What was discovered on Mars. A city found on Mars shocked the public and baffled researchers.

Mars: a disaster that went unnoticed

The interest of the powers that be in our neighbor - the planet Mars- significantly exceeds even the interest in the Moon, although, from all points of view, the development of an undeservedly forgotten companion would have a much greater effect. And Venus could be a much more interesting object of research: it is closer, it is easier to fly to it (towards the Sun), it has a dense atmosphere (it is easier to “get to Venus”), and there are more mysteries there. But Mars beckons NASA, forcing money out of taxpayers' pockets.

The history of the study of this planet is full of mysteries. So my father said that, when he was still a child, he saw a film about Mars in the planetarium, where they showed footage of canals, caps and seas. Before our eyes, the polar caps melted and shrank, the channels turned green, and a wave of darkening reached the “seas.”

Nowadays it is quite difficult to find references to Martian canals on the Internet, and even then only in the form of a scientific incident and delusion. Meanwhile, the famous researcher Felix Siegel wrote in 1951:

“In 1924, Trumpler at the Lick Observatory took a large series of beautiful photographs of Mars. On the original negatives, it was possible to clearly distinguish about a hundred channels. The picture below shows Trumpler's photographic map of Mars. It depicts many of the channels that were previously observed with the naked eye.

Rice. 1. Trumpler Robert Julius

The photographic plate came out strongly in favor of Lovell and Schiaparelli. On the first photo map, everyone will be able to see the geometrically correct network of channels covering the surface of Mars. At one time, supporters of the illusory nature of canals considered the drawings of double canals obtained by Lovell and Schiaparelli to be one of their most powerful arguments. They stated that the defenders of the Martians simply had double vision.

Fig.2. Schiaparelli.

In 1926, double channels were first photographed with the sixty-inch reflector at Mount Wilson Observatory, and modern photographs of Mars show many of them. Mars was especially successfully photographed during the great opposition of 1939. In the images obtained by Slipher, over five hundred channels appeared, and precisely in those places where they had previously been distinguished simply by the eye. Moreover, the photographic plate recorded seasonal changes in the channels in full accordance with Lovell's conclusions.

In recent years, the channels of Mars have been observed at all major observatories in the world. Gradually, one after another, all those observatories where previously the channels were considered non-existent “saw the light.”

Fig.3. Map of Mars according to Flammarion and Antoniadi

Nowadays, talking about Martian canals is considered frivolous. Meanwhile, in anticipation of the above conclusion, there was a long scientific dispute. Back at the end of the 19th century. Italian astronomer Giovanni Schiaparelli first announced the opening of channels. Many scientists have tried to refute it. But the American diplomat Lovell dedicated his entire life and sacrificed his career to establish the truth. In 1908, Lovell created a map of the Martian canal system and fully confirmed the discovery of his Italian colleague.

Rice. 4. Network of Martian canals according to Lovell.

However, if we look at a modern image of Mars, we will not see any channels there. Where did the channels go? Or are they an illusion?

Fig.5. Modern view of Mars.

I have always not been a supporter of making idiots out of our ancestors. If people spent their whole lives on research and made some conclusions, then they probably had certain reasons for this. Perhaps they were wrong, but if one, two, three or more scientists were wrong, if they confirmed their mistakes with factual data, if there are material artifacts, then their voices are worth listening to.

But, what is even more interesting, do you see that the planet is crossed by a huge straight-line pothole? This Valles Marineris, length 4500 km, width – up to 200 , and the depth is up to 11 km!

Fig.6. Valles Marineris.

But the most important thing is that the Valley is almost straight, it is not just an ordinary geological formation, it is a trace of the impact of a cosmic body of colossal force.

Fig.6A. "Scratch" Mariner.

The path of this giant furrow is visible, traces of impacts from the unevenness of the rotating body, ruptures in the crust at the beginning of the impact.

Fig.7. Ruptures in the crust of Mars at the beginning of Valles Marineris.

