Medicines from horse chestnut. Natural healer - horse chestnut

horse chestnut except yours unusual shape, contains a large number of useful substances and has healing properties that have been used for many years in folk medicine. It contains tannins and pectins, which are responsible for digestion and wound healing, biologically active substances, oils and flavonoids, which help reduce capillary permeability and blood viscosity, improving blood circulation. This is why horse chestnut is recommended for venous stagnation blood and treatment varicose veins. Its perfectly balanced natural composition used in the treatment of many other diseases.

How is horse chestnut used in folk medicine?

  • Chestnut has the ability to tone veins, which makes it indispensable in the treatment of thrombophlebitis, leg ulcers and post-thrombotic state.
  • Infusions, decoctions and medicines, which include horse chestnut, are used to provide analgesic, vasoconstrictor, hemostatic and anti-inflammatory effects on the body. It can be taken both externally and internally.
  • A decoction of chestnut bark is used in the treatment of chronic and inflammatory diseases intestines, hemorrhoids both externally and internally.
  • For uterine bleeding, a decoction of horse chestnut skin is used, and for atherosclerosis, hemorrhoids and thrombophlebitis, chestnut flowers are used, from which juice is obtained.
  • Tincture of dried flowers can improve the condition of catarrh Bladder and chronic dysentery.
  • Chestnut is also used to treat wounds, burns, abscesses and boils.
  • Chestnut fruits are used to stop nosebleeds or swelling.
  • Infusion of the bark is used for rheumatic ailments of different nature, dilated veins and long-term non-healing wounds.
  • A decoction prepared from dry nuts is used for inflammation of the upper respiratory tract.
  • The fresh leaves of this tree can help treat whooping cough.

The healing properties of chestnut increase if it is used together with viburnum, evergreen cypress, and witch hazel. But if its fruits are ingested, lactating and pregnant women, as well as young children, may experience poisoning. Therefore, they are not recommended to take horse chestnut internally. People who suffer from allergic reactions to the skin should also reduce the course of external use of horse chestnut.

Medicinal uses of horse chestnut

  • Horse chestnut helps to quickly remove radionuclides and salt from the body. To do this, you need to peel 20 chestnut nuts and cut them in half. Then fill them with 3 liters of water, add 0.5 cups of yeast or sour cream and a glass of sugar. Leave the resulting infusion for 2 weeks. Then you can drink it in unlimited quantities. This drink will help not only replenish the lack of calcium, cobalt and copper, which disappear during radiation, but also replenish the lack of iodine, which is important especially for problems with thyroid gland. In addition, it will have a general strengthening effect on the body.
  • When treating varicose veins and ulcers that it could provoke, use a tincture of horse chestnut flowers or fruits. You need to take 50 g of fruits and pour 0.5 liters of good vodka into them. Shake for 2 weeks while the tincture stands in a dark and warm place. You need to take it 4 times, 40 drops every day for 3 weeks.
  • You can also prepare another tincture that will help in the treatment of varicose veins. You will need 50 g of rowan and finely chopped chestnut fruits. Pour them with 0.5 liters of vodka good quality and leave to infuse for 2 weeks. Shake the tincture lightly from time to time. At the end of the 2nd week, strain. Take 3 r. 15 drops per day.
  • For external compresses for varicose ulcers, you can make a paste of rowan and chestnut and apply it to the affected areas. To combat excess fat on the stomach, it is worth choosing various anti-cellulite creams for massage, which include horse chestnut extract.

Horse chestnut recipes

  • Horse chestnut will help relieve pain from a herniated disc. To do this, you need to take 10 g of horse chestnut and acacia flowers, 50 g of comfrey, chop them and soak them in alcohol solution, leaving it in it for half an hour. Then lubricate the sore spot.
  • When spider veins on the legs at the very beginning of the disease, lubricate the legs with horse chestnut pulp.
  • To cope with chronic sinusitis, you need to take one chestnut and soak for 24 hours until it becomes soft. Then cut thin strips from it and place them in the nostrils. If pus appears, blow your nose and put the chestnut strips back on. Once the sinuses are cleared, the pain will go away. Then take Castor oil and lubricate the nasal mucosa.
  • In order to improve blood circulation, especially in the vessels of the brain, which directly affects memory and human development, you can use horse chestnut tincture. It can be purchased at a pharmacy, or you can prepare it yourself. To do this, take 20 g of dried horse chestnut flowers and 0.5 liters of vodka. Pour over the flowers and leave for 2 weeks. Take the prepared tincture 3 times a day. 1 tsp each
  • Quite often, many women want to get rid of unnecessary hair. Chestnut can also help with this. You will need one glass of its fruits. You need to peel them and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Put on fire and stir. When the water has evaporated, evaporate the resulting mass and apply it to the skin where epilation is necessary. Its use will slow down hair growth in the future.

