How to understand if the stitches have healed after childbirth. All about stitches after childbirth: external, internal, cosmetic

06/27/2017 / Heading: / Mari no comments

Every woman expects the birth of a child not only with impatience, but also with a share of fears, because to guarantee successful resolution no doctor can. Will the birth be easy or difficult? Will everything be fine with the baby? What if there are tears and stitches? These questions often keep even experienced mothers awake at night. Alas, not every woman manages to avoid ruptures during childbirth. However, not everything is so scary - with proper care over time, they will drag on without a trace.

Stitches after childbirth can be different types, therefore, it is possible to say how much such wounds heal only in each individual case. We will talk about how to care for the stitches, facilitating their healing and minimizing the risks in this article.

Types of seams

During childbirth, a woman may rupture the uterus, vagina, or perineum. Fortunately, today doctors have enough professional experience to be able to quickly stop the bleeding and suture the damaged tissue.

There are the following types of sutures that can be used after the birth of a child:

  1. Sutures placed on the cervix.
  2. Stitches on the tissues of the vagina (internal stitches after childbirth).
  3. Seams at the crotch (outer seams).

Important! Threads for the above types of seams are used differently. In many ways, the choice of a particular material depends on the degree of tissue damage, as well as the localization of the gap. At the same time, self-absorbable sutures are usually used for internal types of ruptures and for damage to the uterus. There is no need to remove these seams, because after a certain time they will dissolve themselves.

Stitches on the cervix

This type of suture is applied due to a rupture or serious damage to the cervix during the child's passage through the birth canal. In most cases, this condition is large fruit(with a weight of more than four kg).

During the application of this type of suture, the surgeon does not perform anesthesia, because shortly after childbirth, the cervix certain time loses its sensitivity. This is a huge advantage, because already a day after the operation, a woman can feed her baby and not be afraid that the baby will suffer from previously administered analgesics for the mother.

As the main materials for this procedure, self-absorbable sutures, vicryl, and also catgut are used. The doctor is engaged in the selection of a specific material for the threads in each individual case.

In addition, the following advantages of suturing the cervix are distinguished:

  1. Low risk of development dangerous complications.
  2. Internal seams do not cause discomfort or pain to a woman.
  3. The threads on the cervix are not felt (they do not press, do not pull, etc.).
  4. Due to internal location postoperative care for such a wound is not required.

Stitches on the vagina

A rupture after the birth of a child in the uterus is not a frequent, but very dangerous phenomenon that threatens with profuse internal bleeding. In this case, the woman needs urgent suturing of the vagina. Moreover, such a procedure should be resorted to in the presence of birth injuries, accompanied by ruptures of the organ.

As analgesics for anesthesia, Lidocaine, Novocaine and derivative analogues from them can be used.

The seam does not require special care after this operation. Its disadvantage is severe pain, which can be observed in the patient for another 1-2 weeks after the procedure.

Seams at the crotch

Perineal sutures are the most common in obstetric practice. They are used in the following cases:

  1. The woman is over thirty-five years old.
  2. Very long labor that contributes to swelling of the perineum. Usually this happens with insufficient activity of the woman in labor and a violation labor activity organism.
  3. Pronounced labor activity ( rapid delivery that last less than four hours).
  4. The narrow pelvis of the woman in labor, which will be small with a large fetus.
  5. The nervous behavior of a woman and her refusal to follow medical recommendations, which can help in a faster process of giving birth.

It should be noted that both the artificial dissection of the vagina by the gynecologist and its physiological damage (rupture) can lead to the need for suturing the perineum.

In its turn, this species seams can be of three types:

  1. The first type (only a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin is dissected).
  2. The second type (not only the skin is torn, but also muscle tissue).
  3. The third type is a rupture in which tissues are damaged up to the walls of the rectum.

As anesthesia for the imposition of this type of suture is usually used local anesthesia with Lidocaine.

The seams on the crotch are considered external. For them, catgut materials are used, as well as non-absorbable threads, which, in turn, can be silk and nylon.

The disadvantages of these seams are:

  1. High risk of complications.
  2. Marked soreness.
  3. The need for meticulous care.
  4. Possible cosmetic defects after wound healing.

It is after suturing the perineum that it can be painful for women to sit and walk. Also, the seams often hurt after physical exertion and defecation.

Important! Even in the hospital, a young mother should be warned that this type of sutures can lead to suppuration, inflammation and other complications, therefore, until the wound is completely healed, a woman needs to treat the sutures on her own or in the maternity hospital every day.

Stitches after caesarean section

Operation caesarean section can be planned and spontaneous, when doctors understand that a woman will not be able to give birth to a child on her own without a threat to her life.

During this surgical intervention V lower region belly is made abdominal incision with a length of 10-12 cm. This distance is quite enough to remove the child and sew up the uterus with minimal trauma.

To date, threads for self-resorption are used to suture the uterus. It can be Vicryl, Caproan or Dexon. Also today, in some clinics, the mark can be dissected with a special device, which later sews the organ with modern medical staples. This keeps blood loss to a minimum.

The seam heals after a cesarean section for a long time. On average, it takes two to three weeks for a wound to heal completely. During this entire period, a woman is strictly forbidden to attempt physical activity.

Sometimes a special bandage is used to speed up wound healing, but it can only be used after a doctor's recommendation.

Important! In the event that the head of the fetus is much larger than the birth canal of a woman, then the surgeon can independently cut the skin on the side of the vagina so that the child can be born without trauma to the skull. This procedure is called an episiotomy. The treatment of sutures after it requires maximum sterility, since in this case the woman is very susceptible to complications.

