The appearance of moles. Why do new moles appear?

Considering a variety of reasons for their appearance, at all times people agreed on one opinion - this is a special mark left on a person’s body by kind or evil forces. The question of why moles usually appear on the body was considered by ancient priests and shamans. A newborn's mole in different religious movements was equally regarded as a sign of divine favor and as a mark of diabolical powers. After all, the appearance of moles on the body as neoplasms itself various etiologies can lead to a wide variety of consequences for their owner. Today, clinical dermatology examines the problem of when moles may appear from various points of view. First of all, they are found congenital and acquired with age - a nevus or a common mole.

Today, everyone is well aware that a mole is a benign neoplasm that retains this status for a certain time. They are usually located in the layers of the skin, most often between the epidermis and dermis. In the vast majority of cases, the presence of such neoplasms is considered a hereditary phenomenon. Therefore, if moles are detected in newborns, you should carefully examine the surface of the skin of the child’s closest biological relatives.

In any case, you should treat the area of ​​skin with a nevus very carefully and get a doctor’s advice on what this means and how to care for this growth in the future with a specialist. It should be remembered that the entire huge world of benign skin tumors is characterized by amazing diversity. A mole can be blue, red, brown, have a raised or smooth structure, and differ in shape, size and surface color.

The most diverse moles in babies that appear in early childhood or in adolescents, arising on the body of an adult according to their shape and other structural features are divided into:

  • The most common red mole, which hangs on a stalk or stem, is a vascular node and is called a hemangioma; most often they do not grow.
  • Spontaneous accumulations of pigment cells may appear as flat melanocytic spots. The shape and size do not change, they are constantly located on one or another area of ​​the skin, and do not tend to increase even with solar treatments.
  • A convex nevus is lumpy, cellular, or smooth body, is formed in the deepest layers of the skin. They can appear in the most inaccessible places, spots are no more than 1 cm in diameter, the formation is covered with hair and does not grow.
  • A mole is quite rare, which tends to appear in childhood or adolescence; they are practically invisible on the surface of the skin; they are soft blue, dark blue and almost dark purple. Visually and upon palpation they are determined to be smooth, dense in structure, and can be of significant size. When injured, new moles appear and continue to grow.
  • Special type - dark spots big size When moles appear in newborns, it is very noticeable even for non-professionals; they have a persistent growth trend and can increase to impressive sizes with age.

If such formations occur on open areas of the skin, this is a serious aesthetic problem. Especially if the spots begin to develop, become voluminous and convex, change external structure. Regardless of the age at which moles of one type or another appear, they are an object constant monitoring doctors - dermatologists, oncologists, specialists in the field vascular surgery. If moles are already birthmarks or neoplasms or appear with age in children, adults or old age This means that the body is exposed to various pathological influences of certain factors. So, why do moles appear? When identifying them, what should you pay attention to? Special attention, if one or another pathology of an organic nature has appeared that contributes to the development of neoplasms.

Causes of moles

The appearance of benign neoplasms on the skin or in its layers is due to a number of reasons. If nevi are present on the body, it is usually a consequence various factors exogenous and endogenous nature. Conducted clinical researches The world's leading medical institutions point to the following groups reasons why moles may appear:

Where to contact?

First of all, you should independently examine moles and other neoplasms as often as possible. If there is the slightest change in the usual appearance, you should visit a dermatologist, and if you suspect malignant degeneration, whether in a child or an adult, you should contact an oncodermatologist. The appearance of nevi in ​​women in the mammary glands requires consultation with a gynecologist and a specialist in the field of mammology.

After spending full course consultations and diagnostics, the attending physician - pediatrician or therapist in certain cases prescribes removal of the tumor. Today, the most effective and painless methods are cryodestruction and laser beam excision. Independent removal of any formations on the skin is strictly contraindicated.

Every person has nevi on the skin, and their number reaches 50 pieces. The locations of growths are quite varied, but for the most part they appear on the face, neck, head and upper body, less often on the legs, buttocks and groin. Many people wonder: what are the reasons for the appearance of moles on the body, and what function do they play for our body?

