.

In fact, this diet is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance.

The amount of food is quite large, especially if you have prepared in advance and carried out the recommended fasting days.

The rice diet has already helped more than one hundred people who are losing weight and getting their health in order. Take advantage of its benefits too.

Rice is a low-calorie product that is rich in vitamins and microelements and can effectively nourish the body. useful minerals and necessary enzymes. And also it is very tasty and healthy cereal, which will not leave any person indifferent, from young to old.

Today, there are many options for the rice nutrition system for weight loss, among which there are strict 3 daily diets, and more gentle, lasting up to 14 days. You can carry out complex fasting days, taking into account the basic recommendations of nutritionists regarding rice food for weight loss and weight normalization.

Advantages of the rice food system

The popular rice diet for cleansing the body has many advantages:

  1. Low-calorie.
  2. Effective.
  3. Nutritious.
  4. Cleansing.
  5. Delicious.
  6. Diverse.

Rice cereal contains 8 main amino acids, which support the vital functions of all human organs in proper order. Its other useful properties:

Attention: did you know that rice is able to create a protective film in the stomach, which improves the functioning of the digestive system? The rice cleansing diet will be very useful for people who have intestinal disorders, as well as diseases such as gastritis, pancreatitis and much more.

The calorie content of the product is as follows: 100 g of rice contains 323 Kcal.

Preparing the body for weight loss

Before you start losing weight, you need to follow a few basic recommendations that will help bring your well-being back to normal and protect you from unwanted consequences.

  1. Be sure to consult with a nutritionist about your chosen weight loss system, and work with your doctor on a list of foods that you should consume during this diet, taking into account your body shape and health status.
  2. A few days before starting a diet, it is necessary to cleanse the intestines, reduce the dose of caloric foods consumed, minimize the consumption of confectionery and bakery products, cross alcohol off the menu.
  3. Keep a special notebook or notepad where you will record all the achievements or shortcomings of the dietary nutrition complex, writing down the initial parameters of the figure on the first page in advance.
  4. Buy a pharmacy vitamin complex to maintain the vital functions of the body during a strict 3-day rice diet.
  5. Have patience and willpower, set a goal and follow it until the end of the diet.

Attention! If after the first days of the rice diet you feel very ill, you should interrupt this weight loss system and return to eating your previous dishes. This means that the rice diet for cleansing the body, unfortunately, is not yours.

Various diet options. Strict rice diet (3 days)

The diet menu is meager and monotonous. You need to eat 200 g of boiled rice without salt per day, various additives and spices. You are allowed to add a few green apples to your diet. This diet can be used as a fasting diet for one, two or three days.

Basic Rules:

  1. It is forbidden to eat fried, fatty, salty, spicy, sweet, and canned foods.
  2. “No” to bakery and flour products.
  3. More liquid, still water, you can drink unsweetened compotes and weak mineral water. You are also allowed to drink green or black unsweetened tea.

Today, the rice diet (3 days) is justifiably popular; it gives excellent results and does not harm the body. But you need to know moderation in everything; you cannot stick to such a nutrition system for more than the specified period. For this, there is a more gentle rice diet “5 volumes”. Reviews indicate the high effectiveness and simplicity of this weight loss system. Next we will look at it in more detail.

This rice diet is super effective; it is one of the best ways to improve your health and improve the functioning of your digestive system.

Rice diet "Five volumes"

We prepare a menu for every day. To do this, take 5 different containers and pour 2 tablespoons of rice into them. Next, pour boiling water over the cereal and leave for five days, while changing the liquid in all containers every day.

On the fifth day, pour out the water from the first jar and eat the rice without cooking. Then we start the procedure again from the beginning, and so on for 5 days.

What does this rice weight loss give us?

  1. The water-salt balance is normalized.
  2. Output harmful substances from the body.
  3. Enrichment with vitamins and microelements.

This rice diet “5 volumes” has positive reviews. Representatives of the fair sex are inclined to use it for a longer period of time, but nutritionists recommend using it for no more than 7 days.

