Transition to proper nutrition. How to switch to proper nutrition

Due to the fast pace of life, people began to forget what it is proper nutrition. And because of light snacks and junk food, not only does health deteriorate, but life is also shortened. And so every person modern world should know where to start with proper nutrition and what foods should make up a healthy diet.

Proper nutrition: where to start?

Nutritionists identify two ways to switch to gradual change diet and quick failure from bad habits and transition to proper food. It is difficult to say which of these methods is more effective and less stressful for the body, since each of them has its own disadvantages and advantages.

Of course, you can try one method first, if nothing works, then resort to the second. But first you need to decide on your desires and needs and ask yourself whether you need it and whether you can give up junk food. If you yourself don’t want to eat right, then no matter what method you choose, it will be difficult to achieve the desired result.

In any case, every person should have the right one. Give up one harmful product. For example, if you drink several cups of coffee or several liters of soda a day, then you should give up such a drink. Besides, you have to want to do it, you don’t have to test your psyche. As practice shows, a person himself can give up coffee on the second day, and his psychological subconscious will want to drink the drink for several more years.

Collateral good health is proper nutrition. Where to begin? First you need to give up something lighter, something that you rarely eat. For example, you only drink coffee in the morning or only eat flour on holidays - you should start giving up junk food with these foods. And gradually the thought will come to your subconscious that it’s time to give up all harmful foods.

It is worth noting that you need to reduce your sugar intake or completely remove it from your diet, as it is harmful to humans.

Changing breakfast

Have you decided to switch to proper nutrition? Where to begin? When you have managed to give up at least one unhealthy product in your diet, it’s time to move on to the next step. It's time to change your breakfast; in the morning you need to have a light snack with fruit.

In general, it is advisable to eat only fruits in the first half of the day. And after a few days from such nutrition you will feel a surge of vigor, intelligence and Have a good mood. If you hold out like this for at least a few days, you are unlikely to want to eat cereal or a sandwich.


After your body gets used to fruits, it's time to introduce vegetables into your diet. And what do you need to eat? fresh vegetables, ideally if they are collected from your own garden. But unfortunately, no matter how much we want it, but all year round You won't be able to enjoy homemade vegetables.

Vegetables can be combined with porridge, meat, eggs and fish. In such a diet, a vegetable salad lightly seasoned with olive oil would not be superfluous.

Don't limit yourself to just one meal

If you want to switch to healthy image life, you need to learn to combine proper nutrition and sports. Where to begin?

In order to exclude from the diet harmful products, in the center of your table should always be healthy fruits and vegetables, which should become your diet.

Need to register in gym, start to harden up, tidy up your hair, go for a massage, start reading. By the way, it is in books that you can learn about the benefits of proper nutrition and how fast food and soda have a detrimental effect on a person.

If you have started to adhere to proper nutrition, then you should not go with an empty stomach to cafes and bars with girlfriends. Because when you're hungry, you don't care at all healthy eating, the most important thing for you is to fill your stomach.

Proper nutrition: menu

How to switch to proper nutrition? Where to begin? Creating a menu is not at all easy. Food must first of all be balanced. If you have started eating right, then you should prepare yourself for the fact that your diet will now include the following dishes and products:

  • Cereals: buckwheat, rice, millet, oats.
  • Protein-rich foods: meat, poultry, legumes, dairy, fish, cheese, eggs.
  • Healthy foods: fruits, vegetables, herbs, berries.

Power scheme

It is quite difficult for a person to switch to proper nutrition. How to start eating right? You need to understand for yourself that you need to eat according to the plan, that is, three times a day: breakfast, lunch and dinner. It's about about main meals, but you can have snacks 2-3 times a day.

How to switch to proper nutrition? Where to begin? You need to start your morning with products that contain complex carbohydrates. After breakfast, before noon, you need to give yourself a sweet snack of dried fruits or honey. You can also indulge yourself a little with sweets, but only those that you have prepared yourself. You can also eat nuts, cottage cheese or fruits.

For lunch you need to eat fiber and carbohydrates. It could be porridge, vegetable salad or lean chicken for these dishes. It is recommended not to eat carbohydrates for dinner. You can eat meat, cottage cheese, legumes, vegetables, eggs.

