Nasal polyps symptoms and treatment surgery. Nasal polyps: a modern approach to the problem

Many people face the problem of difficulty breathing, which, in turn, leads to increased fatigue and frequent headaches. This situation is explained by the presence of benign formations such as nasal polyps, the treatment of which is modern medicine can be carried out using various methods.

A polyp is an abnormal growth of mucous in the nasal cavity that blocks the airway and can lead to serious health consequences. The disease that develops as a result of this is called polyposis. Externally, polyps are somewhat similar to bunches of grapes. It is believed that men are more susceptible to this disease, although it also occurs in women. To understand how to recognize polyposis and how to treat it correctly, it is necessary to understand the nature of the disease itself and the human structure.

Human nose is a rather complex organism. The visible part of it on the face is just the tip of the iceberg, which hides a multi-stage mechanism that goes deeper. Such a highly complex system performs vital functions:

  • regulates the temperature of the air entering the lungs, and thus prevents hypothermia of the internal organs;
  • filters the air, preventing various germs and dust from entering. All harmful substances linger on areas of the mucous membrane and are neutralized;
  • provides the sense of smell;
  • takes part in the development of voice.

The unique mucous membrane located in the nasal cavity helps the nose to perform these extremely important functions. Mucous glands produce protective mucus to which everything sticks. foreign organisms and are taken out.

Why polyps may appear in the nose

The occurrence of any infectious diseases leads to the proliferation of microorganisms and bacteria that previously existed quietly and peacefully in the human microflora. At this time, detachment of the mucous membrane occurs, which manifests itself in nasal congestion and a change in voice. This is how the mucous membrane signals the occurrence of health problems and the need for protection. Strong immunity copes with similar illness within 7 days and restores the mucous membrane.

If there is a malfunction in the immune system, inflammatory process continues to develop and threaten health. The nasal mucosa is trying to perform its protective function and therefore it grows. This situation leads to formations such as nasal polyps, the causes of which can be summarized as follows:

  • infections and colds that are accompanied by a runny nose;
  • chronic sinusitis or sinusitis;
  • different kinds allergies;
  • distortion of the nasal septum, which can lead to difficulty breathing;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • various diseases: asthma, aspirin allergy, Young's syndrome.

How to know if there are polyps in the nose

It is not easy to detect a disease at the very beginning of its development. Polyps can form over several years, accompanying their growth with inconspicuous signs. No one goes to the hospital because of a slight runny nose and minor nasal congestion. To detect nasal polyps, the symptoms must be pronounced. The following signs, as a rule, indicate the presence of polyposis:

  • disturbance in olfactory processes or complete loss of the ability to distinguish odors;
  • difficulty breathing during long period time;
  • frequent sneezing, which manifests itself as defensive reaction the body in response to the appearance of a foreign body;
  • headache caused by lack of oxygen;
  • voice distortion. If there are polyps in the nose, a person begins to sound nasal.

If any of the symptoms described above appear, you must contact a specialist and undergo an examination. Sometimes polyposis can be confused with allergic rhinitis, for example. Therefore, if nasal polyps are suspected, diagnosis should be carried out using a special instrument - a rhinoscope, which dilates the nostrils and provides the opportunity to examine the nasal cavity as completely as possible.

How to treat polyposis with conservative methods


Treatment of this disease differs at different stages of its development.
Depending on the size of the polyps and the degree of their impact, several stages of the disease can be distinguished.

  1. At the primary stage, the polyp covers a small part of the nasal cavity.
  2. At the secondary stage, the polyp covers most of the lumen of the nasal sinus;
  3. At the tertiary stage, the polyp is so huge that it can completely block the respiratory tract.

Drug treatment is prescribed if benign formations in the nose did not reach large sizes. Conservative methods of treating polyposis include the use of antiallergic and antimicrobial drugs. The former are used if the cause of the formation of polyps is an allergy, and the latter – if it is necessary to eliminate chronic inflammatory processes.

Treatment with steroids can also be used to reduce the size of growths such as nasal polyps. But this tool there is a serious drawback: large doses steroids may cause side effects. Therefore, this medicine is best combined with immunocorrective drugs and immunomodulators.

How to treat polyposis with surgical methods

On late stages doctors prescribe polyp growth surgical treatment. But in order for the operation to be successful, it is necessary to undergo full examination and prepare for it. The preparation process includes several stages.

  1. General and biochemical analysis blood.
  2. Take anti-allergy medications 10 days before the procedure.
  3. Administration of dexamethasone 3 days before the procedure will help prevent inflammation and swelling.
  4. Injection of a clemastine solution, which has a calming effect, several hours before the procedure.
  5. An injection of demidrol and atropine sulfate for pain relief an hour before surgery.

