Ultrasound of the bladder decoding of the results. Ultrasound of the bladder is an effective method for examining the organ

Competent diagnosis of pathologies Bladder in patients of all categories is impossible without ultrasound scanning. Ultrasound has long established itself as the most informative and comfortable method. However, in order for the results to be accurate and meaningful, it is important to examine. The main question of the article: Ultrasound of the bladder in women and men - what does the study show?

In what cases is an ultrasound of the bladder performed? The procedure is indicated for patients of any gender and age (including children), if they have signs of a violation of the genitourinary system, for example:

  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • frequent or difficult urination;
  • urinary incontinence;
  • the formation of stones;
  • foreign body;
  • anomalies in the structure of the bladder or kidneys;
  • a significant increase in the number of red blood cells or other serious abnormalities in the analysis of urine;
  • reflux of urine medical term- vesicourethral reflux);
  • urinary tract injuries.

The study makes it possible to determine the pathology and prescribe subsequent treatment.

Video 1. Appointment of ultrasound of the bladder and the order of conduct.

Additional indications

The study is also indicated if:

  1. Renal function should be assessed, for example, if you have cystitis or long course pyelonephritis.
  2. Men have a need for integrated assessment conditions of the prostate and bladder, in order to exclude adenoma or prostatitis.
  3. In women, if necessary, a comprehensive examination of the bladder with the ovaries or uterus to differentiate gynecological diseases from urological ones.

What are they watching?

Ultrasound examination of the genitourinary system allows you to establish:

  • shape (the fact is that tumors can lead to deformation and distortion of the shape of the organ);
  • dimensions (an increase indicates the presence of stones, stenosis of the urethra, pathological growth of the prostate, and a decrease in the organ is evidence of frequent inflammation, fibrosis of the walls or schistosomiasis);
  • contours;
  • what the cavity is filled with (if hyperechoic inclusions are visualized there, then it is necessary to determine their nature: blood, urine, pus, clots, hematomas, etc.);
  • with a double scan, the volume of residual urine is determined;
  • the size, shape, or mobility of foreign bodies or tumors;
  • the integrity of the organ (if violated, then diagnose the type and degree of damage).

If the patient suffers from cystitis or neurogenic bladder(this concept combines whole complex symptoms), then the diagnostician during the ultrasound will reveal uneven contours of the organ and thickening of its walls.

Reference! If the doctor suspects the development urolithiasis, then ultrasound will clarify the diagnosis by providing information about the presence or absence of stones in the cavity of the organ.

When stones are found, the doctor gets the opportunity to describe them in detail, which is necessary for the subsequent appointment of therapy.

An increase in the volume of residual urine signals the onset of illness prostate. Besides, Ultrasound examination is indispensable in the detection of neoplasms on the wall of the bladder. Quite often tumors, polyps and diverticula (protrusions of a wall) come to light. Ultrasound also allows you to determine the nature of the attachment of neoplasms to the wall of the organ (thin stem or thick base), which is important for choosing treatment methods.

Ultrasound examination is also key way diagnosing ureteral problems. In the study of this area can be identified:

  • urethrocele (the phenomenon of pathological entry of part of the ureter into the cavity of the bladder);
  • megaureter (expansion of the lumen of the organ);
  • doubling of the ureters or other pathologies.

with doppler

How else is an ultrasound of the bladder done? A very effective diagnostic combination of two procedures: ultrasound and Doppler examination. Such a complex makes it possible not only to evaluate the main parameters of the organ, but also to establish the nature of the movement of urine through the ureters, the direction of this movement, the shape of the flow and its symmetry.

Based on the results of the ultrasound, the patient is given a conclusion with which he comes for a second consultation with his doctor. The urologist or nephrologist analyzes all the data of the anamnesis, the patient's complaints and the data of his analyzes, as well as the conclusion of the ultrasound. The result of such analytical work is the diagnosis. The attending physician can advise on preparation for diagnostic procedures.

