All about rhinoplasty - types of surgery and their features. Free rhinoplasty – myth or reality

It often happens that the inherited shape of the nose is not to the liking of its owner. People may not like what their ancestors were proud of because of the constant feeling that the proportions of the nose do not match the proportions of the rest of the face.

Rhinoplasty makes it possible to correct such a defect and achieve a modern standard of beauty. Rhinoplasty may also be required for injuries and to eliminate breathing problems.

The reasons why patients come to a plastic surgeon make it clear that rhinoplasty is both scientific and artistic in nature. But many patients put off their dream surgery because of the cost. Many people dream that clinics offer free rhinoplasty or significant discounts.

In fact, very often large plastic surgery clinics hold all sorts of promotions, the purpose of which is to provide a discount on a particular operation.

Considering that rhinoplasty is a complex cosmetic surgery, you need to find an experienced surgeon. To begin with, it would be good to get recommendations from friends and good acquaintances. Perhaps one of them has consulted a rhinoplasty specialist and can recommend his doctor to you. If asking your friends does not lead to results, you can look for reviews on the Internet.

Use the search or post a question on local forums. Of course, it will be difficult to find a free rhinoplasty promotion from a renowned surgeon. Usually, rhinoplasty is performed completely free of charge or at a discount by beginner specialists, whose goal is to develop a portfolio for themselves and find their niche in this field of surgery.

But, when going for free rhinoplasty or plastic surgery using coupons, you still need to carefully choose a plastic surgeon and remember that the future result of the operation directly depends on his professionalism.

What should you consider when going for free rhinoplasty?

Diploma. Before making your final choice, make sure that your doctor is a board-certified plastic surgeon. This will provide confidence that he has adequate knowledge to successfully carry out the operation. You may be offered non-surgical rhinoplasty, for which the doctor must also have permission.

Experience and specialization. Your rhinoplasty specialist should have at least some experience. You should also pay attention to the fact that his practice has been active recently. A plastic surgeon whose specialty is rhinoplasty, having many years of experience, is unlikely to make a mistake during the operation. Although it is almost impossible to get a free rhinoplasty with him, any clinic holds promotions during which you can get a significant discount on the operation.

A personal meeting. Make an appointment to discuss the conditions and process of reshaping your nose. Of course, such a conversation will not prove his professionalism, but you can already imagine what you can expect in your case. If you saw an advertisement somewhere about rhinoplasty for free, then once again discuss all the nuances with the surgeon. Most likely, for his work, the doctor will ask you to use photographs of your results on his website or on a social network. You will have to sign an agreement that you allow the use of the photo.

Free rhinoplasty – myth or reality?

Of course, finding a good specialist who will do a nose job for free is very difficult. You will have to almost constantly sit on plastic surgery sites, coupon sales sites and look for a suitable option.

Free rhinoplasty should not only be financially beneficial, but also completely safe and worth the risk.
Nowadays, inexperienced, irresponsible doctors are nothing new. Anyone can lose their health by turning to pseudo-specialists for help. Especially if the goal is to save money and a specialist is selected based on the criteria of being cheap or free.

You need to carefully consider such offers, remembering the simple truth that free cheese only comes in a mousetrap.

Before deciding to have surgery, it is worth talking to an experienced specialist. I turned to the leading rhinoplasty of the Beauty Doctor clinic, plastic surgeon Sergei Arkadyevich Kharitonov.

Sergey Arkadyevich! I look at myself in the mirror and understand that in a couple of years I will turn into a classic Yaga. I’m not yet sixty, but my nose is drooping and looks somehow dull. Young people always have such upturned, perky noses, it seems that youth itself sits at the very tip... I want to get rhinoplasty!

Well, young people, as you say, by the way, are often dissatisfied with the shape of their nose, but nothing can be changed surgically until a certain age.

The nose grows up to eighteen, and sometimes up to twenty-five years, just like the facial bones with which it is closely connected, so an experienced surgeon will not rush the patient into an operation, realizing that the result may not be what was expected. .

For example?

For example, the bones of the face grow unevenly, and the nose, as they say, will lead to the side. There will be a clear asymmetry.

So a lot of the art of the rhinoplasty surgeon is to “set” the nose exactly in the center of the face?

Absolutely - it's fantastic. A person is asymmetrical, he is not computer graphics, on the contrary, it is asymmetry that makes his features alive and subtly beautiful. The art of the surgeon is to correctly calculate the entire algorithm of the operation, anticipate its result, prepare the patient for the operation and carry it out without complications. So it's more of a skill than an art.

