Urticaria with angioedema treatment. What to do if Quincke's edema is detected? How dangerous are these allergic reactions?

Allergy- This immune reaction body, accompanied by damage to its own tissues. Among allergic diseases, urticaria and Quincke's edema are among the most common.

Classification of urticaria and Quincke's edema

I . Allergic form.

1). Non-infectious: food, medicinal, chemical, household, epidermal, pollen (hay fever).

3). Autoallergic (autoimmune).

II. Pseudoallergic form.

1. Non-infectious (food, medicinal, chemical, etc.).

3. Physical: cold, thermal, mechanical, radiation, aquagenic.

4. Cholinergic.

5. Endogenous: metabolic, immunodeficiency, dishormonal (premenstrual, etc.), psychogenic.

The development of pseudoallergic urticaria is often associated with autonomic dystonia of the cholinergic type, against the background of which, along with acetylcholine, there is an increased liberation of histamine, provoked by a number of nonspecific irritants.


    acute (up to 3-4 days),

    subacute progressive (up to 5-6 weeks),

    chronic, recurrent (more than 3 months).

Gravity: light, medium, heavy.

Localization: focal, generalized.

Hives- a disease characterized by a rash of itchy blisters on the skin. A wheal is a swelling of the papillary layer of skin.

Pathogenesis. The pathogenesis of allergic urticaria includes sensitization to the allergen and a secondary hyperergic reaction when it re-enters the body. The reactions occur as atopic reactions, in which reagin antibodies of the Ig E class participate. In addition, there are immunocomplex reactions III type, which are characterized by damage to the capillary network. Among the mediators secreted by leukocytes are important role belongs to histamine. Histamine can induce blister and swelling of the skin. This occurs due to dilation of venules and capillaries, increased vascular permeability and plasma exudation. The blister in the center is pale due to compression of the skin vessels by the edematous fluid, and along the edge there is a rim of hyperemia, developing due to the dilation of the arterioles. In parallel, itching of the skin occurs, which is caused by irritation of the skin nerves by mediators of the allergic reaction. Both immediate and delayed reactions are involved in the pathogenesis of chronic urticaria.

Clinical picture

Due to the dilation of blood vessels, swelling of the papillary dermis and the appearance of blistering rashes are observed. Blisters at the beginning Pink colour or red, but as the exudate accumulates and the capillaries are compressed, they turn pale. In their center, edematous fluid can peel off the epidermis and form a blister. With erythrocyte diapedesis, the exudate can become hemorrhagic. Elements can be localized isolated on the face, arms or torso, but with a progressive variant they gradually appear in free areas of the body, acquiring a generalized character. In other cases, urticaria immediately becomes primary generalized, then blisters often form, which, when merging, cause detachment of large areas of the epidermis. Rashes can appear on the mucous membranes of the mouth and gastrointestinal tract. The degree of intoxication increases. Patients are concerned about high fever, severe headaches, weakness, and may experience joint pain.

Allergic angioedema differs in that the edematous fluid accumulates in the deeper layers of the skin, permeating the dermis and subcutaneous tissue and even muscles, but does not spread to the epidermis. Within a few minutes, a pale, dense, non-itching infiltrate of various sizes forms. When you press on it, there is no hole left. It persists for several days, after which it undergoes reverse development. At food allergies, with helminthic infestation it can take a recurrent course.

It occurs at locations of loose connective tissue, rich in mast cells (eyelids, lips, scrotum, mucous membranes of the mouth, tongue, larynx, etc.).

Laryngeal edema may cause asphyxia. When it appears, anxiety, increasing hoarseness, cough, difficult noisy stridor breathing, and cyanosis of the facial skin are noted. In mild cases, the swelling is moderate and lasts from 1 hour to a day, after which the condition improves. In severe cases, edema spreads to the tracheobronchial tree, and asphyxia develops.

