Why do we need fats? What do fats do in the body? What is fat for? Biological significance of fats in the human body.

What is (and is) fat used for? Is fat always bad? Should you strive for a minimum body fat percentage?

Fat is much more than just passive storage for excess energy. Fat cells are surprisingly well adapted to this role, but in addition, fat is also an active tissue that affects metabolism.

Fat is found in cells called adipocytes. In the human body there can be from XXX to YYY billions of fat cells, the diameter of which is from 70 to 120 microns (a micron is one millionth of a meter).

Fat in the human body consists of 80-95% triglycerides (a glycerol molecule linked to three chains of free fatty acids). The remainder of the cell is water, as well as various cellular “equipment” needed to produce enzymes, proteins and other products that fat cells need to function.

Fat is where energy is stored

In addition to the fact that fat makes us not very attractive, it plays different roles in organism.

The main role is energy storage. And until 1994, it was believed that this was the only function of fat cells - a passive storage room for excess energy coming from food. This turned out to be completely wrong, but before we go any further, let's look at this function of fat cells.

In terms of energy storage, fat cells just perfect. One pound of fat (450 g) contains 3,500 calories of stored energy. Assuming you could use 100% fat as fuel (but real world you can't for reasons that don't matter now), then for a 70 kg person this amount of energy would be enough to walk 35 miles. That's what just a pound of fat can do.

A completely slender man weighing 72 kg and with 15% body fat mass has 11 kg of fat, i.e. about 84,000 calories of stored energy. This person has a metabolic rate of 2400 calories/day. Even with complete fasting, he will use up his fat reserves in 35 days (assuming again that the fuel is 100% from adipose tissue). And the fat reserves of obese people will help them survive without food for several months.

By comparison, the other energy storage site, muscle and liver glycogen (carbohydrates), is only about 500 grams, and each gram of it provides your body with 4 calories of energy, so that's 2,000 calories in total. For some, this is not even enough to cover the body’s energy requirements for one day. In general, as you can see, fat is an ideal energy store.

Fat and evolution

It often seems to a modern person that the body hates him: it is reluctant to give up fat, preferring to get rid of muscles, it adapts to any calorie restriction, reducing metabolism, to any the best workouts, it tightly holds fat in problem areas. Our body doesn't know that we live in the 21st century. Hamburgers and sedentary image lives have not yet been written into evolution: 50 years technical progress and food benefits versus tens of thousands of years of survival in harsh conditions.

And from a survival point of view, fat is an ideal energy store. It accumulates easily, its reserves can be replenished for a very, very long time, and if the cell swells to limit state, the body will create new ones (more on this below). Fat, unlike muscles, requires almost no energy to exist. Therefore, those of our ancestors who were able to accumulate a lot of fat survived and passed on their genes. Today it is just another evolutionary relic from which the modern man.

Thus, from an evolutionary point of view, the ability to store great amount energy in a very small space - a great evolutionary advantage that helped our ancestors survive during periods when food was not available. That is, most of us are programmed to be “overweight” (by modern standards of beauty, we are not talking about clinical obesity here).

Fat in men and women

Men and women differ greatly in the distribution of body fat.

To be honest, I haven't seen any good explanation for men's tendency to accumulate fat around their belly. It is possible that this fat was more effective in quickly mobilizing fuel during hunting. Maybe they need more belly fat to protect their organs when fighting for mates.

The deposition of fat in women predominantly around the thighs, on the other hand, is easier to explain. Thigh fat, it turns out, is designed to provide energy for breastfeeding after pregnancy. This is precisely the stubborn fat that often does not go away, even if a girl has reached a low percentage of fat throughout her body. And during lactation, as a rule, this stubborn fat becomes easier to mobilize.

Additionally, research has clearly shown that men have a preference for a certain waist/hip ratio, which suggests fertility and health in women (narrow waists and curvy hips are chosen many times more often than narrow hips and excess belly fat). In fact, some of the causes that cause fat to be deposited around the belly and organs (visceral fat) are related to infertility - such as polycystic ovary syndrome.