Okay, what about anesthesia? Is it possible to do rhinoplasty under local anesthesia? Is general anesthesia still considered dangerous to health?

Well, we've heard enough from the grandmothers at the entrance. These are legends about anesthesia from the early twentieth century; now practically safe methods are used. True, they are safe in a clinic where there is an experienced anesthesiologist-resuscitator and the entire algorithm for managing the patient during surgery is followed, as is done in our Beauty Doctor clinic.

I’ll tell you right away that over the past ten years, not a single case of death has been recorded in the world during rhinoplasty, although more and more operations are being done every year, but patient satisfaction with the results is also growing.

In fact, the result of the operation is determined during the initial consultation with a plastic surgeon, who determines what problems the patient has and how best to solve them. It is up to you to choose where it is better to have rhinoplasty.

Okay, but the patient already comes to you with an established hatred to his nose, he simply cannot look at himself in the mirror!

Then let's start with what is generally considered an aesthetic norm. The shape and size of the nose cannot be considered in isolation from the overall proportions of the face. Therefore, the doctor carefully studies the proportions of the facial bones, soft tissues, looks at the patient from different angles in order to see the distance, sometimes measured in millimeters, which will change the overall impression of the face during rhinoplasty.

By the way, patients are not always ready to soberly evaluate their nose. Here are the problems they present:

    • etc.

Here it is important to understand whether the proportions of the face are actually disturbed due to the fact that some parts of the nose are incongruous with the overall whole, or whether the patient simply follows some generally accepted standard and thinks about whether rhinoplasty is worth doing.

Yes, a straight, even nose... The dream of all girls... and men too!

Therefore, during a consultation at the Beauty Doctor clinic, a thorough analysis of the facial proportions is usually performed in order to determine what type of intervention will occur in the future. An anamnesis is also carefully collected - it is found out not only why the patient is dissatisfied with the shape of the nose, but also whether there are any functional changes, injuries, infectious diseases that may complicate the operation. Research is being conducted to determine how functional the nose is, that is, whether it can breathe, whether it is susceptible to inflammatory diseases...

In fact, today the level of professionalism allows you to simultaneously perform several types of rhinoplasty - functional, aesthetic and complete rhinoseptoplasty - nose reconstruction. That is, correct the shape of the nose, restore the nasal septum if it is curved, and remove the causes of impaired nasal breathing.

They also say that closed rhinoplasty is better than open...

I hope it wasn't the doctors who told you this. There is no better or worse here - this is not a supermarket.

Classic rhinoplasty is closed, there are no incisions on the outside, access to the problem area is made through natural openings using instruments at the end of which there are LEDs, surgeons work as if in a tunnel with spotlights.

Open rhinoplasty is an incision in the skin on the wings of the nose and on the interseptal cartilage, the skin is detached, bent towards the bridge of the nose, and the necessary manipulations are carried out in the open space.

An experienced surgeon, understanding all the subtleties of the work, will prefer open rhinoplasty, in which everything can be seen and calculated down to the smallest detail.

What about the stitches on your face?

Try to find them again! A small stitch remains on the columella - the partition between the nostrils. It is there that the incision is made and then from there the separation occurs, that is, the separation of the skin.

How long does it take for the main function of the nose to recover after surgery?

You will start breathing through your nose almost immediately. True, it will be easier to inhale air through your mouth, because tissue swelling persists for several days, the nasal mucosa quickly recovers, and you will be able to return to work in perfect order in three to four weeks. However, this will not be considered a full recovery. If the intervention is on bones and cartilage, the intercartilaginous ligaments are trimmed, then the final result can be assessed in six months.

Every woman knows her face down to the smallest detail. In the minutes in front of the mirror, a thousand doubts arise in her mind. “Isn’t my face narrow?” “Eh, I wish I didn’t have this hump” “My cheekbones stand out too much” “I don’t have a symmetrical face.” Someone lives well with these doubts and solves their worries with cosmetics. And someone decides to correct natural defects with the help of a plastic surgeon. And one of the most popular plastic surgeries is still rhinoplasty.

What is the relationship between facial symmetry and nose surgery?