Throughout the day you need to eat as many greens as possible.

Grocery list

When you go to the store, you need to make a list of products that you should buy. This is necessary so that, while wandering around the store, you do not throw harmful goods into your cart. After all, this situation often happens to everyone: you come to the store only for bread, and leave it with two bags.

As practice shows, the healthiest foods are those that are yellow, red or green tint. Of course, this characteristic is more suitable for fruits and vegetables.

Your list should not include canned goods and soda, which people most often buy for their own pleasure. Should not be consumed canned fruits and vegetables, since they are completely unhealthy.

Drink water

In order to start eating right, you need to drink a lot of water, at least two liters a day. In order to control the amount of fluid you drink, you should keep a diary. But you need to drink water only when you are thirsty; you shouldn’t force yourself to drink liquid because you have to. You should drink it slowly, enjoying every sip.

It is worth noting that you should always drink water when you are thirsty. But it is not recommended to wash down food. It is worth noting that cool water is best absorbed by the body. Of course, it must be clean. Drinking water from the tap is strictly prohibited.

Where to start with proper nutrition for weight loss?

Due to the fact that a person does not want to give up junk food, not only his health suffers, but also his figure. After all, if you constantly eat fatty, starchy and sweet foods, you can gain a couple of kilograms very quickly. And therefore, people who want to overcome excess weight, first of all, you need to switch to proper nutrition.

Where to start eating right to lose weight? It is worth noting that the menu of a person losing weight should be varied. You must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • The food should have enough proteins.
  • You need to eat cereals regularly.
  • It is worth eating dairy products. But if you are already many years old, then their consumption needs to be reduced.
  • You should eat fruits and vegetables every day.
  • You should not exclude fish from your diet.
  • Food must contain fats of vegetable origin.
  • You need to stop drinking alcoholic beverages.
  • Sugar should be replaced with a sweetener and try to use salt in minimum quantity. Initially, the food may seem tasteless, but gradually you will discover new tastes. It is also worth avoiding seasonings and acidic foods, which can cause negative impact on the body.
  • You need to play sports.

In fact, it’s not at all difficult to start eating right; you just need to overcome yourself and develop the willpower to say no to fast food and junk food.

Hi all! Healthy nutrition is a complex system of interconnected elements. I write a lot about healthy eating, but each article contains specific information on each of its areas. Therefore, in this article I set myself the task of presenting in a simplified and accessible form how to switch to proper nutrition.

In fact, in order to switch to proper nutrition, it is enough to understand and follow the 12 basic rules for organizing a healthy or, in other words, proper nutrition. These 15 steps are 12 interconnected elements unified system healthy eating.

So, for those who find it difficult to perceive a large amount of information about healthy eating, I have presented complete information about it in a more concise form. In this article you will learn how to switch to proper nutrition in 12 steps. But still, for the most profound understanding of this topic, I recommend not being lazy and studying all the blog articles from the “nutrition” category.

To switch to proper nutrition, you need to complete 12 steps. If over time you begin to adhere to all 12 points of a healthy diet, then it will be possible to state the fact that you have begun to eat correctly. So, let's go!

Twelve steps to eating healthier

  1. should be balanced (food should be varied and healthy) and rational (stick to specific meal times and eat it in certain proportions). Divide the day into meals - breakfast, snack, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner.
  2. When you go to the store, always make a shopping list. Yes, you can come to the market earlier and add your usual set of products to your cart. But! We are gradually switching to proper nutrition, so make sure in advance that your shopping list includes lean poultry, vegetables and fruits different colors, greens, cottage cheese, whole grain bread, eggs.
  3. Eat more greens raw vegetables and fruits. They contain everything necessary for the body . Try to eat these foods daily. Change types of foods periodically so that your body receives different vitamins and minerals. You can see the list of vegetables and fruits . Vegetables, herbs and fruits are alkaline food, which creates a beneficial environment in the body.
  4. Don't go to cafes and shops hungry. In general, meals should be organized at home. But if you are planning a trip to a cafe, then there must be a good reason for this. For example, you want to treat friends or relatives in honor of some important event. Thus, your trips to the cafe will be reduced to an “annual minimum.”
  5. Learn to freeze, dry and can your own fruits and vegetables. Do not buy canned food in shops. Preservatives are the main toxins that poison the body.

