What are the benefits of cashew nuts for men? Cashew nuts: benefits and harms, methods of use in cooking, recipes

Thanks to the rich good taste Cashews have become a popular snack. Cashew or Indian nut tree ( ), from the family Sumacaceae, on which nut buds are formed, grows on the coast of northeastern Brazil. Now they are grown in other countries with tropical climates, for example in Africa, South-East Asia and India.

Another bright representative of the family Sumakhovs- sumac spice. You will learn about its beneficial properties.

Reliably protected from external influences With the seed pod, cashew nuts are attached to the lower part of an overgrown pear-shaped stalk. This edible stalk is called apple-I think.

Walnut shells are unsuitable for food because they contain strong allergens - phenolic resins that cause skin irritation. But from it they obtain caju oil (cardoil), which is valued in medicine and technology.

Apples seem to be varied in color scheme. There are yellow, orange or red. They are juicy with tasty, slightly sour flesh. Like our apples, they are used to make juices, jellies, jams and wine.

Collection and processing requires significant labor costs, since the seed pods have to be collected daily. They are thoroughly cleaned and then fried. After roasting, the box opens easily and the nuts are removed. This process is carried out manually and requires special care and attention.

The nutritional value

Cashew nuts - source large quantity energy. They contain proteins, carbohydrates, antioxidants, fiber, many vitamins and minerals, and monounsaturated fats.

Per 100 g of product: 30.19 g carbohydrates, 18.22 g protein, 3.3 g fiber, 5.91 g sugar, 43.85 g fat. Calorie content – ​​553 kcal. Vitamins and minerals: 5.31 mg vitamin E, 37 mg calcium, 6.68 mg iron, 593 mg phosphorus, 292 mg magnesium, 660 mg potassium, 5.78 mg zinc, 2.19 mg copper, 0.42 mg thiamine, 1.06 mg niacin and 0.06 mg riboflavin.

Beneficial features

  1. Protection for the heart. Nuts do not contain cholesterol. But in them you will find unsaturated fatty acids, such as oleic acid. It reduces triglyceride levels in the blood and improves blood circulation. Since cashews are rich in antioxidants, they reduce the risk of heart disease.
  2. Bone health. Regular consumption of cashews ensures strong bones and healthy teeth due to additional intake of magnesium and calcium.
  3. Anti-cancer properties. Nut proanthocyanidins have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Cashews have been proven to prevent the growth and proliferation of cancer cells. Large amount of copper (219% daily value per 100 g) reduces the risk of developing colon cancer. This trace element is also involved in the production of melanin and strengthening of joints.
  4. Help with weight loss. It is a mistake to think that loving cashews leads to gaining extra pounds. On the contrary, they help you lose weight because they speed up your metabolism. And thanks to the fiber found in nuts, you will feel full longer. Read more in this article.
  5. Pressure control. High pressuredangerous condition fraught with damage blood vessels, heart attack and stroke. Exist medicines for supporting blood pressure normal, but safer and more natural let - healthy image life and balanced diet, consisting of foods rich in potassium and fiber, including cashews.
  6. Thanks to high level dietary fiber Cashew nut is useful for regulating digestion and stool.
  7. For diabetes. Nuts normalize blood sugar levels in patients with type 2 diabetes. Fiber and magnesium contribute to this. Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats Cashews reduce cell resistance to insulin. Important role Antioxidants play a role in preventing diabetes.
  8. Against stress. Magnesium, tryptophan, and omega-3 fatty acids improve mental health. For example, tryptophan causes the brain to produce more serotonin, thanks to which the state of health stabilizes and the ability to healthy sleep. All listed substances found in cashew nuts.
  9. Healthy liver. Copper - important mineral, necessary for the breakdown of fats. Its deficiency increases the risk of heart disease and leads to fatty liver. Eating cashews helps replenish the lack of copper in the body.
  10. Strong teeth are another beneficial property of Indian nut. Calcium, magnesium and phosphorus strengthen teeth, while other bioactive compounds in cashews destroy bacteria that cause tooth decay and gum disease.
  11. High cholesterol often leads to the formation of stones in the gallbladder followed by inflammation. Characteristic symptoms: severe abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting. Eating cashew nuts reduces the risk of gallstones.

In cooking

Cashews are used in baking confectionery. This can be a filling for a pie or baklava, a filler for ice cream and other desserts.

Among vegans, nut butter for sandwiches is popular, its consistency is similar to.

Roasted and salted cashews have an original taste. They are served as a snack.

