Occupational hazards of the driver. Occupational diseases of drivers

Occupational diseases Drivers can be divided into several groups.
The first is diseases of the spine and pelvis. They are associated with an uncomfortable functional position behind the wheel, in which long time the driver is located. These include radiculitis and osteochondrosis. This bouquet is complemented by hemorrhoids and, of course, prostatitis, which is the most “representative” disease of this conventionally divided group.

Statistics say that 40 to 60% of men suffer from prostatitis. Different reasons contribute to the occurrence of this disease - there is both smoking and drinking, but for the driver the first priority is stagnation of blood circulation in the small pelvis, and I am not afraid to repeat it, is caused by the uncomfortable position in which the person is constantly driving.
Of course, compared to hemorrhoids, prostatitis is more dangerous for a man, and the full effect of this component of the body is most important, since prostate disease, as a rule, leads to the development of impotence.
The second group of diseases is associated with increased emotional stress. Constant stress while driving causes cardiovascular diseases. That is why drivers have the most frequent heart attacks, hypertension, and heart rhythm disturbances.
The third group is diseases gastrointestinal tract associated with irregular and poor nutrition during work. But these diseases are the lot of professionals, mostly truck drivers and, to a lesser extent, amateurs.

By and large, motorists are less susceptible to these diseases. It all depends on how much time a person spends behind the wheel and how attentive he is to his health.
What needs to be done to prevent the occurrence of diseases, and even more so their transition to chronic form?

No matter how trivial it may sound, these are a variety of physical activities, that is, a daily set of gymnastic exercises, which should keep the cardiovascular system and tone normal. nervous system, including blood circulation. There is nothing supernatural in it; in general, it is an ordinary set of gymnastic exercises, the only thing that must be present is circular movements in lumbar region spine, all kinds of flexion and extension. This is especially important when we talk about activating blood circulation in the pelvis.
There is nothing better for the prevention of professional driving diseases contrast shower. And at the same time, there is nothing simpler - in the morning after taking a hygienic shower, switch to a contrast shower. Moreover, you don’t need to immediately rush to the maximum temperature difference, enter this procedure gradually, especially if you have never done it - from cool-warm, bringing over time the difference to the maximum hot-cold, such that the skin can withstand for several seconds This temperature swing activates blood circulation in the skin, central circulation, normalizes the tone of the nervous system, and stimulates the immune system.

And the final chord of the regime preventive measures should be a daily walk. But a walk is not visiting guests, going to a store or market is just walking. You need to walk about five kilometers a day for 40 minutes. Whether you do this in the morning or in the evening does not matter.
These three components are enough to keep yourself in training mode and activate your vitality. important functions body.

I especially emphasize: it is good to do everything on time, it is important to prevent the occurrence of the disease, and even more so its transition to a chronic form. It is very important to find a doctor who will help you at the stage of microsymptoms, when minimal changes have occurred in the body or their occurrence is possible. In this case, you can put a person back on his feet, which medicine rarely achieves today due to the fact that people turn when, as they say, the end has come. It’s better to go to the doctor “for nothing,” that is, to play it safe, than to end up in a clinic.

Each profession is complex in its own way and has a certain impact on people’s bodies. Working as a driver is no exception, and professional drivers With experience, a detailed examination often reveals a whole bunch of diseases. They are mainly provoked by a constant sitting position and minimal mobility during working hours. Let's look at occupational diseases of drivers, what leads to them and how to prevent their development?

How to prevent digestive disorders in drivers

Doctors know a variety of occupational diseases of drivers, but it all usually begins with gastrointestinal disorders. The first problem is the growth of fat deposits on the abdomen, chest and thighs. Many truck drivers forced to drive sedentary image life, have overweight due to the fact that the food consumed is not digested properly, turning into fat. The reason is simple: the driver, due to minimal mobility and lack of physical activity consumes almost no energy.

Preventing occupational diseases is not an easy task, but in this case everything is quite doable. The driver only needs to give up fast food, sweet soda, all kinds of snacks and other useless food. With an unbalanced diet, it will be impossible to correct anything. The diet should consist mainly of foods with low content fast carbohydrates and fats, that is, the menu should preferably be composed of:

It is recommended to prepare food yourself and take it on the road in containers, or buy diet food in snack bars. During breaks between flights, it is recommended to go to the gym, go jogging, and do cardio.