Fat cell growth

There is an outdated theory that new fat cells do not grow in adults. That is, a person is born with a certain amount of them, and it can increase only during puberty or during pregnancy, and in other cases this does not happen. Everything here is true, except for the last one: the adult body can create new fat cells throughout life.

When existing fat cells reach their maximum size and can no longer grow, their stretching stimulates the release of various signaling substances that tell the body to make new fat cells from preadipocytes, i.e. "sleeping" fat cells that are waiting for signals to turn into a full-fledged cell. And if those cells get too big too, your body will continue to make new ones. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to get rid of newly created fat cells.

By the way, a new class of diabetes drugs (TZD) works exactly like this - by stimulating the production of new fat cells, which makes it possible to "remove" glucose and fats from the bloodstream at a faster rate. safe place. Fat is one of the places, along with muscle tissue and the liver, where the body stores glucose, which is extremely important for people with diabetes. Muscle tissue can store a limited amount of glucose, unlike fat tissue.

Fat and health

Ask any person, and most likely you will hear that fat is bad, and you need to get rid of it by all means. Today people's attention is focused on negative influence excess fat to your health, and this, of course, is correct. Obesity is bad for a person: it causes insulin resistance in the body and diabetes, as a result, maintains chronic inflammation, metabolic syndrome also associated with obesity, etc.

But the opinion that fat only causes harm is simplistic and incorrect. Fat plays an important role in human health, not counting its purely energy value, although this is one of its main roles. While too much fat carries health risks, too little fat can also cause problems.

One of the functions of fat is mechanical protection of internal organs. Physical nature fat allows forces to be dissipated more effectively than muscle, protecting organs from impact or prolapse (for example, kidney prolapse is sometimes associated with insufficient body fat).

Fat cells also act as insulation, keeping the body warm.

Fat cells play a critical role in the immune and inflammatory reactions. The preadipocytes described above act as macrophages - cells that play a large role in the correct answer immune system. Of course, this is no excuse for excess weight, but people who have achieved minimum percentage fat patients report that they often get sick more often, although this is, of course, only part of the problem.


Before 1994, the fat cell was simply thought of as a passive place for storing energy. But it turned out that fat cells do much more and are able to influence general exchange substances, releasing many active compounds. So adipose tissue became, in fact, endocrine gland. Partial list of compounds produced by fat cells:

Leptin is a hormone that is involved in the regulation of appetite. hormonal levels, managing fat reserves and muscle mass.

Angiotensin II is a hormone that is involved in the regulation blood pressure and controls blood flow to the fat cell itself.

Inflammatory cytokines, such as IL-6, are involved in immune function.

Metabolism of hormones. Fat cells are also one of the main sites of hormone metabolism. Testosterone is converted to estrogen (via the enzyme aromatase) in fat cells in both men and women. Metabolism of other hormones such as DHEA and androstenedione also occurs in fat cells. Cortisol is also metabolized in fat cells by the enzyme 11-beta-steroid dehydrogenase (11-beta-HSD).

And this is just a quick look at some of the things fat cells do in the body. The discovery that fat cells are more than passive energy storage revolutionized the study of obesity. So, instead of research establishing why fiber has important for weight loss, there are currently hundreds/thousands of studies devoted to all the huge number of hormones and compounds that are secreted by fat cells and their effect on human metabolism.

Based on an article by Lyle McDonald,bodyrecomposition.com

For many years, scientists have studied what are fats for? in the human body. Over the years, the meaning of the word “fats” has become a “red rag” for nutritionists and the importance of fats has been unfairly downplayed, and they themselves have been indiscriminately blamed for many diseases.

For a long time the prevailing opinion was that saturated fats were the leading cause of heart problems. However modern research and statistics of diseases among people indicate that this statement was incorrect.

Yes it is. The opinion about the role of fats in the human body has now undergone a change. And saturated fats are not considered a source of heart problems. Previous recommendations regarding a low-fat diet have been modified major changes since such products have been proven to contribute to the development of certain diseases.

