Canadian goldenrod - medicinal properties. Goldenrod: the powerful healing power of a poisonous herb

Syn.: Canadian solidago, golden rod, scrofula, life-giving grass, yellow flower, hare down.

Herbaceous perennial plant with long stems, on the tops of which are sun-golden inflorescences. Canadian goldenrod is not only decorative, but also a powerful antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, diuretic.

Ask the experts

In medicine

The plant is widely used in official medicine, both domestic and other countries, is part of many complex preparations (Marelin, Fitolizin, Prostanorm, etc.). Preparations based on Canadian goldenrod herb have diuretic and hypoazotemic, antimicrobial effects, are indicated for inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract, with urolithiasis.

The aerial part is used (Canadian goldenrod herb - Herba Solidaginis canadensis) and Canadian goldenrod root, medicinal properties plants are recognized as official medicine. The plant has a wound healing, antiseptic, analgesic effect, is used for therapy cholelithiasis, diseases excretory system, .

The liquid extract of the aerial part of the goldenrod was included in the preparation Prostanorm (Prostanorm). It is successfully used in the treatment of prostate diseases (acute, chronic prostatitis, adenomas). Prostanorm is able to improve the circulation of fluid in the tissues of the prostate, to normalize the process of diuresis. The drug actively affects pathogenic microorganisms: staphylococci, streptococci, enterococci.

Marelin - antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory combination drug used in medical practice with kidney disease. A product based on a dry extract of goldenrod promotes the excretion of kidney stones, eliminates renal colic, and increases diuresis.

The drug Fitolizin is used to treat infectious, as well as inflammatory processes that accompany urolithiasis (urolithiasis). The agent has a bactericidal, antispasmodic and bacteriostatic effect.

Solidago virgaurea is a homeopathic preparation made from fresh inflorescences. The use of Canadian goldenrod is advisable when chronic inflammation kidneys, accompanied by edema, rheumatic spasms, catarrhs.

Contraindications and side effects

Canadian goldenrod grass does not contain toxic substances, which cannot be said about another species - common goldenrod. Contraindications for goldenrod are pregnancy and lactation, childhood, individual intolerance. Canadian goldenrod can harm patients with glomerulonephritis.

In other areas

Canadian goldenrod is used as an ornamental plant, but the plant is dangerous for agricultural land. The seeds of this weed are carried by the wind over large areas, and the root system of growing plants blunts the growth of forage grasses and cultivated plants.

Canadian goldenrod - honey plant. Its aerial part contains flavonoids, thanks to which the plant is used to dye wool, silk, and cotton yellow.

AT last years scientists have found a strong allelopathic effect of Canadian goldenrod on the composition of soil microflora. The plant has a cleansing function, suppressing harmful phytopathogenic microbes with its metabolites.


Canadian goldenrod (Solidago canadensis) is a perennial plant, one of the species of the genus Goldenrod, the number of which is about 120 species. Belongs to the Asteraceae or Compositae family.

Botanical description

Canadian goldenrod is a herbaceous perennial plant, reaching almost two meters in height. The rhizomes are strong. The stems of the plant are erect, branched, woody at the base and densely leafy along the entire length. The leaves are lanceolate, pointed, placed alternately, on which three veins are visible. The lower leaf blades are serrate-toothed, with short petioles. The upper leaves are entire, sessile.

From the second year of life in the middle of summer, the flowering of the plant begins and lasts a month and a half. Paniculate inflorescences are formed on the tops of the stems - baskets, consisting of small, yellow flowers (5-6-reed and 6-8-tubular), five stamens, lower ovary. At the end of August, cylindrical achene-fruits with small brown seeds and a small tuft are formed. Goldenrod is an excellent honey plant, propagated by wind and vegetatively (part of the rhizome and cuttings).

Two species are found on the territory of Russia: Canadian goldenrod and common goldenrod or golden rod (Solidago virgaurea). Plants are cultivated for medicinal and decorative purposes, but Canadian goldenrod has a stronger therapeutic effect on the patient's body.

The root system of the Canadian goldenrod is able to grow, occupying more and more new territories, while drowning out and displacing millions of other plants. In China, such a phenomenon is an important agricultural problem, the solution of which is necessary in order to protect the planted crops.


The homeland of the Canadian goldenrod is considered North America. Distributed throughout almost the entire European territory. It grows in extensive thickets in Asia, America. The plant is found in wild and cultivated species, prefers sandy, light soils in well-lit areas. Goldenrod - an inhabitant of forest edges, also grows near roads, houses in the countryside. In horticulture, this is an unpretentious flowering plant.

Distribution regions on the map of Russia.

Procurement of raw materials

As a medicinal raw material, the herb of Canadian goldenrod is used. In production homeopathic medicines fresh flowers of the plant are used. Harvesting of the aerial parts of plants begins during their flowering period. Only inflorescences and leaves of Canadian goldenrod without hard stems are suitable. Flower baskets are chosen only for opening ones, because those that bloom after cutting throw out seeds and fluff. Dry raw materials under a canopy, in the shade at a temperature not exceeding +40 degrees. The tops of the stems are hard, they are not dried, but thrown away, in contrast to the harvesting of raw goldenrod. Packed in paper bags. The shelf life of goldenrod raw materials is no more than 2 years.

Chemical composition

Canadian goldenrod herb contains: up to 0.12% flavonoids (quercetin, isoramentin, kaempferol, rutin), coumarins (umbelliferon, scopoletin), saponins, triterpene compounds, hydroxycinnamic acids, sugars, amino acids, essential oil, chlorophyll, amino acids, diterpenes, lipophilic substances.

Pharmacological properties

The plant in official medicine is considered a strong diuretic, due to the active diuretic action of saponins. Goldenrod increases the pH of urine, so there are contraindications for the use of preparations based on this plant for phosphate stones. Goldenrod is especially effective for oxalate and urate stones, it is indicated for kidney diseases, urolithiasis and Bladder.

Flavonoids, which are contained in the composition of goldenrod, reduce the permeability of small vessels - capillaries. In addition to diuretic action, the plant has a strong anti-inflammatory and antibacterial action on the body, the beneficial properties of goldenrod have a beneficial effect on the body. A positive effect was noted in the treatment of thrush (candidiasis): active substances plants have a detrimental effect on pathogenic yeast fungi candida.

Application in traditional medicine

AT traditional medicine Canadian goldenrod is used externally and internally in the form of decoctions, tinctures. Common goldenrod is often used instead of Canadian goldenrod, but the effect of the latter is about two times weaker.

The use of goldenrod inside is indicated for indigestion, gallstone disease, gout, rheumatism. Regular use of a decoction of the plant helps to remove stones from the urinary tract and kidneys, relieves renal spasmodic pain. Used for rinsing the mouth to remove bad smell, throat treatment for colds infections.

Outwardly, decoctions of goldenrod leaves are used in the form of lotions for boils, cuts, purulent and poorly healing wounds. Dry crushed leaves in the composition of cream - effective remedy against many skin diseases.

Goldenrod essential oil is used alone or in combination with other oils for massage actions, local applications, aroma lamps.

History reference

The generic name of the plant "solidago" comes from the Latin solidus in translation "strong" and ago, agere - in translation - "to do". In other words, goldenrod literally means "doing health".

In the 19th century, giant goldenrod (lat. Solidago gigantea) and Canadian goldenrod were brought from North America as ornamental cultivated plants. These two species eventually became wild, spread over large areas.

In 1863, Canadian goldenrod acquired the title of national plant of the Confederation, due to the presence of yellow and gray colors. In 1895, the goldenrod was the official symbolic plant of the state of Nebraska, and in 1926 of the US state of Kentucky.

Canadian goldenrod synonym: Canadian solidago - Solidago canadensis L. (Solidago canadensis var. Canadensis)

Popular names: golden rod, scrofula, life-giving grass, yellow flower, hare down.


1. All about medicinal plants / Atlas-reference book. - St. Petersburg: LLC "SZKEO", 2007. - 61 p.

2. Encyclopedic reference book. Plant treatment. - M .: Publishing house "ANS", 2005. — 1024 p.

3. encyclopedic Dictionary medicinal plants and animal products. Proc. allowance / Ed. G. P. Yakovlev and K. F. Blinova. - 2nd, correct. and additional - St. Petersburg: Special Lit; SPHFA, 2002. - p. 135 p.

