Yin yang symbol: masculine and feminine. What is yin-yang

"Bobruisk Courier" returns to its "historical" heading "Yin-Yang", which is already more than 20 years old, and which in recent years has been undeservedly "forgotten" by us.

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"Yin-Yang" again with you!

Peace, tranquility, well-being in your home!


Yin and Yang are feminine and masculine. This concept came to us from China. The ancient Chinese sages interpreted Yin-Yang as a symbol of the unity of the whole, the opposite parts of which pass into each other, making up the strongest energy together.

The original meaning of Yin and Yang is the shady and sunny side of the mountain. This value perfectly reflects the essence of these two principles. They are just different sides of the same mountain. Their differences are determined not by the internal nature of the slope itself, but by a third force (the sun), which alternately illuminates one side or the other.

And now - more about each of the components of the Yin-Yang symbol.


The female energy in astrology corresponds to the Moon. Therefore, the feminine principle is night, darkness, abyss, cold, passivity, introversion (emphasis on the inner). Here the principle of fluidity, flexibility finds its place. As a result, the predominance in women of such qualities as gentleness, tenderness, the ability to forgive and accept. The power of the feminine is the power of intuition and emotions.

Yin energy can be compared to water: water has no form, it takes the form of the surrounding world, fills it with itself.

Also, the earth is endowed with Yin energy to a large extent: it dutifully cultivates in itself all the seeds that have fallen into it from outside. It waits idle to be used. She accepts.

Yin energy is inert: it just sits in space and waits for something to give it a vector of motion.


Male energy in astrology corresponds to the Sun. The masculine principle is the day, fire, activity, purposefulness, dynamics, categoricalness, leadership, extroversion (emphasis on the external). The power of the masculine is the power of the mind.

Yang energy gives motivation and desire to act. It has a vector and aspiration.

The masculine principle is the Idea, the Seed. He needs the earth, which will grow this Seed in itself. Yang energy gives.

But this does not mean at all that a woman is filled exclusively with Yin energy, and a man with Yang energy. In fact, in each of us, regardless of gender, both energies are present. But for the harmony of the individual, it is important that women have more female energy, and men have more male energy. Otherwise, an imbalance of energies will occur, which can lead to unpleasant consequences. Let's talk about them in more detail.

A woman has too much yin energy

1. Loss of fitness. Overweight appears or muscles become sluggish and weak.

2. Flashes of uncontrollable emotions. Sadness, depression, tantrums, resentment, apathy become a constant companion of a woman if there is no Yang energy in her.

3. Laziness, unwillingness to do anything. Such women will always want to take a horizontal position: lie on the sofa and do nothing. After all, Yin is peace, the earth.

4. Lack of goals in life. Since the Yin energy does not have a vector, then a woman in whom there is too much of this energy will become inert and without initiative.

5. Dissatisfaction with everything and everyone. Yin has no purpose, hence no result can be achieved. Such a woman will not know what she wants, and everything she has will seem to her not what she would like.

There is too much Yang energy in a woman

1. Male physique. Large shoulders, narrow hips, dry muscles - this type of figure is often caused by an excess of Yang energy in a woman. And if such a woman begins to gain weight, then this happens, as a rule, according to the male type: the arms in the shoulder area grow fat and the stomach grows.

2. The habit of "building everyone." A woman with an excess of Yang energy loves to command, does not tolerate disagreement with her opinion.

3. Tension. Yang is the energy of constant tension. It is very difficult for a woman who is dominated by this energy to relax and “turn off her brain”.

4. Inability to accept. Yang energy is giving energy, not receiving energy. It is not surprising that a woman with an excess of this energy is ready to give her “last shirt”.

5. Sexual deviations. The desire for rough sex with elements of violence is a way for women with energy imbalances to harmonize themselves.

There is too much yang energy in a man

1. Excessive passion for your body. That activity, which is contained in the energy of Yang, will definitely find a way out in sports. And if a man has increased this energy, then he will not get out of the gym for days, bringing his body to the ideal.