Who would have thought that a luxurious tree with wedge-shaped leaves and a delicate candle-shaped color is a valuable material with unique medicinal properties? It is possible to prepare decoctions, tinctures, and special oils from it that can help cope with your illness. Chestnut contains venotonic, vascular strengthening, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant properties. The healing properties of horse chestnut are widely used in official medicine. You should consult your doctor before using chestnut as there are high probability emergence various kinds side effects.

Horse chestnut: healing properties

Traditional physicians use for their medicinal potions spicy flowers, seeds, bark and leaves of chestnut. Flowers and leaves are usually collected in late spring, May: carefully cut and dried in natural environment, hiding from direct sunlight.

Seeds begin to be harvested in the fall; they are laid in a loose layer and dried for three weeks. The bark is processed in May; it is removed after pruning the trees, cut into pieces, and dried under a canopy or in rooms with good ventilation.

Chestnut fruits are found under trees in the fall, shaken off, and picked.

All components needed protect from dampness, store for no more than a year. It is advisable to select all components outside the city, because trees absorb toxic smoke from the environment.

Horse chestnut provides a fairly wide range of treatment options. The healing components of the tree can improve the condition of external wounds and eliminate diseases of internal organs.

Basic medicinal properties plants are as follows:

In addition, the constituent components of the plant are capable of eliminate the possibility of blood clots, reduce the growth of tumors, help in the fight against varicose veins and many other diseases.

However, one should not idealize magical properties components of chestnut, it has a number of contraindications; some of its elements may not contribute to treatment, but may cause harm to the patient.

Horse chestnut: contraindications, benefits and harm

Experts point out that it is undesirable to use medicinal horse chestnut as a medicine. for hemophilia, constipation, impaired menstrual cycle, gastritis, ulcers, low blood pressure.

Find an alternative healing actions expectant mothers should also take the medicinal tree, chestnut is prohibited for pregnant women, especially during the first trimester.

Horse chestnut, medicinal properties and contraindications - enough actual topic in pharmaceutical circles. Medicines based on horse chestnut can cause nausea and heartburn, so it’s better not to take risks and take such medications only after a visit to the doctor.

Regarding the benefits of the plant, its special advantage lies in the healing structure of the leaves containing great amount active elements. Various decoctions and infusions of the leaves are popular among doctors and healers as a hemostatic and anti-burn panacea. Particularly useful fresh decoctions for varicose veins and problems with cardiovascular system. Fruits and bark can promote healing gastrointestinal tract. It is better to eliminate skin inflammation medicinal decoction from the fruits of the tree.

But you should always exercise caution and be alert. Harm from chestnuts, unfortunately, can be detected with excessive use and initially it manifests itself in the form of constipation or diarrhea. In some patients, due to overuse An allergic reaction occurs when using chestnut-based medicinal products.

It is necessary to study the plant variety before consuming it. Eg, horse chestnut fruits are inedible, their consumption may lead to severe vomiting, cases of serious poisoning are known.

However, the plant is honey-bearing; chestnut honey has a rather unique taste, giving off a slight bitterness.

Chestnut honey has a number positive properties: strengthens the immune system, improves the human body’s resistance to disease. Renders beneficial influence on nervous system, calms and stabilizes the activity of the nervous system.

Horse chestnut: medicinal properties, use of tinctures, photo

Not only herbal healers, but also representatives traditional medicine use horse chestnut to treat patients. Due to its low toxicity, pharmacological properties wood components have a positive effect on human body, improve general health, remove inflammation and swelling.

Particularly popular are tinctures made from flowers and chestnut fruits:

Treatment with fruits

Horse nut has a fairly wide range of medicinal uses. Its benefits are almost priceless in the treatment of varicose veins and rheumatism, intestinal problems and in the presence of hemorrhoids. Infusions are used for respiratory diseases, to prevent thrombosis, in addition, it is effective diuretic. The fruits have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular and nervous system.

You can even create a massage mat from the fruits. To create such a unit, you need a pillowcase or cover made of reliable material; it is better to sew the fabric in several rows to create sections that should be filled with chestnuts. These “compartments” are necessary to prevent the fruits from merging into one big lump. Walk on such a rug bare feetgreat benefit for sore joints. In addition, sometimes you can simply move a few fruits in your hand, thus relieving tension and relaxing your joints.