Canadian goldenrod (Solidago canadensis).

Other names: Canadian solidago, Canadian scrofula.

Description. Perennial herbaceous plant of the Asteraceae family. Its root system is in the form of a rhizome with roots located at a depth of 25-30 cm. The stem is erect, branched in the upper part, densely leafy, woody at the base, 60-170 cm high.

The leaves are alternate, on short petioles, elongated, pointed at the apex, sharply serrate along the edge, often glabrous on the upper side, pubescent below. Leaf length 5 -12 cm. The upper leaves are narrower. The color of the leaves and stems is from light green to dark green.

The flowers are collected in baskets, in one-sided arcuately curved racemes, which form an apical wide paniculate inflorescence in the form of a pyramid. Flowers bisexual, yellow, marginal pseudolingual, median tubular. Wraps cup-shaped, 2-3 mm long. The corolla of tubular flowers is regular with five small lobes. Stamens five.

Blooms in July - September. Fruit ripening in August - October. The fruit is a cylindrical achene without endosperm, 1-1.5 mm long, with a tuft consisting of numerous hairs.

Canadian goldenrod is native to North America. Canadian goldenrod is cultivated as an ornamental plant. It is also found in the wild form. Growing in a certain area, it displaces other plant species. Can form thickets.

Canadian goldenrod is not whimsical to the soil, grows well in open sunny areas, tolerates slight shading. It is propagated by seeds, division of the bush, cuttings. The plant is poisonous!

Collection and preparation of raw materials. Collection and preparation of raw materials. For medicinal purposes, Canadian goldenrod herb is harvested. Harvesting is carried out during the flowering period. Cut off the upper part of the plant, no more than 25-30 cm long. Dry in the air in the shade. Can be dried indoors with normal air ventilation. Store in a dry place. Shelf life 2 years.

Plant composition. Canadian goldenrod herb contains flavonoids (quercitrin, astragalin, rutin), triterpene saponins, tannins, diterpenes, bitterness, chlorophyll, sugars, mucus, bitterness, resins, essential oil, nicotinic acid, organic acids, vitamin C, carotene.

Canadian goldenrod: medicinal properties and contraindications, photo and description

Many of us are familiar with Canadian goldenrod. This is a perennial herbaceous plant, the top of which is decorated with sunny golden inflorescences.

As an ornamental, it is used by many gardeners. Its lush arched flower stalks adorn many flower beds until late autumn. These plants are pleasing to the eye both in the cut and in the winter bouquet. However, such a cute flower is considered not only decorative. Alternative and traditional medicine uses it as an excellent antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and diuretic.

The name of this plant solidago consists of two Latin words. This is solidus, which means "strong", and ago - "to do." In a literal translation - "doing health."

And here it becomes clear that Canadian goldenrod has medicinal properties.

The plant was brought to Europe from North America as an ornamental. After that, it became wild and spread over a large area.

In 1863, Canadian goldenrod was named the national plant of the Confederacy due to the presence of gray and yellow flowers. Since 1895, he has become one of the official symbols of the state of Nebraska. Since 1926, the Canadian goldenrod has been a symbol of the state of Kentucky.

In the people, this plant is called scrofula and life-giving grass, hare down and yellow flower.

The Canadian goldenrod plant is a perennial. This is one of the many (about 120) species belonging to the genus Goldenrod. The plant belongs to the Compositae or Astrov family.

Botanical description

What is Canadian goldenrod? The photo and description below introduce us to this perennial herbaceous plant.

Canadian goldenrod is quite high. Its stems reach almost two meters in height. At the same time, they are branched, erect, with a large number of leaves along the entire length and woody at the very base. Not surprisingly, such stems are supported by a powerful rhizome.

The plant has alternately placed pointed lanceolate leaves, on which three veins can be seen. The lowest green plates have a serrate-toothed shape. These leaves emerge from the stem with short petioles. At the top are sessile entire leaflets.

In the second year of life, starting from mid-summer, the plant begins to bloom. This state continues for one and a half to two months. What can be observed? At the very top of the stems, paniculate inflorescences-baskets begin to form, which consist of small yellow flowers. 5-6 of them are reed, and 6-8 are tubular. They contain five stamens with a lower ovary. By the end of August, Canadian goldenrod begins to form cylindrical achene fruits. They contain small seeds with a small tuft, having a brown color.

The plant is an excellent honey plant. Its reproduction occurs both with the help of the wind and vegetatively (by cuttings or part of the rhizome).

In Russia, you can find two varieties of goldenrod - Canadian and ordinary (golden rod). The cultivation of the plant is carried out for decorative and medicinal purposes. At the same time, such a species as Canadian goldenrod shows stronger healing properties, affecting the patient's body much more effectively.

The root system of the plant has the ability to grow independently. At the same time, Canadian goldenrod (see photo below) gradually displaces and drowns out a huge number of species of other plants.

For example, in China, this is considered a serious agricultural problem that needs to be addressed in order to save the crops planted in the fields.

The Canadian goldenrod is native to North America. To date, the territory of its distribution is quite extensive. You can meet the plant throughout Europe. Huge thickets of goldenrod are also found in America and Asia. At the same time, wild-growing and cultivated species are distinguished.

The plant prefers light sandy soils in well-lit areas. Often, Canadian goldenrod is found on forest edges. It also grows along roads, as well as near houses in the countryside. Gardeners consider it an unpretentious flowering plant.

Canadian goldenrod, whose medicinal properties are widely used in the treatment of many diseases, is pre-harvested for the production of various preparations.

In this case, the stems of the plant serve as medicinal raw materials. In the field of homeopathy, its fresh flowers are used to produce remedies. Only in its aerial part does the Canadian goldenrod exhibit medicinal properties (photo below).

blank healing herb begins during its flowering period. In this case, only the inflorescences of the plant, as well as its leaves without hard stems, are considered suitable.

Baskets of flowers collect only drop-down. Already bloomed after cutting them, they fluff up and throw out seeds.

The collected raw materials are placed under a canopy, where direct sunlight does not fall. The temperature should not exceed 40 degrees. It should be noted that the hard tops of the stems are not subject to harvesting. They are simply thrown away.

The dried parts of the plant are packed in paper bags. Raw materials of goldenrod can be stored without losing their medicinal properties for no more than two years.

What are the medicinal properties of Canadian goldenrod? Its rich chemical composition, which contains a large amount of flavanoids and tannins, alkaloids and essential oils, chlorogenic and caffeic acids, coumarins and saponins, chlorophyll and diterpenes, lipophilic substances and triterpene compounds, as well as resins.

The combination of these useful elements leads to the fact that the plant is able to produce a therapeutic effect to eliminate a large number of pathologies, and therefore it is used not only by folk, but also by official medicine.

Pharmacological properties

What are the benefits of Canadian goldenrod? Official medicine classifies it as a strong diuretic. This action is made possible thanks to the saponins included in its composition. At the same time, in addition to the medicinal properties of Canadian goldenrod, contraindications are also considered. So, the plant is able to increase the pH of urine, and therefore the preparations that contain this medicinal herb are not recommended to patients if they have phosphate stones. Canadian goldenrod is especially effective in other cases. So, it is indicated for urate and oxalate stones, urolithiasis, as well as pathologies of the kidneys and bladder.

Flavonoids, which are part of Canadian goldenrod, can reduce the permeability of capillaries - small vessels. In addition, the plant shows its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect on the body. A positive effect was noted when it was used to eliminate thrush (candidiasis), which is explained by the detrimental effect of the active substances of the medicinal herb on yeast pathogens candida.

The beneficial properties of Canadian goldenrod allow it to be used to treat many diseases. After all, the plant has a well-defined anti-inflammatory and choleretic, diuretic and antibacterial, astringent and expectorant, analgesic and sugar-reducing, restorative and wound-healing effect (below, see the photo of Canadian goldenrod).

The medicinal properties of the plant, namely its most powerful antibacterial effect, make it an excellent addition to drug therapy disease such as pulmonary tuberculosis. In addition, the medicinal herb has an expectorant and antitussive effect, helping to clear the lungs of the sputum in them, which provokes coughing fits. Doctors note that after the inclusion of the plant in the course of therapy, the patient's condition improved significantly.

