Pain in the central part of the abdomen. Basic diagnostic measures

Pain in the upper abdomen in the middle is a very dangerous symptom, which is a harbinger of the development of various pathologies and dangerous diseases.

Negative manifestations can form suddenly or increase gradually. Some pass beyond short period time, others annoy the patient for long period. With increasing intensity and intensification of symptoms, you should contact professional specialist. The patient must undergo a diagnosis of the body and find out why certain symptoms appeared. After passing the diagnostic methods, appropriate treatment should be prescribed.

Upper abdomen hurts various reasons. They are an indicator of all kinds of conditions. Diseases may manifest differently in each patient. Some patients experience more pain, while others experience less pain.

Since pain itself is considered a subjective feeling, relying on just one symptom is not recommended. Make a correct diagnosis based only on symptoms pain- impossible. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the body. It is also worth considering that diseases have a specific nature of pain.

Pain in the center (middle) of the upper abdomen is divided into types of pain. They have corresponding symptoms. Patients with certain actions or changes in body position experience stomach pain in the upper middle. Not every person knows what to do and what actions to take.

  1. First of all, it is necessary to determine the location of the pain. To do this, you need to lie on your back and palpate the abdominal cavity. Using palpation, the most vulnerable painful spot is located.
  2. It is necessary to understand what preceded the onset of pain. It is necessary to establish why they began to develop Negative consequences. Excessive physical activity may be the cause. nervous breakdowns, improperly selected diet, intake of alcoholic beverages.
  3. Next, the type of discomfort is determined. Depending on the symptoms that appear, pain is divided into several categories. Let's look at the most common ones.

It's a dull pain

The aching pain is not expressed by bright intensity. Therefore, most patients call such manifestations the most harmless. They can occur periodically or appear constantly.

It is worth considering that this type of pain indicates initial development diseases and negative changes in the body.

  • Aching pain from above can be caused by poor circulation.
  • It also appears due to mechanical damage internal organs. They can be obtained as a result of a fall from a height, strong blow into the abdominal cavity.
  • Aching pain occurs due to stretching of muscles and tendons of internal organs. The manifestation of unpleasant sensations is influenced by strong inflammatory processes.
  • The cause may be dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract. Such diseases include gastritis, duodenal ulcers, and infectious processes.
  • The pain occurs due to inflammation of the pancreas.
  • Development may be affected by diseases of the pelvic organs.
  • Nerve endings in the spine may become pinched, causing pain in the upper abdomen.
  • The cause may be pathologies of the central nervous system.
  • Heart pain radiating upward to the abdominal cavity.
  • Unpleasant sensations in the solar plexus, radiating into the abdominal cavity.
  • Aching pain occurs due to infection abdominal cavity;

Acute pain

This type of discomfort is usually called “acute abdomen.” Acute sharp pain requires immediate medical attention. Such patients require surgical treatment.

Acute pain includes a complex of clinical signs that must be confirmed by instrumental or laboratory data. Acute pain can be life-threatening. They appear due to dangerous diseases, injuries or damage to the abdominal or pelvic organs.

Let's look at the most common causes of discomfort:

Sharp, sudden pain can occur when moving or changing body position. It penetrates the ligaments and muscles of the organs. That’s why the common people call it “dagger”. The intensity of this manifestation varies, since each patient perceives the pain threshold in his own way.

Such a negative manifestation may indicate the development of severe pathologies and diseases, life-threatening person.

Such diseases include:

  1. Damage to the spleen;
  2. Epigastric hernia of the white line of the abdomen;
  3. Osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine;
  4. Signs of appendicitis;
  5. Intestinal obstruction;
  6. Chronic stage of enteritis;
  7. Chronic stage of colitis;
  8. Acute diverticulitis;
  9. Intestinal infections;
  10. Intoxication;
  11. Renal colic;

Blunt pain

On initial stage This type of discomfort is hardly noticeable. But as pathologies and diseases develop, the intensity of pain begins to increase. It is continuous. It goes away only after using painkillers. Can be aggravated by sudden movements, heavy lifting, excessive consumption liquids. Also, dull pain can be the result of sharp, sharp or cutting pain

In this case, the subsiding unpleasant manifestations can last for 12-18 hours.

Diseases accompanied by dull pain include:

  1. Chronic cholecystitis;
  2. Urolithiasis;
  3. Pyelonephritis;
  4. Chronic stage of peptic ulcer;
  5. Stomach cancer;
  6. Pyloric stenosis;
  7. Gastritis, which is accompanied by a reduction in pancreatic secretion;
  8. Increased pressure in the portal vein, which can lead to deposition blood flow in the spleen. In this case, stagnant enlargement of the organ may occur. The condition is characteristic of liver cirrhosis:
  • Latent stage;
  • Subcompensation stage;
  • Decompensation stage;

Girdle pain

This manifestation is a painful condition that has varying degrees of intensity. The pain may be short-term or last for a long period. The pain can be paroxysmal, surrounding the entire upper abdomen. Unpleasant sensations appear after taking fatty, overcooked or spicy food. Can occur after drinking alcohol.

In this case, patients feel an unpleasant taste and dry mouth, weakness, increased blood pressure. Repeated vomiting is observed, after which the pain subsides. They separate girdling skin pain, as well as pain emanating from the internal organs. In this case, nerve endings are damaged or diseases dangerous to human health develop.

Pain may radiate to the lower back, spine, lower area belly.

Unpleasant sensations may result from the following: negative manifestations:

  • Gallbladder dysfunction, manifested as cholecystitis;
  • Impaired functioning of the pancreas in the form of acute pancreatitis;
  • Ulcerative lesions of the duodenum;
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • Development of herpes zoster;

Stitching and cutting pain

Such a negative manifestation is considered a signal of development pathological processes in the human body. They have different localization. It can prick both in the upper abdomen and below. The left and right side may hurt. They radiate to the back sacral region, spine, chest area and hypochondrium. The pain intensifies with movement, improperly selected physical activity, shaking in transport, and stress. But most important reason The occurrence of painful sensations is caused by incorrectly selected food. Cutting syndrome occurs due to the consumption of overcooked, spicy, oversalted, burnt food, carbonated drinks, and fast food.

Pain may occur periodically. Therefore, if there is pain in the upper abdomen, then it is necessary to find out the reasons by undergoing a complete diagnosis of the body.