Quincke's edema can be localized in various organs . For swelling of the gastrointestinal mucosa sometimes intestinal obstruction occurs. Characterized by nausea and vomiting, acute cramping pain in the abdomen, flatulence, increased and later weakened intestinal motility. The reverse development is manifested by profuse diarrhea with the presence of eosinophils and Charcot-Leyden crystals in the feces.

The presence of edema in the head area may be accompanied by swelling of the serous meninges with the appearance of meningeal symptoms, headaches, vomiting and seizures.

Quincke's edema and urticaria develop for one reason - damage to the skin and adjacent tissues is provoked by one or another allergen. In the first case pathological process covers the subcutaneous tissue and causes severe swelling of the tissues. With urticaria, an allergic reaction manifests itself in upper layers skin - blisters form, painful, itchy and take a long time to heal. Chronic urticaria, periodically exacerbating, becomes a source of discomfort for months and years. In the case of Quincke's edema, minutes count - with swelling of the neck, the patient's life hangs in the balance due to possible asphyxia(choking).

Why does Quincke's edema occur?

Urticaria with angioedema appears after allergens enter the body, causing degranulation mast cells. Other things that can provoke an allergic reaction to urticaria include: physical factors(cold, warm, solar radiation, insect bites), as well as chemical compounds in small doses, dissolved in ordinary water. Much more often, hives are triggered by food allergens and ingredients of popular medications.

Quincke's edema is essentially a complication of urticaria, when the pathological process covers not only the upper layers of the skin, but penetrates deeper and involves the mucous membranes, subcutaneous fatty tissue and muscles. Less commonly, Quincke's edema develops as independent disease.

In more than 25% of patients with urticaria, the leading role in its development and angioedema is played by a hereditary factor; in another third, such phenomena are acquired during life.

For any clinical variety urticaria, the permeability of small blood vessels. The surrounding tissues quickly swell, and under the influence of excess histamine, large blisters form on the surface of the skin. The allergic reaction gradually affects the deep layers of the skin and subcutaneous tissue - this is how angioedema begins.

Clinical manifestations

The skin reacts very quickly to an allergen entering the body. Bright pink blisters appear within just one hour. If urticaria occurs in an acute form, after three to five hours the skin is completely cleared of rashes.

Urticaria often occurs against the background of:

  • liver pathologies;
  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • infectious diseases;
  • helminthic infestation.

Urticaria with Quincke's edema, in addition to dermatological ones, is accompanied by other symptoms. Along with a rash on the skin, there is an increase in body temperature to 38 degrees, which is worrying headache, sleep is disturbed, and a feeling of powerlessness arises.

In chronic form, urticaria may last for long months With periodic exacerbations. In addition to the visible manifestations of urticaria, nausea and vomiting are periodically disturbing, increased nervousness.

If swelling occurs:

  • in the throat area - the victim’s voice becomes hoarse, breathing becomes wheezing, speech is impaired;
  • in the pleura - occurs sharp pain in area chest, severe shortness of breath;
  • in the brain - one of the most dangerous variations, leads to circulatory problems and seizures;
  • V digestive system- worries strong pain in the stomach, nausea and subsequent vomiting;
  • in the zone Bladder- its functionality is impaired, the process of urination is extremely painful.


Diagnosis of angioedema on the face and neck special problems does not cause due to the severe severity of symptoms. With extensive damage, this area swells very much. Larynx and digestive tract more often it affects not acquired, but Quincke's edema with hereditary factor.

It is more difficult to diagnose angioedema if the process occurs during internal organs. Performed differential diagnosis Quincke's edema with other edema that occurs against the background of:

  • pathologies thyroid gland, in particular, with hypothyroidism;
  • disorders of the liver and kidneys;
  • inflammation of connective tissue (dermatomyositis);
  • blood diseases;
  • oncological pathology.

Angioedema allergic origin requires anamnesis and identification hereditary predisposition to its emergence.

What to do if Quincke's edema is detected

Urticaria with Quincke's edema can be fatal. If characteristic symptoms occur, you should immediately call an ambulance.

Before doctors arrive, the victim should be provided with a constant flow of air - open the window. It is necessary to relieve the pressure on the body of the wardrobe items - unbutton the collar of the shirt, the belt on the trousers. It is best to take a relaxed position while sitting.

