Department of Cardiovascular Pathology. Vascular Surgery Hospitals

Wide use cordially- vascular diseases dictates the need for rapid development effective methods their treatment. Vascular surgery is involved in the development of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of vascular diseases. That is why there are many clinics, centers, departments and hospitals vascular surgery to provide highly qualified medical care for vascular diseases, equipped with the most modern diagnostic equipment and operational technologies.

What might make you contact a vascular surgeon?

1. Rapid freezing of feet;

2. Pain in the legs and feet when walking and at rest;

3. Cramps of the calf muscles;

4. Changes in skin color and texture lower limbs(pallor, cyanosis, brown spots);

5. Varicose veins veins and enhanced vascular pattern;

6. Edema of the lower extremities (especially one);

7. Trophic skin disorders in the form of ulcers, darkening of the fingers;

8. Violations cerebral circulation in the anamnesis;

9. Pain and coldness of the upper hands;

What diseases are treated at the Vascular Surgery Hospital?

Diseases of the arteries and aorta

- Occlusal lesions - these include obliterating atherosclerosis aorta and vessels of the lower extremities, thromboangiitis obliterans, thrombosis and thromboembolism of the aorta and great arteries. The essence of this group of diseases is the blocking of the lumen of the vessel by a thrombus or atherosclerotic plaque, which leads to a decrease in arterial blood flow and ischemia of the affected limb.

Aneurysms of the aorta and arterial trunks. They represent a sac-like expansion of the vessel. The danger lies in the possibility of their rupture and the formation of blood clots.

Diseases accompanied by circulatory disorders in the carotid and cerebral arteries.

Obliterating diseases of the intestinal and kidney vessels. In this case, digestive disorders and the development of gangrene of intestinal areas or kidney infarction are possible.

Diseases of the lymphovenous system

- Damage to superficial veins. These include varicose veins veins of the lower extremities, acute and chronic thrombophlebitis. The disease is based on abnormal expansion of veins with the formation of blood clots in their lumen.

Damage to the deep veins - phlebothrombosis, postthrombophlebitic syndrome. This group of diseases is accompanied by inflammation of the deep veins with the formation of blood clots. The result is a narrowing of the vessel with impaired blood flow.

Chronic lymphovenous insufficiency and trophic ulcers shins. It is the final stage of all venous diseases.

Thromboembolism pulmonary artery. This serious condition caused by blockage of the pulmonary artery by a blood clot. The sources of such blood clots are deep veins legs and pelvis.

Diagnostic base of the hospital for vascular surgery

Each modern clinic or vascular surgery hospital has a powerful diagnostic base for the most accurate identification of vascular pathology.

- Laboratory diagnostics. General clinical examination of blood and urine, prothrombin index(PTI), biochemical tests blood activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT), coagulogram, clotting time and bleeding duration, blood fibrinogen, international normalization ratio, blood platelets;

Instrumental diagnostics. Rheovasography, ultrasound of blood vessels using Doppler and duplex angioscanning, X-ray contrast aortoarteriography, phlebography; capillaroscopy;

Medical base

Modern methods of treating vascular diseases- an invariable attribute of a vascular surgery hospital.

- Operations on arteries. Endarterectomy, thromboembolectomy, bypass surgery (aorto-femoral, femoral-popliteal bypass), arterioplasty (autovenous, profundoplasty), lumbar sympathectomy, aortic replacement, endovascular stenting of the vessels of the heart, brain and limbs.

Venous operations. Phlebectomy, miniphlebectomy, laser ablation of the veins of the lower extremities, phlebosclerosing operations, endoscopic dissection of perforating veins, extravasal prosthetics of deep veins.

The department provides specialized surgical care planned patients with vascular pathology. A full range of non-invasive and invasive studies is carried out to examine patients with vascular pathology. The entire range of surgical interventions for chest pathologies is performed, abdominal aorta, brachiocephalic arteries, arteries of the lower extremities, venous diseases.

At the same time, the department has introduced and widely used hybrid surgical interventions (a combination of open surgical interventions with endovascular ones) and endoprosthetics of the aorta and peripheral arteries for aneurysms.

The number of staff in the department is 23 people, among them 7 doctors, including 1 candidate medical sciences, 2 doctors have higher qualification category. The department's doctors are members of the European Society vascular surgeons, and Russian society angiologists and vascular surgeons.

The senior sister of the department is Irina Vladimirovna Gerasimova.

