How to drink onion peel tincture. We use a decoction of onion peels on the farm

Each of us strives to be healthy, but diseases do not sleep and haunt a person throughout his life. Deterioration of the ecological environment, permanent stressful situations and overload at work, as well as unhealthy food cannot but affect health.

In an effort to quickly get rid of the disease, people run to pharmacies to buy various expensive pills and mixtures. Unfortunately, they are becoming undeservedly forgotten alternative methods getting rid of diseases.

Folk recipes treatments with onion peels have been very popular among traditional healers.

What are the benefits of onion peel?

Many useful chemical elements, included in the husk, make this product an excellent healer. Onion peels are rich in biologically beneficial active ingredients.

As a result of scientific research, it was found that onion peels contain: B vitamins, vitamin A, vitamin PP or a nicotinic acid, vitamin E, vitamin C, carotene, phytoncides.

As a result of research, it turned out that onion peels contain the antioxidant quercetin, which our body needs. Treatment with onion peel according to folk recipes is so effective thanks to quercetin.

Quercetin in onion skins - a natural medicine

Quercetin in onion peels prevents the development of many diseases; let's talk more about its healing properties.


Antioxidants prevent the development of many diseases, this occurs by blocking the effects of enzymes on cell membranes, thereby reducing their permeability. The aging process of the entire organism slows down at the cellular level.

The tone of the myocardium, the main heart muscle, increases due to the stabilization of vascular connective tissue. At eye diseases, more happens fast recovery cornea of ​​the eye.

Used in the treatment of cataracts and glaucoma. Quercetin also prevents premature aging skin, and therefore is heavily used in cosmetology.


Quercetin has the ability to reduce some symptoms of allergic reactions.


Quercetin has preventive action in the prevention of vascular diseases such as sclerosis. Education is prevented cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels.

The effect is achieved by neutralizing oxidative process lipoproteins.

Cardioprotective and hypotensive

Thanks to querticin, the risk of thrombosis is significantly reduced. This occurs due to the suppression of the division or synthesis of thromboxane. This division is what causes blood clots to appear and subsequently blockage of blood vessels.

This property of quercetin is widely used in the treatment of varicose veins. By increasing tone blood vessels, there is also an improvement in blood circulation and normalization of blood pressure in case of heart ailments.


Increase protective properties immune system the body is achieved through the activation of certain blood cells. T-lymphocytes activated by quercetin are protectors against all infections. B lymphocytes begin to produce antibodies and are involved in the creation of immunoglobulins, which means they fight inflammation.

In this regard, there is a decrease in the number of various inflammatory processes, as well as diseases caused by viral infection.


Thanks to quercetin, the process of tissue regeneration is accelerated, including bone tissue. The most rapid restoration of the integrity of the integument occurs after suffering inflammatory processes in soft tissues, as well as in cases of damage to the mucous membranes of the mouth and esophagus. It occupies a well-deserved place in the treatment of poisoning, burns and frostbite.


Quercetin is distinguished by its cleansing properties human body from harmful substances and toxins, which may be the causes malignant tumors. By strengthening the immune system, the development of tumors that have already appeared is also delayed.

Quercetin has very wide application. Due to its properties, this antioxidant is used in the treatment of many diseases.

Quercetin in onion peels - treatment of diseases

What diseases can be treated with quercetin contained in onion peels:

  • Stomach diseases and food poisoning;
  • Prevention of thrombophlebitis, heart attack, stroke, cardiac vascular diseases;
  • Treatment of arthritis, arthrosis, varicose veins;
  • Quercetin is used in complex therapy for the treatment of systemic and allergic diseases;
  • Skin treatment for burns or frostbite;
  • Treatment of eye diseases - glaucoma, cataracts, retinopathy;
  • Use in cosmetic programs to rejuvenate the body, slow down the aging process and reduce wrinkles;
  • Strengthens the immune system, increases the body's resistance to various diseases.

Traditional treatment with onion peels

The recipes compiled by the people explain in some detail different ways preparing medicine from onion peel. It does not take much time and effort, and also does not require any experience.

Every person can cope with the preparation of healing potions from onion peels. Onion peels can be prepared in different ways dosage forms, in the form of tincture, decoction, and also various types ointments and oils.

Traditional treatment with onion peels combines effectiveness, simplicity and economic accessibility.

Treatment with onion peels - how to prepare medicine

Before moving on to treatment, let's learn how to prepare basic onion medicines:

For cooking medicines, the onion peels need to be finely chopped. If heating or boiling is required, it is recommended to use water bath or very low fire.

Preparation of onion broth

Fill the finely crushed husk with water. There should be twice as much water as husks. Place on low heat and simmer for 15 minutes. When the broth has cooled, strain it through two layers of gauze. Store in the refrigerator for no longer than 6 hours.

Received onion broth used internally and for lotions.

Water infusion of onion peels

Pour 2 tablespoons of crushed husks with boiling water - 40 milliliters. Boil over low heat for 15 minutes. When it cools down, strain it. Store the infusion in the refrigerator for no more than 6 hours.

Onion alcohol tincture

Fill the bottle 1/5 of its height with chopped onion peels. Top up the bottle with vodka. Leave in a dark place for a week. Then strain and store in a well-closed bottle. You don’t need to make a lot of tincture - the recommended volume is 200 milliliters. When stored for a long time, the unstable product loses its healing properties, as crevercetin is destroyed.