The plant also provides invaluable assistance in the treatment of bronchitis, as well as bronchial asthma. This happens not only due to the antitussive, but also due to the most powerful anti-inflammatory, antifungal and antibacterial action.

Preparations, which include Canadian goldenrod, help with inflammatory processes in the bile ducts and in the gallbladder, as well as with bile stasis. Pain syndromes in such cases, they are removed on the first day of the course of treatment.

The plant is used to provide a diuretic effect, if necessary, to remove sand from the kidneys, as well as to relieve swelling. Moreover, preparations containing Canadian goldenrod improve the patient's condition even in cases where he has swelling. internal organs or even the brain. Healing herb actively removes fluid from the body into as soon as possible eliminating its excess.

Canadian goldenrod is also used for liver pathologies. In this case, he is also able to show a pronounced therapeutic effect. At the same time, inflammation is removed, the liver is cleansed of toxins, and the processes of self-healing of the affected cells are launched.

Helps Canadian goldenrod from diabetes. At the same time, it accelerates metabolic processes. In turn, this leads to the rapid burning of sugar. It is recommended to take drugs with a medicinal plant regularly. This will significantly lower the level of sugar in the body. This property of medicinal herbs is used not only for diabetes. Preparations with it are recommended for people with high sugar.

The Canadian goldenrod is also good for diarrhea. He can not only stop unpleasant phenomenon but also to eliminate the very cause of the disease. This becomes possible due to the fact that pathogenic microorganisms, which, as a rule, cause diarrhea, die when interacting with the substances that make up the medicinal herb.

Canadian goldenrod is also used as a wound healing agent. It prevents infection and speeds up the regeneration process. upper layers skin. In cases where it is required to heal ulcers or festering wounds, one should also not forget about this amazing herb. She will quickly cleanse the wound of purulent-necrotic secretions and will soon tighten it.

In what cases does not apply canadian goldenrod? Contraindications prohibiting treatment with preparations containing this plant are as follows:

- age up to 12 years;

- the period of breastfeeding;

- acute glomerulonephritis.

In addition, it is worth considering that the plant is poisonous. In this regard, Canadian goldenrod can harm the body. To avoid this, exceed allowable dosages using it is simply unacceptable.

Application in official medicine

The medicinal properties and contraindications of Canadian goldenrod are well known to pharmacologists in Russia, as well as other countries. They use the plant to create some complex preparations that have hypoazotemic and diuretic, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects. These are, for example, such means as "Marelin" and "Prostanom", "Fitozilin" and others. Consider the scope of their application.

The composition of the drug "Prostanorm" is a liquid extract obtained from the ground part of the plant. This pharmacological agent is successfully used in the treatment of prostate pathologies (chronic and acute adenomas, prostatitis). The drug improves the circulation of fluid in the prostate, and also normalizes the process of diuresis. Its active substances act on staphylococci, enterococci and streptococci.

The anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic drug "Marelin" is used by physicians for nephrolithiasis. At the heart of the remedy is a dry extract of goldenrod, due to which the excretion of kidney stones occurs, diuresis increases and renal colic is eliminated.

The drug "Fitolysin" is used in the treatment of inflammatory and infectious processes that accompany urolithiasis (urolithiasis). The agent contributes to the creation of a bacteriostatic, bactericidal and antispasmodic effect.

Based on fresh inflorescences of Canadian goldenrod, the homeopathic remedy Sjlidago virgaurea is injected. It is recommended for inflammation of the kidneys chronic nature, which are accompanied by catarrhs, rheumatic spasms and edema.

Application by folk healers

Alternative medicine recommends using Canadian goldenrod internally and externally, using tinctures and decoctions. In the first case, the plant is indicated for rheumatism, gout, gallstone disease and indigestion. Regular ingestion of a decoction made from this medicinal herb allows you to remove stones from the kidneys and urinary tract. At the same time, spasmodic kidney pain. In addition, decoctions are recommended for the treatment of the throat, for getting rid of colds, as well as for eliminating unpleasant odors from the oral cavity.

The same drug is used externally. The leaves of Canadian goldenrod are boiled for lotions in the treatment of furunculosis, cuts, poorly healing and festering wounds. There is another excellent external remedy that allows you to save a person from various skin diseases. These are crushed dry leaves of a plant mixed with cream.

Traditional medicine also uses the essential oil of a medicinal plant. Moreover, it can be used both as an independent tool and in combination with other oils intended for aroma lamps, local applications, as well as for massage actions.

How else can Canadian goldenrod be used? The plant is distinguished by a high content of nectar in its flowers, which is produced throughout the daylight hours. For the entire period of their flowering, which is about two months, bees are able to collect up to 100-150 kg of honey from one hectare. This product has a tart taste and bitter taste. Its color is dark brown. Honey in its liquid consistency is stored for no more than 1-2 months. After that, it crystallizes.

Canadian goldenrod honey is also used in traditional medicine. After all, this beekeeping product has many medicinal qualities, which are due to the presence of useful substances in the plant itself. In addition, the nectar processed by bees becomes even more valuable. Goldenrod honey has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects. Its use helps fight kidney diseases and urinary tract ailments. In addition, this valuable bee product helps with dermatitis and eczema. Its use allows you to strengthen the immune system, as well as have a positive effect on metabolic processes.

Folk healers recommend this honey not only orally. It can also be used as part of ointments and compresses. Such use of it allows you to cure eczema, edema, dermatosis, long-term healing wounds, as well as skin irritations.

Own beneficial effect honey also has a digestive, cardiac and nervous system. This product is also considered an excellent remedy for the treatment of tonsillitis, meningitis, rhinitis and sinusitis.

Canadian goldenrod - medicinal properties

The Canadian goldenrod, which has long become familiar to everyone, which is also often called solidago, is a herbaceous perennial plant from the Aster family of the genus Goldenrod. Its height can be either 50 centimeters or 2 meters. The root of Canadian goldenrod grows parallel to the soil surface, deepening slightly. The stem of the plant is erect and usually simple, with slight pubescence. The leaves on it are arranged alternately. They have a lanceolate shape and a serrate-serrated edge. Down side leaf plate with slight pubescence, and the upper one is bare. Solidago flowers are small, bright yellow in color, collected in an arcuate inflorescence brush. There are a significant number of such brushes on the stem, and all together they are combined into a panicle inflorescence. The fruits of Canadian goldenrod are cylindrical achenes with a brownish tuft. The plant blooms in July and blooms until September. Seeds ripen from August to October.

Solidago is native to eastern Canada, the entire United States, and northern Mexico. Today, the plant has spread widely around the world, showing a high ability to acclimatize. In Russia, Canadian goldenrod has taken root well and now grows wild in landfills, in forests and near houses. Being a fairly aggressive invader of territories, today it is perceived by many as a weed. However, before proceeding with the destruction of the solidago, one should recall its many medicinal properties which help protect the body from various ailments.

The chemical composition of Canadian goldenrod

All parts of the plant contain substances valuable for human health. Resins, flavonoids, chlorogenic acid, essential oils, quercetin, sugars, coumarins, rutin, saponins, hydroxycinnamic acids, triterpene compounds, chlorophyll, lipophilic substances, tannins and alkaloids were found in goldenrod.

Thanks to the combination of all these substances, the plant is able to provide a large number of therapeutic effects and is used not only in folk, but also in official medicine.

What cures canadian goldenrod

Widely used today for treatment, goldenrod has the following well-defined effects: choleretic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, diuretic, expectorant, astringent, hypoglycemic, analgesic, wound healing and tonic.

The most powerful antibacterial property makes the plant a good addition to traditional therapy pulmonary tuberculosis. In addition, solidago has an antitussive and expectorant effect and helps to clear the lungs of sputum, which provokes coughing fits. It was noticed that after solidago is included in the treatment, the patient's condition improves significantly.

The plant helps to get rid of bronchitis and bronchial asthma. Due to the fact that Canadian goldenrod has not only antitussive, but also the most powerful anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antifungal action, the disease is treated regardless of the cause that caused it.

With stagnation of bile and inflammation of the gallbladder and bile ducts, preparations based on Canadian goldenrod help to quickly restore health. Already on the first day of treatment, pain is relieved.