Depending on the stage of development of polyposis, the doctor may prescribe different types of operations. If nasal polyps are confirmed, treatment is usually performed with polypotomy. This operation is carried out using a Lange hook and makes it possible to remove a large number of polyps at a time. Sometimes surgeons turn to endoscopic or laser equipment to remove polyps. It all depends on the consequences and side effects diseases.

After the operation, the patient recovers quite quickly and remains in the hospital for 5 days. And when carrying out laser surgery You don’t even have to go to the hospital at all. After surgery, it is not recommended to exercise or consume alcoholic drinks, as this may cause bleeding. The treatment process does not end with the removal of polyps; at home you will have to take various medications, or you can use restorative recipes from traditional medicine.

Many people are distrustful of traditional and official medicine and prefer to use the gifts of nature for treatment various ailments. If the main symptoms of nasal polyps are found, you can use some unconventional means to eliminate the disease:

  • nasal drops from a decoction of string, anise or St. John's wort;
  • nasal ointments made from sea buckthorn or St. John's wort oil and propolis;
  • nasal inhalations of chamomile or propolis.

It is better to consult a homeopath before you start using folk remedies. From correct dosage and the recipe will depend on the result.

Every person should pay close attention to their health. Do not be upset when diagnosed with polyposis. Timely consultation with a doctor will help prevent or easily eliminate many serious consequences of this disease.

If you are reading in this moment This article means you have a problem and it needs to be solved urgently! Here you will find answers to questions such as “why do nasal polyps grow” and “what are the ways to get rid of them”...

First, about them - polyps...

Nasal polyps are some growing formations that appear, although not instantly, from the mucous membrane of the intranasal cavity. They arise during inflammatory processes of this same mucous membrane. These formations are benign, but despite this, they cause a lot of trouble to your body. In men, such formations are much more common. And men, as you know, are in no hurry to get treatment right away. But in vain...

Polyps tend to “grow”, that is, at first they only cover top part the nasal cavity (stage 1), then the area overlapping them increases (stage 2), and finally the entire space of the nasal cavity is closed (stage 3).

Before you continue reading: If you are looking for an effective method of getting rid of runny nose, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis or colds, then be sure to check out Book section of the site after reading this article. This information has helped so many people, we hope it will help you too! So, now back to the article.

Therefore, in advanced forms of this disease, the sense of smell is impaired and breathing becomes difficult. Polyps, like sponges, absorb all infections, which means that, more and more often, you are worried about inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system. It is polyps that often cause diseases such as asthma, and also constantly lead to exacerbation of the disease.

What determines the appearance of “these same” polyps in the nose?

This strange disease is currently not yet fully understood. Finding out the causes of polyps, their growth and finding ways to remove them is now the main focus of the study of otorhinolaryngology. Experts identify the following causes of this disease:

  • Previous allergic manifestations in organism;
  • Infectious diseases;
  • Change metabolic processes arachidonic acid;
  • Chronic inflammation of the respiratory system;
  • Individual intolerance to salicylic acid
  • And also, traumatic changes in the nose

And yet the most basic reason is, precisely, the body’s allergic reactions to so-called irritants, such as fungal spores, plant pollen, etc.

If you suddenly observe the following symptoms in your child or yourself, it means that you can assume that you have polyps in your nose...

The most clearly observable sign of their appearance is nasal congestion, and, accordingly, an endless runny nose and constant sneezing. Polyps, growing, begin to put more and more pressure on those in the nasal cavity blood vessels. This means that tissues left without blood supply are increasingly exposed to infection. Therefore, you constantly have to be treated for sore throat, tonsillitis and even otitis media.

Next unpleasant symptom– you have lost your sense of smell. After all, polyps cover exactly that part of the intranasal mucosa that is responsible for the perception of taste and smell. Note that if the disease is not treated immediately, there is a possibility that the sense of smell will not be restored.

If the nasal polyps are already quite large, then a change in voice is possible. It takes on an unpleasant tinge of nasality.

How to identify nasal polyps in children

The growth of polyps in children is detected using the following external signs: open mouth (after all, closed nasal passages make the child unable to breathe in the usual way, but with the mouth), breathing is clearly difficult, lower jaw sags and smoothed folds are observed above the upper lip.

U infants The formation of polyps is especially dangerous. After all, difficulty breathing disrupts your child’s sleep and nutrition. All this leads to weight loss in the baby and the occurrence of inflammatory processes in the respiratory tract.

As a result, the formation of polyps and their growth in adults and older children causes frequent headaches, fatigue, and all this is accompanied by disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.

You have decided to diagnose nasal polyps...

It is necessary to initially contact an otolaryngologist. X-rays prescribed by a doctor or, in other words, CT scan(CT) of the nasal cavity will fully give you an idea of ​​the stage of your disease, which, by the way, has official name"polypous sinusitis". The main thing is to make the diagnosis on time!

