What fruits can you eat on a weight loss diet? What fruits can you eat at night?

There is a common belief that fruits are good for weight loss.

However, almost every low calorie diet names several prohibited names of fruits: bananas, grapes, dates, figs, sweet apples.

Why are some fruits good for weight loss, while others, on the contrary, should be excluded? Is the fruit diet as effective as it seems? Let's try to break it up.

Advantages and disadvantages

Fruits for weight loss can really be effective. Depending on the type of diet, you can lose 5-7 kg in a week, while improving your health and cleansing your body. A diet containing large quantities of fruit is considered the most beneficial.


  1. — fruits are rich in vitamins and minerals;
  2. - they contain substances that promote the production of serotonin (the hormone responsible for positive mood);
  3. - the complexion becomes matte and uniform, cellulite disappears due to the large amount of fiber;
  4. - you can eat fruits throughout the day, even at night, without gaining extra pounds;
  5. — no need to waste time preparing dishes: just eat the fruit raw;
  6. - You can lose weight without feeling hungry.


  1. — there is a list of fruits that are weak fat burners (these include bananas, grapes, dates, figs, which are prohibited by diets);
  2. - fructose, found in many fruits, is converted not into glycogen, entering the liver, but into fat deposits;
  3. - you cannot eat only fruits for weight loss for more than two weeks, since protein starvation is guaranteed;
  4. - Refusal of dairy products can lead to vitamin B2 deficiency.


People should not use exclusively fruit diets for weight loss:

  1. - with diseases of the stomach, intestines and duodenum;
  2. - if you are allergic to any fruit or a group of fruits.

However, if you stick proper nutrition, eating fruits in reasonable quantities is not only possible, but also necessary: ​​they will contribute to better digestion food and getting rid of excess fat.

Promoting the removal of excess fat



It can be placed first on the list. This fruit is included in the menu of many diets (grapefruit diet with egg). It has a very low glycemic index, and grapefruit sugar is absorbed extremely slowly. 100 grams of grapefruit have only 39 calories.


This fruit provokes production in the stomach of hydrochloric acid, which stimulates the appetite.

It's not for diet best indicator. But baked apples, on the contrary, can quickly satisfy hunger, but at the same time retain all their beneficial features.


Similar in effect to grapefruit. This fruit contains many dietary fiber, and is also rich in vitamin C. It promotes the digestion of food, and sugars in it - minimal amount.

A pineapple

There is an opinion that this fruit is an excellent fat burner. The properties of this fruit to speed up the breakdown of heavy food are really useful, but pineapple itself is not a fat burner. It is only added to fatty, heavy dishes for better absorption.


Separately, it should be said about kiwi for weight loss. Diets on it are not so popular, but if you need to look slim at some event, you can spend a fasting day on kiwi. You should not eat more than a kilogram of this fruit per day, as allergies may occur. Kiwis are extremely healthy.

  1. — vitamins B, E and PP;
  2. - ascorbic acid;
  3. - calcium;
  4. - phosphorus;
  5. - iron;
  6. - potassium;
  7. - magnesium.

You can stick to a kiwi diet for a week, but you also need to add others. dietary products, preparing cocktails and desserts from them and kiwi: strawberries, green apples, grapefruit, sprouted wheat, oatmeal, vegetables (lettuce, parsley, carrots). You can also add kiwi to cottage cheese.


This fruit can saturate the body with healthy vegetable fats. At the same time, you will not feel hungry. Low calorie dishes with avocado contribute to faster saturation.


This fruit is classified as high-calorie, starchy, and generally not conducive to weight loss. It certainly has beneficial properties (bananas contain a lot of potassium, which has a positive effect on the heart) and can fill you up, but you need to be careful with it when it comes to losing weight. There is a special banana diet. It is a “lifesaver” for those who are obese and have problems with the intestines and stomach. In a week of such a diet you can lose 5-7 kg. During the day you need to eat no more than 1.5 kilograms of peeled bananas in six meals.

The list of fruits that are most beneficial for weight loss goes on. However, if you decide to have a fasting day or go on a fruit diet for a short time, this list will be enough.