As a diuretic, the plant is used to remove sand from the kidneys, as well as relieve swelling. In the event that a person has swelling of the internal organs and even the brain, this plant will help improve the condition. By actively removing fluid from the body, goldenrod eliminates its excess in the shortest possible time.

In liver diseases, solidago can also have a pronounced therapeutic effect. By removing inflammation and helping to cleanse the body of toxins, this medicinal plant helps to start the process of self-healing of the affected cells.

At diabetes Canadian goldenrod helps to speed up the metabolism and thus the speedy burning of sugar. With regular use of plant-based medicines, the sugar level drops significantly. This property of solidago can be used not only for diabetes, but simply for high sugar.

With diarrhea, the plant helps not only to stop it, but also to treat the cause of the disease. Pathogenic microorganisms, which most often cause diarrhea, do not tolerate the substances that make up the plant and quickly die.

As a wound healing agent, goldenrod helps prevent infection and accelerate the process of skin regeneration. In the event that treatment is required for a purulent wound or ulcer, then also do not forget about solidago. The plant will quickly cleanse the wound from purulent-necrotic masses and tighten it.

Contraindications for goldenrod treatment

Before you start taking preparations based on Canadian goldenrod, you need to make sure that there are no following contraindications in which it is forbidden to be treated with a plant:

  • children's age up to 12 years;
  • period of pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding period;
  • acute glomerulonephritis;
  • allergic reaction.
  • In addition, it should be borne in mind that the plant is poisonous, and therefore exceeding the recommended dosages is unacceptable.

    Plant-Based Recipes

    Infusion for kidney disease

    Infusion for the treatment of wounds and ulcers (external use)

    The collection of medicinal raw materials should be carried out during the period of the beginning of flowering. With sharp scissors, cut off only the flowering tops of the stems. Dry the collected phytomaterial by tying it in bundles and hanging it in a place protected from the sun and moisture. Ready raw materials are stored in linen bags for no more than one and a half years.

    Canadian goldenrod medicinal properties

    Canadian goldenrod

    Canadian goldenrod (golden rod, yellow flower, scrofula) is a perennial herbaceous plant with a tall stem and bright yellow racemose inflorescences of the Compositae family. In the wild, it is found throughout almost all of Europe, in America and Asia, and is also grown in ornamental horticulture.

    Prefers well-lit, sunny places and sandy soils: grows along roads, in clearings in the forest, near village houses, etc. Canadian goldenrod is widely used in official and folk medicine as a plant with a number of valuable healing properties. It is a good honey plant. It should be noted that goldenrod honey is one of the most useful!

    Medicinal raw material is goldenrod grass: inflorescences and leaves. Hard stems are not used. Harvesting is carried out during the beginning of the flowering of the plant, choosing the buds that begin to open. The collected raw materials are dried in the shade, avoiding direct sunlight, or, tied in bunches and hung up, at a temperature not exceeding 40C. Dried goldenrod is stored in paper bags or cloth bags for two years.

    When collecting raw materials, be careful: in addition to Canadian goldenrod, on the territory of Russia, there is common goldenrod, which has medicinal properties to a lesser extent and, moreover, is poisonous!

    Canadian goldenrod herb is rich in: saponins, flavonoids, tannins, amino acids, sugars, coumarins, essential oils. No toxic substances were found in the Canadian goldenrod. Due to its composition, this plant has: anti-inflammatory, diuretic, antibacterial, antiseptic, analgesic and wound healing effects on the human body.

    In medicine, Canadian goldenrod is used for:

  • colds of the throat;
  • sinusitis, rhinitis;
  • indigestion and stomach ulcers;
  • liver diseases;
  • dropsy, edema;
  • with diseases of the kidneys, urinary tract and bladder;
  • urolithiasis;
  • urinary incontinence;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • oxalate and urate stones;
  • cholecystitis;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • prostatitis, prostate adenoma;
  • thrush;
  • rheumatism, gout;
  • bad breath (rinsing);
  • purulent wounds, boils, dermatosis and other skin diseases (externally).
  • In addition, Canadian goldenrod reduces capillary permeability and has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular and nervous systems.

    Pour boiling water over the flowers and let it brew for 8 hours. Strain. The resulting infusion, take 1/2 cup 4 times a day to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

    Decoction for kidney disease:

    Prepare a mixture of the indicated ingredients and brew 1 tablespoon of the resulting collection with a glass of boiling water. Let it brew for half an hour and strain. Drink a glass twice a day.

    Collection from cystitis and urethritis:

  • 1 part of the tops of the Canadian small-flowered;
  • 1 part hibiscus cups;
  • 1 part birch leaves.
  • Prepare a mixture of these plants. Brew 1 tablespoon of the collection with a glass of boiling water, let it brew for 20 minutes, strain and drink. On the day you need to take 3 glasses of infusion.

    Collection for inflammation of the tendons:

  • 1 part Canadian goldenrod herb;
  • 1 part of the small-scale canadian;
  • 1 part meadowsweet herb.
  • Steep 1 teaspoon of the mixture of the above herbs in a cup of boiling water. Let it brew and strain. It is recommended to take two cups of this infusion per day.

    Infusion for external use:

    Pour the flowers with boiling water and let it brew for 2 hours. Strain. Use for rinsing, as well as the preparation of lotions and compresses for skin diseases.

    Boil the goldenrod, then let it steep for two hours. Strain and add to bath. Take this bath for various skin lesions, including eczema, psoriasis.

    From powdered Canadian goldenrod flowers mixed with olive oil makes a good healing ointment. Sea buckthorn or sesame oil can be used instead of olive oil.

    Canadian goldenrod is contraindicated in:

  • childhood;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • phosphate stones (the plant raises the pH of urine);
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • individual intolerance.
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      Useful properties and uses of goldenrod

      Botanical characteristics of goldenrod

      Goldenrod is an unusual perennial plant that has an upright, rounded stem with longitudinal stripes. It can grow up to 1 m in height. The leaves of the goldenrod are alternate, and the branching is paniculate. yellow flowers have a faint aroma. Inflorescences in the form of baskets are collected in racemose panicles or simple brushes. blooms given plant starting in August and ending in October. Its fruit is a cylindrical pubescent achene, which is about 3 mm long.

      Useful properties of goldenrod

      Goldenrod has a beneficial effect on various human organs, which is why it is widely used in folk medicine. With its help, all kinds of dermatoses and numerous skin diseases, involuntary urination and various kidney abnormalities, bleeding gums and even dropsy are perfectly treated. In addition, goldenrod perfectly stimulates metabolism, and also cleanses the blood and helps with gout. In addition, it is recommended to use this herb during inflammation of the urinary tract.

      Goldenrod is a well-known honey plant. His bright flowers contain a large amount of nectar, bees visit them with pleasure. A thorough study of the composition of the plant made it possible to talk about its healing qualities. Medicinal raw material is the aerial part of the plant, as well as its rhizomes and roots. Alkaloids, flavonoids, saponins, essential oils, chlorogenic and caffeic acids, resins and tannins were found in the goldenrod herb. The plant also contains bitterness and quercitrin.

      Harvesting of medicinal raw materials is carried out during the flowering of goldenrod, which occurs at the beginning of summer. The plant is harvested, washed thoroughly, tied in bunches and dried in places where direct sunlight does not penetrate (in the shade). For the production of homeopathic preparations from goldenrod, only fresh flowers of the plant are used.

      Application of goldenrod

      Goldenrod is not harvested entirely, but only inflorescences - because of the hard stem. If you collect the grass completely, you have to thresh the stems after drying. It is advisable to collect inflorescences that have not fully blossomed, because they easily bloom and seed when cut.

      Goldenrod has an analgesic, wound-healing antispasmodic effect, is used to treat cholelithiasis, cholecystitis, kidney and bladder diseases. Externally it is used to treat purulent wounds, ulcers and boils. The liquid extract of the herb is part of the Russian drug "Prostanorm", used in the treatment of diseases of the prostate gland, and the German drug "Cystium solidago" for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the urinary tract.

      Reception medicinal infusions and decoctions of this medicinal plant is indicated for diseases such as dropsy (edema), catarrh of the pharynx, diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract, skin diseases and intestinal disorders.

      Recipe number 1. 1 tablespoon of crushed medicinal raw materials is poured into 200 ml hot water, after which it is placed on a boiling water bath where is located within five minutes. After that, the broth is infused for three hours and filtered into a clean container. Take a ready-made decoction of 30 ml 3 times a day for kidney stones.

