What foods are slow carbohydrates? Slow carbohydrates - substances necessary for daily consumption

When starting to lead a healthy lifestyle, the first thing you need to pay attention to is: proper nutrition. For healthy and rational nutrition a person must consume sufficient quantity all components of waste products. If you do not consume enough carbohydrates, proteins and fats will not be completely broken down and absorbed in the body. In addition, they ensure the full functioning of the brain. Slow carbohydrates are the main source of energy for the body. Their share of the total calories per day should be at least 40%.

What are slow or complex carbohydrates?

The rate of digestion and processing into glucose divides carbohydrates into two types: slow (or complex) and fast. The rate at which the body receives glucose and saturates the blood with it is called the glycemic index (GI). Fast ones have a GI of more than 70, and slow ones have a GI of less than 40. Complex carbohydrates belong to polysaccharides. They consist of fructose, glucose and other monosaccharides. They ensure complete breakdown of proteins and fats, provide energy to the body, and improve the function of the liver and brain.

Slow or complex carbohydrates are found in foods containing a lot of fiber. It significantly improves the digestion process and normalizes blood glucose levels. Consuming foods containing complex carbohydrates over a long period of time saturates with energy, improves mood, general health, promotes less calorie consumption. Their molecules contain several thousand monosaccharides, which slowly break down, releasing energy. Let's figure out what this type of carbohydrate is:

  • Starch. This polysaccharide takes a long time to break down in the intestines, slowly being processed into glucose. It maintains normal blood sugar levels for a long time.
  • Glycogen. If it is not supplied enough from food, the body extracts this monosaccharide from fats and proteins. This substance is indispensable for human body, it gives energy to the liver, heart, muscular system.
  • Cellulose. This most important source carbohydrates: effectively cleanses the body of toxins, harmful substances, cholesterol. This happens due to its incomplete digestion by the intestines and stimulation of peristalsis. Eating fiber is a good prevention of intestinal diseases and also prevents the process of rotting.
  • Cellulose. This plant polysaccharide is slowly broken down by the gastrointestinal tract, releasing large amounts of energy. It has the ability to maintain normal blood sugar levels for a long time.
  • Insulin. Plant insulin is acquired through the breakdown of fructose. Artichoke and chicory contain its maximum vegetable amount. It is used as a safe sugar substitute for diabetics.

Sources of slow carbohydrates

Exist certain products, rich in slow or complex carbohydrates, they are their sources. By consuming such food, you will maintain a feeling of fullness for a long time, and glucose, which gradually enters the blood, will give you energy for a long time. This will allow you to reduce the number of calories you consume, and as a result, will lead to healthy weight loss by burning fat deposits. Their sources include:

  1. Starch.
  2. Cereals.
  3. Cereals, porridge (except semolina).
  4. Legumes (beans, peas, soybeans, lentils, beans).
  5. Pasta made from durum wheat.
  6. Wild rice.
  7. Mushrooms.
  8. Greens (sorrel, spinach, parsley, lettuce).
  9. Vegetables (zucchini, avocado, onion, bell pepper, all types of cabbage, tomatoes, leeks).
  10. Fruits (apples, pears, peaches, cherries, apricots, grapefruits, oranges, kiwis, plums).
  11. Berries.

Slow or complex carbohydrates are most found in porridges - buckwheat, oatmeal, pearl barley. Doctors recommend eating these cereals for breakfast or lunch, so you will be charged with energy and strength for the whole day, and you will not feel hungry for several hours. Have supper better products, having increased content proteins.

The importance of slow carbohydrates for weight loss

If you regularly eat foods rich in slow or complex carbohydrates, you will not only be able to cleanse yourself of toxins and reduce the amount of cholesterol in your blood, but you will also lose significant weight without resorting to grueling diets or hard training.

The process of losing weight occurs due to full use received energy to maintain normal functioning body. Fast carbohydrates immediately release a large amount of energy, which is extremely difficult to use up as quickly, so unused energy is stored in the form of fat accumulation.

There is an opinion that to lose weight you need to exclude from your diet foods that contain many fast sources of energy (complex carbohydrates). However, nutritionists say that for good nutrition you need to get enough of them. In order to lose weight, it is advisable to replace the consumption of fast carbohydrates with slow ones. The body absorbs them at a low rate, gradually gaining energy. This food is ideal for hearty breakfast or lunch. Watch a video about the importance of complex carbohydrates for weight loss:

Table: List of foods with slow carbohydrates

Glycemic index(GI) is an indicator of the rate of breakdown of carbohydrates and their conversion into glucose, that is, into the main source of energy. Knowing this index, you can exclude foods containing fast carbohydrates from your diet, as well as add foods rich in slow ones. Scientists have conducted numerous studies, and based on their results, the glycemic index of some common food products was calculated.