How could scientists in the 20th century? not notice such a large formation on a neighboring planet? Why wasn't it included in the pictures? And was it even just recently? The fact is that for our science, Mars in general is a planet of mysteries. This is how they see them Graham Hancock and John Grisby in the book "Secrets of Mars"

“Fact 1. It has an elliptical, highly eccentric orbit, which annually brings it close to the Sun and then carries it very far away from it.

Fact 2. The planet's rotation speed is much less than it should be.

Fact 3. It has almost no magnetic field.

Fact 4. Over long periods, its axis of rotation writes wild “pretzels” in space, radically changing the angle of its inclination to the Sun.

Fact 5. There is evidence that in the past the Martian crust could, in several cases, slide entirely around the internal layers of the planet, when its masses moved from the poles to the equatorial zones, and vice versa.

Fact 6. The vast majority of Martian impact craters, much larger than would be expected by statistical probability, are clustered in the hemisphere south of the so-called “dividing line” (see Chapter 3).

Fact 7. The northern hemisphere is much less riddled with craters and is a continuous basin 3 kilometers lower in altitude than the southern hemisphere.

Fact 8. The dividing line between north and south is physically marked on the surface of Mars by the mountainous southern hemisphere escarpment. This unique section runs around the entire planet in a huge, uneven circle that intersects the equator at an Angle of about 35 degrees.

Fact 9. A unique feature of Mars is the monstrous abyss of the Valles Marineris, 7 kilometers deep and 4 thousand kilometers long, dug into its surface.

Fact 10. And last but not least: the deepest and widest craters in the Solar System are Hellas, Isis and Argyres, successfully “compensated” on the other side of Mars by the bulges of Elysium and Tharsis, from the eastern edge of which the Valles Marineris begins...”

It would seem that close-up photographs of the planet's surface and, finally, the rover's travels through its deserts should have resolved all the questions. But it was not there. New mysteries have been added to the old ones, and even spiced up by NASA’s attempts.

This topic is being vigorously discussed online falsifications by American scientists the true color of the planet being studied. The public's attention was attracted by a photo showing an agency employee against the backdrop of two monitors, where the colors of Mars are very similar to those on Earth: blue sky, gray and brown rocks.

Fig.8. NASA employee.

Independent researchers found photos of rovers in NASA laboratories and on Mars. The inscriptions, colors of the American flag, and other surfaces of the device were strikingly different. I myself was not too lazy to check some of the photos in Photoshop. Alas, the photographs were indeed subjected to color correction.

Fig.9. Color change.

The public also remembered the scandal at the very beginning of the research, when the first images from Mariner were shown live. At first everyone saw quite earthly landscapes, blue sky, but NASA employees began to fuss, rushed to the instruments, and soon familiar red motifs appeared on the screens.

I recently read an extensive article where the author, who wished to remain anonymous, awkwardly tried to make excuses for the Americans. They say images from Curiosity and Opportunity are specially subjected to color correction and are brought as close as possible to the color range of our planet, so that geologists can better recognize rocks and soils on Mars.

Couldn't have come up with more nonsense. I noticed and wrote a long time ago that science falsifiers They do a very bad job of earning their money. Sometimes their fakery teeters on the verge of insanity. Only the very blinkered can accept it. It’s the same with geologists: how can they identify rocks correctly if their colors have been color-corrected?

With American flags and the “NASA” inscription in brown instead of blue, things are no better. It was stated that everything on Mars is covered with a layer of red dust, which is what changes its tone. However, any schoolchild will tell you that no matter how much you sprinkle red powder on blue letters, they will not turn brown.

The version that Opportunity photographs simultaneously with three cameras and three colors, like an artist of the early 20th century, also does not stand up to criticism. Prokudin - Gorsky. Such photographs will not allow you to obtain any detail, and why this return to the Stone Age?

There are also pictures that actually ended up on the Internet by accident and were immediately shared. For example, these:

Fig. 10. "Lid".

Fig. 11. Animal on Mars.

But that’s the trouble with modern times, that 21st century technology. allow information to spread almost instantly. And it is very difficult to clean out unwanted facts from the Internet. In a word, distrust of NASA prompted researchers (not scientists at all) to more thorough searches.

