“A Chekist should have a cold head, a warm heart and clean hands. Arterial hypertension - all about one of the most common diseases

"Either saints or scoundrels can serve in the organs."

“He who becomes cruel and whose heart remains insensitive towards the prisoners must leave here. Here, as in no other place, one must be kind and noble.”

Felix Dzerzhinsky

"The Cheka is terrifying because of its merciless repression and complete impenetrability to anyone's gaze."

Nikolai Krylenko

“As long as the incompetent and even simply ignorant in matters of production, technology, etc., bodies and investigators will fester in prisons of technicians and engineers on charges of some kind of ridiculous, ignorant people invented crimes - “technical sabotage” or “economic espionage” foreign capital will not go to Russia for any serious work ... We will not establish a single serious concession and commercial enterprise in Russia unless we give some definite guarantees against the arbitrariness of the Cheka.

Leonid Krasin

“Our enemies created whole legends about the all-seeing eyes of the Cheka, about the ubiquitous Chekists. They imagined them as some kind of huge army. They did not understand what the strength of the Cheka was. And it consisted in the same thing as the strength of the Communist Party - in the complete confidence of the working masses. “Our strength is in the millions,” said Felix Edmundovich. The people believed the Chekists and helped them in the fight against the enemies of the revolution. Dzerzhinsky's assistants were not only Chekists, but thousands of vigilant Soviet patriots.

Fedor Fomin, Notes of an Old Chekist

“Dear Vladimir Ilyich! Maintaining good relations with Turkey is impossible as long as the current actions of the Chekists on the Black Sea coast continue. Because of this, a number of conflicts have already arisen with America, Germany and Persia ... The Black Sea Chekists quarrel with us in turn with all the powers whose representatives fall into the area of ​​​​their operations. Agents of the Cheka, invested with unlimited power, do not reckon with any rules.

Letter from Georgy Chicherin to Vladimir Lenin

“Arrest the lousy Chekists and bring the guilty to Moscow and shoot them.<…>We will always support you if Gorbunov manages to bring the KGB bastard under execution.”

From Lenin's answer to Chicherin

Diploma to the badge "Honored Worker of the NKVD"

“Blinded by the burgeoning personality cult of Stalin, many employees of the organs began to lose their bearings and could not distinguish where the Leninist line ended and something completely alien to it began. Gradually, most of them fell under the influence of Yagoda and became an obedient tool in his hands, performing tasks that deviated more and more from the line of Lenin-Dzerzhinsky.

“Gradually, I learned from my subordinates more and more details about the black deeds perpetrated by the workers of the Novosibirsk NKVD. In particular, about the fact that Gorbach ordered to arrest and shoot almost all of them as German spies. former soldiers and officers, who in the first place world war were held captive in Germany (there were about 25,000 of them in the vast Novosibirsk region at that time). ABOUT terrible torture and beatings to which those arrested were subjected during the investigation. I was also told that the former regional prosecutor, who arrived at the UNKVD to check the cases, was immediately arrested and committed suicide by jumping out of a window from the fifth floor.”

“Most of the old Chekists were convinced that with the arrival of Yezhov in the NKVD, we would finally return to the traditions of Dzerzhinsky, get rid of the unhealthy atmosphere and careerist, disintegrating and lipish tendencies implanted in last years in the organs of Yagoda. After all, Yezhov, as secretary of the Central Committee, was close to Stalin, in whom we then believed, and we believed that the organs would now have a firm and faithful hand of the Central Committee. At the same time, most of us believed that Yagoda, as a good administrator and organizer, would bring order to the People's Commissariat of Communications and bring great benefits there.

These hopes of yours were not destined to come true. Soon such a wave of repressions began, to which not only the Trotskyites and Zinovievists were subjected, but also the workers of the NKVD, who were badly fighting them.

Mikhail Shreider, “NKVD from the inside. Notes of the Chekist "

Yezhov caricature. Boris Efimov, 1937

“Both in Soviet times, and in modern times, one could join the ranks of the “Chekists” only if they had excellent physical and mental health. This is no coincidence. In this profession, “professional use” and “professional harm” alternate every now and then, sometimes colliding with each other. With such collisions, good health is indispensable. ”

Eugene Sapiro, "Treatise on Luck"

“I am still sure that among the Chekists 20 percent are idiots, and the rest are just cynics.”

From an interview with Gabriel Superfin

In the section on the question Why the temperature is 38.5. Head is cold but body is hot?? given by the author papilla the best answer is urgent ambulance! this is not a joke!

Answer from I-beam[master]
It happens. This is sweat. Everything will pass - there is a temperature, which means that the body is fighting. Above 38 degrees - bring down the temperature. Best of all - water with vinegar. Get well))

Answer from Garbage[guru]
as our pediatrician says, it’s better at a temperature everything is on fire, and when it’s cold .... then these are the first harbingers of convulsions and urgently bring down the temperature! but it was our doctor who said so, and every doctor has his own opinion!

Answer from Irina Kobzar[guru]
this happens when the temperature rises.

Answer from Olya[guru]
Vasospasm means. And you can’t bring down the temperature until you remove the spasm.

Answer from Just LANA[guru]
Fever is divided into pink and pale. This division takes place depending on the characteristics of the course of fever. The pink type of fever is characterized by a uniform increase in the temperature of all parts of the body, even if the condition of the febrile child is assessed as satisfactory. Pale fever is characterized by cold extremities against the background of general fever, chills and other manifestations of toxicosis. This is a more unfavorable condition, as it is a consequence of vascular spasm and redistribution of blood in the body.


« Keep your head cold, feet warm » - says folk wisdom. Cold showers have long been recommended to soothe hot heads.

Feeling of heat, rush of blood to the head, so familiar to people, subject to sharp emotional reactions, is a signal of amplification « special supplies » emotional centers. The feeling of coolness in the head is indeed incompatible with violent emotions. Having ascertained the real decrease in head temperature during hypnotic sleep, Schultz proposed a self-hypnosis formula:

forehead cool,

forehead slightly cool.

The overall formula for vascular sedation:

the body is warm (relaxed and warm, heavy and warm, soft and warm),

forehead cool.

Self-hypnosis of coolness in the forehead is realized, however, much more difficult than warmth, and often practically unattainable. It's not worth it to persevere. With a tendency to vascular spasms with headaches, it is better to refuse it, replace it with another:

my face is relaxed, warm,

cheeks soft, warm,

the whiskey is warm...

(This is obviously the case when instead of « cold head, warm feet » one must follow the commandment of the unforgettable Gargantua: « Cover your head and legs warmer, and imitate the animals in everything else » ).

From the book PLASTILINE OF THE WORLD, or the course "NLP Practitioner" as it is. author Gagin Timur Vladimirovich

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Rudolf Ivanovich Abel: “REMEMBER HOW DZERZHINSKY SAID: “CLEAN HANDS, A COLD HEAD AND A HOT HEART...” Rudolf Ivanovich Abel devoted more than thirty years to work in Soviet intelligence. He was awarded the Order of Lenin, two Orders of the Red Banner, the Order of Labor

From the book CIA and mind control by Marks John D.

CHAPTER 2 THE COLD WAR AGAINST THE INTELLIGENCE Shortly after the CIA's creation, its staff began to do preliminary research on drugs and hypnosis, but the behavioral control program began to work only after the Hungarian government in 1949

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Chapter 12

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From the book Psychological Thesaurus author Stepanov Sergey Sergeevich

Your own head The study of identity in our time becomes the same strategic task, which in Freud's time was the study of sexuality. Erik Erickson IDENTITY (English identity; German Identitaet) is the central concept of the epigenetic concept of E. Erickson,

From the book Conflict Management author Sheinov Viktor Pavlovich

Cold Cutlet Evening. The wife is in the kitchen preparing dinner. My husband is watching football on TV in the living room. Favorite team loses again. The husband tears his hair out of anger. The wife calls for dinner. He doesn't "hear". She calls again, saying that dinner will get cold. Zero attention. Finally the game

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Again the head Actually, we again came to the conclusion that our head is to blame for everything, that is, the ideas and attitudes existing there regarding our body, its capabilities and our attitude towards it. This does not mean that we call for abandoning medicine and practicing only

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Better a charming ugly woman than a cold beauty If a woman is not naturally endowed with special beauty, but at the same time she is cheerful, sociable, flirtatious, then she will be even more successful with men than a cold unapproachable beauty. By the same

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No head or neck injuries

A visit to the doctors did nothing. They said that everyone has a headache and this is supposedly normal.

What can contribute to these symptoms?

accompanied by constant headaches, and sometimes numbness

language" - it is difficult to call the norm. A neurological examination is required.

Attention - advice on the forum does not replace face-to-face consultation!

The peculiarity of neurotic disorders lies in the fact that their external (visible) manifestations can resemble signs of almost any disease. Neurosis is a neuro-psychological disorder, which is caused primarily by psycho-traumatic circumstances. Very often, with neurosis, there are so-called. autonomic disorders. They are called differently: vegetovascular dystonia or VSD, neurocirculatory dystonia (NCD), somatoform autonomic dysfunction (SVD), vegetosis, angioedema, cardiac neurosis (cardioneurosis or cardiophobia), anxiety-neurotic syndrome, etc. Vegetative disorders in neurosis - can be of two types.

