No dry cough. How to treat chronic dry cough - treatment methods depend on the causes

Do you know why a dry cough does not go away? In this case, much depends on the treatment itself and the reason for which it arose. Thus, this phenomenon is mainly associated with problems of the upper respiratory tract, the causative agents of which are viruses and pathogenic bacteria. In this case, a strong organism will be able to cope with the infection, but a weak one, on the contrary, will not be able to resist it, which leads to serious consequences.

If you have parainfluenza or influenza, you should definitely consult a doctor. After all, these diseases can become aggressive over time and lead to a lot of complications.

Diseases of the pleura and lungs can also be accompanied by an unpleasant dry cough. This indicates the presence of pneumonia or pleurisy. In addition, these phenomena are characterized by shortness of breath, chest pain and high fever. For atypical forms of pneumonia, a lingering cough is normal. To diagnose it, you need to take a blood test using the ELISA method.

Whooping cough, measles and false croup. These diseases are characterized by symptoms of coughing, and prolonged coughing. In some cases it is convulsive in nature. Moreover, it is so strong that one has to resort to the help of antitussives.

Tuberculosis is a terrible disease that mainly affects people of low social level. Constant nervous tension, stressful situations, lack of adequate nutrition and good rest, addiction to various depleting diets can lead to the development of this disease.

Laryngitis, pharyngitis and tracheitis can lead to common causes of dry cough. Inflammatory processes in these diseases affect the mucous membrane of the pharynx and larynx. In this case, a barking, debilitating and painful cough may occur for a long time.

Oncological diseases in particular lead to the appearance of a protracted cough. In this case, you need to conduct an examination and begin treatment.

Allergic cough often occurs against the background of the appearance of allergens. Children are predominantly affected by this phenomenon. Therefore, it is necessary to identify the allergen and begin to deal with it effectively. Bronchial asthma is characterized by the appearance of a painful dry cough.

Worm infestations, occupational dry cough, gastroesophageal reflux and cardiovascular diseases can also lead to a lingering cough. That is why you should not self-medicate. After all, the reason for this phenomenon can lie in a variety of problems. What to do if a dry cough does not go away, the doctor will tell you.

What to do if a dry cough does not go away for a long time?

Do you know what to do if a dry cough does not go away for a long time? There are times when an unpleasant symptom does not want to go away. This may indicate the presence of a serious disease that needs to be eliminated through medication.

If the problem lies in the presence of infection, then the patient can be offered to drink warmed milk with the addition of a small amount of baking soda. This drink will make a dry cough more productive and will help get rid of phlegm and completely eliminate it.

Coltsfoot decoctions, plantain juice, thyme and anise fruit extract, as well as black radish with honey also help well. But these remedies are particularly effective when used in combination.

Inhalations can be a common method of treatment. It is not necessary to use medications. Ordinary Borjomi mineral water or a solution of baking soda will do. It is recommended to use this method for obsessive dry cough in children. Naturally, everything should take place under the guidance of a doctor.

If traditional medicine does not inspire confidence, you can use medications. Antitussives are particularly effective. Some of them affect not only the functions of the cough center, but also other nerve centers of the brain. These include Glaucine, Dextromethorphan, Prenoxdiazine, Codeine and other drugs based on them.

Peripheral antitussive drugs can act on cough receptors in the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. To speed up the transition of a dry cough to a wet one, they try to use mucolytics. One of the most effective is Fluditek. In general, what to do if a dry cough does not go away is up to the attending physician. He also prescribes effective drugs in the required dosage.

What to do if a dry cough does not go away for a month?

Not many people know what to do if a dry cough does not go away for a month. So, a non-productive cough in many cases indicates the development in the body of diseases such as flu, colds, appears after hypothermia, but most often it soon turns into a productive form.

If sputum discharge is not observed, you need to take special medications. This phenomenon can occur against the background of an infection in the lung tissue. In this case, treatment should be carried out by taking medications.

When a dry cough torments a smoker, in this case the problem is of a slightly different nature. Most likely, the body is unable to tolerate the effects of nicotine. To cope with this situation, completely giving up the bad habit will help.

If a strong dry cough does not go away and torments a person only at night, then you just need to change the angle of the pillow. The fact is that in a horizontal position in a person, mucus intensively flows down the back wall of the larynx and irritates it.

If, along with a dry cough, you also suffer from a sore throat, then experts advise drinking a solution of a spoonful of honey and 200 ml of water, this helps soften the inflamed mucous membrane of the throat. In this case, the question is: what to do if a dry cough does not go away, it will disappear on its own.

What to do if a dry cough does not go away for a week?

Do you know what to do if a dry cough does not go away for a week? The first step is to seek help from a specialist. This problem is not global in nature, but may indicate the presence of a serious inflammatory process.

You can visit a physiatrist, he will prescribe special procedures. Traditional medicine is not in last place. So, to prepare an effective remedy, you need to take a chopped head of garlic and a dozen onions. All this is boiled in cow's milk until completely softened. The resulting mixture should be diluted with honey. The finished composition should be consumed daily, 1 tablespoon, every hour.

The second recipe is no less effective. Simply take a teaspoon of salt and dissolve it in a glass of warm boiled water. You should gargle with the resulting solution every hour.

The third recipe is represented by inhalations. It allows you to improve the process of sputum discharge. It is advisable to use essential oils.

If traditional medicine is not to your liking, then medications are used. Perfectly relieve the obsessive problem: Sinekod, Lazolvan, Mucaltin, Bronchipret and Tusuprex. They must be taken in accordance with the instructions. The approximate dosage is no more than 3 tablets per day. Now what to do if a dry cough does not go away has become extremely clear.

Cough is complex reflex act in which there is a sharp contraction of the respiratory muscles and a powerful push-like release of air from the lungs. A cough occurs when sensitive receptors located in the trachea, larynx, pleura, and large bronchi are irritated.

primary goal cough reflex - clearing the airways of liquid, foreign body or mucus. At its core, a cough is a defense mechanism that is designed to clear the airways of secretions or all kinds of aspirated or inhaled particles.

Depending on the cause of cough, cough is distinguished physiological And pathological.

Physiological cough - This is a completely normal and, one might say, necessary phenomenon of everyday human life. From time to time, a physiological cough that appears removes sputum accumulated there from the respiratory tract, as well as foreign bodies or crumbs that have fallen into the wrong throat. The main characteristics of a physiological cough: periodic recurrence (with no other symptoms of the disease), short duration.

Unlike physiological pathological cough manifests itself against the background of all kinds of respiratory diseases. As mentioned above, physiological cough is the same in all cases and there are no special problems with its diagnosis. Pathological cough, on the contrary, has a very diverse character, in many cases depending on the nature of the disease that caused it. In order to correctly diagnose and treat a disease that is accompanied by a cough, it is extremely important to establish the individual characteristics of this cough.

Depending on duration of symptoms The following types of cough are distinguished:
spicy(no longer than one to two weeks),
protracted(from two weeks to a month),
infraspinatus(from a month to eight weeks),
chronic(more than two months).

A cough accompanied by mucus production is called productive. When there is no mucus discharge, a cough is called dry

Acute cough arising against the background of acute respiratory infections (ARVI). This type of cough is the most common. An acute cough against the background of an acute respiratory disease develops over several hours or days and is characteristic of diseases such as laryngitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia, bronchiolitis.

The main characteristics of this cough:
gradual development over several hours or several days,
the presence of other symptoms of the disease (runny nose, increased body temperature, feeling weak, weakness, in children - refusal to eat, moodiness, anxiety),
change in the nature of the cough from dry to wet.

The main development factor lingering cough is not an infection, as with an acute cough, but the excessive sensitivity of cough receptors and increased sputum production as a result of the illness. That is, a lingering cough is not so much a symptom of the disease as a natural attribute of the healing process. When choosing cough treatment tactics, this fact is important.

Recurrent cough - This is a prolonged, periodically recurring cough, the duration of which exceeds two weeks. Recurrent cough is characteristic of diseases such as obstructive bronchitis or bronchial asthma.

Constant cough characteristic of a number of chronic diseases of the pulmonary tract and lungs. We are talking about a persistent cough when the patient actually coughs constantly (that is, the cough can sometimes weaken or intensify, but it is constantly present). A wet, persistent cough is a sign of diseases such as cystic fibrosis, pulmonary tuberculosis, and bronchiectasis. Diseases such as fibrosing alveolitis or laryngeal papillomatosis are characterized by a dry, persistent cough.