All pathological changes are accompanied by diarrhea and nausea. A person's body temperature rises. Attacks of sudden and stabbing pain can cause worms, problems with the genital area, and various inflammations of the gastrointestinal tract. Stitching syndrome appears due to the formation of the following diseases:

  • Pancreatitis in the acute phase;
  • Attack of appendicitis;
  • Inflammation of the pancreas;
  • Acute or chronic forms of gastritis;
  • Perforation of gastric and duodenal ulcers;
  • Development of intestinal infections;

Nagging pain

Such discomfort bother patients for a long period. They do not have a pronounced intensity. But they cause great discomfort. Pain indicates the presence of early-stage pathologies. Can occur due to stretching of the liver capsule or spleen. May be a consequence of sprained ligaments that secure organs in the pelvis. Unpleasant manifestations can radiate to the left or right side, bottom part stomach, back. The stomach, right or left side may hurt. In this case, the patient feels heaviness and increased negative manifestations during physical activity and heavy lifting.

The upper abdomen may be pulled due to the development of pathologies and an increase in the size of organs.

The main causes of nagging pain:

  1. Enlargement of the uterus during pregnancy;
  2. Development of an ovarian cyst;
  3. Inflammation of the appendix;
  4. Inflammatory processes in the intestines, including:
  • Crohn's disease;
  • Diverticulitis;
  • Duodenitis;
  • Enteritis;
  • Colitis;
  1. Inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs;
  2. Prolonged tonic tension of organs;
  3. Chronic prostatitis;
  4. Formation of malignant tumors;
  5. Chronic stage of sigmoiditis;

Features in men

Pain in men occurs when the prostate becomes inflamed. They can provoke development acute stage prostatitis, urethritis, ascending infections, sexual disorders, physical inactivity. The reasons may be:

  • Interrupted sexual intercourse;
  • Rare or violent sex life;
  • Sedentary “office” lifestyle;
  • Presence of chronic constipation;
  • Drinking alcoholic beverages;

Pain may occur behind or above the pubis.

They radiate into groin area, sacrum, perineum, lower back and rectum. They can be combined with painful frequent urination. At the same time, a person’s body temperature may rise, weakness may develop, and performance may decrease.

Features in women

If it hurts in the upper abdomen, then this may be a consequence of internal inflammatory processes. reproductive organs- uterus, tubes, ovaries. Unpleasant manifestations are felt in the upper or lower abdomen in iliac regions. May be accompanied by intoxication syndrome in the form of:

  • Chills;
  • Weaknesses;
  • Loss of appetite;
  • Dizziness;
  • Fever;

The localization of pain occurs above the womb, upper and lower abdomen.

Purulent discharge with blood clots that have an unpleasant odor is formed. Unpleasant sensations can radiate to the perineum, sacrum and lower back. Pathologies include:

  • Intra-abdominal bleeding;
  • Ovarian rupture;
  • Ectopic or ectopic pregnancy;

Stomach hurts when critical days, after blows, falls, complications after a tubal abortion.

In what cases should you urgently see a doctor?

The patient should consult a professional specialist in the following cases:

  • When the intensity of the pain defect increases;
  • If there is a weak effect after taking medications;
  • If there are symptoms of intoxication in the form of diarrhea, vomiting;
  • With severe sharp or cutting pain during urination;
  • In the presence of blood clots in stool or urine;
  • If your stomach hurts when moving or changing body position;
  • If the patient's age is less than 10 and more than 65 years;
  • If you have received severe abdominal injuries due to an impact, injury, fall from a height, or compression;
  • In case of sudden acute pain that provokes awakening during sleep, insomnia;
  • In the presence of pain syndrome accompanied by fever;
  • At high voltage abdominal muscles, in which the middle of the abdominal cavity is hard and painful. There is a limitation respiratory movement belly;
  • If it hurts in the upper abdomen, the pain syndrome is accompanied by rapid heartbeat;

The patient can consult a therapist, then contact a gastroenterologist, surgeon, allergist, neurologist, or oncologist. The choice of specialist depends on the developing disease.


Pain in the center of the abdomen causes patients discomfort and unpleasant sensations, which disappear only after treatment. But before you prescribe necessary procedures, you need to undergo a diagnosis of the body. Diagnostics will help identify the causes of pain. It is very difficult to make a correct diagnosis, since today various diseases are known that cause identical pain syndrome.

  1. First of all, an initial examination should be carried out, during which simple manipulations are applied. The specialist can:
  • Palpation, which reveals pain, the consistency of the liver and spleen. You can determine whether the pain intensifies when pressed.
  • Visual inspection, which determines increased gas formation, changes in skin tone, rashes and allergic reactions.
  • Auscultation, through which noise is heard using a stethoscope.
  • Percussion, with the help of which tissue density and pain in the upper abdomen are detected.
  1. After initial examination the patient may be redirected for radiography. The study lasts no more than ten minutes. This research method involves passing X-ray microbeams through body tissue. The method is able to identify:
  • Malignant tumors of the abdominal cavity;
  • Formed stones located in the gallbladder or kidneys;
  • Pathology of changes in the spine;
  • Stomach ulcer;
  • The presence of abscesses located in the abdominal cavity and liver;
  • Diaphragmatic hernia;
  • Developing pathologies in the spine;

Depending on the results of the examination, the patient may be prescribed:

  1. Computed tomography;
  2. Magnetic resonance imaging;
  3. Ultrasonography;
  4. Fibroesophagogastroduodenoscopy;
  5. Microbiological research methods, including:
  • Microscopy;
  • Cultural examination;
  • Detection of antigens and antibodies;
  • Polymerase chain reaction;
  1. Clinical and biochemical blood test;
  2. Clinical and biochemical urine analysis;

What medications can be prescribed?

Traditional therapy can be medication or surgery. Tablets or surgery are prescribed depending on the developing disease. If there is pain in the upper abdomen, surgery is prescribed in the following cases:

  • With peritonitis;
  • Acute pancreatitis;
  • Ulcer or cholecystitis, which are accompanied by internal bleeding;
  • When cancer pathology is detected.

In other cases it is prescribed drug therapy.

Analgesics for pain relief. They are available in the form of injections, tablets or syrups.

Antipyretics that reduce high fever.

Bifidos and enzyme medications that normalize digestion.


Anti-inflammatory drugs.

Means that normalize stool.

