You can apply leeches after childbirth. Hirudotherapy procedures and breastfeeding

  • Hirudotherapy: history, benefits (thrombolytic, bactericidal and other effects), indications for use, leech extract in cosmetics, cultivation of medicinal leeches, doctors' opinion - video
  • Hirudotherapy (leech treatment): description, benefits, indications, effects, opinion of a dermatocosmetologist - video
  • Home hirudotherapy: is it possible to apply leeches yourself?
  • Hirudotherapy (leeches), gymnastics, baths, microenemas in the treatment of prostatitis - video

  • Hirudotherapy(other name - bdellotherapy) – variety physiotherapy, and alternative medicine, a method of treating various diseases based on the use of medical leeches.

    Use of medicinal leeches

    In Russia Western countries used for hirudotherapy medical leech- a type of annelid worm. It lives throughout almost the entire territory of Europe, but in recent centuries its numbers have greatly decreased due to mass trapping.

    Be that as it may, lowering blood pressure by reducing the volume of circulating blood does not solve the main problem. It is necessary to carry out treatment aimed at the cause arterial hypertension.

    Hirudotherapy for liver diseases

    For liver diseases, leeches are placed on the stomach in the liver area, in the anus area. It is believed that hirudotherapy helps eliminate high blood pressure blood in the veins, reduce blood clotting, that is, reduce the disorders that occur with many liver diseases.

    Hirudotherapy for diabetes mellitus

    Hirudotherapy is most often used for diabetes mellitus Type II, which is associated with a decrease in the sensitivity of body tissues to insulin. Leeches are placed in the area solar plexus, coccyx.

    Hirudotherapy for hemorrhoids

    For hemorrhoids, leeches help prevent thrombosis and help reduce inflammation and the size of nodes. Hirudotherapy is used only for external hemorrhoids. During the procedure, the patient is placed on his stomach. Leeches are placed in the area anus, coccyx, sometimes directly on the nodes. As a rule, no more than 4 leeches are used for hemorrhoids.

    Hirudotherapy for prostatitis

    Effects due to which hirudotherapy helps with prostatitis:
    • Suction of blood by leeches. Leeches are specially placed at points so that they help reduce the volume of circulating blood in the prostate gland.
    • Reflex impact. Leeches are located at special biologically active (acupuncture) points, which reflexively improves blood flow in the prostate.
    • Action of leech saliva components. Biologically active substances improve the condition of the prostate gland.
    Locations of leeches at chronic prostatitis may vary, there are different schemes. A hirudotherapist can install them in the area of ​​the liver, solar plexus, pubis, and coccyx.

    Hirudotherapy for thyroid diseases

    Sometimes hirudotherapy is performed for nodules in the thyroid gland. Leeches are installed in special “energy centers” in such a way that they restore normal work organ and improved the patient's condition.

    Hirudotherapy for thrombophlebitis

    Hirudotherapy is used for all stages of thrombophlebitis: acute, subacute and chronic. It is believed that best effect medicinal leeches are used for acute thrombophlebitis. The number of leeches is selected individually; they are placed not on the vein itself, but at a distance of 1-1.5 cm from it.

    Hirudotherapy for kidney diseases

    In nephrology, hirudotherapy is most often used for conditions such as glomerulonephritis, consequences of kidney injuries, and chronic renal failure.

    Features of hirudotherapy for kidney diseases:

    Hirudotherapy for nerve diseases

    Hirudotherapy is used for wide range neurological pathologies:
    • Neuralgia, neuritis.
    • Vegetative-vascular dystonia.
    • Myopathy.
    • Previous ischemic stroke.
    The placement of leeches is determined depending on the nature of the disease: they can be placed along the affected nerve, in the area of ​​pinched nerve roots on the back.

    Hirudotherapy for cellulite

    Effects of medicinal leeches on cellulite:
    • Destruction of adipose tissue.
    • Improving blood flow in the area of ​​subcutaneous fat tissue, excretion harmful products metabolism.
    Leeches are installed in problem areas.

    Hirudotherapy for arthritis

    It is believed that hirudotherapy helps improve the condition of arthritis of the knees and hip joints. Leech saliva contains substances that improve blood flow and metabolic processes in the joint.

    Hirudotherapy for cancer

    For oncological diseases, hirudotherapy is not only useless, but also contraindicated. Cancer - serious diagnosis which requires special treatment, it should only be handled by a qualified oncologist. In many cancer patients, as a result of the tumor itself or chemotherapy, radiation therapy, blood clotting and immunity decrease, and anemia develops. These conditions are direct contraindications to hirudotherapy.

    Hirudotherapy in dentistry

    Leech treatment is used for the following dental diseases:
    • Inflammatory diseases: chronic periodontitis, including in the acute stage, periostitis (inflammation of the periosteum), alveolitis (inflammation of the alveoli). After the first session, many patients feel better, pain and swelling decrease.
    • Neurological pathologies maxillofacial area: neuropathy of the trigeminal nerve, neuralgia of the trigeminal, glossopharyngeal nerve.
    • Melkersson-Rosenthal syndromerare disease, which manifests itself in the form of repeated paralysis of the facial muscles, swelling of the facial tissues, upper lip, folds on the tongue.
    • Disease salivary glands: chronic sialadenitis (inflammation of the salivary glands), sialadenosis (a disease that is accompanied by enlargement and dysfunction of the salivary glands).

    Hirudotherapy against acne

    For acne, hirudotherapy helps reduce inflammation, the intensity of color of stagnant spots on the skin, and scars that remain in place of acne. In addition, thanks to medicinal leeches, it enhances immune defense and swelling decreases.

    Hirudotherapy for obesity

    It is believed that leeches are able to “activate” the body, “give an impulse” that will help cope with extra pounds, improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system, liver, accelerate the removal of waste and toxins from the body. According to hirudotherapists, all this helps fight extra pounds.

    Hirudotherapy during pregnancy and lactation

    During pregnancy, hirudotherapy is contraindicated. It is worth refraining from treatment with medicinal leeches during breastfeeding.

    Hirudotherapy: history, benefits (thrombolytic, bactericidal and other effects), indications for use, leech extract in cosmetics, cultivation of medicinal leeches, doctors' opinion - video

    Hirudotherapy (leech treatment): description, benefits, indications, effects, opinion of a dermatocosmetologist - video

    Possible harm (contraindications)

    There are not many possible complications of hirudotherapy, and yet sometimes they arise:
    • Allergic reaction to leeches. It can occur both on live leeches and on products that contain their extracts. This condition is rare and can sometimes be very severe. If the patient has one allergic reaction on leeches, further hirudotherapy is contraindicated.
    • Large hemorrhages under the skin. They occur particularly frequently in some areas, such as the eyelids. Therefore, it is not recommended to place leeches in these places.
    • Entry into the wound infections. During a bite, a leech releases substances into the wound that destroy pathogenic microorganisms. Infection most often occurs due to the fact that the patient does not take good care of the wounds or comb them.
    • Enlarged lymph nodes. Hyaluronidase, an enzyme present in the saliva of leeches, “reveals” hidden foci of infection. Particles of pathogenic microorganisms settle in the nearest lymph nodes. Normally they should be neutralized there, but sometimes lymph node does not cope, inflammation develops in it, it increases in size.
    Main contraindications to hirudotherapy:
    • Pregnancy.
    • Hemophilia, hemorrhagic diathesis, any conditions accompanied by decreased blood clotting.
    • Wasting (cachexia).
    • Severe anemia – a drop in hemoglobin level in the blood to less than 100 g/l.
    • Allergic reaction to leeches.
    • Mental illness, epileptic seizures, severe mental agitation.

