Types of implants. Incomplete monoprosthesis of the residual penis Classical methods of treatment

What worries most men all over the world, regardless of race, social status or age? The victory of your favorite football team, the landing of aliens on the moon, or the consequences of Chernobyl? No, you say, and you will be right - men are really worried about their reproductive organ, all the worries of the soul are devoted to it, and it is he who is the true master of the stronger sex. The portal contains all the information on the genitals of a man, here you will find answers to all, even the most difficult questions. Read full text...

holy of holies

Our site is completely devoted to the shrine - here the phallus acquires true value, all important aspects are considered on the portal, from the intrauterine development process and the formation of primary and secondary sexual characteristics to pathologies of penis development, its injuries and methods for correcting a small reproductive organ. Already at the age of 4-5, boys show interest in their penis, of course, this is not the same interest that is inherent in adolescents who are preoccupied with the problems of puberty and hormonal explosions. But nevertheless, from a young age, the phallus wins all the attention of its owner, and a man does many, sometimes not quite right things, “thinking not with his head.”

What comes to the fore

On the site, we tried to systematize everything that worries men the most, namely:
  • What size penis can be considered ideal.
  • What to do if nature "rested" on the reproductive organ.
  • Ejaculation issues: what to do if it happens quickly.
  • Is it possible to safely enlarge the penis and what are the ways to reduce the phallus.
  • Is it possible to avoid penis enlargement surgery and replace it with the use of drugs.
  • What medicines and techniques will help make the penis powerful.
  • Injuries and anomalies in the development of the penis - who to contact and what methods will be effective.
What is the most important thing in a person? That's right - not a member, but a soul. This is how the grandmothers of an upset teenager calm down, who has nothing to brag about in his soul among his peers. You can talk about spiritual values ​​as much as you like, but only with a powerful sexual organ does a man feel like an alpha male, it is thanks to size and working qualities that tertiary sexual characteristics appear, meaning success, promotion or even conquering the whole world.

(prosthesis of the male penis) is the insertion of an implant into the cavernous bodies of the penis as a surgical treatment for problems associated with erectile dysfunction.


For penile prosthetics, there are special indications:

  • having a vasculogenic (vascular) nature;
  • erectile dysfunction accompanying a disease such as;
  • lack of a positive result after conservative therapy of erectile dysfunction;
  • cavernous fibrosis;
  • underdevelopment of the penis.


There are the following contraindications for penile prosthesis: symptomatic priapism (a disease characterized by a pathologically prolonged erection), as well as an arterial form of priapism.

Phalloprosthesis technique

Operation by male penis prosthesis performed under general anesthesia.

Depending on the clinical situation, the incision can be made on the scrotum, on the foreskin, or under the pubis. After the surgeon has access to the cavernous (cavernous) bodies of the penis, the implant is installed. In the case when the patient suffers from severe cavernous fibrosis, the cavernous bodies are subject to mechanical expansion.

Types of prostheses

There are the following types of prostheses (implants):

  • rigid prostheses- silicone rods having an elastic structure. This type of prosthesis has a fairly low cost, but is currently used extremely rarely, because it does not have plasticity. After the implantation of such prostheses, the penis maintains a tense shape constantly, which negatively affects the psychological state of the patient;
  • plastic prostheses have the advantage of "plastic memory" and allow you to maintain the natural appearance of the penis. When a man needs an erection, the penis with a plastic implant installed in it is lifted by hand and remains erect for as long as necessary;
  • inflatable prostheses can change the degree of rigidity when and how it is desirable for a man, in addition, this type of implant does not exert constant pressure on the tissues of the penis.

Inflatable prostheses, in turn, can be one-component and multicomponent. One-piece inflatable penile prostheses are more rigid in the absence of an erection, and the quality of erection is poor. Multi-piece inflatable penile prostheses contain liquid. During an erection, it moves inside the prosthesis. A man can regulate the quality of an erection with the help of a pump that is sewn into the scrotum.

Three-piece hydraulic penile prostheses

Of the currently available phalloprostheses, these prostheses are the most advanced in terms of natural erection and maintaining the resting state of the penis. They contain two cylinders placed in the cavernous bodies, a reservoir placed in the area behind the pubis, and a pressure pump placed in the scrotum. All components are connected to each other by tubes. To get an erection, you need to squeeze the pump several times, and to put the penis in a calm state, press the pump's bleed valve.

Such prostheses are produced by companies:

  • AMS 700CX
  • AMS 700 LGX
  • Coloplast Titan OTR
  • Coloplast Titan Touch
A clear advantage of these penis prostheses is their best functional result and penis appearance. 30 year product warranty.