Traditional methods
Name of the diseaseName of folk remedyCooking recommendationsHow to take it correctly
Gastritis or inflammation of the stomachAgave juice with natural honey0.5 cups of freshly squeezed juice is mixed with 100 grams of natural honey. Stir until the lumps disappear.Take one teaspoon three times a day. The dose should be taken fifteen minutes before meals. The course of treatment is one month.
Stomach or duodenal ulcerPotato decoctionJacket potatoes are boiled until tender. The resulting unsalted water is filtered and cooled.Take 0.5 cups on an empty stomach three times a day.
CholelithiasisRowan infusion50 grams of berries are poured with boiling water. Infuse for four hours.Take this glass 7 minutes before meals three times a day.
PancreatitisSprouted oatsPour boiling water over oatmeal and simmer over low heat for two minutes. Cool and strain before use.Take 20-30 milliliters throughout the day.
Crohn's diseaseSea buckthorn oilMake your own or purchase from a pharmacy.Take 50 milliliters daily on an empty stomach two hours before meals.

Prevention of the condition

In order to avoid pain, you need to monitor your health and follow simple recommendations:

  • Stay outdoors more. Oxygen nourishes blood vessels, improving blood circulation;
  • Watch your diet. Excessive consumption of spicy, overcooked, over-salted, smoked foods should be avoided. You should not consume chips, sweet carbonated drinks, fast food;
  • Monitor the quality of received products. You should not consume stale food or eat from dirty dishes;
  • Do not overeat, do not swallow air while eating;
  • Stop smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • Don't be near chemical compounds. Do not inhale poisons, steam, exhaust;
  • When conducting medical manipulations follow the rules of antiseptics and asepsis;
  • Spend more time on healthy sleep, eliminate insomnia;

If it hurts in the upper abdomen, this indicates the presence of pathological changes in the body.

Be sure to watch the next video

If painful sensations appear and increase in intensity, you should contact a qualified specialist for advice. In the presence of acute unbearable pain, it is necessary to call ambulance.

Pain in the upper abdomen is a dangerous symptom that is a harbinger of many dangerous diseases. Reasons for occurrence similar condition a lot of. Unpleasant sensations can overtake you suddenly and pass quickly, or they can annoy you for a long time.

Despite the intensity and associated symptoms, any health problems must be addressed. may be an indicator various conditions, which we will talk about below.

A gastroenterologist will help you return to an active life.

Unpleasant sensations in the upper abdomen can occur for various reasons. This may be eloquent evidence of the presence of pathology of internal organs.

Problems with the stomach and intestines can also cause pain. A man suffers from cramping, burning, drawing or pressing pain. Contacting will help you return to an active life.

Unpleasant sensations are possible due to stretching of the organ capsule, which resembles a dense shell paved with connective tissue. A tumor, injury, or inflammation can be a trigger that causes the capsule to stretch. The severity of symptoms can range from moderate to severely painful.

If the capsule ruptures, the patient's condition worsens. Poor circulation can also cause these conditions. Atherosclerotic lesion, blockage of a blood clot is responsible for the deterioration of the condition.

With a stomach ulcer, your health worsens 15-45 minutes after a meal. Damage to the duodenum is marked by delayed symptoms, making themselves felt after 1-1.5 hours. In the presence of ulcers, unpleasant symptoms appear on an empty stomach and before bedtime, discomfort is felt in the shoulder blades.

A person develops signs of bloating and bowel movements are disrupted. For problems with the gastrointestinal tract, it improves the patient’s condition, while the symptoms of problems with other parts of the body do not depend on this action. If you suddenly feel sharp sharp pains, it is better to call a specialist, as ulcers are not to be trifled with. The right treatment tactics will help you recover quickly.

Do you feel belching, burning and pain behind the sternum? It is necessary to exclude inflammation of the esophagus. Other symptoms that confirm the presence of GERD include increased symptoms when lying down, bending over, and physical activity.

Liver problems

With cholelithiasis, patients describe the presence of bursting pain.

Muscle pain

To understand whether they are related painful conditions with muscle strain, it is worth elevating the lower limbs. If the answer is positive, the pain will intensify. Pain in muscle tissue is a response to hypertension; Muscle strains accompanied by internal microtraumas are often diagnosed.

The cause may be physical overload, sports training and physical work. The worst option is a rupture of the abdominal ligaments, which occurs with intense excessive stress on the atrophied muscles.

The video will tell you more about pain in the upper part of the stomach:

Problems in neurology

With osteochondrosis, compression of the roots occurs spinal cord. Pain occurs, concentrated in the spine. Infringement of the nerve roots makes the nervous supply of the spleen and intestines defective.

The person begins to complain of cutting and stabbing sensations. Other neurotic symptoms appear that signal that it is time to take care of yourself. Massage, physiotherapy and special drugs will slow down progression a popular disease today and will significantly improve the condition.

The appearance of a hernia

When organs are compressed, a hernia is formed. The person feels pain around the formation. When pressed, the round formation disappears. Patients with hiatal hernias face all the troubles that arise from problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

The increase entails expansion of the gate and stretching of the structures surrounding the abdominal wall defect. A dangerous phenomenon is considered to be the entry of organs into the abdominal sac, which is also accompanied by pain. Local sensations or pain throughout the abdomen may be diagnosed.

Metabolic disorders

If ketoacidosis occurs and thyrotoxic crisis, the peritoneal receptors are irritated. Sharp pain is accompanied by tension in the peritoneum. To clarify the diagnosis, a patient with the listed symptoms is sent to the hospital.

Rules of conduct for abdominal pain

Only when feeling acute pain does a person begin to pay attention to problems in the body.

Regardless of the intensity and characteristics of the pain, it is necessary to consult a medical institution in order to prevent serious complications and deterioration of the condition.

It is worth trying not to take pills before the initial consultation so that the doctor can make the most accurate diagnosis.

The heating pad must not be used until the initial verdict has been issued. To somehow alleviate the condition, you can use ice. You should be wary if vomiting or fever appears.

These additional symptoms may indicate the seriousness of the situation. Irregular pain of moderate intensity, appearing from time to time, gives hope for a happy outcome. It is worth contacting a specialist if the pain becomes more frequent and interferes with normal life.

It is important to tell the doctor in detail about the nature, intensity of pain and events preceding the deterioration of the condition. Treatment should be aimed at eliminating the underlying cause that causes similar conditions. Modern man lives in a special rhythm. It is difficult for him to take time and listen to his own body.

Aching pains are often ignored, and malaise is attributed to poor quality food. Only when experiencing acute pain does a person begin to pay attention to problems in his own body. Painkillers are used, although the right step would be to call a doctor and visit a specialist.

Collected analysis, inspection and diagnostic procedures help to set the exact value, since abdominal pain can be the cause of many ailments that require drug treatment or surgical intervention. It is important to pay attention to additional symptoms: the presence of vomiting, stool disorders, pain in the hypochondrium. Accurate writing of symptoms helps to quickly find the root cause and begin the fight against developing disease.