In the first type, there may be the following symptoms: increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, pallor and dryness of the skin, decreased salivation and dry mouth, goosebumps, a tendency to increase body temperature, chilliness of the extremities, etc.

For "VSD" of the second type, slowing of the pulse, lowering blood pressure, increased salivation, increased intestinal motility, and reddening of the skin are characteristic.

External manifestations of neurosis, in practice, may resemble signs of various diseases, but at the same time, neurosis is not accompanied by damage. internal organs person. It can last for many years, but it is always a reversible disorder. In our psychotherapeutic practice - it refers to border states, and never leads to the development of mental disorders. This is a reversible reaction of the individual to some kind of traumatic situation.

Treatment of neurosis - should be psychotherapeutic and complex. Drug treatment for neurosis, as a rule, is of secondary importance, and in the first place is cognitive-behavioral therapy. Psychotherapy is a special type of treatment in which assistance is provided by psychological means, in solving problems and difficulties of a psychological nature. Psychotherapy - does not set itself the goal, the elimination of a serious mental illness, it is rather a practical help in solving life's problems.

Without such help, over time, a neurotic disorder can take on a chronic form.

The main task of psychotherapy is the restoration of mental health.

The purpose of psychotherapeutic work is to help a person understand the meaning of what determines his behavior, feelings, thoughts and try to change ineffective reactions using psychological means. Currently, the latest, unique and very powerful psychological techniques, existential, narrative, cognitive behavioral therapy, etc.

The most necessary thing in the treatment of neurosis is the desire of the person himself - to cope with his problems. The task of a psychotherapist, as effectively and unobtrusively as possible, is to help a person move along the path of overcoming a neurotic disorder, in the right and right direction.

So, look for the opportunity to work face-to-face with an intelligent and competent psychotherapist (at least as part of a face-to-face clinical consultation, even as part of a tele-consultation via the same Skype), who will help you finally overcome your neurosis!

Head freezes: what could be the reasons?

In some people, with complete visible well-being of health, it happens that their head freezes, that they have to wear a hat in the summer or early autumn, when they are not wearing it yet, such people freeze. Why can the head be so cold, what are the reasons? Why does my head freeze all of a sudden?

1) What can it mean if all tests are normal, but the head freezes?

2) What diseases can cause freezing of the head? Which doctor should I contact?

Most often, a person feels that his head is freezing when an acute or exacerbation of a chronic colds. To relieve discomfort, he has to wear a hat even in warm weather or wrap his head with a scarf. Some medical preparations in the treatment of colds, they have just such a reaction of the body in the list of side effects. Probably in this case, just change the treatment regimen.

But since the question implies that a person has apparent well-being with health, then other reasons must be considered.

One of them is low blood pressure and, consequently, slowed blood circulation. Circulation disruption pushes individual bodies to slow down your life. In some parts of the body, a symptom of "running goosebumps" may appear.

Another reason for persistent chills of the head is associated with hormonal disorders, especially for pregnant women and women during menopause.

Otherwise, you may need to check the status thyroid gland.

People with a low body mass index are also at risk and can get cold even in summer. And the head especially reacts to unstable weight.

The "chill" syndrome can also appear with emotional and personality disorders, expressed in senestopathic and hypochondriacal syndromes with the addition of a phobia. There may also be signs of dysfunction of the hypothalamus - neuroexchange and endocrine disorders with a violation of motivations and inclinations. In this case, you need to pay attention to autonomic symptoms- instability of the pulse and blood pressure, hypersweating, hyperventilation syndrome.

Consultations of the therapist, neurologist and endocrinologist will be required.

They say that you need to keep your feet warm, but vice versa with your head:

Just don't take it so literally. You should dress adequately, that is, comfortably, according to the temperature regime.

The head may freeze for specific reasons. The brain does not freeze, but rather the muscles freeze, and any violations give such a feeling, as in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe structures of the upper and lower jaws, a feeling of freezing in ENT diseases (diseases of the throat, nose and paranasal sinuses, ears), sensations of freezing with neuralgia, discomfort with vascular pathology, with diseases of the neck (degenerative disc disease should be excluded).

When the head freezes, what is this phenomenon: psychological perception or specific causes and diseases?

There are many reasons why the head freezes. This may be a pathology of the ENT organs, neurological disorders, such as neuralgia, neuropathy, etc.

ENT diseases are inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, chronic laryngitis, otitis media.

The head can freeze after hypothermia or with inadequate dressing in cold weather. It is necessary to monitor health and dress, according to climatic conditions, not too warm, so as not to cause discomfort, increased sweating and hypothermia on this basis, and also not vice versa, so that there is not insufficient warming when dressing is not appropriate for cold weather.

Some people freeze intensely, even in normal weather, when autumn is not yet the season, or even in summer they wear a headdress that is not suitable for the weather, like hats. Why does the head still freeze?

Particularly susceptible female body, where there is more body fat in subcutaneous tissue, more estrogen, unlike men who have more muscle mass and less fat.

People who have a low body mass index are also sensitive to cold.

In addition, psychological and nervous, physical overload, debilitating diets are the factor when strength and immunity are undermined, causing a decrease in resistance to various external influences, temperature fluctuations.

Hypotension patients are often excessively sensitive, since they do not have such an intensive blood circulation. During a cold, you should dress warmer, so your head may also freeze.

Attention should be paid to the state of the thyroid gland, as with hyperthyroidism increased metabolism substances, there may be a slight increase in body temperature.

In case of violation peripheral circulation, with cold hands, feet, limbs also freeze, including ears, nose, which, with prolonged cooling, persistent hypothermia, may be accompanied by a feeling of freezing of the head.

Protect yourself from excessive drafts or wind and dress appropriately. It is also positive to treat such a measure as hardening in order to increase resistance to adverse factors.

If the head is cold, any chronic disease or pathology of the organs of the upper and lower jaws, as well as the neck, should be excluded. vascular diseases brain, organic brain damage, endocrine disorders, NDC.

What is a HEAD? It's a bone! How can she be sick or cold? And the scalp or aponeurosis freezes (scalp, if this expression is familiar and pleasant to you :-). Freezing can be not only aponeurosis, but also the skin of the fingertips or even heels (there are their own aponeuroses ):-) How can a doctor tell you that if it’s not cold outside, but the aponeurosis freezes (or other limbs, because the head is also in some way a limb :-) then this indicates a lack of blood supply, the reasons for which can be many - as well as underdevelopment of capillaries, and stupidly blood clots in small main vessels. And a fun question! I almost forgot which doctor you can turn to - a craniologist or a phlebologist.-

And it's not the skin that hurts, but the muscles deep under the skin. The head is not only an aponeurosis. There is a frontal, temporal, occipital muscle, as well as the muscles of the face, chewing, mimic (they are all clearly visible in the picture above).

From the cold, the muscles spasm, pinch the peripheral nerves, which already suffer (they put neuropathy, atypical neuralgia, trigemenitis, and not only the defeat of the trigeminal nerve, but also others peripheral nerves). The mechanism is this: cold - spasm - pain. They are treated with anticonvulsants, or rather, these drugs are prescribed symptomatically, there is no etiotropic therapy. Plus xr. sinusitis, shein. osteochondrosis aggravate the condition. - 2 months ago

But there is a possibility that the problem is in the cervical spine. Here the vessels are squeezed a little and the brain begins to be poorly supplied with blood. In this case, it is worth trying a simple gymnastics for the cervical spine. As a rule, if the cause is in the cervical spine, then immediately after exercises for the neck, vision sharply sharpens. That's just the effect is temporary and it is desirable to be like a massage course.

The head, other organs, can freeze with iron deficiency anemia, when a lack of hemoglobin causes a lack of oxygen in the tissues. The body dilates blood vessels, increasing the amount of blood pumped through the organs. "Sauna Syndrome" appears, an increase in heat transfer that does not correspond to the street temperature. There is a feeling of numbness.

Chilliness is caused by a lack of vitamins A, E, causing imbalance biochemical reactions the liver responsible for heating the blood.

May have a cold head

  • thyroid disorders,
  • capillary constriction in vegetovascular dystonia and age-related "frostiness",
  • diabetes,
  • Raynaud's disease
  • hypotension,
  • emotional and personality disorders.

Folk wisdom says: "Keep your feet warm and your head cold." The brain devours up to a third of the energy consumed by a person and itself requires cooling, like any computer. But, if the cold is painfully noticeable, then this is a signal of a weak blood supply to the head. Either this is vegetovascular dystonia (vasospasm), or low blood pressure, or weak heart tone. In any case, first you need to see a cardiologist, then a therapist, if everything is normal with your heart.

