Which eye is cataract surgery performed on? Cataract surgery video

Cataract is an eye disease in which the normally transparent lens becomes opaque and becomes clouded. The main role of the lens healthy eye- refraction of light rays, which ensures they hit the retina. After transmitting information and analyzing it with the brain, a person clearly sees the objects around him. Cloudiness leads to deterioration and distortion of vision. The formation of cataracts is gradual process, which affects all people to one degree or another as they age.

Reliable etiological factor The development of cataracts is unknown. From the point of view of pathophysiology, changes and aggregation of the protein structures of the lens occur, which leads to a violation of its transparency. It is extremely rare that cataracts appear in early age, this scenario is most often associated with congenital enzymatic defects, genetic diseases or system congenital infections. Heavy traumatic injuries, surgical interventions, intraocular inflammatory processes can also be a trigger for the development of cataracts, as well as ionizing radiation, smoking and diabetes. However, it is the patient’s age that is still the main reason for the development of ocular cataracts.

Symptoms of cataracts, indications for surgery

Cataracts always form gradually and are not accompanied by redness of the eye or painful sensations. Expressed external signs are missing. The exception is a very running process.

A person who develops cataracts sees the world as if through dirty glass - a cloudy veil forms before the eyes. The symptoms of lens opacity have different variations:

    Blurred vision, which was already mentioned above.

    Pronounced glare, especially in bright sun or at night from cars with headlights on.

    Colors become dull and dull.

    Requires frequent replacement of glasses or contact lenses due to progressive deterioration of vision. However, as cataracts progress, the choice of glasses or lenses no longer helps to cope with poor vision.

    Double vision.

Previously, it was believed that in order to perform cataract surgery, you need to wait until it “ripens.” That is, the development of an advanced stage of the disease. Now, thanks to the development of microsurgical technologies, approaches to cataract surgery have changed dramatically. The mere fact of having a cataract is not an indication for its removal until clinical manifestations do not begin to significantly influence daily life. Think about whether you can, without outside help, severe discomfort drive a car, work and do household chores?

Waiting for cataract surgery within reasonable limits does not complicate the surgeon's work and does not increase the risk of complications. The attending physician after thorough examination will always advise optimal timing surgical intervention.

After the patient has decided to undergo surgery, he needs to undergo a standard preoperative examination and a number of diagnostic procedures. First of all, an ophthalmologist conducts a thorough examination of the organ of vision. It is necessary to ensure that vision loss is associated specifically with cataracts, especially in the presence of concomitant diseases such as diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma or macular degeneration.

Visual acuity and intraocular pressure are measured, color perception and contrast sensitivity are assessed, and the fundus of the eye is examined. If necessary, assigned ultrasonography, optical coherence tomography or fluorescein angiography.

In addition to studying the ophthalmological status, assessing the general condition of the patient is equally important. During preoperative preparation the patient is prescribed:

    General and biochemical analysis blood

    General urine analysis.

    Assessment of coagulability when indicated.


    Fluorography or radiography of the chest organs.

    Testing for HIV, syphilis and hepatitis markers.

    Sanitation of the oral cavity.

    In the presence of concomitant cardiovascular and other diseases, consultation with specialized specialists is carried out.

After a comprehensive examination and in the absence of contraindications, a surgery date is set. The surgeon talks in detail about the progress of the cataract surgery, possible risks and complications, after which the patient signs informed consent for surgical treatment.

Hospitalization and lens replacement

The patient is hospitalized at the clinic on the eve of the surgery date. If necessary, some laboratory and instrumental studies. It is necessary to tell your doctor about the medications you are constantly taking, especially anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents. The specialist will give appropriate recommendations. On the day of surgery, you need to be on an empty stomach and refuse to eat or drink.

Anesthesia during surgical treatment cataracts are used exclusively local - eye drops With local anesthetic. Thanks to minimally invasive technologies, the operation is virtually painless. 1-2 hours before surgery, the patient is instilled with mydriatics - medications, dilating the pupil, which is necessary for the surgeon to perform full work.