Healing time of postpartum sutures

How long the stitches heal is determined by the following main factors:

  1. The overall depth of the rupture and neglect of tissue damage (usually deep wounds heal longer).
  2. The specific location of the seam. At the same time, external types of tears or intentional incisions by a doctor take longer to heal than internal ones.
  3. State immune system women.
  4. Careful observance by a woman of the doctor's recommendations for the care and sterile treatment of sutures.
  5. The type of threads used for sewing fabrics.
  6. The presence or absence of an acute inflammatory process after surgery. Also, an important role in the time and success of suture healing is played by the absence or presence of postoperative infection.
  7. Break type. In turn, during the birth of a child, a woman may experience linear or jagged tears. The last stitches will take longer and be more difficult to heal.

In addition, far from the last role in the process and time of healing of these wounds is played by the presence of severe chronic diseases. For example, if a young mother suffers from diabetes, then its seams will tighten longer. The same is observed with profuse blood loss or suppuration of the wound.

In order to postpartum sutures healed as soon as possible and did not lead to complications, a woman should follow the following mandatory doctor's recommendations:

  1. From the first day after suturing, at least twice a day, it is necessary to carry out sterile treatment of the wound. For this, it is allowed to use a concentrated solution of manganese or "green diamond". This will significantly reduce the likelihood of infection and inflammation.
  2. Every two hours (even at night) you need to change the gasket. This will save the woman from the accumulation of pathogens in the wound area. Such actions should be performed until the tissues are completely healed and the sutures are removed.
  3. A woman is shown to wear underwear made from natural fabrics (cotton). At the same time, it should be sufficiently free and not press anywhere. As an excellent alternative, it is allowed to use special disposable panties. As for the slimming underwear, which women often tend to wear after childbirth, experts advise not to rush with it, because such panties will contribute to circulatory disorders, which will slow down the process of tightening the seams.
  4. After each visit to the toilet, it is important to conduct personal hygiene. intimate zone. This rule cannot be neglected, since it is often after urination or defecation that pathogenic microorganisms enter the wound, which further lead to suppuration.
  5. At the first urge to go to the toilet, a woman needs to urinate in order to complete bladder did not provoke additional (often painful) uterine contractions. It is especially important to adhere to this rule in case of rupture of the uterus or its severe damage.
  6. If a woman sees or feels that the seam has come apart, she should see a doctor as soon as possible, because otherwise, the wound may bleed and become inflamed. This, in turn, threatens with complications and the need for antibiotics. After therapy with these drugs, a woman will no longer be able to practice breastfeeding.
  7. The toilet after childbirth with stitches in the first days should be visited very carefully. By this is meant the maximum reduction in attempts during bowel movements, because these actions will cause not only pain, but also increase the risk of rupture of the seams.
  8. It should be washed with a simple baby soap. It is strictly forbidden to use aromatic, and even worse, soaps or gels with dyes.
  9. Wipe the perineum after washing with a clean towel. In general, it is advisable to use ordinary clean paper towels (disposable) for this purpose.
  10. The outer type of scars must be washed very carefully, as they often form a crust and blood clots.
  1. A woman is strictly forbidden to lift weights of more than three kilograms of weight. As for feeding the child and other procedures, they should all be carried out in sitting position, at which the load on the perineum and the anterior part of the abdominal cavity will be minimal.
  2. Avoid constipation, which can increase intra-abdominal pressure. For this purpose, the basis of the menu should be light dishes of vegetables and cereals. Also allowed to use dairy products, greenery, green tea and soups.
  3. Every day a woman should have a bowel movement. Intentionally this process should not be avoided as it will create additional load on the tissue of the perineum and abdomen, thereby significantly increasing pain. For additional softening of feces, women are allowed to use special rectal suppositories. They are safe for mom and baby.
  4. For at least two weeks after this type of manipulation, women are strictly forbidden to practice intimate intercourse, since sex can not only lead to rupture of the seams, but also provoke bleeding. Moreover, unprotected intimate relationship will increase the likelihood of infection of the wound and its subsequent inflammation.
  5. During the first two weeks after discharge, a woman should visit a doctor at least once every five days for preventive examination. This is a mandatory measure that will reduce the risk of complications (a specialist can quickly assess the patient's condition and identify inflammatory processes).
  6. Until the moment of full recovery of the body, a woman should take necessary measures contraception to avoid re-pregnancy.
  7. With the development of complications, treatment is best done in the clinic. As shows medical practice, home therapy usually does not bring the expected results.
  8. It is forbidden to sit with stitches on the perineum for two weeks. The process of squats should be carried out gradually. It is desirable that it be controlled by a doctor. You should also avoid sharp slopes, etc.
  9. When returning home in a car, a woman with a child should be half-sitting or completely lying down. This will protect against pain and rupture of the seams.

Possible Complications

There are the following most common types of complications in the seams that can occur in a woman in the postpartum period:

  1. Soreness.
  2. Divergence of seams.
  3. Bleeding.
  4. Fester.

Soreness can develop from the first day after the application of external sutures to the perineum or internal to the uterus. Since, under the condition breastfeeding it is contraindicated for a woman to take any analgesic drugs, then the doctor may recommend warming up for her. In the latter case, it should be understood that these procedures are allowed to be performed no earlier than two weeks after childbirth. The duration of warming up is on average five minutes.

With severe pain, you can also use Contractubex ointment, but you should consult your doctor before using it.

With soreness, it is worth remembering that often just such a symptom is a harbinger of the development of dangerous complications. For this reason, the exact etiology of pain must be understood.

Divergence of seams

The divergence of the seams can be detected at home or at a doctor's examination. In the first case, the woman needs to urgently call ambulance. Usually similar complication observed with active physical activity of a woman and lifting weights.

IN similar condition the patient often requires repeated suturing, which will not only prolong general process recovery, but also contribute to new painful sensations.

You should know that the divergence of the internal sutures is especially dangerous, because in addition to pain, a woman in such a condition may not observe characteristic signs in herself, while her uterus will gradually bleed. That is why within ten days after the application of internal sutures, it is desirable for the patient to conduct a regular ultrasound examination.