2. Dominance. A man with an excess of Yang energy wants to dominate always and over everyone. Great difficulties will arise in relations with superiors, because to obey for such a man is sheer torture.

3. Aggression and rudeness. An excess of Yang energy transforms such good qualities as purposefulness and confidence into obstinacy and self-confidence. Attempts to disagree with a man whose Yang energy level is elevated are fraught with bursts of aggression and rudeness on his part.

A man has too much yin energy

1. Passivity. It is not surprising that a man with a predominant Yin energy will be overweight and have a small income. After all, the activity and purposefulness inherent in the energy of Yang will be blocked by the passivity and inertness of the energy of Yin.

2. Softness. The principle of fluidity and flexibility, inherent in the energy of Yin, will lead to the fact that a man in whom this energy dominates will try to bypass sharp corners, not enter into conflicts, and make compromises.

3. Inability to give. Such a man does not feel like a breadwinner. He completely lacks the desire to give something, but to receive something without making an effort, he will not refuse.

Balance is a very fragile thing. Achieving a balance of energies and finding harmony is not easy. But not easy does not mean impossible. We will tell you about the ways of harmonizing the personality in our next article in the “Yin-Yang” section.

The Yin-Yang symbol depicts the universe, consisting of two opposites, Yin and Yang, which form a whole only in a single combination. Two dots in the symbol mean that each of the two energies at the highest level of its realization already contains the grain of its opposite and is ready to be transformed into it.

A healthy body is based on a state of perfect balance between Yin and Yang and the Five Basic Elements.

Oriental medicine- Chinese, Japanese, Tibetan, etc. - based, among other things, on the philosophy of balance of Yin and Yang, helps to restore the harmony created by nature in the body. When the harmony between Yin and Yang is disturbed, the state of balance can be restored through meditation, acupuncture, corrective diet, qigong, tai chi, shiatsu, or various combinations of these methods. Eastern doctors seek to treat not the external symptoms of diseases, but their root causes, which consist in the violation of the internal balance, while demonstrating such “clairvoyance” that a person with a Western mentality may seem like magic.

principle of yin and yang- Eastern perception of reality, implying both the material and the spiritual world as a unity of two opposite and at the same time interdependent forces.

Yin and Yang are opposites that form a whole, they depend on each other, because they exist only in relationship with their opposite.

The main properties of Yin and Yang

Feminine Masculinity
Matter Energy
Passivity Activity
End Start
Earth Sky
Bottom Top
Night Day
Winter Summer
Humidity Dryness
Softness Hardness
Horizontal Vertical
Compression Extension
Attraction Repulsion

The Yin-Yang sign symbolizes the universal law of change. He shows us that one, reaching its greatest value, invariably passes into the other. Winter turns to summer and summer to winter. Movement is replaced by rest, and rest - by movement.

Tears turn into laughter and laughter into tears. Life leads to death, and death brings life back.

The Yin-Yang sign, each part of which has a dot of the opposite color in the center, represents two poles containing in the inner core the essence of the opposite.

In other words, there is no absolutely pure Yin or Yang, white or black, feminine or masculine, dark or light, good or evil.

A woman must have masculine qualities, and a man must have feminine qualities. Both white and black always have gray tones.

A bad deed is never only bad, and a good deed can have bad consequences.

Manifestations of Yin and Yang in the human body


Front side Back side

Left side Right side

Lower body Upper body

Legs Hands

Solid organs Hollow organs

Flexion Extension

Peace Movement

Inhale Exhale

Yin and Yang are not absolute concepts. They are relative, like everything else in the world. Therefore, they can be used to describe the relationship between various phenomena of the material and spiritual world.

For example, the chest is seen as Yin in relation to the back, but in relation to the pelvis, the chest is Yang.

