Lung diseases and their symptoms in smokers. Sudden infant death syndrome

A person who smokes sooner or later asks the question: “What happens to the lungs when smoking?” In this article, we will study this issue in detail, and will also try to consider in more detail all the options for threats to the lungs while smoking.

Of course, smoking is not the only factor in the development of lung diseases, since there is also the influence of polluted environment, contact with chemicals, and hereditary predisposition. But all these factors have only a small part of the effect on the lungs. In all other cases, smoking is responsible. Experts have proven that the reason chronic disease lung disease in almost 90% of cases is caused by smoking, including 80% of cases of lung cancer. Therefore, if a person stops smoking, the risk of disease is significantly reduced.

The lungs of a smoker can be prone to various diseases. The weapon of cigarettes is that they have a permanent effect on the body as a whole. If a person smokes for a long time, he may have obstructive pulmonary disease, as well as diseases of other organs. The number of diseases that can arise as a result of smoking is not at all limited to lung disease. The list includes a number of other diseases dangerous to humans, for example, mouth tumor, laryngeal cancer, genital cancer, skin cancer, etc. However, lung disease still really comes first, as a smoker’s lungs can develop cancer, bronchitis, and obstructive pulmonary disease. It should be noted that similar diseases are incurable.

What will a smoker's lungs look like if he's been smoking for more than ten years?

Most likely, every person has seen the appearance of the lungs of a person who smokes quite a bit. a long period. A smoker may develop diseases of the heart, trachea and bronchi. After about a year of smoking, organs can change color. The bronchi begin to become covered with soot, and green sputum begins to leave. The lungs become brown and eventually become black. If smoking affects the lungs in this way after ten years, then what can happen to them after 15,20, etc. years?

Let us remember that the period of recovery of the body after long-term smoking is long. It can take as long as a person smoked. The lungs of a smoker and a non-smoker are completely different. The body will cleanse itself of the effects of smoking much faster if it is helped. That is, cleanse from toxins and impurities.

Our readers have discovered a guaranteed way to quit smoking! This is 100% natural remedy, which is based exclusively on herbs, and mixed in such a way that it is easy, without extra costs, without withdrawal syndrome, without gaining excess weight and get rid of it without worrying nicotine addiction ONCE AND FOR ALL! I want to quit smoking..."

Lung diseases caused by smoking

Today, there are several types of diseases that can develop in the lungs when smoking. In this article we will look at the most common diseases:

Chronic obstructive disease

It should immediately be noted that such a disease develops in almost 90% of cases due to smoking. The disease can lead to difficulty breathing. In fact, such a disease is incurable. When this disease begins to develop, the body deteriorates in several ways. First of all it happens inflammatory process in the lungs of a smoker. That is, the gaps begin to gradually narrow, and the volume of mucus gradually increases. Smoking can also cause bronchitis. A smoker develops a cough that sounds very harsh and dry. If a person has Chronical bronchitis, then he is not treated.

What happens to the lungs when smoking? If there are any symptoms, a person can only reduce them somewhat, but not get rid of them completely. Smoking can lead to emphysema in the lungs. Damage occurs to the alveoli, which can increase in size and also collapse. If a smoker has obstructive pulmonary disease, his gas exchange may be impaired. Symptoms of the disease are: sputum, hard breath, coughs, colds and fatigue. Let us remind you that this disease cannot be completely cured. Treatment is aimed only at reducing possible exacerbation, as well as to reduce symptoms;

Lungs' cancer

The most common risk from smoking to the lungs is cancer. It is known that for of this disease characterized by high mortality. Currently, the main cause of cancer development is smoking. The most high probability The development of cancer is observed in smokers who smoke for a very long period of time and do not quit smoking after diagnosis. If a person is able to quit smoking, then his risk of cancer decreases. Of course, there is a risk of lung cancer in a person who smoked but quit, but it is not as great as for someone who did not quit smoking.

Note that passive smoking can also cause lung cancer. Symptoms of cancer development include: shortness of breath, cough, phlegm, shortness of breath, and chest pain. On early stages progression of the disease, the patient may not experience any symptoms at all.

How to clean a smoker's lungs?

First of all, a person who smokes should start smoking correct image life. Therefore, he needs to give up bad habits. To restore general tone, he needs to consume more minerals, vitamins, as well as products that help remove phlegm from the lungs.

