How does a laceration heal. Treatment of various types of open wounds on the leg, their features, how to avoid unwanted complications

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Violation of the integrity of the skin and mucous membranes, which is formed under the action of a rupture, when the ability of the skin to stretch stops - this is called a laceration.

Such a lesion occurs with damage to muscles, blood vessels, nerve fibers and is accompanied. The boundaries of the wound are uneven, sometimes significant skin detachment and scalping are noticeable. In this case, only surgery, but in any situation it is clearly necessary to provide first aid as soon as possible.

What is a laceration

Violation of the integrity of the skin occurs at an acute angle, as a result of a blow with a heavy object, areas of exfoliated skin are formed. Such damage is characterized by shallow depth and torn edges. The resulting wound does not gape, however, the exfoliated skin flap often has large area, its complete separation is possible.

Causes of lacerations:

Blood from such an injury follows to a lesser extent than, for example, with cut wounds, but they are more polluted, since the fall often occurs on gravel, asphalt.

If the hair as a result of a torn injury gets into moving mechanisms, scalping of the scalp occurs with partial or complete detachment of the skin.

Scalping of hands or feet occurs during an accident if the limb gets under the wheels of vehicles.

Most often, such injuries are received by motorcyclists, cyclists, summer residents, fishermen or hunters.


The degree of damage inflicted directly affects how pronounced the signs are. Very often, the damaged area becomes infected, as dirt, fabric from clothing, glass fragments, small pebbles, and sand get into the wound.

Immediately after receiving a laceration, a person feels sharp pain. In some cases, the scalped piece hangs from the surface, complete or partial detachment of individual foci occurs.

Symptoms of a torn type injury:

  • The borders of the lesion are of an irregular patchwork shape, crushed;
  • At the bottom of the wound, a fatty layer is noticeable, a little less often muscle fibers or tendons;
  • Subcutaneous hematomas are formed;
  • Sensitivity around the damaged area is disturbed.

IN rare cases these wounds are combined with other types of injuries, such as fractures of the arms, legs, spine, craniocerebral injuries, fractures of the pelvic bones, rupture of internal organs.

First aid for lacerations

To help the victim with lacerations, you need to follow a few basic points, just as with other injuries.

Stop bleeding

The victim needs before the arrival of the ambulance medical team. To do this, it is necessary to determine the amount of blood loss and the type of bleeding.

If the blood does not flow out of the wound much, it is enough to press the vessel with your fingers.

With massive bleeding and in the case when the exact localization of the laceration cannot be determined, it is necessary to apply a tourniquet or a tight pressure bandage.

If there is no medical tourniquet nearby, stop the nearest car and use car first aid kit. You can also use a thick fabric, scarf, belt, scarf for or twist.

Keep the tourniquet on the damaged area in the summer for no more than 2 hours, winter time no more than 1.5 hours.

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Treatment of a laceration

Being at home as part of the treatment of a lacerated wound, it is necessary to exclude further infection - the damaged focus should be treated with any antiseptic. It is best to use 3% hydrogen peroxide for this, it creates a rich foam on the surface, which helps to expel dirty elements.

After treatment with peroxide, the wound must be dried with a sterile gauze swab and the borders of the injury should be treated, capturing healthy areas of the skin.

You can treat the edges of the injury with any alcohol solution: brilliant green, iodine solution, alcohol or vodka.


The next step is to bandage the damaged area in order to maintain sterility after treatment.

Small lesions are isolated with a sterile napkin and adhesive tape. Extensive injuries should be bandaged with sterile material or a clean cloth.

Treatment of lacerations

An injured person should be quickly taken to the hospital, where he will be provided with qualified assistance.

First aid for a lacerated wound in an outpatient setting:

  • Minor injuries are treated on an outpatient basis;
  • The surface is abundantly washed with antiseptics, non-viable edges swell, drain or sutured;
  • With a successful outcome suture material removed on day 10;
  • If the wound is infected, it is washed, if necessary, opened and expanded, freed from purulent contents, non-viable tissues are removed, drainage is used without suturing.