Diseases that can cause cough:
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,
allergies, asthma,
runny nose,
chronic rhinitis and sinusitis,
gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD, heartburn),
congestive heart failure,
lungs' cancer,
sinus infection,

Possible causes of cough

1) All kinds of bacterial and viral infections of the lungs or respiratory tract. Diseases: pneumonia, bronchitis, bronchiectasis, viral infections, whooping cough, pharyngomycosis (fungal infection of the upper respiratory tract), etc.
2) Tumor diseases.
3) Smoking.
4) Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
5) Foreign body aspiration.
6) Tuberculosis.
7) Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, mainly gastroesophageal reflux.
8) Diseases of the cardiovascular system that lead to stagnation of blood in the pulmonary circulation (in the lungs), such as, for example, coronary pulmonary disease of the fourth functional class.
9) Mental disorders.
10) Cough can occur as a side effect when taking certain medications, as an option - medications used to lower blood pressure ( enam, enap and so on.).
11) Chemical irritation (gases, tear gas, smoke).

Allergic cough

In fact, the concept of “allergic cough” is incorrect, since such a term is absent in the modern classification of diseases. If there is a connection between a cough and an allergic process, then, as a rule, we are talking about the cough variant of bronchial asthma. In what cases would it be correct to talk about a cough as being associated with an allergic process?

Paroxysmal cough which begins suddenly and can last for quite a long time.
Chronic cough. When a patient begins to cough, he cannot stop for a long time. Most often, attacks occur at night.
The cough is predominantly dry. In some cases, at the end of a coughing attack, a small clot of light or clear sputum may be discharged. Sometimes patients note that the cough was provoked by any external factors: contact with animals, dust, strong odors, old books, etc. During coughing attacks, you may also experience a feeling of difficulty breathing and suffocation.

Cough treatment

Depending on the cause of cough, medications are selected individually. Antitussives are divided into two types: those that thin mucus and those that promote expectoration.

In most cases, it is necessary to treat a cough caused by acute respiratory viral infections, or ARVI, that is, what is commonly called a cold. There is nothing surprising in the fact that a mild cough occurs against the background of a cold. Most often, such a cough does not require any treatment and disappears on its own along with the underlying disease. In other cases, for example, during bronchitis, the cough can be persistent and severe, accompanied by the discharge of viscous sputum. In this situation, sputum thinning treatment may be necessary and effective.

How is cough treated? First of all, you need to try drink as much fluid as possible, since drinking plenty of fluids stabilizes the water balance in the body, which is disturbed during illness, and helps to dilute sputum. During coughing and pharyngitis, it is extremely useful to drink abundant mineral waters (Borjomi is one of the options), since their chemical composition also facilitates the production of sputum and speeds up the healing process. The diet should include light but calorie-rich foods, as well as fruits and vegetables.

Secondly, during coughs and colds, an effective remedy is inhalation. They are indicated for older children and adults. Young children (under the age of 4 years) inhalation is not recommended, as this can cause an attack of suffocation. To prepare inhalation, you need to take the leaves of chamomile, coltsfoot, thyme, sage (one tablespoon of each ingredient), place in a large container and pour boiling water. Add a teaspoon of baking soda and a few drops of eucalyptus or menthol oil to the resulting infusion. Such inhalation must be carried out several times a day.

Thirdly, if the cough is persistent with viscous sputum (most likely bronchitis or tracheitis), you need to take medications to thin the sputum: mucolytic and expectorant agents. Most of these medications come in both pediatric and adult forms. We advise you to opt for herbal medicines, as well as mucolytics, such as "Lazolvan" ("Ambroxol"), ACC (acetylcysteine), "Bromhexine". The use of mucolytics is advisable in cases where sputum is present, but it is viscous and difficult to remove.

It makes sense to take expectorants if coughing produces a small amount of sputum (scanty sputum), since these drugs stimulate the secretion of sputum by the bronchial glands, diluting it and strengthening the cough reflex, which leads to clearing of the airways during a cold or bronchitis.

Antitussive drugs are prescribed only by the attending physician, as they can lead to serious adverse reactions. You should not combine the use of mucolytic cough suppressants and antitussives, as this can cause blockage of the bronchi with mucus.

Traditional methods of treatment

You can buy a chest pack at the pharmacy, but if you wish, you can make it yourself. This should be done like this: take equal parts of licorice, thyme, linden, oregano, coltsfoot, mint, pine buds, plantain, lungwort, calendula, and chop. For half a liter of boiling water, take two tablespoons of the mixture and leave for an hour and a half in a warm place. Strain the resulting decoction and take 150 ml three to four times a day for 30 minutes before eating.

During whooping cough, dry cough and colds must be taken 2-4 once a day before meals, a third of a glass of the following brew: brew four to five pieces of figs with one glass of boiling milk, wrap, let it brew until it cools down. You can also rub the patient’s chest with the following mixture: three parts of plantain leaf, three parts of licorice root, four parts of coltsfoot leaves.

If the cough is severe, The following recipe is suitable: add half a teaspoon of soda and the same amount of unsalted interior fat to a glass of boiled milk, mix thoroughly, drink hot in small sips two to three times a day before meals.

Before going to bed, rub your chest with internal fat (lamb or goat fat is ideal), put on a cotton T-shirt, pull a woolen sweater over it and go to bed.

Causes of severe cough in adults

Cough occurs when the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract is irritated. This is a protective reaction of the body in response to infection when the tracheal receptors are irritated. The cough can be wet or dry. A severe cough leads to disruption of the normal functioning of the vocal cords and the person loses his voice. The main causes of cough include:

  • severe bronchial asthma;
  • pharyngitis and laryngitis;
  • heart failure;
  • pleurisy;
  • pneumonia;
  • smoking

A severe cough also occurs when inhaling cold or hot air. With bronchial asthma, an adult is tormented by attacks of suffocating cough. He experiences pain in the abdomen and chest. When a foreign body, such as dust particles, enters the respiratory tract, the cough ends only when the foreign object is removed. Respiratory diseases of the pharynx, nasal cavity and larynx are accompanied by a strong barking cough. With laryngitis, a dry cough gradually turns into a wet one. Smoking for more than two years leads to chronic bronchitis of the smoker, which is characterized by increasing coughing attacks accompanied by lack of air.

Severe cough at night in an adult

Attacks of night cough in adults most often appear against the background of asthma, due to heart failure or food reflux. During an asthmatic attack, wheezing is heard and breathing is difficult. In heart failure, a severe dry cough is accompanied by shortness of breath and rapid heartbeat. In gastroenterology, the nerve endings of the esophagus are irritated by stomach acid.

You can calm the attack with a warm drink. These are herbal decoctions, milk with honey or mineral water. They soften the mucous membrane and promote the removal of sputum. Steam inhalations also calm. If the cause is an allergy, then take an antihistamine.

Severe cough to the point of vomiting in an adult

With whooping cough, the cough is similar to a cold. In this case, there are convulsions that lead to vomiting. Attacks can be repeated up to fifty times during the day. This leads to hemoptysis and nosebleeds. The disease can last up to six weeks depending on the characteristics of the body. In this case, you cannot treat yourself. Medical assistance is required. You will be prescribed certain tests, based on the results of which targeted treatment will begin. In most cases, regular expectorants and cough suppressants do not help. A course of antibiotics is prescribed that will destroy the causative agent of whooping cough. Also, treatment of cough to vomiting is combined with the use of immunostimulating drugs.

A severe cough without fever can cause stress, worry or nervous shock. This is the so-called psychogenic cough. Staying in a room with dry air for a long time irritates the respiratory tract and also leads to coughing. If a severe cough torments you for more than a month, then you should contact a pulmonologist, allergist, phthisiatrician or oncologist to identify the cause. It is possible that it is cancer of the lungs, trachea, throat, or tuberculosis. Cough due to cardiovascular diseases must be distinguished from a smoker's cough or from bronchial asthma. It appears after exercise and without phlegm. This indicates improper functioning of the left ventricle due to stagnation of blood in the lungs. In addition, the person complains of pain in the heart area, shortness of breath and rapid heartbeat. In diseases of the thyroid gland, enlarged nodules put pressure on the trachea, causing severe coughing. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - esophageal diverticulum, food reflux lead to coughing after eating.

Severe cough in an adult: treatment

The choice of treatment in an adult depends on the type of cough and the reasons that cause it. In case of any manifestation, taking certain measures has a positive effect:

  • humidification of dry indoor air;
  • drinking large amounts of warm drinks to thin and expectorate mucus;
  • complete cessation of smoking;
  • carrying out inhalation procedures;
  • avoid chemical fumes;
  • do not get too cold;
  • do not visit crowded places during mass epidemics.

How to treat a severe cough in an adult?

Treatment of a severe cough should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor, especially if:

  • severe cough lasts more than two weeks;
  • labored breathing;
  • the temperature remains elevated;
  • there is a rapid heartbeat, loss of strength and dizziness;
  • Traces of blood are visible in the sputum.

