What is left ventricular dystrophy? What does the term "hypertrophy" mean? Types of pathological changes

Left ventricular hypertrophy or cardiomyopathy is a very common heart disorder in patients diagnosed with hypertension. This is a rather dangerous disease, since its final stage is often death in 4% of all cases.

What it is?

Hypertrophy implies thickening of the walls of the left ventricle and this does not occur due to the characteristics of the internal space. The septum between the ventricles changes, and tissue elasticity is lost.

The thickening is not necessarily uniform, but can occur only in some areas of localization.

Hypertrophy itself is not a diagnosis, but is one of the symptoms of any disease of the cardiovascular system. Mainly hypertonic disease. In addition, we can distinguish various types of heart defects, frequent and heavy loads on the heart muscle.

In order for the heart muscle to begin to increase in size, the following conditions are necessary:

  • A large load, which leads to expansion of the internal cavity of the heart. At the same time, during systole, the myocardium begins to contract more strongly.
  • Pressure load on the heart, which is characterized by the fact that in order to expel blood, muscle contraction must occur much more often and stronger.

Both of these provoking factors will contribute to the thickening of contractile fibers - myofibrils of cardiomyocytes. At the same time, mechanisms for increasing connective tissue are launched. The heart needs to increase its ability to expand more and more, so collagen development will occur faster.

Therefore, it turns out that hypertrophy in almost all cases leads to disruption of the structure of the myocardium. The more intense the process of hypertrophy, the faster the ratio of collagen and myocytes decreases.

The most dangerous situation- intense and sharp physical activity. This concerns smoking people alcohol abusers or sedentary individuals whose physical activity increases sharply. If a modification of the left ventricle did not lead to death, this does not mean that it is safe for health. She can carry quite a lot serious violations- this could be a myocardial infarction or stroke.

Left ventricular hypertrophy is a signal that indicates a worsening of the conditions in which the myocardium is located at that time. This is like a warning, indicating to a person the need to stabilize his blood pressure and correctly distribute the load.

Causes of hypertrophy

One of the main causes of left ventricular hypertrophy is heredity. A genetic predisposition has been observed in those people who have a history of heart disease in their family. Thickening of the walls of the left ventricle in such people is observed quite often.

The reasons also include the following:

  • hypertonic disease;
  • cardiac ischemia;
  • diabetes;
  • atrial fibrillation;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • aortic valve stenosis;
  • heavy weight;
  • diseases of the peripheral system;
  • great physical activity;
  • emotional instability;
  • anxiety, excitement, stress;
  • muscular dystrophy;
  • insufficient sleep and rest;
  • inactivity;
  • smoking;
  • alcoholism;
  • Farby's disease.

Long and strenuous exercise and frequent training can also cause left ventricular hypertrophy. All of the above factors contribute to an increase in blood pulsation, as a result of which the heart muscle thickens. And this leads to thickening of the walls of the left ventricle.


Hypertrophy provokes changes not only in the area of ​​the walls of the left ventricle. This expansion also extends outward. Very often along with thickening inner wall, the septum between the ventricles becomes thicker.

The symptoms of the disease are heterogeneous. In some cases, patients do not even know for several years that they have left ventricular hypertrophy. It is also possible that at the very beginning of the disease the state of health becomes simply unbearable.

Correctly prescribed therapy includes drugs that normalize blood pressure and reduce heart rate. Also used to prevent the progression of hypertrophy ACE inhibitors. Thanks to them, the symptoms of the disease gradually decrease.

All medications, primarily aimed at improving myocardial nutrition and recovery normal rhythm hearts. These include: Verapamil, beta blockers and antihypertensive drugs(Ramipril, Enalaprim and others).

Treatment with folk remedies

Traditional methods of treating traditional medicine in the treatment of hypertrophy are used, but not often. The exception is those substances that have antioxidant properties, as well as some plants that have a calming effect.

Plants that can strengthen the walls of blood vessels and cleanse the blood of atherosclerotic plaques are also used. Taking vitamins and dietary supplements containing potassium, omega, calcium, magnesium and selenium is useful.

As additional funds For hypertrophy, decoctions and infusions of the following medicinal herbs are used:

  • Mix 3 tablespoons of motherwort herb, 2 tablespoons of dried rosemary and wild rosemary, 1 spoon kidney tea. Pour a large spoonful of this mixture into one and a half glasses cold water and boil for 5 minutes. Wrap the broth in a warm cloth and leave for 4 hours. After straining, take half a glass warm three times a day before meals. The interval between taking the decoction and eating should be a quarter of an hour.
  • Pounded cranberries with sugar, a small spoonful three times a day after meals, is considered very healthy.


A therapeutic diet is an integral part of the treatment of hypertrophy. You should eat up to 6 times a day in small portions.

You should avoid salt, fried, fatty and smoked foods. The diet should always include dairy and fermented milk products, fruits and vegetables fresh, seafood, lean meats. Flour products The consumption of sweet foods should be limited and minimized, and animal fats should be limited.


To the main preventive actions to prevent the occurrence of left ventricular hypertrophy include:

  1. Lifestyle changes:
    • to give up smoking;
    • alcohol abuse;
    • following a diet that includes cholesterol limited to 300 mg per day and minimal fat intake;
    • moderately active lifestyle.
  2. Combating risk factors:
    • bringing body weight to normal levels;
    • normalization of blood pressure.
  3. Control of hypertension and hyperlipidemia with medications is necessary if lifestyle correction does not bring results:
    • maintaining normal level Sahara;
    • control of other risk factors for diabetes;
    • reducing the tendency to the formation of blood clots;
    • women childbearing age It is recommended to avoid taking oral contraceptives.

Compliance with all preventive measures in combination will avoid the occurrence of left ventricular hypertrophy. It will also improve general health, will improve the quality of life.

Cardiologist, Functional Diagnostics Doctor

For many years, Dr. Zhuravlev has been helping patients with cardiopathology get rid of problems in the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, so the specialist provides comprehensive therapy for hypertension, ischemia, and arrhythmia.

Myocardial dystrophy is a concept denoting a secondary lesion or various disorders pathological in the heart muscle. Often this disease is a complication of heart disease, accompanied by impaired myocardial nutrition. Dystrophy brings with it a decrease in muscle tone, which can become fertile ground for the formation of heart failure. It occurs due to insufficient blood supply to the myocardium, which is why its cells do not receive sufficient quantity air for your normal functioning. This leads to atrophy or complete death of myocardial tissue.

  • Etiology
  • Varieties
  • Symptoms
  • Diagnostics
  • Treatment
  • Prevention

Changes in the functioning of the heart during myocardial dystrophy are reversible. A timely diagnosis and treatment will forever relieve the patient from cardiac dysfunction. The disease is confirmed only if a violation is proven metabolic processes, which is why the muscle is destroyed. People over forty years of age are at risk. But recently there has been a decrease in the lower age threshold.


The reasons for the progression of myocardial dystrophy are quite varied. They are divided into factors that directly affect the functioning of the heart and causes that do not directly affect the organ (act through external factors).

The first group of reasons include:

  • decreased oxygen uptake by the heart;
  • increased levels of calcium in the ventricles of the heart;
  • damage to the myocardium by fat cells;
  • destruction of the organ structure by pathogenic bacteria;
  • reduction of working cells in the heart due to the effects of other pathogenic processes.

The second group includes:

  • the effect of hormones on muscle layer hearts;
  • all kinds acute poisoning body ( narcotic substances, alcoholic beverages, nicotine, medications);
  • the effect of a large dose of radiation on the body;
  • prolonged stress, depression, apathy;
  • greater physical activity leads to the detection of such a disease in athletes;
  • unhealthy diet, which mostly consists of very fatty and salty foods;
  • abnormal functioning of the organs of the endocrine and digestive systems.


