What is brt therapy. The result of bioresonance treatment in adults

Bioresonance therapy is a new method in modern medicine for the treatment of all diseases.

Many people often have a question - is electromagnetic exposure dangerous, and what are the contraindications for treatment with bioresonance therapy? There are practically no contraindications, since, unlike drug treatment, a special device has an effect on the organ or disease that is being treated, and other microorganisms and organs are not affected.

According to the contraindications of this method of treatment, two aspects can be distinguished. The first aspect is really contraindications, in which bioresonance therapy cannot be performed. The second aspect is the limits of the application of the method, under which to apply this therapy it is possible, but it is impossible to get the desired result.

Bioresonance therapy - contraindications of the first aspect:

  • the presence of an implanted organ, that is, if a person, for example, has a foreign kidney, bioresonance therapy cannot be applied to him;
  • entry into the human body special preparations suppressing immunity, so as not to cause rejection of a foreign organ, since in this case the immunity will be restored very quickly, which will lead to rejection of the organ;
  • bioresonance therapy is contraindicated in acute disorders coronary and cerebral circulation;
  • pregnancy in the first trimester;
  • epilepsy disease;
  • the first 2 months after suffering a severe heart attack;
  • the presence of a pacemaker;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • individual intolerance to electric current;
  • state of intoxication or acute mental agitation;
  • diseases and damage to the skin in places of electromagnetic stimulation;
  • malignant and benign oncological neoplasms;
  • HIV infection or immunodeficiency virus;
  • congenital malformations of the central nervous system.

There are no other contraindications for the use of bioresonance therapy, as such.

As for the second aspect, in bioresonance therapy, contraindications-limits of application are:

  • anatomical problems - for example, improperly fused bone and resulting sharp pain. No matter how bioresonance therapy is used in this case, the pain will not go away. And if this bone is broken and put in place, then this therapy can effectively influence the process of bone fusion;
  • if a person inadequately perceives reality, for example, is ill with schizophrenia, then this technique won't help him.

Bioresonance therapy is medical technique treatment and should be treated accordingly. After all, if the package with tablets indicates that you can use only one tablet per day, no one will have the desire to eat the whole pack in a day. Therefore, in bioresonance therapy, the indiscriminate use of this technique is a contraindication.

During this therapy, harmful viruses and bacteria die, but they cannot simply “evaporate”, and a person has a severe limited opportunities excretory system. Therefore, it is simply necessary to give the body the opportunity to remove these microorganisms. Each type of bioresonance therapy has its own limits.

If the effect is on the helminths and they die, then the therapy can be applied no more than once every three days, since the helminths are very large and it takes time to remove them from the body. If the effect is on bacteria, the therapy can be repeated every day, since they are microscopic in size and there are no problems for their excretion from the body. In the fight against sexually transmitted diseases, "collections" of microorganisms living in pairs are most often encountered. Simultaneous exposure of these columns to bioresonance therapy is not a contraindication. On the contrary, it is necessary to treat such diseases in a complex manner.

Based on all this, we can conclude that there are practically no contraindications to the use of bioresonance therapy, the effectiveness of this method has been proven in the treatment of such severe and practically incurable diseases with conventional medicines, such as resistant tuberculosis and Hepatitis C.

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modern medicine in the field of physiotherapy today is very different from what it was in the last century

Evgeny Viktorovich Teslin, a neurologist-neurophysiologist, physiotherapist, homeopath, tells about her achievements.

Evgeny Viktorovich, let's start with BRT - bioresonance therapy. What is it and on what principles is the BRT method based?

This method is based on the laws of nature - the laws of biophysics, which were discovered back in the 19th century by well-known scientists such as Michael Faraday, James Maxwell, Heinrich Hertz. The BRT device works with wave frequencies. Wave spectra of the human body. As established by biophysicists, each cell generates a specific electromagnetic signal. He has certain kind waves. Nerve cell generates its signal muscle cell- a different type of signal. These signals differ from each other in their physical parameters: frequency, power, time, modality. The human brain generates electromagnetic radiation even when we sleep. Muscles are exactly the same. And not only striated muscles, but also smooth muscle which is inside the body. For example, the frequency of the muscle that is responsible for bending our index finger, has high-frequency parameters. And the muscle that contracts the stomach has low parameters. In a state of biophysical homeostasis, that is, when he is healthy, a person radiates harmonic frequencies. All its organs and muscles radiate harmonic frequencies. Accordingly, with any pathology, a failure occurs. And the generation of disharmonic frequencies or wave spectra begins.