Itchy sensations

Itching in the seams is very frequent sign seen in women. In most cases, such a symptom does not indicate pathology, but rather the opposite - it indicates successful wound healing.

To relieve itching, wash frequently with warm water and soap. Rubbing itchy seams is strictly prohibited. The same applies to applying cold compresses to the wound.

Wound fester

You can understand that the wound has festered by the following characteristic signs:

  1. Increase in body temperature.
  2. Weakness and fever.
  3. Pallor.
  4. The appearance of purulent discharge from the seam. In this case, the color of the discharge can be brown, yellow or green. In any case, these are abnormal signs. When they appear, an urgent examination by a doctor is necessary.
  5. Redness of scars.
  6. Pain.

Treatment of suppuration is symptomatic. It provides for the appointment of ointments for treating the wound (Levomekol, Vishnevsky ointment), as well as antibiotics.

As a disinfectant, the wound should be wiped antiseptic solutions(peroxide, chlorhexidine).


Bleeding is one of the most dangerous possible complications after suturing. It happens in most cases when a woman violates important rule- do not sit for two weeks, otherwise the tissues will stretch, and damaged scars will bleed.

In such a state, it is strictly forbidden to practice self-medication. The right decision will call a doctor, who will most likely require urgent hospitalization.

Important! How used to be a woman finds a complication in himself and consult a doctor, the higher the likelihood of a quick relief of the problem. In advanced cases, young mothers often need urgent hospitalization And long-term treatment powerful drugs.

Removal of stitches

Many women are wondering if they remove the internal seams. In fact, only the removal of external sutures that are superimposed on the perineum is possible. At the same time, as a rule, before discharge, the attending physician tells the woman when she should come to the clinic for a follow-up examination and removal of sutures.

Usually (in the absence of complications), the stitches after childbirth are removed on the sixth day after application. In the event that a woman in labor due to feeling unwell stayed in the hospital similar procedure she'll be taken right there.

Important! With the development of a number of complications in a woman, postpartum sutures can be removed ahead of time and reapplied after the treatment. There is nothing wrong with this. The main thing is to consult a doctor in time when observing yourself. high temperature, pain, and other signs of a possible infection.

The suture removal process itself is quite unpleasant. Doctors often characterize it as the usual tingling from a mosquito bite, however, if a woman has a low pain threshold, then removing the threads can be quite painful.

Complete tightening of the wound occurs already 4-5 days after the removal of the sutures. At this time, it is also desirable to treat the wound with antiseptic solutions.

  • How long do they heal
  • How to care for stitches
  • What complications can be
  • How to shoot

During childbirth, it is not uncommon for a woman to have a rupture of the vagina, uterus, or perineum. This situation is not difficult, because doctors skillfully and quickly sew up such gaps, without focusing on this special attention.

In fact, all this is very unpleasant. First, the sewing process is enough painful procedure. Secondly, stitches after childbirth can bring a lot of worries and troubles to a young mother. You need to know how to minimize and reduce them undesirable consequences no breaks. Correct postpartum care behind these "battle" scars will largely depend on where they are located.


Depending on where exactly the rupture occurred, there are external (on the perineum) and internal seams after childbirth (on the cervix, in the vagina). They are made with threads from different materials, which means they require special care about which the young mother must be informed.

Stitches on the cervix

  • reason: large fruit;
  • anesthesia: not performed, since the cervix loses sensitivity for some time after childbirth;
  • suture materials: catgut, which allows you to apply self-absorbable sutures that do not have to be removed later; as well as vicryl, caproag, PGA;
  • advantages: do not cause inconvenience, are not felt, do not cause complications;
  • care: not required.

Stitches in the vagina

  • reason: birth trauma, vaginal ruptures of various depths;
  • anesthesia: local anesthesia with novocaine or lidocaine;
  • suture material: catgut;
  • disadvantages: preservation of soreness for several days;
  • care: not required.

Seams at the crotch

  • causes: natural (damage to the perineum during childbirth), artificial (dissection by a gynecologist);
  • types: I degree (the wound affects only the skin), II degree (the skin and muscle fibers are damaged), III degree (the rupture reaches the walls of the rectum);
  • anesthesia: local anesthesia with lidocaine;
  • suture materials: catgut (at I degree), non-absorbable threads - silk or nylon (at II, III degree);
  • disadvantages: persistence of soreness for a long time;
  • care: rest, hygiene, regular treatment with antiseptic solutions.

A particular problem is the external seams after childbirth, which are performed on the perineum. They can call various kinds complications (suppuration, inflammation, infection, etc.), therefore, require special, regular care. A young mother should be warned about this even in the maternity hospital, and also informed about how to handle such wound surfaces. Usually women have many questions about this, and each of them is very important for her health and condition.

How long does it take for stitches to heal after childbirth?

Every woman who could not avoid ruptures is concerned about how long the stitches heal after childbirth, because she really wants to quickly get rid of pain and return to her previous lifestyle. The speed of healing depends on many factors:

  • when using self-absorbable threads, healing occurs within 2 weeks, the scars themselves dissolve for about a month and do not cause much trouble;
  • much more problematic is the question of how long the sutures heal when using other materials: they are removed only 5-6 days after childbirth, it takes from 2 to 4 weeks for their healing, depending on individual characteristics body and care for them;
  • the healing period of postpartum scars can increase when microbes enter the wounds, therefore, the ability to treat wound surfaces and monitor their cleanliness is required.

In an effort to quickly return to their old way of life and get rid of painful sensations, young mothers are looking for ways to quickly heal the stitches after childbirth so that they do not interfere with their enjoyment of the joy of communication with the newborn. This will directly depend on how accurate a woman is and whether she competently takes care of her postpartum “combat” wounds.

