Yin yang products in Tibetan medicine. yin products

Yin foods are those that grow above the ground, prefer cooler climates, and have a cooling effect on the body. Yin Products big size, contain little salt and are enriched with potassium. Approximately according to this classification, products fall into the category of Yin.

In this group, strong Yin, medium and weak Yin are distinguished - thereby emphasizing that there is no absolute Yin. Everything is relative, everything is conditional, comes from observations and generalizations, is subject to Eastern philosophy, which divides the forces of the universe into two fundamental principles. Yin products are feminine.
Man is a part of nature, and eating is an important ritual of replenishing life.

Strong Yin - these include following products: corn, oats, rye, eggplant, beans, beans, mushrooms, zucchini, cucumbers, tomatoes, celery, asparagus, sorrel, spinach, parsley, pineapples, mangoes, oranges, lemons, bananas, dates, chestnuts, fats, margarine, honey , molasses, sugar, wine, cocoa, coffee, vanilla, mustard, ginger, red pepper, vinegar.
Medium Yin: grapes, pear, pomegranate, tangerine, persimmon, peach, plum, watermelon, melon, pumpkin, peanuts, olives, black olives, beer, tea, beef, horse meat, rabbit, pork, veal, frog, snail, oil, kefir , milk, sour cream, cheese and cottage cheese.
Weak Yin - products: white and cauliflower, almonds, nuts, including walnuts and hazelnuts, carp, pike perch, pike, bream, carp, trout, flounder, tuna, crayfish, lobsters, shrimp, lamb, chicken, sunflower oil, anise, Bay leaf, nutmeg, cumin, garlic, tarragon, decoctions of mint and thyme.

Yin products treat the so-called Yang diseases: arthritis, diabetes, heart disease, eczema, dysentery.
Blood is changed every 10 days, so it is considered that the course of treatment with products is also 10 days.
To achieve health, filling the lack of Yin in the body, you can also cook the product: fry in vegetable oil.
Yin foods should be preferred in the summer and eat less in the winter.
It would also be natural to assume that people of the Yang Zodiac Sign: Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius have a predisposition to the use of Yin products, as a supplement.

Regardless of whether you are a man or a woman, if in cosmology you are a masculine energy principle, then your love for Yin products is quite understandable. But people are not uniformly Yin or 100% Yang. Everything is individual and balancing is also personalized. For example, according to my Zodiac sign, I belong to the Yanas, but I don’t like legumes, beans, pears.
If there is an excess of Yin foods in the nutritional balance, then this leads to fullness. Anything softer, fatter, sweeter is Yin products.
An excess of Yin is also indicated by a red face and the appearance of abscesses and inflammations on the skin.
Yin deficiency is a flabby body, thinness, pallor, puffiness of the face, cyanosis, physical weakness, fatigue, lethargy.
But in any case, you need to keep in mind: the abuse of Yin products leads to growth in breadth)) Do not want to gain weight? This does not mean that from female yin in the diet you need to completely get rid of: in no case! The approximate ratio in the diet of Yang to Yin, approximately 1: 7
Equilibrium in balancing energies will be given by Yang products.

yin, yang and food

Nishi recommends adhering to the fundamental foundations of Japanese culture, which are associated with two interpenetrating and mutually exclusive forces. yin and jan. The bottom line is that yin and yang underlie everything in this material world. Any development, education, change and interaction can be understood by a person through a description of the relationship in them. yin and jan.

yin is an energy or movement directed from the inside outward, it leads to expansion. Distribution, dispersal, expansion - these are the characteristics of yin energy.

Jan personifies the energy or movement of the centripetal direction and manifests itself through fusion, compression.

Everything in nature can be classified as more prone to yin or more prone to jan. However, in the world there is nothing autonomous, not connected in varying degrees with each other, everything in it is relative, so nothing can bear the features of only yin or only yang(as there is no only black or only white in life, as there is no love without hatred, children without parents). You will be able to figure out how to achieve natural Japanese harmony and balance both in the body and in life in general, having become acquainted with the main signs of energies yin and yang.