And now about the most difficult problem - what are the methods for treating nasal polyps?

After all, reviews about this disease are very contradictory. Some people do not advise going to the doctor because after surgery to remove polyps, they grow back after some time. And new operations are becoming more and more painful.

Others are against folk ways treatment. After all, along with polyps, a person’s allergic diseases often worsen, but this can lead to reverse effect– increased new growth of polyps. Unpleasant situation! What to do is up to you, but together with the attending physician! So…

You have come to the ENT doctor. Your nose is stuffy and difficult nasal breathing. You complain of fatigue and headache. And the runny nose has not gone away for more than a week now.

First of all, during the examination, the doctor must identify signs allergic disease. If he finds these signs, he will definitely refer you to an allergist. If allergic reactions are confirmed, then in this case it is preferable conservative treatment, that is, you need to hesitate with the operation.

Of course, in advanced cases of the disease, when the nasal cavities are already completely blocked, only surgery will help. surgical intervention. And if the disease is still in a moderate stage, then it is better to do it first therapeutic treatment, let's call it preparatory work before the operation, then the polyps are removed surgically surgically, and subsequently conservative treatment must continue.

So, when treating nasal polyps, the best way to ensure favorable outcome, is simultaneous use both surgical and non-surgical (conservative) methods, optimally combining them for each patient. Let's consider each treatment method individually. Let's identify their special advantages and obvious disadvantages.


Surgery to remove nasal polyps is just that. Currently, this method is the most generally accepted and widespread. The operation involves, depending on the method of surgery, either local or general anesthesia. By traditional method Removal of polyps is carried out using the so-called “loop” or forceps. Unfortunately, the patients’ words “my polyps were ripped out” say it all! One of the obvious disadvantages of this method is heavy postoperative bleeding.

Endonasal surgery of the nasal cavity using the endoscopic method is now recognized as the most effective. “Endonasal” means “through the nose.” No additional incisions on facial area not done. Removal of polyps is carried out using an endoscope, which allows the doctor to fully observe and control the entire operation process. Using a special instrument, the polyps are crushed and absorbed, and then removed through the nose. In addition, the cells of the ethmoid labyrinth, that is, the “roots” of the polyps, are opened and removed. Exactly this technique endoscopic removal polyps allows you to stop their growth for a long time. One of the advantages of this method is that there is little postoperative bleeding. The operation is performed in a hospital. The patient's presence is scheduled for 3 to 7 days.

During the operation, the paranasal sinuses are washed. This procedure is necessary to prevent the polyps from growing again in the future. At the end of the operation, antibiotics are prescribed, the purpose of which is to prevent infectious postoperative complications. Remember: after polyps are removed, you will need to regularly visit your doctor.

Advice! Before removing polyps through surgery, try to find out exactly the cause of polyps and completely remove it first! After all, it is important not only to destroy polyps, it is even more important to prevent their subsequent growth. There are cases where polyps disappeared on their own after treatment of the disease that caused them.

What is needed for this operation?

  • Hospitalization in a hospital is usually prescribed on the eve of surgery.
  • Must be absent at the time of surgery acute diseases and exacerbation of chronic diseases (acute respiratory infections, asthma, etc.)
  • Before hospitalization, you must consult an otolaryngologist, who in turn should prescribe a computed tomography scan
  • The cost of polyp removal ranges from 2500-8000, depending on the region and medical institution.

Laser method

A highly targeted intense beam of laser light energy acts on the polyp, causing all the liquid inside it to evaporate, and after laser exposure only an empty shell remains. Laser therapy lasts only 15-20 minutes. Laser removal of nasal polyps is less traumatic. It is accompanied by minimal bleeding. During treatment, good sterility is ensured, which reduces the risk of infection and subsequent complications. But this method of laser removal is ineffective for heavily grown polyps.

Conservative treatment is also used (medication, without surgery)

This includes the use of antiallergic drugs (if the cause of the disease is an allergen), treatment of chronic inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, antibiotics, as well as the whole complex various procedures - injections, rinsing, warming. And again, the type of treatment, timing and number of procedures, as well as the dosage of drugs, are prescribed only by the doctor.

Conservative treatment plays an indispensable role during the period after surgery. Here, daily care of the nasal cavity is very important, usually for the next week. The nasal rinsing is carried out by the doctor himself using a special solution, while removing accumulated mucus and crusts from the nasal sinuses. Self-washing is also allowed. To do this, you can use a syringe or a pharmaceutical rubber bulb. For washing, you can use a 0.9% solution of table salt. The use of sprays designed for these purposes, for example, Aquamaris, is also effective.

After surgery, a course is usually prescribed local therapy, which involves, in particular, the use of special inhalers. The use of the drugs should continue for up to 3-6 months. Such inhalers contain hormones, but since the drug is used topically, their absorption into the blood (which some patients are so afraid of) does not occur.