The department performs all types of vascular operations, including surgery of both peripheral arteries and aorta of various locations:

  • Surgeries for damage to the vessels of the head and neck, the most common of which is carotid endarterectomy;
  • Operations for aneurysms of the thoracic and abdominal aorta;
  • Surgeries for peripheral artery aneurysms;
  • Surgeries for renovascular hypertension;
  • Surgeries for chronic abdominal ischemia syndrome;
  • Operations for stenotic and occlusive lesions of the aorta, iliac arteries and arteries of the lower extremities;
  • Operations for varicose veins;
  • Endoprosthesis replacement for abdominal aortic aneurysm;
  • Radiofrequency ablation for varicose veins.

Examination of patients before surgery includes ultrasound examination, including duplex scanning, aortoarteriography, research coronary circulation(coronary angiography), computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging.

X-ray department surgical methods diagnostics and treatment, in addition to vascular studies with diagnostic purpose(angiography and coronary angiography), are carried out therapeutic measures to restore impaired blood circulation in peripheral and coronary arteries (stenting and angioplasty).

The choice of surgical intervention method (open or endovascular) is always determined after a comprehensive examination and expert assessment of the degree of arterial damage. In some cases, a combined use of methods is possible, for example, in case of a “two-story” lesion, when stenting of the aortoiliac segment is performed first, and then femoral-popliteal bypass surgery is performed.

The department has 30 beds. About 2.5 thousand patients are consulted annually, more than a thousand of them, if indicated, are hospitalized in the department.

Created in the department comfortable conditions significantly increase the efficiency of medical care and provide optimal conditions for recovery. All rooms are equipped with televisions, individual showers, consoles with the ability to continuously monitor ECG, blood pressure, breathing functions, body temperature control, calling medical personnel.

Treatment and diagnostic activities are carried out in the building, which significantly speeds up and facilitates examination and treatment.

The specialized department of vascular surgery as part of the M.F. Vladimirsky MONIKI was organized in 1990, and in 2003, due to a change in the nature of the department’s activities, it was renamed the department of vascular surgery and coronary artery disease. The founder and first head of the department was Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Honored Doctor of Russia Kazanchyan Perch Oganesovich. Department of Vascular Surgery and IHD – 40-bed specialized unit with an office ultrasound diagnostics. The main objectives of the department are to provide quality specialized assistance patients with vascular diseases; close interaction and methodological guidance of medical institutions of the Moscow region regarding vascular diseases B currently The department occupies a leading position in the country in the number of reconstructive interventions on the brachiocephalic arteries and abdominal aorta. Every year, the department performs more than 600 operations, 90% of which are arterial reconstructions. The department's employees regularly carry out advisory visits to medical institutions in the Moscow region.

The main scientific directions of the department are:

1. Surgery of occlusive lesions of the brachiocephalic branches of the aorta. 2. Minimally invasive surgery for coronary artery disease. 3. Aneurysm surgery abdominal region aorta. 4. Prevention of pulmonary embolism in ileo-femoral venous thrombosis. 5. Development of tactics for surgical treatment of patients with circulatory disorders in several arterial basins. 6. Optimization of treatment methods for patients with critical ischemia of the lower extremities.

The department is constantly developing and implementing advanced medical technology. The work of the department is based on close cooperation with many clinical departments of the M.F. Vladimirsky MONIKI - department of cardiology, department radiology diagnostics, department of neurology, departments of anesthesiology and resuscitation, as well as many others.

4. Services provided by the department:

1) Surgery diseases of the brachiocephalic arteries; 2) Surgical treatment of aortic aneurysms; 3) Surgical treatment of lower limb ischemia, 4) Surgical treatment of renovascular hypertension; 5) Surgical treatment of angiodysplasia; 6) Surgical treatment of chronic and acute diseases veins

Types of surgical interventions performed in the department:

1) On the brachiocephalic arteries (arteries of the head and neck):

1. Carotid endarterectomy; 2. Carotid artery replacement; 3. Resection with redressing of the internal carotid artery; 4. Carotid-subclavian shunt; 5. Subclavian-carotid transposition; 6. Subclavian-carotid bypass; 7. Prosthetics of the brachiocephalic trunk; 8. Reconstruction of arteries upper limbs; 9. Removal of chemodectoma (paraganglioma) of the neck. 10. Anigoplasty and stenting of the brachiocephalic arteries

2) On the coronary arteries:

1. Coronary artery bypass grafting on a beating heart 2. Coronary artery bypass grafting under conditions cardiopulmonary bypass 3. Coronary artery bypass grafting from minithoracotomy 4. Angioplasty with stenting coronary arteries

3) On the abdominal aorta:

1. Endoprosthesis replacement of an abdominal aortic aneurysm; 2. Stenting of the abdominal aorta for stenosis; 3. Resection of abdominal aortic aneurysm with prosthetics; 4. Aorto-iliac/femoral bypass/prosthetics;

4) On the iliac arteries:

1. Endoprosthesis replacement of an iliac artery aneurysm; 2. Resection of the iliac artery aneurysm with prosthetics; 3. Iliofemoral bypass/prosthetics; 4. Cross femoral bypass; 5. Subclavian-femoral bypass; 6. Angioplasty and stenting of the iliac arteries 7. Hybrid operations: stenting of the iliac arteries with reconstruction of the arteries below the inguinal ligament.