If you don't like history, skip this paragraph :). Since the times of ancient Greece, artists and sculptors have tried to calculate human beauty using formulas. They talked about symmetry and asymmetry of the face. Absolutely symmetrical statues have still been preserved. Literally as if they were mirrored. But antiquity also gave us works of art with facial asymmetry. The basis for the “beauty formula” was made by Leonardo Da Vinci. As a talented mathematician, he derived the rule of the golden ratio. He said that beauty is not in symmetry, but in the harmonious relationship of distances between facial features. Thanks to this conclusion, the Mona Lisa, a completely mathematically calculated painting, and many more works of art based on mathematics appeared. Sorry, I got distracted and forgot about my nose. The point is that the starting point for Facial symmetry is the nose.

I have operated on more than two thousand noses. Now I will try to tell you my opinion about when and under what conditions rhinoplasty should be done.

Reason number one to get a nose job: breathing problems

Medical indications for nose surgery occur in 20% of plastic surgeons' patients. A crooked septum, nasal diseases and much more make breathing difficult. The patient does not smell, he suffers from frequent headaches, and it is very difficult to exercise. The operation that restores healthy breathing is called septoplasty. During this procedure, a plastic surgeon operates on the nasal septum and restores its functional properties.

Reason number two for rhinoplasty: aesthetic concerns about the nose.

As I wrote in the paragraph about symmetry, the nose is the main organ on a person’s face, on which the harmonious relationship of distances depends. The most common aesthetic problems are:

  • Crook in the nose
  • Nostrils too wide
  • Too thick nose
  • Nose too long
  • Not symmetrical nose
  • Saddle nose
  • Potato nose (thick tip of the nose)

The result of a plastic surgeon's work should be an aesthetically attractive nose. Not small and not big. Not puppet-like or “unnatural”, but neat and harmonious. The ideal result can be considered a situation when none of the girlfriends believes that rhinoplasty was performed.

How to prepare for rhinoplasty?

First of all, you should quit smoking or at least reduce the number of cigarettes. You should also stop taking a number of medications that your doctor will tell you about. But the main preparation is psychological. You need to prepare for a nose job with your head. Try to put aside worries. Go only to a trusted doctor with a lot of recommendations. View before and after photos and see the enormous experience of the plastic surgeon. Be sure to ask all your questions to the doctor during your consultation. Oh yes, we still need to prepare a week for rehabilitation. Why so few? Read the next paragraph :)

How is rehabilitation after rhinoplasty?

You can often hear that rhinoplasty is a very traumatic operation with a long recovery period. In my opinion this is completely wrong. Thanks to my methods, patients go home from the clinic the next day after rhinoplasty. And on the fifth day we remove the plaster splint. Read more about recovery after rhinoplasty

When to do rhinoplasty - conclusion from Dr. Ross.

Rhinoplasty should be done once you have made a decision. When you are psychologically prepared for the changes. When you are ready for a new life. Because plastic surgeons have a saying - a new nose is a new face. This is a new life. Therefore, do not be afraid, come to me, based on my thirty years of experience, I will tell you about all the nuances and techniques. Waiting for you!
Your A.V.

Rhinoplasty is the most popular plastic surgery in the world. Surgical or injection intervention allows you to correct imperfections in the most prominent (in every sense) part of the face, make features subtle and harmonious, and give a woman or man confidence in themselves and their beauty.

Rhinoplasty has many nuances, including that it is considered one of the most complex types of surgical intervention. Let's look at the nuances of the operation.

What does rhinoplasty involve?

Features of the operation

You should know that surgical rhinoplasty involves making incisions with a scalpel to reshape the open nasal cavity by moving or partially removing cartilage.

The doctor must take a responsible approach to all stages of the operation.

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, rhinoplasty ranks third in popularity among all cosmetic surgeries.

Plastic surgeon Smita Ramanadham

- the organ responsible for breathing, which indirectly affects the proper oxygen saturation of the blood and, accordingly, metabolic processes throughout the body.

Modern correction methods often combine not only aesthetic correction of the shape, but also restoration of correct nasal breathing.

You should contact trusted specialists.

There are cases when women turned to, where would-be specialists not only did not solve the patients’ problems and even worsened the shape of the nose instead of correcting them, but also damaged some of the tissues and provoked extensive swelling of the face with their actions.

Don’t forget that there is a vital organ nearby – the brain.

High-quality surgery is only possible in specialized clinics - you should carefully study reviews on the Internet and seek advice from the most reliable specialists.