In men

Ignorant people who have never previously undergone a bladder examination sometimes ask themselves: do they do an ultrasound of this organ?

Ultrasound diagnostics is a modern, safe and very informative method for detecting pathologies of the genitourinary system. If the attending physician (or the patient himself) suspects diseases of the bladder, then, without hesitation, it is worth resorting to ultrasound.

For the representatives of the stronger sex, the advantage of an ultrasound examination of the bladder is the ability to combine the procedure with an examination of the prostate gland. This allows you to exclude pathologies associated with diseases of the prostate. Preparation for ultrasound for patients does not differ.

Among women

The bladder is a kind of “window” behind which is the female reproductive system. What does the study show in women? The information content of the procedure is easy to assess by the parameters that make it possible to see the ultrasound of the bladder in women.

Additionally ultrasound examination will show:

  • uterus outside the gestation period;
  • fertilized uterus at the beginning of pregnancy;
  • dimensions and location of the ovaries;
  • the presence of cysts.

Screening and recovery

Why do? Most often, an ultrasound of the bladder is done as part of a patient screening examination. Also, a referral for ultrasound is issued for certain complaints or symptoms of the disease, or in the course of monitoring postoperative recovery patient.

Important! If continuous monitoring of functions is required excretory system, including at night, home portable ultrasound machines are successfully used. They allow you to analyze the patient's condition without leaving home.

Ultrasound of the bladder (as well as in general) is an effective control procedure, and as such it is prescribed for postoperative patients (both after removal of the organ and after endoscopic intervention). Operation on urethra, ureters, removal of stones or resection of the prostate also suggest a control ultrasound scan.


Before sending for an ultrasound, the doctor will give everything necessary recommendations preparation and procedure. Do not be afraid of it, because at the moment it is the most gentle, comfortable and safe diagnostic procedure.

In the definition of diseases of the bladder, not the last place is occupied by ultrasound examination. This diagnostic method is prescribed in the presence of symptoms indicating a pathology of the genitourinary system. To obtain reliable results, ultrasound of the bladder should be taken seriously and prepared. All instructions regarding the preparation for the examination are given by the doctor and it is very important to follow them. This method has no contraindications, it is allowed for even a child.

Indications for the appointment of an ultrasound examination

This method of examination is distinguished by its simplicity, the absence of contraindications, complications, and the speed of obtaining results. A study is scheduled for the following symptoms:

  • frequent or difficult urination;
  • incontinence;
  • suspicion of having kidney stones;
  • with cystitis;
  • urine output with an admixture of blood;
  • suspicion of vesicoureteral reflux.

Additionally, the study is prescribed to assess the work of the kidneys, the diagnosis of cystitis (both chronic and acute), pyelonephritis. If adenoma or inflammation is suspected in men, prostate examinations are carried out at the same time. Women for a complete assessment of the state of the genitourinary system may be prescribed additional examinations uterus and appendages.

How to prepare for a bladder ultrasound

Preparing for an ultrasound of the bladder plays a very important role. By the time of the procedure, the organ must be filled - this will help determine the thickness of the walls, the shape of the organ and its contour. To do this, about 1.5 - 2 hours before the ultrasound, you need to drink about 2 liters of liquid in the form of teas, compotes, still water. There is another way - do not empty the bladder for 5 - 6 hours before the procedure.

If the ultrasound will be performed transrectally, it is necessary to make a cleansing enema on the eve of the procedure and a few hours before it. After such preparation, patients do not have questions about whether it is possible to eat before ultrasound of the bladder. After all, it is already clear that it is better to conduct an examination after an enema on an empty stomach or on a diet (with other types of examination: external and transvaginal or transurethral).