Talented specialists from Japan claim that it is useful for people suffering from bronchitis or tuberculosis to wear special vests with chestnuts sewn into them.

Even the prickly chestnut peel has a number of useful functions. A decoction of the amniotic membrane plays the role of an enema for inflammation prostate gland. To create such a potion, boil 1⁄2 liters of water and cook for about 20 minutes in a water bath over low heat. Then the product needs to be cooled and filtered.

Chestnut and its peel to increase potency

In medical circles, it is a well-known fact that chestnuts are beneficial, namely their contribution to the fight against problems male potency. The life-giving elements of the fruit not only enhance vitality, improve blood circulation, but also seem to be an indispensable attribute in the fight against prostate diseases. Chestnut is recommended for representatives of the stronger sex as a non-hazardous medicine for stimulating potency and sexual desire.

The recipe for the drug is quite simple: the skins of several fruits are crushed and boiled over low heat in a small amount of water (approximately 200 ml) for 10-15 minutes (until boiling). The portion is divided into two parts, taken in the morning and before bedtime. A man should take this medicine for about 20 days, twice a day, then it is advisable to take a short break of 10 days and continue the course again.

But despite so many positive properties of chestnut, treatment should be carried out only after preliminary consultation with a doctor, because it is possible that you have hidden contraindications.

Chestnut fruits are found everywhere, but few people know what benefits they contain. Horse chestnut is a storehouse of nutrients. It contains a large amount active ingredients that make chestnut-based products valuable remedy. The use of chestnut in alternative medicine has been known for a long time, but now you can increasingly find extracts in pharmacies, medicinal ointments and chestnut tinctures. Due to its rich composition, the plant has a wide spectrum of action, so its use in pharmacology is not surprising.

The chestnut ripening period is May-June. But already from the beginning of spring, fragrant flowers appear. Chestnut fruits can ripen until the end of summer, depending on weather conditions. To collect the fruits, it is better to wait for the period when they fall out of the shell on their own, this means that the nut is filled with all necessary substances and ready for planting. In order for the fruits to be used for preparing medicines, they must be stored properly. To do this, you need to cut the nut into 4 parts and dry it in the oven for an hour. You can also dry it outdoors, but this may take 3 to 5 days. Properly dried fruits can be stored for up to 4 years, and they will not lose their properties.

The bark of the tree should be collected in the spring, and it should be separated from the tree carefully so as not to damage the trunk. The bark also needs to be dried and stored in moisture-proof bags.

To collect chestnuts, it is better to wait until they come out of the shell on their own.

Leaves are the easiest to collect. Both young leaves and leaves before falling are suitable for preparing medicines. The leaves need to be crushed, dried and rubbed with your hands to form a tea.

About the properties of potatoes

The flowers can be dried with branches or picked off individually. In this case, it is imperative to keep the flowers intact. Chestnut flowers have a tart aroma and sweet taste Therefore, fresh leaves are often used to prepare decoctions and medicinal teas.

Composition of horse chestnut

The use of horse chestnut in folk medicine is due to its rich chemical composition. The fruits and flowers of the chestnut tree contain unique substances, which have a beneficial effect on the entire body. The plant is endowed with healing properties unique complexes, which join together and provide deep penetration and quick effect. The rich composition of chestnut tincture includes:

  • saponins;
  • tannins;
  • starch;
  • vitamins A, B, C, E, K, PP, N;
  • thiamines;
  • coumarin;
  • glycoside;
  • organic acids;
  • essential oils;
  • globulin;
  • esculin and escin;
  • microelements.

The nut itself contains a large amount of iodine

All of these substances individually are very useful, but together they create an effective and universal remedy from many diseases. The fruits of horse chestnut are especially valued in folk medicine, as they contain all the beneficial substances in high concentration. The nut itself contains a large amount of iodine, which gives it its brown color. Spot on a nut gray- this is a cluster essential oils and organic acids. Often in medicinal purposes They also use the shell of the plant, which also contains a lot of iodine, but also a large number of trace elements. The juice of fresh flowers is very healthy and rich in nutrients.

The juice is extracted by squeezing fresh flowers, which allows you to preserve all the benefits of the flowers. Fresh Juice very useful, but has a short shelf life.