    Do they place leeches at home?

    Yes, some hirudocenters offer specialist home visits. The procedure at home is practically no different from that in the clinic.

    Home hirudotherapy: is it possible to apply leeches yourself?

    The use of medicinal leeches is a procedure that can have complications and has certain contraindications. Without knowing all the features, you can harm the patient or even put his life at risk. A severe allergic reaction may develop to leech saliva, requiring immediate medical attention. Hirudotherapy should only be performed by an appropriately trained specialist.

    Is hirudotherapy used in children?

    According to hirudotherapists, the use of medicinal leeches is indicated for children from the first days of life. Features of hirudotherapy in children:
    • Medical leeches in childhood must be used with great caution. The child must be constantly under the supervision of a doctor.
    • In newborns, one leech is usually used. With age, their number increases to 1-3. In older children and adolescents, the number of leeches is closer to that used in adults.
    • Usually, no problems arise with the use of medicinal leeches in children under 3 years of age. As the child gets older, he begins to understand what is happening to him and may react violently negatively to the procedure. The task of the hirudotherapist is to find a common language with the child.
    • , disorders of the digestive system.

    Hirudotherapy (leeches), gymnastics, baths, microenemas in the treatment of prostatitis - video

    Before use, you should consult a specialist.

    Hirudotherapy in children

    Hirudotherapy (another name is bdellotherapy) is a type of physiotherapy, as well as alternative medicine, a method of treating various diseases based on the use of medicinal leeches.

    Use of medicinal leeches

    In Russia and Western countries, medicinal leeches, a type of annelid worm, are used for hirudotherapy. It lives throughout almost the entire territory of Europe, but in recent centuries its numbers have greatly decreased due to mass trapping.

    History of hirudotherapy

    Hirudotherapy is an ancient direction in medicine. Treatment with leeches was practiced thousands of years ago. He was known in Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, Ancient India. Mentions of hirudotherapy are found in the treatises of Hippocrates and Avicenna.

    What are the benefits of hirudotherapy?

    There are three ways to use medicinal leeches to treat various conditions:

    A medicinal leech has three in its mouth small tooth. With them, she bites the skin to a depth of approximately 1.5 mm, then sucks out 5 to 15 ml of blood. The use of leeches is believed to result in the following therapeutic effects:

    Some substances that are contained in the salivary glands of leeches and have therapeutic effect(in total, leech saliva contains more than 60 substances):

    • Hirudin. A protein that is an anticoagulant - has the ability to suppress the process of blood clotting. Also found in the venom of some snakes.
    • Apyrase and collagenases. Enzymes that inhibit platelet aggregation.
    • Vasodilators. Substances that dilate blood vessels and improve local blood flow.
    • Proteinase inhibitors. Substances that block proteinase enzymes that destroy protein molecules.
    • Substances that have an analgesic effect. Thanks to them, a person does not feel pain during a leech bite.

    Medical leeches in a jar - video

    Which doctors practice hirudotherapy?

    Treatment with leeches is carried out by a hirudotherapist. This is a specialist who has a higher medical education and has completed special hirudotherapy courses.

    • Interaction with other specialists who refer patients to hirudotherapy courses: therapists, pulmonologists, cardiologists, gastroenterologists, otolaryngologists (ENT doctors), endocrinologists, neurologists.
    • Determining the duration of the course of hirudotherapy and individual sessions, the number and point of application of medicinal leeches.
    • Direct hirudotherapy sessions. Often, doctors who practice leech therapy are also specialists in the field of acupuncture.

    Typically, hirudotherapists work in specialized hirudocenters. They are in many cities of Russia.


    Like any method of treatment, hirudotherapy has certain contraindications. On the Internet and in the literature you can find different information, sometimes contradictory, especially if the material was prepared by a person who does not have medical education. Therefore, you should not practice self-medication and trust dubious specialists. Visit specialized hirudocenters staffed by trained doctors. Below is information about the use of hirudotherapy for various diseases and pathological conditions is presented for informational purposes only.

    Hirudotherapy for osteochondrosis

    For osteochondrosis, leeches are usually placed in the area of ​​the vertebrae that are most affected by the pathological process. The treatment is complex; usually, in parallel with treatment with leeches, hirudotherapists recommend manual therapy, massage, and physiotherapy.

    Hirudotherapy for spinal hernias

    At intervertebral hernias leeches are installed in the spaces between adjacent vertebrae, above and below the damaged area intervertebral disc. This is necessary in order to eliminate pathological muscle tension and reduce the load on the deformed disc. In parallel, as with osteochondrosis, they usually prescribe complex treatment using massage, manual therapy and other methods.

    Hirudotherapy in cosmetology

    Hirudocosmetology is a direction in cosmetology that involves the use various means, obtained from leeches. The most popular means:

    • Creams based on the bioactive complex of medicinal leeches HM1. Used to combat dryness, irritation, and flaking of the skin. Used for aging, sensitive skin.
    • Creams based aqueous extract leeches subjected to biochemical treatment - HM2. Used to combat psychosomatic problems.
    • Creams based on leech saliva HM3. Used to combat stress, inflammatory processes, age-related changes skin.
    • Gel Girudo. The main component is the HM1 complex. Used to eliminate hematomas and swelling after operations.
    • Bath tablets. Have different composition. Various tablets can be used to increase general tone, or, on the contrary, for relaxation.

    Hirudotherapy for varicose veins

    The attitude of specialists towards the treatment of varicose veins using hirudotherapy is ambiguous. Some believe that this is an effective and safe way to treat varicose veins lower limbs, while others have a negative attitude towards the leech treatment method. Proponents of the technique believe that hirudotherapy for varicose veins has the following beneficial effects:

    • Improving blood flow at the site of placement of medicinal leeches.
    • Reducing tissue swelling.
    • Blood thinning, prevention of blood clots.
    • Reducing pain.
    • Strengthening venous walls.

    Read more about varicose veins

    Hirudotherapy for arterial hypertension

    It is believed that the therapeutic effect of hirudotherapy for arterial hypertension is achieved through bloodletting. Leeches suck a certain amount of blood, resulting in blood pressure decreases somewhat, symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, tinnitus, spots before the eyes, and heart pain decrease.

