Mulberry beneficial qualities. Mulberry consumption by children

The mulberry (or mulberry) was brought to our region from the Middle East, where this tree grows in almost every yard. Our housewives make jam and compotes from the fruits. In their homeland, these berries are used not only in cooking. They are used as raw materials for the production of natural dyes. And what is important, since ancient times, many peoples have used the fruits and leaves of this tree for medicinal purposes. So what kind of plants are will be discussed in this article.

What are the benefits of mulberries?

They always talk about positive qualities and properties. Therefore, let’s get acquainted with the fact that Mulberry is actually a treasure trove useful substances. Thus, the fruits of this tree contain vitamins A, C, B1, B2 and PP.

What else do mulberry fruits contain, the benefits and harms of which have been known since ancient times? There are also such useful elements, such as mono- and disaccharides, organic acids, beta-carotene, potassium, magnesium and calcium. It’s wonderful that this berry has such a rich composition. Therefore it is very useful. First of all, it should be noted that, which has long been known, is used in folk medicine for the treatment and prevention of colds and infectious diseases, as it has anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, mulberries are beneficial for those who suffer from diseases gastrointestinal tract and kidneys. The fact is that they have a mild diuretic and laxative effect. And also, those who want to lose weight and remove toxins from the body should not immediately spend a lot of money on advertised drugs. The fruits of a tree can also cope with this function, and, moreover, no worse and, most importantly, without side effects.

Mulberry is no less useful for those suffering from diseases of the central nervous system. How will mulberry help such people? Its benefit lies in the fact that it helps with stress, nervous shock, depression and other disorders. But residents of modern megacities are increasingly exposed to all this. And those who suffer from insomnia are advised to eat a handful of berries before going to bed, and then they will be strong and healthy. Mulberries have also been proven to be effective in helping with mental and physical fatigue. Those who have the habit of counting calories will be pleased by the fact that 100 g of mulberry contains only 50 kcal.

Understanding what the mulberry tree is useful for, it should be noted that in addition to the berries, leaves, bark and roots of the tree are also used to fight diseases. Let's figure out exactly why they are used.

What are the benefits of leaves, bark and roots?

To treat bronchitis and pneumonia, decoctions of mulberry leaves are prepared. In case of sore throat, you can gargle with it. In addition, mulberry leaves are used to prepare an infusion, which helps reduce blood sugar levels in diabetes. Also experts traditional medicine It is recommended for diabetics to sprinkle crushed dried leaves on their porridge.

To achieve good effect in the treatment of eczema, rheumatism and skin tuberculosis, you can use infusions, ointments and decoctions from this plant. In addition, they can remove headache, swelling and paralysis of motor nerves.

The roots and bark are used to prepare an infusion, which is recommended for use by people suffering from asthma, inflammation respiratory tract and hypertension. And the ointment from the bark mulberry tree copes well with wounds and bruises.

And it’s easy to prepare. First, dry the bark and grind it into powder. Then mix two tablespoons of powder with 750 g vegetable oil and mix until you get a homogeneous mass. The ointment is ready, and you can safely use it.

Mulberry: medicinal properties

When treating the stomach, it is best to use black mulberry, and the stage of ripening affects its benefits:

  • To cope with an attack of heartburn, you need to use unripe berries.
  • In case of poisoning, use ripe mulberries, the harm and benefits of which are well known to adherents healthy image life.
  • Those wishing to lose excess weight should pay attention to overripe mulberries, as they have a diuretic and laxative effect.

At the same time, mulberry berries effectively cope with colds, as they have anti-inflammatory properties. In particular, this applies to juice from fresh berries. To bring down high temperature and relieve inflammation, you should drink 100 ml of juice every three hours during the day. It has been laboratory proven that white mulberries contain large quantities of potassium and vitamin C.


Based on the fact that mulberries, the harm and benefits of which are discussed in the article, are more in demand in winter time When it’s easy to catch a cold, the question of storing it arises. And although mulberries produce delicious jams and compotes, but in this case it loses a significant part of the vitamins.

Therefore, in order to preserve the original usefulness of fresh berries, they are dried, but not in the oven, but under the rays of the sun. Freezing is also suitable for the same purposes. If you don’t have dried berries for decoction or infusion, you can make juice from defrosted ones.

For whom is mulberry contraindicated?