Or winter in relation to summer is considered as Yin, but in comparison with cosmic cold it is Yang.

Manifestations of Yin and Yang in the psychological characteristics of a person

Yin Yang

Intuition Intelligence

Contemplation Reaction

Calm Excitement

introversion extroversion

Pessimism Optimism

Conservative Progressive

Silence Talkativeness

The Yin-Yang sign shows the change of phenomena. This is a description of the change of phenomena, and not a judgment about them.

The sign reflects how the opposites depend on each other, how they affect each other and how they eventually pass into each other.

To understand the nature of the two fundamental principles and their impact on human health, you need to remember what diseases and ailments Chinese medicine refers to Yin and Yang.

Diseases characteristic of Yin and Yang


Chronic diseases Acute diseases

Internal diseases Diseases of the skin and sense organs

Degenerative diseases Infectious diseases

Edema Inflammation, fever

Paralysis Convulsions

Diarrhea Constipation

Constant deep pain Attacks of superficial pain

Widespread pain Localized pain

Dull and pressing pain Sharp and throbbing pain

Nocturnal pain attacks, at rest Daytime pain attacks, on movement

Life Energy Qi

Qi is the Chinese name for life energy, or life force. The Japanese call it Ki, and in Yoga it is called Prana.

The concept of life force circulating in the air, plants, animals and in the human body existed already in the most ancient cultures. This is the energy that is found in all forms of matter and concentrated in living organisms, "life outside the atom."

More than three thousand years ago, in India and China, systems of treatment and meditation were developed to increase the vital energy in people in order to prevent and cure diseases. The Chinese identified various types of Qi as the life force.

For a deeper understanding, we need two more important concepts related to Qi energy - Shi and Xu. Shi means fullness or excess of energy, which in most cases causes Yang symptoms such as inflammation, sharp pain, and fever.

Xu means exhaustion or lack of energy and manifests itself in Yin symptoms: chills, chronic pain and swelling.

With the help of the meridian exercises described in this book, you can eliminate the excess or deficiency of Chi energy and bring it into balance in the various meridians and their corresponding organs. Thanks to this, health is strengthened, well-being improves and old age is pushed back.

Meridians and Organs of Chinese Medicine

Meridians are the channels through which life energy, Qi, flows. Those places where you can feel this flow of energy are called acupuncture points.

Traditional Chinese medicine considers the meridians as a network that connects the internal and external: internal organs and the surface of the body, tissues and spirit, Yin and Yang, earth and sky. This system consists of energy channels located predominantly along the vertical axis of the body, the Liu vessels, and a special Dai Mai channel that surrounds the waist like a belt.

Western doctors compare the Chinese meridian system of the human body with the system of the Earth's meridians: the meridians of the body correspond to the meridians of the Earth, Liu vessels to parallels, and Dai Mai to the equator.

Already in the Huangdi Nei Jing, a treatise on the internal illnesses of the Yellow Emperor Huandd? dating from about the 3rd century BC, the location of the meridians and the effects on acupuncture points were accurately described. In this treatise, the meridians are compared to the great rivers of China, washing the earth.

The concept of the meridian is expressed by the Chinese character "ching", meaning "river, road, path" and "blood vessel". The meridian system includes the meridians of the twelve Organs, called the twelve permanent channels.

Each of the twelve meridians is associated with a specific Organ and connects it to other Organs.

The twelve meridians form pairs. Each Yin meridian is connected to the Yang meridian of the same element.

These pairs are called Dual Meridians, as the flow of Qi in the meridians is balanced by two "gates". These "gates" are Liu's vessels. Their main task is to ensure the same level of energy flow in the Dual meridians. This reduces the risk of excess or deficiency of Qi in one of the meridians, and consequently in the corresponding Organ.

The good functioning of the meridians and vessels of Liu ensures the full circulation of Qi energy in the body and, therefore, sufficient nutrition and the safety of all Organs and the consistency of their work. It must be mentioned that Chinese ideas about the internal organs and tissues of a person differ from those accepted in the West. This difference is due primarily to the fact that the Chinese tradition does not separate the body and soul.

