Oncology in China. Features of Chinese cancer treatment methods

Ecology of health: Our texts say that the use of natural medicines allows us to minimize possible side effects during treatment and optimize the healing process.

Our texts say that the use of natural medicines allows us to minimize possible side effects during treatment and optimize the healing process.©Dr. Namgyal Qusar

Today my report is devoted to cancer treatment according to the principles of Tibetan medicine.

I would like to give you a brief idea of ​​how we treat cancer according to the principles of Tibetan medicine, namely the main stages: control of the disease in the initial stages, local control, and detoxification of the body and restoration of its energies. The next stage is healing, harmonization of body and spirit. In all these stages, four basic integrative methods are very important. As well as diet, lifestyle, herbal intake and all other complementary therapies.

Let me give you an example of a story that happened to my patient. A Tibetan woman over 60 years of age has been contacting me for five years. So... we know each other well.

After about four years of dating, I noticed some changes in her face. I discovered a small formation. The mole on her face became larger and changed color, became darker, brown and asymmetrical, and was no longer round. I did my research and we discussed in detail what was going on. I told her that I had discovered some changes in the body, on her face, and they needed to be investigated immediately. In my understanding, everything should be fine - her digestive and genitourinary systems are working normally, she has a normal pulse. But we definitely need to check this at the hospital. We discussed this with her daughter. I told her that it looks like cancer, but, nevertheless, if it is not cancer, fine, but if it is, we should not bother the patient ahead of time.

The hospital took a biopsy and found neoplastic changes and confirmed the presence of cancer cells. And suddenly everyone panicked. I said, no need to worry, we need to find out everything in more detail... I turned to her husband and daughter with a request to carry out local control, carry out all the doctor’s prescriptions, and then continue treatment using Tibetan medicine.

The patient was evaluated for other complications. Fortunately, it was uncomplicated, local cancer. The doctor suggested surgery. The patient went into shock, not knowing what to do. They came to me after this consultation and asked for my advice. Yes, since this is a local formation, it must be removed immediately. But they still couldn't decide what to do. They turned to our Tibetan lamas for advice. And even they said that we need to operate immediately.

Until the patient went into surgery, she and her family were very worried, and I tried to support them all the time. I asked them not to worry, saying that the woman’s energies were in optimal condition, and therefore she could easily cope with this operation. Ultimately they decided to have surgery. The tumor was removed.

After two or three days the woman returned home and visited me. The doctors who operated on her confirmed that the decision to agree to the operation was timely. Of course, after surgery you do not immediately feel healthy; you need some time for rehabilitation.

About a year later she went to the hospital for monitoring. Everything was clean. I prescribed her several medications while she continued treatment. As you understand, controlling the initial state is very important. If I had not advised her to consult surgeons, but to begin treatment using Tibetan methods, this would not have been a very smart decision on my part.

There are a lot of cancerous conditions, according to Tibetan medicine, that we must control locally. For example, stomach cancer, which is very common in Tibetan society. Tibetans must control this condition by monitoring the presence of H. pylori because many of us have elevated levels of this bacterium, which leads to stomach cancer.

It is also necessary to control the risk of developing urinary tract cancer. If we practice Tibetan medicine for the sake of Tibetan medicine, this is not right, it should not be this way. We must practice any type of medicine for the benefit of our patients, for the benefit of the people. Therefore, we must first think about how to help the patient.

Diet and lifestyle are like medicine and are important at all stages of cancer treatment. Diet and lifestyle are always very important - we can live without medicine, but we cannot live without food. We live to live and to do work, not just the work we enjoy. This is what our way of life is. Diet and lifestyle are equally important as a method of prevention and as a method of treatment.

When treating cancer, the influence you receive from your social environment is also important. It is important to support the patient mentally, to prepare him for possible upcoming trials: pain, sadness, nervousness, depression. In Tibetan medicine we say that the patient, the doctor and the support group (nurses, family, environment) are equally important. The doctor must be a professional and have sufficient skills in his field. The patient must be calm, confident and trust the doctor. And the support that you get from your family or anyone else should help, give you the right food at the right time.

In addition, we prescribe herbal medicines to improve the quality of life of patients and prolong their life. Our texts say that the use of natural medicines allows us to minimize possible side effects during treatment and optimize the healing process.

Our medical tradition makes extensive use of heat. We apply heat to points that allow us to awaken energy and direct it to diseased organs and tissues... I believe that the radiation therapy that we use now in traditional medicine and our heat therapy are very similar. The difference is in the intensity and aggressiveness of treatment, and the choice of the affected side for treatment. The approach is the same, we have been using it since ancient times. Treatment should be personalized and empathetic, and each patient should feel supported.

From the point of view of Tibetan medicine, it is necessary to consume all types of food, but in moderation, whether we are talking about taste, texture or anything else. You must eat according to your constitution. Therefore, each diet may have its own characteristics, but we must determine whether it will suit you or not.

