How is retinal dystrophy treated? Macular degeneration "wet form"

- inner sensory membrane of the eye. Its main function is the conversion of a light stimulus into a nerve signal and its primary processing. Retinal degeneration is a disease that disrupts the main function visual analyzer and in some cases leads to blindness.

Classification of peripheral retinal degeneration

Depending on the nature and localization of changes on the retina, several types of it are distinguished. peripheral degeneration.

Depending on the changes in the fundus, there are the following types peripheral degenerative changes in the retina:

  • Microcystic: also called Blessing-Ivanov retinal degeneration. The disease affects middle-aged people, but also occurs in children. The lesion is located on the edge of the dentate line, that is, along the periphery of the visual area. It is complicated by retinal breaks leading to its gradual. When viewed against a pale background of the fundus, multiple red dots are noted.
  • Like cobblestone pavement: this is a less dangerous condition, which is accompanied by the formation of pigmentless spots closer to the edge of the fundus. This pathology rarely leads to detachment, usually occurs in and in the elderly, has a benign course, but requires regular monitoring by an ophthalmologist.
  • Lattice: limited process of thinning and fibrosis of the retina with obliteration (collapse) of its vessels. Pathology occurs in 65% of patients and most often leads to blindness.
  • According to the type of cochlear trace: a white stripe is formed on the fundus, caused by micro-ruptures of the retina; usually observed with a high degree of myopia.
  • Palisade: a type of lattice, looks like a few white stripes.
  • Frostbite: it hereditary pathology accompanied by education retina multiple light spots like flakes of snow.
  • Retinoschisis: a hereditary pathology accompanied by local detachment and dystrophy of the retina due to the formation of large cystic formations. The course of the disease is asymptomatic.

Causes of pathology and its manifestations

Peripheral retinal degeneration can occur for a number of reasons:

  • myopia (especially high degree);
  • (farsightedness);
  • , Stickler;
  • transferred inflammatory eye diseases;
  • injury eyeball;
  • oncological diseases;
  • heavy;
  • hereditary pathology.

According to statistics, peripheral retinal degeneration develops in people with myopia in 30-40% of cases, with hyperopia - in 6-8%, with normal vision - in 2-5%. The disease can occur in all age groups, including children. Acting hereditary factor- Pathology is more common in men (68% of cases).

Patients with peripheral retinal degeneration may not present any complaints. In other cases, they are concerned about:

  • flashes in the form of lightning;
  • flies before the eyes;
  • loss of field of vision;
  • reducing its severity.

Diagnosis of retinal degeneration

To determine the type and cause of pathology, ophthalmologists use the following research methods:

  • determination of visual acuity with correction - myopia of medium and high degree is more often determined;
  • (definition of the field of view) - there is a loss of the field of view, which corresponds to the zone of degeneration;
  • – measurement of intraocular pressure. No changes are observed. In rare cases, there is an increase in intraocular pressure after surgical treatment;
  • EFI - electrophysiological examination of the eye, a method for studying the function of the retina;
  • - may be normal. Occasionally there are signs of chronic uveitis, hemorrhages in vitreous body. The presence of these signs requires the appointment of additional treatment;
  • examination of the fundus in case of drug-induced mydriasis (pupil dilation) using a Goldman lens.

When examining the fundus, the doctor detects the following changes:

  • lattice degeneration - a network of thin white stripes, sometimes they can resemble snowflakes;
  • cystic degeneration - multiple round or oval bright red formations that may merge;
  • retinoschisis - the retina acquires a grayish-white color, looks like small cystic dystrophy, which can progress into giant cysts, breaks appear;
  • chorioretinal atrophy has the appearance of atrophic foci with a pigmented border that can merge;
  • snail track dystrophy - whitish, somewhat gleaming perforated defects that merge and become like a snail track;
  • cobblestone dystrophy - white ring defects that have an oblong shape.

Treatment of peripheral degeneration

At high risk retinal detachments carry out its laser coagulation.

In this disease, doctors use a variety of treatment methods:

  • spectacle or contact correction which is carried out to improve the quality of life of the patient;
  • laser coagulation of the retina;
  • medical treatment.

Laser coagulation of the retina is carried out in order to prevent its detachment in patients with increased risk the development of such a complication. Risk factors, and therefore indications for laser coagulation, include:

  • the presence of retinal detachment in the fellow eye;
  • cases of retinal detachment in the family;
  • aphakia or artifakia (absence of the lens or its implant);
  • high myopia;
  • the presence of systemic diseases (Marfan syndrome, Stickler syndrome);
  • progressive course of degeneration;
  • formation of retinal cysts.

In other cases preventive conduct laser coagulation is not required. The procedure is carried out in outpatient settings, after treatment limit physical activity for 7 days.

Drug treatment is carried out to improve nutrition and the condition of the retina. The following drugs are used:

  • Antioxidants - methylethylpyridinol (emoxipin eye drops) 1 drop 3 times a day in the conjunctival sac for 1 month, a second course after 3 months; trimetazidine (preductal) 1 tablet orally with meals 2 times a day.
  • Means that improve metabolism in the retina - vitamins A, E, C, group B, minerals (zinc, copper) as part of multivitamin complexes, 1 tablet 1 time per day after breakfast. The course of treatment is up to 6 months. Mildronate 1 tablet 2 times a day, course of 4-6 weeks. Repeated course 2-3 times a year.
  • Antiplatelet agents - pentoxifylline (trental) 1 tablet 3 times a day, taking up to 2 months; acetylsalicylic acid (thrombo ass) inside after eating in the morning, long-term use.
  • Medicines that improve the condition vascular wall- extracts of ginkgo biloba (tanakan) 1 tablet 3 times a day, with meals; blueberry preparations, 1 tablet 1 time per day, the course of treatment is from 1 to 3 months.