What is a nevus

Different states with different religions have their own interpretations. Some people superstitiously believe that formations on the dermis bring happiness, wealth, luck, and power over other people. According to this theory, if the nevus grows, then your life will develop the best way, and if it decreases, then expect troubles and failures. Others suggest (Tibetan teaching) that condylomas appear in those places where your chakras are clogged and there is a concentration of negative energy.

But also modern medicine the whole world has not come to a consensus on why and how moles form on the body, and what their role is. Some scientists claim that they have no effect on important organs human life and in fact they are simply useless. Others suggest that rashes promote longevity, strengthen blood vessels and the heart, strengthen bones and build muscles. But there is still no evidence for these theories. The only thing that everyone agreed on was that nevi are a threat to their development into malignant tumor. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully monitor and observe them to see if they have changed their shape, color, or structure. At the first suspicion of melanoma, you should contact a medical facility as soon as possible.

Classification of nevi

Before you find out why moles appear on the body of an adult, you need to understand what they are. In our body there are cells, melanocytes, which are responsible for hair color, eye color and skin color. When they fail, they accumulate in a certain area in one group and give impetus to the formation of a hill. Then it transforms into condyloma, which has different shapes, color scheme and structure.

Hematomas can be congenital or acquired benign neoplasms. Until recently, it was believed that they do not cause harm to human life. And why new moles appear on the body - this question did not concern us. But now there are more frequent cases of turning to medical institutions for help due to pain, bleeding, burning, itching and transformation of nevus growth. Mostly due to poor ecology and climate warming, condyloma transforms into a malignant tumor. Now it has become clear what they are needed for; their only purpose is to warn the patient about possible skin cancer.

Over the course of a person’s life, growths of the order of 9 to 45 appear on their torso. This is considered normal, but when you have more than 50 of them, you need to consult a dermatologist or oncologist to eliminate the risks of melanoma formation.

There are many reasons for the appearance of new moles on the body, but you need to find out what they are:

  • Congenital. People often call them age spots. Children are born with this pathology very rarely, approximately 2 percent. These are formations of a benign course, which ultimately arose due to a disruption in the formation and movement of melanoblasts (cells) even at the moment of embryo formation during pregnancy. Nevi are discovered virtually after birth or in the first year of a baby’s life. Usually the color of the plaques is brown, but there are also pink, barely noticeable beige and black. As the child grows, the birthmark also grows, and in older people there is regression (reduction and disappearance of the nevus). The location of congenital hematomas is varied; they settle on any part of the body. But giant nevi (approximately 20 centimeters) can cover half the surface of the back, arms, cheeks and forehead on the face. Their special difference from acquired growths is that they cannot disappear spontaneously, and a person has to undergo several operations to remove the pigment. They are considered the most dangerous, because it is congenital nevi degenerate into melanoma. Now it has become clear why congenital moles appear in infants.
  • Purchased. Throughout life, the number of formations constantly changes. The main peak of their growth occurs in teenage years and during pregnancy and menopause in women. By the age of 35-40, the activation of nevi on the body stops, and in older people at the age of eighty they disappear completely.

Depending on the place of their occurrence, acquired swellings are divided into:

  1. Intradermal. This is when cells accumulate in the deep dermal layer of the skin.
  2. Epidermal. The presence of melanocytes in the upper layer of the dermis.
  3. Mixed. The appearance of a nevus at the border of the epidermis and dermis.

