Hardening is the path to health. Orel State Technical University

The most precious gift that a person receives from nature is health. No wonder people say: "Healthy everything is great"! This simple and wise truth should always be remembered, and not only at those moments when “failures” begin in the body and we are forced to turn to doctors, sometimes demanding the impossible from them. No matter how perfect medicine is, it cannot rid everyone of all diseases. Man is the creator of his own health!

Hardening of the body is a system of procedures that increase the body's resistance to adverse effects. external environment, develop immunity, improve thermoregulation, strengthen the spirit. Hardening is a kind of training of the body's defenses, it should be started when you are healthy. If during the period of hardening procedures your temperature begins to rise, then all procedures should be stopped. When hardening, self-control is important, which is carried out taking into account body weight, temperature, pulse, blood pressure, sleep, appetite and general well-being. Better with early age lead an active and healthy lifestyle, harden, engage in physical education and sports, observe the rules of personal and public hygiene - in a word, achieve genuine harmony of health in reasonable ways. Hardening is a powerful healing, tonic. With its help, you can avoid many diseases, prolong life and long years keep the ability to work, the ability to enjoy life.

Hardening of the body should be carried out systematically, from day to day throughout the year, regardless of weather conditions and without long breaks. It is best if the use of hardening procedures is clearly fixed in the daily routine. Then the body develops a certain stereotyped reaction to the applied stimulus. Hardening of the body(except winter swimming) does not cure, but prevents the disease, and this is its most important preventive role. The main thing is that hardening is acceptable for any person, i.e. it can be done by people of all ages.

Starting to harden, you should adhere to the following principles:
1. It is necessary to get rid of the "microbial nest" in the body in the form of diseased teeth, inflamed tonsils etc.
2. Hardening of the body must be carried out consciously. The success of hardening procedures largely depends on the presence of interest in them, positive psychological mood. It is important that hardening procedures cause positive emotions.
3. Hardening of the body should be carried out systematically, day after day throughout the year, regardless of weather conditions and without long breaks.

4. The strength and duration of hardening procedures should be increased gradually. You should not start hardening the body immediately with wiping with snow or swimming in an ice hole. Such hardening can be harmful to health.
5. When hardening the body, the sequence in the procedures is important. It is necessary to pre-train the body with more gentle procedures. You can start with rubdown, foot baths and only then proceed to dousing, while observing the principle of gradual decrease in temperature.
6. When hardening the body, it is necessary to take into account individual characteristics and health status. hardening renders strong impact on the body, especially on people who are starting to use it for the first time. Therefore, before you start taking hardening procedures, you should consult a doctor.
7. When hardening the body, the most effective is the use of a variety of procedures that reflect the whole complex of natural forces of nature (hardening with air; sunbathing; water procedures (rubbing, dousing, showering, swimming in natural reservoirs, pools or in sea ​​water); wiping with snow; walking barefoot; bath or sauna with bathing in cold water).
8. Hardening of the body must be carried out using a variety of aids. Physical exercise, games and sports go well with various types hardening. All this increases the body's resistance and does not create conditions for getting used to the same stimulus.


The well-being of a person depends mainly on his physical condition. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is necessary for the full and harmonious development of a person. Taking care of your body includes the rules of personal hygiene, avoiding the use of drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, healthy and proper nutrition maintaining a normal weight. It is important for a healthy person to engage in constant physical exercise and sports. An excellent way to preserve and care for human health is hardening.

What is hardening?

Hardening is an old and proven procedure for improving human health. Hardening is based on the impact on the human body of cold, heat and sunlight. Gradually, hardening leads to human adaptation to the external environment. At regular hardening health improves, the risk of diseases, especially colds, decreases. Hardening favorably affects almost all organs and vital systems of a person.

When practicing hardening, it is important to understand that classes must be continuous and consistent. For example, when hardening by dousing, gradualness in lowering the water temperature is important. An abrupt transition from warm water to ice, it is also unacceptable to start hardening immediately with ice water. With non-systematic hardening, its effect decreases or disappears altogether.

The most common type of hardening is walking barefoot. This species has many supporters, as well as opponents. Some scientists claim that walking barefoot, especially on cold surfaces, improves blood flow to the feet and improves immunity. In classes related to oriental, and not only martial arts, students train only barefoot. Many pediatricians advise children to walk barefoot on the ground more often. Proponents of walking barefoot have long developed their own hardening system and practice it successfully.