After surgery to remove polyps, swelling of the nasal mucosa lasts for a very long time. Therefore, it is very important postoperative observation see a doctor and carefully follow all his instructions.

Traditional methods of treating nasal polyps

Their healing effect based on the use of herbal infusions, as well as the use of honey and propolis. I will give just a few examples from traditional medicine.

  • Lower cotton swab in honey (it is best to use May honey for these purposes) and thoroughly lubricate the sinuses with it. Repeat 3 times a day for 30 days. Notice the resorption of polyps.
  • Place a little propolis in a metal container and heat it over a fire. As soon as you notice the appearance of smoke, propolis must be removed from the fire. You need to inhale the smoke through your nose, but try to do it very carefully, otherwise you may get burns. You need to inhale first through one nostril, then through the other. And so on 2 times a day.
  • Among the herbs, a fairly common plant, celandine, is well used for treatment. It seems to dry out the polyps. Its juice is directly used for instillation into the nasal cavity (3 times a day). Infusion of celandine is successfully used for rinsing the sinuses. Take one spoon of dried celandine and add 300 ml of boiling water. You need to insist for about an hour. Then the infusion must be filtered and it is ready for washing.
  • As soon as you feel discomfort in the nasal cavity, and if it does not go away long time, you definitely need to start rinsing your nose with saline solution. Place salt in ½ glass on the tip of a knife, mix the solution well. Rinse only with warm solution.

It is advisable to do in the following way: fill the syringe with 5 ml of this solution. Then we lie down, say, on our right side and pour the stream into the right nostril (lower). In this case, the jet must be directed slightly upward. And you need to inject it in parts. During breaks, we inhale the stream through our nose. Now you need to lie on this side for 1-2 minutes. Then we turn over to the other side and do the same procedure with the left side of the nose. Remember: you need to inject the solution into the nostril on which side you are currently lying.

Yeah, it might be a good idea to try folk recipes. But, don’t forget, honey, propolis, herbal infusions can often cause allergic reactions your body, and then treatment will not work positive result, but rather the opposite, will cause even more increased growth of polyps.

If you get rid of nasal polyps, take preventive measures immediately

Eliminate the effect on yourself tobacco smoke, as well as chemical irritants. Avoid getting dust into the respiratory cavities. Follow the rules of hygiene, moisturize and ventilate your room more often, and periodically rinse your nose with special solutions. It is very good if you exclude the consumption of salty and spicy foods, coffee and alcohol. In general, pay attention to your diet. Eat only natural, fresh foods. Use as food vegetable oils, fish, dairy products. Limit your sugar and salt intake. Viburnum berries and carrot juice are very useful.

Get involved in physical education, do gymnastics regularly. You can massage the trigeminal nerve. It is located slightly to the side of the wings of the nose. Scroll your finger ten times at these points in one direction, and then in the other. Exactly, trigeminal nerve is responsible for effective work nasal cavity.

I hope that our article helped you find the answer to the question “how to cure nasal polyps.” Success and...

Remember, your health is in your hands!

A nasal polyp, polyposis or nasal polyps is a polyp-like growth of the mucous membrane of the nose or paranasal sinuses, often accompanied by an allergic runny nose.

Since a runny nose is the main symptom of the disease, the disease is often called polyposis rhinitis, polyposis rhinitis. It occurs more often in adults, and the disease reaches its peak after 50 years.

Half of people with polyps suffer from chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract, diseases bronchopulmonary system, have tumor formations in other organs. It should be noted that polyps are much less common in children; their appearance is usually hereditary.

Polyps can occur in the maxillary sinuses and in the ethmoidal labyrinth (ethmoidal). The maxillary sinuses often bother one side and are detected in children. Ethmoidal polyps appear on both sides and are more common in adults.

Why do they appear?

The reasons why nasal polyps appear are still unknown. It is more likely that the development of the disease is triggered by several causative factors simultaneously.

The main mechanism of polyp formation is an increase in the number of secretory glands. Experiments have proven that when the upper layer of the mucous membrane (epithelium) is damaged, ruptured, edema and infiltrated, hair falls out. middle layer mucosa, or mucosa itself.

As a result, it protrudes through the hole in the epithelium. And if the epithelium is not completely restored, then a polyp is formed from the mucous membrane itself, and glands producing mucus already grow on it.

