High fever in cats. Causes of increased body temperature

The health of a domestic cat directly depends on the conditions in which it lives. However, no one can be immune from disease. This is why a cat’s body temperature may rise, despite high-quality care and excellent living conditions. Impaired heat transfer in cats occurs due to the influence of external and internal factors: stress, infection, simple overheating.

Normal temperature for a cat

It is important to know that cats' body temperature is higher than that of humans. 37.8 is the optimal temperature for your pet.

Cat owners need to know that the optimal temperature for their pet ranges from 37.5-39 degrees, which is much higher than that of humans. It is important to note that different breeds have different indicators as the norm. For example, for a sphinx the norm is 40 degrees, but for others this is already a signal of pathology.

How to find out about elevated temperature without a thermometer

A thermometer is the most reliable way to measure a cat's temperature.

And just like people, cats often suffer from fever. As a result, the question arises, how do you know if the temperature is elevated? The methods that people use are not suitable for this. If you feel your pet's forehead, you will not be able to judge the presence/absence of temperature. Most people are used to determine the condition of cats by their nose. If it is damp and cool, then everything is fine, but when it is hot and dry, you should sound the alarm.

The most proven and reliable method for determining temperature is using a thermometer. It is placed either in the rectum or ear canal. Don’t be afraid of the animal’s reaction, naturally, whims and manifestations of character will begin, but despite this,!

If your pet's body temperature rises, there is no need to take risks. Contact your veterinarian as soon as possible.

In addition, there are certain symptoms that signal this pathology. With their help you will know whether you need to measure your temperature or not. If the result shows 39.4 degrees Celsius, seek help from a veterinarian.


If your cat has become lethargic and sleepy, this may be due to an increase in its body temperature.

  • Lack of usual appetite.
  • Apathy, .
  • Presence of tremor, trembling.
  • The cat has a rapid heartbeat.
  • Happening.
  • Strange behavior, state of shock.

If these symptoms occur, you cannot do without the help of a veterinarian.

The cat has a temperature of 40, what should I do at home?

If you see a temperature reading of 40 degrees on the thermometer, this is a reason to immediately contact a veterinarian.

If the thermometer mark exceeds the indicator 40 degrees, you need to urgently consult a doctor.

Cat owners should be aware that if their pet's body temperature rises above 40.5 degrees Celsius, the body loses fluid and becomes dehydrated, breathing becomes difficult and the heart beats faster.

The critical indicator is considered to be 41.1 degrees Celsius; the body loses a huge amount of fluid. This condition is fraught with dangerous consequences, since it affects the brain and disrupts the functioning of all internal organs.

Clinical picture

Vomiting in a pet is a signal that he is sick!

The clinical picture is as follows:

  • The pet and. , then you need to urgently contact a veterinarian. Possible internal bleeding.
  • The heart rate increases significantly.
  • The rhythm of heart contractions is disturbed.
  • Hemorrhages can be seen on the skin.
  • , severe shortness of breath.
  • Bleeding from the intestines.
  • The oral mucosa turns yellow.

It is important! The listed complications can cost your pet's life, so if you notice something wrong, contact your veterinarian immediately. Otherwise, the cat may die!

Causes of elevated temperature

If you have a cat or cat, it doesn’t matter at all; you should familiarize yourself with the main reasons why such a pathology is observed. This is necessary so that you detect the problem in a timely manner and consult a doctor without wasting unnecessary time on reflection.

Causes of high temperature in cats

  1. Overheat. This reason is considered one of the most common. If an animal is exposed to the sun for a long time, temperatures can jump to 41 degrees or higher. Why is this happening? In addition to exposure to the sun, this happens due to the fact that the cat is locked in a stuffy room or during transportation. It is important to provide first aid to your pet correctly. Place the animal in a cool room and give it some water. The temperature should stabilize within two hours.

    Overheating is the most common cause of fever in cats.

  2. Viral diseases. It is common for cats to get sick even from viral diseases. The following signs are observed: mucus from the nose, and. In this situation, you need to make sure that the humidity of the room in which the pet is located increases, and give it water.

    If your cat has a fever, he may have contracted a viral disease.

