Tips for maintaining health. How to stay healthy: tips for every day

Any stagnation is detrimental to human body and leads to various diseases. Therefore, try to move more: travel less often and use the elevator. There is no need to accumulate laundry and dirty dishes to put in a car, something can be done manually. Active walks in the fresh air are a must! Lead a rich social life. At active image in life, previously unused energy is used, as a result a person not only does not get tired, but, on the contrary, is restored!


Since products contain more and more harmful additives, this can be compensated for by dietary cooking methods: stewing, boiling, using a double boiler, avoiding frying, avoiding large amounts of hot spices and fat. Consume more fish(rich in omega-3 acids), fruits and vegetables (these are natural antioxidants and fiber), cereals (natural drainage, a large set of vitamins). Reducing your sugar and salt intake will reduce your risk of diabetes and hypertension. And under no circumstances overeat!


Bad habits are so called because they cause harm of varying severity, primarily to our body. Whether it is the habit of staying up late, eating a lot, smoking, biting nails or something else, all this provokes diseases and shortens life expectancy. Getting rid of such addictions will act as powerful therapy!


During the years of crisis, constant stress and depression it is very difficult to remain calm. But a depressed, irritable state greatly wears out not only the nervous system, but also the body as a whole. The ability to pull yourself together and calm down in a critical situation will help prevent more than one disease.

At least a more or less constant regime is simply necessary. This allows the body to prepare in advance for stress and unfavorable conditions, as well as harmoniously distribute energy costs throughout the day. The health benefits are amazing.


It's actually not that simple! How to make good use of your free minute? How to correctly prioritize routine tasks? Here the approach is individual. The most important thing is not to grab onto everything at once, distribute what should be followed logically. Changing types of activities and frequent short breaks will help you perform all tasks calmly without overloading your body. We must remember that profit and reputation can always be restored, unlike health!


You don't have to spend hours in the gym or play any sport professionally. It is enough to do a little warm-up, but every day. Don't miss the opportunity to visit the pool. Regular walking down the street can be replaced with a quick step, even a light jog. Any sports movements accelerate blood circulation and disperse lymph. Breathing during sports increases, enriching the cells with oxygen. The condition is significantly improving.


The environment around us already has a composition that is harmful to health. Therefore, it is better to stay away from chemicals. Cleaning products, detergents, and cosmetics should be selected with the lowest concentration of odor and color. Replace aerosols with sprays, balls, sticks. In general, try to use less household chemicals. Then the body will have time to remove harmful substances that lead to many diseases.


It would seem that what does health have to do with it? But in fact, a person’s state, mood, and well-being are highly dependent on the atmosphere around him. Therefore, it is very important to surround yourself with those people who act favorably on you, and with “ energy vampires”, irritable, fussy and aggressive colleagues, try to reduce communication to a minimum. Notice how much better you will feel.


Rest is by no means inaction! The best relaxation is doing something that brings you pleasure. The state of satisfaction in a person is associated with the process of restoration of the body, and positive emotions catalyze any treatment! Therefore, rest should be active and bring maximum pleasant sensations.

Hello, dear friends!
How to maintain and improve health? Scientists are thinking about this and thinking simple people. Doctors, as paradoxical as it may sound, are “guardians of disease.”

So what to do? That is life! Where will you find today healthy people? So doctors work tirelessly: they operate, prescribe injections and pills.

But you and I strive for health! That is why we must figure out: what are these 12 rules that can help us with this?

Let's preserve and strengthen our health!

Rule 1. Before treating a disease, understand your psychological state. Any disease is formed at the level of emotions and thoughts. If you are oppressed: fear, eternal discontent, resentment, jealousy, envy, anger - you take energy away from your physical body.

At the same time, the person does not openly talk about his thoughts. He tries to suppress everything unpleasant in himself. Gradually, negativity finds a way out in the development of some physical illness.

We go to the doctor and begin to complain of pain in the right hypochondrium, i.e. on physical state! All! The circle is closing! There you are! There is a physical illness! Nobody remembers psychology! But it’s all about her.

Rule 2. Learn drink correctly. In our body, only the bones have a solid structure. Everything else is filled with liquid. If you drink little water, your blood will thicken. And this threatens vascular thrombosis. With insufficient fluid intake into the body, intercellular spaces disappear. The cells will not receive nutrition and will have nowhere to excrete waste. The body will be poisoned by its own toxins. It all starts with lethargy and malaise, and ends with the development of a wide variety of diseases.