How to care for seams?

If ruptures could not be avoided, you need to know in advance how to care for the stitches after childbirth in order to avoid complications and speed up their healing. The doctor must definitely give detailed advice and tell you how to do it correctly. This is part of his professional duties, so feel free to ask. Usually postpartum suture care involves sedentary image life, observance of hygiene rules and treatment with various wound healing and antiseptic agents.

  1. In the maternity hospital, the midwife treats the external scars with “greenery” or a concentrated solution of “potassium permanganate” 2 times a day.
  2. Change your pad every two hours after giving birth.
  3. Use only loose natural (preferably cotton) underwear or special disposable panties.
  4. Do not wear tight fitting underwear that strong pressure on the perineum, which has a bad effect on blood circulation: in this case, the healing of the sutures after childbirth can be delayed.
  5. Wash your face every two hours and after every visit to the toilet.
  6. Go to the toilet at regular intervals so that a full bladder does not interfere with uterine contractions.
  7. In the morning and evening, when you take a shower, wash your perineum with soap and water, and during the day just wash it with water.
  8. It is necessary to wash the outer scar as carefully as possible: direct a jet of water directly at it.
  9. After washing, dry the perineum with blotting movements of the towel in one direction - from front to back.
  10. Another important question is how long it is impossible to sit with stitches after childbirth if they are made on the perineum. Doctors, depending on the degree of damage, call the period from 7 to 14 days. At the same time, it is allowed to sit on the toilet immediately on the first day. After a week, you can squat on the buttock opposite the side in which the damage was recorded. It is recommended to sit down exclusively on a hard surface. This issue needs to be considered during the return of a young mother home from the hospital. It is better for her to lie or half-sitting in the back seat of the car.
  11. No need to be afraid severe pain and because of this, skipping a bowel movement. This creates an additional load on the muscles of the perineum, as a result of which the pain intensifies. To make this process easier, you can safely use glycerin suppositories after childbirth with stitches: they are rectal and soften the stool without harming the wounded perineum.
  12. Avoid constipation, do not eat products that have a fixing effect. Drink a tablespoon before meals vegetable oil so that the stool normalizes and does not slow down the healing process.
  13. Do not lift weights weighing more than 3 kg.

These are the basic rules of hygiene that allow, even with breaks, the body of a young mother to quickly recover and return to normal. But what to do if the stitches after childbirth hurt for too long, when all the deadlines have already passed, but it still doesn’t get easier? Perhaps some factors provoked complications that will require not only additional care but also treatment.

What complications can occur with suturing?

Very often, a woman continues to feel pain and discomfort after two weeks after giving birth. This is a signal that something prevented healing, and this is fraught with various complications- in this case, medical intervention, treatment, treatment of sutures after childbirth with special preparations will be required. Therefore, a young mother should be extremely attentive and sensitive to her own feelings, monitor the healing process of postpartum injuries very carefully.

  1. if the scars do not heal for a very long time, they hurt, but medical examination no pathology and special problems has not been identified, the doctor may advise warming;
  2. they are carried out no earlier than 2 weeks after childbirth to allow the uterus to contract (read more about the restoration of the uterus after childbirth);
  3. for this procedure, use "blue", quartz or infrared lamps;
  4. heating is carried out for 5-10 minutes from a distance of 50 cm;
  5. it can be done independently at home after consulting a doctor;
  6. ointment for healing sutures "Kontraktubeks" can also relieve pain: it is applied 2 times a day for 2-3 weeks.

The seam has come apart:

  1. if the seam has opened after childbirth, it is strictly forbidden to do something at home;
  2. in this case, you need to call a doctor or an ambulance;
  3. if the divergence of the sutures after childbirth was indeed diagnosed, most often they are superimposed anew;
  4. but if at the same time the wound has already healed, this will not require any medical intervention;
  5. in such cases, the doctor, after the examination, will prescribe how to treat the stitches after childbirth: usually this wound healing ointments or candles.
  1. very often women complain that their stitches itch after childbirth, and very strongly - as a rule, this does not indicate any abnormalities and pathologies;
  2. itching is most often a symptom of healing, so it should not cause anxiety in a woman;
  3. in order to somehow alleviate this unpleasant, albeit favorable symptom, it is recommended to wash more often with water at room temperature (the main thing is not to be hot);
  4. this also applies to those cases when the suture is pulled: this is how they heal; but in this case, check for yourself whether you started sitting up too early and whether you have to carry weights.
  1. if a woman notices an unpleasant, abnormal discharge (not to be confused with the restoration of menstruation), smells bad and is suspicious brownish-green in color, this may mean festering, which is serious danger for good health;
  2. if the seam is festering, you must definitely tell the doctor about it;
  3. this is how complications such as inflammation of the sutures after giving birth or their divergence can occur - both cases require medical intervention;
  4. if infection occurs, antibiotics may be prescribed;
  5. from external processing, it is recommended to smear with Malavit shvygel, Levomekol, Solcoseryl, Vishnevsky ointments;
  6. if the scars fester, only a doctor can prescribe what can be treated: in addition to the above anti-inflammatory and wound healing gels and ointments, chlorhexidine and hydrogen peroxide are also used, which disinfect wound cavities.
  1. if, after childbirth, shovkrovit, most likely, the basic rule was violated - do not sit during the first weeks: the tissues are stretched, and the wound surfaces are exposed;
  2. in this case, it is not recommended to treat the problem area on your own, but to contact a specialist directly;
  3. alteration may be required;
  4. but most often it is enough to use wound-healing ointments and gels (Solcoseryl, for example).

If the first days passed without the complications and special difficulties described above, there will be one more procedure - the removal of sutures after childbirth, which is performed by a specialist in outpatient settings. You also need to mentally prepare for it, so as not to panic and not be afraid.