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Two-piece hydraulic penile prostheses

This type of prosthesis consists of two cylinders with built-in reservoirs installed in the cavernous bodies, and a pump installed in the scrotum. The pump is connected to the cylinders by tubes. To achieve an erection, you need to squeeze the pump several times, while the fluid from the reservoirs enters the cylinders and hardens them. To remove the state of erection, the penis must be bent and held in this position for several seconds until maximum relaxation is obtained.

This type of penile prosthesis has a more natural erection and a more natural state of rest. However, two-component prostheses are inferior in their qualities to three-component ones, and therefore they are used quite rarely today.

Two-component hydraulic penile prostheses are produced by AMS Ambicor (Ambicor).

Semi-rigid (plastic) penile prostheses

Such a prosthesis consists of two silicone cylinders, each of which is inserted into its own cavernous body. Unlike rigid prostheses, a plastic prosthesis contains metal guides, so it has a plastic memory that ensures that the specified position of the penis is maintained. When the moment of intercourse comes, the direction of the penis is changed by hand. The advantage of a plastic prosthesis is a more natural appearance of the penis while maintaining its functions. The disadvantage of these prostheses is their permanent rigidity.

Examples of such penile prostheses are prostheses manufactured by companies:

  • AMS Spectra Concealable (Spectra);
  • Coloplast Genesis Malleable Penile Prosthesis (Genesis);
  • Promedon Tube Malleable Penile Prosthesis

The cost of implantation of the prosthesis
penis - 120,800 rubles

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Phalloprosthetics is the installation of implants in the region of the cavernous bodies of the penis. Radical therapy, which is used for impotence, if other methods do not give the desired effect. The inability of a man to achieve an erection and maintain it during intercourse is a problem for men of mature age.

But often it is faced by younger people. Modern medicine has in its arsenal various methods of healing the disease.

Classical treatments

The cause of impotence is the poor filling of the cavernous bodies and the rapid outflow of blood, leading to the inability to complete sexual intercourse. The main methods are aimed at restoring this function.

Most often, the patient is prescribed complex therapy. You should not engage in healing and try out pills and devices from advertising on yourself, you can worsen your condition.

impotence treatment

An integrated approach combines not only various methods, but also psychological assistance. Often the cause can be far-fetched problems. Therapy for such an ailment is a consultation with a sex therapist.

Treatment with drugs has different directions. It can be tablets, ointments, rectal suppositories. Their action is to eliminate the causes.

  • Vacuum treatment is the injection of blood to the genitals with the help of a pump and fixing it with a special ring at the base of the penis. This is enough for 20-30 minutes to complete the act. The operation of the device is not therapeutic.
  • Genital and perineal massage is part of complex therapy. Improves blood circulation, increases sensitivity, relieves nervous tension.
  • intracavernous method. Injections of medications into the cavernous body of the penis to stimulate an erection.
  • Shock wave therapy. Improves blood circulation, promotes the growth of new blood vessels.
  • Physiotherapy exercises are necessary for those who lead a sedentary lifestyle. Special exercises improve blood circulation in all organs. Relieve tightness of the muscles that affect erection, has a urological effect.
  • Surgery is the last opportunity to restore potency. Used when other treatments have failed.

erectile dysfunction

An erection is a necessary condition for sexual intercourse. When a failure occurs, not only physical, but also psychological problems arise. In the penis, the cavernous bodies are poorly filled with blood during arousal.

She quickly leaves the organ. The entire process is controlled by the central nervous system. If it fails, nerve impulses are interrupted, impotence occurs.

In addition, there are a number of other reasons leading to this problem. Dysfunction indicates a deterioration in overall health.

Often men turn to a specialist for help late. The main method of treatment remains radical. Phalloimplantation is successfully used in all countries.

The recovery rate reaches 90%. For many, this method is a salvation from the disease. The condition before and after implantation is very different.

Varieties of penile prosthetics

The operation is the installation of a special device in the genital organ. Implant - what is it? What types does it have?

  • Rigid, elastic - these are cylindrical silicone rods. Used at the beginning of prosthetics. The disadvantage of the method is that the penis is permanently erect. This negatively affects the psychological state of the patient.
  • Semi-rigid, plastic with memory, one-piece prosthesis. Inside, there are additional metallic silver threads that help to ensure the location of the penis during intercourse. The man independently raises it with his hand after intercourse lowers it. The difficulty lies in the fact that the body is constantly in a solid state.
  • Inflatable or hydraulic. They are of three types. They are made up of different parts.
    One-component - hard, low quality.

Two-component - contain a liquid that moves inside the prosthesis. The patient himself can regulate the entire process of intercourse.