You need to drink about 2 liters per day clean, safe, structured and slightly alkaline water. In tap or boiled water, hydrogen and oxygen atoms are arranged randomly. In the human body, fluids have a clear crystalline lattice. Therefore, when you drink regular water, our body spends a lot of energy to structure it. And this energy could be spent on movement, metabolism, and health. You are robbing your physical condition again!

The easiest way to get structured water the old fashioned way. Place boiled water into the freezer, freeze it, and then let it thaw. Melt water will become structured. Making alkaline water is also very easy. Add half a teaspoon of sea salt to two liters of liquid.

Rule 3. Learn Healthy food. Food must be safe, so do not eat a lot of processed foods with various preservatives, dyes, and emulsifiers. Food should be balanced in the content of Proteins, Fats and Carbohydrates. It should be full of energy, and these are natural vitamins, minerals, and biologically active substances.

Why do dietary supplements get a bad rap in our country? Although throughout the world they are the primary source for health prevention? Companies that have entered our website Russian market, began to pursue an aggressive marketing policy. They did not pay attention to nutrition in general, but persistently offered jars for all diseases.

It is not right. First you need to adjust drinking regime and learn. Then, in addition to your diet, take vitamins from the pharmacy or otherwise half natural complexes will be spent on adjusting nutrition and water and only half on improving health. The power contained in the capsules will be wasted!

Rule 5. Protect your body from thoughtless use of medications.

Many drugs are so harmful to the body that they were discontinued in the European Union many years ago. In our country they are freely sold in pharmacies. Who among the elderly does not use Corvalol. Buy five bottles each. And in Finland, you can be prosecuted if this drug is found during a luggage search.

Why is this drug soothing? Because there is a drug there - phenobarbital (luminal). This is a purely antiepileptic drug. Some will say that the dosage in Corvalol is negligible. Wow, it's insignificant if you fall asleep after taking it in 10 minutes. So, rule 5 says - try to take only medications that you need for health reasons. Everything else - think very seriously. First follow all the rules that will lead you to a Healthy Lifestyle. Perhaps then there will be no need for medications completely. Rule 6. Beware of injuries, fractures, concussions. If Over the course of a year, injuries recur; it’s worth thinking about why this is happening. Usually a person, on a subconscious level, at the level of intuition, protects himself. He senses danger and avoids all unfavorable moments. Psychological problems in a person’s life prevent him from being focused, living more calmly and consciously. One of the indicators psychological discomfort

are injuries. Rule 7. Get rid of it in time, bad habits so as not to fall into a strong dependence on them. Smoking, drug addiction, alcoholism are terrible. But there are other, less dangerous bad habits. But this doesn't make it any easier. Everything that is too much in your life takes away your energy and disrupts your psychological and physical state. Someone can't be torn away from the TV, from! Someone suffers from gluttony. And the habit of sleeping on your stomach! It’s also bad, because the head is located at an angle of 45 degrees. This leads to impaired cerebral circulation.

Rule 8. Never refer to heredity if you have developed hypertension, atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, osteochondrosis, obesity, oncology. It's not heredity, it's wrong image life. It is not for nothing that all these diseases are called diseases of civilization. But here we generally believe that since mom and dad had a heart attack or stroke, it is not surprising that a 40-year-old son also developed a stroke. After 30 years, maintaining your health is as necessary as, say, renovating an apartment, a summer house, or changing your vehicle. Inanimate objects age over time. Without taking care of it, our health will also decline!

Rule 9. How can move more. This improves blood circulation, increases tissue metabolism, and improves your figure. It is important that your classes are regular and bring you pleasure. So choose for yourself physical exercise to taste: aerobics, yoga, callanetics, belly dancing. In general, whatever you want. Just don’t be upside down in the garden beds all day. It will be "pathological" physical activity».

Rule 10. Improve ecology in your home. It is clear that we cannot influence the ecology of the entire planet. But you need to protect your health in your home. Replace detergent"Fairy" to natural safe. Otherwise, all the chemicals from your dishes will be in your stomach. Take care of the air humidity in the rooms when the radiators heat up in winter. If the residential building is old, ask what its history is. If people in this house are constantly getting sick and dying, it is possible that mercury can be found somewhere there. Now such an examination can be carried out. Run away wherever you look from the semi-basements. Protect your children especially. Perhaps your house is actually built on abnormal soil faults. And you wonder why the whole family is sick all the time.