Perhaps the most powerful hardening procedure is winter swimming or swimming in ice water. For ice swimming there is a row medical contraindications and in no case should you begin to engage in it without consulting with medical specialist. Winter swimming is especially contraindicated for children, adolescents and people suffering from diseases of the upper respiratory tract, disease thyroid gland, asthma. Winter swimming should be preceded by a long preparation, which consists in dousing cold water With gradual decline water temperature.

When bathing in ice water, a person's blood circulation increases, pain in muscles and joints disappears. A winter swimmer is less stressed, swimming in ice water helps to invigorate the muscles.

After swimming in ice-cold water, in order to avoid hypothermia and getting sick with a cold, you need to dress warmly, if possible, be in a warm place.

And although science has not fully explored the benefits of winter swimming on the human body, today this method of hardening has a huge number of fans. By the way, those who like to swim in the hole are called “walruses” only in Russia. In Finland they are called "seals" or "seals", and in North America"white bears".

Bathing or swimming is also a form of hardening. Summer swimming can be practiced on specially equipped beaches. Any body of water is suitable for swimming, be it a river, a lake, an old woman, or a pond. Bathing in artificial reservoirs, such as pools and baths, is also useful.

When swimming in natural waters, it is important to follow the rules of safe behavior in the water. When bathing, a person exposes himself to a certain risk, although bathing is not officially extreme entertainment. On the beach, you should not swim behind the buoys, hold on to them, swim far from the coast. Swim at night with great care.

Experts in the field of medicine have calculated that a person who swims twenty minutes a day performs daily allowance exercise and burns 150 kilocalories.

Among other tempering water procedures common procedures such as wiping, dousing and cold and hot shower.

hardening methods

The most gentle and simple way of hardening is, of course, rubdown. Basically, rubdown is used for babies. The hardening method by rubbing can be used already at the age of about three months. Wipe the child's body soft cloth dipped in water. It is important that the water temperature during the first rubbing is not lower than 28 degrees. Then the temperature can be reduced no more than once every three days and no more than one degree. The room during the rubdown should be at normal room temperature. After wiping, dry with a clean towel.

A contrast shower and, in general, a contrast method of hardening, is associated with an alternating effect on the human body, either hot or cold. cold temperatures. It is not recommended to use the hardening method with a contrast shower for children under one year old, since the shower, in addition to the temperature effect, also has mechanical action on the human body.

For hardening with a contrast shower, you can use two showers or one, but with water switching. The temperature difference with the strongest contrast shower can reach fifteen degrees. There are also options for dousing with cold water and taking a warm shower.

Particular attention in hardening belongs to the Russian bath. The combination of high temperature in the bath with access to the street with a low temperature in winter. To achieve a greater effect, wiping with snow is possible. The temperature difference during such procedures exceeds 60 degrees.

The above hardening methods will help increase the body's immunity, especially to colds. But as noted earlier, you should not start hardening without preparation and without consulting a medical specialist. Hardening is more of a workout than a cure. And the hardening process should also be approached carefully and competently. Wrong approach when hardened can give the exact opposite of the expected result.

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Hardening is a complex of recreational activities that contribute to the development of the body's resistance to various adverse environmental influences. Thanks to hardening, a person becomes more enduring, he endures fluctuations in the temperature amplitude of the external environment. That is, in a hardened person, the body with significant differences temperature regime ambient air will support normal temperature organs within narrow limits. It is believed that hardening is the best and effective way maintain human health, strengthen nervous system, improve immunity.

What are the types of hardening

Hardening is of several types. Air hardening (aerotherapy) consists in long walks on the street and taking air baths. Long stay on fresh air improves thermoregulation of the body, and also normalizes the functioning of systems and organs of the body. This type of hardening is the simplest and most accessible. Both in winter and in summer, preference should be given to walks in forests and parks. In summer, the air in these places is very useful, as plants produce a lot of useful substances. And in winter, the air in forests and parks is very clean and saturated with oxygen.