For ease of use, a table was created that contains a list of products with their GI. Products that contain complex carbohydrates, also called slow carbohydrates, have a GI of less than 69, which gives you the opportunity to visually assess which ones are worth including in your diet and which ones are easier to avoid.

Slow carbohydrates are an excellent source of energy for the body, its cleansing, and full functioning. They are absolutely necessary for a complete balanced diet, as well as active, healthy image life. This the only way saturate the body for a long time without the risk of fat deposits. By constantly eating food containing these components, you will always be cheerful and healthy, being in excellent physical shape.

Find out more information about what they are and how beneficial they are for the body.

Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for the body. The carbohydrate classification table will look like this:

The first type is characterized by a high glycemic index, i.e. carbohydrates are very quickly broken down into monosaccharides and absorbed into the blood; low - accordingly, slow breakdown and absorption occurs.

Only when they are deficient does the body begin to use fats and proteins. But this should not be allowed, because due to the lack nutrients, leads to accumulation harmful products in the blood, weakness, drowsiness, headaches and dizziness appear.

Variety of complex carbohydrates

A standard human diet should consist of 50-60% carbohydrates. In turn, approximately 80% of them should be complex and 20% fast carbohydrates. Why is this and not the other way around?

Often, fast carbohydrates prevail over slow carbohydrates in our food list. Fast carbohydrates break down in the body within short period time. Accordingly, they also quickly increase blood sugar levels and insulin release. Insulin, in turn, converts sugar into fat.

Then, there is vicious circle, in which a person is constantly forced to consume sweets, which leads to obesity, atherosclerosis, stroke and other “joys” of life. It is natural that with these diseases there can be no talk of losing weight or maintaining an athletic shape.

Many diseases caused by obesity are causes of death. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to complex carbohydrates.

They long time are broken down in the body, saturating it with essential nutrients, and are also used in diets for weight loss.

This table provides a list slow carbohydrates contained in products necessary for the stable functioning of the body:

Let's look at each of them separately.


Fiber is the plant fiber that makes up fruits and vegetables, legumes and cereal crops. It can be coarse or softer (water soluble). The latter, when it enters the body and absorbs water, swells and because of this, after consuming foods with a lot of fiber, you feel full. In addition, it reduces the rate of absorption gastrointestinal tract. This allows you to keep sugar in a stable background, preventing its fluctuations. Coarse fiber acts as an absorbent and absorbs toxic substances, removing them from the body. The body requires 35-50 grams of this substance per day.


Here it’s worth making an amendment right away - stable or resistant starch is truly beneficial for the body. It includes 4 various types, which are contained in the following list of products, along with other slow carbohydrates:


One of the most common plant carbohydrates is found in sugar beets and cotton seeds.


It is part of glucose and when there is a lack of it in the body, it plays the role of the third source of energy for the body out of four. It comes into operation after using ATP and creatine. IN large quantities found in honey, chocolate, dates, raisins, fruit juices, persimmon, fig.


Natural polysaccharide, passed various degrees purification and is a complex carbohydrate. It has no taste or smell. It acts similarly to fiber, removing various waste from the body. IN large quantities found in cherries, quinces, pears, carrots, pumpkins, eggplants, etc.


Improves the overall functioning of the intestines, its role is close to vegetable fiber. Cleanses blood vessels from cholesterol. Helps in the treatment of various oncological diseases. Especially a lot of it is needed when overweight bodies. In pharmaceuticals it is necessary to improve the condition skin, nails and hair. Found in squid, crayfish, shrimp, lobster and mushrooms.


Its sources are grains and legumes, fruit peel. Used biologically active additives for weight loss. Despite the active promotion of these products to the masses, they receive mixed reviews from consumers and their effectiveness has been questioned.

Thus, we can display a basic list of foods containing a lot of slow carbohydrates using a table:

As you can see, there are no chips, crackers, soda, fast food, etc. here. This is not surprising, because these products are extremely harmful to the body. This table can also be used as a list of foods with slow carbohydrates for weight loss or cutting.

Consumption of simple and complex carbohydrates as part of the training process

We looked at the main sources of complex carbohydrates and their types. It's time to talk about the intricacies of training and the diet of simple and complex carbohydrates.