The surgical field is treated with an iodine-containing antiseptic, and an eyelid dilator is used to prevent involuntary blinking of the eyelids. The patient is positioned supine. Under visual control through a microscope, the surgeon performs a self-sealing puncture of the cornea, the width of which does not exceed 2-3 mm. It is because of this that sutures are not required at the end of the operation, which significantly speeds up the recovery process. Then a viscoelastic drug is injected into the eye cavity, performing protective role for nearby intraocular anatomical structures.

The next stage is capsulorhexis or incision of the anterior capsule of the lens. The posterior capsule is not removed during the operation - it serves to fix the intraocular lens. Capsulorhexis provides the surgeon with access to the cloudy lens. Then into the eye is a phacoemulsifier, the titanium needle of which emits ultrasonic waves, which leads to the grinding of the lens substance into a suspension. This process is called phacoemulsification. The resulting mass after grinding is removed by aspiration.

Then, through the previously performed access, an intraocular lens rolled into a tube is inserted - an artificial lens. Such an artificial lens is already straightened directly in the eye and fixed in correct position. At the end of the operation, the eye is covered with a protective bandage.

Taking medications after cataract surgery

Depending on the clinic and the patient’s condition, the patient is allowed to go home on the day of surgery or the next day. In this case, the doctor sets the date and time of the subsequent follow-up visit, and also gives recommendations on behavior, regimen, restrictions and use of medications. All appointments must be strictly followed; this is the key to rapid restoration of vision.

IN postoperative period The following medications are usually prescribed:

    Nonsteroidal and steroidal anti-inflammatory eye drops. During the first few days, patients experience pain, burning, itching, and severe redness of the operated eye. For cupping discomfort It is permissible to take painkillers according to the generally accepted dosage regimen.

    In the early postoperative period, it is necessary to wash the eyelids with antiseptic solutions - furatsilin and chloramphenicol. The goal is to prevent infection.

    Antibacterial eye drops are necessary to prevent attachment bacterial infection. The drug is selected wide range, active against many microorganisms.

    Drops for reduction intraocular pressure. They are prescribed under the supervision of the latter; the decision on prescription and cancellation is made only by the doctor.

    Complex local remedies, containing preparations for corneal regeneration and elimination of excessive dryness.

All medications are prescribed only by the attending physician. Whenever adverse reactions It is important to contact a specialist immediately.

Rules for using eye drops

Overwhelming majority medicines in ophthalmology they are prescribed locally in the form eye drops. Therefore, it is important for patients to know how to properly instill eye drops in order not to harm themselves and to ensure adequate delivery of the drug to the target.

Download and print the rules

Some rules:

    Before starting the manipulation, it is important to wash your hands thoroughly with soap.

    You need to bury it lying down or sitting on a chair/couch, with your head thrown back well.

    It is better if there is an assistant to put drops in your eyes.

    It is necessary to carefully pull back the lower eyelid and drip the drug into the conjunctival sac.

    The pipette should not touch the eye, eyelid or conjunctiva.

    After instillation, it is advisable to lie down/sit quietly for a few minutes and press the lower eyelid with a clean, if possible sterile, gauze pad.

Complications in the postoperative period

Cataract surgery is one of the most frequently performed and safest surgical interventions in the world. However, even after this operation there is a risk of complications. Here are some of them:

    Dislocation of the intraocular lens.

    Endophthalmitis is an inflammatory process of the eyeball.

    Increased photosensitivity.


    Macular edema.

    Retinal disinsertion.

    Hemorrhage in vitreous(hemophthalmos).

    Intraocular hypertension and the development of glaucoma.

    Formation secondary cataract- a process in which, due to cell division, clouding of the posterior capsule of the lens is formed. The symptoms resemble those of ordinary senile cataracts. The treatment consists of laser exposure.