It is necessary to immediately limit contact with the allergen if it is known what caused the swelling, and drink a large amount of liquid (preferably alkaline - Borjomi, Narzan) to eliminate it from the body. For Quincke's edema in the throat area, especially with rapid development, you need urgent hospitalization.

IN home medicine cabinet desirable to have antihistamines(for example, Diazolin, Fenkarol) and sorbents ( Activated carbon, Enterosgel).

Quincke's edema in many cases develops in a matter of minutes. To alleviate the condition, take an antihistamine, which will ease the symptoms and help the victim until the ambulance team arrives.

If we are talking about a food allergen, sorbents are taken, but in no case are the stomach washed out because of the risk of choking on vomit.

Treatment of swelling and urticaria

The basic principle of treating urticaria and angioedema- elimination of the provoking factor. After cupping acute condition, when the patient’s life is no longer in danger, he is transferred depending on the type of edema and current state to one department or another. If the patient's condition is not dangerous, this may be in the therapeutic or allergy department.

Urgent Care

Quincke's edema with urticaria is a direct threat to life. During hospitalization, measures are taken promptly to relieve tissue swelling. If the swelling is localized in the throat area, tracheal intubation is performed - to ensure respiratory function, an endotracheal tube is inserted into the organ.

Under no circumstances should you attempt to make a tracheal incision on a patient yourself! These manipulations are performed only by doctors.

In a complicated situation, when there is no time and conditions for tracheostomy, in order to ensure breathing, a dissection of the larynx (more precisely, the conical ligament between the cricoid and thyroid cartilage) - conicotomy. In case of Quincke's edema in the digestive organs, the patient is referred to surgery department.


Depending on the allergen, food provocateurs are completely excluded from the menu. Risky products include:

  • chocolate;
  • citrus;
  • seafood (crustaceans);
  • tomatoes;
  • strawberry;
  • peanut;
  • pork;
  • sauerkraut;
  • fermented cheese;
  • red wine.

This does not mean that you should give up all these products forever. After identifying the allergen, only it is excluded from the menu.

Drug therapy

Treatment of urticaria with Quincke's edema is carried out using:

  • antihistamines (Claritin, Suprastin);
  • diuretics (Lasix);
  • glucocorticosteroids (Prednisolone, Dexasone);
  • protease inhibitors (Contrical).

Sorbents are selected individually for the patient to cleanse the body of the allergen. Additionally, calcium supplements and vitamin C are prescribed to strengthen nervous system, multivitamin complexes, increasing the tone of blood vessels.

For angioedema with a dominant hereditary factor, a drug is individually selected to replenish the volume of the missing C1 inhibitor.

In case of pseudo allergic edema Quincke is prescribed to a patient intravenously drip administration isotonic sodium chloride solution (for example, Contrikal).

Preventive measures and diet

The main rule for the prevention of angioedema is to avoid contact with allergens by any means. If this household dust- monitor the cleanliness of the premises, regularly carry out wet cleaning. If there is plant pollen, avoid places where it blooms.

When it comes to food allergens, you should check the foods you eat for the presence of food additives. It's about about:

  • flavor enhancers;
  • dyes;
  • preservatives.

Patients who have urticaria and angioedema due to poor heredity should be careful when undergoing any surgical interventions. When visiting the dentist, be sure to report the problem.

Before any procedure involving surgical intervention, the attending physician will prescribe a special course aimed at preventing possible occurrence Quincke's edema. For this purpose, patients with urticaria are prescribed tranexamic acid or androgens. Additional drugs are administered immediately before the operation itself.