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Abdominal pain in pregnant women can occur due to: natural changes which undergoes female body in the process of bearing a child, and as a result of infectious diseases or serious abnormalities in the functioning of internal organs. How can you determine in what cases you can do without the intervention of a doctor if you have pain in the upper abdomen during pregnancy, and when to visit a specialist is not just necessary, but vital? Doctors advise paying attention to the accompanying symptoms: if abdominal pain in the upper abdomen during pregnancy intensifies over time and is accompanied by upset stool, fever, the appearance of bloody, mucous, curdled, purulent discharge from the vagina, fever, chills, vomiting, then it is necessary to urgently call emergency assistance. If discomfort and pain in the abdominal area disappear within 24 hours and are not accompanied by other symptoms other than mild malaise, then there is no need to call a doctor at home. However, it is advisable to consult a gynecologist to exclude the presence of hidden pathologies or diseases of the internal organs.

Causes of abdominal pain in pregnant women

Pain in the upper abdomen in a pregnant woman can occur due to the following problems:

1 hormonal changes body;

2 exacerbation chronic diseases gastrointestinal tract (in particular gastritis or ulcers);

3 inflammation or malfunction of the gallbladder;

4 stretching of the abdominal muscles under pressure from the enlarged fetus;

5 motor activity of a baby in the womb;

6 overeating;

7 premature birth (you should be wary if abdominal pain is accompanied by mucus or blood from the vagina, movement or freezing of the fetus - the occurrence of these signs is a reason to call emergency help);

8 placental abruption (premature placental abruption is often accompanied by attacks of cramping pain in the lower abdomen, bleeding from the vagina, a decrease or complete cessation of fetal motor activity);

9 passion for pickled, spicy, fatty, smoked foods and products instant cooking and sweet carbonated drinks (the substances they contain, when ingested, cause increased gas formation and bloating, and also provoke inflammation of the lining of the stomach and intestines);

10 food poisoning;

11 stretching and thickening of the round ligaments in the process of adaptation to the changing size of the uterus;

12 preeclampsia (toxicosis on later pregnancy, accompanied by headache, diarrhea, swelling of the limbs and face, fluctuations in blood pressure, various disorders vision);

13 sudden change in body position or fast walking;

14 non-compliance with the medication regimen;

15 inflammation of the appendages and ovarian cystosis;

16 adhesions in the abdominal cavity;

17 kidney problems;

18 nervous overstrain;

19 having sex in positions that promote deep penetration of the partner’s penis;

20 ectopic implantation of a fertilized egg, usually in fallopian tube(ectopic pregnancy).

Pain in the upper abdomen, radiating to the left hypochondrium

If a pregnant woman has problems with the spleen, intestines, pancreas or stomach, she may complain of abdominal pain, radiating to left hypochondrium:

1 With a sharp increase in size of the spleen, the pain is acute. When an organ ruptures, the pain becomes unbearable and is accompanied by blue discoloration skin around the navel.

2 If the cause of abdominal pain lies in the intestines, then there may be an increase in body temperature, stool disorder in the form of constipation or diarrhea, the appearance of foreign impurities in the stool (clotted clots or drops of fresh blood, mucus, particles of undigested food), the smell of feces from the mouth (with intestinal obstruction).

3 If the source abdominal pain is located in the left hypochondrium, then one should not exclude the possibility of inflammation of the stomach lining (gastritis) or perforation located in the left segment of this body ulcers. If abdominal pain intensifies after eating and is accompanied by heartburn, nausea, vomiting (with erosive gastritis or perforation of an ulcer - mixed with blood), increased body temperature, bad breath, you should immediately visit a gastroenterologist: the sooner a set of measures is implemented aimed at stabilizing the condition of the expectant mother, the lower the likelihood of developing complications requiring hospitalization.

4 With inflammation of the pancreas, in addition to abdominal pain radiating to the left hypochondrium and lower back, a pregnant woman may suffer from nausea, a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, the urge to vomit, weakness, fever, increased sweating. As a rule, with pancreatitis a woman cannot take horizontal position, since a change in body position leads to a sharp increase in pain.

In addition to the above reasons, abdominal pain radiating to the left hypochondrium can be caused by hernias. Their presence can be determined by palpating the abdominal cavity: characteristic lumps will be felt in the left half of the abdominal cavity.

Pain in the upper abdomen, radiating to the right hypochondrium

Abdominal pain radiating to the right hypochondrium can occur due to problems with the liver, intestines, gall bladder, as a result of inflammation of the appendix or right appendage, or torsion of the cyst leg. The greatest danger for a pregnant woman and developing fetus represents appendicitis - inflammation and suppuration of the appendage of the cecum as a result of the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the tissues of the organ or blockage of the intestinal lumen by foreign bodies that enter the body along with food (fruit and berry seeds, seed husks, etc.). The presence of appendicitis can be judged by painful tension in the abdominal muscles, high temperature body, diarrhea, vomiting, pale skin. When palpating the abdomen, the pain intensifies, localizing at the bottom of the body - in the area of ​​the right appendage or navel. If you suspect appendicitis, you must immediately call a doctor: while waiting for an ambulance to arrive, do not apply hot or cold compresses to your stomach, take a shower, strain your abdominal muscles, or take painkillers.

No less dangerous for a pregnant woman is torsion of the pedicle of a cyst that has formed on the right ovary. Cysts – benign formations with liquid or semi-liquid contents, formed at the site of the follicles. Once they reach a certain size, they can curl around fallopian tubes, squeezing them and cutting off the blood supply. As a result, sharp, unbearable pain occurs: the woman often loses consciousness from painful shock. Torsion of the cyst stalk is often confused with apoplexy (rupture) of the ovary, since in these pathologies similar symptoms. Only a doctor can determine the exact cause of sharp pain in the area of ​​the right appendage, therefore, if there is a suspicion of torsion of the cyst leg or apoplexy of the right ovary, a woman should urgently hospitalized in order to conduct the necessary research and provide appropriate medical care.

In addition to abdominal pain radiating to the right hypochondrium, the presence of liver problems in a pregnant woman is indicated by heartburn, skin rashes, constant feeling hunger, diarrhea, weakness, blurred vision, swelling of the face and extremities, yellowing of the whites of the eyes and skin, persistent bitter taste in the mouth, increased sweating, cracks and white or brown coating on the tongue, change in the color of urine and feces, rapid heartbeat, itchy skin, hair loss.