How are stitches removed?

Before discharge, the doctor usually warns on which day the stitches are removed after childbirth: in the normal course of the healing process, this occurs 5-6 days after they are applied. If the woman’s stay in the maternity hospital is delayed, and she is still in the hospital at that moment, this procedure will be performed on her there. If the discharge happened earlier, you will have to come again.

And yet, the main question that worries all women going for this procedure is whether it hurts to remove stitches after childbirth and whether any anesthesia is used. Of course, the doctor always reassures that this procedure just like a mosquito bite. However, everything will depend on pain threshold women, which is different for everyone. If there were no complications, there will actually be no pain: only an unusual tingling sensation mixed with a burning sensation is felt. Accordingly, anesthesia is not required.

Childbirth is an unpredictable process, so anything can happen. At the same time, ruptures are not uncommon and are not perceived by doctors as a complication or difficulty. modern medicine involves professional, competent suturing after childbirth, which subsequently deliver a minimum of discomfort with proper care.

" During childbirth

Stitches after childbirth

At the time of childbirth, situations often arise when perineal ruptures or internal organs associated with the features of their structure or with the size of the fetus. Dissolvable sutures are used during vaginal delivery or caesarean section. This is very convenient, because they exclude the further procedure for removing sutures, which is quite problematic, given the area of ​​​​their application.

Any woman in labor is interested in the question of how long the sutures dissolve after childbirth? The answer directly depends on the type of material used for the threads. If it's catgut - material plant origin, then resorption occurs quite quickly, taking no more than 15 days, if synthetic threads are used, such as vicryl, then the process takes longer - about 80 days. Self-absorbable sutures after childbirth are selected depending on the location of the rupture or incision. For example, with perineal ruptures, threads are applied that absorb more long time, as the breaks in this area heal for a long time. With a caesarean section or with ruptures of the labia, catgut is more often used.

Healing of sutures after childbirth, with a rupture of the perineum, occurs quite quickly, but may be accompanied by some problems. In order for the wound to heal successfully, constant hygiene, asepsis and rest are necessary. After visiting the toilet, it is necessary to wash the seam weak solution magnesium permanganate and dry with light tangential movements with a special cloth. These measures should be carried out within a month after suturing. It is also worth abstaining from high-calorie and fatty foods, replace it with a lighter, laxative intestine, since the integrity of the seams may depend on attempts during stool. In addition, women in the first few days after childbirth are not recommended to sit down. From regular treatment with antiseptic solutions, permanent shift sanitary napkins and, if necessary, overlay sterile dressings, it completely depends on how many stitches heal after childbirth.

Self-absorbable sutures on the uterus and abdominal wall, imposed after a cesarean section, are quite painful, therefore, they require the use of painkillers. The seams on the skin also need to be constantly processed and any load should be avoided. They will dissolve as the integrity of the skin is restored. Internal sutures take longer to heal, from 30 days to 5 months. The longest time is the resorption of aponeurotic and tendon sutures, since these tissues themselves grow together for a long time.

When discharged home, doctors give each woman recommendations, in particular, how and how to process stitches after childbirth, taking into account their condition and location. When all the instructions of the obstetrician are followed, the risk of infection is minimized.

There is a recommendation from obstetricians, which many women in labor “forget” about - if a woman has stitches after childbirth, then she cannot sit for about 1.5-2 months. You can only lie or stand. In extreme cases, for example, when you need to get somewhere by car, the “half-sitting” position is allowed. And no lifting of weights more than the weight of your own baby, under any circumstances.

If the seam hurts after childbirth for a long time, you need to see your doctor, this indicates an inflammatory process. After the examination, the gynecologist will make recommendations on how to smear the stitches after childbirth for their speedy healing.

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Not always the postpartum period for a woman is easy and cloudless. And the matter is not only in the care of the newborn, but also in other problems. Serious discomfort can be caused by the consequences of ruptures and incisions, that is, internal seams after childbirth. When do they heal? How soon should you see a doctor? These questions concern many women.

How do internal seams appear?

What causes internal seams? This is usually a rupture of the cervix, which can occur during vaginal delivery. If a woman begins to push prematurely, and the cervix opens slowly, then her tissues may tear. Most women experience these premature contractions, which is why it's important to hold them until the cervix is ​​fully dilated.

Internal tears are not always visible, so it is important that after childbirth, the doctor carefully examines the woman and stitches. This procedure, by the way, is painless, since there are no pain receptors in the cervix, and anesthesia is not performed. Sutures can be applied in several ways. Basically, special surgical threads (catgut or vicryl) are used for them, which subsequently resolve themselves.

What to do with internal seams?

As a rule, a woman does not need to do anything with these stitches - they do not require any ointments, douches or tablets.

How long do internal sutures dissolve after childbirth?

Two factors play a role here & the material from which the seams are made, as well as the severity of the rupture. On average, the threads completely dissolve in 90 days. Sometimes the fusion of damaged tissues occurs earlier, and the threads simply fall off. Their remnants are then visible on underwear. And if you do not experience any pain or other disturbing symptoms, then there is nothing to worry about.

To heal the seams faster, you must follow all the rules of personal hygiene. Diet is also important. The fact is that in this case, constipation is highly undesirable, since unnecessary attempts can adversely affect the state of the seams.

You also need to follow a few simple rules - you can not lift weights, make sudden movements (for example, play sports) in the first weeks after childbirth, and you should also refrain from sexual intercourse for one or two months.

Do I need to see a doctor?

During the first few days after giving birth, many women experience abdominal discomfort. There may also be pain, as well as a feeling of pulsation. For the first two or three days, this is quite normal. And if they continue further, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Others anxiety symptoms there will be pain in the suture area, a feeling of heaviness in the uterus, sharp rise body temperature, as well as purulent discharge, accompanied by an unpleasant odor.