Antibiotics for severe cough in adults

Antibiotics are prescribed for severe bronchitis, bacterial tracheitis and bacterial pneumonia. Then treatment will quickly lead to recovery. If the nature of the disease is viral, then antibiotics are useless. To make a correct diagnosis, it is necessary to take a sputum test to establish sensitivity to antibiotics. Basically, broad-spectrum drugs are prescribed. These include: Summed, Amoxiclav, Flemoclav, Cefotaxime. Medicines with a narrow focus include Suprax and Azithromycin.

Folk remedies for severe cough in adults

In folk medicine there are many recipes for fighting a severe cough:

Pour a glass of water into a saucepan, add one teaspoon of flower honey, a pinch of salt and two tablespoons of anise seeds. Bring to a boil, then cool and take a teaspoon five times a day.

Mix honey and lingonberries in equal quantities. Take three times daily.

Add half a glass of water and a glass of finely chopped aloe to three hundred grams of honey. Cook for two hours. You need to take a tablespoon three times a day.

In the evening, cut off the top of the black radish and place two tablespoons of honey in the hole and close it. In the morning, the medicinal syrup is ready. It should be taken twenty minutes before meals, a teaspoon four times a day.

Boil the lemon for ten minutes. Then squeeze out the juice and add two tablespoons of honey and glycerin. Take a teaspoon six times a day.

Mix crushed plantain leaves in equal parts with honey and place on a warm stove for four hours. The resulting syrup thins mucus well. Take it three times a day, a teaspoon.

Cough is a muscle reflex contraction of the chest in response to an irritant. During the coughing process, the respiratory mucosa is cleansed of microorganisms, dust and mucus. When a person suffers from a dry cough for a long time, it can become a symptom of a serious illness. This cough is called non-productive, i.e. When coughing, there is no sputum production.

Causes of dry cough in adults

The reasons for this condition may be:

  • inflammation in the bronchi and trachea;
  • pneumonia;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • inflammation of the larynx;
  • tumors of the respiratory system;
  • whooping cough;
  • pleurisy

Types of cough in adults

If you listen to a cough, you can hear its different shades and varieties. There are several types:

If it is not too intrusive, with short coughs, then it is called pharyngeal. In this case, the mucous membrane of the pharynx dries out or mucus accumulates at the entrance to the larynx.

Whooping cough is characterized by multiple coughing shocks, which are accompanied by a deep breath with a whistling sound.

A barking cough appears with laryngitis and tracheitis. It occurs due to inflammation of the vocal cords. If a barking dry cough is accompanied by difficult, bubbling breathing, then these are manifestations of croup.

When you hear low tones with a gradual increase, this may be a symptom of tuberculosis.

During a cold, an obsessive whooping cough may appear.

A spasmodic cough indicates bronchial asthma. He is unproductive and intrusive. He appears closer to morning. This condition may indicate obstructive bronchitis, but without a series of attacks.

A metallic tint of a dry cough that appears during conversation or while eating may indicate a mental disorder, but this is diagnosed only after a serious examination.

Severe cough in an adult (dry)

Various factors can provoke a severe dry cough in an adult. These include:

  • Smoking when tobacco tar irritates the bronchi.
  • Dust that causes itching in the respiratory tract.
  • When a foreign body comes into contact with the mucous membrane, it has an irritating effect.
  • Stressful situations and emotional experiences.
  • Allergic reactions.
  • Adverse reaction to medications.
  • Oncological diseases.
  • Thyroid diseases.
  • Heart failure.
  • Problems in the stomach and intestines, when a fistula of the esophageal-tracheal region forms and a reflex dry cough appears after eating.

Long dry cough in an adult

Often a dry cough occurs during a cold, if a weakened immune system cannot cope with its protective functions, and the disease spreads to the bronchi. As a result, acute bronchitis appears, which, in the absence of proper treatment, becomes chronic. With prolonged coughing in an adult, deformation of the bronchial walls can occur, which leads to asthma, lung abscess and pneumonia.

A long, dry throat cough and severe sore throat occur with chronic pharyngitis. This is a serious disease that needs to be treated in a hospital setting.

A very long spasmodic cough, accompanied by pain in the side, shortness of breath and fever can be observed with pleurisy.

Paroxysmal cough in an adult

The spasmodic nature of the cough is often a manifestation of bronchial asthma. It usually appears at night and in the evening and appears against the background of an allergen. An attack can cause suffocation, abdominal and chest pain. It can last about one hour.

Paroxysmal cough is characterized by inflammation of the pharynx, larynx and nasopharynx. If measures are not taken to eliminate them in time, the painful condition develops into bronchitis, pneumonia and tracheitis.

Dry barking cough in an adult

A dry barking cough in adults is characteristic of parainfluenza. This is an acute viral disease that affects the upper respiratory tract. It is a symptom of the acute form of laryngitis and pharyngitis and appears at night. In bronchial asthma it is accompanied by attacks of suffocation. Lack of proper treatment can be fatal. With lobar pneumonia, the cough is accompanied by painful sensations in the chest area. Whooping cough in an adult causes not only a barking cough, but also attacks of vomiting.

Dry suffocating cough in an adult

A choking cough can be caused by many factors. This often happens when a foreign body enters the respiratory tract and the allergen irritates the mucous membrane. More often, the symptom indicates a serious illness, which includes:

  • bronchitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • tuberculosis;
  • whooping cough;
  • oncological diseases;
  • heart failure;
  • pharengitotracheitis;
  • laryngitisotracheitis

This cough is often observed in experienced smokers. Untreated chronic bronchitis can lead to secondary tuberculosis.

Dry cough in an adult at night

Coughing attacks at night often occur due to bronchial asthma. It is accompanied by wheezing, chest tightness and difficulty breathing.

The cause may also be heart failure, which causes shortness of breath and increased heart rate.

Acid reflux irritates the lining of the respiratory tract with contents of the esophagus and stomach, causing a night cough.

A good alternative in the treatment of dry cough in adults are medicinal herbs and herbs. You can purchase various breast preparations at the pharmacy. Herbal teas also effectively help in treatment. They are easy to use and taste good. The most effective herbs are: plantain, flax seeds, linden blossom, oregano and thyme. To relieve bronchial spasms at night, chamomile, valerian, and calamus flowers have a calming effect.

Inhalations, which can be done at home, also help. Pour equal parts of sage, chamomile, thyme and coltsfoot into two liters of boiling water. Add a few drops of eucalyptus oil and baking soda. Cover yourself with a towel and breathe in the healing vapors for ten minutes.

Boil a tablespoon of viburnum in half a liter of water. Then add honey and drink four times a day.

Boil a finely chopped onion and three cloves of garlic in a liter of milk. Then add honey and drink half a glass every hour until the dry cough disappears.

Pour a tablespoon of oatmeal with plenty of water and cook for thirty minutes. Drink with honey four times a day.

Add two tablespoons of honey and one tablespoon of glycerin to half a glass of lemon juice. You need to take a teaspoon six times a day.

Hold a tablespoon of sugar over the fire until it turns brown. Suck it up and then drink it with birch sap.

To get rid of cough, it is better to use several treatment methods.

Dry cough in an adult medication

Two types of medications are used to treat dry cough:

Drugs that suppress the patient's cough reflex. These include: codeine, oxeladine and ethylmorphine.

Medicines that affect cough receptors. Effective help: linkas, codelac broncho and terpincode.

How to quickly and safely cure a cough in an adult

Cough is the body's reaction to irritants. Therefore, the question of how to quickly cure a cough in an adult is of interest to people suffering from various kinds of diseases. In this case, the reasons that caused the cough could be inflammatory processes in the respiratory system, allergic reactions, or a foreign body stuck in the respiratory tract. In addition, a severe cough can also occur with certain pathologies of the cardiovascular, nervous or digestive systems.

Types of cough and methods of treating it

When treating cough in adults, priority should be given to determining the type of cough. So, it can be wet (with sputum) or dry (without sputum). As a rule, bronchial diseases, including bronchial asthma, bronchitis, pharyngitis, etc., occur with a dry cough. Sputum discharge is typical for pathologies caused by bacterial infections, bronchopneumonia or heart failure. In case of inflammatory processes, the discharge will have a greenish-yellow color, in case of pneumonia – gray-yellow, in case of heart diseases – rusty-yellow.

Treatment methods for dry cough

To stop the inflammatory process and thereby relieve a dry cough, you can use methods of both traditional and traditional medicine. Here it is also necessary to focus on the nature of the body’s natural reaction. For example, if the cough is very strong, and the throat is dry, itchy and scratchy, it is necessary to use medications that normalize the production of sputum and suppress the body’s reflex to cough up. In this case, lollipops with sage, Bronholitin, Strepsils, Libexin, Tusuprex, Sinekod and drugs similar to them will be effective.

For a dry cough, drinking plenty of fluids is recommended to help soothe dry throat and reduce irritation of the mucous membranes. You can use both regular drinks and teas from medicinal plants. Special breast teas containing plantain have a good effect. Since ancient times, plantain, which has a mild antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory effect, has been used to treat severe coughs.