Chopped nuts add the necessary density to sauces and soups with a creamy texture.

Possible harm

Despite great benefit, cashews can also be harmful to health.

  1. Allergic reactions. Usually this is a mild rash or irritation, but in rare cases anaphylaxis is possible. Symptoms of allergic shock: swelling of the throat, itchy skin, rash, nausea, vomiting and low arterial pressure. If you notice one or more of these symptoms after eating nuts, seek immediate medical attention.
  2. Stones in the kidneys. Nuts contain plant oxalates, which combine with calcium to form stones. People prone to such diseases should reduce their consumption of this product.

If you take a closer look at the 11 health benefits of cashews we've discussed today, you won't need any further reasons to include these nuts in your diet.

How often do we eat different products, we don’t even think about how beneficial or harmful they are to the human body. As a result, there arise various diseases, it’s not for nothing that they say: “We are what we eat.” Therefore, if you already have diseases (especially chronic ones), or you feel periodic ailments, be sure to reconsider your diet.

And in this article we will look at a product such as cashew nut, beneficial properties and contraindications.

Origin of cashew

This nut was first discovered in Brazil, and today it grows in many warm countries, such as Indonesia, Thailand, Nigeria, India, Vietnam, and the countries of South and Central America. The fruit itself has two parts - soft, very similar to an apple (which is why the nuts are also called “cashew apple”), and hard, that is, the nut itself. The soft part is also eaten, but it must be eaten immediately, since it is stored for no more than a day (therefore, it is not transportable to other countries, and you can only try it where it grows). From such an “apple” you can make compote, juice, jelly, and alcoholic drinks.

But the hard part, cashew nut, can now be bought in any supermarket. Everyone knows that the fruit has many useful substances, he has excellent taste qualities, so it can be added to various culinary dishes. Next we will look at other information about and contraindications for this product.

Calorie content and composition of nuts

So, what can we say about the calorie content of this nut? Can I use it while losing weight? What beneficial substances does it contain? You can immediately say that it contains much less fat than almonds or walnuts. But much more carbohydrates, proteins, fiber, starch and natural sugar. Cashews also contain vitamins B, E and PP, various minerals (zinc, iron, magnesium, sodium, calcium, potassium, manganese, copper, selenium). This nut is one of the foods that has a large amount of Omega-3.

Thus, you can provide your body with the above substances if you include cashew nuts in your diet. The beneficial properties (the norm per day of such a nut should be only thirty grams), which we will discuss below, allow you to establish various functions in the human body, and also resist many diseases.

medicinal properties

Now let’s take a closer look at what beneficial properties and contraindications it has. First let's look at positive aspects. Now all over the world this product is recommended to be included in the diet by dentists, since scientists have identified special substances in its composition that can fight against harmful bacteria, destructive tooth enamel. African healers use crushed nuts to treat already diseased teeth, as well as inflamed gums.

For women and men are that it has a positive effect on reproductive organs thanks to the presence of vitamin E. That is why some experts consider this nut an aphrodisiac that stimulates sexual desire. However, this particular quality has not been proven.

Cashews are recommended to be included in the diet of people suffering from skin diseases such as eczema, psoriasis or others that arise due to metabolic disorders. Even if you don't have similar problems, daily use nuts is a good prevention. If you want to get rid of warts, dermatitis or cracks on the skin, then a decoction of cashew shells will help you.

The product strengthens the body's immunity well. If you eat nuts daily in small portions, your body will gain good resistance infectious diseases and other ailments. In addition, your blood cholesterol will normalize, and excess harmful and unnecessary cholesterol will go away. And all this thanks to unsaturated Omega-3 fatty acids.

Other positive properties Cashew nuts are a tonic, antiseptic, antibacterial and antimicrobial effect. Where they grow, the fruits are used not only for pure form, but also in decoctions. They help with almost all respiratory diseases (bronchitis, asthma), and are also useful for influenza and some inflammatory processes.

Cashews are prescribed to improve health of cardio-vascular system, as well as in the presence of diabetes mellitus or stomach disorders. There's one more thing interesting property nuts - this is their use during weight loss, as well as weight gain. The product is well absorbed and saturates the body with everything it needs.

Cashews against cancer

It should be noted that cashews have positive influence on the body if it is affected by a cancerous tumor. The product has anti-carcinogenic activity due to polyunsaturated fatty acids. In addition, cashews contain proanthocyanidin, which has the ability to suppress tumor growth factor. Moreover, it is not found in other nuts, so oncologists recommend including cashews in the diet as a cancer prevention measure. Of course, it will not cure the disease, but it can prevent it.