You should definitely record all the results in a special notebook and then analyze the situation. This data will be useful both for the nutritionist and for the user himself; it is important to always monitor the weight and well-being of the person losing weight so as not to bring the body to complete exhaustion.

Another option for the rice diet is “Two Dishes”

The first product is, naturally, brown rice, but the second one is fish or seafood. Mixing dishes is strictly prohibited.

It is necessary to introduce foods into the diet as follows:

  1. In the morning - rice porrige, and in the evening - fish.
  2. Or vice versa: in the morning - seafood, and in the evening - cooked rice.

That's the whole wisdom of the diet. Yes, you will feel hungry, especially during lunch, but you can’t eat anything. Therefore, you should choose such a nutrition system consciously and carefully, comparing your needs and taking into account the state of the body.

The duration of the course is no more than 5 days.

Do not harm your body, consult, first of all, with a nutritionist, and only then conduct experiments with your health!

Detailed rice diet menu for 7 days


  • Breakfast: steamed dark rice - 50-70 g, 1 pear, unsweetened tea.
  • Lunch: fruit smoothie.
  • Lunch: 200 g of dark rice, stewed vegetables and radish salad, a glass of kefir.
  • Dinner: steamed rice, raw carrots, green tea.
  • Before bed: green apple.


  • Breakfast: boiled rice meatballs with vegetables - 50-70 g, pear or kiwi, strong green tea without sugar.
  • Lunch: fresh vegetable of your choice.
  • Lunch: steamed fish - 150 g, 200 g dark rice, vegetable stew, a cup of tea.
  • Dinner: steamed rice, a few tablespoons of low-fat sour cream, green tea.
  • Before bedtime: vegetable salad.


  • Breakfast: boiled rice meatballs with fruits and raisins - 50-70 g, 1 orange.
  • Lunch: fresh fruit to choose from.
  • Lunch: 200 g of dark rice, vegetable soup and cucumber salad, a glass of unsweetened tea.
  • Afternoon snack: low-calorie fruit.
  • Dinner: mushrooms, preferably stewed, cabbage salad, unsweetened tea.
  • Before bed: grapefruit.


  • Breakfast: rice - 50-70 g, yogurt without preservatives and sugar.
  • Lunch: fresh vegetable of your choice.
  • Lunch: steamed broccoli - 150 g, 200 g dark rice, vegetable soup, a glass of tea.
  • Afternoon snack: low-calorie vegetable.
  • Dinner: stewed rice, green tea.
  • Before bed: vegetable smoothie.


  • Breakfast: dark rice - 50-70 g, kiwi, green tea without sugar.
  • Lunch: fresh fruit of your choice.
  • Lunch: steamed fish - 150 g, 200 g of dark rice, vegetable soup with herbs, a glass of strong unsweetened tea.
  • Afternoon snack: low-calorie fruit.
  • Dinner: steamed rice with raisins, cabbage salad, green tea.
  • Before bed: fruit salad.


  • Breakfast: apples, nuts, rice with honey, a glass of black tea.
  • Lunch: fresh fruit of your choice, 20 g low-fat cheese.
  • Dinner: mushroom soup, boiled veal - 150 g, vegetable salad and a glass of tea.
  • Afternoon snack: a few small nuts.
  • Dinner: steamed rice, low-fat sour cream, a glass of kefir.
  • Before bed: 200 g of yogurt or fruit salad, such as apple, apricot, pear.


  • Breakfast: boiled rice meatballs with vegetables - 50-70 g, orange, yogurt.
  • Lunch: fresh vegetable of your choice.
  • Lunch: vegetable soup, beans, boiled rice, 150 g of fish, a glass of kefir.
  • Afternoon snack: orange.
  • Dinner: rice pancakes, tea.
  • Before bed: grapefruit.

This is the rice diet. Reviews from those losing weight note positive dynamics, wellness. Manages to lose up to 10 kg overweight, while the result is lasting and lasts for several years. To do this, you should not pounce on all the food at once, do regular fasting days and do not abuse “empty” calories and carbohydrates.