These are signs that either the internal seams have parted, or inflammatory processes have occurred in them. In any case, only a doctor prescribes treatment. These can be procedures using special ointments or antibiotics, repeated suturing, or simply applying ice.

If nothing bothers you in the postpartum period, a preventive visit to the gynecologist should not be delayed either. The doctor must look at the condition of the scars, check if there is any deformation of the uterus, if there has been an incorrect fusion of tissues. All these problems can develop into various diseases. Full recovery tissues occurs differently for each woman, but usually over a period of 3 to 6 months.

Self-absorbable sutures are often used for surgical interventions, including after childbirth. For applying such sutures, various materials are used that dissolve on their own over a certain time (catgut, lavsan, vicryl).

When are self-absorbable sutures applied?

information Self-absorbable sutures after childbirth are in most cases used for ruptures of the internal genital organs (vagina, cervix), because. access to these organs is difficult and will be easier if it is not required to subsequently remove the stitches there.

With ruptures and cuts of the perineum, various sutures can be applied: both self-absorbable and requiring the removal of threads.

Suture resorption time

Suture resorption time depends on the threads with which it was performed:

  1. Catgut. The resorption time depends on the diameter of the thread and the place of its application and ranges from 30 to 120 days;
  2. Lavsan. There are threads with various terms resorption (from 10-12 days to 40-50 days);
  3. Vicryl(60-90 days).

Complications of postpartum wounds

To the main complications of sutures in postpartum period are the failure (divergence) of the seams and their suppuration (penetration of infection).

Divergence of seams

Failure of internal sutures (on the cervix and in the vagina) is extremely rare. Basically, there is a divergence of the external seams imposed on the perineum.

The main reasons for the divergence of the wound on the perineum:

  • Early sitting down;
  • abrupt movements;
  • sexual life;
  • Suture infection.

Signs of divergence of seams:

  • Pain in the area of ​​the wound;
  • The appearance of bleeding wounds;
  • Painful swelling;
  • temperature rise(when infected);
  • Feeling of heaviness and fullness in the area of ​​the postoperative wound(indicates the accumulation of blood - a hematoma).

wound infection

The penetration of wound infection in most cases occurs when personal hygiene is not followed and improper care behind the seams.

The main signs of purulent-inflammatory complications of sutures on the perineum are:

  1. Heat;
  2. Hyperemia(redness) of the wound area;
  3. soreness;
  4. The appearance of purulent discharge from the seams.

At the first sign of complications, you should immediately contact an obstetrician-gynecologist for help. Doctor will hold necessary procedures and prescribe treatment.

Stitch care after childbirth

remember The sutures placed on the vagina and cervix do not require additional processing: a woman only needs to follow the rules of personal hygiene to prevent the development of purulent-inflammatory complications. The seams on the perineum, on the contrary, require increased attention and careful observance by the puerperal of all recommendations.

Precautionary measures:

  • Should not sit for a week after giving birth(maybe more time limit). A woman is only allowed to lie down and stand. Then you can gradually sit down on a soft surface (pillow) with one buttock, and then as a whole. Do not sit on a hard surface for 3 weeks;
  • It is strictly forbidden to use slimming underwear pressing on the perineum;
  • On the first day after childbirth, you should strive to delay the act of defecation: a woman should not eat a lot; be sure to avoid products that have a fixing effect;
  • Rejection early start . Sex should be started no earlier than 2 months after childbirth.

Seam processing technique:

  1. Treatment with an antiseptic solution(mostly brilliant green). In the maternity hospital, the midwife handles the stitches 1-2 times a day for gynecological chair. At home, a woman should deal with the wound area on her own with the help of relatives or go to an obstetrician-gynecologist at a antenatal clinic every day for a week;
  2. Physiotherapy(ultraviolet irradiation of the wound). Continuation of procedures is possible at home with the help of special lamps.

Personal hygiene:

  • Change sanitary pads at least every 2 hours;
  • Wear only loose underwear made from natural fabrics or special disposable panties;
  • 2 times a day to carry out hygiene of the genitals with baby soap, after which thoroughly wipe the perineum with a clean towel and treat with an antiseptic solution;
  • Wash with warm water every 2 hours(it is possible to use medicinal herbs-, calendula);
  • Wash your genitals after every visit to the toilet.

During labor, women experience ruptures of the vagina, perineum. Sometimes the obstetrician has to make special incisions. The situations do not seem complicated, stitches are applied after childbirth, proper care helps to heal them faster.

Breaks are divided into external and internal. Stitch them different materials, depending on the type of seam, the mother receives recommendations for care. External dissections are carried out on the perineum. Internal are made on the cervix, in the vagina. When labor activity took place with the help of cesarean, postoperative ones are superimposed on the anterior wall of the abdominal cavity.

The stitches in the perineum are made due to natural gusts, artificial incisions. The first refers to damage to the perineum when birth process, the second is the breaks made by the gynecologist.

3 types of seams:

  • 1 degree;
  • 2 degrees;
  • 3 degrees.

The first type is used when dissecting only the skin. In the second, muscle fibers are affected. In the third, damage touches the walls of the rectum. Sew up gaps and incisions under the influence of a local anesthetic.

Catgut, kapron, silk thread are used as suture material. The only drawback is the pain, the external seams after childbirth heal for a long time. It is necessary to remember the rules of hygiene, regularly do the treatment with antiseptic agents.

The cause of rupture in the cervix is big fruit, when sewing, anesthesia is not performed. some time reproductive organ remains insensitive after childbirth. From suture materials they use catgut, vicryl, caproag, they dissolve on their own, the threads are not removed.


  1. insensitive;
  2. there is no discomfort;
  3. no complications occur.

Self-absorbable sutures do not require special treatment. How long the stitches heal after childbirth depends on blood clotting, individual characteristics, the health of the body, and the quality of care.