My head starts to freeze when I catch a cold, because first of all a person begins to feel the disease through the respiratory tract, take the temperature, if you really have a cold and your head is cold from this, then just start treatment for a cold, if the temperature is normal, then you need to see a doctor.

Feeling cold in the head

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Why there is a cold in the head and what to do about it?

Many diseases are accompanied by a headache, this is not unusual. But it happens that instead of it, a person has a cold in the head. Such a state also cannot be called healthy, and therefore it is necessary to know about the reasons that led to such a state. This will allow you to take timely action and prevent consequences.

general characteristics

The person may feel cold different parts head, depending on what it was called. For example, overexertion of the neck muscles leads to squeezing vertebral artery and emergence unpleasant feeling in the region of the crown, and neurosis occipital nerve will respond with coldness in the back of the head.

At the same time, tightness and numbness may be felt in the head. Sometimes a person feels as if a cold wind is blowing on him.

The main causes of discomfort

Often the feeling of a chill in the back of the head or other parts of the head has a neurological origin, therefore this symptom may indicate that a person has VVD (vegetovascular dystonia).

The blood supply is disturbed different areas brain, caused by a decrease in vascular tone and a drop in blood pressure. The intensity of symptoms increases with frequent stressful conditions.

Another common cause of the disease is vitamin B12 deficiency. This substance is one of the most important elements participating in metabolic processes within nerve tissue.

Feeling cold in the head can also be triggered by:

  1. Neuralgia (inflammation) of the trigeminal, occipital and other nerves of the head.
  2. Incorrect connection between the skull and the cervical spine (such a pathology can be detected by an osteopath).
  3. Osteochondrosis.
  4. menopause.
  5. neurosis ( mental disorder caused by severe stress).

Diagnosis and treatment

If the head began to get cold regularly, it is necessary to visit a neurologist. Most likely, he will order an MRI of the brain and neck to make sure the presence or absence of organic pathologies nervous system. In addition, some other studies may be prescribed:

  • CT (computed tomography);
  • neurosonography (ultrasound of the vessels of the brain);
  • electroneurosonography;
  • x-ray of the head and neck.

If it turns out that the disorder is neurotic in nature, then the following will be used for treatment:

  • a special diet that includes all the vitamins and minerals necessary for the functioning of the nervous system;
  • physiotherapy;
  • massage;
  • physiotherapy;
  • acupuncture and other methods of strengthening the psyche and health in general.

It is also possible to prescribe medications: antidepressants, neuroleptics or tranquilizers.

If the inside of the head often becomes cold, and the duration of such attacks is at least an hour, then this is a good reason to see a doctor. Most likely, a neuropathologist will be needed, although it is possible that two or three more doctors will have to be visited to clarify the diagnosis. The only thing that cannot be done to a person who feels cold in his head is to ignore his condition. It won't lead to anything good.

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The site is consulted by a neurologist Rothermel T.P.

The information is provided for reference purposes only.

Do not self-medicate.

At the first sign of disease, consult a doctor.

Headache at the top of the head and feeling cold

Hello! I’m 17 years old It’s been a week since I’ve been in the crown area, feeling cold or burning, fainting, dizzy, feeling nauseous, I sleep only either on the right or on the left side of the head, because my head hurts right, the feeling that something props up and my head starts get sick. what could it be? And when you touch the top of the head, an unpleasant sensation appears. I haven't been to the doctor yet, I'm afraid.

Doctor's consultation on the topic "Headache in the crown and sensation of cold"

Hello Daria! You should contact a neurologist, take a hematological analysis (exclude anemia, since fainting, weakness, dizziness can be with anemia). Many women experience these symptoms during pregnancy, so do a pregnancy test to rule out pregnancy.

Daria, In this case, contact a neurologist and take the above mentioned tests.

Daria, With a brain tumor, the clinic is more multifaceted, focal neurological symptoms appear. Without examination and examination, it is difficult to even assume a diagnosis.

Ekaterina Ivanova Hello. I went for an MRI of the brain. in the conclusions they wrote that I had a multicystic transformation of the pineal gland. Is it dangerous? What do we have to do? the parietal region hurts very much, even hurting painfully. I always feel like something is bothering me

Ekaterina Ivanova Hello! I have been feeling cold on the top of my head and on the tip of my tongue for a long time, but without pain. However, this is annoying. In addition, vision deteriorated. Some kind of incomprehensible state and you can tell the reason? And how can I get rid of it

Daria, By itself, this deviation does not have diagnostic value, and, as a rule, does not lead to the occurrence of pain. You need to contact a neurologist to assess the neurological status and decide on further tactics. In an additional examination, I would recommend an ultrasound scan of the vessels of the neck, REG of vessels brain, MRI of the cervical spine (osteochondrosis often causes such a pain syndrome).

Mariam, you need a full-time examination by a neurologist and an oculist (it is important to examine the fundus of the eye, to exclude damage to the retinal vessels). The listed symptoms can be a sign of impaired blood supply to the brain, vegetative-vascular dystonia, osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, and many others. neurological disorders. An examination will be required, the volume of which will be possible to determine after an internal examination.

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    It's cold in my head

    She is neurocirculatory dystonia,

    vegetoneurosis, astheno-neurotic syndrome

    "VVD" is a mysterious, little known to doctors, decoy disease that mimics a variety of chronic diseases. It is very difficult to treat, remission is difficult to achieve, the disease can constantly recur. One autonomic dysfunction can be replaced by dozens of others. Unfortunately, VVD is given to many after the testimony of the REG, although this still means almost nothing. At the same time, doctors calm the patient, arguing that nothing threatens life. The patient is treated for a year or two, and sometimes he gets worse and worse! They are treated by therapists, neuropathologists, physiotherapists, psychotherapists, psychiatrists…

    Vegetative-vascular dystonia is a violation of the autonomic nervous system, which controls the functions of the organs of our body! Vegetation consists of two divisions: symptomatic and parasympathetic. Very often they cannot “agree” among themselves. Hence, there are autonomic dysfunctions, failure of the autonomic nervous system!

    Many patients do not have serious organic diseases, and the vegetative storm is raging! And here the reason is obvious - stress. It is the long stay of man in stressful situation leads to a failure in the work of vegetatics! Constant psychotraumatic situation.

    1) Sweating (which was not there before)

    2) Tearing (at home, on the street)

    3) Throwing in the heat

    4) Sensation of a rush of blood to the head

    5) Heavy head (heaviness, stiffness)

    6) "Hoop" on the head

    7) Feeling of movement in the head (vascular sensations, tingling)

    8) “hot” in the spine (if you lean on the soft backs of sofas, armchairs) (vertebral vegetative neurosis)

    9) Diarrhea, flatulence

    10) Unpleasant sensations in the esophagus, stomach when eating

    11) Increase in body temperature (constantly after excitement)

    12) Decrease in body temperature

    13) The appearance on the body of red spots, blisters (technical urticaria) from rubbing clothes on the body

    14) Shortness of breath, suffocation, labored breathing

    15) Pain in the heart when breathing (cardioneurosis)

    16) Unpleasant sensations in the heart - the heart, as it were, freezes, knocks, or even turns over

    17) Trembling of fingers, jaws

    18) Numbness at night of hands, feet (tingling effect)

    20) Crackling in the ears (type of echo), auditory vegetative neurosis

    21) Feeling of anxiety, fussiness in parallel, say, with a feeling of numbness of the eye

    22) Feeling of fear, excitement

    23) Jumps in blood pressure (classic VVD)

    24) cold nose arms, legs, goosebumps

    25) Cramps, muscle spasms

    26) Feeling of cotton legs

    27) The appearance on the body of incomprehensible bruises

    29) Headache

    30) Dry mouth

    31) Feeling nauseous

    32) Chill, chilliness

    33) Appetite Loss

    34) Trembling of the eyelid, cheeks

    35) Chin Jitter

    You need to understand that the main thing is to avoid a stressful situation, and especially a protracted one!

    Do not constantly fix your attention on unpleasant, incomprehensible sensations!

    Speak out loud: “I don’t give a damn, this is nonsense, nothing threatens life! It's only vegan! It's functional!"

    Reassure yourself that autonomic dysfunction will definitely pass soon.

    The more you think about the disease, the more, stronger and longer you will have vegetative neurosis.

    Do not think about dysfunction, be distracted - do not sit at home - go to the theater, visit, travel! Change of impressions plays great importance! Travel, for example, on a boat along the Volga ...

    Try to always be calm. Don't worry! Do not worry! In winter, do not go without a hat!

    Be sure to do a set of respiratory exercise! This can and should be learned! Relaxation, meditation! I own this to perfection!

    Very useful, especially in spring and summer, long (3-5 hours) walks in the forest park in the evening before going to bed). Here Fresh air, a distraction from home! Trust me, it's very effective.

    You can do vitamin therapy - prick injections of group B (milgam) with the permission of the attending doctor. Drink vitamin neuromultivit (tablets), bellataminal preparation.

    You can not sit at home, lie in bed. Eat more fruits, vegetables, drink juices ... Useful water procedures- contrast shower; summer swimming!