Medicinal properties of chestnut

Due to the large number of useful substances, horse chestnut has various beneficial properties. The plant imparts healing properties when preparing infusions, decoctions, extracts and ointments, which is why chestnut has been found wide application in folk medicine. Chestnut easily gives away his beneficial features, so different things are prepared from it medicines. The plant has different properties:

  • hemostatic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • astringent;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • diuretic;
  • calming;
  • painkillers;
  • warming up;
  • bactericidal.

Chestnut extract thins the blood

Such healing properties allow the use of chestnut-based medicines for internal and external use. In folk medicine there are many recipes for preparing medicines based on chestnut. This is due to the many benefits of chestnut for the body:

  • relieves inflammation;
  • reduces blood viscosity;
  • strengthens the heart muscles;
  • improves metabolism;
  • improves bile excretion;
  • normalizes heart function;
  • stimulates metabolic processes;
  • promotes digestion;
  • removes waste and toxins from the body;
  • removes salts from joints.

What are the benefits of sauerkraut for the body?

Horse chestnut seed extract, which can be purchased at pharmacies, is prescribed for people with viscous blood consistency. By making it thinner, chestnut not only prevents the formation of blood clots, but also normalizes cardiac function. vascular system. The beneficial properties of the plant have been used for treatment various diseases, but the most important thing is that you can prepare a useful medicine based on horse chestnut yourself at home. The beneficial properties of the plant have been found various applications in folk medicine, but like any plant, horse chestnut has contraindications.


Horse chestnut contains various beneficial substances, so there are contraindications for its use. The main contraindications are due to individual intolerance to the composition of the plant and allergies to its components. The plant has strong effect, therefore there are contraindications for taking medications based on it for children. Despite all the beneficial properties, there are contraindications for using the plant for:

  • pregnancy;
  • heart problems;
  • increased stomach acidity.

Chestnut is contraindicated for heart problems

There are also contraindications for taking chestnut for medicinal purposes with low hemoglobin.

Abuse of plant-based products can cause side effects. Before taking them, it is necessary to undergo examinations to ensure there are no contraindications.

Uses of horse chestnut

Traditional medicine values ​​the properties of horse chestnut and often uses it for medicinal purposes. It has found application not only in folk medicine. Today, pharmacology uses the plant for the preparation of medicines. If you don't trust pharmaceutical drugs even if only for natural basis, but still purchased, you can prepare the medicine yourself to preserve all the beneficial properties of the plant. Thanks to wide range actions the plant is used for cooking various means in different forms.

  1. Tincture.

    Vodka tincture is a miracle remedy that can be bought at the pharmacy. The beneficial properties of the tincture are used to treat intestinal diseases, joint pain, hemorrhoids and the prevention of vascular diseases. To prepare the tincture at home, you will need 4 chestnut fruits or 20 grams of flowers. They need to be finely chopped and poured into 200 ml. alcohol or vodka and leave for a week in a dark place until the tincture acquires amber. Take 25-40 drops per glass of water once a day for a course of 2 weeks.

  2. Infusion.

    Pour boiling water over 100 grams of crushed bark and leave for 4-6 hours. It is better to infuse the product in a thermos. The infusion is considered ready when it acquires a light brown color. Ready product strain and drink 1 tbsp. spoon after meals for 2-3 weeks.

  3. Decoction.

    5 fruits, 3 tbsp. spoons of flowers and 1 teaspoon of bark are crushed and filled with a liter of water. Bring the contents to a boil and leave for an hour. Strain the product and drink 1 glass 2 times a day for a month.

  4. Flower juice.

    To squeeze the juice, you need to take 5 branches of chestnut flowers and grind them in a meat grinder along with the stems. Squeeze out the juice well, place the pulp in a deep bowl and add 100 ml. boiling water Leave the pulp for an hour, then squeeze and mix the infusion with juice. Take the juice 20 drops per glass of water once a day for no longer than a month.

  5. The finished extract can be purchased at the pharmacy. It is brown in color and has a tart taste because it contains escin and iodine. It is difficult to prepare the same extract at home, but you can prepare an analogue of the extract at home. To do this you need to take fresh fruits(seeds) and chestnut flowers. 200 grams of flowers need to be filled with 200 ml. water and cook for half an hour. Why squeeze and pour chestnuts? Place the contents in a meat grinder and pass through it 3 times. Then give the liquid, add 30 ml. vodka and pour into a closed container. It is better to let the extract brew. When the extract was purchased dark color, drink 15-30 drops per glass of water.