In addition to obesity, another disorder associated with intestinal motility may develop due to insufficient physical activity. Food consumed on the go is not fully absorbed, remaining in the body longer than necessary. This leads to accumulation toxic substances, disruption of enzyme production and irritation of mucous membranes. All this leads to intestinal inflammation, gastritis, ulcers and even the appearance of low-quality polyps. To avoid all this, drivers need to eat not on the go, but in a cafe at a table, and after eating it is worth taking a 10-15 minute walk - this is good for digestion. Often drivers develop and diabetes due to poor nutrition.

Why Drivers Have Circulatory Problems

Cardiovascular diseases are also quite common. Even medical statistics confirm that men who are forced to sit behind the wheel often and for long periods of time are more at risk of developing hypertension and sometimes even heart attacks. U this phenomenon there is an elementary explanation. The high emotional stress that arises from the fact that the driver is forced to constantly control the road does not allow him to relax.

Adds fuel to the fire and minimal activity with a weak metabolism, causing muscle atrophy, including the heart. In a sitting position, the cardiovascular system simply does not have to function fully, so its condition is gradually depressed.

Prostatitis in drivers

A driver who is constantly in a car seat may experience problems with the reproductive system. The main reason is the lack of loads. In men 20-50 years old, prostatitis is a common disease, and many urologists' patients are drivers. The first symptoms of the disease are general weakness and fatigue. The earlier treatment is started, the lower the likelihood serious complications in the form of infertility and impotence.

Prostatitis develops due to blood stagnation in the pelvic area, which is aggravated by constant shaking and physical stress when driving over uneven surfaces. Heated seats also have an extremely negative effect, because overheating the groin area is dangerous for the male genital organs.

A professional driver who spends a lot of time behind the wheel periodically gets out of the car. When this happens during the cold season, the body experiences sudden temperature changes, which also negatively affect prostate gland and provoke inflammation.

Infertility - even more dangerous disease professional driver, which can result from untreated prostatitis. The risk is especially high if the driver constantly drives with the seat heating on. Frequent auto-illnesses of taxi drivers and truck drivers are also associated with other sexual disorders, including:

If treatment of the pelvic organs is not started in a timely manner, the disorder will progress and lead to serious deviations.

Muscular and skeletal systems

People who constantly drive cars have probably noticed how discomfort occurs in the spine after long trips. Pinched muscles are one of the most common problems professional drivers, and many ignore the discomfort that arises.

Gradually, pain, burning sensation and numbness arise in the pinched area. If nothing is done, musculoskeletal system may become deformed. In advanced cases it appears internal bleeding, refuse digestive organs and material metabolism is disrupted. In general, the health consequences are the most unpleasant.

If you don’t get up every two or three hours and do some warm-up and simple exercises, a professional driver will definitely get overwhelmed.

Other health problems

Exhaust fumes cause many health problems. Men who work as taxi drivers or truck drivers have to constantly be in an atmosphere with exhaust fumes. Over time, this becomes a problem leading to health problems. The respiratory system is affected as toxins penetrate the bronchi and lungs. Smoking aggravates the situation, and common auto-diseases include mucosal dystrophy, emphysema and even oncology.

We have already found out above that blood stagnation in the pelvic area in drivers is the cause of many health problems. Without proper prevention the driver is unlikely to be able to avoid such chronic illness like hemorrhoids. The risk of its development is especially high if in a car uncomfortable seat, but this is not the main reason. Incorrect operation intestines due to an unhealthy diet often leads to constipation, which contributes to the appearance of hemorrhoids.

So we figured out what diseases drivers most often suffer from. Only prevention of the following will help you maintain your health. chronic diseases and timely consultation with a doctor when the first symptoms of any disorder are detected.

People have suffered from diseases at all times. These diseases are so common that almost every person suffers from them at some time. Even in such a prosperous country as Sweden, illness accounts for 10 - 15% of cases of disability. Out of 1000 patients who first consult a doctor in connection with the disease, 400 are sent to the hospital, 30 of them remain there for examination and treatment, and 5 are operated on.