      Recipe No. 2. 2 tablespoons of crushed medicinal raw materials are poured into 500 ml of hot water and infused in a boiling water bath for 10 minutes, after which the resulting broth is filtered and taken 100 ml 4 times a day for chronic nephritis.

      Recipe No. 1. 1 tablespoon of crushed medicinal raw materials is poured into 500 ml of boiling water and infused for 6-7 hours, after which the resulting infusion is filtered into a clean container and taken 2/3 cup 3-4 times a day.

      Recipe number 2. 1 tablespoon of grass is poured into 200 ml of boiling water and infused for 60 minutes, after which it is filtered into a clean bowl. The resulting infusion is used as an external agent for rinsing the mouth in inflammatory processes. various etiologies.

      Recipe number 1. 2 teaspoons of goldenrod pour 400 ml cold water, after which the mixture is brought to a boil and infused for two minutes.

      Recipe number 2. 2 teaspoons of goldenrod pour 400 ml of hot water (boiling water) and infuse for 10 minutes, after which the tea is filtered and taken up to three to four times a day.

      Bees collect goldenrod honey from common goldenrod. Goldenrod honey crystallizes quickly: as a rule, it remains liquid for 1-2 months. honey is colored in a dark yellow or light brown shade, may have a slightly bitter taste. But, despite its bitterness, goldenrod honey is famous for its beneficial properties.

      This honey is considered to be one of the most effective natural preparations, which are used with great success in the treatment of various inflammatory diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract, with liver diseases and impaired metabolism, in addition, goldenrod honey is used for skin diseases.

      In liver diseases, goldenrod honey in equal amounts (1: 1) is mixed with black currant. Take it 1 teaspoon 2 hours before meals.

      For diseases of the bladder, 1 teaspoon of goldenrod honey is dissolved in 100 ml warm water. This remedy is taken 1/4 cup 2 times a day before meals.

      In diseases of the kidneys, 80–120 g of goldenrod honey is mixed with lemon juice and rosehip infusion and taken before meals.

      Small flowers of such a honey plant as goldenrod are located on the upper part of the stem and are collected in wide paniculate or racemose inflorescences. Marginal flowers are pseudolingual, middle flowers are tubular. The petals are bright yellow. The flowers emit a faint fragrance that serves to attract bees. Goldenrod blooms in July-September.

      The chemical composition of the inflorescence contains carbohydrates and polysaccharides: arabinose, glucose, galactose, xylose and rhamnose. The goldenrod inflorescence is medicinal raw materials for drugs that are successfully used in folk medicine as an external remedy for diseases such as dermatitis, skin tuberculosis, wounds of various etiologies, burns and rheumatism. Inside, goldenrod flowers are used as a decoction for hepatitis and ulcerative cystitis.

      Growing goldenrod

      In the first years, the flowering time of the plant directly depends on the timing of the transplant. If goldenrod is transplanted at the end of April, it will bloom 3 weeks later than plants transplanted in May. At good care this grass can grow more than 10 years in a row in one place. Goldenrod is not afraid of dry weather, but requires the application of complex fertilizers in the spring. On fertile and moist soil, plants grow tall and delight with the beauty of the inflorescences. In addition, weak shoots should be removed at the beginning of the growing season in order to promote the full development of the rest.

      common goldenrod

      Common goldenrod is a perennial herbaceous plant of the Compositae family. The plant is poisonous! Throughout the area, the plant is slightly pubescent, the height of this type of goldenrod is 80–100 cm. The roots of goldenrod are fleshy and superficial. The stem is solitary, erect, almost glabrous at the base and branched in the upper part, in some cases the stem may have a reddish tint. The leaves are oblong-elliptic, alternate, sharp, their edge is serrated.

      On the upper part of the stem, paniculate or racemose inflorescences are formed, consisting of numerous baskets. The flowers of the common goldenrod are very small in length, bright yellow in color. The fruits are cylindrical ribbed seeds with a tuft. Common goldenrod blooms in July-September, bears fruit in the period from August to October.

      The natural distribution area is the European territory of Russia, the countries of Europe, the Caucasus, Central Asia, Western Siberia, the Mediterranean and Scandinavia. grows this species predominantly on hilly slopes, on edges, clearings, on river banks and in thickets of bushes.

      The medicinal raw material of common goldenrod is the aerial part of the plant (grass together with inflorescences and leaves), less often the underground part (root). Like most medicinal raw materials, the above-ground part of the common goldenrod is harvested during the flowering period, the underground part - in the fall. Healing infusions and decoctions of this plant are used for diseases of the urinary and gallbladder, diseases of the liver, kidneys and respiratory organs.

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      Canadian goldenrod

      Canadian goldenrod is a perennial herbaceous plant of the Compositae family. The whole plant is slightly hairy. The root is pivotal, short. The stem is erect, solitary, branched in the upper part, can reach a height of 140 cm, the color of the stem can be from light green to dark green. The leaves of the plant are linear-lanceolate, alternate, long-pointed at the top; the lower leaves on the edges are serrate, short-leaved, the upper ones are entire, sessile.

      The flowers are small, bright yellow, bisexual. The median flowers are tubular, the marginal ones are pseudolingual. Flower baskets are only 3-5 mm in diameter. The inflorescences are quite large, it is a pyramidal or conical panicle from 4 to 20 cm long. The fruit is a small ribbed achene of a narrow cylindrical shape, with a tuft of white hairs. The flowering time of Canadian goldenrod is July-August, the plant bears fruit in August-September.

      The natural distribution area of ​​this species is eastern territory Canada, USA, the northern part of Mexico, it is also found throughout the European part of Russia, Ukraine, Moldova. Canadian goldenrod grows mainly on the edges, glades, along roads, on the banks of rivers and lakes, in swamps. The plant prefers moderately moist soils, but is also capable of growing in swampy areas and slightly moist soil.

      The medicinal raw material of Canadian goldenrod is the aerial part of the plant - a grass with leaves and an inflorescence. The collection of medicinal raw materials is carried out during the flowering period (at the initial stage).

      In folk medicine, medicinal infusions and decoctions of Canadian goldenrod are used as a diuretic, analgesic, wound healing and antiseptic. Medications are indicated for diseases such as gout, inflammatory diseases genitourinary system, enuresis, bronchial asthma, whooping cough, liver disease, rheumatism and skin diseases of various etiologies.

      Josephine goldenrod. Josephine goldenrod is a perennial herbaceous plant of the Compositae family. In height, the plant can reach 70 cm. Unpretentious dense bushes of this species are decorated with small bright yellow flowers. As a remedy, none of the parts of the plant is used either in traditional or folk medicine. Due to their bright color, long flowering period and unpretentiousness to growing conditions, Josephine goldenrod bushes are very popular in the formation of flower beds and hedges.

      Hybrid goldenrod is a perennial herbaceous plant of the Compositae family. The length of the whole plant is approximately 80 cm. Flowers are numerous, small, bright yellow, collected in small baskets. Baskets, in turn, form brushes, and brushes - lush and bright panicles. The flowering period of hybrid goldenrod is July-September.

      Being a frost- and drought-resistant plant, hybrid goldenrod is unpretentious to the growing conditions. Any soil is suitable for its distribution, but hybrid goldenrod feels best on heavy and wet soils. FROM medical point of view, the hybrid goldenrod is of no value. The plant is successfully used by florists in the preparation of autumn flower arrangements.

      Dahurian goldenrod. Herbaceous perennial Dahurian goldenrod can grow up to 1 m tall. Straight stems are framed by wedge-shaped leaves. Beautiful baskets are collected in paniculate inflorescences. The flowers have a yellow tint, and the oblong achenes have a whitish crest. Daurian goldenrod often grows in fir-spruce forests or in sedge bogs. The phase of mass flowering of the plant begins at the end of August and ends in October.

      Contraindications to the use of goldenrod

      Goldenrod grass contains in its chemical composition potent toxic substances. Before you start taking healing infusions and decoctions based on goldenrod, you should consult with your doctor. The use of goldenrod is contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women, children, with glomerulonephritis and individual intolerance (allergic reactions).