Table 1

The main signs of yin and yang energy

Not only natural phenomena, but also foods and drinks are divided into yin and yang by the presence of female or masculine. Restore lost health by restoring balance in the body Yin Yang, possible in many ways. To do this, you just need to choose one or another diet, according to Nishi Katsuzo. To make it easier to navigate yin-yang the nature of products, we give a table of the division of food products according to their energy content yin and jan.

table 2

Separation of food products according to the content of yin and yang energies in them

The nature of the product can be changed by cooking.

The set of products included in the menu should change depending on age, season and other factors.

As you age, your body has more energy. yin, which means less movement, more rest. To eliminate this bias and avoid the occurrence of diseases, it is necessary Special attention give food containing jan.

In winter, you should eat mainly warming, yang products, and in the summer - yin. AT winter time year in the diet more root vegetables, pickles, dried fruits, buckwheat and rice are required. In the spring, with the awakening of nature, greens, wheat germ, radishes, young onions and other sour foods should appear in the diet. In the summer, when all dishes are cooked quickly, which means they save energy yin, you need to eat a lot of greens, summer fruits, long-grain rice, other cereals and beans. Summer vegetables and fruits, containing a lot of moisture, give a feeling of coolness and compensate for the loss of water in the body. The closer to winter, the more you need to eat energy-rich foods. yang: rice and oats, caviar, vegetables and sweet fruits.

Perhaps you were surprised by the recommendation not to eat foods that grow far from where you live. People from different climates have different gastric enzymes, therefore, what the stomach of a rainforest inhabitant will perfectly absorb will not suit a northerner. You need to follow the eating habits that have developed in your area over the years. There are several climatic zones in our country, and the diet of the inhabitants of each of them will differ significantly.

If you live in a polar and northern climate, then the main foods in your diet should be buckwheat, winter varieties of wheat and oats, local vegetables that require long processing, and a larger amount of animal food compared to other regions. Long cooking food contributes to the production more heat during digestion.

Residents of the temperate climate zone should eat local cereal crops(rice, wheat, oats) and legumes (peas, lentils), short-cooking vegetables, fish and seafood. Local fruits (apples, pears or dried fruits) are stewed or baked as a dessert.

In the southern, tropical climate, long-grain rice and other cereals, cassava, local vegetables and fruits grow, which are mainly consumed in fresh. Meat is eaten very little or not at all.

You can use some products from others, remote places, more or less well tolerated by storage and do not lose their useful qualities: grains, beans, seaweed, sea ​​salt does not have to be of local origin.

When we consume yang foods that do not correspond to bodily needs, such as meat, eggs, hard salted cheeses, the body experiences an equal need for sugar, spices, seasonings, coffee, alcohol, ice cream and tropical fruits- foods with yin energy. This is necessary to balance our physical and mental state.

It is possible to make a finer division of products into yin and jan. Root vegetables and seeds contain more energy yang than leaves and branches. Ground vegetables like winter squash or squash are much more nutritious. yang: they are denser, they contain less liquid than fruits growing on a tree. In general, plants grown in warm climates or hot weather and containing more water, more energized yin. Fruits such as papaya, mangoes, avocados, bananas, citrus fruits, and vegetables such as potatoes, tomatoes, spinach, zucchini, eggplant, and yams are yin, while more rigid plants of northern origin - to jan.

In moderate climate zone native fruits, grains, vegetables, seeds, beans, and nuts are smaller, slower growing, contain less liquid, and carry more traits jan. Buckwheat (mainly yang) grows and blooms in cold climates and in mountainous areas. Corn (mainly yin) likes hot summers and grows well in warm climates. brown rice takes intermediate position between them. The smaller the nuts and seeds, the less oil they contain and the more energy they contain. jan. Sesame seeds, hard and small, more yang than big and oily brazilian or walnuts.