Next rice diet (9 days): reviews and recommendations from users

It should be noted that there is a slight similarity between the previous nutrition system and the nine-day diet. Three days are added, which are responsible for the complete cleansing of the body. The diet for the first three days is very meager; it is suggested to eat boiled rice in small doses and fruit or vegetable salads.

The results are stunning - loss of up to 15 or more kilograms of excess weight.

Such a diet is prohibited for those who have less than 5 extra kg - it can harm your health and incapacitate you digestive system.

  1. Rice for the diet should be brown, unpeeled, cooked until half cooked, or simply steamed with boiling water.
  2. You should not drink black coffee or alcohol.
  3. A pharmaceutical complex of vitamins, which must contain potassium, is simply necessary for full-fledged work internal organs.
  4. The menu should have fresh vegetables and fruits that are grown naturally, without nitrates and harmful impurities. Buy such products not in supermarkets, but in markets, from trusted sellers.
  5. Vegetables and fish can only be cooked by steaming.
  6. You should not make global changes to the menu and eat what you want, this way you will not be able to cleanse the body, much less effectively lose weight.
  7. Lungs physical exercise will benefit everyone, it could be a morning jog, swimming, aerobics, dancing.

Body cleansing system

Cleaning procedure digestive tract next:

  1. Every morning for 14 days you need to eat 2-3 tablespoons of steamed brown rice on an empty stomach 30 minutes before your main meal.
  2. It is important to limit your consumption of fried and fatty meat, as well as confectionery and flour products.
  3. More fluids throughout the day and less alcoholic drinks, especially beer.

Universal rice diet: reviews and results from numerous users

What are the advantages and disadvantages of a rice-based diet? The rice diet has helped many people achieve noticeable results. It's no secret that some representatives of the fairer sex try to avoid food systems with strict boundaries. But sometimes you need to lose extra pounds very quickly, and then such diets come to the rescue. Usually the shortest option is chosen - 3 days.

At first, as noted, it can be very difficult, because you can’t eat anything else except rice and apples. But when there is a goal, you need to follow it to the end. What do those who have already tried such a diet suggest to do? Steam rice strictly according to the recipe, do not introduce any unnecessary foods into the diet, try to drink more liquid, especially in those moments when you really want to eat. Thus, many people endure three days and lose 3-4 kg or more. The girls are completely delighted.

The rice diet is very effective for weight loss, reviews confirm this. We wish you all success and strength of spirit!

A few words about the three-day rice system for weight loss

Fans of the rice diet share their results. When it is very difficult to maintain a stable weight, the problem of excess kilograms will always be relevant. The rice diet is very popular. 3 days (reviews of those losing weight emphasize this) are, of course, difficult to withstand, but this is much less than many other mono-diets require. It is also important to take into account that the rice diet is completely harmless and saturates the body with vitamins and microelements. So many decide to take desperate steps to bring their parameters back to normal. Of course, you cannot do this difficult task without consulting a nutritionist, and in order to consolidate the results obtained, it is important not to oversaturate your diet with flour and bakery products.

After some time, the rice diet gives results that exceed all expectations. 7 days (reviews guarantee a remarkable effect) of such a nutrition system will only be beneficial, especially if you add regular physical activity.

Rice diet:

  1. Normalizes salt balance.
  2. Removes waste and toxins from the body.
  3. Reduces the volume of the stomach, so that you want to eat less.

Many users completely trust this diet, spend fasting days once a week, and do light exercise. And the parameters of the figure quietly return to normal and delight the eyes of others.

Dietary nutrition for osteochondrosis

Frequent problems with osteochondrosis take people out of familiar image life, every extra kilogram adversely affects the gait and posture of the sick person. It turns out that dietary nutrition allows you not only to lose weight, but also to keep your body in acceptable proportions without causing excess weight.

The rice diet for 14 days is quite healthy, and its dishes are delicious. For breakfast, you can cook porridge with raisins, poppy seeds, and nuts; during the day, eat more raw vegetables and fruits. For many people who have health problems, this method of getting rid of extra pounds will be a healing find and the first step to recovery.

And saturating the menu with fish and seafood will add a lot useful vitamins and minerals into a weakened body.