What are the fruit diets?

We found out which fruits promote weight loss. Let's figure out what fruit diets exist.

It is difficult to name the best fruit diets for weight loss. Conventionally, they can be divided into two groups:

  • mono diet(only one fruit participates: apple, banana, kiwi);
  • - mixed (several products are involved).

When choosing the healthiest fruit diets for weight loss, follow these basic rules:

  1. Eat fruits in the first half of the day (the body processes fats best in the first half of the day).
  2. Avoid high-calorie fruits (peaches, bananas, grapes) or eat them in minimal quantities (no more than 1 per day). This rule does not apply to mono diets.
  3. Replace bread with fruits: they are healthy and lower in calories.
  4. Drink fruit juices(but not from the store!).
  5. IN mixed diets You can include vegetables. This great way diversify the menu. The calorie table will help you figure out which vegetables to choose. The least high-calorie vegetables are: cucumber, tomato, leaf salad, zucchini, cabbage of all kinds. Vegetables such as carrots and beets contain a lot of carbohydrates, so they should be consumed in the smallest quantities.

Many people are interested fruit menu in order to lose weight, but few people know how to properly consume fruits during a diet: for example, at night it is better to eat fruits rich in fiber - then you will not gain weight. Read the recommendations of nutritionists about existing rules fruit diet, find out which fruits accelerate the process of losing weight, and which, on the contrary, provoke the deposition of excess.

What are the benefits of fruits?

Nutritionists say that a fruit diet is one of the most effective methods for quick and harmless weight loss. However, most sweet fruits contain fructose, which causes women to refuse to eat them. This carbohydrate increases blood sugar levels, but is absorbed by the body more slowly than sucrose. Considering the pros and cons, you need to eat fruits during your diet correctly, regulating daily dose. Those losing weight know the main beneficial properties:

  • energize, give strength;
  • provide the body with minerals and vitamins;
  • promote satiety without causing a feeling of heaviness in the stomach;
  • raise vitality;
  • normalize weight by helping burn fat.

What fruits help you lose weight

Available on supermarket shelves widest choice, but those who want to make their figure ideal should know which fruits can be eaten during a diet, and which should be removed from the menu. Dietary fruits - those that contain a minimal amount of sugar - will help you snack and not gain weight. Citrus fruits, which actively burn fat, have a special place of honor in diets.

Fat burning

Citrus fruits are champions in burning fat. This kind of fruit is rich in flavonoids, which prevent fat from being deposited. In addition, they help normalize metabolic processes. Women often consume fruits for weight loss and fat removal, such as tangerines, grapefruits, oranges, and kiwis. However, it is worth remembering that daily norm citrus fruits should not exceed 2 pieces/day.

Low calorie

People who want to add more fruit to their diet look to vitamin composition. However, when losing weight, it is not this factor that is important, but the calorie content of the fetus. When choosing low-calorie fruits for weight loss, you should give preference to those whose calorie content does not exceed 25-48 kcal per 100 grams. In addition to citrus fruits, the list of weight loss aids includes:

  • apples;
  • melons;
  • pears;
  • peaches;
  • apricots.

Calorie content

Most of the fruits of fruit trees have a low glycemic load and minimal carbohydrate content. This means they have little effect on sugar levels. When dieting, it is recommended to eat fruits with a low glycemic index, because along with them fiber will also enter the body, which only promotes weight loss by slowing down the digestive processes. The calorie content and GI table will help you understand which ones you can consume and which ones are best removed from your diet.


Number of kcal/100 g

Glycemic index






What fruits can you eat while losing weight?

Fruits have a beneficial effect on the body when losing weight, some of them contain too much a large number of complex carbohydrates, which are very difficult for the liver to process. If you stick dietary ration, then you should familiarize yourself with what you can eat and, most importantly, at what time the meal will be appropriate and will not cause harm to the body.

Is it possible to eat fruit at night?