If there are problems with the intestines, in particular the duodenum, a pregnant woman may experience bloating, nausea, belching, increased gas formation, weight loss due to lack of appetite, frequent urge to defecation, changes in the color, smell and composition of stool (stool becomes liquid, acquires a yellow or green tint and a sharp, unpleasant odor), intolerance to raw fruits and vegetables, as well as dairy products, yellow plaque on the tongue, itchy skin.

If the cause of abdominal pain lies in inflammation of the gallbladder (cholecystitis), then, in addition to abdominal pain, radiating to the right hypochondrium, collarbone and/or scapula and intensifying with movement, shaking, hypothermia or emotional stress, a pregnant woman may suffer from fever, vomiting and admixture of bile, chills, arrhythmia, burning in the navel, bitter taste in the mouth, weakness, itching, sweating.

Causes of pain on the right side of the abdomen during pregnancy

The most likely and most common root cause of pain in the abdomen with right side During pregnancy, inflammation of appendicitis is considered. This disease is characterized by severe pain for twelve hours (sometimes more), localized near the navel and felt on the right side of the abdomen. Quite often, pain is associated with nausea, elevated temperature body, general weakness. Mostly women in interesting position suffer from appendicitis in mid-pregnancy. If the symptoms described above are present, medical attention is urgently required with further hospitalization of the pregnant woman and surgery.

Abdominal pain may also indicate an ectopic pregnancy, in which the uterine tube ruptures, accompanied by severe abdominal pain, bleeding, and the patient’s severe general condition.

If pain sensations during pregnancy are located in the right upper area abdomen, this may indicate the presence of the following pathologies:

1 Gallbladder diseases can cause pain on the right side of the abdomen during pregnancy. These include cholecystitis, dyskinesia, cholelithiasis. In acute forms of the disease, the pain is acute, and in chronic forms the pain is aching. Other signs of gallbladder disease include nausea, general weakness, a feeling of bitter taste in the mouth and lips, a feeling of heaviness under the right rib.

2 Diseases of the pancreas and pain on the right side of the abdomen. In pregnant women, inflammation of the pancreas, so-called pancreatitis, can often occur. For attacks acute pancreatitis characterized by severe pain that radiates to the back, heavy sweating, urge to nausea. Lying down, the pain intensifies, and when taking a sitting position, slightly tilting the body forward, it decreases.

3 Pathological changes stomach and duodenum, as the cause of pain on the right side of the abdomen. A feeling of pain in the upper abdomen during pregnancy, which extends to the right, can be a symptom of gastritis or peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum. In addition to pain, these pathologies are characterized by the urge to nausea, vomiting reflex, a change in the woman’s general condition for the worse, and a possible increase in body temperature.

4 Kidney diseases, the pain may radiate to the right side of the abdomen. Sometimes the presence of a painful syndrome in a woman in an interesting position on the right or left side of the abdomen indicates pathologies of the kidneys, namely the right or left, respectively. Kidney disease during pregnancy is not uncommon. This is due to the fact that the kidneys of a girl expecting a baby are under enormous stress.

Causes of left abdominal pain during pregnancy

Abdominal pain on the left side in the lower region may be associated with the development of an ectopic pregnancy on the left or with pathology of the left kidney. The symptoms of these diseases are similar to the symptoms of corresponding pain in the right lower abdomen.

If pain appears in the upper abdomen on the left, perhaps such symptoms indicate the development of the following pathologies:

1 Diseases of the spleen can cause pain in the left abdomen during pregnancy. The spleen can be examined using ultrasound examination abdominal organs, which will confirm or deny the presence of pathology.

2 Gastritis and gastric ulcer. During these diseases, pain in the upper abdomen may also radiate to the right or left. The woman also experiences heartburn, nausea, and vomiting.

3 Pancreatitis is sometimes accompanied by such painful symptoms. In addition to pain in the left upper abdomen, the pregnant woman will be accompanied by a significant deterioration in her general condition and nausea.

Whatever the cause of abdominal pain during pregnancy, a consultation with a gynecologist is necessary. However, even before visiting a doctor, you should not be upset, because the appearance of pain during pregnancy is quite natural and does not always indicate the presence of any pathologies. During this period, the woman's uterus grows, and the abdominal organs shift slightly, causing a feeling of pain. You should not be upset even if it has been diagnosed that the cause of the pain is a disease. After all, the most important thing is to start timely treatment and everything will turn out great for both the mother and the unborn baby.

What to do if there is severe pain in the upper abdomen during pregnancy, treatment of abdominal pain

If the occurrence of abdominal pain is not associated with diseases of the internal organs, following a diet (refusal of fermented milk products, legumes, raw vegetables and fruits, caffeine-containing drinks, exotic dishes, eating boiled or steamed food instead of fried, pickled, smoked foods and pickles), bed rest.

Experts warn against the use of enemas and laxatives to eliminate pain: in the presence of intestinal obstruction, inflammation in the appendages or appendix, torsion of the cyst stalk and a number of other pathological conditions, the use of these measures can lead to sharp deterioration condition of the expectant mother and pose a threat to the life and health of the baby.

Pain always takes us by surprise. Unpleasant sensations in the upper abdomen can ruin all plans and lead to real suffering. As you know, the upper abdomen is an area where several vital important organs, That's why painful sensations in this place may indicate a number of pathologies - from to.

Note: if the pain lasts more than half an hour, you should immediately consult a doctor, since taking analgesics will only temporarily relieve the symptoms, but will not eliminate the cause of the disease.

Overeating and stomach pain

Overeating is one of the most common and relatively safe causes of abdominal pain. In particular difficult cases it can lead to chronic pain and function failures digestive tract. At frequent use and other products containing lactose, lactose intolerance may occur.

Love to fatty foods can also cause heaviness. Such food provokes increased gas formation, which often leads to damage to internal organs and problems with stool. Abdominal pain associated with overeating is acute and can last 3-5 hours, after which it gradually subsides.

Pain in the upper abdomen: what do they indicate?

Most often, pain under the breasts indicates a dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract.

Note! The strength and intensity of unpleasant sensations in this area can directly depend on the location of the nerve endings in the damaged organ.

To better understand how pain forms and spreads in this place, you need to get acquainted with different zones abdominal cavity. These include:

  • epigastric or epigastric zone - covers the area from the sternum to the navel;
  • left and right hypochondrium - located to the sides of the epigastric zone;
  • mesogastrium - the area around the navel;
  • lateral areas - located on both sides of the mesogastrium;
  • suprapubic zone - covers the lower abdomen to the place where the pubic bones connect;
  • iliac fossa - left and right suprapubic region.