Acute urticaria occurs violently in the form of severely itchy urticarial rashes on the torso, upper and lower limbs. Blisters of pale pink or porcelain color of varying sizes and various localizations raised above the level of the skin, rounded, less often - elongated, prone to merging, sometimes into large areas and with massive swelling of not only the dermis, but also the hypodermis (giant urticaria). At the height of the disease, there is a disturbance in the general condition of the patient: increased body temperature, malaise, chills, joint pain (nettle fever). Distinctive feature blisters is their ephemerality, as a result of which each element usually exists only for a few hours and disappears without a trace. Rashes may appear on the mucous membranes of the lips, tongue, soft palate. In case of defeat respiratory tract(larynx, bronchi) there is difficulty breathing and paroxysmal cough, with rapidly increasing swelling, a threat of asphyxia is created.

Options acute urticaria are solar and cold urticaria. The development of solar urticaria is based on disorders of porphyrin metabolism in liver diseases. Porphyrins have a photosensitizing property, and therefore, after prolonged exposure to the sun in spring and summer, blisters appear on exposed areas of the skin (face, chest, limbs). Cold urticaria occurs as a result of the accumulation of cryoglobulins, which have the properties of antibodies. Blisters appear when exposed to cold and disappear when warm.

Acute limited angioedema

Spicy limited swelling Quincke is characterized sudden development swelling of the skin, mucous membrane, subcutaneous fat (cheeks, eyelids, lips) or genitals. Single or multiple blisters of a dense elastic consistency, white or pink, appear. Often in practice, the simultaneous existence of ordinary urticaria and angioedema is noted. After a few hours or 2-3 days, the process resolves without a trace.

Chronic recurrent urticaria

Chronic recurrent urticaria occurs with prolonged sensitization, i.e. in the presence of foci chronic infection, concomitant diseases gastrointestinal tract, liver. Recurrence is observed daily with rashes of varying numbers of blisters, but with remissions of varying duration. Blisters appear on any part of the skin. Their appearance may be accompanied by weakness, temperature reaction, headache, malaise, arthralgia. Excruciating itching can cause the development of insomnia and neurotic disorders. Eosinophilia and thrombocytopenia are observed in the blood.

Sometimes artificial urticaria occurs, which occurs after mechanical impact on the skin with a blunt object. The rash disappears spontaneously after some time.

An acute allergic reaction in children can manifest itself as skin rash bright red rash or angioedema. Both states can be interconnected and follow each other. That's why urgent Care for urticaria and Quincke's edema in children should be treated without delay.

Any allergic reaction in a child can develop slowly or rapidly, so the home medicine cabinet should always contain antihistamines in the form of tablets and ampoules for intramuscular injections. Most often, the time-tested Suprastin is used in children. The simplest thing can protect you from a drug allergic reaction. skin test. Scratch inner surface forearms and place 2 drops on the scratch medicinal substance that you are going to give to your child. If no redness appears after 15 minutes, you can use the drug without fear.

However, an allergic reaction can be to food, air, animals, flowers and many other allergens. Therefore, we will talk about how first aid is provided.

Severe allergic skin reaction in a child

Urticaria is a severe allergic reaction in a child, characterized by the rapid appearance of urticarial rashes on the skin and, less often, on the mucous membranes.

This allergic skin reaction in a child occurs most often on medicines; food products; nutritional supplements; infectious agents; related somatic diseases(digestive organs, glands internal secretion etc.); inhaled substances (plant pollen, house dust, fungal spores, detergents and other surfactants, acids, alkalis); psychological and emotional stress; insect bites and various physical influences on the skin (high and low temperatures, friction, long-term pressure, vibration, insolation), as well as other reasons. In some cases immediate cause may not be clear. Traditionally, according to the course of the disease, urticaria is divided into acute (duration less than 6 weeks) and chronic (duration more than 6 weeks).

Symptoms of an allergic reaction in children

Symptoms of an allergic reaction appear in children, such as a feeling of heat, itchy skin, skin changes, like after a nettle burn. Elements of urticaria - blisters and papules - can be of various shapes and sizes, often merging and acquiring gigantic sizes. The color of the urticaria elements ranges from pale pink to red. The rashes are localized on any part of the body, most often on the stomach, back, chest, and thighs. Symptoms of swelling of the pharynx, larynx, bronchial walls, esophagus, stomach and other organs may appear on the mucous membranes. In such cases, in addition to typical urticaria, difficulty breathing (laryngo- and bronchospasm), vomiting, abdominal pain, and diarrhea occur. Possible general symptoms: increased body temperature, agitation, arthralgia, collapse.