It is permissible to have a fruit snack an hour before bedtime, but you should choose fruits with minimal calorie content. So, in order not to gain weight, you can eat:

  • apples, but not sour varieties;
  • citrus fruits - they will speed up the digestion process, but this kind of fruit is extremely undesirable for people with gastritis or stomach ulcers;
  • mango - does not irritate the gastric mucosa;
  • fresh pineapple – a few slices will start the fat burning process and also cleanse the body;
  • figs (in fresh) – will help reduce appetite and quickly fill you up.

Fruits in the evening for weight loss

Those who are on a diet especially want to eat in evening time. It is worth choosing unsweetened fruits. For example, great benefit They will bring a few eaten plums, especially to those who have problems with bowel movements. During dinner, fruits should not be combined with other dishes, because such a “mix” will slow down digestion, lead to bloating and cause gas formation. People with gastrointestinal disorders are not recommended to eat pears in the evening.

What fruits should you not eat when losing weight?

Anyone who wants to lose weight should know which fruits cause weight gain. When dieting, you should exclude sweets and those with a high glycemic index, for example:

  1. Grapes are a product that is also high in calories. In addition, the grapes begin to ferment in the intestines, which can cause a person’s well-being to worsen.
  2. Bananas - although this kind of fruit is very tasty, but, like grapes, they are not the healthiest for those losing weight.
  3. Watermelons are fruits whose glycemic index is off the charts. Excess liquid contained in watermelons can disrupt the water-salt balance.
  4. Dried and canned fruits are also not the best best food during a diet, because they contain a lot of sugar and are too high in calories.

Fruit diet

Nutritionists say that people who periodically switch to a fruit diet significantly improve their condition: the body is cleansed of toxins, metabolism is normalized, and the color and condition of the skin improves. A fruit diet for weight loss is easily tolerated, because the main products contain a lot of fiber, which does not allow a person to starve. Check out the most popular types of low-calorie and delicious diets.

For 7 days

There is a fruit diet minus 10 kg per week - this is a simple way that helps you get into shape in just 7 days. The method is not recommended for use for weight loss more than once every 3 months; it is also worth considering that if you fail, you will have to start all over again. If you easily tolerate such a diet, you can increase the duration of the diet to 14 days, but no more. All foods on the diet must be consumed at the right time:

  • Breakfast – 1 grapefruit and some walnuts. An alternative solution is 2 kiwis with 20 grams of unsweetened crackers. You can make a salad with low-fat yogurt dressing.
  • Lunch must contain proteins; you must add boiled chicken or an omelette without oil.
  • Afternoon snack – watermelon or melon, orange or apple. You are allowed to make a salad.
  • Dinner – berry salad and a small portion of lean fish.

For 3 days

In the hope of losing at least a few extra pounds, many often use harsh methods - hunger strikes, but there are also more pleasant and effective methods losing weight. One of these is a fruit diet for 3 days. The menu for this diet looks something like this:

  • breakfast – any citrus, juice;
  • lunch – fruit salad, water;
  • dinner – fruit plate, water, juice.
  • breakfast - assorted fruit, glass still water;
  • lunch – vegetable salad, water;
  • dinner - boiled vegetables, several not too high-calorie fruits of the fruit tree.
  • breakfast – fruit plate, glass of fresh juice;
  • lunch – fruit salad, water;
  • dinner - vegetable soup without adding fat.

Fasting day

When you are allowed to eat only the fruits of fruit trees for one day, this is a fasting. For better saturation, you can also add kefir, cottage cheese or low fat yogurt. Fasting days for weight loss can be done on apples, apricots, strawberries, watermelons, peaches, but it is better not to use bananas and grapes for these purposes. You can get the desired effect from unloading by following a few simple rules:

  • the day before unloading, have dinner with kefir or vegetable salad;
  • after fasting day do not “pounce” on any food that catches your eye, otherwise you will not see the effect;
  • perform unloading 2-3 times a week - the optimal solution for losing weight;
  • with a one-day diet, drink a lot of water - about 2 liters;
  • prepare fruit for the day, general energy value which will be 800-900 kcal;
  • Divide food into many small portions.