    If the disease has worsened, then, on the recommendation of a doctor, you can take a tranquilizer, for example, "phenozepam". But you should not get carried away with the drug - it is addictive. It's just an ambulance! For antidepressants, ask your doctor for "amitriptyline" or "pyrazidol" (unless, of course, you have depression). In principle, you can do without them. For vessels - "ginko-biloba", "picamilon", "vascular doctor". But the main thing - do not wind yourself up, do not wind up, do not measure the pressure every five minutes! Do not fixate on the sensations and your condition will certainly stabilize. And less "Corvalol" - it is harmful.

    Persuasive request. Before you follow my advice, be sure to coordinate this with the doctors treating you. Only they can prescribe treatment! My information is my experience in the fight against VVD! I cured her! LIKE THIS!

    this article, please refer

    Sincerely yours, Mikhail Valerievich Solovyov

    3.04.2013. Dear friends. I offer you to listen to my new story "Mishka, Khimka and Nikolai Vasilyevich" (2013). You will be satisfied! I guarantee. By the way, do you know who Nikolai Vaisilyevich is? So read on and find out! You will know everything. Past and present! River and night, Bear, forest, and Khimka! Squirrels and duck! Ears and passion! Love and time! Funny and sad! And glowing balls. Solid positive-express. Enjoy reading.

    What to do if your head hurts from the cold

    Cold weather is a trigger for severe headaches. To relieve symptoms, it is enough to eliminate the irritating factor. Headache is one of the most common non-specific manifestations of various pathological conditions. The cause of this phenomenon are violations that lead to spasm of blood vessels in the head.

    If a person has a headache from frost, this phenomenon is caused by external factors such as extreme cold or windy weather. In medicine, there is such a thing as a cold migraine. It can arise under the influence of both internal and external factors.

    According to statistics, approximately 20% of the population suffers from cold headaches.

    This phenomenon is more characteristic of women, as well as weather-dependent patients. Usually headaches of this nature make themselves felt in certain cases, and with the exclusion of the main annoying factor soreness gradually disappears. A migraine from cold in a patient indicates an excessive susceptibility to weather conditions.

    The main causes of cold migraine

    Why is there such a reaction to the cold? The head hurts under the influence of low temperatures and can manifest itself under such circumstances:

    • a strong drop in temperature in the air;
    • frost or wind;
    • contrast or cold shower;
    • hypothermia;
    • the use of cold foods and drinks that affect the pharynx and oral cavity.

    A headache attack can be triggered by a change in vascular tone. In no case should you try to warm yourself with alcohol, as this will only increase the pain and become longer. Smoking also worsens the patient's condition.

    How to be treated?

    Why does the head hurt after being in the cold or under the influence of cold, we have already found out. But what to do in this case? If you have a headache, rub your face with warm palms and keep yourself warm. Go to a warm room, wrap yourself in a blanket. Prepare yourself hot drink. Sweet will be very helpful. Herb tea. Usually, after these elementary techniques, the headache goes away within 20 minutes.

    So that the headache after a walk in the cold does not disturb you, follow the following recommendations:

    • keep busy physical activity, V evening time go for a walk and breathe fresh air;
    • do not use diuretic products in the evening;
    • take a bath a few hours before bedtime, add to water essential oils. So you can fall asleep quickly. In the process of taking a bath, massage your hands and feet;
    • ventilate the room before going to bed;
    • take a contrast shower in the morning;
    • to increase the tone, take Eleutherococcus tincture in the morning;
    • In the morning, you must have breakfast. Perfect dishes for this are cereals. Be sure to eat hot meals and drinks. Try to exclude coffee from the diet, as it increases the susceptibility of receptors to temperature changes, which causes a headache;
    • do not drink alcoholic beverages and stop smoking.

    Headache medicines

    Treatment of headaches begins with light drugs, which include ibuprofen or paracetamol. You should not combine different analgesics with each other, as this may increase the risk ulcerative lesions GIT.

    Remember that over-the-counter remedies are not taken for a long time. Most analgesics should not be taken for more than 5 days. Do not combine headache pills and alcohol. This combination will harm your liver and kidneys.

    Painkillers based on codeine and phenobarbital can only be purchased with a doctor's prescription. Moreover, these drugs should not be taken by people driving vehicles.

    Massage for migraine

    The sooner you take action to stop the pain, the better. If you have a headache after walking in the cold, massage can help. Following recommendations help you deal with pain easily.

    1. Don't make too sudden movements. Better just massage and stroke the area of ​​the temples and neck.
    2. Settle for hard stool and close your eyes.
    3. One movement for one point of the head should last approximately 3 minutes.
    4. Massage should be performed in complete calmness, in a darkened room.
    5. Massage the point between the eyebrows with one or two fingers.
    6. Go to the points located in the center of the brow arches.
    7. Massage the points located in the corners of the eyes.
    8. Move up from the middle of the eyebrows.
    9. Draw lines with your hands to the back of the head.
    10. Process cervical region light movements.

    Separately, it is worth talking about wardrobe items that protect us from the cold. If you are susceptible to frost, then be sure to wear scarves and hats. Keep your limbs well protected from the cold. At the same time, clothing should not strongly tighten the skin so that the blood supply does not worsen.

    We are unable to change weather but to make life easier for each of us.

    Take care of your daily routine to begin with. You need to eat and go to bed at exactly the same time. These simple principles set up correct work your body. Do not overwork, observe the regime of work and rest. This does not mean that you need to lie on the couch for days. Sports will be good for your body.

    Watch your nutrition. Eliminate rigid diets and starvation. Take vitamin complexes. It is very useful for hardening the body to take infusions of Eleutherococcus, magnolia vine, ginseng. They should be drunk 15 minutes before a meal or four hours after, 2-3 times a day.

    Do not put off a visit to a neurologist if medications do not help, and the head hurts day after day. If the disease is accompanied by visual disturbances, dizziness, you should come to a consultation with a neurologist as soon as possible to find out the cause of headaches and start treatment.

  • His breath and the surface of the body become hot, the baby's face turns red. However, it also happens that at temperatures above 38.5 degrees, the hands and feet of the child are cold. Why the usual scheme does not work, what happens in the baby's body, whether it is necessary to bring down the temperature - questions that we will look for answers to together.

    What happens to the blood circulation of a child at a high temperature?

    Monitoring the condition of the child at high temperature is the main task of parents. It is unacceptable to disregard the slightest changes in the work of his body. Cold legs and arms in this case indicate a generalized vasospasm. Illness and high temperature disturb the circulation of blood, it slowly reaches the extremities. There is a failure in the thermoregulatory system of the baby, sweating worsens.

    The process of raising the temperature triggers the production of interferons called by the body to fight the virus. The active activity of interferons leads to a rise in temperature beyond 38 degrees, fever begins. What is happening suggests that the body is building up strength and effectively destroying viruses. The maximum amount of interferons is produced on the 2nd day of illness. Knowing this, pediatricians do not recommend bringing down the temperature on the first day, it is better to wait 2 days.

    Cold hands and feet at high temperatures are not typical for all children. However, some babies under 4 years of age suffer from febrile seizures. This is the reaction of the brain of the crumbs to the resulting vasospasm. Such cramps look much worse than just cold hands and feet. The child is tormented by hypoxia and suffocation, biting of the tongue may occur, blistering discharge appears from the mouth. This rarely happens, but parents should be prepared for such a development of the situation if they notice the coldness of the extremities of their son or daughter.

    What should parents do?

    The first priority is to quickly warm the child. It would seem, where else to warm when the offspring is "burning" and the thermometer shows 38 degrees and above. By warmly covering the child, you will help to quickly remove the spasm. The room temperature should be within 20 degrees. put on baby warm pajamas and cover with a blanket. If the increase continues and reaches 38.9-39.5 degrees, remove the blanket and warm only the limbs.

    Organize for your little one plentiful drink. Chills and fever take a lot of fluid from the body, it is necessary to quickly replenish these losses. The drink should be warm, cold and hot drinks should not be given. cook medicinal tea with linden, chamomile or raspberry. Cook unsweetened dried fruit compote. Good for drinking cranberry juice and rosehip tea.

    What cannot be done with such a reaction is to try to do the opposite. No mechanical attempts to relieve heat. Replace cold compresses with warm ones. If using vodka or vinegar, warm them up first. You should not open the crumbs, cover it as described above. It is also impossible to lay a child on a cold wet sheet. Act calmly and smartly.

    What drugs can relieve spasm?

    Spasm of the limbs, leading to chills, is relieved with antispasmodics. As a rule, use Papaverine or No-Shpu. Drugs affect the process of sweating, bringing it back to normal, which helps to reduce the temperature. The drugs are serious, so you should not use them yourself. Call the doctor at home to examine the baby and make the final decision on the appointment of a specific antispasmodic.

    No-Shpa (Drotaverine)

    The working substance of No-Shpy is drotaverine. Has a vasodilating effect. No-Shpa does not apply to antipyretics. The drug is not free side effects and contraindications, it should be taken with caution. Experts point out that the drug is taken only in isolated cases, when other medicines have not helped.

