I want to switch to healthy eating. What to eat instead of sweets and salty snacks

I am glad to welcome you again, dear readers of our blog!

I believe that we already have enough knowledge to raise today a fundamental question that is an integral part of a healthy lifestyle: How to switch to proper nutrition?

Stick to healthy diet- a labor-intensive process that requires moral and volitional efforts. However, before regularly fighting this insidious temptation, you must first pass an equally difficult test - the transition to proper nutrition.

How to resist the variety of choices on the shelves grocery stores? How to avoid a “food crisis”? If you consciously decide to eat only healthy food, then revolutionary changes in your refrigerator are inevitable. The first step is the hardest, so we will take it together. ?

Motivation: we determine the goals that need to be achieved

I propose that together we identify several reasons that will help us mentally prepare for the scale of the upcoming tests. Remove from daily diet and change familiar image life is easy if you set a cherished goal.

You can answer without any doubt actual question: Why do you need to eat healthy? I propose to familiarize yourself with the main examples that can be effective catalysts for “willful victories” over your own desires:

  • improve general state body;
  • change your appearance, get rid of extra pounds;
  • get a job (models, actors);
  • comply with fashion trends of the 21st century (the ability to wear any things you like);
  • attract the attention of a member of the opposite sex (sometimes falling in love makes us achieve unimaginable results).

Note: “Everyone may have their own prerequisites and reasons - the main thing is to have an irresistible desire to achieve the goal. Only in this way will we be able to cope with the assigned tasks and not fall apart in the very first days, being tempted by an appetizing dish.”

Look at other people's achievements

Try to limit yourself in time - artificially erected “frames” will always remind you of the taste of approaching victory. Be sure to stay positive, imagine a bright future, and don’t worry about the present. Positive emotions will help you cope with inevitable difficulties. ?

The result will be the body's perception healthy products at the reflex level - a comfortable habit, natural process. After a while, you will no longer notice that you are eating right. Do you see how much depends on moral preparation? Take this stage especially responsibly, dear friends.

Getting rid of bad habits

We have decided on the goal, so now we are making a plan bad habits, which will definitely need to be gradually gotten rid of.

Often we do not notice mechanical actions in our behavior that provoke the appearance of extra centimeters at the waist. These are the main “enemies” of proper nutrition that we have to “fight” with. To “win” we must stop:

  • Take it with every meal.
  • Eat before bed.
  • Be tempted by the dish after the training process.
  • Snack on the go.
  • Skip breakfast and eat at lunch.

Initially, you will have to track your every action, stopping at the right moment. Getting rid of these “illnesses” permanently is only a small part of the process. I now propose to carry out a global “food revolution” in our refrigerators. ?

Revolution in the refrigerator: replacing unhealthy foods with healthy foods

What foods are absolutely not intended for weight loss? What will have to be excluded from our diet? I present to your attention a list junk food, the taste of which you will have to forget:

  • chips, crackers and other representatives of the “cholesterol” group;
  • fried potatoes;
  • fast-food (hot dogs, sausage rolls, burgers, pizza);
  • frozen foods prepared in advance (dumplings, dumplings, meat and fish products);
  • harmful sauces, especially mayonnaise;
  • yeast products, confectionery;
  • ice cream;
  • alcohol, carbonated drinks with a colored structure.

You can familiarize yourself with them in more detail here.

Don't be upset guys. There will be a lot of healthy food left in your refrigerator, which will be no less tasty. Don't believe me? I suggest healthy counterparts new menu:

  • sugar - honey;
  • glazed cheese curds - cottage cheese;
  • sliced ​​loaf – Rye bread with bran;
  • mayonnaise - sour cream;
  • flour products – marshmallows and marmalade;
  • milk chocolate – dark or bitter.

Don’t forget, friends, that we live in the 21st century - skilled chefs are able to prepare a low-calorie dessert or surprise confectionery product from durum grain crops.

Why not take advantage of such opportunities? We don't give up choice, we just become more selective. It's not that difficult.

All of the tips below must be followed to achieve the desired result. It's pretty easy. The main thing is to accustom yourself from the very beginning to a regime and schedule, perceiving prohibitions as one of the steps towards a healthy lifestyle.