    ​ Stop eating ready food! Yes, yes, leave the bags of dumplings and frozen pancakes to someone else. Learn to cook homemade meals yourself, get creative in the kitchen, experiment, create your own healthy recipes.

    ​ Avoid white bread. If it’s hard for you to imagine your dinner without it, then it’s better to choose whole grain flour, yeast-free pita bread and similar lighter options. ​ Bread should only be whole grain!

    Switch to natural sugar. Honey and fruits should replace sweets and white sugar in tea. For example, I don’t consume sugar at all. There is absolutely no benefit to it! And here's the honey fresh fruits increase the body's immunity. I drink only home-made tea (Ivan-tea, dried leaves milisa, raspberries, rose hips, etc.) without sugar. Every day I eat two tablespoons of honey with nuts. This food is quite high in calories, but my daily prevents excess accumulation .

    ​ Avoid street cafe food. Study and always keep in your head a list of food products that you need , and vice versa, a list of products that regularly throughout the year.

    Reduce portions each time " bad food" Not everyone will be able to give up store-bought crackers and chips right away. But gradually accustom yourself to eating only healthy food. At first, only in exceptional cases, once every six months, can you afford chips and store-bought crackers, and then... the smallest pack. And then stop buying these harmful products altogether. This will save you money and health!

    ​ Let healthy food will always be in sight! Apples, bananas, tomatoes, cucumbers, healthy cereal products have a place in the center of the table! Don't hide them deep in the refrigerator. Let them always be within reach.

    Drink water. Standard advice, but very important and decisive! To switch to proper nutrition, you definitely need to make sure that your body receives required quantity . You can read about the benefits of water . In general, I note that water cleanses the body of toxins that pollute the body. By the way, I’ll also add a recommendation to this point: regularly remove toxins from your body and your face will simply glow.

How to switch to proper nutrition in 12 steps: conclusion

These were 12 steps that will help you switch to proper nutrition. By adhering to these twelve basic rules, you will eat right, which means your natural health and beauty will be restored over time!

It is not necessary to immediately take and start implementing all these 12 points. Besides, I hasten to point out, you won’t be able to do this right away. And even more - a sharp transition from bad food(oxidizing) to good (alkaline) will become painful hard labor for your body, which will only worsen its situation (that is, your well-being).

It’s not for nothing that I called these twelve points the twelve steps of transition to proper nutrition. Follow these recommendations step by step, gradually. Your body will also gradually adapt to the new system - .

As a result, you will feel improvements in your body, the functioning of all systems will improve and internal organs, your eyes will be filled with cheerfulness and optimism, you will smile more often.

The main thing is desire and aspiration! But remember that this is not an easy or quick task. You have contaminated your body with toxins (preservatives, sweeteners, thickeners, flavorings, etc.) over the course of for long years, now you will also need years to clean it and put all its functions in order. But believe me, it's worth it! Good luck to you in your endeavors! Be healthy!

Every normal person understands that healthy eating is the key to a long life without pain and disease. In addition, healthy eating is also an excellent appearance: clean and attractive skin, hair, flexible a slim body, beautiful smile And so on. At the same time, many people think that it is enough to adhere to some kind of “magic” diet for a certain time in order to achieve beauty and slimness, and then they can again allow themselves fatty, high-calorie foods. So, remember: healthy eating should become the principle of your whole life, not just a month or a week! Proper nutrition is a “one way ticket”, and if you are not going to stick to it all the time, you shouldn’t even start.

Meanwhile, getting used to eating right is not as difficult as some people think. In fact, it takes 21 days for a person to develop a sustainable habit. How to switch to a healthy diet in three weeks?

First: Train yourself to eat small portions 5 times a day, that is, every 3 hours. To avoid the temptation to overeat on delicious food, buy a small plate that can hold no more than 200 grams of food, as well as a small spoon and fork. Let your family laugh if they want, and at the same time you will become slimmer!