  3. Infectious diseases. Pets may encounter. In addition to high temperature, this is indicated by the following symptoms: weakness and vomiting, poor appetite. Rest assured, this is a reason to seek help from a veterinarian.
  4. Emotional shock. Stress is considered to be one of the causes of pathology. Often cats experience emotional stress in such cases: visits to the veterinarian and exhibitions, loss of their owner, moving, long separation from the owner, etc. To help your cat, take whatever steps are necessary to calm her down. Basically, stressful temperature surges pass when everything falls into place.

Separation from the owner can cause serious emotional shock to the cat.

In addition to the reasons listed, such symptoms are observed in overly active and pregnant cats, as this is a physiological process.

By measuring your cat's temperature rectally, you will get the most accurate data.

It is advisable to measure temperature rectally. For this purpose, it is necessary to swaddle your pet. It is best to do this together, it is much more convenient and safer. One measures, and the second holds the cat.
Use cream, oil or Vaseline to lubricate the tip of the thermometer. Next, you should raise the tail, do not forget to thoroughly lubricate the anus with oil. It is advisable to use an electronic thermometer.
The lubricated tip should be inserted in a circular motion into the anus 3 centimeters. After five minutes you will know the temperature of the animal.

What can you give your cat for fever at home?

You should give medications to your pet only after the doctor’s recommendations.

As for treating a cat, it all depends on the cause of this pathology, as well as the severity of the situation. In some cases, there is no need to panic, since the animal’s body is able to independently fight some viruses and infections.

Treatment with antibiotics

If the diagnosis is not entirely clear, the doctor prescribes a course of treatment using antibiotics. Antipyretics are often prescribed, but it all depends on the cause. Before giving any medications to your cat, consult your veterinarian to avoid serious complications.

Folk remedies

What to do at home? It is advisable to use cool water to dampen the cat's fur. If you have ice, you can safely apply it to the cat's neck and also to the inner thighs. As for more radical treatment, it is better to consult a doctor.
Provide the animal with enough water to drink. If the situation is urgent and the cat gets worse, you can do a little trick. You will need vodka, diluted vinegar or alcohol to lubricate the paw pads every hour.

Video on how to measure your pet's temperature


Thus, this is an unusually dangerous symptom that cannot be ignored or left unattended. If you knocked it down with your own efforts, still contact your veterinarian as soon as possible.

Fever is a medical term that refers to increased body temperature. Normal body temperature for cats lies between 38.1° C and 39.2° C. The temperature is considered elevated if it rises above 39.7° C.

What are the causes of high fever?

Fever is initiated by the presence of pyrogens. Pyrogens can be endogenous (produced by the body) or exogenous (external). Pyrogens cause a shift in normal temperature through the thermoregulation center located in the hypothalamus. After this, physiological reactions occur in the body that increase body temperature.

If this is a natural process, why does it cause problems?

Fever, or high temperature, can be good for the body because it inhibits the ability of viruses and bacteria to reproduce and improves the immune system's response to foreign bodies. However, if the body temperature remains high (over 40.5°C) for more than one or two days, the cat becomes weak and loses its appetite, which can lead to dehydration. If the temperature remains above 41.1° C, cerebral edema, bone marrow suppression, and blood clotting disorders may develop.

A persistent high fever that persists for more than 48 hours is considered very serious and potentially life-threatening for a cat.

What are the clinical signs of fever?

Most cats with a high fever become lethargic and lose their appetite. Their heart rate and breathing increase.

How is fever diagnosed?

If your cat has a high fever, your veterinarian should perform a thorough physical examination to check for any bites, lacerations, punctures, or other injuries. In addition, extensive blood and urine tests may be required, as well as diagnostics of the thyroid gland.

What Causes Fever in Cats?

Most cases of fever in cats are caused by a viral infection such as feline immunodeficiency virus, feline leukemia virus or calicivirus. Many viral infections flare up and subside periodically, meaning that a seemingly healthy cat may experience a relapse within a week or two.

Bacterial infections can also cause fever, but they are usually accompanied by obvious injury or swelling. In addition, infection can develop in the chest cavity (pyothorax), in the kidneys (pyelonephritis), in the abdominal cavity, oral cavity, due to a tooth root abscess, etc. Much less commonly, fever occurs as a result of blunt trauma, lymphoma and other tumors, or due to fungal infections.

When making a diagnosis, it is important to tell your veterinarian your cat's entire medical history, any recent travel history, possible exposure to unknown or infected animals, any dietary supplements or medications you are using, and any other information that may be important.