Victims who have extensive torn surfaces are subject to hospitalization in traumatology. It is likely that these patients have traumatic shock they need urgent anti-shock measures. The earlier the measures are taken, the more favorable the prognosis.

In the intensive care unit, the condition of the victim, the nature of the injury, the severity of the injury are taken into account. The patient is given active anesthesia, all measures are used to restore blood circulation, cardiac activity, and respiration.

Qualified doctors for serious lacerations:

In the phase of healing and epithelialization, patients undergo general strengthening treatment, dressings are carefully made using antibacterial drugs which further enhance tissue regeneration.

If the injured area is very extensive and a large skin defect is observed, free skin grafting or plastic surgery with a displaced flap is performed.

Drugs and antibiotics for lacerations

Eliminate the possibility of the wound moving into purulent stage and warn various complications possible with antibiotics.

In order to prevent complications of injury, specialists may prescribe following groups antibiotics for lacerations:

  • Antibiotics penicillin series- Amoxicillin, Ampicillin, Benzylpenicillin, Ampiox, Oxacillin;
  • If the pathogen is resistant to penicillin, cephalosporins are prescribed - Cefamisin, Cefalexin, Cefazolin;
  • Macrolides are used if the pathogen is resistant to both penicillin and cephalosporins. These are drugs such as Erythromycin, Macropen, Spiramycin, Roxithromycin;
  • In some cases, a tetracycline series of drugs is prescribed - Minocycline, Tetracycline.

Most often in the absence allergic reactions antibiotics from the penicillin series are prescribed, their use causes the least harm to the body.

Consequences of injuries and healing time

Ragged injuries after healing leave large flaws on the skin. To prevent this, immediately after first aid and wound cleansing, skin grafting is done.

Skin plasty methods:

  • The operation is done on extensive wounds with a clean bottom and starting healing. The graft is taken from the front of the thigh or from the abdomen. The flap is applied to the wound, straightened on the surface, sewn along the border. Then superimposed pressure bandage to press the flap. Healing takes place in 2 weeks;
  • The method of a displaced skin flap is used for granulating lacerations after infection is eliminated, the wound bed is cleared of necrosis, microcirculation and blood flow are restored.

The essence of the method of displaced skin flap is that the skin defect is replaced by a piece of skin from neighboring areas.

Before the operation, the surgeon draws up a plan of movement, depending on the shape of the damaged surface. Most often, counter pieces are used in the form of rhombuses or triangles. The graft takes root within 10 days.

Ointment for the treatment of lacerations
(drug with powerful regenerative action

  • Stellanin - quickly clears the wound
  • Significantly speeds up healing

Treatment of lacerations is always difficult medical problem. The walls of such wounds are uneven, the edges of the wound are disconnected and far apart from each other. Almost every laceration terms treatment is delayed, and this is fraught with many complications.

For treatment, it is necessary to use drugs with a powerful antimicrobial and regenerative effect in order to prevent infection and suppuration from developing.

So what if:
a) The laceration was received recently.
b) The wound was received a few days ago, but healing does not occur, suppuration has begun.

a) A recent laceration

Stop the bleeding, treat the wound with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution, grease the edges of the wound with iodine (or alcohol). If possible, see a doctor for debridement.
If this is not possible, then all measures must be taken so that the wound does not fester, the inflammation does not spread to adjacent tissues.

For treatment of lacerations applied ointment Stellanin, developed jointly with scientists from the Institute of Surgery. Vishnevsky (Moscow) and the Russian Academy of Sciences for the treatment of skin and soft tissue wounds inespecially difficult cases.

Along with a pronounced antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect, Stellanin ointment is currently the only drug with STRAIGHT stimulation regeneration processes.

b) A lacerated wound was received a few days ago and its suppuration began

If possible, consult a doctor, he will conduct surgical treatment wounds. If this is not possible, then for getting rid of a festering wound recommended ointment Stellanin-PEG.

Thanks to the hydrophilic excipient(polyethylene glycol), which is part of the Stellanin-PEG ointment, the wound quickly cleared of purulent contents. Simultaneously eliminated pathogenic microorganisms, inflammation is blocked, regeneration is stimulated.