Also in medicine, moles are divided into various types:

  • Flat, or birthmark. These neoplasms on human skin are a result of the concentration of melanin cells in upper layers epidermis. They are smooth, flat, not outlined above the surface and are endowed with dark or light pigmentation. The outlines are clear, not blurry. Sizes vary from a few millimeters to 20 centimeters. As the child grows up, they do not grow and their number does not increase.
  • Convex. Basically, such a nevus originates and grows from the depths of the epidermis. By appearance It can be either smooth, without roughness or cracks, or lumpy. It practically does not grow more than 1 cm in diameter. Often, hard dark hairs stick out from such a growth, which cannot be pulled out so as not to harm the structure of the formation. The color scheme is varied: yellow, beige, pink, light and dark brown, black. Locations: inner surface hands, sole of the foot, groin in men and vagina in women.
  • Blue nevus (blue mole). A very rare type of neoplasm, which is a hemisphere protruding high above the skin. On palpation, it is smooth, dense in consistency, has clear boundaries and reaches a size of up to 20 millimeters. Has all shades of blue.
  • Dysplastic. These bumps are usually inherited with a genetic predisposition and are not solitary. They are located in groups, in the middle of which there is a larger maternal elevation (one centimeter), and the rest, smaller ones, are concentrated around it. Their color is copper-red.
  • Lentigo. These are numerous dark pigmented growths that are localized in small scatterings on the face and neck. Their number increases sharply in puberty in boys and girls and in old age. Subsequently, they can develop into a skin disease (lentiginosis).
  • Giant pigmented mole. This congenital pathology, which initially has a gray or Brown color. But as the child grows, it increases to enormous sizes and becomes dark in color.
  • Hemangioma. These are red elevations, the appearance of which is caused by an accumulation of vascular cells in one specific area of ​​​​the skin. They are flat and hanging, but are not large in size. They never degenerate into malignant tumors. The only trouble that can be brought to the owner of such hematomas is infection through a wounded hemangioma (suppuration begins and inflammatory process).

Reasons for the appearance of a mole on the body

Nodules can occur at any age, despite the fact that they generally finish growing by the age of 35-40. They differ from each other in their shape and structure: there are round and angular, hanging and subcutaneous (invisible to others), flat and ribbed, intricate, similar to cauliflower or cock's comb.

Their colors are varied: beige, white, pink, red, light and dark brown, black, and even blue. There is no need to worry too much about the number of nevi. Over the course of a lifetime, up to 100 of them can fill a person’s body; they suddenly jump up and often disappear spontaneously.

There are many reasons for the appearance of moles on the body. Here is a list of some factors:

  • Hereditary genetic predisposition. Information about the hereditary gene is embedded in the DNA, so nevi are passed on from close relatives, grandparents. And they arise in the same place as in the older generation. There is no threat to life from them. On the contrary, according to British scientists, they are a sign of longevity. But if you have a family member with skin cancer, then you need to take precautions, since the cells carry information that is also responsible for melanoma.
  • Hormonal surges. The appearance of numerous condylomas is influenced by pituitary hormones during the restructuring of the body into adolescence, pregnancy and menopause in women.
  • Impact ultraviolet rays. Everyone is interested in the question: why did moles appear after spending leisure time on the beach? After all, it seems that the sun only brings benefits to the body. Of course, this is true, but it only harms the dermis. Ultraviolet affects harmful influence on melanocytes, they stray from their intended course and accumulate at one point. This is how dark spots appear. Medical workers claim that they are melanoma-dangerous and can degenerate into a malignant tumor. When in the sun, you must take all safety measures.
  • Injuries due to mechanical impact. If you have epilated or shaved, there is a possibility that the plaque will be torn off or damaged. After such removal, new growths form in its place and around the underlying tissue. The picture is similar with clothing, which constantly rubs and injures the dermis. This factor also answers the question: why do moles come out? big amount?
  • Infection of skin tissue. Nodules spread very quickly due to invasion by the papillomatosis virus human HPV and focus on the thin area of ​​the dermis (groin and genital organ in men, perineum in the weaker sex) and mucous membranes (labia minora, cervix, vulva, glans and foreskin penis, anus, and very rarely the tongue and lips). Doctors gave a second name to this disease - “venereal” condylomas, since it is transmitted through sexual contact. Pointed papillomas are very dangerous for the health and life of the patient. In addition to aesthetic and painful discomfort (itching and burning), they serve as conductors of infection through the blood throughout the body, which leads to irreversible consequences in the brain and lungs, to uterine cancer in women. Therefore, when bloody discharge when urinating, sudden unpleasant smell consult a doctor immediately.