We have already discussed what happens to the lungs when smoking; now we need to study the issue of quitting smoking and restoring the body. Therefore, a person should start taking care of his body and health in general as much as possible. It is necessary to dose your loads, for example, do gymnastics, not only for the body, but also for the lungs. To do this, you need to inflate the balloons; they are able to ventilate the lungs. You also need to spend more time on fresh air, for example, intense walking or running. Remember that it is very useful to practice physical activity in a pine forest.

Don't forget about folk remedies, that is, drink teas from violet, plantain, lungwort, etc. Cleansing the body will occur with an unpleasant cough. In fact, this is very good, because the body will remove toxins and chemicals that have accumulated as a result of prolonged smoking.

A person who smokes must understand that it causes significant harm to their body. Of course, it is best to get rid of this bad habit as soon as possible. Start devoting maximum time to your health. Quitting smoking is, in fact, a very difficult and time-consuming process, but the desire to be healthy should be above all.

In this article, we discussed with you the question: “What happens to the lungs when smoking?” As you already understand, the lungs when smoking are prone to a number of diseases that cannot be cured. The sooner you give up this bad habit, the sooner you will become healthy and significantly reduce the risk of contracting unpleasant illnesses.

A little about secrets...

Rarely did any heavy smoker pay attention to the phrase that the Ministry of Health was warning. And even if he did, he hardly thought about it. After all, it is much easier to indulge in habit and run away from problems Everyday life, exhaling a cloud of smoke, than to think aboutwhat diseases does smoking cause?. But when it starts to bother persistent cough, an unpleasant hoarseness appears in your breathing and pain in the heart begins to torment you, and you immediately remember that small phrase written on the packaging of cigarettes. Even when nicotine has already taken over all organs, there is always a chance to get out of its trap and start a new, healthy life.

If you are concerned about your health, every smoker can get help by contacting a doctor. To push him to correct actions, we will talk aboutwhat diseases does smoking cause?.

Lungs' cancer

People who are already for a long time Those who put themselves at risk by indulging in smoking are most often patients with lung cancer. The tumor forms and grows due to constant irritation of the lung tissue and problems with its blood supply, which appear due to damage from tobacco smoke constantly inhaled by the smoker.

Warning symptoms to look out for are:

  • severe cough with bloody discharge;
  • constant shortness of breath;
  • pain in the chest area.

All these signs may be an indicator of the development of a cancerous tumor.

This disease is extremely difficult to treat and has a high mortality rate.

Obliterating endarteritis

This disease, also called Buerger's disease, affects the blood vessels in the legs of every seventh smoker. The legs of a person suffering from endarteritis even began to be called “smoker’s legs.” Buerger's disease can lead to blockage of blood vessels, beginning its manifestation in the narrowing of the lumen of the arteries. This contributes to poor circulation in lower limbs.

To begin with, endarteritis manifests itself in a pale skin tone on the legs, numbness in the fingers and a feeling of chilliness in the limbs. The disease begins to progress, manifesting itself in pain in the legs, as well as intermittent claudication, which is characteristic syndrome. It is expressed in pain that occurs when walking, forcing a person to make frequent stops.

In the final stages of the disease, gangrene may appear, and its outcome will be amputation of the limb.

Bronchitis and emphysema

Cigarette smoke causes dangerous changes to the lungs and bronchi. These changes bring great harm breathing process and can lead to respiratory failure. It, in turn, occurs due to the fact that tobacco smoke irritates the bronchial mucosa, after which it begins to secrete thick mucus V large quantities. This mucus clogs the small bronchi, which leads to this condition. Emphysema manifests itself in loss of elasticity lung tissue, after which the alveoli stretch and a process of gas exchange disruption occurs between them. Shortness of breath and cough, especially in the morning, are faithful comrades almost every person who loves to smoke.

Chronic bronchitis is an irreversible condition that can cause disability and possible death due to respiratory failure.


During a stroke, an area of ​​the brain dies. It can appear in two cases: if there is a hemorrhage in the brain or if the vessels supplying the area of ​​the brain are clogged. These cases are called hemorrhagic and ischemic stroke. Tobacco smoke creates all the conditions for the smoker’s body to develop these types of strokes. Starts to rise arterial pressure, and due to the fragility of the blood vessels, bleeding in the brain can occur. The spasmodic state of blood vessels, atherosclerosis and possible thrombosis help to develop ischemic stroke.

What part of the brain is affected depends on how both strokes turn out. Stroke often leads to disability. A person may lose the ability to move, have problems with vision, hearing or speech skills, and so on. Moreover, this disease can be fatal.