Many patients find it difficult to refrain from urinating before the procedure and the question arises how to prepare then. In this case, it is recommended to empty partially, but in this case, you will need to drink 1.5 - 2 liters of liquid, so that by the time of the ultrasound the organ is refilled. The accuracy of the results after the examination depends on the correct preparation of the patient, because only a full bladder can determine the state of the organ.

How is the procedure carried out

Ultrasound of the bladder is carried out in 3 ways:

  1. Abdominal - with it, the examination is carried out from the front abdominal cavity. This is an external type of research.
  2. Transurethral - diagnosis occurs through the urination canal.
  3. Transrectal - the organ is examined through the rectum.

The most used is the first method of examination. The other two are necessary to confirm or refute the problems that were identified during external survey. Ultimately, the ultrasound method is determined by the attending physician, who prescribes this procedure. The position of the patient is determined during the diagnosis, you will be asked to lie on your back or side, in some cases you are asked to stand up so that you can examine the organ for the presence of formations inside it.

How is an ultrasound of the bladder done in women

Diagnosis sometimes differs depending on the gender of the patient. Women additionally examine the uterus and ovaries. The procedure provides an opportunity to measure these organs, determine their structure, location, shape. In some cases, women do ultrasound transvaginally. This helps to clearly see the picture of the state of the organs inside and accurately diagnose the existence of certain diseases. Pregnancy and menstruation are not a hindrance to diagnosis, it is only important to warn the doctor so that he correctly chooses the method of conducting the examination.

Ultrasound of the genitourinary system in men

Examination of male patients has some of its own characteristics, for example, during ultrasound of the bladder, sometimes there is a need for a diagnosis of the prostate gland. If you suspect a disease associated with the prostate, ultrasound of the bladder with the determination of residual urine. To do this, the man is asked to go to the toilet, and then the amount of fluid that is stored in the organ is measured. Otherwise, the diagnosis of a bladder in men and women is no different.

What can an ultrasound scan show?

Organ diagnostics helps to see:

  • Permeability through the urethra.
  • The presence of foreign formations, tumors, stones.
  • The sediment in the bladder on ultrasound is seen in the form of salts, crystalline formations, epithelium, erythrocytes and leukocytes.
  • Inflammation (acute or chronic).
  • Increased tone.
  • Atony.
  • wall diverticulosis.
  • Omission of an organ.
  • The existence of problems with the prostate (in men).
  • Diseases of the ovaries, appendages, uterus (in women).

Interpretation of ultrasound of the bladder

Deciphering the results of the ultrasound helps the doctor to adequately assess the condition of the bladder, and in conjunction with the patient's complaints, put accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment if necessary. After all, not always a normal echo pattern indicates the absence of problems with the bubble. It is very important for the doctor to know acceptable performance For proper conduct examinations. Normal are considered round or oval shape body, smooth edges and volume ranging from 350 to 750 ml in men and 250-550 ml in women.

Approximate cost of ultrasound

In Moscow and St. Petersburg, the price for such a service depends on the clinic where it is performed and the qualifications of the specialist. At the time of writing, the cost varies within:

  1. Minimum - 600 rubles. in a multidisciplinary medical center"Prima Medica", located on the street. Academician Chalomeya, house 10B (near the metro station Kaluzhskaya).
  2. Maximum - 2500 rubles. at the Center for Endosurgery and Lithotripsy, which is located on Highway Enthusiasts, 62 (near the Highway Enthusiasts station).

Primary diagnosis of cystitis is carried out by passing a urine and blood test. After the doctor receives the results, he can refer the patient to an ultrasound examination of the organs. urinary system. Ultrasound of the bladder with cystitis is a necessary measure.

If the doctor has difficulty making a diagnosis, this diagnostic method helps to get an accurate picture of the development of the disease, since ultrasound visually shows the structure of the bladder, in which, when cystitis occurs, characteristics inflammation.