    An experienced dermatologist will definitely prescribe the domestic intimate antiviral cream “Vartotsid”, which perfectly fights papillomatosis infection. It not only cleanses mucous membranes pathogenic bacteria, but also prevents new plaques from spreading. The Russian drug has proven itself not only in the territory Russian Federation, but also abroad. “Vartotsid” eliminates condylomas, relieves inflammation, increases the body’s immune resistance to the virus, and eliminates burning and itching. One tube of cream is enough to completely destroy bacteria. It is not allergic and does not cause side effects and complications.

A potential risk for the appearance of moles may be a weakening of the body due to various diseases. The appearance of new nevi can be provoked by:

  1. Lack of vitamin K and ascorbic acid in the body.
  2. Cardiovascular dystonia.
  3. Liver disease.
  4. Inflammation of the pancreas.
  5. Hormonal surges.
  6. Decreased immunity.
  7. Taking certain medications and contraceptives.
  8. Infection of the genitourinary system.
  9. Frequent x-ray examinations.
  10. Place of residence in an unfavorable area (near chemical plants).

We have described everything probable reasons, according to which new moles appear on the body.

Why does malignancy occur?

Not all hematomas degenerate into melanoma. But after forty years, it is necessary to monitor our skin, especially in the back area, since we are not able to independently examine the process of changing the convexity. This can be done using a small mirror. Or a dermatologist will examine you for preventive purposes.

If you are concerned about a pigmented tumor on your breast, you should consult a mammologist. And when a suspicious condyloma bleeds and bothers you, visit an oncodermatologist.

What are the reasons for the appearance malignant moles on the human body? The likelihood of developing melanoma is due to unfavorable circumstances:

  • Changes in hormones in the body during puberty, pregnancy and childbirth, recent abortion, menopause.
  • When do you White skin, many freckles on the face and body.
  • Abuse of sun tanning, visiting a solarium.
  • When the plaque is constantly injured.
  • If skin cancer has ever been diagnosed in the family.

If you notice a change in the color, shape or structure of a nevus, consult a doctor immediately to avoid cancer.

Moles on the body - so common skin formations that there is not a single race, including Negroid, in whose representatives these changes in skin pigment would not occur. They come in different sizes, localizations, and are formed according to various reasons and can accompany a person throughout his life without causing the slightest concern. But they can also cause the formation of an extremely malignant tumor - melanoma.

The scientific name for moles is pigment spots, or nevi. They are an overgrown accumulation of skin cells that can rise in the form of a growth above the surface of the skin or be located in its plane. What makes moles noticeable is the pigment melanin, which can be contained in pigment spots in varying quantities. It should be said that moles may not contain melanin at all. The location of moles can be very different. Nevus can, for example, appear on index finger, and can also exist at the border of the skin and mucous membrane with a transition to it.

About the types of moles

There are classifications of these formations a large number of, and listing all the details is hardly appropriate. Let's just say that nevi are divided according to:

  • quantity (single, multiple);
  • time of occurrence (congenital, later manifested and acquired);
  • quality of edges and borders (smooth, scalloped);
  • elevation above the surface of the skin (flat, convex);
  • the presence of foci of depigmentation around the formation;
  • color (red, brown, blue, black, etc.);
  • symmetry or the presence of asymmetry (in shape, color);
  • sizes (small, large moles, giant);
  • the flow (speed) of the dynamics of change.

In addition to these classifications, which are based on external signs, there are pathohistological classifications according to cellular composition, ultimately determining the degree of danger, as well as many other characteristics.

Reasons for appearance

Why do moles appear on the human body? There are many unequal factors for the formation of nevi, but the most significant of them are the following.