A child has an allergic reaction: what to do?

The first thing to do in case of an allergic reaction in a child, if an allergen is identified, it is necessary to stop its entry into the body. Administer antihistamines intramuscularly or intravenously: (2.5% solution of pipolfen at the rate of 0.1-0.15 ml/year of life or 2% solution of suprastin - 0.1-0.15 ml/year of life) or orally (Claritin , Kestin, Zyrtec, Telfast). For widespread urticaria with fever, administer a 3% solution of prednisolone - 1-2 mg/kg intramuscularly or intravenously. Give activated carbon at a dose of 1 g/(kg-day). If there are signs of intoxication, prescribe infusion therapy (isotonic sodium chloride solution, hydroxyethyl starch derivatives).

Exclude from the diet foods with high allergenic activity (so-called obligate allergens).

These include:

  • Cow's milk,
  • fish,
  • Eggs,
  • Citrus,
  • Nuts,
  • Honey,
  • Mushrooms,
  • Chicken meat,
  • Strawberries,
  • Malina,
  • Strawberries,
  • Pineapples,
  • melon,
  • persimmon,
  • Grenades,
  • black currant,
  • Blackberries,
  • Chocolate,
  • Coffee,
  • Cocoa,
  • Mustard,
  • Tomatoes,
  • Carrot,
  • beets,
  • Celery,
  • Grape.

All of these products can cause both IgE-mediated allergic reactions, and directly spontaneous degranulation of mast cells. Hospitalization in the somatic department (SD) is indicated in the absence of effect from the therapy, and also provided that the patient is on prehospital stage Due to the severity of the condition, prednisolone was administered.

How does angioedema manifest in children: emergency care

Quincke's edema - an allergic reaction immediate type, manifested angioedema with its spread to the skin, subcutaneous tissue, mucous membranes.

The causes of Quincke's edema are the same as for urticaria.

Clinical picture or how angioedema manifests itself in children: typical sudden appearance limited increase in volume in areas with loose subcutaneous tissue, often in the lip area, ears, neck, hands, feet. The swelling can reach a significant size and deform the affected area. The immediate danger of this reaction is frequent development mechanical asphyxia due to swelling of the upper respiratory tract. When laryngeal edema occurs in a child, barking cough, hoarseness, difficulty in inhaling and possibly exhaling due to bronchospasm. In cases of swelling of the tongue, speech becomes difficult, chewing and swallowing processes are disrupted.

Emergency care for angioedema in children begins with immediately stopping the intake of the allergen. Administer antihistamines intramuscularly or intravenously: 2% suprastin solution - 0.1 ml/year of life or 2.5% solution of pipolfen - 0.1 ml/year of life, or clemastine intramuscularly 0.025 mg/(kg-day); 3% solution of prednisolone intramuscularly or intravenously at a dose of 1-2 mg/kg. For emergency relief of edema, diuretics (hydrochlorothiazide + triamterene, diacarb furosemide). With increasing swelling of the larynx positive effect provides inhalation therapy using (32-adrenergic mimetics (salbutamol), glucocorticosteroids for inhalation through a nebulizer (budesonide). If signs of respiratory failure (RF) appear) III degree(diffuse cyanosis, severe tachycardia, arrhythmic, shallow breathing, drop in blood pressure), the child is immediately transferred to the emergency room, measures are taken to restore airway patency (tracheal intubation, mechanical ventilation), in severe cases a tracheostomy is applied. If there are signs of intoxication, prescribe infusion therapy(isotonic sodium chloride solution, hydroxyethyl starch derivatives). Hospitalized in SO.

Skin rashes always cause anxiety and panic. To common skin diseases include urticaria and angioedema, which are rashes accompanied by itching and burning. If in the case of ordinary urticaria you are afraid harmful consequences is not necessary, then Quincke's edema can be fatal. In order to protect yourself and your health from damage, it is enough to be aware of the signs of the disease and how to treat it.