    No-Shpa is approved for the treatment of children after 6 years. Removal of spasm lasts about 4-8 hours. There is enough time to lower the temperature and return the warmth to the crumbs' legs. Dosage of the drug:

    • from 6 to 12 years - 1 tablet 1-2 times a day;
    • from 12 years - 1 tablet 1-4 times a day or 2 tablets) 1-2 times a day.

    Drotaverine is a direct analogue of No-Shpa, allowed from 3 years old. The dosage in this case is:

    • from 3 to 6 years - 1/2 tablet 2-3 times a day;
    • from 6 to 12 years - 1 tablet 2-5 times a day.

    You can give No-Shpu and Drotaverine to a child at a high temperature before or after meals. It is forbidden to use an antispasmodic for babies with kidney, heart and liver failure. No-Shpa is also contraindicated for low blood pressure, bronchial asthma and lactose indigestion.

    Keep in mind that a rise in temperature may be associated with other diseases. If the baby complains of abdominal pain, perhaps 38 degrees are associated with an exacerbation of pancreatitis, appendicitis, or intestinal obstruction.

    The dosage of the drug is prescribed depending on age little patient

    The body of young children can be allergic to drotaverine. The most common side effects are constipation or vomiting. There have been cases of insomnia and malfunctions in the functioning of the heart and blood vessels (low blood pressure and tachycardia). If this antispasmodic makes you wary, and you would not like to give it to the baby, use the safer Papaverine.


    Papaverine is allowed to be used for treatment from 6 months of age in infants. The product is produced in various forms: tablets, suppositories, injections. Buy a special children's version of Papaverine in pharmacies to avoid an overdose of the drug. Antispasmodic should be taken approximately 20 minutes before the use of antipyretic drugs. If the interval is not exactly observed, vasodilation will occur later and thermoregulation will not be restored in time.

    Permitted daily doses of the drug:

    • child under 2 years - 5 mg 2 times a day;
    • 2-4 years - 5-10 mg 2 times a day;
    • 5-6 years - 10 mg 2 times a day;
    • 7-9 years - mg 2 to 3 times a day.

    Papaverine can be taken both in tablets and in the form of suppositories. In this case, it is necessary to observe the exact dosage of the drug, which the pediatrician will prescribe.

    The serious nature of antispasmodics obliges parents to give them to their baby only as directed by a doctor. It is especially important to consult a doctor at the first dose of drugs. Given that No-Shpa and Paracetamol are perfectly combined, their joint use is practiced at a temperature that has risen above 38.5 and signs of cold extremities. The dose of the drug is calculated based on the weight and age of the patient.

    It is imperative to consult a doctor in order to correctly calculate the optimal dosage of drugs and avoid side effects. Seeing the plight little treasure Parents should call an ambulance. Call an ambulance even if your child is shaking, a strong general weakness appears, if all your efforts do not help warm the legs, and the temperature continues to rise to 39 degrees.

    Unfortunately, I had to deal with such a situation. At 8 months old, my daughter caught a bad cold, her temperature rose, and her limbs became cold. I tried to rub it with vinegar and the skin reacted to it. It only worsened the baby’s condition.

    Hello! The child has a temperature of 38.5, what should I do?

    Hello. The child can be given Paracetamol or children's Nurofen at an age-appropriate dosage.

    Attention! All information on the site is provided for informational purposes only and is for informational purposes only. For all questions of diagnosis and treatment of diseases, it is necessary to consult a doctor for an internal consultation.

    Head is hot but hands and feet are cold

    Because there are so many opinions (even now, when I called my friends - who says three with vinegar, who can’t! Etc.), and I have a child with a temperature. The head is hot, but the feet and hands are cold.

    Tell me how to treat correctly, how to help, in order to save from something bad.

    The pediatrician stupidly stated: orz. But then it started like this. The child wants to sleep, eats little, drinks well.

    Pliz, tell me exactly how to be in such a situation - the head is 37 and 8 and the legs and arms are cold.

    (Do not call an ambulance, the pediatrician was.). Can eat what simple means at first aid. Now she is sleeping, but for now I will listen to you.

    this is a vasospasm - usually with this they give a noshpu and plus a natural warming of the extremities. You can put on socks and do a light massage.

    I did a massage, like their cold ones became cool.

    I heard about no-shpu, but she is not in the house now.

    About socks - someone says you need to take everything off so that it is cool.

    Don't give no-shpu. Children can't! It is generally banned in many countries.

    There is no spasm! This normal reaction to the temperature of the human body.

    Understood. I didn't find it in the house. But my mother ordered to buy in the evening. Let it lie.

    By the way, many people tell me about no-shpu, why is there such a difference of opinion 🙂

    it's still a legacy Soviet Union, where no-shpa was a panacea for all diseases, but it is very harmful to the body.

    but-shpu give urgently to relieve vasospasm!

    she fell asleep. Thank you! I went to look for no-shpu, suddenly I stayed. And how much to give if so?

    We usually give the one in ampoules, dilute it with water 1 to 1 and a few drops from a pipette.

    And we are one in 20, she has a nasty taste, after all, ampoules are not intended for their contents to be eaten 🙂

    she is bitter, yes, so you need a little of her))

    Firstly, the fact that he drinks a lot is very good. This is a good sign. If you do not want to eat, in no case do not insist. Better drink.

    Secondly, from the temperature you can give baby panadol, although at this temperature this is not particularly necessary. If there is more than 38, then it is already necessary. For me, panadol is the best, but there are other antipyretics.

    If the handles and legs are cold, then this means that most likely the temperature will still rise. But it's a normal reaction. child's body on orz. So don't worry, everyone goes through it.

    Do not Cry!

    I will also say what my dad always tells me - the favorite pediatrician of the whole region: if a child has a fever, this is very good. This means that the child's body reacts to the disease and, accordingly, it develops immunity.

    There are children in whom the temperature does not rise, but nevertheless they get sick. Then it's already bad.

    Moreover, with acute respiratory infections, the temperature can rise up to 5-7 days. This is also normal, don't worry.

    And in no case do not give no-shpu.

    I understand, thanks again!

    My pleasure. Stay strong and get well soon! 🙂

    It happened once, but the tempra has already gone off scale - ok. 39. The head was hot, and the legs-handles were icy. And this is after the antipyretic! You have already been written - this is a vasospasm. I then did an enema noshpa + analgin + suprastin. And of course they called an ambulance. By the time the doctors arrived, the tempra had already begun to drop, and the arms and legs were getting warmer.

    this is the norm. body's reaction to this temperature. 37.8 is not the highest temperature, when higher then the arms and legs are hot. my mother even defined the so-ru. at the same time. with ors, the child always does not want to eat, och. It's good that the baby sleeps and drinks a lot. You can grind, or make wraps, just wipe with a damp towel. (I think the most convenient, but it will squeak) evaporating water cools the body. vinegar and vodka (diluted) evaporate faster, so use them. but babies should not be rubbed with them.

    Our pediatrician worked for several years in a children's ambulance, she also said that when they arrive, they give an injection of analgin-suprastin-noshpa at a high temperature that does not go astray. Now we live in Israel and noshpa is on the list of banned drugs, I don’t think it’s by chance. In general, temperature is good, it means that the body fights and resists. In general, my temperature soars above 40 when I catch a cold and it was the same for my teeth. At first I was frightened and even panicked - now I’m used to it - calmly take turns panadol, if it doesn’t work, after a couple of hours nurofen and in extreme cases - children's analgin in candles. Get well!

    Here, by the way, at one time I saved it in my favorites - a very sensible, in my opinion, post about the temperature in children http://furrycobra.livejournal.com/2 074.html

    I agree with your actions, except for analgin. after all, analgin is an analgesic and not an antipyretic agent. I know that it knocks down t-ru analgin + aspirin well. but it's a toxic pair. (she did it to the elder, and they treated me like that too) but does analgin in candles bring down t-ru?

    Yes, it knocks down very effectively. I bought "analgin for children in candles", but I use them as a last resort, when panadol and nurofen do not work, or rather bring down the temperature by a degree, up to 39 for a short time and that's it - we have had this happen more than once.

    vasospasm, so they don’t write to you above

    white fever is called

    I don’t give noshpu in such cases, I just warm the limbs naturally

    the last sentence is like a revelation. Thank you!

    I join this opinion: "white fever". Until the arms and legs are warm, the antipyretic usually does not work well. Therefore, the first thing to do is to WARM the limbs (by any known means: socks, rubbing, heating pad). Then, when they become hot, it is better to remove the socks and do not wrap the child (so that he can sweat normally)

    we warmed the legs of the handle when this happened, knocked down with panadol.

    and tell me - milk can not be at a temperature?

    Now it's lunch time, he eats soup with pleasure, but I'm afraid to give a lot

    why not? if eating.

    even with an intestinal infection, we gave a mixture and cottage cheese - everything was absolutely normal.

    current that it would be barely warm, probably.