Second: breakfast should consist of porridge (buckwheat and oatmeal - the best choice!), fermented milk products and fruits. At the same time, it is better to eat fruits 20-30 minutes after the main meal, so that “fermentation” does not begin in the stomach. For lunch, nutritionists recommend eating proteins and vegetables (raw or stewed). At the same time, you can afford lean meat, fish, liver or eggs as protein foods. For dinner, it is best to limit yourself to a plate of low-fat cottage cheese or a glass of low-fat kefir. Between three main meals there should be two “snacks”, which include nuts, fruits, yoghurts, and all kinds of berries.

Third: make sure your body gets enough clean water. You need to drink a glass of water 20 minutes before each meal. But during meals and for 40 minutes after it, try not to drink! In total, you need to drink at least 2 liters of water per day, and even more in hot weather. Just don't drink it at night, otherwise you'll wake up with a swollen face. In addition to water, nutritionists recommend drinking green tea without sugar (you can add a spoonful of honey). As for fruit juices, fruit drinks and compotes, most modern nutritionists believe that the benefits from them are much less than from natural fruits– juicy crisp apple, sweet cherry or ripe raspberry. So it’s better to allow yourself any fruit, except bananas and grapes, but no more than 300 g per day.

Fourth: if you really like sweets, you can allow yourself some kind of treat (not too fatty!) in the first half of the day, before 12 o’clock. Better yet, give up sugar altogether by replacing it moderate amount honey (the norm for an adult is 1-2 tablespoons of honey per day).

Fifth: let White bread and baking will become an impossible product for you! Completely avoid products made from premium flour: scientists have proven that it is absolutely harmful to the body. If you can’t live without bread, choose rye or bran bread; you can also eat diet bread.

Sixth: switching to a healthy diet in three weeks does not mean starving yourself. Eat meat calmly, just not fatty pork or lamb, but diet chicken, turkey or rabbit. However, beef is also good, just without fat. At least twice a week there should be fish on your dinner table - preferably sea fish. Allow yourself seafood - shrimp, mussels, squid, octopus, cuttlefish are very healthy. Good substitutes for meat are eggs and legumes - they also have a lot of protein.

Seventh: If possible, replace potatoes with spinach, zucchini and cauliflower. Season your food with chopped herbs. Try not to fry food, but to stew, steam, boil or eat raw.

Eighth: Once a week, arrange a pleasant fasting day for yourself - choose the most suitable one for yourself and enjoy kefir, buckwheat porridge or grapefruit. Let your body feel light!

Switching to a healthy diet in three weeks is quite possible. And then, as soon as you want barbecue or fried potatoes, just remember what you managed to achieve, praise yourself and think how sorry it would be to lose what you have achieved. You can do it!

You can find many diets that promise to prolong life. Of course, not all of them have this effect. Many have a lot of shortcomings and are unbalanced - while helping in one way, they harm in another. We offer you one of the scientifically based nutrition programs that can not only get rid of extra pounds, but also slow down aging. It includes recipes and sample menu for a few days.

It is based on 7 principles of nutrition for a centenarian, developed by a biogerontologist, Doctor of Biological Sciences, head of a specialized laboratory at the Komi Institute of Biology scientific center Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology Alexey Moskalev:

The transition to proper nutrition should be gradual. More junk food It is better to replace it with a useful one not abruptly, but product by product. For example, red meat - turkey or seafood, potato side dish - vegetable and so on. Variety of food is important. You can plan your week so that during this time the side dish and protein dish did not repeat. This will reduce the likelihood of developing allergic reactions on food and avoid overeating.

In the morning

Breakfast is required every day. Why? Those who skip it run the risk of developing early type 2 diabetes and heart and vascular disease. You should not eat foods with quickly digestible carbohydrates (high glycemic index), since glucose in the blood in the morning is already quite high - early in the morning it comes from the liver to awaken our brain and, as it were, tell it: “It’s time to get up!”

A protein breakfast is also not very good: digesting proteins by the body requires a lot of effort, and they are not superfluous at the beginning of the day.