This is the rice diet for osteochondrosis. Reviews about her can be found the most vivid and inspiring.

Some people who are losing weight have had unsuccessful results from the rice diet

Why do some people complain about inefficiency? dietary system food? Here, for example, is the kefir-rice diet. Reviews about it are not very favorable. Why?

  1. During the diet, the terrible desire to eat something did not disappear.
  2. There were pains in the stomach.
  3. There was a rise in temperature and severe dizziness.
  4. Poor sleep and lack of normal performance.
  5. Exacerbation of chronic diseases of the digestive system.

All this is possible in cases where individual consultations with a nutritionist are not carried out, and the decision to lose weight is spontaneous and unreasoned.

Remember, diets are not toys, you should be attentive to your health and not commit rash actions!

Drawing conclusions

To summarize, we can say that the rice diet gets good reviews and is one of the most effective in the top ten. the best systems nutrition for weight loss. Do not forget that it will help to fully cleanse the digestive system of harmful toxins, waste and other numerous harmful substances.

Yes, its disadvantage is that such a diet is addictive, and with subsequent use, the result may tend to zero. But cleansing the body and saturating it with vitamins and microelements will be observed in any case. What else do we need to be healthy and strong?!

Let's not forget that a diet is in any case stressful for the body, and therefore it is necessary to consult a doctor or nutritionist before starting it.

Pay close attention to your health. If you feel unwell or weak, then you should not be a hero and continue the diet. Nutrition should be a joy, because it gives energy for every day, and we don’t need fatigue and drowsiness.

Be reasonable, love yourself and your life!

Rice diet Anna

Rice diet rating



Variety of products

Total: Depending on the type of rice diet you choose, you can lose 3-7 kg. The result and the speed of its achievement depends on the type of diet; there are fast but strict types of rice diet, and there are more gentle ones.

2.3 You can try

The whole secret of the effectiveness of this diet is that rice is an extremely healthy grain. In many countries eastern Asia rice is the basis of all nutrition, and what is noteworthy is that these peoples are different excellent health, slimness and longevity.

Due to the fact that rice has a high energy value and contains many minerals and vitamins, the body does not experience severe stress, a person can easily cope with hunger, lose weight and at the same time become healthier. As a rule, the accumulation of fat and the acquisition of extra pounds is the result of intestinal slagging, bad work digestive organs and slow metabolism.

Rice does the cleansing work, since this product acts as a sorbent that removes waste and toxins, “removes” excess water, and cleanses the walls. small intestine and has a beneficial effect on all internal organs. The rice diet is used to cleanse the body, not only for weight loss.

By following all the recommendations of the rice diet, excellent results are achieved and, depending on its duration, lose from 3 to 6-7 kg of weight! What is important is that throughout the diet you can feel cheerful and energetic, because this cereal is a source of amino acids and B vitamins.

Everyone has heard that potassium is so necessary for stimulating the heart muscle, and calcium is involved in strengthening bone tissue and is responsible for the health of our hair, nails and teeth, magnesium has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. Rice is replete with these and others so necessary for good health substances. This cereal goes well with any vegetables, meat and fish, which makes it possible to create a variety of interesting menus and at the same time keep the calorie content of dishes to a minimum.

How to choose cereals for the rice diet?

Not very suitable for the ordinary one that is familiar to everyone White rice, this is a refined product with practically nothing useful left in it. Best used for diet brown or brown brown rice, since the most useful ones are stored in its shell nutrients, which will remain accessible even after cooking.

Features of the rice diet

The basis of the rice diet speaks for itself - every day we eat cooked rice different ways. So that the diet brings maximum benefit, when compiling recipes, you must have a list of prohibited and permitted products on hand.

Healthy foods:

  • raw vegetables;
  • steamed vegetables;
  • vegetable broth;
  • seafood;
  • fruits and dried fruits (except bananas and grapes)
  • dressing - olive oil;
  • green tea;
  • still or pure filtered mineral water;
  • combine with potassium sources - raisins, pumpkin, melon, legumes, avocado, millet porridge.