In order to clear the lungs, patients with a dry cough are often prescribed medications based on thermopsis or pecac. Both have excellent expectorant properties. Syrups, tablets and mixtures Mucaltin, Halixol and Bromhexine relieve inflammation and soften dry throat.

Treatment of wet cough

If for a dry cough medications are used that first cause the appearance of sputum and then promote its removal, then for a wet cough it is necessary to take those medications that will dilute the secretions accumulated in the respiratory tract. Thus, sputum becomes less sticky and viscous and leaves the lungs and bronchi more easily.

Together with the discharge, harmful microorganisms and their waste products are removed from the respiratory organs, so many antitussives also have a strong anti-inflammatory effect. So, for viral infections that cause a cough, the use of antibiotics is not required, but in the case of a bacterial infection, the use of antibiotics is necessary.

A wet cough can be cured using the following sputum-thinning medications: Acetylcysteine, Bromhexine, Lazolvan, Abroxol, etc.

Methods for treating allergic cough

A type of cough that is neither wet nor dry is called allergic. Often an allergic reaction without treatment can begin with a harmless mild runny nose and end with such a formidable pathology as bronchial asthma. The appearance of cough due to allergies is explained by the inflammatory process caused by allergens on the mucous membrane of the bronchi (allergic bronchitis), trachea (allergic tracheitis) or nasopharynx (allergic tracheitis).

All manifestations of allergies are treated with antihistamines. Bronchin is often used directly for coughing. But not a single medicine will work if you do not follow simple rules:

  • suspected allergens must be excluded from the diet and environment;
  • Before going to bed, you should thoroughly ventilate the room;
  • the room should be cool during sleep;
  • dust should be wiped off regularly, preferably daily;
  • Pets should be excluded from the premises if they cause allergic reactions.

In addition, rinsing the throat and mouth with warm water throughout the day will help relieve symptoms of allergies and cough. It is necessary to rinse and wash the nasal passages 1-2 times a day and always after returning home from the street.

The most popular methods of traditional medicine

At all times, universal and effective traditional medicine has been used for severe coughs.

One of them is marshmallow root, which has softening and enveloping properties for the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. It reduces inflammation and thins mucus. Preparations based on marshmallow can be used in the treatment of both wet and dry cough.

Many recipes that help relieve cough can be successfully used at home:

  1. Medicine made from lemon and honey. You need to take 1 large lemon and boil it over low heat for about 10 minutes. Then the lemon is cut and the juice is squeezed out. Add 2 tbsp to the juice. honey and glycerin. For a mild cough, take 1 tsp. syrup daily, if it is strong, drink 1 tsp. in the morning and afternoon before meals, in the evening after dinner and before bed.
  2. Black radish juice. 1 radish should be grated on a fine grater and squeeze out the juice using gauze. Then the juice is mixed with an equal volume of liquid honey and 2 tablespoons are taken. during the day before meals and before bed.
  3. Fresh carrot juice. You need to squeeze the juice out of the carrots and mix it with an equal amount of milk. The medicine is taken 5 to 6 times during the day.
  4. Onion jam. Peel and chop 0.5 kg of onions, mix the pulp with 400 g of sugar and 1 liter of water and cook for 3 hours. After this, the mixture must be cooled and 50 g of honey added. Jam is taken after each meal 4-6 times a day, 1 tbsp.
  5. Onion decoction in milk. 2 pcs. onions should be chopped and boiled in 1 glass of milk. Then the product is left for 4 hours and filtered. The medicine is taken after 3-4 hours, 1 tbsp.

Treatment with inhalations and compresses

Inhalations should be considered one of the most effective ways to treat both dry and wet cough. When exposed to moist hot air, the mucus in the respiratory tract is liquefied, which significantly increases the productivity of coughing.

The steam temperature during inhalation should not exceed 30-40°C; higher temperatures can cause swelling of the mucous membrane and an increase in the cough reflex. The duration of the procedure should not exceed 10 minutes. In order to quickly get rid of a cough, inhalations can be performed at least 6 times within 24 hours.

The following recipes are used for inhalation:

  1. 5 parts of water are heated to 40°C, 1 part of honey is added. You should inhale and exhale steam through both your nose and mouth.
  2. 2 tbsp Infuse dry sage herb, covered, in 1 glass of boiling water for 20 minutes, then use for inhalation. If the liquid has cooled down, you can warm it up slightly.
  3. Add 2 tsp to 0.5 liters of boiling water. eucalyptus leaves, 2 tbsp. pine extract, 1 tsp. garlic clove pulp, 1 validol tablet. The liquid is cooled slightly and used for the procedure.

Since ancient times, people have used food to cure coughs. Thus, good results can be obtained by using vegetable oil in compresses. Making a compress is quite easy: heat a small amount of any oil, dip a thick cotton napkin in it and apply it to the chest and back, excluding the heart area. Place parchment paper and a towel on a napkin. Everything is secured with a warm scarf. It is better to keep this compress overnight.

Despite the fact that cough can be caused by many reasons, it is quite easy to cure today. The main thing is not to start the inflammatory process or the manifestation of allergies and use the right medications.

Severe cough without fever in an adult: causes, treatment and types

  • Dry cough
  • Prolonged cough

A severe cough without fever in an adult is a widespread symptom among young and old people.

Characteristic of various diseases, if untreated, prolonged cough steadily progresses in most cases, leading to the development of complications that significantly reduce the patient’s quality of life.

An increasingly severe cough without fever in an adult is a sign of an infectious process, characteristic of decreased immunity or for elderly patients.

Paroxysmal cough paroxysms are pathognomonic for the initial stages of whooping cough, which occurs without fever, runny nose and general impairment of health in children and adults. Night attacks are typical for exacerbation or debut of bronchial asthma as a result of irritation of the bronchial mucosa against the background of an allergic reaction. Asthma is typically characterized by impaired exhalation against the background of normal inhalation of air; hypersecretion of viscous sputum provokes the development of a severe cough without fever in adults and children.

The causes of the pathological process are:

  • nonspecific inflammation (ENT organs, upper respiratory tract, bronchi, trachea, lungs);
  • infection (influenza, parainfluenza, measles, ARVI, whooping cough, adenovirus, cytomegalovirus);
  • allergies (hay fever, sinusitis, bronchial asthma);
  • trauma (foreign bodies, damage to the esophagus);
  • cardiac arrhythmia (extrasystole, vegetative-vascular dystonia).

The manifestation of the symptom at night against the background of respiratory arrest and a history of prolonged smoking is a pathognomonic clinical picture of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. A smoker's bronchitis becomes an irreversible form, the manifestations of which are a steadily progressing cough with the development of respiratory failure of varying degrees of severity.

A prolonged cough in an infant is a sign of a fistula in the thoracic esophagus, through which food enters the respiratory tract, causing irritation and a protracted inflammatory process. A persistent cough in childhood is a diagnostic problem that disrupts physiological breathing and the normal development of the child.

A diagnostic examination, sputum examination and testing will allow the doctor to suspect an infectious process. Early treatment of a severe cough without fever in adults and children is carried out taking into account the characteristics of the cough, its duration and the general clinical picture.

Dry and wet cough differ depending on the stage and etiology of the process. Dry cough is the initial stage of inflammatory diseases, in which cough impulses are a reflex mechanism. A dry, sharp cough develops when foreign bodies enter the body and is aimed at removing it from the upper respiratory tract. A wet cough is formed as a result of increased production of serous or purulent sputum, the entry of which into the lungs causes the development of pneumonia.

This complication is typical for people who have weak respiratory muscles and a sedentary lifestyle. Antitussives for dry cough are used to relieve the syndrome and eliminate inflammation of the mucous membrane. Prescribing the drug for wet cough promotes the development of severe forms of pneumonia. Expectorants for wet coughs are prescribed while taking antibiotics to prevent the proliferation of pathogenic microbes.

When taking the medicine, you need to drink large amounts of water to thin the mucus. Chest collection is a folk remedy for the treatment of cough, used in outpatient treatment. The herbal infusion is prepared in the following way: dilute two or 3 tbsp with 200 ml of boiling water. collection, after which it is left to infuse for one hour. Reviews on forums note the high effectiveness of this method for treating dry and wet cough. The infusion is consumed 3 times a day for 10-14 days.

Dry cough without fever in an adult: types and their treatment

Dry cough without fever in an adult has the following types and treatment tactics.

Specific antiviral or antibacterial treatment is indicated while taking expectorants and mucus-thinning drugs. The appropriateness of therapy is determined by the severity of the inflammatory process; in severe cases, hospital treatment is required.

Removal of a foreign body is carried out surgically or by bronchoscopy. Elimination of the cause of arrhythmia is carried out under the supervision of a cardiologist, specific drugs are prescribed that relieve manifestations of extrasystole and vegetative-vascular dystonia.