If you have a Water or Earth type of constitution, you should avoid large amounts of cold food, garlic in the morning, because if you eat garlic in the morning, it will make you even more tired. Moreover, it will make you sicker. You should eat as much natural food as possible, as it grows. This is our serious problem today. Today there is so much to choose from and everything looks so delicious, especially in grocery stores. But grocery stores are not for us, we should not buy food there. They are created to sell, and we, in turn, must know what we need. If we know this, we are safe.

We are always told that it is very important to change consumer tastes, that there are a lot of products that we can eat. Marketers know that people's opinions can be controlled by presenting the product correctly. It's not their fault, it's ours - if we don't buy, they won't sell. If you choose more organic, naturally grown food, they will have to sell it. And when we buy everything that is on sale, we become victims. Unfortunately, we are all victims. Always.

It is very important to eat warm food, which is what Tibetan medicine preaches. Not every time, of course, because sometimes we need warm food, sometimes cold. Of course, a lot depends on age, season, weather, etc. But make sure you don't only eat cold food, you should eat warm food at least once a day. And you need to drink more clean water.

There are certain types of food that we all know - you can find them in any diet book. This is the food that seems healthy to me. I also recommend it because it warms and balances energies. In India, people consume many different types of vegetables, which are considered harmful to the digestive system. As soon as problems arise with the digestive tract, chronic diseases, especially cancer, it is necessary to ensure that the person eats the right foods.

It is necessary to know whether the patient’s diet includes black lentils; they are also called magendal (dal - lentils). Also rajma - brown beans, potatoes, cabbage. It is believed that all these products lead to increased gas formation in the stomach. Make sure that patients with digestive problems do not consume these foods. All Tibetan doctors advise patients to avoid potatoes, white rice, and cabbage. The reason is that when cancer develops, our body goes through a stressful phase, and during this time, eating foods that cause gas is harmful.

In turn, you need to include berries in your diet. For example, a berry such as terba or Goji. Today they are very famous throughout India and even in China. A lot of research is being done on these berries. We have been actively using them in Tibetan medicine for many centuries. They are not so popular in Ayurveda, but now Ayurvedic doctors are actively researching the beneficial therapeutic effects of consuming this berry. Aquino is especially studied for its benefits in the fight against cancer.

In Indian medicine, this berry has no name. Hindus began to call it "charma", but this is a Tibetan word meaning "thorn". We have a Tibetan name for this berry - “terbu”, and there is a synonym - “lauzerma”. Since this plant has thorns, they simply named it with a Tibetan word to somehow refer to the plant.

Terbu or goji is one of the most important ingredients for treating cancer and is also used as an anti-inflammatory agent.

During treatment, it is recommended to pay attention to maintaining the warmth of the digestive tract. Spices provide this perfectly. Turmeric is well known to everyone; it has an antitoxic effect. It also perfectly removes toxins from the body and heals wounds. Coriander also has an anti-inflammatory effect in the gastrointestinal tract. Cinnamon improves digestion. Ginger has a similar effect and also adds strength. Cardamom is especially useful for improving blood circulation and metabolism. It is actively used for kidney cancer. Garlic and onion cope well with stress and calm lung energy. Black pepper is also beneficial.

In Tibet there are no papaya and avocado and other healthy vegetables and fruits, but now we live in a world where all this is easy to get, so they also need to be eaten. According to us, these fruits are warm in nature and light on the stomach. Pomegranate is especially famous for this - we often use it in our Tibetan formulas because it keeps the digestive tract warm and maintains healthy mucous membranes. We believe that it is the best fruit because it is known to have all five elements in harmony.

In Tibetan books there are separate chapters devoted to the treatment of cancer, which say that very sweet, sour, and salty foods should be especially avoided. They act like a toxin, like a poison. It is clear that everyone has their own tastes, but everything should be consumed in moderation. Especially sweet ones! You need to reduce your intake of sweets in any form, because if you eat a lot of sweets, you consume a lot of Earth and Water elements, and in excess they are toxic. It is necessary to consume more natural foods and avoid excessively hot foods, alcohol, coffee and carbonated drinks in large quantities. Sauces, mayonnaise, foods with excess fat - all this should also be excluded.

We also do not recommend eating fried foods. We recommend giving preference to boiled or steamed food. These are some dietary recommendations for everyone, especially for cancer patients.

Physical activity.

And finally, our main recommendation, at all stages of cancer, is regular exercise, regular movement, because our modern society is a victim of a sedentary lifestyle. Of course, exercises such as yoga or tai chi are especially good because the main goal of yoga is to balance the five main energies of the body.

I am personally very familiar with tai chi, because I had a student who studied this gymnastics with the best master, and I studied with him for a couple of years. Unfortunately, I'm not a very athletic person, I stopped working out after he left, and now I just don't remember what to do. But it's a great sport! Always when I practiced tai chi in the morning, I felt completely different - young, fresh, even my memory improved. So we must definitely move, this is important.

