Proper nutrition for whiter teeth. Modern options for professional whitening

Journalist and TV presenter Yulia Demina learned from dentist Kristina Kvartalnova how to achieve that “Hollywood smile”.

Christina, as a child, watching American films, I asked myself one question: why do local actors have such white teeth? Finally reveal the secret! How is the Hollywood smile effect achieved?

Our expert:
dentist, therapist, surgeon, orthopedist of the dental clinic "KVARTAL.STOM". The effect of a Hollywood smile is achieved through a whole range of oral care measures. This includes professional hygiene, whitening procedures, crowning of severely affected teeth, etc.

Well, yes ... Looking at the dazzling smiles of American beauties and beauties, you understand: one toothpaste was definitely not enough here. What determines the natural color of teeth?

The natural color of the teeth is a purely genetic trait, and it is determined by the color of the dentin. Dentin contains minerals, it is opaque and translucent through the enamel. It is the dentin that determines the color of the teeth. The natural color of teeth cannot be perfectly white. The lightest natural color of teeth is always yellowish.

What teeth whitening options does dentistry offer us today?

Let's start with the simplest. Today, home whitening is popular and available to everyone. These are all kinds of whitening gels, caps, strips, toothpastes, which are sold in ordinary cosmetic stores. Just before starting a home whitening course, do not forget to consult a dentist.

When should you not use home whitening treatments?

When your enamel is damaged, you have cavities, your gums bleed, etc. Before you whiten your teeth, you must make sure they are healthy. For that, go see a doctor.

I recommend the ZOOM home whitening system. It whitens 8-13 tones in four weeks. Of course, such a system is more suitable for patient and motivated people. For those who want to get immediate results, it is better to resort to professional whitening. In just one visit to the dentist, you can make your teeth 8-13 shades lighter.

They say that professional whitening, unlike home whitening, is harmful. A few years ago, in one of the capital's clinics, I whitened my teeth with the ZOOM system. To be honest, two days later I was shot in the head. Although for some time the teeth became perfectly white. What explains such hypersensitivity of the teeth after a professional whitening procedure? The fact that the enamel corrodes, right?

It's a delusion! Enamel during such procedures is not corroded. Competent whitening practically does not harm the teeth. The crystal lattice changes a little, so after whitening it is necessary to follow certain rules for caring for teeth. For example, it is worth giving up pigmenting drinks: Coca-Cola, forfeits, tea, coffee, well, and cigarettes, of course. And also use toothpaste for sensitive teeth and all kinds of balms for rinsing the mouth. Hypersensitivity, as a rule, is observed no more than 3-5 days after the professional whitening procedure, and for some it is less. Then the discomfort goes away.

A very good teeth whitening system is Beyond Polus. This is gentle whitening, it brightens by 2-3 tones in one step within 10 minutes at the dentist. This procedure is suitable for those whose natural color of teeth is quite light and there is a slight yellowness. The cost of professional whitening in Moscow is about 10,000 - 15,000 rubles.

What about home whitening? Which product to choose?

All home whitening systems are made on the basis of either carbamide peroxide or hydrogen peroxide and work on approximately the same principle, be it gels, caps, strips, and so on. If you have healthy teeth, use your health! What do you like! Just remember that whitening is a purely aesthetic procedure and has nothing to do with treatment. Here, too, it is important not to overdo it. A course of home whitening can be carried out no more than once every six months. It is inexpensive. From one to five thousand rubles.

How often can you use whitening toothpaste?

One week per month. Not more often.

Is it true that some time after bleaching, teeth can darken even more than they were before whitening?

No! After bleaching, the teeth do not return to their previous color. The color will still be lighter than natural.

Well, everything is clear about bleaching. But today there are plenty of other ways to make a Hollywood smile. In the US, for example, veneers have long been very popular. An example of this is Britney Spears with perfectly white teeth. With us, this know-how is only taking root ...

Yes! A veneer is a thin shell to cover the outer surface of the teeth. There are therapeutic composite veneers, there are orthopedic ceramic plates.

What is the difference between composite veneers and orthopedic veneers?