Hardening by the sun (heliotherapy) is a rather serious procedure, therefore it requires a very responsible approach. Solar hardening has mass positive sides, increases the body's resistance, the stability of the nervous system, improves blood circulation and functioning muscular system and also has a tonic effect on all body functions. But here it is very important to follow all the rules of hardening, since the incorrect implementation of this procedure can provoke the development of serious diseases. Therefore, make sure that in no case do not allow a burn, heat stroke or overheating. Solar hardening should begin gradually, given the general physical state person and his age.

Hardening with water is the most important and very useful view this procedure. It helps to improve blood circulation, which begins to move through the systems much more intensively, thereby bringing additional oxygen and useful nutrients organs and systems. Water hardening, in turn, is divided into several subspecies:

  • Wiping is done with a towel soaked in water. This type is the most gentle and gentle, therefore its use is allowed even infants. Wipe first top part torso and dried with a dry towel, then Bottom part, first wet and then with a dry towel;
  • douche, is over effective procedure. It can be performed as a general douche (of the whole body) and local (only the legs). After dousing, the body must be wiped with a dry towel;
  • shower, is a hardening shower, which can be of two types, it is a contrast and cold shower;
  • Therapeutic bathing and winter swimming is the most effective and very popular method of hardening. Such procedures significantly improve the functioning of the heart and lungs. But this hardening requires compliance with all the rules. As for winter swimming, it should be started only after consulting a doctor.

How to temper properly

If you decide to start hardening, then you need to do this only in healthy condition. If there are any diseases in the body, then the doctor's approval is needed first. hardening very serious procedure, which requires gradualness, the only way it can be curative. For example, if you are hardening with water, then you need to start dousing with water at room temperature and gradually reduce it by one or two degrees. The same applies to hardening by the sun, staying under sunbeams should start with a few minutes and gradually increase exposure to the sun.

Hardening should be carried out regularly, do not take long breaks. If it so happened that you long time I had to leave these procedures, then they need to be resumed starting with sparing procedures. Increases the effectiveness of hardening, a combination of procedures with physical exercises.

If after hardening, you feel unwell, note general weakness and malaise, then you need to abandon this venture. Ideally, tempering procedures should bring joy and vigor to a person.

It is worth noting that when hardening, it is necessary to carry out self-control, that is, measure your pulse, blood pressure. Also, one of the main components of hardening is proper nutrition. Try to keep a diet and eat only high-quality and healthy food.

Many people know about the benefits that hardening brings to the body. But for some reason, not everyone uses it. You can only notice the benefits of hardening over time. It is important to follow the basic rules of this process.

What are we talking about?

Hardening is a method preventive action, with the help of which a person strengthens his immune system so that the body resists the adverse effects of the environment. If a person hardens, then even strong fluctuations in temperature are not reflected in the body. If not used in Everyday life dousing with cold water, that is, a chance to become more prone to various diseases. The body will react even to small temperature fluctuations.

Also, the benefit of hardening is that it increases the endurance of the body. Such procedures have a positive effect on the nervous and immune system. Thanks to this, a person becomes stronger. Many doctors believe that hardening is one of the most the best options to keep healthy.

Heliotherapy: description, features

The sun, air and water harden the body. Now consider the types of hardening. The first type of recovery is heliotherapy. This method of hardening has a positive effect on the nervous system, accelerates metabolic processes improves protective functions and blood circulation, muscle tone strengthens, tones up almost all the work of organs. Heliotherapy is sunbathing.

This method must be used very carefully. It can do harm though. When tanning, the skin can get burned, which is very unpleasant and painful. In addition, you can overheat and get a heat stroke, the consequences of which are quite complex. It is necessary to begin to harden by the sun gradually. You should also take into account the age and health of the person. Equally important is the weather outside.

Aerotherapy: description

The second type of healing with the help of hardening is aerotherapy, which is carried out with the help of air. This method involves long walks in the fresh air. It is clean air, which may not always be warm, that is most useful for the human body.

Hardening is the most accessible method healing of the body, so you need to go out more often and be in the fresh air, in a forest plantation, park area, near water bodies - where there is clean air. But even in winter, walks are very important. Exactly at winter time year it is most useful to temper.


Water is vital for all living beings. It is she who will help harden your body, make it stronger and more resistant to various irritants.

When a person is doused with cold water, blood circulation is activated. All organs receive more oxygen and nutrients.