When training, you should follow a number of rules so as not to ruin your body:

  1. You should not do this in the morning on an empty stomach. intensive training. The maximum is a light jog in the range of 15 to 20 minutes, as well as stretching and warming up. The glycogen depot tends to quickly deplete and you risk remaining a “vegetable” for a long period of time.
  2. You need to eat 3-4 hours before intense physical activity. The amount of carbohydrates entering the body with food, in this case, should be up to 4 grams per kilogram of body weight. Products must have an average glycemic index, i.e. it should be: pasta; cereals (oatmeal, buckwheat).
  3. The closer the workout, the less food you can afford. Maximum - an hour before training, take a meal at the rate of 1 gram of carbohydrates per kilogram of body weight. Carbohydrates should only be with a high glycemic index, i.e. simple. Products that contain simple carbohydrates include low-fat yogurt, kefir, jam, preserves.

Go ahead. If your workout lasts more than an hour at a high level of intensity, then you will have to deal with depletion of glycogen stores. In this case, the tactics of intermediate nutrition should be applied. Since, to replenish costs from natural food will be needed big list products, drinks containing fast and slow carbohydrates, with a concentration of 6-8%, 250 ml every 20 minutes, are best suited for you.

Thus, it is possible to solve a two-pronged problem - to combat dehydration of the body, that is, with excessive loss of fluid, and to close the glycogen depot to prevent a decrease in the body's endurance and performance.

What to do after training? It is believed that the sooner you begin to replenish expenses after training, the better, because this priority task body. The ideal option would be to consume up to 100 grams of carbohydrates in drinks within half an hour. Why them? After exhausting work, there is no feeling of hunger and it is very difficult to absorb required amount useful substances. But here, the mixture should contain 10 grams of protein per 100 grams of carbohydrates. You won’t be able to drink it in one gulp; it’s better to do it gradually.


Consider a list of foods with slow carbohydrates included in one of the diets. IN in this example An option for mass gain will be given.


This is what a table with a list of classic breakfast products will look like: correct content carbohydrates:

You should start with oatmeal. Great source necessary substances, for the body. If you want to eat bread, then the best option There will be black whole grain bread with low-fat cheese. You can also use cottage cheese, but again - with low content fats. Another option involves using buckwheat, as great alternative oatmeal.


It will include a list of the following products:

For lunch, you should eat pasta as the most popular source of slow carbohydrates. You can prepare up to 500 grams of pasta (350 grams of slow carbohydrates), but it will be difficult to eat. The optimal start would be to start with 5 grams of carbohydrates per 1 kilogram of weight, since it is difficult to immediately adhere to the recommended norm of 7 grams. For taste, you can pour lecho into them - a dish of Hungarian cuisine that has become very popular in European countries.

Pasta can be replaced with rice. These two products have minimal negative impact on the body and contribute not only to weight gain, but also to weight loss. Wild rice stands out in particular because it retains more nutrients than regular white rice.


For dinner you can try broccoli with tuna and soy sauce, as a complete source of protein and carbohydrates. But not everyone can afford such food. Therefore, in the evenings you can eat according to the following table:

Thus, we have analyzed the list of foods containing slow carbohydrates, their types and diet for weight loss. Of course, you don’t need to completely give up simple carbohydrates, but it’s not recommended to overdo it with them either. Their share of carbohydrates in the diet should be no more than 30%. In addition, as you probably noticed, they are virtually completely absent from the evening menu, and slow ones dominate there, which allow the body to maintain optimal shape with high energy efficiency and promote weight loss.

All people want to be healthy and beautiful. But not every person knows how to achieve this. Our first action is to analyze our diet. It’s not for nothing that they say: “We are what we eat.” Carbohydrates are the direct fuel for the human body. But how to choose the right and useful ones? What are they? What products do they contain?

Biological role of carbohydrates

The human body is a kind of perpetual motion machine that requires a constant supply of fuel. The last thing is food, or more precisely, the carbohydrates (sugars or saccharides) contained in it. As a result of the oxidation of one gram of it, a little more than 4 kcal of energy and 0.4 g of water are released. This is enough for 1 second of running with maximum speed. In general, it is believed that the life activity of an average person requires from 1500 to 1700 kcal per day. But the energy function of carbohydrates, although the most important, is not the only one.

Saccharides provide regulation osmotic pressure blood. This is manifested in the fact that it contains more than 100 mg/% glucose (the simplest form of carbohydrates).

These organic substances are part of complex molecules involved in building DNA. And they perform a plastic function.