It is also necessary to control your weight. When a person has cancer or heart disease, the first step is to lose weight. And we can control it by playing sports, of course.

As a result of my research, I found that it is very important to reduce the consumption of carbohydrates, white rice, bread, etc. At least when we talk about diet, carbohydrates should be up to 30% and vegetables should be the remaining 70%. I think it's a wise decision to watch your weight.

Bad habits, addictions, drugs, chewing tobacco - we all know that these lead to cancer.

It is very important to go to bed at the right time. In fact, the formula here is simple - as soon as it gets dark, we should go to bed. At the very least, we should go to sleep earlier and get up earlier. This is especially true for cancer patients.

The patient must immediately change his lifestyle as soon as the diagnosis is made. The patient himself, his family and friends must be prepared to face such trials. One of the most important is psychological preparation. You have to be psychologically prepared! Once we make the decision and begin to mentally prepare, we will find a way to beat cancer.

And let's try to make life as simple as possible. Managing emotions is very important! As soon as you wake up in the morning, wish everyone well. You all know that the Tibetan people are poor, but when we pray, we pray for the well-being of all humanity. It's not because we don't get cancer, it's because the well-being of others is more important than our own. When you have this mentality, it will help you minimize problems in the event of a serious illness, minimize suffering. The simple practice of training the mind is very beneficial. I will voice this phrase: we must motivate ourselves with the thoughts that all living beings are more important than us, and everything has a higher purpose. When I am in company, I consider myself the lowest of all, and sincerely perceive others as smarter, stronger and more important...

In every action I take, I will turn to reason at the moment when my emotions get the better of me. I will stand firm against them because they can harm me and others. When I see a naturally sick being suffering from a disease, I treat him as a rare and priceless treasure.

When someone attacks me out of anger, I will give in and let him win. If I had great faith in someone and had high hopes, but they were not fulfilled, I will perceive that person as a bona fide spiritual master.

As you know, Tibetan medicine is part of Buddhist philosophy and practice, and Tibetan doctors are obviously Buddhists. But our duty is to treat not only Buddhists, but everyone. And the kind of consciousness training that I spoke about earlier is suitable for everyone. When we encounter a patient who is not a Buddhist but wants to find his way, I always recommend this mind training. You don't have to believe in Buddha to do this. With the help of this practice, a person opens himself, opens his heart. When we open ourselves, we go beyond limits and limitations.

The last stage of cancer treatment in Tibetan medicine is healing and harmonization of the body and energies. You see, we use a lot of multi-drug medications. We're talking about integrative medicine, so we're talking about integrated components. Some compresses are made with a decoction consisting of more than 25 herbs. The main reason for this multi-component approach is that we need to harmonize the body and mind.

I would like to mention one of the components that was studied in the laboratory and which resulted in a very strong anti-carcinogenic effect. If you go to our university's website, you will see a publication about this research. Following dietary and lifestyle recommendations will not only help you, but also those around you, those you trust, those who are mentally stronger than you - they can also help you prepare for treatment. When we are mentally prepared, we know how to better manage and cope with our emotions. In my experience, when the patient is prepared, he responds well to any treatment, including Tibetan. Tibetan medicine is, first of all, an integrative approach. published

II Conference on Integrative Medicine, Barcelona, ​​Spain
translation with minor changes - ustinova.info

Chinese medicine: an approach to the treatment of malignant tumors

Even in ancient times, cancer treatment was described in traditional treatises.
Chinese medicine. In Chinese medicine, healing effects
aimed at pathology, psyche and lifestyle changes
person. This fully applies to cancer treatment.

Traditional Chinese medicine is a treasure of civilization with history,
going back thousands of years. Her theory about the structure of man and the Universe
still remains a mystery to modern research methods.

Hence, ideas about cancer treatment seem unusual to patients.

The human body and the tumor are essentially opposite to each other. IN
normal condition in the absence of diseases in the human body in
In general, Yang energy predominates. In case of a malignant tumor, the balance is in
the body shifts to Yin.

This leads to a number of changes in the body. As for the psyche, then
By nature, healthy people are characterized by a kind, calm, cheerful disposition and
even mood. At the same time, people with cancer
often prone to angry, aggressive behavior, unbalanced
psyche and depression.

A healthy body is warm. The hands and feet of healthy people are warm, but in patients with
oncology, cold sensations predominate (cold hands and feet,

When can a tumor develop?

A malignant tumor is a source of foreign life in the body.
The alien develops under the condition of constant feeding from the outside
“malignant energies”, feeding on corresponding negative external
and internal energies.

For example, an incorrect psycho-emotional state - fear, depression, anger - creates a favorable environment for the development of a tumor.