  • We switch to small portions (eat 5 times a day).
  • Every morning starts with a glass of table or bottled water (improves metabolism).
  • Drink a glass of liquid (200 ml) 15–20 minutes before meals.
  • Don't tempt yourself with regular trips to catering establishments.
  • Stew, boil, bake - no fried foods.
  • We consume healthy sweets no later than 17:00.
  • Hearty breakfast And light dinner– the key to stable functioning of the digestive tract.
  • We don't look at " Low-fat foods"-there is an excess in such food chemical substances and sugar.
  • We create daily diet based on protein foods.
  • The fiber contained in grain crops will help maintain the required waist size.
  • Keep a notebook or web resource where you can track your results.

Aren't these rules worth following? healthy body and a toned figure? Naturally, only you guys can decide, but if we met on the pages of our blog, then it means there was a reason. Do you agree? ?

To defuse the situation a little, especially for our subscribers, I have prepared another section in the article - “A little holiday” for a person who is losing weight.

“Little holiday” for a losing weight person

The long-awaited time in which we can pamper ourselves - cheatmeal or cheat meal, as residents of the post-Soviet space call it.

That's right, dear friends, even in proper nutrition there is one day a week on which you can indulge in your most outspoken culinary desires. Tempting, isn't it? ? I present to your attention a few basic cheat meal rules:

  • Do not replace healthy food with “harmful representatives” fatty foods– eat together, enjoying a unique opportunity to pamper yourself.
  • Consume your cheat meal no later than 17:00. No, this is not another ban, guys - just give your body time to process the proteins and carbohydrates you receive before going to bed.
  • Just one day. Dear subscribers, remember - no need to abuse it.
  • Even during a cheat meal, alcohol remains prohibited.
  • Get the maximum charge positive emotions on this day - no remorse, just enjoy the “forbidden fruit”.

Recommendation from professionals: “Bodybuilders who regularly monitor their figure offer another way to cheat meal: save 150 - 200 every day acceptable by the norm kilocalories, so at the end of the week you will have about 900 - 1000 kilocalories that can be used as you wish.”

Cheat meal rules

Don't forget that the fundamental aspect is motivation. Only the implementation of all points and subsections will allow you to achieve your cherished goal. However, you should add rules gradually; you should not shock your body. We are trying to improve health, not the other way around.

I am convinced that this article will definitely give many of us the additional confidence that is so necessary on the path to a healthy lifestyle. Together we will definitely achieve results, which we will share on the web pages of our blog.

New, informative articles await you very soon, but now I would like to wish everyone good spirits and good mood. ? See you soon, dear friends!

Photo by Yulia Plekhanova

Doctors, nutritionists and fitness trainers from Buryatia spoke about the right path to a healthy and slender body

The two-letter term “PP” is now becoming increasingly popular. They mean nothing more than proper nutrition. All more people understand that sports are now in fashion, healthy food and a slender, toned body. Only everything must always be done competently and under the sensitive attention of specialists

On this topic and in general the right way to healthy beautiful body And feeling great experts discussed at the round table at the Inform Policy Publishing House.

Our experts

Irina Vyazinskaya– fitness trainer with 12 years of experience, certified nutritionist, project manager “Fitness Intensive”, “Fitness Marathon”, which combine sports, balanced diet, healthy image life

Natalya Mantakhaeva– psychotherapist, has been working in the weight loss industry for more than 10 years. Engaged in complex treatment patients of Dr. Gavrilov’s Center for Weight Loss and Obesity Treatment in Irkutsk and Ulan-Ude

Natalya Zhigzhitova– group administrator Health&Fitness"In contact with". I personally tried it different types weight loss diets, eventually achieved results through sports and proper nutrition. Then she developed it together with professional fitness trainer Oksana Brodnikova effective programs for weight loss and now helps others who want to gain a slim figure

Rinchin Dashitsyrenov– artist, candidate master of sports in athletics, leads a healthy lifestyle, exercises regularly

Principle one - do no harm

First of all, the speakers noted that for every person healthy eating and physical activity is selected individually. Before you start eating a specific diet, you must consult a doctor.