    Hirudotherapy for liver diseases

    For liver diseases, leeches are placed on the stomach in the liver area, in the anus area. It is believed that hirudotherapy helps eliminate high blood pressure in the veins, reduce blood clotting, that is, reduce the disorders that occur with many liver diseases.

    Hirudotherapy for diabetes mellitus

    Hirudotherapy is most often used for type II diabetes mellitus, which is associated with a decrease in the sensitivity of body tissues to insulin. Leeches are placed in the area of ​​the solar plexus and coccyx.

    Hirudotherapy for hemorrhoids

    For hemorrhoids, leeches help prevent thrombosis and help reduce inflammation and the size of nodes. Hirudotherapy is used only for external hemorrhoids. During the procedure, the patient is placed on his stomach. Leeches are placed in the anus, tailbone, and sometimes directly on the nodes. As a rule, no more than 4 leeches are used for hemorrhoids.

    Hirudotherapy for prostatitis

    Effects due to which hirudotherapy helps with prostatitis:

    • Suction of blood by leeches. Leeches are specially placed at points so that they help reduce the volume of circulating blood in the prostate gland.
    • Reflex impact. Leeches are located at special biologically active (acupuncture) points, which reflexively improves blood flow in the prostate.
    • Action of leech saliva components. Biologically active substances improve the condition of the prostate gland.

    The location of leeches in chronic prostatitis may vary, and there are different patterns. A hirudotherapist can install them in the area of ​​the liver, solar plexus, pubis, and coccyx.

    Hirudotherapy for thyroid diseases

    Sometimes hirudotherapy is performed for nodes in thyroid gland. Leeches are installed in special “energy centers” in such a way that they restore normal functioning of the organ and improve the patient’s condition.

    Hirudotherapy for thrombophlebitis

    Hirudotherapy is used for all stages of thrombophlebitis: acute, subacute and chronic. It is believed that medicinal leeches bring the best effect in acute thrombophlebitis. The number of leeches is selected individually; they are placed not on the vein itself, but at a distance of 1-1.5 cm from it.

    Hirudotherapy for kidney diseases

    In nephrology, hirudotherapy is most often used for conditions such as glomerulonephritis, consequences of kidney injuries, chronic renal failure.

    On the sternum area.

    Above the thyroid gland.

    In the liver area.

    Hirudotherapy for nerve diseases

    Hirudotherapy is used for a wide range of neurological pathologies:

    The placement of leeches is determined depending on the nature of the disease: they can be placed along the affected nerve, in the area of ​​pinched nerve roots on the back.

    Hirudotherapy for cellulite

    Effects of medicinal leeches on cellulite:

    • Destruction of adipose tissue.
    • Improving blood flow in the area of ​​subcutaneous fatty tissue, removing harmful metabolic products.

    Leeches are installed in problem areas.

    Hirudotherapy for arthritis

    It is believed that hirudotherapy helps improve the condition of arthritis of the knee and hip joints. Leech saliva contains substances that improve blood flow and metabolic processes in the joint.

    Hirudotherapy for cancer

    At oncological diseases Hirudotherapy is not only useless, but also contraindicated. Cancer is a serious diagnosis that requires special treatment and should only be dealt with by a qualified oncologist. In many cancer patients, as a result of the tumor itself or chemotherapy, radiation therapy Blood clotting and immunity decrease, and anemia develops. These conditions are direct contraindications to hirudotherapy.

    Hirudotherapy in dentistry

    Leech treatment is used for the following dental diseases:

    • Inflammatory diseases: chronic periodontitis, including in the acute stage, periostitis (inflammation of the periosteum), alveolitis (inflammation of the alveoli). After the first session, many patients feel better, pain and swelling decrease.
    • Neurological pathologies of the maxillofacial area: neuropathy trigeminal nerve, neuralgia of the trigeminal, glossopharyngeal nerve.
    • Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome is a rare disease that manifests itself in the form of repeated paralysis of the facial muscles, swelling of the facial tissues, upper lip, and folds on the tongue.
    • Disease of the salivary glands: chronic sialadenitis (inflammation of the salivary glands), sialadenosis (a disease that is accompanied by enlargement and dysfunction of the salivary glands).

    More about dentistry

    Hirudotherapy against acne

    At acne Hirudotherapy helps reduce inflammation, the intensity of the color of stagnant spots on the skin, and scars that remain in place of acne. In addition, thanks to medicinal leeches, immune defense is enhanced and swelling is reduced.

    Hirudotherapy for obesity

    It is believed that leeches are able to “activate” the body, “give an impulse” that will help cope with extra pounds, improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system, liver, and accelerate the removal of waste and toxins from the body. According to hirudotherapists, all this helps fight extra pounds.

    Hirudotherapy during pregnancy and lactation

    During pregnancy, hirudotherapy is contraindicated. It is worth refraining from treatment with medicinal leeches during breastfeeding.

    Hirudotherapy: history, benefits (thrombolytic, bactericidal and other effects), indications for use, leech extract in cosmetics, cultivation of medicinal leeches, doctors' opinion - video

    Hirudotherapy (leech treatment): description, benefits, indications, effects, opinion of a dermatocosmetologist - video

    Possible harm (contraindications)

    There are not many possible complications of hirudotherapy, and yet sometimes they arise:

    • Allergic reaction to leeches. It can occur both on live leeches and on products that contain their extracts. This condition is rare and can sometimes be very severe. If the patient has had an allergic reaction to leeches once, further hirudotherapy is contraindicated.
    • Large hemorrhages under the skin. They occur particularly frequently in some areas, such as the eyelids. Therefore, it is not recommended to place leeches in these places.
    • Introduction to wound infections. During a bite, a leech releases substances into the wound that destroy pathogenic microorganisms. Infection most often occurs due to the fact that the patient does not take good care of the wounds or comb them.
    • Enlarged lymph nodes. Hyaluronidase, an enzyme present in the saliva of leeches, “reveals” hidden foci of infection. Particles of pathogenic microorganisms settle in the nearest lymph nodes. Normally, they should be neutralized there, but sometimes the lymph node cannot cope, inflammation develops in it, and it increases in size.

    Main contraindications to hirudotherapy:

    • Pregnancy.
    • Hemophilia, hemorrhagic diathesis, any conditions accompanied by decreased blood clotting.
    • Wasting (cachexia).
    • Severe anemia – a drop in hemoglobin level in the blood to less than 100 g/l.
    • Allergic reaction to leeches.
    • Mental illnesses, epileptic seizures, strong mental agitation.

    Do they place leeches at home?

    Yes, some hirudocenters offer specialist home visits. The procedure at home is practically no different from that in the clinic.

    Home hirudotherapy: is it possible to apply leeches yourself?

    The use of medicinal leeches is a procedure that can have complications and has certain contraindications. Without knowing all the features, you can harm the patient or even put his life at risk. A severe allergic reaction may develop to leech saliva, requiring immediate medical attention. Hirudotherapy should only be performed by an appropriately trained specialist.

    Is hirudotherapy used in children?