Almost all complications are highly treatable with timely diagnosis. That is why it is important to visit the doctor according to the appointed time. If the condition worsens and appears pain, sharp deterioration against the background of positive dynamics, it is necessary to urgently visit a specialist.

Rehabilitation period

The time frame for vision restoration after IOL implantation for cataracts varies from person to person. Some patients notice improvement within 1-2 days. Total duration recovery period is approximately one month, during which the following recommendations must be followed:

    For the first day, stay in bed.

    Avoid mechanical impact on the operated eye (do not press or rub the eye).

    Avoid direct sun rays, wear sunglasses.

    Limit the use of eye makeup for 2-3 weeks.

    Make sure that shampoos and detergents do not come into contact with eyes during hygiene procedures.

    Avoid intense physical activity, lifting weights over 10 kg.

Self-care helps rapid recovery vision and minimizing the risk of complications.

Cost of cataract surgery, public and private clinics

Cataract surgery can be performed free of charge in government agency healthcare. There are quotas for such interventions, their number depends on the region. More often, free interventions are provided to social categories of citizens - pensioners, disabled people of all groups. However, in such a situation you must wait your turn. If a patient wishes to implant an imported lens, it must be purchased for a separate fee.

For a fee, cataract surgery can be performed without a queue. The cost varies depending on the complexity of the intervention, the degree of maturity of the cataract, the type of artificial lens, the reputation and equipment of the clinic. There are a lot of ophthalmology clinics, but not all of them have a good reputation. You can get acquainted with the cents on their websites on the Internet and based on patient reviews. On average, the cost of cataract surgery is 45,000-100,000 rubles, depending on the authority of the clinic and surgeon, the model of artificial lens and the category of complexity of the operation. The following Moscow clinics have won trust:

    Clinic named after Svyatoslav Fedorov - named after the founder of ophthalmological microsurgery in Russia. Long-term traditions and scientific activity make the Fedorov Clinic one of the most popular among patients.

    Center for Diagnostics and Eye Surgery. Has won the trust of patients thanks to modern equipment and experienced specialists, which allows cataract surgery to be performed in the most difficult cases, including concomitant pathology.

    Research Institute of Eye Diseases named after. Helholtz. Famous good attitude to patients and good results treatment. It is one of the very first eye clinics in Moscow.

The number of people suffering from cataracts is increasing everywhere. It is important to understand that the operation is the only way return good vision people with this disease.

Video: cataract, operation progress, rehabilitation

Cataract is an eye disease during which clouding of the lens occurs and it loses its transparency, with subsequent impairment of visual function. In this case, the patient loses the ability to clearly see the outlines of objects; they become blurry and difficult to distinguish.

It is believed that this pathology is the result of natural aging of the lens, however, a similar process can be observed in people quite young. At the first symptoms of a cataract, you must immediately contact a specialist, since the operation to remove it is early stages The progression of the disease is much easier and costs the patient much less.

Why cataracts develop: reasons

As a rule, the pathology develops gradually, affecting first one eye and then the other. The disease is not rare - its symptoms are present to varying degrees almost 60% of people who contacted an ophthalmologist.

The reasons for the development of the disease are still not fully understood, and the basis for the operation is changes in the composition of protein components, which leads to a gradual clouding of the lens of the eye.

Modern medicine identifies several main prerequisites for the formation of cataracts:

If we focus on the visual sensations that arise in patients, the development of cataracts can be compared to a fatty film that cannot be removed from the eye or to a clouded car window.

Cataracts are very dangerous disease which is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • double vision;
  • myopia;
  • reduced visibility of bright colors;
  • violation visual functions;
  • discomfort in bright light.

On initial stage As the pathology develops, you can still try to improve your vision with glasses, however, further progression of cataracts leads to a deterioration in vision, which becomes blurry. At this stage, vision correction with lenses and glasses is no longer possible.