Rule 11. There is also such a thing as bioenergy.

Scientists have proven that a person’s biofield is material. Surround yourself with pleasant people with whom you feel comfortable and have a good life. Rule 12. Time factor which is always present in our lives. Time is running

only in one direction - forward. What is lost today can never be returned. This is how you treat your health. Just take care of him. Wish you good health

P.S. The idea to write this article came to me after attending a very interesting lecture on health, given by doctor M.V. Stepanova. Very interesting lecture, I liked it.

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“He who is healthy is rich, but he just doesn’t know it!”

This wise saying It becomes fully clear to us only after we begin to lose our priceless wealth. It is unlikely that there is anything more significant and valuable on Earth than health, but, unfortunately, the awareness of this comes to us very late. Agree, when we are sick, everything else fades into the background - there is no joy that we want to experience every day. But initially Nature endows a person with everything that is necessary for a full and harmonious life. But, unfortunately, we often do not appreciate this and do not care about how to properly manage these gifts. Sometimes just a few decades are enough to bring your body into a terrible state. We make him choke cigarette smoke, suffer from excess alcohol and poor nutrition, subject to physical inactivity. And when we realize it, it turns out that correcting mistakes is much more difficult than avoiding them.

But health formula, in fact, is extremely simple and well known to everyone. It consists of only a few components: moderate physical activity + rational system nutrition + hardening and cleansing of the body + spiritual harmony + timely prevention diseases.

The complexity of these simple rules lies in only one thing: the constancy and regularity of their observance. Let's talk again about the importance of each of these components of health.

Physical activity

Terms modern life low physical activity is due to: walking is replaced by transport, most housework is performed by equipment. But the eye muscles (working day at the computer, evening watching TV) and the nervous system (systematic stress, intense rhythm of life), on the contrary, experience an excessive load. What to do? After all, after a working day, you really want to lie on the couch in complete inactivity! Try to overcome yourself. Exercise at least twice a week exercise. It doesn't matter whether it's football, swimming or dancing. The main thing is that these activities are systematic and enjoyable!

In addition, whenever possible, use indirect physical activity: replace the elevator with steps; when it is possible to walk, refuse transport. And, of course, do not forget about such a vital point as light morning work-out. It will quickly bring your body into working condition, invigorate your muscles, improve your mood and general tone, activates all life processes.

Healthy eating

The golden rule of healthy eating is " The simpler the better". By giving up intricate, high-calorie dishes consisting of many components, you will save not only money and time, but also preserve your health. Approach the choice of your menu consciously! The less smoked, fried and canned in your diet, and the more It will contain natural ingredients - the less load the liver, stomach and intestines will bear. Therefore, it will be easier for the whole body!

The basic principle of rational nutrition is moderation and regularity. Include in your daily diet simple, natural products that are easily absorbed by the body. The main place in your menu should be vegetables, fruits and cereals. Give the most honorable place on the table to vegetable salads dressed with light dressings based on vegetable oils. Of course, this does not mean that meat, fish and eggs should be completely excluded from the diet, but they should be used as additional, and not main products.

By regularity of nutrition we mean: avoid long gaps between meals, avoid overeating. In short, build your own daily ration according to principle " More often is better, but less" Thus, you will protect yourself from three dangerous illnesses: stomach ulcers, diabetes mellitus and obesity.

Hardening and cleansing the body

So that your body does not let you down, is resilient and can adapt to any living conditions, it needs to be hardened. A contrast shower or dousing with cool water is an excellent way to harden the body. From the point of view of cleansing, baths and saunas are very useful, as well as fasting days. Make these activities regular and very soon you will feel the results: lightness will appear in your body, joint mobility will improve, and blood pressure will normalize.

Mental harmony

Popular expression " healthy body - healthy mind "can be safely rephrased in the opposite meaning, i.e. a healthy spirit equals healthy body. It has long been proven that optimists live longer and get sick less often. Look at little children: how sincerely they know how to enjoy the simplest things! When we have fun from the heart or do kind, selfless deeds, our body produces the hormone of joy - endorphin. Work on yourself! Learn to find positive sides in any situation, avoid conflicts (especially with loved ones), be open to the world around you, find beauty in the most ordinary things.