Pain in the epigastric region is not necessarily associated with organs located in the upper abdomen; it can spread here and from other areas. Often it becomes difficult to determine its source.

The nature of pain in the upper abdomen in diseases of the esophagus

If the cause of pain is a dysfunction of the esophagus, then the pathologies most likely affect its peritoneal part. It is 1 to 3 cm long and occupies the area between the stomach and the diaphragm.

Another cause of pain is disruption of the sphincter - the muscle between the esophagus and stomach.

If the sphincter malfunctions, pain is often felt in the upper abdomen 1-2 fingers to the left of the center. For other pathologies of the esophagus - in the lower part of the sternum, behind it, at the top of the abdominal cavity. Sometimes it hits you in the back.

The stomach is one of the causes of pain in the upper abdomen

Above and to the right, the stomach is in contact with the liver, and the pancreas is located behind. Some parts of the organ are located near the spleen, intestines and omentum. It is worth noting that the size of the stomach, as well as its relationship with neighboring organs, changes depending on whether it is empty or full.

The stomach is connected on each side by sheets of peritoneum, so even the slightest spasms of this organ are accompanied by severe pain in the upper abdomen.

Pain due to spasm and stenosis of the gastric pylorus (sphincter pathologies) is characterized by:

  • aggravated by overeating, after eating, especially solid foods ( usually after 1.5-2 hours);
  • localization slightly lower and to the right of the epigastrium;
  • average intensity and frequency;
  • with sour contents (usually after a heavy meal);
  • belching and...

Since the surface of the stomach is covered with mucous membrane from the inside, and muscle fibers are located between the outer and inner layers, spasms can be evidence of pathologies of the outer layer of the stomach and inflammation of the mucous membrane itself.

The mucous membrane of the stomach contains a huge number of cells that are responsible for the normal functioning of the organ. The most important role in the digestion process is played by cells that produce hydrochloric acid, which is necessary for the breakdown of food. At normal functioning organ, acid does not damage the walls of the stomach, but disturbances in the acid balance often lead to inflammation of the gastric walls -. In this case, the patient complains of moderate, prolonged pain in the upper abdomen (under the stomach). It is characterized by hunger pains that subside after a small meal.

During development destructive changes and the appearance of a defect in the mucous membrane - pain occurs either on an empty stomach or half an hour to an hour after eating. At the same time, hunger pains only intensify with eating. The patient may experience heartburn, vomiting of acidic contents, a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen,.

When the ulcer is complicated by bleeding, the typical picture of pain does not change, but the stool becomes black and liquid, and the vomit resembles coffee grounds.

Perforation of the gastric lining leads to severe tension in the abdominal wall and bloating of the upper abdomen. The pain is unbearable, dagger-like.

How does it hurt in the upper abdomen if the large and small intestines are affected?

The small intestine begins after the gastric section, its walls are formed of smooth muscle tissue. The main task of this system is to continue digesting food and subsequently pushing its remains through the digestive tract.

Spasm of the small intestine can cause abdominal pain, which is called. In this case, cramping pain occurs. Most often - in the middle of the abdomen, sometimes they radiate (give) to the upper parts of the abdominal cavity. In some cases, pain in the upper abdomen is evidence of inflammation of the intestinal mucosa, its ulcerations, and other pathologies of the organ.

As for the large intestine, most of it is located much lower in the abdominal cavity. At the same time, pain in the upper abdomen is often associated with pathologies of the transverse colon located below the stomach. These can be various dysfunctions caused by stretching of the walls and oncological pathologies.

Liver diseases, which may cause pain in the upper abdomen

The liver is located in the upper right part of the peritoneum. She performs a series important functions– excretion toxic substances, formation of bile and proteins, accumulation of glycogen, etc. are developing due to various reasons and can manifest themselves in different ways.

Unpleasant sensations are often associated with an enlarged organ, because it inner surface is devoid of nerve endings, and the destruction of the liver parenchyma is painless. However, the tissue that surrounds the organ is quite sensitive, so with moderate enlargement of the organ, the pain is insignificant - in the form of discomfort in the right hypochondrium. Its intensification is observed during bending, sharp turns, and physical activity.

Severe enlargement of the liver can lead to severe pain. Another reason why the liver hurts is purulent accumulation(abscess) affecting the outer capsule.

Pathologies of the spleen

The spleen is located in the area of ​​the left hypochondrium. This organ is responsible for immune control of the blood - accumulation blood cells, ensuring body protection, etc. Considering that the spleen is covered with sheets of peritoneum on each side, the patient usually feels slight discomfort in the left hypochondrium, caused by an increase in the size of the organ. Acute severe pain is rare.

Palpable pain can be observed with such pathologies as:

Pain in the upper abdomen due to pathologies of the pancreas

The pancreas is located behind the stomach almost completely to the left of the midline of the abdomen. It comes into contact with the peritoneum only with the anterior wall, so painful sensations are felt precisely in this area. Almost all of the gland consists of alveoli, inside which it synthesizes digestive enzyme, which activates bile.

At acute inflammation pancreas () the pain is sudden and intense from the first minutes of its appearance, intensifies with movement and deep inspiration. The main location is the epigastric and navel areas; pain often radiates to the back and hypochondrium. The pain is often accompanied by repeated pain.

Chronic pancreatitis characterized by milder pain, often worse after eating and lasting several hours or even days.

If bile gets inside the alveoli, this can cause necrosis of the walls of the gland, which leads to severe unbearable pain in the upper left abdomen.

Other causes leading to upper abdominal pain

If your stomach hurts in the upper part, this may be the body’s response to any irritants - getting into foreign body, cell necrosis, blood flow disorders. The nature of the pain and its intensity directly depends on the organ or system where inflammation develops. In this case, the following pathologies can be diagnosed:

  • . Pain under the sternum is an atypical location for such a disease. It is not accompanied by other symptoms of gastrointestinal disorders, but paleness of the skin, changes in blood pressure, pulse rate and rhythm, and increased sweating are observed.
  • Mechanical abdominal injuries. The nature and intensity of pain depends on the location of the injury, its intensity, and the degree of damage to the affected organs.
  • Diaphragmatic hernia. Dilatation of the esophageal opening of the diaphragm can be asymptomatic, sometimes with a slight feeling of discomfort behind the sternum or minor pain after eating in the upper abdomen. When food escapes beyond the diaphragm and such a hernia is strangulated, a sharp pain, indicating a threat to the patient's life.
  • . In some cases, the onset of pain is observed not in the iliac fossa on the right, but in the epigastric region. The pain is moderate, and only after 30-60 minutes does it move directly to the location vermiform appendix and becomes intense.