How to treat high fever?

It is important to understand that diagnosing a high temperature (fever) will likely require extensive participation from you. The veterinarian must determine the specific cause of the fever in order to determine the correct treatment. In cases where a diagnosis has not been established, treatment will be initiated based on available information. Antibiotics are often prescribed to treat or prevent a bacterial infection that may develop as a secondary infection. Drugs to reduce fever are rarely used. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for cats have been developed relatively recently. Acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) and acetaminophen are very toxic to cats and should not be used without the approval of a veterinarian.

What is the prognosis for treating fever?

An accurate forecast can only be given when the exact cause of the high temperature is known. However, most cats respond well to supportive care, such as antibiotics and adequate water and food. Cats that present with periodic fevers should be properly evaluated and treated before permanent damage occurs.

Everyone knows that an increase in body temperature, both in humans and animals, is a signal for the development of the disease. Many owners do not know what to do if the cat has a temperature of 40, but in such cases they need to act quickly, otherwise the pet’s health is in danger.

Temperature is a response, a reaction of the body to the pathology that has arisen in it. He independently tries to fight the danger that has arisen, and if the forces are unequal, the temperature rises.

Normal indicators

Each breed has its own norms, and they differ significantly. On average, the normal temperature is considered to be from 37.5 to 39 degrees. The Sphinx, with a thermometer reading of 40 degrees, feels absolutely calm and comfortable, this is quite acceptable for him. But other types of cats, with the same temperature, already need appropriate treatment.

Every owner is simply obliged to know the optimal temperature conditions for his pet in order to be confident in his health and not worry about him.

Reasons for rising temperature

To know when to help an animal and when not to sound the alarm, you need to know why the thermometer reading can increase in the absence of diseases:

  • simple body overheating. After a long stay in a stuffy, closed room, under the influence of direct sunlight, overheating may occur;
  • suffered stress. Cats have a hard time being separated from their owners, long journeys, changing environments, trips to the veterinarian, attending competitions and exhibitions;
  • with increased physical activity;
  • kitten, due to the fact that its body has not yet fully adapted to the environment, always has an elevated temperature regime;
  • in pregnant cats, due to physiological processes and changes in her body, the temperature may rise;
  • during meals;
  • within half an hour after sleep.

Causes of increase directly related to the disease:

The accompanying symptoms will easily help determine the main reason why the temperature began to rise.

These include:

  • tearing eyes;
  • nasal discharge resembling a runny nose;
  • weakness and lethargy of the animal;
  • lack of appetite;
  • dry and hot nose;
  • vomit;
  • strange, uncharacteristic behavior of the cat;
  • timidity;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • trembling and tremors of the body;
  • partial dehydration;
  • diarrhea or bleeding from the anus;
  • change in color of the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose and eyes;
  • rapid breathing, shortness of breath, wheezing when exhaling;
  • aggressiveness or complete indifference of the pet to others and treatment of it;
  • your furry friend's skin may become covered with hemorrhages.

Provided that the temperature lasts for more than 48 hours in a row, the cat experiences irreversible processes in the body:

  • he catastrophically loses his vitality;
  • his body becomes completely dehydrated;
  • when there is a lack of fluid, swelling of the brain occurs, which leads to dire consequences associated with the death of cells in the hemispheres;
  • temporary or permanent paralysis of the limbs and gradually the whole body;
  • heart failure.

Method of correct temperature measurement

Step 1. Since the temperature is measured rectally, and this is not a very pleasant or desirable procedure for the animal, it is necessary to immobilize the cat. To do this, you can lightly swaddle him with a towel, so as to cover all the limbs. It will be difficult to do this alone, but it is much easier to do it together.

Step 2. You will need a regular mercury thermometer or an electronic (it is better to take a mercury one, since the second one may have a slight error) thermometer. You need to lubricate it with greasy cream, pharmaceutical Vaseline or any oil.

Step 3. Now we carefully insert the thermometer into the pet’s rectum, making light circular movements. You can deepen the thermometer no deeper than 2 centimeters and keep it there for 2-3 minutes.

Step 4. We also carefully remove the thermometer.

When the temperature is high, you need to act quickly to bring it down.