Table 3 provides a more detailed breakdown of energy products. yin and jan. This will help you in formulating a balanced diet.

Table 3

Detailed division of products into yin and yang

Yin-Yang nutrition helps restore the energy balance of the human body. So, at least says the philosophy of nutrition according to Eastern systems spiritual development of man. Food according to Feng Shui recent times rapidly gaining its place under the sun. Whether it is suitable for Europeans is not known. In the meantime, we propose to consider what philosophy is healthy eating and what products can be used.

The teachings of Yin-Yang in matters of nutrition are closely related to the principles separate power supply. Here we find another confirmation of the correctness of our arguments and an explanation of many questions concerning health.

Diet Yin-Yang Feng Shui Eastern Philosophy

The Yin-Yang Diet is based on Eastern philosophy, which teaches that there is nothing in this world that is not either Yin or Yang. Yin is centrifugal force. It expands and is the source of silence, calmness, coldness and darkness. Yang is the centripetal force. It compresses and produces sound, heat and light. Yin and Yang always and everywhere exist simultaneously. They always strive for mutual balance, which by its nature is unattainable, because the essence of life is in the constancy of change. In the Universe, Yin and Yang exist in harmony and balance. Man is built in the same way. And when in human body both energies exist in harmony and balance - then a person is healthy, which means that such a person does not violate the laws of nature, he lives in harmony with the Universe and therefore does not get sick.

But this rarely happens. Usually people violate the laws, and the balance of Yin and Yang inside the body is not respected. This is due to the fact that the Feng Shui diet is not observed, the harmony of feelings, the harmony of perception of the outside world are violated, because people do not receive energy from nature, but draw it in the inanimate mechanistic world of a stuffy dusty city, and because people eat incorrectly - do not observe the principle of balance of Yin and Yang in nutrition. A person needs only one thing for life and health - energy. Moreover, the energy must come in the right proportions, in the balance of yin-yang. So, food is needed only for energy. The body does not need a ballast that will fill the stomach with a mass of inanimate, non-energy food, and then poisons will begin to spread through the blood and throughout the body. Energy food is a medicine that gives a person strength and health. “Empty”, non-energy food is a poison that weighs down the body and mind and brings us diseases and premature old age. Food rich in energy, "living" food ( fresh vegetables, fruits, unprocessed cereals) saturates with a small amount. Food "non-living" (processed industrial way products, "dead" meat) leads to overeating, because it does not provide the necessary energy, and the body constantly signals - hunger. The body feels great, just eating energy food in the right ratio Yin Yang. Below is a table from which you can understand which food is filled with Yang energy, which Yin. Unfortunately, modern nutrition human includes an excessive amount of products that saturate the body with Yin to the detriment of Yang. Yin energy promotes expansion, while Yang energy promotes contraction. When we have too much yin, the body blurs, increases in size. Overweight only from an excess of Yin. So says the philosophy of the East. But this completely coincides with the teachings of Western science.

Look at the table:

Yin-Yang Product Table

Yang products

Yin foods


  • Cauliflower.
  • Broccoli.
  • Kohlrabi.
  • Red cabbage.
  • White cabbage.
  • Savoy cabbage.
  • Green salad.
  • Fennel.
  • Black Eyed Peas.
  • Carrot.
  • Garlic.
  • Dandelion.
  • Radish.
  • Radish.
  • Celery.
  • Spinach.
  • Thorinambur.


  • Apples.
  • Apricots.
  • Berries, everything.
  • Cherry.
  • Plums.
  • Peaches.


Vegetable oils.


  • Cereal coffee.
  • Green tea.
  • Herbal teas.

Vegetable proteins:

  • Sunflower seed.


  • Bird.
  • Beef.
  • Game.


  • Salmon.
  • Tuna.
  • Pike.
  • Herring.
  • Mackerel.
  • Caviar.
  • Crabs.