Cost of rhinoplasty

The cost of services in and is approximately the same. It is not free under insurance. Average price for each type of rhinoplasty:

  • (without surgery) – from 500 rub. in one procedure;
  • Reconstruction of the form - from 32 thousand rubles;
  • Shape reduction – from 9 thousand rubles;
  • Post-traumatic recovery – from 300 thousand rubles;
  • Flap rhinoplasty according to Converse – from 92 thousand rubles.

Remember that fillers will not make your nose appear smaller. The doctor will be able to change the proportions, which can visually improve the situation.

Types of rhinoplasty

Modern plastic surgery offers several options for correcting the shape of the nose.

Based on the wishes of the client, the physiological characteristics of the nasal cavity and cartilage, medical indicators, and an assessment of the amount of work, you can choose one or another method of performing the operation.

Viewgeneral informationThe essence of the operation
Closed rhinoplastyAs a minimally invasive technique for correcting the shape of the nose, closed surgery is the most effective.
Recommended for correcting small shape defects, such as a saddle-shaped tip of the nose.
Main advantages:
low probability of edema, low trauma, minimal risk of complications.
The surgeon makes small incisions inside the nasal cavity and then closes them. The outer skin is not affected.
Open rhinoplastyA complex method of correction that requires a lot of experience and skill from the surgeon. Required for severe bone deformations after mechanical impact, lateral or superior curvatures, and if it is necessary to use grafts. The method is also used for osteotomy.Incisions are made in the fold between the nostrils, thanks to which the skin is separated from the cartilage. Next, the surgeon performs the necessary manipulations.
Non-surgical (injection) rhinoplastyThe most modern and safe way to improve your appearance with contour rhinoplasty.
It is recommended to carry out procedures once every 1-2 years.
The cosmetologist uses injections of fillers - gel or liquid preparations based on hyaluronate. The substance fills the necessary cavities and corrects imperfections in the shape of the back, tip, nostrils or any irregularities.

After closed rhinoplasty, scars are not visible at all, but after this type of intervention there is more swelling when compared with the open technique.

Plastic surgeon Ronald Schuster

Indications and contraindications

Women strive to improve their appearance, and if the shape of their nose seems imperfect to them, then they can resort to plastic surgery or filler injections.

Indications can be divided into two types - medical and aesthetic. The following factors are considered medical.


  • , making breathing difficult and causing swelling of the respiratory tract when exposed to temperature;
  • Post-traumatic deformation of shape, curvature or displacement of cartilage;
  • Birth defects that make breathing difficult.

Aesthetic indications are very conditional and are not direct indications for surgery, except in obvious cases of disproportion.


  • Wide nostrils or back;
  • Large tip of the nose (“potato”);
  • The presence of a pronounced hump;
  • Lack of pronounced bridge of the nose;
  • Hooked nose, with a downturned tip;
  • Snub nose.

Operative types of rhinoplasty have many contraindications.


  1. acute infections;
  2. malignant tumors;
  3. herpes;
  4. low blood clotting;
  5. acute rhinitis;
  6. heart diseases;
  7. pyelonephritis;
  8. mental disorders.

Also, you cannot adjust the shape of the nose during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as well as during menstruation.

Analyze your attitude towards appearance and decide whether surgery is really required or whether you are ready to accept yourself with natural beauty.

Preparation for rhinoplasty

The operation is preceded by a preparatory period:

  1. The plastic surgeon must consult the patient and prepare him for surgery by discussing his wishes, studying his health, and explaining the nuances of creating a “new” nose.
  2. Before plastic surgery, you should undergo a series of standard examinations, which include a general blood test and biochemistry, an ECG and a consultation with a therapist.
  3. If the patient has no contraindications, then he is sent to a day hospital.
  4. 10-15 days before admission to the hospital, the clinic client needs to give up alcohol, smoking, heavy food, maintain a diet and sleep schedule.
  5. A few hours before the start, the consumption of food and water is excluded - violation of this rule can lead to negative consequences of surgical intervention.
  6. If you plan to completely correct the shape or correct serious defects, before rhinoplasty you must attend a consultation with an anesthesiologist - a complex operation will be performed under general anesthesia and requires testing for intolerance to the components of anesthesia. Defects are corrected under local anesthesia.

There are cases when anesthesia leads to side effects. This is vomiting, nausea, sore throat.

Anesthesiologist Monica Soni

To prevent plastic surgery from seeming so frightening, doctors recommend watching topical videos on the Internet, reading more materials about rhinoplasty, and setting yourself up for a positive result.