But let's return to the channels. The latest data and these photos clearly indicate the presence in the past huge amount of water on Mars.

Fig. 12. River on Mars.

At the same time, scientists have already recognized that this planet has undergone an indescribable catastrophe. Water flows of colossal force washed deep canyons, and in volume these rivers filled reservoirs comparable to the Mediterranean Sea in a matter of hours.

Here is what Hanhawk writes about this:

“The largest canal system on the Chrysian Plain is up to 25 kilometers wide and more than 2 thousand kilometers long. It arose as a result of a sudden catastrophic flood, which not only formed the sheer walls of the canals, but also hollowed out “cave-like voids several hundred meters deep” and ground “drop-shaped” islands up to 100 kilometers long.

The stream rushed at an extraordinary speed, so that the “peak flow” of water reached millions of cubic meters per second. Even the dense atmosphere of the Earth cannot quickly enough provide a similar flow of water from drainage areas of comparable sizes... Only dam breaks gave flows that caused such significant macroerosion ... "

There were also channels, only underground. Covered with sand and soil, scientists recognized their existence, but according to old habit, they dated them back millions of years.

Habits, techniques, identical methods - this is how we can determine the work of counterfeiters. An event dated back millions of years no longer worries the reader so much. What was there and when? Does this concern us? And did it even happen?

However, some facts are very difficult to hide. Why only 50 years ago Didn't astronomers notice a scar on the face of Mars that runs across the entire planet? Where did the channels that hundreds of scientists observed, photographed and even filmed go to? What are things like in the springs on Mars, when the caps began to melt, and streams of water spread through channels at a speed of 40 km per day and caused the waterways and seas to darken?

Water, thank God, was found. It turns out there is so much of it in the Southern Cap alone that you can cover the entire planet with a layer of 11 m. They tried to forget about the canals. With the rest, they'll figure something out along the way.

Here it is appropriate to give another quote from Siegel’s book:

"On the night of December 9, 1951 one of the Japanese astronomers conducted regular observations of Mars. In the field of view of the telescope, slightly trembling from the movement of air, the reddish disk of the neighboring planet was visible. Its orange deserts seemed as constant and infinitely distant as the bluish-green patches of the Martian seas. Even the sparkling white polar cap of Mars, melting in the summer and growing again in the winter, did not change in any way during the long hours of observation.

Fig. 13. Felix Siegel.

Suddenly the astronomer leaned closer to the telescope eyepiece. It seemed to him that some kind of fire had flared up in one of the Martian seas. bright white dot. The phenomenon was so unexpected that the astronomer could not believe his eyes. However, the bright dot did not disappear. Two, three, four minutes passed, and a tiny white cloud appeared around the mysterious point, reminiscent of clouds formed during strong explosions. After shining for five minutes, the bright point disappeared as suddenly as it had appeared, but the strange cloud continued to remain visible for some time.

During one revolution around the center of the galaxy (26 thousand years), our system crosses the dense arms four times. It is possible that during these periods the pressure on Earth drops very strongly. It turns out that this happens approximately every 6-6.5 thousand years. Perhaps because of this, or perhaps because of severe radiation exposure, or toxic fallout from the tail of a comet, but our ancestors were forced to hide from the elements underground. That's why we find so many underground cities, dungeons, passages and tunnels.

Underground passages have also been discovered on Mars.

Fig. 16. Underground passages.

They are covered with some kind of transparent structures, apparently to preserve the atmosphere under the domes. Martian architecture is closer to natural, biological than our purely technocratic one. It is very likely that, having survived a terrible catastrophe or war, our neighbors hid underground. They are in no hurry to communicate with us. And why? Any contact with Humanity will result in war. We need to survive and defeat the era of greed, otherwise no one will want to deal with us.

Mars: puzzles surfaces

More details and a variety of information about events taking place in Russia, Ukraine and other countries of our beautiful planet can be obtained at Internet Conferences, constantly held on the website “Keys of Knowledge”. All Conferences are open and completely free. We invite everyone who wakes up and is interested...