5) On the arteries below the inguinal ligament:

1. Femoro-popliteal bypass; 2. Femoral-tibial bypass; 3. Profundoplasty; 4. Resection of arterial aneurysm with prosthetics; 5. Angioplasty and stenting of arteries below the inguinal fold

6) Operations for angiodysplasia:

1. X-ray endovascular occlusion; 2. Excision of angiomatous tissue;

7) Operations when chronic disease veins:

1. Miniphlebectomy 2. Endovasal laser coagulation veins 3. Sclerotherapy

8) Operations for acute venous pathology:

1. Thrombectomy with ligation of the femoral veins 2. Crossectomy 3. Implantation of a vena cava filter (if necessary, preliminary endovascular catheter thrombectomy from the inferior vena cava is performed) 4. Removal of the vena cava filter

The Department of Vascular Surgery of the Federal Scientific and Clinical Center of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia was opened on October 14, 1988. The department was headed by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Gennady Vasilyevich Govorunov, one of the most respected vascular surgeons in Russia. G.V. Govorunov is the creator of an original highly professional school of vascular surgery, a brilliant surgeon and a talented scientist. Gennady Vasilievich author of more than 70 scientific articles and 2 monographs dedicated to the most current problems vascular surgery: repeated operations on main arteries and questions surgical infection in patients with obliterating diseases aorta and arteries of the extremities

Distinctive features

The Department of Vascular Surgery is a powerful diagnostic and treatment unit, in which more than 800 operations are performed annually on various vascular systems, the operating room is equipped with the most modern equipment, and the department includes a consultation and methodological office.

Priority directions

  • X-ray endovascular endoprosthetics of abdominal aortic aneurysms.
  • Surgical treatment of cerebrovascular insufficiency caused by atherosclerotic lesions or tortuosity of the carotid and vertebral arteries.
  • X-ray endovascular and hybrid operations for lesions of the aorta and arteries of the extremities.
  • Treatment of critical ischemia of the lower extremities (including “ diabetic foot»).
  • Treatment of rare forms of vascular diseases (Buerger's disease).
  • Thrombolytic therapy for pulmonary embolism.
  • Radiofrequency obliteration of varicose veins, sclerotherapy.

Detailed description:

The Department of Vascular Surgery provides diagnosis, prevention and treatment of vascular diseases:

  • Diagnosis of pathology of arteries supplying blood to the brain (atherosclerotic stenosis, pathological tortuosity, aneurysmal dilation, nonspecific aortoarteritis).
  • Chemodectomas of the neck - diagnosis, surgical interventions.
  • Diagnosis and treatment of arteries of the upper extremities (stenosis, Buerger's thromboangiitis).
  • Diagnosis and treatment (including endoprosthetics) of the thoracic and abdominal aorta.
  • Diagnosis and treatment of stenotic lesions visceral branches aorta.
  • Surgical interventions(including endovascular) for renal (renovascular) hypertension.
  • Comprehensive examination and treatment of patients with nonspecific aortoarteritis (Takayasu disease).
  • Diagnostics and surgical interventions (including endovascular) for atherosclerotic lesions of the iliac, femoral arteries.
  • Surgical interventions for aneurysms of the great vessels.
  • Treatment of patients with critical limb ischemia, arterialization operations venous blood flow feet.
  • Varicose veins - diagnosis, minimally invasive surgery, sclerotherapy.
  • Diagnosis and treatment (operative, surgical) of lymphedema of the extremities.
  • Formation of vascular access for hemodialysis.

Turns out urgent Care at following states:

  • Multispiral (arteries of the neck and head, renal arteries, thoracic and abdominal aorta, arteries of the lower extremities);
  • Aorto-arteriography, coronary angiography (x-ray contrast method for studying the heart and blood vessels, allowing the most accurate and reliable determination of the nature, location and extent of the lesion. Today it is recognized as the “gold standard” of diagnosis
  • Doppler ultrasound (measurement of the ankle-brachial index to assess the blood circulation of the limb).


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