On weekdays, don’t prepare anything complicated for breakfast: eat a banana or avocado. If possible, make porridge from sorghum or sprouts. By the way, broccoli or its sprouts are very useful in the morning. They contain a very useful substance, sulforaphane, which inhibits the production of glucose by the liver in the morning and even improves blood sugar levels in obese and diabetes mellitus Type 2.

As a breakfast drink, dilute lemon juice, do not add sugar.

For breakfast on the weekend, try blending thermostatic yogurt with avocado and fresh spinach leaves. Of course, choose sugar-free yogurt.


First course

Soup - important element nutrition, if possible, be sure to include it in your diet. Use the following vegetable base:

  • medium-sized tomato;
  • 1/4 sweet bell pepper;
  • a little chili pepper and a stalk of celery;
  • 1/4 onion;
  • parsley and dill;
  • asparagus stalk;
  • several pods of beans;
  • leek.

In order not to repeat this set of products, we will further indicate it simply as a vegetable base. You can cook any soups on it.


For 5 servings:

  • Vegetable base
  • Porcini mushrooms (can be replaced with frozen ones) 500 g
  • Balsamic vinegar to taste
  • Provençal herbs to taste
  • Curry to taste
  • Black pepper to taste
  • Olive oil taste

How to cook:

1. Cover the vegetable base and porcini mushrooms with water. Let it cook over medium heat.

2. After boiling, cook the soup for 20 minutes, adding seasonings if desired.

Broccoli soup


For 4 servings:

  • Vegetable base
  • Broccoli 4 florets
  • Provençal herbs to taste
  • Curry to taste
  • Black pepper to taste
  • Olive oil to taste
  • How to cook:

1. Boil the vegetable mixture and broccoli for 20 minutes after boiling.

2. Add seasonings, cool and blend in a blender to form a puree soup.

Seafood soup


For 4 servings:

  • Vegetable base
  • Shrimp 5 pcs.
  • Squid 2 rings
  • Scallops 3 pcs.
  • Olives 5 pcs.
  • Soy sauce to taste
  • Balsamic vinegar to taste
  • Provençal herbs to taste
  • Curry to taste
  • Black pepper to taste
  • Olive oil to taste

How to cook:

1. Vegetable base after boiling, cook over low heat for 20 minutes.

2. Then add shrimp, squid rings, scallops and olives. Once it boils, cook for another 2 minutes.

3. You can add soy sauce and balsamic vinegar, Provençal herbs, curry, and black pepper to the finished dish to taste. 4. Add olive oil directly to the plate. Stir.


Salads are a must for lunch or dinner. And not just because they are delicious. Salads allow us to consume more vegetables, which is very healthy. In their composition we get not only vitamins, but also a lot of biologically useful active substances and nutrients. In addition, salads allow us to use healthy olive oil and other vegetable oils and seeds with important omega-3s. fatty acids. And these oils, in turn, allow many of the bioactive components of vegetables to be better absorbed, since they are fat-soluble.

Fresh cabbage salad


For 3 servings:

  • White cabbage 1/4 pcs.
  • bell pepper 1/4 pcs.
  • Onion 1/4 pcs.
  • Carrots 1/2 pcs.
  • Soy sauce to taste
  • Balsamic vinegar to taste
  • Provençal herbs to taste
  • Curry to taste
  • Black pepper to taste
  • Olive oil to taste
  • Sesame seeds 1-2 tsp.

How to cook:

1. Fresh white cabbage finely chop.

2. Cut the bell pepper into strips, onion and carrots.

3. Season everything with Provençal herbs, curry, black pepper, balsamic vinegar, soy sauce, sprinkle with sesame seeds.

4. Finally, drizzle olive oil over the salad.

Vegetable salad


For 3 servings:

  • Small tomato 1 pc.
  • Fresh cucumber 1 PC.
  • Bell pepper 1 pc.
  • Chili pepper to taste
  • Celery to taste
  • Leeks to taste
  • Parsley to taste
  • Dill to taste
  • Soy sauce to taste
  • Balsamic vinegar to taste
  • Olives 7 pcs.
  • Grated ginger to taste
  • Black cumin urbech to taste
  • Spirulina powder on the tip of a knife
  • Milk thistle meal 1 tsp.
  • Rye bran 1-2 tbsp. l.
  • Chia seeds 1 tsp.
  • Flax seeds 1 tsp.
  • Sesame seeds 1 tsp.
  • Provençal herbs to taste
  • Curry to taste
  • Black pepper to taste
  • Truffle oil for aroma
  • Olive oil to taste