No matter how rich in vitamins and nutrients mulberries are, the benefits and harms of which have been well studied, they have contraindications. So, although mulberry helps with hypertension and diabetes, it is strictly prohibited to abuse it by people suffering from these diseases. If consumed in moderation, the berries will become a medicine. But eating them large quantities will cause harm. This applies in particular to diabetics.

Mulberry fruits are the strongest allergen. Therefore, it is worth starting to eat mulberries in small portions and gradually, so that when the first signs of discomfort occur, refuse the berry.

In addition, there are some restrictions on the use of mulberries. For example, the fact that they should not be mixed with other products. It is also undesirable to consume mulberries on an empty stomach. Do not forget that mulberry is a laxative of natural origin, and therefore, having learned a large number of berries, you can get an upset stomach. To avoid bloating and discomfort, do not drink mulberries cold water.

You can also make desserts with this berry. Let's look at delicacies that contain mulberries. The recipes for preparing such dishes are quite simple.


To prepare this amazingly tasty delicacy you will need the following products:

  • 0.5 kg mulberries;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara;
  • 1 tsp. baking powder for dough;
  • 20 g vanilla sugar;
  • 1 tsp. lemon zest;
  • 1 tbsp. wheat flour;
  • 1 tbsp. kefir (3.2%).

Cooking the pie

First, sift the flour and wash the berries, removing any spoiled ones. Next you should grind the eggs with sugar, then add kefir (if desired, you can use homemade yogurt), vanilla sugar, lemon zest and mix it all thoroughly. Then you should add flour with baking powder and knead the dough - its consistency should be like thick sour cream.

The baking dish must be greased and sprinkled with flour. Next, pour half of the dough into it and cover it with berries. And then sprinkle with sugar and add the remaining dough. Bake the pie in the oven for 30-35 minutes at 180 degrees.

Serve this dessert with tea completely cooled.


Pamper your sweet tooth in your household with incredibly delicious mulberry jam. To do this you will need:

  • 1 kg mulberries;
  • 500-600 g sugar;
  • 2-3 g of citric acid.


Ripe berries must be washed in cool water and allowed to drain, and then dry. Next, the mulberries should be placed in a container in which the jam will be cooked, and each layer should be sprinkled with sugar. The sugar and berry mass should be thoroughly kneaded using a wooden pestle.


Now you know what mulberry is, the harm and benefits of which are described above. We hope that the information was useful to you. We looked at several dessert recipes that include mulberry fruits. Be sure to prepare these delicacies for your loved ones.

The mulberry tree produces small sweet berries, shaped like drupes 2-4 cm in size. These fruits have a delicate fresh aroma, rich color and are familiar to many from childhood. Speaking about the color of mulberries, they can come in several variations. Depending on the type of tree, there are white, red, pink, purple and even black fruits. Mulberry is an extremely fertile tree that can produce over 200 kg of harvest annually. The first berries can be seen in July, but this feast can be collected from August.

The history of using mulberry tree leaves to raise silkworms goes back over 4 centuries. It is believed that white mulberry came to our gardens from China, where traditional healers used the fruits of the tree as a universal remedy. But the black mulberry began its journey from South-West Asia and got along well in the domestic open spaces.

Nowadays, the mulberry tree is quite common among the countries of the world, and today it is popular in areas with a temperate or subtropical climate. Mulberry grows well in Russia, Armenia, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Romania, Azerbaijan and other countries in Africa and Asia.

What is mulberry rich in?

The mulberry fruit contains many active ingredients, useful minerals And chemical compounds, to which the tree owes its healing characteristics. IN vitamin composition Mulberry berries can be distinguished as follows: A, K, E, all B vitamins, acid B9, C.

Among microelements, these fruits contain essential substances such as selenium, zinc, iron, copper and manganese. And in addition to this, you can list the macroelements included in the composition - sodium, magnesium, potassium, calcium and phosphorus. However, mulberry berries contain the most potassium, a deficiency of which provokes the rapid development of hypokalemia. It is for this reason that doctors recommend the use of mulberries. MirSovetov will tell you what other properties traditional mulberry has.