  6. Baths.

    Chestnut color and its bark can be used to prepare a bath. To do this, take a fresh color and pour 1 liter of boiling water. Bring to a boil and leave for an hour. The bark should be crushed and placed at the bottom of the bath. You can do baths for the whole body or soak your feet in them. Pour the broth into the bark and fill the bath hot water. Then fish out the contents of the bath when it becomes brown tint. You can take baths once a week. Baths are useful for treatment skin diseases, and you can also make separate baths for weak nails 2-3 times a week to strengthen them.

Horse chestnut - popular remedy in alternative medicine. Its fruits, leaves, bark and juice have big amount healing properties.

Horse chestnut is a popular remedy in alternative medicine.

Wild chestnut is found throughout Europe. In ancient times, there were entire groves and forests consisting exclusively of this tree. Greece, or more precisely its northern regions, is considered the birthplace of the plant.

Horse chestnut also grows in North America, China, Japan, India. It is grown as a garden tree in city parks and squares.

The tree, whose height can reach 25 meters, has a large and spreading crown. Flowering period is May. At this time, the buds bloom into candle-shaped inflorescences that have white or pink color. Fruits appear at the end of September - beginning of October. They are hard and round with spikes all over the surface. There are 1-2 seeds inside the fruit Brown with a gray spot in the middle.

Wild chestnut is found throughout Europe. In ancient times, there were entire groves and forests consisting exclusively of this tree

There is a version that the plant was brought to Europe by Turkish soldiers during the war. It was used as food for cavalry. In order not to confuse edible nuts with horse food, it was nicknamed horse nut.

All parts of the tree have healing properties. If chestnuts are properly prepared and stored, you can get cures for many ailments for the whole family.

Gallery: horse chestnut (25 photos)

Horse chestnut (video)

Description of procurement rules

It is best to remove bark from a tree in early spring, as soon as the snow melts.

The inflorescences and leaves reach their peak usefulness during the flowering period, which is when they need to be collected.

Fruits that ripen in September should not be taken. Largest quantity they will contain useful substances in October, before the leaves fall.

You can dry the raw materials naturally or in an electric dryer. If you air dry components, you need to protect them from hot sun rays and moisture. Moisture - main enemy chestnut, because when wet, the raw material loses all its beneficial properties. A leaf of wood or another part of it must be placed in an electric dryer at a temperature no higher than +25ºС. You can store the blanks for 1 year, no more.

Application in medicine

The medicinal properties of the tree were discovered at the end of the 19th century by one of the French doctors, and are still used in folk medicine today. The leaves, flowers, seeds and bark of the wild tree are also used in herbal medicine and pharmaceuticals.

Chestnut seeds contain a large amount active substances, namely:

  • glycosides;
  • tannins;
  • thiamines;
  • saponins;
  • ascorbic acid.

Escin, a saponin found in chestnuts, thins the blood, preventing the formation of blood clots. And esculin (glycoside) strengthens capillaries and improves blood circulation.

In flowers of plants in addition tannins and glycosides contain flavonoids, pectins and mucilages. Chestnut preparations stimulate metabolic processes, normalize the functioning of the heart and vascular system, reduce swelling and lower cholesterol levels. In addition, the beneficial properties of the plant make it a wonderful wound healing agent.

The main benefit is strengthening the walls of blood vessels and a venotonic effect. In addition, it has the following properties:

  • hemostatic;
  • absorbable;
  • bactericidal;
  • astringents;
  • decongestant;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • pain reliever;
  • anticonvulsant.

Chestnut-based products are indicated for patients with diseases of the liver, pancreas and spleen

Chestnut is a plant that is used for diseases such as:

  • phlebeurysm;
  • diseases of the ENT organs;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • disorders of the heart and vascular system;
  • pathologies of the musculoskeletal system.

For varicose veins, the beneficial properties of the plant allow you to strengthen the walls of veins and capillaries, as well as get rid of the formed nodules. Products containing it are widely used for diseases of the ENT organs. Yes, thanks antiseptic properties chestnut tincture is used to rinse the nasal passages for rhinitis, sinusitis and sinusitis; for gargling and oral cavity. With the help of a miracle plant, you can overcome a cough, cure inflammation of the bronchi, lungs and trachea.

Chestnut-based products are indicated for patients with diseases of the liver, pancreas and spleen. Often, decoctions are prescribed for gastritis with high acidity.

The use of preparations based on the fruits of the tree is recommended for people suffering from atherosclerosis, increased blood pressure and swelling. Due to its ability to thin the blood, it is prescribed to patients with thrombophlebitis.