    According to hirudotherapists, the use of medicinal leeches is indicated for children from the first days of life. Features of hirudotherapy in children:

    • Medical leeches in children should be used with great caution. The child must be constantly under the supervision of a doctor.
    • In newborns, one leech is usually used. With age, their number increases to 1-3. In older children and adolescents, the number of leeches is closer to that used in adults.
    • Usually, no problems arise with the use of medicinal leeches in children under 3 years of age. As the child gets older, he begins to understand what is happening to him and may react violently negatively to the procedure. The task of the hirudotherapist is to find a common language with the child.
    • Consequences of birth injuries.
    • Perinatal encephalopathy (PEP).
    • Cerebral palsy (CP).
    • Motor disorders.
    • Hirudotherapy helps improve physical and mental development.
    • Increased intracranial pressure.
    • Diseases of the ENT organs.
    • Disorders of the autonomic nervous system.
    • Enuresis.
    • Leeches are used to improve social adaptation child, improving school performance.
    • Frequent colds.
    • Adenoids.
    • Nasal congestion, nasal tone.
    • In adolescents, the reason for using hirudotherapy is often vegetative-vascular dystonia and disorders of the digestive system.

    Hirudotherapy (leeches), gymnastics, baths, microenemas in the treatment of prostatitis - video

    Read more:

    expensive. I remembered the old thing - leeches. put

    5 pieces on the area of ​​the gallbladder and right hypochondrium. For 20 minutes. I suffer from constipation, gastrointestinal disease, etc. result: the next day the intestines were perfectly cleansed. there was a lot of blood opposite the gallbladder. after a week there were no traces left

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    Hirudotherapy - treatment with leeches

    Among the treatment methods that have stood the test of time, it is especially worth highlighting hirudotherapy, or treatment with leeches. This method is highly effective in the treatment of many diseases, primarily diseases of the cardiovascular system, such as hypertension, thrombophlebitis, varicose veins veins Leech treatment is also successfully used in the treatment of chronic inflammatory diseases. genitourinary tract, digestive tract, joint diseases, stagnation from the circulatory and lymphatic systems, as well as in therapy nervous diseases, including such common ones as insomnia and chronic fatigue. Hirudotherapy stimulates the immune system, has a restorative and rejuvenating effect on the body as a whole.

    The complex has a therapeutic effect biologically active substances, which enter the bloodstream with the saliva of a medicinal leech. One of the main substances, hirudin, has anticoagulant properties, due to which the blood does not clot for a long time after a leech bite. Hirudin, penetrating the blood, changes it rheological properties, which translated from scientific into ordinary language means that the blood thins out, becomes more fluid, and, accordingly, penetrates into places better chronic inflammation, where there is always a lack of trophism.

    Another substance that makes leech treatment so effective is the enzyme hyaluronidase. This enzyme acts on connective tissue, which is found in abundance in old inflammatory foci, loosening it and thereby also improving tissue nutrition in this area. The third component of hirudotherapy is controlled blood loss, which triggers the processes of renewal and restoration in the body, and also stimulates the immune system.

    However, in order for treatment with leeches to bring benefit and not harm, certain rules must be observed. The main thing is to avoid charlatans who are attracted by the effectiveness and apparent ease of the technique. An experienced hirudotherapist will first write the patient a referral for examination, and only then will he plan treatment. Leeches are not placed haphazardly, but on acupuncture points, different for different diseases. Precautionary measures are also necessary because leeches come into direct contact with blood, which means that they can be carriers of diseases, from hepatitis to AIDS. In certified hirudotherapy centers, the leech is used only once and then destroyed. In this case, only one type is used - medicinal leeches (and there are 400 species in total), specially grown on biofarms.

    Contraindications to treatment with leeches are pregnancy, lactation, blood diseases, recent surgical intervention and early childhood.

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    Hirudotherapy is used in pediatric practice and in young children as well.

    American scientists conducted experiments on mice and came to the conclusion that watermelon juice prevents the development of vascular atherosclerosis. One group of mice drank plain water, and the second group drank watermelon juice. As a result, the vessels of the second group were free of cholesterol plaques.

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    A job that a person doesn’t like is much more harmful to his psyche than no job at all.

    Human blood “runs” through the vessels under enormous pressure and, if their integrity is violated, it can shoot at a distance of up to 10 meters.

    Over the course of a lifetime, the average person produces no less than two large pools of saliva.

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    Having fallen off the donkey, you more likely you'll break your neck than falling off a horse. Just don't try to refute this statement.

    In an effort to get the patient out, doctors often go too far. For example, a certain Charles Jensen in the period from 1954 to 1994. survived more than 900 operations to remove tumors.

    Besides people, only one living creature on planet Earth suffers from prostatitis - dogs. These are truly our most faithful friends.

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    Scientists from Oxford University conducted a series of studies in which they came to the conclusion that vegetarianism may be harmful to human brain, as it leads to a decrease in its mass. Therefore, scientists recommend not completely excluding fish and meat from your diet.

    If your liver stopped working, death would occur within 24 hours.

    In the UK there is a law according to which a surgeon can refuse to perform an operation on a patient if he smokes or has overweight. A person must give up bad habits, and then perhaps he will not need surgery.

    When we sneeze, our body stops working completely. Even the heart stops.

    Omissions, disagreements, maiden name... Women's jealousy is a mystery for psychologists. Today, scientists do not fully know all the mechanisms that give rise to this strong and ra.

    Concomitant with hepatitis B

    Hirudotherapy - treatment with leeches - is a method known since ancient times. There are about 400 species of leeches known on the globe, and only one species, the medicinal leech, is used in medical practice. They are grown in special biofactories.

    Hirudotherapy is one of the few methods that allows you to breastfeed your baby (without stopping lactation) and undergo treatment.

    Hirudotherapy has no analogues among modern methods treatment. This is caused by the special properties of leech secretion,

    introduced into the human body, which has a powerful healing, healing and rejuvenating effect. In 1991, leeches were included in the register medicines Russian Federation and are officially recognized as a medicine.