Scope of application of mulberry fruits

  1. Mulberry berries are recommended for use when various diseases organs of cardio-vascular system, as well as in obesity.
  2. Mulberries are often indicated for use by patients suffering from.
  3. The berries of this tree are effective means in the fight against the consequences of myocardial dystrophy, as well as valvular heart disease.
  4. Regular consumption of mulberries helps eliminate shortness of breath and heart pain, as it normalizes the rhythm of organ functioning.
  5. Mulberry berries are an effective remedy for.
  6. Thanks to high content microelements, mulberry fruits are recommended for use when problems of chronic swelling and kidney disease arise.
  7. Mulberries have pronounced sweat-, urine- and choleretic effect, and also have an anti-inflammatory effect.
  8. The fruits of the white mulberry have a beneficial effect on male power.
  9. The unripe fruits of this tree have a strengthening effect on the stool and are indicated for use in.
  10. Ripe mulberries, on the contrary, act as they are recommended for use.

Applications of mulberry leaves

Mulberry leaves are not only a favorite treat for the silkworm spider, but also an excellent base for tinctures and decoctions. These drinks are indicated for use by patients with gastrointestinal problems. No less useful are decoctions for inflammatory processes of the respiratory tract.

To make a mulberry decoction you will need:

  • 2 tbsp. l. mashed berries;
  • 2 tbsp. l. crushed leaves;
  • 200 ml boiling water.

All components must be brewed and infused for 5 hours. Should be used in 2 doses per day initial stage diabetes, gargle for bronchitis, and also drink to lower vascular blood pressure.

By the way, you can make compresses from mulberry leaves that help relieve symptoms of eczema and skin tuberculosis.

Benefits of mulberry tree root

A strong decoction is made from the roots of the mulberry tree, which helps to cope with various pathologies internal organs, as well as dysfunction of our body systems. To prepare the tincture you will need:

  • 1 tsp. chopped root;
  • 200 ml boiling water.

The recipe for its preparation is extremely simple. It is necessary to brew the raw material in boiling water and leave for 2 hours. After this, you need to carefully strain the broth. It is recommended to take 1 tbsp. l. no more than 3 times a day for manifestations, pain in the intestines and stomach.

Recipe for using mulberries

Black mulberry fruits are useful for preparing a syrup that has an anti-inflammatory effect for, and. This remedy will also be effective in the treatment of lichen, and its hemostatic properties can alleviate the symptoms of postpartum and uterine bleeding.

The recipe for making mulberry syrup is simple:

  • the juice from the mulberry fruit must be evaporated until a thick substance is formed, occupying approximately 1/3 of the original volume of liquid;
  • Decant the syrup, eliminating the resulting press.

The resulting mass can be applied externally to relieve symptoms or complete healing joint and neuralgic diseases.

Useful qualities of mulberry bark

The use of mulberry tree bark helps to cope with inflammatory processes in the body, and also reduces the manifestations of dysentery. A decoction of this mulberry component is often recommended for patients suffering from tumors in the oral cavity.

It is best to harvest mulberry bark during the period of swelling of the buds, since at this time the juice actively circulates. The cut pieces must be dried in the sun for 48 hours, then dried in a shady place and stored in cotton bags.

To prepare a tree bark tincture you will need:

  • 1 tsp. crushed bark;
  • 250 ml boiling water.

To make a tincture, you need to scald boiled water prepared raw materials and let it brew for 1 day. The resulting product must be taken in 1 tbsp. l. three times a day.

Contraindications to mulberry

  1. Harm to the body can occur if you eat sour, unripe mulberries, as well as if you eat excessive amounts of mulberry fruits. This is fraught with the appearance stomach disorders and diarrhea.
  2. It is not recommended to collect or buy mulberry berries near highways, or if there is a risk of their origin from areas with increased radiation. Mulberry fruits perfectly absorb salts heavy metals, which adversely affects health.
  3. It is not advisable to consume berries or mulberry juice at the same time as other natural juices, as this may provoke fermentation reactions in the stomach.
  4. Try to eat mulberry berries 2 hours before your main meal, since mulberries are difficult to digest in the gastrointestinal tract with other foods.
  5. Anthocyanin quercetin is an allergenic component of mulberry fruits that can cause individual reaction body. If such symptoms occur, contact a specialist immediately.

" Trees

Mulberry tree is a valuable crop for humans, the beneficial properties of which are mainly attributed to the production of silk.

However, few people know that no less valuable properties possess the fruits and leaves of the plant. They are widely used in cooking, folk medicine and cosmeceuticals.

The fruits are used to make famous homeopathic remedies, and the extract from the leaves is part of medical preparations.

The mulberry tree is a plant from the Mulberry family and the Mulberry genus, consisting of 17 generally accepted species. These are fast-growing deciduous trees that reach 10 to 15 m in height.

The average lifespan of mulberry trees is 200 years; individual plants are known to be 300-500 years old.