Pain in the upper abdomen in pregnant women: what causes it?

Pregnancy is not only a wonderful time of waiting for a baby, but also long months fears, worries and anxieties. At this time, the health of the expectant mother requires special attention, so the appearance of even the slightest pain is already serious reason consult a doctor.

Most often during pregnancy, a woman feels sharp pains, which pass quickly. They usually accompany stretching of the uterus, which presses on the peritoneum, causing discomfort. This kind of pain in the upper abdomen in a pregnant woman can intensify with sneezing or a sudden change of position. In this case, you should not immediately take painkillers - just calm down and accept the fact that the body is changing in anticipation of the birth of the baby.

Unfortunately, sometimes it is also threatening. So, sharp unpleasant sensations on early stages may indicate a threat of miscarriage, as well as gynecological problems. In this case, the pregnant woman's stomach ache, and it seems that contractions are starting.

Important! Pain in various departments abdomen may indicate

Stomach pain indicates functional disorders, about morphological changes or errors in nutrition. If the stomach pain is severe and recurs periodically, then you need to consult a gastroenterologist. Only after carrying out diagnostic measures can one determine exactly why the stomach hurts in the upper middle.

Next to the stomach is the liver, pancreas, spleen, loops of the large and small intestines, greater omentum, diaphragm, abdominal wall. Pathology developing in these organs can cause pain, which can be interpreted as epigastric pain.

Unpleasant sensations in the upper abdomen are likely if problems with the heart, spine or lungs begin. So, sometimes during a myocardial infarction, pain is felt in the upper left part of the abdomen, since the areas in which blood circulation is impaired are located near the diaphragm.

Thus, if pain occurs in the stomach area, this does not always mean that the pathology is in the organ itself. It is necessary to take into account the clinical picture as a whole and carry out differential diagnosis. That is why drug treatment, especially strong drugs must be prescribed by a doctor.

Possible causes of epigastric pain

Pain in the upper abdomen in the middle can be a sign of pathology or arise as a result of individual intolerance or abuse of certain foods and substances. If for a long time ignore the pain, complications may arise in any case.

To determine what causes pain in the pit of the stomach, you need to understand under what circumstances unpleasant sensations appear and how this is related to eating food. Pain can be caused by foods and substances that negatively affect the gastric mucosa or cause increased gas formation.

These include:

  • alcohol;
  • coffee;
  • medicines;
  • kvass, beer, carbonated drinks;
  • vegetables with coarse fiber;
  • stale food;
  • too hot or cold;
  • black bread with bran;
  • nicotine (impairs blood flow).

Some people do not produce certain enzymes that are supposed to break down compounds. For example, if there is lactose deficiency, then discomfort will occur after drinking milk. Often there is a disease in which the enzyme that breaks down gluten is not synthesized in sufficient quantities (celiac disease).

If we exclude products that have individual intolerance, then abdominal pain will no longer bother you. Some medications can be taken only after meals, so carefully read the instructions for the drug. Cutting pain in the middle or slightly to the left of the central line of the abdomen appears as a result of a burn to the gastric mucosa with alkali, acid, and also due to food poisoning.

A feeling of heaviness in the abdomen is possible with the following pathologies:

  • gastritis (inflammation of the gastric mucosa);
  • narrowing of the sphincter lumen;
  • cancer;
  • ulcer (in remission).

Severe pain occurs as a result of the development of an ulcer

Dagger pain accompanies:

  • perforation of the ulcer;
  • inflammation of the pancreas;
  • colic (occurs due to muscle spasm when a stone exits the bile ducts);
  • colon rupture;
  • inflammation of the abdominal cavity;
  • rupture of organs (liver or spleen).

If, in addition to pain in the upper abdomen, nausea appears, then the development of: gastritis, pancreatitis, hepatitis (inflammation of the liver), peptic ulcer, cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder), food poisoning is likely. Pain in the upper abdomen and diarrhea appear as a result of deterioration of peristalsis and impaired absorption of the intestine.

Similar symptoms accompanied by: ulcers, pancreatitis (food is not digested because not enough enzymes are supplied from the pancreas to duodenum), cholecystitis (due to the lack of bile, fats are not broken down), irritable bowel syndrome (manifested by alternating constipation and diarrhea).

If there is pain in the upper abdomen and the temperature rises, this indicates the development of inflammation. These signs are typical for: gastritis, stomach ulcers, acute pancreatitis, food poisoning.

Stomach diseases causing abdominal pain

If there is aching or bursting pain in the abdomen, then inflammation of the gastric mucosa is likely. Girdle pain in the upper abdomen occurs with the development of pancreatitis. Additional symptoms are bitterness in the mouth, fever, indigestion.

Pain localized in the upper abdomen and shifted to the left may appear with pathologies of the intestines or pancreas, and pain spreading to the right is possible with inflammation of the gallbladder. Let's consider the most common pathologies of the stomach that cause pain in the area of ​​the xiphoid process.

Often the discomfort is more intense after eating heavy, fatty or fried foods, drinking alcohol or during times of stress


Inflammation of the gastric mucosa can be caused by several factors. In 95% of cases, examination of patients reveals a bacterium that can survive in an acidic environment. During its life, it releases toxins that negatively affect the gastric mucosa, which leads to inflammation.

Often people are asymptomatic carriers of this bacterium, but when poor nutrition, frequent stress, smoking, taking medications, gastritis begins to develop. The mucous membrane can also become inflamed in diseases that are characterized by an increase in the acidity of gastric juice or not enough mucus is produced to protect the cells of the stomach tissue from aggressive influences.

In addition to pain in epigastric region, bad breath occurs, nausea can occur both before and after meals, heartburn and migraine appear. If you follow the diet, the pain goes away within two days.

Diaphragmatic hernia

A hernia occurs when there is prolapse in chest cavity parts of organs that should be located above the diaphragm (part of the esophagus, cardia of the stomach, intestinal loops). With pathology, the pain is usually in the epigastric region, spreads along the esophagus, can radiate to the shoulder blades and back, and sometimes it is encircling.

As a rule, discomfort occurs after eating, physical activity, or when coughing while lying down. The symptom intensifies when bending forward. Discomfort goes away after belching, taking a deep breath, drinking water, vomiting, or changing position. Patients also complain of heartburn, hiccups, arrhythmia, and difficulty swallowing.

