Premature aging. Medicines for old age

They have been known and popular for a long time. Over time, their number only increased, and today we have in our arsenal just a huge mass of recipes and all kinds of drugs that slow down the aging of the body. Most of them are useless, some are ineffective, but there are anti-aging remedies that really help rejuvenate the body.

Before getting to know them, it is necessary to note an important detail. The banal truth is known: it is easier and better to prevent a disease than to cope with it. That is why we want to draw your attention to the fact that any anti-aging remedies are best used from an early age, when there are no thoughts about old age. These preventive measures will subsequently remove many problems for you and provide your skin with a beautiful look for many years to come.

Folk remedies for aging

As practice has shown, there is no need to spend money on expensive cosmetic products, natural products that every housewife has are the best remedies for aging.

Bread mask
Heat vegetable oil (preferably olive oil). Then you need to soak a piece of white bread in it and put the resulting mass on the skin around the eyes. Keep this mass on your face for 20 minutes, then remove it and wash off the residue with warm water. This mask perfectly moisturizes the skin and smoothes fine wrinkles.

Curd mask
An excellent anti-aging remedy is a curd mask. It is necessary to mix half a tablespoon of cottage cheese with a teaspoon of heavy cream, then 1 tsp must be added to this mass. olive oil and half tsp. liquid, warm honey. After thoroughly mixing this mixture, add Art. a spoonful of warm milk. The mask is applied to the face for 15 minutes, after which the face is removed and washed with warm water.

Mask "Cleopatra"
This mask will require cosmetic clay. Honey, lemon juice and fat-free sour cream are added to it. All this should be in equal proportions. After thoroughly mixing all the ingredients, the resulting mass is applied to the face for 30 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water. After that, the face must be rinsed with cold water.

Creams for aging

List all creams that are currently positioned as anti aging products, is impossible, but it is necessary to understand them. Therefore, here we want to draw your attention to what the composition of these creams should be. Their ingredients should be:
- components that contain tretinoin - an element that restores the structure of the skin;
- Pentapeptides and retinol - substances that stimulate the production of collagen.
We draw your attention to the fact that you avoided the purchase of creams containing alpha hydroxy acids, which can damage the epidermis.

Nutrition and products against aging

Have you ever thought about the fact that our nutrition can activate the aging process (if it is wrong), or slow them down? If this is a discovery for you, then congratulations, we will reveal to you the "secrets" of how your food can become an anti-aging agent.

First of all, you need to ensure that the foods included in your diet are rich in antioxidants (vitamin C, vitamin E, DMEA, linoleic acid) - substances that destroy free radicals - elements that accelerate the aging of the body.

The following foods must be included in your diet:
- Cabbage and spinach.
- Beet.
- Red peppers and carrots.
- Beans.
- Flax seeds.
- Prunes.
- Extra virgin olive oil.
- Goya berries.
- Turkey.
- Chocolate.

Anti-Aging Drugs: Transfer Factor

The body, of course, needs to be helped in the fight against aging, but serious measures are still needed, especially when a person lives in a disgusting environment. That is why scientists are constantly creating various anti-aging drugs. Until recently, successes in this direction were very modest, but for 15 years the production of a unique immunomodulator - Transfer factor (TF) - a drug that really rejuvenates the human body, has begun.

Let us briefly explain the principle of its operation. Scientists have found that body aging occurs due to damage to the chain of our DNA, which is the "program" of the vital activity of our body: the program is violated - the body ages. TFs are based on immune molecules of the same name, which, when they enter the body, restore damaged DNA sections. There are no analogues of this drug in the world today.
Based on it, our scientists have developed an emerging Rejuvenation program, which gives simply amazing results. After passing it, a person experiences cardinal improvements in more than a hundred (!) biochemical parameters, the biological age of a person decreases by 5-15 years, and in some cases by 20. All this is confirmed experimentally and clinically.

If you are looking for anti-aging drugs, then you will not find more effective than the TF immunomodulator. If you want to look young and at the same time feel great, not get sick, then go through the emerging Rejuvenation program - you will be satisfied with the results, we guarantee you that.

Most anti-aging products are expensive and hard to come by, but there are many ways a person can stop the biological process without opening their wallet. What exactly?