Myocardial infarction

Atherosclerosis often occurs among people who are exposed to the bad habit of smoking, because fatty plaques covering the walls of their blood vessels reduce their elasticity. Also, the entry of nicotine into the blood leads to the fact that blood vessels begin to narrow. In a person smoking long years, the vessels are constantly in a spasmodic state. This is how they appear favorable conditions for the appearance of blood clots. Because of this, heart problems begin, which lead to the fact that the vessels that feed and supply oxygen to the heart muscle become obstructed and cease to nourish the area of ​​the heart. After this, heart tissue cells begin to die and a heart attack occurs.

Such problems can arise over time in any heavy smoker. It is worth remembering that their likelihood of having a stroke is 10-12 times greater than that of non-smokers.

If you suddenly feel that you are suddenly overwhelmed sharp pain in the area of ​​the heart that does not go away and is accompanied by symptoms such as shortness of breath, dizziness, and sometimes fainting, you should immediately consult a doctor, as these symptoms are attributed to a heart attack. The first heart attack may leave a scar on the heart, but the second may lead to fatal outcome.

Stomach ulcer

In the stomach of a heavy smoker, all conditions are created for the development of ulcers, since nicotine increases acid formation. The production of mucus, the function of which is to protect the walls of the stomach from the aggressive effects of acid, is reduced. The immune system, which resists the formation of ulcers, is weakened. All this allows the development of an ulcerative process, which is accompanied by heartburn, nausea, abdominal pain and belching.

If you begin to feel symptoms of the development of an ulcer, then you should start treatment as soon as possible, otherwise complications may appear, such as stomach bleeding, the ulcer turning malignant, and so on. All these complications pose a danger to human health and can lead to death.

Bladder cancer

Long lasting effect tobacco smoke inhaled by a smoker can lead to cancer Bladder. This occurs because, once smoke enters the bloodstream, it is filtered in the kidneys, damaging the epithelium located in the urinary tract. This disease occurs twice as often in smokers as in non-smokers.

Bladder cancer may not have any symptoms, but can often be mistaken for: inflammatory diseases, such as urethritis or cystitis. The only symptom that often occurs with this disease is the presence of blood in the urine.

As the disease begins to progress, painful sensations in the perineal area, problems with urination.

The further development of bladder cancer may depend on the type of tumor and the duration of the disease process without treatment; in advanced cases, death often occurs.


Cataracts cause clouding of the lens of the eye. Such a disease can develop if problems arise with the biochemical processes occurring in the tissues of the eye. In a person, smoking cigarettes, there is a disruption in the blood supply to the eyes, it becomes more free radicals which have a detrimental effect on cells. All this leads to the destruction of the protein components of the eye lens and its clouding.

The development of the disease worsens visual acuity and can lead to its complete loss.

Now you know which ones exist smokers' diseasesand we hope that you will think about whether it was worth continuing to smoke or whether it was better to take care of your health and save your life.

The discovery of America by Christopher Columbus in 1492 can rightfully be considered the beginning of the history of the widespread popularization of smoking. Local residents of the new continent persistently suggested that travelers inhale the smoke of the smoldering leaves of the plant, rolled into oblong cylinders, which were called “tobacco”. So among the sailors appeared heavy smokers, who brought this tradition to Europe along with tobacco seeds.

Oddly enough, smoking was widely used in medicine for a long time, and it took several hundred years before scientists proved the destructive effect of this habit. In the 16th-17th centuries, in most countries, smokers were persecuted both by the church and state power. Violators of anti-tobacco laws were severely punished and even executed. Both smoking itself and the cultivation and sale of tobacco were prohibited.

However, with all the awareness about scientific facts about the dangers of smoking, currently the number of adherents of this destructive habit amounts to hundreds of millions of people. This is facilitated by advertising and some “romanticization” of cigarettes in works of art. IN Lately The fight against smoking has intensified in most countries of the world.

What is the harm of smoking and why does it cause diseases?

When inhaling the smoke of a smoldering cigarette, about 4,000 hazardous substances enter the human body. chemical compounds, such as lead, cyanide, hydrocyanic acid, etc. From this list, it is worth paying special attention to nicotine, an alkaloid that is a powerful poison used in the manufacture of insect repellents. After cigarette smoke enters the lungs, this toxic substance reaches the brain in just seven seconds.

Nicotine has a destructive effect on almost all human organ systems. Particularly dangerous is the ability of this substance to cause dependence in humans, and therefore long experience Smoking leads to chronic diseases.