The existence of extraterrestrial life has worried humanity since ancient times. The solar system became the first place where scientific minds hoped to find living organisms. With the development of science, it was possible to find out that the most probable is life on Mars. Legends of antiquity, supported by scientific facts and photographs of Mars, indicate that the existence of life beyond the Earth is possible.

The mystery of the red planet

Today, the planet Mars is being actively explored. The news relates to strange findings, unexplained photographs. A trip to Mars is planned soon, which will either finally debunk the myth of extraterrestrial life or confirm its existence in the solar system. The significant distance to Mars makes the expedition long and difficult; you can read about preparations for it on our website. The available videos of Mars are food for thought about the structure of the World.

News about Mars- these are not only NASA reports, but also mysterious, unexplainable mysteries. The most famous photographs of Mars contain an incredible picture: the geolandscape in one direction clearly resembles a human face, nearby there are pyramids similar in structure to the pyramids in Egypt. The monolith on Phobos, the Hangar, the mysterious finds of the Mars rover, the amazing forms of the landscape are part of the incompletely researched facts that cause heated debate.

Unidentified researchers claim that there was life on Mars. Assumptions about the connection between the culture and technology of Ancient Egypt and the race that previously inhabited Mars have impressive evidence. The current interest of official astronomy in Mars presents new mysteries, the answers to which you will find in this section.

© © NASA Photo

People love mysterious space stories. And mysterious objects on Mars are traditionally at the top of cosmic curiosity. There, rock formations become faces, shadows become UFO landing sites, and pieces from a Mars rover become Donald Trump's head.

6. “The fish of my dreams.”

There is a fish rock on Mars, but there are no fish there. Curiosity caught this “catch” on its camera lens, and ufologists and proponents of the theory of the existence of Martians were delighted. But this is just a game of stone shapes and lighting. NASA says this about possible fossilized bones and animals on Mars: “Mars probably never had enough oxygen in the atmosphere to support complex organisms.”

7. Vortex.

A strange vortex appears in this Martian landscape captured by another NASA rover, Opportunity, in 2016. This is actually a real dust devil, just like on Earth. Martian dust devils alone can be up to 50 times wider and up to 10 times higher than those on Earth.

8. Donut.

It didn't exist, and then it appeared. A donut-shaped object appeared rather unexpectedly in a series of before-and-after images in Opportunity images. Some people thought it was an alien formation, but NASA announced that the sudden appearance of the donut was due to Opportunity dislodging a rock by driving over it. In general, there is no fast food on Mars.

9. Waffle.

The donut is not the only “food” formation on the red planet. An image from Mars orbit in late 2014 showed a strange, wafer-shaped island. The 1.2-mile "waffle" is located in an area of ​​lava flows. This is not evidence of giant wafers on Mars, but it does look a lot like a lava formation.

10. Bling.

If something shines somewhere, it already attracts attention. If something sparkles on Mars, these are mysterious signals. In 2012, Curiosity spotted a bright, shiny object in the faded Martian soil. To understand the scale: the entire image covers an area of ​​only 4 centimeters across. NASA scientists have confirmed that this shine is just some kind of quartz or something like that.

11. Spoon.

See the spoon in the center of the image? A long arm stretched out over the landscape, casting a shadow below? Is this proof that some giant chef is using this tool to make the donuts and waffles mentioned above? Unfortunately no. Mars does not have the same strong gravity as Earth, so such fragile rock formations can exist for a long time without collapsing under their own weight.

12. Metal structure.

Mars searchers have edited an image taken by Curiosity in early 2013 to highlight what appears to be a piece of metal. The likely explanation is much less impressive than a metal racer or an iron monster. The object is likely part of a meteorite or the result of a trick of light.

13. Bright light on the horizon of Mars.

The same Curiosity sent this curious photo in 2014, showing light on the horizon of Mars. The image excited UFO fans, who speculated that it could be evidence of alien activity.