1. Enjoy the sun

The sun not only warms, shines and is a harbinger of a warm summer, but also brings a good mood. In terms of personal experience, the sun's rays increase the amount of vitamin D in the body, and it is really important! Strengthens the immune system, lowers blood sugar levels, promotes the formation and repair of skin tissue and helps to properly use calcium, which ensures healthy bones, nails and teeth. Of course, too much sun exposure leads to skin aging, age spots, or a whole host of serious diseases, including cancer. Make sure you wear protection when in the sun. The maximum walking time is 15 minutes, which is enough to get vitamin D. For longer exposure to the sun, it is worth using sunscreen. It is worth noting that in cloudy weather, the vitamin can also be obtained.

2. Take Antioxidants

Antioxidants are a substance that can cope with harmful free radicals that lead to bad effects in the body, bad air and stress. Oxidation in cells leads to greater wear and tear, aging, and degenerative changes. Causes cancer. Radicals can be limited thanks to antioxidants. The good news is that you can get this substance naturally through food. Among them, the most effective vitamins include C and E, carotene and minerals such as selenium or zinc. Thus, fresh vegetables and fruits, marine and freshwater fish, high-quality green hour will help you not grow old and continue to lead a healthy lifestyle. Speaking of antioxidant properties, one cannot fail to mention such a substance as a flavonoid. It can be found in chocolate (or cocoa) in wine, olive oil, or licorice.

3. Walks

Absolutely free of charge you can go for walks every day. It is they, and not complex, stressful workouts in the gym, which will help to benefit not only the figure, but also prolong youth and physical, mental freshness. In the air it is possible to clear the head and get rid of stress, which - as we mentioned above - contributes to the formation of free radicals. In addition, it increases the risk of heart attacks, cancer and other serious diseases that can shorten life.

Walking will strengthen the heart, immunity, increase lung volume, blood circulation and skin. It starts the recovery process throughout the body, not to mention the fact that a walk will get rid of insomnia and improve sleep, which is simply necessary for health.

4. Lace up your shoes correctly

On the above walks, it is worth taking shoes that are comfortable for long hikes. Usually people take running shoes. By the way, they need to be changed every three months, not once a year. Think also about casual shoes or socks. Why exactly about this?

Proper footwear will provide comfort, not crowding. Inconvenience promises deformation of the foot and deterioration of the joints. And, of course, thanks to a good choice, a person looks better, walks beautifully, straight and cheerfully, with a smile on his face, and does not stoop and suffer at every step. Comfortable shoes do not mean something old-fashioned and unsightly, there are many other options for every taste.

5. Discover life

No wonder they say that it is important to be young, mostly "Spirit". Only vital energy, perspectives, optimism and readiness to go even further are important. Motivation to live better than any medicine. There are many things and ways to help lift your spirits. One of the options would be a walk with a group of friends or loved ones. A society that loves you can increase self-esteem, because they like the ideas expressed by you personally, goals, hobbies ... You can dance, sing, spend any fun time with them and not regret leaving the four walls. And, of course, we must not forget about love, including its physical form, that is, about sex. The act is a guaranteed source of many useful hormones (serotonin - the hormone of happiness, adrenaline - which helps to normalize blood circulation, dopamine - the hormone of high happy feelings, which increase appetite for everything). And it must also be emphasized that an excellent anti-aging is love, self-esteem and self-confidence.

6. Experience virtual reality

Of course, you know the essence of social networks. Visit Facebook, Twitter, Badoo, and you won't be able to miss moments from the lives of friends and acquaintances, or any world news. It is with the help of social networks that people discover new interests, receive invitations to social events, communicate with distant relatives, a friend from another city. Virtual reality opens up access to unlimited communication anywhere, even in the farthest corner of the world.

7. Smile!

Of course, optimists look and feel much better - people who do not see an insurmountable problem behind an obstacle, challenge life, rejoice and remember the moments after each trip, can laugh at themselves to cheer up first of all. Optimists thus have access to "Eternal Youth" by simply including humor, the ability to exaggerate, self-irony... Just stop frown and go to a brighter future.

All people sooner or later face the irreversible processes of aging of the body and withering of the skin. You can treat this differently. But I am sure that for most women such processes are unpleasant, and for some, perhaps even catastrophic. Ladies have a natural desire to look younger, attractive and irresistible. Many greedy male eyes are more often turned to women when they are in the prime of life, vitality and youth.