The mulberry tree is also called mulberry or “royal tree”. Depending on the color of the bark and stems distinguish white, black and red mulberries.

The history of the white mulberry known to man begins with Ancient China since Neolithic times. At this time, strong shiny threads from the cocoon of a worm feeding on tree leaves were discovered for the first time. Subsequently, the threads began to be called silk, and the tree mulberry.

Gradually the culture spread to the countries of Transcaucasia and Central Asia. The homeland of red mulberry is North America, and black mulberry is native to southwestern Asia.

The natural habitat where the tree grows is in warm temperate and subtropical climates. These are countries in Asia, Africa and North America. In Russia in the southern regions, rarely winter-hardy varieties grow in the middle zone.

What do the fruits look like? Mulberry fruits are up to 2-3 cm in length, depending on the type come in dark purple, black, white and red colors.

These are sweet berries with a long aftertaste and a specific aroma. Appearance The fruit is very reminiscent of blackberries.

Mulberry fruits are absolutely not transportable and do not tolerate long-term storage. Therefore, they go beyond the borders of their range only in processed form.

Useful properties and benefits of mulberry berries and leaves

In ancient treatises and writings one can find a large number of references to useful and medicinal properties different parts mulberries. Today they are confirmed by numerous studies of the chemical composition of wood.

Nutritional value of fruits (100 g):

  • carbohydrates 9.8 g;
  • proteins 1.44 g;
  • fats 0.39 g;
  • water 87.68 g.

Energy value 43 kcal. The product's carbohydrates are divided into sugars (8.1 g) and dietary fiber (1.7 g).

Small amount of calories healthy sugars and availability dietary fiber make mulberry fruits attractive for dietary nutrition.

Besides fruits contain organic acids(1.2 g): apple and lemon. The main function of these substances is to improve digestion.

They stimulate peristalsis and juice secretion in the gastrointestinal tract, regulate the structure of stool, and inhibit the development of putrefactive processes in the digestive sections.


  • potassium 194 mg;
  • calcium 39 mg;
  • phosphorus 38 mg;
  • magnesium 18 mg;
  • sodium 10 mg.

All macroelements from mulberry are necessary for human life. They regulate water-electrolyte balance and the heart rate cycle, participate in renewal and growth bone tissue.

A steady supply of these substances will be beneficial: they support mental activity, muscle contraction and human energy potential. These properties are especially useful for children and older people.


  • ascorbic acid (C) 10 mg;
  • niacin (B3) 0.620 mg;
  • riboflavin (B2) 0.101 mg;
  • thiamine (B1) 0.029 mg;
  • folic acid (B9) 6 mcg;
  • phylloquinone (K) 7.8 μg;
  • retinol (A) 1 mcg.

Thiamine promotes stable supply of glucose to the brain, improves memory. Riboflavin is good for eye structures, niacin prevents nervous stress.

Vitamin B9 helps synthesis of nucleic acids, cell division and formation of red blood cells.

Vitamin C is one of the most important antioxidants which protects the body from toxins environment. Ascorbic acid has anti-inflammatory and antipyretic properties.

Regular and correct usage Fruits strengthen the immune system, improve mental performance, and increase the body's endurance. Therefore they are recommended for the diet active people and when the body is exhausted after long-term illnesses.

The leaves of the plant contain a rare complex of useful substances that makes them no less valuable than fruits. They contain:

  • tannins;
  • flavonoids;
  • organic acids;
  • resins;
  • essential oils;
  • β-sitosterol, capesterol;
  • vitamins of group B, C.

In folk medicine, hypoglycemic, multivitamin and tonic agents are prepared from the leaves.

Mulberry leaves relieve pain and swelling in inflamed joints. To do this, they are simply applied to the affected area for 30 minutes 3-5 times a day.

An infusion of leaves is used to treat brain spasms, taking 100 ml of the product 3 times a day.

Mulberry – tree of life:

Contraindications and harm of mulberry to the body

Mulberry fruits are contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity of the body. Even minimal use may cause a severe allergic reaction.

Mulberry fruits should not be eaten on an empty stomach, washed down with cold water or mixed with other foods.

Use in folk medicine, medicinal properties

On average, mulberry fruits contain 4.5% iron. This is one of the main participants in hematopoiesis. Vitamin K and copper significantly enhance these properties of the substance. Therefore, they are used for the treatment and prevention of anemia and hematopoietic disorders.