How to cook:

1. Cut all ingredients and mix.

Second courses

Many people often limit the variety of second courses. For example, side dishes in many families are very monotonous: potatoes, pasta, several cereals. And, unfortunately, these are not the healthiest side dishes. But there are so many different cereals and vegetables! I will give examples to support my words. healthy products for side dishes:

  • Among the fairly well-known and popular cereals in our country are buckwheat, oatmeal, barley, brown rice;
  • try to make a side dish more often with grains that are still rare among us: quinoa, kaniva, spelled, kamut, amaranth, sorghum;
  • don't forget the legumes. These are not only beans and lentils, but also mung beans and chickpeas;
  • Instead of potatoes, it is better to use sweet potatoes, they are healthier;
  • The choice of vegetables for side dishes is very large, use any - from the familiar cabbage to its more rare types: cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts and so on. Don't forget about zucchini, eggplant, and green beans.

The choice of protein products is also quite large. It's not only meat products and not just chicken or turkey. There is also a variety of fish and seafood, tofu and cheeses.

Stewed seafood


For 2 servings:

  • Seafood (scallops, shrimp or squid) 500 g
  • Olive oil for stewing
  • Capers 5-6 pcs.
  • Mustard 1/2 tsp.
  • Orange zest 1 pc.
  • Curry to taste
  • Black pepper to taste
  • Provençal herbs to taste
  • Soy sauce to taste
  • Balsamic vinegar to taste

How to cook:

1. Simmer seafood in olive oil without adding water under the lid.

2. Before cooking, you need to add capers, mustard and orange zest, curry, pepper and Provençal herbs.

3. Once cooked, drizzle everything with balsamic vinegar and soy sauce.



For 2 servings:

  • Turkey breast 1 pc.
  • Curry to taste
  • Black pepper to taste
  • Provençal herbs to taste
  • Soy sauce to taste
  • Balsamic vinegar to taste
  • Sesame seeds to taste
  • Parsley, dill to taste

How to cook:

1. Boil turkey breast for 30 minutes.

2. Sprinkle the cooked turkey with curry, herbes de Provence, black pepper, sesame seeds, parsley and dill. Drizzle with soy sauce and balsamic vinegar and you're ready to eat.

Fish with capers and curry


For 2 servings:

  • Halibut 1 pc.
  • Olive oil
  • Capers 5-6 pcs.
  • Mustard 1/2 tsp.
  • Orange zest 1 pc.
  • Curry to taste
  • Black pepper to taste
  • Provençal herbs to taste
  • Soy sauce to taste
  • Balsamic vinegar to taste

How to cook:

1. Halibut, adding olive oil, simmer until tender under the lid without water, adding capers, mustard, orange zest, curry, black pepper and Provençal herbs.

2. Then sprinkle with soy sauce and balsamic vinegar.

Side dishes

I understand that with the modern pace of life, some of my advice will seem complicated, but they are important. Food should be prepared immediately before eating and no more than three hours before eating. It is necessary to avoid frying in any way, both in oil and on the grill. Eat everything raw if possible. It’s good to eat a serving at any meal leafy vegetables. If this fails, eat them at least once a day. For dessert, it’s best to have a piece of dark chocolate or berries, and for dinner, a glass of dry red wine. You should forget about all sweet drinks; it’s better to wash it down with just water. Before meals, you can drink a glass of water, this will help you lose weight.