Patients with peripheral retinal degeneration should avoid strenuous exercise and heavy lifting, as this is a risk factor for retinal detachment. Sometimes it is necessary to change the character and place of work. Patients are registered with an ophthalmologist for examination of the fundus every six months. After laser coagulation of the retina, patients are unable to work for 2 weeks. With proper and timely treatment, the prognosis is favorable.

Ophthalmologist N. G. Rozhkova talks about peripheral retinal dystrophy.

Retinal degeneration is a generalized name for pathological processes characterized by progressive visual impairment. Similar diseases are the main causes of blindness. The risk group includes people with pathologies of cardio-vascular system, diabetes, overweight. Causing factors include smoking, ultraviolet radiation, malnutrition, infectious diseases and prolonged stress.

Central retinal degeneration

The pathologies of this group are main reason irreversible vision loss. In most cases, macular degeneration of the retina is diagnosed. caused by the aging process. The macula is affected - the central part of the fundus, which is responsible for the resolution, allowing you to view fine details.

Accordingly, with macular degeneration, objective vision deteriorates. Even in severe forms of this disease, blindness does not occur, which is associated with the preservation of peripheral areas. Thanks to them, the patient can navigate in a familiar space.

However, when long course disease age-related macular degeneration of the retina is characterized by a person's inability to read.

There are 2 forms of pathology: dry and wet. Both of them develop in people of advanced and senile age. The pathological process covers both eyes. The form and stage of the pathology determine the speed of visual impairment.

Due to blockage of the vessels of the fundus, cell decay products accumulate in the tissues. They form small seals, contributing to the development of dry macular degeneration. This is a common form of the disease, found in 90% of cases.

Slow development provides a relatively good prognosis.

Age-related retinal degeneration associated with the appearance of new blood vessels is considered wet. Fluid seeps through the walls of the capillaries, which is called exudate. This disease almost always leads to rapid loss of vision. Rapid development is characteristic, in which a detailed clinical picture appears after a few days. In case of improper treatment, absolute blindness can occur. Only an experienced optometrist can distinguish one form of AMD from another.

Sometimes diagnosing a disease can be complicated by the fact that its symptoms are similar to those of other diseases. eye problems.

If you find signs such as double vision, narrowing of the field of vision, image distortion and spots before the eyes, you should contact an ophthalmologist.

Changes that appear during age-related degeneration are considered irreversible. Treatment helps prevent further development pathological process. Apply in the early stages medications strengthening the walls of blood vessels, anticoagulants, vitamins. Well conservative therapy repeat annually. Treatment of advanced forms is carried out surgically.

Modern therapeutic methods are: photostimulation of the retina, laser exposure, vasoreconstructive surgery.

To eliminate wet forms of macular degeneration, they resort to the use of laser coagulation and angiogenesis inhibitors. A powerful beam of light is directed to the areas of the eyeball affected by the disease. Due to this, the dilated vessels are sealed, which protects them from further accumulation of fluid. The operation does not bring any pain.

The essence of peripheral retinal degeneration

This part of the fundus is examined in the usual way, however, it is she who is often struck dystrophic changes. Peripheral retinal degeneration is characterized by thinning of the affected areas. There are several forms of the disease, differing in the magnitude of the risk of detachment. Lattice degeneration is considered the most dangerous pathology in terms of vision loss. In most cases, both eyes are affected.

The first signs of the disease are found in adolescence, after which it begins to progress. Lattice dystrophy of the eye in about a third of cases leads to retinal detachment. Main diagnostic sign disease is the formation of cells from white bands. This is how the vessels on the retina look when blocked. In addition, the appearance of reddish foci of thinning, cysts and ruptures is noted.

Next form PDS is detected with the progression of myopia. The development of the disease contributes to vascular damage. Examination of the fundus reveals light lines, combined with perforated defects. This form of pathology is called the trace of the cochlea.

Foci of degeneration form ribbon-like areas. Retinal breaks are the main cause of retinal detachment.

Hoarfrost-like dystrophy - genetic disease. Pathological changes have a symmetrical character, are characterized by slow development. In the extreme areas of the fundus, light blotches appear, resembling snow flakes that protrude on the surface. Their appearance is combined with obliteration and thickening of the vessels. Sometimes on the periphery there is an appearance age spots. The disease is characterized by slow development.

The group of retinal dystrophies "cobblestone" is distinguished by the fact that separate rounded foci with an uneven surface are formed, near which small pigment inclusions are found.

The pathological process most often affects the retina in its lower part. Peripheral cystic dystrophy is characterized by the appearance of small cavities located at the very edge of the fundus.

It is predicted quite favorably as one of the signs of aging of the body. The risk of retinal detachment is estimated at 5%.

Peripheral dystrophy is usually formed against the background of myopia or hyperopia. Less commonly, such diseases are found in people with normal vision.

The main causes of peripheral degeneration are: atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension, eye injuries, genetic predisposition, diabetes mellitus, body intoxication, age-related changes, infections. PDS can be found in a person of any age. Its main danger is the asymptomatic course on initial stage.