Fatty acids, essential oils and tannins of fruits help fight gastrointestinal pathologies:

  • colitis;
  • diarrhea;
  • dysbacteriosis.

For treatment, juice or infusion of the fruit is used, 100 ml 3 times a day.

Totality percentage mineral salts provides therapeutic effect at:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • coronary heart disease;
  • tachycardia, arrhythmias;
  • myocardial dystrophy;
  • hypertension;
  • heart defects.

To treat these diseases you can use juice or infusion from mulberry fruits. Use 300 ml of the product per day for 14 days.

Chemical composition fruits thins mucus and removes toxins and blood particles from the bronchopulmonary tract. Pronounced anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and diaphoretic properties significantly facilitate the course of bacterial and viral infections.

Therefore, they are used to treat:

  • chronic cough;
  • tracheitis;
  • bronchitis;
  • tracheobronchitis;
  • ARVI, acute respiratory infections, influenza.

To treat these pathologies they use. For this, 1 tbsp. l. The product is dissolved in 100 ml of milk at room temperature. Before use, the product is diluted in 100 ml of hot milk. Take 3 times a day.

How to cook healing mulberry doshab:

Herbal remedies from fruits are used for treatment inflammatory processes in the oral cavity: stomatitis, gingivitis, periostitis. To do this, rinse the mouth with an infusion of mulberry fruits 4-5 times a day.

White mulberry fruits contain a rare phytoalexin - resveratrol. The substance has neuroprotective and anticarcinogenic effects.

These fruit properties are beneficial for people with oncological diseases and with pathologies associated with damage to brain neurons.

Recipes from fruits and leaves

Juice is squeezed out of mulberry fruits, doshab, infusions, compotes, preserves and jams are made. The leaves are used to prepare medicinal herbal remedies and compresses.

Medicinal recipes:

  1. Infusion of fruits. The crushed raw materials (100 g) are infused in boiling water (0.5 l) for 5 hours.
  2. Juice. The fruits are pressed. For each liter of juice add 100 g of sugar and 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice and cook over low heat for 5 minutes. Pour into sterilized jars and roll up the lids.
  3. Infusion of leaves. Fresh crushed raw materials (1 tbsp) are poured with water (250 ml) and steamed in a water bath for 15 minutes. The product is infused for 3 hours, filtered and brought to the original volume.
  4. Doshab. Fresh fruits(10 kg) pour water (0.5 l) and cook over low heat for 1 hour. The berry mass is ground through a sieve, the released juice is boiled until a thick syrup is obtained.

Culinary recipes:

  1. Jam. The washed and dried fruits (2 kg) are placed in a wide container, covered with sugar (2 kg) and left until the juice appears. After this, the fruits are heated over low heat until the sugar dissolves and boil for 10 minutes, skimming off the foam. The jam is heated 3 times. The last time half of the syrup is poured into a separate container. The finished product is sterilized using the usual method.
  2. Jelly. To prepare the dessert, the juice is squeezed out of the fruit, as when preparing doshab. Add pectin (10 g) to the juice (0.75 l), bring to a boil and add sugar (600 g). After this, the jelly is kept on the stove for 2-3 minutes and poured into prepared jars. Containers with the product are sterilized and sealed.
  3. Compote. First, boil the syrup at the rate of 150 g of sugar per 1 liter of water. Sterilized jars are filled 1/3 with fruits and filled with hot syrup. Roll up the lids, turn them over and, after cooling, put them away for storage.
  4. Mulberries in sugar. The washed fruits are placed in small jars, each layer layered with sugar. For 1.5 kg of berries you will need 250 g of sugar.

Mulberry jam:

Mulberry fruits can also be dried. To obtain dried berries, it is better to use natural natural conditions: Sun rays and wind. To do this, the fruits are laid out on a dry surface, covered with film overnight.

Mulberry fruits will retain up to 90-95% of their beneficial properties when deep frozen. To do this, they need to be laid out in one layer on a baking sheet and placed in the freezer, setting the most low temperature. After 10-12 hours, the fruits can be placed in a convenient container.

Proper use during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the volume of circulating blood in the body increases significantly to nourish the uterus and fetus. Therefore, the need for iron increases several times, deficiency of the substance causes anemia.

Regular consumption of mulberries will help prevent this complication.

Appearance serious complications during pregnancy - varicose veins, preeclampsia, hemorrhoids - associated with increased weight, pressure of the uterus on the vessels and an increase in fluid in the body.