From carbohydrates are formed cell receptors, responsible for the perception of external stimuli.

As for the support function, in the human body their share ranges from 2-3% of body weight. For comparison: the dry mass of plants consists of 80% carbohydrates. That is why the main source of these organic matter For humans it is plant food.

Classification of carbohydrates

Indivisible structural units Each carbohydrate contains saccharides. Depending on their quantity, they are distinguished:

  • monosaccharides, or monomers (contain one structural unit);
  • disaccharides (contain two monosaccharides);
  • oligosaccharides (contain from two to ten structural units - monosaccharides);
  • polysaccharides (contain more than ten monosaccharides).

In addition, according to the ability to break down into the smallest components, all types of saccharides are divided into slow and fast carbohydrates or simple and complex. Slow ones include oligo- and polysaccharides, and fast ones include mono- and disaccharides.

The most famous monosaccharides are glucose and fructose, disaccharides are sucrose (common sugar), polysaccharides are starch and cellulose (a component of cell membranes higher plants).

Glycemic index: the rate at which carbohydrate foods are converted into glucose

Chemical processes in the body convert any type of carbohydrate into the final product of absorption - glucose. In order to characterize the rate of its production from foods containing sugar, the concept of glycemic index (GI) was introduced.

For glucose, it is equal to the maximum, that is, 100. As for other foods, the higher the GI, the faster the blood sugar level rises after eating them. And vice versa. It is customary to distinguish three gradations of the glycemic index:

  • low (10-40);
  • medium (40-60);
  • high (60-100).

It is preferable for people to consume foods with slow carbohydrates, that is, with a low GI. Unfortunately, domestic manufacturers do not care about what GI their products have, but this index can be found quite often on the packaging of European food products.

Slow carbohydrates - the basis of the food pyramid

Developed by nutritionists, the food pyramid (or food pyramid) suggests that the food that forms its base should make up the majority (about 65%) daily diet person.

At the very bottom of this pyramid are three food groups, namely fruits, vegetables and grains. As we already know, the mentioned plant sources nutrition gives a person the desired slow carbohydrates that smoothly saturate the blood with glucose. This ensures a measured supply of energy between meals. In this case, the processing of proteins and fats occurs without failure, and the pancreas does not overdo it, since there is no need to produce excess insulin to “process” glucose.

Carbohydrate foods are best absorbed by the body in the first half of the day - for breakfast and lunch. It is recommended to have a protein meal for dinner.

To facilitate the formation of a rational menu, you can make a list of food products containing slow carbohydrates. The list of such products is a kind of cheat sheet, having it in front of your eyes every day, preparing a varied and nutritious menu will not be at all difficult. Over time, choice proper food will become a habit.

Slow carbohydrates: food list

Vegetables, fruits, legumes and grains are considered sources of complex sugars.

For smooth functioning of the body, products from each of the above groups are recommended to be consumed for breakfast and lunch. The ratio of vegetables and fruits is taken to be 3:2. One serving is 150 g, so you need to eat about 450 g of vegetables and 300 g of fruit per day.

Let's take a closer look at the list of food products containing slow carbohydrates. List of products - a table that includes not only relevant food sources, but also their glycemic index. TO eating right We will include those food products that have a low and medium GI, because they do not lead to sudden surges in blood sugar.

Healthy vegetables and fruits

Having a low GI level, vegetables and fruits supply the body with vitamins, minerals, trace elements and fiber, which contributes to efficient work gastrointestinal tract. Such products suppress appetite, provide little energy and thereby stimulate the body's resources to break down existing fats. Thanks to sharing Vegetables and fruits can reduce the calorie content of dishes with a high glycemic index.

Slow carbohydrates: table of vegetables (legumes) and fruits


Glycemic index

Parsley, basil

Mushrooms, garlic, lettuce, lettuce, tomatoes, green peppers, raw onions, fresh cabbage, broccoli, greens

Brussels sprouts, poached zucchini, stewed and pickled white cabbage, boiled cauliflower, green onions, leeks, red peppers, radishes, turnips, black currants, soybeans, asparagus, cauliflower stewed, spinach

Fresh apricots, cherry plums, lingonberries, cherries, sweet cherries, crushed yellow peas, grapefruit, blackberries, seaweed, fresh cucumbers, plums, soybeans, blueberries, prunes, lentils

Dried apricots, oranges, green bananas, black beans, white currants, dry green peas, pomegranate, pear, sprouted rye grains, figs, cauliflower, strawberries, red currants, raspberries, young peas, raw carrots, nectarine, sea buckthorn, green beans, apples

Grapes, blueberries, canned green peas, green beans, green pea, strawberries, strawberries, coconut, gooseberries, tangerines, white beans,

Bananas, sweet potatoes, canned sweet corn, mango, papaya, persimmon

Healthy grains

Cereal products can be called the “golden mean” among food products, since they provide a lot of energy, but at the same time saturate the body with it quite slowly.