If you have Quincke's edema, you need to call an ambulance

What is the connection between urticaria and swelling?

Quincke's edema, which is called angioedema, like urticaria, is a disease that appears due to a particular allergen and manifests itself skin rash. The main difference between edema is that it can be either a hereditary or acquired disease, and represent a giant swelling of the skin or organs human body. Urticaria and angioedema are caused in any people exposed to allergens and irritants. Sometimes called edema giant urticaria due to its resemblance to a burn, but the presence of a vascular component in this case is more pronounced. The reaction begins to develop from the antigenic stage. Allergens provoke disruption of nerve trunks and blood vessels, after which they expand and increase in volume. The second stage of the process is the penetration of plasma into the cells, which contributes to the appearance of local edema.

Why does Quincke's edema occur?

Giant edema and urticaria not only have a similar expression on the body, but also similar causes. Let's try to look at the most common ones.

It is quite difficult to determine the cause on your own, and sometimes even doctors cannot do this. Mostly, in such cases, a diagnosis is made of idiopathic urticaria. An allergic reaction can be of two types: immediate and delayed.

Quincke's edema belongs to the immediate variety and becomes the most dangerous for humans. After the penetration of the allergen, the production of histamine begins, which thickens the blood and provokes the appearance of edema.

Contact with household chemicals sometimes causes urticaria and angioedema

What types of diseases are there?

In order to assess the severity of the shock received by the body, it is imperative to identify the type or form of the disease. By the nature of its appearance, giant edema can be allergic and pseudo-allergic.

The first type is characterized by the appearance of allergic edema after contact with a food allergen, insect, or animal.

The second type includes congenital pathologies, which are formed in the human body at birth. When an allergen penetrates an already weakened body, activation of proteins is observed. Further defense mechanisms trying to eliminate the stimulus humoral regulation. The complementary system is disrupted and proteins are spontaneously activated. Since such a process does not lead to anything good, the body acquires a massive allergic reaction, which is accompanied by edematous changes in the skin and mucous membranes. Provoke the appearance non-allergic edema could be any of the above factors. They are often very difficult to explain.

Urticaria also occurs different character. The most common include acute and chronic form diseases.

In the case of acute urticaria, a person observes the sudden appearance of a rash in the form of blisters round shape. The growths may be raised above skin, have a matte color and a pink border. It often happens that the blisters merge, forming large areas of damage. Such a change leads to a deterioration in a person’s condition, increased temperature, chills, general malaise, and disorders. The acute form affects the torso, buttocks and arms, less often – mucous membranes and nasopharynx.

Despite acute symptoms, the disease may disappear in a couple of hours or two days (which is the maximum for this type). provoke acute form can be a certain irritant: blood transfusion, vaccine, serum.

The chronic form occurs as a result of the transformation of acute urticaria. The provocation of the disease is influenced by various factors impacts that also have chronic nature. Dental problems gastrointestinal tract, liver are the best provocateurs of chronic urticaria. It manifests itself in paroxysms and does not have such profuse rashes as in the first case. The form can be located anywhere on the body and is accompanied by weakness, joint pain, and diarrhea. Patients complain of unbearable itching, insomnia, and nausea.

As you can see, acute urticaria, like Quincke's edema, are diseases for which treatment is mandatory. Their development leads to unpleasant consequences or transformations into more complex forms.

Quincke's edema on a person's face

What are the symptoms of giant angioedema?

In addition to the fact that the rashes begin to sharply and rapidly unite into one whole, the affected person begins to complain of:

  • difficulty breathing, swelling in the larynx: swelling of the larynx contributes to the appearance of hoarseness in the voice, a “barking” cough;
  • anxiety and nervous disorders;
  • acquiring a blue tint to the skin, pallor;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • swelling of the lips, cheeks, palate, tongue;
  • acute urinary retention due to problems with the genitourinary tract;
  • cramps, hot flashes;
  • acute pain in the stomach, diarrhea, disorders, nausea, bronchospasms.
  • yawning, numbness of the tongue, dizziness.