Possible reasons

  1. An increase in eosinophils in the blood, which is observed in allergies, allergic rhinosinusitis. The disease often occurs when allergic rhinitis, allergic, infectious and atopic bronchial asthma.
  2. One hypothesis states that nasal polyps appear due to fungi in the surrounding air. Fungi enter the nose, after which eosinophils are sent to the mucous membrane to destroy pathogenic fungi. As a result, eosinophils produce toxic proteins that damage the mucous membrane and cause chronic inflammation, swelling and polyp growth.
  3. Some researchers do not exclude the role of bacterial infection.
  4. Stimulation of the immune system by staphylococci.
  5. Secondary immunodeficiency.
  6. Anatomical disorders of the ostiomeatal complex ( anterior section middle turbinate).
  7. It is possible that nasal polyps in a child are the result of a frequent viral infection.
  8. It is possible that they appear in response to intolerance to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Ibufen, Paracetamol, Ketorolac, etc.)
  9. Autonomic imbalance nervous system(vegetative-vascular dystonia, migraine, etc.).

Polyps that appear in the nose have nothing to do with polyps of the uterus or colon. However, it has been noted that they are more common in people who have hereditary diseases of the respiratory system such as cystic fibrosis, Young's syndrome, Kartagener's syndrome, and disease of fixed cilia of the mucous membrane.


More often, the disease occurs in the form of a chronic runny nose, and several additional signs can be noticed.

Nasal polyps symptoms:

  • Nasal congestion. The degree of congestion depends on the number and degree of growth of polyps. They grow rapidly and can completely block the nasal passages, causing complete obstruction;
  • A person experiences attacks of a runny nose along with sneezing, mucous, mucopurulent snot flows from the nose. Basically, a runny nose appears due to dust, pollen and other allergens;
  • If polyps begin to grow in the nasopharynx, then secretions may flow down back wall pharynx;
  • Impaired sense of smell, sometimes it disappears completely;
  • Sinusitis (sinusitis, ethmoiditis);
  • Headaches of varying intensity appear due to the development purulent complications polyposis, insufficient oxygen supply to the brain;
  • Facial pain or tightness that gets worse with a runny nose.
  • People complain about bad things general state, sleep disturbance, heaviness in the head, decreased mental and memory abilities.

Attention, if polyps have irregular shape, they hurt and bleed, you need to urgently seek help medical care, it could be a malignant tumor.


To make a diagnosis, the doctor examines the patient’s complaints, examines the nose in nasal speculums, performs endoscopy of the nose, examines the respiratory and olfactory function. Polyps appear as swollen areas of pale or pale pink, practically insensitive, most often found on both sides of the middle nasal meatus.

The disease is widespread, so often the examination simultaneously confirms the diagnosis of sinusitis, ethmoiditis, frontal sinusitis and sphenoiditis. All patients in whom polyps are identified for the first time, and those who need surgical treatment, a computed tomography (CT) scan is performed. It is performed from several sides.

How to treat

Given the fact that the causes of the disease are numerous and poorly understood, the approach to treatment in different patients is very different - for some it is enough to be treated with nasal drops and tablets, for others they need surgical and therapeutic treatment, for others only surgery will help.

Treatment principles:

  • Eliminate polyps and runny nose.
  • Restore breathing through the nose and sense of smell.
  • Prevent relapse.

First, you need to eliminate factors that stimulate the growth of polyps. Therefore, contact with pollen, fungi, household, medicinal and occupational allergens, exclude from the diet foods containing a lot of dyes and flavors, avoid the use of aspirin and foods that are rich in salicylates - tomatoes, apples, raspberries, strawberries, oranges, grapes, currants.

Infections of the nose and paranasal sinuses must be treated.


Drugs whose effectiveness is beyond doubt, which has been repeatedly confirmed by clinical studies, are glucocorticosteroids. This is the only medicine that can really slow down the growth of polyps and prolong remission in cases of polypous rhinitis and polypous sinusitis.

The drugs clearly and effectively relieve inflammation and the reaction of the immune system, reduce swelling of the mucous membrane, and sensitivity of the nose to mediators allergic inflammation and physical irritants.

  1. Drops. The initial stage of nasal polyposis without severe nasal congestion is treated with nasal glucocorticosteroids in the form of drops and sprays:
    • Baconase;
    • Nasobek;
    • Tafen;
    • Nazacort;
    • Sintaris;
    • Flixonase;
    • Nasonex.

    Drops must be used in the postoperative period after removal of polyps, but only after complete or almost complete completion of the healing process, because hormones slow down tissue healing, promote bleeding and the formation of crusts.

  2. Pills. The tablets can be used either alone or together with intranasal glucocorticosteroids. Indications for treatment with tablets:
    • if drops and sprays do not help;
    • severe nasal congestion;
    • before surgical treatment;
    • in the postoperative period;
    • if there are contraindications to surgery, but it is necessary;
    • if symptoms of polyposis reappear shortly after surgery.


    • untreated fungal, bacterial and viral diseases of the nose and paranasal sinuses;
    • ulcers on the mucous membrane.