Often the development of pathology occurs gradually, without any pain, redness of the eyes, or other symptoms characteristic of cataracts. If, however, the disease progresses very quickly or occurs pain syndrome in the eye area, you must immediately consult a doctor for timely diagnosis and, of course, treatment.

Detecting cataracts in the eye is not difficult in principle. A specialist examining a patient will immediately notice cloudiness. This is diagnosed at the very first stage of development of the pathology, then the pupil has a white or whitish tint. In order to detect the disease, special tools and objects are also used to give a correct assessment of visibility. Conducting diagnostic measures, the ophthalmologist identifies the degree of significance of the disease, as well as the level of its influence on the patient’s quality of life.

The range of examination includes such indicators as visual contrast, eye sensitivity, visual acuity, as well as full examination each element of the organ of vision.

Since cataracts are basically senile disease , most patients do not take into account the decrease in vision until the changes become pronounced. The overwhelming majority of ophthalmologists advise removing cataracts in the early stages of the disease, without waiting for further progression of the pathology. However, another part of the experts in this field adheres to a completely opposite point of view: the development of cataracts on initial stage can be stopped with conservative therapy.

The ophthalmologist decides which of these methods to choose individually in each specific case: important factors here are the identification possible contraindications, establishing the duration of treatment and the right approach doctor to the patient's problem.

Types of cataract surgery

As a rule, such operations are carried out in specialized centers.

There are three types of surgical intervention:

Phacoemulsification. This method is the most popular and widespread; the maximum operation time is approximately fifteen minutes. Since the area of ​​the wound canal heals on its own several hours after surgery, sutures are not required. However, the cost of the operation in this case will be slightly higher than others.

An operation using the ultrasonic phacoemulsification method has a number of advantages: since it is performed through small (1.0-1.8 mm) punctures in the cornea. There is no bleeding at all. Artificial lenses have high elasticity and shape memory, which makes it possible to insert them into the eye in a rolled form through a micro-puncture.

An important factor is that the rehabilitation period is only 2-3 days. In addition, small incisions help significantly reduce the risk of developing inflammatory processes in the eyes after surgical intervention, and also allow the procedure to be carried out without hospitalization of the patient, that is, on an outpatient basis.

Cataract surgery method ultrasonic sutureless phacoemulsification is carried out in several stages.

  1. Using a medical diamond instrument, the doctor makes an incision at the base of the cornea, and it is through this that all subsequent procedures take place.
  2. At the next stage, viscoelastic is introduced into the chamber located on the front side using a cannula. This substance provides protection internal structure visual organ from contact ultraviolet rays during the operation, and also allows the ophthalmologist to carry out the necessary manipulations.
  3. A special probe is inserted through the incision, which acts on the lens with ultrasound, which helps transform the lens into an emulsion.
  4. Then a rolled-up artificial lens is placed in place of the old lens. Inside she turns around, accepts required location and fits comfortably.
  5. At the end of the operation, the viscoelastic is washed out of the chamber using an irrigation solution.

The micro-incision has the ability to self-seal and heal quickly. Subsequently, thanks to this, the patient has absolutely no restrictions in terms of visual and physical activity.

Extracapsular removal. Similar method used in case of an increase in the size of the cataract and compaction of its structure. In this case, the incision is made slightly larger than with phacoemulsification. After removing the damaged lens and installing an artificial substitute in its place, the walls of the capsule are sutured. Since this method requires suturing, the healing time of the wound channel increases.

Intracapsular removal. This type of surgery is considered the most traumatic, since part of the capsule is removed along with the lens. For this purpose, a special technique is used in which an artificial lens is installed in front of the iris of the eye. This method of cataract removal is used quite rarely, however, it still remains relevant: when severe damage there is simply no other way to cure the eyes.

Cost of cataract surgery

The cost of surgical intervention for this disease is determined by many factors and varies over a fairly wide range. The minimum amount required for phacoemulsification (laser removal) is is 25 thousand rubles. Upper limit - about 150 thousand rubles. This amount is determined by the choice of the patient, based on the operation being performed in an expensive private clinic using a premium model of an artificial lens.