Ban the following:

  • salt;
  • sugar;
  • butter;
  • fat meat;
  • marinades and canned food;
  • hot seasonings, ketchups and mayonnaise;
  • bread;
  • potato;
  • milk;
  • coffee, black tea, alcohol.

As mentioned above, rice has pronounced absorbent properties, so cleansing the body of salts occurs when the grain is soaked before use and is not salted during cooking.

Rice Diet Options

To get started from words to action, we suggest you study and choose for yourself the most suitable diet based on this cereal. There are several options, but the choice is always yours. We recommend starting with more simple diets, which do not last more than three days, so that the body can adapt and get used to eating rice. Having overcome the lower steps, you can climb higher.

To lose weight, you can choose more strict and long-term diets, but to improve your health and remove toxins, it is enough to give preference fasting days which are held once a week.

Fasting day on rice

Boil the soaked and washed rice and eat 150 grams (of the finished product) every two hours. Drink between doses mineral water still and green tea 250 ml.

If you arrange such deloads every week, the result will soon be noticeable - your health will improve, the extra pounds will slowly but surely disappear. In the end, you will achieve lasting results.

Diet "5 volumes"

The “Five Volumes” diet is aimed at losing weight and improving the health of the body, as it draws out everything extra salt. During this diet, it is advisable to take additional vitamins with useful minerals, since with “garbage” and toxins, rice can also take away useful substances.

Take five jars, pour two tablespoons of rice into one of them every day, pour 200 ml of clean water. Every day we change the water and add the next jar. On the fifth day we start taking it - in the morning we eat rice, which has been soaked for 4 days. The procedure is repeated in such a way that every day in the morning the prepared rice is eaten on an empty stomach. After eating rice, do not eat or drink anything for two hours so that it can do all the necessary work.

The duration of such a diet is two weeks. At this time, limit yourself from all prohibited foods, allow rice to remove unnecessary salts that retain water from the body.

Rice diet for 3 days

Tougher, but more effective diet lasts only three days. It is used when there is a need to quickly lose excess weight. On all three days, they eat 100 grams of boiled rice for lunch, breakfast and dinner, which alternate with boiled vegetables - about 400 grams in total.

If you feel that you cannot withstand such harshness, the menu can be diversified with vegetable broths, salads from raw vegetables and herbs, adding a small amount of olive oil, grapefruit and orange.

Rice diet “Two courses”

The basis of this diet is rice and seafood, which includes boiled or steamed fish. Without mixing, a plate of rice and a plate of seafood seasoned with lemon and herbs are eaten at equal intervals throughout the day.

The two dishes are not mixed, but taken separately!

Diet "Glass of rice"

We immediately warn you that this diet is a strict diet and cannot be carried out for more than 3 days with an interval of at least 10 days. The result is quick, but the main difficulty is to maintain it as long as possible.

A glass of rice is boiled and is a daily ration; it can be spread over the whole day, or eaten in one sitting. In order not to break down, the feeling of hunger can be calmed by two or three green apples. During this diet, you should not engage in physical activity and it is best to retire and spend this time in a calmer environment.

The “Glass of Rice” diet requires endurance, so weigh all the pros and cons so as not to break down; it may still be better to choose a long-term, but more gentle diet.

Rice diet for 7 days

In this diet, the saying is appropriate: “The slower you go, the further you will go.” To achieve your goal of losing weight and getting healthier, as well as securing the results achieved for a long time, a diet for seven days is just what you need.

A menu is prepared for each day, which includes rice, vegetables, fruits and herbs.