  1. Prolonged cough with phlegm is a sign of an infectious process, influenza, ARVI or pneumonia. Often accompanied by inflammation of the larynx, trachea and ENT organs. Accompanied by:
    • high temperature;
    • runny nose;
    • general weakness;
    • decreased performance.
  2. Prolonged cough without sputum(dry) typical of allergic processes, bronchial asthma or the initial stages of infection (in the presence of rashes). An unproductive cough is accompanied by soreness in the chest, sore throat, and heaviness in the head. Antiallergic therapy stops exacerbation in the early stages.
  3. Prolonged cough without fever- This is a characteristic syndrome of cardiac arrhythmia, a foreign body entering the mucous membrane or vocal cords. Diagnosis takes a long time, relief comes immediately after targeted treatment and taking pills.
  4. Prolonged cough with sputum without fever is formed with increased mucus production, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, long-term smoking, as well as working with construction dust, asbestos or cotton wool. In addition, a dry cough without fever in an adult manifests itself in pulmonary tuberculosis, open or closed form; performing a chest x-ray clarifies the diagnosis.

Treatment of chronic obstruction begins with quitting smoking and taking short- or long-acting bronchodilators. With an increase in fibrotic processes in the bronchi, patients are prescribed enzyme preparations, as well as hormonal therapy. In case of pulmonary tuberculosis, the patient is sent for specific therapy to the physiotherapy department of the hospital.

Prolonged cough without fever in an adult: types of treatment

Prolonged cough without fever in an adult requires early initiation of specific treatment after undergoing a broad diagnostic examination to determine the exact cause.

Blood tests, sputum culture, as well as instrumental and functional research methods allow us to differentiate allergic and infectious diseases, foreign bodies of the upper respiratory tract and esophagus.

General treatment includes:

  • to give up smoking;
  • general strengthening procedures;
  • increasing the immune properties of the body;
  • allergen removal;
  • frequent wet cleaning.

Prevention of ARVI and infections is aimed at limiting contacts during the epidemic, regularly taking immunoprophylactic drugs, and performing routine vaccinations according to the vaccination calendar.

The Mantoux test makes it possible to identify tuberculosis infection in the early stages and begin early specific therapy, which significantly reduces the risk of exacerbations.

Drug treatment has the following directions:

  • antiviral;
  • antifungal;
  • antibacterial;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antiallergic;
  • bronchodilator.

Drugs for infectious and fungal diseases that have caused a prolonged cough without fever in an adult are selected individually by the attending physician, taking into account the clinical picture and the affected organ. With severe pain against the background of a cough, an urgent start of treatment is required due to the high load on the respiratory muscles.

For asthma and allergic pharyngitis, treatment begins with antiallergic antihistamines, which are supplemented with bronchodilators to ease breathing and eliminate cough symptoms. Bronchodilators act almost immediately, are taken in the form of inhalations as prescribed by a doctor.

Folk remedies are aimed at restoring the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract, reducing the production of sputum and mucus. Separate herbal infusions, such as oak bark, affect the intensity of the inflammatory process, reducing the production of pro-inflammatory enzymes in the lesion.

Linden, marshmallow, and psyllium are used as antitussives, but should only be used after consulting a doctor due to the risk of side effects. Breast collection is the safest and most versatile method of mild relief of prolonged cough without fever in an adult and a child over 10 years old.

Folk remedy for cough for adults: how to quickly recover at home

A cough (dry or wet) accompanies almost all colds.

The appearance of a cough indicates damage to the respiratory tract - larynx, trachea, bronchi.

Sensitive receptors responsible for the cough reflex, which is a protective reaction, are distributed in these parts of the human body.

At the moment when a person coughs, everything that negatively affects his health comes out of his respiratory tract. However, despite the protective mission of a cough, it exhausts a sick person so much that the latter loses sleep, pain appears in the muscles, and sometimes a strong cough can lead to vomiting.

Some people have a very difficult cough, so many patients of the general practitioner are interested in the question: how to quickly cure a cough using folk remedies at home?

Coughing can signal the development of a dangerous disease in the body of an adult. Therefore, before you start treating it at home, you need to see a doctor.

If the doctor does not suspect a more serious illness than a common cold, you can treat the cough yourself. If the doctor has any doubts about the nature of this phenomenon, he will prescribe an additional examination for the patient.

To treat a cold, the doctor will prescribe medications to the patient that can be combined with traditional medicine recipes.

To prevent the occurrence of side effects from such treatment, you need to prepare folk remedies only after carefully studying their recipes.

Folk recipes

Cough in adults can be cured with licorice syrup, which should be drunk three times a day for one week. Alcohol-free licorice syrup along with a spoon of natural honey is added to regular or herbal tea.

Another recipe with which you can quickly cure a cold and get rid of a high fever at home:

  1. Take a small piece of ginger and grate it.
  2. Place the resulting mass in a teapot with herbal tea.
  3. Pour boiling water into the teapot and leave for 30 minutes.
  4. Before drinking, add one teaspoon of linden honey to the drink.

You can drink this remedy for cough 3 times a day.

Three times a day for one week you need to take the following composition:

  • Grate a large onion on a coarse grater and squeeze the juice out of it;
  • Add a teaspoon of honey to the resulting juice and let the product brew.

Using this recipe will help quickly cure even a severe cough.

If an adult is given warmed milk with honey and a piece of butter to drink, the coughing attack will quickly stop. This drink can be consumed in unlimited quantities. In addition to the fact that milk with honey has a soothing effect on the throat, it also tastes good.

For dry cough, steam inhalations are performed at home. Coniferous baths with a water temperature of 37-38 are very useful. An adult can stay in such a bath for 10-15 minutes.

At the end of the procedure, the patient should be immediately put to bed. The number of sessions per course is 12-15.

How to quickly cure a cold with cough using folk recipes

Today, doctors know a huge number of effective folk remedies that doctors recommend to their patients for a cold or infection accompanied by a cough.

It is useful to include the following foods in the patient’s diet:

  1. grated radish seasoned with sour cream or vegetable oil;
  2. rolled oats cooked in milk;
  3. mashed potatoes;
  4. dairy products;
  5. grapes – acts as an expectorant and lung healer
  6. Honey – treatment of colds is indispensable without this product.

Grape juice mixed with honey is a truly unique remedy for severe coughs. But the patient should temporarily stop drinking coffee. The drink can be replaced with chicory mixed with milk.

Lemon passed through a meat grinder should be mixed with a small amount of honey - this composition helps an adult patient quickly cure even a very severe cough and get rid of a high fever.

In order to restore the water-alkaline balance of the body disturbed by the disease, the patient is recommended to drink plenty of fluids. Water helps to liquefy the sputum accumulated in the bronchi.

Doctors advise drinking alkaline mineral water, the chemical composition of which brings the moment of recovery closer.

How to treat dry cough

It is not so easy to cure a dry cough with folk remedies. A quick effect can only be achieved by simultaneously taking medications that suppress the cough reflex. But this is not a cure for the disease, but only getting rid of the symptoms.

For a dry cough caused by a cold, inhalation is useful. To prepare an inhalation product, you need to mix thyme, coltsfoot, chamomile, sage in equal quantities, take 4 tbsp. spoons of this raw material and pour boiling water. Add 2 drops of menthol or eucalyptus oil and one teaspoon of soda to the infusion. Inhalation must be carried out several times a day.

  • The patient's diet should be enriched with high-calorie, but light foods.
  • The daily menu should include vegetables and fruits.
  • It is impossible to quickly cure a dry cough without the use of expectorants.
  • The patient must see a doctor.

The occurrence of a dry cough against the background of a cold is a completely typical phenomenon. Sometimes there is no need to treat a cough; it goes away on its own during the treatment of the disease itself.

If it is persistent and is accompanied by viscous sputum, you need to start taking medications that dilute the sputum.

Traditional recipes for treating cough reflex

Traditional cough recipes should be used for comprehensive relief from the disease. You should not refuse drug therapy prescribed by your doctor. Traditional medicine is effective only as an auxiliary treatment.