First aid

In some cases there is no need to panic. If the damage is not very serious, then the animal’s body is able to fight it itself and independently bring down the temperature to 40 degrees.

Tips on how to lower your temperature at home:

  • you need to place the animal in the coolest room in the house;
  • provide him with access to fresh air;
  • open windows, doors;
  • turn on the fan or air conditioner;
  • Place ice cubes on the cat’s neck; if there are none, you can use a napkin or towel soaked in cold water. Periodically re-wet the towel;
  • You can also moisten a light cloth folded in several layers with water and cover the entire furry patient with it. But, be careful, for this you need to use a light piece of fabric, for example, gauze. It is necessary to ensure that the cat does not become hypothermic;
  • at a temperature of 40 in a cat, he needs to be given plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration;
  • To bring down the temperature while you get to the doctor, or wait for his arrival, you can use the old proven method - lubricate the pads of all paws with a solution of vodka and vinegar. This should be done after 40-60 minutes.

Important aspects

You should not give your cat antipyretic drugs; they should only be prescribed by a veterinarian in accordance with the pathology. Also, it is forbidden to completely wet the animal - when the fur gets wet, air will stop flowing to the skin. This can only cause harm and seriously worsen the situation.

Many owners are thinking about whether to take their pet to the clinic or call a doctor at home. If your cat has a temperature of 40, definitely go to the clinic as soon as possible. A high thermometer reading is a symptom that is characteristic of many diseases. An animal that is very weak needs restorative treatment to support all vital functions.

With a correct diagnosis, after studying the disease, taking tests and taking all necessary measures, the doctor will prescribe therapy that will quickly get the cat back on its feet and stop all the pathological processes that were occurring in its body.

It happens that animals also need to undergo various diagnostic methods - urine and blood analysis, ultrasonic examination, x-ray. It is also permissible to involve highly specialized specialists to provide a clearer and clearer picture of the pet’s condition.

Just as an animal cannot express and complain to us about its condition, we must monitor its health and notice even the slightest changes.

If a cat has an elevated temperature and the corresponding symptoms are present, every owner is simply obliged to help him and take him to the hospital. Sometimes, it's a matter of life and death.

In animals, as in humans, an increase in body temperature in most cases signals the development of a disease. If a cat has a temperature of 40, then you should act immediately, because without timely assistance, the pet’s condition will rapidly deteriorate.

Every pet owner should know why the cat’s body temperature rises sharply, so that if there is a significant increase, they can immediately provide help at home.

Reasons for rising temperature

A cat's high body temperature should not always be a reason to visit the veterinarian, since in certain cases this symptom does not indicate a serious illness in the pet. A cat’s temperature rises for the following reasons:

  1. 1. Normal body overheating. If an animal has been in a stuffy, enclosed room or exposed to direct sunlight for a long time, overheating occurs.
  2. 2. Stress recently experienced by the pet. A long separation from the owner, moving, a sudden change of environment, visiting a veterinary clinic and participating in an exhibition - all these events are stressful for a cat.
  3. 3. Increased physical activity.
  4. 4. Eating food. During a meal, the cat's temperature rises, and this phenomenon is normal.

In kittens and pregnant cats, elevated temperatures are normal. This phenomenon is due to physiological processes occurring in the pet’s body.

It is worth sounding the alarm in cases where the temperature rises due to the occurrence of a certain disease in the cat. As a rule, this symptom indicates that the pet has one of the following ailments:

  • infectious disease;
  • various poisonings;
  • malignant tumor;
  • viral infection of the body;
  • failure of the endocrine system;
  • serious metabolic disorder.

Alarming symptoms

The cause of an increase in body temperature in a cat can be determined by the accompanying symptoms:

  • increased tear production;
  • runny nose;
  • lethargy;
  • the cat does not eat or drink;
  • nose dry and hot;
  • vomit;
  • uncharacteristic, anxious or aggressive behavior;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • convulsions;
  • indigestion;
  • change in color of the oral mucosa, nose and visual organs;
  • shortness of breath and wheezing when exhaling;
  • Covering the cat's skin with hemorrhages.

All of the above symptoms indicate that the increase in temperature was not due to banal overheating of the body and the cat urgently needs first aid at home, and then taken to a veterinarian for further treatment. If the pet is not provided with medical assistance in a timely manner, after two days irreversible changes will begin in its body, ultimately leading to cardiac arrest. The cat begins to lose vitality, dehydration occurs, as a result of which swelling of the brain occurs, leading to the death of cells. Sometimes cats experience temporary or permanent paralysis of the entire body or limbs.