    Medical leech has various effects:

    • Leeches were able to bring states of homeostasis (biological processes of the body) to a level that is characteristic of healthy body. Today women are afraid to give birth to children not only for financial reasons, they are afraid to give birth to a sick child. The use of hirudotherapy in married couples a few months before conception makes it possible to give birth healthy child. The hirudotherapy method is unique for women in postpartum period and for nursing mothers. Hirudotherapy does not affect lactation, and in some cases leeches are used to increase it.
    • The ability to exhibit a detoxification effect. This effect allow the removal of toxic products from the body that have not undergone metabolic transformations, which allow them to be removed from the body using the excretory organs. They are capable of causing vomiting or death in “attached leeches,” which helps the doctor assess the toxicity of the patient’s blood.
    • The ability to exhibit a neuroendocrine effect. Medical leech is able to influence the level of neurohumoral mediators (neurohormones) in the central nervous system. Moreover, this effect manifests itself both during the hirudotherapy session and after its completion, which is confirmed by research by Professor, Doctor of Biological Sciences A.I. Krashenyuk. In the experiments of Professor, Doctor of Biological Sciences A.I. Krashenyuk and Professor Yu.F. Kamynin revealed that the neurotransmitter responsible for the control of emotions, memory and learning processes is glutamate. The medicinal leech affects the level of glutamate, which leads to an increase in the learning ability of schoolchildren, since all mechanisms for improving conditioned reflex memory will function.
    • The composition of SSF includes the neurotransmitter serotonin (the hormone of joy). As a result, patients after the course are less susceptible to depression and a stable good mood is observed. It should be noted that the leech does not have the ability to search biologically active points. You can find similar judgments in many information sources. Authors often quote these judgments from each other. The area of ​​action of the leech is determined by the doctor. However, before biting, the leech “explores” the surface of the skin, suctioning in a certain place. What is the essence of this leech behavior? The leech has thermoreceptors, which allow it to determine where it is warmer on the surface of the skin. A elevated temperature in a certain area, as a rule, is a signal of an inflammatory process.
    • Leech as a “living needle” has a powerful reflexogenic effect
    • Leech has the ability to activate blood microcirculation, restoring both local and general circulation, normalizing blood viscosity in the human body.Basis therapeutic effect hirudotherapy is the injection of salivary gland secretion (SSG) into the skin wound, which contains a large number of biologically active substances (BAS) that contribute to the normalization of internal homeostasis ( biological processes in organism). Leech improves oxygen saturation of tissues.

    1. Hemorrhoids. After childbirth, treatment can begin on days 5-7.

    3. Ovarian dysfunction, endometriosis, adnexitis, ovarian cysts, uterine cysts, yeast, hypoplasia, hyperplasia

    For more information, please call: -3580 or read the information here:

    hirudotherapy and lactation

    Leech treatment and breastfeeding

    Leech treatment and lactation

    increase in quantity breast milk using leeches

    hirudotherapy and breastfeeding

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    Hirudotherapy on breastfeeding

    Answered: 15

    why not? Were you going to put leeches on your chest?

    I don’t know 🙂 but it’s unlikely. what if on the chest?

    I don't have any version, why not)

    It’s just that if it’s on the chest, then it won’t be very convenient to attach the baby right away, since the wounds will bleed for a couple of hours, but this doesn’t seem to me so important, since as a last resort the clothes will get a little stained with blood, because they won’t be putting a nipple or a halo directly on them, but I don’t see any obstacles at all.

    yeah, I read it, thanks!

    mmm, for example, right after - what happens? does the pressure drop? maybe this could somehow interfere.

    How?) Is it really planned to put them on the chest?

    Well, it may fall, but not for everyone, it doesn’t fall for me, I just need to rest a little and that’s all))

    This is the second time I've been right here currently I'm passing

    I can say one thing: if an adult may have a reaction to hirudin, but if you start using it correctly, namely, gradually increase the number of leeches, then even the mother will not have problems, especially about breastfeeding. Like apiterrapy (treatment bee venom, directly, bee sting) if you start a little at a time, then there will be no problems. Why do you want leeches? Varicose veins? Intravaginal neoplasms? If yes, then leeches are justified. If you want to clear the lymph from pressure and much more, I would recommend vacuum capillary bloodletting (hijama). This is less problematic in terms of blood stops, and nothing enters the blood, but raises the level immune system body, eliminates toxins, and is also one of the most quick ways treatment and is a stimulant for the circulatory system and many other things., that is, the incisions are made very light, painless, only “spent” blood comes out, here are studies on this topic and after removing the can, the places of the incisions do not bleed, unlike leeches. There is nothing to be afraid of, in my practice the youngest patient is 3 months old (pneumonia), the oldest is over 70. In the photo I am doing hijama to a 6-month-old child (the diagnosis and symptoms of epilepsy passed after a course of hijama, now she is already 2 years old)

    Of course, you even need to be able to hammer nails, so it depends on how the procedure is carried out and the corresponding effect.

    Hirudotherapy during breastfeeding

    treatment of skin with medications for hepatitis B


    Hirudotherapy is a wonderful treatment method in which there is no need to stop lactation. I have a couple of friends who helped themselves with postpartum hemorrhoids:) I found an article on the topic of lactation and leeches here and used it

    You can’t, just go to the medical center. the center called.

    If you have any doubts, then ask someone who will give you leeches)

    Several reasons prompted me to take up graphomania. One of them is some posts of expectant mothers, and the other is frequent questions from those who have taken place, flashing from time to time in the feed. In order not to write the same thing over and over again, I will send it.

    Liliya Kazakova, pediatrician, lactation consultant Instead of an introduction, I would like to say that presentations modern women about breastfeeding - this is a collection of prejudices. They are so common that in many books for expectant mothers and...

    Girls breastfeeding! I found most interesting article! I think this information will make life easier for many “The most common myth about nutrition for a nursing mother is the necessity strict diet. The child does not have any problems yet, but there are already limitations.

    Here you will have to start with a short session of psychoanalysis. I have a very difficult relationship with my mother, doctor, we hardly communicated for many years. That's it. Now about breastfeeding, or breastfeeding, as they write everywhere on thematic sites.

    My little one is already over a year old, our guard was very difficult at the beginning, then I collected information literally bit by bit everywhere I could - books, communities, forums. And only recently I came across what, it turns out.

    Let's start with the main stereotype that haunts young mothers in the 21st century: “not a single doctor recommends breastfeeding after 6 months, because the milk is already depleted.” Why is breast milk, which was previously the main nutrition, “suddenly” depleted?

    Breastfeeding after a year Let's start with the main stereotype that haunts young mothers in the 21st century: “not a single doctor recommends breastfeeding after 6 months, because the milk is already depleted.” Why does former breast milk “suddenly” deplete?

    Tatyana Vasilievna, hello. I have a question about breastfeeding, my son is now 1 month and 10 days old, hangs on his chest for 1.5 hours when he eats. We were in the hospital and the doctors said that.

    Leeches during lactation

    They are useful for adhesions - prevention and treatment.

    Are there any against?

    I was treated with leeches 1.5 years ago: there were constant pain lower abdomen. After 15 sessions: they placed it on the lower abdomen, on the lower back, in the vagina (closer to the uterus), the pain disappeared! I had adhesions (small) and inflammatory process(uterus and cervix), after that I never even remembered the pain! These sessions helped my sister get pregnant, B. came 2 cycles after therapy! And B. did not occur due to adhesions. So decide for yourself! Of course, the sensations are not very pleasant, but for the sake of such a thing it’s worth being patient! When a leech attaches itself, the pain is like getting a paper cut! I RECOMMEND! Who needs more information - write to me, I will answer!

    that’s why you got pregnant six months later, because with adhesions and, even more so, with inflammation. processes, and even chronic ones - I don’t think they could do it so quickly! at least a year and a half if they went the medication route - operations, pills, injections, etc.