Disease Prevention

As you know, any disease is easier to prevent than to treat. Just don’t confuse self-medication with prevention! Self-medication very often leads to disastrous consequences - lost time in medicine is too expensive. But by promptly using modern diagnostic tools (ultrasound, MRI, fluorography, etc.), it is possible to identify diseases on early stages, which means significantly speeding up and facilitating treatment. Every woman over the age of 40 should have an annual mammogram, and every man should have a prostate exam.

But if you really had to come face to face with specific disease, try not just to treat its symptoms, but also to understand the causes of its occurrence. And most importantly, treat your body with respect, listen to the signals it sends you, and do not ignore basic norms healthy image life and your body will gratefully repay you with an invaluable gift - health for many years.


Eat right. This is very important point which we most often neglect. Try to change your habits. The choice of food products and the method of preparing them directly affects. Give preference natural products, having undergone minimal processing.

Pay more attention to self-care. Monitor your weight, brush your teeth and tongue thoroughly, and consult a doctor promptly even if you have minor concerns.

Do not set conditions for your child that are impossible to fulfill. Don't force yourself to study better than everyone else; not everyone has the ability to excel in all subjects. Participation in celebrations and competitions should be voluntary, at the request of the child.

When looking through school notebooks and a diary, do not speak harshly, criticize, but in moderation. It is better to seek help from tutors and school teachers. The child should trust you and not be afraid to talk about his slightest failures with peers and teachers. Actively participate in resolving any conflicts so that your child does not feel alone in this huge world.

Monitor your child's activity after. Visiting a large number of clubs and sections does not always have a positive effect on psychological state child.

Keep track of what brings you joy and what causes you negative emotions. Establish good relationships in the family, do not allow quarrels and scandals in front of the child. Be friendly. Manage your emotions, maintain balance, because... psychological health depends on the relationship between .

Reduce the amount of time you watch television if you begin to notice bad dream, extreme fatigue child. Create a comfortable environment so as not to distort emotional development.

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The heart, like other organs and systems of the human body, is subject to natural wear and tear throughout life. But there are many specific factors that can provoke disruptions in the cardiovascular system, which threatens diseases and a reduction in the length of life lived.


A measured lifestyle will help keep you healthy. Alternate work with rest, try to walk in the fresh air and gain positive energy even from those things that seem everyday to you. Cheerful people are those who are constantly dissatisfied. This is due to the fact that stress negatively affects blood flow and blood vessels, because at this time a person feels a certain excitement.

Eat well. Try to eat only healthy foods, because excess carcinogens or fats can lead to the formation of blood clots, increased cholesterol, which, accordingly, will cause a blow to the heart. Consume fruits containing vitamin C in unlimited quantities. This vitamin strengthens the walls of blood vessels, thins the blood and promotes destruction, which deal a crushing blow to the heart.

Cure everything chronic diseases. For example, a sore throat or caries can provoke, since microbes attack not only the throat or teeth, but the entire body, which leads to arrhythmia or even inflammation of the heart muscle. Monitor your health carefully, go to the hospital for examination at least once a year. Don't forget to visit a cardiologist.

Take medications containing magnesium - these microelements are necessary for normal operation. The drugs are, in principle, harmless, but before using them, it is better to consult a cardiologist or therapist. Most often prescribed are Panangin or Asparkam.

Give up bad habits completely or at least partially. For example, if you smoke 20-30 a day, then gradually reduce the amount to a minimum. You should also be careful. Of course, a glass of wine won't kill you, but too much is still undesirable. Only you yourself can influence the length of your life. Increasingly, people are approaching retirement age precisely because of cardiovascular diseases, be careful.

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Adolescence is an important period of puberty in children's lives. For girls it begins at 9-10 years old, and for boys at 11-12 years old. Parents need to know that staying healthy teenager- this is not an easy process that requires attention.


Make sure your child follows a daily routine. He must at the same time. Talk about spending more time outdoors. A long walk improves sleep and supports immunity. Avoid sitting for long periods in front of the computer. Give a lecture about the dangers of drugs and alcohol.

Don’t forget about physical activity - swimming and physical exercise keep you healthy health. A good solution would be to enroll your child in the pool. Maybe he wants to take up another sport, then leave it to him. Perhaps he prefers to play tennis or do high jumps. Thanks to physical education, your health will only improve, and your organs and muscles will quickly develop. Reward teens for their efforts in sports activities.

Ensure timely vaccination to prevent viral diseases. It's better to get a flu shot before winter period. Regularly ventilate the children's room and humidify the air using a special humidifier.