The treatment of retinal detachment is complex, so special attention must be paid to its prevention. Once degenerative changes are identified, the doctor may choose observational tactics or laser surgery. This allows you to separate affected areas from healthy areas and prevent the spread of detachment.

Other forms of dystrophy

Retinitis Pigmentosa is considered a rare type of retinal disease. genetic nature. It is predominantly found in men. It is characterized by a slight deterioration in vision - only in the evening and at night. With the development of the disease, it turns into a tubular. Pigmentary degeneration of the retina is complicated by the presence of secondary glaucoma, lens opacities, and polar cataracts. If the disease is started, vision is sharply reduced.

Treatment of pigmented abiotrophy is not always effective. The prognosis is often unfavorable. Therapy should be started by reducing the load on the eyes, taking vitamins. The main method of therapy is vasodilator drugs and biogenic stimulants. Sometimes it is necessary to resort to surgical intervention.


retinal degeneration

Retinal degeneration consists in dystrophic changes and gradual death of its cells, which is the cause of a gradual decrease in vision.

These changes may be hereditary in origin, but may be acquired.

Often, retinal dystrophy is one of the first symptoms of certain systemic diseases, including endocrine pathologies, metabolic disorders, mitochondrial diseases.

Let's consider some of them.

Causes of retinal degeneration

age-related macular degeneration is the first and main cause of painless and gradual, bilateral deterioration of vision, which is typical for the elderly.

Usually, in this case, some substances are deposited in the area of ​​the macula under the retina, which leads to the appearance of foci of detachment and atrophy of the pigment epithelium. As a result, the function of photoreceptors is disrupted, which clearly leads to visual impairment.

This is manifested in a sharp decrease in visual acuity, loss of areas of vision and fog before the eyes. Until now, no methods have been developed that are able to stop the development of macular degeneration that occurs with age.

Despite the active release of sets of microelements (zinc, copper, selenium) and vitamins (A, C, E), there are no reliable data on their effectiveness. There is another form of age-related degeneration, which is less common. It is caused by the growth of vessels under the retina in the area of ​​the macula, which raise the retina, causing visual distortions and the same blurred vision. To cure this pathology, laser coagulation is used, but relapses cannot be avoided.

A variety of retinal diseases such as central serous choriopathy predominantly affects men between the ages of twenty and fifty.

The disease is characterized by the accumulation of vascular effusion under the retina, which provokes the emergence of small foci of retinal detachment, and vision naturally becomes worse, and if the yellow spot is also involved in the process, then visual distortions are inevitable. Sometimes in such a state it is effective to use laser coagulation.

Diabetic retinopathy, in turn, is a complication of diabetes mellitus and is characterized by damage to the small vessels that feed the retina. The best recommendation here is correct mode life of a diabetic, control of sugar and blood pressure. Preventive effect against the development of diabetic retinal lesions may be panretinal laser coagulation.

There is also hereditary retinal dystrophies, which can make themselves felt from the first months of life, but can also develop rather slowly.

At the same time, complaints begin about the deterioration of twilight vision and photophobia, there is a possibility of flashes before the eyes.

In some cases, objects are seen distorted, which leads to the fact that patients cannot move freely up the stairs, which is more pronounced in poor lighting, as well as when crossing the street.

TO pigmentary dystrophy belong to a group of hereditary dystrophies that are more common than others. Here there is an uneven deposition of pigment on the periphery of the retina, the so-called "bone bodies". In this case, both eyes are affected.

Over time, the number of "bone bodies" grows until they merge, the foci spread through the retina, approaching the center of the fundus.

The disease can develop in childhood, although the first symptoms may appear only in the second half of life, in the form of, usually, a violation of twilight vision, which is popularly called " night blindness”, when a person is poorly oriented in poor lighting and at dusk.

With the progression of the disease, sharpness gradually decreases and the field of vision narrows, and this degradation ends in blindness by the age of forty-sixty years. They have not yet learned how to treat this disease, but, trying to save the situation, doctors prescribe drugs to improve nutrition and blood supply to the retina and optic nerve.

Treatment of retinal dystrophy

One of the treatments for the wet form of age-related macular degeneration is photodynamic therapy. With dry age-related retinal degeneration, this method is not used.

This treatment involves injecting the light-sensitive drug verteporfin (Vizadyne) into the bloodstream, which accumulates in the affected vessels under the macula. Next, laser beams are directed to the eye, activating the drug, which favor the formation of blood clots that block damaged vessels.


retinal degeneration

Dystrophies are the most common retinal diseases. They occur due to the gradual death of retinal cells, due to which there is a gradual decrease in vision. Often retinal degenerations are the first bell warning about any diseases of the endocrine system, as well as metabolic disorders.