Below are the main diseases caused by smoking, most of which can be fatal.

  • Cardiovascular system: thickening of artery walls (atherosclerosis) and, as a consequence, the formation of blood clots; thrombosis coronary arteries and cerebral thrombosis, leading to heart attacks, strokes, paralysis; clogging of the blood vessels of the legs, leading to gangrene and amputation;
  • Respiratory system: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, emphysema, chronic bronchitis;
  • Cancer: Smokers have a significantly increased risk of developing cancers of the lung, mouth, bladder, esophagus, kidney, pancreas and cervix. The percentage of probability of disease depends on the number of cigarettes smoked per day, their degree of toxic substance content and the duration of smoking;
  • Impotence: due to the effects of nicotine, the blood vessels leading to the genital organ narrow, resulting in erectile dysfunction. Smoking also has a detrimental effect on reproductive abilities women, risk premature birth or the development of pathology in a child during pregnancy;
  • Other problems caused by smoking: increased risk of vision loss; blood pressure increases; yellowing of the teeth and gums occurs, accompanied by unpleasant smell from mouth; deterioration of skin quality and premature aging.

Even more dangerous for humans is passive smoking, from which even people who do not have bad habits are not immune. Particularly strong detrimental influence smoking affects children by shaping serious illnesses still at the stage of formation of a young organism.

Which leads to unpleasant consequences. This is exactly how smoking can be characterized. Passion for tobacco allows you to experience temporary and imaginary positive emotions or relieve stress, but at the same time it negatively affects the human body.

They have been saying this since school. If people were more often familiar with the list of major diseases that smoking can cause, they would give up this addiction!

Why does smoking harm a person?

Determined that every 6 seconds on Earth a person dies from diseases caused by cigarettes and tobacco. More larger number people have serious health problems due to this addiction.

Cough and lung problems are usually associated with tobacco addiction. In fact, such manifestations of the disease are characteristic of advanced cases. Many smokers do not even notice the deterioration in their health or attribute it to stress and other factors.

Diseases that can be caused by cigarettes and cigarettes arise due to the regular entry of foreign harmful substances into the human blood. As is known, tobacco products contain:

  • resins;
  • heavy metals;
  • nicotine;
  • toluene;
  • hexamine, etc.

In total, cigarettes contain about 600 chemical substances and elements. Of these, 69 are carcinogenic. This is a lot. Even for light metals, if they high concentration an effect comparable to poison is observed.

The body is initially able to cope with small amounts hazardous substances coming during smoking. But later protective forces is no longer enough. After all, many of the components tobacco products are not excreted from the body and lungs, they accumulate, which leads to clogging and malfunction different systems. It is the presence of constant contact with harmful substances leads to the appearance of diseases, including chronic ones. The more often a person turns to this habit, the faster negative processes develop!

"Simple" diseases of smokers

In addition to regular clogging of the lungs, which over time leads to shortness of breath, narrowing of the lumens in the bronchi and cough, there are also diseases that do not cause serious inconvenience. This allows the smoker to maintain cravings for tobacco and not get rid of the addiction. This list includes:

  • changes in the protective enamel of teeth and its color;
  • early stage atherosclerosis;
  • caries;
  • violation of intestinal and oral microflora;
  • stomatitis;
  • hair loss;
  • change in skin color;
  • disorders of cellular metabolism, which leads to excessive dryness of the skin;
  • neuritis;
  • osteoporosis.

Any other factors can cause similar changes in the body. This allows those who are addicted to smoking to consider themselves to be in normal health. Inattention to it in the first years of acquisition bad habit subsequently gives more dire consequences.

Diagnoses that change a smoker's life

Diseases associated with deterioration of lung function are not the most severe among those found among cigarette lovers. Smoking also causes a number of life-threatening conditions. Among them:

  • lungs' cancer;
  • inflammation of the trachea;
  • chronic bronchitis and bronchial asthma;
  • emphysema leading to respiratory failure;
  • heart disease, including myocardial infarction, stroke;
  • venous insufficiency;
  • violations in sex life and infertility;
  • oncological lesions of the nasopharynx and respiratory tract;
  • stomach and pancreas cancer;
  • fading of pregnancy in women;
  • vasoconstriction of the limb and gangrene;
  • sudden infant mortality as a consequence of maternal smoking;
  • aortic aneurysm;
  • esophageal carcinoma;
  • diabetes;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • increased cholesterol levels and cerebral atherosclerosis.