When does this unpleasant aging process begin!?

Let me just say that everyone is different. For some, skin aging occurs after 20 years, for someone over 30 years. In my life I have had the pleasure of communicating with people who did not observe skin aging at all even after 40 years. Many scientists have long proven that the resource of the human body is more than 100 years old.

But our way of life, bad ecology, stresses have driven life into a very narrow framework, and the quality of this life often leaves much to be desired. To keep the skin young and healthy, you need to apply a whole range of measures to care for it. I will share some secrets and life experiences in this matter and try to explain how people at 40 manage to look 25. Amazing, right?! In fact, nothing surprising, you just need to have some knowledge and observe the natural laws of nature.

Wrinkles on the face caused by many factors. Among them are the natural age-related fading of the skin, lack of nutrients, excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays and a host of other reasons. As a rule, the process of wrinkle formation itself is associated with a complex of the listed factors. Among the reasons is also the fact that the body produces little collagen and elastin - building proteins for our skin, it is these enzymes that give the skin velvety and elasticity. One of the main factors in the appearance of wrinkles is insufficient moisture supply, it is she who nourishes and gives youth to the skin. This essential factor should not be underestimated, our body mainly consists of water.

Types of wrinkles:

- mimic wrinkles, occur as a result of muscle contraction in the face of a person. If a person often makes faces, laughs, is surprised, while intense work of facial muscles takes place, then he is more prone to the formation of wrinkles on his face;

- m wrinkles around the eyes , as well as "crow's feet" can occur as a result of frequent squinting, as well as as a result of the mimic action of the muscles;

- forehead wrinkles arise due to the fact that a person often frowns his forehead, especially often these wrinkles appear in the strong half of humanity.

- Wrinkles on the nose, lips and neck These are age wrinkles.

Wrinkle Prevention:

You never need to wait for the appearance of wrinkles, and then frantically try to fight them. It is better to prevent an undesirable process than to try to change its consequences. A complex of measures for facial skin care should be carried out regularly after 20 years. Moreover, cosmetics play a significant role in these processes. anti aging. With proper care and following certain patterns, you will not soon find the first wrinkles on your face.

1. Proper nutrition is the fight against aging of the body.

Human nutrition plays a decisive role in the state of the whole organism as a whole. I will not explain for a long time that our body is arranged naturally - if one organ hurts, it affects the whole body as a whole. So make sure you eat right. Eliminate fast food from your diet, do not eat food "on your knees." Eating should be a kind of ritual and bring joy. When you eat food, focus only on it, do not engage in extraneous matters.

Now let me tell you a little about the diet. Water plays a key role in our body. To keep your skin moisturized and soft, be sure to drink a 200 ml glass of cool fresh water in the morning. This is a great way to fight wrinkles. Water should not be from the tap and should not be boiled. Ideal if the water is from a proven clean spring. Remember, there is nothing useful in boiled water, it is dead water, as it has undergone heat treatment. If there is no opportunity to drink water from a spring, then pick up high-quality, but not carbonated mineral water in the store, it is better that this water be tested by an expert, since most of these products do not contain any useful properties. Water must stand for several hours, run it through the filter, and only after that, you can safely drink. The human body needs to consume about 2-3 liters of water per day, it all depends on body weight.

Water has an extraordinary ability to accumulate information. When water is exposed to information, water acquires a certain molecular structure. If positive information is communicated to water, then its molecules acquire the correct beautiful molecular structure, and if negative, then the structure is chaotic. Be careful and follow the advice. It’s not for nothing that I paid so much attention to water.

Include more fruits and live thermally unprocessed food in your diet, breakfast must be light, in the morning the body has not yet fully woken up, so you should not burden the body with digestion of food. Let your breakfast consist only of fruits or vegetables, do not interfere with both. For lunch, you can eat heavier food, but without fanaticism. For dinner, a vegetable salad or light porridge is perfect. Be sure to eat 3 hours before bed.