One of the popular options for unloading the body is a kefir-fruit day. With this fermented milk product Apples are the best combination - thanks to them, the body receives a lot of pectin, vitamins and fiber. The menu consists of 1.5-2 kilograms of any apples and 1.5 liters of 0% fat kefir. When unloading, apples can be eaten fresh or baked in the oven.

How to eat fruit when losing weight

Even fruits on a diet must be consumed correctly, otherwise they will not only not help with weight loss, but will also cause harm. Remember the basic rules:

  1. Eat fruit instead of one or more meals. For example, you shouldn’t add them to breakfast; in this case, it’s better to give preference to fruit salad.
  2. Don't drink coffee while having a fruit snack. If you prefer fruit breakfasts, then your stomach should not be empty; it is better to drink coffee half an hour after your meal or 2 hours before it.
  3. Eat whole fruits. Freshly squeezed juice will not benefit people who want to lose weight. Consume fruits in any diet, grated or cut, but, if possible, do not heat-treat them.

Video: Fruit diet menu

In pursuit of slim figure We often limit ourselves in nutrition. At the same time, we sometimes succumb to the influence of myths invented by our grandmothers about proper diet. As a result, we buy them in the store considering them absolutely safe and healthy. “There’s not a drop of fat in them!” - we convince ourselves and enthusiastically consume kilograms of delicious fruits in front of the TV, without even suspecting that we thereby nullify all efforts to lose weight. In order not to make a mistake in choosing foods while on a diet, let's figure out what fruits you can eat when losing weight and in what quantities .

Debunking myths

Opponents of eating fruit while dieting argue that you should never fill your diet with sweet fruits. They say they contain a lot of fructose, which is a modified sugar. But this myth can be easily dispelled, since scientists have long proven that the human body processes it completely differently than the same glucose. The fact is that fructose is quickly and easily broken down and absorbed, without having time to be converted into fat, like other carbohydrates.

Many people do not know what fruits to eat when losing weight, and therefore completely refuse them. Especially when they hear the second myth about fructose: it interferes with the process of burning lipids. It also blocks the formation of hormones, so the body does not understand how much energy it has already spent and absorbed. But doctors refute this claim. According to them, fructose in moderation is not harmful. Of course, if you consume hundreds of fruits a day, then you cannot avoid extra pounds.

Benefits of fruits

There is no doubt that it exists. First, to clear all doubts, consult a professional nutritionist. He will explain in detail what fruits you can eat while losing weight. The doctor will also tell you that the body cannot do without them: the fruits contain the antioxidants it needs. They cleanse our body of harmful free radicals, which oxidize cells and provoke the development of serious diseases.

Secondly, fruits contain many vitamins and micronutrients, without which the body is unable to function normally. If they are missing, they begin various kinds disruptions in the functioning of the immune, nervous and other systems. Vision problems arise, hair falls out, and skin condition worsens. Therefore, take the time to find out what fruits you can eat when losing weight and how much to avoid this kind of trouble. These may also include problems with intestinal patency. After all, by refusing fruits, you deprive yourself of the opportunity to receive the fiber that is so necessary for cleansing the body.


What fruits can you eat when losing weight at night? Of course, citrus fruits. They will not harm the figure even in late time day, let alone morning or lunch. By eating several oranges or tangerines a day, savoring slices of grapefruit or lemon, you not only maintain your figure, but also get rid of excess weight. The thing is that natural sugar and various minerals contained in the middle of the product stimulate metabolism. Moreover, grapefruit is the most useful for weight loss: it tones the body and burns excess body fat. The enzymes of this fruit actively process calories. Know that any dish that contains no more than 800 kcal will not ruin your figure if you eat half of this fruit after it.

In addition, by eating citrus fruits every day, you provide yourself with sufficient quantity ascorbic acid, which serves as a shield for various viruses and harmful bacteria. The presence of herbal substances strengthens the immune system, prevents the development of inflammation and even tumors, and also eases the load on the heart.