To treat influenza: use an alcohol tincture of onion peels - 20 drops of tincture per half glass of warm boiled water. One week course.

Making onion oil

Pour crushed onion peels with olive or sunflower oil (you can castor oil). Keep in a dark place for two weeks. Then we filter - we succeeded onion oil. Store it in a well-closed dark jar in the refrigerator.

The prepared oil is used externally: for fungi, boils, calluses.

Runny nose with flu or cold: mix 10 drops of onion oil infusion with 2 drops eucalyptus oil. Do therapeutic inhalations in the morning and before going to bed in the evening.

Preparation of onion ointment

Grind the onion peel into powder in a mortar. Mix the resulting powder with pork fat(lube), petroleum jelly or baby cream. Store the resulting ointment in a well-closed ceramic or glass jar in the refrigerator.

Apply onion ointment externally for skin diseases; ointment helps well with fungal skin infections.

Onion peel tea

Pour a glass of boiling water over a whisper of chopped onion peel and leave for 10 minutes. We filter. Tea is ready. It is advisable to drink it at night.

Onion tea is good for headaches, cramps, and varicose veins (capillaries and veins). Tea is useful for improving vision and for eye fatigue and hypertension.

Traditional recipes for treating onion peels


To prepare the medicine you need to take: 2 tablespoons of onion peel, linden and coltsfoot - pour half a liter of boiling water, cover with a lid and leave to steep for 20 minutes. When the infusion has cooled, strain. Drink at high temperature 1 glass 3 times a day.

Loss of energy due to flu or cold

Mix 1 tablespoon each of oregano and raspberry leaves, add 3 tablespoons of onion peels and 2 tablespoons of raspberries (can be dried or frozen) - pour half a liter of boiling water over everything and leave for half an hour under the lid. Then strain.

Drink healing infusion a glass before bed.

Boosting your immunity when you have a cold

Prepare useful decoction: mix a spoonful of onion peel with a teaspoon of licorice, a glass pine needles- pour 2 liters of water and boil for 15 minutes. Then add 2 tablespoons of chopped rose hips and boil for another 2 minutes.

Remove from heat and pour into a thermos. We leave the broth in a thermos until the morning, and in the morning we boil it again and immediately remove it from the heat. We use the resulting decoction to increase immunity - we drink as regular tea up to 2 liters per day.

Drink warm, preferably with the addition of honey and lemon.

For laryngitis or loss of voice

Mix 2 tablespoons of burnet roots and onion peels, add 0.5 liters of water and boil for half an hour. Let the broth brew for 2 hours and filter it.

Received decoction dilute with a glass boiled water and gargle, it is very advisable to gargle every hour. The broth should be warm.

Prevention of viral infections

It is necessary to chop the licorice root and chop the onion peel. Take a teaspoon of both, mixing with a handful of pine needles. Boil 2 liters of water, let cool slightly. Pour in the resulting vegetable mixture and leave to simmer for 20 minutes.

Next, you need to add rose hips in the amount of 2 tablespoons, then boil for another 1 minute. Be sure to pour the resulting broth into a thermos for infusion. After 12 hours, the solution must be filtered and placed in a dark, cool place.

The dose is 1 liter per day.

Cleansing blood vessels

It is necessary to infuse 2 tablespoons of onion peels with 100 ml of vodka for one week. Room temperature and dark place will optimal conditions for insisting. Then you need to strain the resulting liquid.

Using a pipette, drop 20 drops of the resulting tincture into a tablespoon of unrefined vegetable oil. The medicine is taken half an hour before meals, three times a day.

In case of menstrual irregularities (absence of menstruation)

Preparing the decoction is very simple. Pour 2 tablespoons of onion peel into a liter of boiling water. Simmer over low heat for 15 minutes. The cooled broth must be filtered and taken half a glass before meals.

Onion inhalation for a runny nose

Take onion peels in the amount of 4 tablespoons. Boil 1 liter of water and add the husks. Wait a little until the broth cools down, so as not to get burned, and breathe for 5 minutes over the steam.

This procedure will help cure any type of runny nose.

Onion peels and healthy veins

Onion peel tincture will help get rid of varicose veins. To do this, pour half a glass of vodka and 2-2.5 tablespoons of onion peel. Leave it in the dark for a week. Strain. Take before meals, approximately half an hour, in the amount of 3 times a day, 19 drops. The course of treatment is 10-12 days.

Hemorrhoids are afraid of onions

For treatment hemorrhoids a warm onion bath is used. This bath is prepared within 10 minutes. Pour two liters of milk into 4 tablespoons of husk. Boil for 10 minutes, cool and strain. It is necessary to pour the broth into a small bowl so that you can sit in it. The bath is taken for 8-10 minutes.

Dry cough? No problem

The decoction is prepared from 2 tablespoons of onion peel and 2 glasses of water. Mix everything and simmer over low heat for 13 minutes. Cool, strain.

The drink should be warm. Taken before meals. Drink a quarter glass 3 times a day.

A true remedy for cystitis

Cystitis can be cured with a decoction consisting of 2 tablespoons of onion peel and 400 ml of boiled water. The solution must be covered with a lid and left for at least 30 minutes. The broth should be cooled and strained.

Take orally: in case of exacerbation - 2 times a day, a quarter of a glass. The duration of treatment is about 5 days; at chronic form illness – 10 days, 4 times.