The following recipes, due to their effectiveness, are very popular among the people:

  1. Colds accompanied by cough can be treated well with honey and radish. A small hole is cut into the radish with a knife and honey is poured into it. The product will very soon release juice, which you need to drink one teaspoon 4 times a day.
  2. You can quickly recover with the help of figs, previously soaked in milk. To do this, use cow's milk, which must be heated until hot. You need to put a few figs in the milk, let it brew and grind it together with the milk. The mushy mass should be taken 1/3 cup before meals 3 times a day.
  3. You can treat a dry cough with a mixture of aloe, honey and butter. The ingredients should be taken in equal parts, mixed and the resulting product should be taken one teaspoon 4 times a day.
  4. You can fight a painful cough by taking infusions of medicinal herbs. For example, infusions of thyme, plantain and nettle. The leaves of the plant need to be crushed, pour a glass of boiling water, put in a water bath and keep in it for about 15 minutes. Next, the product should infuse for 30 minutes. The cooled broth is filtered and taken one tablespoon before meals 5-6 times a day.
  5. Finely chop the radish, sprinkle with sugar, place on a baking sheet and bake for 2 hours. The radish pieces should then be discarded, and the juice from the baking sheet should be poured into a container. This remedy can even be given to infants.
  6. There is a special cough treatment for coffee lovers. It is not recommended to drink coffee when you have a cold, but it can be replaced with chicory, oats, rye, and barley, which are brewed in the same way as regular coffee. You can add milk to the drink.

For severe attacks, you need to take milk of poppy seeds. It is prepared like this:

  • Steam a few tablespoons of dry poppy seeds in hot water;
  • drain the water and crush the poppy seeds in a mortar;
  • add a glass of boiling water to the crushed poppy seeds and leave for 10-15 minutes.
  • Filter.

You need to drink this milk warm.

The cause of a dry cough may be an external allergen or irritant. This phenomenon cannot be treated using the methods listed above. Therefore, if a cough reflex occurs, you should first consult a doctor.

The doctor will determine the nature of the disease and prescribe treatment appropriate to the situation.

Do you need to treat your cough quickly?

The described phenomenon in most cases acts as a kind of protective reaction of the body, aimed at removing toxins that appeared as a result of the development of any inflammatory process

Given this fact, eliminating coughing will directly contribute to further human infection. Toxins will accumulate, and the disease will become chronic.

However, medicine also knows a non-productive debilitating cough, which is no longer able to perform its drainage function. In such a situation, suppressing the cough center with medications is completely justified. Although it is possible to quickly overcome a cough and get rid of a high temperature without taking pharmacological agents.

  1. Radishes (6-8 pieces) need to be cut into thin slices, covered with granulated sugar and set aside for 6 hours to infuse until the juice is released from the product. You should drink one tablespoon of this juice every hour.
  2. Pour boiling water over one small lemon and put on fire for 10 minutes. Next, you need to cool the lemon, cut it into slices and squeeze the juice out of them into the same water in which the lemon was boiled. Add two tablespoons of glycerin oil and ½ cup of honey to the liquid. This mixture should be taken several times a day, 2 tablespoons.

A patient with a cold needs to drink boiled milk, with the addition of:

  • alkaline mineral water;
  • honey;
  • anise oil;
  • turmeric;
  • soda;
  • figs

To quickly release sputum, you need to use a composition made from lingonberry juice and honey (you can use sugar syrup).

Medicines for cough with complex effects have a very negative effect on the condition of the liver. Therefore, it is better to treat the symptoms of the disease separately. Most often, doctors prescribe expectorant and suppressive medications to their patients.

Expectorants are very effective in getting rid of phlegm. Suppressive medications suppress only the cough reflex.

Preventive actions:

  1. Frequent hand washing.
  2. Use of a medical bandage when in contact with sick people.
  3. To give up smoking.
  4. Taking vitamins.
  5. Getting an annual flu vaccination.
  6. Drinking large amounts of liquid.

Before you start taking this or that drug, be sure to carefully read the instructions. Perhaps the medicine has contraindications and side effects that can seriously affect the patient’s general condition. It is better not to self-medicate; drug therapy, like folk remedies, can only be taken on the recommendation of a doctor, which is why it is said in the video in this article.

Severe cough in an adult: causes

When receptors in the tracheobronchial tree are irritated, adults may experience coughing attacks. A severe cough in an adult can be dry or wet, that is, with sputum production. It most often intensifies at night, when, due to a long horizontal position, mucus flows down the larynx, irritating it, causing a severe cough in an adult. The reasons for this symptom and the disease that provokes a severe cough are described in this article.

Severe cough in an adult: causes of the problem

A severe cough in an adult can develop for a number of reasons:

1. Bronchial asthma is accompanied by severe coughing attacks, most often this occurs at night. Given that the diaphragm muscles are constantly tense, the patient may experience pain in the chest and abdomen. The cough may subside after half an hour to an hour, then viscous sputum is coughed up.

2. A severe cough in an adult may not be infectious in nature, but the cough appears due to the entry of a foreign body into the respiratory tract, such as dust particles or crumbs. It ends when the pollution is removed from the lungs.

3. Whooping cough is a possible cause of a severe, convulsive cough. At first it manifests itself in the form of a common cold, but cannot be treated with conventional means, for example, mustard plasters, inhalations, and intensifies over time. Most often, severe coughing attacks in adults occur at night and may be accompanied by gagging. The disease lasts about six weeks, but depending on the individual characteristics of the body, in some adults it passes as acute bronchitis.

4. Sometimes severe attacks can occur with respiratory diseases of the airways, that is, the nasal cavity, pharynx, and larynx. The disease is accompanied by a dry “barking” cough. If the disease is treated correctly, then a severe cough will subside after 3 days; if left untreated, complications may appear in the form of bronchitis and pneumonia.

5. Acute bronchitis is accompanied by severe and frequent coughing attacks. The disease occurs due to inflammation of the bronchial mucosa; other symptoms may also appear, such as runny nose, sore throat, hoarseness, and fever. A dry cough develops first, severe attacks are more often observed at night, and after a few days it turns into a wet cough.

6. With laryngitis, the cough first appears dry, then turns into wet, which is accompanied by sputum production. Laryngitis is especially dangerous for young children: swelling of the mucous membrane can block the access of air to the larynx.

How to treat a very dry and severe cough in an adult?



Ambrobene, cough tablets....

Tian Vlad

Dog Fat 100% will definitely help you!!!

In the tank

Have you tried sinecode? if it's dry it will definitely help

Erna M

try taking Gelomirtol-Forte, it thins the mucus and it is easily removed.
Biseptol (be careful with it - antibiotic)
from folk remedies - coltsfoot decoction
Some people also recommend Ambrobene syrup, but it tastes too disgusting

Igor Baranov

rule out pneumonia, then stoptussin.


KODELAK-PHYTO syrup (it’s herbal, but powerful)

Alexander Vyazemsky

Cetraria, a decoction of figs with milk, rub the chest with lard or honey + salt + alcohol in equal parts, rub the chest and back overnight.

Alexey Lomakov

buy dry plantain, brew it like tea and drink
tastes like green tea
not disgusting at all
helps right away!

Mucaltin tablets - cheap and good help

Decoctions based on licorice and coltsfoot - but not tasty
plantain is much better and more effective!

Olga Bakhina

ACC for cough, it treats dry cough. Also rub yourself with interior lard: raccoon, dog, pork. You can also smear yourself with camphor oil or turpentine ointment. And wrap your chest with a warm scarf. Just be careful with camphor oil, you may be allergic to it


What's the reason for the cough? Did you do fluorography? Suddenly pneumonia?

Valentina Avdeeva

Inhalations with Prospan. The dry cough will probably go away. It is enough to complete the procedure for four days.

Ksyu Grabina

Ivy in effervescent tablets Prospan. Convenient to carry and drink at work, morning and evening. Removes mucus and clears the bronchi.

Most often painful and paroxysmal. Cough itself is a protective mechanism that allows you to clear the bronchi of accumulated mucus, as well as dust, viruses, germs, etc.

Cough is divided into dry and wet. A wet cough is easier, as it removes mucus from the bronchi and more often indicates a speedy recovery. A dry cough usually occurs at the onset of the disease. It does not lead to the removal of sputum.

A dry cough can accompany a variety of diseases. First of all, when a nonproductive dry cough occurs, infectious diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract are suspected. It is worth remembering that a cough is only a symptom, therefore, without identifying the causes of its occurrence, treatment is not prescribed.

If a dry cough does not clear the throat, lasts a long time and is accompanied by a number of other symptoms (hyperthermia, headache, chest pain, etc.), you should consult a doctor and undergo an urgent examination.

The most common causes of a nonproductive cough are:

  • Respiratory tract infections. A dry cough often appears in the initial stages of various respiratory infections, such as ARVI. With proper treatment, a dry cough quickly turns into a wet cough. After the sputum comes out, the cough goes away completely.
  • Reactive respiratory diseases. This includes diseases caused not by infection, but by other factors. For example, the cause of a dry cough may be bronchial asthma, smoker's bronchitis, or obstructive pulmonary disease.
  • Cardiac pathologies. There is such a thing as a “heart cough.” It is caused by insufficient blood circulation and nutrition of lung tissue. If there is a problem with the heart, it cannot pump enough blood. As a result, the activity of the lungs weakens, which leads to a reflex cough, which often worsens at night.
  • . A dry cough can also be caused by an allergic reaction. Most often, coughing attacks, choking and shortness of breath occur due to respiratory allergies to dust, pollen, and pet hair.
  • Gastroesophageal reflux. With reflux, some of the contents of the stomach enter the esophagus. This causes a lot of discomfort, as well as a cough, the true cause of which is difficult to determine.