Another one that will make you slimmer. He was even dubbed the champion of weight loss. First of all, kiwi is low in calories. One hundred grams of fruit pulp contains only 60 kcal. There are also many useful microelements(iron, potassium, magnesium, zinc), fruit and organic acids. By eating one fruit a day, you cover daily requirement your body in vitamin C, also provide it with enough folic acid and vitamin K.

Secondly, a well-known nutritionist, a Frenchman, speaking about what fruits you can eat while losing weight, first of all named kiwi. According to him, starting breakfast with this fruit, you get rid of extra pounds without putting in any physical effort. The thing is that the soluble plant fibers of this fruit kill the feeling of hunger and remove everything unnecessary from your intestines. Carnitine, found in kiwi pulp, burns lipid layers in the body.


One of the most famous fruits used for weight loss. It has been proven that by eating only one mango per day, you can get rid of one or two kilograms in a week, and 5-6 kg per month. Also, in four weeks, the fruit burns five centimeters of fat around the waist. People who lived many centuries ago already knew what fruits they could eat while losing weight, so they not only stocked up on mangoes to prevent excess weight, but also used it to treat obesity.

In addition, mango is also very healthy. It lowers blood sugar and cholesterol levels and treats infections. It acts as a laxative, so it is used to treat patients suffering from intestinal obstruction. Mango is a storehouse of vitamins and useful substances, its presence in your menu has a positive effect on kidney function and of cardio-vascular system. It is recommended to make airy mousses from mangoes and use them in cocktails and salads. The fruit goes well with yogurt in desserts and with rice in main dishes. Contraindicated for diabetics due to high content vegetable sugars.


Eat three to four fruits every day - this the right way lose weight quickly. The domestic fruit has many advantages, even compared to its exotic counterparts. Firstly, it is inexpensive, and secondly, it does not cause allergic reactions, thirdly, his taste qualities Almost everyone likes it. Nutritionists recommend doing fasting “apple” days several times a month, during which you eat only these fruits. But if you have stomach problems, it is better to refrain from consuming the product. Also, if you want to know what fruits you can eat when losing weight in the evening, it is better to consult your doctor. For example, the same apple can cause severe heartburn, so it’s better not to eat it at night.

Medium-sized apples contain between 60 and 100 calories. High level fiber allows you to quickly and permanently satisfy your hunger. The fruits are rich in antioxidants that kill cholesterol, as well as folic acid and elements that are responsible for density bone tissue. The benefits of the fruit are undeniable. In Great Britain there is even a proverb: “If you want to forget about doctors, eat an apple a day.”

A pineapple

What fruits can you eat when losing weight? Well, of course, pineapple is the real “king” in the fight against overweight. Obese people not only can, but should also include it in their menu. Low calorie product (48 kcal) allows you to eat it in large quantities. Of course, you shouldn’t overuse it, but half a piece of fruit a day will only do you good. The pulp contains bromelain, which provokes the breakdown of fats and proteins, the production gastric juice, which improves the digestion process and at the same time reduces the number on the scale. There is an opinion that only one gram of this substance can remove a kilogram of excess weight from your sides and waist.

Thanks to pineapple, food is quickly absorbed without the formation of lipid deposits. That is why it is recommended to eat it after meals. Fruit juice is also useful in this regard: it also copes well with the calories attacking your body. But the most interesting thing is that pineapple is healthy even before eating. Nutritionists say that only a few slices can reduce your portion of lunch or dinner, since the fruit quenches the feeling of hunger and creates the effect of fullness.

Fruit pests

You should also know about them so as not to buy a product on the market that will not contribute to weight loss, but, on the contrary, to weight gain. We have already figured out what fruits you can eat while losing weight, now we will look at their antipodes, the first of which is grapes. Not only is it high in calories and fructose, but it also has a high glycemic index, making it not suitable for dieters. Also, grapes often ferment in the intestines, which causes discomfort.

Bananas are very tasty, but at the same time absolutely not healthy fruits for those losing weight. The reasons are the same as in the case of grapes. Another pest fruit is watermelon. Many people say that it copes well with excess weight, but this is a wrong opinion. The huge glycemic index is just one of the disadvantages of watermelon. For example, a large amount of liquid contained in it can disrupt the water-salt balance in your body.