Cystitis is an inflammation of the walls of the bladder that most often occurs as a result of penetration into the urinary organ bacterial infection . Today, this disease is quite common, especially among women. The fact is that the representatives of the weaker sex have a concomitant anatomical structure urinary organs - a wide and short urethra, through which pathogenic microflora can quickly enter the body, thereby causing inflammation.

Is it possible to determine if there is a problem early stage? Often, cystitis appears in a person as a result of the development of an ascending infection in the body, which complicates diagnosis and treatment of the disease.

When are they assigned?

The main indications for ultrasound in case of suspected cystitis are:

  • rare or, conversely, too frequent urination;
  • the presence of pus or blood clots in the urine;
  • the appearance of large white flakes in the urine;
  • false urge to the toilet, when only a couple of drops of urine are released from the bladder, containing impurities of pus or blood (often this phenomenon is observed with cystitis, which was caused by a specific flora);
  • change in the shade of urine;
  • decrease in the total amount of urine produced per day;
  • pain or discomfort when going to the toilet “in a small way”;
  • discomfort in the pubic area;
  • increase subfebrile temperature up to 38 degrees or more.

It is important to note that these symptoms can characterize not only cystitis, but also other pathologies of the bladder or the entire excretory system (organs). Therefore, the patient is assigned an ultrasound scan, with the help of which the diagnosis will be established accurately. The question “do I need to do an ultrasound” in such a situation is not worth it.

Reference! With an advanced form of cystitis, the procedure is carried out not only to examine the condition of the urinary organ, but also to identify the dynamics of the course of the disease. This allows doctors to monitor the patient's condition, as well as avoid the transition chronic cystitis to acute.

What does it show?

Is the disease visible in the study? When conducting an ultrasound scan, doctors can detect diverticula - these are peculiar sac-like neoplasms located on the walls of the bladder or growing into its cavity. Also in the organ it is possible to detect sand or oxalate (salt) stones, which significantly violate the integrity of the mucous membrane, and are also considered the main factor in the development of cystitis.

Video 1. Cystitis on ultrasound.

With the course of certain forms of the disease, such a study will be endowed with specific manifestations.

Ulcerative and herpetic forms

For these forms of cystitis characteristic symptom development of the disease will be the appearance of erosions and small ulcers in the inner part of the urea. At first, they will develop on the mucous membrane, and then they will spread to the deeper layers of the organ. This form is accompanied severe pain Therefore, the treatment of the patient should be carried out immediately after the signs of cystitis are detected.

Candidal form

With the development of cystitis of the candidal type, ultrasound will show the formations that have appeared in the cavity of the urea. They may have different shape and size. The growth rate of neoplasms depends on the state of the patient's immunity and the time of the course of cystitis.

acute form

A significant thickening of the walls of the ureter becomes noticeable only with the onset of an acute form of pathology. At the beginning of its development, ultrasound will show an even contour of the organ, on which deformations will be completely absent. However with the progression of inflammation, the walls of the bladder will gradually thicken, the contour will become more crooked, and the shape uneven - with the help of ultrasound, such negative changes in the organ can be noticed without problems.

Chronic form

With the development of this form, a thickening of the walls of the organ also occurs. Ultrasound shows the presence of flakes in the bladder, which indicates the neglect of the disease.

If the inflammation is too advanced, hypo and hyperechoic areas can be found in the inflamed organ. Imi may have blood clots. They also cause a violation of the contour of the urinary organ, being in the liquefaction phase, as a result of which it looks asymmetrical.

Healthy bladder

in normal and healthy condition the organ is even, symmetrical, without protruding walls and uneven contour. On the mucous membrane there should be no deformations, ulcers, spots and thickening. healthy organ has a wall thickness of 5 mm.


Preparation for the study depends on.

Known 4 options Urinary ultrasound. This:

  • transvaginal;
  • transurethral;
  • transabdominal;
  • transrectal.

Ultrasound is accompanied, if necessary, by other types of studies.

Also, for the diagnosis of cystitis, a method is often used that helps to identify all the obstacles that urine overcomes when it enters the bladder or when it leaves it.