Types of retinal dystrophy

There are several types of degeneration that occur in humans:

  • Age-related macular degeneration. It is the main cause of painless and gradual deterioration of vision in the elderly. Most often, when such a disease occurs, a certain type of substance accumulates under the retina, which causes areas of detachment and death of the pigment epithelium. In this case, the function of the sensory neurons of the retina is disrupted and vision deteriorates. Retinal degeneration in such patients is manifested in a sharp decrease in vision, blurred vision, as well as blind spots in the eye.
  • Central serous choriopathy. It occurs mainly in men 20-50 years old. When this type of disease occurs, fluid accumulates under the retina, which leads to the appearance of small foci of detachment. As a result, vision deteriorates greatly, in some cases its distortion is observed.
  • Diabetic retinopathy. A fairly common complication in patients with diabetes mellitus. It occurs due to damage to small blood vessels that feed the retina. This disease can be avoided by monitoring blood sugar levels.
  • Hereditary retinal dystrophy. Most often noticeable in children from the very first months of life, however, it can develop very slowly and will not be visible immediately. It is mainly expressed in intolerance to light, sometimes there is a distortion of objects.
  • Pigmentary dystrophy. This is a common name for a number of hereditary dystrophies. If a patient is diagnosed with a similar degeneration of the retina, then pigment deposition occurs on the periphery of the retina. The disease affects both eyes at once. It is most commonly seen in children, but can also be seen in older patients. The main symptom of this type of dystrophy is night blindness, which is why people susceptible to this disease are poorly oriented at dusk and in low light. If you do not contact a specialist in time to prescribe treatment, then your vision will gradually fall and there will be a risk of completely blind.

The disease progresses gradually over the years, while the area of ​​opacification expands. Timely treatment is the key to eliminating the disease.

Eye burns are injuries that occur when the organ of vision is exposed to various harmful external factors (chemical and physical). Most often, eye burns occur at work, if safety precautions are not observed, the rest of the cases are classified as household.

Eye diseases are a serious problem, which can only be dealt with in case of timely detection. The most common problems are cataracts and glaucoma.


Age-related retinal degeneration

What is age-related retinal degeneration?

The retina is the light-sensitive nerve tissue at the back of the eyeball.

Although degenerative changes in the macula almost never lead to complete loss of vision, this process can cause a significant decrease in visual acuity.

The macula is the most important part of the organ of vision. The spot occupies a relatively small area of ​​the retina, about the size of an eraser on the tip of a pencil. The spot contains a large number of photoreceptors that allow a person to read, watch TV, drive a car and sew, that is, to do everything that requires focusing of vision.

Near the spot of photoreceptors there are significantly fewer photoreceptors and therefore the image clarity is less there. Although unaffected portions of the blind spot may continue to perceive images along the edges of your visual field, areas of the macula damaged by degenerative changes cause blurry and fuzzy images that are transmitted to your brain.

In the dry form of retinal degeneration, microscopic yellow foci form under the blind spot, which leads to degeneration and thinning of the nervous tissue. Much less common is the wet or neovascular form of retinal degeneration. With this form, pathological blood vessels grow under the blind spot, through which blood enters under the retina, retinal cells die, due to which dots and blurred images may appear in your field of vision.

Most patients with age-related retinal degeneration are diagnosed with the dry form of the disease and, as a rule, there is no loss of central vision. However, over time, the dry form can become wet. Although only 10% of patients with retinal degeneration develop the wet form, these patients make up the majority of those with severe visual impairment associated with this pathology.

It is very important for patients with retinal degeneration to carefully monitor their vision and visit the doctor regularly for medical examinations.

Causes of age-related retinal degeneration

The causes of age-related degeneration are not exactly known. Most likely, the development of the disease is due to genetically inherited factors, although environmental factors are also of great importance. Often retinal degeneration occurs in several relatives. According to recent twin studies, genetic factors play an important role in the development of macular degeneration.

Risk factors associated with the development of age-related retinal degeneration include:

    Age: The likelihood of developing retinal degeneration increases with age.

    Race: Retinal degeneration is more common in whites of any race.

  • Increased blood pressure.

    Vascular diseases.

    Abuse of saturated fats and cholesterol.

    Elevated blood cholesterol.

    Farsightedness (hyperopia).

    Exposure to solar radiation.

    Similar diseases in the anamnesis.

What are risk factors for age-related degeneration retina ?

As the name implies, age-related macular degeneration is more common in older patients. In fact, it is the leading cause of significant visual impairment in people over 60 years of age.

Retinal degeneration can be hereditary, that is, passed from parents to children. If any of your family members (blood relatives) has this pathology, then you are at an increased risk of developing macular degeneration. You can discuss your individual risk of developing the disease with your ophthalmologist.

Smoking is also a significant risk factor for the development of retinal degeneration.

What questions can you ask your doctor

    What can I do to reduce my chance of vision loss?

    What medications can I take to improve my vision?

    What are the clinical symptoms to look out for?

    How should I change my lifestyle?

    What methods of treatment can be used for my disease?

Dry form of age-related retinal degeneration

Dry age-related macular degeneration (AMD dry) is the most common form of age-related retinal degeneration, accounting for 9 out of 10 cases of age-related retinal degeneration. Doctors also refer to the dry form of age-related retinal degeneration as non-exudative age-related retinal degeneration.

The dry form of age-related retinal degeneration may begin with deposits of yellow-white deposits under the retina called drusen.

Over time, these deposits fuse together and become hard, which can interfere with the normal functioning of the retina and the supporting cells (retinal pigment epithelium or RPE) below it. The macula and supporting cells under the macula become thinner and damaged.

Blood vessels in the choroidal layer under the macula and retina also cease to function normally. This process is called atrophy. Damage to these tissues of the eye leads to damage to the cells of the macula, which is responsible for central vision.

    The dry form of age-related retinal degeneration is characterized by slow development.

    Vision often deteriorates gradually and does not lead to significant consequences.

    In most cases, the disease begins in one eye and only occasionally affects the other eye.