- What happens during BRT at the physical level?

The totality of all human wave frequencies is fed to the input of the BRT apparatus. The apparatus inverts all these frequencies in reverse phase: if it was a positive wave, it becomes negative. If it was a negative wave, it becomes positive.

- How does BRT differ from other well-known types of physiotherapy?

UHF, electrophoresis, quartz - these are all very powerful effects in terms of their physical parameters. But this impact is overwhelming. The impact based on resonance phenomena is almost imperceptible: most patients just lie down and do not feel anything. But therapeutic effect much more from such procedures. Bioresonance is regulation. There is no suppression of the system, it is simply brought into a state of balance. As Marel said: "Where there is resonance, there is an effect." When we reach the resonant interaction of the human body and medicinal product, for example homeopathic - we achieve the effect. When we have the resonance of the patient's body and the instrumental influence of BRT, we also achieve success. In homeopathy, the effect is achieved not at the energy level, but at a purely informational level. And the phenomenon of resonance also plays a big role there.

Treatments such as BRT or homeopathy work on an energetic level. Could you explain where this level is?

Energy lies in intermolecular physical bonds. From chemistry, we know that when molecules form, energy is absorbed and bound, when molecules break, energy is released. Lomonosov formulated the well-known law of conservation of energy, which states that energy does not appear from anywhere and does not disappear anywhere, but passes from one state to another or from one body to another. From which it is quite clear to us that if one connection is broken, another is formed, and the energy passes into a qualitatively different state. The same thing happens on physiological level of a person when we change the frequency spectrum of education biochemical reactions. Completely new molecules are formed, and the energy is redistributed in the human body.

- There is an opinion that BRT is a dangerous technique, because it deprives a person of vital energy.

There is an inversion of the signal coming from the body to the device. Then the energy is filtered using a band pass filter.

During treatment acute conditions are used low frequencies, and in the treatment chronic diseases- high. What is dangerous about this? The only contraindication to the use of this method is the presence of a pacemaker implanted in the human body. All other contraindications are relative. including oncology and serious illnesses blood, and epilepsy. AT certain situations it is possible to successfully treat these diseases using BRT, without the slightest harm.

- Can you give examples of diseases that are effectively treated by this method?

Ranging from a simple cold and ending with cancer. brt very effective method both in the treatment of exacerbations and chronic diseases. It is used for exacerbation of sciatica - inflammation nerve root, fever, fever and catarrhal phenomena. BRT gives very good results with autoimmune diseases, allergies. None antihistamines, which are usually used to suppress allergic reactions, will not work. They only temporarily suppress allergic reaction, and BRT solves the problem. Any group of therapeutic pathologies: cardiovascular diseases, broncho-pulmonary pathology, gastrointestinal intestinal diseases, pathology genitourinary system- all this is subject to BRT therapy. Absolutely! BRT is especially good at helping to eliminate the consequences of classical methods therapy. Consequences of surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy who have very heavy side effects.

- Which for example?

Depress immunity. Inhibit bowel activity lymphatic system. Reduce blood parameters: there is a decrease in the number of leukocytes and platelets.

- Could you give some examples? successful treatment with the help of BRT from your practice?

One man for a long time suffered from polynosis. He is a businessman, he had no time to be examined and treated. And especially, as they say, “I didn’t bother” - I just endured seasonal exacerbations that happened from May to June, used sprays, nasal drops, drugs that constrict blood vessels. One day he got tired and turned to me. I gave him an acupuncture diagnosis. We found a hearth. He ended up in the intestines. I am using homeopathic medicines and BRT treated his intestines. He underwent 2 courses of treatment with an interval of 3 months, now he is completely healthy.

I was recently approached by a woman who had undergone several surgeries on abdominal cavity. She had rough scars on the front abdominal wall. She was tormented by the strongest urge to defecate, which she sometimes could not even restrain ... This problem did not allow her even just to leave the house, not to mention going to work. She turned to various specialists, consulted with professors, but no one could do anything. Attacks were repeated 2-3 times a week. I did an examination, carefully examined the condition of her skin. Applied testers and electropuncture diagnostics. And he came to the conclusion that the scars on her anterior abdominal wall are pathological. In our understanding, this is a focal process (or interference field), which, firstly, disrupts the activity of the meridian system, since it crosses several meridians and prevents the circulation of energy in them. Secondly, it is the cause of constant pathological impulsation, which stimulates the activity of intestinal motility. Spontaneous stimulation produces the symptoms I have described. There are techniques for treating interference fields with the help of BRT. After this course, the symptoms stopped. The effect of BRT persists for years. Even one course of treatment gives a very good result for several years.

You said that BRT gives good results in autoimmune diseases and allergies. How does this happen?

An allergy is a hyperreaction to a foreign component that enters the human body. Instead of just getting rid of it, the body spends great amount forces to remove a microscopic component, for example, plant pollen ... When a person is healthy, he does not have any reactions to plant pollen. An allergic person, on the other hand, is distinguished by a hyperreaction: the same pollen in the same amount, falling on the mucous membranes, causes strong highlight mucus, profuse discharge from nose and eyes. Sore throat starts. He starts to choke. He becomes ill. The temperature rises. Against this background, there is a decrease in efficiency and apathy.

The ideas of why the human body gives such an overreaction to pollen in allopathic and naturopathic medicine are fundamentally different. Allopathic medicine treats allergies as a feature this person- he must suffer from it only because he was “born that way”. Naturopathic medicine proceeds from the notion that a person has an overreaction to some object due to the fact that his body inside is already irritated by something. This may occur latently and yet does not manifest itself outwardly. Just imagine that something psychologically strains you all the time, you are not satisfied, all the time you think about some problem that is insoluble. It is worth touching you with your finger, you are immediately excited, freaking out. In the case of allergies, approximately the same thing happens: in the body there is a so-called focus chronic inflammation. This may be a diseased tooth or another focus of a sluggish inflammatory process. And as soon as some significant irritant appears, hyper-irritation occurs.

- And how to find out where this hearth is located?

BRT allows you to identify these foci. Then carried out necessary treatment. It is not the symptoms of allergies that are eliminated, but the cause of their appearance - the focus. If you suppress the symptoms with drugs, the problem will not be solved. In addition, drugs have harmful side effects, up to the point that they affect the coordination of movements and the psyche, reduce sexual function. As a result, a person who takes such a medicine for several years suffers not so much from allergies as from the consequences of taking the medicine.

There are three types of treatment: itiotropic - affecting the cause, pathogenetic - affecting the development of the disease and symptomatic, which affects only the manifestation this disease, for symptoms. Ideally, the doctor should strive for etiotropic treatment. If we are engaged in symptomatic treatment, this means that we will have a chronic patient, he can be treated endlessly and he will never get better. There are also surgical symptomatic treatment- palliative surgery, with the help of which the problem is temporarily removed without touching its cause. After a while the problem returns. There are also hardware symptomatic therapy. In all cases, the person still continues to suffer.

Bioresonance therapy is fundamentally different from all of the above methods in that it clearly affects the root cause of the disease. An analogy can be made with a tree. Imagine that the roots of a tree are the cause of the disease, the trunk is the process of development, the crown is the many forms of manifestation of symptoms. If we treat by cutting the crown, as landscape designers do, the branches will grow back after a while. If you saw down a tree, a stump will remain. But since the roots are in order, shoots will appear again after a while. So, it is necessary to destroy the roots. So the doctor must destroy the root of the problem.

Such a modern method of treatment as bioresonance therapy is currently very popular. But its essence cannot be explained in simple words. And not because the principles on which the operation of mechanisms is based are difficult for ordinary people, just because this moment there are no analogues physical work. Thanks to bioresonance therapy, millions of people from all over the world have been able to recover from a wide variety of diseases.

Bioresonance therapy, its essence

The method of bioresonance therapy was developed by Reinhold Voll. The German doctor decided to create his own syncretic teaching. To achieve this goal, he analyzed all known teachings, incl. mystical practices and homeopathy, brought together all the information and practices. After the outbreak of World War II, the situation was quite tense, but this only contributed to the popularization of Dr. Voll's idea. He gave people hope, they believed that they could live happily again, cured of serious illnesses. As you know, the leaders of the Reich were interested in Eastern teachings of a mystical nature. That's how Voll found his " gold mine". They were interested in the leadership of the SS. Voll, thanks to his diplomatic abilities, presented them with his idea the best way, and as a result received decent funding for its implementation.

Many people still cannot understand how a German doctor was able to avoid the trial that was carried out on the Nazis at the end of the war. In the early 1950s, Reinhold Voll changed the qualifications of his teaching of a mystical nature. It has become closer to medicine. At the same time, Voll argued that by applying his method, one can absolutely accurately determine the patient's diagnosis. The method of bioresonance therapy assumed the effect of electrical impulses on acupuncture points located on human skin. First this method It was used only in European medicine, and after some time throughout the world.

The German inventors Franz Morel and Erich Rashe were able to theoretically explain the essence of the bioresonance method. The joint activity of an engineer and a doctor led to the receipt good results. Having adapted the Voll method for medical procedures, they deployed the apparatus, thus trying to achieve the penetration of the "biological field" back into the patient. But they failed to give explanations regarding the existence of this “biofield”.

There are two types of bioresonance therapy:

  • endogenous;
  • exogenous.

Endogenous Therapy

During such a procedure, the bioresonant effect is created by human electromagnetic impulses that have been previously processed.

Exogenous therapy

It represents the external influence of certain forces that are in resonance with the vibrations of specific human organs, for example, with magnetic or electric fields, which are modulated using generators by appropriate algorithms.

Popularity of therapy

Since the bioresonance therapy method was developed in Germany, it is the most popular there. Not so long ago, this therapy began to be used in domestic medicine. contributed to this medical Center"Imedis". At that time, the institution was located in Moscow, namely at the Institute of Energy. An apparatus producing bioresonance therapy was created there. This event took place in the late 80s. In its manufacture, special drawings were not used, improvised materials were used. But, despite this, the device worked exactly the same as the mechanism created by Dr. Voll.

In 2000, the guidelines "Bioresonance Therapy" (No. 2000/74) were published by the Ministry of Health. There was a launch of the sale of devices, their active use began. In the same year, such a treatment method as bioresonance therapy appeared in the State Register of Medical Technologies.

Almost 15 years have passed, during this time the devices have become more advanced. If earlier they were presented in the form of large boxes with a huge number of wires, now they have a neat appearance and electronic control.

Using bioresonance therapy, many diseases can be cured. This method can be used to eliminate problems associated with blood circulation, for the treatment of respiratory organs, sensory organs, intestines, stomach, diseases of the central nervous system and musculoskeletal system. Also this species therapy is used for skin diseases, including in the presence of ulcers and wounds that do not heal for a long time. In addition, with the help of bioresonance therapy, a lot of other diseases can be cured.

For application endogenous method there are no contraindications. In this regard, the exogenous method differs from the previous one, it has the following contraindications:

  • poor blood clotting;
  • intolerance to electric current;
  • congenital pathologies CNS;
  • implanted pacemaker;
  • increased mental arousal;
  • Drunk;
  • pregnancy.

Operating principle

As mentioned earlier, it is impossible to explain how bioresonance therapy works, since the matter over which control is established is abstract. But the official wording still exists. It says that the action of bioresonance therapy is aimed at changing the functions of the body through the use of electromagnetic radiation, the level of which is strictly controlled. Pretty foggy, right? Imagine that each natural formation or each element emits certain waves that make them unique. So, the earth, seas, mountains, plants, man and each of his organs have their own vibrations. When the vibrations of any organ fail, it becomes ill, the bioresonance therapy apparatus establishes the necessary rhythm. In this case, the impact is with a certain frequency, which enters into resonance with the organ that failed. If you know the basics of physics and biology well, this interpretation will seem strange to you. Regardless of the fact that bioresonance therapy has an incomprehensible nature, it really contributes to the healing of the body.

The human body constantly emits certain vibrations. An example of this is a cardiogram. But resonance with a particular organ occurs only when an oscillation of the corresponding frequency is heard to it. The frequency of each organ must be determined somehow, but how to do this? It can be determined using a bioresonance therapy apparatus. The frequency that he picks up is not always 100% correct, there is always a risk of entering the resonance of another organ. Possible consequences nobody knows. The method of bioresonance therapy has not been thoroughly studied. In fact, experts use strange mechanisms that affect the human body in incomprehensible waves. However, we see successful results, which means that the mechanisms somehow work.

The simple design of the apparatus cannot but alert. But the specialists of the clinics, which offer the use of the bioresonance therapy method, declare that the BRT device is able to cure all known to man diseases, both the most harmless and quite serious. At least this fact should be alarming. Until the true effectiveness of bioresonance therapy is proven and the principle of its action is not understood, each patient who undergoes such a procedure does so at his own peril and risk.

The basics of the bioresonance method were invented by the German physician Reinhold Voll, who conceived the idea of ​​creating his own syncretic teaching, bringing together information and practices from all known teachings, including homeopathy and even mystical practices. The tense situation in connection with the outbreak of World War II only contributed to the popularization of his idea, giving people hope for healing and happiness. In addition, the leaders of the Reich, as you know, were fond of mystical oriental teachings, and Voll found his "gold mine". He attracted the attention of the SS leadership and, thanks to his diplomatic skills, managed to present his idea to best light with adequate funding.

It still remains unclear how Voll managed to avoid the trial of the Nazis after the end of the war. In the early 50s, the doctor "reclassified" his mystical teaching, giving it a more medical focus and claiming that his method is able to accurately diagnose the disease by exposing the acupuncture points of the skin to electrical impulses. So bioresonance therapy continued its existence in European medicine, and then spread throughout the world.

Two German inventors, Erich Rasche and Franz Morel, were able to theoretically substantiate the bioresonance method. The successful union of a doctor and an engineer has paid off. By adapting the Voll method for medical manipulations, they simply deployed the device, intending to return the "biofield" back to the patient. However, they could not explain the very existence of this “biological field”.

There are two types of bioresonance therapy:

  • endogenous - bioresonance effect of its own electromagnetic impulses the human body that has undergone preliminary processing;
  • exogenous - the impact of external forces that are in resonance with the fluctuations of certain internal organs patient, for example, with electrical or magnetic fields, which are modulated using appropriate algorithms, by means of generators.

Popularity of therapy

Since the inventor of bioresonance therapy was from Germany, it is most popular there. Recently, this method of treatment has penetrated into domestic medicine, thanks to the Center for Intellectual medical systems"Imedis". The institution was located at the Moscow Institute of Energy, and the first bioresonance therapy apparatus was designed there, in the late 80s. It was made from improvised materials and without special drawings, but it worked exactly like a Voll mechanism.

In 2000, the Ministry of Health issued Guidelines under the name "Bioresonance therapy" (No. 2000/74), and since then the active use and sale of devices has begun. In the same year, bioresonance therapy was included in the State Register of Medical Technologies.

For almost 15 years, the devices have improved and turned from awkward large boxes with an abundance of wires into neat devices with an electronic interface that displays the diagnosis.

Bioresonance therapy is suitable for the treatment of many diseases. It is used for diseases of the central nervous system, respiratory organs, blood circulation, skin problems, including long-healing wounds and ulcers, for the treatment of the musculoskeletal system, stomach, intestines, sensory organs, etc.

To date, no endogenous method has been identified absolute contraindication, however, exogenous BRT cannot boast the same.

Contraindications for the exogenous method:

  • pregnancy;
  • intoxication;
  • strong mental arousal;
  • implanted pacemaker;
  • congenital pathologies of the central nervous system;
  • intolerance to electric current;
  • low blood clotting;

Operating principle

MirSovetov has already said that it is not possible to explain the principle of action of bioresonance therapy due to the abstract nature of the matters that he manipulates. However, there is an official wording that says that the mechanism of BRT is to correct the functions of the human body through the impact electromagnetic radiation strictly controlled by specific parameters. Pretty foggy, don't you think? Imagine that each element or natural education there are certain waves that she emits that make her unique in her own way. So, the mountains, the sea, plants and earth have their own vibrations, and a person and all his organs have their own. When the fluctuations of the stomach, for example, falter or "lose rhythm", the organ becomes ill. The BRT device "tunes" the desired rhythm of the internal organs, acting on it with a certain frequency, which enters into resonance with the diseased organ. But, again, if you are familiar with the basics of biology and physics, such an interpretation will cause you at least bewilderment. Be that as it may, bioresonance therapy really works, no matter how incomprehensible its nature may be.

The human body constantly produces certain vibrations. The proof of this is at least a familiar cardiogram. But in order to enter into resonance with any organ, it is necessary to convey to it an oscillation that coincides with it in frequency. To do this, you need to somehow determine this frequency. How to do it? Everything would be much easier if you could look at a person and say: "He radiates an electromagnetic wave with such a frequency and length."

The device of bioresonance therapy allows, albeit not with a 100% guarantee, to capture this frequency. However, there is always a risk that the wrong organ will enter into resonance, and no one knows what this will lead to. Today, full-fledged studies of the BRT method have not yet been carried out, so, in fact, specialists use strange mechanisms to influence incomprehensible waves. However, the results speak for themselves - it somehow works.

The simplicity of the design of the apparatus for bioresonance therapy will alert anyone, even a novice technician. Clinics that offer BRT treatment promise to treat every known disease, from caries to AIDS. This fact alone should be alarming. Until modern science will not explain and prove the true effectiveness of bioresonance exposure, each patient who has applied for such treatment does this at his own peril and risk.

Bioresonance therapy - the benefits are obvious!

BRT - bioresonance therapy allows you to quickly, harmlessly, inexpensively and reliably cure many diseases completely. Therefore, BRT is in great demand among the patients of our center. The possibilities of treating various pathological processes in the human body with this method are unlimited!

AT modern conditions medicine is beginning to use more and more effective ways treatment of diseases, which include bioresonance therapy as well. The technique is designed to launch natural mechanisms that allow you to restore defensive forces organism. Its mechanism is as follows: due to electrodes and an additional cable electromagnetic oscillations person is taken to electronic apparatus, then modified and returned to the patient. This is how therapy takes place with one's own information, and not with outside energy or foreign substances.

Operating principle

The technique is based on the principle that the human body is capable of emitting weak electromagnetic oscillations that cover a wide range of waves of various lengths. Such fluctuations are called physiological or harmonic oscillations.

When pathological process disharmonic or pathological electromagnetic oscillations appear, causing a shift in physiological balance, from which a person becomes ill as a result.

When using bioresonance therapy therapeutic effect render electromagnetic waves. The technique can also be called a kind of informational “medicine” due to a clear correspondence to the physiological frequencies of the body and amplitude characteristics.

Main tasks of the procedure

Bioresonance therapy is designed to become a certain “feeding” of a person with physiological frequencies, as well as to rid him of harmful vibrations.


The procedure is used in the following cases:

Allergic changes in diseases such as hay fever, bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis and dermatitis (eczema, neurodermatitis).

Pathology of the central nervous system - sleep changes, vegetative-vascular dystonia, enuresis, irritability, encephalopathy, phobia, hyperkinesis, neurosis.

Pathology of the peripheral nervous system - neuralgia, neuritis, sciatica, migraine, headache.

Pathology of the musculoskeletal system - inflammatory and degenerative joint changes, osteochondrosis.

Pathology urinary tract - chronic cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis, urolithiasis

Organ pathology digestive system - peptic ulcer stomach, duodenum, gastritis, dysbacteriosis, colitis.

Pathology of the liver and biliary tract - hepatitis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis.

Diseases of the genital area - prostatitis, adenoma prostate, adnexitis.

Pathology of the endocrine system - non-insulin dependent diabetes, inflammation thyroid gland, menstrual disorders, climacteric syndrome.

Methodology for conducting bioresonance therapy

One session lasts 30 minutes on average. To achieve sustainable positive result usually 2-3 BRT sessions are required. Active treatment occurs at all levels - at the level of cells, at the level of organs and in the body as a whole.

During therapy, electrodes connected to a person send electromagnetic vibrations that resonate with the source of the disease. There is a resonance effect, in which the membranes of the cells of the causative agent of the disease are exposed to the harsh effects of magnetic fields. In this case, the patient will not experience discomfort, feeling only a slight tingling at the points of contact of the electrodes.

The uniqueness of this procedure lies in its contactlessness. To cure diseases, it is not necessary to interfere in the processes occurring in human body so you don't have to go through any special training before medical procedures, and the effect will be noticeable after the first session. Bioresonance therapy has no side effects and helps to heal inflammatory processes and endocrine system disorders without the use hormonal drugs and antibiotics.

The procedure is currently used in two main ways. The first of these includes endogenous bioresonance therapy, which is performed by means of electromagnetic oscillations of the patient himself, which are subjected to certain processing. Another technique is exogenous or induction bioresonance therapy, which involves the use of external signals. Thanks to them individual bodies and the systems go into resonance. Here it is worth mentioning the magnetic and electric fields modulated by certain amplitude-frequency resonant algorithms due to generators. With the help of this therapy, it is possible not only to treat effectively, but also to carry out the prevention or rehabilitation of diseases. The technique can be used simultaneously with other therapeutic drugs.

Thus, treatment with bioresonance therapy does not side effects. The use of the technique can always be considered justified, since through it all kinds of burdens in the human body are effectively eliminated, pathological information is corrected, and other disharmonic processes are directed in the right direction.

Almost all patients feel a stable improvement in their condition after the first procedure. We highly recommend you to undergo this modern and very effective treatment!

The list of diseases with which we, homeopathic doctors of the Adonis Center, recommend contacting us for BRT:

HORMONAL DISEASES thyroid nodules ( nodular goiter), AIT (autoimmune thyroiditis), ovarian dysfunction, overweight.

GYNECOLOGICAL DISEASES: uterine fibroids, endometriosis, ovarian cyst, menopause, endometrial hyperplasia, mastopathy.

CHILDREN'S DISEASES: adenoids, frequent colds, neuroses, autism.

IMMUNE DISORDERS: dysbacteriosis, allergies, low immunity.

SKIN DISEASES: psoriasis, eczema, atopic dermatitis, allergic dermatitis.

DISEASES OF ELDERLY PEOPLE: arthrosis, arthritis, osteochondrosis, edema.

CHRONIC INFECTIONS: helminthic infestations, Staphylococcus aureus, lamblia, ureaplasmosis, chlamydia, gardnerellosis, fungal infections, herpes, thrush.

Reviews about BRT


I have polycystic ovaries and age - alas ... And the hopes for a child melted every year ... I ran into hospitals and clinics in full! Therefore, I tried to choose a doctor of bioresonance therapy, so as not to be mistaken! I came to the doctor Garus A.G. on the advice of a friend - at her work, a girl was successfully treated in this center for infertility.

I liked the doctor, but distrust after all the failures pursued. A.G. I carefully looked at the body, found infections and viruses, began to do a "cleansing" of the body, and then began to treat the ovaries - only with homeopathy and BRT! No pills or hormones!

It's been about a year and it's coming long-awaited pregnancy, the first, and at an already middle age. This is real happiness! Now a beautiful son is growing up. So I can only say good things about BRT.

    Lyudmila P., 43 years old, Khotkovo



My name is Igor, I am from St. Petersburg, but hoping for a cure, I began to specifically look for centers with BRT in Moscow - there are more good reviews about bioresonance therapy. Maybe in Moscow bioresonance therapy is more common and there are more doctors like that. I turned to "ADONIS" to Dr. Garus. I don’t want to talk about my former sores (fortunately, they are already in the past), but this doctor is just my deliverer! More such smart and kind doctors! I feel fine, I went back to work in production, the family got better! Therefore, I am writing - I really want her to read these grateful lines of mine. good luck to you and years life, Doctor!

    Igor Ilyich, 57 years old, builder, St. Petersburg



Q: Why do people choose to do BRT at Adonis Homeopathic Center?

A: It is here that modern and certified (!) equipment for BRT. And this is a guarantee of absolute safety for adults, children, pregnant and lactating women.

Q: Why do people prefer BRT to conventional treatments?

A: BRT is very effective! Significant improvement occurs after the first session.

Q: Why are so many children brought to the Adonis center for BRT sessions?

A: BRT - Absolutely painless treatment, one might even say - pleasant! For both mothers and babies.

Q: Why is there a lot of visitors in the homeopathic center "Adonis" undergoing BRT?

A: Because this treatment is much cheaper than the usual methods and more effective - you can come to appointments less often and recover faster. You don't have to spend money on medicines.

Features of bioresonance diagnostics

The procedure of bioresonance diagnostics is carried out in several stages.

First stage. Fixing information

Thanks to special sensors placed on the patient's body, the body is scanned. With the help of a bioresonance therapy device, the patient's vital signs are read from the acupuncture points located on his fingers. In the course of diagnostics, it becomes possible to evaluate many parameters that affect general state of the whole organism, thereby allowing to detect failures in the immune and endocrine system, metabolic disorders and deterioration of the performance of internal organs.



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