  • Anomalies in the development of the ectoderm (outer germ layer) in local places. Most often, these disorders occur in the last trimester of pregnancy, after all tissues and organs have already been formed, and minor changes in the skin of the fetus. Most often, these “precursors” are so small that they are not visible on the skin of newborns. Their appearance becomes noticeable when the area of ​​the child’s skin increases significantly. They usually appear in the second or third year of life. This type includes greatest number all moles.
  • Transmission by inheritance. As a rule, this applies to large nevi (birthmarks), as well as “ loose type» moles. With a significant length of the DNA chain, statistically different from the standard sizes gene mutationswhite noise"), the probability of inheritance is about 50%. Naturally, this does not include those cases when moles appear in adulthood, because their appearance is most often not associated with hereditary mechanisms, but has acquired causes.
  • Perception of excess amount by melanocytes ultraviolet radiation. Moderate amount short-wave radiation from the sun hitting the skin from gradual increase exposure time (according to the rules), taking into account skin type, leads to an even and beautiful tan. If you abuse exposure to the sun, then its amount is compensated not by the accumulation of melanin, but by the increased reproduction of the cells that produce it - melanocytes. These nevi are always acquired and in a large percentage of cases can become malignant. Therefore, new moles that appear after intensive “ beach season"require the closest attention.
  • Traumatic damage to the skin is not the most important, but quite significant factor in the appearance of nevi. If intact skin is injured, there is a risk of new mole not tall. And if an existing nevus is injured (bleeding or partial rupture occurs), then the consequences can be the most unpredictable. Each such case, both in an adult and a child, should not go unnoticed, and at the slightest deviation from normal healing, a dermatologist should be consulted.
  • Relatively safe options include dysmetabolic (hormonal) forms of nevi. The reasons for their appearance are puberty and pregnancy. They appear somewhat less frequently during illness endocrine glands, which produce the melanotropic hormone – melatonin, which plays a key role in regulating the frequency of sleep and wakefulness. Hormonal moles are always small and tend to disappear after normalization of hormonal levels and correction of the underlying disease.
  • Infectious causes.

The connection between microbial or viral infection and the development of nevi has not yet been proven. Therefore, it is impossible to say that moles appear on the body after a particular disease. The existence of the human papillomavirus is known, but papilloma is a tumor that is not a nevus.

About the treatment of nevi

Many people have heard that it is not always possible to remove moles from the body. Is it so? Only a doctor can answer this question unequivocally, since in some cases it is vitally important, and in others it is simply the patient’s wish to get rid of a cosmetic defect. In cosmetology and plastic surgery There are several ways to treat these formations.

  • Surgical method. There is only one requirement for this widespread method - when the slightest sign instability of the nevus requires consultation with an oncologist and taking material for pathology histological examination.
  • Cryodestruction is the “freezing” of a nevus using liquid nitrogen. This method compares favorably with the previous one in the absence cosmetic defects and painlessness. Negative side is the possibility of relapse.
  • Laser coagulation. With this type, the laser “evaporates” all the liquid, and the nevus disappears. Is it possible to remove large moles with a laser? Yes, you can, but a relapse is possible, since the treatment larger area requires moving the beam manually. Recurrences are also possible if the mole is too large.
  • Diathermo-electrocoagulation. The method is the coagulation of proteins under the influence high temperatures And electric current. As a rule, small single formations respond well to treatment.

About “dangerous” moles

How to find out if a nevus belongs to the “risk group”? Does it have a high potential for degeneration into cancer, the most dangerous of which is melanoma? Are there general signs, which may be alarming common man and serve as a reason to contact a dermatologist or oncologist? Yes, such criteria exist.

Signs of “suspicious” moles:

  • the mole is blue or black - this applies to both congenital and acquired nevi;
  • any noticeable change with the naked eye– you need to see a doctor if moles grow, change color, shape;
  • the appearance of a different surface (for example, the transformation of a smooth surface into a bumpy one);
  • change in consistency - compaction of the mole and its thickening are dangerous.
  • the presence of pain, an inflammatory rim around the nevus, as well as the appearance of weeping and bleeding;
  • cracking and chipping of the nevus;
  • the appearance of severe itching;
  • covering the surface with scales, which form again when removed.