Extensive swelling of the skin often extends to the face, enlarging the eyelids, lips and tongue. The shade of the rash with swelling is similar to urticaria. The difficulty of treatment lies in the damage to difficult and dangerous areas human body. So, with swelling of the airways without timely treatment available death. Giant edema and urticaria can only be diagnosed in a hospital. Any independent actions may cause harm. In special medical institutions, the patient is examined, answers the doctor’s questions, and takes necessary tests urine, feces, blood and fulfills other doctor's requirements. Additional examination by other doctors who do not specialize in skin diseases will be required. This is done in order to exclude the possibility of pathologies and chronic diseases. Remember that when swelling occurs, it is strictly forbidden to self-medicate and ignore the symptoms.

Laryngeal edema - Quincke's symptom

What to do if Quincke's edema is detected?

Urticaria is not dangerous to human life. Quincke's edema is a disease that requires emergency care. Do not panic and be clear and thoughtful in all decisions. The timeliness of the treatment provided depends on the clarity of your mind and awareness of your actions. Before he visits you ambulance, follow simple recommendations.

  • If the sick person is your relative or friend, then seat him in comfortable position, having calmed down before that.
  • Any contact with the possible irritant should be stopped. If the swelling is caused by a bee sting, remove the sting immediately. If you can’t do this yourself, then wait for the specialist to arrive, keeping calm.
  • Take an antihistamine (Diazolin, Diphenhydramine are suitable). Antihistamine injections are the most effective. The products weaken the allergic reaction and relieve general condition stricken.
  • Prepare a special alkaline drink, which should contain a gram of soda per liter of water. Thanks to drinking plenty of fluids, the allergen will begin to be gradually eliminated from the body.
  • Use a sorbent (activated carbon or any other active drug given spectrum).
  • To reduce swelling and itching, you can apply any cold object or ice.
  • The affected person's body must have access to fresh air.

At the first symptoms of angioedema, you should take antihistamines such as Diazolin

Severe swelling should only be investigated by a doctor. Sometimes independent actions only cause complications. As soon as emergency assistance arrives at the patient, specialists will perform the following actions:

  • The first thing doctors will focus their energy on is to stop contact with the irritant by any means - a heating pad or additional injections may be needed.
  • Further, it is allowed to use hormone therapy, which will eliminate swelling and normalize respiratory function.
  • The next stage will be the impact of desensitizing therapy, which will reduce the sensitivity of the human body and protect against repeated exposure to allergens.

TO symptomatic therapy include the use of saline and colloidal solutions that lower blood pressure and normalize blood circulation.

Saline solutions with starch, polyglucin, vasopressor amino acids, atropine, agonists and other drugs can be used. And anti-shock drugs can also be used. Epinephrine and injections are considered the best among them.

Treatment of swelling and urticaria

After providing first aid, the treatment of Quincke's edema does not end. Angioedema requires two stages therapeutic measures, which is how it differs from urticaria, the treatment of which is simpler. Remember that immediately after the ambulance arrives medical care the patient must go to the hospital. Based on symptoms and general well-being, the patient will be sent to intensive care, to a therapist or to a surgeon. Any subsequent actions are determined by the type of disease and the data received by the doctor. But, the first thing that will be of major importance is the cessation of contact with the allergen and the end of its influence on the patient. The following can be used to treat urticaria:

  • antiallergic medications, antagonists that do not cause side effects and do not irritate the body: antagonists and new antihistamines have effective impact on the body and are the most effective among similar drugs;
  • a special diet that limits the consumption of certain foods;
  • special medicines: Colchicine, Sulfasalazine;
  • first-generation antihistamines, which relieve swelling but cause drowsiness;
  • second-generation drugs that block receptors, stabilizing cells so that histamine enters the bloodstream. The use of Ketotifen is effective for spasms, in the fight against angioedema, accompanied by bronchial asthma;
  • taking third generation antihistamines (Loratadine, Telfast, Allergodil), which also stabilize mast cells;
  • taking Prednisolone, a systemic glucorticoid, which is used as an emergency aid to eliminate angioedema: the drug has anti-edematous, anti-inflammatory, antihistamine effect, but despite everything useful features medication, it can only be prescribed by a doctor due to large quantity side effects.