Why do women need these nuts?

Women should definitely eat cashews, because normal functioning reproductive organs need to get everything necessary substances, which this nut is so rich in. If you have painful menstruation or premenstrual syndrome, then regular consumption of the product will reduce pain (thanks to the large amount of magnesium). It is also recommended to eat it if your body receives heavy stress (physical or emotional).

Nuts have a positive effect on women's skin thanks to the presence of nicotinic acid, vitamin E and Omega acid. Therefore in cosmetical tools Oil from this fruit is often added. Let's also look at what other beneficial properties and contraindications cashews have. Pregnant women are often advised to consume this fruit. In addition to receiving necessary substances, the product stabilizes blood pressure and heart function, prevents anemia, helps form the child’s bone skeleton and maintain immunity at the proper level. However, keep an eye on your condition. If these nuts cause allergies in you, then you should not include them in the menu.

Harm of cashew nuts

In this article we look at the beneficial properties and contraindications of cashews for women and men, as well as for children. In principle, there are few contraindications. The most important thing is individual intolerance components, that is, allergies. It is also recommended to reduce the dose of nuts if you have kidney disease, as this product contains oxalates that can crystallize in large quantities, resulting in an increased risk of kidney stones. This also applies to those who already have osteoporosis.

Separately, it should be said about an overdose of nuts. In this case, you may be slightly poisoned, that is, you may experience nausea, diarrhea, swelling, zooi and other symptoms. Therefore, eat no more than the recommended dose per day. You should also not eat unprocessed nuts, as they have a toxic film (this is advice to those who see a fruit growing on a tree and decide to pick it). Cashews are processed by specialists who know how to do it, so the fruits are already on sale, ready to eat.

Where can you use cashew nuts?

We have studied in detail what the cashew nut is, its beneficial properties and contraindications, its effect on human body. Now we should tell you where you can use this product. Nuts are often used in cosmetology in the form of oils and extracts, adding to various masks, shampoos, creams and so on.

Cashews are also added to various dishes as flavoring agent. For example, in salads or deli meats. Great option- adding nuts to various confectionery. The fruits can simply be rolled in honey or glaze.

How to choose and store nuts correctly

Having examined cashews in detail, the beneficial properties and contraindications of nuts, their use can be said that they are kept cool. In the refrigerator, storage time increases to several months, and in the freezer - up to a year. Nuts lose in heat healing properties, begin to taste bitter and become unfit for consumption. Therefore, when choosing cashews, be guided by their color. They should be whole and uniformly golden brown in color.


So, we have studied what useful properties and contraindications cashews have. Photos of this product are also presented in our review. Remember that the nuts must be roasted. Also, you should not be zealous in consuming them, so as not to spoil your stomach.

Cashew nuts can be called a gift from nature, the benefits and harms of which are now increasingly becoming a topic of discussion among nutritionists and culinary specialists around the world. The benefits and harms of cashews are the subject of debate that has been going on since ancient times, when eastern doctors, despite disagreements, used it not only as prophylactic, but also as a cure for diseases.

Cashew fruits have been considered since ancient times as an excellent stimulant. mental abilities Therefore, they were forbidden to be eaten by the poor. For wealthy nobles, cashew nuts were a constant component of their diet.

The homeland of cashews (“yellow fruit”) is Brazil. Other names for the nut are Indian and Anacardium occidentalis.

Why is cashew valuable?

Currently, despite its high cost, this product is very popular among lovers of oriental delicacies.

Consumers are attracted not only by the benefits of cashews, but also by the fact that this nut helps to stay for a long time well-fed, maintain normal physical and mental indicators. The rich composition of cashews gives this product not only this property.

Despite the fact that cashews have beneficial properties, there are also contraindications for the use of this product for a certain category of people. However, in the product characteristics more readings Why cashews are beneficial, in contrast to how dangerous they can be for the body.

For cashew fruits, the beneficial properties can be characterized in the following indicators obtained by it due to its unique composition:

  1. The nut is rich in vitamins of group B (B1, B2, B3), D, E, K, PP.
  2. Demonstrating the benefits of cashew nuts minerals it contains calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, copper, iron, zinc.
  3. The presence of unsaturated fatty acids in cashews, the chemical composition of which demonstrates the presence of Omega-3, Omega-6, Omega-9 in it, indicating that this fruit is very nutritious.
  4. The nutritional value of cashews is also characterized by the presence in it of: starch, dietary fiber, sugar-containing components, and antioxidants.