You may not know that you have metabolic abnormalities. And perhaps the healthy diet recommended for everyone will not be right for you, explains Natalya Mantakhaeva.

At a minimum we need results general analysis blood, consultation with a gastroenterologist, endocrinologist. This is especially true for older people.

We also conduct a number of other analyses, functional questionnaires. Some people need to exclude foods containing gluten and casein (rolled oats, dairy products, etc.), because they keep inflammation in the intestines, says the doctor.

Only after the examination can a certain diet be prescribed, otherwise problems may arise. serious problems.

Before we start classes with girls, we conduct a large survey. If any health problems are identified, we refer you to a doctor for a consultation, we understand what a responsibility this is,” says Natalya Zhigzhitova.

It happens that outwardly quite normal people are obese. For women and girls, the maximum waist volume is 88 cm, for men – 106 cm. If the volume is larger, this is a sign of obesity in the internal organs.

Proper nutrition is not a diet

So, you are determined to change your lifestyle, lose weight and get healthy. slender body. With an eye to consulting doctors, you first need to switch to proper nutrition, which you will maintain constantly.

Many people think that “PP” is a diet. Many nursing mothers who come to our classes ask whether it is possible to switch to “PP”. Not only is it possible, but it is necessary! Diets, as a rule, are limited to low-calorie, unbalanced diet. Proper nutrition is rational, says Irina Vyazinskaya.

Of course, there are foods whose consumption should definitely be minimized: fast food, packaged juices, carbonated water.

If a woman is over 40 years old, then soda definitely needs to be excluded, because phosphates will leach calcium from the bones, which contributes to osteoporosis, which women are already predisposed to, adds Natalya Mantakhaeva.

A complex approach

Significant qualitative changes in appearance are possible when you work on yourself, as they say, on all fronts.

Some visit Gym five times a week, but cannot lose weight; others follow the rules of nutrition, but cannot achieve the desired result. The recipe is simple - necessary A complex approach, says Irina Vyazinskaya.

If it is not possible to attend training, this is still not a reason to shirk physical activity.

After pregnancy I gained a lot of weight. Like many girls on maternity leave, I did not have the opportunity to go to the gym. I started working out at home: I bought dumbbells, a fitball, and a horizontal bar. Now in our group "VKontakte" we conduct projects online for those who want to study at home. Instructor Oksana Brodnikova and I give fitness programs, help control nutrition and provide psychological support. There are examples: with our help, a girl lost 24 kg, although she was already desperate to lose weight,” says Health&Fitness group administrator Natalya Zhigzhitova.

At Dr. Gavrilov’s medical center for weight loss and treatment of obesity, the problem of treating the disease is approached comprehensively. There are also many positive examples.

A 32-year-old patient lost 20 kg with us. Before this, she had never turned anywhere. We examined her, treated her for depression and dehydration. Energy and strength appeared and the right process began,” Natalya Mantakhaeva shares her experience. – If a person is passive, lays around, has no strength for anything, this is not without reason. No health - no activity.

And Irina Vyazinskaya’s “fitness marathons” are so popular that group classes You can’t get to Geologicheskaya anymore. Therefore, in November, the trainer opened recruitment at new addresses: st. Dobrolyubova and Klyuchevskaya.

Joint activities, keeping food diaries and interesting communication become for the townspeople significant part life.

After the end of the program, the girls don’t even want to leave,” Irina smiles.

Take care of yourself as early as possible

To see results, you need to train at least three times a week and for at least 3 to 4 months, experts unanimously stated. The famous Buryat artist Rinchin Dashitsyrenov visits the hall every other day. In terms of nutrition, the 24-year-old artist does not yet adhere to strict rules.

I have been involved in sports since childhood, and now I regularly practice under the guidance of a coach. I lead a healthy lifestyle, many are surprised when they find out that I don’t drink or smoke at all,” said the artist.

The first time you exercise, be sure to work with a personal trainer. For older people, Natalya Mantakhaeva recommends physical therapy.

Now the sacramental question is how to pull yourself together and not give up a good deed that was resolutely started on Monday, and not postpone it to next Monday, on new month, New Year and so on ad infinitum?