Note #1:When treated with Stellanin-PEG ointmentextensive lacerationsthere is a rapid drying of the wound, which affects the affected nerve endings. To get rid of possible pain, it is recommended to treat the wound with Lidocaine solution before applying the ointment. Open the ampoule and moisten the surface of the wound, allow the preparation to be absorbed and then apply Stellanin-PEG ointment.

Note #2: At the final stage of treatment (when the wound has cleared of pus and inflammation has been eliminated)use Stellanin ointment 3%. Vaseline, which is part of the ointment, softens the newly formed skin, and the active pharmaceutical substancestimulates the restoration of damaged tissues.

Stellanin - a drug with a powerful regenerative effect

First of all, Stellanin has the widest antimicrobial spectrum actions - it is active against bacteria, fungi and viruses. Stellanin can be prescribed for any infection and be confident in the effectiveness of treatment, because. its action extends to gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, anaerobes, fungi, viruses, "atypical" bacteria, protozoa.

It is especially important that all causative agents of wound infection do not possess to Stellanin neither natural nor acquired resistance.

And most importantly, we succeededovercome processes that inhibit cell divisionV big wound. Stellanin directly activates regeneration(both by stimulating the expression of genes of vascular growth factors VEGF-A and VEGF-B, and by multiple activation of mitochondrial functions, which leads to an increase in the energy supply of cells and tissues).

High efficiency the drug was confirmed by leading Russian scientists:

"Already in the first day treatment of wounds with Stellanin-PEG ointment, there is a positive trend in the healing process, inflammation decreases ... Young cells with a high level of metabolic processes". From the Report approved by the Director of the Institute of Surgery. A.V. Vishnevsky academician of RAM H V.D. Fedorov.

Conducted at the Research Institute of Surgery. A.V. Vishnevsky study showed that during the treatment festering wounds ointment Stellanin-PEG2.4 times faster sprouting of capillaries increases by 7.5 times the number of fibroblasts in the wound - the main cells involved in the restoration of the damaged skin.

According to the combination of properties, today Stellanin-containing ointments have become the best drugs for the treatment of complex wounds, as evidenced by high level their clinical effectiveness.

Reviews about the treatment of wounds with Stellanin

Hello. Thank you very much. The treatment has almost passed (a small scab remained on the wound). The wound did not heal for a long time, it was about 6 cm long and 1 cm wide. Now everything is almost overgrown, a huge THANK YOU to the developers of ointments (I used two: Stellanin and Stellanin-PEG). Stellanin took 1.5 tubes, and St. Peg - half. Sincerely and Best wishes O.L.

Oleg Leonidovich B. (St. Petersburg)

Drug Effects STELLANIN ® :

  1. BLOCK UP INFLAMMATION - interferes with the synthesis of inflammatory mediators - prostaglandins. As a result of a decrease in the level of these mediators, inflammatory process, eliminated pain and swelling.
  2. RESTORES BLOOD SUPPLY OF AFFECTED TISSUES – Stellanin activates vascular growth factors vegf-A and vegf-B (rapidly restores the affected blood vessels in the wound).
  3. STIMULATES SKIN REGENERATION – C tellanin repeatedly activates the function of mitochondria and increases their size. This mechanism determines the direct effect of Stellanin onwound healing,regeneration of healthy skin.
  4. HAS HIGH ANTIBACTERIAL ACTIVITY V against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, as well as aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms.

A laceration on the leg or other parts of the body is a fairly common type of injury that requires immediate medical attention and surgical treatment.

Causes of damage

Mechanical damage to skin tissues under the influence of a blunt solid object, is determined in medical terminology, How laceration. Typical features this phenomenon jagged edges protrude, severe bleeding, violation of the integrity of muscle tissues, nerves, blood vessels, causing intense pain.

The depth, size and shape of the injured area of ​​the musculocutaneous layer largely depends on the type of object, the strength of the blow. Risk factors that can provoke the appearance of a defect are:

  • violation of safety regulations in production;
  • household injuries;
  • car accidents;
  • falling from a height;
  • animal bites;
  • criminal incidents.