    In some patients, the dry form of age-related retinal degeneration sometimes turns into a wet form, which is characterized by a more severe course.

There is no specific treatment for the dry form of age-related retinal degeneration, but, as a rule, the pathology does not cause a significant deterioration in vision that can impair the patient's quality of life.

Wet form of age-related retinal degeneration

The wet form of age-related macular degeneration (wet form of age-related retinal degeneration) is a much less common pathology, but its negative impact on the organ of vision is more significant compared to the dry form of age-related retinal degeneration. Wet age-related retinal degeneration is responsible for 9 out of 10 cases of blindness caused by the disease.

Doctors also refer to the wet form of age-related retinal degeneration as neovascular, exudative, or dysciform age-related retinal degeneration.

The wet form of age-related retinal degeneration often develops in places affected by the dry form of the disease, especially when the deeper layers of the retina are damaged and pathological vessels grow in them (subretinal neovascularization). Pathological blood vessels are characterized by fragility and constant hemorrhages under the macula. They also lead to an overgrowth of connective tissue under the macula, which affects the shape and position of the macula.

    The wet form of age-related retinal degeneration affects one or both eyes.

    Loss of vision develops rapidly.

    The loss of vision is irreversible and often severe.

Blindness as a result of this disease is quite rare, since it does not affect peripheral vision, however, the wet form of age-related retinal degeneration can contribute to a significant decrease in the sharpness or complete loss of central vision. In some cases, treatment can slow or stop vision loss, but the effect of therapy is usually short-lived.

Macular degeneration (age-related macular degeneration, or degeneration, AMD) is a disease in which there is damage to the central or peripheral departments retinas of the eye. This leads to visual impairment. Pathology is more common in people over 50 years of age and in pregnant women, the prevalence is 15 cases per 1 thousand people.

Treatment of retinal dystrophy

The goal of treatment for this disease is to slow down the development of retinal dystrophy.

Thus, it is possible to stop the progression of macular degeneration. The disease is rare in children. Treatment, regardless of age, occurs according to the following schemes:

Form of age-related retinal dystrophy


Methods conservative treatment

Methods of surgical treatment

Dry (non-exudative)

  • Differs in the accumulation of waste products of cells between the retina and blood vessels.
  • It accounts for 90% of all cases of age-related retinal dystrophy.
  • It is considered a relatively benign form, since visual acuity decreases gradually.
  • drugs that normalize metabolic processes in fiber;
  • vitamin preparations with selenium and zinc;
  • vasodilators;
  • antiplatelet agents.
  • standard vitrectomy;
  • retinotomy in the area of ​​the posterior pole;
  • repositioning of the macula.

Wet (exudative)

  • Causes accumulation of exudate under the retina.
  • Occurs in 10% of cases.
  • Has an unfavorable prognosis, since the risk of retinal detachment is high.
  • Loss of vision happens quickly.
  • photodynamic therapy;
  • laser therapy;
  • intraocular injections.

Revascularizing and vasoreconstructive operations.

Drugs for the treatment of age-related macular degeneration

Therapy for age-related retinal dystrophy is carried out in a complex manner. Doctors prescribe drugs in the form of tablets, injections, eye drops. Some drugs are injected directly into the vitreous. The main groups of drugs used:

Drug group

Mechanism of action

Examples of drugs

Price, rubles

Vasodilators and angioprotectors

Expand and strengthen blood vessels.

440 for 25 pcs.


18 for 10 pcs.


34 for 50 pcs.


Normalize the work of the retina, restore vascular permeability.


4500 for 10 pcs.

Eye drops with vitamins and biological substances

Promote reparation and improve metabolism.

107 for 10 ml


Improving microcirculation

Improve blood supply to the retina.


40 for 10 ampoules

160 for 5 ampoules

Antiplatelet agents

Reduce thrombus formation in blood vessels.


440 for 28 pcs.

Acetylsalicylic acid

15 for 20 pcs.


Reduce cholesterol levels.


120 for 60 pcs.


50 for 30 pcs.


59 for 30 pcs.


Dissolve hemorrhages in the eye.

Aminocaproic acid

43 for 100 ml


515 for 5 ampoules


120 for 10 ampoules


Treatment of macular degeneration of the retina necessarily includes vitamins. They are necessary for normal functioning organs of vision, improving the nutrition of their tissues and slowing down the progression of dystrophic changes. With such a disease, vitamins A, E, B are useful. To saturate the body with them, you can use the following drugs:

  • Lutein Complex;
  • Vitrum Vision;
  • Complivit Oftalmo;
  • Lutein-Intensive Evalar.

Injections in the eyes

To prevent the development of new blood vessels in the organ, special drugs are injected directly into the vitreous body. The procedure is performed by an ophthalmologist. It takes only a few minutes and, judging by the reviews, does not cause pain. After injection, pathological vessels begin to disintegrate, and the abnormal fluid is absorbed.

According to statistics, 30% of patients recover after such therapy. certain part lost vision. For intraocular injections, the following drugs are used:

Name of the drug

Mode of application


Price, rubles

Lucentis (Lucentis)

It is administered by injection at 0.05 ml once a month. For one session, the drug is administered only in one eye.

  • lactation;
  • pregnancy;
  • high sensitivity to ranibizumab;
  • intraocular inflammation;
  • age up to 18 years;
  • eye infections.