      Goldenrod: medicinal properties and contraindications

      Common goldenrod (Latin name - Solidago virgaurea) can often be found in rural farmsteads and household plots, as the plant has excellent decorative qualities and fits organically into the natural landscape.

      The popular name for goldenrod - "golden rod" - indicates characteristics plants: tall paniculate inflorescences (often more than 1 meter high) with numerous small flowers yellow color. The beginning of flowering of the plant falls on the last month of summer, and continues until the onset of autumn frosts.

      Under natural conditions, the "golden rod" is found in dry forest glades and steppe hills, in places forming continuous thickets, which are clearly visible from afar.

      Unfortunately, domestic official medicine ignores the medicinal properties of common goldenrod, although it uses medications based on imported raw materials, for example, Canadian goldenrod (Solidago canadensis) or giant goldenrod (Solidago gigantea).

      As for traditional medicine, the medicinal properties of both common goldenrod and related species are highly valued here.

      Procurement of medicinal raw materials

      Despite the fact that the “golden rod” has a rather long flowering period, it is preferable to harvest raw materials at the very beginning - the first week of August, and only flowering panicles (inflorescences) that do not woody need to be cut. It is preferable to dry raw materials in bundles, hanging them in a place protected from the sun (under awnings or in attics).

      In folk medicine, goldenrod roots are also sometimes used, which must be harvested in late autumn.

      The chemical composition of medicinal raw materials

      The chemical composition of the “golden rod” has been studied rather poorly (superficially), therefore, in the available sources, only a statement is given on the content of certain groups of active substances: saponins, alkaloids, flavonoids, essential oils, organic acids (from a number of oxycinnamon). However, even this meager information allows us to assess to some extent the alleged therapeutic effect from the use of goldenrod in the treatment of certain diseases.

      Medicinal properties of goldenrod

      Although in scientific medicine there has not been a tendency to use the "golden rod" in the treatment of diseases, nevertheless, through the efforts of experimental enthusiasts, big job on the study of the therapeutic effect of goldenrod on the body. So, for example, outstanding diuretic and hypoazotemic properties of the flavonoid complex of the "golden rod" were revealed. As for the stone-dissolving abilities, in this respect the goldenrod does not give due credit. therapeutic effect, although for preventive purposes its use is quite justified and appropriate: drugs based on the "golden rod" normalize water-salt metabolism and have a positive effect on the acid-base balance, enhance the secretory-excretory function of the kidneys.

      As you know, in the process of formation of salt conglomerates (stones) three types of acids are involved - phosphoric, uric and oxalic. The use of goldenrod preparations leads to an increase in phosphaturia, so using them in the presence of phosphorus deposits is impractical and even harmful. If we are talking about urate and oxalate conglomerates, then the use of goldenrod is appropriate here, since its preparations reduce oxalaturia and uraturia, therefore it is quite acceptable (and even advisable) to use it for the treatment and prevention of gout, as well as urolithiasis of the urate and oxalate types.

      According to German experts, the use of goldenrod preparations is advisable in the treatment of inflammatory processes of the urinary tract, with the proviso that the patient is not diagnosed with edema due to cardiac or kidney failure.

      The biologically active substances of the “golden rod” have a pronounced bacteriostatic and antiseptic effect against a number of pathogens, therefore preparations based on it are often prescribed in the treatment of diarrhea, digestive problems, depending on the vital activity of pathogens.

      Outwardly, goldenrod is used in the form of washings and compresses in the treatment of purulent wounds, furunculosis, gum abscesses, etc.

      Simple preparations of the "golden rod"

      For treatment, as a rule, use infusions (or "light decoctions"), and sometimes goldenrod tincture.

      Recipe number 1 ("cold infusion"). For 1 glass of water cooled to room temperature (250 ml) - 2 tsp. dried raw materials (flower panicles). Insist for 4 hours. The drug is prescribed for the treatment of chronic kidney disease, uraturia with the formation of urate-type calculi (metabolic disorders uric acid), gout and articular rheumatism. Traditional healers often recommend this infusion for the treatment of adenoma and prostatitis, and are prescribed for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis). The dosage of the drug is selected individually, but not more than 50 ml per dose. The infusion is recommended to be taken before meals.

      Recipe number 2 (infusion). Outdoor remedy. Pour boiling water over 1 tbsp. herbs of the “golden rod” (250 ml of boiling water is needed), strain after 2 hours. This medicinal preparation used in the form of compresses and washes. Assign for the treatment of wounds (including purulent), boils, abscesses of the gums and inflammation of the oral cavity. In the form of rinses, the infusion is used for sore throat and other diseases. respiratory tract especially if they are infectious. Compresses are also used to heal broken bones.

      Recipe number 3 (infusion). Means for internal use. Infuse goldenrod grass for 2 hours (half a liter of boiling water - 2 tablespoons of raw materials). Dosage, frequency of administration and indications - as for prescription No. 1. The drug has excellent diuretic properties.

      Recipe number 4 (broth). Pour a glass of boiling water 1 tbsp. raw materials, stand for 5 - 10 minutes in a water bath, then insist for 3 hours. Assign a decoction of 30 - 50 ml for the treatment of chronic nephritis and urolithiasis of urate or oxalate types.

      Recipe number 5 (tincture of roots). Prepared using alcohol 40% strength and crushed roots of common goldenrod (you can take fresh raw materials). For 200 ml of alcohol, 20 g of raw materials will be required. Insist 2 weeks. It is used as an external agent in the treatment of wounds, ulcers, boils, as well as rinses (diluted with water) for sore throats.

      Recipe number 6 (tea). Pour into an enamel bowl 1 tsp. goldenrod herbs, pour cold water(1 cup), bring to a boil and immediately remove from heat. Tea is ready after 2 minutes of infusion. You can do otherwise: brew like tea (infuse for 10-15 minutes). Depending on the indications, appoint up to 3 times a day (1 glass per reception).

      Recipe number 7 (bath decoction). Outdoor remedy. For 10 liters of water, you need to take 50 g of goldenrod herb, bring to a boil and cook for 10 - 15 minutes. After 2 hours of infusion, add to a bath of warm water (38 - 40 ° C). Baths are taken in the presence of skin rashes, eczema, etc. Such procedures are shown in complex treatment psoriasis and skin tuberculosis.

      Multicomponent preparations

      To enhance the therapeutic effect, as well as to reduce toxic properties, goldenrod grass is used in mixture with other medicinal plants, for example, birch leaves and buds, bearberry and blueberries, horsetail, etc.

      For the treatment of urolithiasis(including in the presence of conglomerates in the kidneys) a drug has been developed complex action- "marelin". In addition to the extract of Canadian goldenrod (0.025 g), its composition includes horsetail (extract, 0.015 g), madder extract (0.0325 g), kellin (0.0025 g) and corglicon (0.000125 g), amide salicylic acid(0.035 g) and magnesium phosphate (0.01 g). Available in tablets. Appoint for course treatment, 2-4 tablets three times a day. In the case of a stomach or duodenal ulcer, the tablets should be taken after a meal. The course of treatment is from 2 to 3 months, again - after a six-month break.

      Phytolysin. The drug has diuretic properties, relieves inflammation and effectively eliminates spasms of the bladder. It can be used for the prevention and treatment of urinary and kidney stones. Of the side effects, hyperemia and allergic reactions on the skin are sometimes noted. Contraindicated in phosphaturia and glomerulonephritis. Ingredients: onion extract (0.1 g), wheatgrass extract (0.125 g), birch leaf extract (0.05 g), mushroom grass seed extract (0.175 g), parsley seed extract (0.175 g), goldenrod extract (0 05 g), herb herb extract (0.075 g), horsetail extract (0.1 g), water pepper herb extract (0.15 g). Additionally, the composition of the drug includes essential oils of orange, sage, pine and mint. Adults are prescribed 1 tsp. paste (form of release of the drug) in half a glass of warm water. Multiplicity of reception - up to 4 times a day.

      Special cases of using goldenrod

      Wounds, ulcers, fractures. For external use (compresses, lotions) it is recommended to use medicinal tincture prepared from a mixture of goldenrod, St. John's wort and comfrey root (5:3:1 ratio). Half a liter of vodka (alcohol 40% strength) will require 6 tbsp. herbal mixture. Infusion must be carried out in a dark place, the period of infusion is at least 30 days.