The effectiveness of treatment depends on the correct identification of the causes of cough. In some cases, a dry cough is a side effect of taking medications. This is usually indicated in the instructions. To get rid of a cough, it is enough to stop taking the medications.

Danger signs and complications

Very often it is not the only symptom of the disease. It is accompanied by other signs that should not be ignored.

A prolonged dry cough can lead to various complications. For example, the disease can become chronic. A painful cough interferes with normal sleep and rest, leading to stress. A severe and hacking cough can provoke vomiting and lead to dehydration.

Dangerous signs include:

  1. High temperature. If the temperature rises above 38 degrees and lasts for a long time, you need to consult a doctor and find the source of the inflammatory process, to which the immune system most often reacts with hyperthermia.
  2. Hemoptysis. Blood in sputum is a dangerous sign that should not be ignored. A hysterical dry cough can lead to damage to the capillaries of the bronchi. Also, hemoptysis can be a sign of neoplasms.
  3. Pus in sputum. If a dry cough turns into a wet one, but the sputum has a greenish-yellow tint, this indicates a bacterial infection. This symptom often accompanies. Most often, pneumonia is also accompanied by hyperthermia and fever.
  4. Dyspnea. Shortness of breath, which occurs not only after physical exertion, but also at rest, requires examination. You especially need to pay attention to shortness of breath that appears in the lying position during sleep. This is usually a sign of a problem with the cardiovascular system.
  5. The appearance of edema. The occurrence of edema may indicate cardiac pathologies, impaired renal function, etc. If, along with a cough, swelling is detected in the legs and face, you should get tested.
  6. Painful sensations in the chest. If pain appears in the chest area during or after coughing attacks, you should consult a doctor and undergo an examination.

In some cases, a cough can signal a serious illness such as lung cancer. Typically, cancer is accompanied by causeless weight loss. To avoid unpleasant consequences and not to miss the onset of a serious illness, it is advisable to consult a doctor immediately when signs of illness appear.

Drug treatment

Before starting treatment, you need to see a doctor and get examined. may also be different. Sometimes sputum is still present in the bronchi, but it is so thick and viscous that the patient cannot cough it up. As a result, the cough is dry and unproductive, and phlegm continues to accumulate in the bronchi. In other cases, a dry cough is not accompanied by sputum production at all. The treatment required is different.

The drugs prescribed for cough directly depend on the cause of its occurrence. The most commonly prescribed medications for dry cough are:

  • Antibiotics. Antibacterial drugs are prescribed for bacterial infections (pneumonia, etc.). These drugs do not have any direct effect on cough, but they fight the causative agent of the disease, so with the right antibiotic, all symptoms begin to subside within a few days. Very often, taking antibiotics is combined with taking other drugs aimed directly at treating cough. For diseases of the respiratory system, Ciprofloxacin, Suprax, are most often prescribed.
  • Antiviral drugs. These drugs are effective when the first symptoms appear. They help stop the spread of a viral infection and its penetration into the lower respiratory tract. Among the antiviral drugs, the most common are Kagocel, Remantadine, Arbidol, Ergoferon,.
  • Expectorants. If the sputum is too thick, expectorants are prescribed to thin and remove the sputum. They do not eliminate the cough itself, but make it productive. As a result, the volume of sputum increases, making it easier to remove. For dry cough, it is most often prescribed.
  • Antitussive drugs. These drugs are prescribed only in the absence of sputum in the bronchi. They suppress the cough reflex and relieve coughing attacks. The group of similar drugs includes Sinekod, Libexin.

Also, in addition to treating the cough itself, medications are used to relieve other symptoms. Additionally, antipyretic drugs may be prescribed (if the temperature is above 38 degrees), immunostimulating drugs to activate one’s own immunity.

Folk remedies and inhalations

Folk remedies for treating cough can be quite effective, but they have a cumulative effect, which manifests itself only with long-term and regular use.

You should not expect an immediate effect from folk remedies. It is also necessary to remember that some herbs, oils, berries and fruits can cause severe allergies.

Among the folk remedies for treating dry cough are:

  1. Radish with honey. An old and effective way to soften your throat and get rid of a dry cough. The black radish needs to be cut to form a bowl. Liquid honey is poured inside and infused for several hours. This medicine can be consumed several spoons a day, washed down with tea or water.
  2. Milk with butter. A safe cough reliever is warm milk with butter. However, the milk should be warm, not hot, otherwise you can get a burn to the throat mucosa.
  3. Chamomile tea. Chamomile has anti-inflammatory properties, helps relieve redness of the throat, and relieves cough. Chamomile can be added to tea, and also gargled with a warm, clean decoction.
  4. Rubbing. Rubbing with ointments based on menthol and eucalyptus helps relieve coughs and acts as an inhalation. However, eucalyptus can cause allergies.

An effective and safe way to treat cough is inhalation with. This is inhalation using cold steam. Mineral water or is used as a remedy. On the recommendation of a doctor, you can add drugs to it.

Inhalation allows drugs to penetrate deep into the respiratory tract.

Dry cough, also known as non-productive cough, has different causes. It can occur in both adults and children.

To treat dry cough, drugs are mainly used that suppress cough by directly affecting the cough reflex. That is, this is not treatment as such, but symptomatic therapy aimed at reducing cough; this approach is effective, because in this situation the cough reflex does not benefit the body, and even on the contrary, it can cause complications in the form of pneumothorax and pneumomediastinum.

There are different ways to suppress (cure) dry cough in adults, each of which can be combined with each other.

Symptom Definition

Most often, a cough is accompanied by colds. A dry cough is unproductive, it is painful and is accompanied by a strong sore throat, but there is no sputum production.

Depending on the duration, cough is divided into four types: acute (less than two weeks), prolonged (two to four weeks), subacute (one to two months) and chronic (longer than two months).

With proper treatment, attacks of dry cough occur less and less often, and it turns into wet cough. Mucus and phlegm begin to be released. But if a dry cough does not go away, then you need to consult a specialist and change your treatment tactics. A pathological dry cough is accompanied by symptoms such as hoarseness, nausea, runny nose and nasal congestion, shortness of breath, enlarged lymph nodes in the neck, and weakness.

Types of cough

If you listen to a cough, you can hear its different shades and varieties. There are several types:

  1. Whooping cough is characterized by multiple coughing shocks, which are accompanied by a deep breath with a whistling sound.
  2. If it is not too intrusive, with short coughs, then it is called pharyngeal. In this case, the mucous membrane of the pharynx dries out or mucus accumulates at the entrance to the larynx.
  3. When you hear low tones with a gradual increase, this may be a symptom of tuberculosis.
  4. A barking cough appears with laryngitis and tracheitis. It occurs due to inflammation of the vocal cords. If a barking dry cough is accompanied by difficult, bubbling breathing, then these are manifestations of croup.
  5. A spasmodic cough indicates bronchial asthma. He is unproductive and intrusive. He appears closer to morning. This condition may indicate obstructive bronchitis, but without a series of attacks.
  6. During a cold, an obsessive whooping cough may appear.
  7. A metallic tint of a dry cough that appears during conversation or while eating may indicate a mental disorder, but this is diagnosed only after a serious examination.

Causes of severe cough

Various factors can provoke a severe dry cough in an adult. These include:

  1. Stressful situations and emotional experiences.
  2. Allergic reactions.
  3. Smoking when tobacco tar irritates the bronchi.
  4. Dust that causes itching in the respiratory tract.
  5. When a foreign body comes into contact with the mucous membrane, it has an irritating effect.
  6. Heart failure.
  7. Adverse reaction to medications.
  8. Oncological diseases.
  9. Thyroid diseases.
  10. Problems in the stomach and intestines, when a fistula of the esophageal-tracheal region forms and a reflex dry cough appears after eating.

Dry cough without fever in an adult

Infectious infections rarely go unnoticed in the human body. However, in our region there are still diseases that form and disappear without an increase in body temperature. For example:

  • parawhooping cough, which causes an obsessive, nonproductive cough at night;
  • rhinovirus rhinitis (runny nose), which provokes frequent coughing from exudate flowing into the throat;
  • an atypical flu of the most common subtype, H1N1, which brings prolonged bouts of “barking” unproductive tickling.

A dry cough without fever in an adult also occurs when:

  • oncology;
  • asthma and pericarditis;
  • dry pleurisy and pneumothorax;
  • pulmonary embolism;
  • relatively mild chemical poisonings;
  • aspiration (sucking in) of foreign bodies;
  • taking specific medications;
  • gastroesophageal reflux (reverse movement of stomach contents to the throat);
  • helminthic infestations.