NASA, as is usual with scientists, disappointed them by explaining that all the pictures with the mysterious “lighthouse” were taken with one camera. Other lenses did not reflect this point. Perhaps a cosmic particle hit the camera matrix, causing part of the sensor to “blind” and a white spot to appear on the pictures.

14. Mini meteorite.

In October 2016, Curiosity discovered a small iron meteorite that was initially thought to be a strange rock. The stone looks small, about the size of a palm, but a close-up showed its intricate surface. The researchers called it a “stone egg” and were wrong.

A camera for micro-imaging (ChemCam: Remote Micro-Imager), which is equipped with the rover, was pointed at the egg. And they determined the approximate composition. According to scientists from the University of Arizona (Arizona State University), the egg consists of an alloy of nickel and iron.

15. Strange deep hole.

NASA has not given a definitive answer about this strange circular pit captured by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter in 2017. But, most likely, this is a crater formed due to a meteorite impact. The hole is located near the planet's south pole. At the end of summer, due to the short daylight hours, the pit stands out sharply from the surrounding landscape due to the play of light and shadow.

16. Female statue?

The Spirit rover took this image in 2007, showing a view of rock formations on the surface of Mars. One of them stood out. It looked like Bigfoot. And female.

17. Another woman on Mars.

As you already understand, there is no shortage of women on Mars. That is, there are two of them, at least. This image from Curiosity excited alien theorists in early 2015. The small object inside the red circle looks like a figurine of a lady in a dress. All you need to see it is a developed imagination.

18. A monster crab crawls on Mars.

Again the Curiosity image from July 2015. It was not noticed for a long time until a tiny fragment of the image was enlarged in one group on Facebook. And what looked like a strange crab-like monster appeared, lurking in the shadows. He is also very similar to Cthulhu. In any case, this is what those who saw Cthulhu say. And these guys won’t lie again.

Of course, the crab on Mars is just a play of light and shadow on the rock. But it's so boring...

19. The face of an ancient god.

On the left is a cropped view of an image from the Opportunity rover. On the right is a Neo-Assyrian goddess statue from the British Museum. Notice the similarities? And some UFO fans too. As with all the mysteries of Mars that look like objects from Earth, it is a combination of human imagination and the play of light, and not a greeting from an extraterrestrial civilization with a penchant for stone carving.

20. Kissing face.

As we already know, there are many women on Mars. Therefore, it is no coincidence that this man seems to stretch out his lips in a kind of kiss. This stone was found in a photo from Curiosity by fans of the habitable Mars theory at the end of 2016.

21. How to find a “face” on Mars.

In a short time and a minimum of effort, anyone can find rock formations that look like human or alien faces on Mars. Here are two "faces" with their features indicated. This image is from Curiosity, which captured this landscape in late 2016.

All it takes is imagination to harness the power of pareidolia, a phenomenon that causes people to see faces and shapes in inanimate objects.

Mars has long been one of the most mysterious objects in the solar system, and contains a great many secrets, which will take researchers a lot of time to uncover. On it they constantly see either supposed alien spacecraft, or humanoids themselves, and sometimes some other creatures. In other words, at first glance, there is little to surprise astronomers, however, as it turned out recently, this space object is still capable of striking even the most experienced luminaries of science with some things, as evidenced by new photographs of the National Space Agency, taken by one of his aircraft. In photographs of the Martian surface, alternative scientists saw an entire city. The remarkable material simply shocked the Global Wide Web and forced its regulars to be divided into skeptics and those who believe in the existence of extraterrestrial civilization.

Representatives of the popular YouTube channel Mars Anomalies and Beyond, who upload videos related to such mysteries, were the first to report the unprecedented find. One of the employees of the virtual organization has already suggested that they have never had such significant evidence of extraterrestrial life in their hands before. As the conspiracy theorist noted, in the pictures you can see not only the metropolis, but also means of transportation. In addition, the researcher also shared a hypothesis according to which the American space agency understands perfectly well that someone has been living on Mars for a long time, but hides it from people by hook or by crook. It is for this reason, the expert adds, that NASA bombards Internet users with fake photos where the mysterious planet is shown as an ordinary orange desert. Interestingly, even the blue sky of Mars is constantly shown as yellow for some reason.