It is also important to control external factors. Lifestyle, habits,
nutrition, injuries and chronic diseases, climate, ecology, severe
working conditions. Negative factors mutually enhance the impact -
accumulate power. The main differences in the properties of a healthy body
human and malignant tumor are reflected in the table:

Prevention of the development of malignant tumors involves
maintaining a kind and cheerful character, warm limbs, refusal
bad habits, maintaining a sleep schedule (the most valuable period for sleep
23 - 3 hours) and food (breakfast from 7 to 9, dinner until 20 light

Principles of treatment

Traditional Chinese Medicine emphasizes healing
the patient, not the disease. TCM treatments do not cause harm or
have side effects. Their goal is to achieve normal homeostasis
(constancy of the internal environment) and functional activity of the body,
rather than directly killing tumor cells.

The Chinese medicine doctor first tries to relieve the patient's negative
mental background, that is, fear, depression, anger. Contribute
the formation of a life-affirming, even, calm, and better yet, cheerful
mood based on confidence in treatment - shortens treatment time.

When the internal environment (homeostasis) is normalized, the conditions of existence
become less suitable for the tumor. Strengthening Yang energy
“elimination of cold water”, normalization of the functions of vital organs
in combination leads to a decrease in the energy (viability) of the tumor
without harm to the body.


Acupuncture normalizes the Yin-Yang balance between paired meridians
organs where the tumor is localized Strengthen vital functions
important meridians and organs, reduce tumor energy, improve overall

At the same time, the Chinese medicine doctor monitors the dynamics of appetite and sleep,
general condition, warmth in the extremities and a decrease in the influence of the tumor.

True, acupuncture cannot be used for severe cachexia.
(exhaustion), fear of acupuncture (fear harms the kidneys), abundant
sweating or lack of appetite.

In this case, the doctor may use other treatment methods
(warming, herbal medicine). When warmed up, stimulation occurs
organ functions by adding energy, increasing levels
immunity and improvement of general well-being.

Therapy in China has one important specific feature: it is based on the cultural and historical experience of an entire people, and therefore is distinguished by some unique techniques that are not practiced in other countries. Although it can be said that now European methods of treatment prevail over the subtleties of the Chinese approach.

Among non-invasive methods of cancer treatment, HiFu therapy is actively practiced in China. This method is officially recognized as no less effective than invasive treatment methods. Essentially, HiFu therapy is ultrasound radiation that intensively affects the area of ​​the body affected by a malignant tumor, while sparing the areas adjacent to it.

Most clinics in China also use radiation and chemotherapy “according to the European standard.” True, it costs much more. But it should be noted that this is still a more familiar and proven method. A patient who goes to China for cancer treatment has a choice of which method to choose - invasive or non-invasive.

Also, the complex of therapy in oncology clinics in China often includes such an exotic list of services for a European, such as acupuncture, herbal medicine, qigong and meditation. All these practices come from ancient times and Chinese traditions, successfully intertwined with the latest European technologies. This is a good option for those patients who have firmly decided that they do not want to make do with traditional medicine alone.

The Chinese treat even the last stages of cancer using herbs and special practices, but they do not reject surgical methods. In China, they are very careful about preserving the immunity of patients suffering from cancer. Since radiation and chemotherapy greatly undermine the body’s immune resource, Chinese specialists spend a lot of effort to ensure that the body continues to fight in the most difficult situation and that immunity can be completely restored over time.

Depending on the treatment method chosen by the patient, its cost is determined, which will be noticeably lower than in the USA or Israel. Doctors announce the cost of the full course of treatment only after the diagnosis has been confirmed and the degree and stage of tumor development in the human body at the moment has been identified.

Oncology clinics in China

The oncology clinic of the Institute of Oncology of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences is equipped with the latest technology. The clinic diagnoses and treats all types of cancer. Experts especially note the achievements of the medical institution in the field of treatment of stomach cancer, lung cancer, esophageal cancer and cancer of the lymphatic system.

Specialists at the Jian Guo Medical Center offer highly professional services in the field of diagnosis and treatment of cancer. The hospital treats all types of gynecological cancer (including uterine cancer, cervical cancer, uterine cancer, ovarian cancer), as well as cancer of the bladder, prostate, breast, etc.

Every year, for more than 8 million people around the world, cancer becomes a difficult ordeal, which, unfortunately, not everyone can overcome. Science and medicine around the world are aimed at overcoming cancer, however, the number of people dying from cancer remains consistently high. And the cause is not always cancer itself. Often we are talking about wasted time, uninformative diagnosis, inadequate treatment, which cause the death of patients. Thus, according to statistics, in developing countries the percentage of patients who receive adequate medical care in the fight against cancer is extremely low. That is why every day a huge number of people travel to other countries for cancer treatment.

China is also considered a promising country, whose medicine combines the best traditions of Eastern practices and modern world standards. Of course, countries such as Israel and Germany are considered leaders in cancer treatment, but this is only because very little is known about cancer treatment in China. While Chinese oncologists deal with the problem of cancer treatment very seriously and annually receive patents for new unique drugs.