The ointment is indicated for rheumatism and arthritis. Hemostatic properties allow the product to be used in gynecology. For men, the medicine is useful for inflammation of the prostate gland or the development of varicocele (as an adjuvant).

Restrictions and contraindications

Like many medicines, chestnut-based preparations have a number of contraindications. Thus, due to its ability to thin the blood, the plant should not be used by people with bleeding disorders. In addition, it is worth refusing treatment with such drugs in patients with low blood pressure, renal or heart failure, chronic constipation and gastritis with low acidity.

A contraindication for the use of chestnut is an allergy to saponin and individual intolerance any of the constituent substances.

This plant is not at all harmless. Many cases of poisoning have been recorded. Most of the victims are children. Therefore, doctors do not recommend the use of drugs based on chestnut nuts in pediatrics.

Instructions for use prohibit the use of the drug during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester, and during breastfeeding, since the substances contained in the plant can enter the breast milk and harm the baby.

During treatment, the following may occur: side effects like nausea and heartburn. You need to inform your doctor about them so that therapy can be adjusted.

Varicose veins and horse chestnut (video)

Pharmacy drugs and home recipes

Medicines based on chestnut are sold in pharmacies without a prescription. However, using them on your own is not recommended. Before starting treatment, consultation with a specialist is necessary.

Pharmacies offer a large selection of products: ointments, gels, balms, tablets, extracts and infusions. In most cases, drugs have several main components. For example, mint, grape leaves and ginkgo leaves are added to the ointment. These plants enhance therapeutic effect main component.

Chestnut extract is recommended for venous insufficiency, cramps, hemorrhoids and muscle pain. As prophylactic the extract is used for atherosclerosis, thrombophlebitis and stroke. The name of the drug is Aescusan.

People suffering from hemorrhoids or rectal fissures are prescribed suppositories with tree bark extract.

The ointment is used to treat varicose veins, edema, thrombosis and after injuries. It is important to remember that it should not be applied to open wounds, rashes or ulcers.

In the pharmacy you can also find cosmetical tools plant based.

Once you have prepared chestnuts, you can make home remedies. It is worth noting that traditional medicine recipes are not inferior in effectiveness to pharmaceutical drugs.

So, to prepare the decoction you will need 1 tbsp. l. bark and 250 ml of boiling water. The raw materials are poured with water and boiled for 1 minute. Then the product is removed from the heat and left covered for 1 hour. Before use, the decoction must be strained.

The decoction helps with coughs caused by bronchitis, pneumonia or tuberculosis. Relieves inflammation in the liver and spleen, used for indigestion, diarrhea and hemorrhoids. In the case of ARVI, the decoction is used to wash the nose and gargle.

A decoction can be made not only from the bark, but also from the fruit. This will require 20 g of crushed raw materials and 2 glasses of water. Boil the medicine for 10 minutes and leave for 4 hours. Unlike the first recipe, a decoction of the fruit is not taken orally, but is used externally in the form of compresses, douches and baths.

There are a lot of chestnut-based recipes. All of them have been tested for centuries and have high efficiency

For gastrointestinal diseases, the infusion will help. The crushed bark (1 tbsp) is poured with 2 cups of boiling water and left for 8 hours. After this, the infusion should be filtered and taken as prescribed by the doctor.

Fresh juice also has therapeutic effect. It is squeezed from freshly picked flowers, crushed in a meat grinder or blender. To treat varicose veins, it is enough to take 25 drops of juice daily, after diluting it with water.

Just 2-3 drops of oil rubbed into the skin of your feet will relieve chronic fatigue, muscle and joint pain. To make butter, you need to take 2 tbsp. l. chopped chestnut (any part of the tree) and 10 tbsp. l. vegetable oil. The plant is filled with oil and left for 2 weeks in a warm, dark place.

There are a lot of recipes based on horse chestnut. All of them have been tested for centuries and are highly effective. But you should remember that self-medication can be dangerous to health.


Health 01/15/2018

Literally everyone is familiar with plants called chestnut; they decorate our parks, squares, streets, they have very beautiful leaves. In the spring they amaze with incredibly beautiful flowering, and in the fall under the trees you can find fruits that look like small green hedgehogs, the outer shell of which bursts when ripe and leaves a smooth brown nut.