Breakfast Dinner Dinner
MondayBoiled rice - 100 g, seasoned with lemon juice and zest
Green tea or rosehip infusion
Vegetable salad - 150 gr.
Vegetable broth
Rice seasoned with olive oil and herbs
Herb tea
Rice with stewed zucchini and carrots - 200 gr.
Mint tea
TuesdayRice with orange zest and a spoonful of low-fat sour cream
1 large orange
Vegetable soup and a portion of rice
Rose hip decoction
Boiled rice with broccoli - 200 gr.
Herb tea
WednesdayFruit salad consisting of pear, orange, kiwi
Rice porridge is liquid, sprinkled with cinnamon.
Vegetable broth
Radishes with lettuce leaves and olive oil
Boiled rice - 100 gr. Green tea
Rice casserole with low-fat sour cream and honey
Mint tea
ThursdayRice with raisins
1 apple
Green tea
Boiled fish
Rice seasoned with herbs - 100 gr. Tea
Rice stewed with vegetables and seasoned with olive oil
Soothing tea
FridayBoiled rice with almond flakes, two walnuts
Herb tea
Rice casserole on vegetable broth with fried mushrooms. Mushrooms are cooked in olive oil with the addition of low-fat sour cream. Everything is sprinkled with fresh herbs
Green tea
Vegetable broth with rice, grated parsley or celery root
Ginger tea with honey
Saturday1 pear
4 walnuts
Liquid rice porridge with dates
Vegetable broth
Steamed vegetables
Rice seasoned with olive oil - 100 gr.
Boiled fish with rice and vegetables
Herbal tea with honey
SundayBoiled rice with figs, dates and nuts
Green tea with honey
A portion of salad from variety of vegetables, with added olive oil
Vegetable bean broth with rice
Rice with green olives and stewed zucchini, seasoned with low-fat sour cream.
Herb tea

This diet may include a variety of snacks in the form of fruits and sunflower seeds. At this time, in addition to tea, they drink mineral still water up to 2 liters per day. If you add more permitted foods, you can stay on this diet for longer than seven days.
You can download the full menu to print below. The file is provided in pdf format so that you can save and read it on your smartphone or tablet if necessary.

Indications and contraindications for the rice diet

The rice diet is recommended for people who suffer from edema, as rice removes excess fluid. For minor intestinal disorders, such nutrition helps to quickly normalize metabolism and bring the body back to normal.

A salt-free rice diet will help get rid of pain in the joints and spine; its usefulness in this area has already been proven by experience.

Since this is a mono-diet, it is not suitable for everyone - even this healthy cereal cannot fully meet all the body's needs.

Pregnant and breastfeeding mothers should not take risks and it is better to choose a more nutritious diet for themselves.

People who suffer from constipation and have chronic diseases gastrointestinal tract, first consult your doctor!

Rice diet for people after 40 years

It is no secret that with age, metabolism in the body slows down and a person, with the same diet, easily gains weight, which leads to obesity in the internal organs and the acquisition of extra pounds. In order to prevent the development of various diseases characteristic of this period, the entire diet should be reviewed. A salt-free rice diet is just what you need, as it cleans blood vessels and removes toxins. As a result, metabolism accelerates and good health returns.

You can take as a basis seven day diet given above, adding low-fat kefir and yogurt to it is better homemade. Steamed poultry is added to lunch. It should be remembered that salt is completely excluded!

As you have seen, the rice diet is effective in combating overweight and for the health of the whole body. Photos of people who have achieved amazing results while on such a diet are evidence of this.

The main thing is not to forget that during the diet you need to drink more pure, non-carbonated water, but not immediately after eating, but somewhere in an hour or two. And during the diet it is advisable to take vitamin complexes so as not to harm the body.

Rice grains are the staple food of billions of people in Asian countries, where the word "rice" and "food" mean the same thing. The most useful are unpolished grains, they Brown, in their shell there is a lot of vitamins and. The article contains specific recipes and diets based on rice.

Benefits of eating rice

After grinding, little useful remains in the grains. Therefore, it is better to eat so-called steamed rice; it is light, slightly brown in color.

Two dozen popular varieties differ in the shape of the grains: round, medium-grain and long-grain.

Rice contains up to 80% amino acids, little fiber and no gluten at all.

There is a lot of it in quality wheat flour, it is necessary for significant physical activity– athletes, miners, climbers. But if gluten causes allergic reaction, you have to switch to rice dishes.

Rice contains B vitamins, which are important for the central nervous system. Lots of lecithin, it helps intellectual activity. Microelements are represented by potassium. Iron, phosphorus, much less.