But it should be remembered that cereal porridges instant cooking and porridge with flavoring additives lose their “useful” properties due to the presence of simple sugars and excessive grinding of the grain.

Slow Carbs: List of Grain Products


Glycemic index

Pearl barley porridge on water, rice bran

Quinoa, maize

Buckwheat porridge crumbly, oatmeal sticky on water cereals raw, wheat cereals, barley cereals

Buckwheat porridge on water, brown rice, oatmeal cookies, bran, pearl barley porridge crumbly, millet viscous and crumbly porridge on water, wild rice, barley porridge

Fast carbohydrates - potential fat

The tip of the iceberg called the “food pyramid” consists of food ingredients that should be consumed extremely rarely, as they say, on holidays. And these foods are rich in fast carbohydrates, which contribute to excess weight gain. Yes, it turns out that 90% of body fat is formed by saccharides, and not fats from food, as we all used to think.

The harm of fast carbohydrates is that they very sharply increase blood sugar levels, provoking the release of excessive amounts of insulin, the main task of which is to reduce the concentration of glucose in the blood. In this case, the pancreas begins to suffer, because overproduction insulin exhausts her.

Insulin is also called the “weight hormone.” And for good reason. Having started working with glucose, it catalyzes its conversion into glycogen - a storage carbohydrate that is deposited in the liver and muscles. If a new portion of fuel does not enter the body for some time, glycogen will again break down into glucose and provide the person with the necessary energy. But constant overeating will eventually cause it to turn into fat, and weight gain is guaranteed.

To control your intake of “bad” carbohydrates, have a list of fast and slow carbohydrates within easy reach.

Foods that contain fast carbohydrates

Products with a high (above 60) GI include mainly products made from white flour (baked goods and pasta), refined rice, confectionery, carbonated drinks, alcohol and... potatoes, due to the high concentration of starch.

List of foods containing fast carbohydrates


Glycemic index

Couscous, instant oatmeal, croissants, instant noodles, pasta, wheat flour, dried fruit compote, boiled potatoes

Semolina porridge, millet, millet, steamed white rice, pancakes, wheat bagel, sponge cake, custard, shortbread, donuts, carbonated drinks, fried zucchini, beets

Popcorn, loaf, rolls, muesli, tapioca, rice bread, cornflakes, boiled carrots

Instant rice porridge, White bread, hot dog bun, fried white croutons, rice flour, beer, fried potatoes, baked potatoes

Benefits of fast carbohydrates

Despite the high GI, simple sugars still have some positive qualities. The most important thing is their ability to quickly fill the body with energy and provide a surge of strength. Athletes often use this property.

After grueling workouts, muscle glycogen stores are depleted, which can lead to trembling arms and legs, a general loss of strength and cold sweats. Insulin release will help quickly replenish glycogen reserves. As mentioned earlier, this can be triggered by a sharp increase in blood sugar concentration. Along with insulin, amino acids and other substances enter the muscles. useful material, promoting the formation of protein - building material. It is these features carbohydrate metabolism used by bodybuilders to build muscle mass.

Carbohydrate diet for weight loss

The principle of the carbohydrate diet is quite simple: it is necessary to control the amount of sugar consumed in food so as not to cause excess unspent energy, which will subsequently settle in the form of fat deposits.

In no case should you skip main meals, since a prolonged lack of fuel will give the body a signal to store it for future use. And this, again, excess weight.

Choose foods with low and medium GI more often, limit the consumption of ordinary sugar and other sweets, and increase physical activity.

At first, a special table of fast and slow carbohydrates will help, and over time, taking care of your health will become an invariable part of your new life.

Doctors, nutritionists, sports trainers/fitness instructors often talk about so-called slow carbohydrates, the glycemic index, and problems of body fat. Have you already encountered problems with your own metabolism? Or do you simply not want them to arise? Then it will be very useful to understand what slow carbohydrates are and why they are important.

Why was the glycemic index invented?

For any action, be it physical or mental, we need energy. It is given to us by carbohydrates that come with food. Some are absorbed almost instantly, others take a long time.