Familiarization with the state of affairs shows that such diseases are approximately evenly distributed in all age groups, and the increase in their number due to the aging of the body is very insignificant. In other words, illness is almost as common in the young as in the elderly. Men suffer from them almost twice as often as women. This can be explained by anatomical and physiological characteristics and the fact that many men are engaged in heavy physical labor.

There are other diseases spinal column: , discosis, , , , , lumboischialgia, etc. The onset of the disease is acute or gradual, from minor pain to a severe condition due to unbearable pain. Course - with frequent or rare exacerbations, without periods of improvement, with a gradual or rapid increase in the severity of the disease. The nature of the disease depends on the degree, nature, and level of damage to the intervertebral discs.

During X-ray examination: changes in the shape of bodies, changes in the height of intervertebral discs, the presence of bone growths on the vertebrae - “claws”, “spikes”. This was the reason for the widespread opinion of osteochondrosis as a “deposition of salts in.”

Due to the change metabolic processes vascular, muscular, motor and other disorders occur.

Long-term driving not only causes neck and back pain, but can cause chronic diseases. Experts from the British Royal Automobile Society (RAC) have found that many drivers constantly sit in incorrect posture, which leads to overstrain of the back muscles. The most dangerous “banana pose” is when the driver sits leaning towards the steering wheel and straightening his legs towards the pedals.

This creates maximum pressure on, which intensifies due to shaking while driving. The risk of serious injury during accidents also increases. Doctors recommend using hard seats that are well adjusted to the driver's figure. You should not move too far from the pedals. It is important to correctly adjust the position of the headrest.

It's better to use seats upholstered in fabric rather than leather or vinyl. RAC Foundation director Edmund King said illnesses were widespread among taxi drivers, door-to-door salesmen and others who spent long periods of time behind the wheel, which was largely due to the fact that drivers did not pay enough attention to their prevention.

According to the rules - Russian bath after exercises, and not by itself, but with mandatory cooling of the body before entering the steam room and mandatory immersion (with the head) after leaving the steam room. There are also many myths regarding cold baths, one of which is that it supposedly arises from cold water prostatitis. But prostatitis is by no means hypothermia of the prostate gland, but congestion in the muscles of the perineum, which (prostatitis) is also an “occupational” disease of truck drivers. To prevent prostatitis and its prevention, I would recommend deep squats before or immediately after a long ride, while keeping your arms extended upward in front. For achievement desired effect For one exercise you need to squat at least 100 times.

Stand up after squatting, again exhaling "XXAA". Squats improve venous drainage blood from lower limbs and thereby maintain normal blood circulation in the muscles of the perineum, which is the main prevention of prostatitis. In conclusion, I would like to recommend that truck drivers regularly check Gym to maintain good muscle tone, which is necessary for the prevention of diseases that manifest themselves during long immobile positions. The group of these diseases includes headaches, increased fatigue, irritability, illness large joints, hypertension, hemorrhoids and a number of others. Remember: diseases musculoskeletal system body, or rather, musculoskeletal system, are treated only with exercises. But the right movement heals, the wrong one cripples.

The movement itself, such as playing football, volleyball, tennis, is not a prevention of the diseases we are considering. Correct movement, or exercise, is not entertainment, but a necessary routine, just like maintenance for a car. We have to do it - that’s all! Preferably regularly. And through “I can’t” and “I don’t want.” My average patient is lazy, cowardly and weak. This is the crux of the whole problem. I wish you not to make yourself sick!
When preparing the material, material from the magazine "Avtotrak" was used

Movement is life. Today, for many, driving means driving your car. But that’s not what they wanted to say with this everyday proverb. Nowadays, a car has ceased to be a luxury, but has become a means of transportation. Moreover, for many, the car has become an integral part of work. Taxi drivers, truck drivers, minibus drivers, etc. cannot imagine life without a car. These professions require drivers to be behind the wheel all day. , and what occupational diseases await drivers?