The cut will heal quickly

Grind the husks to a powder. If you receive minor wounds, as well as if diaper rash occurs, it is recommended to sprinkle the resulting powder on the affected area.

How to cure a boil without surgery

Make a dough from onion peels, plantain, honey and flour soaked in water. The dough should have a fairly thick consistency. A flat cake made from such dough is applied to the boil and fixed. After a few hours the cake needs to be changed.

Within 2 days the boil opens without causing pain.

Treatment of diseases of the mouth and throat mucosa

After straining, you can use it. At follicular sore throat You need to add a teaspoon of sage herb to the decoction. Cooking according to the same scheme.

How to get rid of eczema and fungus

Add more onion peels to the broth. Lubricate areas with severe eczema with onion solution. If eczema is on the head, then, in addition to local lotions, it is necessary to rinse your hair after each wash.

For fungal infections of the fingernails or toenails, it is recommended to steam the affected areas for 25 minutes.

ABOUT there won't be a trace of calluses left

Fill a glass jar with onion peels; you can compact it to fit more. Pour 9% table vinegar over the husks. The jar must be wrapped in parchment paper. Soak the husks in vinegar for 2 weeks.

After time, the vinegar must be drained and the husks dried. Having previously smeared the area around the callus with Vaseline, the peel is applied directly to the callus. This procedure is done at night. In the morning, after steaming your foot, try to scrape off the callus.

Onion soup for osteoporosis


Pour three glasses into a container clean water. Add grated carrots. Three onions are cut together with the husk and fried on sunflower oil. The roast is added to the pan. Parsley leaves are added, as well as celery and dill.

Everything is boiled for 20 minutes. The resulting soup is cooled and filtered. In the morning, drink 1 glass of onion soup instead of breakfast.

Onion soup for osteoporosis - recipe No. 2


Peeled and fried onions in oil are poured with a liter of water. The husk is also placed there. Everything is boiled for 15 minutes, without adding salt. After cooking, the husks are discarded. The prepared soup is designed for three days of treatment.

Onions can be used to prepare not only medicine, but also very delicious dishes, I suggest you wonderful recipe French cuisine: FRENCH ONION SOUP

All my life I've been learning something. Completed courses: Alternative medicine. Modern cosmetology. Secrets of modern kitchen. Fitness and health.

The benefits and harms of onion peel tea have long been studied by enterprising housewives. It turns out that the husk is no less valuable than the onion. And the value is manifested not only in the ability to color hair without harm to health. Onion peel tea is excellent natural medicine and cosmetic product.

Affordable and inexpensive medicine continues to conquer the world

Beneficial effect

Golden husk has wide range medicinal properties:

  1. has a beneficial effect on the immune system, has a general strengthening effect on the body
  2. effectively suppresses colds, is considered an excellent preventative against viruses
  3. exhibits antihistamine properties, that is, relieves allergy symptoms
  4. improves the condition of capillaries and other blood vessels, preventing the development of atherosclerosis
  5. Having a diuretic effect, it removes toxins and salts from the body and relieves swelling
  6. thanks to antiseptic property removes inflammatory processes in organism
  7. stimulates blood circulation
  8. tones and rejuvenates the body as an antioxidant
  9. reduces arterial pressure
  10. removes headache and pain in women during PMS
  11. has a beneficial effect on vision, slowing down the processes associated with its loss

It would not be superfluous to mention the cosmetological effects of onion peel tea:

  • stimulating the exfoliation of dead skin cells,
  • acceleration of the healing process of abrasions, frostbite or burns (natural antiseptic),
  • restoring elasticity to the skin, smoothing out facial wrinkles.


If a product is beneficial, this does not mean that you should not expect troubles from it. Onion peel tea can cause harm:

  • hypotensive patients for their ability to reduce blood pressure,
  • persons with individual intolerance to certain onion substances,
  • for those who are allergic to onions.

Yes, there are only a few such patients, but they do exist. As it turns out, hypoallergenic onions, which are also antihistamine, may itself cause an allergic reaction! Let us remind you that this is extremely a rare event, practically a phenomenon!

Cooking methods

Classic infusion

IN pure form Not every gourmet will decide to drink onion tea. Still, beautiful burgundy drink with golden tints the taste is not as pleasant as the color. However, you don’t have to choose between aversion to a specific smell and health. The choice is obvious. Considering the numerous reviews on the forums, noting beneficial effect onion tea on the body, you will have to be patient.

For brewing tea classic recipe you need to collect the peels from 3-4 medium-sized onions, which you need to pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Infusion time is from 30 minutes.

Literally before our eyes, the infusion acquires a characteristic tea color. And it turns out that if you carefully remove the husks, then most people, seeing a glass in front of them, will be 100% sure of its contents - weak black tea. Hence the name.

On a note! There is no need to add sugar or honey to the infusion. On improvement taste qualities These ingredients won't have any effect anyway. Tea doesn't get any tastier.

Additives for onion tea

Having considered the question of how to prepare tea from onion peels in its pure form, we will dwell in detail on recipes that can at least slightly dampen the far “non-tea” onion aroma and at the same time bring additional benefits.

The established opinion - the husk is equally combined with any type of tea leaves - green or black leaves has a right to exist. This is true. It remains to add that, in combination with other herbs and spices, onions provide a noticeable healing effect.