The proof of the ufologist’s words was the usual processing of photographs in a special program. According to a specialist in Martian mysteries, he happened to stumble upon something truly amazing when he didn’t even hope to see anything interesting, and decided to run the content created by the agency’s rover through a special filter out of nothing to do. Having changed the contrast, gamma and some other components of the images, the unconventional scientist suddenly noticed on the horizon of the Red Planet a delightful picture that could easily pass for a modern city.

The expert also noted that the Martian metropolis is very different from all cities on Earth, since it has very high pyramids and other buildings, as well as flying platforms, which can be both means of transportation and attractions. According to the researcher, the alien civilization is much older than the earthly one, due to which the level of their intelligence greatly rises above the level of human development. Moreover, the ufologist has little doubt that aliens are developing much faster than people because they have connections with other civilizations.

At the same time, extraordinary scientific luminaries do not intend to assert with one hundred percent probability that the American department is responsible for obscuring the truth associated with the Martian civilization. It is simply stupid to say this. Among researchers who have devoted themselves to questions about the so-called “little green men,” the assumption is often discussed that the inhabitants of Mars actively use high-tech methods, in particular, special camouflage that allows them to be hidden from the cameras of Mars rovers, concluded the employee of the mystical channel.

However, adherents of the traditional mindset, as always, do not want to believe in the existence of humanoids, much less in the appearance of their cities on Mars. According to incorrigible skeptics, the author of the seemingly mysterious photographs himself could have used good old Photoshop to draw cities on them, since recently anyone can become famous in this way, and today almost everyone would like to experience the taste of popularity. In other words, lovers of rational solutions did not find anything surprising in the fresh content. Other supporters of only what has been proven by classical science called the mysterious footage an ordinary illusion, often reminiscent of itself in photographs of the Martian landscape.

This is quite an interesting point. I took the footage from the National Space Agency website and put it into FotoForensics, thinking it might just be pixelation. However, I was wrong as the image came out almost solid and black. I thought the agency staff could have simply masked the image, but the FAQ page said that this usually means the image is not original or has been saved many times. This arrangement made me wonder why the department was releasing images that had been saved many times before. This is all very strange. I highly doubt the current situation is just due to pixelation because it is consistent and there appears to be shadow and depth in the far left corner of the picture. Nice find, great video. “I think we have an interesting question, the answer to which will not be so easy to find,” wrote one of the commentators, who was well acquainted with the interesting material.

It is worth noting that similar phenomena on Mars have been seen in NASA images before. In mid-2017, researchers stumbled upon a formation resembling the ruins of an ancient city. At that moment, experts in Martian mysteries did not say anything about the fact that the aliens could live in an abandoned city, but they did not rule out that they had once actually inhabited the area in the frame. By the way, according to some ufologists, aliens also live on Earth, but it is too difficult to find them, since they have incredible camouflage. There is even an assumption that humanoids have long been building settlements under the ice and waters on the Blue Planet.


From the beginning From the end

Don't update Update

On this life-affirming note, we say goodbye, thank you for being with us, pleasant Martian dreams!

Scientists all over the world have already responded to the discovery. According to Kirsten Seebach of Rice University (Houston), the discovery will upset the arguments of many skeptics of the theory of an inhabitable Mars. “The big takeaway from all of this is that we can find evidence. We can find organic material preserved in clay for over 3 billion years. And we see the release of gases that may be associated with subsurface life, or at least associated with the warm, moist conditions in which life thrives on Earth,” she said.

The main idea conveyed to NASA is that this is not life yet, but we have come very close to it. “With these new discoveries, Mars tells us to keep looking for signs of life. I am confident that our ongoing and future missions are preparing even more exciting discoveries on the Red Planet,” said Thomas Zurbuchen, head of NASA’s science program division.

The NASA press conference ended; scientists managed to answer a number of questions from journalists. One of them concerned the possibility of using methane in the atmosphere as fuel in future expeditions to Mars. The answer is, of course, yes!