The prevailing amount of injury occurs with people who are engaged in extreme sports, hunting, fishing. Children are also at risk. younger age. Any improper handling of specialized equipment or equipment can lead to damage to soft tissues and skin.


The severity of symptoms in the event of a wound with torn edges is determined by the strength and shape of the influencing factors. Quite often observed comorbidities in the form of severe fractures of the human skeleton. Depending on the area of ​​damage, the following may be affected: zone chest, skull, limb bones, spine. Localized exposure can lead to injury, rupture of internal organs.

lacerations have characteristics and are accompanied by pronounced symptoms:

  • intense pain sensations;
  • infection of the damaged area;
  • asymmetrical shape of the edge of the damaged area;
  • exfoliation of skin tissues;
  • bruises, hematomas;
  • heavy bleeding;
  • dizziness, fainting;
  • development of signs of traumatic shock;
  • apathy, anxiety.

One of the varieties of lacerations is a head injury. Due to hard hit scalping occurs in the area of ​​hair growth. Injury is accompanied by pain syndrome, bleeding and disturbances in the psychological state.


Therapeutic activities include full complex restorative and therapeutic actions, considering what kind of wound was inflicted, the degree of damage:

  1. Anamnesis. Doctor in without fail finds out the type of object, the statute of limitations of the injury and the amount of emergency measures taken.
  2. Objective examination. The condition of soft tissues, mucous membranes in the area of ​​traumatic impact is assessed. Indicators are determined blood pressure, the state of the main vessels. If necessary, urgent resuscitation treatment is performed.
  3. Lab tests. Before the beginning surgical intervention standard research in a laboratory is required. Implemented: general and biochemical analysis blood (blood group, glucose level, Rh factor is determined), analysis for HIV, AIDS, RW, hepatitis markers, urinalysis.
  4. Instrumental examination: radiography, fluorography, electrocardiogram. In some cases, a doctor may need to perform a computerized or MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) to determine the appointment and find out how to treat the victim.

In the case of the development of pathogenic microflora, a pronounced reaction of the body is observed. Increased inflammation in the affected area is accompanied by necrosis and swelling of the tissues surrounding the wound. It is also possible to increase the temperature and the level of pain.

Emergency Medical Events

A cut wound requires an immediate response, first aid and treatment. taken in time, right action prevent complications and infection.

A lacerated wound, like other types of damage, should be treated in a certain sequence:

  1. Minimize blood loss. First of all, you will need to take measures to stop the blood, then determine the amount of loss. You can stop the process by clamping the artery in the area of ​​injury. The use of a tourniquet, or finger pressure, depends on the extent of the lesion. In case of massive blood loss and the absence of a tourniquet, any dense fabric, improvised items (scarf, belt) are used. There are certain rules for applying a bandage to stop blood loss. In summer, the tourniquet can be performed for no more than 2 hours, in winter - no more than 1.5 hours.
  2. disinfection measures. The wound must be treated disinfectants. Hydrogen peroxide, antibiotic ointments and solutions will help prevent infection. Pain can be relieved by using painkillers. Greatest Efficiency reach injections directly into the wound.
  3. Bandage application. Final stage emergency pre-medical to ensure the sterility of the damaged area. After treatment of a lacerated wound, in the presence of small areas of injury, it is possible to isolate the wound using a patch. In case of severe damage, a sterile bandage or gauze cut will be required.

Therapeutic measures

The treatment of lacerations in medicine is conditionally divided into two fundamental techniques, which are based on general condition victim and degree of damage:

  1. Conservative (traditional) treatment. Small areas of traumatic lesions do not require surgical intervention. The patient must strictly adhere to the prescription of the attending physician. In the trauma center, the wound is treated, if necessary, drainage and suturing are installed. Recovery period will go faster, if you perform regular events seam care.
  2. Surgical technique. Extensive lesions require immediate surgical intervention. In case of traumatization of internal organs, large areas of soft tissues, primary treatment is initially performed. Operational treatment impossible with state of shock the patient, therefore, is first brought out of the crisis. The wound heals quickly enough only when created right conditions, full care and antibiotic therapy.