For orientation in this speed of assimilation, a scale from zero to one hundred was adopted. The rate on this scale is called the glycemic index (GI); it makes it possible to better identify some of the subtleties and problems of metabolism.

Carbohydrates, depending on the time they are absorbed by the body, began to be called fast (simple) - with a GI > 70, or slow (complex) - with a GI< 40.

Their role in our lives is also different.

Carbohydrates and metabolism

Imagine: the human diet is dominated by... Then the level of glucose in the blood increases sharply at times. If the load on the body is small, excess carbohydrates are converted into fat reserves.

This risk group includes unbridled lovers of candy, baked goods, sweet flavored soda, as well as potatoes, instant cereals, and many other “goodies.” If there are few slow carbohydrates in the diet, metabolic problems inevitably begin: excess weight and accompanying diseases appear.

Conclusion: slow carbohydrates are preferable. They take some time to be absorbed by the body. Energy is released gradually, and the risk of excess energy is reduced.

Did a fitness trainer rate your diet as “too carb-heavy”? Or is the doctor/nutritionist concerned because he has diagnosed you as overweight? It is possible that the following recommendation will be received:

  • for weight loss;
  • to optimize training;
  • in order to improve the general condition

you will have to adjust your diet and enrich it with slow carbohydrates, that is, foods (dishes) with low GI.

Composition and properties of slow carbohydrates

What are the benefits of slow carbohydrates for? human body? Let's consider the components of this chemical compound - monosaccharides:

  1. Glycogen. Transformed by the liver into glucose. If the body is catastrophically short of energy (carbohydrates), it takes glycogen from its own fat and protein reserves.
  2. Cellulose. Without it, the full functioning of the intestinal tract is impossible. But it is good peristalsis that helps the body regularly and fully cleanse itself of everything useless. With a lack of fiber, they develop all kinds of diseases Not only the gastrointestinal tract, metabolism as a whole also suffers.
  3. Starch. He “commands” the enzymes that are responsible for the gradual absorption of glucose by the body. It is thanks to starch that we are largely protected from sudden and harmful surges in blood sugar.
  4. Insulin. The most important chemical compound for a complete metabolism. Just a hundred years ago, people whose bodies did not produce or absorb insulin (that is, diabetics) were doomed.

We conclude: products with slow carbohydrates improve our digestion, do not allow blood glucose levels to sharply increase/decrease, maintain a feeling of fullness longer and at the same time keep energy at the required level. More slow carbohydrates means fewer “empty” calories, which means your weight will remain normal.

Updating the product list

When reviewing own diet and switching to slow carbohydrates, some difficulties are possible at first. They will be minimal if you have a special table at hand (given below). For convenience, food products are arranged taking into account the increasing GI. Our table presents the most current and reliable data.


Grocery list GI
Avocado 10
Lettuce (leaf/lettuce) 15
Onion 15
Cabbage 15
Mushrooms 15
Broccoli 15
Black currant 15
Walnuts 15
Bran 15
Dried soybeans 15
Peanut 15
Carrot 20
Eggplant 20
Dark chocolate 20
Cherry 22
Green lentils 25
Grapefruit 25
Dry peas 25
Strawberry 25
Barley groats 25
Pumpkin seeds 25
Dried apricots 30
White beans 30
Yellow lentils 30
Pearl barley (cooked in water) 30
Garlic 30
Soy milk 30
Natural milk, fat content 2% 30
Tomatoes 30
Pears 34
Sunflower seeds 35
Plum 35
Green bananas 35
Apricots (fresh) 35
Apples 35
Figs 35
Oranges 35
Yogurt (any fat content) without additives 35
Ice cream with soy milk 35
Chickpeas 35
Wild rice 35
Fresh green peas 35
Chinese vermicelli 35
Red beans 35
Sesame seeds 35
Almond 38
Pasta (al dente) made from whole wheat flour 40
Whole grain sourdough bread 40
Fresh orange/apple/carrot 40
Peanut butter (no sugar) 40
Oatmeal (raw) 40

How radically will you have to change the list for a grocery store? It all depends on specific situation. Fast carbohydrates are absolutely necessary after serious physical activity. Otherwise, loss of strength cannot be avoided. This is where high GI foods come in handy - they are quickly absorbed and replenish lost strength. And here sedentary people and for anyone who wants to lose weight, it is advisable to exclude or significantly reduce such foods and base their diet on slow carbohydrates. But the final decision should come from the attending physician and/or nutritionist.