Depending on the causes of occurrence and symptoms manifested, myocardial dystrophy can be:

  • ischemic – formed due to the intake insufficient quantity air into the myocardium. Rarely, a blood clot is found in the arteries that supply oxygen to the muscle;
  • focal. The main reason for the appearance lies in the disruption of blood circulation in the arteries connected to the muscle. There have been cases of the disease occurring without symptoms. For such people, even heart attacks were painless;
  • fatty – is formed diffusely, i.e. due to the accumulation of a small amount of fat in myocardial cells (cardiomyocytes). Gradually, the level of fat increases and eventually it completely replaces the cytoplasm. The main reason for the development of this type of disease is insufficient consumption of proteins and vitamins;
  • dishormonal - appears as a result of a violation hormonal balance in organism. Mostly women are affected during the cessation of menstruation or other gynecological problems. In men, it is associated with impaired production of the hormone testosterone;
  • left ventricle of the heart. This type of disease is not independent, but occurs against the background of some disease;
  • toxic – appears in people suffering from alcohol addiction;
  • physical stress – athletes are susceptible due to poor blood circulation. In professional athletes, cardiac muscle cells are replaced by connective tissue that is not designed to stretch.

Dystrophic changes in the muscles of the heart are divided into several stages of development:

  • primary – characteristic painful attacks in the heart area, shortness of breath and rapid decrease in energy, without exposure to physical activity. At this stage, there is a possibility of an increase in the size of the heart. It is impossible to cure;
  • second stage - there is a disturbance in the heart rhythm and swelling of the extremities, which are almost invisible. When the heart contracts, it pumps less blood than what it receives when it relaxes. With adequate and timely treatment, there is a chance of restoring healthy heart function;
  • the last - this stage is characterized by a lack of air not only in movement, but also at rest, and a decrease in the patient’s ability to work. The heart does not pump as much blood as it does during normal operation. This stage is irreversible.


If the diagnosis of the disease was not made in at a young age, then, most likely, it proceeded without symptoms, which is why the patient did not consult a doctor. But basically, the disease does not go away without expressing signs. The main symptoms of myocardial dystrophy include:

  • angina pectoris;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • feeling of lack of air;
  • constant feeling of fear and insecurity;
  • heart rhythm disturbance. It is observed very often with focal dystrophy;
  • swelling lower limbs;
  • decreased ability to work;
  • high fatigue;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • increased level of sweating;
  • weight loss;
  • irritability of the patient;
  • shortness of breath at rest;
  • spreading pain over the entire left side of the body.


At the first appointment with the doctor, the patient’s complaints are clarified in detail and a full examination is carried out. Since in some cases the disease may occur without symptoms, additional instrumental techniques will be needed for diagnosis:

  • MRI of the heart;
  • radiography;
  • Ultrasound of the heart;
  • phonocardiography. Makes it possible to detect minor heart murmurs;
  • electrocardiography – detects abnormalities of the heart at any level;
  • biopsy.


Treatment of myocardial dystrophy is primarily based on eliminating the sources of its occurrence. Depending on the factors of occurrence and the general health of the patient, doctors prescribe:

  • taking medications to normalize heart function;
  • hormonal drugs;
  • vitamin injections.

Medications are aimed at normalizing heart rhythm. Because the reasons for the formation of the disease are purely personal, this group drugs are prescribed by doctors purely individually.

Therapy at home is prohibited. These methods can only worsen the course of the disease and increase the risk of complications. And what began as a slight disruption of the heart can become an incurable process of dystrophic thinning of the myocardium.

Treatment of the disease with surgical intervention is almost never practiced, because medications are fully capable of reducing the manifestation or completely eliminating the symptoms of the disease. Heart surgery is performed only when signs of severe heart failure are detected:

  • heart rhythm disturbance;
  • shortness of breath is not accompanied by physical activity;
  • constant swelling of the limbs.


To understand what myocardial dystrophy is, you need to know the definition of the term “myocardium”. This is a striated muscle of the heart that performs the function of a “pump”. Namely, pumping blood through the heart. Thus, dystrophy of the heart muscle is a disruption of its functioning.

What is included in the concept of “cardiac muscle dystrophy”

WITH medical point In terms of myocardial dystrophy, myocardial dystrophy is a dysfunction of the muscular tissue of the heart, not associated with inflammatory lesions, but arising under the influence of pathological changes in the chemical and biophysical processes responsible for the contraction of the heart.

Until 1936, myocardial dystrophy was included in the concept of myocarditis. G. F. Lang revealed that the causes of myocarditis can be non-inflammatory pathologies. Thus, myocardial dystrophy began to stand out separately. Those cases when there are only initial changes in muscle tissue (hypertrophy) and the reasons for their occurrence are not clear are usually called primary cardiopathy.

Myocardial dystrophy extends to all muscle cells hearts. Therefore, it is funny to hear such diagnoses as “dystrophy of the left ventricle of the heart.” This probably means left ventricular hypertrophy (in other words, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy). In contrast to this disease, myocardial dystrophy is considered a reversible pathology. Consequently, it does not cause specific morphological changes in the heart muscle.

Main reasons

Any changes and pathologies in the body have their reasons, but not all of them can still be determined. Myocardial dystrophy is one of these diseases. The main ones are:

— hypoxemia (decreased oxygen content in the blood);

toxic poisoning(including drug addiction and alcoholism);

- avitaminosis ( complete absence vitamins) and hypovitaminosis ( vitamin deficiency);

— general dystrophy, cachexia (extreme exhaustion of the body);

- endocrine disorders (pituitary gland dysfunction, hypothyroidism, thyrotoxicosis);

- disturbance of electrolyte, fat, protein and carbohydrate metabolism;

— myopathy, myasthenia gravis (neuromuscular disorders);

- hormonal imbalance (during menopause);

- improper fasting and some diets.

Cardiac muscle dystrophy clinic

Clinical picture this violation depends on the underlying disease in which myocardial degeneration occurs. Commonly referred to complaints are:

discomfort in the cardiac region;

- general weakness;

- pain in the heart of an aching, stabbing and pressing nature, not responding to nitroglycerin and having long course;

- decreased performance;

- fast fatiguability;

- arrhythmias (usually extrasystole and tachycardia).

Dystrophy of the heart muscle is concomitant disease and is further diagnosed. In this regard, there is no special methods making this diagnosis. Clinical symptoms are best shown by ECG.

Treatment and prevention

The duration of treatment and prescribed medications are determined by the underlying disease that caused changes in the functioning of the heart muscle. Naturally, all these are the functions of a doctor. If myocardial dystrophy is made as the main diagnosis, it is necessary to insist on determining the cause that caused this disease. The effectiveness of the prescribed course depends on this.

Prevention of myocardial dystrophy is the prevention and timely treatment of major diseases. Such as coronary heart disease, diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension and others. Compliance with certain principles of behavior will also reduce the risk of heart muscle dystrophy (giving up bad habits, good nutrition, age-appropriate physical activity, and so on).


Causes of dystrophic damage to the heart muscle

If we talk about types dystrophic lesion heart, then the division is based on the causes of this pathology. There are two main groups of factors contributing to the development of the process.

    Heart diseases:

    • cardiomyopathy;
    • myocarditis;
    • chronic ischemic heart disease.
    • anemia;
  • Extracardiac pathology:

  • hormonal imbalance (diseases thyroid gland, adrenal glands, gonads);
  • various poisonings (occupational, medicinal and others);
  • nutritional obesity;
  • chronic alcohol intoxication.

Excessive physical activity is also identified as a factor contributing to the development of dystrophic changes in the myocardium, which is important for professional athletes.

As you can see, there are quite a few reasons that can contribute to dystrophic changes in the heart. Each of them is characterized by its own mechanism of development of the pathological process.

Let us consider the mechanism of formation of myocardial dystrophy using the example of excess weight, as well as alcohol intoxication as a trigger factors, due to the relevance of these problems today.