Chinese medicine claims that in addition to purely physical functions, every organ has an emotional, mental, and spiritual function. That is, the soul and mind exist in every cell of the body and in its energy field. Therefore, the internal organs are considered more as a unity of the body, mind and spirit than as anatomical formations with certain physiological functions. Each organ affects the personality as a whole, and the interaction of all organs determines the thought and sensory processes.

Since the internal organs are not viewed from a physiological point of view, but from a unity of body, mind and spirit, the anatomical definitions in Chinese medicine differ from those in Western medicine.

To avoid confusion, all organ names in their Chinese sense are capitalized. For example, the organs that in Western medicine are called the stomach, duodenum, and the initial part of the small intestine are simply called the Stomach in Chinese medicine, since the process of digestion and transport of nutrients from the gastrointestinal tract to the blood is considered the main task of the Stomach. And what is called the Spleen in Chinese medicine includes not only the spleen, but also the pancreas” and the entire lymphatic system, that is, the organs that form the human immune system. The physiological purpose of the Spleen is to protect the body in general.

Chinese medicine distinguishes between six Yin organs and six Yang organs.

The Yin organs are called Zhang, which means hard, dense. Another name for the Zhang organs is storage organs, since, in addition to performing their physiological functions, they also produce, accumulate and transform various forms of Qi energy. Zhang's organs are the Heart, Pericardium, Liver, Kidneys, Lungs and Spleen.

The Yang organs are called Fu, which means hollow. The main tasks of the Fu organs are the intake and digestion of food, the absorption of nutrients and the excretion of toxins. Fu's organs include the Stomach, Small Intestine, Large Intestine, Gallbladder, Bladder, and Triple Burner.

The function of the Triple Warmer is to regulate body temperature, coordinate the activity of the respiratory and circulatory systems, the digestive and genitourinary systems.

For the first time, two beginnings called "yin" and "yang" are mentioned in the famous ancient Chinese treatise "The Book of Changes". Yin, according to this book, symbolizes dark and soft matter, yang - light and hard. In this work, the idea of ​​their interaction has not yet been expressed, it begins to develop a little later, as Chinese philosophy improves. Both beginnings acquire more and more pronounced and detailed features: yin becomes a symbol of darkness, night, moon, earth, cold, odd numbers, negative phenomena, yang is the complete opposite. Philosophers are starting to think about how these concepts influence each other.

The ancient Chinese sages came to the conclusion that the polar forces must constantly interact with each other in order to give rise to changes in nature that give rise to life. Yin and yang, they are closely related to each other and represent a single phenomenon. As a result of the development of this idea, a new doctrine appeared called Taoism: two opposite sides of being reveal the concept of Tao, explain the changing nature of the world and the complementarity of all existing phenomena. There can be no light without darkness, good without evil, white without black - both ideas are equal. Moreover, for harmonious development, they must balance each other, otherwise violations are possible. So, according to this teaching, the imbalance of yin and yang can be the cause of diseases that develop in the human body.

Meaning of yin and yang

The interaction of both principles is well represented on the famous Taoist symbol - a circle divided into two halves, black and white, with dots of the opposite color on each of them. These points mean that each force carries within itself the grain of another principle. Symmetry symbolizes the stability and balance of two forces, and - variability, lack of static, constant movement in a circle.

Each of the concepts corresponds to a whole set of opposites in meaning. Yang is the masculine principle, it symbolizes activity, life, the fiery element, dryness and warmth. Yang is outward movement, it is space and expansion. Red and white colors are associated with this beginning, sour and bitter tastes correspond to it. Summer is a manifestation of yang, all animals and cereals are a product of this force.