Complex carbohydrates are good to consume in the morning; they help process proteins and fats and are a source of glucose, the “fuel” for our brain. These carbohydrates are an essential part of the diet. healthy person and growing children's organisms.

But even such products, ideal from the point of view of usefulness, can cause serious harm to your body - it’s painful to hit your figure with sagging barrels and clothes cracking at the seams. Therefore, today we will talk about carbohydrates, the importance of their role in our lives and when their role is sometimes exaggerated.

All existing carbohydrates are usually divided into two groups:

  • Slow (complex, polysaccharide) - these are the ones that are useful. They conquer hunger, fill physical strength and emotional calm;
  • Fast (simple, monosaccharide, disaccharide) - rolls, chocolate cakes, white bread, cookies and other flour and sweet junks that burn through our body so quickly and stupidly that, not being properly processed, they go straight to our fat reserves.

Today I will go into detail about slow carbohydrates. So,

What is the principle of action of “correct” carbohydrates?

Carbohydrates - main source energy of the human body of any age. In the stomach, carbohydrates are broken down into glucose. Glucose from the intestines enters the cells of muscles, tissues, and most importantly, the brain. All this is necessary to meet the energy needs of the body. Excess glucose is stored in “reserve” - in liver cells and muscles in the form of glycogen. But there is one literally fat “BUT”. If carbohydrates stored in reserve are not burned in a timely manner, they automatically lead to excess weight gain.

Detailed video about carbohydrates, how they exist, what they contain and much more:

What is the fundamental difference between slow and fast carbohydrates?

Simple carbohydrates are converted into energy too quickly and only satisfy short-term needs energy needs, while the glucose they contain provokes an “explosion” in blood sugar levels and is instantly converted into fat. Simple carbohydrates these are fructose, glucose, sucrose and maltose.

Complex carbohydrates take much longer to digest, providing a lasting release of energy to muscles, brain and cells internal organs. In complex carbohydrate foods high content vitamins and fiber, which helps us always be slim, fit and healthy. Complex carbohydrates are pectin, fiber, glycogen and starch.

What foods are sources of complex carbohydrates?

  1. All legumes except soybeans;
  2. Cereals, except semolina and white rice(instead of white, preferably brown, unprocessed rice);
  3. Corn;
  4. Whole wheat pasta;
  5. Whole grain grain bread coarse with bran;
  6. Fruits - kiwi, grapefruit, apples, pears, oranges, avocados and peaches;
  7. Berries (raspberries and cherries);
  8. Dried fruits;
  9. Vegetables (any type of cabbage, tomatoes, zucchini, bell peppers, onions, leeks, green beans);
  10. Greens (lettuce, parsley, dill, green onions, spinach);
  11. Mushrooms.

List of foods containing slow carbohydrates table

Low glycemic index foods (suitable for any meal)