Top most common driver diseases:

  1. Prostatitis. One of the most frequent illnesses male genital area. A sedentary lifestyle is one of the main and most common reasons occurrence . Being in a sitting position for a long time disrupts blood circulation and a stagnation process appears in the pelvic area, which leads to prostatitis.
  2. Haemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are caused not only by impaired blood circulation in the pelvis. Frequent constipation is the main cause of hemorrhoids in men. Not balanced diet with insufficient fiber necessary for work digestive tract, is main reason constipation Therefore, it is necessary to consume foods containing fiber: fruits and vegetables, legumes, nuts, seeds.
  3. Osteochondrosis. Osteochondrosis is caused by a sedentary lifestyle and incorrect position driving posture.
  4. Radiculitis. One of the most common causes of radiculitis is osteochondrosis.
  5. . Lack of physical activity promotes deposits excess fat. This leads to disruption of metabolic processes, after which the situation with overweight worsens even more. The situation is aggravated by an incorrect diet, part of which is fast food.
  6. Cardiovascular diseases. Men whose profession involves constant driving are susceptible to heart attacks for two reasons: strong emotional stress and insufficient physical activity. Emotional overload manifests itself due to constant stress while driving: you must always be focused and attentive so as not to get into an accident. Lack of physical activity contributes to weakening and atrophy of the heart muscle, which leads to various cardiovascular diseases.
  7. Male infertility. A sitting position increases the temperature and overheats the testicles, which interferes with sperm maturation and release male hormones. The situation is aggravated by the heated and cramped driver's seat.
  8. Gastrointestinal disease. Applies to drivers who neglect healthy food and often do not have time to have a proper snack. For example, truck drivers.

Prevention of occupational diseases of drivers

So, what needs to be done in order to minimize the consequences caused by prolonged driving.

The first thing you need to pay attention to is physical activity. If possible, take walks and play sports. If possible, take breaks. During the break, try to move more and, if the situation allows, do exercises to improve blood circulation in the pelvis:

  1. Circular rotations of the pelvis, first in one direction, then in the other direction
  2. Bend your torso forward with your hands touching the floor
  3. Squats
  4. Bend the torso to the sides

If it is not possible to stand up, you can do the following exercise: while sitting, we begin to retract the area between the testicles and the anus, while the muscles of the buttocks should not tense. This exercise is used to train. The exercise is effective for the prevention of prostatitis, as well as diseases associated with blood stagnation in the pelvic area.

The second thing drivers should think about is equipping their driver’s seat with a special orthopedic mattress.

Prevention of osteochondrosis, radiculitis, hemorrhoids, prostatitis

-maintains correct posture
-reduces fatigue while driving

Remember, prevention is easier than cure. Therefore, it is better to engage in disease prevention in a timely manner, otherwise occupational diseases of drivers may appear at any time.

It is no secret that a sedentary lifestyle can have an extremely negative impact on human health. There are so many diseases that doctors attribute to office workers, cashiers, accountants, or even drivers. Yes, yes, the latter also often suffer the most various diseases, without even suspecting that their cause could be their favorite car. In this article we will talk about the most common ailments that accompany avid drivers and help determine methods of dealing with such unpleasant companions of motorists.

All "professional" Driver diseases can be divided into four groups. This:

1. Diseases that are a consequence of prolonged sitting: osteochondrosis, habitual dislocations, hemorrhoids, prostatitis and radiculitis.

2. Diseases associated with constant stress resulting from stress (arrhythmias, cardialgia, hypertension and heart attacks).

3. Diseases caused by inadequate and irregular nutrition during work (gastritis, peptic ulcer, colitis, pancreatitis and cholecystitis). True, this group of ailments is more typical for professionals rather than amateurs.

4. Problems associated with a sedentary lifestyle and metabolic disorders, presented in the form of obesity and diabetes.

Let's look at some of them in more detail.

1. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

The first problem that befell a professional driver is a disease of the gastrointestinal tract. This is not surprising, because, constantly driving a car, there is simply not enough time for a healthy and balanced diet. Thus, a sedentary lifestyle will certainly affect intestinal motility, because food absorbed on the move will not be able to be absorbed normally, which means it will remain in the intestines longer.

As a result, all accumulated toxins have a detrimental effect on the mucous membrane, disrupting the natural production of enzymes. This fact allows us to classify inflammation of different parts of the intestine as occupational diseases of drivers: starting from duodenum and ending with the rectum. Naturally, in the absence timely treatment, a seemingly trivial problem can easily provoke the formation of more serious illnesses(for example, malignant polyps).