  • Goat cheese.
  • Roquefort/Swiss cheese.
  • Cottage cheese.
  • Yogurt.


  • Artichokes.
  • Eggplant.
  • Green peas.
  • Cucumber.
  • Potato.
  • Cabbage salad.
  • Corn.
  • Asparagus.
  • Tomatoes.


  • A pineapple.
  • Banana.
  • Pear.
  • Figs.
  • Dates.
  • Melon.
  • Orange.
  • Papaya.
  • Grape.
  • Lemon.


  • Margarine.
  • Oil.
  • Animal fats.


  • Beer.
  • Coffee.
  • Juices.
  • Water.
  • Wine/Champagne.

Vegetable proteins:

  • Peanut.
  • Coconut.
  • Flax seed.
  • Walnut.


  • Pork.


  • Acne.
  • Oysters.
  • Octopus.


  • Yogurt.
  • Kefir.
  • Milk.
  • Sour cream.


  • Syrup.
  • Sugar.

feng shui foods for feng shui diet

You need to choose the right Feng Shui products that balance each other. For example, pork meat is very Yin, and we also know for a long time that lovers of pork meat pay the price. overweight and get sick. Moreover, pork meat, like other highly Yin foods, causes food addiction: the more you use this product, the more you want to eat it. Same with sugar and refined refined foods: the energy value zero, but empty calories abound. So cakes and cakes are deposited on the sides and stomach, and the greater the consumption, the greater the dependence.

Another point in the Feng Shui diet attracts attention. We began to consume a lot of exotic fruits and exotic sweets, most of them also carry Yin energy. There would be no problem if there were balancing with Yang vegetables and fruits, such as cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, salads. But in practice this does not happen. Most exotic fruits, as already mentioned, carry Yin energy, which means they have a cooling effect. So, to use in the winter, ie. Yin-season, and also Yin-products - only harm health. A watermelon grown in the southern hemisphere and delivered to our New Year's table is completely out of place and out of time. And this also fits in with our Western teachings. propagandists healthy lifestyle life is strongly recommended to use products that grow in the region in which we live and correspond to the season. This is how our ancestors ate.

The teaching of the East also says that healthy food- this is food that has not been crippled by human hands, has not undergone such processing that kills the energy of food. Do not eat food that has been industrially processed.

Better to cook your own whole foods. From protein foods, it is better to give preference to fish, nuts. Meat in small quantities is not excluded, but it is desirable to balance with Yang products. In the table you can find out where your problems are and how they can be solved. It is not at all necessary to achieve Yin-Yang balance with every meal: the main thing is to keep it in the total amount of food eaten per day. Those who follow the principles of Yin-Yang in nutrition very quickly begin to notice positive changes in the body.

Not only the spirit is transformed and grows in its power and strength, but the body is also transformed, becoming slim, rejuvenated. The organism comes not only to the external, but also internal balance, all its organs and systems function more efficiently and smoothly.

And oh, many of our readers began to ask questions, what kind of products are yin products, and which ones are products with “yang” energy?! Therefore, I hasten to answer the questions of our readers in a separate post. But given the fact that this topic is very extensive, I decided to break it into 2 separate articles, dedicated to products with one or another energy, respectively! So, today yin products…

What is yin products?!

As we already know, the principles of macrobiotic nutrition are based on Eastern philosophy, therefore, according to macrobiotics, all food is divided into yin foods and yang foods. Yin products (feminine in Eastern philosophy) create an acidic reaction in the body. When overuse such products cause a feeling of fatigue, anemia, pallor, loss of appetite, slow down all movements and even speech. More time is needed to sleep. At long-term use yin foods can cause a condition characterized by a difficult awakening in the morning, a feeling of depression, weakness, resentment towards the world around.