47500 for 1 vial 0.23 ml

Enter into the vitreous body 50 μl of solution for 3 months. Further, injections are made 1 every 8 weeks.

44000 for 0.278 ml


Age-related macular degeneration slows down somewhat after undergoing physical therapy. Are considered effective following procedures:

Laser treatment

The main advantage of laser therapy is the ability to act on the affected areas without affecting the healthy tissues of the eye. Of the minuses, the possibility of developing an allergic reaction is highlighted, which leads to inflammation and swelling of the conjunctiva. Types of laser therapy:

  • Laser stimulation of cellular tissue. Activated by laser action metabolic processes fiber. A course of such stimulation can stop macular degeneration for a long time.
  • Laser coagulation. It consists in sealing the problem area of ​​the retina. As a result, it is isolated, which slows down the progression of the disease. Price - 5-30 thousand rubles.


Indication for surgical treatment– inefficiency of conservative and laser therapy. All operations performed with age-related dystrophy of the fiber are divided into 2 types:

Treatment of retinal dystrophy with folk remedies

Age-related retinal dystrophy is serious disease Therefore, folk remedies can only be used as an additional method of therapy. Non-drug treatment includes following a diet with an abundance of vegetables and fruits. From folk remedies Recipes are considered effective:

  • Dissolve 50 g of mummy in 10 ml of aloe juice. Store the resulting solution in the refrigerator. Instill a couple of drops into the eyes daily, after warming the solution to room temperature. Treatment lasts 9 days.
  • homemade goat milk mix with water. Instill 1 drop in each eye for 1 week.
  • Mix the husk onion, rose hips and needles in a ratio of 2:2:5. Pour a liter of water, boil for 10-15 minutes, let it brew. Drink daily 1 tbsp. 2 times.


The eyes are one of the most important human senses, and it is very important to control visual acuity in time. In a neglected state, the development of diseases leading to complete blindness is possible. Retinal dystrophy is one of the most dangerous and common diseases., which manifests itself due to age-related changes in the body in relation to the functioning of the visual organs.

Faced with this diagnosis for the first time, people are looking for an answer to the question, retinal dystrophy, what is it. The disease characterizes itself by damage to the eye tissues, leading to their complete death. The reason can be both a violation of the metabolism of nutrients in the body, and a lack of useful substances and vitamins. The advanced stage of the disease leads to complete loss of vision, without the possibility of its restoration. It is very important to diagnose the disease in a timely manner and immediately begin its treatment. You can confirm this diagnosis by contacting a specialist - an ophthalmologist. The risk group prone to retinal dystrophy includes not only adults, but also children.

Retinal dystrophy - quite dangerous disease, manifested with age-related changes in the body to the functionality of the eyeballs.

Retinal dystrophy is an irreversible degenerative disease.

Disease classification

According to the statistical data obtained as a result of the study of the disease, it was revealed that the disease “gets younger” every year. Today in the group at risk there are not only elderly people, but also those who have a hereditary predisposition to eye diseases, as well as people leading healthy lifestyle life. Another an important factor in the development of diseases associated with the senses, is ecology.
Retinal dystrophy has several typologies.

Central retinal dystrophy

Central dystrophy, a process originating in the molecular zone of the eyeball, getting its development due to the irreversible aging of the body. The disease is dangerous complete, irreversible loss of vision. The treatment process is quite complicated, as the central part of the eye is affected. The diagnosis is divided into dry and wet degeneration retina.

Peripheral retinal dystrophy

Changes in the eyeball can be caused by trauma to the visual organs, as well as a complication of the treatment of other diseases. Often the disease may be preceded by myopia and myopia on different stages. Today, with timely access to specialists, the disease is successfully treated by surgery.


Detecting an ailment at an early stage is only the beginning of a long journey to be taken. It is very important to determine the causes of retinal dystrophy and what caused its development. Ophthalmologists identify the following reasons that can play a decisive role:

  • complications after surgery;
  • improper diet and bad habits;
  • imbalance of nutrients in the body;
  • dysfunction of the vascular system of the eyeball;
  • diabetes mellitus, infectious and viral diseases.

With dystrophy, the destruction of retinal tissues occurs, which, in turn, leads to a decrease in visual acuity.


Symptoms of retinal dystrophy manifest themselves gradually and cause many life difficulties. The early stage of the disease proceeds without visible symptoms however, the disease can progress rapidly. A person experiences discomfort when blinking, which can be expressed in a burning sensation of the eyeball, there is a sharp landing of vision, loss of sharpness and various opacities. However, these symptoms may indicate other possible problems organism. It is very important that the final diagnosis is established after a complete examination and all necessary procedures. Symptoms:

  • blurred vision in the evening;
  • a veil before the eyes;
  • sharp narrowing and distortion of the picture;
  • flashes, "flies" before the eyes;
  • distorted perception of shapes, sizes and colors.

Diagnosis of the disease

Dystrophic changes in the retina of the eye - require a competent approach of a specialist and complete examination eye structure. Here, an integrated approach is more appropriate, during which, it will be prepared complete collection anamnesis. The following activities are mandatory during the diagnosis:

  • perimetry- study peripheral vision in order to determine its boundaries;
  • ophthalmoscopy– study of the bottom of the eyeball;
  • biomicroscopy– analysis of the structure of the eyeball;
  • adaptometry– study of light perception;
  • measurement of pressure in the visual organs;
  • retinal examination;
  • Ultrasound of the eyeball;
  • visometry- one of the ways to test for visual acuity is to work with four types of tables.