What is the cost of the operation?

Factors influencing the price of the service offered differ quite significantly depending on the affiliation of the clinic (private or public). Conditions that have a major impact on pricing may be the following:

  • Complexity of the operation. It is quite logical that surgery to remove complicated cataracts is more expensive and requires maximum quantity effort on the part of the surgeon. Therefore, the cost of such a service will be higher.
  • Category ophthalmological center A. Economy class, business and VIP category clinics evaluate their services completely differently.
  • Modification of artificial lens. Basic models artificial lenses perform only minimal functions: focusing light rays on the retina and restoring visibility. Premium models made according to innovative technologies are able to give the patient more options: complete elimination of glasses, correction of astigmatism, maximum quality of vision.
  • Anesthesiologist's work. The outcome of the operation largely depends on this specialist, because the patient’s behavior during operating table determines the final result.
  • The authority and professionalism of the surgeon. Only experienced specialist will be able to realize absolutely all the advantages of an artificial lens and modern medicine. For example, a premium lens installed with irregularities can greatly affect the patient’s quality of vision. It follows from this that the academic degree and authority of a surgeon should be valued more highly.
  • Postoperative follow-up . A well-performed operation is only half of it successful treatment cataracts, because it is still necessary to bring visual organ operated person until complete recovery. In accordance with the rules, it is necessary to undergo examinations by an ophthalmologist 5-8 times within a month after surgery. It is advisable to do this in the same clinic where the operation was performed.

Cataract surgery for pensioners

It is known that this category of the population is the most vulnerable, including in terms of providing medical services. Therefore, on the basis public clinics created ophthalmological centers, providing free services on the diagnosis and treatment of eye diseases.

Pensioners and other low-income groups are provided with full complex diagnostic examination and specialist consultation. If surgery is indicated, the lens is replaced with an artificial lens.

Free lens replacement surgery carried out to the following categories of persons:

  • Participants of the Second World War and persons equivalent to them;
  • disabled people I, II and III groups;
  • labor veterans and pensioners.

What is needed for free cataract surgery?

First of all, you should get a referral from your clinic for a consultation at the Ophthalmology Center.

Collect Required documents (passport, compulsory medical insurance policy and a copy thereof, ID card of a pensioner, disabled person or WWII participant).

Sign up for a consultation to the nearest Eye Diagnostics and Surgery Center.

Modern medicine provides a large number of options for safe and high-quality cataract removal. Under no circumstances should the symptoms of the disease be ignored and, after being diagnosed, treatment of the pathology should be started immediately. And on primary stage It is possible to remove cataracts without surgery. Therefore, you should not put off taking care of your health and think about treatment until the disease has further developed.

Cataracts are one of the most common ophthalmological diseases among older people.

This disease is associated with partial or complete clouding of the lens, as a result of which only a small part of the light rays enters the eye, and the person begins to see blurry and unclear.

Ocular cataract tends to progress over the years: in people over 50 years of age, the area of ​​clouding can constantly increase, and vision will decrease more and more quickly.

Video materials about removal of ocular cataracts

Cataract. “Live Healthy!” program. Prof. Konovalov M. E. tells.

(Edition dated 08/17/2010 - about cataracts, see from the 30th minute of the video)

Treatment and surgery for cataracts

Cataract surgery with femtosecond laser

Only in our Center is the first registered femtosecond laser in Russia for refractive cataract surgery!
Femtosecond laser automates execution difficult stages cataract treatments traditionally performed manually:

  • - corneal incisions
  • - anterior capsulorhexis
  • — laser phacofragmentation

Modern technologies make it possible to operate on cataracts with minimal consequences and complications at the earliest stages of the disease, when vision is slightly reduced and the patient does not experience any special difficulties. The earlier a cataract is operated on, the easier the operation itself is and the better the result.