Balance your diet with nutrients and vitamins. Include fruits, vegetables, cereals, and greens in your diet. It should be varied, including fish, meat and dairy products. Don't let your child eat too much sweets. Of this, the best option is dark chocolate in small quantities, which produces the hormone of happiness.

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Helpful advice

Problem modern generation- This is the acceleration of the growth and development of a teenager compared to the previous generation. Girls start earlier puberty. Boys at 14-15 years old and girls at 12-13 years old are developed beyond their age; they are not inferior in height and weight even to adults. But keep in mind that their cardiovascular, endocrine, and nervous systems are still in the growth stage. Don't overestimate physical abilities your children, as this may impair their health.

Every person dreams of being healthy and living long. But it is wrong to place all hopes on good genetics or youth, because unfavorable factors lie in wait modern man at every step. You just have to adjust your habits and lifestyle so that health becomes your constant and grateful companion.


Everyone's path to health and longevity should begin with desire. It is the strong that gives rise to strong motivation, and, in turn, stimulates willpower. Start by developing such a desire in yourself. Many people have probably noticed how negative emotions have a detrimental effect on their lifestyle: anger, sadness, hatred, jealousy, envy. Their murderous influence begins with eating problems and ends with an increased interest in harmful “soothers of the soul” (nicotine, alcohol, drugs). Try to get rid of negativity in favor of calmness, optimism and good location spirit.

Internal resistance to stress, an even mood without “storms” in the form of neuroses, fears and doubts, is the basis strong immunity and physical. Try to live in such a way that you enjoy every day you live, small joys and communication. There are also 12 factors that directly affect the quality and... Consider and adjust each of them, this will help you improve your well-being and the potential of your own reserves.

Pay attention to the following factors: nutrition, heredity, water, medications, ecology, movement, bacterial aggression, injuries, bioenergy, bad habits, time. You can change each of them so that the quality of your life increases, and the incidence of various diseases gradually decreases.

Try to eat only fresh food And clean water. Don't overeat. Cleanse your body of toxins regularly.

Make moderate physical activity a regular part of your life. Walk more often. Don't give up either mental stress. Read more and learn something new.

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Some people can walk for hours in the fresh, frosty air and feel great. And for some, just sitting on a cold bench for a few minutes is enough to catch a cold or get cystitis. It's all about immunity. To stay fit in winter, you can try adjusting your diet.


Eat foods containing vitamin A, which is necessary for the health of mucous membranes, skin, and eyes. It is actively involved in maintaining hormone balance, protects the liver and increases the body's resistance to bacterial diseases And viral infections. The daily dose is 1 mg. The vitamin is contained in legumes (2 kg), peaches (300 g), liver, apples (1 kg), egg yolk(2-3 pcs.). Vitamin B1 improves mental capacity and improves mood, optimizes brain function, regulates carbohydrate metabolism and water balance, prevents the development of atherosclerosis. 2-3 mg per day is enough, the source will be whole grain bread (700-800 g), broccoli (300-400 g), fish (200-300 g), meat (1 kg), legumes (400 g).

Protect cells from free radicals with vitamin E. It affects fat and protein metabolism, promotes normal. The daily norm of the vitamin corresponds to 8-15 mg, it is contained in (25 ml), cereals (100 g), wheat sprouts (70-80 g), seeds (100 g). One of the most strong antioxidants is vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system, protects against stress and accelerates recovery from illnesses. The daily norm is 60 mg, it is found in citrus fruits (100 g), sauerkraut(120 g), black currant (30 g), sea buckthorn (35 g).

Include seafood (400 g), almonds (200 g), cheese (1 kg), beef (200 g) in your diet. In these required amount zinc - 15 mg per day. Insufficient consumption weakens the immune system and reduces the body's resistance to infections. To protect yourself from fractures on the street, take vitamin D. In addition, you should be in the sun more often or visit a solarium from time to time. The daily norm - 30 mcg - is found in seafood (80-120 g) and fish oil(0.2 g).

Don't neglect dairy products, liver, greens leafy vegetables. In them, which is necessary to prevent anemia. By consuming foods rich in vitamin B2 (riboflavin), you can ensure balanced work metabolic processes in the body, prevent skin diseases and support normal vision. Eat yogurt (250 ml), cottage cheese (700 g), fish (700 g) and you will provide for yourself daily norm- 2.5 mg.