For excitation, press it several times to start the filling process. After finishing, bend the penis and hold it for a while so that the liquid comes down and the excitement subsides.

A three-piece implant is made from anti-allergenic, durable materials. It consists of three parts:

  • Two cylinders in the form of cavernous bodies of the penis.
  • An oblong-shaped reservoir that is filled with a sterile liquid in a volume of not more than 100 ml. It is placed next to the bladder (adipose tissue).
  • Liquid transfer activator. Located in the scrotum.

The principle of operation is to start it, which controls the flow of fluid from the reservoir into the cylinders, gradually increasing the erection.

Turning it off reverses the process. Component is considered the most modern, closest to natural sexual intercourse.


  1. If complex conservative treatment did not bring positive results.
  2. The effect of Peyronie's disease, when a strong curvature leads to impotence.
  3. Unsuccessful surgical operations on the genitals, prostate, bladder, rectum.
    Severe course of diabetes.
  4. Sequelae of prostatectomy, adenomectomy. Restoration of erectile function.
    Underdevelopment or atrophy of the penis.
  5. Deterioration of the blood circulation of the organ, vascular pathologies.
  6. Fibrous disorders of the inner layers of the penis.


There are medical indicators when the operation is not possible.

  • The presence of venereal and infectious diseases.
  • Poor blood clotting.
  • Chronic pathologies of the genitourinary sphere.

Pros and cons

Like any surgical operation, the introduction of a prosthesis is a difficult test for the patient. About 10% of those operated on will be dissatisfied with its outcome.

  • After the implant is installed, the integrity of the cavernous bodies of the penis is violated.
  • There is no way back.
  • The organ will stand only with the help of a pump.
  • Another disadvantage is the high price.
  • If the implant fails, the operation is repeated to replace it. There are no other treatments.

The positive side of plastic is:

  1. Restoration of erection, the ability to have children.
  2. The establishment of a three-component prosthesis is as close as possible to natural intercourse.
  3. A woman may not even be aware of its presence. Conception is possible, fertilization occurs naturally.


The operation is carried out according to the doctor's prescription, after a thorough examination. Many people need psychological counseling.

The surgeon who will perform plastic surgery must explain to the patient how it is performed, possible complications, the risk of relapse, and the duration of rehabilitation.

Pick up implants together, analyze the mechanism of action. The anesthesiologist determines the type of anesthesia. Selected according to the length of the penis.

You need to know that during the operation, it decreases slightly. This happens least of all with three-component plastics (up to 1 cm).


Implant technology is a serious procedure that must be carried out in a medical facility under sterile conditions to avoid infection.

It is done under general or spinal anesthesia. Its course will depend on the number of components. The most difficult and lengthy consists of three stages.

Bougienage (removal of cavernous bodies). A necessary process for any plastic surgery. Cylinders made of soft materials are inserted into these cavities. An incision is made at the base of the penis.

With a special tool, cavities from the cavernous bodies are released (bouginated). The patient must know that they are not subject to recovery. There are two cylinders.

The second stage is the implantation of the pump into the adipose tissue of the scrotum, combining with the help of special tubes. To do this, you need to make another incision on the scrotum.

The third stage is the installation of a reservoir with liquid, which is installed at the bottom of the peritoneum behind the pubis. Make the last cut. All objects are connected by tubes.

For seams, special threads are used to minimize external cuts.

Benefits of prostheses

  • Plastic gives an almost 100% guarantee of the treatment of the disease. The use of modern materials and technologies provides hope for those who have tried all sorts of methods.
  • Sexual contact is allowed after two months.
  • Does not require constant medical supervision.
  • The penis and head remain sensitive.
  • Gives the chance to conceive a child. The long-awaited pregnancy is coming.
  • The ability to control the duration of sexual intercourse until the partners are completely satisfied.


As a result of unsuccessful prosthetics, there may be:

  1. Rejection of the implant.
  2. Heavy bleeding.
  3. Damage to the urethral canal and head of the penis.
  4. Tissue death (necrosis).
  5. Deformation and curvature of the penis.
  6. Blueness and bruising.


  • After the operation, the patient should be under the supervision of specialists for about a week.
  • The first two days - bed rest.
  • Administering an antibiotic intravenously, then in the form of tablets to avoid infection.
  • There will be swelling and pain for about a month.
  • Before starting sexual relations, you need to consult a surgeon.


The operation is quite complicated. Its price depends on the complexity and implants that will be implanted. The cheapest ones are single-component.

Their cost is from 500 to 800 USD. Of the two - 1300-1600 USD Expensive ones consist of three devices - 8-15 thousand USD.