The lens is located in the eye in a special shell - the capsular bag. Replacing the eye lens with an artificial one is the main goal of cataract surgery. It is important to preserve the capsule and place the artificial lens in this natural shell.

Prices for cataract surgery

The price of the operation includes: the cost of the operation itself, all Supplies and artificial lens.

Cataract surgeries Price

Phacoemulsification with monofocal IOL implantation RUB 32,900

Uncomplicated phacoemulsification with implantation of a monofocal aspheric IOL 62,200 rub.

Uncomplicated phacoemulsification with implantation of a monofocal IOL with a light filter RUB 71,700

Uncomplicated phacoemulsification with implantation of a monofocal aspheric IOL with a light filter RUB 82,300

Uncomplicated phacoemulsification with implantation of a monofocal toric aspheric IOL with a light filter RUB 105,200

Femtosecond laser stage for phacoemulsification 50,000 rub.

Today, cataract removal is an easily tolerated procedure at any age and with any concomitant diseases.

Why do you need cataract surgery?

  • If a cataract is detected, sooner or later you will have to undergo surgery.
  • The earlier the operation is performed, the easier and safer it is. Modern operation Replacement of the lens of the eye lasts about 5 minutes, is performed on an outpatient basis, in most cases there is no need to stay in the hospital.
  • There are no significant restrictions after the intervention. Within a week you will return to your normal lifestyle.
  • There is no need to spend money on absolutely meaningless drops, exercise equipment, or special treatment glasses. The cost of cataract surgery is reasonable.
  • Modern models of artificial lenses simultaneously with cataracts remove myopia, farsightedness, correct astigmatism, and some - presbyopia. If you've been wearing glasses for years, you may be able to get rid of them.
  • Not required general anesthesia- local anesthesia only.
  • The operation is easily tolerated, regardless of age and general state body.
  • If cataracts and glaucoma are detected, it is possible to perform a one-stage operation.
  • Predictable result.
  • After replacing the lens of the eye, good vision will be restored, you will return to full life, your psychological state will improve significantly.
  • The use of a femtosecond laser for cataract removal greatly increases the accuracy and safety of modern operations.

The operation to replace the lens of the eye is performed exclusively under local anesthesia using anesthetic eye drops and lasts no more than 6–10 minutes. Don't be afraid of pain. During the entire time you will not experience any pain - only light touches and touches. Throughout the procedure, a team of anesthesiologists monitors the patient's health.

Most of the operations performed at our Center are performed on an outpatient basis. After a short rest and examination of the eye condition by an ophthalmologist, the patient is sent home. However, for some, we still recommend staying for a few days and continuing treatment in a comfortable hospital. You will be under 24-hour close attention and supervision by specialists. You will be provided with the necessary medications. In case of emergency, assistance will be provided promptly. Also, you will not have to come for mandatory postoperative examinations (usually on the 1st, 3rd and 7th days).

Stages of eye lens replacement

  1. The surgeon uses a diamond knife to create a 1.8 mm micropuncture to gain access to the inside of the eye.
  2. Using tweezers, a circular hole is created in the capsular bag - capsulorhexis.
  3. The surgeon inserts the handle of an ultrasound device - a phacoemulsifier - and uses ultrasound to destroy the clouded lens. The exposure time and ultrasound power depend on the initial density of the lens nucleus. At the same time, the crushed particles of the lens are removed from the eye (irrigation, aspiration).
  4. The surgeon installs an artificial lens into the capsular bag, previously inserted into the injector and rolled into a tube. In the eye it straightens out and, due to haptic supporting elements (antennae), is fixed in the eye. This lens will serve you for many years instead of a natural one.

Benefits of cataract removal at the Vision Restoration Center

Specialists from the Center for Vision Restoration were among the first in Moscow (in 1997) to begin performing operations to replace the lens of the eye with an artificial one using ultrasound (ultrasonic phacoemulsification). Today, these interventions are carried out on the basis of the Federal State Budgetary Institution Research Institute of Eye Diseases, which guarantees their high-quality implementation for our patients.