If one, or even more several, signs appear, you need to urgently visit a dermatologist and oncologist and undergo necessary research and under no circumstances self-medicate.

Moles (nevi) are accumulations of melanin under the skin. Moles appear in a person from birth and can be added throughout life. It is impossible to say exactly what contributes to the appearance of moles on the body, but during research scientists have put forward several versions.

It is important to know! In China, it is believed that a mole is a sign of the release of the disease. A surface. If a mark appears on the body, it means that the organ located in the area where the mole appears is sick.

Types of moles on the body

  1. Lentigo. This type of mole is distinguished by an even color - brown or brown. These nevi are small in size, like freckles. Lentigines are formed due to an increase in the number of melanocytes in the blood. Most often, moles of this type are not convex, appear on the body in small quantities, and ultraviolet radiation does not affect them in any way.
  2. Complex moles. These formations protrude strongly beyond the skin and may have different sizes and shape. Complex nevi most often colored dark brown or black. When these moles appear in the blood, an increased number of melanocytes is observed.
  3. Epidermal nevi. This type of mole is most often localized on the palms and soles, and can also appear on the genitals. The color of moles varies - from flesh to brown shades. The size of nevi is not very large - up to a centimeter in diameter; the shape can be flat or slightly convex, rough to the touch.

  4. Sutton moles. This type of formation has characteristic feature- a circle of skin that has a very pale appearance forms around the mole. Sutton's mole looks like it's in a ring. These moles are also unusual in that they can disappear and appear for no apparent reason. The appearance of this type of nevi does not threaten human health in any way; they do not degenerate into skin cancer.
  5. Intradermal moles. These formations have different colors, size and shape, most often convex and strongly raised above the skin. The structure of moles can be rough, smooth, but distinctive feature These formations are coarse hairs growing from the mole.
  6. Hereditary moles. These formations are similar to age spots, the color of which has a red tint. Most often, hereditary moles are distinguished by a blurred shape and large size. Most frequent localization- back, legs, buttocks.
  7. Blue moles. This type of mole has an unusual color - blue or black. Localized on the face, buttocks, legs. Appears most often after 20 years. The shape of moles is hemispherical, convex, but some nevi can form under the skin. The dimensions most often do not exceed 1.5 cm.

  8. Large pigmented moles. These formations are formed in humans during intrauterine development. A child is born with a mole. During the entire period of a child's growth, the mole grows with him. The sizes of these formations vary - from a few millimeters to tens of centimeters in diameter. The colors are most often brown, black, gray. Nevi can be smooth, rough, or covered with hair.

Why you need to monitor the condition of moles

In most cases, moles are not a source of health hazard. But there are several factors that you should pay attention to in order benign education did not degenerate into a malignant tumor - melanoma.

  1. People with a large number of moles should not be exposed to open sunlight for a long time, as this is the most common trigger for melanoma.
  2. You cannot pick off moles; you must carefully ensure that the formations do not rub against clothing. If a nevus is damaged, you should immediately consult a doctor to avoid degeneration.
  3. You need to carefully monitor the condition of moles if there have been cases of skin cancer in your family.

It is important to know! Most often, the degeneration of benign tumors into malignant ones is observed in white-skinned people with blond hair.

Dangerous changes in moles

To avoid the development of cancer, you need to monitor the condition of formations on the body. There are several signs indicating that a mole has begun to degenerate from a benign formation into a malignant one.

  1. Changes in the outline and shape of the nevus. Round moles become asymmetrical when degenerated. If the formation suddenly changes its shape, you should consult a doctor.
  2. Changing the edges of a mole. It is worth consulting a doctor if the edges of the mole begin to change or the formation begins to spread unevenly across the skin, changing its usual shape.
  3. Color change. It is worth paying attention to the nevus if it has changed the usual light color- turned brown, gray or black.
  4. Education size. Large moles often develop into melanoma. You should also be wary if the formation begins to increase.
  5. Dynamics. A very bad signal is fast growth moles, the appearance of cracks or lumps on her body.