How to measure temperature?

First, you should take your temperature. You can measure it at home by following the following instructions:

  • the cat must be immobilized by swaddling it with a towel so that the limbs are captured;
  • take an electronic thermometer and lubricate it with Vaseline, oil or greasy cream;
  • carefully insert the thermometer into the cat’s rectum, going no deeper than 2 cm;
  • hold the thermometer inside until the signal;
  • carefully remove it.

A mercury thermometer can be used only if there is no other option. This is dangerous, as the animal may break free and the thermometer will break.

First aid for a pet

In order to bring down an animal’s temperature at home, you must follow the following algorithm of actions:

  • place the cat in a cool and well-ventilated room in the apartment;
  • provide fresh air access to the room by opening the door and windows;
  • turn on the air conditioner or fan;
  • apply ice cubes or a towel or napkin soaked in cold water to the pet’s neck;
  • periodically re-wet the towel and apply a cold compress;
  • cover the cat's body with gauze soaked in cool water (care should be taken to prevent hypothermia);
  • Give your cat water to prevent dehydration;
  • Lubricate your pet's paw pads with a solution of vinegar and medical alcohol, doing the procedure every hour.

It is recommended to feed your cat dietary meals, preferably liquid ones. Low-fat chicken broth is best. To lower the temperature, you can resort to medicinal herbs, for example, echinacea tincture, which helps fight infection and suppress the virus. It must be dissolved in a small amount of water in a ratio of 1 drop per 1 kg of cat weight. The resulting product must be poured into the cat’s mouth using a syringe without a needle. If the temperature cannot be brought down within 24 hours, then it is necessary to urgently take the cat to the veterinarian.

Giving a cat antipyretic drugs intended for humans is prohibited. They will only significantly worsen the pet’s condition and cause an allergic reaction.

The mechanism of temperature increase is triggered in the event of an imbalance between the process of heat generation (heat production) and the process of returning this heat to the environment (heat transfer). Various factors, both internal and external, can lead to imbalance.

The cat has a high temperature

This may be a consequence of heat stroke due to overheating of the body. The temperature in such a situation can reach 41°C or more. The penetration of an infectious agent into the body can also provoke an increase in temperature. In this case, the increase in temperature is a protective-adaptive reaction. A short-term increase in temperature for no apparent reason is quite likely a consequence of stress (moving to the country, changing housing, traveling by transport). If a stress factor is excluded, and the temperature is seriously elevated, it’s time to sound the alarm. My cat has a fever, what should I do?

The cat has a temperature of 40°C.

First, you should carefully examine the cat, remember what happened to it in recent days. In this way, it may be possible to establish the cause of the rise in temperature and identify signs of any disease. Be that as it may, a visit to the doctor in this situation will not hurt.

The cat has a temperature above 40 - 41°C

The situation requires immediate medical attention. The owner of a sick cat should know that an increase in the animal’s body temperature above 40.5 ° C provokes loss of fluid from the body, lack or decrease in appetite, general depression, and all this is accompanied by rapid breathing and heartbeat. At a temperature exceeding 41.1°C, the body critically loses fluid, threatening disruption of the functioning of internal organs and cerebral edema are possible. Observed:

  • heart rhythm disturbances,
  • cardiopalmus,
  • dyspnea,
  • vomit,
  • diarrhea,
  • wheezing,
  • yellowing of the oral mucosa and conjunctiva of the eyes,
  • hemorrhages on the skin,
  • bleeding from the intestines.

Any of the complications listed above can lead to the death of a cat in the shortest possible time.

Reducing the temperature

You can put ice on the inner thighs and neck of the animal; if there is no ice, moisten the fur of the sick cat with cool water. Give the animal to drink in small portions. For more radical treatment, it is better to consult a specialist.

And yet, many people ask how to measure a cat’s temperature? To do this, apply a little baby cream or Vaseline to the tip of the thermometer, after which the thermometer is inserted approximately 2-2.5 cm into the animal’s rectum. After three minutes, the thermometer can be removed. By the way, a cat has a low temperature, that is, its normal temperature ranges from 38.5-39.5°C.



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