Temper yourself, make contrasting water procedures, walk outdoors more often. To prevent the development of cystitis, try not to get too cold. Dress appropriately for the season, always keep your feet and area warm, and do not sit on cold surfaces.

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The source of life and health is food. However, it can also cause many diseases. An incorrectly composed diet and the use of unnatural products create in the body deficiency states and accelerate the aging process. And only moderate, varied and timely nutrition helps preserve wellness before old age.


To replenish energy costs and daily requirement and minerals make your diet nutrition diverse. However, the need for useful substances ah, provide not quantity, but quality of food. And to save it maximum benefit, prepare the dish for one serving.

Do not eat yesterday's or reheated food. The more time it takes from the moment of its preparation, the less useful substances are retained in it. And as a result, it turns into a source of empty calories, the accumulation of which leads to overweight and poisoning of the body.

Avoid infrequent and heavy meals. Gastric juice unable to digest a large number of food and part of it will simply begin to rot, causing fermentation processes. This is one of the main causes of dysbacteriosis - microflora disturbances. The ideal is 4 meals a day with a 4-5 hour interval.

Do not take food with any liquid. Allow digestive juices to break down food into its constituent components. And to facilitate this process, drink plain water half an hour before meals. In addition, do not eat solid and liquid foods at the same time. These dishes require different conditions for digestion.

Include more vegetables and fruits in your menu. They save health intestines. And in addition to normalizing its work, it is replenished with vitamins and minerals that they draw from the earth. Moreover, their coarse fibers are natural sorbents - they absorb and remove many toxic (including carcinogenic) substances. Make your diet with a predominance fresh salads and simply chopped vegetables over processed foods, especially of animal origin.

Limit the amount of sugar in your diet (no more than 3-4 tablespoons per day). It negatively affects work and causes metabolic disorders, mainly carbohydrate. In addition, it worsens mental and physical abilities, promotes the formation of stones and reduces immunity. Replace this product with honey and dried fruits.

Don't abuse it. It causes deficiency of vitamins and elements. Its regular use, even in small quantities, ultimately leads to vitamin deficiency. Also eliminate from your diet useless and harmful products. These are sausages, marinades, all products containing stabilizers, preservatives and flavor enhancers, as well as sweet carbonated and non-carbonated drinks (lemonade and juices).

Malfunctions gastrointestinal tract literally poison our lives. People who have some kind of intestinal disorder are easily recognized by their poor complexion and unhealthy skin. As a rule, they do not feel well and complain about general weakness, apathy and various allergic diseases. Paradoxically, many troubles can be avoided without resorting to buying medications, but simply by following simple rules.


Balanced diet. Your diet should have everything you need for coordinated work all parts of the body: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins. Any misalignment (for example, ) leads to intestinal disorders.

Regular meals and regularity in everything. You need to eat little and often - the intestines do not like large meals that are preceded by long break in food.

Absence of any anxiety or rush while eating. The process of digestion the moment you bring the spoon to your mouth. Reading newspapers, watching TV news or Email- all this affects the digestive process, and not in the best way.

— What prevents us from maintaining health?

1) Sedentary image life.
If you have a “sedentary” job, if you spend a lot of time in front of the TV, then you should use every free minute to walk, take a walk, breathe fresh air, or visit the gym.

2) Stress and depression.
Stress “eats” our health, so we need to do everything to not let it into our lives. Learn to relax (yoga, meditation, breathing exercises) and don’t get nervous over trifles.

3) Overwork and lack of proper sleep.
We want to do everything, but there is so little time in the day, so we begin to steal the time allotted for sleep and rest. At first we sleep 7 hours and work with one day off, but gradually there is no more than 5 hours left for sleep and we have to work without any days off at all. Do you think it’s possible with this rhythm of life to keep healthy?

4) Absorption of junk food.
You cannot maintain your health by eating all sorts of nasty things.

5) Having bad habits: drinking alcohol and cigarettes will definitely not help you stay healthy.

6) Development of minor illnesses into chronic illnesses due to fear of doctors or unwillingness to waste time visiting them.

7) Excess weight.
Fat people cannot be healthy.

— Daily procedures

1) Brush your teeth and tongue twice a day. Millions of bacteria accumulate in the mouth, most of which are deposited on the tongue and in the spaces between the teeth. These bacteria, if not removed in a timely manner, in addition to diseases of the teeth and gums themselves, can increase the risk of developing cardiovascular pathology, strokes, as well as miscarriages different terms pregnancy.