Dried apricots 35 Amaranth 35
Anona 35 Chocolate bar without sugar Montignac) 35
Smooth peach, nectarine (fresh fruit) 35 Cassoulet (French dish) 35
Celery root (raw) 35 Quince (fresh fruit) 35
Creamy ice cream (fructose) 35 Falafel (chickpea) 35
Figs, Opuntia fruits (fresh fruit) 35 Chickpea flour 35
Adzuki beans 35 Pomegranate (fresh fruit) 35
White beans, cannellini 35 Borlotti beans 35
Red beans 35 Black beans 35
Zhorzhzhi 35 Tomato juice 35
Flax-seed 35 Brewer's yeast 35
Sesame, poppy 35 Wild corn 35
Mustard 35 Orange (fresh fruit) 35
Sprouted grain bread 35 Peach (fresh fruit) 35
Chickpeas (canned) 35 Green peas (fresh) 35
Apple (fresh fruit) 35 Apple (compote, stewed) 35
Plum (fresh fruit) 35 Dried apples 35
Quinoa 35 Sugar-free almond paste 35
Tomato sauce without sugar 35 Wild rice 35
Sunflower seeds 35 Dried tomatoes 35
Wasa crispbread (24% fiber) 35 Durum wheat vermicelli 35
Yogurt (natural) 35 Soy yogurt (flavored) 35
Apricot (fresh fruit) 30 Whole grain bread Montignac 34
Beetroot (raw) 30 Garlic 30
Cottage cheese **(natural) 30 Carrots (raw) 30
Green beans, green beans 30 passion fruit 30
Oat milk (raw) 30 Soy milk 30
Powdered milk** 30 Almond milk 30
Brown lentils 30 Milk** (any fat content) 30
Tangerines, clementines 30 Yellow lentils 30
Turnip (raw) 30 Marmalade (no sugar) 30
Pear (fresh fruit) 30 Grapefruit (fresh fruit) 30
Kozelets, oat root 30 Chickpeas 30
Soy vermicelli 30 Tomatoes 30
Goji berries 25 Blueberry 25
Dark chocolate (>70% cocoa) 25 Cherry 25
Flajole beans 25 Soy flour 25
Raspberries 25 Strawberry 25
Red currants 25 Pumpkin seeds 25
Mungo beans (soy) 25 Gooseberry 25
Green lentils 25 Hummus 25
Barley 25 Blackberry 25
Chopped peanuts (no sugar) 25 Peas Dry 25
Almond paste (no sugar) 25 Ground hazelnuts (hazelnuts) into paste 25
Eggplant 20 Artichoke 20
Acerola 20 Cocoa powder (no sugar) 20
Lemon 20 Dark chocolate (>85% cocoa) 20
Palm pulp (core) 20 Confiture without sugar Montignac 20
Almond flour 20 Hazelnut flour 20
Lemon juice 20 Fructose Montignac 20
Ratatouille 20 Bamboo shoots 20
Dry products (soy meat, etc.) 20 Soy sauce 20
Agave syrup 15 Soy yogurt (natural) 20
Asparagus 15 Almond 15
Broccoli 15 Chard, Swiss chard 15
Celery stalks 15 Peanut 15
Champignons, mushrooms 15 Cereal sprouts (soybeans, wheat) 15
Sauerkraut 15 Cauliflower 15
Brussels sprouts 15 Cabbage 15
Gherkins, pickled cucumbers 15 Cucumber 15
Shallot 15 Zucchini, zucchini 15
Spinach 15 Endive 15
Ginger 15 Fennel 15
Black currant 15 Cereal germs 15
Lupine 15 Green peas 15
Walnuts 15 Hazelnuts 15
Onion 15 Cashew 15
Sorrel 15 Olives 15
Physalis 15 Pesto 15
Pimento 15 Pine nuts 15
Leek 15 Pistachios 15
Bell pepper 15 Chicory vegetable 15
Radish 15 Carob powder 15
Green salad (different types) 15 Rhubarb 15
Bran (wheat, oat...) 15 Soybeans 15
Tofu (soy) 15 Tempeh (fermented soy product) 15
Pasta Montignac 10 Avocado 10
Lobster, crab, lobster 5 Spaghetti Montignac 10
Vinegar 5 Spices 5

What's happened glycemic index?

This is an indicator of the rate of breakdown of saccharides. The glycemic index of slow carbohydrate foods is low. That is why they slowly increase blood sugar levels. Products with low rate glycemic index do not begin to be absorbed immediately as they enter our mouths, but are slowly absorbed through the intestinal walls. Thus in the blood there is no sharp jump carbohydrates. As a result, insulin is at normal levels, mood is normal, there is no fat.

How and in what quantity should you consume carbohydrates?

Carbohydrates are the basis of the diet, starting with breakfast. Perfect option– oatmeal with fruits and dried fruits.

Carbohydrates are also eaten as side dishes - porridge and potatoes (just don’t overuse fats, or don’t try to eat healthy at all!)

Adherents of a carbohydrate diet eat mainly porridge WITHOUT adding oil and salt (but honey, fruits and nuts are allowed, within reasonable limits, of course). Portions are not limited (saturation still occurs quickly). It is advisable to drink a glass of water 15-20 minutes before each meal.

A carbohydrate diet is useful no more often than once every six months and no longer than 10-15 days. In the process, you need to eat vitamins - do not forget, the body also has its own needs, which, despite the diet, must be met daily. These are vitamins, minerals and trace elements that are not always found in foods rich in slow carbohydrates.

Withdrawal from such a diet should proceed slowly, with the gradual addition of contradictory carbohydrate diet products.

And last but not least...

Slow carbohydrates for weight gain

We are, naturally, talking about athletes for whom nutrition and body weight are strictly interconnected. Their goal is to gain muscle mass.

Everyone knows that for strong muscles and beautifully sculpted muscles, athletes first of all need protein. But about protein in more detail another time. What are the benefits of carbohydrates?

An athlete's diet should contain 90% slow carbohydrates. They break down slowly, provide a lot of energy and are not stored in fat. Mandatory products for those wishing to collect muscle mass with regular exercise - potatoes, vegetables, pasta (from coarse grains), cereals, nuts.



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