The first water hardening procedures should be carried out gradually. You can start by wiping with wet towels. This method is the most gentle and tolerant. By the way, it is used when hardening children.

You can carry out water hardening in another way. Dousing is an excellent tonic exercise for the whole body. You can douse both the whole body and lower limbs. It is important to rub yourself well after the procedure. It is also effective to douse with a shower. It's simple and effective method strengthen your body. A contrast shower is very useful.

Gradual and systematic implementation of procedures is the key to success

We have already figured out what hardening is. Where to start it? Now we'll find out. Many would like to start tempering, but do not know how to do it right. With any type of hardening, it is very important to follow some rules. Doctors recommend starting hardening gradually, and not abruptly. It is necessary to increase the number of procedures each time, as well as the time and their intensity. The first few treatments should be short. In this case, you can use cold water but slightly cool. The benefit of hardening is to accustom the body step by step to endure natural conditions.

In addition to the gradual entry into hardening, it is necessary to take into account the systematic. If do long breaks in hardening, then the body will wean from this type of recovery. This may cause a decrease protective functions organism. A person gets used to hardening in about a month. This period is enough for the body to adapt. If you are forced to take a break, try not to exceed a month.

Hardening: where to start, important points

When choosing a method of hardening, it is very important to take into account the individual characteristics of the organism. You also need to consider age and general health. If a child begins to temper, then you should approach this more responsibly.

It is important to take into account the lifestyle of a person, the presence certain diseases. In some cases, hardening can only aggravate a person's condition. It would be ideal to complete medical examination. You should not engage in dousing with cold water if you have chronic or viral diseases.

When a person begins to engage in health improvement, he does not know the sense of proportion. It seems to him that he is capable of more, but this feeling is deceptive. Remember that the benefits of hardening are obvious only for healthy people. It is very important to listen to the signals of your body so as not to harm it. But it is worth ignoring the ailments, it is better to immediately consult a doctor.

It is undesirable to focus on only one method of hardening, because it is much more efficient to use them all in a complex. Walk on hiking, take sun baths, douse yourself with cold water. All this will energize the body and strengthen the immune system.

Doctors stress the importance physical activity. It is worth paying attention to this, because the effectiveness of wellness procedures increases many times if you supplement them with physical exercises.

A couple more rules

During hardening, you need to carefully monitor your well-being. If before the procedures a person does not sleep well, loses appetite, becomes irritable and gets very tired, then his body is not ready for active image life. On such a day, it is better to cancel all wellness procedures and just gain strength and relax.

When you start doing procedures, set yourself a goal that will motivate you to further achievements. It is very important not only to understand the importance of the actions performed, but also to find joy and satisfaction in them.

Dousing with cold water: benefit or harm?

When a person is doused or immersed, the blood begins to move faster, the body is in stressful situation. Blood enters faster internal organs improves metabolic processes defensive forces rise. Pouring cold water, a person makes the body get used to the cold. This has a positive effect on general condition health. Truly, the sun, air and water work wonders!

Water quenching helps in weight loss. Dousing gives the skin elasticity, even helps to recover after the birth of a child. But it is better for lactating and pregnant women to consult a doctor before starting such a recovery.

We have already found out what the benefits of hardening are. And what harm can dousing? It has a negative effect when a person is ill with serious chronic diseases, SARS. Also, pouring is harmful for any heart disease. Such a procedure can aggravate a person's condition.

It is best to do home hardening. This will allow the person to feel more comfortable and enjoy the procedure. At home, it is much more convenient to carry out any recovery. It is necessary to understand the basic rules of hardening (which we did above), and you can proceed. Morning dousing with water is very invigorating and gives a charge of vivacity for the whole day. Already in a month similar procedures you will notice that you have become much more resilient and stronger. Do not neglect the sun and air baths. Take a daily walk in the fresh air, warm your bodies. After this, the thermoregulation of the body will increase significantly. Hardening will make your body more resistant to temperature fluctuations.


Now you know how hardening is useful and how dousing with cold water occurs. Benefit or harm is obtained from this procedure - it is difficult to say, because it all depends on the specific case. If possible, it is best to check with a doctor. If this is not possible, you just need to listen to the signals of your body. Remember that a healthy lifestyle is the key to a happy and successful life. Strengthening health, hardening and proper nutrition is the key to health.



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