International Tourism Center "NewMed Center" is one of the few companies that operates in the Chinese market, providing support to patients and organizing treatment in the best clinics in the country. Regarding the treatment of oncology in China, patients come to us who have already tried different methods, which doctors have literally already abandoned. And within a few months of cancer treatment in China, we see amazing results! Chinese medicine today has unique methods of treating cancer, including HIFU therapy, medicinal therapy based on herbal components and much more. Today, the opportunity to receive qualified medical treatment for cancer in China for most patients is a chance to successfully overcome the disease and prolong life.

Principles of cancer treatment in China

Today, in the theory of Chinese medicine, there is no such thing as an “incurable disease,” and the first steps towards curing cancer in China were taken many centuries ago. Today, the Chinese government pays special attention to the fight against cancer and actively funds various research programs. Approaches to the treatment of oncology in Western medicine are fundamentally different from those around the world.

Principle #1:Cancer is curable at any stage, and the effectiveness of treatment depends on the adequacy of the methods and the professionalism of doctors.

Principle #2:It is necessary to fight not with the consequences of the disease, but with its causes.

Principle #3:The success of cancer treatment depends on the overall health and strengthening of the entire body.

Principle #4:the combination of innovative techniques with traditional ones makes it possible to achieve a positive outcome in the treatment of even severe patients.

Principle #5:continuity of treatment. Each subsequent course is followed by a rehabilitation rehabilitation program.

Thanks to this approach, within 2-3 years the patient, even with advanced forms of cancer, begins to live a full life and stops treatment with the oncologist.

Cancer diagnosis in China

Clinics in China use all the most advanced techniques for extensive cancer diagnosis, including at the earliest stages. These include:

  • Laboratory diagnostics– examination of biological materials for the presence of tumor markers and vital signs;
  • Ultrasound organs and blood vessels, including contrast studies;
  • Sonography– ultrasound condition of the joints, which allows you to determine tumor activity at the very beginning of the disease;
  • X-ray– which includes mammography, irrigoscopy and radiography;
  • Computed tomography (CT) makes it possible to study the pathology of any organ. There are also CT angiography, aimed at studying blood vessels, multilayer CT, aimed at studying the organ from different angles and projections, and spiral CT angiography, thanks to which a study is performed with the introduction of a contrast agent.
  • Virtual colonoscopy– video diagnosis of pathologies of the lower gastrointestinal tract.
  • Positron emission tomography (PET CT)– allows you to monitor various processes in the body, including metabolism, transport of nutrients, receptor interactions.
  • Scintigraphy— isotope scanning of internal organs and bones for the development of metastases, osteoporosis and other diseases.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)– virtual examination of parts of the brain and spine for tumors and vascular pathologies.
  • Biopsy tissues of internal organs with subsequent laboratory examination
  • Endoscopy has also proven itself as a diagnostic method. With the help of laparoscopy and cystoscopy, it is possible to examine hidden pathologies of the pelvic and other organs.
  • Thermography— hardware diagnostics, sensitive to infrared radiation.

All period cancer screenings in China takes no more than 1-2 days. At this time, the patient is accompanied by representatives of the NewMedCenter company. The patient undergoes an initial examination and consultation with an oncologist, who prescribes an examination program based on the patient’s medical history.

Cancer treatment in China: types of disease

Oncology affects any organ and system of the body. With an inadequate treatment regimen, even a small pathological focus can turn into metastases in neighboring organs within a few years. IN clinics in China offer an expanded treatment program for cancer types such as:

  • Gastric cancer (squamous cell carcinoma, adenocarcinoma, lymphoma, sarcoma, neuroendocrine tumors);
  • Pancreatic cancer (ductal adenocarcinoma, cystadenocarcinoma, mucinous adenocarcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma);
  • Colon cancer (including small bowel cancer, small bowel lymphoma, carcinoid tumors);
  • Polyposis of the colon;
  • Lung cancer (small cell and non-small cell cancer, including adenocarcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, large cell carcinoma, bronchial carcinoids, smooth muscle cancer, blood vessel cancer);
  • Breast cancer (papillary cancer, medullary cancer, inflammatory cancer, infiltrating ductal cancer, Paget's cancer);
  • Ovarian cancer (serous cystadenocarcinoma, endometrioid carcinoma and others);
  • Prostate cancer (adenocarcinoma, sarcoma, small cell and squamous cell carcinoma);
  • Bladder cancer (superficial and invasive, including transitional cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, adenocarcinoma);
  • Liver cancer (genatocellular carcinoma, cholangiocellular carcinoma);
  • Kidney cancer (sarcoma or Wilms tumor, renal cell carcinoma, adenocarcinoma of the kidney or pelvis);
  • Thyroid cancer (papillary, follicular, medullary and anaplastic cancer);
  • Cancer of the throat, tongue, larynx;
  • Brain cancer (acoustic neuroma, ependymoma, astrocytoma, medulloblastoma, meningioma and others);
  • Skin cancer (melanoma, squamous cell carcinoma, Kaposi's sarcoma);
  • Bone cancer (Ewing's sarcoma);
  • Sarcoma of the heart;
  • Lymphosarcoma.