This disease is the most common cause visual impairment in old age.

Also possible and instrumental research bottom of the eyeball. These include:

  1. Fluorescein angiography- one of the methods for studying the vessels of the eyeball, when an organic pigment is injected intravenously.
  2. Electrophysiological study- necessary to measure the state of the retina and nerve cells.

Treatment of retinal dystrophy

Treatment of retinal dystrophy is determined during diagnostic study. Most experts prefer the following methods:

  • laser intervention;
  • medical preparations;
  • vitreoretinal surgery.

The choice of the method by which the treatment will be carried out is chosen by the ophthalmologist, based on the information obtained during the diagnosis.

Medication treatment

Medication-based treatment is mainly used in the early stages of the disease. Also, this method is used during the rehabilitation of the patient, after surgery. There are a number medicines, which positively affect visual acuity, increase the immune system and enrich the body with vitamins. These medicines can be divided into the following pharmacological groups: angioprotectors, polypeptides, antiplatelet agents, biogenic stimulants, combined vitamins, as well as drugs that increase the stimulation of blood circulation.


Physiotherapy is helper method fight the disease, which will strengthen the muscle system of the eyeball. Usually, the prescribed procedures are carried out in a specialized center or clinic.

  1. electrophoresis- impact on the body by supplying a low-amplitude current.
  2. Photostimulation- impact on the retina with bright flashes of light.
  3. Magnetotherapy- impact on the body using a magnetic field, in order to change the biological fluid in the body.

The complex of procedures can be supplemented laser radiation, in order to stimulate the retina of the eyeball. This method is extremely effective in trying to stop the development of dystrophy. The essence of the method lies in the fact that with the help of a laser, the doctor draws a certain boundary between healthy and diseased tissues. Being under the influence of the beam, diseased vessels are “sealed”, and the fluid inside the eyeball stops flowing to them.

Thanks to this procedure, the disease is taken under complete control, and the patient avoids such terrible consequences as retinal degeneration. The procedure of laser exposure is short and simple, but it requires full compliance with the requirements of the ophthalmologist during the rehabilitation period.

Very often, dystrophic changes in the retina accompany moderate and high degrees of myopia.

Surgical intervention

Surgery is usually required when the disease is diagnosed late in development and is the only way avoid such unpleasant consequences like destruction of the retina. There are two main types of surgery:

  1. Ravascularization procedure- is a process of blockage of the affected tissues of the eyeball, followed by an increase in the lumen in working vessels.
  2. Vasoreconstructive surgery- is carried out using special transplants designed to stabilize the microvascular bed of the eyeball.

Retinal degeneration: causes and treatment

Retinal degeneration is the irreversible destruction of tissue that leads to complete blindness. The disease occurs mainly among the elderly. Degeneration of the eye tissues is extremely rarely diagnosed in children and adolescents.

To date, medicine is unable to answer the question of what causes the degenerative process. It has been scientifically proven that this disease may be hereditary, but manifests itself only closer to old age. The phenomenon itself can also be associated with a large number of metabolic substances in the eyeballs.
The answer to the question of how to treat retinal dystrophy is rather complicated, because the task itself is not always solvable. Stop progression this disease with the help of therapeutic influence, unfortunately, is impossible.

Many patients are advised by experts to consider options laser therapy, since with such a complex diagnosis, this is the only method that can give tangible results. In addition, photodynamic therapy can become an alternative way to combat retinal degeneration.

Retinal dystrophy may be asymptomatic at first.

essence this method, is to act only on the newly formed vessels, in which the photoreceptors are not yet damaged. This technique can be combined with other methods of exposure.

Preventive norms

For prevention eye diseases There are several recommendations that should be used by people at risk. It is necessary to periodically carry out gymnastics for the eyes, performing special exercises. It is worth beingware of harmful radiation, as well as spending less time under the sun's rays.

If there is a predisposition to dystrophy of the visual organs, you should use vitamin supplements and dietary supplements. Don't forget that your eyes need rest, which means you need to add time to your schedule when you can relax.

Eyes are one of the most important organs any living being. The most important component of the eye is the retina. It is this element of the visual system that is responsible for the connection of the eye with the brain and the transmission of optical images. Thanks to her, the eye perceives light, shadow, colors and shapes.

This concept covers the presence of several diseases at once in the aggregate, they can appear independently or become a consequence of other ailments. As a rule, pigmentary retinal dystrophy and lattice retinal dystrophy occurs more often in old age and does not subside, but, on the contrary, is constantly progressing.

Macular degeneration of the retina of the eye strongly affects the loss of vision and sometimes leads to blindness. The disease does not show pronounced signs for a long time, but over time leads to significant changes in visual system. First of all, the receptors that are responsible for distinguishing colors and determining the amount of light entering the eyes are affected.

In fact, pigmentary dystrophy of the retina is a thinning or destruction of the normal structure. Most often, astigmatism and myopia become its predecessors, but the disease can also occur with normal vision. It is dangerous that thinning can lead to breaks, and this is fraught with its detachment.

It does not contain pain receptors, so disease processes often occur without symptoms. The first complaints arise when the process has already reached an irreversible stage. Therefore, most often the disease is detected by chance, with general diagnostics or during the treatment of central chorioretinal dystrophy of the retina of the eye, resulting from this disease.