And here is another very interesting point- it turns out that there are much more products with "yin" energy than with "yang" energy, and this is very interestingly explained by macrobiotic teaching. You should start with the fact that the energy "yin" is the female energy, the energy of the earth, the energy of the body, and the energy "yang" is male energy, the energy of the sky, the energy of the spirit. But since a person is very attached to the earth, he very reluctantly raises his spirit to heaven, because it is much easier to think only about your body, so most of the food on our tables is Yin, i.e. earthly! Her spirit withers and languishes.

It is also important that the yin energy contributes to expansion, and the yang energy to contraction. Therefore, according to oriental medicine If yin foods predominate in a person's diet, then his body blurs and weight increases. The balance of yin and yang products contributes to the transformation of the body, harmony and youthfulness.

Foods with a strong predominance of "yin" energy include:(products are arranged as their content of yin energy increases)

1. Bakery products and other pastries made from refined white flour;

2. Tomatoes, potatoes, eggplants, peppers, spinach;

8. Alcohol;

9. Caffeine;

10. Sugar substitutes;

11. Preservatives;

It should be remembered that clean products there is no yin or yang, both types of energy are present in each of them, just in different proportions. Foods with a predominance of a certain energy should not be completely abandoned (with the exception of sugar, white flour, alcohol, preservatives, and also think about exclusion from your diet), you just need to learn how to properly balance them with products of the opposite energy.

How to identify yin foods and yang foods?

Many of you will immediately have a logical and natural question: who and on what grounds divided food products in yin-yang? And is it possible to learn to determine the energy that prevails in a particular product. I have to disappoint you - you won’t learn it that easily, it can take a very long time. Indeed, the degree of manifestation of the properties of yin and yang in macrobiotic products is assessed by a variety of indicators: the verticality or horizontality of plant growth and the climatic region of their cultivation, taste, color, size, density, fat content, the ratio of acids and alkalis, etc.

Sesame seeds are small and hard, more yang than large, fatty walnuts, which are more yin. But even here, sometimes there are indicators with very contradictory results. For example, red vegetables, like red itself, are endowed with yang properties, but tomatoes are classified as yin, as they are watery, sour and grow in warm climates.

It is also worth mentioning the culinary processing of products, depending on the method and time of which the yin-yang balance can change.

With all of the above, the macrobiotic classification diverges from other Eastern classifications - Tibetan medicine or. For example: according to the Tibetan classification, rice is yin, and for macrobiotics it is a balanced product.

Now you know a little more about products with yin energy, I really hope that the information received will help maintain the balance of 2 energies in the body and you will forever forget about health problems, overweight and gain absolute harmony with the outside world!

Macrobiotics is a nutritional system that is not only optimal for yoga practice in our climate zone, but at the same time more than effective remedy solutions are sometimes very complex
health related issues.

About macrobiotics and how it appeared

Everything that will now be described was found independently simply on the basis of a feeling of what the body really needs, when, with what and in what quantities.

This mode of nutrition almost completely coincides with macrobiotics J. Ozawa, therefore, for more detailed recommendations, you should refer to his books and books Sergei Sobolenko(first of all - " Recipe for madness»).

State of Yin and Yang

Briefly, the power supply system can be described as follows ...

Like everything in this world, food is divided into yin foods and yang foods.

The beginning of Yin can be characterized as a heavy, calm, accumulating, in the limit - an inert state.

The beginning of Yang is dynamic, bright, pushing, active.

Most of the diseases of our time are Yin diseases. accompanied by the expansion of organs, a decrease in their function, a decrease in the number of adequately functioning cells. In its extreme state, these are primarily oncological and some mental illness. And it is precisely these diseases that are now steadily growing and multiplying ...

A person in a state of predominance of the beginning of Yin more inert, prone to weakness, more sickly, drowsy, with occasional depressive states, acid-base balance shifted more towards acidification internal environment.

Episodic deviations from the "conditional norm of health" - if you get sick at least once a year colds, you also belong to this group.

A person in a state of excess Yang: acid-base balance shifted towards alkalization of the internal environment, prone to overexcitation, emotional instability with a shift to euphoria.