    Yes, that’s probably what happened. The leeches helped. As for the scars: I still have small cut marks on my stomach and lower back, although no one has ever noticed. And I managed to catch a cold again

    I hit my friend once, she had just given birth to Malisha and was breastfeeding and decided to put in leeches. so then after them there was blood for a long time. she barely stopped. it was hard to even feed the baby

    after ZB I decided to take care of myself,

    leeches should help with my endometriosis and I also developed inflammation after cleansing, a lot of blood flows especially during the first 12 hours after them, I barely have time to change pads)))) the first time it was a little painful, but after 5 times it was even pleasant, but on the trail. day you feel like a cucumber now I’m trying hard to persuade my husband

    I’ll tell you about the results later, as soon as they allow it

    It is possible, lactation improves

    After I gave birth, headaches and hemorrhoids appeared. I want to BE TREATED WITH LEECHES, but I doubt whether these are possible during BREASTFEEDING? I found a couple of dry answers on the Internet, they say:

    It is possible, lactation improves

    Possible allergic reaction in the child

    Hello. I have no such experience (in the sense of breastfeeding), but as far as I know it's useful. Moreover, in case of B, it is useful to place them, and if so, then the child could develop an allergy in the womb. Leeches are very useful for their enzymes.

    and is "before" necessary? additional examination, or you just come and pay and that’s it.

    1.Diseases accompanied by blood clotting disorders

    4.Erosive and ulcerative lesions and tumors of the gastrointestinal tract.

    5.Acute febrile diseases.

    6. Subacute bacterial endocarditis.

    7. Active forms of tuberculosis.

    8. State of acute mental arousal.

    9.State of alcoholic and drug intoxication.

    13. Condition after surgery on the brain and spine.

    14.Individual intolerance to leeches.

    15. Simultaneous use of blood thinning medications.

    The doctor is personally responsible for the patient at the time of the manipulation, after the therapy session for one and a half days.

    If the course of therapy or prescriptions is interrupted due to the patient’s fault, the doctor does not bear legal responsibility for the deterioration of his health.

    In exceptional cases, works with the patient under an additional contract.

    Emoticons are present | Forum codes are present

    Hirudotherapy (from Latin hirudo - leech, therapeia - therapy, treatment) is a method of treating humans with the help of leeches, well known in medicine for many millennia.

    From the history hirudotherapy

    Leeches in medicinal purposes were used back in the days of the Egyptian pharaohs. Mentions of them are found in the Bible and the Koran. Galen and Avicenna widely used leeches in their medical practice. Your heyday hirudotherapy reached in the 18th-19th centuries, when leeches were used not only for medical, but also for cosmetic purposes. Since the end of the 19th century, after the study and introduction into medical practice of aseptics and antiseptics (a series of rules and measures aimed at preventing the entry of bacteria and eliminating infection in a wound), popularity hirudotherapy decreased. It was replaced by methods of bloodletting or placing blood suction cups. And from the middle of the 20th century, the era of antibiotics began, and gradually hirudotherapy began to forget. However, at the beginning of the 21st century, careful Scientific research made it possible to return hirudotherapy to the category of effective and safe ways treatment of many diseases. The use of this method complements therapy with synthetic medicines. In our country the method hirudotherapy approved by the Ministry of Health, and the medicinal leech is included in the State Pharmacopoeia of the Russian Federation (list of main medicinal products, approved for use on the territory of the Russian Federation). A department was created in St. Petersburg hirudotherapy And natural methods treatment, a Center has been opened in Moscow hirudotherapy, where the composition and mechanisms of action of saliva are studied leeches, methods of application are being developed hirudotherapy for various diseases.
    Medical leech Currently for hirudotherapy Only one type of class of leeches is used - medical leech (Hirudo medicinalis), including three subspecies - apothecary leech, medicinal leech and oriental leech. The medical leech belongs to the order of annelids, a class of leeches. Its flattened body is covered at both ends (thicker at the head) with suckers. Distinctive feature medical leeches are two longitudinal black stripes on the back. At the head end leeches there are three serrated jaws. With their help, the leech cuts the skin to a depth of about 1.5 mm and sucks out the blood. Secretion of the salivary glands leeches contains a large amount of biologically active substances that ensure the patient's blood does not clot, which causes bleeding (5-15 ml of blood is lost) within 3-24 hours after the bite. Since 1984, the medical leech has been listed in the Red Book: it is practically never found in natural bodies of water and is grown in special biofactories in compliance with all environmental safety rules.

    Mechanisms of action of saliva leeches

    The medical leech is recognized as a “mini-factory” for the production of a large number of different biologically active substances. Main active ingredient saliva leeches is hirudin. It prevents blood clotting and promotes the resorption of blood clots. In addition, it has been proven that hirudin has a bactericidal (killing microbes) and bacteriostatic (suppressing the growth of bacteria) effect, which determines the anti-inflammatory effect of leech secretion. Deeper penetration of substances contained in saliva leeches, promotes enzyme hyaluronidase. It breaks down connective tissue and helps hirudin penetrate into the area of ​​inflammation. During one “blood-sucking” session, the leech injects up to 100 different biologically active substances into the body, which determine the effectiveness of hirudotherapy:

    • facilitate and improve tissue blood circulation;
    • increase the supply of oxygen to tissues and nutrients;
    • have anti-inflammatory, decongestant, bactericidal, analgesic effects;
    • improve heart function due to mechanical unloading of blood flow, similar to bloodletting;
    • stimulate the immune system;
    • normalize arterial pressure;
    • help improve metabolism.

    In addition to the direct introduction of biologically active components into the bloodstream, the leech has a targeted effect on reflexogenic zones, similar to acupuncture (acupuncture).

    Basic Rules hirudotherapy

    Hirudotherapy is relatively safe method treatment of many diseases. Absolute contraindication (this therapy is not used under any conditions) is hemophilia only – congenital disease, characterized reduced clotting blood. Relative contraindications (the use of leeches is not recommended until the cause of the contraindication is eliminated) are considered low level hemoglobin in the blood, low blood pressure, accompanied by frequent fainting, weakness, etc., severe allergic reactions, immunodeficiency states. Previously, pregnancy was also considered a contraindication, but in Lately positive experience has been accumulated hirudotherapy for the treatment of gestosis (a complication that occurs during pregnancy, which is manifested by edema, the appearance of protein in the urine, increased blood pressure) and others pathological conditions leading to the threat of miscarriage. Hirudotherapy should be used with caution in oncological diseases. Only certified doctors who have undergone special training and have a certificate have the right to treat with leeches. hirudotherapy. Selection of effective and secure scheme Treatment is carried out strictly individually. The number of leeches and the location of their placement are determined depending on the pathology, general condition patient's health. Leeches are not placed in the projection large vessels, For example carotid arteries, on visible veins, in areas with thick skin (back). Before hirudotherapy need to do general analysis blood and coagulogram (determination of indicators of the blood coagulation system). During the entire treatment period, it is recommended to refrain from visiting pools, swimming in open water, drinking alcohol, using perfumes, and perfumes. Leeches are extremely gentle creatures, sensitive to many factors.