Cashew calories

In terms of nutritional value, cashews have the following ratio: proteins - 18 g per 100 g of product, fats - 44 g, carbohydrates - 30 g. To maintain normal body weight, it is necessary to take into account that all proportions must have the following indicators: in cashews, carbohydrates should be from 45 to 65%, fats - from 20 to 35%, proteins - from 10 to 35%. Such a diagram helps to determine the amount of cashews consumed and how much you can eat of its fruits per day.

The optimal dose of fruit consumption per day:

  • for adults - up to 12 pcs.;
  • for children - up to 8 pcs.

Raw cashews, the calorie content of which has an indicator 553 kcal per 100 g of product It is much more nutritious and satisfying than its fried version, so people watching their weight should take this into account.

How many calories are in cashews must also be taken into account by patients with diabetes, especially type 2, due to the need to regulate carbohydrates in their diet. The ability of nut fruits to suppress appetite and demonstrate a state of satiety helps people who are prone to obesity not to eat a lot of food, thereby not provoking pathological increase weight.

Roasted cashews, the calorie content of which is 542 g per 100 grams safer for those suffering from excess body weight. Those who are trying to adjust their weight need to remember how many calories are in cashew nuts and strictly regulate their consumption.

IN Lately The nut diet is very popular, in which the main component is cashew nuts, which are beneficial for them. Indian nuts are used not only in weight loss diets. Often on dietary food, which contains cashews, is used by patients suffering from gastrointestinal diseases, anemia, and heart disease.

To understand whether cashews are useful for a particular ailment as a dietary product, you should consult a nutritionist.

The nut (Italian) diet is characterized by the fact that, thanks to it, a person does not have to consume animal protein.

The nut helps the body switch to a plant-based version without stress. During the diet, you can only eat plant foods and some types of dairy foods, where cashew nuts are added. The dietary course provides for four meals a day, in which the afternoon snack should include the consumption of fruits and some nuts.

What are the benefits of cashews for the body?

The benefits of cashews for the human body are incredibly high, since the amount of nutrients in its composition helps to positively influence all processes and the functioning of internal systems.

Proper consumption of cashews helps to cope with many negative processes in the body:

  1. Thanks to Omega-3 acid, the body receives eicosanoids that regulate blood clotting processes. In view of this, the functioning of the cardiovascular system is normal, the likelihood of cholesterol plaques decreases significantly, the walls of blood vessels acquire elasticity and become much stronger.
  2. Contents in cashew fruits useful microelements helps regulate excretory processes, and thereby improves kidney function, helps with swelling.
  3. Cashew nuts, the benefits and harms of which lie in their effect on the body, can be called a universal product. While benefiting the body as a whole, they have Negative influence on processes that harm normal development body. This lies in their ability to influence cancer cells due to their antioxidant properties.
  4. The benefits of cashew nuts for anemia - for a long time known fact. The iron contained in the product has a beneficial effect on hematopoietic processes.
  5. Useful composition has a positive effect on work endocrine system, which helps strengthen the immune system.
  6. The antibacterial properties of cashews have a detrimental effect on the development and spread of bacteria in the oral cavity.
  7. Cashew helps boost speed nerve impulses, this improves brain function and stimulates a person’s mental potential, normalizes work nerve cells, helps cope with insomnia and get rid of depression.
  8. Being a strong antiseptic, cashew helps in healing skin diseases- eczema, psoriasis.
  9. Benefits of cashews for men's health

    The benefits of cashews for men are determined by the presence of vitamin E, the use of which has a positive effect on reproductive function and genital health.

    Being the strongest natural aphrodisiac, cashew is simply necessary for men, as it has a beneficial effect on potency and libido. The zinc found in the nut helps enhance sperm activity.

    A positive role in this is played by the ability of the nut to regulate the state of nerve impulses and blood circulation, which is very important for the functioning of the male genital organs.

    In addition, tryptophan is an amino acid that reduces negative properties nicotine contained in cashews helps those who abuse smoking and cannot quit bad habit. Cashews help neutralize toxins and harmful substances, which are present in nicotine.

    Benefits of cashews for women and children

    Cashew nuts also demonstrate beneficial properties for the female body. Magnesium, found in cashews, helps to positively influence the functioning of women's genitourinary system. The beneficial effects of cashew composition on blood circulation processes help normalize the condition of women with menstrual irregularities.