It is also recommended that all those who are trying to lose weight exclude dried fruits and canned fruits. They are very high in calories and contain a lot harmful sugar. Therefore, replace them with fruits that are healthy for your figure: pineapples, apples, kiwis, mangoes and citrus fruits. Always be in good shape!

Can you eat fruit while dieting? Fruits are included in the list of allowed foods for most existing diets as the main source of vitamins and microelements, and also as a substitute flour products and refined sugar. But if you adhere to the acclaimed Dukan diet, the situation is a little more complicated: fruits are only allowed in the final stages of the diet, and even then the list is limited.

Briefly about the Dukan diet

The author of the diet is the French doctor Pierre Dukan. He has been counseling patients on nutrition for over 40 years and has come to the conclusion that a genuine diet should not only make you lose the desired amount of weight, but also maintain this result for many years. He divided the diet into 4 stages and limited the list of allowed foods to 100 items. They also included fruits, but with one limitation: on the Dukan diet, fruits can be eaten, but only some of them and in strictly designated quantities.

The first stage of the Dukan diet - can I have fruit?

The first stage of the diet is called “Attack”. During this period there is quick loss weight due to strict restriction of carbohydrates and reliance on foods rich in proteins - a total of 72 protein products are allowed. This stage lasts depending on how many kilograms you want to lose. For 5 kg, 1-2 days are enough, for 5-10 kg - 3-5 days, but if you need to lose 10 kilograms or more, it will take from 5 days to a week. During this phase, you can only eat meat, fish, eggs, low-fat dairy products, drink coffee and herbal teas, apply cumin, parsley, onion and other spices and herbs, even consume moderate amount gherkins, diet cola and tomato paste. What fruits to eat on the Dukan diet at this stage? Only lemon, and use it not as a base for lemonade or as a fruit, but as a salad dressing.

What fruits are there on the Dukan diet in the second stage?

The second stage is called “Alternation”, because in this phase of the diet proteins are replaced by protein and vegetable dishes, and all this lasts from two to six months. Naturally, during this period the diet should gain some balance and completely renouncing carbohydrates, and therefore fruits, will be quite difficult. Dr. Dukan recommends choosing a regimen yourself, but so that the number of protein days corresponds to the number of protein-vegetable days: 1/1, 2/2 or 3/3. The most acceptable is the first option.

At this stage, 28 vegetable products are added to the 72 protein products, bringing the total number of recommended products to hundreds. The list of permitted vegetables includes tomatoes, cucumbers, radishes, peppers, fennel, asparagus, eggplant, cabbage, spinach, lettuce, mushrooms and many others. What fruits can you eat during your diet at this stage? Unfortunately, at this stage the list is strictly limited, as at the previous stage. It is allowed to use lemon as a seasoning. However, wanting to give themselves some relief, patients introduce one unsweetened apple into their morning diet.

Fruits in the third stage of the diet

This phase is called “Consolidation” or “Consolidation” and in this phase you can finally eat fruits in your diet. In fact, the stage represents a gradual exit from the diet; how gradual it is depends on the number of kilograms lost, each of which accounts for 10 days of the phase. If you have lost 6 kg, then this period should last 60 days for you.

What fruits are there on the Dukan diet during this period? A French nutritionist bans bananas, grapes, sweet cherries, cherries, figs and other sugary fruits. In this case, what fruits can be included in the diet? In fact, these are any sour and sweet and sour fruits, the serving should be the size of an orange or apple. In addition to the fruits mentioned, you can add kiwi and tangerines to your diet.

Also allowed sweet and sour berries in the amount of 200-300 g, a slice of melon or watermelon.

What fruits can you eat during the fourth stage of the Dukan diet?

This phase is called "Stabilization", it lasts throughout life and is about maintaining the rules eating behavior learned in the previous stages. Dukan notes that you can eat fruit while on a diet, but recommends maintaining one day a week. protein days and generally limit yourself to the amount of carbohydrates.



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