How is the operation performed? (stages)

Surgical types of rhinoplasty consist of several stages:

  1. The anesthesiologist administers local anesthesia to the patient for minor surgical interventions or administers general anesthesia for more complex cases of cartilage deformation. Additional anesthesia may be performed to disable the receptors.
  2. In the area of ​​the columella, between the nostrils, a thin incision is made with a scalpel and the operation itself begins - open or closed. In the first case, the surgeon frees the cartilage from the skin, in the second, he performs the necessary manipulations without temporarily removing the skin.
  3. Using surgical instruments, the doctor corrects defects discussed with the patient. If necessary, implants are inserted into the cartilage area or, on the contrary, part of the tissue is removed. The average operating time range is 50-120 minutes.
  4. Upon completion of the procedure, stitches are applied and the nose is closed with a fixing bandage. Non-operative rhinoplasty options for correcting small areas of the nose require only local anesthesia or are performed without it, so the correction consists of three stages - preparatory, injection and restorative. If necessary, the injection is repeated.

Protect yourself for a couple of weeks from sports activities where you can injure your nose.

Plastic surgeon Arnold Almonte

The most progressive method of correcting defects in appearance is laser - this tool replaces a scalpel, reduces blood loss and promotes rapid tissue healing. Find out more about the nuances of the procedure during a consultation with your plastic surgeon.

Question answer

The person’s condition will noticeably improve after 2-3 weeks. But the swelling itself may still be slightly present; it will take 2 times longer for it to disappear. The final result of the surgical intervention can be seen after a long period (usually it will take from six months to a year).

About a week will pass, and the person will feel much better, but it is recommended to go to work a little later (at least after 10 days).

No, you can't do this. Moreover, you need to stop drinking alcohol a couple of weeks before the rhinoplasty itself.

Rhinoplasty is one of the fastest plastic surgeries, taking from 1 to 3 hours, but the rehabilitation period lasts from two weeks to a month.

  1. After surgery, due to damage to the capillaries, hematomas and swelling remain. To ensure that the sutures do not come apart and the nose itself comes into the desired shape, the patient must wear a fixing bandage for 10 days.
  2. Tampons are inserted into the nostrils to stop bleeding.
  3. You should not eat spicy or hot food, play sports or swim, or strain your facial muscles for a month.

The rehabilitation itself is not very painful. The main problem is experiencing breathing difficulties. But swelling and bruising can be observed for about 2 weeks exactly.

Plastic surgeon Andrew Miller

To see how stitches are removed, watch the video:

Hi all! My name is Tamara. I live in Moscow. I don’t work anywhere, but I have a stable income. This allows me to travel and learn a lot of new things. I’m in Moscow until mid-March, but I can’t just sit there, so I want to do something useful. And I found benefits for myself in rhinoplasty. Yes, I’m pretty, yes, I have no problems with the male sex, but this is not a reason to give up my wild desire. Look at my nose. I'm not happy with him.

And although everyone says that my nose is normal, I don’t think so. I deserve a better nose!

Meet... my nose and my dog ​​Bonya

Honestly, I can't even really explain what I don't like about my nose. If you look from the front, it is somewhat triangular. Here, for example...

My triangular nose

And if you look from the side, it is rectangular. In general, solid geometry...

If earlier I simply understood that my nose needed correction, now I am convinced of this and do not consider any options other than rhinoplasty. Despite the fact that I have a small income, I have to live on something... Therefore, I don’t have money for rhinoplasty. Of course, I can save... And this matter may drag on. Rhinoplasty from a good surgeon costs on average about 250-300 thousand. Credits and loans are not for me. Therefore, all you have to do is wait for discounts or participate in promotions.

Promotion for rhinoplasty, which I didn’t have time for

Before the New Year, I found out that plastic surgeon Gevorg Stepanyan was holding a promotion and you could win a free rhinoplasty. I did not have the opportunity to participate in the action, since I was high in the mountains of Georgia, where there is no Internet connection. When I returned to Moscow, the event had already ended (((And the winners were determined. There is no hope that Dr. Stepanyan will hold another such event. But I really like his noses, I really fell in love with them while I was looking at them. I think Many will agree with me. Look...

I like the fact that these are exactly “Caucasian” noses, like mine. The doctor "feels" them. I compared these results with the results of other plastic surgeons. And I realized that a “Caucasian nose” is a “Caucasian nose.” And attempts to make a purely Slavic “patch” out of it do not bring results. We need a balanced, measured approach. This is why I want to get to Stepanyan. And even despite the excuses of my friends, who saw something supernatural in my desire.



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