Most cataract removals at the Vision Restoration Center are performed using the Victus femtosecond laser (Technolas, Germany). This greatly increases the accuracy and safety of the operation. The laser, with perfect precision beyond the surgeon's control, creates capsulorhexis and destroys the lens remotely, without introducing surgical instruments into the eye.

“Center for Vision Restoration” is the only institution in Moscow that has the entire range of equipment for cataract removal from the Alcon company, united into a single network. This is a new, most modern and safe approach to the treatment of cataracts. Everything happens in a single closed cycle. The data obtained about the patient's eye during diagnosis on the Alcon Verion biometer is automatically transferred to the Alcon Luxor operating microscope. The surgeon sees online, directly in the microscope eyepieces, the ideal position for implanting an artificial lens, its centration, the axis of location and the choice of location for creating microtunnels for access to the eye. This is most important when implanting toric IOLs to correct astigmatism. The lens is destroyed using a phacoemulsifier latest generation Alcon Centurion. This system constantly monitors the maintenance of safe pressure in the eye, thanks to improved ultrasonic influence, greatly increasing the efficiency of the operation and reducing its time.

Cataract is a disease associated with clouding of the lens of the eye. This is a kind of lens through which all rays of the visible spectrum are refracted and fall on the sensitive cells of the retina. By changing the curvature of the lens, a person has the ability to focus on objects at different distances. He can read, sew, watch performances in the theater, view landscapes from a mountainside.

With cataracts, the proteins that make up the lens begin to denature, that is, break down. As a result, the person loses the ability to see clearly. This process can be slowed down for a while special drugs, produced in the form of drops. But only cataract surgery—replacing the lens with an artificial one—can radically solve the problem and restore a person’s vision.

Symptoms of cataracts, indications for surgery

There are no doctors among this moment unanimity on what stage is best to perform the operation. Several years ago, ophthalmologists believed that cataracts should be allowed to “mature”, but early stages They preferred not to risk illness and did not offer lens prosthetics. Today, most experts say that the best solution There will be surgery in the early stages of the disease.

Currently allocated next stages eye cataracts:

Preparing for surgery

All necessary tests must be submitted within 10 to 30 days before the operation (different organizations have their own restrictions). The direction is issued for the following types research:

  1. General blood analysis.
  2. General urine analysis.
  3. Blood test for HIV, syphilis, hepatitis B and C.
  4. Study on blood clotting, blood circulation speed.
  5. Blood sugar test.
  6. Urine test for sugar.
  7. Electrocardiogram (ECG).
  8. Fluorography.
  9. Visit to an ENT specialist.
  10. Visit the dentist and treat all inflammatory processes in the oral cavity.
  11. Visiting a therapist and obtaining a report on the patient’s health.
  12. Visit to a specialist doctor if available chronic diseases and obtaining a conclusion authorizing cataract surgery.

Some medical centers They offer to undergo a series of tests directly from them. Additional requirements may be presented, as well as a shortened list depending on the policy of the clinic, hospital, the presence of epidemics in locality. All data must be provided when examined by an ophthalmologist before surgery.

Hospitalization, lens replacement

You usually need to go to a clinic or hospital the day before cataract surgery. On this day, the patient is examined again by the ophthalmologist who will perform the procedure and examines all his tests. In some private clinics, blood is drawn from the patient to separate plasma. It is administered to the patient after surgery for his speedy rehabilitation.

The patient is introduced to the stages of the operation, explained how important it is not to worry and to follow all the doctor’s commands– look straight, without blinking, lower your eyes down, focus on some point. In the evening you need to skip dinner. In older people, blood pressure may increase and heart rate may increase. You need to report such symptoms to your doctor and try to calm down.