Myocardial dystrophy due to nutritional obesity

In the presence of overweight body, as a rule, intake increases fatty acids into cardiomyocytes (myocardial cells), which leads to metabolic disorders at the cellular level.

Besides, adipose tissue It grows profusely under the epicardium (the outer lining of the heart), grows into the myocardium and gradually replaces normal muscle tissue. Thus, it develops fatty degeneration myocardium.

Myocardial dystrophy due to chronic alcohol intoxication

With the constant intake of ethanol into the body, its direct effect toxic effects on cardiomyocytes.

In addition, acetaldehyde, which is a product of ethanol metabolism, also has a toxic effect on myocardial cells.

Morphologically, this is manifested by focal decay of cardiomyocytes and the appearance of foci of sclerosis. The myocardium itself becomes thinner, its contractility. Thus, cardiac dystrophy leads to the formation of alcoholic cardiomyopathy.

Clinical manifestations of pathology

In the initial stages of development of this pathology, there are usually no symptoms. The pathological process can develop for quite a long time (months and sometimes years), with symptoms appearing gradually increasing. Among the most typical complaints:

  • general weakness, increased fatigue;
  • shortness of breath with minor physical exertion;
  • moderate tachycardia (increased heart rate, increased heart rate);
  • pain in the heart area, often dull and aching.

Important! Without timely diagnosis and treatment, the pathological process will steadily progress, which will inevitably lead to the formation of heart failure.

Unfortunately, very often patients consult a doctor already at this stage.

Heart failure is characterized by:

  • pastiness of the legs and feet, gradually turning into edema of the lower extremities, and later into anasarca (edema of the whole body);
  • violations heart rate(tachycardia, atrial fibrillation, extrasystole);
  • shortness of breath, gradually increasing, progresses to shortness of breath at rest.

Of course, all this affects the quality of life of patients. The general well-being deteriorates significantly, and the patients' capabilities are significantly limited.

Dystrophic changes in the myocardium can be detected already in the early stages of development using electrocardiography (ECG), which is a simple and accessible method.

Early diagnosis is key successful treatment. With timely and adequate therapy, complete compensation of the pathological process is possible. But if a patient seeks medical help at an advanced stage of the process, then, as a rule, it is not possible to fully compensate for the process.

Treatment and prevention of the disease

For effective therapy First of all, it is necessary to identify the cause of the development of dystrophic changes in the heart. If the cause was anemia, correction of this condition is necessary, but if alcohol abuse is a complete abstinence from alcoholic beverages, and so on. In general, such a condition as myocardial dystrophy requires an integrated approach.

It must be remembered that such a problem as myocardial dystrophy, in any case, remains with the patient for the rest of his life.

Even if the pathology is detected in the early stages and can be corrected with medication, compliance preventive measures mandatory for patients throughout their lives.

When identifying advanced cases, it is usually extremely difficult to select adequate therapy, and sometimes it is not possible to achieve complete compensation for the condition. In the most severe cases, when there are far-reaching changes in the myocardium, only one effective treatment option is possible - a heart transplant.

To summarize all of the above, I would like to note that myocardial dystrophy is serious problem, which is relevant today.

Each of us should be attentive to our health and pay attention to symptoms such as increased fatigue, shortness of breath, discomfort and, of course, pain in the heart area. After all, prevention, timely diagnosis and treatment are much more effective than symptomatic therapy advanced stages of the process.

Brief information: Panangin belongs to a group of drugs that correct metabolic processes at the cellular level.

The drug contains potassium aspartate and magnesium aspartate as active ingredients. These substances penetrate cardiomyocytes and are included in metabolic processes, contributing to their normalization. The drug is effective for heart rhythm disturbances, development coronary insufficiency, hypokalemia and tissue hypoxia.

The drug can be used only after consultation with your doctor, who will select the optimal dosage.


Dystrophic changes

Dystrophy of the left ventricle of the heart is not independent disease, but a pathological condition caused by metabolic disorders in the heart muscle. Metabolic disorders cause morphological changes in tissue at the cellular level. The condition of all other organs (kidneys, liver, brain) depends on the functioning of the heart.

With dystrophy, the function of the heart muscle is impaired, which is manifested by circulatory disorders. With absence therapeutic measures this condition can cause atrophy of cardiac fibers, heart failure and myocardial necrosis (infarction). Dystrophy is most dangerous in untrained individuals, since any overload of the heart can lead to serious consequences.

Main etiological factors

The left ventricle suffers from various reasons. The following etiological factors are distinguished:

  • cardiomyopathy;
  • inflammation of the heart muscle (myocarditis);
  • anemia;
  • pathology of the thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism);
  • diabetes;
  • adrenal gland diseases;
  • obesity;
  • alcohol poisoning;
  • cachexia (exhaustion);
  • prolonged fasting;
  • vasculitis;
  • disruption of nutrient absorption.

Predisposing factors include poor, unbalanced nutrition, atherosclerosis, metabolic disorders, alcoholism, and smoking. A common cause is cardiomyopathy. Its development is due viral diseases, exposure to toxic compounds, drugs and allergens, endocrine disorders, heredity.

If the parents suffered from left ventricular dystrophy, then the children have high probability development of this condition in the future. Dystrophy of the left heart is the result chronic ischemia. The reason is a violation of blood flow in the coronary arteries.

This is called coronary heart disease. Risk factors include oxygen depletion in the blood due to anemia (decreased hemoglobin and red blood cells). Cardiac muscle dystrophy is often detected in chronic alcoholics and athletes during intense exercise.

How does the pathology manifest itself?

Signs of left ventricular dystrophy in the early stages do not appear or are slightly noticeable. The wall of the left ventricle becomes thinner. Normally, its thickness varies from 11 to 14 mm. In such individuals, the contractility of the heart is impaired, which can eventually lead to chronic heart failure. Symptoms of dystrophy against the background of cardiac pathology are determined by the underlying disease.

The most commonly observed symptoms are:

  • weakness;
  • malaise;
  • poor tolerance to physical activity;
  • heart rhythm disturbance;
  • feeling of heartbeat;
  • pale skin;
  • dyspnea;
  • decreased performance;
  • increased heart rate;
  • stupid or It's a dull pain in the chest.

Dystrophic changes develop gradually over several years.

Symptoms increase slowly. Without proper treatment, the condition worsens. The appearance of edema in the legs, face and torso, the development of atrial fibrillation, shortness of breath at rest, pastyness of the lower extremities - all this indicates the development of heart failure.

Examination and treatment tactics

Treatment of patients with left ventricular dystrophy is carried out after thorough examination. You may need to consult other specialists (endocrinologist). The following studies are needed:

  • listening to the heart and lungs;
  • electrocardiography;
  • EchoCG;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging;
  • multislice tomography;
  • general clinical tests of urine and blood;
  • biochemical blood test;
  • radiography;
  • angiography;
  • coronary angiography.

Instrumental examination helps to assess the condition of all chambers of the heart, their volume and thickness. Using electrocardiography, heart rhythm and chamber function are determined. Blood pressure must be measured. Blood tests often reveal anemia and elevated urea and creatinine levels. Possible increase in bile acids.

Patients should be treated after identifying the cause of ventricular dystrophy. Pathogenetic and symptomatic therapy is carried out. Medicines that improve metabolic processes in the heart muscle (Asparkam, Panangin) are necessarily prescribed. In the presence of chronic ischemic disease, the following groups of drugs can be used:

  • antihypertensive;
  • nitrates;
  • reducing blood lipid levels;
  • antiplatelet agents;
  • anticoagulants.

If anemia develops, iron supplements are prescribed. Heart rhythm disturbances are an indication for the prescription of antiarrhythmic drugs. To normalize metabolic processes, vitamins and minerals are included in the treatment regimen. If a diagnosis of chronic heart failure is made, then cardiac glycosides (Digoxin) should be used.