Traditional list of ingredients used to prepare onion tea:

  • lemon,
  • rose hip,
  • pine needles,
  • black currant,
  • Linden,
  • mint,


Recipe with lemon

Forget that prevention and treatment spring vitamin deficiency- a costly event. A cocktail of lemon juice and classic onion tea (1:2 ratio) will help cope with the disease with minimal losses.

At the same time, the citrus aroma will muffle the smell of onions, which can be attributed to the obvious advantages of the drink, although the cocktail will lose color - lemon juice will significantly lighten the infusion from the husk.

Vitamin natural remedy drink half a glass 2 times a day. Not on an empty stomach! After 21 days the course is stopped.

Attention! Simultaneous use of pharmaceutical vitamin preparations and cocktails can lead to harmful overdose results. Correct solution- refuse one of the means.

Recipe with rose hips

To prepare tea, place a handful of thoroughly washed onion peels and 1 tablespoon each of rose hips and black currants in a teapot. Next, pour boiling water over the collection. After half an hour, add honey and drink as regular drink. The smell of onion in the drink is invisible.


So as not to bother high pressure, just drink onion tea prepared according to the classic recipe. However, if you cannot tolerate the taste and aroma of the drink in its pure form, you can add a strong natural flavoring to it - pine needles.

On a note! Infusions of pine needles are recommended in folk medicine to strengthen the cardiovascular system.

So, they prepare healing tea based on onion peels, rose hips and young pine needles (in a ratio of 2: 3: 4 tablespoons).

This collection is thoroughly washed, poured with half a liter of water, boiled over low heat for 10 minutes and left to infuse for at least 6 hours (preferably in a thermos).

If necessary, the tea leaves are removed, and the tea is drunk in several doses - 2 or 3 times a day, a third of a glass (200 ml) half an hour before meals.

Attention! Any treatment requires a certain course. Do not drink onion peel tea for more than 21 days.

High body temperature - fever

During ARVI, it is very useful to prepare and drink a glass of tea three times a day. next collection. Pour boiling water (500 ml) into 2 tablespoons of linden blossom, onion peel and honey. After 20 minutes, strain and take orally.

The wonderful properties of honey and linden in the fight against colds have long justified themselves, and onion peels will only enhance their effect and have a general strengthening and anti-inflammatory effect on the sick body. Recovery will come much faster.

Summing up what has been said, I would like to dwell on one more ability of onion peel tea - to relieve symptoms seasonal allergies. To achieve good results, you need to start preparing and drinking tea about 2 months before the allergen plant begins to bloom and at the same time take breaks between courses of 5-10 days.

Appreciate the onion skins and be healthy!

All materials on the website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any product, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

Hi all!

Yesterday I read a book about amazing properties onion peel.

I have known for a long time that onion peels are used in gardening, in cosmetology for improvement, in everyday life for cleaning dishes...

I also remember from my pharmacology course that onion peels are used to produce medical supplies, improving the elasticity of blood vessels.

This is where my knowledge ends...

But, as it turned out, this is far from full list beneficial properties of onion peel...

Let's talk in more detail about treatment with onion peels.

From this article you will learn:

Onion peels for 100 diseases

A little history

It is known that Slavic sorcerers used it as a medicine.

Traditional medicine also confirms that onion peel decoctions are very good as an expectorant, laxative, diuretic, choleretic, antimicrobial, and vasoconstrictor.

A decoction of onion peels is useful for hypertension and atherosclerosis, and its aqueous infusion has beneficial influence on the functioning of the heart, promotes the removal of excess chlorides from the body.

Rinses and lotions made from this decoction are good for eczema of the scalp.

In eastern countries, onion peels effective remedy for skin diseases.

For this, bandages are made with boiled or baked onions, and onion peel powder can be used to sprinkle on cuts, shaving wounds, diaper rash and abrasions.

What is included in the composition of onion peels and makes it so useful?

Here's what modern scientists say about this.

  • Onion peels contain flavonoid glycosides - substances with healing properties.
  • It has been experimentally proven that onion peels contain a rich set of macro- and microelements: potassium and calcium, magnesium and iron, manganese and copper, zinc and chromium, aluminum, nickel, lead and boron (almost the entire periodic table of elements), which are so lacking in the human body.
  • As well as the substance quercetin, which has bacteriostatic activity,
    anti-edematous, antispasmodic, antihistamine, anti-inflammatory effects; antioxidant, diuretic.

Treatment with onion peels - Recipes for onion peel products

This is what the recipes from the reference book of traditional medicine based on onion peel suggest.

Onion peel elixir for immunity

Onion peel is included in the anti-cold elixir to boost immunity.

  • Pour a handful of pine needles into an enamel bowl with two liters of water, add one tablespoon of onion peels crushed into flour
  • Place this whole potion on low heat and boil for 15-20 minutes. Then add 2 tbsp. spoons of mashed rose hips and let it boil a little more.
  • Now remove the pan from the heat and wrap it in a blanket.
  • You can pour the broth into a thermos.
  • Infuse healing agent should be at least -12 hours.
  • Then it must be strained and brought to a boil again, cooled and stored in the refrigerator.
  • Drink half a glass every day.

Treatment of oral diseases with onion peels

One more healing effect Onion peel can boast of its ability to effectively treat oral diseases (stomatitis, periodontal disease)

  • To do this, 3 tablespoons of chopped onion peels are mixed with 1 teaspoon of sage leaves.
  • Pour 0.5 l hot water and bring to a boil and leave for 8 hours.
  • Strain and rinse your mouth several times a day.