A suture after a caesarean is a must. They make it at the bottom of the uterus, an incision up to 12 cm in size. Today, cosmetic incisions are practiced, which are invisible after healing.

Vaginal ruptures occur on different depth due to trauma during labor. The stitching site is anesthetized with Lidocaine, Novocaine. Sewn with catgut. Maintained for several days painful sensation. This type of incision does not require special care.


Internal adhesions do not require special care, they do not disturb the woman in labor. When hygiene rules are followed, mom does not lift weights, postpartum healing seams will pass quickly, painlessly. They are made with absorbable threads. Special treatment is not required, you must follow the rules of personal hygiene, limit physical activity.

Healing of the sutures lasts 2-4 weeks if the wounds are small. Deep tears take a long time to heal. The obstetrician after the examination will indicate the recovery time. During this time, it is necessary to follow the recommendations so that an infectious infection does not occur.

Next, postpartum sutures are processed on the perineum while the woman in labor is in the hospital. Use potassium permanganate, greenery. The gasket needs to be changed every 2 hours. A woman should wear loose cotton underwear, which prevents rapid healing. Wash your face every couple of hours, use intimate hygiene products. Don't overdry skin covering, gently aim the water jet at the seam so that it does not disperse. Having wet the spike with a towel after a shower, walk around without underwear for a while.

How long does it take for external stitches to heal after childbirth? The threads completely dissolve in 5-7 days.
Internal scars do not disturb the woman in labor and do not require treatment. Breaks heal painlessly. If you wash yourself in time, there will be no discomfort.

Stitches after caesarean deserve great attention. After surgery, scar care is provided nurse. Spikes are treated with antiseptics, make a bandage. After 7 days, the threads are removed, processing continues. If the pain at the site of stitching does not go away, healing is delayed. You may need to change your skin care product.


It is forbidden to perform physical activity, sit down, lift heavy things until the stitches heal after childbirth. The recovery time for each woman in labor is different.

  • the size of the gaps;
  • courtship;
  • general health indicators;
  • materials;
  • technologies.

If you use natural materials, the stitches after childbirth heal quickly. They dissipate within a couple of weeks. Non-absorbable threads, metal brackets are removed immediately before discharge from the maternity hospital. The seam heals for a long time, 2 weeks - a month.

How to understand that the seams after childbirth have healed:

  1. discomfort disappears after a couple of weeks;
  2. during healing, a scar is formed that tightens the edges of the wound;
  3. the pain goes away, a feeling of relief comes;
  4. in a sitting position, nothing bothers.

perineum heals longer than the uterus, vagina. On complete healing up to 6 weeks required. Care must be meticulous. In order for the sutured wound not to hurt, rest is needed. For stitching, different techniques are used.

Non-decomposing threads are used from materials, they are removed before discharge. The stitches on the perineum after childbirth are not closed with bandages. Excretions create a favorable environment for microbes with poor care. There are discrepancies in stitched places, complications.

How to speed up the healing of tears after childbirth:

  • keep the wound dry;
  • wear cotton spacious panties, disposable underwear;
  • delay the stool for the first days after labor, make sure it is soft;
  • do not rush to sit down;
  • do exercises that stimulate blood flow to the organs;
  • make herbal infusions, cold compresses.

For the first month, try to lie more. The healing time depends on the mother's careful attitude to wounds. If microbes get in, stitched tears during childbirth will disperse again.

Stitches after cesarean

There are several types of seams. Which one to do depends on the course of labor. A vertical scar is the result of a sudden surgical intervention with heavy bleeding. It is rarely done, starts from the navel, ends in the pubic area. By appearance not beautiful, thickens over time.

A horizontal incision is made under the pubis planned operation. abdominal cavity do not open, make it inside the fold. The scar is neat, continuous due to the special overlay technique. Over time, it becomes invisible.

The speed of healing and the features of care directly depend on the suture made. Pain in the wound area disturbs the woman for almost 3 weeks after surgery. For the first few days, the mother takes painkillers.

When you have to move around, the stomach is tied up with a diaper or a bandage is put on. No need to track down. Moderate activity is aimed at uterine contraction, cosmetic seam heals faster after childbirth. Walking in the corridor improves bowel function, serves as a prophylaxis with a lochiometer.

When the woman in labor is in the maternity hospital, a nurse takes care of her, processes the sewn place, puts on a clean bandage. It is necessary to ensure that during washing, the liquid does not fall on the scar. Wash gently in the shower, do not use a washcloth. Baths are contraindicated for the first time.

If the stitches after childbirth are on outer lips have not completely healed, it is recommended to wear light, spacious, breathable underwear. Tight fitting will cause injury. good option are considered cotton house trousers, with a high waist. While at home, it is categorically impossible to lift weights in the first months.


Healing is delayed when a woman feels pain for a long time, feels discomfort. Often pain sensation is a signal of emerging complications. medical intervention cannot be postponed. Therefore, the mother should listen to the body, control the healing process, if anything goes wrong, inform the obstetrician. When the pain is not associated with pathology and no problems are identified during the examination, warming up is prescribed.

Heating method:

  • start a couple of weeks after labor;
  • apply quartz, infrared rays;
  • warming up lasts 5 - 10 minutes;
  • carried out in the clinic, at home.

If the scar has dispersed while at home, do nothing. Call a doctor. You will most likely need to re-suture. If the adhesion is already tightened, treatment of the examined area is required, the appointment of healing ointments.

Often, burning occurs as a complication. The woman complains that the scar itches. Do not worry, itching is considered a sign of healing. an unpleasant situation can be relieved by washing hot water. When in the seam area are observed drawing pains, associate them with the transfer of weights, an early desire to sit down. Suppuration manifests itself unpleasant secretions. Often they are confused with the recovery period of menstruation.