    Temperature is the body's natural response to a virus. while producing interferon. leave the child alone, let him sleep, do not force feed, drink more. The less you interfere in this process, the better for the child and the sooner he will recover.

    ps my daughter had 39.6 for 3 days, her hands and feet are cold, and this is not the end of the world. This is the norm and it should be. and I didn’t knock anything down so as not to interfere with the body itself to cope.

    help what to do. We didn't get sick for a year and three months.

    Thank you all and thank you for your advice!

    Ran a little. Here is the fact under number 6, I would write in big red letters everywhere on the walls in places where parents gather. This is a nightmare that I sometimes see in strollers on the streets at an air temperature of degrees of heat, children ride in jackets and hats, tin!

    our pediatrician and the doctor from the emergency room said that it is necessary to warm the legs and arms in any way, even with a heating pad. while they are ice cold, the antipyretic will not work. I do not really understand the mechanism, but it worked for us

    at this temperature do not give anything. if he is sleeping now, cover up to the waist with something not very warm. diaper, towel. probably this or night sleep the child will sweat. as soon as it sweats, you can rejoice - things have gone to recovery.

    noshpa to help you)

    We are allergic to no-shpu, we use papaverine. Starting with a tiny part of the tablet

    Relax. 37, 8 - not such a terrible temperature, but if the child is crying - excellent, continue to drink, do not insist on food. It is well written about Komarovsky's temperature, do not rush to shoot down, only if the child really does not tolerate it well. And if normal, then leave the child alone, his body is already struggling with the temperature. At temperature, interferon is produced - a familiar name? is a protein that fights the causative agent of the disease. Interferon is produced in the human body ONLY when elevated temperature is such a mechanism. If the interferon does not cope (usually on the third day relief occurs when the interferon is at its peak), then on the fifth day antibodies are produced that already “finish off” the sore. But rubbing with vinegar or vodka is a horror, because through the skin all this goodness is absorbed into the body, so you can get poisoning. If the child sweats, then everything is fine, just let him drink and don’t worry, sweating = heat loss, that is, he will not overheat due to temperature, everything will be ok. If there is enough to drink, then there will be something to sweat.

    Thanks for clarifying! Today it is already easier for us, thanks to the community, I was not nervous.

    No need to be nervous. Children get sick, but it is in our power to help them endure everything easier. Be sure to temper.

    Temperature in the chest. Head hot, knives, handles cold, body warm

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    At night, you need to put a candle in any case, even if 38. It can rise to 40 in a dream, and some children have convulsions at a high pace.

    if you are in any doubt. ask for advice at 03, they will prompt you faster and more competently and tell you what to do. here they can advise.

    When I give nurofen + noshpu 1/6 tablets at the temperature of the arms and legs, I'm afraid of sudorg

    I would also call an ambulance for a consultation, after all, you still have 3 months. children's nurofen just from this age can be given. besides, if the child is sleeping, I would definitely not wake him up.

    I never wait for more than 38 to rise, I knock down earlier, because after 38 at one moment it can rise to 39 and it’s hard to knock down. and the hands and feet are cold - this is a spasm of blood vessels from high temperature, papaverine pricked us for an ambulance. call better and find out at 03

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    The head is hot, but the extremities are cold.

    The beginning of bipedal locomotion) When?


    Several doctors from the ambulance told me that cold extremities in such a situation happen before jump temperature up. That's what happens to mine. If the temperature is 38 and the limbs are warm, then I just periodically measure the temperature, give medicines only if the temperature is more than 38.5. But if 38 and the extremities are cold, then I give the medicine immediately, since experience has shown that the temperature can rise to 40 in half an hour. If the extremities are cold, then I put socks on my legs.

    In general, as they wrote to you, cold extremities at a high temperature should be taken seriously, especially if there is a marble pattern of veins on the body, convulsions can be close.

    Thank you very much for your comment! 🙂 I will know now .. Yes, I understood that it was a temperature jump. Just encountered this for the first time. 🙂

    With an increase in the pace, when the limbs are cold, it is not necessary to wipe the child with anything. This can provoke an even greater spasm and cause convulsions. The senior all life so transfers rise in temperature. Well, you have already been written about no-shpu with warm socks.

    Thanks for the advice! 🙂 It seems that this did not happen again .. You constantly need to watch with these children! :))

    This is almost always the case with my youngest, and so when the temperature rose again and the whole body was on fire: the child did not sleep due to the fact that he was imagining wolves.

    And figs knows, like both times under 39, just in different ways.

    at a pace (when you knock down) you need to give, in addition to the antipyretic, no-shpu (dose by age) or nicotinic acid - both of these drugs will relieve spasms from small vessels, and help you pick up the pace faster. And cold extremities just because of these spasms

    I do not want to scare, but it is dangerous, it can provoke convulsions. Vasospasm. Rub your legs and arms urgently, warm them up, and call an ambulance, they will tell you what to give to lower the temperature. It's really, really serious when the temperature gets cold limbs.

    no-shpu must be given, this is a vasospasm, while the legs-handles are cold - the temperature will not go astray

    a quarter of a tablet, the pediatrician told us this (according to our testimony, the temperature should not be allowed to rise) ..

    it happens. Put on socks for your daughter. As the doctor explained to me, the principle is this: if the child has a fever (and your daughter has a fever now), then she must be undressed, I even advise you to remove the diaper, if possible. But if the limbs are cold, they need to be warmed up, because. vasospasm occurs. Get well!

    Girls tell me how are your kids? We are 3.5 months old when the shank is cold extremities (((So it should be? The temperature is 20 degrees in the room.

    The child is 5 years old. The last time it got colder, his hands, feet, nose and ears are cold. I ask if it's cold? He says no. I wear warm socks, slippers, sweaters, and generally warm pants. and the extremities are cold. The child is active, not lethargic. plays. is sitting.

    We are 1.5 months old, I noticed that my son has a constantly hot head, there is no temperature, his forehead is cold, even when he is cold (handles, legs are cold), his head is still hot. What could it be? Can anyone come across? We don't hustle.

    Girls, can someone tell me. the child has a hot head from birth. It's almost 4 now. She used to be hot all day. Now 80% awake. hot as if a child has a temperature of 37.5-38. Hot only forehead and top part heads.

    Due to the difference in temperature, two identical liquids mix in a very interesting way! To make the experiment visual, it is necessary to tint cold water with one color and warm water with another. Now it's time to remove the baffle and see what happens - warm water.

    The child did not sleep all night, after DTP vaccinations temperature, crying, even called an ambulance at the insistence of her husband (to which the ambulance said that it could be either a reaction or SARS can be taken to the hospital, but in the corridor! Or get treated.

    Yes, yes, and this also happens) I was going to cook soap "from scratch", in a cold way. Svirla wanted to make, she came up with colors, aroma, the recipe was made in the evening. In the morning I prepared everything, sent my kolobok with my godmother for a walk and started.

    The child is 7 months old, we have long noticed that the head is hot (almost always), and the body, limbs, even the face are normal. Why is this happening? The temperature is usually 36.4-36.8 varies. Worth worrying about? Is it heat transfer or baby intracranial pressure? Maybe something.

    Hello! My son, 4 years old, yesterday complained about his tummy, and that his leg hurts, he always does this before the temperature. At night it rose to 38.5. She gave antipyretic paracetamol in syrup, he immediately vomited. A little pisdel, sort of.

    Cold feet at a temperature in a child - how to warm the limbs, causes and treatment with antipyretics

    A hot head and cold feet at a child's temperature is an unusual combination of temperature indicators of the body and limbs. It occurs in most clinical pictures with colds and viral diseases. The condition is unpleasant and dangerous for a small patient, requires medical attention. Systemic circulation is disturbed, internal organs suffer from oxygen starvation. Therefore, if a child has a high temperature and cold legs, you need to seek help from a local pediatrician.

    What is the temperature in a child

    This is a symptom of a cold or viral disease, which is accompanied by general weakness, noise in the ears, hanging sweating. In this case, the child has a hot forehead, the temperature regime of the whole body is disturbed. Attacks of elevated temperature are accompanied by chills, fever, require the immediate administration of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Cold extremities at a child's temperature indicate a condition that doctors call "white fever".

    What body temperature is considered elevated

    Ideally, a child's body temperature reaches 36.6 degrees, and a mark of 37 and above is considered elevated. It is worth noting separately physiological features babies who have acceptable indicator is the range of 37 - 37.3 degrees. In the latter case, much depends on room temperature and other external factors. Symptoms of white fever occur with an increase in body temperature, while the thermoregulation of the body, especially the lower extremities, is impaired. The color of the skin is pale, cyanotic.

    High fever in the child and cold extremities

    With inflammation and acute infections, the body temperature rises significantly, while the patient has severe pain in the joints, aches all over the body, weakness and increased drowsiness worries. The head and forehead are hot, there is perspiration. The legs can remain cold even in warm socks, have a pale tint. Other symptoms of feeling unwell are:

    • bouts of dizziness;
    • nausea, less often - vomiting;
    • hyperthermia;
    • decline in physical activity;
    • instability of the emotional sphere;
    • signs of weak immunity.