Onion peel for a runny nose

Onion peel easily overcomes a runny nose, both allergic and cold.

To get a healing remedy, you need to pour 4 tbsp into boiling water. spoons of chopped onion peel and breathe over the steam for 3-5 minutes.

No more nasal congestion.

How to treat cough with onion peels

With the help of onion peels you can also fight dry cough.

  • Pour 2 tbsp. tablespoons of husk with two glasses of water and let the broth boil for 15 minutes over low heat.
  • Take half a glass three times a day 30 minutes before meals.
  • Another recipe for severe cough: Boil the peels from 2 onions in 1 liter of water until half the liquid remains. Cool the resulting broth and strain.
  • Drink it with honey 3 times a day, half a glass.

Onion peels for kidney disease and cystitis

An infusion of onion peel helps with nephritis, cystitis, pyelonephritis and other diseases of the kidneys and bladder.

  • Take 3 teaspoons of crushed husks, brew with two glasses of boiling water and let steep for 30 minutes.
  • At acute cystitis take the medicine ¼ cup 2 times a day for 3-5 days.
  • For chronic cystitis - 2 tbsp. spoons 3-4 times a day for 10 days.

Onion peel for angina

  • 5 tbsp. Mix tablespoons of finely chopped pine or spruce needles with 3 tbsp. spoons of chopped rose hips and 2 tbsp. spoons of onion peel.
  • Pour the mixture with 700 ml of water, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 15 minutes.
  • Leave the resulting broth to steep overnight, wrapped in something warm.
  • Strain and drink 1.5-2 liters per day instead of water.

Onion peel for atherosclerosis

And the tincture saves from atherosclerosis: 2 tbsp. spoons of chopped onion peels pour 200 ml of vodka. After a week, strain and the medicine is ready.

It should be taken 20 drops with one tablespoon of unrefined sunflower oil 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

The course of treatment is 14 days. Then a 10-day break is required, after which the course can be repeated.

Onion peel for fungal diseases

A tincture of onion peels with vodka can be used to lubricate the affected areas of nail fungus.

  • To get the medicine, 8 tbsp. spoon of onion peel, pour 0.5 liters of vodka.
  • Leave for 10 minutes and strain.
  • Lubricate the affected nails with the tincture 2-3 times a day.

More ethnoscience in order to get rid of fungal diseases, it is recommended to steam your feet or hands in a strong hot solution of onion peels for 20-30 minutes.

Treatment of calluses with onion peels

  • Place onion skins in glass jar and fill with table vinegar.
  • Seal the jar with parchment paper and let the potion brew for two weeks.
  • Then drain the vinegar and dry the husks.

Now the treatment itself, which is best done at night: lubricate the skin around the callus with Vaseline or another greasy emollient (for example, baby cream), put a 2-3 mm layer of peel on the callus and put on a knitted wool sock.

In the morning you need to steam your foot and carefully remove the callus.

Repeat this procedure several times and they will disappear.

Using onion peels for boils

  • The mechanism for preparing the medicine is simple: first, the husk is soaked in boiling water, then it is thoroughly mixed with crushed plantain leaves in a 1:1 ratio
  • Add honey and flour to the resulting mass until it reaches the consistency of a thick dough.
  • A cake made from it is applied to a boil or a long-term non-healing abscess and secured with a bandage or adhesive plaster.
  • Usually a boil or abscess opens painlessly after 1-2 days. After the procedure, the skin should be wiped with alcohol or vodka.

Cracked heels

These same cakes are good for healing deep cracks in the heels. The same miracle ointment is applied to long-term non-healing and festering wounds, and they clean well and heal quickly.

Treatment of seizures with onion peels

Onion peel decoction - excellent remedy to get rid of night leg cramps. Brew a pinch of husk in 1 glass of boiling water and drink at night.

A restful sleep without cramps is guaranteed!

This is such a useful, seemingly useless, onion peel. Indeed, it’s not for nothing that they say: “Onions are a friend of seven ailments.”

Do not throw it away, but collect it in a bag, chop it and store it in a dark, dry place. Onion peels can be stored for many years without spoiling.

Video about the benefits of onion peels

Be sure to watch this video about beneficial features onion peel.

How do you use onion peels to take care of your appearance? Share your experiences, tips and tricks.

Alena Yasneva was with you, see you again!!!

In medicine, everyday life and other areas, onion peels are often used, the benefits and harms of which are associated with its components. It includes many mineral and vitamin compounds. Little is known about the benefits of this raw material, but a decoction based on onion peels has been used in everyday life for many centuries.

What is the composition?

The use of the husk of this vegetable is due to its composition, which is truly unique. The main biological components are quercetin and carotene. They belong to the group of immunomodulators with strong effect. By the way, the first substance is also a very strong antioxidant that slows down tissue aging. Onion peels contain a large amount of iron, potassium, and calcium salts. In addition, there are substances from the group of flavonoids and phytoncides. It also contains vitamins E, PP, group B, ascorbic acid.

The peel has cellular structures of oblong shape. It contains a minimum of cell sap, and cell membrane is a very strong cellulose. The husk owes its beneficial properties to the cell sap. This liquid turns into water during boiling: this is how a medicinal decoction is prepared based on such raw materials. The husk is not used in medicine in its raw form. More medicinal properties There is an alcohol tincture based on the husk.