The discovery of methane on Mars is not news in itself. It has been detected there in small concentrations before. The current discovery is that for the first time a seasonal cyclicity in its concentration has been discovered. “This is the first time we've seen something repeating in the methane situation that gives us insight. This became possible thanks to the long operation of the rover. Long work allowed us to see a picture of seasonal “breathing,” explained Chris Webster.

Scientists speculate that methane may be contained in the subsurface layer of Mars, in water-containing crystals called clathrates. It is assumed that temperature changes during the changing seasons cause the gas to escape and change concentration.

Methane concentrations in the northern hemisphere peak at the end of the Martian summer and are 2.7 times higher than the minimum values.


As for methane in the atmosphere, Christopher Webster does not exclude the possibility that living microbes are a possible source of the gas. "With this new information, we cannot rule out microbial activity as a possible source," he said.

“The discovery of organics adds to our history of the habitability of the planet. This tells us that these ancient conditions could support life. There was everything necessary to support life. But that doesn’t tell us there was life there.”

These molecules can be the building blocks of life, but they can also have other origins. Scientists cannot yet say whether their origin is related to processes in living nature. “There could be three possible sources. The first is life that we don't know about. The second is meteorites. And the third is geological processes, meaning that the stones form themselves,” says Eigenbrod.

The second discovery was the discovery of three specific types of organic molecules in the surface layer.

NASA emphasizes that the discovery of methane molecules does not at all mean the discovery of life on the planet. Despite the fact that on Earth, methane is indeed often of biogenic origin.

The rover's spectrometer, which analyzes the composition of the atmosphere over the past three years, has recorded seasonal fluctuations in methane - the concentration changes three times during these fluctuations!

Paul Mahaffey:

We are talking about the discovery of “intriguing” organic molecules in the atmosphere of Mars - methane!

The conference has begun!

The Russian neutron detector DAN (Dynamic Albedo of Neutrons) was also installed on board. DAN is a neutron “probe” - the generator of the device irradiates the surface of the planet with high-energy neutrons and, based on the properties of the flow of secondary neutrons, determines the content of hydrogen, and therefore water, as well as hydrated minerals. Areas with large amounts of these substances are of greatest interest for searching for traces of life.

Gale Crater was not chosen for landing by chance - in the distant past it was a Martian sea, and minerals formed during the life of this reservoir accumulated at its bottom. It was assumed that studying its soil would answer the question of the existence of life on Mars.

In the meantime, let's remember the history of this rover. It was delivered to Mars on August 6, 2012. The rover was sent to the Red Planet to determine whether conditions suitable for life existed on Mars, collect detailed data on the climate and geology of Mars, and prepare for landing humans on Mars.

The three-meter rover weighs 899 kg and moves at speeds of up to 144 m/h. It is equipped with cameras, a set of remote sensing instruments, a spectrometer, a bucket for collecting soil, and a set of meteorological equipment. In total, it has 10 scientific instruments for studying the external conditions on the surface of Mars and 17 color and black-and-white cameras for navigation and filming.

The press conference will feature Paul Mahaffey, director of solar system exploration at the NASA Space Flight Center. NASA Goddard; Jennifer Eigenbrod, a specialist at the Goddard Space Flight Center; Chris Webster, Senior Scientist, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena; Ashwin Vasavada, research scientist at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

NASA often calls journalists in advance to announce new results of space missions, and that was the case this time. Journalists were invited to NASA headquarters in Washington. The topic is a new discovery made by the famous Curiosity rover. The meeting is timed to coincide with the publication of scientific articles about this discovery in the journal Science. The essence of the discovery was not announced in advance; it is known only to scientists and science journalists who have a subscription to Science magazine. However, articles are published there under a strict embargo, so you can’t talk about it until 21.00 Moscow time. Let's just say that this is very interesting and concerns the eternal Martian question.

Good evening, dear readers of Gazeta.Ru, this evening we will follow an unusual announcement announced by NASA a few days ago, which concerns an important scientific discovery made on the surface of Mars.



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