As a preventive measure, experts recommend eating on a comfortable chair in a roadside cafe, and after a serious lunch or dinner, you should take at least 15 minutes for a walk. However, if you cannot afford to be distracted from the car even for this for a long time, then learn a simple set of gymnastic exercises that must be performed every three hours of the trip. These include:

- body turns;


2. Excess weight

Of course, move on own car much more convenient than public transport, but if you are forced to constantly drive, then increased comfort can quickly turn into less pleasant experiences. Of course, at first few people think about the fact that a sharp decline physical activity threatens the appearance of excess weight, especially given the unchanged eating habits, but the fact remains that sedentary lifestyle life definitely leads to disruption of circulatory and metabolic processes. In the latter case, the most characteristic consequence of this phenomenon is the strong growth of adipose tissue, accumulating mainly on the abdomen, hips and chest.

The results of physical inactivity (weakening of muscle activity) will be noticeable within a month active work using a car: body volume increases and a double chin appears.

You've probably noticed more than once that most truck drivers have fairly solid bodies, because all the fast foods they consume (and along with them carbohydrates) cannot be digested normally and are immediately converted into fat. This is not surprising, because the driver’s body expends practically no energy.

It is still possible to deal with this problem. Try giving up hamburgers, hot dogs and sweets mineral water, replacing them with low-calorie foods with minimal fat and carbohydrate content (for example, chicken, beef, lean fish, vegetables, cottage cheese and skim milk). It’s better to cook food for the road either yourself or order it dietary products in passing cafes, especially since today they are far from uncommon.

Certainly, excess weight will not become a serious obstacle when driving a vehicle, but it can still cause certain problems. Eg, overweight The body also causes a number of other diseases, among which heart problems are among the first, and this can already serve as a contraindication to driving a vehicle.

Probably one of the most common types modern diseases are problems with the heart and blood vessels. In particular, those men who, due to their occupation, are forced to drive a car for a long time, are much more susceptible to heart attacks and hypertension. In principle, there is a completely logical explanation for this phenomenon. Firstly, due to strong emotional load(you need to constantly watch the road) you can’t relax, and Secondly, lack of physical activity leads to muscle atrophy, including the heart.

4. Reproductive system

Despite the fact that many male drivers deny having any problems associated with “ men's health", it is not always so. In fact, permanent sitting and the lack of any physical activity often leads to disastrous results.

This disease is the most common urological problem in men aged 20 to 50 years, and 70% of patients are professional drivers. The first signs of prostatitis may appear as general weakness And increased fatigue, which is often accompanied painful sensations in the perineum and various sexual disorders. However, even the smallest problems require an immediate solution, otherwise the disease will simply turn into chronic phase, accompanied by serious complications - impotence and male infertility.

Among possible reasons the appearance of such unpleasant disease Doctors also highlight a sedentary lifestyle. As for drivers, the constant sitting position(leads to stagnation of blood in the pelvis) it is worth adding constant shaking and physical overload when moving on uneven roads. As a result, blood circulation is disrupted and the supply of oxygen to all organs is significantly reduced, which thereby causes the development of inflammatory processes. In addition, there is constant injury to the perineum, which has an extremely negative effect on general condition Bladder and prostate gland.

A separate point should be noted modern technologies designed to improve driver comfort. Eg, The third on the list of causes of prostatitis among car owners is the use of heated seats. Scientists have long proven that overheating groin area- this is a direct path to problems with prostate gland and genitals, which over time become weak and inactive.

Also dangerous for men abrupt change temperatures, which is especially important in the cold season. For example, when leaving a warm car for cold air you risk getting inflammation of the prostate gland. Of course, all of the above factors undoubtedly influence “ male strength", but most significant reasons appearance functional disorders are stress. Traffic jams, emergency situations on the roads and aggressive drivers contribute to emotional fatigue and reduce protective functions body, as a result of which the man begins to get sick.