Most often, lattice retinal dystrophy occurs due to vascular damage. Vascular damage can be caused by a number of other complicated, third-party diseases:

  • diabetes;
  • hypertension;
  • cardiac ischemia;
  • trauma;
  • myopia;
  • obesity;
  • atherosclerosis.

Of course there is hereditary form this disease. Therefore, if there were cases of at least one of the types of this disease in the family, it is necessary to undergo a diagnosis and visit an ophthalmologist as often as possible.

It is known that those with blue eyes and fair skin, and it has also been proven that men are more susceptible than women.

Types of dystrophy

Depending on which area undergoes transformations or disruptions of normal operation, three main types of retinal dystrophy can be distinguished:

  • generalized;
  • central retinal dystrophy;
  • peripheral chorioretinal dystrophy of the retina.

With generalized retinal dystrophy, all parts of the eye are affected, including central and peripheral. Basically, frost-like dystrophy is caused by old age - age-related macular degeneration of the retina, since with age the structure changes, the vessels weaken, the fluid under the retina forms edema. Decreased central and peripheral vision.

Central lattice retinal dystrophy is the most common, occurring in 80% of patients. The problem with the grid is the deterioration of central vision, when it is difficult to see objects that are directly in front of the eyes, but peripheral vision is not affected in any way, functioning as before.

There are dry and wet forms of PVC.

  • With a dry form, the ability to clearly see small objects is limited, visibility in the dark weakens, it is impossible to see the clear contours of the situation around or the faces of other people. This happens due to the fact that metabolic products of the visual system accumulate between the retina and the vascular membrane.
  • With a wet, more severe form, vision begins to decrease sharply, if retinal dystrophy is detected, then symptoms quickly appear, after a few days or weeks a blind spot appears that does not allow you to see clearly. This is due to the weakening of the walls of blood vessels, fluid can flow through them, forming edema, which prevent the receptors from responding to light.

Peripheral vitreochorioretinal dystrophy

With pcd, the modifications do not concern the area of ​​focus of vision, but on the contrary, the eyes no longer clearly perceive what is happening around the main objects, that is, from the side. The disease occurs due to progressive myopia, which has not been treated, or as a consequence of eye injuries. With AMD, the blood supply to the lateral eye sections is disrupted, the supply of oxygen and nutrients is deteriorating.

The hardest thing to find is peripheral dystrophy retina, because long time the disease proceeds without showing its symptoms. The exception is rare cases when patients may notice flashes or black dots that interfere with the normal view of objects, however, this does not cause discomfort and pain, so the patient does not immediately seek help, and these symptoms are a signal that the retina has begun to flake off and can break at any moment.


Currently, the most effective method for determining CHRD is coherence optical tomography. This method allows you to explore the layers of the skin and membranes without surgery.

To select the optimal method for the treatment of retinal dystrophy, the individual approach to each patient, basically, the approach depends on the stage of retinal dystrophy. It is important to know that it is impossible to completely restore visual acuity, as before the disease.


When cone dystrophy is detected in time and is still in its initial stage, treatment can be carried out with medication, injections are prescribed. Drugs that dilate and strengthen blood vessels, antioxidants, angioprotectors, diuretics, corticosteroids, biogenic stimulants, a means to improve metabolic processes, and a simulator are used.

In the early stages, procedures are also applied to help slow down the disease. This is photodynamic therapy (the use of photosensitive substances and visible light waves), injections special preparations helping to suppress dystrophy.

With any method of treatment, even in the early stages, it is important not to forget about taking vitamins. best effect in retinal dystrophy, it has a constituent vitamin preparations lutein is a special pigment found in plants that has the ability to absorb light and antioxidant properties. Specialized vitamin complexes are able to protect the body from excessive radiation, which is harmful during the period of retinal dystrophy.

For the dry form of the disease effective methods there is no cure today. The only way out here is prevention.

How to treat a wet form disease: it is treated by injecting drugs into the eyeball, drugs can reduce swelling and reduce the growth of new vessels. The introduction of drugs may be limited to 3-8 injections, but the course of treatment time lasts up to two years, you can try treatment with folk remedies.


For the wet form of retinal dystrophy, it is often necessary to carry out surgical intervention, allowing to remove the accumulated liquid and prevent the appearance of a new one.

Operations are also used to improve eye circulation and metabolism. This operation is called vasoreconstruction, which involves ligation of blood vessels.
There are also physiotherapy methods, although they do not have special influence. But how concomitant therapy nevertheless, ultrasound, electrophoresis, microwaves and laser are used.

Today is the most effective way treatment of all types of degenerative pathologies, as well as retinitis pigmentosa during pregnancy, is laser therapy (strengthening). The main task of this type of therapy is to prevent detachment and serious complications. Also, the procedure can be applied to complex treatment affected eye vessels, with some types of tumors, and even with complete loss of vision.

The problem is compounded by untimely detection, so for patients who have even the slightest predisposition, prevention is very important. To prevent the disease, a healthy lifestyle is necessary, the rejection of bad habits taking essential vitamins. Be sure to visit an ophthalmologist regularly, at least once a year, and more often after 50 years. It will not be superfluous to keep weight under control, pay attention to other ailments and fight them.

When choosing ophthalmology, you need to pay attention to the possibility of undergoing a full examination in it, the clinic must provide all types of services and have modern equipment. Equally important is the level of service, the competence of specialists and the reputation of the institution.



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