There is a lot of rice in rice, it envelops the gastric mucosa, which is beneficial in cases of peptic ulcer, at increased acidity gastric juice.

Rice porridge is useful for young mothers - it promotes lactation, baby food turn them on already at 6 months.

Dishes made from rice grains strengthen the nervous system.

Rice dishes bind and remove excess water, which reduces the amount of moisture in the body, normalizes blood pressure, improves blood pressure, and reduces body weight.

Japanese women cleanse and whiten spots and freckles on the skin with rice, prepare decoctions and gruels.

Lack of rice nutrition - deterioration of peristalsis, constipation.

Cleansing the body

To prevent the formation of excess weight, improve appearance It is useful to periodically perform morning cleansing with rice:

  • Put in glass jar as many tablespoons of rice as you have lived, rinse, pour boiled water room temperature, put in the refrigerator.

Every morning from 1 tbsp. cook the porridge for 5 minutes in water and without salt. Breakfast should be early, preferably before 7 am.

Rinse the rice, add boiled water again, and put the jar in the refrigerator. Continue until the jar is empty.

Soaking removes the starch from the grains, which fills the fiber lattice. In the intestines, the lattice inside the grains traps harmful substances, and the body removes them naturally. As a result, they normalize metabolic processes, body weight, fat, metabolic products, and salts stop accumulating.

Three-day rice diet

This method of nutrition is used to cleanse and normalize body weight:

  • Rinse the cereal and add water slightly above its level. Cook for a short time so that the grains do not lose their shape.

The finished product remains shelf life for a maximum of a day, so it is better not to make a stock.

Perform rice cleansing throughout the day. Eat three times or more often. Eat only rice prepared in the described way; chew each spoonful of the product thoroughly. After eating, refrain from any drinks for 1-2 hours, since the purpose of cleansing is to remove harmful substances and excess moisture from the body.

Have breakfast before 9 am, lunch at about 2 pm, dinner at 6 pm - at this time the stomach is most active.

From 21:00 to 23:00 completely stop eating and drinking - at this time an intensive cleansing of the digestive system is performed.

If you have any diseases, consult your doctor.

The rice diet reduces body weight by ridding the body of excess moisture. Fat burns much more slowly.

The calorie content of the brown variety per 100g is 331 kcal, brown - 337 kcal, unpolished - 285 kcal.

Therefore, physical exercise is necessary to achieve better results.

Simple 3-day diets

For three days, eat a glass of boiled rice every day; salt and oil should not be added.

The feeling of hunger causes discomfort, so this method of losing weight is not suitable for everyone. To eliminate discomfort, you can eat one or two apples. During the day, drink sugar-free mineral water.

  • Soak the amount of rice at the rate of 2 tablespoons for four days. For every meal, change the water daily.

Within three days, eat the soaked grains raw. This method cleanses the liver, kidneys, reduces swelling, normalizes metabolic processes.

  • The first day - eat only boiled rice.
  • Second day - boil chicken breast without stem and skin
  • The third day is to eat exclusively apples.

Five-day rice diet

If in three days it was not possible to achieve the desired result, you can extend the course to five days.

Combine boiled rice with unsweetened compote of fresh or dried fruits (dried apricots, pears, plums, apples, prunes, raisins, cherries).

Fruits (apples, oranges, tangerines) help avoid constipation.

During the day, drink green tea and eat an apple.

In Japan, boiled rice is eaten with boiled or steamed fish. low-fat varieties. Pike perch or cod are suitable. The rice dish is used as a side dish or the fish is eaten separately.

Rice diet for a week

For those who found previous methods of losing weight difficult, a gentle course is suitable:

  • Combine a diet of boiled rice with vegetables and fruits. Eat salads with added vegetable oil.

At moderate nutrition this method allows you to reduce body weight up to 3 kg per week.

Another type of gentle weight loss is to add peas or corn, lean fish, or boiled chicken to rice dishes.

To reduce body weight, half a kilo of boiled rice and up to 200g of additional nutrition per day is enough.

In case of an attack of hunger, you can eat fruit - no more than half a kilo per day.

Modified: 11/10/2018


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