Fat in the human diet was considered the main cause of weight gain, although we now know that.

What is true is that fat has the most high density Calories: 9 calories per gram (and that's more than double the calories of protein and carbohydrates). But you need to look beyond these indicators and see the health benefits of the most beneficial ones.

Here are just a few reasons why fats are needed in the human body and what benefits we gain for our health by using them in our diet.

Why are fats needed in the human body?

Prevent hunger and balance blood sugar

Assimilation fatty foods takes longer than low-fat. Therefore inclusion healthy fats into your diet will help you feel fuller for a longer period of time. Since the metabolism of fats is slow, their presence in food helps reduce the glycemic load. It also regulates blood sugar, which in turn supports insulin secretion.

Having enough insulin in the blood helps send “fullness” signals to the brain. Eating foods that balance blood sugar and insulin levels. These foods also reduce the risk of insulin resistance and diabetes.

Provides energy

To understand why fats are needed in human nutrition, you must first understand the fact that there are only two sources of energy for the body - fats and carbohydrates. Thus, fats are a real fuel battery for the human body. One gram of fat provides nine calories of energy. This fact is one of the reasons why people trying to lose weight exclude fatty foods from their diet.

But the presence of fat in food increases satiety and regulates blood sugar levels, which allows many people to consume fewer calories overall when consuming healthy fats in their meals.

Supports brain health and mental function

Your brain is made up primarily of fat and cholesterol. If you limit your body fat by special diets, your brain is deprived of the necessary building blocks it needs to function properly.

The required amount of healthy fats is found in fatty fish. The poly complex present in it unsaturated acids Omega 3, when consumed regularly, will help prevent mood disorders such as depression and anxiety. That's what Omega 3 fats are for. And not only for that.

Fight inflammation and prevent disease

Now let's look at things like various kinds inflammation. Usually when we think about it, we think of a swollen joint after an injury or any other place in the body. It may seem incredible to you, but our bodies can live for years in a state of chronic inflammation.

This condition increases the risk of developing many diseases. Our understanding of this kind of inflammation is still developing, but today scientists confidently associate chronic inflammation with heart disease, many types of cancer, autoimmune diseases, neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases, and mood disorders including depression. That's why we need fats - include them regularly in your diet to avoid chronic inflammation.

Sources of Healthy Fats

In the previous part, we looked at why fats are needed in the diet, and now let’s turn to their sources.

To help everyone start adding healthy and disease-fighting foods to their foods today healthy fats, we list those sources that can be safely recommended. This includes: olive oil, Coconut oil, oil from grape seeds, avocado oil, organic or melted butter as sources of healthy fats. You can also include nuts, seeds, avocados, grass-fed meat, eggs, olives, salmon, and raw milk cheese on this list.

In pursuit of a slim figure, the desire to lose weight to certain, most popular sizes, modern people forget that fats are necessary organic elements to maintain the health and functionality of the body. Excessive intake of fats from food, especially in combination with carbohydrates, the amount of which exceeds the norm, leads to Negative consequences for the human condition, but also deliberate avoidance lipid substances no less dangerous.

Biological role of fats

Fats, also called lipids or triglycerides, are organic esters. After entering from the outside, fats in the human body are processed and converted into an energy depot. If lipid intake is insufficient, a person feels tired, loses energy, and their mood and well-being deteriorate. With a prolonged deficiency of fats, organs and systems at the cellular level begin to suffer - in order to maintain a minimum energy balance, a process of self-destruction is launched, in which the required energy is pumped out not from fat cells specifically designed for this purpose, but from the membrane of all other cells.

The role of fats in the human body is not limited to energy replenishment. Fats are involved in the construction of new cells, help to absorb various minerals and vitamins, improve transport functions blood, and also have a positive effect on the aesthetic structure of the figure and its physiology.

The subcutaneous fat layer performs a protective function - both barrier (from damage) and thermal; internal - visceral - fat protects organs from mechanical injury, and also helps ligamentous apparatus keep organs in their physiological place.