Deal with these problems macroelements from the fruit will help. In addition, they are necessary for the strength of bone tissue, the load on which increases during this period.

The intake of macroelements is also important for the fetus. These are the main regulators of cell growth and division during the formation of organs and structures of the unborn child.

Numerous stresses associated with caring for a small child contribute to a decrease in lactation. A steady supply of phosphorus will help strengthen nervous system, and resveratrol resist viral and bacterial infections.

Herbal remedies from mulberry fruits and leaves will useful for constipation, swelling and colds . They will help you avoid unwanted use chemicals during pregnancy and lactation.

The intake of nutrients from a dietary source will prevent the accumulation of excess weight, which in turn leads to many complications.

During pregnancy, mulberry fruits can be consumed no more than 300 g per day. You need to approach this issue more carefully when feeding.

First you need to pass the test. To do this, use 1 tsp. and monitor the reaction of the baby’s body. If allergic reactions and there are no gastrointestinal disorders, the norm can be increased to 100 g.

High productivity, a large number of useful properties and culinary attractiveness: such characteristics contribute to the gradual spread of the mulberry tree beyond its natural range.

Today the tree can increasingly be found in the middle gardening regions. This means that with a full understanding of the characteristics, the crop can be grown in your own orchard.

The health benefits of mulberry include its ability to improve digestion, lower cholesterol, reduce weight, improve blood circulation, strengthen the immune system, lower blood pressure and much more. Mulberries are juicy, slightly tart, and rich in many beneficial nutrients.

Mulberry description

The mulberry tree belongs to the Mulberry family, which is distributed throughout the world. They grow in Europe and Asia, Africa and America. Their main habitat is the subtropical zone. But here this tree can be found even to the north of these latitudes. Mulberry feels great on the borders of the Voronezh, Kursk and Belgorod regions.

There are more than 100 species of this tree, which are usually identified by the color of their buds and leaves. Berries can be black, purple, red, white and other colors. There are three types of economic significance:

White mulberry, which is considered native to eastern and central China;

Red or American mulberry, native to the eastern United States;

The black mulberry grows in western Asia.

There are two types of mulberry growing in our country: white mulberry and black mulberry. By the way, the juice of white mulberries washes the skin well from the juice of black berries.

This is a tall deciduous tree, sometimes reaching 15-17 meters. The tree is long-lived. Can grow for 200 years. There are specimens whose age reaches 300-500 years.

Its berries are similar in appearance to raspberries or blackberries. Some berries have a pleasant aroma. But in most cases, especially those that grow in our country, can be called tasteless. But this impression of them is very misleading. Despite the absence pronounced taste they contain a lot nutrients.

Mulberry beneficial properties and composition

Mulberry trees are grown mainly as food for the silkworm. But thanks to the impressive nutritional value berries of this tree, mulberry is gaining popularity all over the world. Chinese traditional medicine For many centuries, its fruits, leaves and bark have been used to treat many diseases, including heart disease, diabetes, anemia and others.

Wine is made from the berries, juice, leaves and berries are brewed as tea. Mulberries can be different color and depending on this they differ in the presence of antioxidants.

Fresh mulberries are 88 percent water. In addition, they contain:



Vitamins: C, K, riboflavin and other B vitamins;

Minerals: potassium, iron, calcium, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus;




Organic acids.

Dried berries Mulberries contain 14 percent dietary fiber, 70 percent carbohydrates, 12 percent protein and just 3 percent fat.

Mulberries are a noteworthy source of dietary fiber, accounting for 1.7 percent of their weight in fresh. They are represented by soluble fibers in the form of pectin, the share of which is 25 percent, and insoluble fibers in the form of lignin.

Dietary fiber is known to have an effect on digestive system, can lower cholesterol levels and may reduce the risk of many diseases.

The berries of this tree are a rich source of vitamin C, which is needed to maintain immune system, participates in collagen synthesis and performs several more important functions in the body, including the prevention of vitamin deficiency.

Second important vitamin, which is contained in berries, vitamin K, is responsible for blood clotting and is involved in maintaining a healthy skeletal system.

B vitamins are important for proper metabolism and affect the functioning of the nervous system.

Potassium regulates the amount of fluid in the body, serves as a preventive measure for heart disease, and reduces the risk of high blood pressure. blood pressure, swelling.

Iron is needed for the synthesis of red blood cells, serves as the prevention of anemia, is involved in the transfer of oxygen in the body to all tissues and cells.