2. Lifestyle plays a key role in the aging process.

I'll start with the most important thing, namely bad habits. Smoking has a damaging effect on the skin of the face. Moreover, smoking destroys even the structure of DNA, reduces blood vessels, which causes their blockage and death. This has been known for a long time, but little attention is paid to it in the press for reasons that are obvious to me. Eliminate alcoholic products from your diet. Remember! There are no healthy doses of alcohol. The composition of any alcohol includes ethyl alcohol, when alcohol is consumed, alcohol degreases the surface of red blood cells and they begin to stick together. When a clot of erythrocytes approaches a capillary, the access of oxygen and nutrients to this capillary is blocked and it can die. Therefore, many redness and bloody formations on the skin can be caused by these processes. Lead a measured lifestyle - loads should alternate with rest. If you often get tired, then your skin gets tired too. Be sure to know that your skin needs rest and rest. Go in for sports, go to the gym, arrange morning runs. Try to keep a close eye on your emotional state. Don't be nervous, don't get angry. The less stressed you are, the more chances you have to maintain a healthy face and skin condition.

3. Application of professional cosmetics and home cosmetic masks.

From my own experience, I can say that a good effect can only be achieved by alternating high-quality cosmetics with the use of homemade folk skin care methods. When you use anti wrinkle masks, anti-aging serums, skin smoothing agents around the eyes, anti-aging preparations and skin cleansing lotions, be careful and attentive, everyone's skin is individual, therefore, if you notice irritation or other negative reaction, it is better to abandon this skin care method. The priority for slowing down the aging process is the use of masks.

I will immediately note that I prefer to use "living masks" for face. On the Internet you will find a huge amount of advice on how to use "dead masks" for face. Having tried both in my life, I stopped my attention on live face masks. Living mask- this is such a mask, which includes only ingredients, preferably of vegetable or other origin, which are not subjected to heat treatment. With a temperature effect on products of more than 40 degrees, most of the nutrients are destroyed, and, accordingly, the use of such masks, infusions and decoctions becomes a meaningless and useless exercise. Therefore, the first conclusion is that a face mask should include only living microelements not destroyed by heat treatment. The composition of such masks is quite diverse, the question is in the imagination of a person and in the experience of their use.

The process of applying a nourishing mask to the skin of the face:

  • before the process of applying the mask, the skin of the face should be washed well and undergo a facial cleansing procedure.
  • after that, apply a mask on your face, take a comfortable body position, or you can even take a warm bath and relax well, feel comfortable;
  • then the nourishing mask should be washed off with cool water and a moisturizing facial lotion should be applied if your skin needs such moisture.

Natural nourishing masks.

I alternate professional face masks with homemade masks.

Home masks:

- Zucchini mask. Unfortunately, I never came across this amazing and simple recipe on the Internet, which was recommended to me by my grandmother - zucchini mask, this mask is very effective and nourishing, it perfectly smoothes wrinkles and gives the skin a velvety and healthy look. Zucchini juice (get through a juicer or blender), mix with lemon juice, or honey (proportions at your discretion), apply to the skin of the face, and put cucumbers into rings on the eyes, leave for 10-15 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with water.

- Honey natural mask. Get some good quality honey. If you have dry skin, take the yolk from an egg, and if you have oily skin, then it is better to take the protein. Mix these ingredients well. Cleanse the skin of dirt and makeup with lotion or milk. Apply a nourishing solution to your skin. Wash off after 15 minutes. A wonderful face mask that will give your skin a radiant and healthy look.

- Banana face mask. Take a banana, turn it into a jelly-like mass, add some natural orange or grape juice. Apply for 15-20 minutes. Then remove the mask and wash your face with warm water.

- Living natural mask. The main building protein is found in greens. Look at elephants and giraffes, they eat exclusively plant foods, but this does not prevent them from being strong and healthy at the same time. They are unlikely to lack building protein from the fact that they do not eat meat. Take parsley, dill, basil, strawberry leaves, or plantain (any combination is possible), put a few fresh berries (strawberries, strawberries, currants) in a blender, turn into a jelly-like mass, apply for 15-20 minutes and rinse. This is the most effective and nourishing mask, our skin perfectly absorbs plant-based natural vitamins.

- Aloe Vera Mask, perfect for fighting wrinkles in the eye area. Squeeze some aloe vera juice, apply to the skin, you can even at night, then carefully wipe the skin with cleansers. The result of applying such masks is amazing.