You don't have to wait for Monday or any other day when you start eating right. While waiting for this date, you will want to “have time to eat.” Start with some ordinary Tuesday or Wednesday, it’s much easier for me psychologically,” recommends Natalya Zhigzhitova.

Irina Vyazinskaya advises doing the type of training that you really like: dancing, aquafitness, aerobics - it doesn’t matter. If you love your workouts, then the desire and results will come.

Natalya Mantakhaeva, in response to this question, simply gave one good reason.

Due to the constant desire to lose weight without exercising, as well as due to stress, the adrenal system is depleted, resulting in early menopause, and then serious health problems appear. Are collapsing metabolic processes, problems with joints, bones. So you can’t do without a healthy diet and exercise, the doctor is sure.

Sooner or later, each of us thinks about whether he is eating right? There are many reasons that lead us to this question. Some people try to switch to a healthy diet to lose weight, while others try to improve their health. Agree that our mood, well-being, health and, in some way, attitude towards life depend on how we eat.

We know that we will have to give up bad habits and not completely healthy food that you need to eat more vegetables and fruits, exclude fatty, sweet, pickled, smoked foods from your diet. But we don’t know how to do it correctly so that the body perceives these changes less painfully. Let's try to figure it out.

Where to start

Before moving on to the rules of proper nutrition, I would like to tell you one thing. To develop a sustainable habit to an ordinary person it only takes 21 days. You need to be determined that during this period you will stick to the scheme correct use food. Prepare yourself in advance for positive result. Psychological factor plays important role in this process.

Well, let's get started. First of all, you should create a plan for proper food consumption and constantly stick to it. Make every effort, use your willpower, so as not to deviate from the scheme. It is very important!

The classic diet includes eating five meals a day. You continue to eat five meals a day, but only in small portions. You will have to eat food every three hours and no more than 200 g at a time.

For breakfast, you should eat complex carbohydrates, from which the body will receive the necessary energy throughout the day. Cereals will provide this for you: buckwheat, brown rice, oatmeal. And also legumes: beans, lentils, peas, beans. After three hours, organize yourself a small second breakfast. Fruits, nuts, dried fruits, cottage cheese, and whole grain cookies are good for such a breakfast. Lunch should consist of low-fat protein foods. Suitable for this low-fat varieties fish and meat, as well as liver and eggs. When combined with stewed vegetables, lunch will be much tastier and healthier. The afternoon snack should consist of fruits, berries, nuts, and yogurt. For dinner, it is best to limit yourself to a serving of low-fat cottage cheese or kefir. Try to eat according to this plan, and the result will not take long to arrive.

A few rules for healthy eating

Very important point Proper nutrition includes drinking water. Watch this very carefully. Drink a glass of water 20 minutes before. before every meal. It is not recommended to drink liquid immediately after eating. It is recommended to drink up to two liters of water per day. And in the heat, of course, even more. You can drink it instead of water green tea sugarless.

Try to eliminate sweets from your diet. But don't take it too harshly. Once a day you can allow yourself your favorite treat, but only in the first half of the day, before lunch, and only a little. Agree that treats are also different. Try to eat healthy ones, for example, whole grain cookies, candies with dried fruits, marshmallows, and natural chocolate. A cake with a hefty piece of cream would be inappropriate in this case. If you decide to completely give up sweets, and your body, out of habit, will demand them, then help will come honey. In this case, sugar should be replaced with honey.

Try, if possible, to replace the consumption of potatoes with other vegetables: zucchini, beets, cauliflower, spinach. There is no need to fry the food; steam it, boil it, or eat the vegetable raw. Include seafood in your diet. They are very healthy and low in calories.

Eliminate baked goods, baked goods and White bread. Buy yourself diet bread, bran or rye bread. Eating products made from high-grade flour is harmful to the body, and this has already been proven by scientists.

Let these rules enter your life and become a good habit, then you will rejoice in being healthy and full vital energy and strength.

There is a false opinion that proper nutrition is difficult and expensive, but this is not at all true, because in order to eat properly, you just need to watch what you eat and how you eat. It is not necessary to buy expensive, overseas delicacies in stores; it is quite possible to improve nutrition with the help of ordinary products that are accessible to everyone! Here are some tips on where to start on your path to slimness!