All patients need to change their lifestyle. It is necessary to limit physical activity and adhere to proper nutrition, give up cigarettes and alcohol. If you are obese, you should reduce daily calorie content food. With cachexia, on the contrary, you need to enrich your diet high-calorie foods. You should limit your intake of salt and animal fats.

Of great importance is a complete night sleep(8-9 hours), organization of breaks during work, exception stressful situations. It is recommended to visit sanatoriums and resorts annually. Thus, left ventricular dystrophy can cause circulatory failure. This condition requires long-term treatment.

Coronary heart disease treatment How to trigger a heart attack

The problems under consideration and the unpleasant manifestations associated with them worry about a third of patients who have crossed the forty-year mark, but can also affect young people.

List of diseases:

  • dystrophy;
  • atherosclerosis of the left ventricle of the heart;
  • hypertrophy;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.

How does disease of the heart ventricles, in particular the left one, manifest? The most dangerous thing is that at the beginning of the disease there is nothing, so it is important not to skip preventive examinations, especially for older people.


The disorder is characterized by depletion of the tissues of the ventricular walls.

Causes of the disease:

  • avitaminosis;
  • anemia;
  • bad habits, alcohol, smoking;
  • stress and hard work;
  • metabolic and endocrine diseases;
  • myopathy.


  • chronic fatigue;
  • exercise intolerance;
  • left chest pain;
  • heart rhythm disturbances.

For diagnosis, patients are referred for an ECG and other hardware examinations.

Classification and etiology:

  • Fatty degeneration, caused by a disorder fat metabolism due to an overdose of alcohol or blood diseases.
  • Dishormonal exhaustion most often occurs against the background of hormonal imbalance during menopause in women. The main symptom is constant shortage oxygen.
  • Ischemic dystrophy is a dangerous condition, as it occurs against the background of problems with the coronary vessels. Ischemic myocardium provokes severe heart failure.
  • Diffuse tissue wasting is caused by inflammatory processes in the myocardium.
  • Granular dystrophy occurs against the background of protein metabolism disorders.

H A young and healthy person can get sick due to intense physical activities causing overload of the cardiovascular system. The main danger is the death of the myocardium, against the background of anemia, vitamin deficiency, and disturbances of protein and electrolyte metabolism. The condition is complicated by severe arrhythmia, dilatation and high blood pressure.

Dystrophy therapy

Regardless of the form of the disease, treatment begins with lifestyle changes. The patient must follow a certain diet, cure everything chronic diseases, establish a daily routine and get rid of bad habits.

IN conservative therapy drugs are used that affect metabolic processes in the body, anabolic steroids, restoring tissue structure and other non-steroidal drugs.

Drug therapy:

  • inosine;
  • neborol;
  • Nerobolil;
  • potassium orotate;
  • asparkam;
  • panangin;
  • vitamins and minerals.

Hypertrophic changes in the myocardium of the left ventricle

Hypertrophy is an increase muscle mass hearts. Violation is caused by certain reasons:

  • abnormalities in the structure of the heart;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • cardiomyopathy;
  • cardiomegaly.

A disease such as arterial hypertension leads to concentric hypertrophy of the heart muscle. The disorder develops as compensation for insufficient blood circulation.

In its development, the disease goes through three stages:

  • compensation;
  • subcompensation;
  • decompensation.

In the initial stages clinical manifestations no, signs of angina pectoris and chronic heart failure begin to bother you at the third stage.

Symptoms of hypertrophy:

  • weak pulse;
  • night, dry, hearty cough;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • shortness of breath at rest;
  • swelling of the face.

In a state of decompensation, cardiac asthma begins to appear, caused by stagnation of blood in the pulmonary circulation.

In severe cases of the disease, not only the face, but also the body swells; the patient cannot lie down, as he begins to choke.

Judging by the swelling of the abdominal cavity, we can conclude that right ventricular failure is developing.

Treatment of left ventricular muscle hypertrophy

Treatment of the disease begins after a complete examination. The patient is sent for an electrocardiogram, ultrasound, echo and other instrumental examinations.

Signs of an ECG abnormality:

  • The electrical axis deviates slightly to the left, less often it is in horizontal position. A strong deviation of the axis to the left is not typical for this disease.
  • The more severe the hypertrophy, the higher the RV6 and RV5 teeth will be.
  • Teeth SV2 and SV1 are deep.
  • STV5 and STV5 segments fall below the line.

When left ventricular dysfunction is detected, it is determined which way the therapy will be carried out: surgical or conservative. Most often, surgery is used for treatment.

Types of surgical intervention:

  • stenting and angioplasty;
  • replacement of valves with prostheses;
  • commisurotomy.

Abnormal structure of the left ventricle

Anomalies are most often congenital.

The vices include:

  • narrowing of the aorta or its coortia;
  • ventricular septal defect;
  • absence of a pulmonary artery;
  • underdevelopment of the left ventricle;
  • absence of a tricuspid valve.

Left ventricular defects are most often included in the picture of multiple defects caused by genetic abnormalities such as Down syndrome and others.

Detection of these pathologies in the fetus during intrauterine development and in newborns can save the lives of many children.

D For detection they use the following instrumental methods diagnostics:

  • electrocardiogram;
  • radiography.

Treatment is only surgical; operated children can live like all healthy people if they follow the principles healthy eating And the right image life.

Traditional methods of treatment

Healers suggest treating disorders of the functionality of the left ventricle with folk remedies.

Many traditional medicine recipes can restore the performance of patients, but it should be remembered that any herbal medicine is taken only after the approval of the attending physician.

Self-medication leads to sad consequences.

Herbal treatment

To treat left ventricular hypertrophy, drops from lily of the valley are used (be careful, the plant is poisonous). It is better not to prepare the drops yourself, but to purchase them at the pharmacy.

Less dangerous, but effective remedy can be made from garlic. For the medicine, take a few cloves of garlic, chop them and mix with honey. Take one teaspoon before meals, three times a day.

Medical nutrition

To restore the functionality of the heart, in particular its ventricles, cardiologists advise adhering to therapeutic diet. There are several of them: No. 10, 10a, 10i, 10c. Every diet has its own purpose.

Table No. 10 is intended for patients with mild heart failure. The diet allows you to restore blood circulation and reduce the load on the heart and blood vessels.

Table No. 10a is intended for patients who have suffered a myocardial infarction and with moderate and severe heart failure. The diet restores kidney function and affects metabolic processes in the body.

Table No. 10 is necessary for patients with myocardial infarction; the diet restores the myocardium and allows you to quickly recover from a serious condition.

Table No. 10c is prescribed to people with atherosclerosis; this diet lowers cholesterol levels in the blood and slows down the formation of sclerotic plaques.

Learn more about each diet

Treatment table No. 10

Minimize salt and fluid intake.


  • Coffee and tea;
  • alcohol;
  • spices and seasonings;
  • fatty meat and fish;
  • liver;
  • strong fish and meat broths;
  • radish;
  • pickled and pickled vegetables.

The amount of liquid, including soups, per day should not exceed one liter. Only ready-made dishes are seasoned, no more than 5 grams of salt per day.

Authorized products:

In this diet, sour cream is served only as a dressing for the finished dish; it cannot be consumed in its whole form.

Treatment table No. 10a

The diet limits the consumption of all types of bread; only crackers are allowed. Soups and broths are completely excluded, fatty food and salt. All dishes are served boiled or as puree.

  • stimulants such as coffee and tea;
  • salt;
  • sodium mineral waters;
  • grape juice;
  • fried foods;
  • cold desserts.

Bread is replaced with salt-free crackers, the fluid intake is even less than in the previous diet, meals are taken in small portions and often - basic nutritional rules.

Table No. 10 and

The amount of liquid is no more than seven hundred milliliters per day, soups and salt are excluded from the diet. The diet is designed for the first recovery week after a heart attack.