Any disease from this list is not easy to treat. A person has to fight for years, and sometimes until the end of his life. Much in the outcome of the disease depends on the smoker himself. In all cases, doctors will recommend getting rid of the bad habit. It is worth putting in the effort to cope with your addiction in order to stop the disease and prolong your life.

How can you stay healthy and quit smoking?

If you couldn’t avoid it, then in order to preserve your health, you can get rid of it. Psychologists have repeatedly proven that this does not require much time. The most important thing is not to delay the implementation of the decision made.

For those who want to change their thinking and quickly say goodbye to a bad habit, it is useful to read the famous book by A. Carr. After studying “How to Quit Smoking,” almost 95% of those with a bad habit give up cigarettes. The remaining five are simply nurturing their addiction. They did not make a decision for themselves to avoid illnesses.

You can also find out from a doctor or psychologist what remedies should be used. After all, depending on physical condition not all of them can come and help. The most common advice is:

  • During the first days, avoid places where smokers are.
  • Choice of motivation. For example, you can promise yourself the purchase of a long-desired product if, after a month or more, you don’t return to cigarettes.
  • Conversations on forums and in special clubs where former smokers share their experiences of fighting addiction.
  • Creating a hobby and high level employment.
  • Go on a trip.

You can go to drastic measures: quit your job and get a job at a company that pays bonuses to those who don’t deal with cigarettes. But the most important thing is to understand that smoking is an empty and unnecessary activity that does not help solve problems, does not relax or decorate, but only destroys your health.

Considering that smoking is psychological dependence, then many of the remedies that are common among pseudo-healers are based on hypnosis or other techniques. Such interventions are undesirable. It is better to get rid of the problem yourself.

But the use of various herbs can be adopted. Many herbal teas allow you to:

  • relieve irritability;
  • increase performance;
  • relieve fatigue;
  • reduce the level of aggression.

You need to know what herbs are used in healing compounds. This allows you to make sure that they do not harm the human body. As a result of consuming infusions and decoctions, the smoker becomes calmer and does not need to support his emotional balance with the help of cigarettes.

Sports and yoga are good tools in the fight to remain resistant to addiction. Desire to achieve high results motivates to keep the body clean and ready for stress. There are no easy victories in sports. But getting rid of addiction will be a bonus to your achievements.

An excellent remedy can be to look at pictures and photographs of patients who have suffered from serious illnesses after prolonged smoking. Seeing the suffering of others, many want to quickly say goodbye false means to relieve stress. Even looking at how ugly a smoker's face or teeth are can become a stimulus. It’s even better if your loved ones support you in your struggle for health.

Every smoking man knows that on a pack of cigarettes the Ministry of Health warns that smoking leads to development various pathologies. But this stops few people; people continue to destroy their bodies again and again. However, over time, every smoker develops various diseases from smoking. According to statistics, every ten seconds on the planet one person dies from pathologies caused by cigarette smoke. A huge number of people have serious illnesses because of this bad habit.

The effect of nicotine on the body

Tobacco smoke negatively affects health. Over time, a smoker develops chronic cough, which often leads to lung pathologies. The scary thing is that smokers don't pay attention to alarming symptoms, attributing them to any other factors, so they turn to medical institution belatedly.

Diseases caused by smoking develop due to the fact that harmful toxins, for example, nicotine, tar, heavy metals and others.

Cigarette smoke contains great amount harmful components, sixty-nine of which are carcinogens that can cause the development of many pathologies.

Of course, at first the human body neutralizes most of the toxins, but over time it loses this ability as the immune system is impaired. Many toxins begin to accumulate in the respiratory organs, which leads to disruption of the functionality of organs and systems. As a result, various diseases develop, including those of a chronic nature.

How more people smokes, the more negative the consequences will be.

Elementary diseases of smokers

Because cigarette smoke contains many toxins and burns the mucous epithelium, smoking increases the risk of developing oncology, respiratory and of cardio-vascular system, as well as the psyche.

Basic diseases of smokers that do not cause visible discomfort include:

  • Chronic cough;
  • Dyspnea;
  • Dental diseases, yellow plaque;
  • Atherosclerosis on initial stage development;
  • Dysbacteriosis;
  • Hair loss;
  • Color change skin, their dryness;
  • Neuritis;
  • Osteoporosis.

Since the above pathologies can appear as a result of exposure to other factors, smokers do not associate these diseases with smoking, so they consider themselves healthy people. Delayed treatment These phenomena lead to the development of more serious complications in the future.