It should be remembered that facial injuries, a wound to the lips, can have irreversible consequences. It is important to handle hazardous household appliances and tools with extreme caution. In order to avoid the risk of complications and life-threatening consequences, in the presence of a laceration, medical attention should be sought immediately.

Skin is a protective shell human body. A wound is a damage to the skin, that is, a defect in the protective shell. No one is immune from this type of injury. Therefore, it is important to know how to provide first aid in the presence of a wound and what measures should be taken in order to avoid consequences.

Causes and consequences of open wounds

Due to mechanical impact on the skin sharp objects high risk of an open wound. An open wound is unsafe in any of its forms and can lead to disastrous consequences if the problem is not localized in time. You can get injured in living conditions, at work, during an accident or a walk. The cause of the injury is the impact on the skin with a knife, a fragment, paper or a rupture of the skin during open fracture.

There is no definite data on who has greater risk get hurt, as it can cut itself like Small child as well as an adult.

The wounds are different from each other, but with improper care even small wound leads to backfire. First of all, it is severe blood loss, blood poisoning, the risk that the internal organ is damaged, the state of shock in the victim, as well as the development of anemia as a result of bleeding.

It is dangerous for human life and requires medical intervention.

Symptoms and types of open wounds

Symptoms of injury depend primarily on the type of injury. Small scratches that hardly touch the mucous area do not cause concern to people, they quickly heal without the help of specialists, often without even leaving a trace of themselves after a while. But there are types of wounds that require increased attention.

Signs of injury are:

  • the presence of bleeding;
  • pain;
  • mechanical appearance of damage to the skin layer;
  • lack of proper functioning of the limbs;
  • skin layer defects.

Wounds are divided into cut, stab and jagged damage. Wounds to be received surgically, will be called operational injuries. For each there are characteristic signs that will help you choose the method of treatment and therapy.

An incised wound has smooth edges. Just like with other open wounds, bleeding is observed during the cut. It can be severe or moderate depending on the location of the injury.

A lacerated wound is distinguished by jagged edges. For a stab wound, the depth is more important than the width of the wound, since this type is obtained with an awl, rod, or other long object with a sharp edge.

The degree of injury is determined by the depth, width of the wound, as well as the presence of damage not only to the skin. Muscles, tendons, or important internal organs are often affected.

Despite the fact that at first glance the wound seems harmless, the victim may experience severe blood loss, or an infection will get into the wound, which will complicate the therapy procedure. Therefore, first of all, measures should be taken that will reduce the risk of complications.

First aid

An important step in the treatment of an open wound is the provision of first aid to the victim. If there is no one around, you can give first aid to yourself. Handle open wound it is necessary in order to exclude or reduce the risk of infection getting into it, as well as to reduce the unpleasant symptoms that occur when an injury occurs. You need to know how to properly treat the wound site.

One of the main points of first aid is to clean the wound from foreign bodies. This is required when there are fragments, bullets or parts of a traumatic object in the damaged area. This should be done only with clean hands or with treated tweezers.

You can treat the tweezers and hands with an alcohol-containing solution, but if this is not available, wash your hands well with soap and water. After foreign objects have been removed, the wound itself should be washed. You only need to rinse clean water. After washing, treatment with a disinfectant composition will be required.

Basically, for these purposes they use: hydrogen peroxide, miramistin, brilliant green, iodine. It is important to consider that it is allowed to treat the edges of the wound with iodine and brilliant green in order to reduce the risk of infection. In the damage itself, their entry should be excluded, since they greatly dry the skin and do not allow to fully receive air for speedy healing.

Once the wound has been treated, the next step is to apply a bandage. The bandage should not be applied to an open wound without using a patch, since when the bandage is removed, the bandage will stick to the damaged area, and its removal will cause a lot of inconvenience.

In the case of an open fracture, if fragments of bones are observed from an open wound, you should not try to set them yourself, just cover them with a treated napkin or apply a disinfected cloth and go to a specialist.