The Downside of Lipids

Having said what fats are for, we can now discuss negative points. Despite all the undeniable benefits of triglycerides, everything is good in moderation - and overconsumption even an incredibly useful microelement may still be in danger big problems, rather than from a deficiency of the substance. It is not for nothing that nutritionists from all countries recommend fatty foods only in limited quantities - after all, fats not only have an impact on human health, but also give a special taste to food, which makes it impossible to stop eating food on time.

When there is an excess of fat, it destabilizes hormonal system, metabolism is disrupted and the process of converting incoming elements into those needed by the body becomes difficult. Fats in the human body accumulate in much more and an abnormal increase in subcutaneous fat occurs. Since fat cells are especially large quantities already have excessive hormonal activity, metabolism deteriorates exponentially. Accession chronic diseases such as hypothyroidism, diabetes, arterial hypertension further aggravates the situation.

In order to squeeze out the maximum amount of healthy fats and at the same time prevent their excess intake, you need to know which fats are good for the body, what is the rate of their consumption per day and how to properly include them in your diet.

Harmful and healthy fats

Triglycerides are divided into plant and animal, and also differ in the content of saturated and unsaturated acids. Since the functions of fats in the human body include maintaining nervous system in a healthy, stable state, then for this purpose it is necessary to supply essential fatty acids, which include Omega-6 and Omega-3:

  • the leader in omega-6 content is considered to be poppy seed oil, grape seed oil and sunflower oil;
  • maximum amount omega-3 is in linseed oil cold pressed.

According to international reference books According to dietetics, the maximum amount of lipids is found in vegetable oils and grains, in the meat of birds and animals. Cocoa butter and coconut oil are famous for their saturated fatty acids; The maximum monounsaturated acids are found in sesame, rapeseed oil and olive oil. Products of choice regarding polyunsaturated acids Soybean oil, flaxseed oil and grape seed oil are considered. Many other foods also contain fatty acids and some lipid content, but in much smaller quantities.

Poorly digestible triglycerides, which poorly perform the necessary functions of fats in the human body, include transgenic fats, margarine, hydrofat and unprocessed Palm oil. You should also avoid eating fats of plant and animal origin that have been subjected to improper heat treatment, - frying using oils or lard, which produces dark smoke. Cooking food this way almost completely destroys beneficial features products, and triglycerides are converted not into necessary biological substances, but into ordinary, but very active carcinogens. If a person has reduced immunity and even slight activity of proto-oncogenes is observed, then the consumption of carcinogens is highly likely to contribute to the development of cancer.

In order for organic lipids to perform all the functions for which fats are needed, it is necessary to follow a few small rules, and also take into account exactly how the food is processed and what kind of lipid it contains.

Every day a person should get at least 1 gram of fat per 1 kilogram of his weight from food. The amount can be increased during heavy physical activity, as well as in winter time. Essential elements - not synthesized by the body - elements from the category of omega acids should be supplied together with vegetables or fruits, optimally as a salad dressing. A daily combination of plant and animal foods will contribute to a more complete absorption of any microelements required by a person.

Fats in the human body are better processed when there is a sufficient level of phospholipids and lipoproteins in the blood, worse - when simultaneous use with food or food additives, rich in calcium. Neglecting even a light breakfast can worsen subsequent processing of fatty foods, since in this case most of the triglycerides will primarily accumulate in the subcutaneous layer rather than be processed. According to the same principle, an increase in the fat layer occurs during prolonged fasting, during which the body goes into stressful state and increases the need for fat storage. It is to avoid such a problem that it is not recommended to consume fatty and spicy food at night, but going to bed on an empty stomach is also forbidden. A light evening snack will not harm your figure, and your body will definitely say “thank you.”

Including fatty fish rich in other foods in your diet useful microelements, will have a significant positive influence on immunity and brain activity. Sardine, mackerel, herring and sardinella help develop endurance and stress resistance.