Service life. Composite ones last three years, orthopedic ones - 5-10 years. The first are made literally on the patient's teeth. In this case, composite materials are used, similar to those from which fillings are made, otherwise this technique is called tooth restoration. Dental veneers require a more complex placement procedure, sometimes requiring multiple visits. If a person wants to visually make the teeth even, close large gaps between the teeth, then veneers will help. It's very aesthetic.

That is, veneers not only provide the perfect whiteness of the teeth, but also eliminate all the visual flaws of the smile?

Certainly! But it's also better not to joke with whiteness. In general, the color range of veneers is very diverse. There are natural whites, and there are aggressive whites that almost glow in the dark! And such whiteness of teeth looks unnatural and ugly.

Well, yes, the external balance is disturbed. First you pay attention to the white, very white teeth, and only then to the person himself ...

Yes, when choosing white, still give preference to a natural shade. Absolutely white teeth are not very beautiful.

How are veneers installed? How painful is the procedure?

Well, first, the tooth is prepared for a veneer, that is, the enamel is grinded, a cast of your tooth is taken and given to the laboratory. In the laboratory, a veneer is made from pressed ceramic specifically for your tooth. Then the finished structure is fixed on the tooth. If the manufacture of the structure requires some time, then temporary overlays are installed on the treated teeth for this period.

That is, is it all individual? Is there a veneer for each tooth?

Simply put, a veneer is an artificial ideal tooth surface that is installed on a natural tooth ... Is there a chance that a natural tooth will begin to rot under an artificial surface?

There is such a possibility, so very careful oral care is needed here. Then there will be no problems.

How much does veneers cost today?

A veneer for one tooth costs from 20 to 50 thousand rubles. If you want to get a Hollywood smile, hide all the flaws, then it is better to put veneers immediately on the front 10 teeth. Here also consider! The amount is impressive.

With this money you can buy a car ...

Yes! But keep in mind that the price tag of dental services is always affected by the cost of rent, the availability of cool equipment, the regalia of a dentist, for example. If you choose dentistry somewhere in the center of the capital, be prepared to fork out. Although you can get the same services from exactly the same materials at a lower price somewhere on the outskirts of Moscow. The main thing is to find your dentist.

Today, Japanese and Korean toothpastes have appeared on the market. What can you say about them?

Korean and Japanese toothpastes are really popular in Russia. And not in vain. They are no worse than the American and European brands we are used to, and sometimes even better. High quality at reasonable prices. True, among the large assortment of Korean and Japanese cosmetics there are very potent toothpastes. If they are abused, then the epithelium on the mucous membrane can be damaged. Therefore, choose something neutral, sparing.

To be honest, they are all about the same, look at the composition! The main thing here is to pay attention to the technique of brushing your teeth. Paste is just an auxiliary element.

And what is the right way to brush your teeth?

Visually, you need to divide the oral cavity into four parts and start cleaning from the last tooth. For each tooth, about 10 vertical sweeping movements along the outer surface. You can alternate with circular. By no means horizontal, it can harm the enamel, horizontal movements only on the chewing surface. Do not forget about dental floss, interdental brushes that clean the surface between the teeth. Brushes alone cannot do this task.

How long should you brush your teeth?

It is important to brush your teeth 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening, three minutes is enough! Yes, and I recommend rinsing your mouth after every meal! Well, or use an irrigator!

What else is this?

This is a kind of "shower for the teeth"! A special device for oral care, which delivers a jet of air under pressure, perfectly cleans all surfaces of the teeth, and also massages the gums, stimulating blood flow. Works from a network. You can take it with you on the road. Anywhere. It doesn't even require flossing.

The ads tell us to chew on Orbit after eating, and brushing your teeth is optional!

After eating, be sure to either brush your teeth, or rinse your mouth, or chew gum.

So chewing gum really works?

Works! But due to the fact that it stimulates the secretion of saliva. Saliva washes every tooth. But you can’t chew gum for more than three minutes, because there is a load on the tissues surrounding and holding the tooth (periodontium).

Today, the dental services market offers customers many options for braces. What are new generation braces?