    What happens to the blood circulation of a child at a high temperature

    Many believe that there is no need to bring down the temperature of 39, it is necessary to provide the immune system with the opportunity to independently cope with the health problem that has arisen. This is an erroneous opinion, because in the case of white fever, a spasm is observed in the affected body, blood circulation is disturbed. Among the complications of white or rose fever, doctors distinguish convulsions, acute oxygen starvation.

    Why are hands and feet cold at a temperature

    A hot head and cold feet are a sign of a disease that needs to be treated in time. Since vasospasm predominates in the child's body, limiting blood flow, doctors recommend warming the baby with warm drinks, rubbing the feet with alcohol. Thus, stimulate systemic circulation, normalize the processes of heat absorption and heat transfer. If the blood to the arms and legs reaches the not enough, they become cold, in the future convulsions are not excluded.

    What is dangerous high temperature

    Progressive vasospasm at a temperature in a child - dangerous state which leads to seizures and disability. This is one of the few explanations why the disturbed temperature regime of the body with cold extremities of the child must be treated in a timely manner with conservative methods. Starting with the recommended dosages of the drug is required already at the mark on the thermometer of 37.5 degrees.

    What to do with high fever and cold extremities

    If parents notice cold feet at a high temperature in a child, they should immediately seek the advice of a pediatrician, while feeling the children's forehead and hands. Self-medication is prohibited, because it can only worsen general well-being little patient. Compresses with cool water on the forehead will not be superfluous, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs may not work. Here are the recommendations of knowledgeable experts:

    1. To warm the child, you need to put a warm heating pad under his feet, first put on woolen socks.
    2. A good effect can be obtained from rubbing the limbs, but after completing the procedure, it is imperative to wear warm socks on your feet.
    3. It is advisable to drink more warm liquids to forcefully stimulate slow systemic blood flow.


    A sick child may be wet from high body temperature, while the legs remain cold. Treatment can be carried out at home, while, on the recommendation of a specialist, it is important to involve several pharmacological groups at once with representatives different forms release:

    • spasmolytics to relieve spasm smooth muscle: No-Shpa, Drotaverine;
    • antihistamines: Zodak, Zirtek, Suprastin;
    • ointments with a warming effect: Dr. Theiss ointment, turpentine ointment, Doctor Mom.

    Antipyretic drugs

    You can reduce body temperature with cold extremities with Ibuprofen or Papaverine. In the first case we are talking about a therapeutic suspension with a pleasant taste, in the second - about suppositories, which are supposed to be administered rectally. The child will be wet in 15 - 20 minutes, but you need to sweat a little more. Here are effective medicines in a given direction:

    1. Panadol. Children's syrup has a sweet taste, is approved for use by children already in the first year of life, according to the instructions for use. Daily doses are determined by the individual weight of the patient, the course of treatment is 5-7 days.
    2. Nurofen. The drug is prescribed for intolerance to paracetamol and inaction of the above medication. The active ingredient is ibuprofen. Produced in the form of a sweet suspension, it is used according to the above principle for 5-7 days, according to the weight category of the patient.


    No-shpu is recommended to be used for severe vasospasm, preferably intramuscularly to accelerate the overall therapeutic effect. The child is more often prescribed rectal suppositories with Papaverine, which begin to act 15 to 20 minutes after the administration of a single dose. Here are effective antispasmodics if cold feet at a temperature in a child:

    1. No-shpa. Relieves spasm, acts up to 4 - 8 hours. Recommended daily dose- up to 3 tablets, but not at a time. The course of treatment is until the anxiety symptoms disappear.
    2. Drotaverin. Another reliable antispasmodic that restores vascular tone. The drug is produced in tablets. It is recommended to take 1 - 3 pieces per day, no more.

    Use of lytic mixture

    Cold hands, feet at a child's temperature need to be warmed, and for this it is recommended to rub the palms and feet with alcohol, while rubbing with vinegar will not be superfluous. To quickly restore the general condition of a small patient, pediatricians recommend using a lytic mixture. This resuscitation event in the form of injections intramuscularly, which productively relieves high temperature, removes spasms, normalizes the well-being of the child.

    You can prepare a lytic mixture at home, and for this you have to combine the following pharmacological ingredients:

    Method of preparation, rules of use:

    1. It is required to combine 1 ml of each ingredient, mix the composition.
    2. The solution will be injected into the gluteal or femoral muscle.
    3. Improvements come after a few minutes.

    In this way, it is possible to normalize the temperature regime, warm the legs and arms, and prevent the formation of convulsions. It is highly undesirable to use the therapeutic composition systematically, since the body very soon gets used to such treatment, and it becomes ineffective. This is a one-time event that gives a lasting effect at temperature.

    Temperature and cold extremities in a child

    Why do limbs cool at normal body temperature

    Sometimes parents notice that their child has normal temperature(norm 36.6 degrees) without any reason, the arms and legs begin to freeze. Suddenly cooled hands and feet can be found in children of different ages. If this is a newborn or a child under the age of 2 years, then we can simply talk about the imperfection of the circulatory system.

    In older children, this phenomenon is a harbinger of the disease.

    1. Vegetovascular dystonia. The work of the internal organs of a person, glands of internal and external secretion, blood and lymphatic vessels controlled by the autonomic nervous system. Therefore, any failures in its work can provoke, for example, dystonia, which causes narrowing of the lumen of blood vessels, disrupting blood circulation (spasms). That is why the child has cold limbs.
    2. Nervous excitability. Any violent emotions, both positive and negative, can provoke changes in the process of heat transfer.
    3. immune deficiency.
    4. Diseases of the thyroid gland.
    5. Anemia.
    6. Eating disorder.

    Pediatricians believe that diets and newfangled " healthy eating"has a negative effect on the child's body.

    Deficiency of nutrients, microelements and vitamins also contributes to the violation of the thermoregulation of the child's body and leads to the fact that the child may have cold hands and feet, even at a temperature.

    If you start profile therapy on time under the strict supervision of a doctor, then the problem with thermoregulation in a child will pass and in most cases will not bother you anymore.

    Causes of fever in a child with a cold body

    A symptom of high temperature is not always a hot body and forehead. Other signs can be observed, for example, lethargy, whims, refusal to eat, a desire to lie down to rest at an inopportune time. But if at the same time the body and forehead remain cold, while the rest of the head is hot, then such signs will indicate:

    • teething. In this case, reddening of the gums is added to the symptoms;
    • reaction to vaccination
    • allergy. This is also an inflammation of the body, in which the temperature tends to change from low to high over a short period of time;
    • stress. In excitable children, the body reacts in this way to a sharp light or sound, to the expectation of an event that makes you worry a lot, etc.;
    • overheat;
    • infection in the body.

    If there are no other signs of ill health besides a rise in temperature, the body remains normal temperature, the limbs do not become cold and blue, then you should just watch the child.

    If within a few days the condition returns to normal, there is no need to contact a therapist. But if the symptoms have not gone away, have intensified or new manifestations of the disease have been added, then you should seek advice from the clinic.

    Causes of cold feet

    If the child is sick, you should carefully monitor his skin and the temperature of not only the head, but the whole body. You can never trust tactile sensations, if a child shows symptoms of a deterioration in well-being, it is better to once again measure the temperature with a thermometer.

    If, when examining a child, we find that the skin has become hot and moist, the color is rather pink (as if on fire), then the child has a red fever. It is characterized by the fact that a balance is maintained between heat generation and heat transfer.

    In this case, it is necessary to give antipyretic drugs. Usually, in red fever, the temperature drops quite quickly, and general behavior the child remains within the normal range.

    Doctors diagnose white fever if, with an increase in temperature, there are:

    • dyspnea;
    • chills;
    • abnormal rhythm of the pulse;
    • delirium;
    • pale, cold and dry skin;
    • the child is very lethargic, drowsy;
    • cold feet and hands at a temperature.

    In this case, taking antipyretics is prohibited, because. it will not lead to the necessary reaction of the body (decrease in temperature), but will only aggravate the condition and cause a sharp vasoconstriction.

    Causes of cold hands

    Apart from infectious diseases an increased body temperature in a child can also be observed with overheating.

    This phenomenon is observed when:

    • excessive wrapping;
    • long stay in the sun;
    • overheating of the room, etc.

    In this case, the child's temperature rises, and the hands remain cold. In especially difficult cases nosebleeds, nausea and fainting are observed. At the same time, cold hands are the main signal that a vasospasm has begun.

    In this case, you should immediately eliminate the factor that causes overheating, give the child plenty to drink and apply a wet compress to the forehead.

    It should be remembered that fever is a rather serious problem, as it causes unwanted processes in the child. For example, it increases the load on the heart and lungs, increases metabolism, leads to disruption of the nervous system, and others. Children under the age of 1 year, infants, are at particular risk.