Penile prosthesis is an operation aimed at restoring the erectile function of the penis in men. The essence of such an intervention is the introduction of a special prosthetic material into the tissues of the penis, after which it is possible to radically get rid of problems with potency. Patient feedback confirms the high effectiveness of this intervention. Let us consider in more detail what the operation of phalloprosthetics is, when it is indicated and how much this type of treatment costs.

The essence of the surgical treatment of erectile dysfunction is the implantation of special devices into the cavernous bodies of the penis - penile prosthesis. With their help, a man can achieve an erection and perform a full sexual intercourse. The intervention is performed under general anesthesia. Surgical access is determined by the anatomical features of a particular patient and the chosen model of the endoprosthesis. Based on this, the localization of the incisions is different. This may be the area of ​​​​the scrotum, under the pubic bone, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe foreskin. All types of penile prosthesis operations are divided into two main groups. Their difference lies in the choice of prosthesis. Allocate:

  • Semi-rigid or elastic penile prostheses (single-component). The design consists of two silicone cylinders, which are equipped with a rod and wire. During the operation of phalloprosthesis, a silicone prosthesis is placed in the cavernous bodies of the penis. Due to the presence of a rod and wire, it is possible to maintain a predetermined position of the male genital organ. To perform sexual intercourse, you just need to lift your penis with your hand. After intercourse, it is returned to its original position. However, the disadvantage of this method of penile prosthesis is that after the intervention, a constant rigidity of the prosthesis is maintained.
  • Hydraulic or inflatable (three-component). This is the most convenient method of penile prosthetics, which is confirmed by reviews. The structure of the prosthesis consists of two cylinders with a special fluid reservoir, which are connected by a pump. During the operation, the cylinders are placed in the cavernous bodies of the penis, the pump is placed in the scrotum, the liquid container is sutured in the area behind the pubic bone. To achieve an erection, you will need to squeeze the pump several times, while the fluid is forced into the cylinders and their rigidity increases. After intercourse, to eliminate the erection of the penis, it must be bent and wait for complete relaxation. At this time, the liquid will flow back into the tank. Reviews note that this type of penile prosthesis provides a more natural look, including at rest. In addition, this is the most physiological model. But its price is also great.

It is worth mentioning the existence of rigid endoprostheses. Due to their inconvenience and due to the advent of more modern penile prosthesis technologies, they are not used today. The main disadvantage of rigid prostheses is that they are not able to change their rigidity, and they also lack the property of plastic memory. That is, throughout the entire time there is an imitation of an erection. Among the advantages, patient reviews note the cost of such a prosthesis. Rigid penile prostheses are cheaper than newer models. Below we consider in more detail how much each endoprosthesis costs.

Consider all risks

Indications for a penile prosthesis operation are clearly defined. Accordingly, one desire of a man will not be enough. As a rule, in order to make a penile prosthesis, a serious reason is needed. After all, like any operation, this intervention is associated with multiple risks. And the recovery period after prosthetics does not always go smoothly. The main indications for surgery include:

  1. The ineffectiveness of conservative methods of impotence treatment, including the psychogenic variant.
  2. Erectile dysfunction caused by vascular pathology (pronounced atherosclerotic lesion).
  3. Peyronie's disease.
  4. Impotence caused by such chronic diseases as diabetes mellitus, metabolic disorders of various substances.
  5. Erectile dysfunction due to surgical interventions on the pelvic organs (after surgery on the prostate, rectum, bladder).
  6. Fibrosis of the cavernous bodies.
  7. Contraindications to intracavernous administration of drugs or to the use of vacuum devices.
  8. Anomalies in the structure or underdevelopment of the penis.
  9. The presence of an artificial penis after sex reassignment surgery.

Among the contraindications to penile prosthetics, it is worth highlighting various types of priapism. These are conditions that are accompanied by an excessively long, often painful erection of the penis.


The choice of penile prosthesis for penile prosthesis is selected individually after passing a detailed examination. Consultations of other doctors may also be required to exclude contraindications for surgery, and only after that preparation for the intervention begins.

The choice of the type of endoprosthesis for phalloprosthetics depends on the clinical situation, as well as on the wishes of the patient and his financial capabilities. On average, the cost of plastic surgery on the penis will cost 45,000–50,000 rubles. It should be noted that this price does not include the cost of preoperative examination, consultations of related specialists, anesthesia allowance and, most importantly, this amount does not include the cost of the prosthesis itself. As the reviews show, penile prosthetics is not cheap. If necessary, for an additional payment after the implantation of the endoprosthesis, it is possible to perform surgical procedures aimed at increasing the size of the penis. The table shows the average total price for the surgical treatment of erectile dysfunction of the penis.

Intervention Option



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