However, most often these conditions are already more secondary to the primary deep shift in Yin - just as a cancer or tuberculosis patient first experiences acute profuse bleeding, which in itself, due to the strength and severity of the state, is characterized as a Yang state, but is a consequence of a long-term deep state of Yin.

The optimal combination of products will be more or less balanced amount of yin and yang foods. But to achieve this balance, it is necessary to long time declare, that is, in fact, simply cleanse your body and shift the internal balance towards the predominance of the beginning of Yang.

The mechanical strength and elasticity of body tissues in this state sometimes reaches simply fantastic limits.

Considering that in our conditions the body is mainly affected by yin-factors external environment, in the diet there should be a shift towards Yang products.

Yin and Yang Products

To Yang products primarily include:

  • cereals (rice, buckwheat, millet and wheat),
  • sea ​​salt,
  • green tea,
  • greens (dill, parsley),
  • carrot,
  • cheese,
  • apples,
  • sea ​​fish and all seafood.

Yin Products– respectively, almost everything else. There are foods that are very Yang and very Yin. FROM complete list can be found in the already named books, so all this is now only briefly.

Nutrition system according to Sobolenko

For our conditions, in my opinion, the power system described by Sergei Sobolenko is most suitable.

  • The basis of nutrition should be cereals, to a lesser extent - vegetables.
  • 1-2 times a week you can eat fish,
  • You can eat no more than 4 eggs per week.
  • Legumes - no more than once a week.
  • Fish, eggs, legumes are consumed either on their own or with vegetables, and in no case together with other products, the same cereals, for example.
  • Eat greens as much as possible.
  • Nuts, honey, berries, apples and dried fruits are absolutely special products, which must be eaten separately from everything, how independent reception food.
  • Dairy products You can also use it as a separate meal.
  • When combined incompatible products decay processes begin in the body, and it will be impossible to talk about some kind of balance.
  • From the diet is absolutely necessary exclude all products that contain yeast, sugar, potatoes, milk, vinegar and all artificial ingredients- preservatives, flavors, baking powder, etc.

Sergey Sobolenko gives the recipe " dragon tea”, an absolutely wonderful collection of herbs. It very effectively cleanses and tones the body, and also restores optimal internal balance, neutralizing excess Yin. It includes:

  • chamomile,
  • sage and

Pharmacy herbs better not to use! Herbs are harvested with a large number nuances, but one of the main rules should be their collection on the full moon, give or take one week.

In order to prepare the “hardest” version of this collection in terms of effect, you need to take a tablespoon of each of the herbs and pour a liter of boiling water over it.

Let it brew for about 40 minutes, until the herb has almost completely subsided. From now on, you can drink it.

It is used in 150-200 ml. 3 times a day 40 minutes before meals. However, this option may not be suitable for everyone.

For women, it is often appropriate to put another spoonful of chamomile instead of a spoonful of wormwood, for men - thyme.

You can drink tea for 4 days with a break for 4 days, or a week after a week for 1 - 2 months. After the same break, you can repeat the course.

Eating in this mode, you can gradually create an optimal state of the internal environment of the body, restore and make optimal mode work internal organs and perception.

Macrobiotics: menu

George Ozawa, in his book Zen Macrobiotics, provides a summary table possible diets, which have been used in Japanese Buddhist traditions since ancient times.

Diet number 7- the most radical and tough - contains 100% cereals. From drinks - only green tea. This is the maximum and purest Yang, the maximum cleansing effect for the body and perception.

Diet number 6- already contains 5% vegetables.

It may not be worth copying such an approach completely, but it is definitely worth taking into account. In any life crisis situations with health or when we fall into a period of uncontrollable events, it will definitely be very useful for everyone accessible ways clean up your body and mind. And proper nutrition is key here.

However, if there are health problems and, moreover, chronic ones, one proper nutrition may not be enough. To speed up this process, you need the right ones.



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