Symptoms of suppuration:

  • bad smell;
  • brown-green discharge.

If a woman saw the described signs, you should contact the clinic. In case of infection, antibiotics will be prescribed. Inflammatory process needs prompt medical attention. When scars fester, do not self-medicate, the gynecologist will prescribe the correct treatment.
What to do if the stitches do not heal after childbirth:

  1. treatment with antiseptics;
  2. move less;
  3. observe personal hygiene;
  4. protect yourself from carrying heavy loads;
  5. make sure that the stool is soft, do not push.

If in the first weeks the main rule is violated: do not sit down, the scar may bleed. The seam does not heal due to stretched tissues, the tear surface has opened. It will need a crossover.

If you follow all the recommendations, the sutures heal quickly, there are no complications. Cosmetic plastic is selected depending on the incision, individual characteristics. Ruptures occur frequently during labor and are not regarded as difficulties. Obstetricians make stitches competently, professionally. Subsequently, the scars become invisible, do not cause any discomfort.

During natural childbirth, if the child is large, or comes out in a non-standard way, for example, the booty forward, ruptures of the birth canal, perineum may occur. In some cases, the doctors themselves make a small incision in the perineum during childbirth, if otherwise the child cannot be born. Immediately after childbirth, such incisions are sutured. They add additional discomfort and pain after childbirth, and the stitches on the perineum are separate story that needs to be experienced.

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On the cervix, such sutures can be applied without anesthesia: its sensitivity in postpartum period reduced, but on the perineum without anesthesia it will be difficult to do. And in this case it applies local anesthesia. But if epidural anesthesia was used during childbirth, it works for a long time, and there is no need to additional anesthesia when suturing. Stitches after childbirth can be placed on the cervix, vagina, perineum. But it is in the latter case that one can feel the most severe discomfort and pain sensations.

How long does it take for wounds to heal after stitches during childbirth, and can this process be accelerated? In general, everything is individual, depends immediately on many factors, and not in last turn, from the correct observance by the patient of precautionary measures. Some heal faster, others slower. The healing rate is also affected by their localization, the type of surgical threads that were used in this case. As a rule, catgut is used for internal sutures, which dissolves on its own. In this case, everything heals in an average of 2 weeks. If surgical threads are used that do not dissolve, for example, nylon, they are removed on the 5th-6th day after application. And the healing process itself can take from 2 to 4 weeks, and in some cases even longer.

Almost all "affected" women in labor are concerned about the question: how to quickly heal the stitches after childbirth? The healing rate also depends on the patient herself, on whether she follows all the rules for caring for the injured area, precautions so as not to infect, not to re-injure these areas. All this should be reported to her at the hospital.

If microbes get on post-healing wounds, inflammation and suppuration may occur, which will significantly prolong the healing period.

Why stitches hurt

This normal phenomenon Well, there was a gap. After the anesthesia wears off, the stitches may start to hurt. The fact is that most young mothers breastfeed their children, so painkillers are contraindicated for them. The doctor may prescribe medications for local action in order to somehow alleviate the plight of the patient. However, if everything is in order, there are no complications, and the woman follows all the rules, the pain should pass very soon. After suturing in the first week, you can not sit normally. This must be done with care and give a load to the buttock, which is located on the opposite side of the seam. You can sit on the toilet almost immediately, but do not linger on it for too long and do not push hard.

You need to make sure that everything is in order with them, they are not infected, they are not festering. Otherwise, if this still happens, you should consult a doctor. He is likely to appoint special antiseptic preparations. The stitches can hurt due to the fact that the woman sits for a long time, which is undesirable in the first 2 weeks after childbirth. You can take a reclining position, or lie on your side.

Often they can hurt during a bowel movement. For this reason, a woman should avoid constipation. To do this, she must monitor her diet, take, if necessary, permitted laxatives.

If the pain is severe, accompanied by itching, redness, suppuration, you should immediately consult a doctor to prevent the development of more serious complications.

Sometimes even a year later, the stitches after childbirth make themselves felt, especially when they are under additional load.

How to care for postpartum stitches

There is nothing particularly difficult. After each visit to the toilet, a woman must be sure to wash herself. The procedure must be repeated 2 times a day, using warm water. For now, you should forget about thongs and other fashionable slimming underwear. It should be free, comfortable, made of natural, high-quality materials. Sitting, with the exception of the toilet when visiting the toilet, should be started only after 2 weeks and do it gradually, very gently, without sudden movements, so that it does not hurt and the seams do not come apart.

Also, women are prohibited from any physical activity, lifting, and carrying weights; sex will also need to be abandoned for 1-1.5 months. Many women, for the sake of their sexual partner, only in order not to upset him, neglect this rule, making it worse only for themselves. But it is worth remembering that an understanding man will not insist on intimacy.

What to do if the seam has come apart

If the seam has come apart, you should not do anything on your own. It is necessary to call a doctor at home, if possible, or an ambulance. Usually, repeated stitching is performed. If the wound has already healed, the doctor may simply prescribe special preparations (vaginal suppositories, ointments) with a wound healing effect.

The doctor usually, even when suturing, tells when exactly the woman will need to come to him to remove the threads. If everything is in order, no complications or other problems arose during the healing process, the sutures are removed exactly after the period indicated by him.

The process itself is relatively painless. As a rule, internal catgut sutures are not removed, they dissolve on their own. Other types of surgical threads are also removed relatively painlessly. Although, it all depends on the pain threshold of each individual woman. In the vast majority of cases, anesthesia is not required. woman feels slight tingling, burning. If the woman is in pain, the doctor may use a local anesthetic to make it easier for her to endure the procedure. After removing the stitches, you should also continue to carefully monitor intimate hygiene, avoid strong physical exertion until the wounds are completely healed and healed.

How long does the external seams heal after childbirth, how does the recovery period go on the video:

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