The effectiveness of this method lies in the patient.

Deciphering the results and the norm

Diagnosis of cystitis performed in acute phase, allows you to identify the following picture: inside the bubble, the smallest particles endowed with high echogenicity are clearly visible. They are usually combined into foci. Usually, these particles are clusters a large number cells- leukocyte, epithelial or erythrocyte. Salt crystals (oxalates) can also be found in them.

Reference! If during the ultrasound the person lies down, the focus with sediment will be on back wall urea; if the patient is standing, particles will be found on the anterior wall of the organ.

The outflow of urine when it reaches its maximum peak should be less than 15 cm / s- otherwise, we can talk about the development of cystitis or other diseases of the urinary organs.


Cystitis most often develops as a result of finding a valid infection in the body. Therefore, the causative agent of the disease can easily get into the kidneys through the ureters, which will worsen the patient's condition, causing pyelonephritis and other diseases of the paired organ.

Pros and cons of organ ultrasound

This study is absolutely safe for the health of the patient, and also painless. The safety of this diagnostic method is used in the case of a study of pregnant women, children and the elderly.


Ultrasound performed on the bladder is considered one of the most informative methods examination, which is prescribed for the development of cystitis in acute form. Using this diagnostic method, it is possible to see changes in the urinary organ, the negative effect of pathology on the bladder, and also to understand how many layers are involved in the inflammation process.

The advantage of ultrasound is that today there are several options for the procedure., so it can be selected individually for each patient.

Ultrasound of the bladder is an important part of the evaluation of a patient with suspected kidney disease and urinary tract. This is a minimally invasive diagnostic method that has no contraindications for use. Approved for use by children, adults, pregnant women, as it is completely safe.


How is an ultrasound of the bladder done in women? In order to receive reliable results examination, the patient must adhere to all recommendations of the doctor, in particular, to proper training to diagnostics.

This will provide reliable data with which you can establish an accurate diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment. Manipulation is mainly carried out transabdominally. However, in some cases, transvaginal access using a special probe may be indicated.


Ultrasound of the bladder in men is performed through the wall of the abdomen. And only with severe obesity, ascites, or suspected prostate tumor, it is advisable to use transrectal access.

To the peculiarities of preparing men for this study include a cleansing enema or the use of a microclyster a few hours before diagnosis. This will clear the intestines from stool and provide access of the sensor to the required depth in the rectum.

The main rule for a successful ultrasound is a full bladder. This can be done in two ways:

  1. Physiological. It consists in the natural filling of the organ with urine for several hours. This method can only be used when the study is scheduled for early morning because the bladder will fill overnight. However, this method is not suitable for all people, since many immediately after waking up have a strong need to empty. Alternatively, you can set an alarm for 3:00-4:00, go to the toilet and be ready for the study by the appointed time.
  2. Drinking large amounts of liquid. 1-1.5 hours before the diagnosis, the patient should drink at least 2-3 glasses of pure non-carbonated water. Tea or compote is allowed, only milk is banned. If there is quite a lot of time left by the appointed hour, but there is already a strong urge to urinate, the patient can drain a small amount of urine until relief. However, after that, you should immediately drink another 1 glass of liquid.
  3. The use of diuretics. It is used quite rarely, when within a few hours after drinking 500-700 ml of liquid there is no feeling of filling the bladder. This method It is not recommended to use on your own, only in consultation with a specialist.

Ultrasound diagnostics consists in the ability of ultrasound waves to pass through tissues human body. However, in some cases, for example, when severe flatulence, the results of the study may be distorted, since ultrasound does not pass through air and gases.

To avoid this, with a tendency to increased gas formation, a certain diet should be followed for 2-3 days before the diagnosis. To do this, you need to remove daily menu brown bread, legumes, raw fruits and vegetables, milk, sweets, muffins, and carbonated drinks.