Mulberries are rich in plant compounds that belong to the group of powerful antioxidants.

A special place is occupied by anthocyanins, antioxidants that can suppress oxidative processes in the body, serve as the prevention of heart disease and other serious diseases.

Cyanidin is one of the main antioxidant compounds in mulberries, which is responsible for the color of the berries.

Other important antioxidant compounds include rutin, myricetin, and chlorogenic acid. All these compounds can protect and reduce the risk of serious diseases, including diabetes, cancer, and the cardiovascular system.

The darker the berries, the more antioxidants they contain, the more powerful their effect on the body.

Considering low calorie content berries, which per 100 grams is only about 43 calories, they are useful for overweight and obesity.

The benefits of mulberries for the body

Thanks to your nutritional properties, mulberries can bring great benefit for the human body. But this tree is famous not only for its berries. Its bark, leaves and even roots were used by humans to get rid of many ailments.

Eating mulberries can:

Reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood;

Increase hemoglobin;

Helps prevent anemia;

Improves digestion;

Normalizes the functioning of the intestinal tract;

Slows down the absorption of sugar into the blood;

Thanks to vitamins and minerals, improves immunity;

Reduces the risk of tumor formations;

Helps prevent heart disease;

Strengthens the walls of blood vessels;

Promote weight loss by preventing fatty disease liver.

As is known, high level cholesterol can lead to many chronic diseases, including cardiovascular. Studies have shown that mulberries can significantly improve the ratio between low-density and high-density lithoproteins, i.e. between “bad” cholesterol and “good” cholesterol.

In addition, they can reduce the formation of fat cells in the liver, which can serve as a prevention of fatty liver disease.

Diabetic patients are very sensitive to fluctuations in blood sugar levels. Mulberries are able to inhibit an enzyme in the intestines that breaks down carbohydrates, allowing the absorption of sugar to slow down after meals.

What are the benefits of mulberries?

As mentioned above, mulberries are useful not only for their berries. Traditionally in Eastern Chinese medicine Other parts of this plant are also used.

Tree root decoction is good sedative. Brew it at bronchial asthma, cough, heart disease, kidney disease.

Tree bark in powder form is used to heal wounds and burns.

Fresh leaf juice can calm down toothache. Decoctions of the leaves have analgesic and antipyretic properties.

Mulberry leaf tea helps early stages diabetes mellitus

Their effect on the human body depends not only on the color, but also on the ripeness of the berries. Unripe fruits have astringent properties, while ripe ones help relieve constipation.

Ripe berries are an excellent diuretic. This is due to the ratio of potassium to sodium, which helps excrete excess water from the body.

Black berries have an effect on blood composition, while white berries are good for the nervous system.

Gastrointestinal diseases, such as gastric and duodenal ulcers;

Kidney diseases;

Liver disease;

High blood pressure;

Pain in the heart.

Gargle with juice and decoction for colds and inflammatory diseases mouth, throat.

Fresh juice can prevent periodontal disease and stomatitis. White mulberry juice is recommended to be given to children to prevent rickets.

Eating white berries prevents prostatitis and serves as a preventive measure for impotence. To prevent infertility in boys after mumps, traditional healers recommend regularly giving children ripe berries mulberries.

Rinse your hair with a decoction of the leaves, which gives it a healthy shine and silkiness.

Use of mulberries in cooking

Mulberries are very tender. Therefore, juice is most often squeezed out of them. The juice is used to make fruit honey called bekmes. To do this, the juice is evaporated until it reaches a syrupy consistency.

The berries are used to make jam, jam, added to other berry and fruit compotes, and prepared into jelly. You can use them as a filling for pies and dumplings.

Mulberries can be dried, frozen, and made into wine. They are used to prepare various sweets and sorbets. Dried berries can replace raisins.

Collection and storage of mulberries

Mulberries are not suitable for transportation. That's why fresh berries can only be purchased at the market if mulberry grows in the region. In other cases, you can only purchase dried berries.

After picking, fresh berries should be immediately placed in the refrigerator. Their shelf life is no more than two days. If longer storage is expected, they need to be frozen.

Store dried berries in a closed container in a dark place.

Mulberry harm and contraindications

Allergies to mulberries are extremely rare, despite the fact that they are dark in color. But especially sensitive people, especially those who are allergic to pollen, may have an allergic reaction.

Eating berries that are not fully ripe can cause constipation.