    Caring about appearance is a feature of women that has been inherent in them since ancient times. This ancient fruit has long been used as an ingredient in face and body products and hair washes. Currently, the cosmetology industry widely uses the beneficial properties of cashews to make its products: lotions, masks, creams, shampoos.

    The anti-aging properties of cashews, thanks to the antioxidants it contains, useful acids And unsaturated fats, as well as tonic properties give the right to consider the cashew nut one of the best means prolongation of youth and beauty.

    The benefits of cashews for pregnant women are enormous. Due to the excellent nutritional and energy composition Doctors recommend eating nuts for women expecting the birth of a baby. Proteins and healthy fats, microelements, vitamins and minerals have a beneficial effect on the development of the fetus and will help strengthen the mother’s strength.

    Cashews should be consumed strictly according to the dosage, which can only be prescribed by a doctor.

    Cashew nuts will be beneficial for children only if they are consumed correctly and not overeated, and also provided that the child is not allergic to its components and is not prone to obesity.

    To date, no harm to cashews has been identified. permissible norm its use. But nutritionists recommend that before including it in your diet, you still need to take into account the characteristics of your health.

    Benefits of cashews against cancer

    Cashews are incredibly useful in the fight against cancer thanks to the antioxidants that they contain and help remove free radicals from the body.

    The essence of their benefits is as follows. For sizes up to 1mm, cancer cell is in a state of hypoxia - oxygen starvation. So that they can provide normal height, we need conditions in which they will be enriched with oxygen. This requires a constant flow of blood. Cashew nut helps block this function, thereby preventing cancer from developing further.

    The uniqueness of this fruit lies in the fact that it is the only one of all nuts that contains proanthocyanidin, a substance endowed with the function of inhibiting growth. cancerous tumors. Even the fact that cashew nut is not a panacea in the treatment of cancer and other diseases, its beneficial components help the body fight against illnesses, as well as have an excellent preventive effect.

    Cashews should only be stored in the refrigerator or other dry place. cool room and only in a container.

    No similar news

The benefits of cashews are due, first of all, to the components that the nut contains: proteins, carbohydrates, fats (including polyunsaturated fatty acids), vitamins (A, B1, B2, B6, E), a nicotinic acid, as well as a large list of micro and macroelements: calcium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, iron, copper, manganese, selenium.

Cashew has wide range useful properties, this nut has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, tonic and restorative effects. When consuming cashew nuts, brain function significantly improves and the level of bad cholesterol in the blood, the immune system is strengthened. The anti-sclerotic effect of cashews acts as an excellent prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system, and the potassium content in nuts allows you to strengthen the heart muscle. Circulatory system also responds positively to eating nuts, normalizing blood composition (iron is necessary for the formation of hemoglobin) and reducing low-density cholesterol levels - has a beneficial effect on blood vessels, their walls, increases elasticity and permeability.

A study conducted by Japanese researchers proved beneficial properties of cashews for teeth and gums. Even in ancient times, the Indians used grated nuts to treat toothaches and bleeding gums, which they applied as a paste to painful areas.

Cashew nut, having a powerful strengthening and restorative effect, is a good prevention and support for the body in case of organ diseases respiratory system(bronchitis, pharyngitis), influenza, bronchial asthma. The content in nuts makes them excellent medicine with anemia, dystrophy. is also evident in diseases such as psoriasis, diabetes, hypertension.

In India, cashews are considered a food of goodness; they believe that this nut promotes the development of such qualities as kindness and calmness. Ayurveda experts also report that cashew is considered a passion food; it is able to “kindle the inner fire,” that is, it has aphrodisiac properties and improves sexual function. Hindus also use cashews as an antidote for snake bites. A decoction is prepared from the nut kernels, which is taken for reptile bites.

Possible harm to cashews

Since ancient times, both the benefits and harm of cashews have been known. Eating the nut raw is extremely dangerous, since under the nut shell there is a thin resinous film,
contains an extremely dangerous substance - cardol, which causes burns upon contact with skin, severe pain, the appearance of blisters. When taken inside the body, cardol causes severe allergic reaction, attacks of suffocation, swelling of the larynx. Despite the danger posed by the cashew peel, the demand for this nut is extremely high, its benefits are important to the consumer, and the harm of cashews is minimized by heat treatment nut kernels, which they must undergo before going on sale. Although heat roasting promotes the evaporation of harmful and hazardous substances, cashew stays high allergenic product, which is extremely dangerous to give to small children, and should be used very carefully by people prone to food allergies.