If necessary, apply a tourniquet above the wound to stop heavy bleeding, for the same purpose is used cold compress. The tourniquet should not pinch the blood flow too much. In case of bleeding from a vein, a tourniquet is applied below the injury.

It is necessary to minimize the risk of infection in the blood, and also to prevent severe blood loss.

After providing first aid, a visit to the doctor is required.

Treatment of an open injury

Depending on the type of wound, the doctor prescribes the appropriate treatment. The wound may be weeping or purulent. First of all, the doctor directs the patient to pass certain tests. If there is an infection in the body, then the treatment will be different. The use of antibiotics is mandatory, since an injury makes the human body vulnerable to microbes.

Treatment of open wounds mainly requires surgery, but this factor depends on the degree of damage. In order to avoid the development of infection, surgeons recommend vaccinating against tetanus, after which, if there are flaps of the skin on the damaged area, they are removed, and the wound is sutured if necessary.

Such a need arises if the wound does not heal on its own in short term, it is deep or too wide. Vaccination in this case is necessary, so you should not refuse it.

If the victim is diagnosed with an open weeping wound, the task of the doctor is to reduce the amount of discharge. Discharge from the wound promotes healing, but due to their large amount, blood circulation in the vessels worsens. For the treatment of this type of injury, it is required to treat the damaged area and change sterile dressings every 5 hours.

In order to facilitate the removal of bandages, a solution of furacilin is used. After the old bandage is removed, it is required to treat the defective area with a liquid antiseptic. Another way to treat a weeping wound is to use specialized ointments. For example, Streptocid ointment or Fuzidin are suitable. In this case, the ointment is applied together with a bandage or a swab dipped in it is used, and the wound is treated at a certain time.

Purulent wound therapy

The situation is more complicated with the therapy of a purulent wound. The presence of pus in the injured area indicates that an infection has entered the wound. With each treatment of the damaged area, it is required to remove purulent accumulations. In more extensive cases, doctors will install a drain that will allow the pus to be pumped out continuously.

The treatment of such an injury is carried out once a day, using special powders that will help stop the development of the infection further. Trypsin and Chymopsin powders are diluted with novocaine, and bandages are moistened with this solution. Napkins soaked with this composition are laid directly into an open wound. If the injury is too extensive, medicinal powders pour into the wound without the use of napkins.

For each case of a purulent wound, doctors use certain kind therapy and medicines that suit the individual case. For example, it is believed that Vishnevsky's ointment helps with a purulent wound if the wound has an identified Staphylococcus aureus, then Baneocin ointment is often used.

If there are no exact indications for its use, then Dioxidin ointment is used. It is considered universal both in the treatment of a simple purulent wound, and in the case of a complicated wound in the presence of infection. It is also possible to use Levomikol or Levosin.

To speed up the healing process, specialists sometimes use nitrogen, as well as ultrasonic waves.

Folk methods of therapy

In the absence of complications, big size or depth of injury, as well as in the absence of signs of infection, you can use folk recipes to help the wound heal faster.

If there is a dry, shallow wound suitable remedy prepared from equal proportions of aloe juice, rosehip oil and sea buckthorn oil. You can also use a freshly cut aloe leaf. To do this, cut the sheet along and attach to the wound. This method helps to get rid of pus.

You can wash the injured area with willow bark or a decoction of plantain and St. John's wort.

Sometimes a decoction of chamomile, calamus, eucalyptus leaves, calendula and yarrow is used. To do this, you need to collect all the necessary components, pour boiling water over them, then let it brew, and you can wash the wound with them.

You should not use funds without the recommendation of a specialist, you also need to monitor your health and if rashes or other reactions of the body appear, you should abandon the chosen method. Do not treat a serious defect without contacting a specialist.

It is important to remember that any serious injury requires timely provision of qualified assistance.

To do this, if there is a suspicion of serious injury, infection or increased risk for the health or life of a person, you should contact surgeons.


Most often, after the treatment, rehabilitation is not required. It is only necessary if the doctor establishes some prohibitions. First of all, this applies to those wounds that are located on the limbs. After therapy, you should not lift anything too heavy, as this can provoke a second rupture of still fragile and not restored tissues.