4.2. Male infertility

Almost any disease only gets worse over time, leading to increasingly serious problems. Prostatitis in this case is no exception, and constant driving can threaten infertility. The point here is that overheating of the testicles prevents the normal maturation of sperm, and at the same time the release of male hormones. This fact applies to absolutely all “avid” drivers, especially those who use a heated seat and wear tight underwear.

4.3. Sexual disorders in men

Sexual disorders are another problem for many car enthusiasts, because all the effects described above simply cannot but affect this part of a man’s life. Decreased potency, weakened erection, early ejaculation and reduced ability to orgasm may accompany a professional driver long months and even years, and if the problem is not eliminated in time, then further development serious illness is only a matter of time.

5. Muscles and spine

It is no secret that most driver illnesses are associated precisely with an uncomfortable body position while driving a vehicle. As a result, blood circulation in the pelvis is significantly impaired (mentioned above) and the load on the spine increases. The most common manifestations of back problems are radiculitis and osteochondrosis, which, by the way, can lead to disability.

In addition, the frequency of spinal disc herniations is not in last place. They are characterized by destructive processes in the spine and are explained by the lack of the proper level of lubrication (nutrition of the discs). In turn, such “nutrition” also depends on the deep muscles of the spine, which in good condition play the role of a kind of pump that pumps lubricant into the discs. If these muscles cannot contract and relax as usual, then lubrication of the intervertebral discs will be impossible.

The first signal of edema ischial muscles is pain in the transverse zone and the ridge area, as well as numbness in the legs. Sometimes a burning sensation may also appear. In addition, the symptoms of osteochondrosis are often expressed in severe pain in the pelvic area and chest, and in case of damage to the cervical vertebrae, clouding of consciousness and even hallucinations are possible. It must be said that all painkillers that drivers resort to use bring only temporary relief and are not able to eliminate the very cause of the problem. Besides, side effects such anesthesia often manifests itself in the form of stomach bleeding, various allergies, depression or general decrease in performance.

6. Lungs

By type of activity, professional driver have to deal with different problems health, but one of the most significant is lung disease. Considering the fact that a car owner is constantly surrounded by exhaust gases, it is not surprising that he inhales more than 200 toxic compounds. In addition, brake pads, which when burned, form asbestos dust, also contribute to the development of diseases.

One of the first symptoms of damage respiratory system There is a sore throat, which may also be accompanied by slight bleeding. In turn, ignoring similar symptoms is fraught with the appearance of degeneration of the mucous membrane, as a result of which it ceases to protect the lungs from toxic damage.

U professional truck drivers toxins and dust penetrate not only into the lungs, but also into the bronchi, which is significantly aggravated by smoking (the organs of the respiratory system become very sensitive to lesions of this kind, as a result of which various inflammatory processes and oncological formations). Occupational diseases of drivers include emphysema (growth of connective tissue lungs and blood vessels), which significantly reduces lung volume. This disease is deadly, since deterioration of lung ventilation makes them defenseless against the influence of various harmful microorganisms.

Naturally, constant tension and concentration on the road situation cannot but affect the driver’s visual acuity. In addition, driving in different time day and under different weather conditions is significantly different, which means that the eyes get tired in different ways. Therefore, many car enthusiasts often use glass tinting, in particular, apply it to top part protective tinting film (width should not exceed 15 cm). This addition is designed to protect your eyes from glare. sunlight, although in some cases it is not enough (for example, in the morning, when the sun is just rising).

Some experts recommend choosing glass with gray, green or brown tint, which most effectively provide color reproduction and significantly increase the contrast of the image itself.

8. Prevention of occupational diseases of drivers

Given all of the above, it is logical to focus on minimizing negative factors caused by prolonged driving. First of all, pay attention to physical activity and if possible increase the duration hiking and playing sports. It is also necessary to take breaks in movement, during which you must leave vehicle and at least warm up a little. If the situation allows, you can do several exercises that will improve blood circulation in the pelvis. These include:

- circular rotations of the body and its tilts (first in one direction and then in the other direction);

Bend forward touching the floor;


In cases where it is not possible to stand up, you can perform another exercise: in a sitting position, without straining the muscles of the buttocks, begin to retract the area between the testicles and the anus. Periodically performing this action will help train the potency muscles, that is, the pubococcygeus muscle.

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