    Session hirudotherapy

    You can sit or lie down during the procedure. In one healing session Usually from 1 to 7 leeches are attached (usually 2-3). The individual is placed in a glass test tube in advance, so that the mouth part is ready. The test tube is placed with the open side at the site of exposure. Usually medicinal leech sticks in 5–10 minutes and consumes 3–5 ml of blood in one session. If you need to place several leeches at once, they are placed in a separate dry container, which is quickly turned over, placing the open part towards to the right place, and press the edges of the jar to the skin. When leeches begin to “feed”, wave-like movements of their bodies in the throat area become noticeable. In the first minutes, a slight burning sensation is felt at the site of suction. A session can last up to 60 minutes; longer durations are not recommended. When leeches when they eat enough, they fall off the body themselves. If this does not happen, then they are removed using a swab moistened with a solution of iodine or alcohol. After one use leeches are destroyed. A wound remains at the site of the bite and bleeds slightly, usually within 24 hours. It is not recommended to lubricate it with anything, since the leech with its secretion reliably disinfects the bite site. You can put a gauze pad on it and secure it with an adhesive plaster or bandage. Change the dressing as it gets wet. After hirudotherapy for 1-2 days it is better to refrain from water procedures to avoid damaging the wounds with nails or a washcloth. Pinpoint bite marks heal in 10–15 days. A small scar may remain at the site of the wound; its formation is influenced by features connective tissue the patient's body. More often, scars remain on the skin of the legs, less often on the face, chest, and abdomen. Usually, after some time, the scars decrease and become invisible. After the session, you may experience weakness, dizziness, an increase in body temperature to 37–37.5 degrees C, slight redness and swelling of the skin at the bite sites. Experts consider such phenomena to be a manifestation therapeutic effects hirudotherapy on the body. On the day of the session, take candy, chocolate or sweet juice with you and after the procedure, during rest, have a snack. If no more than three leeches were used during one session, it can be repeated the next day. If four or more, it is recommended to take a break for 3–6 days.

    Hirudotherapy for various diseases

    Range of diseases for which it is used hirudotherapy necessarily in combination with other treatment methods, extremely wide. The most common ones include cardiovascular diseaseshypertonic disease(increased blood pressure, against the background of which negative changes occur in cardiovascular system), ischemic (from the Greek ischo - delay, stop and haima - blood) heart disease, in which the nutrition of the heart muscle - myocardium is disrupted, which can lead to a heart attack (death of a tissue area), as well as varicose veins, hemorrhoids, thrombophlebitis ( inflammation of the veins). Leeches are also used in gynecology for inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs, in the treatment of fibroids ( benign tumor) uterus, cysts (hollow formation filled with fluid) ovaries, etc. In addition, conducting sessions hirudotherapy increases overall protective properties the body, helps restore hormonal balance. Beneficial features leeches are used in plastic surgery, dermatology, cosmetology. The presence of hyaluronidase and other enzymes in the saliva of leeches that promote the breakdown of connective tissue makes hirudotherapy in a unique way treatment of cellulite (changes in subcutaneous fat as a result of impaired blood microcirculation, metabolism, proliferation of connective tissue). Placing leeches a few centimeters from surgical wound leads to a reduction in swelling, improved blood flow and tissue nutrition, better healing and tightening wound surface. Anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating, decongestant, trophic (improving nutrition), analgesic effects hirudotherapy have found their application in dentistry in the treatment of various inflammatory processes in the oral cavity (for periodontitis - a chronic inflammatory process affecting the tissues surrounding the tooth, gingivitis - inflammation of the gums, periostitis - inflammation of the periosteum with advanced deep caries). Leeches are used in pediatrics, for example, in the treatment of cerebral palsy (infantile cerebral palsy) – a severe disabling disease. In the absence of contraindications hirudotherapy has a beneficial effect on the course of many diseases of the children's nervous system, pathologies of the ENT organs (ears, nose, pharynx, larynx) and respiratory system, allergic diseases in young children, pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract in adolescents, etc. Hirudotherapy also finds its application in ophthalmology (for retinal diseases, inflammatory processes), in traumatology for bruises, fractures, and in urology for genitourinary pathologies. Treatment with leeches improves metabolic processes, therefore it is used for various violations metabolism (obesity, diabetes). List areas of application hirudotherapy possible ad infinitum. It seems that treatment with leeches can become a panacea for all diseases. However, we emphasize that for many diseases this method of therapy is only auxiliary, in no way canceling the methods traditional medicine. Thanks to the optimal combination of multifactorial effects on the body, the method hirudotherapy gradually takes its place among other treatment methods used in modern medicine.

    Hirudotherapy - treatment with leeches - is a method known since ancient times. There are about 400 species of leeches known on the globe, and only one species, the medicinal leech, is used in medical practice. They are grown in special biofactories.

    Hirudotherapy is one of the few methods that allows you to breastfeed your baby (without stopping lactation) and undergo treatment.

    Hirudotherapy has no analogues among modern treatment methods. This is caused by the special properties of leech secretion,

    introduced into the human body, which has a powerful healing, healing and rejuvenating effect. In 1991, leeches were included in the register of medicinal products of the Russian Federation and officially recognized as a medicinal product.

    Medical leech has various effects:

    • Leeches were able to bring the state of homeostasis (biological processes of the body) to a level that is characteristic of a healthy body. Today women are afraid to give birth to children not only for financial reasons, they are afraid to give birth to a sick child. The use of hirudotherapy in married couples several months before conception makes it possible to give birth to a healthy child. The hirudotherapy method is unique for women in the postpartum period and for nursing mothers. Hirudotherapy does not affect lactation, and in some cases leeches are used to increase it.
    • The ability to exhibit a detoxification effect. This effect allows you to remove toxic products from the body that have not undergone metabolic transformations, which allow them to be removed from the body using the excretory organs. They are capable of causing vomiting or death in “attached leeches,” which helps the doctor assess the toxicity of the patient’s blood.
    • The ability to exhibit a neuroendocrine effect. Medical leech is able to influence the level of neurohumoral mediators (neurohormones) in the central nervous system. Moreover, this effect manifests itself both during the hirudotherapy session and after its completion, which is confirmed by research by Professor, Doctor of Biological Sciences A.I. Krashenyuk. In the experiments of Professor, Doctor of Biological Sciences A.I. Krashenyuk and Professor Yu.F. Kamynin revealed that the neurotransmitter responsible for the control of emotions, memory and learning processes is glutamate. The medicinal leech affects the level of glutamate, which leads to an increase in the learning ability of schoolchildren, since all mechanisms for improving conditioned reflex memory will function.
    • The composition of SSF includes the neurotransmitter serotonin (the hormone of joy). As a result, patients after the course are less susceptible to depression and a stable good mood is observed. It should be noted that the leech does not have the ability to search for biologically active points. You can find similar judgments in many information sources. Authors often quote these judgments from each other. The area of ​​action of the leech is determined by the doctor. However, before biting, the leech “explores” the surface of the skin, suctioning in a certain place. What is the essence of this leech behavior? The leech has thermoreceptors, which allow it to determine where it is warmer on the surface of the skin. And increased temperature in a certain area, as a rule, is a signal of an inflammatory process.
    • Leech as a “living needle” has a powerful reflexogenic effect
    • Leech has the ability to activate blood microcirculation, restoring both local and general blood circulation, normalizing blood viscosity in the human body. The basis of the therapeutic effect of hirudotherapy is the injection of salivary gland secretion (SSG) into the skin wound, which contains a large amount of biologically active substances (BAS), contributing to the normalization of internal homeostasis (biological processes in the body). Leech improves oxygen saturation of tissues.