Quinoa side dish


For 4 servings:

  • Quinoa (can be replaced with kaniva, amaranth, buckwheat or barley groats) 200 g
  • Parsley to taste
  • Dill to taste
  • Curry to taste
  • Olive oil to taste
  • Soy sauce to taste

How to cook:

1. Boil the cereal in water until cooked.

2. Add parsley, dill, curry, olive oil, and soy sauce to the finished dish.

Legume side dish


For 2 servings:

  • Legumes (mung beans, beans or lentils) 300 g
  • Parsley to taste
  • Dill to taste
  • Curry to taste
  • Olive oil to taste
  • Soy sauce to taste

How to cook:

1. Legumes must first be soaked in water for 7 hours. This is important because soaking destroys excess phytic acid.

2. Boil the legumes until tender.

3. Add parsley, dill, curry, olive oil and soy sauce to the finished dish.

Vegetable stew


For 3 servings:

  • Broccoli 4 florets
  • Eggplant 1/2 pcs.
  • Bell pepper 1/4 pcs.
  • Soy sauce to taste
  • Olive oil to taste

How to cook:

1. Finely chop the broccoli and leave for at least 30 minutes. At this time, the enzyme miramidase is released in it, which synthesizes sulforaphane. This substance is a geroprotector and inhibits the aging of the body. In this form, sulforaphane becomes quite resistant to heat treatment.

2. Add finely diced eggplant and bell pepper to the broccoli.

3. Sprinkle everything with soy sauce and add olive oil.

3. Simmer without adding water for 15 minutes.

Many centuries ago "father" modern medicine Hippocrates said: “You are what you eat.” Since then, no one has disputed this statement, because our daily food is truly the only source of energy for the growth, development and renewal of all cells and tissues of the body.

Our health and weight, how we look and feel, and ultimately the length and quality of life directly depend on the composition of food, its quality and quantity. By and large, each of us can only understand what kind of nutrition can be called healthy, make our own reasonable choice and try to follow it.

Unfortunately, this task is not so simple.

Exists a large number of theories that define the “correct” principles of nutrition. You, of course, have heard about many, for example: vegetarians are against eating meat, blaming it for all health problems, raw foodists are convinced that only thermally unprocessed food can be truly healthy, and fruitarians eat only fruits that cannot be harvested for. you need to destroy the whole plant...

This will not reduce your calorie intake throughout the day, but will only harm your metabolism. Skipping breakfast can cause hypoglycemia and fatigue. Most often, those who do not eat in the morning, throughout the day, are susceptible to uncontrollable attacks.

Moreover, if at home you can prepare breakfast as healthy as possible, then in a buffet or cafe it is already much more difficult and more expensive. Name morning coffee on an empty stomach full breakfast it is forbidden!

Breakfast should be high in calories, but not excessive. The first meal of the day helps awaken your metabolism. Nutritionists say that if hunger is strong enough in the morning, then it makes sense to make a hearty breakfast, for example: an omelet with cheese or meat with a vegetable side dish.

If a weak appetite does not allow you to eat a whole plate of porridge, then it is worth refreshing yourself natural yoghurt with cottage cheese or whole grain bread with cheese and tea.

Try to choose a breakfast option for yourself so that you can eat it with pleasure, and not because you need to. It's much easier to wake up in the morning with thoughts about it. Check it out for yourself!

Rule 2. Dinner should not be postponed, but changed

Rule 5. Zigzags are important for weight loss

The zigzag principle in nutrition means that periods of reduced caloric intake are followed by periods with normal caloric intake.

This allows you to maintain your metabolism and prevent it from decreasing. Also, such zigzags make it easier to endure dietary restrictions and prevent uncontrollable breakdowns.

This approach to weight loss can also be useful in situations where the weight reaches a certain point and does not come off anymore. Read more about weight stops.

Rule 6. Fractional diet

If you eat only twice a day, then hunger will most likely haunt you constantly.

We often mistake thirst for signals of hunger and stimulate us to eat extra portions. If you want to eat, you should drink water and monitor your body’s reaction. It is likely that hunger will disappear. This means that the body signals the need for water, not food.

Rule 9. Proper preparation– guarantee of health

It is worth refusing or at least limiting the frying of foods for vegetable oils and animal fats. It is better to prefer baking, cooking in a double boiler, slow cooker, or stewing. These cooking methods will save more useful substances, allow you to cook delicious dishes with a minimum of fat.

For those who absolutely cannot refuse fried foods, it makes sense to buy a grill. Grilled foods will allow you to enjoy the taste of fried foods, but will not be so harmful to your figure.

Rule 10. Look for alternatives



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