Improved professional face masks contain, as a rule, the whole complex of vitamins and nutrients - zinc oxide, titanium dioxide, which are the basic component for regenerating processes and protecting our skin from harmful environmental influences. Modern masks based on 24-carat gold from orogold have an excellent effect on the skin of the face.

masks holy-land need no special introduction, as tens of thousands of people have been using these wonderful drugs for many years. Try combining the use of homemade masks with the use of natural professional face masks.

By the way, for oily and problematic skin, you should not abuse the use of cosmetics. A large amount of cosmetics can negatively affect the condition of your skin. In the application of any cosmetics, there should be an aesthetic and logical component.

4. The skin is constantly exposed to the sun, this does not affect its component in the best way.

Try to spend less time in direct sunlight. Feel free to wear a women's hat that will cover your face from the rays. Use professional sunscreen. If you have fair skin, use the formula up to SPF30. If dark, then better up to 15. Do not visit often and do not spend a lot of time in the solarium. This is a direct path to wilting and dehydration of the skin.

5. Now I will give some general advice on how to protect your body and, in particular, your facial skin from aging.

- Go to the bathroom more often. It is thanks to the effect of hot steam on the body that a lot of toxins and other indecencies come out of us with sweat. Bathing should be the norm. With the third entry into the steam room, smear the skin with any nourishing mask, you can smear the skin with honey. In the steam room, due to the expansion of the pores, it is possible to achieve good absorption of natural masks into the pores of the skin. After the steam room, always try to take a shower.

-Wash your face with purified soft water. If you live in a rural area, try to wash your face with spring water, or melt clean snow.

- Wipe your face with ice Try to do this before bed. I have not done this yet, but my friends noted a wonderful positive effect

If you are a fat woman and want to lose weight, beware of sudden weight loss. In overweight women, the skin is stretched, so with significant weight loss, wrinkles and folds are likely to appear. Do it gradually. It is better to switch to a fruit and vegetable diet.

Partial or complete lack of teeth also negatively affects the face, take care of your teeth and insert dentures. Since due to problems with the teeth, incorrect chewing movements occur and depressions and outlines of the cheekbones appear on the skin of the face.

Regularly perform a gentle gentle self-massage of the face. It helps blood circulation and will give your skin a healthy and beautiful look.

I wish you health and success.

Inspire, enchant, love...!

Angela Zhuravleva

Many clients visit my clinic every day. Analyzing their lifestyle and nutrition, examining the stomach and intestinal tract with the help of an endoscope, and treating diseases, I have a constant desire to help all these people establish a harmonious relationship with their own body.

The consequences of every day we live are imprinted in our bodies. It may sound harsh, but I will still say: most of the diseases that a person suffers from are the result of ignorance; people simply do not know how to take care of their body, given to us by Nature itself. And all too often we don't hear his voice.

If you don't see the point in good food and good water, if you're wasting your vitality and enzymes because you're too busy to pay attention to the body, sooner or later you'll get sick. Such a life accelerates the aging of cells and deprives the body of energy, especially in adulthood.

What does my body want now? Is it satisfied? Annoyed? Angry? What worries him? What hurts? Please listen to him more. This will change your whole life. You will understand more clearly what I am talking about in this book, and you will be able to practice its messages. We should not assume that suffering and disease are inevitable and that we will physically and mentally decline as we get older. You can change your destiny, wake up and hear the voice of your own body! As a doctor, I wish you this with all my heart. And your body wants the same.

What you ate today will become the building material of all the cells of your body and brain tomorrow. It will affect what you think and what you say. By accepting the Shinya Biozyme program and activating the intestines, you will soon experience changes not only in your health, but also in your consciousness. And I am not exaggerating when I say that your whole life will change.

You are looking for the answer - and it is hidden inside, in the digestive tract. The microcosm of the intestinal tract is the place to start your path to health. Our eating habits have a huge impact on every aspect of life. If the intestines are stable, then the mind is also stable. Feelings of disappointment, anxiety, irritation will leave you forever, and you will notice that you look at everything much more positively.