Dry suffocating cough

A choking cough can be caused by many factors. This often happens when a foreign body enters the respiratory tract and the allergen irritates the mucous membrane. More often, the symptom indicates a serious illness, which includes:

  • bronchitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • heart failure;
  • pharengitotracheitis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • whooping cough;
  • oncological diseases;
  • laryngitisotracheitis

This cough is often observed in experienced smokers. Untreated chronic bronchitis can lead to secondary tuberculosis.


A severe cough in an adult can be a symptom of a whole range of diseases. To accurately determine what a particular patient is sick with, doctors use a number of diagnostic methods:

  1. A group of classical physical examination methods that the doctor will use if, for example, you call him at home: external examination of the patient, percussion, auscultation; palpation of the chest.
  2. Anamnesis collection, which involves a wide variety of questions from the presence of allergies to identifying relatives with tuberculosis.
  3. Fluorography is the simplest, cheapest and most informative method for determining the condition of the lungs and bronchial tree. Currently used as a screening test to detect tuberculosis and cancer. Every person needs to undergo fluorography every year.
  4. Spirography is testing the functional state of the respiratory system as a whole.
  5. Bronchoscopy is a specific and informative method that is performed for a more accurate diagnosis.
  6. Bacteriological analysis of the discharge, if any, followed by culture on nutrient media to determine sensitivity to antibiotics.

Review of cough medicines

All drugs known today are divided into three groups in terms of their action:

Expectorants the action of these drugs is aimed at facilitating expectoration of sputum. Thanks to this, the cough quickly turns into a wet cough. Examples of such remedies are: Solutan, Mucoltin, Bronholitin, Marshmallow Root, Licorice Root and many others.
Mucolytic drugs are intended to liquefy mucus that accumulates deep in the bronchi. Examples of the most effective drugs in this group are: Ambroxol, Bromhexine, ACC, Mesna and other drugs.
Antitussives The main goal of drugs in this group is to influence the cough center in the nervous system and eliminate all symptoms. Examples of such medications are: Libexin (also good for bronchitis) and Tusuprex.
Combination medications have expectorant and mucolytic effects at the same time. Examples of such drugs are: Doctor MOM, Codelac phyto and others.

If all of the above medications fail, and the cough becomes prolonged and debilitating, then the doctor may prescribe Ethylmorphine, Oxeladin, Codeine, Butamirate and other similar prescription medications.

Treatment of dry cough

Successful treatment of dry cough in adults that does not go away for a long time is based on an accurate diagnosis and elimination of the causes of each of them. All therapeutic measures are carried out under the careful supervision of a doctor!

General principles of relief include:

  • indoor air humidification;
  • plenty of warm drinks;
  • sucking lozenges (not necessarily based on herbal medicinal components), since this process stimulates the activity of the glands and the swallowing of saliva, which reflexively alleviates a coughing attack;
  • inhalation with saline solution.

To thin sputum during bronchitis, tablets and mucolytics (Ambroxol, Carbocysteine, ACC) can be used, while in young children their use is strictly prohibited, as well as expectorants (Mukaltin, Solutan).

Unproductive, debilitating, long-term, paroxysmal - may require the use of the following cough medications: mono- (Sinekod) or combined drugs (Stoptussin), as well as more serious medications (Codeine).

If the bacterial nature of the infectious disease is confirmed, appropriate antibiotics are prescribed (penicillin (Amoxicillin) or cephalosporin (Ceftriaxone) for staphylococcal or streptococcal infections, macrolides (Azithromycin, Clarithromycin) for chlamydia or mycoplasma).

Homeopathic and herbal remedies for dry cough:

  1. Stodal is another time-tested remedy for treating dry cough in adults quickly and inexpensively. The medicine has no contraindications, and adults need to take 15 mg up to 3 times a day.
  2. Bronchipret is a time-tested cough reflex syrup. Treatment is allowed even for pregnant women, and the list of contraindications is minimal. If you take a single dose at night, you will get the desired relief in the morning. It is recommended to take 20 drops three times a day.
  3. Gerbion is a herbal syrup for wet coughs, which is approved for use by adults and children. Plantain extract separates mucus and increases the protective properties of the immune system. Take 2 scoops at a time, 3-5 approaches per day.

Medicine for dry cough to thin sputum:

  1. Bronchicum is an expectorant for dry coughs, which comes in the form of a sweet syrup. Take a teaspoon up to 4 times a day. The course of treatment is 1-2 weeks.
  2. Cofanol is a combination drug of plant origin. If a dry cough appears in an adult, it is advisable to take 2 tablets up to 4 times a day.
  3. Tercodin is another answer to the question of what to drink for dry cough in adults. The drug thins sputum, the daily dose is 2 pills up to 3 times a day.

Approximate price of some products:

  • Ambroxol – 40 – 540 rubles;
  • Erespal – 212 – 253 rubles;
  • Gerbion – 145 – 340 rubles;
  • Stoptussin – 49 – 125 rubles;
  • Sinecode – 170 – 642 rubles;
  • Bronholitin – 53 – 90 rubles;
  • Amoxicillin - 10 – 846 rubles;
  • Ceftriaxone – 13 – 477 rubles;
  • Clarithromycin - 22 – 1487 rub.

Dry cough in adults always has a specific cause. Therefore, it is very important to conduct a thorough preliminary examination, based on the results of which adequate treatment will be prescribed.

What to do at home?

The success of therapeutic intervention is mutually related to establishing a diagnosis and eliminating causative factors. All measures must be carried out strictly under the supervision of the treating specialist. In essence, the treatment is symptomatic therapy aimed at reducing the reflex. Because in this situation there is a risk of complications.

Here are some general fundamental features of the therapy:

  1. Carrying out regular wet cleaning of the patient’s room;
  2. Ensuring control of the air temperature in the house (the main condition is not higher than 22 C);
  3. Application of appropriate therapeutic processes to the chest;
  4. Using a rational drinking regime (it is best to drink tea, water, Borjomi, warm milk);
  5. Non-use of aggressive detergents;
  6. Carrying out inhalations using steam, adding baking soda and herbal decoctions to the water;
  7. Compliance with the principle of special dietary nutrition with a sufficient number of calories.

There are many pharmaceutical products, these products have central and peripheral effects, but folk remedies are considered the most effective. They are also good in terms of safety of use.

Folk remedies

An excellent way to cure a severe dry cough in adults at home, if there is no fever, is warming up in a Russian bath using medicinal herbs and coniferous plants.

It is useful to breathe infusions taken in equal proportions of plants (2 tablespoons each, boil in 2 liters of water for 10 minutes):

  • chamomile, pine shoots, thyme, sage, eucalyptus shoots;
  • birch leaves, spruce shoots, juniper, black currant, thyme, sage, lemon balm;
  • St. John's wort, meadowsweet, mint, chamomile, sage, pine buds.

A bath for an adult who does not have heart disease provides a double healing effect - warming up combined with inhalation of moist warm air.

To soften sputum and improve its discharge, inhalations with soda, chamomile, and coltsfoot are used. Adults can use recipes that contain ingredients that increase blood circulation - pepper, ethyl alcohol.

  • mix 2 tablespoons of honey and vodka;
  • add egg yolk, mix;
  • drink 1 teaspoon before meals three times a day.

An adult will benefit from a medicine containing milk containing onions and garlic. To prepare the product, you need:

  • boil an onion with 1 head of garlic in 0.25 liters of milk;
  • add 1 teaspoon each of honey and mint juice;
  • drink 1 tablespoon every hour.

Coltsfoot, calendula and licorice have an antitussive effect. Honey is an effective remedy. It has a beneficial effect on the throat, enveloping it and reducing the symptoms. Honey can be used both independently and as part of a drink. To do this, the main ingredient is melted in a glass of warm milk. Honey along with grape juice speeds up the expectoration process.

Potato steam inhalations can not only eliminate a cough, but also a runny nose. To improve the effect, add a few drops of fir oil to boiled potatoes.

Steam inhalations based on mineral water have a beneficial effect on the human respiratory system. The effect is enhanced by lavender, mint and cedar oil. A decoction of chamomile and sage has a good effect.


The best prevention of dry cough is a healthy lifestyle and giving up bad habits:

  1. Drink more fluids.
  2. Observe labor safety conditions. If you encounter occupational hazards at work, always use personal protective equipment - gas masks, masks, etc.
  3. Temper yourself, try not to get colds or prevent their complications.
  4. Humidify the air in the room you are in for a long time. The air should be cool, however, you should not abuse air conditioners, much less be under them when they are running.
  5. Avoid contact with allergens if you know they exist.

If you smoke, you need to stop smoking. You should not be in the same room as smokers. It is also recommended to avoid drinking alcoholic beverages, which severely injure the larynx.



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