1. Keep a food diary

Write down absolutely everything you eat in it. This will help not only not to grab extra and unnecessary pieces, but also to understand how you are building your diet now. Depending on your goals, make adjustments and gradually change your diet. It is important not to be lazy and keep a diary regularly. This is the only way to truly understand what you are missing in your diet and what you should give up. Such conclusions can be drawn in a couple of weeks.

2. Start small

Don’t try to implement all the rules of healthy eating into your life in one day. Eating habits need to be rebuilt gradually, this is the only way to achieve a guaranteed result and not “slip off”. In addition, every day additional motivation will appear, as your well-being and appearance will only improve.

So, if you do not eat 500 grams of vegetables and fruits a day, then do not try to immediately include this half a kilogram in your diet. Start with one fruit and gradually add other fruits, distributing them between meals.

3. Read the information on the packaging

Manufacturers put it there for a reason. Give preference to those products that contain the least amount of dyes, preservatives, flavors and other substances that irritate the taste buds and do not benefit the body. Look in the material nutritional supplements, which should be completely excluded from the diet if possible.

4. Control your portion sizes

Another effective technique A way to eat right and not overeat is to control the amount of food you consume. For an adult, the serving should be the size of your palm. Buy cute little plates that hold just the amount of food you need, and only eat from them.

5. Count calories

Don't forget to count the number of calories you consume. This is important because the body must receive exactly as much energy as it needs to expend during the day. Overeating is the cause feeling unwell, excess weight and other health problems. Find it on the Internet full table products and highlight for yourself those that can most often be found in your diet. It's not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Try it!

6. Don't be scared of fats

For some reason, there is a widespread belief that proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle are incompatible with fats. Meanwhile food healthy person, which is bursting with energy, must be balanced. It should contain fats, carbohydrates, and protein. The secret is that it is important to choose the right fats.

These are, for example, polyunsaturated fatty acid omega-3, which large quantities found in fish. They strengthen the immune system, help control blood cholesterol levels, improve performance of cardio-vascular system. You don't want to give up these useful substances? Read more myths and facts about fats in the material.

7. Ignore low-fat foods

Often in low-calorie versions familiar products, for example, in milk, kefir or cottage cheese, there is no benefit. Remember, in order to reduce the fat content in a product, you need to add something else, which will undoubtedly affect the composition of the product and make it less healthy. So it’s better to just choose the optimal percentage of fat content for yourself and not lean on foods that cause you concern. However, this does not mean eliminating them completely. In everything you need to know when to stop.

8. Load up on fruit

If there are not enough fruits in your diet, then hurry to fix it. It is a valuable source of vitamins, minerals, organic acids and other beneficial substances that help a person stay healthy. One small green apple contains daily requirement human in vitamins.

In addition, sweet fruits such as bananas and grapes can be an excellent alternative to confectionery and flour products. They have a lot of sugar, but they are also healthy. A real find for those with a sweet tooth!

9. Eat whole grains

Give preference complex carbohydrates, not simple. These are, for example, cereals and whole grain products. They improve performance digestive system, contain in their composition a large number of B vitamins and are very useful - metabolism accelerates and all metabolic processes in the body proceed even faster.

10. Include vegetables in your diet

They are even more important than fruits. Vegetables contain much more fiber, which is essential for normal life body. Special attention you should pay attention to green vegetables - spinach, cucumber, broccoli, green beans. They contain the maximum of nutrients and vitamins. Consume vegetables as fresh, and baked, make salads and prepare smoothies from them. Space for culinary imagination!

11. Limit your salt intake

Today this rule of healthy eating is in fashion. They try to replace salt with other alternatives. The most useful and successful of them are spices and herbs, olive oil and balsamic vinegar. They give dishes a piquant and interesting taste, so the replacement is completely justified. Why is salt so bad? Excessive amounts of this product can retain water in the body and cause a number of serious illnesses. Among them are diseases of the cardiovascular system and kidneys.