2) After every meal, try to rinse your mouth and floss regularly.

3) Watch your weight. Weighing yourself daily reduces the risk of unwanted weight gain and obesity.

4) Take vitamins, especially if you are already pregnant or planning to have a baby soon. The most important during this period are B vitamins, folic acid, calcium and vitamin D. Calcium and vitamin D will also strengthen your bones, nails and endocrine system, B vitamins will have a beneficial effect on nervous system. Vitamins A and E will add beauty to your skin and hair.

5) Accept cold and hot shower. Alternating cool and hot showers will strengthen the immune system and give skin turgor.

6) Eat right, consuming plenty of vitamins;

7) Sleep 8 hours a day;

8) Do not overwork;

9) Take walks in the fresh air every day;

10) Drink a lot of water;

11) Undergo preventive medical examinations, consult a doctor on time if something bothers you, etc.

— How to maintain good health

1) Metabolism.
Choose the most one by experience best diet for myself. You know that sweets cause skin problems - don’t eat sweets. Heartburn from certain products? Stop eating them. Do you feel sleepy after eating a piece of meat? You should give it up! Remember: you are what you eat.

2) Semi-finished products.
Most the right way disrupt hormonal balance and ruin your stomach - eat semi-finished products. Just a couple of times a week is enough to achieve a devastating effect.

3) Hearty breakfast.
Be sure to have breakfast! This is the most important technique food. Those who don't eat breakfast tend to gain weight excess weight- metabolism slows down if you don’t put the right foods into your body in time immediately after waking up.

4) Water.
Drink filtered water! Because of Bad quality waters arise different problems with bones, teeth and general condition body. Your body It will tell you how much water you need to drink - focus on the rhythm of the gastrointestinal tract. The stomach does not work well with a lack of water, and the intestines even more so. Let yourself drink mineral water, this is not worth saving on.

5) Omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids.
Fatty acids are necessary for the body, as well as fatty foods, V in moderation. The main thing is to maintain balance. Omega-6 acids are found in vegetable oils, salad dressings and margarine, and omega-3 is found in flaxseeds, cod liver and in fresh fatty fish - salmon, tuna, mackerel and herring. The consumption of omega-6 acids should be limited, but omega-3 acids should be consumed more often. The health of your brain, skin and nervous system depend on it!

6) More natural products!
Go to the grandmothers' market and actively get to know them. You can always buy at the market fresh milk, eggs, meat, high-quality vegetables and fruits without chemical impurities. This is a thousand times better products from the supermarket, and if you become a regular customer of some old lady, it’s even cheaper.

7) Acid-base balance
The body needs to be maintained healthy environment, in which bacteria die. This can be achieved if there is more products, rich in alkali. True, everything here is also very individual: the type of metabolism determines how the body reacts to various foods. Understand these serious issues by consulting with a nutritionist once.

8) Sports.
Every day you need to move, giving your body healthy exercise. Walking, running, basic exercises - everything that makes you feel alive is good! A living person is always active, energetic, cheerful. Lethargy and inactivity are the companions of dying.

9) Chemistry.
Ecology and so on terrible condition, stop bringing additional chemicals into your home. It's really bad for your health! Buy natural cleaning products and use lifehacks to clean using harmless substances.

10) Breathing.
Learn to breathe correctly, filling your lungs completely with oxygen. Deep, calm breathing- a guarantee of health. This will help you feel better and get sick less. respiratory diseases. Headaches can also be associated with improper breathing. Yoga is a good way to force your body to breathe the way it should.

11) Bad habits.
Both smoking and alcohol damage your cells irrevocably. To get rid of bad habits, it is enough to understand why and why you are doing it. A person differs from an animal in that he can control his actions.

12) Temperature.
Don't rush to bring down the temperature! Drink plenty of fluids, rest and give your body the opportunity to cope with the disease on its own. You only need to lower the temperature extreme cases- for example, with fever in children, because this is a real killer of the immune system.

13) Depression.
Chronic depression is a serious cause for concern. This is a sign that the body lacks vitamins B12, C and folic acid. Depression can also be caused by hormonal imbalances and allergies, constant contact with harmful chemicals. Be sure to consult a doctor if you notice prolonged blues. Mental health It’s also very valuable, take care of it!

Happiness is possible only when a person is healthy. Try to keep this in mind. Who said being healthy is difficult? Staying healthy is very easy if you approach your life wisely!

The material was prepared by Dilyara specifically for the site



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