Today you can put braces hidden from the eyes of others. They are called "Incognito". They are installed on the back of the teeth. They are not visible at all. Now a very large selection of braces! These are both sapphire and ceramic. Even if such braces are installed on the front surface of the teeth, they are almost invisible. It all depends on the complexity of the anomaly of the dentition and the finances that the patient has.

How much does braces cost today?

From 50 to 100 thousand rubles. There are also higher prices. It all depends on the desire of the patient.

I heard that patients with a minor malocclusion are given caps instead of braces. And that's just for the night...

Yes, everything is individual. Perhaps it will be possible to manage only with caps for the night. Everything depends on the specific case. Today, any defect can be easily and painlessly corrected. And a Hollywood smile is a thing that has been available for a long time! The main thing is to be aware of the latest "trends" in dentistry.

Previously, to look respectable, it was enough just to have a full set of teeth. Now, in order to maintain social status, it is desirable to have teeth that are not only healthy, but also beautiful.

Aesthetic dentistry has reached such heights that almost every person with a certain financial freedom can get a beautiful smile. How and how to effectively and harmlessly whiten your teeth at home, saving time and money?

How can you whiten your teeth quickly and without harm to enamel

The International Dental Association clearly indicates that even simple home whitening by public methods should not be carried out without the advice of a dentist. The structure of dentin and enamel, their structure and defects, the tolerance of various substances are individual for each.

However, this does not mean at all that you cannot safely do home procedures. Just check with your doctor. Maybe you have the very case when it is impossible to whiten your teeth without losing the quality of life, and you will have to resort to a different method - veneers or nano-coating.

Still, it is better to live fully with darkish healthy teeth than with white, but hypersensitive and unsuitable for contact with cold, hot, sour, spicy food and drink.

Who doesn't want to whiten their teeth at home?

Pregnant women and children under 16 should refrain from bleaching.

If you do not belong to any of these groups, or if you decide to take the risk of consulting a dentist, there are many options for you to whiten your teeth. Let's talk about them.

Whitening strips for all types of tooth enamel

There are several types of strips: classic, intensive, for especially sensitive enamel. The concentration of the active substance in them is different, and therefore the strips are applied for different times - from 5 to 30 minutes.

Strips are the perfect way to whiten at home.

How to use the strips?

  • Brush your teeth in the usual way.
  • Take out the product, remove the protective film.
  • Stand at the mirror, apply the strip with the gel side to the teeth, smooth it, press it against the teeth, repeating their shape. For better distribution of the gel, the excess edges of the strip can be bent.
  • After the allotted time, remove the strip.
  • Rinse or brush your teeth gently.
  • Apply the strips twice a day.
  • During the application of the strips, do not eat or drink, do not smoke, it is better not to talk so that saliva does not stand out - this will ruin the effect.

Strips are not used to whiten teeth in children and adolescents under 16 years of age.

Perhaps the most common brand that produces dental strips is Crest. The active substance is hydrogen peroxide, which whitens only living, natural tooth enamel. Brightens teeth up to 2-5 shades on the Vita scale.

Teeth whitening strips - review:

Plus from the use of stripes - in their comparative cheapness. A set that lasts for a month costs 25-40 dollars, and the result lasts 2-4 months. Then the course is repeated, it is possible with a more gentle, supportive gel.

Minus - the strips often cause discomfort to those who have sensitive teeth and gums.

In general, they are safe for teeth and do not change the structure of the enamel.

Stronger teeth whitening gel

Two other forms of gel whitening are whitening sticks and mouthguards (variantly spelled mouthguards) with dental gel. Most of the drugs in this group are based on hydrogen peroxide with softening, compensating additives and taste improvers.

Mouthguards are casts of the jaws made by a dentist from a hypoallergenic plastic substance.

Inside, the casts are lubricated with a 10–35% whitening gel. A strong, 35% hydrogen peroxide gel is used for half an hour whitening. 10-16% is placed in caps at night (from 6 to 8 hours). Cap gel is sold in syringes.

Mode of application:

With a brush or syringe applicator, the gel is applied to the inner surfaces of the cap and
subsequently, with its proper fit, it gets on the enamel of your teeth.