The following is served to the patient:

  • freshly squeezed juices;
  • dairy dishes;
  • cottage cheese;
  • vegetable puree.

After a week, more nutritious foods are gradually introduced into the diet.

Table No. 10с

A diet aimed at combating atherosclerosis excludes sugar and sweets, as well as:

  • artificial fats;
  • strong decoctions of meat, fish and mushrooms;
  • pickles and canned food;
  • grape juice;
  • baked goods;
  • sorrel, spinach;
  • mushrooms;
  • radish;
  • smoked products.

Diet helps you lose weight if you are obese.

What can be served:

By following the doctor’s prescriptions, including diet, the patient gives himself a chance for recovery and a fulfilling life in the future.

The heart is the engine of the whole body, which contributes to the functioning of all systems and organs. But sometimes it malfunctions, this is due to various diseases. The most serious is considered to be dystrophy of the ventricle of the heart - a violation of the metabolic process in the heart. This disease occurs in case of insufficient oxygen saturation of the myocardium, with improper electrolyte, carbohydrate and protein metabolism and with vitamin deficiency. An equally common cause is overwork of the heart muscle.


Before starting to treat the disease, it is necessary to understand the factors that provoked the manifestation of the disease. This is what will reduce the risk of the disease, and if it has already overtaken you, you can quickly find necessary therapy. Dystrophy can manifest itself against the background of such disorders and diseases:

  • Poisoning (including alcohol).
  • Constant physical stress.
  • Violation of metabolic processes.
  • Anemia.
  • Problems with the endocrine system.
  • Avitaminosis.
  • Myopathy.
  • Constantly being in a stressful state.

There are many reasons why ventricular dystrophy occurs, but knowing about them, you can instantly begin to fight them and get rid of them forever.


For treatment to be effective and quick, it is necessary to identify the problem and its manifestations in advance. The main symptoms of the disease include:

  • a feeling of fatigue that was not there before;
  • moderate tachycardia.

If you consider all the symptoms of the disease, you will notice that they are vague, and some may not even appear. It is because of this that it is difficult to identify the disease in the early stages. The most accurate diagnosis can be found by visiting a cardiologist and doing an ECG.

Types of dystrophy of the ventricles of the heart

Cardiac ventricular dystrophy has several subtypes, regardless of what contributed to its development. Let's look at the features of each type:

  • Fatty degeneration of the myocardium– the name itself speaks for itself; the disease occurs due to a disorder in the metabolism of fats in the body. It is most often a consequence of hypoxia, which arose due to cardiovascular diseases, alcohol intoxication or blood diseases.
  • Dishormonal dystrophy occurs due to hormonal imbalance, often during menopause. This type is characterized by pain in the heart area, and there is a lack of oxygen. In women, this disease is also accompanied by rapid fatigue, irritability and sleep problems.
  • Ischemic dystrophy. This subtype manifests itself as a result of a coronary crisis and is very dangerous, as it can provoke heart failure, which is life-threatening. This dystrophy is also popularly known as focal myocardial ischemia.
  • Diffuse dystrophy heart ventricle often occurs as a result inflammatory processes in the heart muscle. This type is diagnosed using an ECG. No less effective way This form is determined by echocardiography.
  • Granular dystrophy occurs as a result of problems with protein metabolism. With this option, protein grains are present in the cytoplasm.

Dystrophy manifests itself in athletes as a result of systematic physical stress on the body. Also, in the case of an unbalanced diet, depletion of the heart muscle occurs.

With dystrophy of the left ventricle of the heart, thinning and significant reduction of the walls occur, resulting in a deterioration in the condition of the entire organism. In this situation, the patient feels weak and tired, and sometimes arrhythmia is observed. A decrease in hemoglobin occurs in the patient’s blood and anemia develops. The patient is always worried about pain and discomfort in the heart, heaviness and shortness of breath when walking or physical activity. Left ventricular dystrophy is very dangerous, as hemorrhage or necrosis of the heart muscle can occur. In the case of an unbalanced diet, atrophy of the heart fibers occurs, changes occur in vitamin, electrolyte and protein metabolism. With this disease, blood pressure increases significantly, which can be complicated atrial fibrillation, cardiac dilatation and systolic murmurs.

Principles of treatment

Regardless of what type of illness is diagnosed, it does not matter whether it is acute ischemic or another form, the patient must immediately rebuild his lifestyle and make certain changes:

  • remove physical activity and adjust work schedule;
  • review your diet to include foods filled with vitamins;
  • if there are any infections, then you need to get rid of them;
  • stabilize emotional condition and promote proper sleep.

After this comes drug treatment, which includes the use of drugs that improve metabolic processes and stabilize electrolyte metabolism. Drugs of this type are used in all cases, especially in the case of acute myocardial dystrophy. Can register anabolic steroid, which promote protein metabolism in the body and restore tissue. The most common drugs are neborol, retabolil and nerobolil. Among non-steroidal drugs Inosine and potassium orotate can be isolated.

The main condition for the treatment of myocardial dystrophy is the use of vitamin preparations, which should restore the functions of the heart muscle and significantly increase its performance

For ventricular dystrophy, it is recommended to take vitamins E, B, calcium, potassium and magnesium. These vitamins are most successfully presented in medicines such as asparkam and panangin. If an advanced form is identified, it is very problematic to choose adequate therapy. There are times when full compensation is not possible. In advanced cases, when significant changes in the myocardium have occurred, only one effective treatment option is welcomed - a heart transplant.


Even if the disease can be determined by initial stage and get rid of it by medication, adherence to preventive measures is necessary throughout life. Preventive methods should be based on the treatment of the disease against which it arose.

In addition, prevention includes:

  • use of medications without exceeding the norm;
  • daily acceptable physical activity;
  • quitting smoking and alcohol;
  • consumption of vitamins and protein;
  • do not overcool or overheat the body;
  • reduce calories, completely abandon fast foods;
  • realize medical checkup Twice a year;
  • You need to drink at least a liter of liquid every day.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is an excellent prevention of any disease, including heart disease.

Ventricular dystrophy is a serious disease that is currently considered very relevant. Therefore, every person should be attentive to their health and look closely at symptoms such as shortness of breath, increased fatigue, pain in the heart and discomfort. Do not forget that timely diagnosis and effective treatment much more effective than symptomatic therapy.

The muscle that controls the rate of contraction of the heart is called the myocardium. And when physicochemical and biochemical processes are disrupted in it, this means that dystrophic changes in the myocardium.

Important! If such changes are detected in early stage of its development, then they can be avoided.

Myocardial damage of any nature is manifested primarily by modifications of myocytes. Dystrophy accompanies all major cardiac pathologies, for example:

  • ischemic disease;
  • vices;
  • inflammatory processes.

It is this that is the basis of heart failure, which occurs in heart diseases. Diffuse dystrophic changes in the myocardium begin their development gradually; the cause of this may be insufficient nutrition of the muscle layer.

Signs of myocardial dystrophy can be different and are determined by the type of underlying disease, its duration and prevalence. For a long time, the disease may not particularly manifest itself, but there have been cases when athletes die during acute physical overexertion. It is found that due to excess calcium ions, contracture of cardiomyocytes develops. Sometimes pathology is detected not by symptoms, but by functional studies. The most common symptoms There are still pain in the chest on the left (cardialgia), conduction and heart rhythm disturbances, as well as heart failure.

The unpleasant sensations that arise can be aching or stabbing, and often have no connection with physical activity. However, this does not mean that pain cannot intensify after overstrain of a psychological or physical nature. A decrease in the ability of the heart muscle to contract is manifested by tachycardia, excessive fatigue and weakness. When dystrophic changes in the left ventricular myocardium worsen, heart failure is complicated by stagnation in the small and big circles blood circulation In addition, non-inflammatory fluid may accumulate in the pleural or abdominal area, and passive movement in the joints is limited.