Modern cancer treatment methods in China

Oncology departments in China successfully use all the most advanced methods of treating cancer, which are relevant in all developed countries of the world. The clinics are equipped with modern operating rooms with video monitoring and installations for laparoscopy and for treatment using radiosurgery techniques; the clinics have radiation therapy departments and are equipped with sterile boxes. When going to China for cancer treatment, you can be sure that medicine here is at the same high level as in European countries, the USA or Israel. Chinese oncologists are guided by the recommendations of world cancer control organizations when it comes to diagnosis and treatment.

Treatment methods in China:

Surgical treatment of cancer. The surgical method is still the most effective in some cases. To date cancer treatment in China surgically involves radical or palliative operations, as well as organ transplantation operations

Radiation therapy. This method treatment in clinics in China often used in combination with surgery or chemotherapy. Radiation therapy is indicated for the treatment of laryngeal cancer, prostate cancer, and rectal carcinoma. The essence of the method: under the influence of X-ray radiation, the molecular composition of the affected cells changes, thus, the tumor cells die, while healthy cells remain undamaged.

Chemotherapy. Drug treatment of various types of cancer is shown both as a separate technique and as part of complex therapy. Modern medications that are used for the course chemotherapy in China, actively destroy cancer cells. The course of chemotherapy is aimed at suppressing latent metastases after surgical or radiation treatment. Today, a group of chemotherapy drugs used by Chinese oncologists have a gentle effect and do not pose a danger to vital organs.

Hormonal therapy. Treatment of breast and prostate tumors with a group of hormone-containing drugs is successfully used in practice in many medical centers in China. Hormonal therapy is prescribed both separately and in combination with other methods.

Photodynamic therapy. A method of conservative treatment that involves the use of photoactive groups of drugs. The drugs are introduced into the patient’s body, their action is activated by laser radiation. As a result of a photochemical reaction, tumor cells die. This method is considered quite gentle and is used to treat cancer of the skin, tongue, larynx, lungs, as well as tumors of the uterus and vagina.

Immunotherapy. A conservative method of treatment, which is based on the reaction of the human body’s immune system to proteins that have been exposed from the surface of cancer cells. The human immune system does not distinguish cancer cells and therefore does not activate the defense mechanism. That is why so-called “killer drugs” were developed, which attack tumor cells, but are not rejected by the body.

Focused ultrasound ablation method (HIFU therapy in China). One of the latest and high-tech methods of conservative treatment of malignant tumors of the uterus and prostate cancer. Under the influence of high-intensity ultrasonic waves, tumor tissues die, while the effect is only on a strictly localized area.

Radiotherapy intensity modulation method. The method is used to treat malignant tumors that are localized in hard-to-reach places and therefore cannot be treated surgically. The tumor is exposed to rays of varying degrees of intensity, as a result of which the cancer cells die. Typically, the modulation method can be applied in several stages.

Proton therapy is proton radiation therapy, one of the most promising areas of nuclear medicine. The treatment takes place thanks to a special device - a charged particle accelerator. Cancer cells are irradiated with carbon ions and hydrogen protons. The advantage of the technique is high precision of impact.

IMRT– radiotherapy based on a 2-linear accelerator, computed tomograph, video monitoring system. The technique makes it possible to regulate the intensity of radiation depending on the size of the tumor, its location and the patient’s condition.

Cryodestruction method. A treatment method based on freezing tumor tissue with liquid nitrogen. Refers to minimally invasive surgery and is used to treat colorectal cancer, uterine cancer and all types of skin cancer.

Antiangiogenesis method. Administration of drugs that block the proliferation of cancer cells. As a result, the tumor does not receive the necessary nutrients and its growth stops. The technique has virtually no negative impact on healthy organs and is well tolerated by the patient.

Radiosurgery, gamma knife. Inoperable treatment of oncology in China using a gamma knife installation makes it possible to treat both benign and malignant brain tumors. Gamma Knife is used in cases where the tumor is located in a hard-to-reach place and it is not possible to operate on it using standard neurosurgical methods. This is a minimally invasive intervention without craniotomy, which is the most minimally traumatic and does not pose a threat of brain damage due to microtrauma, as is the case with standard surgical intervention.

Stem cell transplantation from a donor. While there is intense debate in other countries about the ethics of stem cell treatment, China has already seen positive results in treating cancer with stem cells transplanted from a donor. The method is effective in the treatment of ovarian, kidney, pancreatic cancer and metastases.

Bone marrow cell (or stem cell) transplant surgery).