This method is good because in a month it allows you to whiten the enamel by 6-11 tones on the Vita scale. Another advantage is that the mouthguards are individual, fit tightly to the enamel of the teeth, so the whitening is uniform and strong.

Yellow teeth become white after a week of use, and a visible effect can be achieved in 1 evening. A stable result appears in the first week. The whitening course usually lasts 2-4 weeks and lasts up to 4-5 years.

The persistence of the effect depends on lifestyle. For lovers of tobacco, coffee, black teas, red wines, dark carbonated drinks, juices, beets and spinach, the color of the teeth changes faster. There is one tricky trick: you can drink coloring drinks through a straw - this will significantly reduce the intensity of staining.

Gel whitening with caps receives the best user reviews.

The reasons are the uniformity and intensity of whitening and the ability to sleep in mouthguards (without spending active time on whitening). This creates a strong psychological effect: he went to bed, and in the morning - yellowness is gone, his teeth are beautiful, his smile is bright.

This method is especially suitable for smokers, as it removes nicotine yellowness and penetrates into the deep layers of enamel.

Whitening toothpastes video

Everything is simple with them: pastes give a relatively modest whitening effect by 1-2 tones. Such pastes can be used regularly, but not more than twice a week, as they contain abrasive particles, and with frequent use, the integrity of the enamel suffers.

Examination of whitening paste in the "Test Purchase" program:

Safe folk recipes for teeth whitening

These improvised folk remedies are suitable for everyone, even children during the formation of enamel at 10, 12, 14 years old and older people who have thinned and vulnerable enamel. The application is so simple that it will suit even the laziest teenager or man. With their help, you can whiten your teeth by 1-3 tones on the Vita scale.

Blackberry, strawberry and strawberry

They contain various oxidizing and bleaching agents.

A simple recipe: crush the berries into a pulp and brush your teeth like a paste.

A long rinse of the mouth with the juice of these berries is also suitable. You can brush your teeth with berries up to three times a week. Peeling strawberries is especially pleasant for children.

Apple vinegar

It is used as a rinse no more than once every 7-10 days to spare the enamel.

Sometimes it is mixed with baking soda to the thickness of an ordinary paste and covered with teeth for 5-10 minutes, then rinsed vigorously with warm water. After the procedure, brush your teeth with the usual paste.

Dark blue or purple eggplant

You should choose a darker eggplant, burn it on an open fire, and then brush your teeth with the resulting ash. This method not only whitens, but also strengthens the enamel.

Tea tree oil

The success of the recipe depends on the quality of the oil. Check the ingredients, it should be 100% tea tree oil. Otherwise, you can buy a product diluted with palm oil. Only good oil is suitable for bleaching, even if it is less (you won’t need much, it’s better to buy fresh).

Mode of application:

After regular brushing and flossing, wash the brush and drip on it
a few drops of tea tree oil. Brush your teeth with oil for two or three minutes, rinse your mouth with warm water.

It is enough to brush your teeth with tea tree oil 2 or 3 times in 7-10 days, and in a month they will become lighter.

This method is good because tea tree oil does not contain abrasive particles that can damage tooth enamel. And user reviews indicate that the oil cleans remarkably: the teeth become smooth and creak from cleanliness.

orange peel with bay leaf

  1. Freshly peeled orange peel (its inner side) is rubbed with tooth enamel.
  2. Then the bay leaves are ground into dust and the powder is applied to the teeth. Leave for 5 minutes.
  3. Rinse with warm water or tooth rinse.

Frequency - 1 time in seven days. This method destroys the bacteria that stains the enamel and lightens the stains left by them.

How to safely whiten your teeth with baking soda

Whitening with soda is the easiest and most popular method. Cheap, effective, brightens by 1-3 tones and quickly enough: the color change is noticeable at the first cleaning.

Baking soda is used as a tooth powder or mixed into regular toothpaste.

But still, it contains rather large abrasive particles that can damage the oral cavity or enamel. Therefore, you should clean the enamel with soda no more than once a week.