12. Remove excess sugar

Reduce the amount of excess sugar entering your body. So, for example, instead of packaged juices from supermarkets, give preference fresh fruit and berries. Store-bought versions contain too much sugar, which your body absolutely does not need. Replace granulated sugar with healthy alternatives. For example, homemade unsweetened jam, honey.

Almost every person sooner or later begins to think about their health. The reasons may be different: deterioration in health, the appearance of diseases, the desire to remain young and beautiful for many years, etc. The path to a new one healthy life, as a rule, begins with physical activity and a transition to proper nutrition. It goes differently for everyone. For some, change comes easily, for others it comes with great difficulty. To reduce the likelihood of breakdowns and “rollbacks”, it is recommended to do everything gradually. Many people take this issue too seriously, expect instant results and, as a result, quickly give up. We suggest you take advantage of tips on how to start eating right to avoid problems.

1. You don't have to completely change your eating habits all at once. Start with one thing. When you “adapt”, then move on. The brain will get used to the new food, begin to forget about the old one and will not resist.

2. You should not set yourself several tasks and goals at once. If you decide to switch to proper nutrition, then at the same time you don’t need to start doing major home renovations, moving, quitting your job, starting your own business, etc.

For all the changes in life, a person requires great strength, both physical and emotional. Don't overload yourself with tasks. Yes, getting out of your comfort zone is good, but when your body is constantly under stress from changing your eating habits, you won't be able to concentrate well on your other endeavors. The result is failure in business, Bad mood, breakdowns and return back.

3. Don't give up harmful things forever. Tell yourself that you have stopped eating candy, cookies, fast food, etc. for a while. If you want something sweet, then eat a chocolate bar. But the next day, include it in your diet more fruit, vegetables and herbs to compensate. This will make it easier for you to adjust.

Of course, you should not abuse this.

4. Don't get ready to cook healthy food. If you have no desire or time to cook, then make a simple sandwich, but instead of sausage and cheese, put greens, avocado, tomato, etc. in it.

5. Don't think about food. During the transition to proper nutrition, this will be quite difficult to do, but try to direct your thoughts and energy to work, hobbies, and family. Every time you catch yourself having such thoughts, drive them away from you.

Now let's get down to a clear and simple plan for switching to a healthy diet. Below are 11 tips on products that will help you make this journey easier and more comfortable.


Fruits are an ideal solution for those who cannot live without quick snacks, so always carry them with you. If you want to grab something, then take out, for example, an apple or a banana from your bag. They will satisfy your desire to eat.


Don’t think that you can’t cook with vegetables delicious dishes. This is a very erroneous opinion. In fact, there are a large number of simple, but very delicious recipes, which include simple products. Start accustoming yourself to an assortment - eat fresh or steamed vegetables. On extreme case, boiled.


If you're missing taste sensations, then prepare yourself herbal teas with honey or fruit water.

Whole wheat bread

Bread is one of those products that a person “cannot live” without, and therefore it is difficult to give it up right away. In this case, it is recommended to choose one that was made from whole grains, sprouts and bran.

Whole grains

For example, sprouted wheat, green buckwheat and oats will help you replace your usual breakfasts of sweet cereals or cereals.


This type plant products will help cope with addiction to sweets. If possible, carry them, like fruit, always with you. Very tasty and healthy.


High-quality and organic tofu is a real godsend for beginner vegetarians. This “bean curd” can be added to many dishes.


You should avoid meat completely. It is one of the reasons for the loss of your energy, health and youth. If it’s difficult for you to immediately remove it from your diet, then replace red meat with fish and poultry for now.


This is not the most healthy food for good health. To give it up, start making it yourself. At least you will be confident in its composition. For the bravest, we offer a recipe. :)


They are highly addictive. If you eat them often, it will most likely be difficult to give them up. But there is great alternative- nuts without salt and chips from fruits and vegetables. For example, from bananas, kale and tomatoes.

Experiment and take action

The horror and fear of a boring diet will begin to pass if you start constantly trying something new for yourself. Believe me, among healthy dishes a large number of very tasty ones. If you search and experiment, you will definitely find yours! ;)

So, the secret to a successful transition to a healthy diet is to gradually replace junk food useful, and also, of course, in the determination to act.

Good luck in your endeavors! ;)



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