Bone marrow transplant operations in China- The procedure is very common. Thanks to a huge donor base, modern hardware installations and specially equipped rehabilitation wards, effective treatment is provided. When it comes to bone marrow transplantation, stem cell transplantation is assumed. Typically, the donor can be one of the patient’s blood relatives, but if there is no such person, then cells from a suitable donor are used.

Eastern cancer treatment methods in China

Back in the late 1970s, sad statistics emerged in China: cancer was in first place among the causes of death in the Chinese. It was then that a program was adopted aimed at supporting research into ancient Chinese medicine. Today, the peculiarity of treatment cancer in China is an integrated approach: a combination of international standards and traditional medicine. The result of this program has proven its effectiveness - mortality from cancer has decreased significantly.

The most current methods oncology treatment in China Herbal medicine, physiotherapy, and treatment with fungal spores are still considered.

Herbal medicine in China

Anti-cancer drugs produced in China are based on plants such as ginseng, astragalus, privet, lingzhi, codonopsis and other specific species. The collection of plants takes place in the ecological regions of China and Tibet. The main effect of herbal preparations is aimed at activating immune processes, the growth of healthy cells and the inhibition of tumor cells.

In addition, herbal complexes are also used to overcome the side effects that many patients suffer from. We are talking about pain, fatigue, nausea, insomnia, which are caused by general intoxication of the body after chemotherapy.

The preparations Holican and Chitosan, which are used in oncology departments in China.

Thus, Chitosan increases the sensitivity of cancer cells, neutralizes toxins and deprives cells that are just emerging from protection. Thus, the cells enter the bloodstream, where they are absorbed by lymphocytes. As a result, tumor growth stops and an obstacle is created for the spread of metastases.

The drug Holican is used for the prevention of cancer and for treatment in the earliest stages. It stimulates the production of T-lymphocytes and suppresses the proliferation of tumor cells. In general, the effect of the drug is to prevent the process of cell degeneration. The Holican complex belongs to the third generation of medicines; pharmacologists and genetic engineering specialists worked on its creation.

Physiotherapy and psychotherapy in China

A complex of various procedures is used together with classical therapeutic techniques. All physiotherapeutic procedures are carried out in a hospital setting by certified specialists. Oncology treatment in China is accompanied by the following procedures:

  • Qi-gong massage;
  • Acupuncture;
  • Fasting and special diets;
  • Meditation, hypnosis, psychocorrection.

All these techniques have the goal of overcoming the causes of the disease, increasing energy potential, and activating immune processes. As a result of physiotherapy in China:

  • An antitumor effect is achieved - the growth of cancer cells is stopped;
  • The development of cancer in other organs – metastasis – is prevented;
  • There is an increase in the functions of the immune and endocrine systems;
  • There is an improvement in the metabolic process.

The results of psychotherapy in the fight against cancer are also worth noting. Many psychology practitioners view cancer as the consequences of stress, incorrect attitudes, and experienced complexes. The task of the psychotherapist is to find out the reasons and work together with the patient, aimed at overcoming them. Hypnosis and meditation techniques are used to increase patient motivation.

Cancer centers in Shanghai

There are specialized oncology clinics and institutes in Shanghai, where the best scientific medical personnel are concentrated, as well as official centers of oriental medicine, which are funded and controlled by the state. The most famous medical centers in China specializing in cancer treatment are located in Shanghai:

  • Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center (FUSCC)
  • HospitalShuguang at Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
  • Ruijin Hospital of Shanghai University Medical School
  • Huashan Hospital of Shanghai Fudan University

The NewMed Center has connections with the best specialists in almost all the largest clinics in Shanghai. Our managers know the necessary procedures for paperwork, organization and treatment. By trusting us, you can be sure that all issues will be resolved efficiently and quickly. We know how important cancer treatment in China is to you, and we will do everything we can to overcome the disease together with you.

Chinese medicine has long been fighting for the lives of patients with cancer, because cancer is one of the most dangerous pathologies. Modern statistics are disappointing - the life of almost every tenth person is taken by cancer. Chinese medicine can give them a chance for recovery.

For this purpose, our hospital specialists have created unique methods on which Chinese oncology medicine works. They are based on the knowledge of Western medicine and traditional practices of the East.

Cancer treatment in China: more about the disease

Oncological diseases are pathologies characterized by the development of tumors and disruption of important processes in the body.

Tumors can be benign or malignant. Malignant tumors often metastasize to healthy tissues and organs, affecting even distant ones.

Benign ones are also not safe. They often degenerate into malignant ones, and also compress neighboring structures: the brain, blood vessels, nerves, esophagus, etc. The disease can even lead to death.

Chinese oncology treatment is the treatment of mainly malignant tumors - teratomas, sarcomas, melanomas, etc.

Causes of cancer

The reasons are not fully understood. Western experts believe that cancer is caused by dangerous factors - carcinogens. These can be physical phenomena (radioactive radiation, ultraviolet radiation), biological factors (viruses), toxic substances (nitrates, asbestos).