    Leeches treat:

    1. Hemorrhoids. After childbirth, treatment can begin on days 5-7.

    3. Ovarian dysfunction, endometriosis, adnexitis, ovarian cysts, uterine cysts, yeast, hypoplasia, hyperplasia


    hirudotherapy and lactation
    Leech treatment and breastfeeding
    Leech treatment and lactation
    increasing the amount of breast milk using leeches
    hirudotherapy and breastfeeding

    Mar 6 2008, 12:04 AM

    I started using leeches - they advised me after surgery (ectopic). It is highly recommended to repeat the course immediately before pregnancy or even during pregnancy.

    Mar 9 2008, 11:28 PM

    They gave me leeches. The memories were not pleasant. The blood barely stopped after the leeches; the blood clots were as big as the palm of my hand. I doubt that they can be placed during pregnancy. I had adhesions and chronic inflammatory processes. I can’t say anything whether it passed or not, because after about six months I...
    Good luck to you!

    Mar 10 2008, 03:10 AM

    Mar 10 2008, 04:14 PM

    Girls, hello. I want to tell you not to be afraid of hirudotherapy. The only one unpleasant moment- this is wound healing. In 2-3 months there will be no trace left of them! For a complete disappearance, I advise you to go a couple or three once in the solarium.
    I was treated with leeches 1.5 years ago: I had constant pain in the lower abdomen. After 15 sessions: they placed it on the lower abdomen, on the lower back, in the vagina (closer to the uterus), the pain disappeared! I had adhesions (small) and an inflammatory process (uterus and cervix), after that I never even thought about the pain! These sessions helped my sister get pregnant, B. came 2 cycles after therapy! And B. did not occur due to adhesions. So decide for yourself! Of course, the sensations are not very pleasant, but for the sake of such a thing it’s worth being patient! When a leech attaches itself, the pain is like getting a paper cut! I RECOMMEND! Who needs more information - write to me, I will answer!

    Mar 14 2008, 12:22 AM

    that’s why you got pregnant six months later, because with adhesions and, even more so, with inflammation. processes, and even chronic ones - I don’t think they could do it so quickly! at least a year and a half if they went the medication route - operations, pills, injections, etc.

    Yes, that’s probably what happened. The leeches helped. As for the scars: I still have small cut marks on my stomach and lower back, although no one has ever noticed. And I managed to catch a cold again

    Nov 14 2008, 05:04 AM

    BB rrr and I don’t like leeches.
    I hit my friend once, she had just given birth to Malisha and was breastfeeding and decided to put in leeches. so then after them there was blood for a long time. she barely stopped. it was hard to even feed the baby

    I think if you’re pregnant, you shouldn’t put leeches either because you’ll lose strength.

    Feb 12 2009, 04:54 PM

    I'm currently taking a course of leeches
    after ZB I decided to take care of myself,
    leeches should help with my endometriosis and I also developed inflammation after cleansing, a lot of blood flows especially during the first 12 hours after them, I barely have time to change pads)))) the first time it was a little painful, but after 5 times it was even pleasant, but on the trail. day you feel like a cucumber now I’m trying hard to persuade my husband
    I’ll tell you about the results later, as soon as they allow it

    affectionate kitty

    Aug 26 2009, 10:22 AM

    And I can say that I have already completed this course... although I only did 4 procedures, unfortunately it didn’t work out any more so far and I can say for sure about the result... (I did an ultrasound) they help... before them I had endometriosis, 2 fibroids, a polyp ... we were going to surgically remove it all, as always... but now there’s none of it... and I think I’m pregnant... I’m going to get a test... I really hope it’s positive

    Feb 5 2010, 02:53 PM

    - it is possible, lactation improves

    PLEASE ADVISE, does anyone have experience with HIRUDOTHERAPY DURING BREASTFEEDING? Thank you

    Feb 5 2010, 03:05 PM

    QUOTE(vital @ Feb 5 2010, 01:53 PM)
    Hello! I am forty-five years old, I gave birth to a girl, she is now three months old. Even before pregnancy I had severe headaches, but during pregnancy I never had a headache, I think because I had a regimen, proper nutrition, Fresh air, "good dream.
    After I gave birth, headaches and hemorrhoids appeared. I want to BE TREATED WITH LEECHES, but I doubt whether these are possible during BREASTFEEDING? I found a couple of dry answers on the Internet, they say:
    - it is possible, lactation improves
    - possible allergic reaction in the child

    PLEASE ADVISE, does anyone have experience with HIRUDOTHERAPY DURING BREASTFEEDING? Thank you

    Hello. I don’t have this experience (in the sense of breastfeeding), but as far as I know it’s useful. Moreover, in case of B, it is useful to place them, and if so, then the child could develop an allergy in the womb. Leeches are very useful for their enzymes.

    Feb 5 2010, 11:27 PM

    And my friend, after a miscarriage, now also goes to “leeches.” The doctor told her so much about them, they turn out to be very smart. And the most important thing is that after hirudotherapy, children are born healthy, also according to the doctor. Let’s check and write.

    Feb 6 2010, 12:46 AM

    My cousin I also treated with leeches thick blood before pregnancy. She worked as a doctor, and her colleague was writing a paper on leeches. My sister volunteered as a test subject. I saw this “execution” once. Leeches are so disgusting... but they obviously help, they suck bad blood. My little sister is now the mother of two wonderful daughters. I’m thinking about leeches myself... but I haven’t tried this yet. But they are too disgusting and the wounds take a long time to heal.

    Feb 6 2010, 12:38 PM

    Zhanna, the point is not that they suck bad blood, but that when they suck, they inject enzymes. It is very useful


    May 10, 2010, 10:15 PM

    Girls, please write in a personal message where you had your hirudotherapy sessions

    Jul 24 2010, 11:31 PM

    Girls, please tell me how many leeches are needed at one time. And how many times do you have to do it? I had my uterine fibroids removed in April, and now I want to look like leeches. And in six months, plan

    Jul 25 2010, 12:35 PM

    They gave me seven, some even 20 - who needed to unload circulatory system. The number of procedures is also very different. To me, with mine chronic sinusitis, 3 were enough. Some people need 20, it depends on the problem. But, in my opinion, they don’t do more than 25.



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