How to whiten tooth enamel with hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide has been used as a teeth whitener since 1880 and is the second most popular. Many people combine bleaching with hydrogen peroxide and soda, using each method once a week. In fact, peroxide is the main ingredient in most chemical bleaches.

Cons: Hydrogen peroxide makes gums and teeth more sensitive.

It is safest to whiten the incisors, which are usually a few shades darker than the rest of the teeth. With a cotton swab or swab, we apply peroxide for five minutes on the entire surface of the teeth, trying not to touch the gums. Then we rinse. Peroxide is also used in a mixture with salt, soda and toothpaste.

Hydrogen peroxide is better not to use for people with problem gums, sensitive teeth, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Of course, no one is going to swallow peroxide, but when you use it, some part will get into the esophagus.

At home, it is better to use low-peroxide peroxide. No matter how you use it - alone or in combination with soda, carefully rinse your mouth after the procedure.

This method of whitening receives good reviews: drop hydrogen peroxide into a teaspoon of soda, bringing it to a paste-like consistency. This emulsion is then used as a toothpaste.

How to whiten teeth with charcoal at home

Activated charcoal does not injure the gums and does not thin the tooth enamel. It is harmless when swallowed and even good for the stomach.

Cleaning Method: Dissolve the crushed tablet in a few drops of water until toothpaste thickens. Dip the brush and brush for about three minutes, then rinse.

This procedure is pleasant because it completely removes plaque, the teeth look clean, shiny, healthy and well-groomed. The good news is that cleaning with charcoal tablets will not empty your wallet.

How to whiten teeth with lemon

The surface of the teeth is rubbed with the wrong side of the lemon peel (not the yellow side, but the white one). Lemon is only suitable for people with strong enamel, as it destroys it and also causes gum irritation. That is why brushing your teeth with undiluted citric acid is not recommended: too strong a remedy will result in a Pyrrhic victory.

How to whiten your teeth with a banana

Or rather, its skin. By the way, this little-known method is good because it whitens both natural and artificial enamel - fillings, extended teeth, crowns.
Often removes a noticeable border between natural and artificial enamel. Therefore, the method is actively used by older people when they want to hide the artificial origin of part of the teeth.

The darkening of artificial enamel is the same natural process as the discoloration of natural tooth enamel, but these two processes go unevenly, which makes the teeth look like piano keys. Whitening pastes and brushes do not solve the problem: the border is still noticeable, as are the unevenly colored gaps between the teeth. This is where the peel comes to the rescue.

  1. You need to take a banana peel and rub your teeth with its inner side for 2-3 minutes.
  2. Then leave a banana plaque on your teeth for another 3 minutes.
  3. Then proceed with your regular brushing of your teeth.

This procedure can be done daily before each cleaning. Do not be afraid if after two minutes the banana turns black on the teeth - this is its property.

The blacker the banana becomes, the whiter your teeth will be.

Empirically choose the most effective banana for yourself - there are both huge "feed" bananas and small green ones on the market. After a month of using this method, your teeth will acquire a uniform, good color.

In English-speaking countries, banana teeth whitening is a daily routine, videos about this can be viewed on youtube.

As you know, a banana is peeled into four strips. One procedure takes 1 strip of banana peel. This is a highly environmentally friendly and cheap method.

How to whiten children's teeth

In children aged 0-10 years and adolescents aged 12-16 years, the formation of teeth is not completed, so whitening is not recommended. It is necessary to wait for the maturation of enamel, which occurs by the age of 16. Often children and adolescents are plagued by caries (up to 90% of the population) and gingivitis (inflammation of the gums) as a result of poor oral hygiene and hormonal imbalance.

Therefore, our advice: teeth whitening in a child is possible only with gentle herbal methods or after consulting a dentist. In the vast majority of cases, a hardware cleaning twice a year is enough to keep your child's teeth beautiful and healthy. And, of course, timely treatment of gingivitis and caries is necessary.

A child can whiten his teeth without harm with herbal remedies: banana, orange, tea tree oil. Of course, you should not give children harmful, sweet and coloring foods, which, unfortunately, they adore so much.