Nuts are one of the main sources vegetable protein, as well as fatty acids important for heart function. The most famous are pine, walnut, peanut, hazelnut and almond. However, more exotic names began to appear on the shelves of Russian stores. For example, cashews, the benefits and harms of which are unclear to most people. What value does it have for the body?

What is cashew?

This nut, whose kernel is shaped like the letter "C", comes from Brazil. It grows on an evergreen tree called Anacardium occidentalis. It is noteworthy that in botany the cashew is not considered a nut, since the hard kernel is only integral part big fruit: its second half is a large stalk, similar to a pear. Beyond the borders South America it is not included because it quickly deteriorates during transportation. However, today cashews are no longer brought only from Brazil - they have begun to be grown in India, parts of Africa and even Iran and Azerbaijan.

Main characteristics of this nut:

  • The calorie content of 100 g of cashews is 600 kcal.
  • BJU looks like it for him in the following way: A whopping 18.5g of protein, about 48g of fat and just 22.5g of carbohydrates.
  • The average weight of a peeled cashew kernel is 1.5 g.

The cashew kernel is crunchy, brittle, has a mild taste and a sweet aftertaste. In addition to simple solo consumption, it can be used to make butter and sauces; the nuts themselves are very popular in Asian cuisine.

When it comes to the effect of this nut on the body, most people begin to fear its fat content, since when you eat the first kernel you might actually think that it is high. However, nutritionists are trying to reassure everyone: cashews are much less dangerous in this matter than peanuts or Walnut. The amount of fat in it is even lower than in the recognized excellent dietary product almonds

If we talk about the benefits of cashews, it is directly related to its rich chemical composition, which contains:

  • Omega-3 fatty acids;
  • B vitamins;
  • tocopherol;
  • niacin acid;
  • selenium, copper, manganese;
  • alimentary fiber.

In addition, it was found that cashew kernels contain special substances that protect tooth enamel from destruction, since they have antibacterial properties. Some specialists alternative medicine It is even recommended to prepare a mass from crushed cashews, which should be applied to the surface of the teeth and gums. However, most dentists simply advise eating a few kernels periodically - this will be enough to prevent oral diseases.

Experts note the presence of antibacterial, tonic, antimicrobial and antiseptic properties in cashews.

Due to this, this nut is not only delicious product nutrition, but also excellent remedy to combat colds, especially giving complications to Airways. Regular consumption helps strengthen the immune system and reduce cholesterol. In addition, cashews are natural aphrodisiac and an assistant to the reproductive system of both sexes.

Externally, cashews can be used to treat skin diseases - psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis. And the shell is used to prepare a decoction, which helps heal cracks and eliminate warts. Cashew butter can also be beneficial for sunburn.

High calorie content is certainly a limiting factor that does not allow cashews to be included in the diet of those losing weight. large quantities. However, this does not mean that it is completely impossible to use for weight loss. Supporters proper nutrition consider it advisable to take a small amount (30-40 g) of cashews as a snack, preferably before lunch and not combine it with anything.

Moreover, there are even nut diets, but their effectiveness is debatable, and their positive effect on the body is also debatable, since excessive consumption Eating any nuts leads to a surplus of fats in the body and puts a lot of stress on the liver. Even as fasting day Such power supply schemes should not be used.

Can cashews be dangerous?

First of all, cashews can cause harm if you buy them unpeeled. The outer shell has chemical composition toxic substances: these are cardol and anacardic acid, which provoke irritation skin. For this reason, all cashews that go on sale must be cleaned and also calcined to evaporate harmful resins. Some experts even advise rinsing purchased kernels and calcining them in a frying pan or baking tray at home for additional security.

We also must not forget about the high calorie content, which can be dangerous in case of obesity. In addition, most nuts, including cashews, are strong allergens - if you plan to introduce it into baby food, do it carefully. And people who have problems with the liver and excessive release of bile should try not to overuse cashews and not introduce them into the diet for a long time. permanent basis: due to the large amount of fat, it can have a choleretic effect.

How to choose good nuts?

Never buy cashews from top shell- This main advice given by experts. There is a risk that you will not be able to properly rid the kernels of toxins, and then they will seriously affect your health. In addition, the quality of a product can only be assessed by its edible interior. A good cashew should be:

  • Light (with brown tint– for fried).
  • Dry - neither oiliness nor shine is allowed.
  • Uniform in color - no spots, unless these are areas of overcooking.
  • Whole – crushed pieces can go rancid faster, but whole pieces can be stored for up to 3 months.



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