Yin is the feminine principle, corresponding to cold, passivity, softness and heaviness. Yin symbolizes compression, position inside, focus on one's state, and not on the environment. Therefore, the yin side is strong in introverts, and the yang side is strong in extroverts. Yin is described as purple and black, and is associated with sweet, spicy, and salty tastes, as well as all

The Yin Yang symbol came to us from ancient Chinese philosophy. It means the unity of opposites, dark and light, male and female. Interpretations and even the name of this sign have changed over the centuries; in different philosophical schools, new abilities were attributed to it.

What does the symbol look like

The symbol scheme is simple. The main element is the circle. This is a sign of infinity or the eternal existence of our world. In the middle of the circle there is a wavy line that divides it into 2 symmetrical and equal halves. Their colors are contrasting: black and white. They symbolize 2 opposites that interact with each other, creating a single whole.

Directly, the signs of Yin and Yang resemble two fish. They are narrowed at one end and widened at the other. On the extended part there is an "eye" of the opposite color. According to one interpretation, this means that Yin sees the world through the eyes of Yang and vice versa. According to other explanations, in each sign there is an embryo of the opposite. Symbols influence each other.

The figures are not static, they are constantly moving in a circle. First, the white field is at its peak, and the black one recedes, then the black one rises, and the white one goes down. Originally, this image showed a mountain with one slope in the sun and another in shadow. The heavenly body moves, and the light moves from one side of the hill to the other.

There are also older drawings of this sign. They consist of several circles, half black, half white. The center circle is completely white. There are also images where the "eyes" of two opposite elements touch in the central part.

The symbol known to all of us appeared in the era of Zhou Dunyi, when neo-Confucianism began to come into fashion. Sometimes hieroglyphs denoting "Yin" and "Yang" are written on the amulets.

The philosophical meaning of the symbol

The Yin Yang sign is a whole philosophy that in China will determine the worldview of the locals. Power, relationships in society and family, religion is based on it. The system has been around for several millennia. According to legend, it is eternal.

A bit of history

The first mention of the mysterious sign is found in the treatise "The Book of Changes" or "I-ching", which was written in the 7th century BC. e. Some researchers trace its roots to Hinduism and Buddhism, from where the Chinese took the idea of ​​3 mandalas. According to ancient teachings, Yin and Yang symbolize the universe, the cosmos and the main law of the unity of opposites. They interact with each other, generating powerful Qi energy.

The Chinese imagined that before the creation of the world, there was Chaos around, filled with Qi energy. Then Earth and Sky were separated. This moment is captured on the two-color emblem. But in essence, it is three-membered, because between the Earth and Heaven stands a person who is the center of the universe and combines two opposite essences. From the interaction of 3 forces: Earth, Heaven and man - the whole world around us arose.

The symbol was also reflected in 2 main Chinese philosophical and religious systems. Confucianism is associated with the masculine Yang. It is a rational system that seeks to improve the world through knowledge, tradition, strong beliefs. Taoism is a mystical religion based on intuition and feelings. She is the embodiment of the feminine.

Philosophical systems

Initially, the symbol was closely associated with the physical world, such a concept still remains in Japanese teachings. Then Chinese philosophy followed the path of a metaphysical understanding of the unity of opposites.

Closely connected with the physical world are 5 traditional elements:

  • Fire;
  • Tree;
  • Earth;
  • Metal;
  • Water.

The first two are considered the elements of Yang. The fire is located in the center of the white part of the circle, the tree is in the tail of Yang. Metal is located at the tail of Yin, and Water is at the top of the black half of the circle. The central dividing line has the designation of the Earth, which unites all the elements into a single whole. Sometimes 5 elements are placed on the tops of the pentagram.

From a metaphysical point of view, 2 symbols mean opposite elements and concepts. It is often said that Yang is masculine and Yin is feminine. But these concepts are deeper. Yang means:

  • light, sun, warmth, south;
  • mountain, Heaven, high;
  • active male principle;
  • hardness, stone, impenetrability, strength;
  • rational thinking;
  • odd, positive numbers;
  • animal dragon.