How to whiten teeth with braces

The danger of whitening teeth in braces is that they can form "shadows" from the braces. It is best to do home whitening with a gel cap.

The specialist will adjust the pads so that the teeth are painted evenly, without shadows.

How to whiten tetracycline teeth at home

Tetracycline teeth are less amenable to whitening. The fact is that the spots do not lie on the enamel itself, but in the deep layers of the tooth. This is what makes the darkening persistent and deep.

The reason for the darkening is the use of tetracycline antibiotics. Moreover, the destruction affects even the rudiments of the teeth of the fetus in the womb of the mother taking the antibiotic. Tetracycline is not excreted from the body in any way, it is collected in bone and dental tissues.

Tetracycline darkening manifests itself in three degrees:

  • Local staining in the form of spots and stripes. Such staining can be bleached both at the dentist and at home.
  • Staining has an average degree: brownish, yellow or gray teeth without stripes and spots. Whitening is possible both at the dentist and at home.
  • Deep staining. Intense color, large layers of staining covering the teeth in stripes. Whitening does not give a satisfactory effect; veneering, prosthetics with crowns or nano-coating may be required.

Tetracycline teeth lend themselves well to photobleaching using lamps that activate the gel applied to the tooth enamel. Such photobleaching brightens stained teeth by 9-12 tones on the Vita scale.

Sometimes internal bleaching is used. It is, of course, impossible to do it yourself at home. In this case, the bleaching agent is injected into the tooth, into its canals, and covered with a temporary filling.

It will not be possible to effectively whiten teeth affected by tetracycline in one hour, so you need to take the procedures in advance. Often, answers to inspire people with false optimism that you can get rid of deep yellowness in one evening. This is wrong.

With home whitening of tetracycline teeth, traditional methods will not work. The most effective remedy is gradual gel whitening with caps.

And for it to go right, you need to consult a dentist. It is difficult to whiten such teeth yourself without harming the enamel.

Important: when whitening tetracycline teeth, you need to remove the calculus by pre-cleaning. Cleaning is a gentle non-invasive operation that takes no more than half an hour. Ultrasonic waves are directed to the surface of the teeth, after which they are rinsed.

The main reasons preventing your teeth from staying white

  • Eating refined, processed food with dyes, colored drinks and sweets, coffee, black teas, red wine, coloring vegetables and fruits.
  • Irregular, improper, or insufficient brushing of teeth. How to properly brush your teeth, the dentist will teach, there is nothing to be ashamed of. By the way, most adults brush their teeth incorrectly. You can also watch a tutorial video online.
  • Not using mouthwash or dental floss.
  • Unclean language. Yes, yes, the tongue also needs to be cleaned in the morning from plaque.
  • Lack of hardware cleaning (2 times a year).
  • Poor environmental conditions, aggressive substances in the environment, including iodine, lead, mercury, bromine.
  • Pathology of internal organs. After unsuccessful whitening, it makes sense to undergo an examination - pathological processes inside the body are possible, staining the tongue and teeth.

To keep your teeth white, eat more dairy products. © Shutterstock

Do you want your teeth to be healthy and white, without unpleasant yellow plaque and caries? Include these foods in your daily diet.

Products for white teeth

1. Apples and tough vegetables

Fresh apples, carrots, cucumbers and other hard vegetables contain many vitamins and microelements useful for teeth and gums, which normalize blood circulation in the gums, help “remove” yellow plaque and replenish calcium and phosphorus, essential elements for healthy and white teeth.

2. Cheese and dairy products

Cheese, cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt are rich in calcium, potassium, magnesium and vitamins A, B and D, which are beneficial for our body as a whole, as well as substances that protect teeth from dark plaque, prevent the development of caries and inflammation of the gums.

3. Citrus

Lime, grapefruit and oranges have a beneficial effect on teeth and gums, protecting the oral cavity from various inflammations, and also perfectly removing yellow plaque from tooth enamel. The main thing is to eat fresh citrus fruits. Oranges in dessert or lime in a cocktail, alas, will not whiten your teeth.