      Skin diseases(including skin tuberculosis). Goldenrod ointment is an effective treatment for this type of disease. It is not difficult to prepare the drug: grind the dried flowers of the "golden rod" into powder and mix with cream. Rub the ointment into the affected area, pre-treating with infusion of goldenrod (recipe No. 2).

      Nerve entrapment. The recipe was tested in the treatment of post-traumatic pinching of the central nerve - the composition was selected empirically. You will need 4 goldenrod shoots (15 cm long) and 1 tbsp. herbs letters. Pour the crushed ingredients into a thermos and pour 1 liter of boiling water. Insist 4 hours. Take three times a day, 50 ml. The duration of continuous use of the infusion should not exceed 30 days. If there is no improvement within a month, then repeated course treatment is carried out after a monthly break.

      Protein in the urine. For 1 liter of white wine - 30 g of goldenrod grass and saxifrage. Insist during the day. Take in the morning on an empty stomach 50 ml. You can also prepare an infusion, which includes goldenrod, horsetail, birch and bearberry leaves, heather grass, marginal petals of cornflower field, chamomile flower baskets and willow bark. For a glass of boiling water - 1 tsp. herbal collection. Infuse for half an hour. Take after meals 2 times a day.

      Side effects and contraindications

      The "golden rod", despite its medicinal properties, nevertheless, has a specific toxicity, and this is one of the reasons that scientific medicine bypasses this plant.

      The use of goldenrod is strictly contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It is unacceptable to prescribe preparations of the "golden rod" to children under the age of 14.

      Goldenrod is contraindicated in acute kidney diseases (glomerulonephritis, etc.).

      As mentioned earlier, in the presence of edema of cardiac origin or on the basis of renal failure, goldenrod is contraindicated.

      Treatment with goldenrod must be carried out carefully and the indicated dosages must be observed, since violation of medical prescriptions can lead to damage. renal tissue. So, if the dosage of the preparations of the "golden rod" is exceeded, protein and blood may appear in the urine - symptoms characteristic of glomerulonephritis - in this case, stop taking it immediately and consult a doctor for advice!

    The first mention of the healing properties of goldenrod dates back to the 16th century, and over the past centuries people have learned to use the herb to treat many diseases. How to use the miraculous plant Goldenrod correctly, what diseases it will help to cure, and who is better to refuse to use, we will tell further.

    Goldenrod plant - description, photo

    Goldenrod (scrofula or yellowflower) is a herbaceous perennial of the Aster family, whose name is translated from Latin as “giving health”. The homeland of the plant is North America, but it has spread throughout the world.

    This fragrant ornamental grass can be tall (up to 200 cm high) and dwarf (no more than 40 cm in length). The stem is longitudinal, straight, ends with an inflorescence in the form of a brush with golden flowers up to 10 mm long. Outwardly, flowering scrofula resembles a garden mimosa.

    The roots are fleshy, large, but located close to the surface of the soil. Perennial leaves are long with jagged edges, oval or oblong. The fruits are cylindrical achenes 4–5 mm long. Fruiting begins in September, immediately after flowering, which continues throughout the summer months.

    Yellowflower is an unpretentious and tenacious plant. He prefers silty or clay soils in areas of reservoirs, in glades and in forests. Moreover, one individual is capable of producing 10–11 thousand seeds per season, of which 90–95% will sprout.

    The plant genus includes more than a hundred species, the most common of which are:

    • ordinary;
    • Canadian;
    • hybrid;
    • Supreme;
    • wrinkly;
    • descending;
    • Daurian.

    The yellow flower is used in veterinary medicine, chemical industry, but received the greatest application in folk medicine and homeopathy.

    Canadian goldenrod

    Canadian scrofula is an ornamental plant, but wild species are common in Russia. Unlike common scrofula, it is not poisonous and does not contain toxic components in the composition. Distribution area - North America, hence the name.

    A tall plant, it is considered the progenitor of other types of large jaundice. This variety in folk medicine is used to treat inflammatory processes in the kidneys, complicated by swelling of tissues and organs.

    Grass is harvested at the very beginning of flowering - in July, the first half of August. When harvesting this species, stems are not used - they are too hard to grind, therefore, after collecting raw materials, only leaves and opening inflorescences are left.

    common goldenrod

    This type of plant is also called the golden branch or the golden rod due to its characteristic appearance. Distributed throughout Europe, Central Asia, the Mediterranean and Scandinavia. In Russia, common goldenrod can be found in Siberia, the Caucasus and the European part of the country.

    The aerial part of the plant has medicinal properties: leaves, inflorescences, top part stem, less often - rhizome. A decoction of this variety of medicinal herb is used to treat respiratory and hearing diseases, for rinsing with respiratory diseases.

    The yellow flower belongs to poisonous plants, so the roots and bases of the perennial stems in folk recipes applied with caution.

    In folk medicine, the treatment of diseases with various herbs is widespread. Common goldenrod (golden rod) is one of them. Among the people, the plant bears several more names: scrofula, life-giving grass, deadly, ironwort. Distributed throughout Russia, except for the Caucasus and the Far North, where it is replaced by similar species. Canadian goldenrod is also used for medicinal purposes. It is less toxic than its counterparts. Its cultivation in private is due not only to healing properties but also decorative.

      Show all

      Description and characteristics

      Common goldenrod or golden rod is a herbaceous perennial from the Astrov family. It has a short woody rhizome. For medicinal purposes, the aerial part of the plant is used. Raw materials are collected during flowering. In homeopathy, inflorescences are used.

      Canadian goldenrod - a decorative species, has many hybrids different shapes inflorescences and height. The flowers of the plant form yellow paniculate baskets that appear in late May until September. They are used to harvest raw materials and are harvested all summer, until autumn.

      Properties and application

      With the help of goldenrod grass, one can not only alleviate the course of the disease, but also completely cure its chronic forms.

      common goldenrod

      In his chemical composition includes:

      • organic and phenolcarboxylic acids;
      • flavonoids;
      • coumarins;
      • essential oil;
      • saponins;
      • phenolic bonds;
      • diterpenoids;
      • tannins;
      • bitterness.

      It has the following medicinal properties:

      • anti-inflammatory;
      • diuretic;
      • antibacterial;
      • vascular strengthening;
      • antioxidant;
      • choleretic;
      • astringent;
      • antifungal.

      Effective for dermatosis and other skin lesions, urinary incontinence, renal colic, dropsy, impaired liver function. Good for removing puffiness. Regular intake of decoctions and infusions act as a prevention of cardiovascular abnormalities. Purifies the blood, improves metabolic processes in the body.

      Flowers, due to their bactericidal and regenerating properties, are used in the treatment of burns, ulcers, and purulent discharges. Relieve inflammation quickly. Indicated for use in the presence of kidney stones. It has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and the gastrointestinal tract. Rinsing and douching help with rhinitis, sinusitis and other diseases of the nasopharynx.

      Decoctions and infusions are used internally and externally. Help with:

      • kidney disease;
      • diseases of the genitourinary system;
      • rheumatism;
      • gout;
      • asthma;
      • a cold;
      • flu.

      The plant helps to strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Effectively removes stones of urate and oxalate types. Contraindicated in phosphate stony inclusions in the kidneys. It helps men in case of prostatitis, sexual dysfunction, prostate adenoma and urethritis. Recommended for women effective remedy from the milkmaid.

      Fresh goldenrod leaves are applied externally. With their help, they eliminate purulent discharge, remove boils and ulcers, and promote rapid regeneration. skin lesions. Sometimes used for venous diseases.

      Canadian goldenrod

      Leaves and inflorescences are suitable for treatment. According to the description and application, it is similar to the common goldenrod. In traditional pharmaceuticals, it is part of the preparations Fitolizin and Marelin. Treatment area - male problems genitourinary system in acute and chronic stages.

      Canadian goldenrod has no obvious contraindications, as it is non-toxic. The golden rod requires compliance with the dosage. It is strictly forbidden to be taken by pregnant and lactating women.

      Both species have found application in veterinary medicine and homeopathy. Grass can serve as a prevention of vascular and genitourinary diseases. Improves metabolic processes in the body, stimulates appetite, stimulates the kidneys, removes excess fluid and salt.