During this period, it is necessary to exclude fried, spicy and salty foods. Steam cooking is recommended. The diet should include dietary meat, lean fish, cereals, eggs.

The last meal should be at least 8 hours before the diagnosis. Therefore, dinner should be planned for 18:00-19:00 in the evening. In the morning you can only drink still water, you can't eat. The exception is people who need to eat regularly due to certain diseases.

Research results

What does an ultrasound of the bladder show? Using this diagnostic method, you can determine the shape, size, external and internal contours, the nature of the content, wall thickness, their integrity, traumatic injuries organ. Thanks to these data, it is easy to establish a diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment.

At acute cystitis Ultrasound can show the presence of small echogenic particles in the cavity of the organ (clusters of red blood cells, white blood cells and other elements). With absence timely treatment the contours of the bladder become uneven, the walls thicken. This indicates the transition of cystitis to the chronic stage.

Detection of echogenic formations is quite large sizes, which are tightly soldered to the wall, indicates stones, polyps, ureterocele or prostate hypertrophy in males.

If the formations differ in mobility, the presence of stones can be suspected, foreign body, blood clot. The cause of this phenomenon is also the air that enters the bladder through the fistula or during the installation of the catheter.

With an increase in the size of the organ, it is necessary to exclude prostate hyperplasia, neurogenic bladder, the presence of a large number of calculi, impaired urine outflow in the urethra in men and trauma to the urethra in women.

Ultrasound examination of the bladder will help to make a completely painless diagnosis. However, you cannot independently decipher the results, only a specialist can do this. By following the doctor's recommendations, you can quickly get rid of unpleasant symptoms diseases.

As is known, due to anatomical features women are most susceptible urinary diseases. As a result, not the last place in the diagnosis of pathologies is given to ultrasound. This method can be used for patients different ages. Our article will tell about the features of the ultrasound of the bladder in women, how the preparation for the study is carried out, which shows the ultrasound.

Who is doing the research

Most often, ultrasound of the bladder is done in women with clear signs of impaired genitourinary function. These include:

  • frequent urge to go to the toilet;
  • difficulty urinating;
  • Availability blood secretions in the urine;
  • the presence of stones;
  • vesicoureteral reflux;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • cystitis;
  • pain above the pubis.

Ultrasound of the bladder is used as an adjunct to gynecological examination, to assess the patient's condition after suffering surgical intervention on genitourinary system to monitor kidney function.


Many women have a question about how to prepare for an ultrasound examination in order to get the most accurate results. Preparation for an ultrasound of the bladder is based on the good fullness of the organ. This is the basic rule that applies to patients of any age. The main points are:

  • Two hours before the procedure, you should drink at least 2 liters of liquid. It could be pure water, weak tea, dried fruit compote;
  • it is necessary to refrain from going to the toilet 2 hours before the examination;
  • people who do not suffer from cardiovascular pathologies You can take diuretics.

The basis of preparation is filling the bladder with water.

The above activities will help the doctor conduct a qualitative study. If the diagnosis is carried out transvaginally or transrectally, then bladder filling is also required. In addition, for the diagnosis of the last type, it is necessary to make an enema cleansing. You can get unreliable results if there is in the intestine increased gas formation. Therefore, 3 days before the study, it is necessary to exclude the use of a diet that increases the number of gases.

For this you need to follow special diet excluding the use of:

  • legumes;
  • tomato;
  • cabbage;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • alcohol;
  • dairy products.

If a woman has difficulty refraining from urinating, this is often the case during pregnancy, then you can visit the toilet. Next, you should drink 1 liter of water so that the bladder is well filled during the study. Examination of women is done on any day of the menstrual cycle.

How the study is done

Most often, the diagnosis is carried out transabdominally, by means of abdominal wall. During the procedure, the patient lies on the couch on her back. The doctor performs the procedure with an ultrasonic sensor, with a special gel applied to it. If, during the diagnosis, an assumption is made about the presence of stones, sand, a tumor process, then a request may be made to the patient to conduct a standing examination.