4. Fresh greens

Parsley, green onions, dill, celery are rich in vitamins B, E, A, C, PP, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron and other substances that strengthen and whiten teeth, and also help get rid of bleeding gums.

© Shutterstock In addition, fresh herbs, especially parsley, have antibacterial properties, are great for whitening teeth and eliminating bad breath.

The best nuts for white teeth are almonds, cashews and pine nuts.

The substances that contain these nuts are able to destroy bacteria that destroy tooth enamel. In addition, nuts have antibacterial and antiseptic properties that relieve toothache and also strengthen teeth and gums.

Taboos for white teeth: coffee, strong tea, chocolate, blueberries, alcoholic drinks, sweet fruit juices, carbonated drinks, energy drinks, as well as caramel, lollipops, cakes and other sweets.

Nowadays, beautiful and white teeth are an indicator not only of health, but also of a person's social status. In the saying "they are met by clothes ...", you can safely add "and by a smile." The whiteness of the teeth is determined by physiological and anatomical features, in addition, some features of nutrition, work and hygiene skills can affect the color of the teeth.

Dentist visit

To achieve and maintain the natural whiteness of teeth, it is necessary to visit the dentist regularly and brush your teeth correctly and fully. You should visit the dentist at least twice a year. At the appointment, the doctor will assess the condition of the hard tissues of the oral cavity, carry out some hygienic manipulations - remove all hard and soft dental deposits, and clean hard-to-reach places for a toothbrush.

On the surface of the tooth there is a film invisible to the eye, on which various deposits are attached and give the teeth a yellowish to brown tint. It is not possible to remove hard dental deposits without professional tools.

For people with increased plaque formation, dentists recommend using additional hygiene items and means - special toothpastes with a high abrasive coefficient, dental floss (flos), hard toothbrushes. In addition, brushing time is increased from 3 to 5 minutes.

You should not abuse whitening hygienic toothpastes; by definition, they cannot be gentle on tooth enamel. It is best to alternate them with therapeutic and prophylactic toothpastes containing fluorine and calcium.

Bad habits and drugs

The most pernicious bad habit for the color of teeth is smoking, in dentistry there is such a thing as "smoker's plaque". Depending on the length of smoking and dental care skills, the shade of tooth enamel will change from light yellow to dark brown.

Often in the oral cavity, near the cervical region of the teeth, you can notice dark stripes that are quite difficult to clean off, and even after a special cleaning of the teeth by the dentist, they remain noticeable. The only way to deal with such a raid is hardware teeth whitening . The nicotine and tar in cigarettes are strong dyes and very sticky. They tightly connect with the invisible film of the tooth, and over time, the process only progresses.

Sometimes drugs also have an effect on the state of the color of the teeth, the most typical representatives are iron preparations. Iron is deposited in the thickness of the enamel and forms compounds, the enamel becomes dark in color, closer to black.

With some diseases of the internal organs, for example, with diseases of the kidneys or the digestive system, a thick plaque forms on the teeth, similar to a "smoker's plaque". It is quite difficult to deal with such a phenomenon, and in this case the dentist alone cannot cope, it is necessary to involve other narrow specialists.


There are foods that worsen the natural color of the teeth or, conversely, improve it. In order to maintain the natural whiteness of the teeth, it is necessary to limit in the diet those foods that can give the teeth a dark shade.

Foods that stain teeth

The biggest influence on tooth color is coffee and all coffee drinks. Instant coffee "3 in 1" has a stronger effect: in addition to the powder of the coffee itself, it contains a large amount of dyes.

Various caramels or lollipops contain a certain amount of dyes, in addition, it has been proven that lozenges remain on the surface of the tooth for a long time, forming a sticky invisible film. In addition to the deterioration of the natural color of the teeth, the risk of developing caries .

Proper nutrition for whiter teeth /

some berries(blueberry, blackberry) are natural dyes and are able to color fillings in the teeth well, and gradually affect the tooth enamel. A highly coloring vegetable is beet which operates on the same principle.