Otherwise, mulberries have no contraindications. The only thing you need to know and always remember is that berry juice is very difficult to wash off.

To summarize the benefits and harms of mulberries, we can say that they are useful both fresh and dried. They contain many beneficial nutrients that can bring certain benefits to our body and help maintain health.

Find out about the beneficial properties of the body in this video

Name in Latin: Morus alba

Synonyms: white mulberry, mulberry, shovkovitsa, shovkun, silk, mulberry tree, tyutina, mulberry, tutoshnik, marva, mulberry, here, mulberry tree

A tree of the mulberry family, 15-20 m high. The crown is dense, spherical. The leaves are alternate, ovate, with crenate-toothed edges. Blooms in April - May. The flowers are small, inconspicuous, collected in earring-shaped inflorescences with a four-membered perianth. The fruit is a small drupe. Ripens in May - July.

White mulberry is widespread in the European part of Russia, Central Asia, the Caucasus, Moldova, Crimea, the lower reaches of the Volga, Far East and in Primorye. Grown as a fruit and ornamental tree. Used as hedges.

A decoction of branches reduces blood pressure, relieves rheumatic pain. To do this, they should be chopped together with the leaves with a hatchet and steamed in a large saucepan (or better yet, in cast iron) in the oven or Russian oven for 2-3 hours. Pour the contents of the pan into a bucket and steam your feet in it for as long as possible. Then cover your knees and feet with warm leaves, wrap them in linen cloth and wrap them with a woolen scarf on top. It is advisable to do this procedure before going to bed, so that you can immediately go to bed.

The juice of the berries cleanses the blood, resolves tumors in the throat, larynx, and palate. Gargling with juice relieves rashes and mouth ulcers.

Mulberry roots make a good expectorant, thinning thick, sticky sputum. A decoction of the roots is also drunk for bronchial asthma, and as a diuretic for edema.

Treatment of diseases

Used in the treatment of the following diseases:


Taking Mulberry is contraindicated for:

  • and others

Recipes 1

Mulberry - for hypertension, headaches, to thin the blood. the decoction has a gentle effect on the entire body, lowers blood pressure, cleanses the lungs and bronchi, stimulates the kidneys, regulates metabolism

Pour 200 grams of chopped roots into 3 liters cold water, leave for 1 hour. Then, put on low heat and bring to a boil, simmer for 15 minutes, leave until cool, strain. Take 200 ml. 3 times a day, before meals. Course 5 days, 3 days break. Conduct 3 such courses. This decoction will last for 5 days, store in the refrigerator.

For hypertension

This decoction normalizes blood pressure

Pour 50 grams of crushed roots into 1 liter of cold water in an enamel pan, leave for 1 hour. Then put on low heat, cook at low boil for 15 minutes, leave until cool, strain. Take 3 days, 1/3 cup 3 times a day, 3 days off and repeat the course 2-4 more times.

Hello, Yulia Evgenievna!

The diagnosis is idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura. I discovered bruises in May last year, and the diagnosis was confirmed in August last year. Last year I was admitted to the hospital with 15,000 platelets. They took me once prednisolone, there was no answer. The answer was to immunoglobulin. Dropped 4 times. In January, the platelets were infused for the 4th time and today the platelets are in the region of 100-160. I give you my decoction: nettle, yarrow, rosehip.

Hello, Irochka!

I want to warn you right away - even with severe bleeding, categorically refuse the offer to remove the spleen. Add to your child., in the form of powder on powdered sugar.

Good luck in everything! See you in touch!

04/21/13 Yuri

Hello! I have a few questions for the herbalist.

Hello, Yuri!

I read your questions with great interest and saw an optimist, a confident person. This is good, but you still have to fight fibrosis constantly and in this sense it is better to be a pedant. Taking into account your wishes, I have compiled a collection for you, which (if you like it) you and Yuri will drink for 6-8 weeks, after which the herbs need to be changed.

1. Collecting roots for the liver.

Dear Ekaterina Vitautovna!

We can help your child and we will be happy to do so. Vitaprinol capsules are used successfully in the treatment of tuberculosis. It's easy to drink. The course is 2 months, at least, in winter the need for phytosterols increases, and it also contains fir resin, chlorophyll, Siberian Fir. Forget about the positive skin test. You will need 3 packs.

Hello, Vika!

If you mean visual acuity, then these are, first of all, herbs that improve the condition of the liver - Milk thistle, Solyanka, immortelle, Calendula. Then, these are foods and plants containing



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