Types and causes of pathological processes of the myocardium

Dystrophic processes occurring in the middle layer of the heart muscle can be classified according to etiology. They can occur when:

  • acute and chronic anemia;
  • vitamin deficiency, nutritional disorders;
  • endocrine metabolic disorders;
  • endogenous and exogenous intoxication;
  • diseases of the neuromuscular system;
  • extreme physical stress;
  • pregnancy;
  • kidney damage, electrolyte disturbances.

Moderate dystrophic changes in their course can be acute and chronic. In special cases, the outcome may be myodystrophic cardiosclerosis. The pathological process can spread diffusely or in a focal way. Most often, diffuse changes develop with inflammation of the muscle layer and the formation connective tissue, replacing its fibers. Interesting! During the studies, uniform damage is detected in such areas as the atrium, interventricular septum and ventricles.

Diagnostic changes

It cannot be said that dystrophic changes in the myocardium on the ECG have special characteristics that contributed to the diagnosis. For this reason, the result is valuable if it is supplemented by patient complaints, examination data and laboratory tests.

Research plays a role in diagnosis important role. An electrocardiogram or Echo-CG makes it possible to distinguish diffuse changes from focal ones, which are a consequence of a heart attack or rheumatism. Diffuse pathology is noted in all leads on the ECG, while focal pathology is observed in one of the two. The doctor can recognize rhythmic changes, conductivity features, and an increase in the volume of some sections.

Uncharacteristic ultrasound reflections are noted throughout the myocardial tissue. You can also detect dilatation of some parts of the heart, an increase in the mass and volume of the myocardium, and insufficient motor activity. This also includes additional manifestations of reduced contractility.

Treatment tactics

Treatment begins with taking into account the results of the ECG. In specific cases of this disease, take place pathogenetic mechanisms, on the characteristics of which further therapy depends.

Treatment involves more than just treating the underlying disease. Medicines that improve metabolic processes and eliminate electrolyte disturbances are indicated. The doctor may resort to therapy that includes anabolic steroids. Non-steroidal drugs are also actively used anabolic drugs and vitamins U, E, B. In some cases, substances containing calcium, potassium or magnesium are indicated. In order to have a beneficial effect on maintaining muscle function, cardiac glycosides are used, but in minimal doses.

Any disease can be prevented, and metabolic dystrophic changes in the myocardium are no exception. First of all, it is necessary to start with identifying the underlying disease and its treatment, which caused such changes. It is also important to protect the patient from risk factors. The main ones are:

  • acute and chronic illnesses;
  • disruptions in the schedule of nutrition, work and rest.

Even moderate dystrophic changes in the myocardium can affect the quality of life, so it is worth avoiding psycho-emotional effects on the body whenever possible, normalizing the daily routine, and most importantly, giving up bad habits, if any. In order to cure the disease, or even better to prevent it, strive to adhere to physical and psychological peace.


Reasons for development

Myocardial dystrophy – always secondary disease, arising against the background of another pathology and (or) the action of toxic substances.

Narcotic drugs

Cardiac overdose medicines

Hazardous substances

Chemotherapy medications with cardiotoxic effect

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory substances

Group of factors Specific reasons
Dyshormonal and endocrine (dishormonal myocardial dystrophy occurs) Pheochromocytoma – neoplasm of the adrenal glands

Thyrotoxicosis (increased activity of thyroid hormones)


Antiphospholipid syndrome - destruction of own lipids on cell walls

Food Extreme obesity

Significant weight loss (cachexia) or weight loss over a very short period of time

Physical agents Blunt chest injuries in the projection of the heart




Infections Tonsillitis

HIV infection

Gastrointestinal Any types of hepatitis

Liver failure

Atrophic gastritis

Storage diseases Amyloidosis – accumulation of amyloid in organs

Wilson-Konovalov disease - accumulation of copper in cells

Mucopolysaccharidosis – excessive deposition of mucopolysaccharide

Glycogenosis – accumulation of excess glycogen in the kidneys, liver, heart

Diseases with impaired renal filtration Glomerulonephritis – degeneration of kidney tissue

Myeloma is a tumor of blood cells

Chronic compartment syndrome - occurs when a part of the body gets caught under a heavy object

Family hereditary diseases with damage to the neuromuscular system Progressive neuromuscular dystrophy - degeneration of muscle fiber cells into connective tissue

Spinal amyotrophy – cell degeneration spinal cord into inactive connective tissue

Paroxysmal myoplegia – attacks of muscle weakness

Myasthenia gravis – progressive loss of muscle strength

Other Neurogenic pathology – neuroses, dystonia

Physical overexertion

Anemia – decreased hemoglobin levels

Stages and symptoms of the disease

Myocardial dystrophy develops in stages. Each stage of the process has its own symptoms corresponding to the degree of violation biochemical processes in the tissues of the heart. In addition to these manifestations, patients have complaints inherent to the underlying disease - the cause of myocardial damage.

The first, or neurohumoral, stage

  • Intermittent, indistinct, weak painful sensations in the projection of the heart. They occur against the background of emotional or physical stress. There is no pain at rest.
  • Moderate fatigue after usual exercise.
  • There may be a slight loss of body weight.
  • Patients feel well and can do their usual activities.
  • There are no changes in the study of myocardial function.

Second, or stage of organic change

Third, or stage of heart failure

  • Shortness of breath, sharply worsening when lying down. In the extreme stage, patients can only sleep lying down.
  • Severe weakness, progressive fatigue from any work.
  • Inability to perform usual activities and physical activities.
  • Loss of body weight.
  • Increased heart rate.
  • Violation of the rhythm of myocardial contractions.
  • Swelling of the feet and legs.
  • Moist wheezing in the lungs when breathing.
  • Significant changes in research.


Difficulty in staging correct diagnosis in myocardial dystrophy is the absence of changes in the study at the first stage of the process. At this stage, only the underlying disease can be identified, for which secondary myocardial dystrophy is typical.

Examination method Characteristic changes
Inspection by system Increased size of the heart with a shift of the borders to the left

Irregular pulse (sinus arrhythmias)

Auscultation (assessment of heart murmurs by ear) Moderate muting of tones at all points

Weakness of the first tone at the cardiac apex

Weak systolic murmur

Electrocardiography (ECG) Sinus arrhythmia (extrasystole, increased or decreased heart rate)

Low voltage of the ventricular complex

Partial bundle branch blocks

Impaired repolarization (recovery after contraction) of the heart

ECG with drug tests (potassium, beta blockers) Improvement of pathological changes
Velergometry (ECG under physical activity) There is no increase in the volume of blood ejected during contraction

Decreased exercise tolerance

Inability to fully perform the required load

Ultrasonographic examination (ultrasound) Heart enlargement

Expansion of the cavities of the heart chambers at the third stage of the disease

Decrease in the volume of blood released during myocardial contraction in the phase of organ dysfunction

Scintigraphy with Thallium 201 Impaired passage of potassium and sodium ions through the cell wall

Pathology of myocardial metabolic processes

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with radioactive phosphorus Decrease in the amount of energy reserves of heart muscle cells

Change in pH (acidity) of cell fluid

Biopsy (tissue sampling) of the myocardium with histochemical analysis Pathology of enzymatic metabolism in heart tissue

Destruction of myocardial fibers

Changes in organ cells

The most accurate diagnostic method is the sampling of myocardial tissue, but given that the procedure requires cardiac puncture, the indications for it are extremely limited. A biopsy is performed only in difficult diagnostic situations when myocardial dystrophy cannot be established by other methods.

Treatment methods

Myocardial dystrophy refers to diseases that can be completely cured provided that the underlying cause of the pathology is stabilized, but only if the disease has not entered the phase of cardiac failure.

In this case, it is only possible to improve the quality and prolong the patient’s life.