The regeneration period for each person is different and takes a different amount of time. During this period, it is better to refuse trips to water bodies and work in places with dust and dirt. These rules should be followed until the complete healing of the injured skin area.

At the same time, one should not forget about regular visits to the surgeon to control the healing process and receive necessary recommendations. Violation of safety regulations during the recovery period threatens with serious consequences.

In order to avoid injury, you need to carefully handle sharp, piercing, cutting objects. Including glass shards. Be sure to follow the safety precautions at work, where you can get this type of damage.

Even a small, at first glance, wound should not be ignored. If the integrity of the skin is broken, this is a reason to consult a doctor. Do not self-medicate in case of serious injuries. At home, you must also observe sterility and caution, even in relation to small defects.

Timely, competently provided first aid, as well as correctly prescribed treatment, is the key to a quick recovery and avoiding complications. It is rare for anyone to avoid getting injured, since it is impossible to insure one hundred percent, so you should be careful, and when you get injured, you should not postpone a visit to a specialist.

muscles human body, in case of violation of integrity, are able to independently recover. If an open wound on the leg is treated in time from dead cells, a new healthy tissue begins to grow in their place, gradually closing the wound hole.

The healing process of an open wound on the leg takes place in three stages:

  1. Independent primary cleansing, in which blood flows abundantly into the wound cavity.
  2. Inflammation that begins after injury provokes tissue swelling. Leukocytes are massively formed, contributing to the cleansing of the wound site from dead cells.
  3. The final stage is characterized by the formation connective tissue, which gradually tightens the edges of the wound, forming a scar.

Injury classification

Wounds on the leg are divided according to the following criteria:

  • Violations of the tissue surface (penetrating and non-penetrating). The former are characterized by damage to the integrity of the joint membrane, in the latter case, the skin and subcutaneous muscles are susceptible to injury.
  • The presence of an infection of unclear, purulent, aseptic origin.
  • The change in the wound cavity depends on the type of object that caused the violation of the integrity of the tissues.

Open wounds are:

  • Stab - the depth of penetration is greater than the diameter of the superficial wound.
  • Carved - characterized by an extensive entrance, but shallow depth.
  • Chopped - are distinguished by a deep wound, often with bone damage.
  • Torn - obtained by breaking the skin and muscle layer. The characteristic wound surface jagged edges, the epidermis is absent in places.
  • Gunshot - degree of damage muscle tissue depends on the type of weapon.

First aid

If a lacerated wound is received on the leg, it is advisable to take the victim to the doctor, after first providing first aid. From the right pre-medical actions depends on the rate of injury healing, prevention purulent inflammation wound cavity, sometimes even human life.

Instructions on how to treat an open wound at home:

  1. If there is bleeding, then it must be stopped. The injured leg should be raised so that the foot is above the level of the head. If the artery is damaged, it is recommended to pinch the vessel with a finger and apply a tourniquet, recording the time of manipulation.
  2. The wound on the leg should be disinfected with antiseptics: 3% hydrogen peroxide, furacilin solution (1 tablet per 100 ml boiled water), a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate. You can crush the tablet "Streptocide" into powder and sprinkle the affected area. IN last resort you need to treat the wound with brilliant green or apply a thin layer of anti-inflammatory ointment on it.
  3. Fragments of a foreign object present in the wound cavity must be removed with tweezers treated with alcohol. If the fragment is large and the wound is deep, it is better not to touch anything and provide assistance to a specialist.
  4. Cover the injured surface with a sterile napkin and apply a tight bandage.
  5. If a bone in the leg is broken, or a joint is broken, it is necessary to ensure that the limbs are immobile by applying a splint from improvised material.