Recent studies have drawn one paradoxical conclusion: if you eat very little, you will live much longer. True, these experiments were carried out not on humans, but on other mammals: monkeys, rodents and dogs. They showed that a severely calorie-restricted diet (but within the limits of adequate nutrition for survival) dramatically reduced the risk of chronic disease and increased life expectancy. It seems to confirm the old saying: what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

Do these results apply to humans? Researchers have not yet found indisputable evidence in this matter, but they found that if the diet is harmonious, then calorie restriction for adults leads to the same changes in metabolism that were observed in laboratory animals. From these data it followed that the metabolic, hormonal and inflammatory risk factor for diabetes, cardiovascular disease and even cancer was reduced. What is the reason?

I'm sure - in youth. They easily adapt to acidic and high temperature environments, being something like a special forces unit on a dangerous mission. They manifest themselves whenever the body is faced with a genuine threat to its existence.

One such threat is undoubtedly hunger. The fight against it occupies a large part of the entire history of mankind. If it does not end soon, then the digestive and metabolic enzymes are no longer able to maintain their performance. And then the youths save us.

When the body is under stress, they work continuously, cleansing all its cells. Damaged proteins are quickly broken down by autophagy and recycled into essential nutrients. Waste and foreign substances are instantly removed. As a result, the body becomes cleaner, stronger and healthier than in normal, non-stressful conditions, when youth “sleep”. That is why our ancestors, despite the fact that they ate worse than us, still remained strong and healthy. They were constantly in a state activating the work of youths.

Of course, this state of affairs had not only positive aspects. When fasting exceeded a certain limit, the stress of the body and mind increased, and the enzymes were irretrievably lost. In combination with a constant deficiency of the necessary nutrients, this led to a significant reduction in life expectancy.

I am a Japanese American and I know the history of my country of birth well. There were, of course, periods of peaceful and "well-fed" prosperity (for example, Edo). But in general, the Japanese rarely ate their fill. And learn how to benefit from it!

And it's not about longevity. It doesn't matter how many years you add to it. What matters is how you live it. And this directly depends on the performance of youth. Is it possible to increase their activity? I'm sure yes. This requires a turn to a more natural, natural way of life, which does not always make it possible to fill up “from the belly”.

It may not be pleasant for everyone to hear this advice of mine, but I am convinced that by periodically fasting, you will certainly increase your vitality. Start right now and your youths will awaken to cleanse and energize your cells.

Or just eat in moderation. Stop eating before you feel full. Eliminate food on the go and snacks from your diet. Be hungry for more time during the day. To activate junozymes, it is necessary to fast, even if not for long and infrequently. Remember: the key to increased vitality is not to eat this and that, but to eat less. Vitality is elusive, it can not be expressed in numbers - the number of calories and nutrients - but it is strongly associated with the work of junozymes inside your cells.

This could be the best remedy for aging with a new understanding of how to stay forever young and healthy.

©Hiromi Shinya

Body aging is a natural biological process, and all living beings are subject to it. But sometimes this process is accelerated, and the body wears out much earlier than its due date. Medicines to stop the aging process have not yet been invented, just as they have not invented an elixir to prolong life. Nevertheless, there are a number of rules and means that can stop the early aging of the body and delay the end of life.

  • Get regular exercise.
  • Do not smoke. Avoid smoky areas.

  • Douse yourself daily with hot and then cold water.
  • Get out in nature more often.
  • Don't overeat.
  • Avoid eating too hot food.

  • Give preference to foods high in fiber, fruits, vegetables, dairy products.
  • Try to eat less spicy food.
  • Develop your intellect: read more, communicate with friends, go to exhibitions, concerts.
  • Laugh more

Non-traditional and folk recipes for aging

home remedies for aging

    Mix 1 teaspoon of red pepper, 500 g of oil and 200 g of honey. Take 1 tablespoon 4-5 times a day until the prepared portion is over. Anti-aging treatments can be repeated, if necessary, at intervals of at least 3 months.

    Grind the onion into a pulp and mix in a 1: 1 ratio with honey. Take 1 tablespoon morning and evening for 2 months. It helps with a very common senile disease - cerebral vascular sclerosis.

    To maintain the vitality of the elderly, with a general weakness of the body, the following remedy is useful. Chop the onion and garlic into a bowl. Mix 300 g of garlic gruel and 500 g; gruel from onions, pour a mixture of 1.8 liters of apple cider vinegar, insist in a dark, warm place in a sealed container for 1 day, periodically shaking the contents. Heat 1 kg of honey over low heat until boiling, constantly removing the foam that forms on the surface, remove from heat, cool to room temperature and pour the infused mixture into the honey, then mix everything thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Infuse the mixture for 1 week in a dark, warm place, stirring the contents from time to time, then pass through a thick sieve. Store in a dark, cool place in a tightly closed container. Eat 4 teaspoons daily at a time. Eat slowly, taking small breaks between taking each spoonful.