Chinese medicine views cancer and its causes from a different perspective, believing that cancer is caused by disharmony in the functioning of internal organs and disruption of the flow of energy along energy meridians. A special role is given to psychosomatic conditions, which explain a person’s tendency to certain diseases, regardless of lifestyle. If you are planning to treat cancer using the Chinese method, prepare for an individual approach.

Treatment of oncology with Chinese medicine

Many medical institutions take an imperfect approach to the problem, using either only traditional or Western techniques

Cancer treatment methods in China have been developed a long time ago, taking into account the experience of foreign colleagues and Chinese medicine. Both methods are important because they affect different areas of the pathological process.

Western medicine destroys cancer cells using chemotherapy, radiation and other methods. This is effective, but overall it is harmful to the body.
Chinese medicine against cancer uses herbal decoctions and infusions, acupuncture and much more. They allow:

  • reduce exposure to harmful practices;
  • normalize the functioning of organs and systems;
  • stimulate the internal forces of the body;
  • reduce the possibility of relapse or development of another neoplasm.

Thanks to an integrated approach, we have achieved success in the treatment of breast and prostate cancer, cancer of the esophagus, stomach, liver, nasopharynx, brain, thyroid gland and other oncological diseases. Sign up for cancer treatment in China, the clinics of the First Clinical Hospital will provide you with full assistance.

Important questions:

  1. How does the oncology department of the First Clinical Hospital differ from other clinics?
  2. Our division is the largest in all of China at the moment. The department has 36 specialists on staff, including 16 professors with doctoral degrees, 7 candidates of medical sciences and 3 academicians. Chinese medicine views cancer treatment as restoring harmony and balance throughout the body, so therapy will have a beneficial effect on all organs and systems. In addition to work aimed at treating oncology in China, our team is engaged in scientific development and teaching. On the basis of the clinical department of oncology, more than 116 scientific works were defended, and more than 80 specialists with academic degrees were graduated.
  3. At what stages can Chinese medicine treat cancer?
    We treat patients at any stage of cancer, using not only traditional medicine, but also the latest Western methods and technologies.
  4. How to get treatment at oncology clinics in China? Just fill out the form. After receiving your application, hospital specialists will contact you and tell you how cancer treatment is carried out in China.
  5. What are we treating? Doctors in our oncology department are ready to provide qualified medical care to clients with the following pathologies:
  • Benign formations, pituitary adenoma, fibrocystic mastopathy, uterine fibroids, prostate adenoma, etc.
  • Cancer of the larynx, stomach, intestines, bile ducts and major duodenal papilla, as well as lung cancer.
  • Fibrosarcomas, chondrosarcomas, adenocarcinomas, leiomyosarcomas and others.
  • Cancer of the breast, uterus, vagina, Chinese treatment for cancer of the bladder, external genitalia.
  • Lymphoblastic leukemia, myeloblastic leukemia, chronic leukemia, lymphoma, myeloma and others.

Diagnostic methods

In most cases, malignant diseases are detected in late stages. This greatly complicates the process of their treatment, since such pathologies develop very quickly. Late diagnosis of cancer is associated with insufficient awareness of the population, as well as with some psychological aspects of the individual and his fear of seeking medical help. To detect cancer, doctors at our hospital use not only modern diagnostic techniques, but also centuries-old knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). It is the latter that significantly speeds up the process of detecting a pathological focus.

We use the following types of laboratory tests and instrumental studies:

  • examination of all blood parameters (general blood count, complete detailed biochemical blood test, tumor markers, blood hormones, thyroid and adrenal hormones, female sex hormones, urine tests, etc.);
  • gastroscopy, colonoscopy, trephine biopsy, microscopy, immunohistochemical and molecular studies, microscopy, histological and cytological diagnostics;
  • ultrasound examination, examinations using intraoperative ultrasound machines;
  • radiography, magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography, angiography and others.

Cancer treatment in China

Treatment of oncological diseases in the early stages gives an effective effect, up to complete healing of the patient. Therapeutic measures aimed against late stages of cancer are based primarily on reducing the likelihood of tumor metastasis. To achieve this goal, our oncologists stimulate the process of restoration of normal cells in the patient's body and activate his immune system.

The effect is achieved by undergoing a series of medical procedures that stimulate the patient’s central nervous system and trigger the self-control mechanisms of the immune system. In addition, cancer therapy in our hospital involves taking individually selected medicinal herbs that help restore internal organs and systems in the patient’s body after courses of radiation or chemotherapy.

Sign up for cancer treatment at our hospital in China

To contact hospital representatives and receive more detailed information about our methods of treating cancer in China, fill out a special application form. Don't forget to send us your personal medical data so that our doctors can develop an individual treatment program for your pathology. If you want to undergo cancer treatment in China, read reviews about the therapy on our website!



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