Prednisolone - first aid for angioedema

Treatment for any form of urticaria is more simplified, but is also determined by the severity of the symptoms. As with edema, for successful treatment you need to eliminate contact with the allergen and fully listen to the doctor’s recommendations. Tips could be as follows:

  • maintaining a diet, a special regime;
  • visiting other doctors, undergoing examinations aimed at identifying helminths;
  • reception antihistamines, sedatives, calcium-containing medications;
  • use of baths, ointments, creams;
  • For the treatment of acute urticaria, laxatives, diuretics, cleaning products, enemas, prescribed vitamins, iron;
  • the severe stage requires the use of glucocorticoid and histaglobin drugs.

No treatment will be considered successful if the allergen and the irritant that causes the rash are not eliminated from life. Even if a certain food product is your favorite delicacy, it is not worth ruining your health.

Preventive measures and diet

The use of diet therapy is appropriate in the treatment of almost every disease. To compile proper diet at allergic problems take into account various factors and the state of the body. Developing a diet for edema consists of taking into account simple elements.

  1. Any products that cause direct or cross allergic reactions are excluded. Amine-containing products and foods that have a high sensitizing property are excluded from the diet. Recommended use natural food, does not contain dyes or additives.
  2. When preparing a diet, any excluded product is replaced with another, similar in properties and usefulness, in order to cause minimal inconvenience to the patient.
  3. Any new products must be useful and functional.

This approach is appropriate when the product allergic, understandable and identified. In cases with pseudoallergic reactions, a different treatment principle is required. In the pseudoallergic form, a small inclusion of the allergen in the patient’s diet is allowed. The doctor will be able to determine its amount individually. The most common products that provoke pseudo-reactions are:

  • fish and seafood;
  • food from chicken, eggs, milk;
  • chocolate-containing products;
  • exotic and colorful food;
  • products with nitrogen-containing compounds (mainly legumes, teas, coffee drinks);
  • food with the addition of synthetic food additives and spices.

Bread with nuts may cause cross-allergy

Cross allergies are triggered by the following substances and foods:

  • nuts, bread, cereals (applies to the flowering period of plants);
  • apples when combined with fruits such as pears, cherries, quince;
  • kefir in combination with antibiotics or blue cheese;
  • chicken eggs when consumed with interferon and lysozyme;
  • cow's milk when consumed with veal, beef, goat milk;
  • when mixing fish and seafood products.

As you can see, successful treatment is completely built on proper nutrition and lifestyle. Thus, the main enemies of allergies, swelling, and urticaria are many foods that are familiar to us. Consumption of chocolate, nuts, and citrus fruits often provoke allergic reactions and become a fundamental factor in the occurrence of allergies. In addition to maintaining a diet and eliminating allergens, you need to take preventive measures, which are as follows:

  • Personal hygiene and constant keeping the body clean are extremely important (with the exception of allergies to water);
  • limit contact with artificial fabrics, untested household chemicals, unknown cosmetics;
  • spend more time cleaning the house with a damp cloth: dust, better than other substances, is famous for its ability to cause allergies;
  • wear loose clothing, avoiding friction and pressure on the skin;
  • avoid excessively cold and hot rooms;
  • limit your intake sunbathing and visiting the solarium.

To summarize, it should be recalled that Quincke's edema is called quite dangerous disease, famous for its threat to life, so when starting treatment, be as responsible and attentive as possible.

Although urticaria is not dangerous disease, its occurrence is also best avoided. The inconvenience caused discomfort will prove to you how important it is to take care of your body. In order to avoid all discomfort, beware of contact with unknown means. As they say, God protects those who are careful, and you must take care that no illness can stick to you.



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