    Peel, rinse thoroughly and finely chop 350 g of garlic, grind in a bowl with a wooden or porcelain spoon, let the resulting mass brew in a sealed container for 30 minutes, then remove 150 g of the top layer of the mass, and transfer the remaining mass, where there is more juice, into a glass or ceramic dishes, pour 200 ml of 96% alcohol, close tightly and infuse in a dark, cool place for 10 days.

Then strain the resulting tincture through a multilayer gauze, let stand for 2-3 days and strain again. Drink anti-aging tincture drops with cold, always whole, milk 15-20 minutes before meals. At one time, you need to drink 0.25 cups of milk.

There are 2 schemes for taking tincture.

1. Impact only on internal organs.

Take 4 times a day every 4 hours for 5-10 drops (up to 50 years) and 3-7 drops (after 50 years) for 10-14 days. In the first year, treatment is carried out 2 times, the next course - not earlier than after 3 years.

2. Treatment of skin diseases.

Take 10-15 drops 3 times a day for 2 weeks. Externally rub the tincture into the diseased areas of the body for 10 days.

Reapply the tincture in case of the first signs of a recurrence of the disease.

The tincture cleanses the body of fat and lime deposits, improves the overall metabolism in the body. The use of tincture prevents diseases such as myocardial infarction, angina pectoris, atherosclerosis, arteriosclerosis, paralysis, the formation of various tumors, and skin inflammation. In addition, the noise in the head disappears in people who take it, vision is restored, and blood pressure normalizes.

Herbs and fees for aging

    Even in the Middle Ages, it was known that elderberries prolong life and preserve youth. And modern phytotherapists recommend elderberry "long-liver drink": pour 2 tablespoons of dried elderberry berries into 1 liter of water, add 5 tablespoons of honey, boil for 5-6 minutes and strain. Drink hot several times a day.

    You can make elecampane wine from the roots of elecampane: for 0.5 l of cahors or port, take 1 tablespoon of fresh elecampane root and boil for 10 minutes (preferably with 1 tablespoon of honey), take 2-3 glasses (50 ml) after meals . Wine from aging also has an expectorant, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, choleretic, hemostatic, bactericidal and antihelminthic effect and has a healing effect in various diseases. Rhizomes and roots should be dug up in autumn, from the end of August to the end of October, it is possible - in early spring. Peel the roots from the ground, rinse in water and dry quickly. It is not necessary to remove the bark from the roots, as it is rich in biologically active substances. Cut the roots into pieces 10-15 cm long and dry in the shade in a ventilated area.

    As a tonic, drink fresh juice from flowers or grass of the nettle (deaf nettle) 1 tablespoon 4 times a day.

Autotraining, removing the fear of aging

Fear of aging reduces mood, causes disturbing gloomy thoughts.

To relieve the fear of aging, we perform a mental exercise:

Sitting in a comfortable position, breathe deeply for 1-2 minutes;
then before the mind's eye imagine a mirror (mirror of the soul);
having called up our portrait in the mirror (presenting it), we think about the future, about the years that will pass, and that after many years the mirror of the soul will show you the same as it reflects at the present time;
we think: "Years will pass, but this face will not grow old." I repeat once again, this method not only removes the fear of aging, but also delays aging. On the same technique (using the mirror of the soul) a mental exercise is performed, which has as its goal rejuvenation through figurative representations.
As in the previous exercise, when performing this exercise, in addition to faith in the power of the exercise and a great desire to achieve a result (become young), a lot of concentration is needed:
sitting in a comfortable position, breathing deeply for several minutes (6 cycles of the pulse on inhalation and the same number on exhalation), call up your current portrait in the mirror of the soul;
then call up your image as it was 10 or 20 years ago, and superimpose this image on today's portrait;
merge these two portraits in such a way that in the end the younger face eclipses the older face.
Therapeutic effect:
awakens protective forces;
strengthens the nervous system;
has a rejuvenating effect.



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