Carbonated drinks with a high content of dyes- for example, cola or pepsi - act on tooth enamel like coffee. In addition, due to the phosphoric acid contained in these drinks, the enamel of the teeth gradually melts. And if you abuse such drinks, acid necrosis of the enamel may develop. With this disease, the enamel loses its natural luster, and spots form, they are initially white, but darken over time.

Red wine, soy sauce and various oriental spices can have a coloring effect on tooth enamel. A less intense effect will be on healthy strong enamel, but if there are filled teeth, and especially in the front group of teeth, then it is best to refuse or minimize the use of these foods. The fact is that there are micropores on the surface of the fillings, in which the dye can be deposited.

Products for teeth whitening

Dentists usually recommend using hard foods that require long and thorough chewing. Firstly, such products contain many fibers that mechanically clean the surface of the teeth from food debris, two processes are carried out simultaneously. Secondly, with intensive chewing, more saliva is released, which, as you know, helps clean the mouth and saturates the tooth enamel with minerals. In some berries - for example, strawberries- contains certain bleaching agents.

One of the most well-known, affordable and very harmful methods is teeth whitening with table salt and baking soda. This is the cheapest, but dangerous method of whitening. Large particles of salt create microtraumas on the enamel of the teeth, which only progress over time. Soda reacts with surface substances and can cause tooth hypersensitivity - a sharp painful reaction to hot and / or cold.

For the natural whiteness of teeth, all those foods that somehow strengthen tooth enamel are useful - sesame seeds able to remove soft dental deposits and saturate the enamel with calcium. Various nuts - walnut, pistachio, almond- not only clean tooth enamel well mechanically, but also chemically, with the help of its unique chemical composition.

How do you achieve a beautiful smile?



1. Use baking soda. It may be a great cleaner for your house, but not for your teeth. Its chemistry is abrasive, which means it can remove stains, but it can also be harmful. After prolonged use of soda, the enamel begins to wear off, as a result of which your teeth will begin to darken. .

2. There are dark foods. These include some of the foods and condiments that Manhattan dentist Debra Glasman has put on her "Do Not Eat" list. Dr. Glasman advises avoiding pickle sauce, blueberries, and soy sauce because foods with a very dark color can stain your teeth. (But, of course, this is not a sufficient reason to completely eliminate blueberries from the diet).

3. Drink energy drinks in large quantities. In addition to traditional coloring drinks (such as coffee, tea, and red wine), Dr. Glasman recommends avoiding energy drinks as well. The acid that they contain can have an erosive effect similar to that caused by eating citrus fruits, only in the case of energy drinks, your teeth will "bath" in this acid. Still want to drink them? Then drink through a straw to protect your teeth.

good ideas

4. Change your toothbrush. Getting whiter teeth is as easy as throwing away your old toothbrush. Dr. Glasman advises: "Change your brush every three months or you'll soon see most of the bristles bend and look worn out." And the toothbrush will no longer be able to clean your teeth as thoroughly as before.

5. Clean your tongue. Cleaning your tongue does more than just make your breath fresher. It also helps prevent tooth staining, Dr. Glasman says. The tongue is a breeding ground for bacteria that will eventually lead to discoloration of the enamel. Using a soft brush, start brushing your tongue in long strokes, starting at the back. Remember to rinse your brush after every stroke. This will remove bacteria from it so as not to return them back to the tongue.

6. Rinse your mouth with apple cider vinegar. While not as effective as other more common teeth whitening treatments, it is a natural, natural way to maintain a healthy smile. Dr. Debra Glasman advises mixing water and apple cider vinegar in a 2:1 ratio and swishing the solution around your mouth for one minute.

7. Eat raw fruits and vegetables. Eating fruits, vegetables, and other crunchy foods is good not only for your body, but also for your teeth. Dr. Glasman claims that eating nuts, raw carrots, apples, and cauliflower will help your teeth get rid of stains and plaque that lead to cavities.

8. Rinse your mouth with water after eating citrus fruits. Citrus fruits like lemons and limes are great sources of vitamin C, but they contain acid that can eat away at tooth enamel. And it contributes to the staining of your teeth. How to deal with it? Just make sure you rinse out your mouth immediately after eating this fruit.



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