Onion peel, the beneficial properties of which have been known since ancient times, is used in medicine in the form of decoctions and infusions. following purposes:

  • to eliminate boils and ulcers - prepare oils and ointments;
  • for the treatment of skin diseases;
  • to eliminate hair problems;
  • against sore throats and colds;
  • against allergies;
  • for headaches and insomnia;
  • to strengthen the immune system;
  • for wound treatment open type;
  • as a prophylactic against heart disease;
  • for the treatment of pathologies of the digestive tract.

A decoction of onion peels has a tonic effect. Active substances quickly enter the bloodstream, so home remedy immediately begins to act on the body.

Medicines made from onion skins

To prepare onion broth, you need to add water to the peel. There should be 2 times more liquid than dry raw materials. Boil the mixture over low heat for 15 minutes. When the product has cooled, strain it and use it for lotions, rubbing, or orally. The liquid can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 6 hours.

Water infusion onion skins are prepared in the following way. You need to pour a couple of spoons of crushed raw materials into 40 ml of boiling water and boil the composition for 20 minutes. Then cool and filter.

Alcohol tincture is also extremely useful. It is necessary to fill a glass bottle 1/5 part with onion peels, which have previously been crushed. Now you need to fill the container with 200 ml of vodka or diluted alcohol. The product will have to be infused for a week in a darkened room, and then strained and stored in the refrigerator. It is impossible to keep the tincture like this for a long time, since quercetin gradually begins to break down, and the onion peel, the medicinal properties of which are based largely on this compound, becomes less useful. This tincture is extremely healing for the flu. It is necessary to dilute 20 drops of the product in 1/2 cup warm water(it must be boiled). Therapy lasts no more than a week.

You can also make oil from onion peels. It is necessary to fill dry raw materials with sunflower or olive oil. It is allowed to replace them with castor oil. Keep the composition in a dark place for a couple of weeks: this is enough for the product to infuse. Then all that remains is to strain. The resulting ointment should be stored in a dark glass jar in the refrigerator. This oil is recommended for use on calluses, boils, and fungus. You can also mix this oil infusion with eucalyptus oil in a ratio of 10:2. This composition is recommended for use against colds and flu. It is necessary in the morning and evening time carry out inhalation procedures.

No less useful is the ointment, which is prepared based on onion peels. It is necessary to grind it into powder and mix it with pork fat, any baby cream or Vaseline. The container should only be made of glass or ceramics. It should always be closed. Place the jar in the refrigerator. The ointment is recommended for use for various skin problems, including fungus.

You can make tea from onion skins. A pinch of product is enough for a cup of raw materials. Then wait 10 minutes and drink like regular tea. It is recommended to drink this drink before bed. It helps with cramps, insomnia, headaches, varicose veins veins It also improves vision, relieves eye fatigue, and is used for hypertension.

For osteoporosis, onion soup is prepared, including using the husks of the root vegetable. You need to pour 2 cups of water into the pan. Then add chopped carrots, 3 onions along with the peel. They should first be fried in sunflower oil. Then pour dill, celery and parsley into the pan. Boil for no more than 20 minutes. Drink a cup of soup in the morning, replacing breakfast with it. For osteoporosis, this is recommended home therapy lasting at least a month.

Using onion peels at home

Onion peel is a natural dye. Can be processed fresh decoction items made of wool or linen: they will have a brownish tint. Before Easter and Krasnogorka, eggs used to be painted, and this ingredient was used to give them a golden or brownish hue.

The liquid was also used to cover gray hair. This dye is completely natural: it not only does not harm the hair and skin, but, on the contrary, is very useful. It is not surprising that since ancient times people have been preparing decoctions based on the husk, which are then used as hair rinses. They are also added to shampoos. Such products treat weak and dry hair, strengthen it, and prevent hair loss. Hair masks are also prepared from this product.

Onion peels, oddly enough, are used in cooking. It improves the taste of the dish and gives it a beautiful golden hue. The decoction is considered very useful: it is added to broths and soups. The lard is also soaked in brine, which is prepared using this ingredient. The husk is brewed as tea and lemon and honey are added to it.

Cooled onion broth is a good fertilizer. It is used to feed various plants. The liquid enriches the soil with various minerals. In addition, the product is also used to prevent and eliminate fungus. In spring, many people begin to fight various pests in their gardens and vegetable gardens. A decoction based on the husk can also be used for this. It is not only effective, but also completely safe for humans. House flowers can also be irrigated with this composition to eliminate pests and fertilize the plant. It is enough to water with this decoction only once a month.

Onion peels can be used to store the grown crop. Usually vegetables quickly begin to become rotten. To prevent this, you need to pour more husks into a cardboard box, and then put the fruits there. Then sprinkle with husks again, and then arrange the vegetables in layers.

Harmful onion skins

Unlike onions, the husk of this root vegetable practically does not cause side effects. Vegetable scales retain valuable active biological components even if stored for a long time. During this time, it does not lose its medicinal properties even when stored in an unfavorable environment.

Despite the usefulness of onion peel, it also has a number of contraindications that must be taken into account. They are as follows:

  1. Organ diseases digestive system who are in the acute stage;
  2. Individual intolerance to the product;
  3. Increased tendency to blood clotting;
  4. Allergy.