Within 1-2 hours, drops are instilled into the patient to dilate the pupils. When they begin to act, the doctor invites you to go to the operating room. The patient should wear a short-sleeved T-shirt to constantly monitor blood pressure. Additionally, he will be asked to wear a sterile set of clothes. Prosthetics are performed on the operating table. Total time procedures rarely exceed 30 minutes. The patient is instilled with anesthetic drops, rare case give an injection.

Modern procedures are based on the principle of ultrasound or laser phacoemulsification. The essence of the operation consists of into crushing the lens and sucking it out of the chamber.

phacoemulsification: stages of surgery

Through a micro-incision (2 mm), a special liquid is first injected into the anterior chamber of the eye. It should protect tissues from radiation, especially the cornea. The surgeon then performs a process called capsulorhexis– opening of the lens chamber and its partial removal.

After this, a device with a tip that emits ultrasound or a laser is inserted into the lens. The crushing process begins. The lens turns into a liquid emulsion. The patient does not feel any pain. He can see flashes of light, red laser lights, etc.

Destroyed lens tissue is removed using an aspirator. After this, a tube containing a rolled-up artificial lens is inserted into the incision. It straightens out on its own; the doctor can only slightly correct the process. The patient will feel this as light pressure, stroking the eye. There is no need to suture the incision.

After the operation, the patient goes to the ward. In some private clinics, patients are sent home immediately. This outcome is undesirable, since close observation by a specialist is required for at least 24 hours.

Video: laser cataract surgery

Taking medications after surgery

Depending on the patient’s condition and the success of the operation, the following medications may be prescribed:

Rules for instilling eye drops

The total period of taking the drugs in the absence of complications and infection is up to 4 weeks with a gradual reduction in dosage. It is advisable to have a second person do the instillation. To do this, you need to wash your hands, the patient lies down on the couch or sits down and tilts his head back. In this case, your gaze should be directed upward.

The assistant pulls back the lower eyelid and drips the drug between it and the eyeball.

Important! Avoid touching the tip of the pipette to the patient's mucosa!

If several drops are prescribed, then you need to take a five-minute break between taking them. For maximum effect the lower eyelid can be pressed against the eyeball through a sterile napkin.

Complications after surgery

After lens replacement, the following unpleasant consequences may occur:

Rehabilitation period

It is extremely important to follow all doctor’s instructions in the first month and visit an ophthalmologist promptly for periodic check-ups.

In a memo to the patient for speedy rehabilitation after surgery, it is usually advised to follow the following rules:

  • Wearing sunglasses.
  • Sleeping on your back or on the side opposite the operated eye.
  • Avoid bending, physical activity, and heavy lifting.
  • Avoiding eye makeup.
  • Avoiding hypothermia or, conversely, overheating.
  • You only need to touch your eyes clean hands without pressing on the apple.
  • Do not wash your eyes with soap, wipe it clean water using a sterile cotton swab.

Cost of surgery, private clinics

For cataracts, lens replacement surgery can be performed free of charge under a quota. First of all, this opportunity is provided to certain social categories of citizens - in particular, pensioners and disabled people. Quantity free transactions depends on the region, funding, availability of specialists and necessary equipment. If desired, use a prosthesis foreign production patients will have to pay for it themselves, but part of the money spent can be returned.

You can carry out an operation for money without waiting your turn. In this case, the cost of the lens is included in the payment for the procedure. Sometimes you will have to pay separately for some tests or medications. The cost can range from 40,000 to 120,000 rubles. It is influenced by the selected lens, the complexity of the operation (treatment of mature and overmature cataracts is more expensive), the availability additional diseases eye, clinic status. Many private medical centers have reviews on the Internet, which you can use to study the quality of the services they provide and make a choice.

In Moscow, the following clinics are chosen by patients:

For cataracts, surgery is a necessity. It can be delayed for a while, but cannot be excluded, since only it gives a chance to preserve vision.

Video: cataract, operation progress, rehabilitation



2024 “kingad.ru” - ultrasound examination of human organs