This is the horse chestnut or common chestnut, which is radically different from the edible chestnut. These are completely different trees, they do not belong to the same species and differ in appearance. The fruits of these plants are similar, only the edible chestnut has a brown prickly shell, while the horse chestnut has a green shell. Edible chestnut grows exclusively in the southern regions, while horse chestnut does not require special climatic conditions.

Horse chestnut is not edible; its fruits have a bitter and astringent taste; it is fed only to animals. The leaves, bark and fruits are used exclusively for medicinal purposes, and today we will look at why horse chestnut is valuable to us, its medicinal properties and contraindications.

Look at the photo to see what the tree itself and its fruits look like.

Horse chestnut. Photo 1

Horse chestnut. Photo 2

Medicinal properties of horse chestnut

The medicinal properties of horse chestnut are used in the pharmacological industry, which, based on this plant, produces venotonics, medications that improve venous blood flow and strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

The medicinal properties of chestnut are directly related to the composition of substances beneficial to the body found in the plant. The fruits and bark are rich in tannins, various types glycosides, monosaccharides, they contain ascorbic acid, vitamins K and B1, many micro and macroelements. No less interesting with medical point In terms of the composition of chestnut leaves and flowers, in addition to glycosides and tannins, the leaves contain carotenoids and pectins, and the flowers also contain rutin and several types of mucilage.

The combination of all these substances in horse chestnut extract gives a powerful therapeutic effect. Many medicinal properties of the plant are well known to medicine; traditional medicine uses them even more widely.

  • Horse chestnut preparations have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects;
  • strengthen the walls of veins and capillaries;
  • improve blood circulation in small vessels;
  • relieve spasms that occur in blood vessels;
  • reduce the risk of blood clots in the veins;
  • reduce viscosity and normalize blood clotting;
  • have an analgesic effect;
  • accelerate the healing of ulcers and wounds;
  • relieve swelling;
  • cleanse blood vessels from cholesterol;
  • have an antipyretic effect.

Horse chestnut. Application

Among medical supplies Aescusan, Venitan, Esculus, Reparil are widely used. They are available in the form of drops, dragees, tablets, ointments and gels and are used for vein diseases. Doctors have probably prescribed these drops to many of you.

Chestnut is used much more widely in folk medicine in the form of tinctures, extracts, rubs, and ointments. Folk medicine books give recommendations on the use of chestnut preparations for the following diseases:

  • Varicose veins;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • endarteritis;
  • Raynaud's disease;
  • neuralgia;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • hypertension;
  • edema of any etiology;
  • arthrosis, arthritis, gout;
  • osteochondrosis, radiculitis, sciatica;
  • myositis;
  • bronchitis, bronchial asthma
  • prostatitis.

Horse chestnut tincture. Instructions for use

You can buy ready-made chestnut tincture at the pharmacy, or prepare it yourself. Instructions for use are always included. Read it carefully and agree everything with your doctor!

Usual dosage liquid extract horse chestnut is like this:

IV adults - 5-10 mg/day, children under 3 years of age - 100 mcg/kg/day, from 3 to 10 years - 200 mcg/kg/day. The oral dose depends on dosage form and is determined individually.

For external use, gently rub into the affected area several times a day.

Recipes in folk medicine

A tincture of horse chestnut fruits with vodka is very popular for many diseases. Different doctors have different recipes. I will give you a few of them.

Recipe for vodka tincture made from whole horse chestnut fruits

Horse chestnut tincture is very easy to prepare at home. To prepare the tincture, the fruits need to be peeled, washed, dried, and cut into slices. Pour 50 grams of the resulting healing raw material into 1/2 liter of vodka. Leave in a dark, cool place for 10 days. It is advisable to shake the tincture every day to get the maximum medicinal properties of chestnut. Then strain and store in a cool, dark place.

How to take it? Take chestnut tincture 15 drops with a small amount of water three times a day for venous diseases, thrombophlebitis, edema, pain in the legs, vascular spasms, hypertension, hemorrhoids and other diseases mentioned above. The course of treatment is 2–3 weeks, then take a break for 10–12 days and repeat the course if symptoms of the disease persist. The same tincture can be used externally, gently rubbing it into the affected areas or applying it as a compress.

Recipe for chestnut peel tincture

For external use, a tincture can be prepared from chestnut peel. She's being cut off sharp knife with a thin blade so that it can only be removed brown shell. Chestnuts have a rather hard structure, so they are difficult to peel; you can pre-soak them for several hours, then remove the softened peel and dry it to prepare chestnut tincture.

Place pieces of peel into glass jar about half and add alcohol or vodka, leave for two weeks, then strain. You should get a dark brown alcohol tincture.