It is important to know! Do not be alarmed if one of the negative signs appears. Most often, all changes do not pose a health hazard, but in any case you need to contact a dermatologist or oncodermatologist.

Treatment of moles

Most moles are harmless, but if they are located in specific places and there is a risk of injury to the formations, it is advisable to remove the nevi. There are several procedures for safe and painless mole removal.

Type of procedureDescription
LaserThis method uses laser beams, which remove the formation in layers. The operation is practically painless, but at the request of the patient it can be performed under anesthesia. After the procedure, a depression forms on the skin, which heals after 14-20 days. This method is popular because scars do not form on the skin. The only drawback of this procedure is the high cost.
ElectrocoagulationThis mole removal method uses powerful currents to burn the nevus out of the skin. The intervention is performed under anesthesia. A crust forms on the skin, which heals over time and falls off. This method is good because during the procedure you can take tissue for histological examination and control the depth of tissue removal. But there are also disadvantages - when removing large formations scars remain
CryosurgeryThis method of removing moles uses liquid nitrogen, which has a very low temperature. When treated with nitrogen, tissues are painlessly destroyed and subsequently rejected. Appears in place of a mole pink skin, scars rarely remain. The disadvantages of the procedure include the fact that in some cases, treatment of the mole with nitrogen must be carried out several times, since it is impossible to control the depth of tissue damage
Excision with a scalpelThis is the most serious look mole removal, during which not only the formation is removed, but also the skin around it. After the procedure, scars and scars remain. The procedure requires a hospital stay and further monitoring of the patient’s condition. Most often, flat nevi that have big sizes or oncological formations

It is important to know! Each method of mole removal is selected by the doctor based on the type of mole, its location and shape.

Video - Mole (nevus): causes of appearance, growth and changes

Postoperative complications

After removing moles, you should carefully monitor the condition of your skin. If lumps or lumps appear at the surgical site, you should contact an oncodermatologist to rule out melanoma. Swelling and increased body temperature are also often observed in the first days after surgery. In order to avoid infection, the site of mole removal should not be wetted for the first week, creams or cosmetics should not be applied, or the crust that has appeared will be peeled off.

You should not attempt to remove moles on your own. This is fraught with serious complications that can provoke cancer. All procedures are recommended to be carried out in medical institutions under the supervision of specialists.

Video - Treatment of moles (nevus) at home with folk remedies

Not a single feature of a person’s appearance is covered in so many legends, myths, superstitions and signs as a mole. Perhaps everyone has a dozen or two on their body, sometimes charming, sometimes not so characteristic pigment spots.

The meaning of moles on the human body

Attitudes towards moles have always been ambiguous, even polar. In the Middle Ages, people with a large number of moles were considered servants of the devil and were burned at the stake.

And in the 17th and 18th centuries, ladies decorated themselves with artificial “front sights” that imitated moles. Perhaps, of course, they simply hid in this way traces of the smallpox that was rampant in those days.

Moles have long been used to tell fortunes and even predict the fate, character and abilities of a person. For example, a mole on the forehead indicates a remarkable intelligence and prophesies the owner success in the political field, a mole on the ears indicates cunning, and a sense of humor on the tip of the nose.

A mole on a man’s cheek speaks of great talent, while a woman’s has a special charm (remember Marilyn Monroe). In general, it is believed that the more moles on a woman’s body, the sexier she is.

English scientists have proven that people with many moles look younger and live longer.

However, for the most part, we are rather inclined to fear birthmarks, since since childhood we have heard about their possible degeneration into malignant formations and the risk of dangerous disease- melanomas.

What are moles and when do they appear?

A mole or, scientifically, a nevus is a benign formation on the skin. It consists of melanocyte cells that produce melanin, the substance responsible for the coloring of animals or humans. Thus, a nevus is a local accumulation of melanocytes.

There are practically no black moles on the body of newborns, the only exceptions are large ones birthmarks. Perhaps they are simply so small that they are practically invisible. It is believed that the first moles appear around six months.