    It is better to take Prednisolone as tablets; it is recommended to choose tablets with a protected shell. They can be replaced with Dexomethasone injections. But courses of treatment with hormones can be carried out no more than twice a year. It is forbidden to give injections at the site of polyp growth; there are known cases of severe life-threatening complications.

Nasal rinsing

To relieve symptoms, you can rinse your nose with saline solution with the addition of soda. There is no need to buy expensive sprays based on sea and ocean water. The nose should be rinsed during attacks of runny nose and colds. For preventive purposes - several times daily.


If the IgE level is not elevated, then in some situations it is possible to use antibiotics for a course of 4 or more weeks. Antibiotics are always used during exacerbation of sinusitis and purulent runny nose.


Physical procedures are not specific and are used for treatment chronic runny nose and sinusitis, including polyposis.

Procedure names:

  • infrared laser;
  • helium-neon laser;
  • magnetic therapy;
  • intranasal and intrasinus microwave treatment;
  • intranasal electrophoresis with drugs
  • To treat polypous sinusitis, you need to use the YAMIK catheter method. With its help, it is very easy to deliver medicine into the sinus.

It is difficult to say which method is more effective, because they help each patient differently.


Polyps are treated surgically. The operation will not cure the disease, it will only relieve nasal congestion for a while and create access for drugs to the polyps that are located in the paranasal sinuses. In 70% of cases, polyps appear again.


  • ineffectiveness of conservative therapy;
  • persistent nasal congestion.


  • exacerbation of bronchial asthma, obstructive bronchitis;
  • the period of flowering of causally significant allergens during the operation or postoperative period.

The operation lasts less than an hour and can be performed either under general or local anesthesia, is carried out through an endoscope. The recovery period after surgery is several weeks.

Traditional methods

IN clinical studies The effectiveness of herbal medicine has not been proven in patients. Treatment with plants is completely contraindicated for people with allergies.

But, if there is no allergy, then to improve the healing processes, you can drip sea buckthorn berry juice, an oil infusion of celandine, combined drops of wild rosemary, St. John's wort and propolis into your nose, and rinse your nose with an infusion of milkweed or horsetail.

Polyps in children and adults are diagnosed and treated in the same way. But when treating children, you need to be especially vigilant, since the disease can lead to serious chronic illnesses that significantly disrupt the child’s life from an early age.

Nasal polyps are a fairly common problem among both children and adults. Interestingly, male patients suffer from this disease almost three times more often. The polyps themselves are benign formations of the mucous membrane of the nasal passages. And if on initial stages development they cause only slight discomfort, but with further growth they become a dangerous and serious problem.

Nasal polyps: causes

As already mentioned, polyps are formed from the tissues of the mucous membrane of the nasal passages. In fact, there are many reasons for their formation, including:

  • chronic inflammatory process in the nasal passages, accompanied by the release of pus;
  • infections of fungal origin;
  • cystic fibrosis;
  • some metabolic disorders, including wrong exchange arachidonic acid;
  • individual intolerance to salicylic acid.

Nasal polyps and stages of their development

Today, there are three main stages of polyp development. At the first stage, they are small formations that only partially cover the upper part of the nasal septum. But over time, the connective tissue grows, as a result of which most of the nasal passages are blocked - this is the second stage of development. The third stage is the most dangerous, as it is accompanied by complete blocking of the nasal passages, which leads to complications respiratory processes, loss of smell and other problems.

Nasal polyps: symptoms

The growth of polyps is accompanied obvious symptoms. A sick person constantly has a stuffy nose and finds it difficult to breathe. Since neoplasms compress blood vessels and interfere normal operation mucous membrane, the patient is more susceptible to infections - he constantly suffers from a runny nose, tonsillitis, tonsillitis, otitis. In some cases, patients also report frequent headaches, increased fatigue and drowsiness. As polyps grow, they affect the sense of smell. In more severe cases, the person's voice becomes nasal. Sometimes polyps even block the auditory tubes, which leads to hearing impairment, and in childhood- to violation normal development speech.

Nasal polyps: conservative methods treatment

As a rule, on initial stages apply drug treatment. In particular, it is necessary to first treat infectious diseases nose and paranasal sinuses. If a person suffers from constant allergies, then you need to identify the allergen, eliminate contact with it, and also start taking antihistamines. The doctor is obliged to determine the reasons for the growth of polyps and, as far as possible, eliminate the influence of these factors. Immunomodulatory therapy is also used. And in order to reduce swelling and make breathing easier, anti-inflammatory drugs of steroid origin are prescribed.

Nasal polyps and their removal

Unfortunately, conservative therapy is not always effective. Sometimes surgery is simply necessary. Usually, surgical removal polyps are performed under general anesthesia. The doctor carefully removes the growths using a scalpel or laser. After this, the nasal sinuses are washed. As a preventive measure, after removal, the patient is prescribed a course of antibiotic treatment.