Pathology occurs when the ligaments of the esophageal opening of the diaphragm are weakened, this occurs due to the fact that with age connective tissues lose elasticity and atrophy. Increases the risk of hernia formation intra-abdominal pressure which occurs with chronic constipation, obesity, blunt trauma to the abdomen, heavy lifting, sudden bending, severe vomiting, hacking cough or severe physical labor.

When a hernia is strangulated, severe cramping pain appears that radiates to the back, nausea, vomiting of blood occurs, nasolabial triangle turns blue, there is shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat.

Against the background of a hernia, gastroesophageal reflux disease is formed, the symptoms of which are belching of food, gastric juice or air, bitterness in the mouth

The disease is treated with medication. Antacids and those that reduce the secretion of hydrochloric acid are prescribed. The patient is recommended fractional meals, diet, weight adjustment, avoid physical activity. Surgery is prescribed if complications arise or if conservative treatment does not produce results.

Esophageal stenosis

The diameter of the esophageal lumen may decrease in the presence of a tumor or scar tissue. Symptoms of the disease include pain along the esophagus, belching, difficulty swallowing, vomiting, and bleeding. Dry, poorly chewed food cannot pass through the narrowing of the esophagus. This causes pain and vomiting.

Esophageal stenosis can develop with any disease of the digestive system that is accompanied by vomiting, or with infectious disease(diphtheria, scarlet fever, syphilis, tuberculosis). Treatment is by dilation of the esophagus with bougies or balloon catheters, endoscopic dissection, esophageal replacement, or esophagoplasty.


The disease develops against the background of a malfunction of the pancreas and manifests itself in impaired digestive function. There is pain in the upper abdomen, nausea, heartburn, bloating and heaviness in the stomach, and lack of appetite.

Organic dyspepsia develops with pathologies of the digestive organs; functional dyspepsia is said to exist if there are no organic lesions. The diagnosis is made only if other pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract are excluded. Treatment is symptomatic.

Diagnosis functional dyspepsia placed only if pain in the middle of the abdomen in the upper part continues for more than one week a month, absent organic lesion, and the pain does not go away after defecation. The pathology is believed to be caused mental disorder.


An ulcer is a complication of gastritis. It occurs when inflammation affects not only the mucous tissue, but also the lining of the stomach located underneath it. Pain can be felt in the epigastrium both before eating, which is caused by an increase in the level of hydrochloric acid, and after eating, since incoming food irritates the inflamed mucous membrane.

In addition to pain, patients indicate vomiting, nausea, belching, and heartburn.

There are peptic ulcers and symptomatic ulcers. The second ones arise against the background unfavorable factor and after its elimination they are completely cured. Such factors include stress, drug therapy, glandular diseases internal secretion. Peptic ulcer disease is caused by the presence of Helicobacter and has a long-term recurrent nature.

Complications of peptic ulcer disease include perforation of the ulcer, bleeding, pyloric stenosis, and malignant degeneration of the ulcer.

In the treatment of peptic ulcer disease, the patient’s nutrition plays a major role. In order for the inflammatory process to stop, a person must follow a diet that involves eliminating foods that irritate the mucous membranes and increase the production of hydrochloric acid.

You need to avoid spicy, sour, fried, smoked foods, as well as vegetables with coarse fiber. Inhibitors are prescribed to suppress gastric secretion proton pump or H2-progestamine receptor blockers.

Drug therapy also involves taking antacids, antibacterial drugs. In case of complications of the disease, for example, perforation of an ulcer or degeneration, surgical intervention is required.

Stomach cancer

If the ulcer degenerates, it may develop malignant tumor, that is, one that is capable of metastasis. Stomach pain tends to get worse. Signs of peptic ulcer disease include weight loss.

Possible causes of pain in the upper left abdomen

Pain in the upper left abdomen may occur due to:

  • enlargement or rupture of the spleen. If there are blood diseases, infectious or autoimmune diseases, the spleen enlarges and puts pressure on adjacent organs. Due to an autoimmune reaction, blunt trauma to the abdomen, or complications from an infection, the spleen can rupture, causing very severe pain. In such a case, a surgical operation is required during which the organ will be removed;
  • intestinal dysfunction. The pathology causes pain, constipation or bloody diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, fever;
  • inflammation of the pancreas. In this case, nausea and vomiting appear, hyperthermia, antibacterial therapy is not effective;
  • innervation disorders. Pain is felt in the abdomen if there is osteochondrosis, scoliosis, or pinched nerve;
  • renal colic. Pain occurs when the stone moves through the ureter. It usually radiates to the lower back, but can also radiate to the left top part belly.

What should you do if your stomach hurts badly?

Health care required if there are following symptoms:

  • acute pain, forcing you to take a forced position of the body;
  • moderate pain, diarrhea or stool retention, blood is visible in the stool, fever appears;
  • pain occurs in the upper abdomen under the right ribs, urine becomes dark in color, stool becomes light, and the skin becomes yellowish and itchy;
  • the spasm lasts more than half an hour, antispasmodics do not work;
  • pain in the stomach is accompanied by vomiting, sweating, it becomes difficult to breathe, a feeling that the abdominal organs are being squeezed;
  • moderate pain occurs periodically, regardless of food intake.

If the pain in the upper abdomen is acute, then you need to call an ambulance. If inflammation of the pancreas or appendicitis is suspected, then you should not take painkillers until examined by a doctor. At acute abdomen it is important to determine the epicenter of pain and at what point it intensifies (established by palpation), and this becomes difficult if nerve endings do not transmit impulses to the brain.

If the body temperature rises, this indicates that an inflammatory process is occurring in the body. In this case, it is forbidden to apply it to the sore spot. warm heating pad, as the infection will begin to spread even faster.

For pancreatitis, it is recommended to apply cold to the abdomen, this will help reduce pain.

If the pain is caused by vasospasm as a result of the release of stones, then it will be eliminated by antispasmodic drugs, for example, No-shpa, Papaverine.

If you are experiencing severe pain in the upper abdomen, you should consult a doctor. Because the clinical picture at various diseases digestive system has the same symptoms, then before starting treatment it is necessary to conduct an examination of the stomach. The doctor will prescribe an endoscopy, during which it will be determined whether there are ulcers or neoplasms.

In addition, during the procedure, you can do a rapid test to detect Helicobacter and perform a biopsy of stomach tissue. If bleeding is detected, it will be cauterized. It is possible to remove small polyps during the examination.

Only after making a diagnosis will a specialist tell you what to do if your stomach hurts severely in the upper middle. In some cases, drug therapy may be required, in others the help of a psychologist. A mandatory recommendation would be to adhere to a gentle diet and fractional meals.



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