Treatment consists of several main areas that must be carried out simultaneously.

Elimination of the causative factor The main direction of therapy. Needs to be eliminated primary disease

or the reasons that caused pathological changes in the heart muscle. The possibility of complete restoration of the myocardium depends on how effective these measures are. Toxic and dishormonal myocardial dystrophy respond well to treatment; diseases with genetic transmission (neuromuscular diseases) or those associated with excessive accumulation

substances in the cells of internal organs. Dystrophy against the background of physical overexertion requires the abolition of stress, and neurogenic myocardial dystrophy requires qualitative psychological assistance

and sedatives. Infectious myocardial dystrophies require antibacterial treatment

and eliminating the source of infection. For tonsillitis, it is necessary to remove the tonsils during a cold period, otherwise there will be no effect from the treatment. Alcoholic dystrophies respond to treatment very slowly, the process takes many months and sometimes years. Required condition

– complete abstinence from drinking any form of alcohol.

Impact on energy and metabolic processes Complexes of drugs are used to increase protein synthesis and resistance to the action of free radicals and restoration of normal electrolyte balance

in the myocardium: As well as means to improve the nutrition of myocardial tissue and increase its resistance to reduced content


  • Significant weight loss is an indication for enteral (oral) replacement support through the introduction of high-calorie nutritional media:
  • nutrizon,
  • nutridrink,


Improved heart function

Medicines are used to maintain and restore normal function of the heart muscle:

Myocardial dystrophy can be completely restored if the cause of the disease is treatable and therapy is carried out before the onset of severe cardiac dysfunction.

In case of severe form of the disorder cardiac output the prognosis is unfavorable - patients die within 1–2 years even with treatment. Without therapy, patients do not survive for years.

Myocardial dystrophy can occur in acute form, quickly leading to impaired cardiac function, and can cause sudden death (athletes during or immediately after exercise). In this case, a lack of oxygen occurs in the myocardium, the electrolyte composition of the cells changes and the conduction of excitation through the conduction system is disrupted - the heart stops.


Stages and types

Myocardial dystrophy has a 3-stage course.

  1. The compensatory stage leads to swelling of the lower extremities, disturbance of heart rhythm, and shortness of breath.
  2. The subcompensatory stage leads to increased symptoms, an increase in the size of the heart and liver, a decrease in the flow of blood volume into the vessels, stagnation in the lungs.
  3. The decompensatory stage, in which degeneration of the heart muscle is observed, the symptoms are clearly expressed and the pathological processes in the heart become irreversible.

Forms of dystrophy

By type, depending on the degree of damage to the heart muscle, diffuse, fatty, dyshormonal, ischemic, granular, and focal dystrophy are distinguished.

  1. Diffuse dystrophy develops against the background of an inflammatory process in the heart muscle, leading to a decrease in oxygen supply, thickening of the muscle layer, swelling, and thrombus formation. Lack of oxygen supply to the heart muscle can lead to complications: the development of leukocyte diabetes, myocardial ischemia, genetic changes in cardiomyocytes, heart failure, which often becomes the cause of death for patients.
  2. Acute focal ischemic dystrophy of the myocardium occurs without special symptoms and most importantly, do not start the process. If you suspect or experience pain, burning in the heart area, shortness of breath, dizziness, you should urgently consult a doctor, undergo an ultrasound of the heart, suggested instrumental studies to visualize the affected areas of the muscle layer and prescription timely treatment.
  3. Fatty degeneration of the myocardium leads to the accumulation of fat droplets in the cells muscle layers, their increase in size, destruction of mitochondria, stretching and flabbiness of the muscle cavity, clay-yellow tint feces, accumulation of fatty cardiomyocytes, which inevitably leads to disruption of cellular metabolic processes and destruction of lipoproteins in cardiac cells. The main causes of development are alcohol intoxication, heart and blood diseases, hypoxia and vascular stenosis.
  4. Dystrophy of the middle layer of the heart muscle develops more often in athletes, when the number of heart beats exceeds more than 200 beats/m, the muscles do not have time to completely relax, internal muscle tension occurs, blood circulation is impaired, oxygen supply to organs and vessels decreases, and anaerobic glycolysis develops during milk ejections. acids into cells in reserve in large volumes.
  5. Dishormonal dystrophy is more common in women aged 55-60 years against the background of hormonal imbalance during menopause, when tissues and muscles begin to experience oxygen starvation, metabolism manifests itself, estrogen levels decrease, and bloodstream The synthesis of fatty acids is activated, the muscle layer becomes flabby, and the skin becomes pale and swollen due to lack of oxygen. During development in men, testosterone synthesis is disrupted.
  6. Ischemic dystrophy of the cardiac myocardium is the most dangerous form as a result of coronary crisis and heart failure. If left untreated, it can lead to the development of myocardial ischemia. Dystrophy has many different subtypes depending on the factors - provocateurs that provoked development.
  7. Dystrophy of the left ventricle of the heart leads to a decrease in the thickness of the muscle layer, the appearance of a number of clinical symptoms in the patient: weakness, feeling, weakness, disturbance of heart rhythm and intermittent work, pain syndrome, shortness of breath, decreased performance, increased fatigue, and general deterioration in health. Required urgent treatment, otherwise heart failure, cerebral hemorrhage and necrosis of the heart muscle are guaranteed.

Why does the disease develop?

Heart tissue - diagram

Provoking factors that can affect the functioning of the heart and lead to myocardial damage include:

  • acute poisoning of the body with drugs, alcohol, nicotine, other medications, in particular hormones
  • high doses of radiation
  • stress
  • depression
  • increased physical activity, when dystrophy is often diagnosed in athletes
  • poor meager nutrition and prolonged fasting, inevitably leading to exhaustion of the body
  • active overload
  • diabetes
  • carbon monoxide intoxication
  • hypertension anemia
  • liver diseases
  • cardiac pathologies
  • chronic diseases that can lead to changes in blood composition and metabolic disorders
  • disorders in the gastrointestinal tract, in particular in the heart

Myocardial dystrophy often develops due to excessive physical exertion, stress, poor nutrition, and moral overload of one’s own body.

How does dystrophy manifest?

Myocardial dystrophy - symptoms

Symptoms may for a long time don't show yourself in any way. A person considers himself healthy and does not consult a doctor. Over time, dystrophy progresses and inevitably leads to heart failure. Patients develop:

  • dyspnea
  • pain in the heart and sternum
  • hypertensive syndrome
  • tingling fingers
  • attacks of tachycardia
  • cardiopalmus
  • weakness and fatigue
  • fever and redness of the face
  • increased sweating
  • feeling of lack of air
  • cardiac cough
  • lack of energy and strength, which indicates the rapid development of heart failure.

Stitching pain in the heart area sometimes becomes simply unbearable. Symptoms with the development of dystrophy no longer go away without a trace, becoming intrusive, permanent and, of course, dangerous to human life. If the signs have become pronounced and appear even at rest, then most likely there is heart failure and the lack of timely treatment will ultimately lead to a stroke or myocardial infarction.

The main thing is not to miss primary signs. But the patient often does not give special significance the appearance of short-term shortness of breath, fatigue and weakness. But if they become daily and constant, then this is a clear signal that a pathology is developing in the body that requires urgent eradication when:

  • there is a dull or aching pain in the heart area
  • heart rhythm is abnormal
  • decreased blood pressure
  • lower limbs swell
  • there is a feeling of lack of air, signs of ascites, hematomyelia
  • there is severe weakness in the arms and legs, asthenia
  • Chronic tonsillitis developed against the background of heart pain
  • sweating increases at night
  • increased fatigue, nervousness
  • often feel dizzy
  • sleep is disturbed.

If your weight decreases sharply, pain radiates to your left arm, and you feel unwell due to low blood pressure, then you need to sound the alarm, consult a doctor and undergo an examination.