The Yin symbol has other, opposite meanings:

  • darkness, moon, cold;
  • valley, water, earth;
  • passive feminine;
  • softness, pliability, weakness and humility;
  • intuition, soul, mysticism;
  • even, negative numbers;
  • tiger animal.

Sometimes moral categories are attributed to these two principles: good and evil, honor and meanness. But such deciphering should beware. In China and Japan, Yin and Yang are not the positive and negative qualities of a person or society. We all need light and darkness, cold and heat, intuitive and rational thinking. These phenomena complement each other and create harmony in the world, therefore they are not given moral assessments.

Symbols in feng shui

The Yin Yang sign is also important in feng shui, because it is an ancient system of home improvement that was born in China. The main purpose of using the symbol is to achieve harmony in the home, to provide all the inhabitants with an ideal balance between peace and activity, rest and work, to build good relationships with each other.

Both energies in all areas of the house must be balanced. It is bad if one of them strongly suppresses the other. But some advantage in certain areas should be ensured. Yang energy fills the places where people work and communicate. Its strength is important for the office, living room, kitchen. The emphasis on this beginning is done in offices, in production. Yin is present in recreation areas: bedroom, bathroom. Femininity is reinforced in public places such as hotels, resorts, saunas, spas.

How to activate 2 energies in the house? The male active principle means:

  • Light decoration of walls, furniture, except for pure white.
  • Bright paintings in warm colors (red, yellow, light green).
  • Active water: murmuring fountains, aquariums, a picture of a waterfall.
  • Clocks, musical centers.
  • Photos of loved ones involved in sports and other active things.

Yin energy should prevail in the recreation area. Here are her symbols:

  • Finishing in soft cold colors: blue, light blue, gray.
  • Pictures depicting mountains, valleys, desert, calm lake, night landscape.
  • Upholstered furniture with smooth lines, without sharp corners.
  • Muffled light.

When choosing a place to build a house, the interaction of 2 energies is also taken into account. Yin prevails near a forest, a calm lake or pond, a cemetery, a hospital. Yang - in open space, near mountains, hills, office and shopping centers, factories, factories, mountain rivers.

If the house stands on a territory with passive energy, its inhabitants will experience failure, sadness, and depression. With too active influences, it will be difficult to find peace. There are often quarrels and misunderstandings between family members, therefore it is advised to choose a place where both energies are present in equal amounts.

Yin Yang Talismans

Amulet with the image of Yin and Yang helps to find harmony in life. It balances both energies and essences. In every person there are both male and female features that the talisman symbolizes. They are expressed in different ways, regardless of gender. If you wear a Chinese character jewelry, it will strengthen the weak and suppress too strong character traits.

The talisman is made by hand, bought or received as a gift. The receiving path doesn't matter. Before putting on, it is adjusted to the owner. The amulet is placed in pure spring water or salt, kept there for a day. Only after that he becomes a real talisman for his master.

They also recommend their own activation methods for each zodiac sign. Representatives of the verses of fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) need to carry the talisman over the candle flame seven times. For earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn), earth is suitable: the amulet is lowered into a flower pot or dropped in the garden for 7 hours. Air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) are recommended to smoke the jewelry with incense 7 times. Water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) - 7 times lower into a vessel with water.

A pendant, medallion or pendant, which is located closer to the heart and energy center of the body, has great power. It has a powerful effect on the physical and spiritual state of a person. Earrings are suitable for women, and cufflinks are suitable for men. Ring or ring - not the best option. Such jewelry is worn on the finger of one hand, which creates an imbalance. The bracelet works similarly, but you can wear 2 of them: on the left hand and right foot, or on both hands.

Feng Shui experts advise placing a figurine, coin or keychain with the image of Yin Yang in the center of the apartment in order to balance the energy of the house. It will protect all inhabitants from extremes in actions, excessive activity and idle bliss. Relations in the family will improve, it will be possible to resolve difficult issues.