The role of fats in the human body is one of the most important, since a sufficient supply of these substances from the outside contributes not only to adequate well-being and mood, but also regulates multiple metabolic, hormonal processes at the cellular level. A competent approach to your diet will not only improve your quality of life, but also prolong your youth.

To maintain your figure in perfect shape, you need to carefully monitor your diet. Each meal should contain the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates necessary for the human body. Before you refuse a certain food, think about why our body needs certain substances. Today we will talk about what fat is needed for, what is its benefit and what is its harm, what foods contain it and which ones should be avoided.

Fats are, first of all, energy!

For any organism, these substances are energy suppliers. Carbohydrates and proteins also produce energy, but it is fats that produce twice as much energy. One gram of fat provides about nine kilocalories of energy. Every cell of our body contains this substance.

What is fat for? It is indispensable in metabolism and also performs protective functions for our body. The peculiarity of the substance is that it is stored in reserve, but at the same time supplies the body with the necessary nutrients, saturates a person with energy and saves from hypothermia, as it performs the function of thermoregulation.

What types of dietary fats are divided into?

The following fatty acids are distinguished:

  1. Saturated or extreme.
  2. Unsaturated, respectively unsaturated.

The first are of animal origin. They are hard. These include stearic, butyric, and palmitic acids.

The second are vegetable. They have liquid form(oils). These are arachidonic, linoleic, oleic, linolenic acids. They are necessary for the human body to function normally.

Polyunsaturated fats

Why are fats needed in the diet? These fatty acids are necessary for every person, regardless of age and gender. They help the body grow and develop, affect correct work internal organs, have a positive effect on muscles, blood, and participate in the work of enzymes.

The lack of such acids leads to exhaustion of the body. Human body lacks energy, forms peptic ulcers gastrointestinal tract.

But don’t think that a lot means good. An excess of polyunsaturated fatty acids can lead to coronary thrombosis, which can threaten human life. The body should consume about 15 grams of such fats per day (about 1.5 tablespoons of vegetable oil).

Foods rich in linolenic and linoleic acid

Most of these acids contain sunflower oil(about 60%). A good proportion of them can be found in soybean, cotton and corn oils(about 50%). The well-known olive oil contains only 14% polyunsaturated fatty acids. Animal fats contain only a small proportion of linoleic acid, for example, about 4% in butter.

Where can you find arachidonic fatty acid?

This acid is capable of producing greatest number energy for humans. The list of products containing it is small, but the body requires up to five grams of its consumption per day. It is found in animal fats, but in minute quantities. In butter or pork lard its share is no more than 0.2-2%.

Sufficient quantity arachidonic acid in fish oil (about 30%), as well as in sea ​​fish. Vegetable fats do not contain this acid, but human body capable of processing into it linoleic acid and thereby cover your needs.

Are there harmful fats in the body?

Yes! These are fat-like substances. There are 50 to 90 grams of sterols per person ( organic matter, participating in fat metabolism) and about 97% is cholesterol. At the same time, this substance is distributed unevenly throughout the body. An insignificant amount contains the liver - 1%, a little blood - 6%, but the largest amount of cholesterol is contained in nerve tissue. Excess of the substance leads to atherosclerosis, which is mainly caused by in a sedentary manner life and overeating. And our food products, which we love so much, contain a huge amount of this substance. These are a variety of processed cheeses, egg yolk, fish oil, beef liver, butter. A blood test will help determine the presence of cholesterol, and if the levels are too high, then you should avoid the above foods. Plant sterols, which are found in vegetable oil, bran and cereals.

Subcutaneous fat: what is it for?

The fat is located under top layer skin. What is fat for? After all, many people are trying to get rid of excess fat tissue and a sagging belly. Diets are now in first place for most beauties. Cellulite looks unsightly, however, fats have many functions in the body. The first and main thing is maintaining mental and physical activity. With a lack of energy, the body begins to actively burn fat cells, thereby obtaining the activity it needs. Fats are always stored in reserve in case of hunger strike or intense physical activity.