A nasal polyp (polyposis) in adults is benign neoplasm, a growth of the mucous membrane of an organ that looks like a pea or a bunch of berries. The growth of a nasal polyp is accompanied by certain symptoms, which significantly reduce the quality of life and severe course leads to hypoxia, as the airway is obstructed.

Types of polyposis

ICD 10 code. According to international classification diseases of the tenth revision, nasal polyposis is encrypted with code J33, which includes several types of disease.

Depending on the location, polyps exist:

  1. Ethmoidal– develop from the ethmoid labyrinth, located on the left and right side nose Typical for the adult population;
  2. Atrochoanal– develop from maxillary sinus and have unilateral organ damage. They are observed mainly in children.

Nasal polyposis is divided into several groups depending on the causative factor and pathogenesis:

Polyp typePhotoDescription
Purulent Accompanied by swelling of the surrounding mucous membrane, pain and purulent discharge. Occurs when a secondary infection occurs.
Allergic Consequence allergic rhinitis. There is rhinorrhea (discharge of liquid transparent secretion)
Fibrous A complication of long-term inflammation, caused by the proliferation of fibrous fibers and connective tissue.
Fungal A polyp in the nose appears after insemination by mucous fungal microflora, it active growth and development of long-term inflammatory reaction.

Symptoms and signs of nasal polyps

What is the difference between polyps and adenoids in the nose?

Adenoids are a collection of immune tissue in the nasopharynx that performs a protective function in the body. A polyp is a neoplasm that has only negative effects.

Main clinical picture with the growth of polyps in the nose includes following symptoms:

  • runny nose with discharge of serous or sulfur-purulent fluid;
  • sneezing, as a result of irritation of the cilia of the ciliated epithelium;
  • impaired sense of smell due to the proliferation of connective tissue and atrophy of sensory fibers;
  • headache caused by hypoxia, lack of energy and constant exposure to polyps nerve endings nasal mucosa;
  • difficulty breathing as the diameter of the nasal passage decreases;
  • nasal voice due to airway obstruction and the development of chronic rhinitis.

Symptoms can also be divided into three stages, each with specific symptoms.

First stageSecond stageThird stage
Nasal congestionLoss of smellDebilitating headache
Attachment of a secondary infectionNasalityOpen mouth
Discomfort in the area of ​​polyp growthEar congestionShortness of breath and suffocation
Nasal dischargeHeadacheDecreased immunity and frequent incidence of colds
SneezingWeaknessPain in the nose
Fever (rare)Exacerbation of bronchial asthma if the patient has itSwelling of the mucous membrane

Stages of nasal polyps

Nasal polyps hurt

Pain in this pathology is disturbing when there is a strong growth of polyps in the nose and sclerosis of the mucous membrane, as there is pressure on pain receptors.

Detection of nasal polyposis mainly involves general examination, which allows you to make a diagnosis almost immediately and decide on a further treatment plan. Additionally, diagnostics may include methods:

  1. A laboratory blood test is a standard examination for any disease, allowing one to determine inflammation and accompanying changes in the body;
  2. Bacterial examination - a smear is made and sent to the laboratory for bacterial culture nutrient medium, determining the possible pathogen and its sensitivity to antibiotics;
  3. endoscopic method, allowing visualization of the deep structures of the upper respiratory tract;
  4. , — precise definition the presence of polyps in the nose, their location, size.

What causes nasal polyps to appear?

How quickly do nasal polyps grow?

The process depends on individual characteristics organism and the aggressiveness of the causative factor. On average, polyp growth takes six months.

  • The main reason for the growth of nasal polyps is constant, ongoing damage to the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity, the basis of which is chronic inflammation.
  • Psychosomatics claims that nasal polyps are formed due to hidden vulnerability, resentment from various reproaches and misunderstanding of others, especially loved ones and dear to man of people.

Photo of what nasal polyps look like:

It is important to identify and eliminate the allergen

This condition develops for several reasons:

  1. Frequent diseases caused by the development of infection, accompanied by a profuse runny nose;
  2. associated with the lack of diagnosis, adequate therapy and the presence of congenital or acquired immunodeficiency;
  3. , in which it is quite problematic to completely remove contact with the allergen (house dust);
  4. Chronic inflammatory process occurring in the nasal sinuses: ethmoiditis, rhinosinusitis;
  5. A certain number of pathologies: bronchial asthma, aspirin intolerance, cystic fibrosis, and so on.

It is worth noting that not a single disease develops without the participation of trigger factors - certain conditions that indirectly affect the course of the pathology. In this case they include:

  1. Decreased immunity;
  2. Increased sensitivity to antigens, tendency to autoimmune diseases;
  3. Constant stress due to physical and emotional overload;
  4. Smoking;
  5. Climate change, sudden temperature changes;
  6. The presence of foci of infection in the respiratory organs (nasopharynx, oropharynx);
  7. Deviation of the nasal septum;
  8. Hereditary burden.