Because of this, the use of onion peels is limited.

Onion skins contain a lot of quercetin. This is an active substance that promotes blood thickening. In this regard, the use of onion peels is contraindicated for people who suffer from increased blood clotting. If such recommendations are not followed, its use may cause significant harm.

Onion peelings should be used carefully by women during pregnancy and lactation. This is due to the possibility of developing allergic reaction. It could also be individual intolerance components that make up the product. To avoid harm during pregnancy and breastfeeding, you should first consult a doctor.

The golden skin of onions is used as aid during the treatment of various diseases. Infusions and decoctions alleviate the condition of patients if you adhere to all the rules and recommendations given by a specialist. The harm from the husk to the human body is insignificant, even if you use homemade medicine in large quantities. But it is best not to self-medicate, but to consult a doctor in advance.


Onion peel refers to the yellowish-brown dry scales of the root vegetable. Its use is very popular in various fields- and not only in medicine, but also in everyday life. But, despite the fact that the product has virtually no contraindications, you must first consult a doctor before using decoctions and infusions based on such raw materials.

I can’t count how much has been written on this topic, and yet I decided to publish it, especially since I myself have been drinking husks brewed in a teapot for several years now. And I will say that I have started to get sick less often, I almost never succumb to colds, and I almost never get headaches, despite the fact that I have hypertension. And then I met him on OK (writes Travel Staff) and decided to copy and paste, - suddenly, someone else will decide, from those who have not yet decided. I highly recommend it!!! Brew loose leaf tea as usual or put your favorite tea bag in the teapot, but be sure to add a handful of dry yellow onion peels, by the way, I also add dry garlic peels, and, believe me, there is absolutely no taste of onion or garlic. You will see for yourself, a very pleasant taste, nothing more.

Here's what the Road Staff writes: - Every morning I brew a bag of tea with onion skins for two years now.As a result, the following stopped:

Leg cramps -100%;

Daily headaches (consequences of meningitis 1986) - 90%;

Subcutaneous hemorrhages in the area of ​​the foot and calf muscles, as a result of which the legs were up to the knees red-blue color -100%,

Blood pressure decreased slightly.

Guys, it works - I tested it on myself for 2 years. The effect became noticeable in the third month of using onion tea - leg cramps stopped and headaches began to bother me less often. A year later, the “red leggings” on my legs disappeared. I will drink the decoction all my life, I hope it will prolong it too. Yes, one more thing I should note: I drive a truck 10-11 hours a day. From stress, my eyes were as red as a rabbit's, my vision began to deteriorate sharply - I changed my glasses every year. I started drinking “onion tea” - the redness went away by 90%, and now it’s been three years since I changed my glasses.

I suggest reading Ivan Egorov’s cool story about ONION HUSK.Believe me, it deserves your attention and time.

I would like to draw your attention to the whole spectrum valuable properties onion peels that we so thoughtlessly throw away. If you knew what you were throwing away, you would never do that!

My grandmother had beautiful hair that adorned her head with a thick cap, and she never had any dandruff, because she washed her hair with a decoction of onion skins. And you don't need to paint. The decoction is prepared very simply: pour a handful of husks into a glass of water, boil for 5-10 minutes and cool to a pleasant temperature.

Mom cooked soup, using onions only in the peel. Not only does the soup take on an appetizing hue, but it becomes much healthier thanks to the onion skins. It is very useful to add a pinch of onion or garlic peel to the teapot when brewing black or green tea.

While working at the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, I learned how much useful stuff is contained in this “waste” product. For example, substances that tone up cardiac activity, increase immunity, not to mention expectorant, laxative, diuretic, choleretic, antispasmodic, antiseptic, anticancer and many other properties.

Hypertensive patients can drink onion peel tea every day to significantly improve their health. This was also tested on my friends who are saving themselves from hypertension this way.

There's one more thing wonderful property onion peel: a decoction from it helps remove excess sodium and chlorine from the body, and this is very important for heart patients. Mom, when they tell her about various cleansing methods, always laughs: why bother, they say, when you can drink a decoction of onion peels, which has been used in traditional medicine for centuries.

It's been six years since I got rid of leg cramps. I suffered, especially at night, terribly. The onion peel saved me.Here's what to do. Place a pinch of onion peel in a glass of boiling water and let it brew for 10 minutes. Then remove the husk and drink the resulting golden drink at night. When I woke up in the morning, I couldn’t believe that I slept peacefully and my leg didn’t bother me. Since then I have been drinking onion tea every evening.

So why are onion peels so useful? What healing substances are present there?

Studies have shown that garlic and onion peels contain 4% of the antioxidant, bioflavonoid - quercetin. A natural biologically active substance that belongs to the vitamin P group. Active substance- Quercetin is an aglycone of rutin.

This wonderful and noisily famous substance today is also associated with apples. They, along with onions, garlic and green tea, are considered the main source of quercetin. And since most of us need quercetin in higher doses for one reason or another, we need to get it from all these sources and, if possible, daily. The famous Dr. Atkins considered quercetin the best antihistamine and prescribed it to his patients suffering from in different forms allergies.

However, most doctors know it as a means of prevention cardiovascular diseases. People who consume a lot of quercetin have a significantly lower risk of heart attacks and strokes and the likelihood of developing blood clots.