What is fat needed in the body for? Fat under the skin protects internal organs from external influences. Softens the force of impact during a fall, blocks the impact high temperatures and warms in cold weather weather conditions. Animals living in northern latitudes have a thick layer of fat. Fats make the epidermis elastic and protect it from tears. Subcutaneous fat helps retain heat in the body. Obese people have a hard time in hot weather. They sweat profusely, feel insecure and uncomfortable.

What else is fat used for? He accumulates in himself useful material. First of all, these are vitamins A, E and D - they are fat soluble. Also accumulate in adipose tissue female hormones, which is why men with an excess of it have feminine outlines.

How much fat should the human body contain?

For women perfect content from 15 to 30%, for men a little less - from 14 to 25%. There are several ways to measure subcutaneous fat:

  1. The simplest, but not the most precise method are ordinary floor digital scales. You just need to stand on them and look at the result displayed on the screen.
  2. Using a body fat measurement tool. It's called a caliper. The resulting data is compared with a special table. The measurement area is the navel area (10 cm in one direction or another). The fat fold is fixed and measured with a caliper. The result obtained is looked at in the table.
  3. Immerse yourself in a bath of water. The displaced volume of water is compared with the weight and the percentage of fat is calculated. The method is the most accurate, but it is problematic to carry out it at home, so you will need the help of specialists.

What are the dangers of being overweight?

We have found out the importance of fats in the body, but what if there are more of them than necessary? Excess fat not only spoils you visually, but also threatens your health. Disturbed hormonal levels in men entail sexual dysfunction. Testosterone levels decrease and the man becomes more like a woman.

Excess weight is accompanied by diseases such as diabetes, atherosclerosis, hypertension and osteoarthritis. Fat breaks motor activity, since it overlaps high pressure on the spine and joints.

Why is a lack of adipose tissue dangerous?

Biological significance fat in the human body is to protect it. For women, a lack of fat is detrimental, since it is female body synthesizes and stores the hormone estrogen. At insufficient quantities the fat layer is disrupted menstrual cycle, which threatens the lady with infertility. Women and girls who are underweight constantly feel tired, drowsy, cold, and their skin deteriorates.

We have comprehensively looked at why a person needs fats, but if you want to reduce their amount a little, then before you start a weight loss course, remember that body fat are distributed differently in the body. Genes and body type play a big role. In women, fat predominates in the abdomen, buttocks and thighs. For men it is the belly and rib cage. In order for fat to be burned, you must use the following tips:

  1. Reduce or completely eliminate from the diet foods that stimulate the formation of fat. This includes fatty meats, bakery products, sweets, drinks containing gases.
  2. Build your nutrition around complex carbohydrates And good protein. This includes chicken, turkey, durum wheat pasta, rice, buckwheat and, of course, vegetables.
  3. You should eat up to six times a day, at regular intervals, in small portions. With a small calorie intake, the body will process food immediately, rather than storing it as fat reserves.
  4. Lead active image life, move more. Fat accumulates gradually, so you should also take your time getting rid of it. If you follow a diet and exercise, you will definitely be pleased with the results. The best fat burners are swimming, cycling and running.
  5. Pay attention to your appearance - massage, cold and hot shower, bathhouse
  6. Don’t give up what you started; sometimes even a month is not enough for the weight to move down. Think about it, after all, you’ve been gaining weight for years; slimness won’t come right away either.
  7. Be aware of the problems of fat deficiency. Hurry up to stop in time, don’t get carried away with diets.
  8. Don't forget about rest. You need to sleep at least 7 hours, because sleep restores strength and improves metabolic processes.

As we have learned, there are many functions of fats in the body, and they all play important roles In human life. The main thing is to remember that both excess and lack of fat negatively affect the body. Therefore, love yourself, keep in shape, don’t give up - and then you will have perfect body, and with it health. Do not starve yourself, during this period the fat will really go away, but it will leave behind a bunch of diseases, problems with the skin, bones, teeth and hair. Don’t ruin yourself, lose weight correctly and healthy!