It is recommended to wear a gold pendant with the symbol of Yin Yang to a newborn child and his mother around the neck. Then the connection between them will increase, and the baby will grow up calm and self-sufficient. Lovers also often wear a similar decoration, breaking it into 2 halves. This is an unfortunate decision: the sign should not be divided. If the couple likes it so much, it is better for a man to wear a female symbol, and a woman - a male one. So the two halves of one whole will improve mutual understanding.

Yin Yang and our life

In our life, some events replace others, we move from birth to death, through a whole series of transformations. In order to achieve harmony in relations with other people and with oneself, one must take for granted everything that happens to oneself, try to let in versatile things and knowledge. For example, we cannot do without cold and hot food, vegetable and animal products in our diet, because mono-diets disrupt the internal balance and harm health.

To achieve well-being, you need to work hard and be active. But the constant haste, the desire for success drains strength. really lucky people know how to properly allocate their time, take minutes to relax. The more we work, the more time should be left for ourselves, family, communication with nature and higher powers. It is advised to strive for a simple harmonious life, and not for excesses.

If you live according to the principle of Yin and Yang, always carry an amulet with you, it is easy to make your life happy. You can't get too carried away even with good things. It is forbidden to allow anger and anger into your heart. It is advised to find a compromise in any situation and look at problems through the eyes of an opponent. A man and a woman should not forget that they have both beginnings, which means that mutual understanding is not so difficult to achieve.

The hidden meaning of yin and yang

What does yin yang sign mean

The Legend of Yin Yang


It is not always easy for people in Western culture to understand and accept Chinese philosophy. For many, oriental symbolism looks like an exotic fairy tale. But in recent decades, the West has begun to get carried away with this ancient philosophical and religious system. It contains hundreds of ways for spiritual growth and self-development, improving the quality of life. In order to comprehend the whole meaning and subtleties of the East, more than one year is devoted to its study.

Philosophical concept

In the "Book of Changes" ("I Ching") yang And yin served to express light and dark, hard and soft, masculine and feminine principles in nature. In the process of developing Chinese philosophy yang And yin more and more symbolized the interaction of extreme opposites: light and darkness, day and night, sun and moon, sky and earth, heat and cold, positive and negative, even and odd, etc. Yin-yang received an exclusively abstract meaning in the speculative schemes of neo-Confucianism , especially in the doctrine of "li" (Chinese 禮) - the absolute law. The concept of the interaction of polar forces Yin Yang, which are considered as the main cosmic forces of movement, as the root causes of constant variability in nature, constitute the main content of most of the dialectical schemes of Chinese philosophers. The doctrine of the dualism of forces Yin Yang- an indispensable element of dialectical constructions in Chinese philosophy. In -III centuries. BC e. in ancient China, there was a philosophical school of yin yang jia. Ideas about Yin Yang also found a variety of applications in the development of the theoretical foundations of Chinese medicine, chemistry, music, etc.

Discovered in China several millennia ago, this principle was originally based on physical thinking. However, as it developed, it became more of a metaphysical concept. In Japanese philosophy, the physical approach has been preserved, so the division of objects according to yin and yang properties is different for the Chinese and Japanese. In the New Japanese religion, Oomoto-kyo, these are the concepts of the divine Izu (fire, yo) and Mizu (water, in).

The single original matter of tai chi gives rise to two opposite substances - yang And yin that are one and indivisible. Initially, "yin" meant "northern, shady", and "yang" - "southern, sunny slope of the mountain." Later yin was perceived as negative, cold, dark and feminine, and yang- as a positive, bright, warm and masculine principle.

The Nei Ching treatise says:

The pure yang substance manifests in the sky; the muddy yin substance transforms into the earth... The sky is the yang substance, and the earth is the yin substance. The sun is yang substance, and the moon is yin substance... Yin substance is peace, and yang substance is mobility. The yang substance gives birth, and the yin substance nurtures. The yang substance transforms the breath-qi, and the yin substance forms the bodily form.