The pathogenesis of nasal polyposis is based, as mentioned above, on the formation of chronic inflammation. The mechanism of action consists of several stages:

  1. Allergen exposure or pathogenic microorganism on the nasal mucosa;
  2. Activation local immunity, the release of inflammatory mediators that destroy not only foreign cells, but also partially healthy tissue. The epithelium is desquamated and the irritating factor is fixed;
  3. Mucous secretion glandular epithelium For mechanical removal pathogens and foreign bodies. Rhinitis appears;
  4. At weak immunity and without treatment, a chronic type of inflammatory reaction is formed, which depletes the regeneration processes of the mucous membrane, its active growth begins with an increase in the area of ​​the underlying connective tissue;
  5. Active development and growth of polyps begins in the nose.

Consequences of nasal polyps

  • When the patency of the upper respiratory tract changes, the purification of air from small particles, its warming and humidification are disrupted, and the body begins to suffer from a lack of oxygen, which the person automatically tries to compensate for by breathing through the mouth.
  • But oral cavity unable to restore the basic functions of the nasal cavity. In addition, the nasopharynx and oropharynx are connected to the middle ear auditory tube, which is also gradually involved in the pathological process.
  • The growth of polyps affects the blood circulation of the anatomical structures of the nose, compresses the capillaries and increases the pressure in the vessels. It is worth noting that chronic inflammation becomes a fertile ground for the appearance of atypical cells.

Therefore, in most cases, the patient suffers from a gradual deterioration in health.

Due to the obstructing polyp, the brain suffers from a lack of oxygen

Complications of the growth of polyps in the nose are:

  • malignancy process - formation;
  • formation of adhesions in the presence of a chronic inflammatory process;
  • the addition of infection, the appearance of otitis, adenoiditis, tonsillitis.

Why are nasal polyps dangerous?

Nasal polyposis is dangerous and severe infectious diseases bronchi and lungs, hypoxia nerve tissue brain and the appearance of atypical cells.

A nasal polyp came off.

If there is no severe tissue trauma and does not bother profuse bleeding, then a severed polyp is not a cause for concern.

If nasal polyps occur, consult your attending physician.

The development of polyposis during pregnancy can additionally be facilitated by hormonal changes and a large load on the body as a whole. For the expectant mother You should consult a doctor, as serious consequences are possible.

The growth of nasal polyps does not directly affect the child; his development and growth remain the same. Complications are possible when an infection occurs, since any pathogen can enter the bloodstream and reach the fetus, and the disease will negatively affect the immune system, the course of pregnancy and childbirth.

Treatment similar pathologies also presents some difficulties, since antibacterial drugs and many other drugs have teratogenic properties.

For elimination etiological factors and pathogenesis, the following rules must be adhered to:

Can a nasal polyp go away on its own?

For small polyps, this process is possible, but in most cases, qualified assistance from a specialist is required.

How to get rid of nasal polyps. Effective treatment methods.

All therapy is divided into several main parts: non-drug treatment, usage traditional methods and use of medications.

Nasal polyps can be cured different ways, the doctor will advise based on the clinical picture

The first point includes diet, breathing exercises and physical therapy. Diet implies stabilization of metabolic processes in the body. To do this you need:

  • switch to proper balanced nutrition;
  • eat fewer protein foods, as this increases the rate of growth and development of polyps;
  • remove salty, fatty, fried, canned, smoked, spicy foods from the diet;
  • it is very important to replenish vitamin reserves to boost immunity, for this it is important to consume fresh vegetables and fruits.

Breathing exercises involve a series of special exercises, helping to reduce the growth and development of nasal polyps and increase the patency of the upper respiratory tract to eliminate hypoxia.

Physiotherapy is rarely prescribed and only after the exacerbation of inflammation has resolved. Best effect gives ultrasound, UHF and microwave, infrared irradiation (laser). In case of complications, inhalation using medications is possible.

Basic therapy includes the following points:

Type of therapyMeans and methodsEffect
Conservative treatment Anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics, histamines medicines, local and systemic antibiotics. . Relieving inflammation, suppressing symptoms, improving the patient’s well-being, eliminating possible complications
Immunological treatment Immunomodulators of plant and synthetic origin, human immunoglobulinRaising local and general immunity, support own strength body
ethnoscience Decoctions and tinctures of celandine, sea buckthorn, St. John's wort, wild rosemary. Using Tea Tree OilRelieving inflammation, improving well-being, boosting immunity
Surgery Removal of nasal polyps, radio waves, endoscopic surgery. Special polyp loop.Removing a polyp from the nose, preventing complications, restoring airway patency, suppressing the clinical picture


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