When hearing the word “fat,” many women begin to panic. Needless to say, warm days have arrived. People wear light clothes, under which it is difficult to hide overweight collected over the winter. Why does the body need fats? Maybe you should completely eliminate fatty foods from your diet and live in peace? Let's figure it out.

Surprisingly, fat, like carbohydrates, is an energy source in the body. If carbohydrates are suitable for urgently maintaining human life processes - heart contraction, breathing, brain function, etc., then the body needs fats as a “slow use” material.

As a source of energy, fat provides the body with a greater supply than carbohydrates. For comparison, carbohydrates provide only four calories per gram of their weight, and fat provides twice as much. When the body quickly “uses” carbohydrates as an energy source, the fuel for it becomes what is in the fat “depots”. In the absence of fat reserves, the search for other sources of energy from muscles and tissues will begin, and this can literally lead to destruction. various systems body.

Fats, as you understand, enter the body with food. I will not dwell on the details of the digestion process. It is enough to know that fats are broken down into glycerol and fatty acids under the action of a certain enzyme. These products then enter the membrane cells small intestine, in which the synthesis of your own fat begins.

And then everything is simple. If a person performs physical work, then only in this case fat enters the bloodstream and its consumption begins. In the absence of physical activity, it accumulates, forming the so-called “fat depot”. This is worth remembering for those who want to lose weight while lying on the couch.

Health and slimness! Regardless of what kind of food we consume, plant or animal, all processes in the body take place according to a certain “scenario”: we move - human fat is consumed, if not, it is deposited, creating problem areas on our body. Obesity is not only the enemy of the figure, but also a provocateur various diseases: cardiovascular, diabetes, joint problems, etc.

It is believed that in combination they are necessary for the body. What if we shorten this chain by eliminating fats from the diet? Maybe nothing bad will happen? It is not that simple! Let's take for example the main fat-soluble vitamins D, E and K. A deficiency of the first disrupts the absorption of calcium, which leads to at least osteoporosis. With a lack of the second, there is a risk of developing atherosclerosis. If there is not enough, then blood clotting is impaired.

Exclusion from the diet fatty foods, For example, butter, will lead to a deficiency of vitamin A, which belongs to the group of antioxidants, that is, substances that prevent the risk of developing tumor diseases. In addition, with a lack of vitamin A, problems with vision and condition arise. skin. The skin becomes dry, peels, and cracks form on the heels. Healthy eyes are necessary for everyone, given the load that falls on them in modern world, where electronics have been used almost since birth.

The body needs fats to improve digestion. They have a laxative effect and prevent the occurrence of problems such as constipation. By the way, chronic constipation Many people suffer precisely because of lack of physical activity and failure to use fat accumulations for the benefit of the body.

Omega 3 is rightfully considered the main supplier of fatty acids, obtained from fish oil. This natural medicine which helps the body resist cardiovascular problems– atherosclerosis, hypertension, myocardial infarction, stroke. Omega 3 prevents the development of rickets in children and osteoporosis in adults, normalizes cholesterol levels in the blood and strengthens the walls of blood vessels. Omega 3 fatty acids help brain function by inhibiting brain development multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, in adults, mental retardation and physical development in children.

What other good things can you say in defense of fats? They improve the condition of joints, prevent hearing loss and even weakening potency, as they contribute to the production of such an important hormone for men as testosterone. Dieters tend to exclude all fatty foods from their diet. However, this is not entirely correct, since food containing fat takes longer to digest in the stomach, and a person long time does not feel hungry. Naturally, the inclusion of such products in the menu should be within reasonable limits, because an excess can provoke. The main thing if you care about staying slim is to model your body through physical activity.

The body also needs fats as protection. In case of a fall or sudden movements, they, like a pillow, will protect internal organs and joints from injury. As you can see, we need fat to provide normal functioning all systems of the body. Therefore, it is so important to include foods containing healthy fats in your diet: fish, poultry, almonds, walnuts, avocado, olives, unrefined oil etc. The easiest way to ensure balance is to use a product from NSP, which is not only a supplier of fatty acids, but also fat-soluble vitamin E.



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