    Cold extremities at a temperature in a newborn

    Experts say that cold hands and feet in newborns are not a dangerous phenomenon. Thus, the body responds to adaptation to new living conditions.

    Only by the age of one, the mechanism of redistribution of blood flow will be formed in the infant, and by the age of 2, the process of thermoregulation will be formed. Therefore, parents do not need to panic about cold extremities if the child is cheerful, has a good appetite, normal sleep and stool.

    To help your child:

    • increase the number of active games per day (morning exercises, massage, outdoor games, etc.);
    • temper;
    • watch your diet. During the day, the child should receive enough fats, proteins and carbohydrates, as well as vitamins and microelements;
    • put on simple socks on the legs, but not tight, and on the handles - soft thin mittens;
    • make sure that the clothes do not fit and do not provoke vasospasm.

    But the situation deserves special attention when the baby has cold hands and feet at a temperature. His whole body seems to be on fire, and his limbs are cold. This condition indicates that there was a violation of heat transfer in the still unformed child's body, which led to vasospasm. The blood simply does not reach the extremities.

    In such a situation, you can not self-medicate, you must urgently call an ambulance. It is strictly forbidden to give an antipyretic, as this can lead to irreversible consequences and even death.

    Before the arrival of the doctor, you should intensively rub the legs and arms, give warm drink and put on socks for the child. by the most effective way warming the baby is considered the skin-to-skin method. To do this, the mother must lay the baby on her bare stomach and chest.

    If the temperature is 37

    It is believed that the child's temperature should not exceed 36.6 degrees. But this figure is somewhat arbitrary, since the temperature fluctuates throughout the day. For example, in the evening it rises by 0.5 degrees and this is considered the norm.

    You should start to worry if the thermometer reading exceeds the temperature of 37.5 degrees. This means that the body has turned on a protective mechanism against the effects of a variety of adverse factors.

    To protect the body, the immune system begins to produce pyrogens that stimulate the production of prostaglandin E2. A number of fairly complex reactions of the body are launched, which lead to the fact that the body temperature begins to rise. Experts advise not to be afraid of temperature, as it protects the body from the destructive effects of penetrating foreign agents.

    But not everyone can tolerate a rise in body temperature. This is especially true for children in the first year of life. Particular attention should be paid to the condition in which the child, at a temperature, has cold feet and hands. In this condition, vasospasm occurs, which may be accompanied by febrile convulsions.

    This type of seizure is manifested against the background of fever (fever) in children whose age does not exceed 6 years. Experts believe that this is due to the predominance of excitatory processes over inhibition in the brain, which leads to the appearance of pathological impulses in nerve cells. These processes can be called:

    • infectious diseases;
    • SARS;
    • vaccinations;
    • hereditary predisposition.

    As soon as the child is 6 years old, the nervous system will mature, such convulsions will pass, but vascular spasms may remain, in which the temperature should be brought down already at 37.5 degrees. Therefore, such children should be especially carefully observed when the temperature rises.

    If the temperature is 38

    There is an increase in body temperature in diseases such as:

    • various infectious;
    • damage to the central nervous system;
    • dehydration of the body, etc.

    The rise in temperature is usually good sign means the body is fighting the disease. But it is bad if at an elevated temperature the child has cold hands and feet. This indicates spasms of blood vessels caused by the imperfection of the child's body, its immaturity.

    In such situations, it is necessary to avoid the use of antipyretic drugs. Some experts recommend some procedures to improve sweating. The child must be given warm tea to drink and covered with a blanket.

    In a normal situation with red fever, the child is not recommended to bring down the temperature until it reaches 38.5 degrees.

    However, with white fever, already when the temperature rises to 38 degrees, it is necessary to call an ambulance, which will inject the child with drugs that can expand blood vessels and relieve spasms. Before the arrival of the team of doctors, the child is recommended to rub the limbs.

    If the temperature is 39

    To fight disease, the body produces interferon, a protein that fights bacteria and infection. The higher the child's temperature rises, the more this protein is produced.

    That is why doctors do not recommend drinking antipyretic drugs until the temperature reaches at least 38.5 degrees. For adults, this figure is 39 degrees, since at this temperature the body fights the disease more effectively.

    But if the immune system does not work properly, vasospasm can occur, in which there is a cooling of the limbs and an increase in temperature to 41 degrees.

    You should call your doctor immediately if:

    • the patient cannot drink;
    • fever lasts more than 48 hours (for a child under 2 years old, from 24 to 48 hours);
    • there is a violation of consciousness (hallucinations, delirium);
    • Strong headache;
    • respiratory disorders;
    • cold hands and feet at a temperature of 38.5 degrees;
    • convulsions began.

    Remember that temperatures above 39 degrees lead to depression of the nervous system, dehydration, and circulatory disorders.

    Additional symptoms:

    Low pressure

    Low pressure with an increase in temperature indicates that an infection, usually viral, is developing in the body. This is due to a general decrease in tone and a sharp release of hormones.

    Temperature under reduced pressure should be measured at least 2 times a day, and pressure should be measured at least 3 times. If after 5 days the pressure does not normalize, and the temperature does not fall, you should immediately undergo an examination.

    Marble skin

    The skin, which has a marbled hue, does not indicate a terrible disease, it is a reaction of the blood vessels.

    Marble skin can become

    due to cold hands and feet at a temperature

    Don't be alarmed if this marbled pattern appears in babies under 6 months old, but you should watch for changes in temperature. And for older children, such skin changes can talk about various diseases. Experts should be consulted.


    If the temperature is accompanied by diarrhea and vomiting, then this indicates that the child has an intestinal infection. For example, rotavirus infection or intestinal flu. Temperature and diarrhea may also indicate that a child has received heat stroke. With such symptoms, the danger consists, in addition to high temperature, in dehydration of the body, as well as the appearance of blood in the stool.


    An increase in temperature along with a headache can speak of a variety of diseases, such as, for example, SARS or tumor processes. The temperature accelerates the metabolism and accelerates blood circulation, intracranial pressure rises and the child begins to have a severe headache. It is impossible to treat exclusively a headache in this situation, it is necessary to identify the disease and treat it.

    If the body is hot and the head is cold

    At high temperatures, the forehead may remain cold while the rest of the head may be hot. This indicates that the fever has begun. Moreover, in each individual case, fever will be accompanied by various manifestations.

    For example, there will be a pre-syncope or delusional state, hallucinations or severe pain in muscles, etc. Symptoms such as a cold head indicate vasospasm, which is observed in white fever. In such a state, it is urgent to call an ambulance.

    What to do at low temperatures

    Fever is less common in children than in adults. It is accompanied by chilliness, chills, cold hands and feet.

    It is very dangerous to lower the temperature to 33 degrees, and at an indicator of 32 degrees, death from hypothermia occurs.

    This temperature is caused by:

    • diseases of the endocrine system;
    • low hemoglobin;
    • malnutrition and starvation;
    • low immunity, etc.

    Low temperature is accompanied by a breakdown, irritability, severe drowsiness and fatigue.

    What to do in case of chills

    When a child has a severe chill, the temperature reading has gone over 38 degrees, and the limbs are cold, an ambulance should be called. Doctors will administer intramuscularly a lytic mixture (antispasmodic, antihistamine, and antipyretic).

    But if it is not possible to contact specialists, or the ambulance does not arrive for a long time, then the parents will have to apply the standard medications.

    To begin with, you should know what is strictly forbidden to do with spasms of blood vessels:

    • do rubbing the body with alcohol or vinegar;
    • do not dress warmly and do not cover with warm blankets to sweat;
    • do not give aspirin;
    • lower the temperature with cold compresses on the body. It is only allowed to put a cool towel on your head.

    With cold extremities against the background of temperature, it is necessary, for starters, to warm up the legs and arms of the child, for this they are actively rubbed. The temperature in the room should not exceed 20 degrees. It is necessary to give more drink, but not hot, but at room temperature. Herbal infusions, fruit drinks or tea with lemon or mint are best suited for this.

    Then you should take antihistamines. For example, Suprastin, Zyrtec, etc. They will enhance the effect of drugs that relieve spasms and prevent the development of allergies.

    As soon as the baby's limbs become pink and warm, i.e. blood circulation will be restored, you can take antipyretic drugs. It is best to take medications based on paracetamol.

    If at a temperature in a baby cold hands and legs - this indicates serious condition organism.

    You should be very careful to monitor his well-being. If after a few hours it was not possible to bring down the symptoms of fever, you should immediately seek help in an ambulance or take the child to the emergency room on your own.

    Video clips: why children have cold hands and feet at a temperature

    Why does a child have cold hands and feet at a temperature:

    What to do if the child has a high temperature and he sleeps:

    My child had a fever, vomiting, diarrhea began, I could not understand what was wrong. I called an ambulance, the doctors came and said that it was acetonemia - it is often found in children, but I did not notice the smell of acetone.

    My baby is 8 months old. The temperature was 39.7 and lowered with Nurofen - it went down to 38.6 and then again. The hands and feet are cold. At severe chills like marbling of the skin. But the head and back are hot. What to do?



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