Five elements as a product of Yin and Yang

The interaction and struggle of these principles give rise to five elements (primary elements) - wu-sin: water, fire, wood, metal and earth, from which all the diversity of the material world arises - "ten thousand things" - wan u, including a person. The five elements are in constant motion and harmony, mutual generation (water gives rise to wood, wood - fire, fire - earth, earth - metal, and metal - water) and mutual overcoming (water extinguishes fire, fire melts metal, metal destroys wood, wood - the earth, and the earth falls asleep water).

Similar concepts in other teachings

  • Purusha and Prakriti are the fundamental concepts of Hinduism. Masculine and feminine principles.
  • Anima and animus are terms introduced into psychology by Jung. Masculine and feminine principles.
  • Ohr and Kli (light and vessel) in Kabbalah are two sides of one action, the root of which is the interaction of the Creator and creation.

see also



  • Martynenko N. P. Prerequisites for the emergence of the concept of "yin-yang" in Chinese culture // Arbor mundi. world tree. International journal on the theory and history of world culture. M., 2006. Issue. 12. P.46-69.
  • Markov L. The system of dual opposites Yin - Yang in comparative illumination.// Vostok. M., 2003. No. 5. S. 17-31.
  • Demin R. N. School of yin yang // Cultures in dialogue. Issue. 1. - Yekaterinburg, 1992. S. 209-221. ISBN 5-7525-0162-8
  • Zinin S.A. Five elements and the concept of yin yang // Quantitative methods in the study of the history of the countries of the East. M., 1986. S.12-17.


  • Philosophy of China
  • Symbols
  • Yijing
  • Concepts of Taoism
  • Analytical psychology
  • Chinese mythology
  • Philosophy of Taoism
  • Dualism

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See what "Yin and Yang" is in other dictionaries:

    - (Chinese, lit. - dark and light) - one of the pairs of fundamental categories of Chinese philosophy, expressing the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe universal duality of the world and concretized in an unlimited number of oppositions: passive and active, soft and hard, ... ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

    In ancient Chinese mythology and natural philosophy, the dark principle (yin) and the opposite light principle (yang), almost always acting in pairs. Initially, yin apparently meant the shady (northern) slope of the mountain. Subsequently, when ... ... Encyclopedia of mythology

    - (or Shang), an ancient Chinese state in the XIV XI centuries. BC e. It was conquered by the Zhou tribe. * * * YIN YIN (Shang) (Yin, Shang), an early state in China. Around 1400 BC. e. Yin people are representatives of a group of tribes of carriers of one of ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    YIN YANG, the basic concepts of ancient Chinese natural philosophy, universal cosmic polar and constantly passing into each other forces (female male, passive active, cold hot, etc.). The doctrine of the forces of yin yang is systematized in ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    YANG are the basic concepts of ancient Chinese natural philosophy, universal cosmic polar and constantly passing into each other forces (female male, passive active, cold hot, etc.). The doctrine of the forces of yin yang is systematized in the appendix ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Yin is depicted as a broken line and represents the feminine. Yang is depicted as a continuous line and symbolizes the masculine principle. Together they symbolize all the complementary opposites of the dualistic universe in the forces and... ... Symbol Dictionary

    The fundamental pair category of whale. philosophy expressing the idea of ​​the duality of the world. Etymologically, it goes back to the ideograms denoting the shadow (yin) and sunny (yang) slopes of the hill. Denotes a universal series of opposite sides of the world of things: ... ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

    One of the main whale concepts. philosophy. Initial value: overcast and sunny weather or shady and sunny sides (eg mountains, gorges). Dr. whale. thinkers used the binary nature of this opposition for philosophy. expressions pl. ... ... Philosophical Encyclopedia



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