It is used externally for compresses, lotions, and rubbing for pain in the joints and spine, for varicose veins, and for thrombophlebitis.

Tincture and decoction of horse chestnut flowers. Recipes for varicose veins and thrombophlebitis

  • No less popular is the tincture of chestnut flowers, which is prepared from 6 tablespoons of dried crushed inflorescences and 1/2 liter of vodka. Leave for 7-10 days, then strain and store in a glass container in the refrigerator. Take 25 drops after meals. This tincture is also successfully used in the treatment of hemorrhoids, diseases of the joints and spine.
  • Infusions and decoctions can be prepared from chestnut flowers, and both fresh and dried inflorescences are suitable for this. They affect not only the veins, they strengthen our immunity, have an anti-inflammatory and calming effect. For the infusion, you need to take 50 grams of fresh or one spoon of dried flowers per glass of boiling water. After infusion for an hour and straining, the infusion is ready for use. Drink it 1/2 glass twice during the day.
  • The decoction is prepared from the same amount of raw materials in a water bath; it is obtained in a stronger concentration and is taken 1/4 cup twice a day.

Infusion of chestnut leaves

The medicinal properties of chestnut have also been found in the leaves of the plant; they are dried and crushed. The infusion is prepared from 2 tablespoons of raw materials and a glass of boiling water. After cooling and straining, the infusion is taken as an anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, and analgesic, one spoonful several times a day. The infusion helps with any problems with the veins.

Chestnut leaf decoction

For the decoction you will need one spoon of dry crushed leaves and a glass of water. The decoction is prepared in a water bath for 20 minutes or over an open fire for 5 minutes. Take 2 tablespoons for internal and uterine bleeding, for hemorrhoids and thrombophlebitis.

Decoction and infusion of chestnut bark

In folk medicine, an infusion of the bark is used for diarrhea, disorders of the gallbladder, acute form bronchitis. For internal use The infusion is prepared in a cold way - pour a teaspoon of finely chopped dried bark into two glasses of boiled cold water and leave overnight to infuse. Take 1 – 2 spoons after meals.

Prepare the decoction in a water bath using a tablespoon of bark and two glasses of water. Used for external use, for baths and lotions for varicose veins and hemorrhoids.

Decoction of green chestnut peel

In chestnuts, all parts of the plant have healing power, even the green outer shell of unripe chestnuts is used, from which a decoction is prepared for the treatment of uterine and internal bleeding. To prepare it, take a teaspoon of chopped peel and 2 glasses of water. Keep on low heat for 15 minutes, leave to cool for an hour, then strain. Take 1 - 2 tablespoons of the decoction in the morning and evening before meals. The course of treatment lasts from 7 to 12 days, after 2 to 3 months it can be repeated.

Juice from chestnut flowers against atherosclerosis

Juice prepared from fresh chestnut flowers is an excellent remedy against atherosclerosis. To prepare it, you need to grind the flowers in a blender and squeeze out the juice through cheesecloth. It is taken 15-20 drops with a small amount of water 2-3 times a day. It is also recommended for hemorrhoids, difficult venous outflow. Chestnut juice improves heart function, regulates blood pressure, strengthens the immune system and nervous system.

Medicinal ointment from chestnut fruits

Melt 1/2 kilogram of internal pork fat or take 1/2 liter of cocoa butter, grind the chestnuts along with the brown peel in a coffee grinder or grind in a mortar. Connect fat base and 100 grams of chopped chestnuts, mix and boil in a water bath for 30 minutes. Repeat this procedure twice more at intervals of a day so that the ointment receives as many of the beneficial substances of the chestnut as possible.

While hot, strain the mixture through a fine sieve or gauze folded in several layers. After the ointment hardens, it should be put in the refrigerator and used to treat varicose veins, hemorrhoids, and various inflammatory skin diseases.


Practice and reviews of horse chestnut have shown that it is really effective natural remedy, which helps with many diseases, especially with varicose veins and thrombophlebitis. But there are still contraindications; horse chestnut preparations should not be used by children under 12 years of age, pregnant or lactating women. Contraindications are low blood pressure, serious illnesses kidneys and liver, stomach, intestines, persistent constipation.

Do not exceed the indicated dosages; always start treatment with any herbal preparations from the smallest doses to make sure there is no allergic reactions for the drug.

Before use, you must take a blood test and consult a specialist, since horse chestnut preparations reduce blood viscosity and are prescribed only when indicated.



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