As the child grows and matures, new moles appear on the body and then disappear, this is quite normal process. They occur most actively during adolescence and pregnancy.

After 25 years, new moles appear less and less often. And closer to the age of fifty, they begin to slowly disappear, and by the age of eighty, a person, as a rule, has no moles left; only age spots can be seen on the skin.

What types of moles are there?

The huge variety of moles has given rise to many classifications. First of all, nevi are divided into congenital and acquired. There are also classifications by size - from small to giant; color - from colorless and red moles to black; form, histology (type of constituent tissues), etc.

There are pigmented, vascular and warty moles; flat, raised, blue and large age spots. There is a division into melanoma-hazardous and non-melanoma-hazardous. There are so many types and types of nevi that this is a topic for a scientific treatise.

Moles can be located on all parts of the body, including the scalp, feet, palms, perineum, as well as on mucous membranes - in the mouth, tongue, vagina and anus.

Why moles appear on the body

Why are there many moles on the body? The reasons for the appearance of moles on the body are ambiguous and numerous; research in this direction is constantly being conducted and new facts are being discovered every year. The influence of the following factors on the appearance of moles is considered absolutely proven:

  • Heredity. If your parents or grandparents had many moles, high probability we can say that both you and your children will have them. Even the location and shape are often repeated. This genetic predisposition is embedded in human DNA.
  • Ultraviolet radiation. Under the influence sun rays additional amounts of melanin are produced in the skin and subcutaneous layers; accumulation of melanocytes and form moles. By the way, such moles are the most dangerous in terms of malignancy.
  • Hormonal surges. Puberty, pregnancy, some illnesses and even stress produce significant changes in hormonal background person. The fact is that the pituitary gland produces a hormone responsible for the body’s production of melanin, and the surge of this hormone leads to the appearance of new moles.
  • Radiation and X-rays. Under the influence of radiation, melanocytes group and come to the surface of the skin, forming moles.
  • Skin injury. In case of integrity violation skin, including as a result of insect bites, the virus enters the inner layers of the skin. Emerging defensive reaction provokes increased formation of melanocytes, which leads to the appearance of nevi.
  • And another factor from the field of esotericism. The ancient Chinese believed that moles appear in those places under which painful processes occur in the depths.

When to worry

Everyone has moles. They appear and disappear - this is a normal process.

Signs of “good” moles:

  • uniform color;
  • clear boundaries;
  • smooth surface;
  • lack of dynamics.

However, the risk of a mole degenerating into a malignant one or melanoma, although small, does exist. And you need to know when to see a doctor.

What you should be wary of:

  • color change;
  • peeling;
  • contour change;
  • appearance of a halo;
  • increase;
  • compaction;
  • the appearance of cracks;
  • bleeding

Modern diagnostic methods make it possible to determine the type of nevus and decide whether it needs to be removed.

How to get rid of an unwanted mole

Every year the number of operations to remove moles in for cosmetic purposes. The following methods are currently used to solve this problem:

  • surgical method, it is suitable for removing large formations;
  • cryodestruction - exposure to cold ( liquid nitrogen), used for flat nevi;
  • electrocoagulation - burning with electric current;
  • laser removal is the most common method that leaves no trace;
  • Radiosurgery is a non-contact operation performed using radio waves.

How to protect yourself

For some reason, we are not as afraid of a heart attack as we are of melanoma, although the mortality rate from cardiovascular diseases is 50%, and from melanoma - 0.2%. Just think, 250 times smaller!

But we can further reduce the risk of this disease if we adhere to simple safety rules:

  • Avoid direct sunlight, especially in daytime. If you really like to sunbathe, do it in the morning or evening. Remember that droplets of water on the body act as a kind of lenses and thereby aggravate the damage of ultraviolet radiation.
  • Do not overuse the solarium! World Organization Health officials have declared tanning beds to be deadly.
  • Do not touch moles, do not try to remove or remove them yourself.
  • Be attentive to yourself and your children! In case of any changes (see above), contact specialists!

P.S. There is such a sign: people who have many moles are happy.

All about moles on the body:



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