To assess the condition of the bladder mucosa, it is recommended to conduct an examination on the side.

Typically, the diagnosis lasts no more than 15 minutes. It is possible that it will be necessary to assess how fully the emptying of the organ occurs. To do this, a woman may be asked to visit the toilet and then re-examine the bladder. If the patient is obese or there is an assumption of the presence of a tumor, then ultrasound can be performed using the following methods:

  • transvaginally. The sensor is then inserted into the vaginal opening. The study can only be conducted for women who are sexually active.
  • Transrectal. With the help of a special sensor inserted into the rectal opening. Diagnosis can be carried out both for women who are sexually active and for virgins.

Transvaginal diagnosis allows simultaneous gynecological examination


To contraindications ultrasound of the bladder are in the abdominal form: urinary incontinence, since the diagnosis is carried out exclusively on a full bladder, the presence overweight(since with an excess amount of subcutaneous fat, a decrease in information content occurs), lesions skin on the area under study, the presence of scars on the bladder.

Transrectal examination is not done for intestinal inflammation, fissures anus, intestinal obstruction, allergies to latex. The transvaginal method is not indicated for allergic manifestations on latex, the presence of the virgin pleura, the presence of pregnancy 2.3 trimesters, infectious diseases genitals.


During the study, the doctor, evaluating the parameters of the bladder, can evaluate the following parameters:

  • what shape the bladder, deformation may indicate the presence of neoplasms;
  • size. A reduced organ indicates fibrosis, frequent cystitis, an enlarged organ indicates hyperplasia, narrowing of the urethra, the presence of stones;
  • contours;
  • what is the contents of the organ. It can be clots of pus, blood, hematomas, urine;
  • the presence of neoplasms and their size, shape, mobility;
  • organ integrity or damage.

If a woman has cystitis, then ultrasound can show uneven contours, enlarged walls. Ultrasound examination allows you to identify various neoplasms, which include polyps, cysts, tumor processes. As a result of the study, it is possible to diagnose the presence of patency of the ureteral canals, foreign neoplasms, sediment, inflammatory process, increased tone, atony, prolapse of the bladder, diverticulosis and pathology in the genital organs.

The attending physician is engaged in deciphering the picture of the study


After receiving a picture of the study, the doctor evaluates the results with indicators of the norms. At healthy woman the following parameters are diagnosed:

  • the bladder should be pear-shaped full organ, after urination - saucer-shaped;
  • on the device screen normal structure looks like dark spots;
  • the volume of urine varies between 250-550 ml;
  • walls with a thickness of 2 to 4 mm;
  • filling rate of about 50 ml per hour;
  • residual urine should have a volume of no more than 40 ml.

Diagnosis of sediment in the form of flakes occurs in cystitis. Often, the sediment is formed from leukocytes, epithelial cells, phosphates and is a prerequisite for the development of KSD. During the diagnosis, the flakes appear to be hyperechoic formations. For formations characterized increased echogenicity, includes the presence of stones, cysts, polyps, a narrowed lumen in the urethra, neoplasms.

The tumor on the ultrasound picture does not have an acoustic shadow, like, for example, calculi

Formations with increased echogenicity are mobile, for example, stones, and motionless, polyps. Stones are represented by light areas on the screen of ultrasound equipment, while cysts are darker. Often, the study determines the presence of urine reflux, which reaches renal pelvis. This phenomenon occurs due to pathologies of the urinary tract, stones, flakes, formations.

In this case ultrasound diagnostics carried out simultaneously with Doppler. This type research evaluates how much urine is thrown and remains, what is its direction, is used to determine the severity of the disease. Ultrasound diagnosis of the bladder refers to effective method detection of pathologies at the very beginning of their development.



2023 "kingad.ru" - ultrasound examination of human organs