If you take a piece of garlic scales and look under a microscope, you will find cubic crystals of quercetin arranged in rows. Onion scales have needle-shaped, pale yellow crystals, arranged in rows along the veins of the scales. It is very important. Since quercetin is an antioxidant, it is more effective in this crystalline form. This is what his role is based on. biological clock. While it is active and does not allow oxygen to reach the growing point of a clove of garlic or onion, it will not germinate. Are at rest. Therefore, a decoction of onion and garlic scales should not be stored for a long time. It's better to use right away. I'm not even talking about the drugs that are offered in pharmacies.

The year 1996 can rightfully be called the date of the second birth of quercetin; in particular, quercetin is of greatest interest as an anticancer agent, not only preventive, but also therapeutic. According to some scientific research, it stops the development of leukemia and inhibits the growth of breast tumors.

It was in 1996 that the article “Phase 1 clinical trials of the flavonoid quercetin: pharmacokinetics and evidence of tyrosine kinase inhibition in vivo” was published in the journal Clin.Cancer Res. (1996, 2, 659), in which it was shown that that quercetin truly has unique property recovery in cancer cells functions of the p53 gene. It is mutations of the p53 gene, which normally causes cells that have “turned” to the cancer path to commit suicide (apoptosis), that are responsible for the occurrence of 50 - 60% of cases of neoplasms. By rehabilitating the p53 gene, quercetin helps in the treatment of breast cancer, prostate gland, large intestine, lung, brain, lymphosarcoma, lymphogranulomatosis. The antiviral activity of quercetin has been proven, which makes it possible to use it for the prevention and complex therapy of a number of viral infections. At certain levels of entry into the blood, quercetin reduces the rate of release of histamine and other biologically active substances from mast cells, basophils, neutrophils and macrophages, thereby providing an anti-inflammatory effect. Quercetin also slows down the formation of many products that accompany inflammation through its participation in metabolism fatty acids, forming certain enzymes. As a result, the formation of leukotrienes, which have a 1000 times stronger inflammatory effect than histamine, is reduced and can provoke the development of bronchial asthma, ulcerative colitis, row skin diseases, such as atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, etc.

The property of effectively binding histamine and histamine-like substances allows the antioxidant to be successfully used in complex therapy of various arthritis, rheumatism, systemic lupus erythematosus, ulcerative colitis, hay fever and other allergic diseases. The antioxidant prevents the formation of ulcers and hemorrhages on the walls of the stomach and intestines caused by external stimuli; normalizes the functioning of the nervous, immune and endocrine systems.

pharmachologic effect

Quercetin reduces capillary permeability and increases resistance vascular wall, dilates blood vessels, lowers tone smooth muscle, has antispasmodic property. Quercetin is used when there is increased permeability and fragility of capillaries in hypertension, atherosclerosis, rheumatism, hematological, infectious and other diseases; damage to capillaries during treatment with anticoagulants, arsenic, bismuth, thiocyanates; as an auxiliary and prophylactic agent for vascular complications atherosclerosis (myocardial infarction, stroke, retinopathy), with radiation therapy and radiosurgical treatment method malignant neoplasms. Quercetin is a remedy with which you will get rid of both your diseases and the causes that cause them.

Main action:

. antioxidant- quercetin protects cell membranes by blocking the action of the enzyme aldose reductase, responsible for the development late stages a number of diseases, and free radicals exogenous and endogenous origin, inhibits the aging process of skin cells, cornea, and myocardium.

. increases vascular tone(veins, arteries, capillaries) - quercetin, having an antioxidant and membrane-stabilizing effect on connective tissue blood vessels, stabilizes

cell membranes, reduces the permeability of their walls.

. antiallergic- quercetin prevents the production of histamine and serotonin (allergy mediators), reduces swelling during hay fever and other allergies.

. antiatherosclerotic- Quercetin is more effective than vitamin E in eliminating the potential threat to the heart posed by cholesterol. It protects low-density lipoproteins from oxidation, reducing the likelihood of their accumulation in the walls of arteries and the entire vascular system.

Regular consumption of quercetin will significantly reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

. cardioprotective- quercetin improves myocardial function, as it increases the energy supply of cardiomyocytes, due to its antioxidant effect and improves blood circulation, as it prevents blood thickening, reducing the likelihood of blood clots, and inhibits the synthesis of thromboxane.

. hypotensive- quercetin normalizes blood pressure when neurocirculatory dystonia, at coronary disease heart, angina pectoris.

. immunostimulating- quercetin increases the activity of phagocytes, T- and B-lymphocytes, increases the production of antibodies, which reduces symptoms secondary immunodeficiency, incidence of acute respiratory infections viral infections: facilitates adaptation to hypokia in children who often suffer from ARVI.

. anti-inflammatory- quercetin blocks the lipoxygenase pathway of metabolism arachidonic acid, prevents the production of leukotrienes, reducing the risk of developing inflammatory processes.

Quercetin prevents the formation of inflammatory substances in the body, causing pain, at rheumatoid arthritis, colitis.

. regenerative- quercetin promotes accelerated healing wounds due to periodontal disease, erosive and ulcerative diseases of the mucous membrane oral cavity And upper sections alimentary canal; purulent-inflammatory diseases of soft tissues caused by taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs; influences the processes of bone tissue remodeling.

To slow down the aging process

Conclusion: Before throwing away onion or garlic peels, think

- is it worth it!



2023 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs