How and when breast milk burns out. How and why does the process of its souring occur? Special electromagnetic impulses

Even 30 years ago, no one thought to doubt the benefits of milk for adults. Milk was an obligatory product on the table of every Soviet family. But now more and more advocates of proper nutrition are talking about the dangers of milk. Who is right? Yulianna Pliskina, the author of a new book about the benefits and harms of the popular products Myfoedy, understood the myths that exist around milk.

The most popular dairy myth sounds like this: adults should not drink milk, because it is not digested. Only children benefit from milk because they are actively growing and need calcium. As people age, they lose the ability to digest lactose and develop intolerance to milk.

In reality, there are no substantiated studies to support this claim. And when there are no concrete facts, opinions are divided. Some believe that all the valuable substances of milk are harmful to an adult, while others, on the contrary, point to a particularly beneficial effect of milk on the body, because, in addition to calcium, this drink is saturated with vitamin A, which is most beneficial for vision and skin health, and vitamin D, which is necessary for strong bones and UV protection, valuable folic acid and many other trace elements.

Benefits of milk in numbers

After drinking one liter of milk, you will satisfy the daily requirement for most vitamins and minerals:

What happens to milk when it enters your stomach

When milk enters the human stomach, the process of curdling begins. In other words, loose flakes of protein and fat fall out of milk under the action of hydrochloric acid of gastric juice.

The stronger the acidity of gastric juice, the faster the curdling process proceeds - the effect of gastric juice on milk - respectively, the larger and denser the falling flakes are formed.

Further in the stomach, the curdled milk is stratified into cottage cheese and whey, which also has an acidic character. If at this time there are particles of some other solid food in the stomach, for example, you decide to drink lunch with milk, the flakes that fall out of curdled milk envelop these particles and isolate them from the action of gastric juice for a long time.

This factor slows down the process of digestion of food, which will not resume until the protein layer that covers the food particles in the stomach is digested.

How did the myth that adults should not drink milk

According to doctors, the indigestibility of milk in adults is a myth, nothing more. It probably appeared due to the identification of milk intolerance in some people due to genetic characteristics. After drinking milk, people with milk intolerance experience flatulence, bloating and pain in the stomach, as well as diarrhea. It is worth clarifying that genetic intolerance to milk is not related to age, and often it manifests itself already in childhood.

Thus, based on these isolated cases, incorrect conclusions were drawn that milk causes digestive problems in adults. Well, then the rumor spread the rumor, which grew from mouth to mouth and eventually transformed into pseudoscientific diagnoses and self-restraints.

But experts convince us that even in the case of lactose intolerance (the so-called milk intolerance), fermented milk products, such as kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt, cottage cheese and cheese, must be present in the diet of an adult. Be careful in stores: many manufacturers indicate on the packaging information that the product does not contain lactose.

What is lactose
Lactose is milk sugar, the only carbohydrate in nature, consisting of glucose and galactose, is part of the enzymes involved in the synthesis of fats, proteins, vitamins. Participates in intracellular metabolism, the work of the heart, liver, kidneys, brain and nervous system. It is milk sugar that has a beneficial effect on the processes of digestion (in the absence of pathological diseases of the stomach).

How milk is digested when there are stomach problems

We learned how the process of digestion of milk occurs in the stomach of a healthy person, whose stomach acidity is normal. Now let's try to figure out what happens when milk enters the stomach of a person suffering from genetic lactose intolerance, and those whose stomach is unhealthy. There are two scenarios.

Option 1: the acidity of the gastric juice is reduced or there is no hydrochloric acid at all

When a person has low acidity of the stomach, then the milk in the stomach is not digested (does not curdle), and this disease is called lactose intolerance. In a healthy person, milk in the stomach undergoes primary processing and then enters the intestines. Without receiving primary treatment, the patient's milk enters the intestine unchanged, where, in principle, the normal curdling process can no longer go through.

What's happening. At zero acidity, the milk undergoes the curdling process not in the stomach, but is destroyed by the intestinal microflora. Unpleasant consequences of the impossibility of digesting milk in the stomach are strong gas formation, deterioration in the functions of the digestive system and belching with a taste of a rotten egg.

What to do. Instead of milk, use low-fat kefir, preferably 1%. The lower the acidity of the gastric juice, the less useful the consumption of whole milk.

Option 2: the acidity of the gastric juice is increased

What's happening. Milk during curdling takes on most of the acid in the stomach. Thus, the total acidity of gastric juice decreases for a while. Such a neutralizing effect of milk and white bread is known to every ulcer who relieves an attack of pain caused by increased secretion of hydrochloric acid with these products. Milk is best drunk warm.

What to do. It is better to refrain from kefir and fermented baked milk, use baked cottage cheese, for example, you can cook a casserole.

How to drink milk correctly: instructions

  1. Milk is not a drink, but food. Remember the expression "eat milk"? So follow him! You do not need to quench your thirst with milk, there is water for this. Milk is a high-calorie product. The ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates: 19% / 51% / 30%.

Nutritional and energy value of milk:

  1. Do not drink milk immediately after a meal. Ask why? Read above the mechanism of milk digestion. If you want milk to be easier to digest, just drink it on an empty stomach, in small sips and hold it longer in your mouth to improve absorption.
  2. Drank milk - refrain from eating for an hour and a half.
  3. Don't drink cold milk. Low temperatures make digestion difficult, as the body needs to “warm up” the liquid to body temperature.
  4. Do not combine plums, salted, smoked fish and sausages with milk. In the intestines, when these products are consumed with milk, a fermentation process begins, causing flatulence and abdominal pain.
  5. Milk goes well with sweet fruits, berries, nuts

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I love milk, and I would never have thought that milk could be harmful. After all, since childhood, we all drink it, and our grandmothers treated us to milk.

Comment on the article "Can you have milk? The benefits and harms of milk for digestion"

What is lactostasis and how to deal with it? If there is a compaction of the breast area, soreness, fever, redness of the skin - these are signs of milk stagnation - lactostasis. There is a widespread misconception that lactostasis occurs if the mother has a “breast cold”. In fact, the cause of lactostasis is the blockage of the duct, when one or a couple of lobules are not released from milk. To overcome the stagnation of milk, it is necessary to ensure a good outflow of milk. This is achieved by light stroking...

Nutrition for a nursing mother: what foods cause colic? A nursing mother during the first months after the birth of a baby needs to follow a simple diet. It is necessary to limit the use of foods that cause bloating: legumes, sweets, cabbage. Fresh vegetables and fruits are better not to eat yet, they can also cause bloating and colic. They should be consumed in cooked form - boiled, baked. It is undesirable to eat too fatty, overcooked, spicy and smoked dishes. FROM...


I did not adhere to a strict diet and everything was fine. Ate everything, but within reasonable limits. The son was born in the height of summer, how can a mother do without fresh vegetables and fruits? It enriches the composition of breast milk. And all babies have colic. A clockwise tummy massage with chicco massage oil helped us well.

Never followed a diet. She ate everything, but watched the reaction of the baby. I did not notice that any product affected his well-being.

I will be glad to any advice, already there are no forces. The child is 1.5 years old and she is still on breastfeeding, for a month now the child has been refusing to eat any food in favor of breastfeeding ... I began to worry, but isn’t my milk alone enough for good nutrition? Meat, fish, cottage cheese, cereals, he doesn’t eat anything like that at all, do you really have to turn off the GW?


Good afternoon! Of course, one breast milk at this age is not enough for a child; this will not ensure the full supply of vitamins and nutrients. You need to understand the reasons for the rejection of the rest of the food. What was in the child's diet during the day (in detail: breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner). It is necessary to analyze nutrition to understand what overloaded children's digestion, adjust the diet and eat normally again. And GV at this age is optimal to leave time before bedtime, at night.
Health to you!
Sincerely, Elena Korsakova

I also ate badly, but GV did not turn off. And then it outgrew)) Now my beauty has an appetite, like an adult man)). Drive worms, give vitamins to drink, I don’t know what else.)

How to survive the “stormy rush” of milk for a nursing mother? Immediately after childbirth and during the first 2-3 days, colostrum is produced in the breast. It stands out in small quantities, and the mother practically does not feel it. Then, by the end of the 3rd, the beginning of the 4th day after childbirth, the breast begins to increase in size, become more dense and tense. These changes indicate the beginning of the milk arrival process. Often they are accompanied by pain, a slight increase in local temperature ...


I had little milk after giving birth, as they did a caesarean section. Some of the tips from the article were needed when weaning the baby from the breast.

During the first pregnancy, she suffered for a very long time, she expressed herself. And when I gave birth to a son, I bought a breast pump, heaven and earth, much easier and very convenient!

Everywhere I see only 2 opposing opinions: either - "no milk, it is not digested by adults", or - "drink as much as possible, and so, and in tea, and everything will be OK with you." From PERSONAL experience, can anyone say about the benefits or harm?


I don't think it has to do with how much milk you consume. I also reveled in liters of it both during pregnancy and after, plus dairy products: cheese, cottage cheese, kefir and so on. One smart guy told me that this would lead to an excess of calcium, which would reflect badly on the child. Nonsense! And diarrhea in a newborn can be from anything and can be covered with different spots: they came home, and there is a different microflora, he has not yet adapted. And why did you decide that it was diarrhea? What color is the chair? How often? Is there white foam? My baby pooped for the first time after each feeding and even more often - it's okay. But we, however, are at full GV right away. Maybe try changing the mix? And is it needed at all? You should not force yourself and drink milk through force, especially with tea, if you don’t like it. It is unlikely that this has a direct effect on the increase in lactation. In general, liquids should be consumed in plenty, whether it be teas, fruit drinks, juices or just water - whichever you like best.

Better to drink kefir

I'm afraid there won't be any milk tomorrow. I rummaged through the Internet that sore throat is not a contraindication for feeding. The annotation to the medicine says that it should be taken during feeding only if the benefit to the mother outweighs the harm to the child.


Drink as much liquid as possible. Any warm milk, fruit decoctions, herbal teas. LactoMama is a very good tea.

08/31/2018 08:55:41, Alenka71

Your doctor is very categorical.
Flemoxin (amoxicillin) belongs to the category of antibiotics that are compatible with HBs and have little penetration into milk. It would be better if augmentin really was, it is the same amoxicillin, but it is less excreted into milk.
For a child, the harm from the loss of breast milk is significantly greater than from receiving a small dose of an antibiotic. It is necessary to stop feeding immediately only in case of an allergic reaction to the drug.
I was ill with pneumonia, drank flemoxin for 2 weeks, did not wean the child from the breast for a single day! Everything is fine with him.

Here you can talk about the benefits or harm. I would say that in such milk there is nothing useful except artificial vitamins that they are stuffed with. I buy fresh milk or in flexible bags, but I haven’t given powdered milk to my child and I don’t think I will.


Bad is not the right word ...... Here you can say about the benefits or harm. I would say that in such milk there is nothing useful except artificial vitamins that they are stuffed with. I buy fresh milk or in flexible bags, but I haven’t given powdered milk to my child and I don’t think I will.
In terms of convenience, it is understandable, you can also eat canned food and feed your child fast cereals for breakfast, instant soup for lunch, and some other garbage for dinner :)
Do not think that I am exaggerating, but I have just been reading a lot of such topics lately and I am surprised by the answers of some mothers that they are too lazy to do something, and then these same mothers subsequently wonder where allergies and sores come from in children. I have many such familiar cases in my life :)

Normal milk turns sour (decomposed by bacteria) in 1-2 days. Long-playing costs 4-5. It is also difficult to decompose in the intestines, as it is believed. We drink, it's easier for adults.

(Of course, not now, but when I get better) I bought Nanny, on goat's milk, they say it is close to breast milk. Both about the benefits of GV, and about the dangers of mixtures. The decrease in IQ is the long-term consequences of the harm of mixtures.

On an article about the dangers of milk, you can dig a dozen about its benefits. That it is intended for the children of a cow, of course, is sad. And that the children of a cow are intended for us for steaks is a thing no less sad. And if we go further .. Chicken pregnancy is also not for us. ..


I'm _more comfortable_ with formula 1-3 rather than cow's milk. You need to buy milk, then hand over the container, I will forget to do this, I will have to go to the store for this :))
Therefore, I settled on a mixture of 1-3 Nestle.
And yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese consumes from the store, from normal milk.

I don’t read English, but I caught the essence from your retelling. Really not impressed.

On an article about the dangers of milk, you can dig a dozen about its benefits. That it is intended for the children of a cow, of course, is sad. And that the children of a cow are intended for us for steaks is a thing no less sad. And if we go further .. Chicken pregnancy is also not intended for us .A fish .. So many lives not intended for us, we eat with one sandwich ..

Of course, a human cub must eat women's milk until adulthood, which is intended for him. Doesn't it cause anything there?

In my opinion, they don’t even argue about the genetic nature of cancer now. And the myth of terrible cholesterol has long been debunked. And the increased need for this terrible cholesterol for children and pregnant women has been scientifically proven.
It is not for nothing that the Americans, who are afraid of cholesterol more than the devil, are the most obese and heart-deficient nation on the planet.
Actually, I'm sorry, I wasn't scared.

I read books about the dangers of meat and the benefits of milk. I read about the dangers of animal protein just do (strict vegetarianism). I read about the dangers of fish as an unnatural product for humans.


Agree. I also believe that milk (except mother's, be it cow, goat, mare, camel, donkey, etc.) is not only unnecessary, but also harmful. I don’t want to go into explanations at all, suffice it to say that after all our troubles with Sanka, I have a very cautious attitude towards nutrition in general.

However, I respect fermented milk products myself and the child eats and drinks with pleasure. It's beneficial.

Natasha! There are many, many nutrition theories. This theory is one of them. I read a book, I don’t even remember who, about the terrible dangers of milk for the human body, despite the fact that meat was recognized as not harmful. I read books about the dangers of meat and the benefits of milk. I read about the dangers of animal protein just do (strict vegetarianism). I read about the dangers of fish as an unnatural product for humans. As well as various options for separate meals.
For myself, after reading a terrible bunch of literature, I settled on the fact that I feel great when I don’t eat any meat at all, but eat fish, sometimes white chicken. I eat dairy products. I eat only real food, no semi-finished products and food additives. And twice a year I do a course of complete absence of animal protein - without meat, fish, eggs and dairy products.
But this is for me personally, how I feel. Believing all these theories is a waste of time. Anything can be proven. And it all sounds very convincing.

Even 30 years ago, no one thought to doubt the benefits of milk for adults. Milk was an obligatory product on the table of every Soviet family. But now more and more advocates of proper nutrition are talking about the dangers of milk. Who is right? Yulianna Pliskina, the author of a new book about the benefits and harms of the popular products Myfoedy, understood the myths that exist around milk.

Who can have milk

The most popular dairy myth sounds like this: adults should not drink milk, because it is not digested. Only children benefit from milk because they are actively growing and need calcium. As people age, they lose the ability to digest lactose and develop intolerance to milk.

In reality, there are no substantiated studies to support this claim. And when there are no concrete facts, opinions are divided. Some believe that all the valuable substances of milk are harmful to an adult, while others, on the contrary, point to a particularly beneficial effect of milk on the body, because, in addition to calcium, this drink is saturated with vitamin A, which is most beneficial for vision and skin health, and vitamin D, which is necessary for strong bones and UV protection, valuable folic acid and many other trace elements.

Benefits of milk in numbers

After drinking one liter of milk, you will satisfy the daily requirement for most vitamins and minerals:

How to drink milk

What happens to milk when it enters your stomach

When milk enters the human stomach, the process of curdling begins. In other words, loose flakes of protein and fat fall out of milk under the action of hydrochloric acid of gastric juice.

The stronger the acidity of gastric juice, the faster the curdling process proceeds - the effect of gastric juice on milk - respectively, the larger and denser the falling flakes are formed.

Further in the stomach, the curdled milk is stratified into cottage cheese and whey, which also has an acidic character. If at this time there are particles of some other solid food in the stomach, for example, you decide to drink lunch with milk, the flakes that fall out of curdled milk envelop these particles and isolate them from the action of gastric juice for a long time.

This factor slows down the process of digestion of food, which will not resume until the protein layer that covers the food particles in the stomach is digested.

How did the myth that adults should not drink milk

According to doctors, the indigestibility of milk in adults is a myth, nothing more. It probably appeared due to the identification of milk intolerance in some people due to genetic characteristics. After drinking milk, people with milk intolerance experience flatulence, bloating and pain in the stomach, as well as diarrhea. It is worth clarifying that genetic intolerance to milk is not related to age, and often it manifests itself already in childhood.

Thus, based on these isolated cases, incorrect conclusions were drawn that milk causes digestive problems in adults. Well, then the rumor spread the rumor, which grew from mouth to mouth and eventually transformed into pseudoscientific diagnoses and self-restraints.

But experts convince us that even in the case of lactose intolerance (the so-called milk intolerance), fermented milk products, such as kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt, cottage cheese and cheese, must be present in the diet of an adult. Be careful in stores: many manufacturers indicate on the packaging information that the product does not contain lactose.

What is lactose

Lactose is milk sugar, the only carbohydrate in nature, consisting of glucose and galactose, is part of the enzymes involved in the synthesis of fats, proteins, vitamins. Participates in intracellular metabolism, the work of the heart, liver, kidneys, brain and nervous system. It is milk sugar that has a beneficial effect on the processes of digestion (in the absence of pathological diseases of the stomach).

How milk is digested when there are stomach problems

We learned how the process of digestion of milk occurs in the stomach of a healthy person, whose stomach acidity is normal. Now let's try to figure out what happens when milk enters the stomach of a person suffering from genetic lactose intolerance, and those whose stomach is unhealthy. There are two scenarios.

Option 1: the acidity of the gastric juice is reduced or there is no hydrochloric acid at all

When a person has low acidity of the stomach, then the milk in the stomach is not digested (does not curdle), and this disease is called lactose intolerance. In a healthy person, milk in the stomach undergoes primary processing and then enters the intestines. Without receiving primary treatment, the patient's milk enters the intestine unchanged, where, in principle, the normal curdling process can no longer go through.

What's happening. At zero acidity, the milk undergoes the curdling process not in the stomach, but is destroyed by the intestinal microflora. Unpleasant consequences of the impossibility of digesting milk in the stomach are strong gas formation, deterioration in the functions of the digestive system and belching with a taste of a rotten egg.

What to do. Instead of milk, use low-fat kefir, preferably 1%. The lower the acidity of the gastric juice, the less useful the consumption of whole milk.

Option 2: the acidity of the gastric juice is increased

What's happening. Milk during curdling takes on most of the acid in the stomach. Thus, the total acidity of gastric juice decreases for a while. Such a neutralizing effect of milk and white bread is known to every ulcer who relieves an attack of pain caused by increased secretion of hydrochloric acid with these products. Milk is best drunk warm.

What to do. It is better to refrain from kefir and fermented baked milk, use baked cottage cheese, for example, you can cook a casserole.

How to drink milk correctly: instructions

Milk is not a drink, but food. Remember the expression "eat milk"? So follow him! You do not need to quench your thirst with milk, there is water for this. Milk is a high-calorie product. The ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates: 19% / 51% / 30%.

Nutritional and energy value of milk:

Harm of milk

Do not drink milk immediately after a meal. Ask why? Read above the mechanism of milk digestion. If you want milk to be easier to digest, just drink it on an empty stomach, in small sips and hold it longer in your mouth to improve absorption.
Drank milk - refrain from eating for an hour and a half.
Don't drink cold milk. Low temperatures make digestion difficult, as the body needs to “warm up” the liquid to body temperature.
Do not combine plums, salted, smoked fish and sausages with milk. In the intestines, when these products are consumed with milk, a fermentation process begins, causing flatulence and abdominal pain.
Milk goes well with sweet fruits, berries, nuts.

From the book "Mythoids"

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This short note is dedicated to a simple but effective way to regain a lost opportunity. At birth, we all could drink milk in any quantity, and did not experience problems with this. However, with age, most people lose this ability. Milk ceases to be digested, and a person loses for himself the most important part of the food supply, a source of high-quality protein and fat, calcium and many vitamins.

Most often, the ability to absorb milk disappears after some kind of illness or a long (at least a month) absence of dairy products in the diet. There is also a case of genetic lactose intolerance, but this is rare in Europe and Russia. In such a situation, milk intolerance manifests itself and grows slowly, even from childhood or adolescence, and is not treated.

The reason for the indigestion of lactose in general, and milk in particular, is that the number of lactobacilli in the intestine has decreased so much (often to almost zero) that they are not able to process the amount of lactose that you have eaten.

Thus, this problem is a special case of manifestation of dysbacteriosis. This extinction of beneficial microflora can occur under two circumstances:

  • toxic effect on it;
  • prolonged deprivation of its food base - lactose.

Accordingly, in order to revive the function of digesting milk, it is necessary to restore the population of lactobacilli and create conditions for them to live normally.

It is not difficult to restore the population, for this there are special probiotic preparations. All of them contain all the bifidobacteria of various types that inhabit the intestines and not only help digestion themselves, but also create an environment favorable for the life of other beneficial bacteria.

We will use two such drugs at once - bifidumbacterin and linex. The choice is due not only to the high quality of these drugs, but also to the fact that they contain different types of bacteria, respectively, they act a little differently. Bifidumbacterin is better to buy in sachets, take 1 sachet 2 times a day 30 minutes before meals. Lineks take 1-2 capsules 3 times a day, simultaneously with bifidumbacterin.

A few days after the start of such therapy, start drinking these drugs first with boiled and then with raw milk, gradually increasing the amount of milk from 100-200 grams per day to a liter or even more. Milk will already begin to be digested normally due to the fact that the population of bacteria necessary for this has grown.

After the end of the course of treatment with probiotics, milk will be normally absorbed, but it will have to be drunk constantly, without taking breaks for more than two days. This is necessary to create a good food base for lactobacilli so that their population does not decrease. Otherwise, there is a risk of returning to the original state, and you will have to start all therapy again.

Approximate monthly course of restoration of the ability to digest milk

I myself have been prone to dysbacteriosis since childhood, and I have it every few years. I lost the ability to digest dairy products three times, but the therapy described has always helped. When normal, I usually drink about 3 liters of milk a day, and everything is fine. As they say, tested on yourself. Good luck to you too!

Milk is a very valuable food product. No wonder our ancestors called the domestic cow "nurse". Due to its unique properties, it is a source of many useful substances and the basis for the production of a large group of dairy and sour-milk products. Such production is possible due to the tendency of the drink to ferment. To understand why milk turns sour, let's look at what it consists of.

What substances are found in milk

Milk is intended to feed young mammals. It contains a full spectrum of nutrients necessary for the growth and development of newborns. The digestibility of nutrients is very high and approaches 95%.

Moreover, the milk of animals of different species differs significantly in calorie content and the quantitative content of biological substances. Let's take a closer look at the composition of cow's milk. It contains the following substances:

  • Water - 87.5%.
  • Fats - 3.5%.
  • Proteins - casein, albumin, globulin - 3.3%.
  • Milk sugar - lactose - 4.7%.
  • Macro- and microelements (mineral part) - 1%.
  • Vitamins.
  • Enzymes.
  • Antibodies that protect newborns from infectious diseases.

Also in milk there is a certain amount of bacteria that are classified as normal microflora. They are the answer to the question “why does milk turn sour?”. The biology of microbes and, as a result, the type of fermentation they cause, differ.

Bacteria that cause desired fermentation

In the "useful" fermentation of milk, lactic acid, propionic acid bacteria, and lactic yeast are involved.

Lactic acid microbes are naturally found in milk and are the main "culprits" of why milk turns sour. The biology of bacteria is based on their processing of lactose into lactic acid. As a result, the acidity of the drink increases, and the casein protein coagulates. Some types of lactic acid bacteria are introduced into milk specifically for the production of curdled milk, cottage cheese, sour-milk cheeses, sour cream and acidophilus. This group includes: acidophilic, Bulgarian and cheese lactic acid sticks; lactic acid streptococci.

It is added to milk in the production of cheese. As a result of the processing of milk sugar, propionic and acetic acids are formed and carbon dioxide is released.

At the same time, alcoholic fermentation can also occur in milk. It is caused by specific yeast and is used in the production of kefir.

To get curdled milk, it is enough to leave it in a warm place for 1-2 days. But for the manufacture of other products, the necessary microorganisms are introduced into the prepared substrate. This explains why milk turns sour with one result or another.

Tasteless curdled milk

In addition to the desired fermentation, some microorganisms cause butyric fermentation. That is why sour milk is bitter. Spore-forming butyric acid bacteria are converted into carbon dioxide, butyric acid and hydrogen. As a result, milk acquires a bitter taste and an unpleasant odor. Such fermentation occurs mainly in sterilized and pasteurized milk, as well as in cheeses. The fact is that butyric microbes tolerate the boiling point for a long time (up to 30 minutes) and remain the only inhabitants capable of fermenting the product.

The other turns sour and acquires an unpleasant taste, there may be putrefactive bacteria that develop in fresh milk if it is contaminated and if storage conditions are violated. Putrefactive bacteria have their effect on the product at temperatures below +10°C, lactic acid bacteria are viable at + 10°C - +20°C. Unlike lactic acid, putrefactive microbes do not die during pasteurization, so milk from a bag often “rots”, and does not ferment. In this case, microorganisms break down the proteins and fats of milk, which leads to the appearance of decay products with a characteristic rancid or rotten odor.

Why does milk turn sour quickly

The rate of fermentation of milk depends on several factors.

  • The optimum temperature for the development of lactic acid bacteria is from +30°C to +40°C. At this temperature, milk sours very quickly. So store the product in the refrigerator at +4°C.
  • Milk bought in a store quickly turns sour even when stored in the refrigerator due to a violation of production technology. These can be: non-compliance with the sanitary regime on the farm during milking and transportation, failure in the sterilization process of the product, violation of the integrity of the packaging, poor-quality packaging, and so on.

It should be noted that for fresh milk, fermentation is a natural process, at room temperature it begins approximately 12-24 hours after milking from one cow. Mixed milk sours faster. To extend the shelf life, technological methods such as pasteurization and sterilization are used. They are based on the temperature treatment of the product, but differ in the mode of exposure.


Pasteurization of milk is carried out in several ways:

  • Withstand 30 minutes at +65°C.
  • At +75°C for 15 to 40 seconds.
  • Temperature +85°C, processing time 8-10 seconds.

Such milk retains a significant part of vitamins and enzymes, and most bacteria die. "In the ranks" are only heat-resistant microbes. This explains why milk does not sour for a long time. keeps in the refrigerator for 2 weeks. Also, such a product is used to introduce various microorganisms and create directed fermentation.

The most optimal way to preserve the maximum of useful substances is ultra-pasteurization. With this technology, milk is exposed to high temperature (+135°C) for 3-4 seconds. Then the product is cooled to +4°C and packaged in a sterile package. Unlike conventional pasteurization, resistant spore forms (including putrefactive bacteria) die. UHT milk can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two months.


Sterilization kills all microorganisms. Such milk is sterile, packed in aseptic containers, it has a shelf life of up to 12 months. Everyone knows why homemade milk does not turn sour after boiling - because the bacteria die. But at home, there is no way to carry out high-temperature processing and provide a bacteria-free work area and aseptic packaging. But in industrial conditions, milk is sterilized at a temperature of +120 - +150 ° C for 20-30 minutes.

Such a product has less value, because most of the vitamins and enzymes are destroyed. Also, lactic acid derivatives cannot be prepared from it.

Doesn't sour milk from a domestic cow?

Another reason why cow's milk does not turn sour may be metabolic disorders in the cow's body. With the wrong ratio of sugar and protein in the feed, with protein overfeeding, a disease called "ketosis" occurs. Ketone milk is very harmful to the human body, practically does not ferment, and sour cream with a bitter aftertaste is obtained from separated cream.

Milk fermentation products

Dairy products have been known since ancient times. Each culture has its own way of preparing this wonderful and healthy food. They differ mainly in the initial composition of milk and the ferment introduced.

Milk and lactic acid products are stored in a clean, closed container, observing the temperature regime and the terms indicated on the packaging by the manufacturer. Follow the recommendations, and the question "why does milk turn sour quickly?" will not occur. If there are no clear instructions on the storage mode, focus on a temperature of + 4 ° C - it is suitable for almost all dairy products. Remember that dairy foods require careful attention, and spoiled foods can cause serious poisoning.

Hello everyone!

My dear readers, how do you feel about milk?

Do you drink it?

Me not. I have it since childhood.

Although my grandmother lived in the countryside. And she always had a few cows.

Every weekend we went to visit her, but we couldn’t accustom me to milk like that. I don't drink at all. Although I can eat yogurt, sour cream and cottage cheese.

But no milk!!!

Therefore, I have never closely studied the topic of the benefits or harms of milk. Although I know that there are ongoing discussions about this.

What kind of horror stories do not write about !!!

Imagine, I even read that people can grow horns and hooves from it!!!)

In general, I decided to delve into this topic, read scientific studies, books, opinions of nutritionists, doctors, and taking this information as a basis, I wrote this post.

So, is milk good for you?

From this article you will learn:

Is milk good for the human body?

What is milk and why did nature invent milk?

Milk is a secretion product of the mammary glands of female mammals.

Milk was evolutionarily designed to feed very young newborns before they had teeth.

Then nature considered that milk was no longer needed and therefore it endowed the organisms of animals and humans with the ability to lose the digestion of milk sugar (lactose). that is, she did everything so that with the advent of teeth, we gradually forgot about milk and switched to independent nutrition.

To put it a little more correctly, nature made it so that with age we lost the ability to secrete lactase into the intestines, an enzyme that promotes the digestion of lactose (milk sugar).

What happens to milk in the intestines of an adult?

When there is little or no lactase in the small intestine, milk lactose passes without breaking down immediately into the large intestine and becomes a substrate for various types of bacteria.

They begin to break it down to lactic acids, then break down these acids, leading to the formation of other organic acids.

Those, in turn, also decay and form carbon dioxide, hydrogen and methane.

All this can be manifested in our body by bloating, intestinal pain, diarrhea and allergies and is called by one general term - « lactose intolerance.

Determining if you have it is very easy. Approximately 30 minutes after drinking milk, you have all of the above symptoms

And this is not a disease at all, it is a normal evolutionary sign of human development.

But, after all, there are people who drink milk all their lives and do not suffer from such symptoms? Why?!

Why doesn't everyone get lactose intolerant?

My dears, everything is simple - evolution ...

The development of the dairy industry and the excessive consumption of milk, especially by children passing from maternal to cow, led to the selection of populations in which the lactose enzyme continued to form for quite a long time.

This anomaly is called lactose persistence"

Today, lactose intolerance affects about 40% of the world's population. In Russia, there are about 15%.

The rest can tolerate it quite calmly and drink it at least every day without any problems.

What is in milk?

To date, the nutritional value of milk is not in doubt.

It contains a huge number of important components for our health.

Let's take a look at them briefly:

  • Fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, vitamins B and C
  • Contains immune-boosting immunoglobulins
  • It is an excellent source of magnesium, phosphorus and potassium in an easily digestible form.
  • Milk is an important source of complete protein and omega 3 fatty acids.

200 ml of milk contains 25% of the daily value of calcium, 22% of the daily value of vitamin B2, 21% of the daily value of vitamin D, 18% of the daily value of phosphorus, 13.5% of the daily form of protein.

Which milk is best?

In addition to cow's milk, there are other types that are superior in nutritional value.

One of the most useful types of milk is goat's, it does not cause such allergic reactions as cow's, and at the same time it is easily digested in the intestines.

Sheep milk is no less valuable than goat milk, it is more nutritious and contains about 6% protein and 7% fat.

The milk of mares and donkeys is as close as possible to women's milk in its composition, but inferior in nutritional value to cow's milk.

Is there any harm in milk?

Unfortunately yes.

There are a number of scientifically proven facts about the dangers of milk.

Let's take a closer look at them.

More precisely, the three most important of them, which have at least some scientific justification:

  1. According to many experts, the harm of milk is 90% dependent on what kind of milk you drink. Fresh or pasteurized. All experts are unanimous in their opinion that pasteurization (heating) turns healthy milk into one of the most harmful products. It denatures all enzymes, proteins and immune bodies, which turn into heavy indigestible substances. Therefore, it is best to drink milk fresh, raw and not boiled, but in such milk, there is a danger of infection with pathogenic microorganisms, as well as pus (if the cow was sick with mastitis).
  2. A number of experts believe that an excess of calcium in milk leads to a coma, that our body does not accumulate it, but rather begins to excrete it intensively! This is because calcium is a very active element, much more active than potassium and magnesium. At any opportunity, it displaces them from the compounds, forming calcium salts, which are very poorly soluble in water. They settle on the walls of blood vessels and are part of kidney stones. Therefore, the body in every possible way does not allow excessive intake of calcium into our body.
  3. The protein contained in milk increases the acidity of the stomach environment so much that our body is forced to use minerals to neutralize this acid. Since we have the most calcium of all minerals, the body uses calcium to neutralize acid, it literally flushes it out of our bones.
  4. Milk also contains casein, a complex milk protein that is difficult to break down in the stomach to form other substances that can cause allergies, autoimmune disease, and diabetes.
  5. And finally, do not forget that the feed fed to dairy cows does not always correspond to the desired quality. Unfortunately, not all cows graze in the meadow and chew green grass or hay. They eat food that may contain antibiotics, growth hormones, female sex hormones estrogens, and all this ends up in milk and into our bodies too.

My conclusion - is milk healthy?

In general, I read all this, wrote an article and from the bottom of my heart I was glad for myself that I don’t drink milk.

A very murky and incomprehensible story with him.

The fact that there are a lot of useful components in milk is undeniable, but what about the harmful properties that milk has?!

Therefore, to the question of whether to drink milk or not to drink, let everyone give an answer to himself. And I will remain in my opinion that milk is food for calves.

And you, what do you think about this?

Do you drink milk? I will be glad to your responses, comments and useful councils.

Alena Yasneva was with you, bye everyone!



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