Serious diseases from smoking

The most serious diseases among smokers, provoked by nicotine and other toxins, are pathologies of the respiratory system.

Consider the list of diseases caused by smoking:

  • Oncology of the lungs, gastrointestinal tract, nasopharynx and respiratory tract;
  • Inflammation of the trachea, bronchi, asthma;
  • Respiratory and venous insufficiency;
  • Violation genitourinary system, development of infertility, miscarriages, frozen pregnancy;
  • Vasoconstriction, aortic aneurysm, gangrene of the extremities;
  • Arthritis, diabetes mellitus, cerebral atherosclerosis;
  • Sudden death of an infant due to maternal nicotine abuse.

The above diseases can bother a person throughout his life, and some of them are fatal. In the outcome of the disease, much depends on the person who smokes.

It is already known what diseases smoking causes. One of dangerous pathologies cardiovascular system is myocardial infarction. When smoking, a person develops atherosclerosis, in which vascular walls become covered with plaques and lose their elasticity. In addition, they narrow under the influence of nicotine, their spasm constantly occurs, as a result of which a blood clot can develop. The vessels that supply the heart with oxygen become impassable as a result of narrowing, the heart cells do not receive sufficient oxygen and begin to die, and a heart attack develops. The risk of developing a myocardial infarction in a smoker is twelve times higher than in those who do not have such a habit.

If the lesion is small, a scar forms on the heart muscle; otherwise, the pathology leads to death.

Smoking also causes stroke. This pathology develops as a result of hemorrhage in the brain or due to blockage of blood vessels. When smoking occurs good conditions for the development of this disease.

Toxins found in cigarette smoke lead to increased blood pressure, fragility and spasm of blood vessels, atherosclerosis, thrombosis, which provokes hemorrhage in the brain. Most often, a stroke leads to disability, but sometimes it can cause death.

Buerger's syndrome or endarteritis is a smoker's disease that affects the blood vessels of the legs. The disease is characterized by impaired circulation in the lower extremities, which leads to blockage of blood vessels. The disease ends with gangrene and leg amputation.

Respiratory system diseases

One of the dangerous pathologies is cancer, which most often develops from smoking. According to statistics, 70% of people with cancer are smokers. Constant inhalation of toxins leads to disruption of the blood supply to the organ, irritation of its tissues, which creates good conditions for development malignant neoplasm. In 85% of cases, the pathology leads to death.

Respiratory failure stands frequent illness caused by smoking. The smoker's respiratory organs lose their elasticity, gas exchange in them is disrupted, and the person develops shortness of breath and a chronic cough. Respiratory failure leads to disability in 20% of cases, and sometimes death.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

In this case, a person develops the following diseases due to smoking:

  • Stomach ulcer;
  • Cancer of the stomach, esophagus and pancreas.

Under the influence of nicotine, the formation of Gastric acid Accordingly, the production of mucus, which protects the walls of the organ, decreases. Over time, smoking leads to the formation of stomach ulcers. In the absence of therapy, the pathology leads to the development of complications, including cancer.

Cancer can also appear from direct exposure to toxins found in cigarette smoke. In some cases, people are not even aware of the development cancer and consult a doctor already in the later stages of its development. The prognosis in this case is unfavorable.

A malignant tumor of the esophagus can also develop due to constant smoking. The outcome of the pathology is painful death. Smoking also increases the risk of developing pancreatic cancer by five times.

Diseases of the genitourinary system

Men often develop impotence and infertility as a result of nicotine abuse. This is due to the fact that toxins have negative impact and on the vessels that supply oxygen to the genitals. Also long-term abuse cigarettes leads to disruption of sperm production, its quality is greatly reduced.

Among women bad habit causes the death of eggs, therefore infertility develops in 25% of cases. But when pregnancy occurs, in 39% of cases a miscarriage occurs. early stages. In women, blood circulation in the genital organs is also impaired; nicotine causes damage to the mucous epithelium of the uterus, and all this together increases the risk of developing malignant neoplasms in the organ.

Another disease that is caused by smoking is bladder cancer. Carcinogens enter the bloodstream and spread throughout the body. They suffer from this and urinary tract, often oncology begins to develop in them. In most cases, the disease is asymptomatic and is therefore detected on late stages development.

Eye diseases

Carcinogens from tobacco smoke enter the bloodstream and cause circulatory disorders in the organs of vision. As a result, tissues are disrupted biochemical processes, the lens begins to become cloudy. The pathology can lead to loss of vision and even complete blindness.



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