      Recipes for decoctions and infusions

      With dropsy and swelling lower extremities recommend the following recipe: 35–40 g of dry raw materials are poured into 400 ml of boiling water, insist. After filtering, drink 1/2 cup before meals. The infusion is effective for:

      • pyelonephritis;
      • gout;
      • tuberculosis;
      • urolithiasis.

      Rinsing with a decoction will relieve inflammation in sore throat and stomatitis. Strong herbal infusions are used externally as lotions on damaged skin. Valid for skin itching, acne rashes. Added to the bath to relieve gouty and rheumatic pain.

      Tea collection will reduce gouty and rheumatic pains. To prepare it, you will need 30-40 g of lime flowers, 30 g of goldenrod, St. John's wort, black elderberry. A large spoonful of the mixture is brewed in 300 ml of boiling water. Two cups a day will be enough.

      Well removes stones from the kidneys decoction of one tablespoon of goldenrod in a glass of water. Heat in a water bath, bring to a boil, stand for several minutes. Insist 1-2 hours. Drink 1-2 tbsp. l. before meals. The second option: bring two large spoons and 500 ml of water to a boil. Drink 200 ml several times a day. After a month's course, the kidneys will be healthy.

    At the end of the summer garden plots you can see a sunny plant of bright yellow color with small flowers collected in a pyramidal panicle. This is a goldenrod. And this is not just a plant, but a honey plant and, moreover, a medicine that saves us from many diseases. Among the people it is also called the "golden feather", "golden rod", living grass, and in Belarus "sumnik". The distribution area covers the forest zones of the Western part of Siberia, the Atlantic and Central Europe, Caucasus, Scandinavia, Far East.


    Two varieties are most popular: Canadian goldenrod (photos are presented below) and ordinary. Let us consider in more detail the appearance of each of them.

    common goldenrod

    This is a herbaceous plant, perennial, belonging to the Compositae family. Basically, it prefers to grow in glades, in thickets of shrubs, on the edges, river banks, hilly slopes. In adulthood, the height of the golden feather reaches 0.8-1 m.

    The root system is superficial, fleshy. There is a single erect stem, sometimes painted in a reddish hue. The top of the plant branches, although the stem itself is practically not covered with foliage. The latter has a regular arrangement, a serrated edge and a sharp and oblong-elliptical shape. Remarkably, the sumnik has a slight pubescence over its entire area.

    The plant is poisonous!

    At the end of summer, from July to September, racemose or paniculate inflorescences form at the top of the stem, including big number bright yellow flowers. At the end of flowering, from August to October, a fruit is formed containing ribbed cylindrical seeds with a crest.

    Canadian goldenrod

    This type of plant also belongs to the perennial forms of Compositae. It is found mainly along roads, in glades, swamps, edges, river and lake shores. As for the soil, the favorite place is moderately wet, but at the same time, the plant develops well in slightly wet and even swampy areas.

    The root is short, pivotal. The stem is identical to the previous variety of goldenrod, only colored in tones from light to dark green, and the height of the plant reaches 1.4 m. There is also a slight pubescence. On the stem there are alternately linear-lanceolate leaves, and at the bottom they have serrated edges and a short petiole, and closer to the top - sessile and entire.

    Flowering occurs with the blooming of bright yellow small (3-5 mm) bisexual buds and further formation cone-shaped panicles up to 20 cm. In the middle of the panicle, the flowers are tubular, and along the edges are pseudolingual. At the end of flowering, narrow-cylindrical fruits are formed in the form of a ribbed achene, with a white tuft.

    Goldenrod hybrid

    There is also such a variety of plant, but it is less popular. Differs in the compact mi sizes and beautiful foliage. It was this specimen that gave birth to other varieties, such as goldtanne, spatgold, fearlenkron, perkeo.

    Goldenrod: planting and care (with photo of the plant)

    In order for the plant to please the eye with its bright flowering, you need to properly care for the plant during the growth period.

    For planting, it is best to choose places well lit by sunlight. But even in light shading, the golden feather will grow beautifully. But you should know that this affects flowering in different ways: than brighter lighting, the earlier and more abundant it is. It is worth adding that the plant tolerates frost very well.

    It is preferable to plant a plant on fertile loam, so flowering will be much more magnificent. But you can land in heavy poor soils. A slight drought is not a problem for the bag. However, for best flowering, it should be watered regularly.

    In the summer, watering should be plentiful.

    Goldenrod needs to be fertilized twice a year. With the onset of spring, this fertilizer complex composition with 10-20% content But in the autumn, top dressing is needed with preparations with a nitrogen content of not more than 10% or without it at all.

    In spring, as well as from the beginning of summer, weak shoots must be removed from the bushes. This will stimulate the growth of new ones, as well as flowering. Before winter, the plant should be prepared. To do this, completely cut off the entire earthly part.

    In one place, goldenrod can be left for no more than 10 years. After the middle of the bushes thins and it will need to be updated by planting new specimens.


    There are several ways to increase the number of instances:

    1. Planting bushes in spring or summer.
    2. cuttings. To do this, a couple of young shoots are separated in the summer, dividing the root system. You can also cut off the top from a long one-year-old shoot, and root later.
    3. Another way is to cut off the shoots from the bush during flowering. This will stimulate dormant buds and give rise to new shoots.
    4. Seminal. The collected planting material is sown in the ground at 18–22°C. After 2-3 weeks, the first shoots can be observed. It is worth noting that the seeds, thanks to their tufts, scatter around and give new growth, gradually turning into thickets. To avoid this, the young shoots must be removed, and the panicles should be cut off after flowering to prevent the seeds from ripening.

    Diseases and pests

    In the heat, the plant, due to the strong thickening of the bushes, is quite often affected by powdery mildew. To prevent this, the bushes should be thinned out regularly, removing a third of the sprouts. Do not be zealous in adding nitrogenous fertilizers. Their excess also provokes the appearance of the disease.

    Remarkably, goldenrod is not affected by pests.

    Due to its brightness, the golden rod is widely used both in group and solitary plantings, for mixborders, discounts, as a decoration for border fences. Varieties with a low height look great in rock garden containers on terraces or balconies.

    Medicinal properties and contraindications of goldenrod

    In medicine, preference is given to the Canadian or common sumnik. Consider the medicinal effect of each.

    Medicinal properties of common goldenrod

    For treatment, aerial parts of the plant are used, in particular foliage and panicles. The root system is also used, but much less frequently. For harvesting the ground part is taken in the summer during the flowering period, underground - in the fall.

    The plant and all medicinal infusions, decoctions and other remedies prepared from it have:

    1. Antibacterial and antioxidant action.
    2. Due to the presence of flavonoids, capillary permeability decreases.
    3. In some cases, it is included in the fees recommended for the treatment of prostate adenoma and impotence.
    4. Efficiency was noted for stones of oxalate and urate nature.
    5. Diuretic action, so they are effectively used for problems with bladder and kidneys.
    6. Anti-inflammatory and vasoconstrictive properties.
    7. Successfully used in the treatment of cystitis, prostatitis chronic form, urethritis.
    8. Antifungal properties, which makes it possible to treat thrush.

    Goldenrod is contraindicated for phosphate stones because it has the ability to increase the pH of the urine.

    Also, common sumnik is used in folk medicine, for example, for indigestion, gout, rheumatism, and in the treatment of boils. In the latter case, the leaves of the plant are used as a remedy, if they are applied to a sore spot.

    Medicinal properties of Canadian goldenrod

    This variety also uses the aerial part, which is harvested as soon as the flowers open.

    The collection of medicinal raw materials is carried out during the flowering period (at the initial stage). To do this, cut off the top 30-40 cm from the shoots. Further preparation differs from the usual golden pen. Stems are removed from the cut tops and only panicles and leaves are dried. Then they are sent to the shade to dry at a temperature of no more than 35-40ºС, placing a thin layer on the substrate.

    Do not delay the collection of material, otherwise the flowers will be very fluffy during drying.

    From the prepared raw materials, medicinal products are prepared, which are used for the same diseases as the usual sumnik. This list also includes the fight against whooping cough, enuresis, bronchial asthma, a variety of skin problems.

    Now you are familiar with the beneficial properties of goldenrod, contraindications and care for it. If you follow all the recommendations, you will be able to beautifully equip your site, making it lively and bright yellow, and will also be able to improve your health. However, do not forget to first consult with your doctor.

    Autumn honey plant goldenrod - video



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