Diagnosis begins with finding out the medical history, complaints and a complete examination of the patient. The main diagnostic methods include:

  • Ultrasound, MRI of the heart
  • radiography
  • Cardiography to listen to heart murmurs
  • electrocardiography to detect abnormalities in the activity of the heart, regardless of the level of disease development
  • Doppler examination to determine the degree of asymmetry and expansion of the cavities of the heart
  • ECG for cardiac arrhythmia
  • additional tests for excess catecholamines in heart tissue.

How is the treatment carried out?

Doctors believe that the disease is completely reversible if treatment is started in a timely manner. The main thing is to direct the course towards:

  • change in metabolic processes
  • elimination of heart failure
  • improvement of conduction processes and electrolyte metabolism by intravenous administration of magnesium, potassium salts, vitamins B6 and anabolic hormones to replenish the heart muscle
  • elimination of disturbances in protein metabolism.

Drug treatment consists of prescribing to the patient:

  • pyridine nuclides
  • cardiac glycosides for obvious heart failure to improve electrolyte balance and replenish potassium salts (Panangin, Cardin, Asparaginate)
  • drugs to improve metabolic processes and stabilize electrolyte metabolism
  • anabolic steroids to stimulate protein metabolism in the body and tissue repair
  • non-steroidal drugs (potassium orotate, inosine, panangin)
  • vitamin complexes to restore and improve the functioning of the heart muscle
  • beta blockers
  • cardiac glycosides for heart failure, rhythm disturbance.

Diabetes mellitus leads to myocardial dystrophy, so the patient may additionally be referred to an endocrinologist for hormone replacement therapy with drugs containing:

  • iron (erythropoietin)
  • magnesium, cardiotropic drugs (magnesium orotate, Panangin, Magnerot, Cardiomagnyl, folic acid)

A complex disease - myocardial dystrophy and complex treatment including a course of physiotherapy, massage, medicinal baths, also establishing power supply with complete refusal from spicy dishes, strong coffee, tea, alcohol and smoking. It is important to completely reconsider your lifestyle.

Post-rehabilitation period

Patients diagnosed with myocardial dystrophy are advised to resort treatment, balneotherapy, physiotherapy, treatment of thyroid diseases, taking iron vitamins for severe anemia, sedatives if the disease is caused by stress and emotional experiences. It is important to normalize metabolism and maximally support the body, in particular the heart muscle, with vitamins and minerals, so diversify your diet and walk more in the fresh air.

Patients during treatment, as well as in the post-rehabilitation period, will undergo a planned ultrasound and ECG of the heart in order to prevent further progression of the pathology and activation of inflammatory processes in the structures of cardiomyocytes.

Based on the fact that myocardial dystrophy develops due to the presence of any disease, the best preventative measure is its treatment.

Taking vitamins and microelements will help strengthen general state body and prevent weakening of the immune system. In addition, in order to prevent the occurrence of diseases, it is necessary to undergo an annual medical examination.

Thus, best prevention the appearance of diseases is an attentive and caring attitude towards one’s own health. Myocardial dystrophy is a disease whose existence may not be known until a certain point. But if you listen to yourself and own body, pay attention to even the slightest deviations from normal condition, you can easily avoid serious diagnoses by getting rid of the disease on initial stages its development.


Stages and symptoms of the disease

Symptoms such as shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat even at rest, and increased fatigue gradually develop. Painful sensations not in the heart area, but many patients report some discomfort.

As the pathology develops, the symptoms intensify. Shortness of breath and tachycardia are accompanied by a cough, especially at night.

Dystrophic changes in the heart muscle occur in three stages:

  1. The myocardium wears out. The patient experiences symptoms such as heart pain and heavy breathing. The level of physical endurance is significantly reduced. No changes can be seen on the electrocardiogram.
  2. The initial stage of deterioration of contractile function. Symptoms such as arrhythmia, swelling of the extremities, and shortness of breath occur. The cardiogram shows minor changes.
  3. Decreases greatly contractile function. The tone of the heart muscles decreases. The patient is accompanied by symptoms such as swelling, constant pain in the heart, shortness of breath, and fatigue. All changes are clearly visible on the ECG.

Types of pathological changes

The classification is:

  1. Dyshormonal myocardial dystrophy.
  2. Dysmetabolic myocardial dystrophy.
  3. Myocardial dystrophy of mixed origin.
  4. Myocardial dystrophy of complex genesis.

Dyshormonal myocardial dystrophy occurs as a result of hormonal imbalances. The disease usually affects women during menopause and men with a testosterone production disorder.

This type of disease in women develops at an accelerated pace, therefore it is recommended that after 45 years of age undergo preventive examinations in order to identify changes in the myocardium as early as possible.

Myocardial dystrophy of the metabolic type is not considered by most doctors to be a separate type of disease - these are dystrophic changes as a result of metabolic disorders.

This may happen if:

A disease of mixed origin occurs as a result of the presence of low hemoglobin, vitamin deficiency, endocrine disorders, that is, the pathological process begins under the influence of several factors. Such diffuse-dystrophic changes lead to deformation of the myocardium, stretching of its cells and a decrease in the thickness of the septum.

Diffuse-dystrophic changes of complex genesis develop under the influence of external factors:

  • alcohol abuse;
  • smoking;
  • addiction;
  • endocrine and metabolic disorders;
  • poisoning of the body.

Treatment of myocardial dystrophy

In some cases, it even helps normalize heart function.

Treatment of myocardial dystrophy is carried out using the following drugs:

  1. Metabolic agents. They reduce changes in the heart muscle, eliminate symptoms, and improve the patient’s well-being.
  2. Antioxidant drugs. They prevent lipids from oxidizing in the heart muscle cells. Thanks to this, cell membranes are not damaged and harmful substances do not penetrate into them.
  3. Antagonists calcium channels. A high calcium content in the cells leads to relaxation of the heart muscle tissue, which disrupts its energy supply and damages the cell structure. Therefore, these drugs are indispensable in the treatment of myocardial dystrophy if the patient does not suffer from heart failure.
  4. Stabilizers of lysosomal membranes. They stop the penetration of an enzyme into cells that destroys protein.
  5. If there is a lack of salts in the heart muscle, potassium supplements may be prescribed. They make up for the shortage.
  6. Beta blockers are used to make stress have less of an impact on the heart. They are especially often prescribed if the patient suffers from hypertension, arrhythmia or tachycardia.
  7. Antihypoxants. Such drugs eliminate the lack of oxygen in the heart muscle.

Lifestyle with myocardial dystrophy

The patient must correctly distribute physical activity.

It is advised to adhere to the following rules:

  1. Sleep at least eight hours a day and rest for at least an hour during the day.
  2. Lungs are useful physical training. It's better if you do them every day, but excessive load contraindicated. This may make the condition worse.
  3. It is advisable to perform breathing exercises, swim, walk several kilometers, ride a bike.
  4. If during physical activity your heart begins to hurt, weakness and shortness of breath appear, you need to take a break until your health returns to normal.
  5. It is undesirable to be at too high or low temperatures. Heat speeds up the heartbeat and increases the load on the heart muscle, while cold leads to vasospasm and poor circulation.
  6. It is important to avoid stress and nervous overstrain. Can be consumed sedatives plant origin, for example, valerian or motherwort. It is useful to do meditation and auto-training. This helps many people calm down.
  7. You need to stop drinking alcohol and smoking. They increase the load on the heart and negatively affect the course of the disease.

A disease such as myocardial dystrophy also requires proper nutrition. It is necessary to exclude coffee, fatty, spicy foods, smoked meats and spices, rich broths. It’s healthy to eat more vegetables, fruits, fermented milk products, berries, baked meat and low-fat fish.

Dystrophic changes in the myocardium are quite treatable; the main thing is to consult a doctor in time before irreversible processes begin.



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