How to make a dressing

It is recommended to change the bandage on the leg daily, for this it is necessary:

  • Remove dressing material. If the bandage is stuck to the wound, soak the scab boiled water with the addition of an antiseptic, which is available: furacilin solution, hydrogen peroxide and others.
  • Wash the edges of the wound on the leg with warm boiled water, disinfect with brilliant green or alcohol solution calendula, chamomile, St. John's wort. If the surface is contaminated with auto-lubricating mixtures, it should be used for hygiene procedure refined gasoline. Processing is carried out with gauze balls. Iodine should not be used because of the high risk of burns.
  • Examine the inflamed cavity for the presence of pus, fragments foreign objects. Large deep-seated fragments are not recommended to be removed independently. It is safer to contact medical institution to provide qualified assistance.
  • If purulent contents have formed on the surface, it is recommended to clean the wound gauze swabs, drenching each only once.
  • In case of suppuration inside, cleaning should be entrusted to a surgeon in order to exclude the consequences of inflammation, up to blood poisoning and fatality. How to properly treat a purulent injury can only be known by a doctor who will make an appointment, combining medicines for external and internal use.
  • after cleansing, cover the wound surface with sterile material and fix with a gauze bandage.

When is it necessary to visit a doctor?

The patient should be shown to a specialist if:

  • the integrity of blood vessels, tendons is broken;
  • it is necessary to sew up a deep wound;
  • stab wound, with infection;
  • the bone is damaged, the joint is broken;
  • the leg does not perform functional movements;
  • the person is in shock.

If the wound surface is contaminated with earth, it is necessary to treat the leg with an antiseptic to prevent suppuration. Be sure to get vaccinated against tetanus.

The formation of a purulent wound is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • an increase in body temperature;
  • throbbing pain at the site of inflammation;
  • the occurrence of a tumor.

Treatment of an open wound on the leg must be carried out under the guidance of a doctor, strictly following all his prescriptions and recommendations. sew up deep incised injury should be no later than six hours after the injury. If there is a suspicion that the wound is infected, then stitching is not recommended. Zones high risk infection - the upper third of the thigh, the sole of the foot.

What to do at home to speed up the healing of an open wound on the leg:

  • daily dressing, each time treating the injured area with an antiseptic and applying a sterile napkin;
  • lubricate treated area wound healing ointments after consulting with your doctor.

It should be remembered that therapeutic fat-based ointments applied to the wound surface in a thick layer can cause inflammation and the formation of pus.

A variety of open wounds on the leg are considered trophic ulcers that occur with varicose veins lower extremities. Endocrine diseases provoke the formation of weeping injuries, diabetes. People suffering from these diseases should be especially careful.

Why open wounds take a long time to heal

Usually, rapid healing prevented by the following reasons:

  • high sugar content in tissues;
  • subcutaneous layer of fat;
  • decline vitality with anemia, iron deficiency;
  • skin diseases.

Folk methods for the treatment and treatment of an open leg injury

It happens that in time to receive a timely medical care fails. In this case, you can start treating an open wound using folk recipes.

When choosing how to treat the wound surface, it is recommended to use medicinal plants with disinfectant action. These include:

  • water decoction or alcohol tincture calendula, birch buds, wormwood.
  • leaflets indoor plants- Aloe or Kalanchoe. Remove the thin skin and apply the fleshy side to the wound, fixing it with a bandage or plaster.
  • Bee honey, smeared with it thin layer wound surface, place a sterile napkin on top and make a dressing.
  • Yarrow greens should be chewed until smooth and applied to a cut or stab shallow wound.
  • Treat the affected area with celandine juice.

The following folk remedies help speed up the treatment of a wounded limb:

  • Ointment made according to the recipe of Valentina Seymova. Spread a thin layer of ointment on the injured surface overnight. Do not apply a bandage.
  • St. John's wort. Fill a dark glass container with dry or fresh flowering St. John's wort by ¾. Fill to the brim with refined sunflower oil, insist in warmth and darkness for three weeks. Smear the resulting composition on the wound 3-4 times a day until healing.
  • Wormwood, coltsfoot, plantain, calendula. Make lotions on the wound surface from the infusion on the water.
  • Plantain leaves. Apply to the wound with a smooth side, fixing with a gauze bandage.

How to treat an open wound on the leg, the patient himself chooses, but it is advisable to consult a doctor before that so as not to harm your health. During treatment, it is desirable to supply the diet with vitamins to speed up the healing process. It is recommended to additionally drink multivitamins.



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